
Lesson 16: Timbre, Beats, (Sections 12.5-12.9)

Timbre In general, a musical instrument will produce that are made of combinations of the available . The lowest in a complex wave is called the fundamental and the other frequencies are called . Since all the overtones are integral multiples of the fundamental, they are also called .

The complex shape of the sound wave means that different instruments playing the same note will have a different tone quality. You can recognize your favorite singer by the timbre of the singer’s voice.

A complex periodic signal can be created by adding together a set of waves. The wave having three frequencies 110, 165, and 220 Hz repeats at 55 Hz since each of these frequencies are harmonics of 55 Hz.

Lesson 16, page 1

Lesson 16: Timbre, Beats, Doppler Effect (Sections 12.5-12.9)

In principle, any complex waveform can be decomposed into a series of harmonic waves. This is called Fourier (or spectral) analysis. Limiting our study to harmonic waves actually includes all waveforms.

Human The physiology of the ear is detailed in the text. Please read it.

A brief overview of the ear: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3Oy4lodZU4

The perception of loudness depends on frequency.

Pitch is the perception of frequency. Higher pitch means higher frequency (and shorter ).

Lesson 16, page 2

Lesson 16: Timbre, Beats, Doppler Effect (Sections 12.5-12.9)

Beats occurs when two sound waves are close in frequency. It is very useful for tuning instruments. The frequency is the difference in the two frequencies

fbeat  f1  f2

The Doppler Effect Probably best explained in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5KaeCZ_AaY

Or not! Maybe this will work? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWIMWqkcRDU

The Doppler effect is the change in observed frequency (pitch) resulting from the motion of the sound source and/or sound observer. It can be used to measure the speed of a moving car (or baseball).

In front of the moving source, the wave crests are closer together and the frequency is higher. Behind the moving source, the wave crests are further apart and the frequency is lower.

 1    fO    fS 1 vS / v 

Important: vS > 0 for a source moving in the direction of the wave.

Lesson 16, page 3

Lesson 16: Timbre, Beats, Doppler Effect (Sections 12.5-12.9)

An observer moving relative to a stationary source will experience a different frequency. An observer moving towards the source will experience a higher frequency and an observer moving away from the source will experience a lower frequency.

fO  (1vO /v) fS

Important: vO > 0 for an observer moving in the direction of the wave.

If both the source and observer move

1 v / v   O  fO    fS 1 vS / v 

Lesson 16, page 4

Lesson 16: Timbre, Beats, Doppler Effect (Sections 12.5-12.9)

The sign convention is given for the individual cases. You must get the signs right to get the correct answer!!

Shock Waves When the source moves faster than the , the wave crests pile on top of each other and a large amplitude wave occurs. For airplanes, this is called a sonic boom.

Shock waves: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-d9A2oq1N38

Echolocation and Sound and echoes are used to locate objects. Here is an animation explaining : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_q2dqUdi8U

Ultrasound can be used to image structures inside the body.

Lesson 16, page 5

Lesson 16: Timbre, Beats, Doppler Effect (Sections 12.5-12.9)

High frequency sound is used since higher frequencies will have shorter wavelengths. Short wavelengths diffract less around small obstacles.

Time for the end of the semester music festival.

Lesson 16, page 6