St Mary the Virgin with Christ Church


Annual Report and Financial Statements of The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of St Mary with Christ Church, Wanstead, for the Year Ended 31st December 2014

Registered Charity Number 1127753

Incumbent: The Revd Liz Horwell The Rectory Wanstead Place Wanstead

Banks: NatWest Bank, High Street, Wanstead HSBC Bank, High Street, Wanstead CCLA Investment Management Ltd, Cheapside, London EC2

Auditor: Moulsham Audits Limited Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors

The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of St Mary with Christ Church, Wanstead, Registered Charity Number 1127753 Annual Report for the year ended 31st December 2014

Introduction from the 2014

2014 was another year with a whole host of different events and activities within the Parish. Reports from the different committees will identify many of these so my introduction needs only to give a flavour of the whole.

On 13th February we welcomed nearly 80 new members for our New Members evening. The event had a real buzz as people got to know each other over a glass of wine and heard about different aspects of our parish life.

In June we welcomed couples who had been married in one our churches over the past 5 years to a Marriage Celebration service. This was very well received and the couples were very touched to have the opportunity to renew their vows. We followed the service with a glass of bubbly or a cuppa and cake in the sunshine in Christ Church gardens. (This year we’re going to have a Baptism celebration service on June 14th).

A new Friends event, Glamour on the Green, was launched at the end of June: a wonderful evening of opera in the church with a picnic during the interval. And under the new leadership, the Mothers Union barbeque was a sell-out with over 270 people spreading their picnic blankets on the grass in Christ Church gardens and enjoyed burgers, hot dogs and other lovely food as well as good company – another amazing family and community event.

The Board games afternoon in July and the Afternoon tea in November have now become firm favourites in the diaries of some of our older members of our parish, and residents of Forest Dene and with children in years 5 and 6 in our Church school. This year the year 5 children entertained the older people with songs from World War 1 and everyone body enjoyed a sing along!

In August we were pleased to welcome into Christ Church our regular St Mary’s congregation for their 11am Sunday worship for 6

Page 1 months as St Mary’s was re-decorated. It was wonderful to return to St Mary’s on the Sunday after Advent.

The running of Grapevine changed hands this year and the new style Grapevine,- which goes out on email and also in hard copy for those without computers, has been really inspirational.

I’m delighted with Fr Richard’s new venture with some of the older members of our congregations in the establishment of two small groups to help people explore together practical and spiritual issues arising in what is sometimes called the ‘second half of life’.

Christmas Cracker was another amazing new venture in 2014 - the brainchild of Sarah Gidlow and Sue Oldham who spent months organising what turned out to be a very successful Saturday event for young and old alike in November. Some of the stalls were run by Friends but the day was mostly geared to Outreach with money raised going to Médecins sans Frontières and Royal British Legion and items made for some of the competitions going to the Linus Project for sick children, Greenfields Africa and Whipps Cross hospital.

Our Signpost group goes from strength to strength as a Youth Club with table tennis, table football and other games, including football in the summer but also helping the young people to growth in spirituality and faith through spiritual discussion groups. The group led a Deanery Youth evening with an Agape meal and games and refreshments in the Parish Hall and gardens in June; and by the end of 2014 we had around 30 young people attending each session.

It was wonderful to see Christoph priested on 22nd June and to share in his first mass the following evening. Some of us also went to join Leslie Rogers in Chelmsford later that week for his First Mass too. As it happened Christoph’s priesting was most timely and we were fortunate that he comes with a confidence with liturgy that has stood him in good stead during the time I was on sick leave in the second half of the year. I am particularly grateful both to Fr Richard and to FR Christoph and Hilary Musker, also to Pen Garlick and Peter Brown, our gifted and dedicated wardens who between them led the parish during my enforced time out – ensuring that everything still ran smoothly and that the parish held together. During that time we were also pleased to welcome our new bishop, Bishop Peter to

Page 2 preside and preach for us on Remembrance Sunday and our to preach for us in October.

Our Reader, Olive Thursby, took time out during the second half of the 2014 to reflect on whether God was calling her to a different ministry, going forward. Olive is still engaged in that exploration but we hope soon to welcome her back into the congregation whilst she is making her decision and we continue to hold her in our prayers.

At Deanery level we took on board the requirement to work more closely in what are called Mission and Ministry Units - we are part of the Wanstead MMU with St Gabriel’s, Holy Trinity Hermon Hill and St Mary’s Woodford. Two reps plus the incumbent from each parish have started meeting together periodically to identify how we can work more closely together in various ways

Finally, none of the ministry of the parish would be possible without the support of so many who give very sacrificially of their time and skills in so many different ways: the dedication and enthusiasm of the leaders and co-ordinators of our different children’s and young people’s groups, the ongoing work of the various committees, led by skilled and committed chairs, and the PCC; and all the background work which helps to ensure that our services run smoothly and our buildings and grounds are clean and in a good state of repair. All of this underpins our on-going task of drawing people deeper into relationship with God and a living faith. So thank you to all of you for your part in all of this. Thanks as well to those who lead groups and activities and help to prepare our youngsters and adults for First Communion and Confirmation; and to Mark Hemsley and the staff at our Church School who help to make our partnership with the school so fruitful and rewarding.

Finally thanks to Sue Paterson (Parish Administrator), Lorraine Bucknall (Parish Clerical Assistant), Jan Andrews (Baptism and Weddings Administrator), Lauren Johnson (Hall Bookings Manager) and to my hard-working and supportive wardens and Standing Committee members who have contributed so much to ensuring that the Parish has run smoothly and successfully over the last busy but rewarding year.

Liz Horwell Rector

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Registered Office The Rectory 37 Wanstead Place Wanstead London E11 2SW

Background The Charity operates under the Church Representation Rules, 2006 and other regulations of the . The Parochial Church Council, PCC, has the responsibility of cooperating with the incumbent in promoting in the ecclesiastical parish the whole mission of the Church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical. It has maintenance responsibilities for the only Grade l listed building in Redbridge, St Mary the Virgin, and for Christ Church, itself a Grade ll* building. The Rector and Churchwardens are trustees of the Church School, which remains the only Aided Church of England School within the borough.

Operation of the Charity

All major decisions are made by the PCC during regular meetings; Standing Committee has the power to transact the business of the PCC between its meetings, subject to any directions given by the Council. The Churchwardens, as the leading lay members of the parish, assist the incumbent in the day-to-day administration of church affairs and have authority under canon law. Financial delegation is covered under the Finance Policy, which is displayed in both Churches, is displayed during the Annual Meeting and is generally available on request.

Charitable Trustees

The Trustees of the Charity are members of the PCC; they are either ex officio, elected by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting, or co- opted in accordance with the Church Representation Rules. Candidates for election are required to complete the Trustee Declaration of Eligibility. Newly elected members are given printed information from the Charity Commission, which explains the responsibilities of trustees.

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During the year to December 2014 the following served as members of the PCC:

Ex-Officio Trustees:

Rector: The Revd Liz Horwell Associate Priest: The Revd Richard Wyber Assistant : The Revd Christoph Wutscher

Churchwarden: Mr Peter Brown Churchwarden: Mrs Penelope Garlick

Elected Trustees: (date in brackets is when term ends)

Mrs Margaret Adams (2016) Mrs Jacqui Bull (2015) Mr Alan Dowers (2015) Mrs Carrie Green (2017) Mrs Gillian Hornsey (2017) Ms Lauren Johnson (2015) Mr Charles Llewellyn (2016) Mrs Diana Middleditch (2016) Mrs Sue Oldham (2017)

Elected Trustees by virtue of being representatives on the Deanery Synod: three year term of office ends for all in April 2017

Mr David Ranger (vice chairman) Mrs Jan Andrews Mr Mark Herring Mrs Jane Rice-Bowen Mr Adrian Smith

Churchwardens Report

St Mary’s The highlights for 2014 relate to the redecoration and work on the altar painting. The interior of the building was last decorated during 1990 and it was quite obvious that action was required to bring the building up to scratch. Following production of the architect’s specification a

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Faculty was granted. The work was put out to tender and five conservation builders responded. We accepted a quotation from Lodge & Sons for some £ 140,000 plus VAT, which also happened to be the cheapest. It was also useful we knew the company as they had worked on the roof at Christ Church. The VAT is recoverable. Work commenced in early August and the building was closed until early December 2014. The congregation from St. Marys are grateful for the opportunity to worship at Christ Church during this period. Fortunately, the plasterwork did not require extensive repairs as originally feared and thus the contingency amount for this work could be redirected towards improved lighting – we now have LED lighting throughout with a digital dimmer board. The lighting improvements were necessary in several areas as some wiring was suspect. The work is now virtually complete, although, at time of writing, the choir vestry improvements still need to be finished. The cost of this work was covered by legacies from Mrs. E. Howdill and Mrs. W. Garner. As to the painting, this was conveniently removed to the Courtauld Institute for research in late July. The research student has now produced her report and it has been confirmed the painting was completed in the 17th century. It is most likely a copy of the original which was finished in 1656. However, apparently our painting is very good and was completed by somebody, possible by a student in the same studio, who had access to the original work by Guercino – it is almost an exact copy, correct in almost every detail. The Courtauld have noted they would be very keen to see our painting, as a very good copy, restored. It is estimated this would cost some £ 25 – 30,000 as a new lining and stretcher is required plus cleaning of at least three layers of dirt/varnish. The painting remains at the Courtauld pro tem as we investigate funding the restoration. The next Quinquennial Inspection of St. Mary’s takes place in September 2015 and it is anticipated the architect, inter alia, will draw attention to the need to repaint the cupola as soon as possible and also to replace the lead on the west portico roof – in this connection we have made an application for a grant for a special fund set up by the Listed Places of Worship Scheme. A response is awaited. The churchyard continues to be maintained by contractors working for the London Borough of Redbridge. Overall, the yard is kept in fairly good order but we always hope the contractors will be a bit more attentive to work on the increasing amount of ivy in the yard

Page 6 and some dead trees need cutting out. We keep reminding the contractors about the need for this work. The church/Parish is mentioned in the current campaign mounted by the Corporation / Friends of Wanstead Park to improve Wanstead Park – we are one of the remaining features of the Georgian landscape in that part of the Parish and this needs to be reflected.

Christ Church Our inspecting architect, Ian Angus, carried out the Quinquennial Inspection of Christ Church on 19 September 2014. The report noted the work which had been undertaken since the last inspection, in 2009, including new heating equipment, repairs to the fence, gates and gateposts and roof and masonry repairs, and also the good condition of the church and the churchyard. The report has identified the major work which needs to be undertaken over the next five years, including repairs to the Spire and Tower, which will require a major project to address the deteriorating masonry. Other significant work is required on the South Porch, to redecorate and repaint the porch, to re-level the kerb, and re-level the external path to make the porch safely accessible, and to re-level the North drive around the manhole. The report also details a number of other routine maintenance issues. The items identified in the report for prompt attention, including the full electrical inspection, and further work on gutters, especially on the vestry roof, have been addressed. However, since the time of the report, problems have emerged with the heating system, as gas safety issues have been identified which limit full use of the heating equipment in the boiler house, heating the nave and side aisles. When a potential solution to the heating problems has been identified, a programme of work will be required, to address heating system modifications as well as the priorities from the quinquennial inspection. As the parish received a generous legacy from Muriel Jupp, a long-standing member of the parish who died in 2013, progress can be made with some of this programme, once it is agreed, although it is likely also to be necessary to seek grant funding, where available, as well as continue to raise funds locally.

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We would like to thank Revd Liz, Fr Richard, Fr Christoph, Olive, Hilary and all parish staff for their hard work and continuing support to the changing life of the parish. During the latter part of 2014, Olive has taken time out from her duties as Lay Reader.

Peter Brown and Penelope Garlick Churchwardens April 2015


The PCC operates through a number of committees, which meet between full meetings of the PCC. From time to time working groups are set up within committees to address specific issues. The following committees were active during 2014:

Standing Committee

This is the only committee required by law. Committee members are The Rector, Vice Chairman, Churchwardens, Treasurer and Secretary. It has the power to transact the business of the PCC between its meetings, subject to any directions given by the Council.

Christ Church Committee

The Christ Church Committee has been established to ensure that Christ Church is used to maximum effect both as a place of worship and as a resource for the parish. The committee takes a particular interest in the care and use of the church, matters of worship, mission through engagement with the wider community and communication and consultation with those who use the church.

St Mary’s Committee

The terms of reference are the same as the Christ Church Committee. The St Mary’s Committee also promotes recognition of the exceptional historical and aesthetic value of the Grade l listed building.

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Children and Young People Committee

This committee looks after the interests of children and young people in the church, organising worship and instruction appropriate to their needs and occasional out of church events. The Children and Young People’s Committee has co-ordinated the involvement of children in joint services, preparing intercessions, presenting the nativity play at St Mary’s and the Passion reading on Palm Sunday. A new Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy was agreed by PCC in line with Diocesan requirements. There are five groups that meet regularly: Nursery Church (Under 5s,Sunday 9.30,Parish Hall), St Mary’s Sunday School (2-10s, 11am Sunday, Tennis Club), Christ Church Sunday School, (5-8s, 9.30 Sunday, Parish Hall), Young Peoples groups (8-10+, Sunday 9.30, School Hall) and Signpost (11+, 2nd and 4th Fridays, 8-9.30pm, Parish Hall) - making age appropriate provision for children and young people in the Parish. The Committee meets three times a year, enabling co-ordinators of the various groups to meet and discuss matters of mutual interest.

Choir Committee

The Choir Committee has been established to support the increased use of music in worship in the parish and the effective development of the adult and junior choirs.

Faith and Spirituality

The purpose of this committee is to help in sustaining and developing the life of the parish in the area of faith and spirituality. The committee focuses on the needs of adult members of the parish and activities outside formal worship. The committee seeks to identify and respond to different needs within the parish, including those of relative newcomers to faith and long established members, to identify and oversee existing activities and develop new ones and to encourage the development of potential leaders.

The Friends of St Mary with Christ Church

The Friends is a membership group set up as a fund raising arm of the PCC to maintain, repair, restore, improve, beautify and preserve the fabric, monuments, fixtures, fittings, furniture, stained glass, ornaments and other chattels, of the Churches of St Mary the Virgin and Christ Church Wanstead, for the benefit of the public.

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Hall Committee

Has been established to plan and oversee ongoing work to keep the fabric of the hall in good repair and to attend to any problems which may arise.

Social Committee

The Social Committee was established to foster fellowship among the congregation by facilitating hospitality at special services and church meetings and by organising occasional, non-profit making outings and events.

World Church Committee

The objective of the committee is to help the Parish to have a vision of the world- wide nature and mission of the Church and to involve each member of the congregation as a partner in that mission.

The Grapevine Committee

The Grapevine Committee has been established to act as a Communication Document in the parish and to co-ordinate the planning and sending out by e-mail of the monthly Grapevine. Its format continues to develop.

Report of the Electoral Roll Officer

This year Parish Electoral Roll has been revised and a copy of the revised roll is submitted for the consideration of the Meeting. The numbers are as follows:

2012 2013 2014 2015 Revised New Revised Revised Total 499 385 413 449

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Resident or Non-resident in the Parish: This breakdown is not an official requirement but may be found useful.

2012 2013 2014 2015 Revised New Revised Revised Resident 367 277 300 331 in Parish Resident 132 108 113 118 outside Parish Total 499 385 413 449

Any parishioners would like to join the Parish Electoral Roll are very welcome to fill in the forms available in our churches and hand them in to the Rector.

Church Attendance 2014 (2013 in brackets)

The average Sunday attendance was 205 (240) Adults and 119 (122) Children. We have included in this numbers for our Saturday evening Eucharist where we continue to have good attendance from families who choose to worship together as a family and regard this as their weekly service and from those who come along when they can’t make a Sunday service that week. Average attendance at Sunday 8am and at Wednesday 9.30 both remain steady with between 10 and 20 people at both; and numbers at our Thursday Eucharist continue to hold up with between 20 and 30 people on average. Daily Morning and Evening Prayer led by the clergy with 1 very regular parishioner and other occasional visitors continue to provide an essential daily prayer and spiritual base for the parish.

In 2014 45 (59) people were baptized; 25 (23) children were admitted to Holy Communion,5 (9) marriages were solemnized; 21 (15) candidates were presented for confirmation in November and the clergy officiated at 17 (28) funerals. There were 313 (296) Easter Communicants and 307 (304) Christmas Communicants. Attendance at Services on Easter Day was 445 and on Christmas Eve and Christmas day was 969 (1053) with again large numbers coming to the Crib Service.

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In 2013 we had 103 adults and 60 new children coming to worship in our parish. In 2014 the new numbers were much smaller 19 adults and 19 children but still significant. Additionally we estimate that we have 169 children under 10, 18 children between the ages of 11 and 17; 245 adults between 18 and 69 and 55 people over 70 in our worshipping community across our different services and our two church buildings. It therefore remains a significant priority for our whole Christian community to help welcome and draw into our community those who are new to one of our churches as well as to nurture and support our existing members.

Review of the Year – 2014

The PCC held five regular meetings. Average attendance was 65%.

Christ Church Committee

The Committee has continued to work with the Faith and Spirituality Committee to review arrangements for welcoming people to the church. This year times when the church is open have been increased, supported by additional volunteers. During the summer the use of the South porch and garden for coffee has continued successfully on Sundays. Ongoing maintenance issues for the church buildings and grounds have continued to be monitored. Heating of the church has been a challenge this year and some improvements to the system are required. A number of new items have been purchased for the church as a result of legacies this year. Recruitment of additional volunteers for a variety of roles including the church warden is ongoing.

St Mary’s Committee

The St Mary’s committee continues to meet regularly during the year. It remains our aim to increase the local profile of the church through public events , special services and visiting groups. Father Richard Wyber has resigned due to pressure of other parish work. Richard Magee has moved away, as has penny Bickerstaff. We thank them for their time on the committee. The committee has been in abeyance for most of the year. Due to the projected, and now completed redecoration it has not been possible to make any plans. Our focus has been on the decorating work, with the clearing and cleaning that it has involved. Thanks go to Peter Brown who has born the brunt of the work, and to all other helpers.

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We oversaw the removal of the altar painting to the Cortauld Institute of Art, and are now working to find the finances to complete the cleaning and restoration. We are delighted to be back home in our beautiful church. A big thank you to everyone at Christ Church who made us so welcome.

Children and Young People’s Committee

The Children and Young People’s Committee has continued this year to co-ordinate the involvement of children in joint services preparing intercessions, presenting the nativity play at St Mary’s and the Passion reading at Christ Church on Palm Sunday. We repeated the non-Eucharistic all-age Harvest service at Christ Church this year since it went so well in previous years. This year we have also endeavoured to involve more of the children from the different groups in All Age services.

Our two-days-a-week Children’s, Youth and Family Work Adviser Hilary Musker has been enormously helpful in working with the Signpost Group and present in co-ordinating Christ Church Sunday School provision.

We returned to St Mark’s College again for our Signpost weekend away in March – another successful weekend, which was thoroughly enjoyed by young people and adults alike. In the first full week of the summer holiday the Holiday Club with St Gabriel’s was run for the third time and proved very popular once again with our 5- 11 year olds.

This year, following instruction from the Diocese, we have adopted the Diocesan Safeguarding Policy and safe guarding procedures. We also trialled for the first time with our volunteers the on-line training for DBS and we were very grateful to Mark Hemsley for allowing us to use the Church School IT suite for this.

We have changed our provision for our 8- 11+ year olds in Christ Church on Sunday mornings this year and now all the children are part of a single Young People’s group, which meets in the School Hall. Since al these children have now taken their First Communions, we also encourage them to come and join our Eucharist in Christ Church on some Sundays. This enables them to feel a part of the Eucharist. It also helps with our continuing difficulty of finding volunteers to

Page 13 teach our children. We have similar problems in finding volunteers to lead Sunday School in both churches with the result that the role is borne by a relatively small number of very dedicated leaders and helpers.

However, we would like to express our gratitude here to those who do volunteer to lead or support to co-ordinate the different groups, all of whom give so much time and dedication to organising, leading and supporting the provision for our children and young people to help them grow and mature in faith. We are always on the lookout for new leaders and helpers and are able to give training as it is needed.

The Saturday afternoon Family Eucharist is now well established and it is wonderful to welcome families (and everyone else of course) many of whom make this their regular act of worship.

Choir committee

The choir continued to increase its sacred music repertoire thanks to the leadership of our Director of Music, David Todd. His passion and enthusiasm have led the choir to learn a number of rewardingly challenging and diverse works, which have helped to enrich our liturgical worship, including Andrew Wright’s Requiem sung at the All Souls service for which the composer was present. We continued to forge interparochial links by singing with St Mary’s Woodford and St Gabriel’s and were privileged to sing with the choir of St Gabriel’s for their Centenary Service, which was led by the . David, together with Fr Christoph, helped to reintroduce the Compline service to our Parish. He also organised a Choral Masterclass for the choir, which was led by renowned choral director, Ralph Allwood. This was paid for by the newly established Ivor Nicholas Memorial Fund, which will continue to fund all matters regarding choir development. Numbers of Junior members continued to grow throughout the year and the total stood at 17 (just over a third of the total number of all choir members) in December 2014. My thanks go to them, all adult choir members and, of course, David for helping to support different events and forms of worship in both churches.

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Faith and Spirituality Group

We offered a varied programme of activities. Two ‘Start the Month’ house groups met monthly. Lent groups were again run ecumenically, with our friends at Our Lady of Lourdes and the local URC and Methodist churches. We came together in a gathering of participants after Easter, and again in the autumn as a way sustaining ecumenical friendships. Also in Lent we shared in a weekend retreat led by the rector of St Mary’s Woodford.

In the summer a number of us made our usual and much appreciated weekend pilgrimage to Walsingham. Fr Richard led a ‘tranquility trail’: quiet walk in Epping Forest for the Forest chaplaincy.

Activities later in the year were constrained by the depletion of the ministry team, but during the Advent and Christmas seasons we read through St Mark’s gospel, and offered three bible studies on this gospel. These groups have a loyal following, but attendance was nonetheless disappointing.

A new venture has been the launch of two small groups to help people explore together practical and spiritual issues arising in what is sometimes called the ‘second half of life’.

The Soul Space email, offering brief weekly prayers and reflections to support people in the workplace continues to be much appreciated.

During the year Olive Thursby and Caroline Kingswood stepped down from the committee, Olive after long service and in consequence of her break from activity ministry, Caroline due to pressure of other commitments. We are grateful to both of them for their contributions to our work.

The Friends Committee

The last 12 months have been very busy for The Friends. Our events have included the following:

Jazz/Soul/Blues Night – February 2014; Bingo & Boogie – March 2014; Wanstead Village Dog Show – May 2014; Glamour on the Green – June 2014; Golf Day / Curry Night –July 2014; Flower

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Festival – September 2014; Christmas Cracker – November 2014; Merry Quizmas – November 2014

Over £13K was raised through hosting the above.

We have the following events planned for 2015:

Jazz/Soul/Blues Night – January 2015; Dog Show & Village Show – May 2015; Great Gatsby Evening – July 2015; Glamour on the Green – September 2015; Christ Church Festival – September 2015

Hall Committee

We were able to replace the Hall roof during 2014, using part of the legacy left to the parish by Muriel Jupp. This major renovation, which included improvements to some gutters as well as replacement of the roof lights and the roof itself, has made a significant difference to the condition of the hall.

The Hall Committee also tendered for cleaning services, and a contract is now in place for the cleaning of the hall, instead of the interim arrangements used following the resignation of directly employed staff.

The Parish Hall continues be well used, on Sunday mornings, for Nursery Church and Sunday School, as well as coffee after the service, and throughout the week. The Signposts Group (the church youth group) meets in the hall twice a month. The church uses the hall for Cubs, Scouts, Brownies and Guides, and social and fundraising events. There are lettings, for the benefit of the local community, throughout the week, for 25 regular clubs, 5 of which meet more than once a week, and local and national groups who meet occasionally during the year, such as the Women’s Institute, the National Childbirth Trust and the Twins and Triplets Trust, and antiques and craft fairs. It is also used most weekends for local children’s parties, wedding receptions and charity events.

World Church Committee

During 2014 the Committee has continued to support RAMFEL, Redbridge Food Bank, Millgrove and RAMP as a local focus for parish outreach. Christian Aid has been supported through collections including those in Lent and at Christmas and a

Page 16 coffee morning and the Children’s Society through collection boxes and the Christingle Service. Fundraising has been undertaken through the Village Show, during the Parish Weekend for St James Hospital Mantsonyane. The ‘Christmas Cracker ‘ bazaar raised funds for the Royal British Legion and Medicins sans Frontiers and donations in kind for the Linus Project, the Green Fields Africa Project and Whipps Cross Hospital. For the past two years the Parish has supported work in Marsabit, Kenya as part of an established Diocesan link, providing funding to build a church there in 2015. Sadly the Committee feels that next year, following the retirement of the current Anglican Bishop in 2016 it will be difficult to monitor and account properly for funding sent from the Parish.

As a consequence, the Committee has reviewed Parish policy on the use of such funding and has suggested a more flexible and responsive use of the funds in order to support humanitarian causes via recognised international charities so that the money could in future be available to respond to crisis if required. The organizations supported would be reviewed annually and could change from year to year.

Social Committee

The Social Committee arranged refreshments and hospitality for the Confirmation service, the Wedding Celebration service and various other services and meetings. The day outing to Broadstairs and the Harvest Barn Dance were again popular.


Grapevine is now published online bimonthly, and mailed to a list of 345 subscribers. Approx. 35 hard copies of each issue are also distributed via both churches. Alongside news stories about what has been happening in the parish, it includes new features such as 'Meet...’ which focuses on different volunteer roles within the parish, and 'My Kind of Service' in which parish members explain what they like about a particular service. The aim of these is to help parish members get to know each other better and to enable them to share and discuss their faith in a supportive context. Contributions are always welcome, email [email protected]

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Redbridge Deanery Synod 2014

The primary focus of the Synod this year was the clustering of Parishes into Mission and Ministry Units (MMU). This is the move towards a more formal clustering of Parishes in a bid to prepare for the reduction in full time paid clergy and the development of a plan where fifteen stipendiary clergy minster to twenty three parishes. This process led to impassioned and at times heated debate. It became clear that it was no easy task to group existing parishes into units. Clustering along purely geographic lines was not possible due to various sensitivities around churchmanship; scale and ideology with regards to women bishops. The MMUs have yet to be finalised but the proposed cluster that includes Wanstead has begun to work more closely. Throughout the year the Deanery Synod meetings have benefitted from guest speakers, including the new and the outgoing . Their addresses have encouraged Synod members to find strength and energy to work together despite differences and to remember that Christ is at the centre of all of our worship.

Wanstead Church School Report

The school has continued to grow and develop over the past year whilst keeping true to our aim of providing excellent education rooted in the Christian Faith. It remains central that we as a school contribute towards preparing all of our children for their lives beyond Wanstead Church School, whether this is when they move to new schools or in their daily lives outside of the school day. The school’s roll stands at 246.The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is significantly below national averages with average class size exceeding Redbridge and National averages and the proportion of Special Educational Needs increasing (Redbridge and National both decreasing).

The staff of the school continues to be central to making a positive difference to the children’s time here. We have a good balance of teaching staff with some starting their careers and others showing a long term commitment to the school. At the end of the last academic year we said goodbye to Miss Samantha Harley who has moved to another faith school in Waltham Forest. Mr Ben Carter has joined the teaching team in the Infant department. There is a strong and

Page 18 committed team of support and administration staff who make a real difference to the school. The school has continued to welcome a number of volunteers who work on a regular basis across the school supporting the children in a wide variety of ways. For some of our volunteers and part time staff, opportunities have arisen for them to further develop their careers including one moving into teacher training.

The school’s Governing Body continues to be a driving influence to the school with a number of changes. Mrs J Gritten and Mrs S McLean have both been elected as parent Governors, Mr N Hawes and Mr Iain Palfreman have been appointed as Diocesan/PCC governors. Thanks are expressed to Mrs D Dickinson, Mr D Cooper and Mr N Ramsbotham for their time as school governors but have left this position in the past year.

After some significant work to develop our Early Years Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception) over the past two years, 90% of pupils left Reception with a ‘Good Level of Development’ which was a 37% increase from the previous academic year and reversed the downward trend since 2010. The proportion of pupils meeting or exceeding the required standard for the Phonics Check at the end of Year 1 continues to exceed both Redbridge and National averages. At Key Stage 1 outcomes in Reading and Writing continue to exceed Redbridge and National averages although Mathematics has fallen below. Performance at the end of Key Stage 2 has seen an increase since a dip in 2013 with a significant improvement in both Writing and English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling. The attainment of the more able pupils (those achieving Level 5 and 6) has also continued to exceed national averages in all areas. Attainment of Mathematics has dipped below National for those achieving the National standard of Level 4, although for those achieving at Level 5 and above it is exceeding national figures and has increased from previous years. The school has also seen a significant increase in the proportion of disadvantaged pupils who have made more than expected progress in Reading, Writing and Mathematics since Key Stage 1 in comparison to both last year’s results and National averages.

The School Development Plan has been focused upon four key areas: Quality of teaching and learning; Strengthening school leadership, monitoring and assessment; Developing an enriched curriculum;

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Strengthening Governance. Some significant progress has been made against all these areas although many of them will continue to be worked on in subsequent years to embed and develop the successes. These areas have been identified to respond to the academic needs and standards. At the heart of all these areas is ensuring that the pupils are well prepared for the next stage in their education. Particular areas of focus are the teaching and learning of Mathematics, increasing rates of progress in Reading and developing robust assessment procedures in response to the major changes to National requirements for assessing pupils progress and attainment. Previous priorities have demonstrated great impact with increased progress and expectation across Key Stage 2 and the quality of provision across the Early Years Foundation Stage. The school has just been awarded the national Artsmark status which Mrs Elaine Turner has been leading on, and Mrs McLean is currently leading on achieving the Primary Science Quality Mark.

The children have continued to both lead and respond to a number of charitable events including regular national events such as the British Legion Poppy Appeal and Comic Relief. They have also responded to specific appeals such as Crisis at Christmas and the Samaritans Purse ‘Shoe Box Appeal’. Children have also taken part in local events such as the ‘Afternoon Tea’ for parishioners of St Mary’s with Christ Church and the Harvest appeal. Staff have also held their own fundraising to support the Breast Cancer Appeal and the charity Crisis. In the past year, the school council have set up links with two charities which are Dreamworks (a local charity for improving lives of children with life limiting illness) and Beyond Ourselves (a London based Christian charity with supports schools and communities in Northern Zambia). A significant amount of money has been raised for these charities already including the sponsorship of two children, Joyce and Justin, in the Zambian communities of Ndola. The school choir has participated in the National Young Voices concert at the O2 arena and at a number of more local events including the switching on of the Christmas Tree lights at George Green, Education Sunday and PTA events.

The school has continued to offer three residential experiences for children from Year 4 to 6. During the Summer term the Year 4 children spent 2 days at St Mark’s College which for some of them would have been their first experiences of being away from home and taking part in a number of adventurous activities. Year 6 went to

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France for 5 days in the Autumn term and highlights included canoeing, spending a day in Paris and visiting some of the WWI sites around the Somme. Later in the Autumn term, the Year 5 class spent 3 days at Horstead in Norfolk. Such visits are always a highlight of the year for the children and thanks are expressed to the staff who volunteer to ensure that the visits are successful. There continue to be regular Educational Visits for all of our children including, of course, visits to Christ Church and the local area, but also visits to places further afield to support the learning taking place in classes. These have included: Barclays Bank; The Globe Theatre; Ray Lodge Park; The National Gallery; The Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park; the local area.

Work has continued with ensuring that the school site is maintained and provides a positive environment for our school community. In the past year we have made repairs and improvements to the school roof, upgraded the IT network, redecorated the school entrance lobby and created a brand new website. The latter now also boasts a stunning sculpture of Christ crucified by the well-known sculpture Peter Eugene Ball. This was generously gifted to the school by a school and parish family and certainly provides a focus to all visitors to our school. We were particularly pleased that Bishop Stephen was able to spend time in the school with us after his end of year Eucharist at Christ Church in July to bless the sculpture. The PTA also funded an amazing art project which has resulted in the ‘Tree of Life’ mosaic which can be seen in the Junior playground. This saw a local artist work with children, staff and parents over two weeks to design, create and display this great addition to our school environment. Ask any child (or adult in the school) about it and no doubt they will be able to point at the exact part of the mosaic that they added to! I would also like to thank Mr Ray Pattenden, our Site Officer, who is a real asset to our school through his efficiency and flexibility.

As always, a significant and much valued contribution to school life is made by Reverend Liz and her ministry team. The regular and frequent visits to school provide for excellent spiritual guidance to our children, parents and staff. In addition to the school Eucharists that take place throughout the year, Rev. Liz and Fr Christoph also visit every class to work with them in preparing for worship, prayer services and class Eucharists. This year has seen the opportunity for classes to join together in sharing an Agape meal which has been a positive experience for all involved and in bringing us closer to God.

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It should also be recognised the immense, but often unseen, pastoral and leadership support which Revd Liz provides to me and the staff team throughout the year.

R. Mark Hemsley

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Financial Review

The principal source of funds for the charity in 2014 was the regular voluntary giving from our parishioners, which totalled £106,628, a 1% decrease when compared to 2013.

We received one very substantial legacy and a smaller legacy, totalling £449,500. The largest legacy was given specifically for the work of Christ Church, and has been put in to a restricted fund for that purpose.

The planned giving and gift aided cash donations enabled the PCC to reclaim just under £24,000 from the Inland Revenue for 2014. This continues to be a critical part of our income as without recovering these funds, we would not be able to meet our day-to-day running costs.

The Parish Halls continue to make a valuable contribution, and rental receipts totalling £55,549, were 6% higher than in 2013. The management and running costs of the hall are fully met from its own income, leaving a surplus of £34,091 which is used to support the Parish running costs and mission. The cleaning contract for Christ Church and its Hall was re let in 2014, ensuring that the new contractor pays at least the London living wage.

The Friends continued their fund-raising activities and raised an impressive sum of £14,166 net towards the current and future works requires at St Mary’s.

The PCC aims to keep a minimum reserve in liquid funds of £15,000 available at little or no notice for unforeseen contingencies that are not otherwise covered by the insurance policies in place on both our churches and other properties. At the year end the General Fund held £28,030 in its current accounts.

The PCC holds a number of financial investments arising from past legacies (see further note below) which, instead of being held as cash deposits, are invested with Central Board of Finance unit trusts. All of these funds are Endowment Funds, which means that the PCC benefits from the income but cannot use the principal amount. However, the revaluation of these funds has to be reported in the accounts. In 2014 the funds appreciated in value by £5,994.

The budgeted giving allocation for 2014 was £6,220. British Legion: poppy appeal £80.00 Standard Parish allocation C of E pensions fund £75.00 Standard Parish allocation Church Mission Society £500.00 Standard Parish allocation Crosslink £2,970.00 World Church Committee allocation Diocesan Retreat House, Pleshey £85.00 Standard Parish allocation Clergy Charity £100.00 Standard Parish allocation SPCK - Feed the Minds £500.00 Standard Parish allocation

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Friends of Essex Churches £180.00 Standard Parish allocation National Churches Trust £100.00 Standard Parish allocation Mill Grove £580.00 Standard Parish allocation Mission to Seafarers £100.00 Standard Parish allocation RAMFEL £120.00 Standard Parish allocation Red Cross Syria Crisis Appeal £330.00 World Church Committee allocation US (formerly USPG) £500.00 Standard Parish allocation TOTAL £6,220.00

Other non-budgeted giving from Parish funds during 2014 The following sums were distributed after specific fundraising had been done in the Parish

British Legion: poppy appeal £573.72 50% proceeds from Christmas Cracker Children’s Society £403.24 Christingle service Christian Aid £1,912.27 Christmas 2013 &14, 2014 lent boxes & coffee morning DEC Philippines Appeal £595.00 Fundraising event in January 2014 MSF £573.71 50% proceeds from Christmas Cracker Oxfam: South Sudan appeal £198.11 Village Show proceeds Ramfel £163.32 Collection at confirmation service (06/11/14) St James Hosp, Lesotho £104.00 Bookstall at Flower festival TOTAL £4,523.37

The Parish share increased by 5%, to £101,106, and was met in full. In 2015, this will rise by a further 4.3% to £105,500 (figures given net of 1% discount for payment by Direct Debit.

Particular thanks must also be given to those of our former parishioners who have remembered the parish in their wills in previous years. Legacies have been received in 2014 from the estates of Miss Muriel Jupp and Mr John Langford.

In general terms, the money we receive through planned giving, church collections and fundraising pays for the day to day running of the churches. The major building and maintenance works which have been completed in recent years would not have been possible without the generous bequests of our former parishioners.

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Financial Position at year end:

The PCC ended the year with seemingly substantial reserves of cash and short-term investments, but these are largely either designated for a particular purpose or formally restricted in use. The uncommitted general funds held are £44,763, an increase of £15,447 over 2013. The Parish has benefited from a grant from the Cottage Trustees which supports the cost of the Parish work with children, young people and families.

Regular income received continues to be very finely balanced with amounts expended on the running of the parish, meaning that any additional costs, particularly for larger projects, will continue to require substantial additional external funding or donations. Nevertheless, the PCC remains in a position to meet all debts as they fall due and maintain the reserves noted above.


The priority for 2015 is to maintain the effective work of the parish, providing adequate administrative support to enable the clergy team to focus on developing the mission and pastoral work of the church in Wanstead.

Having completed the roof works at Christ Church, the next major programme of work was repairs and decoration to the Grade 1 listed Church of St Mary. This was completed just before Christmas 2014. It was funded from legacies received in previous years from St Mary’s churchgoers.

Responsibilities of the Trustees

Charity law requires the Trustees to prepare financial statements for each financial year which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the charity and of its financial activities for that period. In preparing those financial statements the Trustees are required to

Select suitable accounting policies and apply them consistently.

Make judgments and estimates that are reasonable & prudent.

State whether the policies adopted are in accordance with the SORP, Statement of Recommended Practice, and with applicable accounting standards, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements.

Prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to assume that the charity will continue.

The Trustees are responsible for keeping proper accounting records that disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the charity and to enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the charities act 1993. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the charity and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud or other irregularities.

Signed on behalf of the Charity Trustees

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We have audited the financial statements of the PCC for the year ended 31 December 2014 which comprise the Statement of Financial Activities, the Balance Sheet and the related notes. The financial reporting framework that has been applied in their preparation is applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting Standards (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice). This report is made solely to the charity’s trustees, as a body, in accordance with section 144 of the Charities Act 2011 and the regulations made under section 154 of that Act. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the charity’s trustees those matters we are required to state to them in an auditor’s report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the charity’s trustees as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed.

Respective responsibilities of trustees and auditor As explained more fully in the Trustees' Responsibilities Statement, the trustees are responsible for the preparation of financial statements which give a true and fair view. We have been appointed as auditor under section 144 of the Charities Act 2011 and report in accordance with regulations made under section 154 of that Act. Our responsibility is to audit and express an opinion on the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland). Those standards require us to comply with the Auditing Practices Board’s (APB’s) Ethical Standards for Auditors.

Scope of the audit of the financial statements An audit involves obtaining evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements sufficient to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or error. This includes an assessment of whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the charity’s circumstances, and have been consistently applied and adequately disclosed, the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by the trustees, and the overall presentation of the financial statements. In addition, we read all the financial and non-financial information in the Annual Report to identify material inconsistencies with the audited financial statements and to identify any information that is apparently materially incorrect based on, or materially inconsistent with, the knowledge acquired by us in the course of performing the audit. If we become aware of any apparent material misstatements or inconsistencies, we consider the implications for our report.

Opinion on financial statements In our opinion the financial statements:  give a true and fair view of the state of the charity's affairs as at 31 December 2014 and of its incoming resources and application of resources, for the year then ended;  have been properly prepared in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice; and  have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Charities Act 2011.

Matters on which we are required to report by exception We have nothing to report in respect of the following matters where the Charities Act 2011 requires us to report to you if, in our opinion:  the information given in the Trustees’ Annual Report is inconsistent in any material respect with the financial statements;  sufficient accounting records have not been kept;  the financial statements are not in agreement with the accounting records and returns; or  we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit.

Moulsham Audits Limited Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors 683 Galleywood Road, Chelmsford, Essex 17 April 2015

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Unrestricted Restricted Endowment Total Total Funds Funds Funds 2014 2013 £ £ £ £ £ INCOMING RESOURCES Incoming resources from generated funds Voluntary income 200,322 423,280 - 623,602 194,473 Activities for generating funds 56,011 21,834 - 77,845 74,092 Investment income 10,612 19 - 10,631 11,167 Incoming resources from charitable 4,784 - - 4,784 34,365 activities

Total incoming resources 271,729 445,133 - 716,862 314,097

RESOURCES USED Cost of generating funds Cost of generating voluntary income - - - - 174 Fundraising trading cost of goods sold & other costs 21,458 1,875 - 23,333 31,749 Investment management costs - - - - - Charitable activities 349,274 24,426 - 373,700 321,278 Governance costs 1,200 - - 1,200 695

Total resources used 371,932 26,301 - 398,233 353,896

Net incoming/outgoing resources before (100,203) 418,832 - 318,629 (39,799) transfer

TRANSFERS Gross transfers between funds (in) 99,679 6,848 - 106,527 99,426 Gross transfers between funds (out) (98,114) (6,357) (2,056) (106,527) (99,426)

Net incoming/outgoing before other gains/losses (98,638) 419,323 (2,056) 318,629 (39,799)

OTHER RECOGNISED GAINS/LOSSES Gains/losses on investment assets 423 1,097 4,474 5,994 5,087 Gains on revaluation, fixed assets, charity’s own use - - - - - Net movement in funds (98,215) 420,420 2,418 324,623 (34,712)


Total funds brought forward 224,427 35,605 50,367 310,399 345,111

Total funds carried forward 126,212 456,025 52,785 635,022 310,399

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2014 2013 Notes £ £ Fixed assets

Tangible assets 30,000 30,000 Heritage assets - - 30,000 30,000 Current Assets Debtors 24,256 6,934 Investment 93,775 87,778 Cash at bank and in hand 495,060 186,257 613,091 280,969

Liabilities Creditors: Amounts falling due in one year 8,069 570

Net current assets less current liabilities 605,022 280,399

Total assets less current liabilities 635,022 310,339

Total net assets less liabilities 635,022 310,399

Represented by

Unrestricted funds 44,763 29,316 Designated funds 81,449 195,111 Restricted funds 456,025 35,605 Endowment funds 52,785 50,367

Total funds 635,022 310,399

Approved by the P.C.C. on 18th March 2015

E. Horwell

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Details of incoming resources

Notes Unrestricted Restricted Designated Total Total Funds Funds Funds 2014 2013 £ £ £ £ £ Voluntary Income resources Giving 106,628 205 890 107,723 106,407 Income tax recoverable 23,800 207 - 24,007 22,349

Donations, appeals etc 2,084 10,865 - 9,717 12,949 Legacies 46,696 402,786 9,043 458,525 56,000 Sundry donations - - - - - Other Income 11,181 9,217 - 20,398 - 190,389 423,280 9,933 623,602 194,473

Activities for generating funds Traidcraft stall - - - - - Fundraising events 462 2,520 - 2,982 1,693 Friend membership - 1,009 - 1,009 1,087 Friends fund raising - 18,305 - 18,305 19,041 Church hall lettings 55,549 - - 55,549 52,271 56,011 21,834 - 77,845 74,092

Investment income Dividends 190 - - 190 2,073 Interest 2,010 19 412 2.441 1,383 Rents 8,000 - - 8,000 7,711 10,200 19 412 10,631 11,167

Incoming resources from charitable activities Fees for weddings & funerals 3,910 - - 3,910 7,569 Bookstall sale - - - - - Other income 874 - - 874 26,796 4,784 - - 4,784 34,365

Other incoming resources Non recurring one off grants - - - - - Insurance claims ------

Total Incoming resources 261,384 445,133 10,345 716,862 314,097

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Details of resources used

Notes Unrestricted Restricted Designated Total Total Funds Funds Funds 2014 2013 £ £ £ £ £ Cost of generating funds/fund raising trading costs Church hall costs 21,458 - - 21,458 30.802 Cost of stewardship campaign - - - - 174 Cost of fundraising events - 1,875 - 1,875 947

21,458 1,875 - 23,333 31,923

Charitable expenditure Giving 8,120 4,320 - 12,440 16,328 Parish share 101,105 - - 101,105 96,303 expenses 3,105 - - 3,105 3,706 Wages 13,813 - - 13,813 14,873 Choir & music 2,248 490 (641) 2,097 2,109 Parish training & mission 641 610 - 1,251 678 Education & young people 11,219 1,454 - 12,673 11,875 Upkeep of services 4,548 - - 4,548 3,653 Insurance 8,859 - - 8,859 8,240 Telephone - - - - 370 Organ expenses 733 - 988 1,721 1,997 Curate’s house expenses - 2,094 - 2,094 - Works & maintenance 55,611 2,323 888 58,822 51,433 Christ Church roof repair - 7,325 - 7,325 80,670 St Mary’s redecoration etc. - - 122,772 122,772 - Light, heat & utilities 8,404 - - 8,404 10,901 Office expenses 6,330 662 - 6,992 8,769 Friends cost of fund raising events - 5,148 - 5,148 7,386 Flowers etc. 531 - - 531 586 Sundry expenses - - - - 1,401 225,267 24,426 124,007 373,700 321,278

Governance costs

Audit and accountancy fees 1,200 - - 1,200 695 1,200 - - 1,200 695

Total resources expended 247,925 26,301 124,007 398,233 353,896

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Accounting contention and standard The financial statements have been prepared under the historic cost convention. The fixture and fittings have been written off as their asset values had fallen below £2,000. Other repairs and maintenance have been written off to expenditure as and when recognised.

Funds Planned giving is recognised when received Income tax recoverable under the gift aid scheme is accrued at the year end

Fixed assets Curates Furniture Computer Total

House & Fixtures Equipment £ £ £ £

Gross book value at 1 January 2014 30,000 11,036 1,334 42,370 Additions - - - - Disposals - - - - Revaluations - - - -

Gross book value at 31st December 2014 30,000 11,036 1,334 42,370

Depreciation at 1st January 2014 - 11,036 1,334 12,370 Charge for the year - - - -

Depreciation at 31st December 2014 - 11,036 1,334 12,370

Net book value at 31st December 2014 30,000 - - 30,000

Net book value at 31st December 2013 30,000 - - 30,000

Debtors 2014 2013 £ £ Amount falling due within one year

VAT reclaimable 22,356 - Gift aid tax claim 1,900 6,934 Total debtors falling due to within one year 24,256 6,934

Creditors £ £ Amount falling due within one year

Accruals & deferred income 8,069 570 Total creditors falling due to within one year 8,069 570 Page 31




Resources 1.01.2014 Incoming Outgoing Investment Transfers 31.12.14 gain/(loss) In/(out) Unrestricted funds

General 29,316 261,384 247,925 423 1,565 44,763 29,316 261,384 247,925 423 1,565 44,763

Designated funds

Howdill bequest 97,702 412 - - (98,114) - Hall maintenance 13,260 - - - - 13,260 Gulu Blind School ------Gulu: John Ochola 300 - - - - 300 Choir (1,201) - (641) - - (560) Property fund 30,000 - - - - 30,000 St Mary’s Restoration 2013 55,050 9,933 124,648 - 98,114 38,449 195,111 10,345 124,007 - - 81,449

Restricted funds

Appeals & collections 767 7,823 7,728 - (25) 837 Christ Church roof (6,451) 9,367 7,325 - 4,409 - Choir & music - 2,307 490 - 250 2,067 E Joliffe bequest 38 - - - (38) - Friends 34,395 21,279 5,150 1,097 (4,409) 47,212 Gulu blind school (15) - - - 15 - Gulu: John Ochola (467) - - - - (467) Memorial garden 3,146 507 2,474 - - 1,179 Ministry candidates 101 1 - - - 102 Outings 335 513 509 - - 339 Organ fund 2,904 14 - - (1,885) 1,033 Curate’s house expense - - 2,094 - 2,094 - St Mary’s garden 937 - - - - 937 Traidcraft stall ------Childrens Society (85) 536 531 - 80 - Jupp - 402,786 - - - 402,786 35,605 445,133 26,301 1,097 491 456,025

Endowment funds

13 Wanstead Place 651 - - - - 651 Bishops J Adams Memorial 3,298 - - 175 - 3,473 Eileen Joliffe bequest 34,316 - - 3977 (2,056) 36,237 St M Mem Gdn & Corp Beqs 6,028 - - - - 6,028 Taylor Memorial 1992 6,074 - - 322 - 6,396 50,367 - - 4,474 (2,056) 52,785

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THE PARISH OF WANSTEAD - ST. MARY WITH CHRIST CHURCH General fund Budget proposal 2015

INCOME ESTIMATED / ACTUAL Planned Giving 85,115 Income Tax recovered on Gift Aid 22,907 Church Collections: 19,456 Contribution from Hall 29,000 Other Receipts 9,717 Diocesan support for curate 8,000 External Financial Support 10,165 184,360 EXPENDITURE ESTIMATED / ACTUAL CHURCH ACTIVITY Deanery Share 105,500

SALARIES & EXPENSES Rector's expenses of office 1,240 Staff expenses 1,996 Curate's house expenses 196 Parish training 0 Parish Office 6,632 Salaries and honoraria 25,374 Education & young people 895 Upkeep of services 2,500 Choirs & Music 1,000 Flower Funds 1,500 Mission expenses 500 CHURCH RUNNING EXPENSES Organ / piano tuning or servicing 977 Clock Servicing 400 General Maintenance and upkeep( net of insurance claim) 6,415 Cleaning 1,440 Gas 4,952 Electricity 2,519 Water 228 Insurance 8,805 Christ Church Garden and SM churchyard 815 Sundry expenses and miscellaneous payments 0

Audit / independent examiner fee 500

MISSION GIVING, DONATIONS TO CHARITIES Rector of Wanstead Fund 2,100 General mission giving 5,720 Sundry donations 500 0 182,704



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