8 THE FAEMER: OCTOBER 15, 1914 Kauff Fordham to Honor Dick McQra Benny EDITED BY WAGNER. Rudolph

BRAVES GET - M'GRA WILL PAY $25,000 KNOWLES AND WALTER GAMP'S RESIGNATION FORDHAM TO CHECKS AND TO SECURE BENNY KAUFF AINSWORTH TO IMPORTANT IN YALE ANNALS HONOR TWIRLER START HOME REJOIN YALE DICK RUDOLPH National Commission Gives Giant Of Eastern Associa Annual : too New Haven, Oct. 15. Tester (fay's Meeting Dick RViiflrklrh'h. will eevmm fn 1,4a Bosten, Oct. 15. was ' Nothing , e- Boston-Nationa- l was made own at good members Leader Permission to Deal With scrimmage the central Fordham college Saturday, baeeballXteaiasr tar-t- he Hub preparation of the week for the Notre tion In New London Next when Rudolph Day is to be celebrated. In Dame engagement of next fiaturdav. Following the demand of the New yesterday. the morning'- Manager - Stallings presided over a. Jubilee Former Bridgeport Player The varsity plowed through fifteen York students for some expression of at Fenway and last minute halves, although their lineup Monday appreciation of the fine work done by meeting park Braves was changed so frequently that no me lormer Maroon twirler, night at the Copley Plaza, the fnni-.tra.i- l Manager a. of the World's Series in Bos- ican Association club, which is to turn player was gridironed for more than Paul Lannln nf thA vo ti o A were (riven banquet by the city During half ' of it over to Kauff if he one (By Wagncf.) merstein's. New York. Lester Jioston, at which.. Mayor parley and ton a story broke to . the that keeps period. The of as Patterson, president of the ath- Cardinal O'Cbnnell and his end of the bargain and joins the Knowles and Mel Scovflle, who re- resignation Walter Camp Joe the Athletics' who letic association, in behalf of the stu- appeared the National Commission had secretly Giants. him. kickoffs for runs treasurer of the Tale Financial Union, Bush, dent sent an invitatiom to made congratulatory speeches. to placed caught lost the extra inning game in Boston body, the All members of the teefcm given the Giants permission nego- KaufTs last engagement in Organ- of sixty yards and touchdowns with- which was recently announced. Is an Monday, was married to Miss Sylvia Boston twirler on, Tuesday. -- was present 'except 'Dick Rudolph atad tiate with Benny Kauff, the Ty Cobb ized baseball with the Hartford out being: floored. The varsity scored important step in the history of. Tale MoMahon yesterday in Philadelphia.' a reply was received yesterday. In Charley , Schmidt. Schmidt took the' 1 of the Federal .league, as well as the club of the Eastern association, which four time in quick succession, while athletics. He has for some time been The ceremony was performed at St. which Rudolph accepted most gladly ' American Association club sold him to . Indianapolis. He the scrubs were unable to make head- of the invitation and stated o'clock train' for'" Baltimoi while Indianapolis - desirous of being relieved routing Columbia's Catholic church. that he had left:,fort hisf Tithe club, the team .from which Kauff jumped the Indianapolis association way. Two more scores were made duties as his time is almost completely answered the call of the TT'n.T- - hnm t,i Rudolph homin ; - of 25-ya- rd Bro&X) last eager; :with .his leaped to ; the Federals. ,....,' club to go with the Federals that In experimental plays from the taken with affairs of the New Haven Jimmy Archer," the Chicago Cubs' dents before a large number of others. night? tobe . " ' ' wife and newly arrived daughter. Kauff, like other contract Jumpers, city. line.. Clock Co. catcher, was arrested yesterday on the JacK tjorrey, io, manager and cap- is anxious to get must get his clearing papers before The members of the commission de- Weidman, formerly freshman, He was the founder and the only charge of assaulting a fan named tain of the champion. Denver team, Manager Stallings he can back into the fold of O. B., nied the story when they were asked guard, began the at left tackle treasurer of this union. In the early Wolf son. The latter claimed Archer will escort his old and teammate away to his Georgia plantation There get practice h pal him a monster celebration and but the commission is very anxious to about It, though a veteran reporter but Captain Talbot played in his old days-eac- sport had a separate or- punched him. Archer ' said he hit around the field while 1,500 students awaits on Her- eon-fusi- - home to Hai--doc- k. give him a. clean Wll of health, while claimed to have overheard Garry position, .the last' few minutes of the ganization but this caused great Wolfson' because the latter annoyed shout a royat welcome. There will reception when he, slips Sox-Cu- bs ' McGrawis still more anxious to' have mann in a conversation on the subject. scrimmaging.' Karrar replaced Con-ro- y because some sports showed Mrs. Archer during the White oe plenty of music and a tew tokens ''-- were . . i Bill James ' of the Three", him play with the Giants. Her Is will- When the gates are lifted. for Kauff, at left . guard. AInaworth and annual deficits while others' series. J for Dick. "Big , all : at for to with $25000 to get Kauff Armando Marsans, the Cuban jumper Knowles were in their first scrim- profitable. Camp brought sports " pitching squad left midnight ing part ' v - one - will a Vol line. ' , of the Cincinnati team, also will be in of the week and. are to under head and his business saga- It was announced in New Haven Chicago, where he stop for maging ready success. at -- to amount vited to come "back, to the Ttecia under start in Notre Dame game. city made athletics a financial yesterday-.th- the admission to the short time, prior, to joining the Frank According the story.thls . the Johnny Dame-Ta- le "HOW TO CATCH - - is to ibe to Amer his old contract. '..-- Field of , In spite of vast outlays for improve- Notre game next Saturday Bancroft; team- which will tpiir to the paid the Indianapolis Bridgeport joined the Is will 60 cents. eochlbi-tion- ' coaches, ments there a surplus of $125,000 be IFaciQfi.xoastad play .a few in. the treasury at present. Henry games, in Hawaii against an All ; AND CURE ' Hobson, who was president of the Tale First Baseman Konetchy of the COLDS" American league team recruited and HARDWICK JOINS REM-YOS- TS WILL navy last year, has been chosen to suc- Pirates is the latest one who is said to led by . CHANGED ceed Camp temporarily. - . have Jumped to the Federals. It was Hank Go way and Gene Cocreham $100,000 also reported in 'New Tork State Board of Health. - in ; around t Boston few yesterday will .'stay '.foraf- CRIPPLES PLAY The annual of the Eastern that Tesreau, Fletcher and Burns had .E-yer- s BRADHURSTS ! HARVARD meeting days. J Johnny plana to make HANDS Oil- - SERIES association will be held in New Lon- gone over to the outlaws. The Giant Monthly Bulletin, Sheds as quicks a getaway v for Thoy, N., Y., New claims Some - . don next Monday at which time the Tork management these Light. ', as poesfblet . He will .be later , given . Cambridge, Oct.-- 16. Huntington R. 'In eplte of the hard, gaum last Sun- pennant will be formally awarded to men have signed long term contracts,, - , is. his Now- of 'battle . big reception by Troy mends. who saved Harvard from that the smoke the the Planters and plans for. next season however. ) 15. -- Hard wick, 's Oct. old day with the .West (Point Artillery the-World- Hartford, Common which: Owner Qaffney and Manager Jeff- for Series has "been swept discussed. President O'Rourke will libw ; defeat "Washington.' and to catch them and how to avoid Stallings will attend. . against team, the Tost players were put aside by four straight victories for have the proxy of George Cameron, In New Tork "last night Gilbert Gal- them ' erson., the Crimson's ten . is the text of the health sermon-- . Fans up in Springfield, Mass., are scoring a , the Braves, the fans of New York are the New Haven owner. , lant of Chelsea, won the de- points, has been-- , recruited for the in- through long scrimmage Tuesday Mass, ette contained in the bulletin not going to. let the exploits of little' evening, Xt was encouraging practice. beginning, to look over their betting cision over Leach Cross. Gallant twice of the state monthly valid in Harvard He , - board of health issued to "Rabbit" Maranvllle. go unnoticed. brigade football., as the forward passes worked - very tags and iote how much they have Walter Trumbull of Salem, Mass., sent Cross to the mat,- - - ' is from a wrenched - day. It says: Plans are:,under . way for a big testir suffering badly welL- The Remyos will have some won- or lost. At- least $100,000 has been appointed temporary captain and cannot Tufts Sat- - "Common colds, as the name imolies. xnonlal ' next week, and the leg play against- ' hands on,, the result of the of the Harvard football team- of the Athletics banquet ; difficulty in replacing Reilly but they changed during .The management "been - urday. , on- - have long considered as due to 'little shortstop,- who was such a, big an hope to develop a. good man during the series. ;Bettlng the result was the- absence of Capt. Brickley, who is yesterday began to 'refund money for lowered In of "World's Hardwick,. although experienced ,: x an atmospheric temperature. This factor the winning the " next week. much this year than last. recovering from appendicitis opera- tickets for the fifth world's series back, has end the lighter 1 belief is less leas series; will be the guest of honor. played greater part The line cannot bo very The largest c Individual loser was tion. game, which was not played. Over growing and every season. was improved : xne to week , af-- of last and also this He : a, - will back. And aay. present opinion of physi- Maranyille is be married i much, Silva , and Kilpatrick make, a Arnold Rothstein, man,' who has $30,000 be paid yet cians Is next." will south to shifted to the back field when Eddie MicCor-mac- .been-- ' ; enter- seems to have uncovered a once in a while some Idiot will that most of them have very ter and then go Mahan a tendon.. . good pair of ends, Abbott and k interested, in. sporting ;Tale every little to" do with his .on Manager pulled ; prize in Scoville, who was a star at arise and .say baseball is hot on the exposure to a ' spend honeymoon have no peer as tackles in the prises and speculative adventures for . In- Eddie Mahan and Mai .got , 4 but are from Georgia. Logan - His intimate friends Dartmouth several years ago. Scoville level. V transferred Stallings" plantation into 'but ware allowed state and Flanagan is without' any many years, i; Is person to person an togs' only light on a good line and appears by infection, there doubt one the best said ;.thatj he had lost' $75,000 the plunger micro-organis- work." , seems as- of guards' playing '; a Logan practically ; certain of a in the line There seems to be an epidemic of being number of BASEBALL POPULAR. of team the position. Pljura. is fast :rouiiding Athletics in the World's peries and place 'varsity which will cause them. sured guiding the Saturday. oth- on the Giants to National up, y- letter writing in the local papers re The best place IiV AUSTRALIA NOW ' Coach out as a first class center and the: '..win; the - : to cold Mahan may also play, but - '" 4- the merits and demerits of catch is not out of doors, but er will 'be' filled league pennant. ,' V . . garding al- position, guardU: . is no chances of right . aild Dick Dame in close, Haughton taking Other . losers on the Mackmen Hank Gowfly Rudolph, the the Notre football eleven. Re rooms, cars, Indicate lowing' the star back to return unless bjr Roaenpajiny, who seems toy be put- big heroes of recent world's series, are member, the more statements theatres or churches. the feet Reports from Australia that ' " .f were ,'Maxy Blumenthal, a, former the boys, Getting baseball Is in popular- his condition warrants. ting up a steady., game.' The' quarter- going to pull vaudeville out of the rut. you make now the more alibis you'll wet or chilling the b,6dy does not more -- growing steadily ; - Is now bookmaker and the present backer of was Comfort back job bothering the coach, will next Ham- - have to deliver after the than lower the i ity. The game greatly" helped by Capt. Brickley is, resting- is certain to be solved before the Stadium A. C, .the iboxing club They appear week at game. general health, making :the,visit-o- f and to be out in the Course but it f them more victims. colds the. 'American, ably 4 easy That professionals hopes " ' ' "'The which holds forth the St. 'Nicholas ijast-year- .' of ten Sunday.-- backs, Seeiey, Hallopin, 'at are much more Whereas ten years ago but days. . ' book- sold out to stood prevalent' in winter is Moebier, and all .look.. rflnk;,.. Leo Mayer. a Chicago BOXING NOTES. .Baker, has always . two of of Commonwealth Casey .iMMKeeyeri - chiefly because season of . the States the ' Rlussell showed" well in maker, and Jacob' Joseph,' a. Wall ready to help any scheme along that at that the . good. also up ' we live in could boast teams, South Australia has YALE WILL HAVE ' street who was a " will toack tiie title, and other year; houses with doors and "f operator,' - turf Cfus the Milwaukee middle- bring . South' Wales and Victoria the cricket game.. ' Christie, windows thus an. joined New BOATHOUSE 'BradliurBt iB'leld- club of the old Australians are also ready to back closed, proving ideal, in the' game. Baseball FINE In meeting the plunger during ,the days" weight, together with Johnny Griffiths, place for the and trans- fostering reports - ' race track. s Blumenthal Ohio the project. Negotiations are now on multiplication now figure in all the sporting pages of ON RIVER THAMES next Sunday the Tost will stack up Guttenberg the lightweight, and Benny "Mr. mission) of the influenza and other the .hardest proposition o the and Mayer lost $5,000 each. Joseph Strapp, his manager, arrived in Aus- with Baker and his partners. the leading newspapers in the three agains lost-$3,00.0- . : K-- germs. These, too, in cold weather we So seJLguiiie. were these O. , 27th. Gus - and what Is of more moment, ' season... This team defeated; the West tralia, - August says take out of doors which results in- low States, New London, , Oct- - 14. Tale is. to outfit last and big plungers that-th- e Athletics would they had a- great trip and all felt schoolboy teams are playing',which is a . ' Point .Artillery year - er and less ' have" new at Gales that- laid odds, rang- fine Mr. "Never sick bodily vigor resistance 'most . .. rowing .quarters are heavier than the. Artillery: squad. winy they fancy except Strapp. we . more : 'hopeful sign. t on com- "all 2 o 3 - ANNIVERSARIES therefore are susceptible. Ferry, work which will be pxa.ctice-";tonliB'ht.Jan- all:the ing the way from to to 1. a day,- says Gus, "nor was Johnny, The 'game is played in Australia, In ' - The Tosts People who live out of doors summer menced once. The new Quarters t., Two , of heaviest winners on but fed fishes. We were - s i .the season, and, at are to'be.",on ;hand the the Strapp the BATTUES rainy notwithstanding va- players expected' !.- OF RING and winter and properly ventilate were considered last year, but for ;,' C Braves' was J. O'Brien, a for- given- a reception at the docks !. ithe air is ofteii 'raw;1 the sky threaten- promptly at S o'clock. v victory grand their bouses 'suffer - more rious reasons, chief mer's amateur now in Yankees met little from ' and the' diamonds the con- among thembe rider, but a race Sydney when all the - dn - - ing muddy, ing that Tale had no victory on tte track" and J. us, hundreds of peo- 1807 John Gully defeated...,.'':.Bob Greg- colds winter- than they do in sum- tests scheduled among the clubs In, the GREATEST plunger, Frank Keeney, including Sydney, 36 "mer. One seldom cold from nor- A river, the plan was postponed. The JOHN L., a man in amuse ple.' are a fine lot of son in rounds at Newmarket, Eng. takes various divisions means ,ot which interested various They people . ' by success ; new ' Say-lo- r,' A London v wrote this descrip mal exerctee in the open air. Colds on the players are ranked in skill, are this .year made fine OF THE SULLIVAN ment enterprises in' Brooklyn. Their and. treated us splendid. Clabby, reporter are - clubhouse desirable.. It is to be far tion of the finish: 'The two bleeding the other hand readily traced from carried out with enthusiasm. ; ' 56 TODAY winnings were credited to range from Bronson, McGoorty, Lichtenstein, one ahead of anything of the kind on the CLAN, IS $10,000 to O'Brien stated to and in fact, all the home boys were warriors rolled about the ring like a person to another through, house- $20,000. - oc- the builders until on hand. saw Saylor-Mor- ey couple of drunken men, unable to reach holds, Bohools, factories and often river, having spring friends that he had won $10,000, an. I the 1 to at. . -- one another or in- . a blow, the cur crowded assem- complete The Sullivans what family! men who know said that he bout and thought a draw would have put after attending; ' Keeney - both The bulling will be 60 feet long. 'Yankee" Sullivan, "Jack Twin" and had won at least $20,000. Tom Shaw, been" right, but Saylor was not in rounds finishing by 'them rolling blies. built partly over the river. Beside Mike Twin" Sullivan, Dave, "Spike," one of the heaviest, operators on the shape and did not fight up to his speed. down together. Still Gully was thought "What then to the remdy? We can- the boat room, which funs the entire Jim and "Montana Dan" i Sullivan; Saylor made a wonderful hit over here. to have .the best' of it, and.t finally not destroy all the countless germs or . turf when open betting rings were In ' length of the building . and contains Owen Sullivan of "Brook- This Is a too. Grif lmidst the wildest excitement, in the everyone who has a cold. Australia, won $10,000 on the Braves. Morey good boy, 36-t- quarantine suitable appliances for river work, and also Dick operation, fith will beat him, also saw round brought the contest to an This is not necessary.' If we keep our- be lyn Tommy" Sullivan, Honest John Kelly and George. M. though. I on which COLUMN there will a big entrance hall, with and 'Harry, and scores oc outers Cohan were among- the winners. Eddy MoGoorty beat Les CDonnell, a end by a blow the throat selves in vigorous health, clean, and rooms, rooms, sleep- . of clever fellow. . be .called on to sent Gregspn to the ground senseless. but not to we sitting dressing fighters, all! But the greatest the I may warmly, ' heavily clad, ing rooms, closets and a 'draw- one name meet Mr. Corbett,- - Poor Bob where' he had fallen, and i We course, room. large clan, the whose and fame McGoorty. the sport somelay recov candefy germs. may," of ing The building will be two of time as writer, treated all of us and he it Was minutes before he take cold ocasionally, but we . will will go down the corridors grand - ' stories and the exterior very , hand- long as men's veins hold red blood, wants to be remembered to his Ameri- ered consciousness. Gully had Just throw it off quickly.. Leairn to live some. is John' L. To that ancient gladiator can friends. Regards to all the boys enough strength left to Jump in the and" sleep as much as possible in the AUTOMOBILE GLOVES a; 6ft lid to from both Griffiths and " air with Joy at the welcome sound of was the the sporting world takes its 0WLING. myself. " openair. Fifty years ago lt MANN th am or then collapsed." Gully a. con- OF BRAVES WAS day, the fifty-six- anniversary 'of his I Just in receipt a letter from victory1 ,and popular belief that person with - -- and the follow- DRESS GLOVES ONCE SOLD FOR birth.- John I,,: particular com- London in which Mr. Dyer, the .box- Gregson fought again sumption- should not be exposed to $300 al4 ing oritlo tells me the National Sport- insr year, and: Gully won a clear vic cold now we know bination of name and initial will ' ' air, that cold, fresh - (Park City Alleys.) Club has decided not to tory, becoming champion of England. ; WORKING GLOVES ways stand for the embodied spirit of South Norwalk. ing begin 1S85 air is the only cure and foul air its Les Mann, the Boston Brave who hand-to-ha- nd Jack Britton (William Breslin) fistic 'battle, of combat. 95- - 83 100 278 their shows at the usual time .and ' cause. What will cure consumption won the for Boston Satur- Roberts N. Y. - game last may not open again until the war ends. lightweight," born at Clinton,' will ' not Bath- with a In driv- He is the last 'of the "bruisers," that Armstrong .... 81 92 97 r 280 1888 harm a healthy man, day single the ninth, . hard-drinki- ng He also mentions Bandsman Johnny Creeley (Sam Schartz) Deal home was hearty, virile, breed Miley ...... 103 81 103 287 that born in Rouman ing and exercise increase bodily vigor ing from third, sold Hebrew . of now - Blake, the middleweight, who fought '' feathwieght, the action of the skin about four ago for $300.: man which is but a memory. Raymond 71 90 ;88 244 ian ; '..v. by promoting years 87- - Bombardier Wells, and others, was the elimination waste He was then playing1 outfield for We have plenty of boxers today, but Murray 75 78 240 1891 English and the of material. prize-fighte- rs, first of the boxers to be wounded In Billy Ladbury, fly avoid Jve JaycoxKebberCo, . more do pri- Therefore, to taking cold the Nebraska in "the old jio jwho ' . born in London. ' 1042 St. City cjub meval in Few of us 425 424 470 France and has been Invalided home. weight champion, should body In such excel- Main Head Cannon St, Mink of towns in battle the open. 1329 j keep the league composed - He is recovering and will leave again will southwestern Nebraska. : Mann was regret the change. Most of us are Bridgeport. 1910 -- Ketchel was shot and lent condition that lt resist the are 81 111 for the front soon. Private Braddock, Stanley invasion of germs- - and we should fielding beautifully and hitting ;way firmly convinced that modern ways H. Washing 90 282 wounded by Walter A. Dip-le- y ' . do- the welterweight, and Bandsman Rice, mortally . as in other 98 87 29'l avoid infection as far as possible." ever .300. the best, in fistiana Warner ...... 106 are at Conway, Mo. .The great mid- ' . Hi., we ...... middleweight, both at the front in received . '.JOHN &. HIKPUV At the close of the season he was mains. Yet we honor John as Grindrod 88 82 95 265 was a Pole, and By mortality reports there t Ostend and the Oise river dleweight champion tJ-I- T or 77 100 respectively. -- were 1,494 of C i A II r R T S to Seattle in exchange for $300, honor the ancient landmark, any Houlihan 101 278 - he was buried in the Polish cemetery deaths during the month W5S of Peterson 98 107 96 801 Many other boxers are scattered This was 103 less than in Made , to Measure the dralt price at that' time, but the hoary relic the past. the war zone. Football, near Grand Rapids, Mich., his native September. - deal was Between fifteenth of October in throughout and 74 more than In September TTp made before the draft aea( that' both and city. His real name was Stanislaus August ?gO Matn Street Stairs 1858 was in Boston 450 498 amateur pofesslonal, will be last 143 more than the eon LFegim. man it maae gooa on tne when he born and 4691417 stopped in England this winter, ac- Kiecal, and this appears on the mon- year, averaga coast and was sold to Buffalo, where this birthday John has lived much to Mr. ument which has been erected to per number, of deaths during September T H E F A U he his . is now Park cording Dyer. five ST continued classy fielding and and fast. Hea a comfortably (Washington' Alleys.) petuate his memory. It is built of for the years preceding. - ' v, Peanuts. ' .. hard slugging and was grabbed by plump old farmer interested in chick- Benny Leonard, a 183 whom "Vermont granite and marble and is The death rate as expressed- at an NEWtlOPESED the Boston Nationals. , ens and such like, and as Dave Musante ...91 90 98 279 pounder, six inches and annual rate one thousand esti- -. and pigs twelve feet, in 'height per t- EXCKTiTiKNT? CUUsLN H ; v .- Billy 'Gibson has unearthed, is being In the big league the Mink leaguer temperate in his habits as any mem- Fritz Musante - 88 90 79 257 boosted to the front. The looks eight; by six at the base. The me mated was 14.6 for the large towns, for - . 81 boy 3 7. BEST CABARET ;! kept up Ws fast 'fielding, rolling up a ber of the W. C. T. TJ. Tet there Petrino ...... '94 94 .'275 to have some class and Mr. Gibson Is mortal cost $5,000 and was erected by the email towns 41. o the whole formidable bunch of assists from the was when John Us. Dondero ...... 102 86 85 273 ' R. P. Dickerson of Mo.i. a state 14.0. r a time thirst kept - sure he has a he Springfield, 28-4- Mollinelli 89 84 87- coming champ. If life-lo- ng 2 ELM STREET outfield and generally has massacred the distilleries of Peoria and Kentucky 260 can go the friend of the family. The left hand , but his overtime. Now he lectures through present gauntlet death of Ketchel left the middleweight to . inability working - 464 447 443 of lightweights such as Charlie White, SHEA'S HOTEL slaughter the righthanders kept on temperance before T. M. C A. aud- 1344 Tommy Murphy and others, he will title vacant. Billy Papke claimed the his batting record low. tells them with de- Dewey's Pete. but he was defeated by Cy VIRELLI CAPTURES Plan. iences, and great . i . 90 85 76 sure stand a swell chance against honor, S44-S4-European Stallings has kept him out of the from Tony 251 clone Tohnny 'Thompson. Since then 6 Mu in Street. tail, gleaned personal experi- M. Palmer 90 89 Champion Freddy Welsh. Shea. .Prop.-- " 3. W: game lately except when a port side ence, why should stay off the ...... 90 269 All talk about Al McCoy; George Chip, Frank Klaus, 7ack Linley, Mgr. they 75 ' the Jack Britton and ; Telephone ' 8028 -- 5. twirler was working. hard stuff. And John L. Gerry 90 87 252 Dan Is bunk. Eddie McGoorty, Jack Dillon, ,. Mike GREENWICH SLAYER . speaks by 81 71 Morgan splitting Jack Saturday Mann justified Stallings' the book, for it was not . many Fuzzy 95 247 is Daniel's care Gibbons and about two dozen others .' years under and the latter e - EXCELSIOR' AUTO CYCLES faith in his ability to swat the offer was, flat on his Dewey ...... 100 120 93 317 have claimed-th- title.- ago that he back, with has him booked for several engage- : 15 ings of the left hand men by 185 8- - John L. Sullivan, former Greenwich, Oct. Paodo "Valentin!, An Ideal Investment for a Tonne Man two in five getting John Barleycorn astraddle his buzzum ' 431 456 440 ments. Leach Cross is booked up for ' held for the murder of Pastore . singles times up off Mr. .good-nig- ht 1827 champion, born in, Boa Joseph BDKKOOGHS...3 :. to him the several, a match with Char- heavyweight - . . Flank, an average of .400. ready give including ton. ' on September 9, by Coroner John J. r,tn frnto Street. Bridgeport. punch. John L. wriggled out and lie White in Chicago, and Harlem was since out. FACTORY LEAGUE. is also billed two 1901 Kid Carter. kn6cked out Joe Phelan, arrested in Antwerp, N. then he has stayed (Arcade V Tommy Murphy for i 7th "San Y., by State Policeman Frank Virelli, ARREST JACK DILLON The Alleys.) , Walcott round at Francis HIioos for All Members of the Family old pugilist has a quaint and American Chain Co. or three bouts during the next six co. last night. Valentin! and Pastore de- weeks. Pas-tore- BOSTON SHOE FOR FAKING FIGHT philosophy which is Hall 86 . 91 90 267 over a and while 's STORE cidedly, mossy, .but none leas in- , Kid Lewis, the English 1902 Abe Attell defeated Aurelio quarreled dog, - the Palmer 104 90 86 280 lightweight, Herrera in 20 rounds at Otkland, CtL wife held his arms, Valentini 138 StAIK STREET.. ' Is here from The kid won' fct. Louis, Oct. 1 5. Jack Dillon, teresting. "Vandervort .... 96 92 114 -- 302 Aupstralia. fired two bullets in his body, killing l'oirs.JTheatrp Building. of "Son, if you want , to make good in 103 81 73 the featherweight championship of him Valentini fled. claimant the middleweight chain this world .let the booez alone. Kearney 257 before he went to. BOB' HARMON, PIRATE Instantly. pionship, his, manager, Sam Marbur-ger- .' Yss, Dickson ..... 95 124 90 309 England Australia, CrATO BATK I5ARRER SHOP an' let women alone until you want to and holds the Lord Lonsdale title belt 27 TODAY POINTS INTEREST. BAKBERS NO and his second, Robert Stolker, - which he with him. He TWIRLER, OF riVB WAITDTQ get married.-' Work hard at the job 484 478 453 carries is a V I I.I.Li.W . ! all of Indianapolis, were arrested here 1415 man rec- MctOMBS a you're on, no matter what it is, and - American Co. fine looking young and his who B. H. Dillon & Co:, 1105 Main street, J05 Main St..over Douglas' Shoe Store last night after bout between Dilloii a on t tne rooi Graphophone ord In the antipodes surely stamps him "Bob" Harmon, twirled this !. M. . BELLWOOU. M. C. 1. and George "Knockout" Brown which get notion tnat you Wargo 86 87 91 264 year for the Pirates, will pass his are headquarters for untrimmed and 1052-- 4 want to so to college. Collegres are Morton ... . . 91 78 81 as high class. His defeat of McCoy, Flione Utcensed Chiropodist was stopped in the 4 th round Ref- ' 250 milestone today. Bob trimmed millinery, shirt waists, silk by no good. There's too much Reed 73 80- - Mehegan and Shugrue proves his abil- twenty.seventh Adv. eree Randan, who declared society. ,.101 254 was born In Liberal, . Mo., the village petticoat and cloth coats. " the fight- too much thinkinr, in this and Verrelle 85 108 83 ity. He Is after Willie Ritchie and AUTO TRUCK ers were merely stalling. The bout world, 276 Charlie White and will demand once, famous as the headquarters of not workin'.' An Kerr 93 104 114 a . . ' was scheduled for 10 enough plain - keep ...... 311 the of America. He Fresh Sea Food. tons distance and city E- - rounds. The trio out of . match with Freddy "Welsh for the title spiritualists got moving. from - politics." j his baseball in haddock Indianapolis were arrested at As for the ladies of 456 450 when they return to England, which start Morenoi, Arizona, Fresh shore and market rnr!on parties, general tracking. the request of the of the the modern type, 4491855 will not be and also played with Porthland, Ore. cod, harbor blues, steak cod. Block ts. manager especially the suffragists, John U. Game tonight Crane Co. vs. "Wa- probably till after the before li. VVakelee, Phone 420. club at which the fight was staged. rner Bros. Co. war. His actions in the gym look and Shreveport, Lt., he broke island swordfish, steak pollock, opened, The police declared would hold says: ; Indeed and into the with St. round clams, salt mackeral, red and Dillon they "I'm against 'em dead against 'em. good if he appears in the He and his manager and second If are married haven't AMATEUR FOOTBALL. west or middle west there is no doubt Louis fiv.e years ago. remained pink Alaska salmon, cocktail blues, for investigation by the chief of police they they got about his a big hit. with the Cardinals until the close of white steak halibut, silver salmon, any children, and half the time they making 1913 when he was to today. Throughout the bout the fight- Stillman Jrs. 70 to 75 Jack Curley and Tom Jones, assist- the season, traded opened long clams and oysters, kip- ers were hissed ain't married. Bachelor girls huh! challenge any ed the Pirates. smoked had-di- e. by the crowd for their that's my idea of nothin" to be. lb team in the any af- by Bob "Vernon, are endeavoring pered herrings, Pinnan lack of . We're city Saturday to Johnson into weakfish live lompsoD- aggressiveness. g'oiiji' to have race suicide in coun- ternoon at Old Mill Green. Austin get Jack a match fresh eels, prawn, this with Jess Willard. Vernon has de- COLLEGE FOOTBALL flukes, "clams, scroded cod, lit- -: - C'-.t- sure as a Crescent frying head-iquarte- ns try, black man loves corn Chippies, Tiger .Jrs., .'ractlce LJmited to Men 'Policeman Fitzgerald of Jrs., posited $10,000 for forfeit and they tit necks and live lobsters, bluepoints. his left so bread and chicken. Know why we're preferred. are after bids. The team in injured seriously groin' to have it? Cause the ladies want writer notified The Cornell emerged from the large oysters shell, round clams, 112 MAIN STREET yesterday by stepping in a hole at The Mohican Reserves Mr. Curley, et al, that a real offer Carlisle game in good prysical shape. salt cod middles, whole salt cod, ail 5 ''--7- to keep a stylish figure. challenge - .t-- - North avenue and It's getting is authorized from were not of canned fish. Meat: Main street that he so that if a man wants a he's the Blue Ribbons, Tip Top Jrs., or certain parties in There a few bruises, but an kinds fresh, pone 1 j Un n. was to go off , family, Australia to the been Public Iftidiort. obliged duty. It was got to his wife a of any 70 or 80 pound team in. the city promote battle, an injury has reported. chops. Bridgeport Market and shortly after midnight when "the acci- buy plaster paris a October offer of $50,000 purse, for the two men. Branch, State, Bank and East Main; cast, so she won't lose for game Sunday 25, at . - dent was . her shape. Details are came Phones. reported.. Dr. William H. ed Woods. withheld, however, until Dartmouth through against street. "Gimme the girl, like Beach's Hansen the star play- the two men for- was to e Curley of the emergency ren- sign up and post a Williams and made feel uneasy Cfflt-- . hospital I used to know when a ev- er, will play Sunday. Hours: dered surgical aid. youngster, feit to go through with the matcn. more than once during the game. ;' Honey bees have ruined the prai-- i Daily 9 a. m. to S p. rn. ery time. But the young men' ain't Baker, the Australian in Westchester V - Snowy promot- crop County. N. .uiit!ay.4 19 n. m. to a p.. f much better, at that. Too much ed- T Union Made Custom Snits B . er, is anxious to the back Switzerland's for Because of the flow", Buy Now French & Dutch Bulbs ucation, booze an fellows. TRY bring title postal receipts Aug. long drought the being good IjYFOHD BROTHERS BUY to the white race and will go limit were $426,9.78, a decline of $557,218 from ers wilted t-- " JOHN RECK & SON ' the and the bees attacked What they need' is work," Y East Side and. West X to do so. Hugh D. .Mcintosh, who Aug 1913. grape crop.