SOUTH Flood risk map





Fashoda region Pariang Maban Panyikang Abiemnhom Baliet Aweil North Aweil East Rubkona Mayom Twic Guit Canal/Pigi Longochuk Raja Aweil West Fangak Aweil Gogrial Luakpiny/ Maiwut NORTHERN Aweil South West East Ulang Nasir BAHR EL Koch Nyirol Tonj Ayod GHAZAL Kuajok North Aweil Centre Mayendit Tonj Leer ETHIOPIA East JONGLEI Akobo WESTERN BAHR Wau Duk Uror North Panyijiar EL GHAZAL Wau Jur River Cueibet Rumbek Twic East Pochalla Centre CENTRAL Yirol East Rumbek AFRICAN Tonj Rumbek South East REPUBLIC Yirol West Bor South Pibor Nagero

Wulu Awerial Bor Tambura Mvolo International boundary Nzara State boundary Terekeka WESTERN Mundri EQUATORIA West Mundri Kapoeta County boundary East Lafon Kapoeta East Ibba North Undetermined boundary Ezo Maridi EASTERN !^JUBA Abyei region EQUATORIA Yambio Kapoeta CENTRAL South Flood risk area Lainya EQUATORIA Torit Budi Main river DEMOCRATIC Yei REPUBLIC OF Ikotos !^ Country capital Magwi KENYA THE CONGO Kajo-keji State capital Morobo UGANDA 0 50 100 km

The administrative boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Final boundary between the Republic of Sudan and the Republic of has not yet been determined. Final status of Abyei area is not yet determined. Creation date: July 2020 | Sources: OCHA, and Partners, SSNBS, Global Risk Data Platform | Feedback: to [email protected] | | |