· Vol. VI., No. 4 SEPTEMBER, 1938 Price One Cent Open Letter Catholics Explains CW CW Editor , EASY ESSAYS / by To Browder Must Help Stand on PETER MAURIN Back From By Editors Refugees Use of Force Dear Brother . Browder: And when did we see thee a Rev. Dear Father: Nova Scotia Beyond Stran,.er and took ·thee in'l;-Amen You are ·one of many priests and As rank and file lay Catholics, laymen who have written to us vitally interested in the reconstruc­ I say to you, as. Ion&' as you did it one of these niy least brethren; you .of the Catholic Worker these past Speaks-of Steel ! • : MarxisDI tion of the contemporary social -dis.­ two ·years . on the stand we have order, w~ welcome your "Message to did · it to me. From 'taken in: the Spanish conftict. Many Catholic8." We,. too, are interested . Ge~e:ny, ~ :from .~ustria , times we pave been misquoted, or Workers, I. U.S.S.R in eliminating falsehood and bitter­ sentences from articles or . public .. . ness between Catholics and · Com­ speeches have· be.en ta.ken from their Mine. Workers. · 1. The U .S.S.R. means munists and placing all discussions context and distorted, and our the Union of Socialist on the plane of Christian brother­ friends. have written \JS with , pain Soviet Republics. hood and . In doing so, botli that our attitude should seem to be ·- DAY AFTER DAY 2. There is no Communism parties are then fulfilling several of at variance with that of Catholic 1n Soviet Russia. the spiritual works of m~r-cy: "in­ leaders. There are all sorts of odds and 3. According to Karl Marx structing the· ignorant" and "a