MICHELE ANDRILLA DIANE AYRES KATHLEEN BARHYDT "The most wasted day is that in "She smiled, and her smile "There is many a true word which we have not laughed." went everywhere." spoken in ."

JOHN BARTLETT CONNIE BATTISTI "Life is an arrow — therefore "A winning heart, a helpful you must know what to aim hand; and always one to understand."

ROBERT BATTISTI STEPHEN BATTISTI CYNTHIA BERGEN "In art, as in , instinct is "What should a man do but be "Why should the Devil have all enough." merry." the fun."

50 PAUL BURKDORF JOHN CAPEK "Man is the only animal that "All that we are is the result of blushes. Or needs to." what we think."

LINDA CAPONERA JACQUELINE CONGDON "Everything is funny as long as "A carefree song, a little it is happening to somebody nonsense now and then, lights else." up her way."

JEAN CONGDON MELINDA DARROW BARRY DILLENBECK "The best way to secure future "In quietness and confidence "He appears very quiet but ..." happiness is to be as happy as she'll be your strength." you are right now." DAVID DOLAN RODNEY DOUGLAS PATRICIA ECKLER "Never study, never worry, "Let the world slide by." "Be content to seem what you take life easy, why hurry." really are."

MICHAEL EVERSON WILLIAM FERRIS 'I am conserving my energy." "Life is partly what we make it and partly what it is made by the friends we choose."

BRETT GARDINIER JENNIFER GORDON MARY KELLY GREEN 'Beware I'm here." "The most manifest sign of "It is not enough to have a wisdom is a continual good mind, she also has cheerfulness." gentleness and uses it well." 54 EILEEN HAYES MARY HINKLE DAVID HOFFMAN "She's little, she's wise; she's a "I have learned that to be with " is the universal corker for her size." those I like is enough." language of mankind."

KEVIN HOFFMAN DONALD HOWE \"To be tall is to be majestic. "Never a devil — far from a saint."

,\~^plp I &, 0^ KELLY JOHNSON ELAYNE KRETSER ANGELA LACOPPOLA (V "Between talking and laughing "Eyes, you know, are the great "Life is ten percent what you her day is full." intruders." make it, and ninety percent how you take it." 55 _ ,,...- • -.

- ' 9^** ' „ c"? $1/ U^ -A^^?^.>' J ^ / //,. jdtfrfa ™^^ tJfff JOSEPH LAMANNA BILIJEANE LE ROY "How can you live without /$& "Napolean a small man, "A happy disposition reflects athletics — and women?" too." its own sunshine."

LINDA LE ROY MARY ANN MILLER "In school, quiet and demure; "As the sun colours flowers so outside — well, we're not so does art colour life." sure!"

GORDON OAKLEY LISA PALMA LOUIS PALOMBI "Don't take life too seriously; "Let tomorrow take care of "Smile, it keeps people you can't get out of it alive itself." wondering." anyway." MARK PATRUSKA FRANCIS PEYCKE PENELOPE PUZNOWSKI lects "What! Me worried?" "Life is not life at all without "The only way to have a friend delight." is to be one."

ALLAN RICE KENNETH ROORDA "Man masters nature not by "There is a passion for hunting force, but by understanding." deeply implanted in the human breast."

DOUGLAS SAVAGE MAUREEN SHAY JEANNE SHUSTER "What a man has, so much is "Lord! I wonder what fool it "Not very tall, not very small, he sure of." was that first invented kissing." but sweet and fair and loved by all." 59

•v i GAIL SMITH ROBERT SMELL CYNTHIA STOCK "Sweet personality "An all 'round good fellow." "Did you catch that glint of rascality." mischief in her eye?"

CARRY TAFFI YVETTE TAYLOR "Beneath that calm exterior a "Art is nothing more than the bit of devil lies." shadow of humanity."

JENNIFER TOMPSON JOHN UPDYKE EDWARD VAN DYCKE "Love is, above all, the gift of "He who is slow to anger is "There are some siletit people oneself." greater than the mighty." who are more interesting than the best talkers." 62 SUSAN WAUFFLE RAYMOND WHITE STEPHANIE WIDANKA "Silence is more musical than "I love work. I could sit and "Knowing her is liking her." any song." look at

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JAMES HAAK "Worry has killed mankind."

JAMES HART "Bless the man who first invented sleep."

JANET NAGELE "Those who wish to pet and baby wild animals, "love" them. But those who respect their natures and wish to let them live normal lives, love them more."