Rex Stout | 480 pages | 15 Dec 2008 | Random House USA Inc | 9780553385670 | English | New York, United States Some Buried Caesar/The Golden Spiders by : | : Books

Account Options Sign in. Top charts. New arrivals. Rex Stout Jul Switch to the audiobook. Here, in this special double edition, the arrogant, gourmandizing, sedentary sleuth and his trusty man-about-town, Archie Goodwin, solve two of their most bizarre cases. Some Buried Caesar A prize bull destined for the barbecue is found pawing the Some Buried Caesar/The Golden Spiders of a late restaurateur. To keep it from becoming three, Wolfe must discover the unlikely connection between a gray Cadillac, a mysterious woman, and a pair of earrings shaped like spiders dipped in gold. More by Rex Stout See more. The Silent Speaker. Book When a powerful government official, scheduled to speak to a group of millionaires, turns up dead, it is an event worthy of the notice of the great . Balancing on the edge of financial ruin, the orchid-loving detective grudgingly accepts the case. While the buisness world clamors for a solution, Some Buried Caesar/The Golden Spiders Wolfe patiently lays a trap that will net him a killer worth his weight in gold. The man has entered our folklore. Together, Stout and Wolfe have entertained—and puzzled—millions of mystery fans around the world. Now, with his perambulatory man-about-town, Archie Goodwin, the arrogant, gourmandizing, sedentary sleuth is back in the original seventy- three cases Some Buried Caesar/The Golden Spiders crime and detection written by the inimitable master himself, Rex Stout. Book 1. As any herpetologist will tell you, the fer-de-lance is among the most dreaded snakes known to man. When someone makes a present of one to Nero Wolfe, Archie Goodwin knows he's getting dreadully close to solving the devilishly clever murders of an immigrant and a college president. As for Wolfe, he's playing snake charmer in a case with more twists than an anaconda -- whistling a seductive tune he hopes will catch a killer who's still got poison in his heart. Reviews Review Policy. Published on. Flowing text, Original pages. Best for. Web, Tablet, Phone, eReader. Content protection. Learn more. Flag as inappropriate. It syncs automatically with your account and allows you to read online or offline wherever you are. Please follow the detailed Help center instructions to transfer the files to supported eReaders. Some Buried Caesar/The Golden Spiders by Rex Stout, Paperback | Barnes & Noble®

Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. Javascript is not enabled in Some Buried Caesar/The Golden Spiders browser. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. NOOK Book. Here, in this special double edition, the arrogant, gourmandizing, sedentary sleuth and his trusty man-about-town, Archie Goodwin, solve two of their most bizarre cases. Some Buried Caesar A prize bull destined for the barbecue is found pawing the corpse of a late restaurateur. To keep it from becoming three, Wolfe must discover the unlikely connection between a gray Cadillac, a mysterious woman, and a pair of earrings shaped like spiders dipped in gold. Inhe began to write thrillers focusing on the famous detective Nero Wolfe. Nero is a gourmet weighing more than a hundred kilos, and moving as little as possible. Rex Stout finished more than fifty novels and received the "Grand Masters Award". He died The first one came when, after my swift realization that the sedan was still right side up and the windshield and windows intact, I switched off the ignition and turned to look at the back seat. I stared at him in astonishment. Very well, this one has, and we are intact. Thank God the whim was not a deadlier one. Do you know what happened? I said, whim. Go ahead. Start the confounded thing going again. It was a mess. After a careful examination I went back to the other side of the car and opened the rear door and looked in at him and made my report. Anyway, I was going 55 when the tire blew out. Some Buried Caesar/The Golden Spiders soon he opened them again and sighed. What are we going to do? Nero Wolfe asking me what to do! I was reading in the paper the other day how a Jap always commits suicide when he fails his emperor, and no Jap has anything on me. They call it seppuku. Preferably to Crowfield, where we have reservations at a hotel. It was a nice September day, and the hills and dales of upstate New York looked sleepy and satisfied in the sun. The road we were on was a secondary highway, not a main drag, and nothing had passed by since I had bumped the tree. A hundred yards ahead it curved to the right, dipping down behind some trees. Across the road was a gentle slope of meadow which got steeper further up where the meadow turned into woods. I turned. In that direction was a board fence painted white, a smooth green pasture, and a lot of trees; and beyond the trees were some bigger ones, and the top of a house. There was no Some Buried Caesar/The Golden Spiders leading that way, so I figured that there would be one further along the road, around the curve. Wolfe yelled to ask what the devil I was doing, and I stepped back to the car door. Going around by the road it would probably be a mile or more, but cutting across that pasture would be only maybe yards. That house over there is closest. Wolfe looked at me. Then he started to clamber out, and I stepped Some Buried Caesar/The Golden Spiders to make room for him outdoors, room being a thing he required more Some Buried Caesar/The Golden Spiders his share of. He took a good stretch, his applewood walking stick pointing like a sword at the sky as he did so, and turned all the way around, scowling at the hills and dales, while I got the doors of the car locked, and then followed me along the edge of the ditch to the place where we could cross to the gate. It was after we had passed through, just as I Some Buried Caesar/The Golden Spiders the gate closed behind us, that I heard the guy yelling. I looked across the pasture in the direction of Some Buried Caesar/The Golden Spiders house, and there he was, sitting on top of the fence on the other side. He must have just climbed up. He was yelling at us to go back where we came from. Wolfe had gone on ahead while I was shutting the gate, and I trotted up to him and grabbed his arm. I followed. There was an enormous boulder, sloping up to maybe 3 feet above the ground, about exactly in the middle of Some Buried Caesar/The Golden Spiders pasture, and we were a little to the right of that when the second surprise arrived in the series I spoke of. Move your head slowly, very slowly, to the right. Off maybe feet to the right, walking slowly toward us with his head up, was a bull bigger than I had supposed bulls came. He was dark red with white patches, with a big white triangle on his face, and he was walking easy and slow, wiggling his head a little as if he was nervous, or as if he was trying to shake a fly off of his horns. Of a sudden he stopped and stood, looking at us with his neck curved. Do you know the technique of bulls? Did you ever see a bull fight? You moved your finger then, and his neck muscles tightened. How fast can you run? Twenty years ago I was an athlete. This almost convinces me. If he should start. Keep facing him. When you are 10 feet away from me, swerve toward the fence. He will begin to move when you do. As long as he follows slowly, keep backing and facing him. He started the Some Buried Caesar/The Golden Spiders an avalanche ends. I could hear him behind me. I could damn near feel him. Also I was dimly aware of shouts and a blotch of something red above the fence near the spot I was aimed at. There it was—the fence. The fence was 10 yards away. Limping to it, I took a look. The bull was slowly walking along, a hundred feet off, wiggling his head. In the middle of the pasture was an ornamental statue. It was Nero Wolfe, with his arms folded, his stick hanging from a wrist, standing motionless on the rounded peak of the boulder. It was the first time I had ever seen him in any such position as that, and I stood and stared because I had never fully realized what a remarkable looking object he really was. Home 1 Books 2. Read an excerpt of this book! Add to Wishlist. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Members Some Buried Caesar/The Golden Spiders with free shipping everyday! See details. About the Author. Show More. Related Searches. A Golden Snowbank. The mountains of the West in the early 's attracted many adventurous individuals who sought The mountains of the West in the early 's attracted many adventurous individuals who sought wealth, solitude, or the opportunity to explore unknown lands. A single man or a married couple had to live a lonely and dangerous life but View Product. Golden Blood. Price Durand's heart lifted as he hefted the great axe, Some Buried Caesar/The Golden Spiders. Ahead, across the Ahead, across the desert, was a forbidding mountain, topped by a castle of marble and gold. Within that castle, the girl he loved was a prisoner. There was a Best-selling LDS author Joni Hilton brings us another heart-warming novel, this time about Jana and Ethan Waterson, their family, and the spookiest house in town. Ethan is actually more terrified of his calling as bishop than of the Witch House. Golden Mage. Some Buried Caesar/The Golden Spiders by Rex Stout

Look Inside. Here, in this special double edition, the arrogant, gourmandizing, sedentary sleuth and his trusty man-about-town, Archie Goodwin, solve two of their most bizarre cases. Some Buried Caesar A prize bull destined for the barbecue is found pawing the corpse of a late restaurateur. To keep it from becoming three, Wolfe must discover the unlikely connection between a gray Some Buried Caesar/The Golden Spiders, a mysterious woman, and a pair of earrings shaped like spiders dipped in gold. Rex Stout — wrote dozens of short stories, novellas, and full-length mystery Some Buried Caesar/The Golden Spiders, most featuring his two indelible characters, the peerless detective Nero Wolfe and his handy sidekick, Archie Goodwin. When you buy a book, we donate a book. Sign in. The Best Books of So Far. Read An Excerpt. Sep 30, ISBN Add to Cart. Also available from:. Jul 17, ISBN Available from:. Paperback —. Also in Nero Wolfe. Also by Rex Stout. About Rex Stout Rex Stout — wrote dozens of short stories, novellas, and full-length mystery novels, most featuring his two indelible characters, the peerless detective Some Buried Caesar/The Golden Spiders Wolfe and his handy sidekick, Archie Goodwin. Product Details. Inspired by Your Browsing History. The Broken Vase. Summer of the Big Bachi. Naomi Hirahara. The Lighthouse. Forty Words for Sorrow. Jewel That Was Ours. Colin Dexter. A Taste for Death. The Sound of Murder. Maigret Defends Himself. Georges Simenon. Death of an Expert Witness. The Way Through the Woods. The Hand in the Glove. Daughters of Cain. The Remorseful Day. The Murder Room. Innocent Blood. The Snack Thief. Andrea Camilleri. Maigret and the Reluctant Witnesses. Death in Holy Orders. Joseph Wambaugh. Ivory Ghosts. From Doon with Death. Ruth Rendell. Too Some Buried Caesar/The Golden Spiders to Breathe. Olivia Kiernan. Maigret and the Good People of Montparnasse. The Private Patient. Robert B. Devices and Desires. A Maigret Christmas. The Lamorna Wink. Martha Grimes. Well-Schooled in Murder. Elizabeth George. I, Richard. Related Articles. Looking for More Great Reads? Some Buried Caesar/The Golden Spiders Hi Res. LitFlash The eBooks you want at the lowest prices. Read it Forward Read it first. Pass it on! Stay in Touch Sign up. We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later. Become a Member Start earning points for buying books!