List of Actual Users authorized by GPCB under Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016 (As on 20/11/2019) Sr Waste under Capacity Name Validity E-mail ID Contact No. No Sch - IV (MTPA) Unique Industries 1. Used Oil 1. 4320 2. 1 S. No.35, Plot No.13, Vill: 07-04-2021
[email protected] 9033335999 2. Waste Oil 4800 Derala, Dist: Morbi Jensen International Corp 1. Used Oil 1. 2880 2. 2 S. No.30/P/2, Tagadi-364001, 30-06-2021
[email protected] 9825151815 2. Waste Oil 2880 Tal: Gogha, Dist: Bhavnagar Jetani Corporation S. No.179 paiki 1/ paiki 2, Mota 1. Used Oil 1. 702 2. 3 30-06-2021
[email protected] 9825267815 Khokhara-364110, Tal: 2. Waste Oil 702 Ghogha, Dist: Bhavnagar Raj Enterprise, Plot No.1, Block No.192 & 4 211, Exiloan Ind. Estate, 21-06-2021 Used Oil 2160
[email protected] 9924097952 Chancharwadi, Ta: Sanad, Dist: Ahmedabad S. S. Industries, 1. Used Oil 1. 2160 2. 5 Plot No.51-52, GIDC Estate, 24-07-2021
[email protected] 9824548294 2. Waste Oil 2820 Matar, Dist: Kheda Suraj Barrel Supply, 1. Used Oil 1. 2700 2. 6 Opp.PWD Store, Chandola 15-02-2022
[email protected] 9825024247 2. Waste Oil 2400 Talav, Danilimda, Ahmedabad Fine Refiners Pvt Ltd., 1. Used Oil 1. 2400 2. 7 P. No.40, Vill: Vartej, GIDC 30-09-2021
[email protected] 9825209314 2. Waste Oil 12000 Vartej, Dist: Bhavnagar Gujarat Mobil Pvt Ltd., 1. Used Oil 1.