Date and time 7 MARCH 2013 COMMENCING AT 6.00 PM


Present Cllrs George Cameron (Chairman), Barry Abraham, Paul Fuller, John Howe, Julie Jones-Evans, Roger Mazillius, Ian Ward

Co-opted Members David Miller (Parent Governor Representative) (voting) Tony Blackshaw (Diocesan Representative)

Cabinet Members Cllrs Dawn Cousins, David Pugh

Officers Present Ian Anderson, Steve Beynon, Maurice Emberson, Chris Mathews, Paul Thistlewood.

John Coughlan and Steve Crocker (Hampshire County Council)

Other members Cllrs Vanessa Churchman, Stuart Hutchinson, Geoff Lumley, present Dave Stewart, Chris Welsford

Apologies Sara Sheath (Parent Governor Representative); Urszula Topp (Diocesan Representative)

40. Minutes


THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 5 February 2013 be confirmed.

41. Declarations of Interest

Councillor John Howe declared an interest as a governor of St Saviours primary school and .

Councillor Paul Fuller declared an interest as he had children at Enterprise College and was a governor at Northwood primary school.

Councillor Julie Jones-Evans declared an interest as she was a governor at Nine Acres primary school and had a son in the primary system.

A - 1 Councillor Roger Mazillius declared an interest as he was a governor at Cowes Enterprise College.

Councillor Barry Abraham declared an interest as he was a governor at Wootton primary school.

Mr David Miller declared an interest as he had children at Cowes Enterprise College, his wife was a governor at Gurnard primary school and he was on the Cowes Community Partnership.

Councillor George Cameron declared an interest as he was on the Freshwater Bay youth centre management committee.

42. Update on progress against the action plan in response to the Ofsted inspection of local authority arrangements for the protection of children

The panel received a powerpoint presentation from the Strategic Director for Community Wellbeing and Social Care on a range of key issues relating to children’s safeguarding. This provided an update on what actions had been taken to date following the Ofsted inspection report, the establishment of a Children’s Improvement Board and the proposed strategic partnership with Hampshire County Council.

Steps had been taken to strengthen capacity through the appointment of additional staff. This had assisted in reviewing cases to ensure that there had been the correct level of intervention. Maurice Emberson, who had been appointed Interim Head of Children’s Safeguarding was introduced to members.

The role played by the Children’s Improvement Board was outlined. In addition to overseeing the actions required following the Ofsted inspection there may be other issues that have to be addressed when the Department for Education’s improvement notice was received.

Members were advised of the proposed strategic partnership with Hampshire County Council. It was noted that this would include both children’s social care and education. The panel noted that whilst Hampshire would be responsible for operational delivery this council would set the strategy and budget.

The cabinet member introduced John Coughlan. Director of Children’s Services, and Steve Croker, Deputy Director of Children and Families, from Hampshire County Council. Both spoke of the role that Hampshire could play in the delivery of services under a strategic partnership and aspects of the provision of safeguarding services.

The panel then considered the report due to be presented by the cabinet member to the cabinet the following week. During the course of the debate a number of issues were raised including :-

• The peer review undertaken prior to the Ofsted inspection • The role of the NSPCC in child protection A - 2 • Management of risks involved in a strategic partnership • Performance measures taking account of the quality of provision. • The reclaiming social work model • Need for transparency by the Children’s improvement Board and regular member updates on progress with actions • Extent of services to be provided under the strategic partnership particularly in relation to education • Clarity over the changes in the staffing establishment.

The panel also believed that it was necessary to review its approach to scrutinising safeguarding arrangements and its on-going delivery.


THAT the following comments be forwarded to the cabinet member for consideration at the cabinet meeting on 12 March 2013 :-

1) A chart showing the current approved staffing structure, the revised interim staffing structure when approved, and any final structure, once the partnership with Hampshire County Council had been agreed, should be circulated to the scrutiny panel.

2) Members should be advised once the Department for Education’s approval to the proposed improvement plan has been received and any additional actions required beyond those contained in the Ofsted inspection report.

3) An update should be provided in April 2013, via the members bulletin, outlining progress with the actions being taken.

4) Professor Ray Jones, Chairman of the Children’s Improvement Board be requested to provide all members with written feedback once the Board has held its first meeting

5) Consideration should be given to ways of improving the effectiveness of scrutiny when dealing with safeguarding.

6) Clarification should be given of the education services included within the proposed strategic partnership arrangements with Hampshire County Council.

7) A specific element on safeguarding should be included within the member induction programme following the May 2013 elections.

8) If the Strategic Partnership with Hampshire County Council is progressed, it is essential that the Isle of Wight Council retains the political accountability for the statutory children’s function.

A - 3 43. Member Question Time

A written question had been submitted by Mr David Miller, parent governor representative, relating to scrutiny of educational attainment. The chairman provided a response. (MQ07/13)

Councillor John Howe raised a question about the recent Ofsted inspection of Cowes Enterprise College and . The Chief Executive on behalf of the chairman outlined the steps that were being taken to deal with the inspections findings.


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