Sport Technologies Tél. : +33 (0)1 76 82 82 00 Z.A. Courtaboeuf Fax. : 33 (0)1 76 82 83 75 14, avenue des Tropiques Internet : www.renault- 91 978 Courtaboeuf Cedex - France

26’ WSR Magazine #9 Catalunya


00 00 Opening Credit

00 24 ((Summary clip)) Welcome to World Series By Renault 2011.

On this show we will have all the highlights from the final round in Barcelona

00 32 MY CAREER – an insight into the racing life of local boy Alex Riberas

00 40 WORLD OF SHOW – An extra special event to celebrate 50 WSR meetings

00 48 FUNNY PADDOCK – As the season ends, it’s like the end of school-term

00 56 LITTLE BIG CLIO – The highlights of Clio Eurocup

01 04 JINGLE


01 08 Making a solid start, Poleman Carlos Sainz Jr held on to his lead ahead of Norman Nato, who jumped ahead of Javier Tarancon, with Stoffel Vandoorne, Yann Zimmer and newly crowned Eurocup Formula Renault 2.0 champion Robin Frijns completing the top six.

01 25 On lap two, Tarancon went wide as he attempted to regain second from Nato, the resulting shunt forcing the Frenchman to retire.

01 35 Neither of the leading Spaniards were giving anything away, the Madrid driver doing everything he could to keep his Barcelona-born rival at bay. Tarancon was not to be denied, however, manoeuvring himself on to Sainz Jr and getting past his man.

01 46 2 Spanish drivers leading, another one in difficulty - the race is over for Alex Riberas who had really hoped to shine at home this weekend!

01 52 A few laps before the end, Daniil Kyvat captured the third place after a superb overtake on Robin Frinjs, the 2011 Champion of Formula Renault 2.0 ...

02 02 There was no stopping Tarancon up front, however, the Formula Renault 2.0 ALPS champion easing over the line for his first Eurocup Formula Renault 2.0 triumph, while Sainz Jr took second to secure the runners-up spot in the overall standing.

02 22 Race Classification Graphic

Renault Sport Technologies Tél. : +33 (0)1 76 82 82 00 Z.A. Courtaboeuf Fax. : 33 (0)1 76 82 83 75 14, avenue des Tropiques Internet : www.renault- 91 978 Courtaboeuf Cedex - France

02 32 ITW Javier TARANCON (ESP) #1 – (Language Spanish)

“I think today, I just won the best race of my career. It is the best time for me to win a race because I had some trouble this year. It is a great satisfaction for me to win this race in Spain, I am very pleased”

02 50 Podium Ceremony

02 59 JINGLE

FORMULA RENAULT 2.0 – MY CAREER 03 03 VO : He could’ve been a footballer, but his passion for speed won. At only 17 years old, Alex Riberas is competing in Barcelona in his second season in Formula Renault 2.0. Meet one of the local heroes, who unfortunately has not had the success expected this year...

03 18 ITW Alex RIBERAS (ESP) #14 – Epic Racing (Language Spanish)

“My season has been very uneven, with a lot of problems. Also, I made fewer races than my main rivals, who have participated to other championships such the ALPS or NEC. The hardest part for me was to keep the same level of performance, but with fewer events on the counter. We tried to narrow the gap by working hard, and ultimately we are not fully rewarded for our efforts, fortunately we were able to get a few podiums this year. I am thinking now about next year and hope to win races and the championship…”

03 53 Young but already very mature, Alex Riberas has natural qualities, that commands respect from his team.

04 03 ITW Jessica SOODEEN – Epic Racing Engineer (Language English)

“I started working with Alex when he arrived from karting two years ago. He quickly adapted to the car, we quickly received from him interesting technical information, it is an excellent driver. I have great confidence on him, I believe on him, it's really a very serious driver…”

04 22 Hard working, fast and excellent technically, the young Spanish driver is really appreciated in his team, he is in line with his worthy predecessors ...

Renault Sport Technologies Tél. : +33 (0)1 76 82 82 00 Z.A. Courtaboeuf Fax. : 33 (0)1 76 82 83 75 14, avenue des Tropiques Internet : www.renault- 91 978 Courtaboeuf Cedex - France

04 32 ITW David MUNTANER – Epic Racing Engineer (Language Spanish)

“He learned a lot in a short time, is unusual for a young driver, that deserves to succeed. He has now met all the requirements to be, hopefully one day, a worthy successor of Alonso and Alguersuari…”

04 43 Do Not Talk

04 48 ITW Alex RIBERAS (ESP) #14 – Epic Racing (Language Spanish)

“It is clear that Formula 1 is still a dream, it remains my ultimate goal...”

04 56 For this home event, Spanish drivers will necessarily be much more exposed, there will be many demands and expectations of all kinds ...

05 06 ITW Alex RIBERAS (ESP) #14 – Epic Racing (Language Spanish)

“The fact that the Spanish fans are massive here gives drivers extra motivation and that all around the circuit. Home run is a special feeling for the drivers, it's great, very positive!”

05 24 After a tricky first race, Alex Riberas would like a better second one...

05 33 Jingle

Feature : Formula Renault 2.0 Highlights Race 2 05 37 Alex Riberas took his maiden pole in the competition and made a flawless start, Riberas went through turn one in the lead, while Nato successfully held off the Red Bull Junior Team duo behind him, Carlos Sainz Jr. and Daniil Kvyat.

06 00 Nato was powerless to resist Sainz Jr. on lap three, however, the Spaniard passing him at the end of the pit straight and setting off in pursuit of Riberas. 06 10 Once is not custom, we get fights in the chasing group of Formula Renault 2.0 ... 06 19 The leading quartet remained unchanged all the way to the chequered flag, Riberas holding off Sainz Jr’s incessant attacks to close out his first ever Eurocup Formula Renault 2.0 win, and Nato taking third.

06 35 Race 2 Classification Graphic

Renault Sport Technologies Tél. : +33 (0)1 76 82 82 00 Z.A. Courtaboeuf Fax. : 33 (0)1 76 82 83 75 14, avenue des Tropiques Internet : www.renault- 91 978 Courtaboeuf Cedex - France

06 45 ITW Alex RIBERAS (ESP) #14 – Epic Racing (Language Spanish)

“It is the most important race of my life. This victory makes me very happy, I am also glad for the team. During the entire year, we have been working very hard. I hope we will remember this victory for next year in order to win more races.” 07 12 Championship Classification Graphic

07 22 Podium Ceremony

07 34 Jingle 07 37 Black

Renault Sport Technologies Tél. : +33 (0)1 76 82 82 00 Z.A. Courtaboeuf Fax. : 33 (0)1 76 82 83 75 14, avenue des Tropiques Internet : www.renault- 91 978 Courtaboeuf Cedex - France

Part 2

07 42 JINGLE

Feature: A word of Show : The 360° magic of the 2011 WSR final event in Barcelona.

07 46 VO : During a World Series by Renault week end, there is plenty of competition on track, but that’s not all.

07 52 ITW Eric Balondrade - Marketing Competition Responsible - (in French) “It is the 50th meeting, so it is very important. It is the last meeting so all the sportive decisions will take place here, at least for the Formula 3.5. Sunday evening, it is the final ceremony so it is a unique rendez- vous of the season.”

08 13 ITW Eric Balondrade - Marketing Competition Responsible - (in French) “One of our greatest missions is to celebrate the image of Renault in different countries. Renault is a popular brand. The main spirit, one of the main concepts of the World Series by Renault is gratuity on each event. All the animations plus all the Formulas such as the Formula Renault 3.5 which is the step before F1 and a wonderful passion tool, all of that is just free and we don’t want to change that concept”.

08 51 ITW Eric Balondrade - Marketing Competition Responsible - (in French) “For me, we will stick on gratuity, visit of the paddocks, kids animations. The WSR remains a great family party. Usually, families stay 6 hours on the track. Like every year, we break the audience records with more that 120.000 people in Silverstone, 130.000 in Hungary. On average, we turn around 100.000 spectators on each events.”

09 09 VO : And what about some news for 2012?

09 15 “Regarding the calendar, we have decided to reach other countries, go more internationally, to make it a real World series. In 2012, we will go to Moscow on the Moscow Raceway. We will keep the same shape: 7 races plus 2 support races. You are going to tell me: if you go to Moscow, where won’t you go anymore? Well, we won’t go in Silverstone with a complete meeting. We will go to Silverstone with a support race and of course the Monaco support race which is a must. Then, the 7 meetings with the new one: Moscow”.

09 49 The World Series by Renault are also a great opportunity for the public on site to discover the universe of Renault. Racing History, Formula 1, exhibitions, concept cars, simulators, child-zones plus a range of activities and novelties are provided in the Renault Sport Village and all around the track. And Barcelona was just a great success like on all the other meetings.

Final Clip

Renault Sport Technologies Tél. : +33 (0)1 76 82 82 00 Z.A. Courtaboeuf Fax. : 33 (0)1 76 82 83 75 14, avenue des Tropiques Internet : www.renault- 91 978 Courtaboeuf Cedex - France

10 24 JINGLE

FEATURE : HIGHLIGHTS FORMULA RENAULT 3.5 RACE 1 10 28 As the crowds in Catalunya bathe in bright sunshine, the lights went out. Starting from pole championship leader Robert Wickens was first into turn one. Behind him and Costa had a coming- together and were both forced to retire.

10 50 The Canadian pulled further clear, extending his lead by a second per lap. After failing in his first attempt to take Rossi, Vergne exploited an opening on lap 18 to duck into third with an audacious outside pass at the end of the pit straight.

11 02 Wickens had pulled out a comfortable 20-second cushion by the time the race entered the final ten minutes, while Vergne quickly closed the gap on Move. On lap 22 the Frenchman produced a carbon copy of his pass on Rossi to surge past the Russian and into second, while Yelloly and Korjus came together in their tussle for fifth.

11 18 There were no further changes at the head of the field, however, as Wickens closed the race out for win number five of the season, with Vergne and Move completing the podium. All Wickens needs to do now to clinch the title is finish second on Sunday.

11 38 Race Classification Graphic

11 48 ITW Robert Wickens (CAN) #6 – Carlin (Language English)

“The car made my life definitely easier. The car was fantastic. A race is never easy. The track was pretty greasy towards the end. The lap times were falling off a lot but I am really happy to take the win, maximum points. Unfortunately for me, Jean-Eric Vergne finished second. It is a great result for Carlin and it just goes to show how good is our car”

12 08 Podium Ceremony

12 19 JINGLE

FEATURE FUNNY PADDOCK 12 22 VO : It is the end of a long season... just like the last day of school... It is a special time...

12 47 ITV Bas Schothorst (NED, TDS Racing) in English “The season comes to an end, you know it, this is the last race...”

12 53 ITV Kevin Korjus (EST. Tech1 Racing) in English “It doesn’t really feel good (how many enemies) I have collected many enemies during the season... and it’s hard to get rid of them!

Renault Sport Technologies Tél. : +33 (0)1 76 82 82 00 Z.A. Courtaboeuf Fax. : 33 (0)1 76 82 83 75 14, avenue des Tropiques Internet : www.renault- 91 978 Courtaboeuf Cedex - France

13 04 ITV Niccolo Nalio (ITA, Oregon Team) in English “We Are friends and we enjoy this year to do a good championship, and we hope to continue next year to do our best” 13 17 VO : The end of a long season – time to rest?

13 28 ITV Oliver Webb (GB, Pons Racing) in English I’m looking forward to it cost I get to go to Vegas on Monday – Im doing the Indy car race over there

13 35 ITV Bas Schothorst (NED, TDS Racing) in English “I hope to do also some racing in the winter... it’s nice, a lot of rain”

13 42 ITV Niccolo Nalio (ITA, Oregon Team) in English “He is a real professional driver... me and Stefano we are gentlemen drivers”

13 48 ITV Stefano Comini (SWI, Oregon Team) in English “REALLY gentlemen”

13 58 You are looking forward the end of the season or you feel sad?

14 02 ITV Sten Pentus (EST, Epic Racing) in English “Sad! I’m gonna start crying soon. Of course its not very nice to end the season because there is a big gap to the new season... so what are you going to do? I am looking forward to the new season as soon as the final race is finished”

14 22 ITV Stefano Comini (SWI, Oregon Team) in English “I’m not happy that the season is nearly finished because now i must work for the next year...”

14 31 ITV Niccolo Nalio (ITA, Oregon Team) in English “We need to find the sponsors, budget training...” (Stefano cries)

14 38 VO : Everyone gets tired and emotional – World Series By Renault 2011 is nearly over...

14 51 JINGLE

Renault Sport Technologies Tél. : +33 (0)1 76 82 82 00 Z.A. Courtaboeuf Fax. : 33 (0)1 76 82 83 75 14, avenue des Tropiques Internet : www.renault- 91 978 Courtaboeuf Cedex - France

FEATURE : HIGHLIGHTS FORMULA RENAULT 3.5 RACE 2 14 56 Albert Costa take his maiden Formula Renault 3.5 Series pole and made a solid start at the lights, as Anton Nebylitskiy nipped into second at turn one, though the real drama was unfolding behind them as Vergne pulled up alongside Wickens and the two cars clashed.. 15 16 While the Canadian was forced to retire along with Nathanael Berthon rolling. Vergne emerged relatively unscathed to stay fourth. As the safety car emerged, the way was open for the Frenchman to take the title

15 28 Costa held sway on the restart, leading from Nebylitskiy. Vergne’s title hopes took a turn for the worse when first Daniele Zampieri and then Stephane Richelmi both passed him, leaving the Frenchman sixth…

15 41 With just ten minutes remaining, however, the Carlin driver was forced out of the race when Fairuz Fauzy attempted a pass and the two collided, leaving Vergne’s single-seater stricken and stable-mate Wickens as the 2011 Formula Renault 3.5 Series champion.

15 49 There were no such problems for Costa as he coasted to his first FR 3.5 Series win ahead of Yelloly and Hartley. As the Spaniard celebrated, as his team EPIC RAcing, winner in Formula Renault 2.0 & 3.5 en this week-end…

16 01 Race 2 Classification Graphic

16 11 ITW Albert Costa (ESP) #12 – Epic Racing (Language Spanish)

“I could not hope for a better race. Actually, it was quite an easy race. I know now that I can win, it is important from my career knowing that I can win races”.

16 20 Championship Classification Graphic

16 30 ITW Robert Wickens (CAN) #6 – Carlin (Language English)

“It is just fantastic you know. It is been the best season of my career so far. Hopefully, the better ones are to come”.

16 38 Podium Ceremony

16 55 Jingle

16 59 Black

Renault Sport Technologies Tél. : +33 (0)1 76 82 82 00 Z.A. Courtaboeuf Fax. : 33 (0)1 76 82 83 75 14, avenue des Tropiques Internet : www.renault- 91 978 Courtaboeuf Cedex - France

Part 3

17 03 JINGLE

FEATURE MEGANE TROPHY RACE 1 17 07 Comini began the day in scintillating form, winning both rounds of qualifying to secure his 11th and 12th poles in 14 attempts this season, a new record for the discipline. The Swiss made an untypical error at the front of the grid, however, going wide at turn one to allow Schothorst to ease past and into the lead, the Dutchman ending lap one ahead of Comini and Guilvert.

17 34 The leading twosome gave the pack the slip over the next few laps, while Comini launched a steady attack finally working his way past Schothorst on lap six.

17 43 Behind the leaders, Guilvert faced a determined challenge from Oscar Nogues, the 2011 Italian Clio Cup champion threw caution to the wind in a bid to grab third before the compulsory pit stop… Guilvert finishes his race in a spin!

17 54 After the compulsory pit stop, race leader Comini had Barba for company at the head of proceedings, the Spaniard’s strategy of coming into the pits last having worked to perfection, Barba overtook Schothorst for the gain of 2 nd position…

18 02 Yet while Comini withstood the Spanish debutant’s fierce assault, the two coming together several times on the last lap, the battle is splendid!Eurocup Megane Trophy debutant Alvaro Barba gave the 2011 champion Stefano Comini a run for his money on Saturday, pushing the Swiss all the way to the line and finishing just three tenths of a second off the pace after a fascinating tussle. It was victory number 11 of a dominant season for Comini, while Michele Faccin completed the podium with his second top-three finish of the year.

18 35 Race Classification Graphic

18 45 ITW Stefano COMINI (SUI) #25 – Oregon Team (Language Italian)

“The end of the race was difficult. Barba was pushing just behind me. At the end of the end, I finally won that race. I want to thank all the members of the Oregon Team, my family, my mom and my dad. Let’s see what race 2 will look like.” 19 01 Podium Ceremony

19 07 JINGLE

Renault Sport Technologies Tél. : +33 (0)1 76 82 82 00 Z.A. Courtaboeuf Fax. : 33 (0)1 76 82 83 75 14, avenue des Tropiques Internet : www.renault- 91 978 Courtaboeuf Cedex - France

FEATURE CLIO EUROCUP BARCELONA RACE 1 19 11 The Clio Eurocup provided another eventful and dramatic race to the delight of the Spanish public. Author of the pole position, Nicolas Milan moved top as the lights, but behind him, we will attend a veritable rat race in the bunch, particularly between Christian Ricciarini, Robert Van den Berg, John Wartigue and Giancarlo Lenzotti. Ricciarini will remain on the floor and cause the entry of the safety car.

19 38 At the restart, Nicolas Milan retains the lead in the race while behind him, the explanations are tough at all stages of the pack.

19 54 Milan took the chequered flag for the fifth time this season, with Maurin coming in second and Verschuur third. Maurin’s failure to respect a drive-through led to 40 seconds penalty after the race and Verschuur’s promotion to second place, and Guillot’s to third.

19 58 Race Classification Graphic

20 08 Itw Nicolas Milan (FRA) #11 – Milan Compétition (Language French)

“The first few laps with Mike Verschuur were hot enough, he was faster than me and I had to close some doors in the straight line. He lost ground in action and I apologize! The rest of the race was for me more relaxed and I just concentrated on managing my lead. Everything went well, I am happy to win a new Clio race knowing that next year I drive a Megane Trophy”

20 35 Podium Ceremony

20 42 Jingle

20 46 Second in the championship, Mike Verschuur headed the grid from 2011 title winner Nicolas Milan, the duo heading into turn one in that order, while Azor Duenas began his race by unseating Frederic Yerly from third.

21 01 The fight never stopped Clio in the Eurocup Clio pack, some will not get away without a few scratches ....

21 14 Though the third-placed Verschuur battled to the end, the Milan Competition duo had a comfortable advantage as they crossed the line, Duenas taking the flag from Milan in only his second Eurocup Clio appearance. Verschuur rounded off the podium, ending the season as the leading junior.

21 25 Race 2 Classification Graphic

Renault Sport Technologies Tél. : +33 (0)1 76 82 82 00 Z.A. Courtaboeuf Fax. : 33 (0)1 76 82 83 75 14, avenue des Tropiques Internet : www.renault- 91 978 Courtaboeuf Cedex - France

21 35 Itw Azor Dueñas (SPA) #11 – Milan Compétition (Language Spanish)

“ It was quite complicated for one of first race and especially on my home race in Barcelona. This victory concludes a great week. The team gave me a great car, I could be in the top 5 in qualifying. I could be in the front in race 1 and winning race 2”.

22 01 Race 2 Classification Graphic

22 11 JINGLE


22 15 Stefano Comini claimed the final pole of 2012 ahead of Bas Schothorst. And there was to be no repeat of Saturday’s start as the Swiss champion led from the lights.

22 30 Comini and Schothorst found Nalio’s pace to hot to handle after emerging from the pits, however, the Italian ducking past both of them on the same turn, though champion Comini responded quickly, regaining his lead just a few turns later.

22 44 All the drivers made their mandatory pit stop, Stefano Comini is first, Shothorst is second but not for long, Nalio overtake the TDS driver. Comini has lost its leading position but not for long, he is back in P1.

23 03 With all the drivers having made their obligatory stop, it was Comini who led the field from Nalio and Schothorst, with Dermont and Forne completing the top five.

23 15 Schothorst found way past Nalio with just a few minutes remaining only to run short of fuel, forcing him into the pits for a second time and handing Oregon Team another one-two to round the season off in style.

23 32 Race 2 Classification Graphic. !!! The stewards have decided to disqualify Comini from the race regarding its dangerous behaviour after the race!!!

Renault Sport Technologies Tél. : +33 (0)1 76 82 82 00 Z.A. Courtaboeuf Fax. : 33 (0)1 76 82 83 75 14, avenue des Tropiques Internet : www.renault- 91 978 Courtaboeuf Cedex - France

23 42 ITW Winner Nico Nalio (ITA) – Oregon Team (Language Italian)

“It is finally good the finish the week end on the podium, I had a lot of troubles with my gear box. This morning, we had to change the gearbox, the team made a great job, especially my mechanic Luca. This afternoon, I was able to push from the beginning. I had a great battle with Stefano and Bas. I am finally second, the best result I could achieve here. I am second in the championship, it is perfect”

23 46 Championship Classification Graphic

24 06 Podium Ceremony

24 15 JINGLE


24 19 Robert Wickens is the 2011 Formula Renault 3.5 champion. 2011 has been a great year also for Stefano Comini. Unbeatable, the Swiss driver won 13 on 14 races. In the other category of the series, Milan won the title in the Eurocup Clio, Frinj in the Formula Renault 2.0. See you next year for more action, speed and funny atmosphere in the World Series by Renault 2012.

Final clip : do not talk

25 32 Closing credits

25 57 Black