Published by Authority

Vol. LX, No. 90 , | (Bist DECEMBER, 1982 a . | Price 30c | | 7 7 7 -9 | General Notice 1161 of 1982, | Route 1— ROAD MOTOR TRANSPORTATION ACT [CHAPTER . . 262] (a) depart, Zvamatobwe Monday and Tuesday 6 am.,- yp _ . arrive 9.55 a.m; : Applications in Connexion with Road Service ermits _—_ (0) depart Zvamatobwe Wednesday and Friday 6 am, arrive 12.45 p.m.; é r IN terms of subsection (4) of section 7 of the Road Motor : * , Transportation ©) Faepsape, Monday and Tuesday Act (Chapter. 262], notice is. beteby given that 1.30 pam., arrive | the applications’ detailed in : . / the Schedule, for the issue or ‘ | © (G) depart Harare amendment of road service permits, have been received Thursday 8.50 am., arrive Zvamatobwe consideration for the 3.20 p.m; of the Controller of Road Motor Transportation. : . (2) depart Harare Friday 5.30 p.m., Any person wishing to object to any such application arrive Zvamatobwe lodge with the must | . 12 midnight. Controller of Road’ Motor * Transportation, Route 2— P.O. Box 8332, Causeway— = : . . / (a) a’notice, : : . in writing, of his intention to abject, so as to reach @) Gopart Zvamatobwe Saturday 6 am., the Controller’s office not later ithan ‘the 2ist arrive Rusape January, 1983; and 2 am.; . « ' (6) depart Chivhu (b) Sunday 9 am., arrive Rusape 3.15 p.m.: _ ‘his objection and the grounds therefor, on form R.M.T. 24, together _ (©) depart Rusape Saturday 1.30 pm., with two copies thereof, so as to reach the arrive Chivhu © 7.30 pm.; . Fautroller’S office not later’ than the Ith] February, . (d@) depart Rusape 4.30 pam., arrive Zvamatobwe 7.10 p.m. Any person objecting to an application for, the issue amendment or 7 “Atte of a road service permit must confine his grounds of objection to matters directly Express Motorways Africa (Central) Ltd. bearing on the considerations 0/228/82. Permit: 14057. . referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) or|(B| of section Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: ~ 8 of the said Act. 37. . " Route 1: Throughout . aww, ' G. 1. A. DONALDSON,es R & aad 3 1-12-82. oute 2: To operate on an “as and required”+ 199 basis: Controller of Road Motor Transportation. carriage for the of schoolchildren to and from South African schools s : , on three consecutive | CHEDULE days at the beginning and end of each : school term. : a MOTOR-OMNIBUSES Amendments . Route 3: Harare - - Conditions: Chirundu. S. and E, Mukadah. oo R i - wo Ronte hn | | ggO/FoltH82. fPermit:it: 19596. tOr- i , 4 ity: i f o r advertised Motor. omnibus. Passenger-capacity: a) organizedfor private hire or charter and for advertis tours, provided that no stage-carriage serviceor - Route 1: Enkeldoorn - Marondamashanu - Manyene munal Com- 8 operated on any route; Land - Tamba Store — Gamanya - Mazvatemhaka - . . iNbarira Communal (b) no private hire or charter or any organized tour Land - Unyetu - Masasa - Zyamatobwe - be operated shall Chikwezvero - ‘Wedza Township - Matsine under authority of this permit during the School - St. times for which a scheduled stage-carriage service is ‘Anne’s - Zvidende - Matsika - Gunda - Rusape. authorized in termsof this permit. ' By: Deletion of the existing route and routes, sulistitution of new By: Route 35 . : (a) deletion of the existing _ . Route 1: Zvamatobwe - days and times of operation and Wedza ‘District Commissidner - St. substitution of operations * Anne’s Mission - Matsika as scheduled below; - Rusape-- - Harare. (b) increase Route 2: Chivhu in frequencies; - Marondamashanu - Masasa 4 Zvama- (c) tobwe - Wedza ‘increase in fares. ‘ Matsika - ‘Rusape.District Commissioner --St. Anne’s: Mission - The service operates as follows— a ' The service operates as follows—- , Route 3— ~ (a) depart Chivhu Tuesday to Saturday 4.20 a.m., arrive Rusape 10.10 a.m.; (a)' depart Harare Friday 7 am., arrive Chirundu 1.20 pm; ° (b) depart Chivhu Sunday at 1 pm, arrive Rusape 7.20 |.” (b) gepart Harare Sunday 11.30 p.m.3 oo am., arrive Chirundu . U P.M; (c) depart Rusape Monday to Saturday 1.30 a.m » arrive : : (c) depart Chirundu Monday 2 p.m., arrive Harare Chivhu' 7.55 p.m.. /p.00.; 8.30 The services to operate as follows— , ’ (d) depart - Chirundu Priday 7 p.m., arrive Harare 4.15 arrive Rusape 9.55am.; — a.m. | Zyvamatobwe 5.10 p.m.: Routes 1 and 2: No change. B 1200 ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GA\ZETTE, 31st DECEMBER, 1982

The service operates as follows— (c). deletion of the portion Route 3— of route from Mutoko to Makaha and substitution of Mutoko - Mudzonga - Mazoro’ @) depart - Harare Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 8.30 dze - Gwanza - Musanhi - Nyakuchena - Katsande - ™., arrive Chirundn 5.05 p.m.; Makaha turn-off - Midzi Village; . (b) depart alterdtion to times; Chirundu Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday @ - 11.30 am., arrive Harare 5.05 p.m. ; yp © increase in fares; * (© deletion J. Zikhalo of Route2. andSons (Pvt) Ltd. ‘ The services operate as follows— 65 0/387/82. Permit: 12582. Motor-omnibus, Passenger-capacity: Route j— b oO . ++ (a) depart Haraye Tuesday 8 am., arrive Route: ~ Essexvale Midzi 8 p.m; - Mawabeni - Senka - Filabusj - (b) depart Mutcko Thursday Sibasa - Lubuze - Avoca - Dekesi 4 p.m., arrive Midzi 8 p.m; _ School- Doro Store. (c) Condition: depart Mutdito Friday 12 noon, arrive Makosa 3 p.m.; On the outward journey, the same ‘passenger not be picked shall - (d) depart Hardre ‘Saturday 11.30 am.,, arrive up and set down before , and, on Midzi . ‘the return journey on Tuesday, Thursday F p.m; passengers and Sunday, no (e) shall be picked up between Filabus] and Bulawayo, depart Harare Sunday 6 p.m., arrive Midzi 1.15 a.m.: both points inclusive, @ depart Midzi Monday 6 am., arrive Harare 2 p.m; By: Extension of route (g) depart Midzi from Doro Store - Mangaba - Wenezi - Wednesday and Friday 6 am., arrive Chingezi School - Rupange School - Pamushana, Mutoko 10.15 am.;_ . ‘ The service operates as follows— (h) depart Makosa Friday 3 ‘p.m., arrive Harare 9.45 p.m.; (a) depart @) depart Bulawayo Monday and Wednesday 9 a.m.; Midzi Sunday 9 am., arrive Harare 5.30 p.m, Doro arrive Store 3.30 p.m.; Route 2—_ . : ; (b) depart Bulawayo-Friday (@) 6 p.m., arrive Doro Store 12.20 depart Shumba Farm.Thursday 8 a.m., arrive Mutoko. a.m; ams , (c) depart (b) Bulawayo Saturday 1 pm., arrive Doro Store depart Mutoko Wednesday 11.45 a.m., arrive Shumba 7.30 tp.m.s Farm 1.45 p.m. (d)' depart The service Bulawayo. Sunday 6 p.m., arrive Hiatshwayo 11.30 to operate as follows— ‘p.m.3 | (a) depart Harare daily except Sunday 12.30 © p-m., arrive depart Hlatshwayo Monday 12.50 a.m., arrive Bulawayo Midzi 6 p.m.; . sO . 30 a.m; | (b) depart Harare Sunday 2 p.m., arrive Midzi 7.30 pm; (f) depart Doro Store Tuesday and Thursday 7.50 am., (c) depart Midzi daily except Sunday 5 a.m., arrive Harare arrive Bulawayo 2.30 p.m.; : 10.25 am.; (g) depart Doro Store 1 (@@) Saturday 3.50 anL, arrive Bulawayo depart Midzi Sunday 8 a.m., artive Harare 1.25 p.m. 9 am.; / (hb) depart Doro Store Sunday 10.40 am., arrive Bulawayo * D. Mpepu (Pvt) Ltd. ‘p.1n, 40 /498/82. Permit 22391. Motor-omnibus. 0. Passenger-capacity: The service to operate as follows— Route 1: ‘(@) depart Bulawayo Monday Bere Township - Mashaba - Gath’s Mine - Teme- and Wednesday 9 am, | xaire - King Mine. artive Pamushana 7.35 p-OL$ . Route 2: Bere Township (b) depart Bulawayo Friday 6 pm., arrive Pamushana - Mashaba - Boss Mine. am.; 2.25 By : Routes (c) depart Bulawayo Saturday 1 p.m., arrive Pamushaaa 1 and 2: Alteration to times. 8.58 ‘p.m. Route 2: Extension of route from Boss Mine - Mashaba (d) ‘Mandamabwe - depart Bulawayo Sunday 6 piam., arrive Hiatshwayo - Mukotosi School - Vuranda Business 11.30 p.m: - Centre - Badza Business Centre - Chigwigwi Business (e) Centre - Madzivadondo Business depart Pamushana Tuesday and Thursday 5.10 am; Centre ~ Zvishavane. os arrive Bulawayo 2.30 p.m.; he services operate as follows— (f) depart Route i— Hlatshwayo Monday 12.50 a.m., arrive Bulawayo . ; : 6.30 a.m.; (a) depart Bere Township daily 5.30 am., 7.20 a.m: 3.20 and (g) depart Pamushana Saturday 3.32 am., arrive Bulawayo p.m., arrive King Mine 6.10 am., 8 a.m. and 10.am.; ° 4 p.m., respectively;- (b) (h) depart Pamushana Sunday: 8.58 am., arrive depart.King Mine daily 6.20 ‘a.m., 8.20 a.m. Bulawayo 4.10 p.m., and 3 am. arrive Bere Township 7 am., 9 am. and 4.50 p.m., respectively. T. G. Rouie 2— Mari. “ ; , Gi409 (a) depart 182. Permit: 23496. Motor-omnibus. Passenger Bere Township daily 11.10 a.m: and 6 p-m., 5. capacity: arrive Boss Mine 11.30 a.m. and 6.20 p.m. respectively; | Route: Harare (b) depart Boss Mine - Wellesley - Banket - Chinhoyi - Lion’s Den - daily 12.10 pm. and 6.30 D-T, | Karoi - Makuti - Chirundu. arrive 1.10 p.m. and 6.50 pim., respectively.. By: Alteration The services to route kilometres. > to operate as follows— ‘ The service operates as follows— Route 1— , (a) (a) depart Harare Tuesday depart Bere Township daily 5.30 a.m., 7.20 a.m., and Thursday 7.30 am., arrive and 4 p.m. 8.20 p.m., arrive King Mine 6.10 am., 8 am, Chinhoyi 1 -p.m.; 4.40 p.m. and 9 pm., respectively; ' b) depart Chirundu Monday, Wednesday and Friday (b) depart a.m., 11.55 King Mine 6.20 am., 8 a.m., 4.40 p.m. and arrive Harare 6 p.m. : i" 9.20' p.m., arrive Bere Township 7 am., 8.40 a.m., 3.20 p.m. and 10 p.m., respectively. Kumuka Bus Service (Pvt.) Lid. ‘Route 2— . egoM1ON82. Permit: 17567. Motor-omnibus. (a) Passenger-capacity: depart Bere Township daily 9 a.m., arrive Zvishavane 11.30.a.m.3 ; Route J: Harare - Murewa - Nyadiri - Rippling Waters (b) depart Zvishavane daily 2 p.m., Mutoko - - arrive Bere Township Kaunye School - Rukau Township - Mshimbo 4.30 p.m. eo Township - Rukau Township - Saga Store - Kapondoro Sasa - e Store - Makosa Township - Makaha- Midzi Village. United Bus Services Ltd, Route 2: Shumba 4035182. Farm - Guys Cliffe - Mount’ Tamar tur- Permit: 18990. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: off - Geluk - Selous Nek turn-off - Mutoko. - By: Route 1— Area: Throughout Zimbabwe, {a) extension Condition: For private of the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday hire or charter and for advertised or services from Mutoko to Harare: organized tours, provided that no Stage-carriage pperated on service js (b) increase in frequencies; any route. Ail private hires to commence within an 80-kilometre radius of the post office, Karoi

AY et The ' The By— ’ Route --Route


Route 790 Route ~ 2Msebo

“By: _ ' Fort The «schoolchildren. aconveyance


Condition: 16 (a) N. Route: service

The By: (b) - days (a) _ | Mission.


: ‘Route . i ‘Route |) i(b) _

‘(b) , ‘between Chief’s

Kraal (e)


(d) (©) (bo)

Route (a) O/573/82.


2a Chinhoyi






(c) (6)

(b) (c) services Route

depart service arrive (a)




(c) Route service deletion ‘ 4: 3: (ii)

depart Victoria

~ _ pin. depart 1: 2: (i) a.m.3 introduction at

Mutare; depart depart

5 cheke extension

~ depart

arrive 6 depart Clinic depart am.,


depart depart depart Rusape Rusape

To Friday

arrive depart

Harare 7.29 depart

depart Kazangarare

11.20 Hotel 2— Matibi

p.m. Dip a.m., ~-




depart 10.25 depart increase


day to 2— alteration Fort Fort Kraal operates Danga Fert 1— Chiduku

Fort Permit: operates operate No

operate to i

to Permit:

arrive - -

of pm.


- 5.25 Matibi of Danga Rusape Mushonganeburi


arrive Fort Mushonganeburi

Fort a.m.; and

Marondera Fort

Mutare Banket

Mutare operate operate p.m. Zunga Danga Victoria Victoria -

Victoria Shamrocke

Danga Harare

and Harare

Shamrocke Rusape

- Harare Victoria 2.50 12.25 to picking - Routes persons -

of Harare School. Mwanezana Mutsika Matibi

in of Inyazura a.m., Zunga pam.; as

and - Fort as

route Victoria 14320. of Victoria as to : and as


Sunday 23071.

. frequencies.


p.m. new

Schodl Sunday

follows— ,

p.m; -

and daily -

School ne

Mission follows— 11.50


Wednesday as times; follows— week-end


2 arrive


Friday Darwendale

and Suhday Corner Friday 9.15 Harare. Victoria

up connected Wednesday Mission -

- . follows— Monday

ftom follows— Mission. and ~


Victoria 5


Route .: : |

‘School Motor-omnibts.

when : ; .


. " Mine Tokwe : 7


Motor-omnibus. Mine

i. /

- a.m.; 4 and

end 7 pm; Saturday daily Mission

Fort 11.30 Friday 3; Marahwa

Monday - Harare

pm, am.,. Rusape

- 3

Hill Monday,

Chizumba Hill

6 Store ;


2 9.55 Ngundu

of 2: .

services Tuesday,

setting p.m.,

. -"Nenga daily Mission - Victoria


and jGrange p.m, and with


a.m, 11.15 ZIMBABWEAN

a , Grange

Charamba Shamrocke each

arrive - .

4.30 arrive


p.m.; Tuesday

am., ~ and


Wednesday 12.35'p.m.; Nyabira -

2 Saturday

except - arrive


, Wednesday,



. arrive school Nyazure .


arrive am; down p.m. Sunday on school Halt

oe p.m; Thursday

from Tuesday, Chinemibiti 2.45


Saturday! Passenger-capacity: - Danga arrive



Rusape Passenger-capacity:

- - , Wednesday three - ;

| Shamrocke Sunday Lundi

Chibi. Chibi)

Store and

. . .


; p.m;



- Mine of e

Danga Danga Rusape activities |

G Triangle 1

term - 7

| Harare. Lion’s - RI consecutive

‘School pm., 1


3330 :



| t |


| |

| passengers 2. a°m., |

if i

Thursday, !



| Victoria

| | | |


- 2130 T

Mission, Clinic


10 | 6

ape |

| |


for |

| i

RNMENT 30 'Chiduku

‘School ursday


. Mando- p.m, School

p-m., arrive atibi 8.30 -


Den Satur-


' a.m.;


, Mine and

Old p.m., the Ma- 6.40

. .

- , - - i j

- : - ,


. , N.

The By—


Route Roitte



The By— E.

O12 Route Kumuka

The By—




(@) .

(b) 01654182.


Chikwakwa %

Mission '


(d)- (©) (b)





(a) (a) Macheke




(a2) (c)


(a) (b) ‘Makaha (@)


(b) down



(a) S. (b)

0/652/82. (c)




School; deletion


Mbhakwe depart Msabaeka.

depart arrive

depart depart arrive

arrive depart arrive


alteration 2: depart depart

1: 31sy

9.05 depart


2.35) depdrt Thursday,

1. p.m; depart

645 depart

alteration Thursday

Friday increase

removal Harare; 12

Muchira depart depart

depart Mhakwe [82 extension

depart depart




depart Mission


1: rice

‘p.m; between Mutare






~ - p.m.;

Permit: Harare



operate - to




Melsetter The

operates to Permit:

Harare Victoria

Harare Harare

Mutare Mutare Rukau

Harare Marondera Harare



Mutare Permit


Mhakwe Mutare

Muchira Harare

of Rwenya


Fort Harare



Melsetter Muchira


Muchira Rwenya

in operate


and and to

of in






portion of

to -


and Harare



times.’ Riverside condition


Business as




services Victoria

Township as 9.30

24178. Monday,

times; Monday, 9.30

2 substitution as

Friday Saturday 2 Victoria


18425, a.m.




follows— Tuesday,


- as






follows— daily

(Pvt) Mission:


School 1982

follows— River

1.25 Melsetter

: River


Biriwiri River




Thursday ec




follows— —





Harare. Store and Motor-omnibus. Motor-omnibus.

5.30 from.


Passenger-capacity: route between












11.40 Mission


9.30 - Sunday




- Monday,






; 3.45

.. arrive p.m., am.,







Centre of





Murewa a.m.,











am.,.arrive Melsetter



5.30 not



. arrive


: Sunday



Friday -



Sunday Ndima






Rusape arrive




Saturday arrive



be - Passenger-capacity:



p.m., Nyadiri Passenger-capacity:

points “




Sunday ;


Saturday picked

Harare Saturday

and Nyadirt








9 -


64. Rwenya

arrive Rwenya










- and






. Wednesday,



Biriwiri :

- Township



, up







Friday 10






arrive River







am; River

am, a.m.,

a.m., River

p.m. arrive

am., 12.30








- -




r (©) depart Mhakwe School Saturday 12 noon, arrive . Muchira (6) ‘depart Plumtree daily 1.30 p.m., arrive Ndolwane 3.03 Business Centre 4,45 p.m.3 * (f) depart P.m1.5 . Mhakwe. School 1.40 pm., arrive Muchira. (d) depart Ndolwane Business Centre 5.50 p.m 6 p.m., arrive Plumtree 7.33 p.m. Route 2— Route 2— (€) (a) depart Plumtree daily 7.40 depart Melsetter 10 am., arrive Chikwakwa 10.3 a.m., Ramakwebana; 0 a.m; - (b)- depart Ramakwebana daily 8.10 a.m., arrive Plumtree (b) 8.10 am, depart Mutsvangwa School Wednesday 7 p.m., arrive - Chikwakwa 9,30 a.m; , + Rusununguko Bus Service (Pvt.) Ltd. (c) depart. Chikwakwa School Tuesday and Wednesday 0/1349/82, Motor-omnibus. Passenger-ca'pacity: 11.25 a.m., arrive Mutsvangwa School 1.55 p.m; 76. (d) Route 1: Harare - Beatrice - Featherstone depart Chikwakwa School Thursday 11.25 a.m.; arrive - Chivhu - Mvuma - Melsetter 11.55 a:m. Guta turn-off '~ Fort Victoria - Batts Station - Maringire - Negundu Halt - Nyajéna turn-off - Triangle - Hippo Valley The services to operate - as foliows— - Grain Marketing Board ~ Stockil Farm - Sabi Route 1— Bridge - Chisumbanje. (a) depart Mutsvangwa The service to operate as School Wednesday and Thursday 4. follows— , 7 am., arrive Chikwakwa (a) School 10 am.; i depart Harare Monday and Wednesday 7 a.m., arrive {b) depart Melsetter Tuesday 9,30 a.m., arrive Chikwakwa Chisumbanje 6.10 pm3- , " School 10 am; (b) depart Harare Friday 5 a.m., arrive Chisumbanje 4.55 (¢) depart Mutsvangwa School Monday 7 am., arrive. ‘p.m; : Melsetter 9 a.m; (c) . depart Fort Victoria Saturday 1 p-m., arrive Chisumba- (d) depart nje-6.45 p.m; Mutsangwa School Sunday 8 am., arrive : Melsetter 10 a.m.; (d) depart Chisumbanje Tuesday and Thursday 5 am., (e) depart arrive Harare Chikiwakwa School Tuesday and Wednesday 3.55 p.m; : . ll am., (e) artive Mutsvangwa School 1.45 pm.; depart Chisumbanje Satirday 5 a.m, arrive Fort Victoria ) depart Chikwakwa School Thursday 11 10.25 a.m.s j am, arrive ion ‘Melsetter ) 12 noon: : depart Chisumbanje Sunday 6 a.m., arrive Harare 5.40 (p.m. . (g) depart Melsetter Saturday 2 p.m., arrive Mutsvangwa School 3 p.m.; ' Additionals (h) depart Melsetter Sunday 3 p.am., arrive Mutsvangwa K. and S. Bus School 3 p.m; Service (Pvt.) Lid. , , 0/413/82. Route 2— Motor-omnibus, ~Passenger-capacity: 76. ; Route: Harare (a) depart Muchira - Marondera - Headlands - Rusape - Mutare - Business Centre Friday and Saturday Mupadzi Bridge 6.45 am., arrive Chikwakwa - Melsetter Junction - Cashel - Nhedziwa - School 11.10 am.; Chiramba - Nhedziwa (b) depart Muchira - Chagamifi School - Biriwiri - Business Centre Tuesday 6.45 am} Mhakwe - Biriwiri - Skyline - Melsetter. arzive Melsetter 9 a.m.: * -The service to operate as follows— _ (c) depart Melsetter Sunday : 10.30 a.m., arrive Chikwakwd | (@) depart Harare Monday, School 12.10 p.m.; . Thursday and Saturday 8 a.m., . arrive “Melsetter 8.20 (d) depart Melsetter Monday p.m.; and Thursday 12 noon (b) depart Melsetter Tuesday arrive Muchira Business Centre 2.30 and Friday 6 am, arrive p.m, Harare 6pm; __ fe) depart Chikwakwa School Friday 11.25 am., arrive. (ce) depart Melsetter Sunday 11 a.m., arrive Muchira Business Centre 3,30 POL; © Harare 7.30 p.m. () depart Chikwakwa Schoool Saturday 11.40 a.m. Zimbabwe Omnibus and Touring t Melsetter arrive Co. Ltd. 1.40 p.m; . . 0/509/82, Motor-omnibus, (g) Passenger-capacity: 16. | depart Chikwakwa School Sunday 12.40 p.m., Route . Meisetter 2.40 arrive 1: Zvishavane - Aretti - Umtshingwe - Mberengwa p.m. ~ Coster Store, Gwanhungwi - Chomunyaka - Mnene - Mwembe School - Z. Maplanka. Schoo] - Mudzidzi. - Route 2: Zvyishavane ~ Dron Field - Lundi Bridge - Kin 96 149/82. Permit 23511. Motor-omnibus, turn-off - Madzivadondo Slaet Passenger-capacity: - Mandamabwe- Tokwe - Mshaya, Condition: To operate 3 Route 1: Plumtree as and when required, - Tegwani Mission - South Nata Council -

Chief Zimbabwe i Mpini. Omnibus and Touring Company Ltd, Route 2: Plumtree - Minnduluka . Of510/82, Township - Zinyama. | Motor-omnibus, Passenger-capacity: 76, By— Route 1: Zvishayane ‘ - Sabi River - St. Edward’s School - Route I— . Gwengambe - Zungwi - Buchwa Mine, Route Extension of route from Chief Mpini - Mpangana 2: Zvishavane - Zeederberg’s Blocks - Dadaya Chombayi Dam - burn - Wedza - Bannogk- - Malukanye - Tanda - Ndolwane. - Rusvinge - Sivanga - Mapanzure - Muzo- ndiwa. SO Route 2— | a ‘ (a) Plumtree Condition: To operate as ‘and -.Mtunduluka Township - Zimnyama ~- when required, makwebana; Ra- United Bus Service Ltd, (b) alteration -to times. 490 38/82. Permit: 19006. Motor-omnibus, Passenger-capacity: The services operate as follows— (a) depart Plumtree Route daily 6 am., arrive Chief Mpini 6.25 1; Shamrocke Mine - Mandaza - Kazangire a.m.; Kazangare - Miami turn-off - - Corner Store - Chidzurgwe’ - Karol. (0) depart Chief Route Mpini daily 6.30 am., arrive Plumtree 2: Shamrocke Mine - Mandaza - Chengwena 6.55 am.; ; _ Karisi Camp - . - Chibara dip -. piri - Miami - Corner (©) depart Chidzurgwe Store - Plumtree daily 9 am., arrive Chief Mpini 9.25 - Karoj. ; oo, ams By: Extension of routes from Karoi - Lions ‘Den - Chinhoyi (d) depart Chief ‘Banket - Darwendale - Mpini 9.30 am., arrive Plumtree 9.55 am; | - Nyabira - Harare, , (e) The depart Plumtree 11.30 a.m., arrive 11.55 am.; services operate as follows— , () Route depart Chief Mpini 12 noon, arrive Plumtree 12.25 1— . . (8) depart pms | (2) .. Plumtree 12.30 p.m., arrive Chief Mpini 2.55 depart Shamrocke Mine Tuesday, Thursday p.m.; | Saturday and (h) depart Chief Mpini 3 pm, arrive 6.30 a.m., arrive Karoi 9.30 a.m.; Plumtree 3.25 p.m. (b) Theservices to operate as follows— depart Karoi Tuesday, Thursday and . B.m., Saturday 3,30 Route 1— arrive Shamrocke Mine 6.10 p.m... ’ . Route (a) depart 2—~ : . Plumitree daily 8.40 am., arrive Ndolwane - (a) 10.13 a.m.; | depart Shamrocke Mine Monday, Wednesday, : : and Sunday Friday (b) depart Ndolwane 6.30 am., arrive Karoi 9.30 a.m.; 10.30 am., arrive Plumtree 42.03 |, (b) depart p-m.3 Karoi Monday and Friday 3.30 p.m., arrive, u Shamrocke Mine 6.30 p.m;

* Sato || | ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 31sr DECEMBER, 1982 1203 : = ' (c) depart Karoi Wednesday 6 pm, arrive| Shamrocke _ G/402/82, Permit: 14976, Goods-vehicle, Load: Mine 9pm; Lj grams, 4800 kilo- (d) depart ‘ . / Karoji Sunday 5 p.m., arrive Shanizorke Mine Area: p.m. Within a 10-kilometre radius of the post office, Maro- ndera, - Theservices to operate as follows— =o . Nature of carriage: Goods, wares and merchigigltse Route 1— =: of all kinds, co By— . (a) depart Harare Tuesday and Thursday oe : 2.30 \p.., arrive (a) extension of the existing Shamrocke Mine 9,25 2.03 area of operation to “Within a 20-kilometre radius of the post office, Marondera,”: (b) depart Harare Saturday 1 p.m., 755 pm. arrive Shamrocke Mine (6) Increase in load to 7 000 kilograms, nt Condition: Route 2— , For the collection from that point and. delivery L that point of goods to (a) depart Shamrocke to be carried, or which have been carried, Mine Monday, Wednesday and on the conipany’s recognized Friday 4.55 trunk services from and to a.m., arrive Harare 12.35 p.m; Marondera, . (b) depart Shamrocke Mine Sunday 6.55 aml, arrive |- * Harare 2,35 p.m.; i lr G/403/82. Permit: 18045, Goods-vehicle. Load: 10900 kilo- (c) depart Harare Sunday 3 p.m, arrive Shamtdcke Mine grams, : 10.25 p.m. | ; Area: Within an 80-kilometre radius of the post office, Rusape. Kumuka Bus Nature of carriage: Service (Pvt.) Ltd., , | Goods, wares and merchandise of ali kinds. 0/605/82, | Motor-omnibus, Passenger-capacity: 76. Condition: There shall be no picking up and | Same setting down’ of the Route: Harare - Marondera goods alongtheline ofrail. - Macheke - Rusape ~ Inyanga - 2 Troutbeck Inn - Peter’s Farm,.- ~ By: Deletion of the Mutema - Grosdale School - existing area of operation and substitution Tombo Business Centre of “Within Mashonaland - Bete - Nyamhanda Business East and Manicaland provinces, | Centre - Kute River andCharter - Semanyika Kraal - Reginah | Coelj - district,”, Mugore Township - Kambudzi dip - Munembe - Ruwangwe (Elim Mission). ; G/404/82, Permit: 17008. Goods-vehicle. Load: 17000 The service to operate grams.: idilo- as follows— | ~ , : (a) depart Harare Tuesday, Thursday Area: Within an 80-kilometre and Saturday | 8 a.m., radius of the post office, Maro- arrive Ruwangwe (Elim Mission) 3.35 p.m.; | ndera, -) (b) depart Harare Sunday Nature of carriage: 4 p.m, arrive Ruwangwe (lim Goods, wares and merchandise ofall Kinds. Mission) 12.45 a.m.; Conditions— : | | - {c) depart Ruwangwe (Eli Mission) Monday, Wec inesday (@) the vehicle shall only and enter Harare with tobacco, Friday 6 p.m., arrive Harare 4.15 am;) perishables, | fi timber, fire-wood, livestock and grain. (d) depart Ruwangwe (Elim Mission) Sunday (b} 5 am. arrive no goods shall be loaded in Harare for delivery - Harare 3.15 p.m. destinations to on the line of rail, and no goods picked up shall be . GOODS-VEHICLES on the line of rail for delivery to another ’ point on the Jine Amendments Dc of rail, By: Deletion Brown’s Transport (Pvt.) of the existing area of operation and substitution Ltd., of “Within Mashonaland Bast and Manicaland provinces, G/399/82. Permit: 20094. Goods-vehicles, Load: 5000 Kilo- aud Charter district,”’, - ' Area: Within a 16-kilometre radius of the post office, Rusape. -G/401/82, Permit: 13808, Goods-vehicle. Load: 12000 Kilo-’ Nature of carriage:Goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds, grams, By— Areas [| Within an 80-kilometre tadius of the post office, (a) extension ndera, Maro- of the existing area of operation to Within a - : 20-kilometre radius of the post office, Rusape; Natureof carriage: Goodswares -(b) increase and merchandise of all kinds, in load to 10000 kilograms, By: Deletion of the existing area of operation of and substitution “Within Mashonaland East and Manicaland provinces, 43/400/82. Permit: 15 809. Goéods-vehicle, Load: 270) kilo- and charter district,”, grams, i . | ows — Area: Within a 10-kilometre radius of* the post office, Maro- -G/A10/82. Permit: 18406. Goods-vehicle, Load: j __ndera, | fo grams, 6500 Kilo- Nature of carriage; Goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds. Area: Within an 80-kilometre By— radius of the post office, Rusape. ‘ Nature of carriage: Goods, (a} introduction wares and merchandise of all kinds, of an additional area of operation, namely, By— Arzea 2: “Within a 20-kilometre radius of the :General @) deletion Post Office, Harare.”’; / - of the existing area of operation and substitution . - of “Within Mashonaland-Bast (b) increase in Joad to 7 000 and Manicaland provinces, kilograms, : and Charter district,”; Condition: Area 2: For the collection and delivery of goods | (b) increase in Joad to 10 000 kilograms, which are to be carried, or which have been carried;-on the- company’s recognized trunk service vehicles only, G/413/82. Permit: 18466, Goods-vehicle, Load: 13700 kilo- G/483/82. Permit: 18465. Goods-vehicle. Load: 5 500 kilo- grams. grams, : Area: Within an 80-kilometre radius of the post officé, Maro- Area: Within an 80-kilometre radius of the post office, ndera, . ndera, Maro-— ‘Nature ; of carriage: Building and road-construction materials. Nature of carriage: Building and road-construction materials. Condition: No goods shall be picked up on theline Condition: No goods. shall delivery of rail for be picked up on the ‘Tine of rail to another point on the line of rail, and, in’ this for delivery to another point on condition, the line of rail, and, in this anywhere in the Harare Municipality shall be condition, anywhere in the Harare Municipality jshall be deemed to be on the line of rail: provided deemed that the route to be on theline of rail: provided that the route from from Theydon to Marondera shall be deemed Theydon not to be along to Marondera shall be deemed nat to be along the the line of rail for the purposes ofthis permit. ‘line of rail for purpose of this permit. ./ By— By— (a) deletion of the existing area of operation and substitution introduction of (a) an additiorial area of operation] namely of “Within Mashonaland East and Manicaland provinces Area 2: “Within a 20-kilometre radius of the post office, and Charter district.”: ; Harare.”; . . _(b} increase in load to 20 000 kilograms: (b) deletion of the existing nature of carriage and sub- (c) change in "stitution of “Goods, mature of carriage to “Goods, wares and wares and merchandise of all|kinds.”; merchandise of all kinds.”, (c) increase in load to 7 000 kilograms, Condition: Area 2: For the collection: and delivery of goods G/414/82. Permit: 14975. Goods-vehicle. which Load: 14200 Kilo- are to becarried, or whichhave been carnied. on the grams. : company’s recognized trunk service vehicles only. Route: Mari Farm - Soswe Communal Land -- Marondera. 1 1204 ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 31sT DECEMBER, 1982

Route: Mari Farm - Igava Farm - Marondera, - ° Route 3: Throughout Zimbabwe. Route: Within an 80-kilometre radius of the post Route 4: Marondera.. office, Colleen Bawn'- Bulawayo - Plumtree, » Nature of Nature of carriage: carriage: Goods, wares and merchandiseofall kinds. Route 3: Goods, wares and merchandise By— - of all kinds, (a) deletion Route 4: Building materials. of the’ existing area of operation and substitution of “Within Mashonaland East and ‘Manicaland provinces, and Charter G/447/82. Permit: 21116. Goods-vehicle. district.”: . 1 Load: 30000 kilo- (6) increase inload. to 20 000 kilograms. : Route: Eiffel Flats - Empress Mine.- . 4 G/418/82. Permit:- 18177. Goods-vehicle. Load: 12900 Kilo Nature of carriage: Mineral ores, concentrates and mining ffams, - - requirements, under 1 contract to Rio Tinto (Zimbabwe) Ltd. Area: Within an 80-kilometre radius of the post office, By: Introduction of new routes: Nature Rusape, of carriage: Goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds. Route 2: Throughout Zimbabwe. By: Deletion of theexisting area of operation and ‘Route 3: Colleen ’ substitution Bawn - Bulawayo - Plumtree. of “Within Mashonaland East and. Manicaland provinces Charter district.”, and Nature of carriage— : Route 2: Goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds, for G/420/82. Permit: and ‘on behalf of 17034, Goods-vehicle. Load: 13700 kilo- Rio Tinto Mining (Zimbabwe) Ltd. grams. - ' _ Route 3: Building materials. Area: Within an 80-kilometre radius of the post office, ndera. Mato- Biddulphs Removals and Storage (1981) (Pvt.) Ltd. Nature of carriage: Goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds. G/1003/82. Permit: 14636. Two goods-vehicles. Load: 9 100 Conditions: kilograms. : - (a) the vehicle shall only enter Harare with Route 1: Within an 80-kilometre radius of ables, tobacco, perish- the General Post timber, fire-wood, livestock and grain: Office, Harare. . , (b) No oods Route shail ‘be loaded in Harare for delivery toia 2: Within an 80-kilometre radius of the General Post destination Office, on the line of rail, and no goods shall be Bulawayo. ° ‘ Picked up on the line of rail. “Nature of carriage— * By: Deletion of the existing area of operation and substitution Route 1: Goods, warés and merchandise ofall kinds. of “Within Mashonaland East and Manicaland provinces and Charter Route 2: Office and household furniture and effects. district.”, : By: Route 2: Deletion of the existing nature of G/422/82. Permit: carriage. 14529, Goods-vehicle, Load: 12800 kilo- grams. . 1 G/1 004/82. Permit: 16688. Goods-vehicles. Load: 7 300 kilo- Area: Within an 80-kilometre radius of the post grams. ndera. office, Mard- : . 4 Area 1: Within a Nature 24-kilometre radius of the General Post of carriage: ‘Goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds. Office, Bulawayo. : By: Deletion of the existing area of operation and Area 2: Within an 80-kilometre radius of substitution of the General Post “Within Mashonaland East and Manicaland provinces Office, Bulawayo. oo, and Charter district”, | Nature of carriage— ‘ G/424/82. Area 1: Goods, wares Permit: 16429A. Goods-vehicle, Load:.17 100 kilo- and merchandise of all kinds, grams. Area 2: Office and household furniture and effects. Area: Within an 80-kilometre By: Deletion of radius of the post office, Maro. Route i and the nature of Carriage in Route 2. ndera. , Nature of carriage: G/1005/82, Permit: 1710. Goods-vehicle. Load: 23 000 kilo- (a) cattle; grams. (b) ‘Area 1: Within goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds. a 24-kilometre radius of the General Post Condition: Office, Bulawayo, There shall be no picking up orsetting down of the same goods Area 2: Within along ‘the line of rail. This condition relates to an 80-kilometre radius of the General Post paragraph(a) of the natureofcarriage. % Office, Bulawayo. By— . \ Nature of carriage— (a) deletion Area- of the existing area of operation and substitution 1: Goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds. of “Within Mashonaland East and Manicaland.provinces, Route 2: Office and household furniture and Charter district.”; andeffects. By: Deletion of Route 1 and the nature of carriage (b) increase in Joad to 30 000 kilograms. in Route 2. Commercial Transport Coley Hall Transport (Pvt) Ltd. - te (Pvt.) Ltd., . G/1006/82. Permit: G/444/82, Permit: 21115. Goods-vehicles. 23862. Goods-vehicle. Load: 30000 kilo- Load: 25 000 kilo- grams. . grams. Ft ‘ : Route Route: Eiffel Flats - Empress Mine, 1: Mutare - Harare - Bulawayo. ‘Nature of carriage— Nature of carriage: Mineral ores, concentrates and : requirements, mining! Products under contract to Rio Tinto (Zimbabwe) Ltd. and requirements of the timber industry. By: Introduction of new routes— By: Introduction of additional nature of carriage, and namely, “Tins Route 2: Throughout Zimbabwe, packaging materials on the return -journey.”. Route 3: Colleen Bawn - Bulawayo- Plumiree, Nature of carriage— - Brooms’ Transport (Pvt) Ltd.- 'G/1067/82. Route 2: Goods, wares Permit: 6544, Goods-vehicle. Load: and merchandise ofall kinds, for and grams, 28 400 kilo- on behalf of Rio Tinto Mining (Zimbabwe) Lid. . : Route 1: Within Route 3: Building materials. an 80-kilometre radius of the post office, Chinhoyi. : G/445, Route 2: Within and. 446/82. Permits: 17376 and 17511. Two goods- Umboe Rural Council area, vehicles.Load: 30 000 kilograms Route 3: each. Within Umboe Rural Council area, with access Route Cotton to the 1: To and from Empress Nickel Mining Company and Marketing Board gin. at Banket, Cam and. Motor Mine. Nature. of carriage—_ - . Route 2: To and , - from the companies’ mining claims in Route 1: Lime, lime flux and crushed Gatooma andQue Quedistricts. stone, under contract . - to Alaska Dolomite (Pvt.) Ltd. Nature of carriage: Ores, concentrates, tesidues, stores, mining Route 2: Goods, wares and materials, equipment, machinery merchandise of all kinds. and explosives, under Route 3: Cotton. contract to Rio Tinto (Zimbabwe) Ltd. * By: Route1: Deletion By: Introduction of new routes: of the existing nature of carriage and substitution of “Goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds.”. & : ‘ . : | ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 31st DeEcEMBER, 1982 | 1205 Zimbabwe + United Freight Co. Ltd.—Swift Division, G/1070/82. Goods-vehicle. G/935 and G/950/82. Two goods-vehicles. Load: 500 kilograms. | grams. Load: 30000 kilo- - ‘Area: Within a 16-kilometre . radius of the post office; Mutare. "Area: Within a 300-kilometre radius Nature of carriage: Goods, wares and ofthe General Post Office, destined merchan lise of all kinds Harare. for, or emanating from, the of Wankie. administrative district Natureof carriage: Goods, | wares aud merchandise of all kinds. Condition: This permit is to be based. on. Wankie. Nyamutamba Transport (Pvt) Ltd. By: Increase inJoad, G/968/82. Goods-vehicle. Load: 25 000 kilograms. Heins . Area: Within Motor and Diese] Engineering Gokwe and Kana communal Jands, Compahy (Pvt.) Ltd. to Que Que and with access ‘G/185 to 198/82. Permits: ,: 16814, 16849, 18950, 19956, 19957, Nature of carriage: 20061, 20062, 20063, 20064, 20065, 20066, Goods, wares and merchandise Fourteen 20067, and 20068. of all kinds. trailers. Load: 25 000 kilograms st ‘G/970/82. Area: Shall be Goods-vehicle. Load: 25 000 kilograms, the same as in the road se ice permits in __ respect of the vehicles _ Area: Within an 80-kilometre radius towing the trailers. - Darwin, of the post office, Mount Nature with access io Harare, of carriage: Shall be the same ermits as in the road service Nature of carriage: Goods, in respect of the vehicles towing the trailers. wares and merchandise of all kinds, By— ——- G/971/82. (a) Goods-vehicle. Load: 25000 conversion of the trailer permits to goods-vehicle kilograms. permits; Area: ‘Within an 80-kilometre (b) introduction of route: Tadius of the post - Chirundu; uesue Karoi and Sipolilo, offices, (c) nature of carriage: with access to. Harare and Goods, wares and merchandise of all e Que. kinds, Nature of carriage: Goods, . ; | wares and merchandise of all kinds. Additionals ; : G/972/82. T.L. S. Preston. Goods-vehicle. Load 25 000 kilograms. . | Area: Within an 80-kilometre radius G/552/82. Trailer. Load: 6 000 kilograms, with of the post Office, Gutu, access to Fort Victoria and Harare, Route 1: Mine - Muchibwa - Chiredzi, ‘Nature of carriage: Route Goods, wares and merchandise 2: Renco Mine - Muchibwa - Fort Victoria, of all kinds. Route 3: Renco J. J, Mine -. Muchibwa - Foxt Victoria - Hatare. Swanepoel (Pvt.) Ltd. ‘Nature of carriage: Agricultura] produce ". 'G/987/82. Goods-vehicle. building and requirements, Load: 16 000 kilograms. materials, stores and Inining supplies. Area: Within a 100-kilometre radius of Maravanani * Zowa purchase area. School, Birch and Molloy (Pvt.) Ltd. . Nature of carriage: G/884/82 Agricultural produce and Goods-vehicle. Load 31 300 kilograms. | requirements, Area: Within a 500-kilometre radius of the post off ce, Lomagundi Harvesters (Pvt) With access Que Que, Ltd, to Beitbridge. G/1071 to 1074/82. Nature Four goods-vehicles. Load: of carriage: Abnormal or indivisible loads. kilograms each. 35 000 ‘Area: Throughout Zimbabwe, John Bishop (Africa) (Pvt) Ltd. Nature of carriage: Fuel, | G/905-909/82. Five goods-vehicles, Load: eac 35000 kilograms TAXI-CABS Area/Route 1: Throughout Zimbabwe. _Amendments Nature of carriage: Agricultural produce and requirements, L. Kwangwart. TX/202/82, J. Chandisarewa Permit: 23070. Taxi-cab. Passenger-capacity: and R. and N. Nyamurundira. os Area: Within 4, a 10-kilometre radius of the post G/910/82. Goods-vehicle. Load: 20 000 kilograms, Victoria. office, Fort Area: Within Inyanga, Zimbiti, St. Surthons, _Matizi, Sawu- Condition: The vehicle to stand nyama, Nyamaropa, Holdenby, for hire at the general hospital Mutasa North, Mutasa South, parking-area, Fort Victoria, only. Manyika and Manga communal 80-kilometre lands which, lie within an By: Deletion of the existingarea radius of the post office, Inyanga; Tsonzo of “The of operation and substitution purchase land vehicle to stand for hire at any and commercial land in the Inyanga district; within authorized taxi-rank with access the area under the jurisdiction of to Rusape and Mutare. Lo Municipality. the Fort Victoria Area 2: As . for Area 1, save for access-place, which is Harare, Nature of carriage: Area 1: Goods, wares and merchandise. SM. Chakabva, _ . allkinds. of TX/334/82. Permit: 16316. Area 2: Agricultural Taxi-cab. Passenger capacity: 3. produce of a perishable nature and subject Area 1: Within ' to a speedy decay. a 24-kilometre radius of the town manager’s office, Kambuzuma Township. G/911/82, Trailer, Condition: The vehicle Load: 10 000 kilograms.. — to stand for hire at Kambuzuma Town- Areas 1 and. 2: Shall be the same ship only. as in the road service permit By: Deletion in respect of the vehicle towing thetrailer. of the existing area of operation and substitution ‘Nature of carriage: of— Area 1: Goods, wares and merchandise of 3 all kinds. (a) “Within : . a 40-kilometre radius of the General Post ‘Area 2: Agricultural Harare.”?; - Office, produce of a perishable nature 4nd subject to speedy decay. , (b) the vehicle to stand for hire at any authorized taxi-rank _ Within’ the area under the jurisdiction I. E. Power (Pvt.) Ltd. . Municipality.”. of the Harare , G/925/82, Trailer, Load: 10000 kilograms, Area: Shall be the same as in the roadservice permit Amendments _ of in respect the vehicle towing the trailer, W. T. Kumbula, | . Nature of carriage: Goods, wares TX/230/82. and merchandise of all kings. Taxi-cab, Passenger-capacity: 5, Area: G/926/82. Goods-vehicle. Within a 40-kilometre radius of the General Load: 10 000 kilograms, arate. Post Office, Area: Within a 120-kilometre radius of the post office, Bikita. Condition: The vehicle to stand for Nature of carriage: Goods, hire at Malvern shopping warés and merchandise ofall kinds. centre, Waterfalls, Harare, only. T. E. Enterprises (Pvt.) Ltd, \ : L. Bhebe. G/938 to 949/82. and 959/82. Thirteen goods-vehicles. Load: TX/298/82. 8 C09 kilograms each. Taxi-cab, Passenger-capacity: 3. Area/Route Area: Within a 40-kilometre radius 1: Within a 300-kilometre radius of thé General of the General Post ‘Office, Post Office, Harare. . Harare. : Condition: The vehicle to Nature of carriage: Goods, wares and merchandise stand for hire at Mbare bus-terminus of all kinds. only. , : 7 . «1206 ZIMBABWEAN’ GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 31st DECEMBER, 1982

L. Masamba. “ (b) the TX/338/82. Taxi-cab, Passenger-capacity: Ministry of Lands, Resettlement and Rural Develop- ' 3, b ment to the ' Area: Within a 40-kilometre Honourable S. Mumbengegwi, M.P., for the radius of the Magunje period from . Centre, Karoi, Business the 20th December, 1982, to the 19th : . January, 1983; and Condition: The vehicle . to stand for hire at Magunje Bottle (c) the Ministry of Agriculture Store, Karoi, only. to the Honourable S. HL S, “ Makoni, M.P., for the period January, from the Ist to the 31st A. Chikuwa. 1983, : ‘during oO TX/339/82. the absence on leave of the respective Ministers Taxi-cab. Passenger-capacity: 3. ‘whom the said Ministries to Area: Within a are normally assigned. 40-kilometre radius of the General Post Office, Harare, . 8S. J. GALLOWAY, Condition: 31-12-82, ActingSecretary The vehicle to stand for hire to the Cabinet, ° centre at Braeside shopping only. General C. M. Chimbani. Notice 1163 of 1982, / TX/353/82. Taxi-cab, INDUSTRIAL Passenger capacity: 3, CONCILIATIONACT [CHAPTER 267] Area: Within a 40-kKilometre tadius Bulawayo, of the Geheral Post Office, ; Notice of Intention to Cancel Condition: the Registration of an Eniployers’ The vehicle to stand for hire at Entumbane Road, Organization F. Mandishona. : , I.MARK’ EDWARD FREEMANTLE, TX/354/82. Registrar, Deputy Industrial ‘Taxi-cab, Passenger-capacity: 3, hereby give notice, in terms of section subsection (2). of Area: Within a 40-kilometre 57 of the Industrial Conciliation Act [Chapter radius of the General Post Office, after 267], that, . Harare. the expiration of14 days from the date of this notice, publication of Condition: The vehicle the registration of the Gwelo “Commercial to stand for hire at.Warren Park, only. Employers’ Association ‘will, unless cause is shown to the J. M. Mangwiro. contrary, be cancelled, TX/363/82. Taxi-cab, M. E. FREEMANTLE, Passenger-capacity: 4, 31-12-82, Deputy Area: Within Industrial Registrar. a 40-kilometre radius of the post office, ,. Seke, : . 3 Condition: General Notice 1164 The vehicle to stand for hire at Mutsvairo of 1982. Po, club only. Night- " INSURANCE ACT [CHAPTER 196] A. Chinyemba. TX/364/82. Taxi-cab. Registration of an Insurer Passenger-capacity: 4, . Area: Within a 40-kilometre radius of the post office, Mhangura. IT is hereby notified, Condition: The in terms of section'69 of the Insurance vehicle to stand for hire at any authorized mine Act [Chapter 196], that Afia compound taxi-rank, Insurance Company S.A—N.V.has, Mhangura, only. in, terms of section 7 of the said Act, been insurance registered as an underwriter to carry on fire, accident and L.L. Kakwindi. ; classes of non-life marine business, with effect from the1st July, 1982. TX/365/82. Taxi-cab. Passenger-capacity: 3. Area: Within . a 40-kilometre radius of the post office, Karoi. 31-12-82, Sat A. J. NDUNA, Condition: Registrar of Insurance ‘The vehicle to stand for hire at Urungwe Service Station, Karoi, only. General Notice’ 1165 of 1982, . TRANSFERS “+ CONSTITUTION OF ZIMBABWE Hurungwe Express Motorways (Pvt) Ltd. 0/1356/82. Permit: 18521. Motor-omnibus. Appointment of Acting Minister’ By: Transfer of the permit from Matambanadzo Bus Service (WPyt) IT is hereby Ltd. . notified that His Excellency the President has,

det: n terms of subsection (1) of section 69 of the Constitution E. Karimupfumbi. cimbabwe, assigned of the administration of the Ministry of

Yard) Finance, Economic O/1357/82. Permit: 14217. Motor-omnibus, Planning and Development to the Honour- able O. M. Munyaradzi, M.P., during the absence By: Transfer of the permit from Farayi of on leave Uzumba (vt) Lid. the Honourable B. T. G. Chidzero, M:P., from the 22nd for the period Taxis (Pyt.) Ltd. December, 1982, to the 9th’ January, 1983, TX/305/82. : a S. I. GALLOWAY, By: Transfer 31-12-82, of the permit from E, Lanca & Kariba Taxis (Pvt.) Acting Secretary to the Cabinet. Ltd. O. Takawira. GeneralNotice 1166 of 1982, _ TX/355/82. Permit: 16521, CENSORSHIP AND ENTERTAINMENTS CONTROL By: Transfer ACT of the permit from M. R. da Silva. [CHAPTER 78] N. Shanganya. Declaration. of Undesirable Publications TX/364/82. Permit: 143322. Taxi-cab, By: Transfer of the permit from J. Mafoti and N. Shanganya. IT_ is hereby notified, in terms of subsection’ 12 of the (3) of section Censorship and Entertainments 78], Cohtrol Act [Chapter that the Board of Censors has, in terms General Notice 1162 of 1982. that section, of subsection (1) of . declared that the publications specified Schedule are, in ‘the . CONSTITUTION in the opinion of the board, undesirable OF ZIMBABWE © the meaning of subsection within (2) of section 11 of the Act. - Appointment of ‘Acting Ministers G. J. KINGMA,. 31-12-82, a Chairman, IT Board of Censors. is hereby notified that His Excellency the President has, : in terms of subsection SCHEDULE (1) of section 69 of the Constitution of ' Zimbabwe, assigned . Undesirable the administration of— J Publications Hirschfeld, (a) the Ministry Burt Skandal in Dallas a4 of National Supplies to the Honourable (translated by Edith (a.d.) . -C. Ndlovu, M.P., Walter) ‘ for the period from the 13th to the Parsons, Tony ; .. . Winners and Losers. 31st December, 1982; and Richmond, (1982) Fiona. . from Here to Virginity (1981)

|. | | . ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 317 DECEMBER, 1982 - . 1207 | I ! General 1 Notice 1167 of 1982, | _* General Notice 1170 of 1982. CENSORSHIP AND ENTERTAINMENTS CONTROL ACT RURAL LANDACT [CHAPTER 78] | [CHAPTER 155] Notice of Declaration of Publications as “Undesirable and Prohibited Intention to Cancel Deeds of Transfer ' ‘NOTICE is hereby given that the Minister. of Lands, IT is hereby notified, in terms Resettlement and Rural Development of of subsection’ (3) of section 12 proposes fo direct the the Censorship and Entertainments Registrar of Deeds to cancel the deeds 78], Control: Act [Chapter the Schedule, of transfer described in that the Board of Censors has— in terms of section § of the 2: | [Chapter 155]; Rural Land Act (a) in terms of subsection (1) of that: section, declared the publications specified that }- All persons having any objections in the Schedule are, in the to such cancellations are opinion of the board, undisirable required to lodge the same, in writing, within the meaning of Lands, with the Minister of subsection (2) of section | Resettlement and Rural Development, 11 of the Act; and - Causeway, Private Bag7726, on or before the 7th February, 1983. (b) in terms of ‘subsection (2) of that section, publications declared those to be prohibited. | L. T. CHITSIKE, G. J. KINGMA, Secretary for Lands, Resettlement : 31-12-82. . |. - Chairman, * and Rural Development. 31-12-82, . Board . , of Censors. SCHEDULE i, . 1. Deed of Transfer 3115/50, registered in the name of SCHEDULE Comelius Hermanus Marais, in respect of certain piece of Publications . ‘land, situate in the district of i Melsetter, being the Remain- Moravia, ing Extent of Ostend, Alberto . . . Inzest (original Italian measuring eight hundred and title: |La Vita aa seven comma two thirty- Interiore (1965)... 2)... (4982) > four six six (837,246 6) hectares, St. James, Blakely . 2. Christina’s Hunger. 2 2 | (1977) - Deed of Transfer 671/80, registered in’ the names of Marius Theodorus Steyn, Etienne Jacobsz Steyn and Erina ' Louise Steyn, in respect of certain two pieces of General Notice 1168 of 1982, Situate in the district land, of Melsetter, being the Remaining Extent of Ranchfields hundred and West End, measuring four LIQUOR ACT [CHAPTER and forty-five conima one seven 289] (445,179 8) hectares nine eight and one thousand one hundred and twenty-five comma three Liquor, Licensing nine seven six (1 125,397 6) Board: Interim Meeting: : hectares, respectively. : ‘. .| Correction of General | Notice 1130 of 1982 3. Deed of Transfer 4335/82, registered in the name Agricultural Finance of the | Corporation, in respect of certain IT is hereby two pieces of land, notified, for general information, that the situate in the district of Melsetter, | notification of being Bulls Run and the interim meeting of the Liquor Licensing Honeykloof Estate, measuring nine Board for the Mutare ! hundred and forty comma district, given in Genera Notice 1130 five nine eight one (940,598 59) of 1982, contained a hectares and two thousand two drafting error, in that ‘an item was _ two one hundred and ten comma omitted. four eight (2 210,214 8) hectares, respectively. That notice is “4, Deed of Transfer corrected by the insertion, 6823/70, Tegistered after the following item Gj). of Albany in the name of iten— . i : Kennedy,. in respect of certain piece Z situate of land, “(kk) 4 in the district of Melsetter, -being an application for conditional authority measuring Cronley Estate, issue for the one thousand six hundred and ninety-nine of a bottle liquor licence by MarumeJairos comma nought Nyagura, four four (1 699,044) hectares, to trade as Nyamatsa Bottle Store, premises situate - Deed of at 24032, Dzimbiti, Inyanga, and Transfer 3794/77, registered in the for the applicant to Oscar Welling ndme of be approved as manager.’’, Nielsen, Im respect of ceriain piece land, situate in of the district of Charter, being the Remaining Di EL ALLEN, i Extent of Requeza, measuring . eight hundred comma nought and thirteen 31-12-82, Secretary, : nine one two (813,091 2) hectares, Liquor Licensing Board. oO . Deed of Transfer 4591/81, registered Hermanus in the name of Phillipus Kloppers, in respect of ‘General Notice 1169 land, situate certain piece of of 1982. / | 1 in the district of Makoni, being portion of the Fairfield Farm 7, Estate, measuring six hundred and ninety-four comma three nine seven RURAL LAND ACT [CHAPTER 155] hectares. seven (694,397 7). oy . - Deed of Transfer Notice of Intention to Cancel Deed of Transfer 6543/73, registered in the name of Hermanus Phillipus Kloppers, in respect of land, of certain piece situate inthe district of Makoni, being NOTICE portion of the Farm 8, is hereby given that the Minister Fairfield Estate, measuring nine hundred Resettlement of. Lands, : twenty-nine comma and and Rural Development proposes to ‘direct five six six two (929,566 2) hectares. Registrar of Deeds the ; to cancel the deed of transfer described Deed of Transfer the Schedule, in 1 8. 1299/64, registered in the in terms of section 5 of the Rural Land Ella Coomans, name of [Chapter 155]. Act : in respect of certain piece of ; in the land, situate i district of Melsetter, being Limecliffs, AI - measuring persons having any objections to such two thousand two hundred and seventy-four required cancellation are comma. eight to lodge the same,in writing, with three two (2 274,832) hectares. the - Lands, Resettlement iMinister of and Rural Development; Private Bag 7726, Deeds Causeway, on of Transfer 3554/71 and 2057/75, or before the 7th February,1983. t registered in the name of Mathiam Coetzee, in respect land, of certain piece of situate in the district of Melsetter, being L.T. arrsncE, | measuring N’yambewa, Secretary for Lands, Resettlement nine hundred and seventy-three comma "31-12-82. | , nought fourfive (973,004 nought and Rural Development. i. 5) hectares, ‘ | Deed of + | i Transfer 2057/75, registered f Mathiam in the name of SCHEDULE Coeztee, .in respect of certain piece situate in the of land, ' Deed of Transfer 1085/82, district of Melsetter, being Subdivision registered in the name of the; | of Tambara, measuring A Agricultural: Finance Corporation, eight hundred. and ten comma in respect! of certain} ; eight five nine nine (810,859 _piece of land, situate in the district of Bulalima—Mangwe, 9) hectares, being Wartrail Estate, measuring three thousand and three 41. Deed of Transfer 5005/74, registered comma seven nine Johannes in the -name of four five (3 003,794. 5) hectares. | - | Willem van Tonder, in respect of land, of certain piece * Note.—This notice has been situate in the district of Charter, published previously as General | A being Subdivision Notice 1154 of 1982. of Elminie, Measuring one thousand : | eighty-four comma two hundred and seven seven. three (1 284,773) hectares, -e


12. Deed of Transfer 3449/74, registered in the names of; No ‘tender can be withdrawn or amended during a period of 30 days Johannes Willem van Tonder and Heila Lavina van (or any other period specified in tender documents) from the stated + Tonder, in respect of certain piece of land, situate in the closing-date. district of Charter, being Rooibokfontein, measuring one. ; The Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender, thousand three hundred and twenty-nine comma nine four and reserves the right to select any tender in whole or in part. nine elght (1 329,949 8) hectares, Tenders which are properly addressed to the Government Tender Board in sealed envelopes with the advertised tender number and description 13. Deed of Transfer 742/81, registered in the names of endorsed on the outside are not opened until 2.45 p.m. -on the closing-date. D. G. W. Stewart and R. R. Stewart, in respect of certain piece of land* situate in the district of Melsetier, being Members of the public may attend the opening of tenders on Second Helvetia Floor, Regal Star House, 25, Gordon Avenue, Harare, from 2.45 p.m. of Clydesdale, measuring three hundred and onwards on the date specified. . forty-four comma six two two six (344,622 6) hectares. I. GAMBLE (Mrs.), . Acting Secretary, 14. Deeds of Transfer 5128/72 and 3391/74, Tegistered in the _P.O. Box 8075, Causeway. Government Tender Board. mame of. Jacobus Andries Weeks, in respect of certain piece of land, situate in the district of Melsetter, being Tender Grasslands, measuring one thousand one hundred and number Hwenty-three comma six nought eight nine (1 123,608 9) ectares, Tenders are invited from specialists in maintaining, manufactur- ing, supplying and delivering of the following requirements to 15. Deed of Transfer 2954/75, registered in the name of relevant provinces: . Charles Owen Eager, in respect of certain piece of Jand, Inkomo Barracks ‘ situate in the district of Charter, being Inhoek Farm, . Measuring one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine CON.MD.7/82. Renew steam and condensate line at Inkomo comma four one two three (1 849,412 3) hectares. © Barracks. 140 metres ‘of 32-millimetre condensate return, all to be steam-pipes, all flanges to be B.S.T. “H”, and 16. Deed of Transfer 3569/81, registered in the name of and 65 millimetre globe valve to be fitted for isolating Maria Susanna Cloete, in respect of certain piece of land, that section. situate in the district of , being Echuca Ranch, CON.MD.8/82. Supply and installation of 2 hot-water boilers Measuring three thousand six hundred and sixty-five at Inkomo Barracks. The shell is to be made out of comma one nine three (3 665,193) hectares. 4,75-millimetre plate 1,22 metres long 610-millimetre 17, Deed of Transfer 3569/81, registered in the name of | - diameter: Supply tank is to be 1,674 metres long 610- Maria Susanna Cloete, in respect of certain piece of land, | - millimetre diameter, out of 3-millimetre plate. Both to be lagged and metal-clad. Both boilers are to be fitted with situate in the district of , being Nyamini, measuring' chimney-stacks, two thousand three hundred and five comma nought one | 178-millimetre-by-6,096-metre fire-bars, one four (2 305,011 4) hectares. . fire-bricks and valves. Documents for CON.MD.7/82 and CON.MD.8/82 from 18. Deed of Transfer 1748/76, registered in the pame of P.M.O., Mashonaland Rural, P.O. Box DH 55, High- Ronald Wesley Taylor Cullinan, in respect of certain piece | field, ‘Closing-date, 20-1-83. of land, situate in the district of Gwelo, being Harewood Estate, measuring one thousand nine hundred and seventy- | Oriel Boys'-High School, Mabelreign Girls’ High School and one comma eight four seven three (1 971,847 3) hectares. Marlborough High School 19. CON.MD.9/82. Manufacture and supply of 3 swimming-pool Deed of Transfer 2097/76, registered in the name of gas-chlorinators for the above Johannes Willem van Tonder, in respect of certain piece 3 high schdols. Docu- ments from P.M.O., Mashonaland Central, P.O. Box of land, situate in the district of Charter, being Railway 8082, ‘Causeway. Closing-date, Block of Central Estates, measuring four thousand two 20-1-83. ; hundred and eighty-nine comma five seven eight seven FORN.233. Running tender for steel clothing-lockers for 1 (4 289,578 7) hectares. year. Documents from Secretary, Government Tender Board, P.O, Box 8075, Causeway, or Second Floor, Regat 20. Deed of Transfer 3758/75, registered in the name of | Star House, 25, Gordon Avenue, Harare, Closing-date,. Jan McArthur in respect of certain two pieces of land, 20-1-83, : Lo: situate in the district of Chilimanzi, being the Remaining MET.14/82. Supply of 3 portable pH-meters (battery-operated) Extent. of Cibi and the Remaining Extent of Fairfield, for field-work. Measuring one thousand one hundred and fifty comma one eight one five (1 150,181 5) hectares and one thousand | MET.15/82. Supply of one laboratory p.H-meter (electronic), two hundred and seventy-four comma two five five four | MET.16/82, Supply of 2 bench hot-plates—acid resistant (1 274,255 4) hectares, respectively. (500 millimetres by 350 millimetres), Note.—This notice has been published previously as General MET.17/82. Supply of one water-distilling unit (capacity 50 Notice 1155 of 1982. ~ litres) at 10 litres per hour. - ‘ | MET.18/82. Supply of one top-loading balance (digital) 3 000 grams to 0,01 gram. General Notice 1171 of 1982. Documents for MET.14/82,'to MET.18/82 from Deputy Director, GOVERNMENT TENDER BOARD Department of Metallurgy, P.O. Box $340, Causeway. Closing-date, 20-1-83.

4 16117. Supply and delivery of insectary items: Tenders Invited 1. One diesel-powered slow-revving generator of an output up to 12.kilovolt amperes,

ALL tenders must be submitted to the Secretary, Government Tender 2. Control-panel want Board, P.O. Box 8075, Causeway. from which to distribute the output of the above generator. Tenders must in no circumstances be submitted to departments. 3. Two humidifiers, each to humidify a room of 25 Tenders must be enclosed in sealed envelopes, endorsed on the outside cubic metres to a regulated with the advertised tender number and the description, and must be posted relative humidity of up” in time to be sorted into Post Office Box 8075, Causeway, or delivered by to 85 per cent. hand to the Secretary, Government Tender Board, Second Floor, Regal Star 4. Two air-conditioners, House, 25, Gordon Avenue, Harare, before 2.45 p.m. on the closing-date each to maintain a room. of notified. - . 25 cubic metres to a regulated temperature to be selected in the range of 18 Offers submitted by telegraph, stating clearly therein the name of the / degrees ‘Celsius to 30 tenderer, the service and the amount, must be dispatched in time for degrees Celsius. Outside temperatures at Rekomet- delivery by the Post Office to the Secretary, Government Tender Board, fie can ‘be as high as 44 degrees Celsius. by 2.45 p.m. on the closing-date, and the confirmation tender posted not : later than the closing-time and date. The telegraphic address is ‘“Tenders, Documents from Assistant Director, Tsetse and Trypano- Harare’’, . . i somiasis ‘Control, P.O. Box 8283, Causeway. Closing- Note.——Tenders which are not received by 2.45 p.m. on the closing-date, date, 20-1-83. , whether by hand, by post or by telegraph, will be treated as late INS/DU.17/82. Supply tenders. . : 2 and delivery of laundry services to schools and colleges in Zimbabwe. Period 1-1-83 to If. a deposit is required for tender documents, it will be sefunded on | 31-12-83. Documents from Ministry receipt of a bona fide tender or if the tender documents are returned of National Supplies, complete and unmarked before the closing-date. Room 215, Second Floor, Pocket’s Building, 50, Stanley ‘Avenue, Harare (Private Bag 7742, Causeway). Closing- For supply contracts, the country of manufacture must be stated. When date, 20-1-83. tenders are compared, a degree of preference is deducted from prices ~— tendered for goods manufactured in Zimbabwe. 31-12-82, *.


General Notice 1172 of 1982. RESERVE BANK OF ZIMBABWE ACT [CHAPTER 173) : . > Statement of Assets & . and Liabilities of the Res@We Bank of Zimbabwe

IN terms of section 20 of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act [Chapter Bank of Zimbabwe2s at the 17th December, ] 73], a statement of the assets and liabilities 1982,ig published in the Schedule. of the Reserve *

31-12-82. * B. WALTERS, Secretary to the Treasury, SCHEDULE ‘ STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AS AT THE 17ra DECEMBER, 1982 Liabilities Assets : ) ss | : Capital toe, ° 2.000.000 Gold + General Reserve Fund . © and foreign assets - . = 179985700 Currency 6 000 000 Loans and advances in circulation . . oe 263 441 000 Deposits 296950 632 Internal investments— and otherliabilities to the public . . _ | +. .-. .145 002 616 Other liabilities. 296 745 579 Government stock. 2. 2 2... . 84 073 995 . _ 70 234.205 ~ Other woe, 74.768 411 - Other assets 2 2. . 97 340 890 $685 770 206 $685 770 206

Toa General Notice 1173 of 1982, INSURANCE ACT [CHAPTER 196} ”


Notice is hereby giyen, in accordance with the provisions ofjsection 10 of the Insurance Regulations, 1967, that evidence has been 1967, published in Rhodesiz Government submitted to the insurers whose names and addresses Notice 899 of are mentioned in the Schedule of described opposite thereto, the loss or destruction of‘the Jocal Jife policies , Anyperson in possession of any such policy, or claiming to have anyinterest therein, should communicate insurer, immediately by registered post with the appropriate Failing any such communication, the insurer will issue a correct and certified 1963, copy of the policy in accordance with section : Z . f 51 of the Insurance Act (Chapter

e 31-12-82, © co . _ SCHEDULE 4. J. NDUNA, Registrar ofInsurance,

: Policy- |. Date of Amount =e ‘Name and address of insurer . - number policy insured Life insured Policy-owner

Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society, P.O, { 4546098 (7) | 1.12.75 $5 000 P.A. Young and S.M, Young . Box 852, Harare. . . P. A. Young. 6397f£ South African Mutual Life ~ Assurance Society, 1519267 19.8,59 $8 900 RogerEdward TimothyMacDonald P.O. Box 70, Harare _ William Stuart Mac- 6409F. : / , South African Mutual Life Assurance Society, Donald, 3906427 22.1,82 $10 505 Fanyana Mashoko P.O, Box 70, Harare , Fanyana Mashoko. -6410£ South African Mutual Life Assurance Society, 2627431 4,8.73 $5 000 P.O, Box 70, Kevin Russell Sudbury: Kevin Russell Harare , : : : Sud- . 6422¢ South . African Mutual Life Assurance _ bury. Society, _ 3685017 29.12.80 $8 P.O. Box 70, Harare 000 Emmanuel DodoSithole Emmanuel ' Dodo Si- 6425¢ South African Mutual Life Assurance -thole, Soclety, 2707980 |1.5.74 $2 761 P.O. Box 70, Daniel Peter Hamilton . Daniel Harare . , i Peter Hamil- 6435¢ South African Mutual Life Assurance ton. Society, 2247748 {.11.69 $2982 . P.O. Box 70, Daniel Peter Hamilton . Daniel Harare a f Peter Hamil- 6435¢ South African Mutual : ton. LifeAssurance Society, 2541470 22.1.73 $1 660 Peter Godfrey Cripps . , P.O. Box 70, Harare . 4] Pamela Cripps, 6436f SANLAM, . P.O. Box 2473, Harare +. + 128674X9 1.6.71. $2 000 Alexander W. Austin The Prudential Assurance Co. Ltd., P.O. Alexander W, Austin 6424f Box 10184831 2.74 $4 000 Roy 1083, Harare Joseph Kemp Roy Joseph Kemp. - . 6416£ CHANGE OF NAME | - CHANGE OF NAMB TAKE notice that Singirai Fibion ‘Tichavamweé appeared oo before me on the 17th day of December, 1982, and/| changed his surname from Tichavamwe to Nhowe, so ‘that henceforth TAKE notice heshall, on all occasions, that, onthe 15th day of December, 1982, and for. all purposes, be known as Mabusiso Napa, in her capacity Nhowe,and not Tichavamwe, : as mother and sole guardian ; of Modisa Simon Mafuku (born on the Dated at Harare this 20th day of December, 1982,—Harry 30th J:anuary,: 1979), appeared before me and changed the surnameof Meyer Kantor, notary ‘publicflegal practitioner, antor & child the said minor Immerman, from Mafuki to Napa—M. J. McGoey, legal 67-69, Second Street, Harare, 6441f tioner, c/o Lazarus practi- & Sarif, P.O. Box 484, Bulawayo. 6438f



MISSING PERSONS ACT,1978 APPLICATION FOR COPY OF DEED ‘OF TRANSFER Notice of Application NOTICE is hereby given that I intend to apply for a certified copy of Deed of Transfer WHEREAS 923/65, made in my favour on the an application has been received for 30th November, 1965, whereby certain piece presuming the death an order of land, in extent of Howard Ndhlovu, of St. Philip’s 3,171 acres, being Lot 1 of Plot 6 of Intini of Secondary School, Sipolilo, Douglasdale, Subdivision A of who has disappeared; . situate in the district of Bulawayo, was conveyed, AND WHEREASan inquiry will be All persons claiming Jand Provincial held at the Mashona- to haye any objections to or wishing to Magistrate’s Court at 2.15 p.m. make any representations in connexion 22nd day of February, on -the with, the issue of such 1983: | Copy are required to lodge the same in writing NOW, Registry, at the Deeds ; THEREFORE, any person who— Bulawayo, within 14 days from the date of publication (a) of this notice—Douglas has any information relating to the circumstances Charles Whittington, c/o Webb, Low isappearance of the & Barry, legal practitioners, P.O. of the missing person; or Box 159, Bulawayo. 6437£ (b) can show cause why the missing person 7 presumed should not be to be dead or why his estate placed should not be APPLICATION FORCOPY OF NOTARIAL under an administrator; or LEASE (c) can show that there is no appearance possibility that the dis; of the missing person was caused NOTICEis hereby given that; on behalf of Total activities by - the Pension Zimbabwe of terrorists; or Fund, of P.O. Box 2994, Harare, we intend for a certified to apply (d) wishes to make any other representations copy of Noitarial Lease M.A. 47/73, entered in connexion into between Greystone. with the application; Commercial Centre (Private) Limited and Total Zimbabwe (Private) “should lodge with the Clerk of Limited on the 25th day: of the Mashonaland Provincial January, 1973, in respect of Magistrate’s certain Court, at Harare, such representations piece of land, Situate in on or before in writing the district of Salisbury, called the Remaining the 8th day of February, 1983. 465, Extentof Stand Greystone Township 7, of Lot 1 of Lot A of Dated this 9th day of November, Estate, measuring Borrowdale 1982. 2.989 square metres. : .__G. All persons having objections to, CHIROMBO, representations or wishing to make ‘any Clerk of the Court. in connexion with, the issue - are of such copy hereby required to lodge the same, in 6215131 Registry, writing, at the Deeds Harare, within 14 days from the date of this notice. of publication MISSING Dated © PERSONSACT, 1978 at Harare this 20th day of December,’ Godlonton & 1982.—Gill, Gerrans, legal practitioners for the applicant, P.O. Box 8, Harare, Notice of Application 6440f

WHEREAS an application has been received COMPANIES ACT [CHAPTER190] presuming the for an order death of Caleb Stanley Zuze, of Kudyarawanza _ Kraal, Chikwaka, Goromonzi, who has.disappeared; Application for Licences for Registration AND WHEREASan inquiry will be held of Companies land Provincial at the Mashona- without the Addition of the Word “Limited” Magistrate’s Court at 2.15 pm.-on Ist day of March, 1983: the to their Names NOW, THEREFORE, any person who— t NOTICE (a) has any information relating to the is hereby given that application disappearance circumstances of the for licences, has been made - of the missing person; or in terms of section 22 of the Companies _ (b) . [Chapter 190], for the Act can show cause why the missing person registration of the following companies presumed should not be without the addition af the word - to be dead or why his estate should not “Limited” to their names— placed under an administrator: be or (a) 8.0.8. Bindura Village. Trust, the principal (c) can show that there which company, object: of js no possibility that the dis- when registered, will be.to care appearance of the maintain and educate for, missing person was caused by the children who are in need because activities of terrorists; they either have or lost, or have been failed by, (d) wishes parents or legal guardians: their to make any other representations in connexion and with the application; 8.0.8, “(b) Technical College Trust, the principal should lodge with the . which company, object of Clerk of the Mashonaland Provincial when registered, will be to provide Magistrate’s Court, at maintain a technical and Harare, such representations in writing college specially, but on or before the 15th day for the further not solely, of February, 1983, education and training of the children Dated this - of the S.0.S, Bindura 25th day of November, 1982. Village Trust. | G. CHIROMBO, Clerk of the Court. 6216£31

6375£7 LOST SHARE CERTIFICATE FORFEITURE OF ENEMY PROPERTY NOTICEis hereby given that it is proposed to issue a new share certificate in respect of 1200 ordinary shares of 50c, Notice to Creditors and :Debtors fully paid up, certificate 9666, in the and to all Whom it -May name of F. H. van Reenen Concern: Statutory (Pvi) Ltd. : Instrument 925D of 1981 All persons objecting to the issue of such certificate Tequired to. lodge their are In the estate of Bently Monty objections within 14 days from Greveler, formerly of 3, date of publication hereof, the Road, Kumalo, Bulawayo, Butler whose property has been made thesubject of a forfeifure order Dated at Harare this 14th day of December, in General Notice 1106 of Co-op. Limited, 1982.—Farmers’ P.O. Box 510, Harare. 4 6439F ee TRANSITIONAL NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 1982/83~-1984/85: Volume 1

THIS publication is available, at $10 Government per copy, from the Publications Office, Cecil House, Avenue, Harare 95, Stanley the undersigned, (P.O. Box 8062, Causeway), or from giving a description of the property Government Publications the held and stating whete it js being Office, 1018, held.—Custodian Main Street, Bulawayo Property, Additional of Enemy. (P.O. Box 211, Bulawayo). Master of the High Court of 64436 | P.O. Box 8050, Causeway. Zimbabwe® : : 6442f


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a GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS ON SALE A $ Kirkia, volume 8, parts I and IE, per part. . . . . 1,50 “ Kirkia, (as available yolume 9, parts I and Ui, per part . . . at time of. ordering) . Kirkia, volume . . 1,50 10, parts I and Ul, per part. . . . . 1,50 Kirkia, volume 11, partI , " . ° . . : . . . . - 1,50 Kirkia, volume 11, part THE . as I. . . . ‘ . . . . 5,00 following publications are S . th Kirkia, volume 12, obtainable from the Khuluma Isindebele- part I ...... Government Publications Office, Cecil House, Ndebele for bee . 5,00 95, Stanley lessons Lig Naebele for ee, Avenue, Salisbury (P.O. 0,50 Box 8062, Causeway), or from the Let’s build Government Publications Office, 101s, Zimbabwe together—Zimcord conference documentation (P.O. Main Street, Bulawayo List of commissioners 5,00 Box 211, Bulawayo), at the prices of oaths and justices of the peace, specified opposite fist December, 1944 as at - thereto. : us 2... 4,00 - Manual of style for the drafting . and preparation: .of copy . . free 5 | Matopos, by. Sir Robert Tredgold, Agro-ecological survey of Southem K.C.M.G. . . . 1,25 Rhodesia, part I and part IT 2,00 Ministry of Agro-economic survey Roads and Road ‘Traffic: Laboratory report 9/74. . of Central Midlands... . 2,00 2,00 Air Navigation Regulations, 1954, Model Building By-laws, 1977 . with. amendments . . . 1,50 act te te 5,00 Parliamentary debates (House of Assembly) (annual subscription 1.50 An assessment: of, the surface: water Tesources of Rhodesia - Brands directory, 3,00 Parliamentary debates (The Seriate) (annual 1974 (consolidated editionr) . .y. poo subscription rate) . 1,50 Brands 12,00 Patent and Trade Marks Journal (annual directory, 1975 . . + gt so subscription Tate)... 6,00 se + + 4,00 parent and Trade Marks Brands directory, 1976 ° . Journal (individual copies) . ce ...... 4,00 2, 0,20 Brands directory, Planning handbook (Department of 1977 . eon. . . . Physical Planning) .° . + 10,00 . . . 4,00 Reports and decisions Brands directory, 1978 2. 1. Fw, of the Court of Appeal for Native Civil Brands directory, kk 00 aes, 1979, Lo. . . . 1928-1962 ee . . ‘ 4,00 Re orts and qiscisions 500. of the Court of Appeal for African Catalogue of Sbanned books, periodicals, records, Civi 075 etc,, from Ist ; es inlogweof pellimentay pre,estes , Catalogue of |), 200 PicaSethe patliimentary papers, 1899-1953... ,s 5,00 Queshestony ok the par aye Common’veld ‘grasses of Rhodésia by Colonel ‘A. S. Hickman— (second edition) . . . . 1,00 : Community buckram-bound =. . . . - development source book No. 5 . . . . . - « 10,00 . - « 5,00 Rhodesia Served the Queen, Commission of difmiry into termination volume I~ Company name ractice of pregnancy, 1976 . 0,50 oy : CoeaeYme followed " the Regi ° of ” cothbound . : ° : . | the appeenst of company nomes Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1970 (four . . ° . - 10,00 ‘ Bistrar : 0,10 Rhodesia parts), per set. 6,30. subsidiary legislation, 1974 (ive parts). Co! tion— xi k f hers 2 ww ks per part . se 1,60 Criminal ; s or, per set 6,30 at the 31stProcedusDecember,‘aed "Bridenee,ActTenor 59] (as 1976). : : co.amended Reed, bsidiary legistation, 1972 1,50 Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1973 (seven parts), per part... 7,50 | Economic survey of Rhodesia, 1970, (seven parts), per part . - 7,50 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, Rhodesia subsidiary 1976, 1977 . . . . legislation, 1974 (five parts), per part . - ...... 0,50 7,50 Economic Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1975 survey of Zimbabwe Rhodesia, 1978 (fiye parts), per part . . 7,50 . . . 0,50 Rhodesia subsidiary Economic survey of Zimbabwe, legislation, 1976 (six parts), per part 1979 ...... 7,50 . 0,50 Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, Estimates. of expenditure, 1978-79 1977 (four parts), “per part . es : . . . . - 2,10 . 7,50 -| Five-year plan: Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1978 three complementary books— Z . (four parts), per part . . 7,50 | Proposals for . Rhodesian botanical » five-year Programme of development in the dictionary of African and English plant names Public 3,00 Rhodesian Jaw reports, 1970, 4,50 part 1 and Part 2, per part. . 4,20 Integrated plan for rural , Rhodesian development ...... Jaw reports, 1971, part 1 and 2,00 . ? part 2, per part. . 4,20 Urban development in the main centres ? : ...... 1,00 Rhodesian Taw reports, 1972, Part Flora zambesiaca, volumeI, partI . . 1 and part 2, per Part . . Flora . - + « 2,70 Rhodesian Jaw reports, 1973, 4,20 volumeI, pat. . | .¢ Lok. part 1 and part 2, per part. . 4,20 Flora z : 270 Rhodesian law reports, 1974, | . vol IL zr. . part 1 and part 2, per part. . _ . 4,20 . 3,25 Rhodesian law reports, Flora . supp t 1975, part 1 and part 2, per part... . 1.55 Rhodesian 4,20 ter Sali Jaw reports, 1976, part sbury report, - guthority co 1 and part 2, per part .. ;. : Fon . . . 3,00 nrouesian 4,20 ae reports, 1977, part 1 and part 2, per part . - 4,20 | Government Gazette (annual subscription rate) . . . - 14,00 Rhodes, 1 ‘wo reports, 1978 Government Gazette (individual . . , . . . ‘Growth with equi copies). . . Ll, 0,30 9,00 mic policy statement . Rut et aw Teports, 1979 See, . . . 4,00 ed and ttt, 9,00 History and t practice of the General Division of of. gnition of tribal law in Rhodesia the High Court, 1971 2,00 ules.ofthe General Division Teen of the High Court—case law 2 Income Saitiom) 8,00 Tax Act [Chapter 181}, as amended at the 31st October, 1979 2.25 Statute law of Rhodesia, 1975; 1976; 1977; 1978. Index to the legislation full-boosd. boc 6 1977: 1978— | 2 in force in Zimbabwe on the ist January, 1981 ...... “pound, buckram . . . nd . . se - oo. . . 3,50 | quarter-bound, . . ye . - 10,00 _ Instant statute hard cover . ° . . cae Awe... |, - - - . . 5,50 . Kirkia, journal «8,00 soit cover. wf of the National Herbarium, Salisbury, 1960-61, ft “ee. 4,50 Volume I yO Statute law of Zimbabwe Rhodesia, 1979 8300 fullbound, . . Kirkia, 1961-42, volume2. 2 buckram 5, ee . . ef gk, 500 quarter-bound, 14,007 Kirkia, 1962-63, volume 3. 0. |g, bard cover. . , ff, | - 2 «3,00 soft cover 9,50 Kirkia, 1963-64, volume .° . 0. . 4.0. gg, * + 6 8.50 Kirkia, «3,00 ‘Statutory instruments, 1980 volume 5, parts I and iI, per part (five parts), per part. =. . - - . “ 1,50°| Transitional 7,50 ° Kirkia, volume 6, parts National Development Plan, 1982/83~1984/85: I and Ui, per part . . . - Volume 1 10,00 Kirkia, volume - 1,50 Zimbabwe Agricultural Journal 7, parts I and I, per part. . - oo. . ‘ . - . ; “2 + 1,50 Zimbabwe 0,40 Rhodesia subsidiary legistation, 1979 (four Parts), per part 7,50 ~

. Number Name and description . - Dates of estate of estate Description from Period for Offices at which account of which account which account account will lie open will lie open will lie open

8/79 Benzies Frank Neube . 2... re Fourth Interim High Court, Bulawayo Liquidation Account, 31.12.82 © 14 days. 6430fF : Distribution Account _ 2/80 Edwin Smith, formerly trading as Paint Centre . Third Interim High Court, Bulawayo Liquidation Account, 31,12,82 14 days, 6431F , | Distribution Account



NOTICES OF TRUSTEES AND ASSIGNEES (pursuant to ‘the Insolvency Act) Notice is hereby given that a meeting of creditors will be and for held in the sequestrated or assigned estates the purposesset forth. mentioned below on the dates, at the times ‘ ‘ : : and places. : . * Meetings in ‘ : 5 Salisbury will be held. before the Master; in Bulawayo Magistrate. they will be held before’ the Assistant Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Insolvency Regulations—Form 5 (1952) or 11 (1974)

Whether Day, Number Nameand description date and hour of roceting ofestate assigned or . Of estate . / _ Place of meeting Purpose of . Sequestrated Day Date meeting Hour :

4/82 Lawrence David Hutton... . Sequestrated . . . | Wed. 21.1.83 9 am. High . oo Court, Bulawayo. Proofof further claims, . 6428f


NOTICES OF LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS LYING FOR INSPECTION (pursuant to section 53 of the Administration of Estates Act (Chapter 301}

therein for a period of 21 days (or longerif stated) from’ thé dates for Specified, or from ‘the date of publication hereof, inspection at the offices specified below. Objections whichever may be thelater, Accounts will lie to an account should be lodged with the Master, may be. Should no objections be‘lodged Harare, or the Assistant Master, Bulawayo, to the account during the period of inspection, as the case therewith, the executor concerned will proceed to | make payments in accordance . : . a M.E.C, 28 Number. | Date 4 of ‘ Description Nameand description of estate | - estate or of ob : . Office of the : i period account : : : \ - | 3 ~ : - Xs B.437/82 John Lawrie, ofBulawayo, who died there on 20.7.82 . 21 days \ First . and Final Assistant Master of the | : : : High Court, 6396£ 168/82 Hannah Doreen Bulawayo. Aston, of Trokiadza Farm, Karoi 21 days First . District and Final Master of the High Court, Harare, 6402f u . Liquidation and |. . and Magistrate, Karoi. . | : Distribution 2005/81 Geoffrey Spencer Fish... . . Account . . | ag days First and Final Master . : of the High Court, Harare. 6403f° | : > Administration and : i : Distribution 884/82 Account : William Kent 2. . . 28.) 0 e oe ee 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 6412£- Liquidation and - : : 638/82 Patricia Distribution Account Evelyn Jones, chemist’s assistant,: of 19, 21 days First and Final - . Chigwell Avenue, Mabelreign, Master of the High Court, Harare. 6414f Harare, who died at ° Liquidation Harare on 1.5:82 and . . | ; , 1053/82 Robert Brian Bums. Distribution Account . 1 2. ¥-, fp oe 21 days : First and Final Master of the High . s ~ Court, Harare, 6415 Liquidation and and Magistrate, Chinhoyi, 576/82 : Distribution Account- Charles Gerald Carpenter, a retired bank superintendent, 21 days First and Final 135 Henley Drive, Master of the High Court, Harare. Waterfalls, Harare, who! died at 6417£ | Harare on 8.4.82 Liquidatibn and - |e ; Distribution « 209/80 David Douglas Account . . Brown. . . , — 21 days First Interim Master of i the High Court, Harare. 6418¢ Administration and |{ iz ' Distribution Account 375/82 Martha Simon, ofBulawayo, who died there on {4.6.82 21 days First oo . : and Final Assistant Master of the , : ot : High Court, 6421f Liquidation and Bulawayo. : . . ‘ 281/82 Mungenge Distribution Account Piniel Chiriga, of Nyazvidzi Purchase Area, : 21 days- First and Final Assistant “Gutu, who died on 15.12.79 at Gutu Master of the High Court, 6423f ; — . Liquidation and . : : ; Bulawayo, and Magistrate, Gweru. 1305/76 Distribution Account Timothy Manyora, who died in the Makoni a District on 21 days First and Final - 31.7.76 yd Master ofthe High Court, Harare, 6427f - Liquidation and { and Magistrate, Rusape. . i Distribution 713/82 StuartMerson . . 2 2... Account / . 1, ol | | ot days First and Interim |: Master so of the High Court, Harare. 6432f -|_» Liquidation and + , - Distribution 898/80 JohnWilcox Richards Account | . 5. oe ew 21 days . — Second and Final Master of the High oo Court, Harare. 6433£ Liquidation and: * . , : an Distribution Account

COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES (pursuant to subsection (4) of section 194 of the Companies Act [Chapter Noticx I90}) is hereby given that a joint meeting of creditors and ‘contributories will be held in the under-mentioned places stated for companies on the dates and at the the purpose of considering and,if thoughtfit, passing the following times and section 194 of the Companies resolution, “ResoLven that, by virtue of the provisions Act [Chapter 190}, authority be, andit is of subsection (4) of hereby, granted to the liquidator of the said company | in subsection (2) of section 194 of the said to exercise all the powers Jaid down Act, without the Jeave'of the court first had and obtained.”. . Companies Act, Liquidstioe—Form 4

. ; Day, date and hour of Meeting = Number = Name of company : - : Place of meeting Day Date Hour

13/82 V &CLaboratories | (Pvt)Ltd. 2 . , - ete. . Wed. 12,1.83 | 9am, | High Court, Bulawayo, | 64198




COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES (pursuant to subsection (1) of section 192 of the Companies Act. [Chapter 190). Noricz is hereby given that separate meetings ofcreditors and contributories will be held in the under-mentioned places stated for the election of a companies on the dates and at the times and liquidator and, in the case of the meeting of creditors, for the proof of claims. Companies Act, Liquidation—Form 3

/ Day, date Number and hour ofmeeting . Name of company. : / Placeof meeting : Day Date , Hour , . >

13/82 V & C Laboratories (Pvt) Ltd. 2. 2 7. lt . - - Wed. 12.1.83 9am. High Court, Bulawayo. 6419F — 2

COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES (pursuant to section 254 of the Companies Act [Chapter 190]) Noticz is hereby given that the liquidation accounts and plans ofdistribution in the liquidations mentioned below will lie open at the offices mentioned period of 14 days, or such longer periodas is stated, from for a the date mentioned of from the date of publication hereof, creditors. . whichever may be later, for inspection by Companies Act, Liquidation—Form 9

: . b , Date Number Name of company from |. Period for ~ Description Office at which account __—‘{ which account: which account ’ _7 of account : will lie open — will lie open will lie open

7/78 Bernie Brothers (Pvt. Ltd. . 2°... wt Third and Final High Court, . Bulawayo * 31.12.82 14 days. 6429fF . Liquidation and ' ' . ‘ Distribution Account

COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES /pursuant to subsection (5) of section 187 of the Companies Act [Chapter 190) WN.oTICE is * hereby given that the companies mentioned below have been placedin liquidation by order ofthe High Court. (2) of section 183 of the Companies By virtue of the provisions of subsection Act [Chapter 19C}, the date of che liquidation is deemed ’ creditors to be the date of the provisional order. Notice of the and coucributories will be published in due course. first meetings of MH.C 255

‘ | Date upon which © Date updn which , ‘ i and court by which and court by which : . Number Name of company Name and address ; provisional order made . final order made : , of : ~~ ~ - { - provisional : Date liquidator Court Date Court .

13/82 V & C Laboratories (Pvt) Ltd. 2 2. ; 27.10.82 Harare 1/12/82 Harare Mr. R. E. Gray, P.O. Box 1180, 6419F Bulawayo. *


NOTICES TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS(pursuantto sections 44 and 67 ofthe Administration of Estates Act [Chapter 301D ALL persons having claims against the under-mentioned estates are tequired to lodge them in detail stated periods, with the executor or representative concerned within calculated from the date of publication hereof, and the those indebted thereto are required to pay to the executor by them within the same period, failing or representative the amounts due which legal proceedings will be taken for the recovery thereof. M.H.C. 7

Number Date Within . of Nameand description ' of estate of a estate / Name and address of executor or Tepresentative 5 death period of : ,

7 . . af 1412/82 Doris Elaine Lilford . : 2 2. 2. . 2. l,l, - 6.9.82 30 days 1784/82 Atherstone & Cook, P.O. Box 2625, Harare. 6398F Imme Irmingard Gross-Mitchell . 2. . | 1. 29.11.82 30 days Standard Trust Ltd., P.O. 2361/80 S.M.Bufdnga . 2. Box 3897, Harare. 6399F 1. 1. ow, Dt ot ee ee 3.7.78 30 days : . G. B. Musarurwa, 29, Bexley Circle, Southerton, 640if _ Harare. ‘ 47/82 Hirji Samji + i cee eee 12.8.81 30 days Randhir Hirji Samiji, Govindji Hirji Samji, 6404f c/o P.O. Box 1130, Harare. 1759/82 Fungai John Chipunza . . tee we . , ew ee E 12,611.82 30 days Standard Trust 1544/82 John Davidson... Ltd., P.O. Box 3897, Harare, 6405f . . . . Dd, . 7.10.82 30. days Gill, Godlonton & Gerrans, P.O. Box 235, 6407F 1662/82 Harare, : Walter James Christian Davies Evans . . . . 8.11.82 |. 30 days Derry & Co., P.O. Box 702, Harare. 1681/82 Hulbert Patrick Charles . . <2 2 e 2 6408F ee Ff 25.10.82 30 days Paul von Seidel, von Seidel . "e Grindlays Trust 6411f 1545/82 Co. Ltd., P.O. Box 30, Harare. George Dawe, retired, of Harare. 2. 2... i, 5.10.82 30 days Barclaytrust (Pvt.) Ltd., 1488/82 Arthur William Roberts P.O. Box 1398, Harare. 6413F 2. . 2... . , |, 30.9.82 30 days Bowles, Brighton & Cole Bowen, Third Floor, . 6420f Founders House, 15, Gordon Avenue, 1630/82 Catherine Elizabeth Anne Nelson, also Harare. known as 20.10.82 30 days Harare Board of Elizabeth Eden Nelson Executors (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 6426£ 2093, Harare. 1782/82 Alexander Duff a 1.12.82 30 days Syfrets Trust & Executor Ltd., P.O. Box 703, 6434f : Harare,



EDICTS: SELECTION OF EXECUTORS, TUTORS AND CURATORS DATIVE (pursuantto sections 26, 75 and 80 of the Administration Noticz is hereby of Estates Act [Chapter 301]) given that the estates of the under-mentioned that deceased persons, minors.or persons the next of kin, creditors of other persons whose whereabouts are unknown, concerned are required to attend on the are unrepresented,and tutor or curator dative, as the case dates andat the times and places specified, may be. Meetings in Harare will be held for the selection of an executor the District Commissioner. before the Maste: 3 in Bulawayo before - . the Assistant Master; and elsewhere before . - M.E.LC. 25 Number . , of . > Time ofmeeting : Name and description of estate | estate j-7————|___ : . Place of meeting For selection of Date ! Hour i -_ 1 | 700/82 |: Geoffrey Frank Forbes-Steele, a spdres manager, ofBulawayo 6.1.83 | 10 a.m. | Bulawayo Executor dative. 6406f

INSOLVENCY ACT [CHAPTER 303] | . Noticeof Intention to Alienate a Business or the Goodwill of or any Goods or Property a Business Forming Part of a Business, Othetwise - in the than

Ordinary e a. Course of the Business a + a, NOTICE is hereby given, in terms of section proposes 49 of the Insolvency Act’ [Chaptar 303], to alienate— that each of the under-mentioned persons . u (a) his business; or

(b) the goodwillof his business; or - : . ‘ : * 7 | . (c) any goods or property ’ forming part of his bus iness, otherwise than in the ordinary course of the business. 2 Full name of person oo ” including | Date fram which style of business ;. Situation of business alienation Name and address of

las) articulars of proposed alienation. | takes effect . person inserting notice 7 ‘R. H. Wilson (Pvt.) Ltd., trading 1\C.A.B.S. House, Redcliff Salejof business to Brian George as Redcliff Pharmacy . Mar- | Theeffective date ofsale will be 7 : riott and Mohamed Danziger and Partners, . Ameh Badamia the last day of November, Mukadam, Development House, whowill continue to trade 1982, but for the Purposes of Seventh Street, under the same name of Gweru. Redcliff the above-mentioned Act, Pharmacy and the (Legal practitioners to in the same premises. “ effective date : : The will be the date the parties.) 6225f31 4 book debts and liabilities of the . of thelast publication po oo . said of this J business up to and including the notice * | 22.11.82, , - / . will remain with the said . R:H. Wilson (Pvt.) Ltd. J. Ryder Jones (Pvt.) Ltd., traking / Prince Edward . Dam Sale ‘of business, as Kentucky goodwill, furniture, | For the purpose Service Station ‘ Road of the above- Stumbles and Rowe, fittings and equipment to Artur Dias mentioned Act, from the : . mo, date Chancellor House, Sa- . / ; ofthe last : publication hereof, mora Machel Avenue, Is . . and for all other Purposes from| Harare. - ye o 626031 Sandford Signs (Pvt.) Ltd. . the 26.11.82 . 129b, Rhodes Street, Sale be land and buildings, and fixed For the Purposes * 14th Avenue,Bulawayo assets of the above- ‘Schmulian, Knight, Oman / mentioned Act, from the date|. , “4 & Co., Room 20,Second of the last ~ . publication ofthis Floor, Treger House, notice, but for all other pur- Abercorn Strrete, gt . Bula- John Vlismas, trading as Premier | Stand poses from 1.1.83 wayo 38, Marandellas Abankionment of business — 6307£7 Bottle Store Close of business on 30.11 -82, [C. : Township, The Green, | S. Kavanagh, Legal — c, ‘ but for the : Marondera purposes of this practitioner, The Green, ” Act, the date of , , | last publica- Marondera. (6325£7 tion of thisnotice (Pvt.) Ltd. . . Blanket Mine, Gwanda Sale of business of Blanket Mine (Pyt.) and Chinhoyi 31.12.82 Deloitte, Haskins & | ‘Ltd., including assets and liabilities Sells. * -{ P.O. Box 125, Bulawayo to R.H.A. Mines (Pvt.) Ltd. as a result of the reorganization 6365£7 . of the subsidiary companies of Falcon- | bridge Ltd.,. the ultimate holding company ofboth Blanket Mine (Pyt.) | | _ Ltd, and R.H.A. Mines (Pvt.) Ltd. t



Noniceis hereby given, in terms of section 21 of the Companies Act [Chapter tion 190}, that application will be made, not of this notice, to the Chief Registrar of Companies, less than 1 days from the date of publica- for his approval to change.the names of the under-mentioned companies asindicated below. | Number Name . | Change of name to . : | , Agent |

433/81 Rennies Shipping and Airfrejght | (Private) | . AMI Rennijes Zimbabwe (Private) Limited . Scanfen and Holderness. 6400f.

| SSS xi \ 558




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General Notices Number . : , General : Page Number Notices . 1161. Road . Motor Transportation Act [Chapter Page: nnexion 262]: Applications in 1170. with Road Service Permits __ Rural Land Act [Chapter 155]: Notice 1162. — — a 1199 Deeds of Intention to Cancel Constitution of Zimbabwe: Appointment of Transfer ee — ‘of Acting Ministers 1206 — a — oe ‘7 1163. Industrial Conciliation 1171. Government Tender Board: Act [Chapter 267]: Notice of Intention: Tenders Invited _ _ __ to Cancel the Registration 1172, Reserve Bank 1208 of an Employers’ Organization of Zimbabwe Act iChapter 173]; 1164. Insurance 1206 Assets and Statement of Act [Chapter 196]: Registration Liabilities of the Reserve Bank 1165. of an Insurer __ 1206 1173. of} Zimbabwe __ 1209 Constitution of Zimbabwe: Appointment Insurance Act [Chapter 196]: Lost of Acting Minister _. or Destroyed Life Policies 1209 1166. Censorship and 1206 Entertainment Control Act [Chapter : , Declaration of Undersirable 78]: Statutory Publications __ — —~ — Instruments Issued as Supplements 1167. Censorship and 1206 Number . to this-Gazette Entertainments Control Act [Chapter Declaration of Publications as Undersirable 78]: ° : 1166. And Prohibited 1207 802. . a : Liquor Act [Chapter 289}: Liquor Licensing ‘Vocational Education and Training (Levy) Notice, Meeting: Mutare Board: Taterim 803. 1982. District: Correction of General Apprenticeship Training (Levies) (Repeal) of 1 — — Notice 1130 ; 804, Apprenticeship Notice, 1982, ~ — — — — — Training (Electrical Engineering 1169. Rural Land — 1207 tice, 1982 (No. Industry) (Amendment) Act [Chapter 155]: Notice of 3). . : Deed of Transfer Intention to Cancel - , __ — — —~ 805. Apprenticeship Training — — — — 1207 (Aircraft Maintenance, Overhaul !- Industry) and Repair (Amendment) Notice, 1982 (No. 10). . .


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Printed by the Government Printer, Harare.