October 15th-16th, 2016



“Empowering Character Education for National Defence”

October 15-16, 2016



“Empowering Character Education for National Defence”, International Seminar on Educational and Social Sciences, School of Postgraduate Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, 2016

First edition, November 2016

FOREWORD FROM THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE International Seminar on Education and Sciences 2016 Postgraduate School—Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor Indonesia

All praise is due to Almightly for His generosity in the successful conduct of the International Seminar on Education and Sciences held in Bogor on 15–16 October 2016. Although we did encounter some challenges during the preparation and implementation stages of the seminar, none were so significant and they will serve as lessons learned for future activities. We began with the sincere intention to provide a platform for educators, administrators, managers, leaders, policy makers, researchers, scholars, principals, supervisors, graduate students, practitioners, academicians, professionals, and teachers from various disciplines to present and discuss research, developments and innovations in the fields of educational topic and social sciences. This seminar on education and social sciences was the first of its kind held by the postgraduate faculty at the University of Ibn Khaldun, Bogor. The general theme of this seminar was 'Empowering Character Education for National Defence’. The numerous seminars held by UIKA reflect UIKA's commitment as an Islamic University in Bogor to develop knowledge related to the fields of education and sciences. The international seminar was attended by 241 participants consisting of 146 registered presenters, 133 submitted their paper, and 112 of them presented their papers at the Call for Papers session on Day Two, while the remaining 93 people Sat In Attendance. We are tremendously grateful for the permission and full support from Dr. Ending Bahruddin, the Rector of Universitas Ibn Khaldun & colleagues, and Prof. Dr. Didin Hafidhuddin, the Director of Postgraduate School, of Universitas Ibn Khaldun, Bogor in organizing this seminar. Our sincerest gratitude also go to Hendri Tanjung, Ph.D, Deputy Director of Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun, Bogor, and the moderators Dr. Syamsuddin Arief from UNIDA, Gontor, Indonesia and Dr. Abas Tamam Mansur MA, from Postgraduate School Universitas Ibn Khaldun, Bogor. We would like to express our appreciation to the following distinguished guest speakers for their insightful presentations: 1. Professor Dr. Abuddin Nata - Keynote speaker from Islamic State University Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2. Dr. Ahmad Abdul Rozziq from Al-Azhar University, Egypt, 3. Prof. Madya Dr. Khalif Muammar A. Harris, from Center for Advanced Studies on , Science, and Civilization, Malaysia, 4. Aidan Cronin, Ph.D from UNICEF, 5. Dr. Nasilla Ben Said Hassan, from University Juzurul Qomar, Comoros, and 6. Nirwan Syafrin, Ph.D from Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia Last but not least, we would like to thank all presenters, participants, team of reviews, the steering committee, the entire organizing committee, and all other


individuals who contributed to this seminar through sincere hard work, time, effort and resources. On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to apologize for any shortcomings during the preparation, implementation or closing stage of the seminar. We hope this seminar has achieved at least some of its objective that is, to bring a positive contribution the nation’s higher learning and character development.

Bogor. November 2016

Dra. Parlien Andriyati MBA.



FOREWORD FROM THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE ...... i TABLE OF CONTENT ...... iii SPEAKER PAPER ...... 1 Empowering Character Educationfor National Defence ...... 2 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in Schools in Indonesia ...... 19 25 ...... تصور مقترح للدور الخلقي للمعلم في ضوء منهج التربية اإلسالمية 45 ...... الكناية القرآنية ودورها في تعليم الشباب أدب الكالم CHAPTER ONE CHARACTER AND FAMILY EDUCATION ...... 59 The Independency of Education in Islam ...... 60 Contributions of Physical Education and Sport in The National Competitiveness Improvement Leads to Human Character ...... 61 The Implementation of The Concept of Education in The Implementation of The Obligatory Prayers on Antenatal and Natal Care Di Rumah Sakit Dan Klinik Kota Medan ...... 62 Application of Learning Method in the Yellow Book's Boarding School of Bina Ulama Kisaran North Sumatra ...... 63 The Education of Honesty and Discipline in Islamic Education Curriculum at Vocational High School ...... 64 Role of Fathers Based on Islamic Education Concept and Its Implementation of Islamic Senior High School (MAN) in Jakarta ...... 65 The Islamization of Character Education Through English Language Teaching ...... 66 Achievement of Character Education in Different Types of Elementary School...... 67 The Method of Monotheism Student Shaping ...... 68 The Integration of Monotheism (Tauhid) and Morals (Akhlak) According to Syaikh Bin Shalih ‘Utsaimin (W.1421 H)...... 69 Pre-Marriage Education Curriculum Model For Harmonious Family (Impelementation Study Director General Rules Of Islamic Guidance In The Ministry Religion Affairs Karawang Office) ...... 70 Hormonious Family Education in Ar-Rahman Qur’anic Learning (AQL) Islamic Education Center and That Implementation in Islam ...... 71 Character and Intellectuality of Ulu Al Albâb...... 72


The Implementation of Moral Education Model to The Students of Islamic Boarding Junior High School in Medan ...... 73 Drug Prevention Method for the Youth Generation on Islamic Education Basis ...... 74 Building Superior Character: Need Achievement, Fighting Spirits and Self-Discipline in Order to Achieve Success ...... 75 Building Islamic Character Through Museum Visitation Program ...... 76 The Concept of Moral Education in Al-Islam Education Book on Muhammadiyah Elementary School ...... 77 The Implementation of The Prophetic Hadith of Targhib and Tarhib Methods in the Learning Process of Islam Education ...... 78 Pre-Marital Program as the First Step to Build Sakinah Family (Study at Religious Affairs Office, Duren Sawit Jakarta) ...... 79 The Implementation of Islamic Education to Mental Revolution Indonesian Citizens for Akhlakul Karimah ...... 80 Japanese Eating and Drinking Culture in View of Adab Education Concept as Guided in Relevant Ahaadeeth Muttafaqun ‘Alayh ...... 81 The Concept of Sciences in Islam ...... 82 The Concept Of Zuhud According To Al-Ghazali ...... 83 Guidance and Counseling Families in Perspective Hasan Langgulung ...... 84 Akhlak Values Internalization Through Thematic Learning in Primary School of Natural Bogor ...... 85 The Influence of Online Games and Academic Achievement in Islamic Religion Education on SD Muhammadiyah Bojonggede’s Students’ Morals ...... 86 The Relationship Between Parenting Patterns and The Application of Islamic Education Management and Students’ Personality in Junior High Schools in Depok City ...... 87 Character Education as Education Quality Improvement Efforts in Order to Eradicate Juvenile Delinquency ...... 88 Internalization of Value To Childhood Education (Comparative Study of Raudlatul Athfal and Kindgarten) ...... 89 Improving Islamic Education and Characters in Elementary Schools Through The Concept of Islamic Science ...... 90 Quranic Concept of Education to Build Morals and The Implementation of National Education Purpose ...... 91 Values of Anti-Corruption in Islamic Education ...... 93 The Essence of Independence Character Education for Early Childhood According Islamic Perspective...... 94


Urgency of Moral Education to Prevent Child Pornography on Primary School ...... 95 Aqidah Akhlak Learning in Environmental Early Childhood Education ...... 96 Sakinah Family Coaching in Developing Children's Character ...... 98 The Counselling Method to Handle LGBT Case, Conducted by Peduli Sahabat (AILA). .... 99 Keywords: Counselling Method, Peduli Sahabat AILA...... 99 Islamic Character Building for Landscape Cleaning Service Women (Counseled by Alkhansa organization) ...... 100 CHAPTER TWO EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY AND CURRICULUM ...... 101 The Concept of Sex Education for High School Students (Study Analysis of Tarbiyyah al- Aulad fi al-Islam Written by Abdullah Nashih Ulwan) ...... 102 The Implementation of Mathematics Concept Based on Al Qur’an to Madrasah’s Curriculum ...... 103 The Relationship Between Implementation of Mastery Learning and Teachers Personal Competence with Core Competence of The Students in Islamic Religious Subject at SMP Negeri 17 South Tangerang City ...... 104 Multiple Intelligences Perspective on The Effectiveness of Use of Software Alice 3 to Improve Learning Outcomes of Introductory Programming in 10th Grade Laboratorium Jakarta Vocational High School ...... 105 The Influence of Poster Comments and Students Motivation Towards The Islamic Religious Education Learning Outcomes at SMPN 1 and SMPN 2 Cigombong Bogor 106 The Correlation between The Application of The Cooperative Teaching Model and Multimedia Learning Medium with Students’ Interest in Learning The Islamic Religion Education Subject at SMA Negeri 1 Cigudeg ...... 107 Al-Targheeb and Al-Tarheeb Methods in Faith Education for Children ...... 108 The Relationship Between The Demonstration And The Interests Of Fiqih Learning Method With Students Fiqih Learning Achievemen At Islamic Junior High School Al-Kamal Jakarta ...... 109 The Education Curriculum System of Boarding School ...... 110 Educational Technology Based on Skill in Learning Era of 21 Century ...... 111 Business Courtesy Curriculum ...... 111 The Development Of Islamic Education Curriculum At Universitas Al-Washliyah (Univa) Medan ...... 113 Implementation Of Environmental Health Education In Islam ...... 114 The Concept of Physical Health Education in The Perspective of Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyyah in The Book Zaadul Maad Fiy Hadyi Khairil Ibaad ...... 115 CHAPTER THREE EDUCATION MANAGEMENT ...... 116


The Standpoint of Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) with Regard of The Era of Information And Communication Technology ...... 117 The Impression of Teacher Personalities and Teaching Motivation on Islamic Studies Subject to the Improvement of Religion Need at Junior High School (Case Study at Cibungbulang Subdistrict Bogor) ...... 118 Integration of Islamic Education and National Education and the Effects on Students’ Islamic Personality in Class XII of SMAIT Insantama Bogor ...... 119 The Implementation of Total Quality Management at MAN 2 Bogor ...... 120 Islamic Boarding School (pesantren) Budgeting Management ...... 121 The Excellence of the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad as a Result of his Teachings ...... 122 Effect Of Teacher's Professionalism And Personality On The Achievement Of MAS Al- Washliyah Univa Medan Students ...... 123 Urgency of Teacher Guidance on Professional Organizations ...... 124 Evaluation of Management Program at Integrated Islamic Elementary School: A CIPP – Based Evaluatif Research at Integrated Islamic Elementary School (SDIT) Al-Hikmah, Jakarta 2016 ...... 125 The Effect of Engaging Islamic Education and Muhammadiyahism in Character Building among Muhammadiyah’s Senior High School Students in Bogor ...... 126 Correlation of Students’ Perceptions about The Leadership Of Headmaster and The Teacher Performance Of Students’ Satisfaction in Education Service ...... 127 Education Policy In Islamic Perspective ...... 128 Relationship between Personality Competence of Islamic Religion Teacher and School Principal Supervision Competence against Student with Religious Awareness Perception 129 Implementation of Education Today: An Analytical Study at Kuttab Al-Fatih Depok – West Java ...... 130 The Effect of Communication Model Parents and Role of The Teacher in School to Implamentation of Islam...... 131 The Application of Management Curriculum Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Islamic Educational Boarding School Pesantren Ar-Raudlatul Hasanah...... 133 Strategic Management Modification for Set Up Excelennce Islamic Education Institution: Case Study at Min Cempaka Putih Ciputat ...... 134 Civic Education Development Study on Book of Civic Education toward a Democratic and Civilized Life ...... 135 The Qur’anic Teaching Methods Criticism: Case Study Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur’an (TPA) Al Adil Jakarta ...... 137


Relationship Between Lecturer Competence of Islamic Studies and Learned Implementation Against Morals of students in Ibn Khaldun University ...... 138 Use of Facilities-Infrastructure and Motivation for Learning in The Improvement of Islamic Religious Education Student Learning SMA Al Washliyah 1 Univa Medan ...... 139 Relevance Of Education System In Madrasah Al Washliyah 214 Asahan Modern Education System With Islam ...... 140 Motivation And Educational Level In Improving Performance ...... 141 Counseling Communication Strategy of Guardian in Improving the Discipline of Student’s Worship at Pesantren ar – Raudhah al Hasanah Medan ...... 142 The Implementation of Multiple Intelligence Concept based on Islamic Worldview at SMP Al Washliyah 8 Medan ...... 143 Madrasah Management Head Of Improving The Quality Of Education In Madrasah ...... 144 Extracurricular Activities and Effect of High School Achievement in First (SMP) Private Al Washliyah 9 Medan ...... 145 Actualization Value Of Discipline Subjects In Religious Education In SMAN 3 Bagan Sinembah ...... 146 The Model Implementation Of Moral Education (Islamic Integrated Primary Schools In Medan)...... 147 Effectiveness of Education Culture In Improving The Quality Of Education...... 148 CHAPTER FOUR EDUCATION HISTORY AND THOUGHT ...... 151 Civic Education in Hamka’s Thougt ...... 152 Abdullah Al-Haddad Education and Its Effect on Morals Education in Indonesia . 153 The Concept of Knowledge Culture by Wan Mohd Nor Wan Daud and its Relevance Towards Education in Indonesia ...... 154 Family Education Thaught. Syekh Nawawi Al Bantani’s Prespective ...... 155 Mahmud Yunus as Modernist (Mujaddid) Islamic Education in Indonesia ...... 156 The Correlation between Students’ Perception and Lecturers’ Role on the Islamization of Science with the Islamic Application at Ibnu Khaldun University ...... 157 H. M. Arsyad Thalib Lubis: Dai' Missionary from North Sumatera ...... 158 The Failure of The Anti Islamic State Arguments In Indonesia ...... 159 Concept of Woman Education According to 9 Hadiths Analitic Study ...... 160 Moral Educations According to Hasan Al Banna (Study of Majmu’atu Rasail books) ...... 161 The Concept of Adâb by Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas and Its Relevance to Education in Indonesia ...... 162 Defining Education: al-Farabi and Ibn Sina Terminologies ...... 163


The Concept of Child Education In a Harmonious Family According To Wahbah Zuhayli and Abdullah Nashih Ulwan ...... 164 Ma’had Aly and Its Role in The Era of Asean Economic Community (AEC) ...... 165 Bediuzzaman Said Nursi Efforts To Educate People Preventing Secularization In Turkey . 166 Muhammad Quthb’s Thoughts About Examplary Values In Islamic Education ...... 167 Mapping of Sunnis Aqeedah Among Salafi and Asha'ira ...... 168 Sufistic Islamic Education As A Solution On Moral Behaviour ...... 169 Leader Regeneration Concept ...... 170 Intellectual History Of Secularism In Islamic Education Perspective ...... 171 The Analysis of Planology Management At LabuhanBatu Regency In the Year Of 2008 ... 172 H.O.S. Tjokroaminoto Thought on Nationality Education ...... 173 Early Childhood’s Education Under Abdullah Nasih Ulwan’s Perspective ...... 174 The Islamization Method of Physics ...... 175 Implication of Al-Attas’s Islamic Philosophy of Science on Science Education ...... 176 Hamka’s Thought about Women Education Based on Women’s Ayat in Tafsir Al Azhar . 177 CHAPTER FIVE GENERAL TOPICS ...... 180 Marketing Strategy of Islamic Educational Institutions (Analysis Study Admission SMP Muhammadiyah Bogor)...... 181 Best Practice Islamization of Science On Gestalt-Profetik (G-Pro) Guidance and Counseling Model...... 182 As Education Institutions of Muslim in Minangkabau (Study the Role Sheikh Burhanuddin Ulakan In Building Education System of Surau in Minangkabau 1100-1111 AH) ...... 183 Critical Study of Products Mortgage Islamic Bank in Accordance with Akad Murabahah Based on Regulation of Bank Indonesia ...... 184 The Prayer Education Model for Construction Workers ...... 184 Content Analysis Of Friday Khutbah In Islamic Education Perspective ...... 186 Islamic Higher Education And Resilience Of Nation ...... 187 188 ...... اللغة العربية 189 ..... )دراسة تحليلية عن األحاديث التربوية في كتاب بلوغ المرام( طريقة التربية األخالقية وتقييمها في الحديث النبوي 190 ...... في معهد المحسن اإلسالمي بميترو المبونج التنسيق بين الوحي و العقل في المنهج الدراسي دراسة حالة لكتاب اللغة في كتاب اللغة العربية عند رشدي أحمد طعيمة تحليل إعداد المواد التعليمية والكفاءة االتصالية من المدرسة الثانوية اإلسالمية في تخصص الدراسات الدينية العربية بالمدخل العلمي تحت المنهج 3102 للفصل العاشر ...... 191


192 ...... )دراسة تحليلية في قصة موسى والخضر ( نماذج تربية االنضباط لدى المتربين في القرآن الكريم 193 ...... أهمية علم المواريث )دراسة فكرة الخطيب البغدادي في كتابيه " الجامع ألخالق منهج التربية الخلقية وتطبيقاتها في تقوبة علم التربية اإلسالمية 194 ...... الراوي و آداب السامع ، والفقيه والمتفقه" ( 195 ...... مادة التربية األخالقية من خالل الدراسة الموضوعية آليات الصدق في القرآن الكريم 196 ...... إصالح التعليم الجامعي اإلسالمي وتوجيهه لتنمية الموارد البشرية القيادية 197 ...... تربية النساء من سورة النساء )23-23( 198 ...... مفهوم التربية الروحية من خالل سورة المعارج اآلية -01 23




Empowering Character Educationfor National Defence1

Abuddin Nata* *Professor on Philosophy of Islamic Education in Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training in Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta.

I. THE POSITION OF CHARACTER EDUCATION Empowering character education for national defense is very important. There are some reasoning for this statement as follows: First, that the main essence of The Holly Qur’anic teaching in according to result of Fazlur Rahman’s research is to empowering character education in according to distribute and transmitted peace for all human life in the world.2 In according to result of many researches on the Holly Qur’an, as ws conducted by Wahbah al-Zuhaili, Muhammad Nasih Ulwan, Salih Abdullah Salih, Muhammad Quthb, Ali Khalil Abu Al-‘Ainain, Muhammad Athiyah al-Abrasy, and others there are a conclusion, that in the Holly Qur’an we will find all components of character education, namely the component of goal, curriculum, content, strategies and approaches in learning and teaching process, character of teacher, evaluation and so on.3 Besides, although the Holly Qur’an talking about theology, worship, education, preaching, history and so on, but the ultimate goal of those ar in according to empowering character education. For this point of view, when the Qur’an talked about theology, is not only for theology, but also for transform the theological teaching in establishing good character. Belief to God (iman) for istance, must be followed by realisa the Character of God in our personality, in concordance with the human capacities. This statement was concordance with al-Ghazali stated: al-takhalluq bi akhlaq Allah ‘ala thaqah al- basyariyah: to be has character as character of Allah.4 And in the Prophet Muhammad’s tradition, that narated by Imam Turmudzi, that God has 99 charactess and all those characters has relationship with the character education, because those God’s Characters is relating to character building. Further, if in the Holly Qur’an we found about the teaching of worship like praying, fasting, paying zakat or do pilgrame to Mekkah, and the goal of those worship teaching is to improve the quality of character. Conducting of praying for instanc, is in according to protect our personality from bed action; and conducting fasting in according to be honest and solely; and

1 Keynote Speech on International Seminar on Education and Social Sciences held by University of Ibn Khaldun of Bogor, 15th October 2016 in UIK Bogor, Indonesia 2 See Fazlur Rahman, The Major Themes of The Qur’an, (USA:Chicago University, 1982), p. 40; See also Ali Abdul Halim Mahmud, Akhlak Mulia (al-Tarbiyah al-Khuluqiyah), (translated) by Abdul Hayyie al-Kattani, (Jakarta:Gema Insani, 2004), First Edition, p.173-241; Muchlas Samani and Hariyanto, Konsep dan Model Pendidikan Karakter, (Bandung: Remaja Rosda, 2013), Third Edition, p. 105-111. 3 Wahbah al-Zuhaili was wrote book on the title of Akhlaq al-Karimah in four volume; Muhammad Nasih Ulwan was wrote book on the title Tarbiyah al-Aulad fi al-Islam; Salih Abdullah Saleh was wrote book on the Title Islamic Education Qur’anic Outlook; and Muhammad Qutbh was wrote book on the title Educational System in the Holly Qur’an; Abu Ali Khalil a-Ainain, wrote book on the title Falsafah al-Tarbiyah al-Islamiyah fi al-Qur’an al-Karim, Muhammad Athiyah al-Abrasyi wrote book on the title al-Tarbiyah al-Islamiyah wa Fulasifatuha. Those books was published in some publisher in Indonesia, and we find find in those books the concept of Character Education in according to Holly Qur’an and the Prophet Muhammad Tradition. 4 See Abuddin Nata, Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, (Jakarta:Prenada Media Group, 2010), First Editiona, p. 40;


conducting zakat in according to develop social responsibility; and conducting pilgrame in according to be good attitude. Further ini the Holly Qur’an there are the history of many prophets, messengers and the leaders from any societies and communities. The goals of those histories is to be the role model or be warning for next generation. Second, that the character education will find in mission of all prophets and messengers, and other spiritual leaders like Luqman al-Hakim, Budha Gautama, Kong Hucu, Laotsze, and so on, and completed by the Prophet Muhammad p.b.u. In This point of views, the Prophet Muhammad said: “I send by God to earth in according to establish good character.” So in the all policies of the Prophet Muhammad p.b.u. we will find the teaching of character education. Compare with the effort of other prophets, that the effort of the Prophet Muhammad p.b.u. in establishing character education is very succesf. For this success story, God and His messenger appriciate him. In The Holly Qur’an, Allah said: “Actually you are the succes prophet in establishing good character.” This statement inspire us in establishing good character for today and for the future and we can seek the effective strategy in establishing good character as the prophet Muhammad p.b.u. conducted. Third, that the character education further was become a main agenda for some Moslem Schoolar from the classical period untill now. According to information from the History of Islamic civilization and culture, at lease there are two prominents Moslim Schoolar Thinkers whose establish the concept of character education, namely Ibn Miskawaih and al-Ghazali. Through his book Title Tazhib al-Akhlaq, Ibn Miskawaih formulated and definited the concept of character education and introduced the bassic of character education. According to him, there are five identities of character education. The first, that character was transform in the deep of heart; second that character was more easy in conducted; third, original activities; fourth, that character was do by their choise and awareness; and the fifth, that character was motivated by God willings. The concept of character education was conducted by Ibn Miskawaih (d. 1030 M.) was recognized as the good concept because his concept based on the psychological and the Qur’anic verses and the prophet Muhammad tradition approach. According to him, that every human being has some psychological competencies, namely, intellect or ratio in the head; syahwat or sexual libido in the tomb, and emotion in chest. Fourth, the character education is the goal of the national education. In the National Educational System stated, that the goal of education is to improve all potentials from student in according to become beliefer, good character, health, has well educated, competent, creative, self confidence, and be democratic and responsible citizen.5 So content of the National Education aim based on Character education. Fifth, that some Moslem Schoolars in education, like Muhammad Naquib al-Attas, said: Educational should aim at the ballance growth of total personality of man through the training of man’s spirit, intelect the rational self, feeling and body sense. Education should therefore cater for the growth of man in all its aspects, spiritual, intelectual, imaginative, physical, scientific, linguistic, both individual and collectivelly, and motivate all these aspects toward goodness and attainment of perfection. The ultimate

5 See The System of National Educatin, Number 20, 2003, (Jakarta: Ministry of National Education and Culture, 2003), First Publishing, p. 6.


aim of education lies in realization of comple submission to Allah on the level individual, the comminity and human at large.6 Based on those explanation and description in above we can conclude, that the character education is global and universal issues. Those concept was talked by all prophets, messengers, philosophers, spiritual leaders, moslem schoolars, and some contemporary schoolars ini every countries in the wold, like Thomas Lickona (Professor on Education in State University of New York in Cortland), included the current issues in national system of education

II. CHARACTER EDUCATION FOR NATIONAL DEFENCE Definition of national defence is condition for all aspects:social, economic, politic, military, ideology, culture, finance and so on in the good quality. So all those aspects could to support for the sustainability of national defence, and be the basic for conducting welfare for all people in that country. All experts, in generally agree, that the good character will be the main support for national defence, and that wiil be indicator for the good country. In According to information from the History of the World, said, that the some countries those has the excellent culture and civilization, like Greek, India, China, Romawi and Persia that their heritage, like Great Wall in China, Taj Mahal in India, Eiffel Towar in Fraance, and Borobudur Temple in Indonesia, and other was caused by the excellence of character of that countries. So the excellencies of science and technology of the country as we find today was supported by the human people that has good character. Namely whose people that has excellent character, namely the attitude that has to choise was depend on his freedom and responsibilities. For instance they have good and excellent moral like honesty, justice, democracy, humanities, freedom, partnership, solidarities, nationality, responsibility, and so on. With those characters, their competencies in intellectual, experience, soft skill and hard skill will be contribute and support to improve the quality of culture and civilization in the contruct the concept of character education, like writing, design, concept and so on, and then those used in establishing and developing the advancement and national defence. In this case we can see the relationship between the excellent and good character with the national welfare and national defence.7 Further, if the excellent and good character as quoted above was connected with the Indonesian National Defence, it will tends to unsatisfaction condition. This condition indicated by some problems as follow. First, the are many reports that talking about the Failed State Index (FSI, 2012) that put Indonesia in the position 63 from 178 state in the Wolrd. Indonesia enter to the category of danger nation. There are many indicators of failed State on Indonesia. One of them is about the uncompetent of Indonesian Government to give safety for all Indonesian people, and more attractive some hard activities. In this case, apparantly,

6 See Second World Conferences on Muslim Education, International Seminar on Islamic Concepts and Curriciulum Recommendation, 15 to 20 March, 1980; Islamabad, and H.M. Arifin, Ilmu Pendidikan Islam:Suatu Tinjauan Teoritis dan Praktis Berdasarkan Pendekatan Interdisipliner, (Jakarta:Bina Aksara, 1991), First Edition, p. 40; Abuddin Nata, Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, (Jakarta: Prenada Media Group, 2001), First Edition, p. 61-62 7 Seee Abuddin Nata, Akhlak Tasawuf dan Karakter Mulia, (Jakarta:RajaGrafindo Persada, 2015), cet. XIV, hal. 320.


that awaraness Indonesian people does not have competency in solving some problems that has do by part of socities.8 Second, there are report from Political and Economic Risk Consultancy (RERC) and United Nation Development Program (UNDP) that said that The System Education in Indonesia place the worst position in Asean (from 12 countries which surveyed by PERC). South Corea accounted as the countries that has the best educational system, further followed by Singapura, Japan, Taiwan, India, China, and Malaysia. Indonesia stay in position twenty, above Vietnam.9 Third, there are report from United Nation Development Program in 2004 and 2005 that said, that of Indonesian Human Development is still in law position. In 2004, the position of Indonesia in 111 from 175; menwhile in 2005, Indonesian Human Development position still under poor countries like Kirgistan (110), Equatorial Guines (109), and Algeria (108). That data so more unconfinient if the position of Indonesia compared with the other some Asean Countries, like Singapura (25); Brunai Darussalam (33), Malaysia (58), Thailand (76) and Philifina (83). The position of Indonesia is just one range in above Vietnam (112), dan more best from Kamboja (130), Myanmar (132), and Laos (132).10 Fourth, that the total debt of Indonesia now is arround 2.000 triliyun Indonesia Rupiah (IDR), and if this debt pay every day, we need 2 million dollar, and for this case we need tarround one thousand years. This owe debt difficult pay since the corruption culture untill now is still not dimished, and Indonesia become corruption country in the World. Fifth, about dependencies of Indonesia as a country to other countries in countinous sustainability, that allmost in all Indonesian need:rice, meal, meat, sugar, fruits, and so on. Indonesian Government is still not have competencies to give job opportunity for all Indonesian peoples due to such circumtances there are more than ten million of Indonesian people go to other countries to get job without has soft and hard skill. Based on this condition, in general, that Indonesian people whose work in other countries is just work in the lobor job, like to be house keeping, assistant of the house, baby sitter, and such. The lower position and the degradation of Indonesian people in all aspect has relationship with the bad of character, bad mental and bad morality. So there is very important if this international seminar tend to seek good solution in according to revitalise and empowering character education. Through empowering character education we will be nation that has dignitiy and get value added dan get bargaining and competitive position with the other countries in the World.11

III. SOME FACTORS FOR CRISIS IN CHARACTER OF EDUCATION There are many factors that caused crisis of character of education. First, that educational activities was forget to be the main goal, namely to improve and develop

8 See Kompas, Jun, 23, 201, p. 1. 9 See Muhaimin, Nuansa Baru Pendidikan Islam, Mengurai Benang Kusut Dunia Pendidikan, (Jakarta:RajaGrafindo Persada, 2006), First Publication, p. 73. 10 See Masnur Muslich, Pendidikan Karakter Menjawab Tantangan Krisis Multidimensional, p. 2. 11 See Mulyasa, Manajemen Pendidikan Karakter, (Jakarta:Bumi Aksaram 20012), First Publication, p. 8.


knowledge, affection, moral, skill and moral in simultanously. The education world today was giving knowledge bigger and more wide than the portion of the improvement of attitude, values, and character building personality. Educational word was not give good appreciation to develop good character. This statement can be found in the regulation of national examination that not included the moral, character and attitude as the pre-requisite for the success in national eximination. Second, in actually, that the Education in Indonesia focused on produce graduate to continues his study in Higher Learning like Universities or institute, and this polices concordance with who has academic competencies only (high Intellegencies Quotion), and not oriented to produce graduate that has good morality. In According to Howard Garder, that for every student there are have muliple intellegents, namely: linguistic, cinestetic, mathematic, spacial, esthetic, inter-personal, and personal intellegencies.12Third, that the educational world in Indonesia was intra forced in prepar instant alumies. This was awarene or now, that today education was make social engeneering in according to pressure all students to be instant human, ready to employed doesn’t has competencies for long time. This tendecies apparantly in the situation for the last or national education. In at that time, alll the students parents force their children to follow some exercise and training to make drill program or to test and selection program, in according to become their children success in their examination.13 This program conducted by all student in according to get evalution score only and not to develop their moral and character competencies. The are many parents whose see moral and character education as not infortant for their children. The good attitude that do by children, like praying, parently, leadership, and other good character are was not be criteria for success in final examination. Fourth, that the bassic philosophy of education in Indonesia is based on five pillar of Pancasila: (1) belief to Oneness of God; (2)Humanity based on justice and civilice; (3)The Unity of Indonesian people; (4)Societies that was lead by acquired wisdom that fair and critized in democracy, and (5) Social Justice for all Indonesian people. The content of Pancasila, in actually related to the moral and character values. But in the realization, that educational activities tends to lead by liberal economy that was charaterise by accupation in science, technology, skill, fulfill human need in industrial affair, the using of business management, tends to transaksional law, the position of teacher only just facilitator, motivator, catalisator, and put the student as the external customer that must be given good service and satisfaction. Based on this orientation of education, the education surpressed be progressive education from John Dewey that was stressed education to be more expensive in according to market oriented.14 That education was neglected the religious education and character education.15 The fifth, that implementation of religious education in Indonesia today was failed. The impact of this condition is the moral decadent and the crisis of character education. This fail caused by that the religious teaching in the school based on cognitive and dogmatic orientation. Religious teaching was not connected with the deep belief. The orientation of religious education

12 See Howard Gardner, in Joy A. Palmer, 50 Pemikir Pendidikan dari Piaget sampai Masa Sekarang, (Yogyaka Jendela, 2003), p. 467-488. 13 See Manur Muslich, Pendidikan Karakter, op, cit, p. 24. 14 See Robert S, Brumbaugh and Nathaniel M. Lawrence, Philosopher on Education, (Boston:Houghton Mifflin Company, 1963); First Edition, p. 128; See also, Nel Noddin, Philosophy of Education, (USA:Wesview Press, 2007), First Edition, p. 23-40. 15 See Abuddin Nata, Akhlak Tasawuf dan Karakter Mulia, op. cit, p. 325.


was not enough, or only in ritualistic, regulation, law, and simbol only, but also has to be integrated with the deep of belief.16

IV. EMPOWERING CHARACTER EDUCATION Based on the problem as quoted above there are many strategies that can be tused to empower the character education in according to national defence as follow. First, by implementing the Model of Holistic education that based on Character education. The Holistic education can defined as the education that develop total human potentials:intellectual, emotional, physical, social, esthetic, and spiritual competencies.17 Meanwhile that the meaning of Holistic education that based on character as introduced by Indonesian Heritage Foundation is the model of education was implemented social theories, emosional, cognitive, physic, moral and spiritual. This model expected in according to improve the quality of human competencies by integrated spiritual, intellectual, social, physic, emosion, and creative thinking, confident and responsibility.18 In the concept of curriculum 2013 for instance, that the competencies what hope from student, is consist of spiritual competencies, sosial competencies, emotional competencies (affection) and psychomotoric competencies. So the concept of curriculum 2013 based on hollistic education. Second, by revitalization of moral, values, religion and civic education. Concordance with the meaning of character education as quoted in above, namely to develop all human potentials, that character education need akhlaq education that base on revelation, moral education that based on heart and soul, and ethics education that based on ratio. So character education must based on collaboration between akhlaq education, moral education, and ethics education. Third, by revitalization of Education in the family, education in the School (formal education), and education in the Societies (non-formal). Revitalization of education in family conducted by the implementation the concept of the power of family in according to Islamic teaching. Namely to strengtenth the function of family in according to Islamic guidance. The concept of the power of family conducted by : (1)understanding of the essence function of the parens as the main educator or main teacher that will hope to his responsible di front of God in the Hereafter; (2)to establish the concept Harmony (Sakinah) Family that posible all membes of those house will be enjoy in his family; (3)to make all family members to be near and communicative in soul and physic; (4)to maintain in effective to all chindrens, especially when they are in out side of the house; (5)to make religious values as the living values and lifing culture, like praying together, reciting to the Holly Qur’an together, fasting, said peace, kiss hand, praying when eate and drink, sleep, wake up, go to school, and so on; (6)to be fair, democratic, role model, one say and one talk; (7)to enculturation of trust, honesty, solely, responsible, brotherhood, partnership, and so on; (8)to require some

16 See Benny Susetyo, Politik Pendidikan Penguasa, (Yogyakarta:KiS Pelangi Aksara Yogyakarta, 29005), cet. I, 87-89; See also Muhaimin, Nuansa Baru Pendidikan Islam, Mengurai Benang Kusut Dunia Pendidikan, (Jakarta:RajaGrafindo Persada, 2006), First Edition, p. 112. 17 See John P, Milir, dkk, (ed), Holistic Learning and Spiritual in Education, (USA:State University of New York Pressm 2005), First Edition, p. 2. 18 See Nanik Rubiyanto and Dany Haryanto, Strategi Pembelajaran Holistic di Sekolah, (Jakarta:Prestasu Pustaka Publisher, 2010), First Edition, p. 45.


facilities and budget that need to conducted character education in the house; (9)to checks hand gadaet, computer, laptop and other that used by their children; and (10) to protect all childrens from television agenda that not has relation with the character education. Further, revitalization of School education in character education can conducted with the strategy as follow: (1)to formulate the values that relevance to reliase in the school:trusted, discipline team work, joint cooperation, and other started by The Head of School (Principles of the School), (2)to practice of religious culture, like praying together, reciting the Holly Qur’an; (3)to implemented some religous traditions; (4)to integrate joint together with the parents in according to maintaint and developing pupils; (5)to enter character education in all school activities; and (6) to make same perception between the Head of The School, Instructor, teacher, employee and parents.19 Further, by revitalization of the function of societies in character education can conducted by; (1)by involved in introducing the clean environment from drughs, prostitution, pornography, and so on; (2)by improve the religious environment, establishing formal, non formal and informal education, religious education, exhibision, to develop talent, skill, and others, through work together, with local goverentment, donors and so on; (3)to keep from crime and law violation. Fourth, by revitalization Mass Media Function. Mass Media has function as the entertainment, information and education. But today, the function of intertainment and information are bigger than the function of education. Some entertaintment as involved in mass media, like television tends to encourage hedonistic, pragmatism pragmatis values. To solve that problem there are very infortance to conducted as follow: (1)to make more program that has education and good character values; and (2) work together with the education in introducing that student that has achievement; (3)not to broadcast program that influence to bad character. Fifth, by making good partnership between The School and Home, to make good character in class room, teach together between academic and character, disciplines, the good ethics, protect from bad society and promoting goodnes attitude, to help children to be responsible and establish their character, to make character of the School, and character of the community.20 The improvisation of good character also can conducted with the effort to make teacher better in handling students, model and guide; make moral community in the classroom, moral discipline, democratic class, to teach moral values through curriculum, cooperative learning, to encourage moral reflection, to teach method in solving conflict, to make positive moral culture in the family.21 We can chose those strategies in conducting character education in the School, in the House and in the Society.

V. CONCLUSION Based on that description, we can take conclussion as follows:

19 Zubaedi, Desain Pendidikan Karakter, Konsepsi dan Aplikasinya dalam Lembaga Pendidikan, op, cit, hal. 162. 20 See Thomas Lickona, Character Matters Persoalan Karakter, Bagaimana Membantu Anak Mengembangkan Penilaian yang Baik, Integritas, dan Kebajinan Penting Lainnya, (translated) by Juma Abdu Wamaungo & Jean Antunes Rudolf Zein, from the original title : Character Matters: How to Help Our Children Develop Good Judgment, Integrity, and Other Essential Virtue, (Jakarta:Bumi Aksara, 2015),Third Edition. 21 See Thomas Lickona, Pendidikan Karakter Panduan Lengkap Mendidik Siswa Menjadi Pintar dan Baik (Bandung:Nusa Media, 2014), Second Edition.


First, that character education was needed by all nations in the world and supported by all prophets, messengers, spiritual leaeders, philosophers, national leaders, preachers, educators, and so on, because through the character education we will generate good leader, good employer that will do anything in according to establish good culture and good civilization in the frame of product social wellfare pshycally and spirituality. Second, that the condition of national defence can be defined as condition that all aspects and all components that adhere in Indonesia, like social, economy, politic, tradition, culture, education, environment, communication and interaction are in good condition that based on character values. Third, that the basic of character values consits of the primary sources and secondary sources. The primary courses of character values based on religious values refer to revelation in the Holly book an strengthen by the prophet and messenger tradition; meanwhile the secondary sources of character values based on the spiritual and rational exercise that refers to philosopher, spiritual leader, educators, teacher, goverenment regulation, tradition and local wisdom that concordance with the primary sources. If there are contradiction between the values that based on primary sources and the values that based on secondary sources we can to compromise it, and if that not be to compromise between that two sources, we must choose the primary sources, because the primer sources based on revelation, and revelation based on the Holly book, and the Holly book is from God. Fourth, that character education is very important in improving national defence, includs the Indonesian country. We know that in social, economy, politic, tradition, culture, education, environment, communication and interaction in Indonesia still dominated by the value system that based on religious values and Indonesian philosophycal vaes as wi find in Pancasila. Our social life system still dominated by discrimination and gap between the high class and law class; and the in economic system still dominated by liberal capitalism; further in political system still dominated by transactional system, and in traditional and cultural life still dominated by hedonism, pragrmatism, and materialism; further in educational system still dominated by transactional, and pragmatism system; and in environment, communication and interaction still dominated by liberal and free values system. Caused by those problems, the national defence of Indonesia country is not yet strong compare with other country in the World. The position of Indonesia in the South Asian Country, in economic, social, education, health, science, technology and other is still in the low position. Fifth, that the effort to improve the quality of character education in according to national defence was not just agenda for the formal educational institution only, but it obligation for non formal, and informal education, social leader, religious leaders, all mass media, government (national leaders). Besides that, we must generate a new formulation, new strategy, new approaches, new methods, and new spirit in improving the quality of character education. Some formulations, strategies, approaches, methods and spirit that we used now in improving good character education is still not yet enough, and by hope blessing from God, Allah SWT, we sure, that we can improve the quality of character education in according to strengthen national defence.



[1] Abrasyi, Muhammad Athiyah, al-Tarbiyah al-Islamiyah wa Fulasifatuha, (Mesir: Dar al-Ma’arif, 1974);

[2] Abu Ali Khalil al-Ainain, Falsafah al-Tarbiyah al-Islamiyah fi al-Qur’an al-Karim, (Beirut: Dar al-Fikr al-Araby, 1980), First edition.

[3] Al-Attas, Syed Muhammad al-Naquib, Aims and Objectives of Islamic Education, (Jeddaf:King Abdul Aziz University, 1979).

[4] Amin, Ahmad, Etika (Ilmu Akhlak), (terj.) Farid Ma’ruf, dari judul asli al-Akhlaq, (Jakarta:Bulan Bintang, 1983), Third Edition.

[5] Brumbaugh, Robert, and Nathaniel M. Lawrence, Philosopher on Education, (Boston:Houghton Mifflin Company, 1963); First Edition.

[6] Dewantara, Ki Hajar, Bagian Pertama Pendidikan, (Yogyakarta:Majelis Luhur Taman Siswa, 1962), First edition.

[7] Charis Zubaidi, Ahmad, Kuliah Etika, (Jakarta:Rajawali Pers, 1990), Second Edition.

[8] Gardner, Howard, in Joy A. Palmer, 50 Pemikir Pendidikan dari Piaget sampai Masa Sekarang, (Yogyakarta: Jendela, 2003), p. 467-488.

[9] Ghazali, al-Imam, Ihya’ Ulum al-Din, Volume IV, (Beirut: Dar al-Fikr, tp. th.);

[10] Ghazali, Muhammad, Khuluq al-Muslim, (Semarang:Wicaksana, 1993), Fourth Edition.

[11] Hamka, Lembaga Budi, (Jakara:Pustaka Panjimas, 1983), Third Edition.

[12] Lari, Sayyid Mujtaba Musawi, Etika dan Pertumbuhan Spiritual, (translate) by Muhammad Hasyim Assegaf fro original title, Ethics and Spiritual Growth, (Jakarta:Lentera Basritama, 1422 H./2001), First edition.

[13] Lickona, Thomas, Character Matters Persoalan Karakter, Bagaimana Membantu Anak Mengembangkan Penilian yang Baik, Integritas dan Kebajikan Penting Lainnya, (transl.) by Juma Abdu Wamaungo & Jean Antunes Rudolf Zein, from the original title Character Matter How to Help Our Children Develop Good Judgment, Integrity, and Other Essential Virtues; (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2015), The Third Edition.

[14] ------, Pendidikan Karakter Panduan Lengkap Mendidik Siswa Menjadi Pintar dan Baik, ( (transl.) by Lita S, from the original title Educating for Character, (Bandung:Nusa Media, 2004), The Second Edition.

[15] Mahmoud, Ali Abdul Halim, Akhlak Mulia (al-Tarbiyah al-Khuluqiyah), (translated) by Abdul Hayyie al-Kattani, (Jakarta:Gema Insani, 2004), First Edition.

[16] Mawardy, al-Bisry, Adab al-Dunya wa al-Din, (Beirut: Dar al-Fikr, tp. th.)

[17] Mill, John P, (ed), Holistic Learning and Spiritual in Education, (USA:State University of New York Pressm 2005), First Publishedm p. 2.

[18] Miskawaih, Ibn, Tahzib al-Akhlaq wa Tathhir al’Araq, (Tahqiq) Ibn Khaliq, (Mesir: Dar al- Syuruq, 1934 M.), First Edition.

[19] Muhaimin, Nuansa Baru Pendidikan Islam, Mengurai Benang Kusut Dunia Pendidikan, (Jakarta:RajaGrafindo Persada, 2006), First Edition.

[20] Mulyasam H,E., Manajemen Pendidikan Karakter, (Jakarta:Bumi Aksaram 2012), First Edition.

[21] Muslih, Masnur, Pendidikan Karakter Menjawab Tantangan Krisis Multidimensional, (Jakarta:Bumi Aksara, 2011), First edition.

[22] Nata, Abuddin, Akhlak Tasawuf dan Karakter Mulia, (Jakarta:RajaGrafindo Persada, 2015). Fifth edition.

[23] ------, Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, (Jakarta:Prenada Media Group, 2012), First Edition.


[24] Noddin, Noel, Philosophy of Education, (USA:Wesview Press, 2007), First Edition,

[25] Nucci, Larry P. and Darcia Naravaes, Hand book Pendidikan Moral dan Karakter (Handook of Moral and Character Education, (Bandung:Nusa Media, 2015), The Second Edition.

[26] Rubiyanto, Nanik, and Dany Haryanto, Strategi Pembelajaran Holistic di Sekolah, (Jakarta:Prestasu Pustaka Publisher, 2010), First Edition.

[27] Rahman, Fazlur, The Major Themes of The Qur’an, (USA:Chicago University, 1982),

[28] Samani, Muchlas, dan Hariyanto, Konsep dan Model Pendidikan Karakter, (Bandung:Remaja Rosdakarya, 2013), Third Edition.

[29] Shomali, Mohammad A., Relativisme Etika Analisis Prinsip-prinsip Moralitas, (Jakarta:Shadra Press, 2011), First Edition.

[30] Susetyo, Benny, Politik Pendidikan Penguasa, (Yogyakarta:KiS Pelangi Aksara Yogyakarta, 29005), First Edition.

[31] Osenberg Rotery, Amelie, Philosopher on Education New Historical Perspective, (London and New York Routledge, 1999).

[32] Undang-undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, (Jakarta:Departemen Penddikan Nasional, 2003), cet. I.

[33] Zuhaili, al, Wahbah, Ensiklopedia Akhlak Muslim, Berakhlak terhadap sesama & Alam Semesta, (Translate) by Ahmad Dzulfikar dan Muhammad Sholeh Asri from the Original Title Akhlaq al- Muslim: ‘Alaqatuhu bi al- wa al-Kaun, (Bandung:Mizan Media Utama, 2014), Firs Edition.


Islamic Ethics as a Foundation in Developing Character Education

Nirwan Syafrin, Ph.D Vice Rector at Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

I. PROLOGUE Education is an issue that always attracts people’s attention. Although having been widely discussed, there is always a lacuna interestingly to be explored as evidenced from a large number of publications continuously published. Nothing is surprise indeed in this regards. It will continue to occupy a centre stage of societal attnetion since education itself is dynamic. It constantly evolves just like society develops. The system, format, and model of education is not made once for all. It keeps changing from time to time following the evolution of the people. Hence, one system of education can fit for all socities and ages. What suits before may no longer fit today. In fact this is one of the reasons that has driven many modern and contemporary Muslim intellectuals to ceaselessly reflect and contemplate upon the issue, attempting to reconstruct and reformulate a type of education that suits the life of Muslims today. It is at this juncture the voice of the urgent need for educational reform begins to hear. Many Muslim intellectuals in these days turn their eyes to education since they firmly believe that the crisis afflicting Muslims today is not caused substantially by their scientific and technological backwardness, nor is it due to political and economic system they apply. They are all agreed it is mainly due to the system of education prevails, which is secular in nature, dualistic in practice, and wordly in orientation. This sort of education has to be reformed and reconstructed if Muslims were to regain their pride avariond place in world civilization as their ancestors once did. Indonesian government seems to have realized this nature of the problem. And therefore, through its ministry of education, the government has continually, from time and over, introduced various changes. Such often the change is, people begin questioning as to whether a change introduced for improvement of education or simply for personal pride. This question is hardly to answer. But it is crystal clear that a change in education will never be stopped. Thus, in 2013, Minister of education, Muhammad Nuh, a former Rector of Surabaya Technology Institute (ITS), introduced what later came to be known as character education. This is of course not simply a change in name, but a change will have a great critical impact on curriculum, methods, and evaluation. Hence comes 2013 Curriculum, known in Indonesia, Pendidikan karakter. The term character education itself is not totally new. It has been in circulation sometimes in the past. But as a concept, character education is often associated with Thomas Licona. The aim of this education is doubtlessly excellent, that is, to produce people with strong character who can observe what he names as universal values such as trustworthy, responsible, caring, and so on and so forth. In spite of its noble objective, not few has addressed critique to it, on various reasons. In order to understand the nature of the debate, the paper seeks to explore the meaning of the


character education and other related concepts. This is followed by an exposition of the place of ethic in Islam. It goes on discussing the views of various Muslim scholars of ethic the purpose of which is to seek the possibility of making Islamic ethics as a foundation to further develop the concept of character education. Prior to all this, however, the paper firstly tries to expound a close relationship between education and worldview.

II. EDUCATION AND WORLDVIEW Education is the spirit and life of a society or nation and civilization. No society can last without education. For a society can exist because there are values its members share. It is these shared values that keep a society alive and last long. The moment these values diminish, the society will also vanish. That is the reason why the old generation often tried hard to hand down these values to generations that come. Because without it, that society will fade away. This process of transformation of values is one of the functions of education. A form of society is hence shaped basically by education. The form of a society depends on a kind of values taught. If the values transformed are good, one can expect a good society will emerge. But if the values propagated are bad, impossibly a good society will originate. This clearly shows how important education is in the life of a society. If the nature of a society is determined by education and what is it that determines the nature, system of education. The answer is the end goal or objective which that society aspires. What sort of society the members of this society wish them to be, it is the one that determines what kind of education should be adopted and implemented. In other words, a system of education is shaped by the worldview that underlies that society. This means all elements related to that system which include curriculum, method, environment and others must be constructed in accordance with the final objective that society aspires to be. If that society, for instance, wishes to become A, all components that are going to be applied must be the ones that can help the society to realize its aspiration. Otherwise, it is tantamount to betrayal to the society. For, the society wishes A, but the values given to them are the one that brings them to B. One may ask: from where the society gets that aspiration A. Putting it in simple words, how does the society come to construct their aspiration. Does the aspiration come from themselves or gain from teachers that teach them? The former is impossible. For the idea of good is not innate or inherent in person. Most probably they must gain it from those who happened to have taught them. In other words, those ideals are gained from teachers through education. Here, the issue goes on in circularity: the society is determined by education, but the kind of education applied is shaped by goal which the society wishes. This tells us clearly that a system of education is not tranformable, which means that not all models or systems of education are suitable and applicable to all societies. Western system of education, for example, despite of many goodness and positive aspects it has, is not necessarily good and workable when applied to Muslim society for. Similarly, what is conceived as good in Islamic education is not automatically good and applicable in other society. Because what other societies envision perhaps cannot be met and realized by Islamic education since Islamic education is designed to


achieve another particular goal. It is then improper for a society to simply copy a system of education of other socities on the assumption that if such and such a society can make progress by appliying a particular system of education, so other societies that copy and apply that system would also progress. This is totally unacceptable as it will not yield expected result. Example for this is quite abundant. Turkey perhaps can serve as a good example. As all know that following the abolishment of Caliphate political system in 1924, Turkey had made an extreme radical transformation, especially in regards to culture and religion. Under the command of Mustafa Kemal Attartuk, Turkey allows itself to become a slavish follower of the west to the extent that it uprooted itself from its religious and traditional values, allowing no religion appears in public life. By so doing, Kemal highly hoped that Turkey would regain its supremacy. What happened is not as expected. Instead of reviving, Turkey inversely sunk into a deep crisis. Only in recent years, Turkey came to emerge in international stage. Interestingly this emergence was, incidentally or not, coupled by the emergence of religious awareness in all levels of society. People began to return to their origins, to the religion that had brought them before into the peak of civilization. Many Muslim nations actually undergo the same experience as Turkey, constructed themselves in the image of the West. Like Turkey, these nations also made no significant progress. Almost none of what they dream, aspire and wish are materialized. Instead of advancing, they rather decline. All this indicates that education is truly not a neutral activity, but vastly laden with values and norms, imbued with philosophy and worldview. It is a program purposely designed to achieve a particular target, the importance of which is a change in behavior, attitude, character, or outer performance on the part of the subjects. Having been taught, the children are hoped capable cognitively of differentiating between right and wrong, good and bad, for instance, and morally of acting upon it. To act morally is then tantamount to know conceptually what is moral and immoral. In other words, a change of behavior is starts from a change of mindset, of worldview that underlies that behavior. A faithful Muslim would never allow himself to practice interreligious marriage because he knows that the Holy Qur’an, which serves as a basis of his worldview, forbids them to do so. But recently there are Muslims not only observing this practice but even justifying it theologically and legally. That is primarily because the worldview this Muslim possesses has changed. Such a change is possible through nothing but education. So the prime target of education is actually not the outer performance but the philosophy which sustains that performance that is the mindset or the worldview. Once this worldview changes, the whole physical performance would automatically follow. This exposition indicates how critically importance is the position of education in the life of a nation and civilization. It is a major factor that determines direction and future of the nation. At this juncture, the West seems to have truly understood this fact, unlike majority of Muslim countries which still see it as peripheral concern not a central importance as compared to the issue of security or economy for instance. There is no wonder therefore why many Muslim nations still allocate their national budget more on purchasing arms and the like as compared to the western countries which allotted more research and education. Thus, the west has no hesitation to recruit as much as possible potential Muslims to be educated in their higher learning institutions.


Because they know that these smart Muslims when return home will occupy a certain prestigious position in their societies. In this connection, it is rightly to quote what Syed Hussein Nasr once notes where he aptly notes that the West when they have come to establish their power in a particular country, they would soon demand a change in the system of education of the country. For, they know well only through education they can maintain their control upon the countries they colonized even if they have to depart physically from those countries. This is exactly what is happening now in majority of Muslim nations. Although physically and politically independent, many Muslim nations up to present still come under the control of the west. There is no surprise therefore if most political and economic policies of those Majority Muslim countries are in favor of foreign interest as to the interest of their people and nation.

III. UNDERSTANDING THE NATURE OF THE CHARACTER EDUCATION There has been an intensive publication discussing this issue since the government introduced it to the public. Some see it as identical with morality, trait, habit, etc, while others conceive them differently. The difference in defining this term has resulted in the difference of attitude towards the concept. Some scholars conceive character education as similar to moral education, while others perceive them of two different entities. I will not delve in depth into this debate as publications on this issue are quite intensive. Referring to Thomas Lickona, character is “a reliable inner disposition to respond to situations in a morally good way.” He then adds, “so conceived character has three interrelated parts: moral knowing, moral feeling, and moral behavior.”22 Based on this, Lickona sees a noble character as a composite of knowledge of goodness, intention of goodness, and finally doing good. In other words, the character refers to a set of knowledge (cognitive), attitudes and motivations, and behavior and skills. In light of this definition, character education is then defined as “the deliberate effort to help people understand, care about, and act upon core ethical values. In his book Character Matters, Lickona further explains that “character education is the deliberate effort to cultivate virtue-that is objectively good human qualities-that are good for the individual person and good for the whole society.” One thing that should be highlighted here that Lickona does not consider religion as sources of those values. In his eyes, good character is what human thinks good for himself and for others. Looked from Islamic perspective, this is not always the case. Although human is gifted with intellect to discern what is right and wrong, reason alone cannot determine right and wrong, good and bad. For what the intellect tells good might not be necessarily so in the eyes of Shari’ah. This, however, does not mean that human intellect is in opposition to Shari’ah. Character education is introduced because there is an awareness amongst practitioners of education that education is not solely a matter of academic excellence. For only academic excellence can bring children nowhere. Since humans are of multi dimensions, it would be wrong to focus on one aspect, which is cognitive. Other dimensions should be touched. And experience teaches that the success of a person does not solely depend his academic performance; it is rather on his attitude toward

22 (Lickona, 1991: 5)


work and life. It is for this purpose that educationists in USA in particular introduced this concept. In Indonesia, the concept of character education is introduced more to respond to current condition of the society which is seen as critically alarming. It is alarming because many incidents that take place in our society are beyond any moral standard that Indonesian society generally upholds. In recent years, public in this country is often exposed with news that is beyond human imagination. We are informed how a school girl was raped and then murdered, father or grandfather rape his daughter or granddaughter, children murder their parents or the other way around, et cetra. This is in addition to acute corruption which is now inflicting almost every governmental institution and involving elites of the country and the involvement of school and university students in free sex activities as well as forbidden narcotics. All these phenomena have created anxious and scary to public. Looking at this phenomena, many people come to surprise and question what is exactly going on in this society. Such a bad is Indonesian society today? Are all spaces now closed for this society to make a correction? It is in fact in light of and against this background the government through its ministry of education initiates the idea of character education hoping that by applying this system, the children of this country can be educated well, not only cognitively but also morally and ethically. Apart from this, the government also hopes this system of education can provide children with soft skill to cope with life to come which is getting tougher and more challenging. To face this challenge, children are equipped with at least 18 characters which include religiosity, honesty, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, and the list goes on. The government has actually identified methods and steps to make this system of education work effective. However, we are of the belief that the concept of Islamic ethics called ‘ilm akhlaq can help enrich this concept. For ‘ilm akhlaq in Islam is a discipline which has long been established. Almost none of disciplines in Islamic intellectual tradition is not touched by this discipline. And ‘ulama of the past of various disciplines have lavishly discussed the matter. All the 18 characters mentioned above are actually about ethical values. As values are not neutral, it important for religion to intervene. Otherwise they could be secularly interpreted. The notion of tolerance and democratic for instance. They could be directed to a popular conception that is developing now in this country, which means all religions are equally true and therefore no claim for truth is possible. This is of course not what is expected from character. Tolerance here should be interpreted as respecting each other without diminishing differences.

IV. THE POSITION OF AKHLAQ IN ISLAM Although the akhlaq is not identical with character, but is closely similar. Many people when they translate the word akhlaq, they chose the word character instead of moral or behavior for instance. That is perhaps because of the meaning of character itself which comes closer to the meaning of akhlaq. As Lickona defines above that character is “a reliable inner disposition,” akhlaq in the views of Muslim intellectuals are also inner disposition. As Ibn Miskawaih (d. 1030) puts it that akhlaq is “a state of soul or a disposition formed in man’s soul which directs a person how to behave.” Following in the footstep of Miskawayh, Imam al-Ghazali also conceives akhlaq as “a


strong disposition in man’s soul producing behavior without difficulties of thinking and deliberation.” There are two major points highlighted in Ghazali’s definition about akhlaq: first, akhlaq is constant stability of desire to behave and second, spontaneous in acting. Based on this definition, we can also deduce that for al-Ghazali akhlaq is not a knowledge about what is good and bad, nor is it capacity of knowing right and wrong, nor the actions of good and evil itself. Akhlaq is a condition of heart which is fixed and established. Akhlaq occupies a very central position in Islam. The Prophet declares that the main aim of his prophethood is to refine the akhlaq of the people and this aim is again repeatedly stressed in the Holy Qur’an (al-Baqarah 129 and 15, al-‘Imran: 164, al- Jum’ah: 2). The Prophet himself is an exemplary model of utmost noble akhlaq. And the akhlaq of the Prophet is the Qur’an itself. It means that all norms and values mentioned in the Qur’an work is exemplified and concretized in the personality of the Prophet. So akhlaq in Islam is not abstract, purely intellectual. It can be observed and applied in daily life as exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad. Akhlaq is the final aim of everything legislated in Islam. Beginning from Shalah, zakah, shawm, and hajj to stipulated criminal punishments (qisas and hudud) all are aimed at refining akhlaq of its doers. Shalah, Allah says is to to refrain from shameful and unjust deeds; shawm is to bring one to the level of taqwa (God conscious), zakah is to purify the payers (tutahhiruhum wa tuzakkihim), and al-hajj is similarly to make someone’s akhlaq purified to the level like a newly born baby which means without sin. Akhlaq is a foundation that underlies every human behavior without which no value can be credited for human action, how good it could be. Once the Prophet was asked about a woman who regularly performs prayer in midnight and fasts in day, but treats her neighbor badly, the Prophet replied she will be in hell. We are also informed by the Hadith of the Prophet about an ‘alim (knowledgeable person), a mujahid (martyr in God’s way), and generous man who spent most of his wealth to help peopl. But they all are thrown to the hell because the underlying reason of their actions is not for the sake of Allah, to gain His blessing, but rather to be praised and admired by people. Ikhlas, which means doing everything for Allah’s sake, should be the sole motivation of every human deed. Otherwise it will has no value in the eyes of Allah. The importance of akhlaq in Islam again can be discerned from a number of verses and Prophetic sayings where one’s faith is measured by his akhlaq. To see how faithful someone is to Allah, we simply look as how he speaks, deals with his neighbor, and treats his guests. The Prophet goes even far equating the perfection of one’s faith with the perfection of his akhlaq. Further Allah informs us that human victory depends not so much on much knowledge he acquires or the wealth he accumulates, or rituals he performs, but on successful is he in cleaning and purifying his inner self (al-Shams: 11). In fact, Allah stipulates that only those who fear Allah and can refrain themselves from following their desire will enter paradise. (al-Nazi’at: 40), while those fail to do so will be placed in the hell. There are still many instructions in both Qur’an and Hadith that express the critical importance of akhlaq in the structure of Islamic creed. Verses and prophetic sayings about amanah (trustworthy), honesty (sidq), responsibility, zuhd, (patience), qana’ah (self-sustained), (thankfulness), and many other qualities are rampant


and easily found in both Qur’an and Sunnah. In fact one of the qualities of Islamic civilization lies in its strong ethical values. And the indicators of the success of the Prphet of Muhammad is that he was able to produce people of high quality of akhlaq. He can turn primitive people of Arab society to be a civilized society which is based on noble attitudes. Islamic civilization is apart from civilization of knowledge, it is also civilization of ethics. Unfortunately, it is in this part that today Muslim mostly lack until one of the researches titles How Islamic is Islamic Countries, measured from ethical dimensions, most Muslim countries are listed below. It is time to Muslims to turn their eyes this glory dimension of Islam, its ethical teachings. When these values are well appreciated again, for sure Muslim will be able to gain again their supremacy and place in the present world civilization. In line with this thinking, we are of belief that ‘ilm akhlaq can help enrich the concept as welll as the application of this character education. Besides, ‘ilm akhlaq can also lessen its secular characteristic, especially when applied to Muslim children.


Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in Schools in Indonesia

Aidan Cronin UNICEF Indonesia

I. BACKGROUND WASH in Schools (WinS) looks at ensuring the required WASH facilities (safe water, clean and functioning toilets, handwashing facilities with soap and adequate waste management) are in place and coupled with the knowledge and practices of students on the importance of good WASH practice. Handwashing with soap in particular has been challenging to sustain and expand, despite its crucial importance for health and intensive interventions. Worldwide, one in five children of upper-primary-school age are out of school23 with girls in developing countries disproportionately dropping out of school, particularly around puberty, which some have attributed to the lack of school sanitation facilities for menstruating girls24. WinS has gained global prominence in recent years in relation to both child enrolment and retention but also their health, dignity and well- being in school25. Furthermore, WinS for girls (including Menstrual Hygiene Management, MHM) has been highlighted as it is essential for quality of life, especially for adolescent girls and their education and employment opportunities. Global research has shown latrine construction increases enrolment of all students, not just adolescent girls26. Hand washing with soap interventions in schools has resulted in significant reduction in pupil absenteeism of 21–54%27. In addition to preventing unnecessary morbidity and mortality, school-based interventions (WinS) that include both hand washing with soap and water treatment have shown reduction in pupil absenteeism of 26–58%, with particular impact on girls28. Every child has the right to a safe and healthy learning environment and so Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) should be critical and integral parts of any school. Indeed, as the UN General Assembly recognizes water and sanitation as a human right, providing political impetus to achieving universal access to water, sanitation and

23 UNESCO, Institute for Statistics. (2010). Out-of-school adolescents. Montreal, Canada: UNESCO Institute for Statistics. UNICEF & Bellamy, C. (2003). State of the world’s children 2004. Retrieved May 13, 2013 from 24 Sommer, M. (2010). Where the education system and women’s bodies collide: the social and health, impact of girls’ experiences of menstruation and schooling in Tanzania. Journal of Adolescence, 33(4): 521–29. 25 UNICEF & IRC. (1998). Towards better programming: a manual on school sanitation and hygiene. Water, Environment and Sanitation Technical Guidelines Series/UNICEF - No. 5. New York, 26 Adukia, A (2013) Sanitation and Education, Working Paper, Harvard University (unpublished) 27Bowen A, Ma H, Ou J et al. (2007) A cluster-randomized controlled trial evaluating the effect of a hand washing- promotion program in Chinese primary schools. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 76, 1166–1173. 28O’Reilly, C.E.; Freeman, M.C.; Ravani, M.; Migele, J.; Mwaki, A.; Ayalo, M.; Ombeki, S.; Hoekstra, R.M.; Quick, R. The impact of a school-based safe water and hygiene programme on knowledge and practices of students and their parents: Nyanza province, Western Kenya, 2006.Epidemiol. Infect. 2008, 136, 80–91.


hygiene (WASH) services is every reason to extending this from the household to institutions, as the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) propose. The health, education and development rationale of WinS is clear and for this reason it is captured in the SDG framework within three targets: two under Goal 6 and one under Goal 4. Target 4.a, in particular, includes WASH in the school-setting, specifically, where a “safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective” learning environment is not possible without access to quality WASH.

II. WINS IN INDONESIA The primary education sector in Indonesia is the third largest in the world with over 28 million students (over 11% of the total Indonesian population) and over 2 million pre-primary and primary school teachers29. Education is compulsory for the first nine years (primary from grades 1-6 and junior secondary from grades 7-9). Upper secondary education lasts for 3 years (grades 10-12). Islamic education is offered at all levels. The Government of Indonesia’s National Development Plan, RPJMN (2015-2019) refers to universal access to water and sanitation in communities and schools by 2019. The indicators and targets related to WASH in Schools (WinS) are included in the Development Sector Matrices Book, social culture and religious life program, and education activities (page II.2.M-50). Despite this, it was previously estimated only 53% and 83% of schools have access to improved sanitation and water respectively30. Approximately 12% of children aged between 5 and 14 years old wash their hands with soap after defecating, 14% wash their hands with soap before eating and 35% wash their hands with soap after eating31. WASH is not included in Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC) Annual Education Reports, but WASH data are collected in the national Education Management Information System (EMIS); this is known as Data Pokok Pendidikan (DAPODIK) in Indonesia. The Ministry of Education and Culture has been collecting DAPODIK questioners from each school using an online system since 2012. All schools, especially the public ones, are requested to upload their school information into DAPODIK system as part of the process to release the School operational grant to the school (known as BOS). The EMIS includes twelve WASH questions, collects data from primary, secondary schools, public and private schools, twice yearly, and has a very high return rate since questionnaire return is linked to school funding (BOS). This data provides a good overall picture on the current state of WinS services32. - High rates of children to toilet ratios with a national average of 1:90 (the Province average ratio ranges from 62 to 144)

29UNESCO Statistical Tables for Global Education Monitoring Report; data school year ending 2013. Accessed July 2016. 30 UNICEF (2015) Advancing WASH in Schools Monitoring 31 RISKESDAS. National Heath Survey; Ministry of Health, Government of Indonesia: Jakarta, Indonesia, 2013 32MoEC (2016) Dapodik, second semester 2015/2016, Ministry of Education and Culture, Government of Indonesia: Jakarta, Indonesia


- No Province’s average child to toilet ratio meets the MoEC standard of 1:60 for boys and 1:50 for girls - One third of Provinces having ratios in excess of the average of 1:90 - Overall over 191,000 schools toilets are in place of which 45% are for girls - The national average is 93 boys per toilet (the Province average ratio ranges from 65 to 148) and 86 girls per toilet (the Province average ratio ranges from 60 to 139) - Approximately two thirds of schools report to have separate toilets for boys and girls33. - Only 22% of toilets having a rating of ‘good’ and 17% have a rating of ‘heavy to completely damaged’; hence the very poor sustainability of WASH infrastructure is clear. - The toilet rating of ‘heavy to completely damaged’ is slightly higher for the boys toilets (17.5%) than for girls (16.3%). - 99.8% of schools report having a water source and 92% of these are classified as improved water sources though it is not known what portion are tested as safe. - 79.8% of schools report having an improved source and sufficient water. WinS does have a long history in Indonesia with a decades old recognition of the importance of having a National School Health Policy for all schools with the aim of meeting the target of quality education and health for all children. The School Health Programme, Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah (UKS), has been a government initiative since 1956. From the 1980’s, the UKS34 program is covering not only WinS but also other elements including environmental health, nutrition in schools, and regular health monitoring (dental and immunization). Little Doctors is also a part of the UKS programme which encourages students to participate more in school health programmes. Little Doctors involve 4th and 5th graders who meet a set of criteria, and have been trained to participate in efforts that maintain, improve and promote health within the school. The little doctors are expected to practice hygiene behaviour and should be able to encourage their peers to do the same.Also the standards of service provision are very clear; WinS in Indonesia should, at a minimum, consist of:35 1. Clean water (at least 15L/person/day) 2. Toilets (shower, water closet and urinals), that should be separated for boys and girls36. 3. Wastewater disposal system, 4. Solid waste disposal system with binds in classrooms and regular collection and maintaining school yard and facilities clean.

33although the EMIS asks about the number of girls’ toilets and boys’ toilets, it is not always clear whether they are sex-separated or common/shared toilets 34 35MoH (2006)Minister’s Decision Number 1429/MENKES/SK/XII/ 2006 regarding the Guidance to Health in The School Environment and MoEC: Permen 24/2007 36The water closets and/or urinals should follow a ratio of 1 for every 40 male students and 1 water closet for every 25 female students with handwashing facilities according to MoH while MoEC aim for a minimum ratio of 1:60 for boys and 1:50 for girls


However, the data shows that such targets are not being met.

III. INTERVENTIONS UNICEF work in Eastern Indonesia37 found that there are a series of steps to implement a sustainable and high quality WinS program (Table 1). However, these must be complemented at District level with enabling elements such as planning, budgeting, policy and coordination, without which the program can neither achieve quality or sustainability.

Step Issue Key drivers of success Challenges Approximate Cost (IDR)38 1 Commitment Set clear objectives Poor buy-in 500,000 from Invite all players Poor coordination Government (political & Form a local committee High turn-over of technical) with a clear mandate and staff funding 2 Selection Analyze existing data Lack of data 500,000 criteria Set priorities for Poor quality data intervention – reach the poorest and most remote first 3 Program Engage all actors Poor 2,000,000 Outreach Reach parents and communication communities also to materials or explain the importance of platforms or WinS delivery skills Need broad appeal 4 School survey Assess those schools who Insufficient and 5,000,000 are interested and have trained persons to high gaps reach the schools 5 Preparing a Engage and Orientate the All the committee 3,000,000 school action school committee on what are not on board or plan is needed seeing the value Plan must be realistic in line with the available funds

37UNICEF (2013) It All Starts at School - Health and Sanitation Programmes in Schools, MoEC, BAPPENAS, WISE, Jakarta 2013. 38Cost per school in Eastern Indonesia in 2012; approximate exchange rate at that time of 9,500 Indonesian Rupiah to 1 US$.


6 Budget Action plan must be Proposal to secure 500,000 Allocation specific on the costs DAK or BOS of required for each task poor quality 7 Promoting Train the teachers Teachers and 6,000,000 Behavior Incorporate hygiene into children do not Change the classes and teaching fully understand how to clean and Repeat often to make it a maintain the habit facilities Make it fun and do it together 8 Construction Have a clear and staged High transport costs 27,000,000 payment schedule in place of materials to Ensure adequate remote areas supervision of the work Poor quality construction 9 O&M Develop a checklist and No or insufficient 3,000,000 timeline for regular allocation of BOS cleaning and maintenance for maintenance Have clear roles and responsibilities for who must do what Table 1 – Key steps for achieving a high quality and sustainable WinS program.

IV. LOOKING FORWARD Indonesia has made solid and substantive progress but further improvement and opportunities to maximise the potential for WinS remain and bottlenecks cluster around 3 key points: 1. clearer targets for WinS, especially for children with disabilities 2. corrective feedback from monitoring to schools along with guidance on how to prioritise and fund critical WinS interventions are still urgently needed while rewarding schools making substantial progress and not only the ‘best school’/ 3. a call for strong capacity development on WinS within the Education system. The SDGs provide an excellent opportunity to move WinS forward systematically and equitable in Indonesia. To do this, there is need to focus on disaggregated data to assess progress, especially in terms of equitable impact but also to drive integration across sectors – DAPODIK can help in this respect. Institutions that have the flexibility to reach across sectors but maintain and enhance links to communities’ participation and ownership of their development process. Still more needs to be done to link WASH in communities and institutions at local levels – this could involve the


educational system providing corrective feedback to schools and ensure accreditation mechanisms39 to recognise advances in progress at all levels. This approach also underlines a key finding from national and global work in that expensive solutions are not always necessary, even simple low-cost interventions can make a big impact40. Finally, the SDGs can help advocate for improved policy formulation and political prioritisation that underpins institutional strengthening but also drives accountability in the sector. WinS involves a wide range of actors ranging from Government (not only the Education system but other Ministries and Departments also) to teachers, communities and of course children themselves. What is needed above all is commitment from all these players to achieve a seemingly simple goal such as a child at school being able to go into a clean and functional toilet, come back out and wash their hands with soap and return to class; an adolescent girl should be able to easily change their sanitary cloth or pad during menstruation with privacy and dignity. When this exists, budget sources are found (e.g. at least 5% of the annual BOS allocation to ensure sustainability) but commitment is the indispensable ingredient that moves a WinS program from ticking boxes to happy and healthy children enjoying school.

39See for example the Three Star Approach for WASH in Schools (UNICEF and GIZ, 2013) 40Dreibelbis et al., (2016) Behavior Change without Behavior Change Communication: Nudging Handwashing among Primary School Students in Bangladesh; Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 129; doi:10.3390/ijerph13010129


تصور مقترح للدور الخلقي للمعلم في ضوء منهج التربية اإلسالمية

دأحمد عبدالرازق محمد

كلية التربية جامعة األزهر

ملخص البحث : يهدف البحث إىل وضع تصور مقرتح للدور اخللقي للمعلم يف ضوء منهج الرتبية اإلسالمية ، مما تطلب ضرورة التعرف على واقع قيام املعلمني بالدور اخللقي من خالل الدراسات واألدبيات املهتمة بذلك ، مث التعرف على الدور اخللقي للمعلم يف ضوء منهج الرتبية اإلسالمية . وقد استخدمت الدراسة املنهج الوصفي التحليلي . وقد توصلت الدراسة إىل عدد من النتائج منها : وجود قصور يف ممارسة املعلمني للدور اخللقي ، ووجود تأثريات هلذا القصور يف كل نواحي العملية التعليمية وعلى شخصيات الطالب ، أما الدور اخللقي يف ضوء منهج الرتبية اإلسالمية فقد متيز بأنه يبدأ من الشخص نفسه ، مث ما ميتلكها من خصائص مهنية ، ومن أهم النتائج الدمج بني مهارات التدريس وبني الدور اخللقي ، مث وضع التصور بشكل عملي على مراحل : تبدأ باإلعداد اخللقي للمعلم ، مث ممارسة مهنة التعليم ، مث تقسيم هذا اجلانب لثالثة مراحل التخطيط والتنفيذ والتقومي . مقدمة يتعرض النسق القيمي واألخالقي للمجتمع املصري ، والكثري من اجملتمعات يف اآلونة األخرية هلزة عنيفة ، حيث شهد العامل طفرة هائلة متزايدة يف عامل االتصاالت وتكنولوجيا املعلومات ، األمر الذي أدى إىل تفاقم املشكالت األخالقية ، مثل : الصراع القيمي ، والذي أصبح يتزايد لدى فئة الشباب بنسبة واضحة ، كما دلت عليه دراسة شليب ، صفوان حممد )3102( )0( حيث أكدت الدراسة وجود أثر واضح لإلنرتنت على الصراع القيمي وأزمة اهلوية لدى الشباب اجلامعي . وهذا مما يهدد اخلصوصية الثقافية للحضارة اإلسالمية ، وهذا التهديد مبين على أمرين : األول تفوق وسائل اإلعالم الغربية ، مما جيعل تدفق القيم يف اجتاه واحد تقريبا ، والثاين : ضعف وسائط ومؤسسات الرتبية األخالقية – مثل : األسرة واملسجد ... اخل _ يف التوجيه والتعامل مع القيم الوافدة ، وأيضا بعض القيم السلبية الناجتة عن العادات والتقاليد ، وعدم قدرهتا على تعزيز القيم اإلسالمية اإلجيابية لدى الشباب . ويف وسط هذه اخلضم من املشكالت األخالقية فإن النشء والشباب حيتاجان إىل شخصيات مستوعبة هلذه املؤثرات حىت تستطيع توجيه مسارات التأثري يف االجتاه اإلجيايب . و من أفضل الشخصيات تأثريا على النشء والشباب املعلم .


حيث يعترب املعلم من العوامل اهلامة يف نقل وإكساب القيم واألخالق إىل طالبه ، فاملعلم هو مهزة الوصل بني األجيال ، فعن طريقه تنتقل ثقافة اجملتمع مبا تتضمنه من قيم ومعايري واجتاهات من األجيال السابقة إىل األجيال الالحقة . ولذا فإن قدرة املعلم على القيام بدوره األخالقي ، تتطلب ضرورة تسلحه بالقيم املرغوبة ، باإلضافة إىل امتالكه مقومات ومهارات القيام هبذا الدور . أسئلة البحث: حاول البحث اإلجابة على التساؤالت اآلتية 0- ما واقع الدور اخللقي للمعلمني من واقع الدراسات واألدبيات املتعلقة به ؟ 3- ما الدور اخللقي للمعلم يف ضوء الرتبية اإلسالمية ؟ 2- ما التصور املقرتح للدور اخللقي للمعلمني يف ضوء الرتبية اإلسالمية؟ أهداف البحث : 0- التعرف على واقع الدور اخللقي للمعلم من واقع الدراسات واألدبيات . 3- التعرف على دور املعلم اخللقي يف ضوء منهج الرتبية اإلسالمية . 2- وضع تصور مقرتح للدور اخللقي للمعلم يف ضوء الرتبية اإلسالمية . أهمية البحث: ترجع أمهية الدراسة يف جانب من جوانبها إىل أمهية موضوع الرتبية األخالقية ذاته . باإلضافة إىل أمهية الدور اخللقي للمعلم ، حيث يلعب املعلم دورا إجيابيا يف عملية نقل القيم وغرسها داخل املؤسسات النظامية للرتبية ، فاملعلم يعترب قدوة يقتدي به الطالب شعورياً أو ال شعوريا ، فهو يعترب منوذجا حيا للسلوك بني الطالب يف حياهتم اليومية . )3( فاملعلم يؤثر بشكل مباشر فعال يف سلوك تالميذه ، فضال عن تلقينهم الدروس .وتأثري دور املعلم األخالقي يف طالبه أمر البد منه سواء أراد أو مل يرد ، وسواء كان على وعي وبصرية بقيمه وبقيم جمتمعه ، أم كان على غري وعي هبا . )2( األمر الذي يتطلب ضرورة مراجعة قيم املعلمني باستمرار ، من أجل أن يقوم بدوره اخللقي بشكل فعال . كما ترجع أمهية الدراسة يف بعض جوانبها إىل حتديد املرجعية اليت يتم التصور املقرتح عليه وهي– الرتبية اإلسالمية - ، فالعديد من املؤسسات العاملية يف لل العوملة تدعو إىل قيم إنسانية جيب أن تتصف هبا الشعوب ، ولكن دون حتديد املرجعية ، فلكل ثقافة وحضارة مرجعية وتفسري إىل هذه القيم ، وحنن كشعوب إسالمية فإن مرجعيتنا إىل الدين اإلسالمي ، فالبد من احلفاظ على اهلوية الثقافية اخلاصة بنا . فاملرجعية حتدد املفهوم وتوضحه ، وتعمل على ترسيخه يف اجملتمع ، ويف نفوس الناشئني .


منهج الدراسة : استخدمت الدراسة املنهج الوصفى التحليلي . مصطلحات الدراسة : ال ميكن تعريف الدور اخللقي للمعلم دون التعرف على الرتبية اخلالقية ألنه يدور يف فلكها هذا . فالرتبية األخالقية يعرفها مقداد ياجلن بأهناهي إعداد اإلنسان اخلري حبيث يصبح يف حياته مفتاحا للخري ومغالقا للشر يف كل الظروف واألحوال )4( كما تعرف بأهنا العملية اليت تطرق كل جوانب شخصية اإلنسان ، وتعمل جاهدة للتأثري عليه ، وإكسابه ما تريد مبختلف الطرق شىتو الوسائل ، سواء عن طريق التعويد والتلقني أو التكليف حىت يصبح لدى الفرد القدرة على التمييز بني اخلري فيتبعه ، والشر فيبتعد عنه )5( ويفضوء تعريف الرتبية األخالقية ، فإنه ميكن تعريف الدور اخللقي للمعلم : هو جمموعة األساليب والطرق املباشرة وغري املباشرة اليت يستخدمها املعلم هبدف نقل القيم اإلسالمية ، وتعزيزها ، وتعديل السلوكيات اليت تبدو خمالفة هلا . أماتعريف الرتبية اإلسالمية اليت مييل إليه الباحث : أهنا جمموعة املفاهيم اليت يرتبط بعضها ببعض يف إطار فكري واحد ، يستند إىل املبادئ والقيم اليت أيت هبا اإلسالم ، واليت ترسم عددا من اإلجراءات والطرائق العملية ، اليت يؤدي تنفيذها إىل أن يسلك الفرد سلوكا يتفق مع عقيدة اإلسالم يف كل زمان ومكان . )6( الدراسات السابقة : تناولت العديد من الدراسات قيم املعلم ودوره يف تنمية أو تعزيز القيم لدى الطالب منها ما يلي : 0- دراسة الصائغ ،عبد الرحمن يحيي)7241( )7(هدفت الدراسة إىل التعرف على مدى قيام معلم املرحلة الثانوية مبدينة الرياض بدوره يف تنمية القيم اخللقية لدى طالبه ، وذلك من وجهة نظر املعلمني ومديري املدارس ، وإىل التعرف على معوقات قيام املعلم بذلك الدور ، وإىل مدى االختالف يف وجهات نظر املعلمني حول قيام املعلم بدوره اخللقي ، ومعوقات القيام بذلك الدور باختالف متغريات الدراسة )التخصص ، نوع املؤهل ، سنوات اخلربة ( وقد طبقت الدراسة على عينة قوامها )243( معلما ، و )35( مديرا ، وقد أسفرت الدراسة أن املعلمني يقومون بذلك الدور بنسبة كبرية ، و ال يوجد اختالف بني أفراد العينة باختالف متغريات الدراسة باستثناء عامل اخلربة ، لصاحل األكثر خربة ، وقد أوصت الدراسة بعمل دورات للمعلمني يف تعليم القيم . 3- دراسة برهوم ، أحمد موسى )4002()8( هدفت الدراسة إىل التعرف على مدى قيام املعلم بدوره يف تعزيز القيم اإلميانية لدى طلبة املرحلة الثانوية ، واستخدمت الدراسة املنهج الوصفي التحليلي ، وطبقت الدراسة على عينة قوامها )411( طال وطالبة من الصف الثاين عشر النظامي يف مديرييت خانيونس وغرب غزة ، وأسفرت الدراسة عن أن املعلم يقوم بتعزيز القيم بنسبة )77.41%( ، وقد أوصت الدراسة بضرورة اهتمام املعلمني بدرجة أكربمن أجل تنمية القيم اإلميانية ، كما أوصت بضرورة تضمني املناهج القيم اإلميانية اليت حيتاج إليها الطلبة .


2- دراسة الطايع ، فيصل )7282 ()2( هدفت الدراسة إىل التعرف على القيم األخالقية لدى املعلمني ، و قد استخدمت الدراسة طريقة حتليل املضمون ، وذلك بتحليل السري الذاتية للمعلمني ، وبلغ حجم العينة )351 ( معلما ، ٌود أسفرت الدراسة عن نتائج منها : أن أهم القيم األخالقية عند املعلمني هي : القيم الدينية ، وقيم املعرفة العامة ، والقيم األسرية ، واالجتماعية ، واالقتصادية ، وقيمة العمل بالتدريس . السؤال األول : ما واقع الدور الخلقي للمعلمين من واقع الدراسات واألدبيات المتعلقة به ؟ ميكن عرض واقع الدور اخللقي للمعلم من خالل جانبني : األول :الجانب المخطط للدور الخلقي للمعلم : ميكن تناول هذا اجلانب من خالل النقاط التالية : أوال : واقع إعداد المعلم للدور الخلقي في المرحلة الجامعية أو قبل االلتحاق بممارسة مهنة التعليم : يتفق املتخصصون على أن جوانب اإلعداد تشتمل على أربعة جوانب أساسية هي : اجلانب األكادميي ، واجلانب الرتبوي واجلانب الثقايف و اجلانب الشخصي واالجتماعي )01( واملراجع إىل مكونات كل جانب وواقعه سيتضح ضعف اإلعداد اخللقي للمعلم يف كليات ومعاهد اإلعداد فاملعلممل يتم إعداده مبا يالءم دوره اخللقي املهم ، واجلهود املبذولة يف كليات الرتبية حمدودة ، بل أكثر اجلهود تركز علي اإلعداد املعريف للمعلم ، أما الرتكيز على تضمني املناهج الدراسية ، ما يساعد املعلم علي تدريس القيم ، ولذلك تؤكد دراسة الصائغ ، عبد الرمحن حيىي )0437( )00( ضرورة تضمني املناهج اجلامعية –من الكليات الرتبوية- مقررات خاصة بتنمية املهارات الالزمة إلكساب القيم . عدم اختيار الطالب الملتحقين بكلية التربية : هناك سبب رئيس تسبب يف ضعف اإلعداد اخللقي للمعلم قبل اخلدمة ، يتمثل يف عدم االختيار وفقا ملواصفات مهنة التعليم للطالب املتقدمني ، بل يقبل الطالب وفقا لدرجاته يف الثانوية ، و يف هذا يؤكد بكار،عبد الكرمي )3100( )03( أن تعليقنا اآلمال العريضة على التعليم يتطلب مزيدا من االهتمام باختيار املعلمني ، وهذا لن يتبلور إالمن خالل تقنني )اختبار شخصية( جيد ، يثبت من خالله املتقدمون ملهنة التعليم أهنم ميلكون االستعدادات والقابليات املالئمة ملمارسة املهنة ، إىل جانب درجة حسنة من االستيعاب للتخصص الذي سيقومون بتدريسه ، إن من واجب كليات الرتبية ومعاهد املعلمني القيام مبقابالت واختبارات دقيقة الختيار منسوبيها ، كما ينبغي تقدمي تدريب مهىن كاف للتخصصات الراغبة يف االلتحاق مبهنة التدريس ثانيا: مرحلة ممارسة مهنة التدريس : وميكن توضيحه يف النقاط التالية : التخطيط للدرس :


يتضحيف هذه املرحلة إمهال اجلانب الوجداين ، عند التخطيط للدرس ، رغم أمهية هذا اجلانب يف حياة املتعلم ، فاجلانب الوجداين يتكون من ثالثة أشياء هي : القيم واملشاعر واحلساسيات . فالقيم هي تلك اجلوانب من احلياة اليت يعتربها الناس جديرة بالتقدير والتثمني ، إهنا معايري يتبناها الناس وحيافظون عليها وحياولون أن يرقوا يف عيشهم ملستواها ويلتزموا هبا . وهي تفيد كموجهات عامة للسلوك . واملشاعر هي إحساسات داخلية أخالقية وانفعالية خيربها الناس وهم يستجيبون ويتجاوبون مع اآلخرين ومع األحداث والظروف . وهي عادة ما تكون تعبريات عن القيم اليت يتمسك هبا األفراد . واحلساسية هي القدرة على االستجابة لآلخرين وللمواقف بطريقة إنسانية مستبصرة متعاطفة ومشاركة وجدانيا . إهنا تتضمن القدرة على رؤية اآلخرين كما يرون أنفسهم . إن احلساسني من الناس يفهمون القيم واملشاعر وطموحات اآلخرين وقادرين على التعاطف معهم . )02( ويظهر هذا اإلمهال جليا يف أهم مراحل التخطيط للدرس ، وهي مرحلة حتديد األهداف التدريسية ،فقد أدى االهتمام بالقياس الكمي يف كل النواحي التعليمية إىل إمهال بعض اجلوانب واجملاالت املهمة يف العملية الرتبوية ، مثل اجملال الوجداين رغم أنه يلعب دورا أساسيا يف العملية التعليمية ، وخيتلف عن اجملالني اآلخرين يف صبغته االنفعالية وأحكامه التقوميية . واألهداف الوجدانية هي تلك األهداف اليت تصف التغري الذي حيدث على اهتمامات وميول واجتاهات وقيم املتعلم ، والذي يؤثر يف سلوكه وحكمه على األفعال واألشياء ، فاألهداف الوجدانية جماهلا القيم وتعزيزها ، وهي غاية يف األمهية ألهنا تتعدى املعرفة العقلية واملهارية إىل تربية السلوك وخماطبة قلب املتعلم ومشاعره وأحاسيسه ، وتعريفه بأمناط السلوك املقبول والسلوك املرفوض . ويفرتض أن تكون القيم يف العملية الرتبوية كالقلب من اإلنسان ، وكالروح من اجلسد . )04( ورغمهذه األمهية فإن العديد من املربني يطالبون بضرورة إمهال املعلمني هلذا اجملال عند كتابة األهداف التعليمية ، حبجة صعوبة قياس تلك األهداف ، مما ينعكس سلبا وبدرجة كبرية على أهداف األمة وتنشئة أجياهلا من األطفال والشباب الذين خنشى عليهم من قلة االنتماء جلذورهم ، يف وقت التحديات األخالقية متفاقمة يف كل الدول . )05( ويرجع هذا اإلمهال ألسباب لعل من أمهها )06( منها: 0- متتاز األهداف الوجدانية بنوع من العمومية ، إذ يصعب يف حتقيقها خالل املوقف التعليمي. 3- صعوبة قياسها واحلكم على مدى حتقيقها لدى املتعلمني . 2- أهنم ال حياسبون على عدم كتابة األهداف الوجدانية من املشرفني . وترجع خطورة إمهال األهداف الوجدانية أهنا تؤثر على ما بعدها من اخلطوات ، فاملعلمون خيتارون أنشطتهم مبوجب األهداف اليت حدودها فقط ، فيختارون من أساليب التدريس واملواد التعليمية الالزمة لتحقيق هذه األهداف ، وخيتارون أسئلتهم وأدوات تقوميهم األكثر ارتباطاً هبذه األهداف . )07( أي يصبح الدور اخللقي للمعلم يف كل من مرحليت التنفيذ والتقومي حمدود للغاية ، ومما يؤكد ذلك ما إليه الدراسات السابقة إىل حاجة املعلمني إىل دورات تدريبية لتعليم القيم وإكساهبم اسرتاتيجيات تدريسها منها : دراسة الصائغ ، و دارسة املالكي .


باإلضافة إىل أن التدريب أثناء اخلدمة ليس من بني أهدافه تدريب املعلمني على االستجابة للمشكالت القيمية املتجددة أو تعليم ات مهارتدريس القيم ، بل اقتصر اهتمامها على اجلوانب املعرفية وما يتعلق هبا من مهارات ، أما اجلانب األخالقي فلم حيظ بأي اهتمام سوى بالتنبيهات والتوصيات وتكون يف هناية الدورة التدريبية . على الرغم من أن بعض الدراسات أكدت على وجود احلاجة املاسة للمعلمني لتعلم اسرتاتيجيات وتعليم القيم لدى الطالب ، حىت لو كانت مادهتم الدراسية تكون مشبعة بالقيم ، منها : دراسة املالكي )3101( )03( بضرورة تعلم اسرتاتيجيات تعليم القيم لدى معلمي الرتبية اإلسالمية . ولعل إمهال الدور اخللقي يعود إىل اقتناع املعلم بعدم مسؤوليته عن الرتبية األخالقية ، فيؤكد بكار )01( أن كثريا من املعلمني باتوا ينشغلون بالوسيلة عن اهلدف ، بل صار من جيادل ويتساءل : هل على املعلم أن يكون مربيا ؟ وهل الرتبية من مهمات املدارس أو من مهمات البيوت ؟ . إن هذه الوضعية جعلت كثري من املعلمني ال يهتمون مبوضوع بية ،الرت وال يهتمون مبالحظة انعكاسات جهودهم التعليمية على شخصيات الذين يعلموهنم وعالمة ذلك أن تقومي الطالب يكون فقط على االمتحانات وهي تقيس التعلم ، وهو هدف معريف حمض ، واألسوأ من ذلك أن كثريا من املعلمني قد بدؤوا يتخلون عن املشاعر واألخالقيات والسلوكيات اليت يفرضها قيامهم بدورهم يف الرتبية األخالقية ، وهذا يؤثر سلبا على دورهم التعليمي .

الجانب الثاني : الجانب غير المخطط للدور الخلقي للمعلم : يتعلم الطالب يف املدرسة أكثر من احملتوى الذي خطط هلم لكي يتعلموه يف املنهج ، وهذا التعليم حيدث خارج الربنامج التعليمي النظامي كثريا ما يطلق عليه املنهج اخلفي . وهذا الدور له أمهية بالغة ، وهو جانب يغفله الكثري من املعلمني ، لذلك أطلق عليه اجلانب اخلفي ، فما هذا الدور ، وما هي تأثرياته على الطالب . المنهج الخفي Hidden Curriculum : هو املنهج غري املخطط والذي يؤثر يف سلوكيات الطالب جبوار املنهج املعلن ، ومن خالل البيئة املدرسية اليت يعيشها الطالب أو املؤثرات اخلارجية األخرى سواء كان بوعي منه أو بغري وعي ، ويساهم بطريقة فعالة يف تنمية بعض االجتاهات والقيم اليت قد تتعارض مع ما يقدمه املنهج املعلن )31( على والرغم من أنه ال خيطط له عن قصد وكثريا ما خيتلف بني تلميذ وآخر ، إال أنه جزء هام من التعلم املدرسي ، وميكنأن يؤثر يف التالميذ تأثريا دراميا ، باإلضافة أنه يتذكره التالميذ طوال حياهتم .وهلذا املنهج عدد من األبعاد ، من أمهها : األفكار واملهارات والقيم غري املتوقعة اليت يلتقطها التالميذ من دراستهم ، ولو مل يتوقع هلم املعلمون التقاطهم إياها . وبعض هذه النواحي جيد والبعض اآلخر رديء ، لذلك البد أن تلتفت إليه القيادات املدرسية واملعلمني حني يقررون وحيددون كيف يريدون ان يؤثروا يف التالميذ املسئولني عنهم . )30(


واحلقيقة أن املدرسة ال تستطيع وقف هذا النوع من التعلم حىت لو قصدت هذا اإليقاف ، لكن يتوقف دوره على تفهم كيف حيدث التعلم عن طريق املنهج اخلفي وتوجيهه .إن الطالب يتعلمون قيما معينة يف املدارس ، وهذا جيعلنا البد من معرفة ما هي القيم اليت جيب علينا أن نشجع على تعلمها ؟ وما هي القيم اليت جيب علينا إضعافها ؟ويف غياب االزدواجية الثقافية والرتبوية اليت يعيشها العامل العريب واإلسالمي ، أصبح على املعلم أن يتبىن واحدا من االختيارات الثالثة : 0. أن يتجاهل موضوع تعليم القيم وهذا أمر غري مرغوب فيه . 3. أن يزكز تعليمه على القيم اليت يعتربها اجملتمع مقبولة ، وهذا أمر ال بأس به . 2. أن يشجع طالبه على الثورة علي اجملتمع وقيمه )33( ويمكن توضيح بعض اآلثار المترتبة على المنهج الخفي للمعلم من خالل الدراسات : يعترب دور املعلم األخالقي للمعلم مؤثر يف العملية التعليمية ، حيث تؤثر شخصية املعلم يف إحداث طفرة يف التحصيل الدراسي للطالب أو العكس ، وقد أكدت دراسة هورن و ساندرز )0117( أن ملدرس الصف مبفرده تأثريا كبريا يف حتصيل الطالب أكثر مما كان يعتقد أصال ، ففي حتليل لدرجات حتصيل أكثر من 011.111 طالبا من بني مئات املدارس ، فقد أسفرعن نتائج من أمهها : أن أهم عامل يف التأثري يف تعلم الطالب هو املعلم ، كما أن هناك تفاوتا واسعا يف التأثري بني املعلمني ، وقد أكدت الدراسة أنه ميكن عمل الكثري لتطوير التعليم من خالل تطوير فاعلية املعلمني أكثر من تطوير أي عامل آخر . )32( ومما يؤكد تأثريالدور األخالقي للمعلم يف حتصيل الطالب ، وأن األمر ال يتعلق فقط باملهارات األكادميية ما أسفرت عنه دراسة Battleحيث قارن بني قيم ستة معلمني باملدرسة الثانوية وقيم مثانية وأربعني تلميذا من تالميذهم فوجد أن التالميذ الذين كان حتصيلهم جيدا كانت قيمهم مشاهبة لقيم معلميهم إىل حد بعيد . )34( فاملعلم أثناء شرحه وعرضه للمادة الدراسية فهو ال يكسب الطالب املعلومات فقط ، بل وأيضا قيمه ، حيث تؤثر قيم املعلم ومعتقداته أثناء تعامله مع املواد الدراسية ، ، حيث أكدت دراسة Asher &Gabriel )1995( أثر إيديولوجية املعلم أثناء قيامه بالتدريس ، فقد هدفت الدراسة إىل التعرف على دور إيديولوجية املعلم يف تدريس النصوص الثقافية احململة بالقيم ، وقد تناولت آراء 53 معلما من معلمي اإلجنيل يف املدارس اليهودية يف إسرائيل ، وقد أوضحت تدخل اإليديولوجية اخلاصة للمعلم يف تدريس هذه النصوص . 35 بل ويؤثر املنهج اخلفي على اختيارهم لطريقة التدريس و قراراهتم يف العملية التعليمية ، فقد أشارت دراسة (Johnson. SF (1988) أن هناك تطابق بني قم املعلمني ممثلة يف القيم اليت تتضمنها قائمة روكيتش ، وطريقة التدريس املباشر اليت يستخدمها املعلم أو قرارات املعلم ، فقد وجد أن جتارب الفرد وخلفيته املعرفية وما نتج عنها من قيم ،هلا تأثري واضح يف القرارات اليت يتخذها يف حجرة الدراسة 36 ومل يتوقف أثر الدور األخالقي للمعلم على عملية التدريس والعالقة بينه وبني الطالب بل امتد لكي يتدخل يف عملية تقومي الطالب وإعطائهم الدرجات ، فقد أشارت دراسة Susan (1993) إىل ذلك ، حيث تناولت تقدير


الدرجات عند املعلمني وارتباطه بأحكامه القيمية ، وبطرق تدريسهم ، وذلك من خالل آراء )34( معلما ، وأشارت الدراسة إىل أن الدرجات اليت حيصل عليها الطالب ترتبط مبستواهم و باألحكام القيمية للمعلمني 37 ومن آثاره أنه ميكن أن يعزز مشكلة الصراع القيمي لدى الطالب ، والغموض القيمي ، ففي دراسة ) حممد ، أمحد عبدارازق )3113( 33تناولت القيم لدى املعلمني يف ضوء األصالة واملعاصرة ، أكدت على أن للمعلمني أثر يف تعزيز قيم الصراع الثقايف .فاملعلم دون أن يشعر سيقوم بتعزيز تلك الظواهر األخالقية ، وقد يؤكد القيم الوافدة الغريبة عن اجملتمعات اإلسالمية ، أو يزيد من الغموض القيمي لدى الطالب عن طريق التضارب بني كل من النمط السلوكي الذي يقدمه وبني ما يلقيه عليهم من مواعظ ، والنتيجة وجود طالب يقلدون املعلم يف األمرين معا ، وهو أن يتضارب عندهم السلوك والقول ، ويف ذلك يؤكد الكيالين )0113( 31أن املؤسسات الرتبوية يف األقطار العربية واإلسالمية تعاين من تناقضات حادة يف ميدان القيم ، وتتمثل هذه التناقضات يف أمور منها : تناقض بني مصادر القيم )القيم اإلسالمية والقيم الواردة من احلضارة العربية املعاصرة ، والقيم القدمية املأخوذة من احلضارات اليت تعاملت معها احلضارة اإلسالمية ( ، ومن التناقض أيضا :التناقض بني التلقني النظري والتطبيق العملي ، حيث يقتصر وجود الكثري من القيم السائدة يف اجملتمعات العربية واإلسالمية على الوجود الكالمي دون التطبيق العملي . وتكون نتيجة ذلك أمرين : األول : أن السمة العامة للشخصية املعاصرة صارت التغين بالقيم دون تطبيقها . الثاين : اندفاع الذين ميارسوهنا دون حكمة جتنبهم التطبيقات اخلاطئة . الختفاء النموذج الذين حيتذون به . و من األمور اليت جيب التنبه هلا أن هناك عوامل تؤثر يف التفاوت بني قيم املعلمني بعضهم بعضا ، وهذا يزيد يف مشكلة الصراع الثقايف داخل املدرسة الواحدة كصورة أخرى ، فهناك عوامل متعددة تساعد على ذلك ، منها ما أفرزته دراسة O Brien (1993)21 أن هناك عوامل مؤثرة على قيم املعلمني تتمثل يف التفاوت يف األوضاع الرتبوية بني املعلمني مبا تتضمنه من اختالف يف اخللفية املعرفية ، وأن هلذا تأثري مباشر علي قيمهم ، وأيضا التفاوت يف األوساط االجتماعية للمعلم ، وأن هلذا العامل تأثري على مفاهيمهم ومهاراهتم ومعتقداهتم وقيمهم اليت يقومون بنقلها إىل طالهبم من خالل دورهم كمعلمني . وممايوضح امتداد تأثري هذا املنهج اخلفي للدور اخللقي للمعلم ، إن امليدان احلقيقي لفاعلية أخالق املعلمني ، هو العالقات اليت يقيموهنا مع طالهبم داخل قاعات الدرس وخارجها ، وإن ما توحي به عالقات املعلمني مع طالهبم منقيم ومثل أهم بكثري من الدروس والتوجيهات األخالقية اليت يلقوهنا على مسامع طالهبم ،وإن شخصيات الطالب تتشكل نتيجة للتفاعل الذي يتم بينهم ، والتفاعل الذي بينهم وبني معلميهم .ومما يوضح ذلك فإن عملية حتبيب املعلم العلم لطالبه لن تتأتى عن طريق الفرض أو اإلجبار ، ولكنها تكتسب عندما يكون املعلم قدوة لطالبه يف حبه للعلم وحرصه عليه ويستشعر الطالب ذلك ، ومن مث يغرس يف نفوسهم املثل العليا ، وكذلك يشعر الطالب باهتمامه بالنشاط العلمي داخل املدرسة سواء ما يتصل مبادته الدراسية ، أو ما يتصل بأي نشاط يوكل إليه داخل وخارج املدرسة . 20 فالطالب يتأثر مبعلمه أكثر من تأثره بأي شخص آخر ، ألنه يعايشه فرتة أكثر مما يعايش فيها أفراد أسرته . 23


ولذلك ميكن القول بأن املهمة احلقيقية للمعلم لتثقيف طالبه إمنا تكون بأن يقدم إليهم منطاً سلوكيا ، ال أن يقدم إليهم إنتاجاً سلوكياً ، فالناشئة يرغبون يف أن يقفوا على ما تتضمنه اإلجابة عن كيف ؟ وليس اإلجابة عن ماذا ؟ واملناهج والكتب واالمتحانات تركز اهتمامها على ماذا ؟ بينما يتطلع األطفال واملراهقون والشباب إىل ما يوقفهم على كيف يسلك اآلخرون يف املواقف املتباينة ، وطاملا أن املعلم هو املثل األعلى فإهنم يهدفون إىل الوقوف علي كيف يسلك إزاء املشكالت املتباينة . 22 ويرى الباحث أن ترك هذا اجلانب من الدور اخللقي للمعلم دون ختطيط ودراسة قد يزيد من حجم املشكالت األخالقية متعددة لدى الطالب ، لذلك البد من العمل للتقليل من آثاره الرديئة ، بل واستثماره لغرس القيم اإلسالمية يف نفوس النشء .فما دام ال ميكن إيقاف هذا التأثري للدور اخللقي للمعلم ، فإنه جيب توجيهه بالشكل الذي يعزز القيم اإلسالمية ، ويضعف القيم املخالفة هلا . واملؤسف أن واقع األنظمة الرتبوية يف العامل العريب ، مل هتتم بتأثري هذا اجلانب . وتركته ذو آثار عشوائية ، فليس هناك دراسات –يف حد علم الباحث –تناولت آثار املنهج اخلفي للمعلم يف إكساب القيم . السؤال الثاني : ما الدور الخلقي للمعلم في ضوء التربية اإلسالمية ؟ يتميز الدور اخللقي للمعلم من منظور الرتبية اإلسالمية ، بأنه مجيعه خمطط ، وال يرتك للظروف ، وميكن تقسيم الدور اخللقي للمعلم من منظور الرتبية اإلسالمية ينقسم إىل مكونات ثالثة 24 : األول : آداب املعلم مع نفسه . الثاين : آدابه مع درسه . الثالث : آدابه مع طالبه . هذا التقسيم ذكره ابن مجاعة ، وهو الذي تتبناه الدراسة ، ألنه تقسيم عملي وشامل ، للدور اخللقي للمعلم . المكون األول : آداب المعلم مع نفسه : فهذا الدور اخللقي ميتد جذوره ، إىل ما لدي املعلم من قيم أخالقية ودينية ، فيلزم ابن مجاعة املعلم بضرورة التحلي باألخالق الرفيعة ، مثل التحلي بالوقار ، واخلشوع ، والتواضع ، واخلضوع هلل ومراقبته يف السر والعلن ، ويرى ابن مجاعة أن ما يساعد املعلم على التحلي باألخالق هو الزهد يف الدنيا . كما يرى أن يتصف بالقيم الدينية ، مثل احملافظة على القيام بشعائر اإلسالم ، وعلى املندوبات الشرعية ، قوال وفعال ، مثل : تالوة القرآن وذكر اهلل بالقلب واللسان وأن يعامل الناس مبكارم األخالق من طالقة الوجه ، وإفشاء السالم وإطعام الطعام ، وكظم الغيظ ، والتلطف يف نصح املقصر من الطالب والناس ، ورغم ما يطالب ابن مجاعة من قيم إال أنه يذكر أن املعلم قد يتعرض لبعض األمراض األخالقية كالكرب والرياء والعجب ، وقدم له العالج يف أبسط عبارة ، باإلضافة إىل إرشاده لبعض الكتب النافعة له يف ذلك 25 كما أن من أخالق املعلم االستمرار يف النظر واإلطالع دون توقف ، واإلفادة واالستفادة ، فاملعلم هو الذي وقف نشاطه واجتهاده كلها على العلم وطلبه وحتصيله من أي جهة جيده لينتفع به لنفسه وطلبته . 26


فاملعلم قدوة لطالبه ، لذلك البد أن يكون لديه من القيم األخالقية والدينية ، حىت يكون قيامه بالدور اخللقي سجية وليس تكلفا .وهذا اجلانب اهتم به علماء الرتبية اإلسالمية مجيعا ، واعتربوا السلوك الصادر عن املعلم وما يراه املتعلم هو كناألعظم الريف الدور اخللقي للمعلم ، ألن تأثريه عظيم ، يف حني أمهلت الرتبية الغربية هذا اجلانب ، ويف ذلك يؤكد الغزايل إن من اشتغل بالتعليم فقد تقلد أمراً عظيما وخطراً جسيما فليحفظ آدابه وولائفه 27ويقول : أن يكون املعلم عامالً بعلمه فال يكذب قوله فعله ألن العلم يدرك بالبصائر والعمل يدرك باألبصار وأرباب األبصار أكثر ، فإذا خالف العمل العلم منع الرشد وكل من تناول شيئاً وقال للناس ال تتناولوه فإنه سم مهلك سخر الناس به واهتموه وزاد حرصهم على ما هنوا عنه فيقولون لوال أنه أطيب األشياء وألذها ملا كان يستأثر به .ومثل املعلم املرشد من املسرتشدين مثل النقش من الطني والظل من العود فكيف ينتقش الطني مبا ال نقش فيه ومىت استوى الظل والعود أعوج ولذلك قيل يف املعىن ال تنه عن خلق وتأيت مثله ... عار عليك إذا فعلت عظيم ِ ِ ِ ِ وقال اهلل تعاىل" أَتَأُْمُروَن النَّا َس بالْبِّر َوتَ ْن َسْ وَن أَنْ ُف َس ُك ْم َوأَنْ تُ ْم تَ ْت لُوَن الْكتَا َب أَفََال تَ ْعقلُوَن " البقرة: ٤٤ ولذلك كان وزر العامل يف معاصيه أكثر من وزر اجلاهل إذ يزل بزلته عامل كثري ويقتدون به 23 فالقدوة احلسنة هلا آثار هامة يف عملية تربية الفرد وتنشئته ، ولقد كان هلذه الطريقة أثر عميق يف تعليم املسلمني وتثقيفهم وتغيري اجتاهاهتم وتعديل سلوكهم واألخذ بيدهم حنو بناء الشخصية اإلسالمية ، واجملتمع اإلسالمي 21 هذه هي الطريقة اليت رىب هبا الرسول -صلى اهلل عليه وسلم- أمة اإلسالم األوىل ومن سار على هنجها من التابعني، وقد يكون من املناسب يف هذا الصدد أن نذكر ما كتبه عمرو بن عتبة بن أيب سفيان إىل مؤدب ولده، يقول له: "ليكن أول ما تبدأ له من إصالح بين إصالح نفسك، فإن أعينهم معقودة بعينيك، فاحلسن عندهم ما استحسنت، والقبيح عندهم ما استقبحت، علمهم كتاب اهلل، وال تكرههم عليه فيملوه، وال ترتكهم منه فيهجروه، مث روهممن الشعر أعفه، ومن احلديث أشرفه، وال خترجهم من علم إىل علم حىت حيكموه، فإن ازدحام الكالم يف السمع مضلة للفهم، وروهم سري احلكماء، وأخالق األدباء، وجنبهم حمادثة النساء، وهتددهم يب، وأدهبم دوين، وكن هلم كالطبيب الذي ال يعجل الدواء حىت يعرف الداء، وإياك أن تتكل على عذر مين لك، فقد اتكلت على كفاية منك" 41 وهذاما يدل على التفات الرتبية اإلسالمية هلذا اجلانب ، وعدم إمهاله ، بل أول سبل اإلصالح لديها ، هو إصالح املعلم . المكون الثاني : آداب المعلم في درسه : )27( تبدأ هذه املرحلة من قبل خروج املعلم من بيته إىل حني انتهاء الدرس أو تفرق الطالب عنه . ويتميز هذا املكون بفكر راق جدا ، مل يلتفت له الكثري من الرتبويني اآلن ، وهو الدمج بني مهارات التدريس والدور اخللقي للمعلم كمكون واحد ، فممارسة املعلم لتدريسه ونقله للمادة العلمية لطالبه هو يف نفس الوقت قيامه بالدور اخللقي له . بدالمن الفصل بني اجلانب املعريف ومستوياته وبني اجلانب الوجداين ومستوياته ، وفيما يلي بعض األمثلة على ذلك .


 مهارة التهيئة للدرس :تعد هذه املهارة من مهارات التدريس اهلامة ، وتبدأ يف بداية الدرس أو قبله بقليل ، وذلك عند كل املتخصصني يف جمال التعليم ، بينما عند علماء املسلمني ، تبدأ من قبل خروج املعلم من البيت ، فتبدأ من التطهر والتزين ، ولبس أفضل ثيابه . وحىت يتمكن املعلم من القيام بدرسه بشكل جيد فقد هنى املعلم من التدريس يف وقت جوعه أو عطشه أو مهه أو غضبه أو نعاسه أو قلقه ، وحىت يتجنب ابن مجاعة ذلك فقد أمره بصالةركعتني قبل احملاضرة ، وأن يبدأ احملاضرة بتالوة بعض اآليات من القرآن ، والدعاء للطالب ولنفسه ولشيوخه ، مث يبد أ درسه .وأن جيلس للطالب يف مكان بارز ويكون جلوسه وقورا ، وأن يستخدم نربة صوت مناسبة جلذب انتباه الطالب وأن يلتفت للحاضرين قصدا حبسب احلاجة ، وخيص من يكلمه أو يسأله أو يبحث معه مبزيد من االلتفات 43  السكوت مع المتابعة بعد االنتهاء من أي مسألة أو نقطة مهمة حتى يتكلم من في نفسه كالم عليه ،42 وهو يف هذا يدعو ملشاركة الطالب يف احملاضرة واستخدام أسلوب املناقشة ، وبالتايل ال تكون احملاضرة يف اجتاه واحد ، وأيضا لسهولة ختزين املعلومات ، ومن أجل حتقيق أعلى درجة من الفهم واالستيعاب ، وأيضا االقتناع العقلي ، وكل ما سبق هو من أساليب تدريس القيم ونقلها للطالب .  لذلك من اخلطوات األساسية لقيام املعلم بالدور اخللقي مع طالبه اتقان مهارات التدريس فهي القنطرة اليت عن طريقها يتم نقل القيم إىل الطالب ، وهو موافق لالسرتاتيجيات احلديثة يف تدريس القيم حيث يؤكد عبيدات ، ذوقان و ابو السميد ، سهيلة )3117( )44(إىل أنه ال ميكن تنمية مهارات املعلمني يف تدريس القيم فبل تنميتها يف مهارات وأساليب التدريس أوال .من أجل ذلك يؤكد ابن مجاعة أن توافر القيم اخللقية والدينية يف الفرد مع عدم توافر خصائص مهنية ملمارسة التدريس ، وعلى رأسها عدم تنصيبه هلذا املنصب إال بعد اكتمال األهلية .45 المكون الثالث : آدابه مع طالبه : وهو من املكونات اهلامةيف، ومن األدوار اهلامة اليت تؤثر يف الطالب كما سبق . وميكن تقسيم الدور اخللقي للمعلم يف هذه املرحلة ، إىل قسمني : األول : العالقة مع الطالب أثناء الدرس : وفيها عدد من األمثلة اليت توضح أن تعليم العلم والقيم يتم معا .  منها التلطف بالطالب ، أثناء تفهيمه وتعليمه ، فهذا يؤثر جدا يف الطالب ، وجيعل الطالب حيبه ويفهم منه وجيب مالزمته ، فالقدوة ال بد هلا من إعجاب وحب ، ومما يدل على ذلك ما ذكره السبكي يف طبقاته ،" َوكنت ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ أَنا كثري الُْمَالزَمة للذهيب أمضي إلَْيه يف كل ي َْوم مَّرتَ ْني بكَرة َوالْعصر َوأما الْمزي فََما كنت أمضي إلَيْه غري مَّرتَ ْني يف ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ اْألُ ْسبُوع َوَكا َن َسبَب ذَلك أَن الذَه ّيب َكا َن كثري املالطفة يل واحملبة يف حبَْي ُث يعرف من عرف َحال َمَعه أَنه مل يكن ِ ِ ِ حيب أحدا كمحبته يف َوكنت أَنا َشابًّا فَ يَ َقع ذَلك مين موقعا َعظيما َوأما الْمزي فَ َكا َن رجال عبوسا مهيبا ، َوَكا َن ِ ِ َّ ِ ِ الَْوالد حيب لَو َكا َن أَْمري على الَْع ْكس أَعِين حيب أَن أالزم الْمزي أَكثر من ُمَالزَمة الذَهب لعَظََمة الْمزي عْنده )46(


 وأيضا :حالة الطالب الفائق : القاعدة أن املعلم يتدرج يف تعليمه فيبدأ بالبسيط مث ينتقل للمعقد ، وذلك حىت ال ينفر الطالب من املادة ، ولذلك ال يلقي عليه من املسائل ما مل يتأهل له ، ألن ذلك يبدد ذهنه ويفرق فهمه ، فإن سأله الطالب شيئا من ذلك مل جيبه ويعرفه أن ذلك يضره وال ينفعه ، وإن منعه إياه لشفقة عليه ولطف به ال خبال عليه ، مث يرغبه يف االجتهاد والتحصيل ليتأهل لذلك وغريه . 47فريى ابن مجاعة أن هذا السؤال يعد موقفا مربيا يستطيع املعلم التأثري األخالقي يف الطالب مبا ينفعه ، وفرصة لرتبية ملكة البحث عنده .  حالة الطالب من ذوي صعوبات التعلم :أن حيرص على تعليمه وتفهيمه ويبذل جهده ، ويقرب املعىن له ، ويعيد الشرح له أكثر من مرة ويقوم بتصوير املسألة مث يوضحها باألمثلة ، 43ومن األمثلة على هذا ، وهو ما يطلق عنه الوضوح يف الشرح أو العرض ، ومنه ما قام به الشافعي مع الربيع املرادي ، فقد ذكر السبكي يف طبقاته ، أن الربيع كان بطيء الفهم ، فكرر عليه الشافعي مسألة واحدة أربعني مرة فلم يفهم ، وقام من اجمللس حياء ، فدعاه الشافعي يف خلوة ، وكرر عليه حىت فهم . )41(  مهارة التغذية الراجعة : يفحالة تقومي فهم الطالب يف كل درس وذلك ملعرفة فهم الطالب : برى ابن مجاعة أن املعلم بعد هناية العرض ، يبدا بطرح أسئلة تتعلق بالدرس ميتحن هبا فهمهم وضبطهم ، فمن أحسن شكره ، ومن مل يفهمه تلطف يف إعادته له ، ويرى ابن مجاعة أن املعلم جيب عليه طرح األسئلة ، ألن بعض الطلبة رمبا استحيا من قوله مل أفهم .  اسلوب التعليم التعاوني : يقول وينبغي للمعلم أن يأمر الطلبة بإعادة الشرح فيما بينهم ليثبت يف أذهاهنم ويرسخ يف أفهامهم .  متابعة تحصيل الطلبة ، فمن وجد منه اجتهاد ولكنه يشد على نفسه أمره بالرفق ، حىت ال يضجر . القسم الثاني : خارج الدرس : فالبد للمعلم من مراقبة أحوال الطلبة وأخالقهم ، فمن صدر منه ما ال يليق من ارتكاب حمرم أو مكروه أو ما يؤدي إىل فساد حال أو إساءة أدب أو كثرة كالم بال فائدة . يستخدم املعلم التوجيه غري املباشر بالتعريض بالطالب يف ذلك دون تعيينه ، فإن مل ينته جلأ إىل األسلوب املناسب من كالمه سرا أو جهرا إىل أن يصلح حاله ، فإن مل ينته فال بأس حينئذ بتشديد العقوبة بطرده واإلعراض عنه حىت يرجع إىل اجلادة )51(  يتابع عالقة الطالب بزمالئه ، واألخالقيات املتواجدة بني الطالب ، لتعزيزها أو إصالحها .  أن يعدل بني الطالب فال يفضل أحد على أحد وأيضا التواضع مع الطالب ومما سبق من عرض لبعض معامل الدور اخللقي للمعلم يف الرتبية اإلسالمية ، يتضح أن الرتبية اإلسالمية تتميز أوال باإلعداد اخللقي للمعلم ويشري إليها آداب املعلم مع نفسه ، بل وتفاصيلها ، وال يتصدر أحد ملهنة التدريس مل يتوفر فيه كل من القيم اخللقية والدينية واملهنية .كما اتضح الدمج بني مهارات وفنيات التدريس وبني الدور اخللقي للمعلم ، ومنها التخطيط لدور املعلم اخللقي مع الطالب سواء من الثبات على مسلمات منها : العدل بني الطالب والتواضع والتلطف معهم والتدرج يف شرح املسائل. وأيضا التعامل مع احلاالت املختلفة من الطالب كالطالب الفائق والضعيف واملشاغب مبا حيقق الصاحل له ، ومنها امتداد العالقة مع الطالب داخل وخارج الدرس .


وجيمع النحالوي الصفات اليت جيب توافرها يف املعلم لكي يقوم بدوره اخللقي يف ضوء منهج الرتبية اإلسالمية )50(: 0- أن يكون هدفه وسلوكه وتفكريه ربانيا . 3- أن يكون خملصا . 2- أن يكون صبورا على معاناة التعليم وتقريب املعلومات إىل أذهان الطالب ، ألن ذلك يقتضي تكرارا وتنويعا يف األساليب ، وحتمل املشقة . 4- أن يكون صادقا فيما يدعو إليه ، وعالمة الصدق أن يطبقه على نفسه ، فإذا طابق علمه عمله اتبعه الطالب وقلدوه يف كل أقواله وأفعاله . 5- أن يكون دائم التزود بالعلم واملدارسة له . 6- أن يكون متقنا ألساليب وطرق التدريس ، وان ينوع بينها حسب املوقف . 7- أن يكون قادرا على الضبط والسيطرة على الطالب )إدارة الصف( ، والبد مع حزمه يكون حمبوبا من الطالب ، رحيما هبم من غري إفراط وال تفريط . 3- أن يكون واعيا باملؤثرات العاملية وأثرها على النشء. 1- أن يكون عادال بني طالبه ، متواضعا معهم . ثالثا : ما التصور المقترح للدور الخلقي للمعلم في ضوء منهج التربية اإلسالمية ؟ ميكن تقسيمه إىل عدد من املراحل هي : مرحلة اإلعداد : وتنقسم إىل ثالثة مراحل هي : مرحلة االختيار: جيب أن يتم اختيار املتقدمني لكليات الرتبية بعناية ، وطبقا ألسس علمية ، لذلك يرى الباحث تطبيق اختبار لقياس الشخصية جيد يتم إعداده على يد متخصصني يف القياس النفسي مع متخصصني تربويني ، ويتم مراجعته كل فرتة لضمان صالحيته للقياس . وأيضا أن تكون املقابالت للمتقدمني ممن اجتاز اختبار قياس الشخصية ، وفقا ملعايري علمية . وينطبق هذا على املتقدمني من الكليات غري الرتبوية من أجل اإلعداد الرتبوي . المرحلة الثانية : بعض االلتحاق بالكلية :  جيب االهتمام باجلانب اخللقي للطالب املعلم ، عن طريق تضمني القيم وتدريسها هلم من خالل كل املقررات ، فيكون تطبيق عملي هلم يف ذلك .  دمج تدريس القيم يف طرق وأساليب التدريس ، وتفعليه نظريا وعمليا من جهة أعضاء هيئة التدريس يف كليات الرتبية .  إدراج مادة لتدريس القيم للطالب املعلم .


 مراجعة تأثري الدراسة يف الكلية يف قيم الطالب املعلم ، عن طريق اختبار قبلي يف أول العام واختبار بعدي لكل طالب .  االهتمام عية الطالببتو باملؤثرات العاملية واحمللية على النظام القيمي يف اجملتمع ، حىت يكون الطالب املعلم على وعي بالتحديات ، وكيف ميكنه القيام بالدور اخللقي له كمعلم يف ضوء تلك التحديات .  أن يشمل تقومي الطالب املعلم أثناء الرتبية امليدانية ، الدور اخللقي سواء يف التخطيط للدرس أو مرحلة التنفيذ ومرحلة التقومي . المرحلة الثالثة : المعلم الجديد : وهو املعلم امللتحق حديثا مبهنة التدريس  يراعى عند تأهيل املعلم اجلديد الرتكيز على دمج القيم مع مهارات التدريس املقدمة للمعلم اجلديد .  تعريف املعلم اجلديد باملشكالت األخالقية عند الطالب داخل املدرسة ، وأفضل طرق عالجها . مرحلة الممارسة للدور الخلقي للمعلم : هناك أساسيات البد من مراعاهتا يف هذه املرحلة ، وهي : 0. أن يعكس املعلم يف ذاته منوذجا للقدرة الفكرية والسلوكية ومسات الشخصية املرغوب فيها . 3. أن يكون لدى املعلم معرفة كافية عن خصائص طالبه ومساهتم السلوكية وطبيعة املرحلة العمرية اليت ميرون هبا ومطالبها النمائية . 2. أن يعرف املعلم طبيعة النمو اخللقي لطالبه يف مرحلة معينة ، والعوامل املؤثرة فيها . األمور التي يجب أن يراعيها المعلم في مرحلة التخطيط للدرس : فيجب على املعلم القيام مبا يلي : 0. أنيركز على األهداف الوجدانية ، وأن يستخلص من خالل حتليل احملتوى ملوضوع الدرس ما يشري إىل املضامني القيمية ، وأن يؤكد إليها خالل عرضه للدرس . 3. ويرى الباحث أن تقوم جلنة متخصصة لتحليل احملتوى وحتديد القيم يف كل مقرر دراسي ، وحتديد األساليب املناسبة لتدريس القيم . 2. أن حيرص من خالل التخطيط للدرس علي الربط بني املفاهيم والقيم والنشاطات اليت يقوم هبا ، مبا يساعد على تكوين إطار فكري وقيمي لدى الطالب أنفسهم . 4. على املعلم أن يهتم بقياس األهداف الوجدانية ، من خالل جعل معيار معريف ميكن قياسه ، ويساعده على ذلك تصوره للسلوك اخللقي الذي جيب أن يسلكه الطالب بناء علي ما قدم له من معارف وتوجيهات . 5. يرى الباحث ضرورة توجيه املعلم الذي يصدر منه ما خيالف هذا ، باإلضافة إىل أن يشمل تقوميه هذه اجلوانب مرحلة التنفيذ :


0. جيب أن يقوم املعلم بالتهيئة للدرس ، وأن تبدأ هذه التهيئة من قبل خروجه من البيت ، ويبدأ بإلقاء السالم على الطالب ، الصالة يف بداية يومه الدراسي ، بداية احملاضرة بذكر اهلل وقراءة القرآن ، والدعاء لطالبه ولنفسه ولشيوخه . 3. أن حياول املعلم هتيئة بيئة مناسبة للمضمون اخللقي ، تتمثل يف إثارة الطالب حنو موضوع قيمي معني ، وإكساهبم املعرفة اخللقية املتعلقة به . 2. أن يستثمر املواقف التعليمية يف الفصل الدراسي ، مبا يساعد مادته الدراسية ، وأيضا حيقق أهدافا قيمية . 4. أنينوع املعلم بني األساليب الرتبوية املختلفة لتعزيز القيم ، وميكن للمعلم أن يستعني بعدد من األساليب الرتبوية ،فقد هدفت دراسة الشنقيطي )3117( إإيل توضيح بعض األساليب الرتبوية النبوية املؤدية إىل تعزيز القيم اإلميانية ، وقد أسفرت عن األساليب التالية :)القدوة – احلوار – العربة واملوعظة – القصة – الرتغيب والرتهيب – ضرب األمثال –العقوبة – اإلقناع العقلي – املناقشة – الرتبية باألحداث ( ، وقد أكدت الدراسة على أن القدوة احلسنة من أعظم األساليب الرتبوية املؤثرة يف النفس البشرية ، كما اعتربت أساليب احلوار والقصة واإلقناع العقلي من أجنع األساليب الرتبوية يف الوصول إىل نتيجة إجيابية مع الشباب . 53 5. ينبغي أن يركز املعلم أثناء املناقشات األخالقية على األسباب اليت يعطيها للطالب ألحكامهم األخالقية .وهذا األمر مهم لتحقيق الثبات اخللقي لدى الطالب السيما يف وقت تفاقمت فيه التحديات األخالقية. 6. أن حيرص املعلم على توسيع مشاركة الطالب فاألنشطة املدرسية وغري املدرسية . 7. أن يظهر املعلم وجهة نظره بوضوح حول القضايا القيمية واألخالقية . 3. أنحيرص املعمل علي تقومي سلوك الطالب واجتاهاهتم وقيمهم يف املواقف املختلفة ، وعلي توجيههم إىل مقايسة سلوكهم مبعيارية القيم واألخالق يف الرتبية اإلسالمية. 1. ويرى الباحث أنه ال ينبغي إفراد مقرر للرتبية األخالقية ، بل إدماج الرتبية األخالقية يف كل املقررات ، و يؤكد كل من عبيدات ، ذوقان وأبوالسميد،سهيلة )3117( )52(إىل أن الطريقة املثلي يف تدريس القيم ال تكون بإفرادها مبناهج خاصة أو مقررات ، ألن هذه الطريقة تؤدي إىل إثقال املناهج وزيادهتا ، ومل حتقق اهلدف املرجو منها ،ولكن تكون بأن تصبح القيم جزءا ال يتجزأ من كل املواد الدراسية ، فمثال مادة مثل الرياضيات تعلمنا أن هناك أكثر من طريق أو حل للمشكلة ، كما تعلم الطالب قيم مثل الدقة والقياس .....إن مثل هذه القيم ال حتتاج إىل مناهج خاصة أو مستقلة ، ولكن حتتاج إىل تنمية مهارة املعلم على تأكيدها وتنميتها باعتبارها نتاجا علميا أو رياضيا . 01. االهتمام بالتدريب أثناء اخلدمة لالهتمام بأساليب واسرتاتيجيات تعزيز القيم ، وبالتايل أن تفرد جزء خاص هلذا الدور . مرحلة التقومي : جيب االهتمام بتقومي الطالب على اجلانب األخالقي ، عن طريق القيام بأنشطة غري صفية ، أو يف أسئلة داخل االختبار هتتم بتربير األحكام اخللقية اليت يتبناها الطالب ، للوقوف على التغري القيمي واألخالقي عنده . نتائج البحث :


أسفر البحث عن عدد من النتائج من أمهها :  وجود قصور كبري لدى املعلمني يف قيامهم بالدور اخللقي ،ويتضح هذا القصور يف عدد من اجلوانب منها : . عدم االهتمام بالدور اخللقي للمعلم أثناء إعداده يف كليات الرتبية . . إغفال املعلمني لألهداف الوجدانية أثناء التخطيط للدرس ، مما يؤثر على كل اخلطوات اليت تليها سواء يف مرحلة التنفيذ أو مرحلة التقومي . . ومعىن التقصري يف اجلانب املخطط للدور اخللقي ، فهذا يعين اإلمهال للدور املؤثر للمعلم ، ويتمثل يف املنهج اخلفي . . كما أسفر البحث عن نتائج خاصة بالدور اخللقي للمعلم يف ضوء الرتبية اإلسالمية ، من أمهها : -أنالدور اخللقي للمعلم يف الرتبية اإلسالمية كله خمطط ، وليس هناك خمطط وغري خمطط . -االهتماممبا ميتلكه املعلم من قيم ، ألن تأثري املعلم كقدوة ينتقل من خالهلا تلك القيم ، وأن أهم تلك القيم : القيم األخالقية والدينية . -وقد ميتلك الفرد األخالق ولكنه ال يصلح ملنصب التدريس . - الدمج بني الدور اخللقي والدور املعريف أثناء تناول املادة الدراسية ، والسبب أن أي مهارة أو طريقة للتدريس ، هي وسيلة لنقل كل من القيم واملعرفة . اهتمت الرتبية اإلسالمية بالدور اخللقي للمعلم أثناء تفاعله مع الطالب داخل وخارج الدرس . . مث وضعت الدراسة تصورا مقرتحا للدور اخللقي للمعلم يف ضوء منهج الرتبية اإلسالمية . توصيات البحث : تتمثل أهم التوصيات فيما يأيت : 0. بضرورة مراجعة قيم املعلمني دوريا للوقوف على التغريات القيمية عندهم .والتعامل مع النتائج املرتتبة علي هذه املراجعة ، من دورات وحماضرات . 3. أن يتم اختيار املعلم يف كلية الرتبية وفقا ملعايري الدور الذي يقوم به ، وعدم االلتفات للجانب املعريف فقط . 2. أن يطبق نظام الرتخيص ملمارسة مهنة التدريس يف مصر والعامل العريب واإلسالمي ، مع جعل جزء مهم فيه وهو مدى قيام املعلم بالدور اخللقي له ، وأيضا مدى تطويره لذاته يف هذا اجلانب . مراجع البحث :

0. شليب ، صفوان حممد )3102( . أثر استخدام االنرتنت يف الصراع القيمي وأزمة اهلوية لدى الشباب اجلامعي . رسالة دكتوراة غري منشورة . جامعة دمشق . كلية الرتبية . قسم علم النفس .

3. زاهر ، ضياء )0114( . القيم يف العملية الرتبوية . القاهرة . مركز الكتاب للنشر . ص 73.

2. عفيفي ، حممد عبد اهلادي )0174(. األصول الفلسفية للرتبية ، القاهرة . مكتبة األجنلو املصرية . ص221و220( 4. ياجلن ، مقداد )0407(. الرتبية األخالقية يف اإلسالم . الرياض . دار عامل الكتب . ص 010. 5. امليمين ، عدنان عبدالرمحن )0110(. الرتبية األخالقية يف اآليات املكية واملدنية . رسالة ماجستري غري منشورة . اململكة العربية السعودية. جامعة أم القرى . ص 27.


6. امليمان ، بدرية صاحل ) 0432(. حنو تأصيل إسالمي ملفهومي الرتبية وأهدافها . الرياض . دار عامل الكتب . ص 417.

7. الصائغ ، عبد الرمحن حيىي )0437(. دور املعلم يف تنمية القيم اخللقية لدى طالب املرحلة الثانوية على مدينة الرياض . اململكة العربية السعودية . جامعة امللك سعود . كلية الرتبية .

3. برهوم ، أمحد موسى ) 3111 (دور املعلم يف تعزيز القيم اإلميانية لدى طلبة املرحلة الثانوية مبديرييت خانيونس وغرب غزة من وجهة نظر الطلبة . رسالة ماجستري غري منشورة . اجلامعة اإلسالمية –غزة . كلية الرتبية . قسم أصول الرتبية .

1. الطايع ، فيصل )0131 (. القيم األخالقية لدى املعلمني "دراسة ميدانية " . اجمللة الرتبوية . العدد .40 . مجهورية مصر العربية .جامعة أسيوط . كلية الرتبية . ص ص 555-531.

01. عبد السالم ، مصطفى )3111( . أساسيات التدريس والتطوير املهين للمعلم . القاهرة . دار الفكر العريب . ص ص 204-301 باختصار

00. الصائغ ، عبد الرمحن حييي ، مرجع سابق

03. بكار، عبدالكرمي )3100( . حول الرتبية والتعليم . دمشق . دار القلم .ط 2 . ص 056 و 057 . 02. عبد احلميد ، جابر )3115( التدريس والتعلم . القاهرة . دار الفكر العريب .ص 074-076 باختصار . 04. اجلالد ، ماجد زكي . تعلم القيم وتعليمها . األردن . دار املسرية . ص 71

05. سعادة ، جودت أمحد )3110(. صياغة األهداف الرتبوية والتعليمية يف مجيع املواد الدراسية . األردن . عمان . دار الشروق . -417 511 بتصرف. 06. الزغول ، عماد عبد الرحيم )3103(. مباديء علم النفس الرتبوي . دولة اإلمارات العربية املتحدة. دار الكتاب اجلامعي . ص 60 و . 63

07. عبيدات ، ذوقان و أبو السميد ، سهيلة )3117(. اسرتاتيجيات التدريس يف القرن احلادي والعشرين . األردن . عمان . دار الفكر . ص 41.

03. املالكي ، عبدالرمحن بن عبداهلل بن حممد )3101(. القيم الصفية يف درس الرتبية اإلسالمية لدى تلميذ املرحلة االبتدائية . جملة جامعة أم القرى للعلوم الرتبوية والنفسية . اجمللد )3(.العدد األول .ص ص -240 211 . 01. بكار ، عبد الكرمي )3113(. بناء األجيال . كتاب البيان . ص 001

31. اللقاين ، أمحد حسني و اجلمل ، على أمحد )0111(. معجم املصطلحات الرتبوية املعرفة يف املناهج وطرق التدريس .القاهرة . عامل الكتب . ص 035(

30. عبد احلميد ، جابر )3115( التدريس والتعلم . القاهرة . دار الفكر العريب .ص 330-332 باختصار( 33. 1 توق،حمي الدين و قطامي ، يوسف و عدس ، عبد الرحيم )3112( .أسس علم النفس الرتبوي . األردن . عمان . دار الفكر . ص .013

32. 1 )مارزانو ،روبرت و بيكرنج ،دبرا و بولوك،جني )3116(. التعليم الصفي الفعال اسرتاتيجيات مستخلصة من البحوث لزيادة حتصيل الطالب .ترمجة :الكثريي، سعود بن ناصر إبراهيم . جامعة امللك سعود . النشر العلمي واملطابع ، ص 2. 34. 1 راجع : ) حممد ، فارعة حسن . ص 60 . (Asher ,Slikedi &Gabriel ,Horenzyk (1995) . The Role of Ideology in the Teaching of 1 .35 Culturtrally Valuesd Texts .Teaching and Teacher Education . Vol.II . No . 2 . pp 107-117


(Johnson. SF (1988). The Relationship Beetween Teacher Values School 1 .36 Climate Ratings Background Information and Self-Report Use Teaching Methods . Ed-D . Dissertation Abstract International .Vol.50 ,No. 4-A oct) Susan ,Brookhart(1993) .Teacher s Garding Practices .Meaning and Values . 1 .37 Journal of Educational Measurement . Vol.30 ,No.2 ,Summer.pp123-142) 33. 1 حممد، أمحد عبد الرازق. القيم السائدة لدى معلمي املرحلة الثانوية يف ضوء األصالة واملعاصرة .رسالة ماجستري غري منشورة ،كلية الرتبية . جامعة األزهر . 3113 .

31. 1 الكيالين . ماجد عرسان )0113(. فلسفة الرتبية اإلسالمية .لبنان . بريوت . مؤسسة الريان ص 417

(O Brien (1993 ).Teachers Values and Classroom Cultures Teaching and Learning in 1 .21 A Rural . Appalachian Head Start Program . Early Education and Development . Vol.4 . No.11.jan) 20. 1 عبد احلليم ، حممد )0115( . أخالقيات مهنة التدريس –دراسة على معلمي املرحلة الثانوية -، جملة دراسات تربوية . اجمللد العاشر .العدد)31( . القاهرة . ص 33 .

23. 1 )السبيعي ، زعري فهد )0421 (. أساليب الرتبية اإلسالمية يف توجيه السلوك ومدى إملام املعلمني هبا وتطبيقها . رسالة ماجستري غري منشورة . كلية الدراسات العليا . قسم العلوم االجتماعية . جامعة نايف العربية للعلوم األمنية . ( 22. 1 ميخائيل ، يوسف أسعد )0134( . الثقافة ومستقبل الشباب ،القاهرة،اهليئة العامة للكتاب . ص 022 ( 24. 1 ابن مجاعة ، حممد بن إبراهيم )3115(. تذكرة السامع واملتكلم يف أدب العامل واملتعلم . حتقيق : عبدالسالم عمر. القاهرة . مكتبة ابن عباس .ص ص. 066-35.

25. 1 ابن مجاعة . املرجع السابق . ص ص 013-35

26. 1 مشس الدين ، عبد األمري . الفكر الرتبوي عند ابن مجاعة , الشركة العاملية للكتاب . ص 07.

27. 1 الغزايل ، حممد بن حممد أبو حامد . إحياء علوم الدين . بريوت . دار املعرفة .ج 0 . ص 5.

23. 1 املرجع السابق ، ص 53

21. 1 دخلاهلل . أيوب . الرتبية اإلسالمية عند اإلمام الغزايل . بريوت . املكتبة العصرية . ص 303.

41. 1 اجلاحظ )0156 (: البيان والتبيني. حتقيق : حسن السندويب .القاهرة . املكتبة التجارية الكربى . ج3. ط4 .ص75.

40. 1 انظر ابن مجاعة . املرجع السابق .026-011

43. 1 انظر : ابن مجاعة ، مرجع السابق . ص ص -011 030.

42. 1 انظر ابن مجاعة . مرجع سابق . ص 036.

44. 1 عبيدات ، ذوقان و أبو السميد ، سهيلة )3117(. مرجع سابق .ص 217

45. 1 مشس الدين ، عبد األمري .مرجع سابق .ص 01

46. 1 السبكي ، تاج الدين عبد الوهاب )0402( . طبقات الشافعية الكربى .حتقيق : الطناحي ، حممود و احللو ، عبد الفتاح . هجر للطباعة والنشر والتوزيع.ج 01 . ص 213.

47. 1 ابن مجاعة . مرجع سابق . ص 040.

43. 1 ابن مجاعة . مرجع سابق . ص 043

41. 1 السبكي . مرجع سابق ، ج3 . 024.


51. 1 ابن مجاعة . مرجع سابق . ص 054و 055 .

50. 1 النحالوي ، عبد الرمحن )3114(. أصول الرتبية اإلسالمية وأساليبها . دمشق . دار الفكر . ط2 . ص ص 041-044 باختصار.

53. 1 الشنقيطي ، أمحد )3117(. األساليب النبوية لتنمية القيم اإلميانية لدى الشباب املسلم يف ضوء التحديات املعاصرة .رسالة ماجستري غري منشورة .اململكة العربية السعودية . كلية الرتبية . جامعة أم القرى . 52. 1 )عبيدات ، ذوقان و أبو السميد سهيلة )3117( مرجع سابق . ص 313 (



الكناية القرآنية ودورها في تعليم الشباب أدب الكالم

د. ناسيال بن سيد حسن بن شريف عميد ومحاضر بقسم تعليم اللغة العربية جامعة الراية - سوكابومي

ملخص البحث إن التربية املعاصرة في كثير من بيئات املجتمع انحرفت عن مسيرها بسبب بعدها عن املنهج إلالهي، وبسبب سرعة تطور وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، ومن ثم نشأ شباب تكثر ألفاظهم الشنيعة ال يعرفون للكناية ا ا فضال ، وال يرون للحياء َرونقا، فأخذ الانحراف التربوي تتسع دائرته؛ لهذا رأى الباحث أن العودة إلى كنايات القرآن الكريم في تعليم الشباب وتربيتهم أمر ضروري. وإن طريقة إنجاز هذا البحث كانت على منهجين علميين هما؛ املنهج الوصفي التحليلي، واملنهج الاستنباطي اللذان م ّهدا للباحث طريقة تحليل بعض نماذج ا ا كنايات القرآن الكريم، ثم استنباط منها ما له عالقة بجانب أدب الكالم؛ ليكون منهجا تربويا في ميدان تربية الشباب تربية إسالمية سليمة. وقد أثبت هذا البحث أن للكناية عالقة بأدب الكالم، وأثبت أن في القرآن الكريم نماذج كنائية كثيرة عما يستقبح التصريح بها، كما أثبت أن لهذه الكنايات دالالت تربوية ا يمكن جعلها منهجا لغرس أدب الكالم في الشباب.

املدقمم :- الحمد هلل رب العاملين والصالة والسالم على رسوله مين وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم، أما بعد؛ فإن التربية املعاصرة تعيش أزمة حقيقية، والسبب في ذلك هو جهل أكثر أبناء هذه مة بحقيقة رسالة ّ إلانسان في الحياة، والتساهل في اتباع النظريات جنبية الوافدة حذوة القذة بالقذة، وإلاعجاب بكل ما هو أجنبي، وذلك لبعدهم عن املصدر إلالهي الذي منه تنبثق أسس التربية إلاسالمية أال وهو القرآن الكريم، ا "وفلسفة التربية في القرآن الكريم تختلف تماما عن فلسفات التربية في النظم الحديثة والقديمة خاصة الغربية، فأساس التربية في الغرب ُيبنى على الحرية والديمقراطية والفردية")1(. ولذا فإن مصادر الشر ووسائله في هذا الزمان قد فتحت أبواب النزعات الحيوانية والشهوانية، ومن ثم أ ّدت هذه الحرية املطلقلة، والانحطاط الخلقي إلى انحراف كثير من الشباب في جوانب كثيرة منها جانب أدب الكالم. وقد أّيد هذا ْ الكالم الدكتور سليمان بن عبد الرحمن ال ُحقيل؛ إذ رأى أن تلك سباب السلبية، والنظرة الضيقة لشمولية التربية إلاسالمية عند مثقفي التربية املعاصرة مصدرها فلسفة التربية غير إلاسالمية التي تعتمد ا على فلسفات عقلية انحرفت بالبشرية عن املنهج الرباني، فصار إلانسان يسير في الحياة طلبا ملا يشبع


شهواته، فضاع الجانب خالقي والديني لفقدان الشمولية، فصارت عملية التربية مجرد نقل معلومات، فنشأ عن ذلك التعليم إنسان متفوق في املهارات، لكنه بعيد عن خالق وداب)2(. وأفرزت تلك املناهج غير إلاسالمية الوافدة من مجتمعات منحلة، ومن ديانات منحرفة، ومن فلسفات ا ا هابطة شبابا ال يعرفون لألخالق سبيال، وال لآلداب منهجا، وخ ّرجت تلك الفلسفات أجياال مستواهم السلوكي والخلقي أقل من املرجو في املجتمع، ونتيجة لهذا الانفتاح غير املنضبط نسمع من الناشئة في ا البيوت، وفي املدارس، وفي املجالس العامة، وتجمعاتهم ألفاظا من أشنع لفاظ وأقبحها ألنهم يتلقونها ممن ال خالق لهم باسم الصراحة تارة، وباسم برامج تعليم الجنس في وقت مبكر تارة أخرى، وباسم حرية التعبير مرة – ولو كان عن الفواحش –، وباسم التنوع في ساليب التربوية والتوجيهة مرة أخرى ، ومنهم من غلب عليهم املزاح واملداعبة غير الالئقة، فيص ّرحون ما ستره هللا سبحانه وتعالى الستقباح التلفظ به، ولم ا يجعلوا للكناية طريقا لإلرشاد والتوجيه والتربية. وإن في كتاب هللا عز وج ّل أساليب تربوية ج ّمة يكشفها من يتدبر في آياته ﭽﭲ ﭳ ﭴ ﭵ ﭶ ﭷ ﭸ ﭹ ﭺﭼ )ص:22(، فإنه املصدر ول الذي ينبغي للمسلم أن يستفيد من توجيهاته وإرشاداته التربوية، وألنه وحي إلهي لجميع البشر ﭽﭩ ﭪ ﭫ ﭬ ﭭ ﭼ )ص:78(، فيتح ّتم على املسلم أن يبادر إلى فهم أساليبه، وقد ّ ا ا ا ا اتضح لدى الباحث أن هذا سلوب يصلح أيضا أن يكون طريقا ومنهجا مؤثرا في التربية إلاسالمية يرّبي ّ الفرد والجماعة وخاصة الشباب في أدب الكالم، ف ُي ق درون العالقة إلانسانية بين البشر، ويتحاشون بذاءة لفاظ. إ ّن الكناية منهج تربوي قرآني يبعث الفضائل ويمنع الرذائل، فبه يسهل ضبط سلوك الفرد، وتهذيب أخالقه، ونصحه وتوجيهه، ومن أمثلة هذا املنهج الكنائي التربوي ما جاء في قوله تعالى:ﭽﯡ ﯢ ﯣ ﯤ ﯥ ﯦ ﯧﯨ ﭼ )البقرة:222(. حيث كنى القرآن الكريم في هذه ية بكلمة "الحرث" عن املعاشرة الزوجية. ّ ولكناية هذه الكلمة "الحرث" داللة تربوية عظيمة حيث حلت محل كلمة الجماع التي يفحش ذكرها، ُ فص َرف سلوب القرآني خالقي التربوي املسلم عنها إلى كلمة فيها جمال ورونق، ومعنى أكثر ت غنيك عن أن ُ تسمع أذنك كلمة يكرهها الطبع، كلمة تؤجج نار الشهوة، وتهتك أستار الفضيلة، وتمزق حياء عراف والتقاليد. ومن هنا ندرك أن التربية إلاسالمية ال توجد فيها العيوب والسلبيات التي أنتجتها التربية املعاصرة املزيجة من نظريات شتى، فالتربية إلاسالمية مصدرها ليست قوانين وأنظمة من وضع البشر، وإنما مصدرها ول القرآن الكريم والحديث الشريف، وهدفها هو إعداد إلانسان الصالح العابد التقي الذي يراقب هللا في السر والعلن، ويمتثل أوامر هللا ويجتنب نواهيه)2( في أقواله وأفعاله، كما أن من أهدافها تطهير النفس وتزكيتها، وتنشأة الفرد على الخير، ومحاربة الفجور وال حفاظ على الفطرة السليمة التي فطر هللا الناس عليها؛ أل ّن "فلسفة التربية في القرآن الكريم تمتاز بالفهم في الشمول والتوحيد إلى مراقبة السلوك ومحاسبة النفس، فهي توحد في ذات إلانسان بين جسده وروحه وما يربطهما من قيم وأخالق")4(. ُ ّ وفي ظل معطيات مناهج تربية الشباب الحظ الباحث أن الانحراف التربوي ال تزال دائرته تتسع في املجتمع إلاسالمي بسبب ضعف كثير من املؤسسات التعليمية، وسرعة انتشار ثقافات أجنبية غير إسالمية ا عبر وسائل إلاعالم، ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي التي تتطور بسرعة فائقة يوما بعد يوم، ولذا فإن وجود ّ مشكالت سلوكية وأدبية لدى فئات غير قليلة من شباب مة يؤكد أهمية الحاجة إلى التربية الخلقية


ودبية، فالتربية في هذا العصر بحاجة إلى إعادة صياغة الشخصية إلاسالمية صياغة أصيلة شاملة. ّ ا ا ا والحل الوحيد هو العودة إلى كتاب هللا عز وجل تعلما وتدبرا وتطبيقا، ففيه الدواء والشفاء، فاختار ا ا الباحث أحد أساليبه البالغية التي لم تنل – فما يعتقد – من الباحثين توجيها تربويا بعد، أ ال وهو أسلوب الكناية ليكون ضمن ساليب القرآنية التربوية التي اهتم املرّبون ببيانها، واختار بعض يات القرآنية لتكون النموذج ملوضوع هذا البحث "الكناية القرآنية ودورها في تعليم الشباب أدب كالم".

منهج البحث:- ّ أما الطريقة املتبعة في تحقيق ثمرة هذه الدراسة فمنهجان؛ وهما: املنهج الوصفي التحليلي، واملنهج الاستنباطي. فاملنهج الوصفي التحليلي:"عبارة عن طريق ٍة لوصف املوضوع املراد دراسته، من خالل منهجية علمية صحيحة، وتصوير النتائج التي يتم التو ُّصل إليها")5(، وأما املنهج الاستنباطي فقد ُع ّرف بأنه "بذل أقص ى جهد َعقلي، ونفس ي عند دراسة النصوص بهدف استخراج مبادئ تربوية مدع َمة باألدلة الواضحة")6(. وبناء على تعريف املنهجين السالفين سار الباحث على ُهد اى منهما، فاختار نماذج من كنايات القرآن الكريم، ّ ا ا واستنبط ما له عالقة مباشرة بالجانب التربوي، وخاصة جانب الكالم، وناقشها وحللها تحليال يزيد وضوحا ا وبيانا. وال بد من إلاشارة إلى أن التحليل آليات الكناية تسبقه دراسة نظرية عن مفهوم الكناية وعالقتها ا ا بأدب الكالم. وخطوات تحليل تلك الكنايات هي: أوال ذكر ية التي فيها تلك الكنايات. ثانيا تحليل تلك ا ا ا ا الكنايات وتوجيهها توجيها بالغيا وتربويا، وأخيرا بيان كيفية تطبيق هذه النماذج الكنائية القرآنية في توجيه أدب الكالم عند الشباب. هذا، وقد قسمت هذه الدراسة املتواضعة إلى ثالثة مباحث، هي: املبحث ألاول: تعريف الكناي وعالقتها بأدب الكالم. املبحث الثاني: نماذج كنايات عما يستدقبح التصريخ بها في الدقرآن الكريم. املبحث الثالث: الكناي الدقرآني ودورها في تعليم الشباب أدب الكالم. وفي أخر البحث ذكرت النتائج وبعض التوصيات.

املبحث ألاول: تعريف الكناي وعالقتها بأدب الكالم. ا ا بماأن الكناية وعالقتها بأدب الكالم هو موضوع هذا البحث، فال بد من تعريفها تعريفا موجزا لغة ا واصطالحا، ثم بيان عالقتها بأدب الكالم. ً أوال: الكناي لغ . َ هي لغة: الستر والتغطية وعدم التصريح، "ُيقال: كنيت عن كذا، إذا تكلمت بغيره مما ُيستد ّل به َ ا عليه، وكنوت أيضا")8(، أي ما يتكلم به إلانسان ويريد به غيره، وهي: مصدر كنيت، أو كنوت بكذا عن كذا، ا َ إذا تركت التصريح به. يقول ابن منظور موضحا معناها:"الكناية: أن تتكلم بش يء وتريد غيره، وك َنى عن مر


َ ْ ّ ّ َّ بغيره يك ني كناية: يعني إذا تكلم بغيره مما يستدل عليه نحو الرفث والغائط ونحوه... وقد تكنى وتحجى أي َّ َ ُ تستر، من كنى عنه إذا وَّرى أو من الك ْنية")7(.

ً ثانيا: الكناي في الاصطالح. هي في اصطالح علماء البيان:" أن يريد املتكلم إثبات معنى من املعاني فال يذكره باللفظ املوضوع له في ا اللغة، ولكن يجيئ إلى معنى هو تاليه وردفه في الوجود فيومئ به إليه، ويجعله دليال عليه")2(. وأقصر من هذا التعريف تعريف القزويني، فهي عنده:" لفظ أريد به الزم معناه مع جواز إرادة معناه حنئ ٍذ")11(. أي مع جواز إرادة املعنى صلي لذلك اللفظ. ونقل أسامة البحيري عن ابن ثير في كتابه "املثل السائر" تعريفه بالكناية أنها: "كل لفظة دلت على معنى يجوز حمله على جانبي الحقيقة واملجاز، بوصف جامع الحقيقة )11( ُ واملجاز" . ومعنى ذلك في تعري ٍف أوجز وأوضح وأشمل أنها أي الكناية: لفظ استعمل في غير ما وضع له مع عدم وجود قرينة مانعة من إرادة املعنى صلي)12(.

ً ثالثا: الكناي وعالقتها بأدب الكالم. ا في السطور التالية أمثلة لعالقة الكنابة بأدب الكالم، فاستخدام الكناية تأدبا للموقف الكالمي قد يكون السبب هو تي: َ 1. اختصار التعبير: وهو مقصد في التعبير بالكناية، فأسلوب الكناية يغني عن إطالة الكالم. تدَّبر قول الطوس ي عند تفسيره لقوله تعالى:ﭽ ﮎ ﮏ ﮐ ﮑﭼ )الكوثر:2(. "وبتر أحسن من خس؛ ألنه أدل على الكناية في النفس، فهذه الحروف القليلة قد جمعت املحاسن الكثيرة، وما لها في النفس من املنزلة أكثر بالفخامة والجزالة وعظم الفائدة التي يعمل عليها، وينتهي إليها")12(، والغالب أن التعبير القصير الذي حل مح ّل الكالم الطويل يكون أنفع وأكثر تأثيرا في النفس؛ إذ إلايجاز يسهل الحفظ، وسرعة قبول التوجيه إذ ال يم ّل املخاطب، ولذلك قيل: خير الكالم ما ق ّل ود ّل. ّ ّ 2. تهذيب ألالفاظ: الكناية أسلوب تربوي مهذب يمكن إلانسان أن يعّبر عما في النفس بطرق مالئمة للمقام التربوي املطلوب، كالتعبير عن لفاظ املستقبحة املستهجنة التي ال يليق التصريح بها؛ سواء من قبل املتكلم أو بسبب منزلة املخاطب أو ملا يناسب مقتض ى الحال، وهذا النوع من دب والتهذيب كثير في القرآن الكريم، كقوله تعالى: ﭽ ﮧ ﮨ ﮩ هه ﭼ )البقرة:222(.حيث كنى هللا معاشرة الرجل زوجته باالعتزال، وتج ّنب التصريح بكلمة الجماع. 2. التأدب مع املخاطب: هذا، وإن التأ ّدب مع املخاطب ملكانته أو مجرد احترام الشعور إلانساني شأن تربوي عظيم يحث به ديننا الحنيف. الخالصة أن كل ذلك برهان واضح وآكد على أن الكناية أسلوب بار ٌع ييسر املرء أن يقول كل ش يء، وأن يعّبر ا ا ا ا بالتعريض والتلويح والرمز وإلاشارة عن كل ما يجول بخاطره – حراما كان أو حالال، حسنا كان أو قبيحا – وهو غير مح َرج أو ملوم، وتلك مزّية الكناية على غيرها من أساليب البيان)14(، وهذا ما جعل هذا سلوب


اللغوي الرائع طريقة تربوية صالحة في تعليم كل الناس أدب الكالم، وخاصة لدى الشباب الذين يميلون إلى التصريح باألمور الجنسية.

املبحث الثاني: نماذج كنايات عما يستدقبح التصريخ بها في الدقرآن الكريم. من لفاظ املستقبحة املستهجنة في التصريح بها لفظ الجماع؛ حيث نجد أن أسماءه في القرآن الكريم ُ كلها كنايات الستقباح التصريح به كاستقباح رؤية فعله، وهي تلك الكنايات املو َّضحة في النماذج التالية: النماذج ألاولى: الرفث، واللباس، واملباشرة. قال تعالى:ﭽ ﭑ ﭒ ﭓ ﭔ ﭕ ﭖ ﭗﭘ ﭙ ﭚ ﭛ ﭜ ﭝ ﭞﭟ ﭠ ﭡ ﭢ ﭣ ﭤ ﭥ ﭦ ﭧ ﭨ ﭩﭪ ﭫ ﭬ ﭭ ﭮ ﭯ ﭰ ﭱﭲ ﭳ ﭴ ﭵ ﭶ ﭷ ﭸ ﭹ ﭺ ﭻ ﭼ ﭽ ﭾﭿ ﮀ ﮁ ﮂ ﮃ ﮄﮅ ﮆ ﮇ ﮈ ﮉ ﮊ ﮋﮌ ﭼ )البقرة:178(.

ً أوال: أسلوب الكناي وتوجيهه البالغي. في ية ثالث كنايات، هي: ﭽ ﭕ ﭖ ﭗ ﭼ ، وﭽ ﭙ ﭚ ﭛ ﭜ ﭝ ﭞﭼ، وﭽﭫ ﭬﭼ بصيغة مر لإلباحة، َ َ ُ َ َ ومرة بصيغة النهي ﭽ ﮆ ﮇ ﮈ ﮉ ﮊ ﮋﭼ. أصل ال َّرفث أو "ال ُّرفث الفحش من القول، وقد َ رفث يرفث َ ا ُ َرفثا")15(. يقول الطبري:"فأما ﭽﭕﭼ فإنه كناية عن الجماع في هذا املوضع، يقال: هو الرفث وال ُّرفوث... وفي َ ُ غير هذا املوضع، إلافحاش في املنطق")16(، وهذا ما ذكره أهل اللغة، ففي لسان العرب:"ال َّرفث الجما ُع وغيره َ ُ َ مما يكون بين الرجل وامرأته يعني التقبيل واملغازلة ونحوهما مما يكون في حالة الجماع، وأصله قول ُ ْ َ ُ ُ ْ الفحش، وال َّرفث - أيضا - الفح ُش من القول ، وكالم النسا ء في الجماع")18(. ويؤكد املعنيين – اللغوي والاصطالحي – قوله تعالى: ﭽ ﭑ ﭒ ﭓﭔ ﭕ ﭖ ﭗ ﭘ ﭙ ﭚ ﭛ ﭜ ﭝ ﭞ ﭟ ﭠﭡ ﭼ )البقرة:128(، ُ ا حيث ف ّسر الرفث بأنه:"الجماع ومقدماته الفعلية والقولية، خصوصا عند النساء بحضرته ّن")17(. وقوله تعالى: ﭽ ﭙ ﭚ ﭛ ﭜ ﭝ ﭞﭼ، فاللباس ما يلبسه إلانسان ليستتر به عورته، وملا كان الرجل واملرأة يتعانقان، ويمتزجان ويتالزمان – قيل لتجردهما عند النوم وانضمام جسد كل واحد منهما لصاحبه – فيضم كل واحد منهما جمسه إلى جسم صاحبه حتى يصير كل واحد منهما لصاحبه كالثوب الذي يلبسه، ا سمي كل واحد منهما لباسا. ويقصد أن كل واحد منهما يستر صاحبه عند إلافضاء، وُيحتمل أن املراد هو ستر كل واحد منهما عن املفاسد)12(، فإذا قيل: تجرد الرجل وامرأته فصارا كجسد واحد تحت لحاف واحد ُ فهم من هذا الكالم املعنى الكناني، وهو الفعل بها. واملباشرة في قول تعالى: ﭽ ﭫ ﭬﭼ كناية عن الوطء، وجزم الرازي أنه تفسير الجمهور، فقال: وهو قول الجمهور أنها الجماع، سمي بهذا الاسم لتالصق البشرتين وانضمامهما، ولم يقتصر على الجماع بل يدخل في املعانقة واملالمسة إال أنهم اتفقوا في هذه ية على أن املراد به هو الجماع؛ ألن السبب في هذه الرخصة


كان يصدر من القوم)21(، وفي تفسير املنار:"املباشرة هنا كناية عن املباضعة الزوجية، وحقيقتها م ّس بشرة خر، أي ظاهر جلده، فهي املالمسة في حقيقتها وكنايتها، وهن من نزاهة القرآن")21(.

ً ثانيا: أسلوب الكناي وداللته التربوي . إن استعمال تلك الكنايات بدل من التصريح بما ُيستحى من ذكره در ٌس تربوي خلقي عظيم، فيجب الاقتداء بنزاهة القرآن الكريم في التعبير عن مور ولفاظ التي يستحى من التصريح بها، فهذه الكنايات ا وأمثالها يفهم منها املراد، وال ُيستحى من تالوتها علنا أمام النساء وطفال والشيوخ. فقد ُروي عن ابن عباس رض ي هللا عنهما أنه قال:"إن هللا حيي كريم يكني كل ما ذكر في القرآن من املباشرة واملالمسة، وإلافضاء والدخول والرفث، فإنما عنى به الجماع)22(. هذا هو هللا - سبحانه وتعالى الجبار املتكبر - ، صاحب ا الكبرياء في السماوات ورض، الذي ال يستحي أن يضرب مثال ما بعوضة، إنه مع صفته لوهية ومنزلته ا العلوية، يستحي من خلقه أن يتض ّمن كالمه ألفاظا َمهينة حقيرة مستهجنة ال تليق بجالل سلطانه - سبحانه وتعالى -، فإن كان هذا هو هللا ال يصرح بألفا ٍط قذرة فهل يليق باملسلم الذي يسير على منهج القرآن الكريم أن يكون في كالمه ما تجنب عنه رّبه سبحانه!

النماذج الثاني : السفح، والخمن، والفاحش ، والعنت. قال تعالى:ﭽﮚ ﮛ ﮜ ﮝ ﮞ ﮟ ﮠ ﮡ ﮢ ﮣ ﮤ ﮥ ﮦﮧ ﮨ ﮩ ه ﮫ ﮬ ه ﮮ ﮯ ﮰ ﮱ ﯓ ﯔﯕ ﯖ ﯗ ﯘ ﯙ ﯚﯛﭼ )النساء:25(.

ً أوال: أسلوب الكناي وتوجيهه البالغي. كل نماذج ية ولى كنايات عن ما يحدث بين الرجل واملرأة، وعن صفتهما في قضاء شهوتهما عن طريق الحالل، فاستعمل القرآن كلمات لطيفة تبعث في النفس الشوق والرغبة، بينما نجد أن نماذج كنايات ية الثانية ههنا عن إتيان الرجل املرأة بالطريق الحرام فأتى سلوب القرآني بكلمات تنفر النفس السليمة من ارتكابه. ففي ية كنايات هي: السفح والخدن ﭽﮡ ﭨ ﭩ ﮤ ﮥ ﮦﭼ، والفاحشة ﭽه ه هﭼ، والعنت ﭽﯗ ﯘ ﯙ ﯚﭼ. إنا نالحظ أن الرجل الذي دخل بامرأة عن طريق الحالل – النكاح الشرعي – هو مح َصن، وعن طريق َ الحرام كناه القرآن خدن. أما املرأة املدخول بها عن طريق الحالل فهي محصنة، وعن طريق الحرام كناها ّ القرآن مسا فحة. هذا ما بينه صاحب لسان العرب حيث ذكر املعنى اللغوي للفظ )السفح( ثم ربطه باملعنى الكنائي املقصود في ية، وهو الزنا، فقال:"ال َّس ْف ُح ُع ْر ُض الجبل حيث َي ْس َف ُح فيه املا ُء ، وهو ُع ْر ُضه ُ َّ ْ َ َ َّ َ َّ َّ ُ ُ املضط جع . وقيل السفح أصل الجبل، وقيل هو الحضيض... ورجل سفاح للدماء سفاك... والتسافح ّ ُ َ ْ ُ َ وال سفاح واملسافحة الزنا والفجور ، وفي التنزيل:ﭽﮡ ﭨ ﭩﭼ، وأصل ذلك الص ّب. تقول: سافحته مسافحة ا َ ُ َ ٌ َ ّ ُ ُ و سفاحا وهو أن ت ق يم امرأة مع رجل على فجور من غير تزويج صحيح. ويقال البن البغ ي: ابن املسا فح ة ا َ َ َ ْ الفاجرة التي ال تمتنع عن الزنا، وسمي الزنا سفاحا ألنه كان عن غير عقد، كأنه بمنزلة املاء املسفوح الذي ال


ا َ َ يحبسه ش يء. وقال غيره: سمي الزنا سفاحا ألنه ليس ث ّم حرمة نكاح، وال عقد تزويج، وكل واحد منهما َس َف َح َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ ْ َ َ َ َ َ منيته أي دفقها بال حرمة أباحت دفقها، وكان أهل الجاهلية إذا خطب الرجل املرأة قال: أنكحيني، ف إذا أراد الزنا قال: سافحيني.")22(. ْ ُ وأما الخدن فكناية عن الرجل الذي يأتي مرأة من غير نكاح شرعي صحيح - أيضا -، وجاء معنى"ال خدن َ ُ ُ ّ ُ َ ْ ٌ ُ َ ْ ُ َ ُ ُ َ ُ والخ دين الصديق، والصاح ُب املح دث، والجمع أخدان وخدناء وال خدن والخ دين: الذي يخا دنك فيكون َ ْ ُ ُ َ ّ ُ ْ ُ َ ّ ُ معك في كل أمر ظاهر وباطن، و خدن الجارية: مح دثها، وكانوا في الجاهلية ال يمتنعون من خد ٍن يح دث ُ َ ُ ْ ُ الجارية، فجاء إلاسال ُم بهدمه. واملخادنة املصاحبة... ومن ذلك خدن الجارية وفي التنزيل العزيز ﭽﮡ ﭨ ﭩ ﮤ َ َ ّ ْ َ َ ُ َ ٌ ُ ُ ا )24( ﮥ ﮦﭼ يعني: أن ي ت خذن أصدقاء، ورجل خدنة يخا دن النا َس كثيرا" . ُ ْ ُ ُ والفاحشة كناية عن الزنا وهو إتيان الرجل امرأة ليست له، وأصل "الفحش والفا حشة: القبيح من القول َ َ ْ َ َ ْ َ ُ ْ َ ْ َ َ والفعل، وجمعها الفوا ح ُش. وأفح َش عليه في املن طق أي قال الفحش. والفحشا ُء اسم الفاحشة، وقد فح َش َ ُ َ َ ْ َ َ َ ُ َ ٌ ُ ْ َّ ُ ْ ُ َ وفحش وأفحش وفحش علينا... ورجل فا حش ذو فحش. وفي الحديث:) إن الله يب غض الفا حش ُ َ َ ّ َ )25( ُ َ ُ َ َ ّ ُ َّ ُ َ َّ َّ ُ املتف حش( ، فالفا حش ذو الفحش، والخنا من قول وفع ٍل، واملتف حش الذي يتكلف سب الناس ويتعمده، ُ وقد تكرر ذكر ال ُف ْحش والفاحشة والفاحش في الحديث، وهو كل ما َيشتد ق ْب ُحه من الذنوب واملعاص ي، قال َ ا َ ُ ا َّ ابن ثير: وكثيرا ما ترُد الفاحشة بمعنى الزنا، ويسمى الزنا فاحشة، وقال الله تعالى:ﭽﯜ ﯝ ﯞ ﯟ ﯠﭼ، َ ُ ْ َ ْ ّ ُ ُ )26( قيل: الفاحشة املبينة أن تزني فتخرج للحد، وقيل الفاحشة خروجها من بيتها بغير إذن زوجها" . ا ا ا وهنا وقفة بالغية جدير بالنظر إليها حيث ُيالحظ أنه ملا كان إتيان الرجل امرأة ليست له، ُيع ّد قبحا وفسقا ا وتعديا على أعراض خرين كالتع ّدي على أعراض خرين بالكالم الس ّيئ ولفاظ القبيحة، فاللفظ ا املناسب للستر وعدم التصريح بفعل الزنا، هو لفظ )الفاحشة(. وملا كان إلاتيان حالال كناه هللا سبحانه ا ا وتعالى نكاحا ﭽ ﮂ ﮃ ﮄ ﮅ ﮆ ﮇ ﮈ ﮉ ﮊﭼ، وملا كان ُمح ّرما كنى به فاحشة ﭽه ه هﭼ . َ وجاء لفظ )العنت( كناية عن الوقوع في الفجور والزنا كما بين ذلك ال ّز بيدي أن أصل "ال َع َن ُت: )لقا ُء ّ َّ َ ْ َ َ ٌ ُ ا ْ َ ا َ َ ُ َ َ َّ ُ َ ُ َ َ ُ ْ ُ َ َ ُ َ َ ُ ال شد ة(. يقال: أعنت فالن فالنا إعناتا،..والعنت املشق ة، والفساد، والهالك، و إلاثم، والغلط، والخطأ، ّ َ ُ ّ َ ْ َ َ َ ُ ْ َ َ َ ُ َ َ ْ َّ ْ َ )وال زنا(، كل ذلك قد جاء، وأط لق العنت عليه،..وفي التن زيل ﭽﭨ ﭩ ﭪ ﭫﭼ )البقرة: 221 (، معناه: لو شاء َّ َ ُ َ َ ُ ُ َ َ ُ َ لشدد عليكم، وتع َّبدكم بما يصعب عليكم أداؤه، وقد يوضع العنت موضع الهال ك. فيجوز أن يكون معناه َ ُ َ َ َ َ ْ َ ُ ّ َّ ْ لو شاء ألعنتكم، أي ألهلككم بحكم يكون فيه غير ظا لم...و إلاعنات: تك ليف غي ر الطاق ة، وفي التن زي ل: ﭽﯖ ﯗ ُ ّ َ ْ َ ُّ َ ْ َ ْ ا َ ﯘ ﯙ ﯚﯛ ﭼ ، يعني الفجور والزنا. وقال زه ري: نزلت هذه ية فيمن لم يستطع طوال، أي فضل ما ٍل ُ ا َ َ َ ا )28( ين كح به ح َّرة، فله أن ينكح أمة" . وهكذا نجد أن املعنى صلي للفظ السفح ما يلي الجبل، وكذلك املاء املنصب عنه، وأصل الخدن املصاحب املالزم، وأصل الفاحشة ما ق ُبح من الكالم وأسوأه، ومعنى العنت الشدة واملشقة، والهالك، والفساد. ّ ّ ثم جاءت هذه لفاظ في ية كناية عن الزنا؛ ملا فيها من تعد ي الغير بألفاظ قبيحة دون احترام كالتعدي على أعراض الناس دون الالتفات إلى شعورهم. وانصباب املاء من السفح بال تدخل من يتحكم مجراه َ كقضاء الشهوة دون مانع ودون تمييز بين حالل وحرام. والخدن واملخادنة: املصاحبة واملالزمة والغلو في تلك


ّ العالقة كالعشق والشوق إلى فعل ما ُيسعد النفس ويحقق ملذاتها. والعنت انتشار الفساد، وال شيئ أقبح وأسوء في نشر الفساد مثل الزنا. ا ا إنها كنايات قرآنية في غاية من الحسن والجمال أصال ومع انى؛ أصال ألنها أطلقت على معاني أخرى قبل تحويلها إلى كنايات عن الزنا. ومع انى ألنها أغنت عن التصريح عما ُيستقذر ذكره، وهو شأن القرآن الكريم في ا ا تجنب كل ما ُيستهجن من الكالم، لكونه كتاب رب العاملين املنزل لهداية البشرية عقيدة وشرعا وخلقا، ُ ُ ا ا ترّدد آياته آناء الليل وأطراف النهار، س ًّرا وجهارا، فردا وجماعة في العبادات واملحافل، فاستحقت تلك لفاظ أن تنوب مناب ما ال داعي للتصريح به.

ً ثانيا: أسلوب الكناي وداللته التربوي . أما من الناحية التربوية فإن هللا - سبحانه وتعالى - أراد تعليم املسلم أن ليس من الحسن التلفظ بكلمات قبيحة أثناء الكالم، ودرس لطيف آخر، هو أنه ليس من العدل أن تكون صفة الساعي إلى إمتالك الحالل ا كصفة الساعي إلى الحرام، وإن كان الفعل واحدا، وهو إتيان امرأة ألجل قضاء شهوة، فذاك زوج مح َصن، وهذا مسافح خدن زا ٍن، وهللا - سبحانه وتعالى - أعلم بأسرار كتابه. ا وإن الفواحش َينفر عنها الطبع السليم؛ ألنها تدنس سمعة إلانسان وشرفه ومروءته، وتلحقه عارا في مجتمعه بألقاب الفحش، وهي تدفعه إلى الخروج عن النهج إلانساني القويم إلى مراتب الحيوان، والبعد ا عن طاعة هللا ورسوله - صلى هللا عليه وسلم، فيصبح منبوذا مكروها، حيثما ح ّل يطارده الخجل والعار – ّ هذا إن لم يتب ولم ُيقم عليه الحد – ويطارده ألم الحد، ومرارة النهاية املأساوية متى ُيقبض عليه أو ما ا ا ينتظره بعد املوت، "ولو أن شخصا ترك معصية ألجل هللا - تعالى - لرأى ثمرة ذلك")27(. ويقول صاحب الظالل :الفاحشة أبشع الذنوب وأكبرها، ولكن سماحة هذا الدين ال يطرد من يهوون إليها، من رحمة هللا - تعالى -، وال تجعلهم في ذيل قافلة املؤمنين على شرط واحد، بشرط يكشف عن طبيعة هذا الدين ووجهته، ُ )22( وهو أن يذكروا هللا - سبحانه - فيستغفروا لذنوبهم، وال ي ص ّرون عليها وهم يعلمون أنه خطيئة .

املبحث الثالث: الكناي الدقرآني ودورها في تعليم الشباب. ا ّ إن التعبير بأسلوب الكناية وعدم التصريح عما يستقبح ذكره يعني تربويا أن إلاسالم مهذب ُيهذب خالق َ وداب؛ ولذا فإن ألفاظ الفحش وإلاثارة وخاصة إلاثارة الجنسية قد تج َّنب عنها القرآن الكريم؛ ألنه ا ا ا ا ا َ خطاب لجميع البشر مؤمنا كان أو كافرا، ذكرا أو أنثى، صغيرا أو كبيرا، من أقوا ٍم وقبائل مختلفة الطبائع ّ والعادات، فحفظ القرآن الكريم شعور الجميع بألفاظ ُمهذبة يقبلها الفطرة السليمة والعقل الرزين. وفي هذه الورقة نماذج كنايات عما يستقبح التصريح به في القرآن الكريم كلها جاءت في سياق العالقة الجنسية بين الرجل واملرأة وهي الجماع، فحافظ أسلوب كناية القرآن الكريم في هذا املقام على أمرين مه ّمين، هما: املحافظة على آداب الكالم، واملحافظة على املعاني الكثيرة التي تدل عليها تلك الكنايات، فلو ص ّرح هللا سبحانه وتعالى بكلمة الجماع في كل موطن َيذكر هذه املناسبة الزوجية في كتابه العزيز لحصل


َ ُّ تكرار مم ٌّل بكلم ٍة ينفر عنها الطبع السليم، بل لفقدت النظم القرآنية الجميلة املعجزة عن إلاتيان بمثلها، َ َ وملا ُوجدت الفوائد البالغية والتربوية العديدة التي تدل عليها تلك الكنايات. وإذا كان هذا هو الحال في كالم هللا سبحانه وتعالى أي صرف الكالم عما يستقبح التصريح به إلى أسلوب الكناية، فمن باب أولى أن يستحي املرء من التلفظ بكلمات بذيئة شنيعة كما نّبهنا النبي - صلى هللا عليه وسلم - أن التفحش ليس من صفات ّ املؤمن، فقال - صلى هللا عليه وسلم -:"ليس املؤمن بالط ّعان، وال الل ّعان، وال الفاحش البذيء")21(. وفي ا ا حديث آخر :"لم يكن النبي - صلى هللا عليه وسلم - فاحشا وال ُمتف ّحشا، وكان يقول: إن من خياركم ا أحسنكم أخالقا")21(. وتع ّد مرحلة الشباب أخطر مرحلة يمر بها إلانسان حيث يحصل له انتقاالت ع ّدة أهمها؛ الانتقال العمري، والانتقال املعرفي، والانتقال الاجتماعي، وهي انتقاالت يتأثر الكثير منهم بوسائل إلاعالم، والبيئة الاجتماعية، ويعمد الكثير منهم إلى التقليد حتى التصريح بما يجب أن ُيؤ ّدى بأسلوب أجمل مقبول لدى املجتمع، وفي ا هذا السن أيضا يميل الشباب إلى التصريح بما يحدث ببن الرجل واملرأة بكل سرور، وإذا سمعوا من يتحدث بما له عالقة زوجية صراحة طارت أذهانهم، وانطلقت ألسنتهم تتخطى حدود أدب الكالم. ا فاملوجه الواعي هو الذي يعطي للشباب فرصا ليسألوا عما يخطر ببالهم من أسئلة واستفسا ٍر ، فيجيبهم بالقدر املناسب، وي ظهر لهم سروره بأسئلتهم، ويتلقى الشباب منه أجوبة شافية كافية عن تساؤالتهم، وال يجدون لدى هذا املوجه غضاضة في إلاجابة عنها، وأحيانا قد يسألونه أسئلة قد تكون محرجة، ولكن عليه أن يقدر إلاجابة املناسبة للشباب، إذ هناك حدود دينية واجتماعية ال يجوز تجاوزها عند بيان مثل تلك املوضوعات املتعلقة بالعالقة الزوجية ال ينبغي الفرار من التسؤالت حول هذه العالقة الجنسية، وإنما املطلوب أن تكون تلك التربية إسالمية وهادفة، ال التربية التي انفلتت عن جميع قيود الحياء واملروءة، وال التربية التي انسلخت عن الدين والقيم وخالق حتى صارت تربية بهيمية في املقام ول ال تربية إنسانية، ا فال يلجأ املوجه التربوي إلى التصريح عما ينبغي أن يكنى به، كالكناية عن لفظ الجماع مثال باملباشرة، وعن لفظ الزنا بالفاحشة، وعليهم أن يعرفوا أن ما ص ّرح به ليس ألجل إلاثارة وإنما بسبب املوقف الكالمي، ا ا وعليه أيضا أن يبذل قصارى جهده في املحافظة عليهم، فيحذرهم دوما من وسائل الاتصال املنحرفة، وعن ُ رفقاء السوء، وعن مجالس اللهو والعبث، وكثرة املزاح في مور الجنسية، وله مسؤولية نص حهم والتوضيح لهم أن للقيم إلاسالمية وخالق وداب – منها أدب الكالم – ضوابط. ففي الحديث الصحيح الذي رواه جرير بن عبد هللا - رض ي هللا عنه -أن النبي - صلى هللا عليه وسلم - قال:"من س ّن في إلاسالم سنة حسنة فعمل بها بعده كتب له مثل أجر من عمل بها، وال ينقص من أجورهم ش يء ومن سن في إلاسالم سنة سيئة فعمل بها بعده كتب عليه مثل وزر من عمل بها، وال ينقص من أوزارهم ش يء")22(، فالحديث صريح في الحث على استحباب سن مور الحسنة، وتحريم سن مور السيئة. وبالرجوع إلى التوجيه النبوي ألصحابه - صلى هللا عليه وسلم - "تلك كانت القاعدة الضرورية التي تنشأ ُ عليها التربية إلاسالمية، فتؤتي ثمارها املرجوة، ومنذ اللحظة ولى تك ّونت هذه القاعدة في نفوس املؤمنين، ّ فأهلتهم أن يتلقوا من أعظم مر ٍب في التاريخ، وأهلتهم أن يستوعبوا هذه التربية بكاملها، خطوة بعد خطوة،


ا وتوجيها بعد توجيه، حتى استقامت نفوسهم على أفقها على، وكانت منهم تلك النماذج من البطولة في كل جانب من جوانب الحياة، وهذا الحشد من بطال، الذي لم يحتشد بهذه الوفرة في تاريخ أمة على مدى التاريخ")22(. وقد نهى النبي - صلى هللا عليه وسلم - عن فحش الكالم فقال:"إياكم والفحش فإن هللا ال يحب الفحش والتفحش")24(. والفحش:"هو التعبير عن مور املستقبحة بالعبارات الصريحة، فإن ألهل الفساد عبارات صريحة فاحشة يستعملونها فيه، وأهل الصالح يتحاشون عنها بل يكنون عنها، ويبدلون عنها بالرموز فيذكرون ما يقاربها ويتعلق بها، وقال ابن عباس: إن هللا حيي كريم يعفو ويكنو، كنى باللمس عن الجماع، ّ ّ وهناك عبارات فاحشة يستقبح ذكرها يستعمل أكثرها في الشتم والتعيير، وهذه العبارات متفاوتة في الفحش، وبعضها أفحش من بعض، وكل ما ُيخفى ُيستحيا منه، فال ينبغي أن يذكر ألفاظه الصريحة فإنه فحش")25(.

الخالص ا وأخيرا يمكن القول في "الخالصة: أنه يجب على املؤمن أن يكون عفيف اللسان، يختار العبارات الالئقة اللبقة، والكنايات اللطيفة، ويختار أرق لفاظ وأعذب الكلمات؛ ألن املؤمن كما وصفه النبي - صلى هللا عليه وسلم -")26( في الحديث السابق: ليس بالط ّعان، وال اللعان، وال بالفاحش، وال بالبذيء، وهكذا ينبغي "على املربي أن ينش ئ من يربيه منذ نشأته على هذه املفاهيم من التربية إلايمانية، وعلى هذه سس من ا ا التعاليم إلاسالمية، حتى يرتبط باإلسالم عقيدة وعبادة، ويتصل به منهجا ونظاما، فال يعرف بعد هذا ا ا ا التوجيه والتربية سوى إلاسالم دينا، وسوى الوحي دليال، وسوى الرسول - صلى هللا عليه وسلم - قائدا وقدوة")28(.

نتائج البحث لقد أثبت هذا البحث النتائج التالية: 1. أن للكناية عالقة مباشرة بأدب الكالم، فمن شأنها في امليدان التربوي أنها أسلوب يغني عن فحش ّ ّ الكالم وبذاءتها، فالكناية أسلوب تربوي مهذب يمكن إلانسان أن يعّبر عما في نفسه بالطريقة املالئمة للمقام، كالتعبير عن لفاظ املستقبحة املستهجنة التي ال يليق التصريح بها، وهذا النوع من دب والتهذيب كثير في القرآن الكريم. 2. أن في كنايات القرآن الكريم توجيهات تربوية متعلقة بما ال يجوز التصريح بها من لفاظ املخالفة ّ ّ ا ا للفطرة السليمة، فاإلسالم دين مهذب ومن دوره أن ُيهذب خالق أقوالا كانت أم أفعاال، ولذا فإن سلوب القرآني قد تجنب من ألفاظ الفحش وإلاثارة لكونه خطاب لجميع البشر. ا 3. أن ألساليب الكناية في القرآن الكريم دالالت خلقية عظيمة، على ضوئها يمكن جعلها منهجا ا ا تربويا انطالقا من تحليالتها اللغوية، ف ُيعتمد عليها عند توجيه جيال خاصة عند شباب هذا


الزمان، إذ ال شك أن التربية القرآنية هي أعلى تربية وأرقاها، فهي تغرس في املسلم جميع أصول املبادئ إلاسالمية الاعتقادية والقولية والفعلية.

التوصيات إنه من واجبي – في النهاية – أن أقدم إلخواني الباحثين واملعلمين بعض التوصيات والاقترحات، أهمها التالية: 1. إن العلماء والباحثين قد أكثروا من البحوث البالغية في القرآن الكريم من الناحية النظرية، ّ والفنية، ونظم يات دون مساس الجوانب التطبيقية، ومن ث ّم أحث الباحثين أن يهتموا بالجوانب التطبيقية للقرآن الكريم من خالل ساليب البالغية. ا ا 2. إن للغويين واملفسرين دورا كبيرا في توجيه ساليب البالغية القرآنية نحو املنهج التربوي ا ا الذي يبدو أكثر نفعا ومالئما لجميع طبقات البشر، وذلك ببيان مدلوالت ساليب البالغية ُ التي من شأنها أن تمهد الطرق القويمة في التربية إلاسالمية الجادة. ا ا 2. لم يعد أسلوب الكناية في القرآن الكريم محصوارا في فن البالغة وصفا وتحليال فحسب، وإنما تبّين – بعد هذه الدراسة – أنه منهج تربوي عظيم ينبغي على املشتغلين بدراسة بالغة ا ا القرآن الكريم أن يهتموا به اهتماما خاصا. 4. على الكليات املتخصصة بالدراسات إلاسالمية أن تفرض على طالبها تقديم بحوث علمية في التربية القرآنية بناء على أساليب فن البالغة. 5. على الجامعات واملؤسسات التعليمية ذات صلة بالدراسات إلاسالمية أن تتولى إقامة ندوات ومسابقات علمية في بالغة القرآن الكريم من الناحية التربوية. ُ 6. على خبراء املناهج التعليمية إعداد مناهج تربوية أس ُسها بالغة القرآن الكريم، بحيث تكون مناسبة لجميع مراحل إلانسان من الطفولة إلى الرجولة. َ 8. وأخيرا، على املسلم – املرّبي واملترّبي – التمسك بكتاب هللا ففيه الهدى والنور، وإلاصالح والبناء، وفيه النجاة من النيران والفوز من الجنان. هذا، وال أدعي أني بلغت الكمال في هذه الدراسة املتواضعة فإن الكمال هلل وحده، وأما الذي أستطيع الزعم هو أن هذا البحث لبنة جديدة يمكن أن تمآل ثغرة من ثغرات ميدان البحوث العلمية في مجال التربية – وهللا أعلم. أسأل هللا أن يكتب لعملي هذا القبول عند هللا، وعند الناس أجمعين إنه على ما يشاء قدير. والحمد هلل رب العاملين.



1( علي محمد علوان. فلسف التربي في الدقرآن الكريم،ص22-21. 2( انظر: سليمان بن عبد الرحمن الحقيل. التربي إلاسالمي ، ص87 -.82 3( انظر: املرجع السابق. التربي إلاسالمي ، ص71. 4( علي محمد علوان. فلسف التربي في الدقرآن الكريم، ص21. 5( جامعة املدينة العامليةمناهج ،البحث كتاب املادة، ص126. 6( حلمي فودة عبد الرحمن صالح. املرشم في كتاب ألابحاث، ص42. 7( أحمد بن فارس. معجم مدقاييس اللغ ، مادة ]كنو[، باب الكاف والنون وما يماثلها. 8( ابن منظور فريقى )621-811ه(. لسان العرب، مادة ]كني[. 9( الجرجاني. دالئل إلاعجاز، ص52. 10( القزويني. التلخيص في علوم البالغ ، ص228. 11( أسامة البحيري. تيسير البالغ ؛ علم البيان، ص122. 12( انظر: السيد أحمد الهاشمي. جواهر البالغ في املعاني والبيان والبميع، ص276. 13( الطوس ي )ت: 461ه(. التبيان في تفسير الدقرآن، ج11، ص412. 14( انظر: أسامة البحيري. تيسير البالغ ؛ البيان، ص:154. 15( الرازي. مختار الصحاح، مادة ]رفث[. 16( الطبري. جامع البيان، ج2، ص167-168. 17( ابن منظور. لسان العرب، مادة ]رفث[. 18( السعدي. تفسير الكريم الرحمن، ص21. 19( انظر: الرازي. التفسير الكبير، املجلد الثالث، ج5، ص115. 20( انظر: الرازي. التفسير الكبير، املجلد الثالث، ج5، ص118. 21( الشيخ محمد رشيد رضا. تفسير املنار، ج2، ص.152 22( الشيخ فيصل بن عبد العزيز بن فيصل آل مبارك. توفيق الرحمن في دروس الدقرآن، ص252. 23( ابن منظور. لسان العرب، مادة ]سفح[. 24( املصدر السابق، مادة ]خدن[. ُ 25( أصل الحديث رواه أحمد في مسنده )دون كلمة: املتف ّحش(، عن عبد هللا بن عمرو بن العاص أنه سمع رسول هللا - صلى هللا عليه وسلم - قال:"إن هللا يبغض الفحش وال ّتف ّحش". أبو عبد هللا أحمد بن محمد بن حنبل الشيباني )ت:241ه(.ج2، ص.622 26( ابن منظور. لسان العرب، مادة ]فحش[. 28( ال َّزبيدي. تاج العروس من جواهر الدقاموس، مادة ]عنت[.


27( مام أبو الف َرج عبد الرحمن بن الجوزي )ت:528ه(. صيم الخاطر، ص71. 22( انظر: سيد قطب. في ظالل الدقرآن، ج1، ص481. 21( اابن حنبل. مسنم العشرة املشرين بالجن في مسنم املكثرين من الصحاب ، حديث رقم2717. 21( مسلم. صحيح مسلم، حديث رقم 4222، في كتاب: الفضائل، باب: كثرة حيائه - صلى هللا عليه وسلم. 22( مسلم. صحيح مسلم، رقم الحديث 1118. 33( محمد قطب. منهج التربي إلاسالمي ، ج2، ط4، ص51. 24( ابن حنبل. مسنم أحمم، حديث رقم:6218. 25( أبو حامد محمد بن محمد الغزالي. إحياء علوم المين، ص1111. 26( الشيخ ندا أبو أحمد. آفات اللسان؛ الفحش والتفحش، والبذاءة والفجور ، لوكة، )بدون سنة(، ص11.

33( سليمان بن عبد الرحمن الحقيل. التربي إلاسالمي ؛ مدقهومها، مصادرها، ص41.

املصادر واملراجع

1. القرآن الكريم. 2. أبو حامد محمد بن محمد الغزالي. إحياء علوم المين، بيروت: دار ابن حزم، ط/أ، 1426ه-2115م، ص1111. 2. أبو عبد هللا أحمد بن محمد بن حنبل الشيباني )ت:241 ه(. املسنم، بيروت: دار الفكر، ط/أ، 1412ه-1222م. 4. أحمد بن فارس بن زكريا. معجم مدقاييس اللغ ، قم: إسماعليان، خيابان آرم،)بدون سنة(. 5. أسامة البحيري. تيسير البالغ ؛ علم البيان، )دون دار النشر(، 1428ه-2116م. 6. مام أبو الف َرج عبد الرحمن بن الجوزي )ت:528ه(. صيم الخاطر، دراسة وتحقيق: محمد عبد الرحمن َعوض، بيروت: دار الكتاب العربي، ط/أ، 1415ه-1275م. 8. أبو جعفر محمد بن جرير الطبري )ت:211ه(، جامع البيان عن تأويل آي الدقرآن. مصر: مكتبة ومطبعة مصفطى الباب الحلبي وأوالده، ط/2، 1277ه-1225م. 7. اجامعة املدينة العامليةمناهج ،البحث كتاب املادة، 2112م.. 2. إلامام فخر الدين بن ضياء الدين الرازي)ت:614(. التفسير الكبير، املجلد الثالث، بيروت: دار الفكر، ط/أ، 1411ه-1271م. 11. جالل الدين محمد بن عبد الرحمن الخطيب القزويني. التلخيص في علوم البالغ ، بيروت: دار الفكر العربي، ط/أ، 1414ه. 11. حلمي فودة عبد الرحمن صالح. املرشم في كتاب ألابحاث، جدة: دار الشروق، ط/6، 1412ه. 12. سليمان بن عبد الرحمن الحقيل. التربي إلاسالمي ؛ مفهومها، مصادرها، أسسها وأهمافها، ميادينها، أساليبها، الرياض: مطابع الشريف، ط/أ، 1412ه-1221م..


12. السيد أحمد الهاشمي. جواهر البالغ في املعاني والبيان والبميع، بيروت: املكتبة العصرية، ) بدون سنة(. 14. سيد قطب. في ظالل الدقرآن، بيروت: دار الشروق، 1416ه-1276م. 15. الشيخ فيصل بن عبد العزيز بن فيصل آل مبارك. توفيق الرحمن في دروس الدقرآن، حققه وخ ّرج أحاديثه وعلق عليه: عبد العزيز بن عبد هللا بن إبراهيم الزير آل محمد، الرياض: دار العاصمة، ط/أ، 1416ه- 1226م. 16. الشيخ محمد رشيد رضا. تفسير املنار، تعليق وتصحيح: سمر مصطفى رباب، بيروت: دار إحياء التراث العربي، ط/أ، 1422ه-2112م. 18. الشيخ ندا أبو أحمد. آفات اللسان؛ الفحش والتفحش، والبذاءة والفجور ، لوكة، )بدون سنة(. 17. عبد الرحمن ناصر السعدي. تفسير الكريم الرحمن، الرياض: دار السالم، ط/2، 1422ه-2112م. 12. عبد القاهر الجرجاني. دالئل إلاعجاز، بيروت: دار املعرفة، 1412ه-1272م. 21. علي محمد علوان. فلسف التربي في الدقرآن الكريم، جامعة الرباط الوطني،دراسات تربوية–العدد الثالث 2114م. 21. محمد بن أبي بكر عبد القادر الرازي، مختار الصحاح، بيروت: املكتبة العصرية، ط/2، 1416ه-1226م. 22. محمد بن الحسن أبو محمد الطوس ي )ت: 461ه(. التبيان في تفسير الدقرآن، بيروت: دار إحياء التراث، )بدون سنة(. 22. محمد بن محمد بن عبد الرزاق ال َّزبيدي. تاج العروس من جواهر الدقاموس، دار الهداية، )بدون سنة(. 24. محمد بن مكرم بن علي أبو الفضل جمال الدين ابن منظور فريقى )621-811ه(. لسان العرب، ط/2، )بدون سنة(. 25. محمد قطب. منهج التربي إلاسالمي ، بيروت: دار الشروق، ط/4، 1414ه-1222م.

62. مسلم بن الحجاج النيسابوري،. صحيح مسلم، الرياض: دار السرم، ط/أ، 1412ه-1227م.




The Independency of Education in Islam

Ani Rusyati* and Erma Pawitasari *Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract—Self-reliance is the ability to act to meet their needs without relying on others among terms of emotional, economic, intellectual and social. Self-reliance is an important pillar for the establishment of a person's character. One of the factor that contribute the establishments of someone’s character is education. Parents are the first environment that most influentialy determine shape the child's independence. This writing is the result of research literature on independence education in Islam. This study aims to understand the theories of Islamic education in an effort to prepare the concept of the independence of education for Muslim youth. The method used is qualitative research in the form of content analysis on the materials library which is written in the form of books, journals, etc. The results shows that independent adolescents are teenagers who have received the education preparatory of puberty period thoroughly. Education is divided into three periods: the pre-training of 0-7 years of age, a period of training / tadrib aged 7-12 years and a loading / taklif aged 12-14 years. The necessary education during the preparation of puberty is exemplary, strengthen faith, morals, responsibility and independence. Aqil is intellectually mature while puberty is physically mature. Someone who has been Aqil baligh will be subject to sharia-taklif matter, both in this live and hereafter. It is expected that the understanding and caring from parents in keeping the nature of their children can bring them reaching the civilization role when aqil baligh. Keywords—independence; educational independence; Islamic education;


Contributions of Physical Education and Sport in The National Competitiveness Improvement Leads to Human Character

Asep Iffan Awaluddin* *Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—Physical education is essentially a process of education that utilizes physical activity to produce a holistic change in the quality of the individual, both in terms of physical, mental, and emotional. Physical education to treat the child as a unified whole, being total, rather than just take it as a person separate physical and mental qualities. In fact, physical education is a field of study that is really wide. Point of concern is the increase in human movement. More specifically, the physical education with regard to the relationship between human movement and other educational area: the relationship of the development of the physical body with mind and soul. Focus on the influence of the physical development of the region's growth and development of other aspects of the human being that is what makes it unique. There is no other single area such as physical education is concerned with the total development of the human. Because the results of education of physical education is not only limited to physical improvement benefits or body alone, the definition of physical education not only refers to the traditional sense of the physical activity. We got to see the terms of physical education in the field of the broader and more abstract, as the process of establishing the quality of mind and body. The purpose and benefits of this paper is:Knowing and understanding the meaning of Physical Education and Sports,Knowing the difference of Physical Education and Physical Education, Knowing Objectives and Scope of Physical Education, Knowing Scope of Physical Education, Knowing the Islamic concept About Physical Education and Sport,Knowing Sunnah Nabawiyah Associated with Physical Health, Knowing Contributions of Physical Education and Sport in Improving Competitiveness The Produce Human CharacterThe method used in this paper is a description of the theoretical study of literature / library reseach. Physical education and sport is a laboratory for human experience, because in physical education provides an opportunity to show the characters develop. Teaching ethics in physical education or behavior usually by exampleIn the process of learning of Physical Education teachers are expected to teach a wide range of basic movement skills, techniques and strategy games and sports, internalization of values (sportsmanship, honesty, cooperation, etc.) as well as the conditioning of healthy lifestyles. Keywords—physical education, sport, competitiveness, human character


The Implementation of The Concept of Education in The Implementation of The Obligatory Prayers on Antenatal and Natal Care Di Rumah Sakit Dan Klinik Kota Medan


Salat is an obligation for every believer who embraced Islam. Salat is not only become the main practice in the next, but the prayer movements proportional to the anatomy of the human body. Even from a medical angle, prayer is a drug warehouse of various types of diseases. Antenatal care is a service performed by health professionals to improve the health of the mother and fetus. Antenatal care is done regularly and comprehensively to know as early as possible abnormalities and risk. This study aims to determine the implementation of the concept of education in the implementation of the obligatory prayers on antenatal and natal care case.


Application of Learning Method in the Yellow Book's Boarding School of Bina Ulama Kisaran North Sumatra

Syarifuddin* *Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract –The basis of this study aims to explore information to identify and analyze the resources in depth, concise and accurate in accordance with the facts that exist and in accordance with the application of learning methods yellow book in boarding school bina scholars range, to find out what really which is the application of learning methods that yellow book. The investigator must take steps focus of interest of researchers in several sources and components, among others: (a) learning methods yellow book, (b) The background of the yellow book, (c) The learning activities are carried out, (d) The method often used in teaching the yellow book, and (e) Evaluation of the teaching assessment yellow book. Keyword—yellow book, learning, teaching


The Education of Honesty and Discipline in Islamic Education Curriculum at Vocational High School

Bukhari Is* and Hendri Tanjung *Lecturer at University Al Washliyah, Labuhanbatu Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. [email protected].

Abstract—The title of this paper is “The Education of Honesty and Discipline in Islamic Education Curriculum at Vocational High School (SMK). This study conducted in Labuhanbatu North Sumatera by using descriptive method through the study of literature which focuses on improvement of the honesty and discipline. It include the analysis, the purpose and importance of education and how the application of honesty and discipline at SMK. Honesty and discipline are two foundation attitudes in every aspect of human life for worker which called Human Resources (HR). it can increase both effectively through PAI curriculum concept. the Islamic concept use the terms of Tarbiyyah, Ta'lim and Ta'dib. Honesty is attitude of what was heard, seen and done without any reduction or increasing based on positive thinking. Discipline is an act that shows orderly behavior and comply with various rules and regulations, have an attitude of shame for the violation of rules, calmness, patience, unpretentious, a tendency to goodness, regularity, leaving bad thing, and prudence. The learning process of honesty and discipline includes two models of learning in the school and practice in business / industry, this is known as the implementation of the Dual System of Education (PSG). Keywords—Education, Honesty, Discipline, Islamic, Curriculum


Role of Fathers Based on Islamic Education Concept and Its Implementation of Islamic Senior High School (MAN) in Jakarta

Bunyanul Arifin* and Endin Mujahidin *Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract The role of fathers on children is very important and decisive. The success or failure of the child is determined by how the attitude and the way a father do to his children. A number of facts and research results in various places, both in the United States, Europe and Asian, prove very magnitude of the role of a father to a child's success. In the perspective of Islamic teachings, the importance of the role of father to son could clearly be seen both in the Qur'an, Sunnah, the tradition of the Companions and exemplary scholars of the Salaf. There are several verses in the Qur’an that describe the magnitude of the role of a father. Similarly in the Sunnah and the life history of the Prophet Muhammad who speaks to the attention of the Prophet towards their children. The Friends and salaf generation also proved how their role in educating their children to become scholars. There are a number of theories about the role of fathers of children that developed since the 1980s until the decade of the 20th century. Michael E. Lamb is an important scientist who pioneered the study of Fathering. A number of other theories continue to grow along with the increasing complexity of fatherhood. In this study the author formulate the role of fathers in the perspective of Islamic education into six dimensions, namely; First, the role of the father as the leader. The second, the role of fathers as an economic provider. The third, the father's role as the protector. The fourth, the role of the father as an educator. The fifth, the role of fathers as playmates. And the sixth, the role of the father as a friend. All of six dimensions of the role of the father has a theological and ideological foundation of the teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah. This research is qualitative descriptive. Respondents are 500 students of Islamic Senior High School (MAN) located in West Jakarta consisting of six schools. And from the results, the data concluded that the role of fathers to children in the perspective of Islamic education is 44%. Of the six dimensions of the role of the father of the child of the most high figure achieved in the father's role as a patron or protector which reached 64%. Next is the father's role as a provider of economic necessity or breadwinner by 60.8%. While the role of the father lowest perceived role as a friend of the child is a child who is only 25.3% later role as a child's play by 29%. As for the father's role as a leader is also not very high at 44.7% and roles as educators or teachers for children are also at only 40.8%. Based on the results obtained from the questionnaires, surveys, and interviews both to the students, the principal and vice-principal, the authors concluded that the role of the father of the child in the perspective of Islamic education is still not achieved significant results even tend to be small and short of expectations.

Keywords ; Parenting, Fathering, Role of Father, Islamic Education.


The Islamization of Character Education Through English Language Teaching

Dewi Suriyani Djamdjuri* and Syauqi Beik * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—This research aims at finding out the students’ understanding toward the character values integrated in English language teaching. The method used is descriptive qualitative approach. The sample was taken from the students of English Education Program at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor. The students were given some open-ended questions to identify their understanding. From the students’ responses on the questions, the students gain some positive impact due to the use of Islamic materials as teaching materials in English language teaching. Moreover they understand the character values integrated in the teaching materials and are well motivated to study more. From the students’ responses they mostly gained five characters from the texts, they are: religiosity (100 %), honesty (60 %), curiosity (100 %), friendliness (60 %) and responsibility (50 %). Key words: Character Education, English Language, Islamic Materials, Authentic materials


Achievement of Character Education in Different Types of Elementary School

Endin Mujahidin* and Syamsuddin Ali Nasution *Lecturer at Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia, [email protected]

Abstract—Elementary education is a basic level of education that will affect a person's character in the further. If children are educated by good and appropriate educational method in elementary school, they will perform as a good quality or character of person. The aim of this study was to evaluate the achievement of character education in different types of elementary school. There are three types of school observed, that is public, religion, and culture school, and two schools for each types. There were six principal characters evaluated were faithful, pious, noble, self- reliant, democratic and responsible. The results showed that Islamic boarding schools and cultural based schools reinforce the character education to students more frequently than the public school. The achievement of character of students in Islamic boarding schools and cultural based schools better than that in public school, indicated by higher grading. While the characters of faith and piety in elementary schools, is generally in need very serious attention. Keywords—achievement, basic education, character, elementary school, quality character


The Method of Monotheism Student Shaping

Enong Suaebah * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—"And let those fear (Allah) as if they [themselves] had left weak offspring behind and worried about their welfare. So let them devoted to Allah and speak words of appropriate " (Q.S. An-Nisa: 9). The verse above is the foothold in character (moral) education model. Islam offers character education as a continuing effort to create a better generation from time to time, which is the generation who believes in Allah and His Messenger, who always try to accomplish Allah commandment, in his effort to carry out the main Caliphate task in the earth. Character education is a glimmer of hope for the people amid dissatisfaction of existing educational institution output , which often merely emphasizes the development of intellectual potential and less concerned about the religious aspect and akhlakul karimah. Keywords—character formation method, monotheism students


The Integration of Monotheism (Tauhid) and Morals (Akhlak) According to Syaikh Muhammad Bin Shalih ‘Utsaimin (W.1421 H)

Feri Cahyanto* * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia, [email protected]

Abstract—The education of morals is a learning process that promotes someone to possess good conduct by using various means and methods. Some education concepts are applied by educators regardless of where they are adopted from, western or Islam. But still, up to now, they are not able to overcome the morals problem. It becomes the duty of the leaders of Islamic society (ulama) to overcome the problem. It is critical to study the monotheism and morals integration concept introduced by Syaikh Muhammad Bin Shalih ‘Utsaimin to give the solution to the morals that need to be improved. Syaikh Muhammad Bin Shalih Al ‘Utsaimin is a great ulama in Saudi Arabian, he has proved his success in children educating and the pupils who study to him with the result that they become a man with noble character and least of them become a great ulama. All of his effort in education theory although in practice his behavior be based on monotheism or unity of God (tauhid) and morals as foundation and principal of education, and during his period there are many alteration in every corner of Saudi Arabian, unwell in previously become good attitude and noble character. The research result showed that monotheism and morals are two related factors that influence human conduct. Monotheism that influences someone’s understanding (qolb) is reflected in one’s conducts. Riya’ (pretending virtuousness), arrogant and other bad conducts that ruin one’s deeds, are soul diseases that must be cured. Syaikh Muhammad Bin Shalih ‘Utsaimin explained ways to overcome the problem by understanding reasoning taught in the and Hadiths. Befriend to someone with good morals and consider the consequences of having bad conducts. Keywords—integration, monotheism, morals, mindset


Pre-Marriage Education Curriculum Model For Harmonious Family (Impelementation Study Director General Rules Of Islamic Guidance In The Ministry Religion Affairs Karawang Office)

Munir Huda * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Marriage is one of Allah's command execution and the Sunnah of Muhammad SAW. However, very few people know about it. The Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia through the District Office of Religious Affairs has been providing services for brides in the form of courses to provide, understanding and skills of the domestic life / family. The bride is the basis of the convening of the course; Regulation of the Director General of Islamic Community Guidance No. DJ.II / 491 in 2009. So that the focus of this research is not too extensive, as well as achieved in accordance with the targets, the researchers limited the study into two main topics: First, discuss the formulation of a model pre marriage curriculum to form a harmonious family effective and comparable with models of the bride course curriculum in accordance with the circulars Director General of Islamic Guidance. Secondly, discusses the effect of the course curriculum model sakinah bride's family to the bride. The conclusion that the implementation of the bride course curriculum in Karawang Religious Affairs Office has not carried out systematically. This is due to the lack of a model or guide that can be used as a reference of implementation. Therefore, to address this problem researchers offer a model curriculum-based lessons for bride’s harmonious family to KUA in Karawang. The Model of Curriculum is expected to be used as reference or guidance in implementing the premarital education in the Office of Religious Affairs Karawang Keywords : multiple intelligences, vocational high school, Alice 3


Hormonious Family Education in Ar-Rahman Qur’anic Learning (AQL) Islamic Education Center and That Implementation in Islam

Haris Renaldi* * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—Harmonious Family Education in education world, especially children who will be the next generation. Family education is happening now is the pattern of western education, where education of children and the responsibilities of all children entrusted to his assistants while the host is busy looking for a position or pursue wealth and the world. The maid is not educators in the family because in Islam the real educators in the family is a father and a mother. How many children are hungry for affection father and mother. How many children were destroyed due to the negligence of their parents. In Islam parents are required to provide education in the family because only premises patterns of Islamic education. Family harmonious, peaceful, and full of blessing family will be achieved. Family harmonious, peaceful, and full of blessing family is a condition of a family that is very ideal that build based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah to achieve happiness in this world and in the hereafter. AQL Islamic Center held religious education in the form of guidance harmonious family with the name of the institution Study Family Indonesia (that called:KKI). Where AQL Islamic Center has four main targets of mission AQL Islamic Center. Dr. Moh. Haitami Salim (2013) stated that Islamic religious education is done in earnest at home, especially the cultivation of moral values of religion and the formation of attitudes and personality will contribute to the formation of national character. Starting from the religious consciousness with faith or strong religious beliefs, praying ritual and social, love reading, discipline, hard work, diligent and conscientious, frugal, simple, happy to help, said politely, and behave courteously, respecting each difference and respect and care for the others, and so forth can be familiarized from home in the family. Keywords—Family, AQL, Education


Character and Intellectuality of Ulu Al Albâb

Hasanudin* and Adian Husaini * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia, [email protected]

Abstract—Fundamental activity of education is a learning process with a human approach, or a man centered. Education is not just to move the brain from head to head, or switch the machine to hand, and on the contrary, education is more than that. With the approach of educational objectives will be achieved, namely the growing proliferation of faith, science and charity. The values of faith, science and charity are implemented in the educational process in Indonesia seems to correspond to the articles of the Law No.20 of 2003 on National Education System and Law No.12 of 2012 on Higher Education. Analyzing the Act that the substance is how to build the intellectual religious man with the educational process integrated, systematic and holistic. Output education is higher education graduates who excel as human resources who have a religious personality of the intellectual and highly competitive and ready to face turbulence of competence competition between nations and countries globally. Education is to build character and personality as has been done by the Prophets and Apostles and the Righteous Salaf Ulema long before the experts of education and psychology in the East and in the West reveals his theories about the character and personality. At the beginning of the 20th century, humans realized the importance of character education in shaping the personality. Dr. Martin Luther King, the spiritual leader of blacks in the United States realize that education is supposed to give birth to intelligent beings and strong character or Intelligence plus character. "That is the goal of true education." Characters to be important in influencing aspects of cognitive and non-cognitive learners (students) in shaping the intellectual personality that is integrated with the values of human religiosity when the educational process takes place and after completion of the formal education and non- formal. The values of a religious character will form a religious intellectual personality that his spiritual and bodily health in an integrated and quality. There are 16 verses of Allah in the Qur'an that express the values of the religious intellectual character to build a religious intellectual personality in an integrated and holistic. Religious intellectual human figure enshrined in the Qur'an will always appear in human civilization as a figure Ulu al Albâb. Ulu al Albâb is the human figure religious intellectual who has the ability to integrate the values of Islamic religious knowledge as an intellectual capacity. An integrated power devotions and religious intellectual thought actualized holistically, not dichotomous both in thought and behavior. Character values of Ulu al Albâb lowered from 16 verses in the Qur'an and if applied in the learning process will increase the potential of students and college graduates as a religious intellectual personality of Ulu al Albâb. Keywords—Character; Moral; Akhlak; Personality; Ulu al Albâb.


The Implementation of Moral Education Model to The Students of Islamic Boarding Junior High School in Medan

Hasnan Syarief*, Hendri Tanjung and Abas Mansur Tamam * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract—This study aims at figuring out the implementation of moral education model, the oral values, and the supporting and obstructing factors in the application of moral education model in the Islamic boarding high school in Medan. This study belongs to qualitative research. The populations of the study are the Islamic boarding junior high school in Medan. The instrument equipped in this study is questionnaire. The findings of this study show that the schools applying boarding-based moral education model experience significant influence to the student’s morality building. The moral values are gained through the approach of various moral education models which are combined with some activities in the school, outside the school, and extra- curricular activities. The application of moral education model in boarding-based schools is supported by several factors such as school environment which supports the learning activity process and customization process of the akhlakul karimah such as: praying at dhuha time, praying zuhur and Ashar, tahfiz and tahsin in the or school hall, learning media and other school facilities supporting learning processes and good morality of the teachers. Obstacles are also found in applying it such as the unsupporting family environment, the variety of social environment, and the advanced development of knowledge and technology. Keywords—Education model, moral, boarding school


Drug Prevention Method for the Youth Generation on Islamic Education Basis

Hayatsyah* and Nirwan Syafrin *Lecturer at Al Washliyah University Labuhan Batu, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract—New currents of globalization and information, scientific advancement and technology, the economic crisis, the hight number of povety, social inequality, the more relegious in obedience wear off and difficult it is to get a job that generates, as the cause a trigger crime amid public life. One of the biggest crime at this time according to the goverment of Indonesia is drug abuse. Drugs already spread throughout all walks of life, it is not impossible including the youth generation Islam this happens not only in large cities but already penetraled and spread to the corners of the village. Therefore the drug threat and became the enemy of the nation and the country even religion and can break the chain of a generation and to produce a generation of weak physical and phychic in a national and international scale. Using literature review, observation and interview data collected later on mentioned above in the descriptive. The above fact should immediately in response appropriately and urgent objective to prevent and save the youth generation from the dangers of drugs by all components. So the above facts immediately and response to urgent and appropriately and must prevent by the rest of the elements, one of them is with the educative role of islamic learning including i.e the value in the real value of islamic education to vocational education and interalize the value of islamic values into the segmentation of human life. Bacause it’s very urgent drug hazard prevention is for the youth generation of is time trought islamic education as part of the national education system. Keywords—The youth generation Islam, Drugs, Islamic Education.


Building Superior Character: Need Achievement, Fighting Spirits and Self-Discipline in Order to Achieve Success

Iffah Budiningsih* *Lecturer at Magister Technology Education of As Syafi’iyah Islamic University Jakarta

Abstract—The objective of the research is to obtain information about correlation between need achievement, fighting spirit, self-discipline with successfulness (learning result successfulness). The subject of the research is the second year student of SMKN Business Management Groups, Accountancy Programmed in DKI Jakarta. Total respondent are 153 students, by using ‘cluster random sampling’ method from 3630 students as available population. The three independent variables as mentioned above are measured by using non-test instrument and learning successful is measured by using test instrument. The findings are as follow: (1) There is a positive correlation between need achievement and successfulness; (2) there is a positive correlation between fighting spirit and successfulness; (3) there is a positive correlation between self-discipline and successfulness; (4) there is a positive correlation between need achievement, fighting spirit and self-discipline simultaneously with successfulness (learning result successfulness). Based on the result of research, successfulness could be enhanced by increasing need achievement, fighting spirit and self-discipline individually or simultaneously. Self-discipline is a character that has a sensitivity as/most high sensitivity to increased success compared to the needs of achievements and fighting spirit. Keywords—needs of achievement, fighting spirit, self-discipline, successfulness


Building Islamic Character Through Museum Visitation Program

Indra Riawan* *Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract—Nowadays, the problem in the education world happen among youngster especially delinquency in social and decency ethics and also mistreatments like free sex, criminal act, unethical behavior toward teachers, cheating in class and also drug abuse to name a few. Islamic character building empowerment is needed to counter this moral degradation that happens among youngsters.The output is to create God- conscious behavior, self-conscious behavior and society-conscious behavior that is embodied in thought,feeling, behavior, attitude, words and actions that are correlated with religion, law, noms, tradition and culture. In this paper, the writer wouldlike to find solution from this issue through islamic character building empowerment effort through character building in museum. The research is done by qualitative methods with analysis of Islamic character building, and some of the findings are discussed from character building in museum concept point of view. There are some islamic character building approach concept, namely tilawah, ta’līm, tarbiyah, ta’dib, and tadrīb that are applicable in museum with introduction to heritage activity through cognitive, affective and psycomotoric approach. The quantification of character building in museum contribution towards islamic character building empowerment is the expected result of this research. Keywords—Character Building, Museum Roles, Youngster


The Concept of Moral Education in Al-Islam Education Book on Muhammadiyah Elementary School

Intan Purnama Sari* and Adian Husaini * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia, [email protected]

Abstract—moral crisis is hitting the academic world. Although education has successfully established the scientists, but education has not succeeded in forming human morality. Though morals and science cannot be separated in a man, if it is separated, a civilization will be destroyed. Therefore, it is right that the moral crisis happening in the world of education being the background of the need for educators to review the concept of moral education, to be implemented in schools, especially at the elementary school level. One of the elementary schools that until now concentrated in moral education of students is SD Muhammadiyah. The school has its own guide book in teaching moral education with the title Al Islam Education. Al Islam Education books from grade 1 to 6 becomes the data source of this research. The method used is a qualitative research with this type of research is a study of library research. This study aims to understand the concept of moral education in SD Muhammadiyah Education based on the Al-Islam Education book. The results showed that the concept of moral education in Al-Islam Education book, contains the Qur’an, faith, morals, worship and tarikh. Eventually, the character of learners can be formed by starting it with the education of the Qur’an and the strengthening aqidah. The fifth aspect of education was delivered in stages, without being separated. Because Islam is a unity, which makes the Qur'an as a source of teaching and his example of the Prophet as a model. Keywords—Moral Education; Al Islam Education


The Implementation of The Prophetic Hadith of Targhib and Tarhib Methods in the Learning Process of Islam Education

Irman Sumantri*, Didin Hafidhuddin and Ulil Amri Syafri * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—Educators should possess teaching methods because the succes of teaching depens on the way they teach. If the students think that the teachers’ way of teaching is fun, they will be motivated and enthusiastic in the process so they will get optimal result. Keeping them motivated is important because that will make them study hard. The more effective the method used by the teachers, the easier to reach the goal of learning process. Targhib is a promise of joy and pleasure in the life after using persuasion. While Tarhib is an effort to scare men in order to make them avoid certain deeds. In religious domain these methods are applied in monotheism, worship, and morals. The substance of targhib and tarhib methods is to motivate men to do good deeds. This is a Library Research to acquire comprehensive information about the prophetic hadith of targhib and tarhib methods. This research used field research method by doing observation, interview, documentation, and analysis based on knowledge to explain the core of problem in order to understandthe problem and the objective of the hadith easily. The source used by the researcher is the Prophetic Hadiths. The objective of the implementation of Prophetic hadiths of targhib and tarhib methods is to motivate students to study, do what Allah orders, avoid what He forbids, and to produce virtuous men and women, to increase faith and piety, and to acqiure Allah’s blessing. The form of targhib method in the learning process is by giving praise, present, caring for them, looking into their eyes, and smiling, telling stories, singing for them, giving post-test, praying together, doing dhuhur prayer together, and by motivating them to give donation. While the tarhib method in learning process is by doing guidance and merci technique, motivating and warning, and by giving reward and punishment. Wheras the obstacles faced by Islam education teacher in Cigudeg 02 Primary School are: the lack of students’ motivation, the unconducive living place and school surroundings, the lack of knowledge, the lack of teachers’ knowledge, understanding and creativity, the lack of facilities, and that of students’ intelligence. Keywords—Targhib and Tarhib Methods, Learning Process, Islam Education


Pre-Marital Program as the First Step to Build Sakinah Family (Study at Religious Affairs Office, Duren Sawit Jakarta)

Meni Budiarti*, Didin Hafidhuddin and Ibdalsyah * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia, [email protected]

Abstract—The purpose of marriage is to get happiness; but apparently not all marriages succeed. Some couples struggle the married problems, such as domestic violence for women and children, financial problems, having unfair polygamy, irresponsible husband or wife, and so on. Some of these problems lead to divorce which the number is increasing rapidly. We need to aware of this matter. If there’s no correct action, it will more increase and it would impact to national defense. Religious Affairs Office takes part to this matter by conducting pre-marital program to equip prospective husbands and wives with the basic knowledge of married life. This study identified how the implementation of pre-marital program which covered the duration of the program, the facilitator, the facilitation, and the most importance thing is the program material. The study referred to marital fiqih, the theory of sakinah family, husband and wives “adab”, and the marital government regulation. The study is located at the Religious Affairs Office, in Duren Sawit, East of Jakarta. The method of the study is descriptive qualitative study. The result of this study is a pre-marital program improvement which will be a standard for Muslims couple entrance a marriage. Keywords—pre-marital program, sakinah family, Religious Affairs Office


The Implementation of Islamic Education to Mental Revolution Indonesian Citizens for Akhlakul Karimah

Muhiyi* * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—Implementation Education is the foundation of the learning process to the intelligence of the nation, education is the asset of resources Human, reciprocation of the State depends on education, the Government is responsible to produce a generation of their students quality, so that the heritage of the State management in all aspects can be done effectively and of course according to its credibility. Islamic education is present to direct and guide the growth and development of the ability students through the teaching of Islam toward the point of maximum growth and development so that the synergy between the political will in the hope of the people of Indonesia prosperous. Educated qualified is not enough to run the organization of government, must be supported by Attitude so that the Indonesian people could perform mental revolution that completely. Mental revolution is a movement of the entire people of Indonesia and the Government to improve the character of the nation will be better. When a quality education and Attitude necessarily produce good mental revolution, attitude a solid mental state, from which arise various acts easily without using thought and planning. When actions arising from a good soul then the condition are called good character, when posed the opposite of that, then the condition is called bad character. If the situation was not stable in the soul, then he is not called to the morals. For that morals can be produced with the struggle at the beginning of practice and eventually become a character. In this aspect indicates that the implementation of Islamic education have an important influence in the improvement of quality education and Attitude be expected to affect the mental revolution of the people of Indonesia. The purpose of this paper is to determine Implementation of Islamic education to the people of Indonesia mental revolution that Akhlakul karimah. This research was conducted using the method of content analysis (content analysis). Data collected by the survey technique book. From these data it can be concluded that the implementation of Islamic education have an important influence in the improvement of quality education and Aklakul karimah be expected to affect the mental revolution of the people of Indonesia Keywords—Implementation of Islamic Education, Mental Revolution, Akhlakul karimah.


Japanese Eating and Drinking Culture in View of Adab Education Concept as Guided in Relevant Ahaadeeth Muttafaqun ‘Alayh

Nesia Andriana* and Imas Kania Rahman * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—Islamic society was born in an underdeveloped community with very limited natural resources of barren desert. The Arab Muslims conquered Mecca and started expanding their territory by conquering Rome in age just 26 years and Persia in 30 years. Followed by further expansion, Muslims conquered almost a third of the world and maintained the Islamic empire for about 8-10 centuries. At another point of history, Japan was also a country that has limited natural resources and frequently hit by natural disasters. Two of its major cities were destroyed by first developed atomic bombs in 1945; Japan declared its unconditional surrender in World War II and Japan became a country in ruins. However, it only took Japan a dozen years to recover, and even more, Japan has become a developed and politically stable country. This paper argues that the remarkable achievements made by both Japan and Islamic civilization resulted from developing and maintaining discipline daily habits from strong ethics and educational philosophies and concepts. Taking the most inevitable human daily habits, eating and drinking, as a focus, the writer conducted interview of some Japanese people and Indonesians who lived in Japan for over 10 years. The results of interview were compared with Rasoolullah peace be upon him and his companions’ eating and drinking habits as reported in relevant ahaadeeth muttafaqun ‘alayh. This paper reveals similarities between the two societies’ in their eating and drinking cultures and that discipline cultures, developed through strong education and embraced ethics have contributed to their remarkable human resources development and achievements. Keywords—Education, Hadith, Japan, Drinking and Eating Culture


The Concept of Sciences in Islam

Niam Rohmatullah* * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia, [email protected]

Abstract—This research discusses about the concept of science in Islamic perspective. The research was motivated by the fact that the concepts and the definitions of science in Islam is still influenced by the concepts of Greek philosophy. It caused that science is derived from the Greek, not Islam. And it is dangerous for Muslim students. Using comparative analysis. The results of this study concluded that the science in the Islamic view is synchronization between ideals and reality. The experts have different opinions in defining science. However, all the definitions and the terms are materialistic, and very secular. Then, we take the notion expressed by the Muslim scholars. The purpose of science is actually should be proportional to the objectives of Islamic education. Thus, the orientation of the knowledge-seeker will be hereafter, not merely pursue to the world. Keywords—Science, Islam, Islamic Education


The Concept Of Zuhud According To Imam Al-Ghazali

Parlien Andriyati* * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—The quest for happiness is a never ending journey for all human beings - whoever, wherever and wherever. Islam supports this effort. Through Al-Qur’an and Al Hadits, Allah provides a comprehensive guidance through messages of happiness, along with warnings, in regards to the best possible way to achieve true happiness in dunya and akhirah. However, contrary to the teachings in Al-Qur’an, there is a rapid increase in the variety and frequency of immoral incidents and actions occurring in every aspect of the human life today, such as political, social, economics, and even in education. This paper aims to explore the concept of zuhud according to Al-Ghazali. The writer hopes that with increased understanding of Al-Ghazali’s concept on zuhud among the general society and Muslims in particular, they will come to realize that the teachings of Islam should be adopted as their way of life as it is indeed the best and most comprehensive set of teachings in achieving the ultimate happiness in this world. The methodology used in this paper was qualitative research through library- based resources with Al-Ghazali’s works, Ihya Ulumiddin dan Arbain fi Usuludin as the main references. Keywords—Zuhud, Al-Ghazali


Guidance and Counseling Families in Perspective Hasan Langgulung

Rita Indah Yati*, Ibdalsyah and Hasbi Indra * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—Family is the main and foremost stone in building a country. Today there has been degradation (decrease) in divinest and sacredness of the family institution. The emergence of various problems that threaten the destruction of family ties as in the majority of today's families, such as divorce, domestic violence, sexual abuse, and drug abuse. To restore the sanctity of the family one is to strengthen the basis of religious education in the family, especially parents or prospective parents. Before married there should be efforts from parents either through marriage or other institutions to provide religious guidance to prospective parents. In fact, this guidance is not limited only when getting married. Guidance post wedding is also very important in keeping the relationship between family members. The focus of the problem in this research is the extent to which the idea of family guidance and counseling following Hasan Langgulung complete with contributive solutions in order to establish guidance and counseling families with quality in the country. This type of research is the library research, which took the research material from several books that support research.The approach used is the approach of the literature.The main data source or object libraries are materials in the form of writings Hasan Langgulung, while secondary data are books or research results that are related to the issues studied. Based on the research results, the conclusion of thought and the concept of guidance and counseling of Hasan Langgulung family are based on the teachings of the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, where counseling is one part of the activities of da’wah and tarbiyah. Therefore, it must always be oriented to direct towards the values of kindness. One aspect of the propaganda that could be acculturated, in this case the application method, between counseling and preaching is an aspect tazkiyah, especially tazkiyah al-nafs. Keywords—Guidance, Counseling, Family


Akhlak Values Internalization Through Thematic Learning in Primary School of Natural Bogor

Robi’ah Ummi*, Kulsum Didin Saefuddin and Adian Husaini * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—Starting from the doubt of the elementary school teachers to implement the thematic learning, the writer was challenged to see the other side of the thematic learning, with respect to the cultivation moral values as the manifestation of the effective domain. The main objective of this study is to find patterns of internalization of moral values through thematic learning in SDAB and to formulate the concept of internalization of moral values through thematic learning. The study was conducted using qualitative descriptive by case study approach. Data collection was done through deep interviews technique, field observations, and documentation study. From this study, the writer found that: 1st) the concept of akhlak values internalization in SDAB is done with an institution values-based called by SALAM that is based on the teachings of akhlak in Islam; 2nd) in the implementation, the achievement of the institution values “SALAM” is very useful in to the achievement of the SDAB ultimate goal of education using a thematic approach. The use of other methods to support the process of akhlak values internalization, such as by imitation, habituation, motivation and enforcement was done beyond through teaching method; 3rd) The concept of internalization of moral values through thematic learning is a learning condition stated particular moral values where thematic based approach with class, school culture and community design, also various kind of methods applied systematically used. Keywords: Akhlak Values, Thematic Learning


The Influence of Online Games and Academic Achievement in Islamic Religion Education on SD Muhammadiyah Bojonggede’s Students’ Morals

Tri Cahyawati* * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia, [email protected]

Abstract—Online games are currently one of the most popular games, not only with adults and teenagers but also with children. Online games have their own appeal to children, making them addictive. This causes the children to neglect their responsibilities and undergo changes in their character. This effect was also found in SD Muhammadiyah Bojonggede. Based on the aforementioned background, the problems selected to be studied were (1) the SD Muhammadiyah Bojonggede’s students’ intensity in playing online games, (2) the SD Muhammadiyah Bojonggede’s students’ academic achievement in Islamic Religion Education, (3) the influence of online games and academic achievement in Islamic Religion Education have on the SD Muhammadiyah Bojonggede’s students’ morals. In this study, the writer employed the following data collection methods: observation, interview, and questionnaires. To test the hypothesis, the writer used quantitative data analysis with the product-moment formula. Based on the results of this study, it could be concluded that 62% of students in SD Muhammadiyah Bojonggede often played online games, whereas 31% rarely played and the remaining 7% never played online games. The students who played online games and had good academic achievements in Islamic Religion Education were not really morally affected. Keywords: online games, Islamic Religion Education, students’ moral


The Relationship Between Parenting Patterns and The Application of Islamic Education Management and Students’ Personality in Junior High Schools in Depok City

Yenny Suryani* * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

ABSTRACT During the teen years, the presence of parents is very important in guiding the teens’ behavior so that they form a good personality because this age is a transitional and identity-seeking period which often brings about problems. This study was based on Harlock’s theory about parenting patterns that stated that there are 3 types of parents’ attitude towards their children: the authoritarian, democratic, and permissive attitudes. Freud’s teory about personalities quoted by Sumadi Suryarata stated that personalities consist of three aspects: the Physical Aspect, the Spiritual Aspect, and the Psychological Aspect (Nafs). Ramayulis defined the Application of Islamic Education Management as the process of utilizing all available resources (the Muslims, educational institutions, et cetera), both hardware and software. The utilization is conducted through effective, efficient and productive collaboration with other people to achieve happiness and welfare in both this world and the hereafter. This study employed a quantitative approach with a correlational research method. The study was conducted in SMP PGRI II Central Depok and SMP Islam Al Falah Depok. Data collection was conducted using questionnaires. The results of the study found that Parenting Pattern and Student’s Personality had a fairly strong correlation, proven by the calculation of the simple correlation analysis on two Parenting Pattern variables on Student’s Personality. The results showed that the correlation level between Parenting Pattern (X1) and Student’s Personality (Y), which was illustrated by the Correlation Coefficient (ry1), was 26.9%. The results of the study revealed that Islamic Education Management Application and Student’s Personality had a fairly strong correlation based on the Coefficient of Determination, which is the square of the correlation coefficient between Islamic Education Management Application (X2) and Student’s Personality (Y), and the result (ry2) was 33.3%. This result demonstrated that Parenting Pattern together with Islamic Education Management Application and Student’s Personality had a fairly strong correlation level, proven by the Correlation Level between Parenting Pattern (X1) together with Islamic Education Management Application (X2) and Student’s Personality (Y) shown by the Correlation Coefficient (ry12) which was 27.9%. Keywords: parenting pattern, application, personality.


Character Education as Education Quality Improvement Efforts in Order to Eradicate Juvenile Delinquency

Zahid Mubarok* * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—Juvenile delinquency caused by a failure of character education. Therefore, not only improving the education system, but also improve the education of characters. The failure of character education resulted in delinquency, drug abuse even in the future lead to corruption, manipulation and abuse of power. Actually we have been late in implementing this character education, but better late than never. There are still a lot of our young people who were attending school and need character education so that in the future he becomes not only intellectually intelligent people, but also has good character. The world of education is expected to be a driving force to educate our people so that people of Indonesia becomes more characteristic, and dignified noble. Then the character education should bring students to the introduction of value cognitively, appreciation of value affectively, and eventually to the practice of value significantly. So that it can produce three important aspects of the character education that is ethical, aesthetic and kinesthetic. The goal of character education in the perspective of Islamic education in Indonesia is: First, so that someone accustomed to doing good deeds. Secondly, so that human interaction with God and other fellow beings always well-maintained and in harmony (humanist). Keyword: Character, Improvement, Juvenile.Dilenquency.


Internalization of Value To Childhood Education (Comparative Study of Raudlatul Athfal and Kindgarten)

Ade Sarmili* * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—This research is aimed to prove the early chilhood education need a values education models to increase student’s capacities in cognitive and spiritual aspects. Implementing Beyond Center and Circle Time (BCCT) had stimulated students to perform values internalization in daily activities. Such models like values transformation, values transaction, and values trans-internalization gave a significant effect to add their understanding about Allah SWT, human beings, and universe. Keywords: Childhood, Sentra, Value, Attitudes


Improving Islamic Education and Characters in Elementary Schools Through The Concept of Islamic Science

Agus Hasan Bashori*, Abas Mansur Tamam and Ulil Amri Syafri * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia, [email protected]

Abstract—This study aims to provide an intellectual contribution in explaining the concept of Islamic science, and offers suggestions to improve the Islamic education and character at the elementary level. This study departs from the formula (1) how the conditions of islamic education and characteristics in 2006 KTSP and 2013 Curriculum in terms of its concept of Islamic science? (2) how to improve the islamic education curriculum and characters through the concept of Islamic science? By using the non-interactive qualitative research methodology, this study managed to find that: (1) The condition islamic education and characteris in 2006 KTSP and 2013 curriculum for elementary school is weak and ambiguous. (2) To Improve the curriculum of Islamic education and characters for elementary school, the concept of science with it’s 6 variables should be taught for class IV or V or VI SD / MI in one particular chapter, with the title of I Love Science; consists of 6 lessons: prayer for additional knowledge, where do we get the science from?, the higher of my knowledge the better of my characters, success in this world and in the hereafter, most exemplary man, and God keeping Al-Qur`an. Keywords: Improving, Islamic Education, Characters, Elementary School, Islamic Science Concepts


Quranic Concept of Education to Build Morals and The Implementation of National Education Purpose

Aidil A Hadi*, Didin Hafidhuddin and Hasbi Indra * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

The purpose of this study were: 1) to find out what value / moral education teachings contained in the letter Ash-Shaf.2) understand the concept of moral education in the letter Ash-Shaf related objectives, programs and evaluation processes.3) knowing how to develop their implementation of moral education according to a draft letter Ash-Shaf in achieving national education goals.This research was conducted using qualitative methods to approach the study of literature (library reseach), referring to the author, read and analyze research reports and other material, which includes theories that are relevant to the research to be conducted or all of the data source either derived from primary and secondary written materials. The findings of this study are: 1) Value / teaching of moral education contained in the letter Ash-Shaf include: glorify God, ban-fetched (lie), the teachings of unity and integrity, the prohibition have done wickedly, recommendation applies obedient, suggestions Faithful and air jihad fi sabilillah and anjuran helping.2) The components of Moral Education In Surah As-Saff of which include: a) the purpose, in general, moral education contained in the letter as-Saff aims to make men believe and be a winner.But specifically the author makes specific objectives contained in the letter of As-Saff: remind people and awaken people about the power of God, made man of faith who possess an honest and trustworthy in keeping promises, makes the believer Strong, menjadikan believer abiding, avoid properties lie, make believe, and have properties brave stand for truth and memiliki solidarity and kesetia herd high. b) program, a program or curriculum (materials) moral education in the letter of As-Saff are: the greatness and majesty of God, morals-finer, fostering brotherhood/ukhuwah Islamiyah, obedience, heroism/patriotism and solidarity/solidarity of fellow Muslims.c) The process of achieving the objectives contained in the letter as-saff is to b eriman to God, the angels, His books, His messengers, believe their doomsday, qada and Qadar of Allah. Then the noble and do righteous deeds purely for Allah and Jihad in Allah's path. Evaluation to assess the achievement of the objective is pue students can implement rosary to God, the nature of honesty, trust and keeping promises, terbinanya unity and cohesion on the learners, submissive and obedient to the advice of teachers and didiplin against school rules, has a soul courage in defend the truth and prefer the theme that need. After seeing the descriptions of moral education in the mail as-Saff above, the authors noticed that moral education thereunder support all national education goals except for the purpose of healthy humans. Here the authors did not see that the moral education contained in the letter of As-Saf can help meet the goals of national education on the character of "healthy". If linked to the reality of morals in the modern era (21 century), the decline of values and morals of man, then it is worthy of education to be implemented in education, especially Islamic education for prevention (refresentatif) for the problematic character of national education.


Keywords: Moral Education, Implementation of Moral Education, Moral Education Objectives.


Values of Anti-Corruption in Islamic Education

Guntur Syaputra* * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—The involvement of formal education in the prevention of corruption is not new, it has a strategic position-anticipatory. Culture of corruption prevention in the society in advance to do with preventing corruption mental development in Indonesia children with the mindset, attitude and behavior of anti-corruption in school, because school is a civilizing process. Formal education sector in Indonesia can play a role in meet the prevention of corruption. Step the prevention indirectly can through two stages, first: make learners as a target, and second: using empowerment learners to reduce corruption in the form value of education, that is: education to support every generation reconstitute value system which inherited. To participate in the movement of the eradication and prevention of corruption there are two models that can be done by school in developing anti-corruption education curriculum integrative-inclusive on Islamic religious education. First, education process must grow concern social- normative, establish objective reasoning and develop a universal perspective on the individual. Second, education must direct to strategic watering, that is personal qualities of individuals who consistently and solid in the involvement of social roles. Education Model anticorruption integrative - inclusive in Islamic education in applicative over the position as contextual based learning approach. Keywords: corruption, Islamic Education


The Essence of Independence Character Education for Early Childhood According Islamic Perspective

Zulkhaidir* * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract—The independence of character education for early childhood should receive serious attention by all parties concerned with the development of children of early childhood. Government, teachers and parents have to exactly understand what the objectives of independence of character education for the early childhood. How is the method used as a support in order to achieve the target so that children grow and develop into independently according to their age. The Healthy children, the comfort physical environment , the availability of educational games, The balance of children social environment, The parents who are proficient in assisting children in finding solutions that are being faced by them, as well as parents who put the realistic goal of education, Those are the main asset in realizing independence early childhood. Islam has actually laid the foundations of early childhood education long before the child was born. As an example, a man and women who want to marry in order to pay attention to the quality of morals and religion of their candidates. Someone who understood the teachings of religion will certainly devote all responsibilities for the wife and the children's education as early as possible, including a self-taught character as has been taught by the Prophet. Keywords—independence education, early childhood, Islam


Urgency of Moral Education to Prevent Child Pornography on Primary School

Nurdiati Akma* * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—This study discusses the role of moral education on the dangers of pornography on children of primary school. Education is an education in preventing the dangers of pornography should involve the participation of all elements, namely the State / Government, schools, parents and the community. Government's role in moral education is to function as a legislator and oversight of the legislation related to education and pornography. While schools, as formal educational institutions anticipate the dangers of pornography plays a role in the prevention and protection activities both curricular and extra-curricular activities. Then the family (parents) to do syairah Islamic guidance to their children and families who are technically sterile with the social media that infected by pornography. Keyword: pornography, childen, education


Aqidah Akhlak Learning in Environmental Early Childhood Education

Rani Susanti *Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract—Aqidah Ahklaq education is a means of Islamic religious education in which there is guidance from educators to students so that they are able to understand, appreciate, and believing the truth of Islamic teachings, then practice it in daily life. But more importantly, they are used to commit acts of conscience that is sincere and does not deviate from the Quran and Hadith. Aqidah Akhlaq education aims to support improvement of students' faith and devotion to Allah and may provide knowledge about Islamic religious education towards the better. Aqidah Akhlaq education includes not only human relationship with Allah, but with others and the environment as well, thus create a strong belief, which ultimately formed the praiseworthy moral. There are three methods used in akhlaq education: (1) Method takholli; empty ourselves from the disgraceful traits and physical and spiritual immoral acts, (2) Method tahalli; fill ourselves with praiseworthy traits, physical and spiritual and (3) method ; felt the greatness of Allah SWT. Keyword—religius education, takholli, tahalli, tajalli


The Orphanage of Putra Muhammadiyah Medan as a Founding Field of Young Generation Moral

Zukifli Amin*, Didin Hafidhuddin and Adian Husaini *Lecturer at Al-Washliyah University, Medan, Indonesia, [email protected]

Abstract— Orphanage of Putra Muhammadiyah Medan as a moral formation of young generation. This Orphanage was founded on March 17, 1964 located in Medan. This orphanage aims to resolve the matters faced by Moslem people at the period of time, in which in 60s lots of poor and homeless, both economic and political turmoil as a result of education, and to realize Surah Al-Ma'un in the Qur'an. In its implementation, this orphanage caring for 115 people comprising 15 of elementary level, 41 of junior high level, 26 of senior high level, 9 of vocational high level, 6 of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, and 19 of university level. Research method used is qualitative design by implementing ethnographical type and grounded theory as well. The activities involve sports, reading Qur’an, and reviewing the school works and other relating to organization. In this case, several activities are done to encourage the independent souls (entrepreneurship) such as raising crickets and simple carpentry (furniture). Putra Muhammadiyah orphanage is an orphanage that only accepts foster male children, and sends them to school out of the institution, so there is socialization with the general public. In the institutions, many activities are carried out physical, non-physical and skills. It is the provision if they came out of the home later, so the Muhammadiyah organization's mission is not to leave the weak can be achieved, (QS. An-Nisa: 9). Keywords—The Orphanage, Founding, Moral.


Sakinah Family Coaching in Developing Children's Character

Dwi Elie Sugiharto *Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract—In Arabic, the word Sakinah contained meaning therein quiet, respectable, safe, compassionate, steady, and obtain defense. Thus it can be understood that Sakinah family is very ideal conditions in family life. Fostering a Sakinah family is the purpose of marriage as stated in Al-Qur’an Surah Ar-Rum verse 21. Sakinah family would not be possible without the support of various parties, ranging from the core family consisting of the parents (father and mother) and son, but it also takes patience and commitment to make it happen. Some aspects of the development of Sakinah family. 1) Development of Religious Aspects, 2) Development of Education Aspects, 3) Development of Health Aspects, 4) Development of economic aspects, 5) Development of social aspects. Several aspects of Sakinah family coaching mentioned above are part of developing child character's effort. Character according to Koentjaraningrat (2001) quoted by Syaiful Bahri D. in a book "Pola Asuh Orang Tua dan Komunikasi dalam Keluarga" is shaped from knowledge possess by the child also emotions, desire, wishes aimed at things around him. Hope to shape superior characters children in the future by starting to accomplish Sakinah family using programmed coaching efforts. Keyword: family, sakinah, character


The Counselling Method to Handle LGBT Case, Conducted by Peduli Sahabat (AILA).

Lia Yuliani* *Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—Currently the behavior of LGBT in Indonesia are very apprehensive. KPAI mention that thousands of children have indicated sexual perversion. LGBT has two impacts. First, it impacts dangerous physical illness and second, it impacts to a mental illness which affects the social disease, where as in the long term it will impact to national defiance. Organization which handles counseling LGBT behavior is Peduli sahabat. The organization is a member of the AILA (Aliansi Cinta Keluarga Indonesia). Peduli Sahabat is the only organization which has legal status. The organization has programs such as distributing a wide range of information, providing education and guidance to the general public of the various strata and social of LGBT. The method used by Peduli Sahabat in providing counselling to clients are by utilizing social media, sometimes chatting on line and doing the face to face counseling if needed. This Cyber Counselling method will make the client comfort and creating willingness to express her/his feeling to share the problem. From the data of Peduli Sahabat since May 2006, there are 80 counselee who did this counseling. To have the higher impact, this program should be completed with program that synergize with Families, communities, NGOs, Government, Department of Health, Department of Religion. Keywords: Counselling Method, Peduli Sahabat AILA.


Islamic Character Building for Landscape Cleaning Service Women (Counseled by Alkhansa organization)

Yeyen Andriani* *Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—Started from the concern of the writer towards many social problems exist in the neighboring society, the writer is motivated to give mentoring to these unfortunate women (unfortunate in the aspect of economical, i.e very low income and the aspect of education, i.e. low education level). As we know, good education begin from home with mother work as first teacher and father like the head master (of the school). After having interaction for so long during the mentoring with these women, they are found to have lack of proper understanding about aqidah, ibadah, and akhlaq as per guidance written in Al-Quran and hadeeth. Seeing this kind of condition, it is necessary to have a special education module for them to correct and improve the understanding. The urgent things to convey are based on the concept of Tauhid, ibadah, and akhlaq aimed for muslim women to be able to know her role as servant to Allah and as a wife, as a mother, as part of the society, and finally as part of Ummah who need to take role to show the glory of Islam from the smallest scale which is family where a mother is expected to educate her children to the righteous way, so that the children can understand and implement The Diin, understanding the basic- principals of The Diin, aware and understand well the Koran and the Sunnah in order to bring back the glory of Islam and promote the Islamic civilization. Keyword—character building, women education




The Concept of Sex Education for High School Students (Study Analysis of Tarbiyyah al-Aulad fi al-Islam Written by Abdullah Nashih Ulwan)

A.Z. Arifin*, Adian Husaini, Abas Mansur Tamam * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—This study focuses on the background of moral declined by mostly students. Among the causes: the first, the majority of parents and teachers still consider 'taboo' to discuss the sex problem and teach it. Second, students are experiencing rapid social change from a traditional society to the modern one. It is consequential on the change of norms, values and lifestyles. Third, ignorance of the mostly students about correct and incorrect deed, function sex organs properly, coupled with the weak foundation of 'faith'. Those cause of deviations sex among students. Therefore, this research is formulated to describe the objectives of sex education for high school students by Abdullah Nashih Ulwan. This research used qualitative research approach to the study of literature (library research) that is descriptive-explanative to be analyzed by the methods of content analysis in pedagogical-educative masterpiece. Tarbiyyah al-Aulad Fi Al-Islam as the primary text through documentation method. In this study successfully elaborated thought of sex education by Abdullah Nashih Ulwan associated with various problems ranging from courtesy to ask for permission, adab (manner) of viewing, and others. All of these problems turned out to have a very clear relevance in anticipating the occurrence of sexual perversion. In addition to promoting the important findings above, this dissertation recommends to teachers and parents to apply the appropriate method for teaching sexual education. Since it is very urgent and serious matter is expected their advanced research related to the research theme. Keywords—Sex Education, Students, Islamic Perspective. Tarbiyyah al-Aulad


The Implementation of Mathematics Concept Based on Al Qur’an to Madrasah’s Curriculum

Abdul Fattah Nasution*, Didin Hafidhuddin, Hendri Tanjung *Lecturer at Al Washliyah University, Labuhanbatu, Indonesia, [email protected]

Abstract—Al Qur’an constitute book that really special because gets to be sighted of various scholarly aspect, so a lot of inspired researcher from Al Qur’an to develop their scholarly. In Al Qur’an, besides universe sentences, also been found mathematics concept. There are many sentence in Al Qur’an that gets relationship straight forward and also indirect with mathematics area. Studying Al Qur’an within reason as study therewith content universe it, no is gone and always arise things a new one. This is that as one of Al Qur'an’s miracle, progressively deep studies it therefore getting thirsty will Qur'an’s knowledge so pushes researcher for continually digs up and study it. This research as descriptive qualitative with bibliographical method or library study namely do research to get datas and informations and object that is utilized under consideration. This research points out that mathematics sentence in Al Qur’an for example consisting of; algebra, geometry, measurement, statistic, logic, estimation etc.. Largely was entering deep madrasah's curriculum on base rate and intermediate. But, mathematics curriculum implement on madrasah requires stronger emphasis on reality study and that mathematics mean is alone, since curriculum in Al Qur’an have poised character, get forwards far view, integrated among theology and common knowledge, flexible and according to society developing. Keywords— Al Qur’an, Mathematics Concept, Curriculum


The Relationship Between Implementation of Mastery Learning and Teachers Personal Competence with Core Competence of The Students in Islamic Religious Subject at SMP Negeri 17 South Tangerang City

Emi Jamiah* * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia, [email protected]

Abstract—The objective of this research is to find out the relationship between Implementation of Mastery Learning and Teachers Personal Competence with Core Competencies of the Students in Islamic Religious Subject at SMP Negeri 17 South Tangerang City. The method used is a survey. Respondents were 226 of 1123 SMP Negeri 17 South Tangerang City students. Data was analyzed by using the technique of simple linear correlation and multiple liniear correlation, as well as using simple linear regression equation and multiple linear regression equation. The study found that there is a positive relationship between: (1) The Implementation of Mastery Learning (X1) with Core Competence Students (Y); (2) Teachers Personal Competence (X2) with Core Competencies Students (Y); and (3) The Implementation of Mastery Learning (X1) and Teachers Personal Competence (X2) taken together with Students Core Competence (Y). The results of the study imply that the students core competencies can be improved by improved implementation of mastery learning through the evaluation and continuous improvement so as to spur the implementation of mastry learning better, and improved teachers personal competence by encouraging teachers to improve pedagogical competencies related to the expertise of teachers in managing learning. Keywords—Mastery Learning, Personal Competence, Core Competence.


Multiple Intelligences Perspective on The Effectiveness of Use of Software Alice 3 to Improve Learning Outcomes of Introductory Programming in 10th Grade Laboratorium Jakarta Vocational High School

Faizal Riza* * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia, [email protected]

Abstract—Teaches introductory programming is not as easy to teach basic mathematic to students. Even the experienced teacher will be constrained if getting a classroom with a wide spectrum of intelligence and learning montivasi. When teachers focus on students with high intakes, then students with low intakes will be confused and desperate to learn. If teachers focus on students with low intake, the students with high intakes would be bored and disrupt the class. This research aims to determine multiple intelligences perspective on the effectiveness of use of software Alice 3 to improve learning outcomes of introductory programming in 10th grade of Laboratorium Jakarta Vocational High School when compared with conventional learning applied at the school. The methods which is used in this research is quasi- experimental research method with a sample of his research is the 10th grade of Laboratorium Jakarta Vocational High School. The research design is a pretest- posttest control group design. Based on the research results can be concluded that the effectiveness learning introductory programming with the use of software Alice 3 is better than the increase in the introductory programming learning outcomes with conventional teaching methods. Based on the results of the t test average value learning results obtained proves that the use of software Alice 3 effectively to improve student learning outcomes in introductory programming lessons. Keywords—multiple intelligences, vocational high school, Alice 3


The Influence of Poster Comments and Students Motivation Towards The Islamic Religious Education Learning Outcomes at SMPN 1 and SMPN 2 Cigombong Bogor

Ida Rosdiana* * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abtract–In the Islamic Religious Education based on observations at SMPN 1 and SMPN 2 Cigombong Bogor Regency is found that students are less motivated to learn, it is because the method used by the teacher is still conventional (lecture), so that students feel bored with the subject matter presented by the teacher and students tend to be not concentration in learning. From these facts to increase learning outcomes in the subject of Islamic education PAI, it is applied poster comments method which is a technique that aims to stimulate learning, promote creativity and encourage the appreciation of students to a problem. In this technique, students are encouraged to be able to verbally express his thoughts on various matters contained in the image or poster. It is intended that students are more motivated to learn. The focus of the problem in this research is to know the effect of the poster comments method towards the students motivation, the influence of poster comments method towards learning outcomes Islamic education, and the influence of methods poster comments and students' motivation to learn the result of Islamic education. This study used survey method with the correlation approach. Surveys are generally conducted to find clear information empirically and will be used to solve a problem. From the research data captured using a questionnaire developed by the researchers and given to the respondents of the population. This technique is performed to analyze the effect between the two (2) independent variables (independent variables) is the method of poster comment (X1) and student motivation (X2) and 1 (one) dependent variable (dependent variable) is the result of learning of Islamic Education (Y ). The results show that there is a positive and significant impact on the Method of Poster Comments Student Motivation with a correlation coefficient of 0.352, a significant value of 3.317 and a coefficient of determination of 12.4% and the remaining 87.6% is influenced by other factors. There is a positive and significant impact on the Method of Poster Comments Islamic Religious Education Learning Outcomes with a correlation coefficient of 0.473, a significant value of 4.738 and the determination coefficient of 22.3% and the remaining 77.7% is influenced by other factors. There is a positive and significant effect on the results of Student Motivation Learning Islamic Education with correlation coefficient of 0.463, a significant value of 4.607 and a coefficient of determination of 21.4% and the remaining 78.6% is influenced by other factors. There is a positive and significant impact Poster Comments Method and Student Motivation towards Islamic Religious Education Learning Outcomes with a correlation coefficient of 0.569 and a coefficient of determination of 32.4% and the remaining 67,6% influenced by other factors. Keywords: Poster Comment Method, Motivation, Learning Outcomes


The Correlation between The Application of The Cooperative Teaching Model and Multimedia Learning Medium with Students’ Interest in Learning The Islamic Religion Education Subject at SMA Negeri 1 Cigudeg

Purwanto*, Ahmad Alim and A. Rahmat Rosyadi * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract—A problem often encountered in teaching Islamic Religion Education at school is the students’ boredom in following the learning activities and the low motivation in learning Islamic Religion Education. Some of this is because of the monotonous teaching methodology and the learning media in the learning process. This study was aimed to discover the relationship between the application of a cooperative learning model and multimedia learning medium and the students’ interest in learning the Islamic Religion Education Subject at SMA Negeri 1 Cigudeg. This study used a quantitative approach with a correlational research method. The data were collected using observation, interview, and questionnaire techniques. The data analysis technique used was a quantitative technique with assistance from the Microsoft Office Excel and SPSS 20 software. The study results demonstrated that the analysis of the correlation coefficient of the application of the Cooperative Learning Model and the Students’ Interest in Learning the Islamic Religion Education Subject was 0.275. The results showed there was a significant correlation within the weak correlation category. The results of the analysis of the correlation coefficient between the Application of Multimedia Learning Medium and Students’ Interest in Learning the Islamic Religion Education Subject was 0.308. This was a significant correlation within a weak correlation category. The results of the analysis of the correlation coefficient between the Application of the Cooperative Learning Model together with Multimedia Learning Medium and Students’ Interest in Learning the Islamic Religion Education Subject was 0.328, which was significant in the weak correlation category. Keywords—Cooperative Learning Model, Multimedia Learning Medium, Students’ Interest in Learning


Al-Targheeb and Al-Tarheeb Methods in Faith Education for Children

Ruhyianti* * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—Every child born into the world is equipped by nature (fitrah). Fitrah is the tendency of children to accept the truth that strengthened the faith to accept the principle of the oneness of Allah. In this case, to get the reinforcement of the fitrah, children should be given education that leads to the basics of the faith. Instilling faith in children’s soul is an education process that relies on the emotional aspects. How can the methods of al-Targheeb wa al-Tarheeb provide an important role in teaching faith to children so they will grow up with a strong faith and be able to fortify themself from the bad things from the environment? With the methods of al-Targheeb wa al-Tarheeb, we can expect children will have a strong faith as a foundation for a noble character building as it should be based on the right knowledge which is derived from the Qur'an and the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad. Keywords—al-Targheeb wa al-Tarheeb Methods, faith, child.


The Relationship Between The Demonstration And The Interests Of Fiqih Learning Method With Students Fiqih Learning Achievemen At Islamic Junior High School Al- Kamal Jakarta

Saepudin * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

ABSTRACTThe objective of this research is to study the relationship between demonstration method and learning interest with fiqih learning achievement, individually as well as together. The hypothesis to examined are (1) there are positive relationship between demonstration method with fiqih learning achievement, (2) there are positive relationship learning interest with fiqih learning achievement, and (3) there are positive relationship between demonstration method and learning interest with fiqih learning achievemen. The research was conducted at Junior Midle School Al-Kamal Jakarta. The research method was survey. The population are 113 student, the sample was 70 student, using simple of random sampling technique. The instrument was questioner of demonstration method, learning interest, and fiqih learning achievement. The instruments were validated with product moment for demonstration method and learning. Then, reliability with alpha cronbach for demonstration method and attitude towards fiqih learning. The instrument was questioner of fiqih learning achievement were validated with Point Biserial. Then, reliability with Kuder Ricdhadson (KR-20) for questioner of fiqih learning achievement. Data are analyzed using with regression and correlation technique (Simple and Multiple).The research concluded that there was positive relationship between: (1) demonstration method (X1) and fiqih learning achievement (Y) with correlation coefficient ry1 = 0.763 on level significance at 0.05 and the regression equation Ŷ = 10,325 + 0,182X1; (2) learning interest (X2) and fiqih learning achievement (Y) with correlation coefficient ry2 = 0.743 on level significance at 0.05 and the regression equation Ŷ = 17.264 + 0.123 X2. Furthermore, (3) there are positive relationship between those two independent variables with fiqih learning achievement (Y) with coefficient of multiple correlation Ry.12 = 0.772 on level significance at 0.05 and and the regression equation - Ŷ = 10,478 + 0,978X1 + 0,115X2. The research concluded that fiqih learning achievement might increase the demonstration method and learning interest. Keyword: Demonstration Method, Learning Interest, Fiqih Learning Achievement


The Education Curriculum System of Boarding School

Syamsul Rizal MZ. * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—Amendment the model and the education system in boarding school is a response to the modernization of Islamic education and social change in society. One of renewal is a renewal of methodologies, such as the leveling system, institutional reform. In addition, the curriculum and the addition of subjects in boarding school was introduced. Enrichment and changes in the education curriculum of boarding school to seek a balance between the curriculum of religious knowledge and general knowledge. The effort is also to connect the differences ability and to support the society needs. However, sometimes the effort of education modernization in boarding school not always run well, so that more compromising the purity of boarding school curriculum. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the education curriculum system of the boarding school, and determine how the efforts of the boarding school institutions in curriculum development and discover how the ideal curriculum system for boarding school institutions today. The research looked at the percentage of the highest number of students from various boarding schools. The approach used in this study is qualitative research with the inductive data analysis, does not start from the hypothesis, but instead looking for the data and real fact. The method that used by the researcher is a survey method, to ask, analyze, photograph and construct a situation that becomes the object of the research. The result of the education curriculum research of boarding school tends to be similar, boarding school institution using integration curriculum pattern. That means, the boarding school curriculum is integrated into the national education system. Both systems were integrated, merged and combined in total, harmonious and comprehensive. Furthermore, using a convergence pattern, two systems brought together and held together without losing the elements and characteristics of each. And the last is the Revolutionary design, total replacement patterns and pure implement of boarding school system by bendongan, sorogan, and halaqah methods, the system is known as classical. Keyword—curriculum, boarding school, teaching method


Educational Technology Based on Skill in Learning Era of 21 Century

Zainal Abidin Arief *Lecturer at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract—In the perspective of instruction educational technology based on skill in this 21 century going together the ability of higher order thinking included creation activities, evaluation, and analysis, those were different with the problem that faced by human being on the previous period. Therefore, human quality needs to be enhanced so that able to confront and overcome a variety of problems and challenge in life. The raising of human quality only can be able to acquire through quality educational process. The quality educational process constitute either one of study in educational technology study field, where it could facilitate of learning so that achieving the result of learning which maximal by employing a variety of learning resource potential optimally. The potency of students’ knowledge can be benefitted by learning technology in augmenting and producing quality graduate and having competitiveness with ability of higher level thinking. To get the high quality graduate, its need the instrument through utilization of human resource development. A technology that emphasize on the effort neither of rising of human Performance, rather individually nor in organization scale. In this case, it is a technology which effort the raising of students’ Performance, educational Performance or learning designer and improvement of the institution. Keywords—educational technology; human quality; skill

Business Courtesy Curriculum

Zainal Arifin

* Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract—Business courtesy curriculum is business education programs to realize the unity of life and afterlife by basing four pillars of civilized aspects, morals, science, and art. Business activities can be understood that no limitation on the number of his property holdings, including profits, but limited how the acquisition and utilization of property, kosher and illegitimate. The lack of science in business education, resulting in a failure, fraudulent practices, selling debt bondage, dishonest. Lack of manners, ethics, so the fraud, the practice of usury, the practice of bribery, and monopoly. The purpose of research is to determine how the concept of business courtesy curriculum and its implementation in contemporary business. This research method approach library research. Results of the research is to realize the unity of the world and the life afterlife, based on devotion to Allah Swt, and blessing. Emphasizing sharia business


by basing manners, ethics, honesty, sincerity and concern for others, that the business is a means of worship. Steps that must be done in real actors of contemporary businesses are insert principles of manners, ethics, morals, moral sincerely hope the pleasure of Allah Swt. Business must be done professionally, honesty, trust, fairness and transparency. Business not foster wealth but increase the benefits for the people. Islamic principles must be put forward, creating healthy competition, with the concept of brotherhood in conducting commerce. Keywords: Curriculum, Courtesy, Business, Contemporary Business.


The Development Of Islamic Education Curriculum At Universitas Al-Washliyah (Univa) Medan

Aliman Saragih*, Adian Husaini and Endin Mujahidin Lecturer at Alwashliyah University [email protected]

Abstract—There are 6 principles to be considered in the development of Islamic Education Curriculum. They are the principle of goal-oriented and competence, the principle of relevance, the principle of effectiveness, the principle of efficiency, the principle of Continuity, and the principle of Flexibility. In addition, there are four approaches that needed to develop Islamic Education Curriculum. They are the approach of academic subject, the approach of humanistic, the approach of technology, and the approach of social reconstruction. In the process of Islamic Education Curriculum Development, it starts from the ideas to develop the program itself. The idea may come from the vision of educational institutions, the stakeholders (students, the community, the graduates) needs, the results of previous curriculum evaluation and the needs of science and technology development in timely manner, and the views of experts with different backgrounds. The five-ideas is designed to be developed for the program or curriculum in document with syllabus format. Referring to the principles and the approaches in the developing curriculum, the development for Islamic education curriculum in UNIVA Medan should applied by adding some credits of the subject; Islamic Education I, Islamic Education II, Islamic Education III with 4 to 6 credits for each. In addition, to develop another subject should refer to values of Islamic education. Keywords—Curriculum Development, Islamic Education, Universitas Alwashliya, Al- Washliyah University, UNIVA


Implementation Of Environmental Health Education In Islam

Ismail Efendy,* Didin Hafidhuddin and Hendri Tannjung

*Kopertis Lecturer North Sumatran Region I , Rector of Institut Kesehatan Helvetia, [email protected]

Abstract— This paper discusses the environmental health education in Islam. The teaching of Islam covers the obligatory of Muslim community in manages their environment from damages. In Al-Hijr of Holy Qur’an verses 19-20, it mentions that environment is a unified space system which is bounded with universe including human being. Thus, the human decides his living and others. Prophet Muhammad has given some examples of healthy life such as cleanliness, prevention of illness, self- health care of skin, nails, hairs, eyes, and clothes. The cleanliness (hadats) in Islam is required in every ritual enactments and prayers. Islam education shows and teaches the environment awareness in daily life based on Holy Qur’an and the practices that already performed by the Great Prophet Muhammad. Keywords—Environmental health, Islam education, unified space, sustainable living, purification


The Concept of Physical Health Education in The Perspective of Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyyah in The Book Zaadul Maad Fiy Hadyi Khairil Ibaad

Ali Nahrawi*, E. Baharuddin and Imas Kania Rahman * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract—The concept of physical health education according to Ibn al-Qayyim Al Jauziyah is very ideal to be used as physical health education model, since it is connected to all life line and in accordance with a naturally healthy lifestyle The concept of education as outlined Ibn al-Qayyim is not just healthy, but it makes all human activitie meaningful with the value of faith and worship. Which eventually, will nourish the spirit and physique and also survive in the world and the hereafter.

Keywords: health education, spiritual, education model




The Standpoint of Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) with Regard of The Era of Information And Communication Technology

AH. Mansur* * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract—If we take a look at pesantren partially, we will see an interesting phenomenon which we will endlessly discuss. Pesantren, with all its pros and cons, must be acknowledged as a native Indonesian educational institution, which is rooted in local culture and wisdom. With regard to the origin of pesantren, it is true that no historian has been able to give about who was the first founder of pesantren in Indonesia. However, if we refer to the coming of Walisongo (the nine saints) in the land of Java, the pesantren founded by Maulana Malik Ibrahim is the historical milestone of the beginning of pesantren, namely in 1404 M, in Leran Village, Gresik. According to data from the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia with regard to the development of pesantren, there are 25,000 pesantrens in 2015 with the number of santri (students) of up to 3,640,000. The number shows the high level of people’s trust in pesantren. However, pesantren is still struggling with its traditional attitude which rejects the product of modernity, is difficult to accept globalization and unwilling to change with the times. Such attitude is based on the pesantren’s negative mindset with regard to globalization, in which pesantren claims that globalization makes significant contribution towards the destruction of morality of the nation and destruction of the religious values. Nevertheless, pesantren cannot reject globalization forever, which is marked with the spread of information and communication technology products. Because, although on the one hand, information and communication technology has a negative impact, on the other hand it can provide significant benefit to all aspects of human life. Therefore, it is time for pesantren to leave its negative view on globalization as well as information and communication technology, by building a new, positive paradigm, which considers information and communication technology as the most important medium in the modern civilization. It is time for pesantren to take an important position and role in the globalization era and to build a new, productive stream, and to turn it into a tool for preaching and a tool for spreading the teaching of Islam, to build a new civilization according to Islamic values and to rebuild a more dignified moral order by using information and communication technology. Keywords: pesantren, Globalization, information and communication technology.


The Impression of Teacher Personalities and Teaching Motivation on Islamic Studies Subject to the Improvement of Religion Need at Junior High School (Case Study at Cibungbulang Subdistrict Bogor)

Ahmad Wahyudi*, Ibdalsyah, Muhyani * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract—Problems caused by students’s lack of religious awareness due to teachers do not have a personality that can be used as a model. As well as the student's motivation is also the cause of the student’s lack of religious awareness. This study was aimed to know and measure ‘Teacher’s Personality and Learning Motivation on Islam Religion Subject to the religious awareness for Junior High School students in Kecamatan Cibungbulang, Kabupaten Bogor. This study took place in SMPN 1 Cibungbulang, SMPN 2 Cibungbulang, SMP Al-Badariyah and SMP Bumi Sejahtera in Kecamatan Cibungbulang, Kabupaten Bogor, Years 2015-2016 from April until May, 2016. This study used quantitative approach with the correlation research method. The instrument of data sampling used were three kinds of questionare including all variables. The data technique analysis was quantitative technique by using Microsoft Office Excel Software dan SPSS version 22. Keywords—Personality; Motivation; Religious; Awareness


Integration of Islamic Education and National Education and the Effects on Students’ Islamic Personality in Class XII of SMAIT Insantama Bogor

Anidah Inayah * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—Education is very important in living of human life. To achieve the best education, then it is built a national education system. But, in fact it shows that the Indonesian people have inherited education and dualistic teaching systems. First, the education system and teaching in public schools are secular and do not recognize religious teachings that inherited from the Dutch colonial government. Second, the education system and the teaching of Islam are growing and developing among the Islamic community itself. Therefore it is necessary to change of paradigm to integrate the Islamic education and national education.. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research. Research data collection techniques are observation, interview and documentation. While data analysis technique conducted in the form of qualitative data presented in form of the sentence and it will be concluded. The results of this thesis can be summarized: first, the concept of integration of Islamic education and Insantama national education, shown in the concept of integrating the formation of Islamic personality, mastery the knowledge of Islam and science of technology.. Among the aspects of affective, cognitive, psychomotoric. Integrating the role of schools family and communities in an atmosphere of Islamic education. And integrate the pattern of schools, boarding schools and mosque. Second, the impact of the integration of Islamic education and national education on the Islamic personality of the XII grade student is Visible: from ruhiyah aspect, the students believe the essence of faith in Allah swt, and trying to realize the consequences of their faith. Nafsiyah aspect, in general, the students have a good personality of Islam, although there are still a variety of abuses, and lack of discipline. The social aspect, in general, students can interact with the family, teachers and friends, even though they have a lack of manners, less of greetings scolds to the people who do not directly teach or to society in general. Biological aspects, in general, students in a healthy condition physically, but there are still students who aggregated-select foods, lack of gratitude with food provided by reason of taste, eat foods that are not good, less drinking and sleep late at night. Third, the strategy conducted by Insantama in instilling Islamic personality of students is obliging boarding school system for students, do a variety of study and training for students, basic exercise of leadership and implementation of punishment for students who violate the standard operational procedure (SOP). Keywords—Islamic education, National Education, Personality, Islam


The Implementation of Total Quality Management at MAN 2 Bogor

Efrita Norman*, Indupurnarahayu, andHasbi Indra *Lecturer at Sahid Institute of Islamic Studies Bogor, Indonesia, [email protected]

Abstract—This research is aimed to analyze TQM model that has been applied in MAN 2 Kota Bogor. This research also tried to find the implemented solution and strategies to enhance the implementation of TQM in MAN 2 Kota Bogor. This study is investigating the phenomenon that occurs in Madrasah environment, according to behavior, perception, motivation, action, etc. Research Object in this study is fundamental behavior that is suspended from the researcher observations, and then this study used qualitative research approaches. But to strengthen the data collected, quantitative approaches are used through survey. This study is explorative study to formulate quality management concept in education institutions of MAN 2 Kota Bogor. Research method used in this study is descriptive explorative and Analytical Network Process (ANP). The research result show that MAN 2 Kota Bogor has been applied TQM gradually. All school components contributed in TQM implementation in MAN 2 Kota Bogor, such as head of school, teachers, administration staff, and all management divisions has their own functions and role. Solutions to the problems appeared based on the priorities are focus on the customers, followed by SOP to all of school activities, sustainability improvement, commitment, management process measurement, and total involvement. The strategies offered to enhance the implementation of TQM in MAN 2 Kota Bogor based on the priorities are human resource empowerment, followed by empowering teacher’s discipline, develop powerful coordination, curriculum preparation, evaluation each semester, and giving trust to teachers. Keywords—TQM; management model; TQM implementation


Islamic Boarding School (pesantren) Budgeting Management

Riva’i * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

The article is aimed to comprehend managerial activities that the Qur’an has delivered and try to look into the real condition in budgeting management of islamic boarding school (pesantren), as well as to discover managerial activities from Quran perspective, and also to observe the application of classic management theory in islamic boarding school. From this point, the article is aimed to show that the Quran talks about this management indication in global. The method used in this paper was qualitative. The result of the research discovered thar, first, the boarding school has applied the management principles based on Quran in the budgeting management, such as (a) flexibility sourced from Quran surah al Hajj verse 78. (b) facilitate and not complicate, surah al Baqara verse 185. (c) efficient, and do the obligation according to the rules, Quran al Isra verse 26-27. (d) trustworthy and just, opened management and transparant, Quran AnNisa verse 58. (e) Cooperative and participative, Quran al Ma’ida verse 2. Second, there is still a weakness in the budgeting management. The budgeting management components take sources from: 1) parents, by retrieving tuition fee, b) goverment support like students’ operational aid and so forth, c) the oarding school’s entrepreneurial unit and kopontren, d) productive wakaf empowerment, productive zakat and donation, e) foreign aid and f) loan. To decide the operational cost for each student, the school still uses traditional calculation. Therefore the researcher offered a method or an approach based on activity, or Activity Based Costing or ABC to calculate the cost. Keyword: (pesantren), Budgeting, Management


The Excellence of the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad as a Result of his Teachings

Hepi Andi Bastoni * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract— The flood of idols, lack of role models. That is the condition of our generation today. Almost every month, television programs always breed new role model for children and adolescents. From the photo models, artists to soccer players. However, what kind of virtues can we learn from them? In a length of the history of Islam, apart from the Prophet Muhammad , Muslims have numerous characters that can be used as models. They are the Companions of the Prophet—we call them ‘shahabat’. So many greatness in their lives, either when they were side by side with the Prophet Muhammad and after his death. Their greatness and their role in the midst of the people is a clear evidence of the glory of Prophet’s teachings. They are the generation that grew directly in the shade of Prophet’s teachings. All the greatnesses of the companions of the Prophet were certainly not come about easily. Excellence and achievement that is the result of Prophet’s teachings. For example: Omar bin Khaththab were so frighteningly hostile to Islam, turned into a staunch supporter of the Prophet preaching. The Generosity of Abu Bakr which was originally his true character was well maintained until he embraced Islam. The Courage of Ali bin Abi Talib since he was asked by the Prophet to replace the Prophet to sleep in the house when the Prophet was surrounded prior to go to Madinah, still burning. Similar to the other companions of the Prophet. The Prophet was able to unleash every potential of his companions with his noble teachings. This is a solid proof of a successful education initiated by the Prophet that we have to explore and apply in the world of today education. Keywords— companion, education, prophet


Effect Of Teacher's Professionalism And Personality On The Achievement Of MAS Al-Washliyah Univa Medan Students

Hotni Sari Harahap, Muhyani, Akhmad Alim * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract—The purpose of this study is to determine (1) the effect of professionalism competence variable on students' achievement, (2) the effect of teacher's personality variables on students' achievement, (3) the effect of teacher's professionalism and personality on students' achievement. This research is a quantitative descriptive research, with 60 teachers of MAS/SMA Al-Washliyah UNIVA as research subjects taken by total sampling method. Data collected by the instrument in form of questionnaire. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis method, normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, hypothesis testing by F test and t test. Results from the study shows regression equation Y = 43.764+ 0,243 X1 + 0.173 X2 that has meaning when variables X1 and X2 changes, it will have an impact on student achievement. The result of data analysis shows that partially teacher’s professionalism affects significantly on students’ achievement with the value tcount 3,485 > ttable 2,002.Analysis on effect of personality on students’ learning achievement partially influences significantly with value tcount 3,105 > ttable 2,002. The result simultaneously shows that teacher’s professionalism and personality conjunctly affecting the achievement of MAS/SMA Al-Washliyah UNIVA Medan student with value of 8,143 > Ftable 4.01. Other than that, the coefficient of determination (R2) has value of 222. It means in the amount of 22,20% of students’ learning achievement variable is affected by two independent variables in this research, meanwhile the rest as big as 77,80% is affected by other variable that is not studied in this research. Keywords—Professionalism Competence, Teacher’s Personality, and Learning Achievement.


Urgency of Teacher Guidance on Professional Organizations

Ijen Zainal Abidin * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—Law Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System mandates that teachers must have a professional commitment to improve the quality of education. Teachers are at the forefront to achieve educational goals. When compared to other educational components, the teacher has the most strategic role. Therefore we need a heightened awareness for teachers that their highly anticipated role by the community, state and nation. Teachers are required to have four (4) competences, pedagogical, personality, social and professional competences. To improve the competences, teachers can follow formal education, training, joining professional organizations as well as other lines. The government has limited the cost to conduct training. Therefore, one of the alternatives teachers should be involved in professional organizations, such as MGMP (Council Subject Teacher). MGMP is a professional organization for teachers of subjects at junior high, high school and vocational school. In this professional organizations, teachers continually hold regular meetings to improve their competences. The author conducted a study of 65 PAI teachers in Bogor (population 80). The results showed that 35.4% of teachers said that participation in MGMP influence on learning in the classroom. Meanwhile 58.5% stated enough. Only 7.7% of teachers who expressed less influential. Statistical calculation results showed a significant difference between the coaching teacher (variable X) with pedagogical competence (Y 1). The effect of variable X to variable Y2 (professional competence) shows there are positive influence and significant with path coefficient of 0,753. Therefore the position of MGMP must be strengthened and further developed by the government in order to increase the competence of teachers. Keywords—professional competences, competence, pedagogical, MGMP


Evaluation of Management Program at Integrated Islamic Elementary School: A CIPP – Based Evaluatif Research at Integrated Islamic Elementary School (SDIT) Al-Hikmah, Jakarta 2016

Khasanah* *Islamic University Jakarta As-Syafi'iyah

ABSTRACT--SDIT Al Hikmah is an integrated Islamic Elementary School for which aim is to integrate the value and Islamic norms into special character building using effective approach. This research is aimed to gain objective information and to investigate how effective the management program of SDIT Al Hikmah Jakarta. This research is an evaluation research using CIPP model, which includes 4 (four) evaluation components, which are : (1) Context (2) Input (3) Process (4) Product. The research method use in this research is case study based on qualitative research. The data collection are compiled using document study, interview, observation and questioner. The data will be analyzed in descriptive method, which data will be examine by comparing the examine data with selective objective criteria. Afterwards, the researcher will conclude the decisions on every evaluation phases. The findings on evaluation reveals that SDIT Al Hikmah is needed for its achievement to implant the good education for the children. Furthermore, there are still some aspects that needs to be improved. This research also recommends that SDIT Al Hikmah and Jaringan Sekolah Islam Terpadu (Integrated Islamic School Network) to improve the program with some selective criteria. Keyword—Evaluation Program, Management Islamic School


The Effect of Engaging Islamic Education and Muhammadiyahism in Character Building among Muhammadiyah’s Senior High School Students in Bogor

Madropi*, Didin Saefuddin, E. Bahruddin * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—Islamic education and Muhammadiyahism is one of the integrated education processes in the form of building human’s characters well. This effort is unreachable when those people are not aware the importance of both educational systems. The aim of the research is to recognize the effectiveness of engaging Islamic education in characters building among Muhammadiyah senior high school students. The research method is a survey using a questionnaire based on the variables: Islamic religion science (X1), Muhammadiyah’s education (X2), and student’s characters building (Y). The respondents are Muhammadiyah Senior High School student.s. The result of the research is only for the internal purpose of Muhammadiyah Senior High School, South Bogor. 56 samples consisting of students of grade X and grade XI followed 2 semesters of religion class. The result shows that the effect of conducting Islamic religion to characters building for 19,4% by significant test resulted in higher t score than t table with significant level of 0,001 lower than 0.05. Then Ho1 hypothesis was denied, and Ha1 was accepted, instead. There is a significant effect between conducting of Muhammadiyahism education against character building about 32,5% by the significant test assuming higher t score than t table with a significant level 0,000 lower than 0,05. Then Ho2 hypothesis was denied, and Ha2 was accepted. There is a significant effect between the Muhammadiyahism Education at the same time with characters building 42,5% and the significant score was f 19,603 higher than f table 2,79 with significant level 0,000 lower than 0.05. Ho3 hypothesis was denied, and Ha3 was accepted. The research was exclusively done among Muhammadiyah Senior High School students, so the result is only for research population to support Islamic education and Muhammadiyahism to become better in the future. Keywords—Character Building, Islamic Education, Muhammadiyahism


Correlation of Students’ Perceptions about The Leadership Of Headmaster and The Teacher Performance Of Students’ Satisfaction in Education Service

Mahmudin*, E. Bahruddin, Ibdalsyah * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract—The services of education which given the school is often make the student feel unsatisfied. It should be able to overcome with the head of madrasah who have good ability to lead and the teacher who have a good performance in teaching. The purpose of this research is to determine correlation of students' perceptions about the leadership of headmaster and the teacher performance of students' satisfaction in education service. This research is conducted on the private Mts in Bogor on period 2015-2016. In conducting the research, qualitative and correlation is used as a method. The instrument which used is questionnaire for all of variables research. The data analysis technique of quantitative is assisted by software SPSS version 22. The result of coefficient number analysis of Correlation of Students' perceptions about the leadership of headmaster and students' satisfaction in education service is 0.550 which means that there is correlation which very significant and is the category of Enough or Medium. The result of coefficient number analysis of Correlation of Students' perceptions about the teacher performance and students' satisfaction in education service is 0.726 which means that there is correlation which very significant and is the category of Strong or High. The result of coefficient number analysis of Correlation of Students' perceptions about the leadership of headmaster and the teacher performance of students' satisfaction in education service is 0.761 which means that there is correlation which very significant and is the category of Strong or High. Keywords—Leadership, Performance, Master, Satisfaction, Students.


Education Policy In Islamic Perspective

Najamudin* and Endin Mujahidin *Najamudin Center Foundation Indonesia, Bogor, Indonesia, [email protected]

Abstract. Education policy in Indonesia become important issues that need to be addressed in a comprehensive manner, namely whether it is part of the education policies of public policy which impact on all of society or not. And how these policies in the perspective of Islam. National Education Policy Direction in focus on improving the quality, autonomy and increase the nation's competitiveness. Competitiveness is defined as the ability to provide education that is able to compete in terms of quality with other nations. While the improvement of human resources are other determining factors, as well as a nation's assets. Good human resources are the amount obtained from a good understanding of Islam. Education policy related to the curriculum of Islamic Religion was no incentive to make good Human Resources that with only 2 hours of lessons Religion when schools and 2 credits when entering college. Based on the above mentioned fact that, needs to be discussed comprehensible Education Policy in the Islamic perspective. Keywords: Education, Education Policy, Islamic Education


Relationship between Personality Competence of Islamic Religion Teacher and School Principal Supervision Competence against Student with Religious Awareness Perception

Neneng Rahayu* and Hasbi Indra * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—One of the problems in our society is the low moral and adolescent personal ability. That happens because of the low closeness of teens with Allah. Teenager religious awareness is a potential that have tendency to develop. One of the factors that influence the development of the religious awareness is the school environment, where there are elements namely teachers and school principals. Teachers is one of the pillars of education in achieving educational goals. IRE teachers is one of which becoming a model for students to emulate and emulated its Islamic personal ability. Students also viewed togetherness of principals in Islamic learning activities. With the IRE teacher's personality and good supervision by principals, is expected to grow student’s religious awareness. Data processing was performed using SPSS Windows series 20. Personality of IRE teachers and school principal’s supervision according to the perceptions of students with student’s religious awareness being mediumly correlated, linear and significant. Data from a double regeresi analysis showed that 29.1% of student’s religious awareness may be affected jointly by IRE teacher’s personality variables and supervising school principal. While 70.9% are influenced by other factors. Keywords—Personality IRE Teacher, Supervising School Principal, Student Religious Awareness


Implementation of Kuttab Education Today: An Analytical Study at Kuttab Al-Fatih Depok – West Java

Ruchiyat Fadillah*, Ulil Amri, Ahmad Alim * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract—The Islamic education system, specifically the education system that had been implemented by Rasulullah PBUH until the peak of Islamic glory, for most Muslims is, of course, a source of pride to be remembered and is very interesting to be studied theoretically and conceptually and to be technically and operationally implemented. One of these methods is the Kuttab education model which refers to Rasulullah’s, PBUH, education pattern (tarbiyah), which specifically teaches children to read, write, memorize the Quran, and teach them the fundamentals of Islam. Based on this background, this study aimed to discover the education concept for tamyîz aged children in Kuttab Al-Fatih Depok – West Java and to analyze this education concept in implementing the national education system. In this study, the methodology used was a qualitative method with a naturalistic case study approach. The study was conducted at Kuttab Al-Fatih Depok – West Java from January to July 2016 through observations, interviews, and documentations using interactive analysis techniques. Besides describing the education concept of tamyîz aged students in Kuttab Al-Fatih Depok – West Java, this study also succeeded analyzing the implementation of Islamic education in this Kuttab and concluded that the method could be implemented in Indonesia as one of the possible solutions for overcoming the current education issues which have revealed its terrible effects, especially implementation in the aspects of educational purpose, curriculum, method, and evaluation which could be adjusted to the national education system. Keywords— kuttab education, education implementation, tamyîz aged


The Effect of Communication Model Parents and Role of The Teacher in School to Implamentation of Islam

Sitta Azizah*, Muhyani & Hasbi Indra * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract—Education is the way to built next generations and build civilization. Ad- Deen Islam is the only religion of revelation with the concept of shahada as an effort to self-submission to God through faith in the prophethood of Muhammad. Prophethood in Islam is very central and constitute the personification of this doctrine. Islamic religious practice to establish a civilization, one of them with an education that follow the Sunnah of Muhammad. With this pattern, has been proven created the best generation of all time, that is Sahaba and people nowadays feel it. Islam is the religious affiliation of the people of Indonesian. Religious lesson is required in educational institutions from primary school to college. Islam was elevated and nothing beats the elevation of Islam, but the practice of Islam in Indonesia is generally not visible unless the of mahdhah worship. Courtesy was taught by the Prophet Muhammad in particular in the field of education gradually lost, change with the value system in the form of a test. Values pure Islamic religious instruction is not appropriate between a pieces of paper with student life patterns at school. Communication patterns with Prophet in the teaching of the Islamic religion is the best and rarely performed because their obligation to follow the curriculum are not necessarily in accordance with the theory of Islam. Humans as social beings who naturally need to communicate. Research of human pattern communicate already conducted and result in theories, which is expected to benefits of human life. Islam provides guidance in life is not just a theory but a revelation runs are visible in the person of the Prophet Muhammad. Communication method Prophet Muhammad with Sahaba, rearranged by the theologian in the books of their courtesy. Along with time, the application of a Prophet method has been successfully generate to Islamic civilization. This educational communication model will be used as a reference in the study of religious practice Islam in junior high school. Based on research results can be concluded, model communications of the Prophet Muhammad have not been applied on curriculum guide of school. To implement this model of communication, the substantial thing is role of parents in communicating with children when their at home. Islamic religious education not only through instruction but by role models. The role of islamic religion teachers at school is also needed as a one of source of knowledge of students in the school. Junior high school Islamic based, has additional subjects about Islam tended to produce students with good islamic religious knowledge. But to accomplish Islamic religious education in the right way and constancy, is required meeting between teachers and parents to ensure that students do religious practices of Islam and not only just theory. Model of communication of the Prophet Muhammad did during educate Sahaba should be be applied in learning activities not only as a scientific discourse that supports research scientist west.


Implementation of School Based Management and Their Role in The Achievement of National Education Objectives

Asbin Pasaribu* *Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—School Based Management is one of the term in the science of education management. School Based Management was born with several different names, some of it are school-based governance, school self-management and also known by school site-based management or management based on school. In implementing school-based management, the school has the school right of autonomy, which is the right or authority to regulate and manage the interests of the school in achieving educational goals, as well as to create a good quality of education. This objective is determined by the arrangement and assessment of the situation and condition of the organization, such as the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats, so if a school has been carrying out and implementing school-based management, the school together with relevant parties can define and create policies related to their school independently without depending on others. In addition, the school has the authority in determining the policies or decisions in setting educational goals to be achieved, thus achieving quality output (graduate). Some Public Islamic Junior High School in North Labuhan Batu Regency has implemented school-based management, and some have not implemented, but the problem faced by the author, is that fundamental difference is not visible between the school that implement school-based management and those who did not implement, the results or quality is not as it should, in fact many schools did not or insufficiently achieved objectives they have set. Public Islamic Junior High School that are the subject of this research, are as follows (1) Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Kualuh Hulu (2) Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Aek Natas (3) Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Damuli Pekan, and as the comparison subject is Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Damuli Pekan which did not implement school based management, thus become comparative subject between school in the implementation of school based management in Public Islamic Junior High Schools Of North Labuhan Batu Regency. Keynote—management, National Education, Islamic school


The Application of Management Curriculum Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Islamic Educational Boarding School Pesantren Ar-Raudlatul Hasanah.

Suhaedi* * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

This research concerned to determine on how the process of applying the concept of , The Application of Management curriculum Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Islamic Educational Boarding School Pesantren Ar-Raudlatul Hasanah Paya Bundung Medan North Sumatera. This research used to apply qualitative that called descriptive analytical, which consist the application of relating, describing, and classifying the data objectively assessed at the same time to interpret and analyze the data in accordance with the realities that occur in the field and not in the data processing figures. The technique of collecting the data in this research is used by finding, analyzing and making an interpretation of the data found which it through interviews, observation and literature study. The data that have been collected were examined through the standard validity in the form of reliability, shifty, dependency and certainty. The techniques of data analysis were applying the reducing of the data, presenting the data and drawing the conclusions from the results of research.


Strategic Management Modification for Set Up Excelennce Islamic Education Institution: Case Study at Min Cempaka Putih Ciputat

Suhardi *Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—This essay presents the result of research about strategic management modification to achieve the excellences at MIN Cempaka Putih Ciputat South Tangerang City. From the research findings, it is derived information that MIN Cempaka Putih Ciputat has already implemented strategic management modification in two ways; model modification and substance modification. In the model modification, MIN Cempaka Putih Ciputat add the steps spiritualizing human resource and developing learning organization. Meanwhile in the substance modification, MIN Cempaka Putih Ciputat changes strategic management that is empty from spiritual values into spiritual meaning and learning. Based on the management applied, then, it is found that the strategic management model developed in MIN Cempaka Putih Ciputat is Spiritual and Learning based Strategic Management. Keyword—strategic Management, Islamic Education institution, model modification


Civic Education Development Study on Book of Civic Education toward a Democratic and Civilized Life

Suidat * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract--Civic education is one of the basic courses that must be taken by every student at the College. The regulation of the course is based on the mandate contained in the law on the National Education System. Through Civic Education courses, the students can be directed national personality, that is how they love their homeland Indonesia, being a democratic, civilized, tolerant and so on. Muhammadiyah through the Council of Higher Education, Research and Development of Muhammadiyah headquarter published a textbook on Civic Education with the title Civic Education toward a Democratic and Civilized Life. The book became a staple in reference Civic Education Course in Universities of Muhammadiyah (PTM). However when elaborate on the Indonesian ideology or, in the book does not contain the formulation history of state basic ideology which was done by the founding fathers. Also how the role and Islamic thought figures who participated in formulating the state basic ideology be part of the material that was duly presented in the book. It is important that students who study in PTM to know and understand the history and struggle of Islamic figures in formulating the basis of the state and the dynamics that occurred at that time. So that their knowledge is complete and in understanding the Pancasila as the state basic ideology of Indonesia. Ki Bagus Hadikusumo, Kasman Singodimedjo, and Abdul Kahar Mudzakkir are Muslim with the background of Muhammadiyah as historical actors who participated in the formulation of the basic state. Ki Bagus had very important role in the Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI) experienced of dead lock about the change of first principle of Pancasila, and there was serious debate and dynamic. Likewise, the role and thought of Kasman Singodimedjo was also important on the basis state in both the trial PPKI, as well as in the Constituent Assembly. Perpsektif Kasman about Pancasila based on Islam became important after the implementation of 1945 Constitution and Presidential Decree July 5th 1959. The role of Abdul Kahar Mudzakkir as a witness to the history of the struggle of Muslims cannot be neglected; especially Mudzakkir included in the Committee of Nine which develops the basic state eventually became the Jakarta Charter and accepted unanimously by BPUPKI. Furthermore, in the Constituent Assembly Mudzakkir remain committed to make Islam as the basis of the state, where the Constituent Assembly is the foundation of the momentum of the second volume formulation. The logic being built from of those figures in the ideological struggle so solid. The spirit and the perspective of their thinking based on the sanctity of Islam remains strong and full of confident, even when confronted with a variety of secular ideologies, including secular hegemonic regime at that time. The core of the Civics book is how the problem of state ideology especially Pancasila can be described in a comprehensive, complete and not partial. Including the relationship between the Jakarta Charter and the Constitution 1945. Other matters concerning aspects of citizenship is derived and the meaning of ideology or basic state. Therefore, this paper presents the role and thought of Ki Bagus Hadikusumo, Kasman Singodimedjo, and Abdul Kahar Mudzakkir


become material development of Civic Education in the book of Civic Education toward a Democratic and Civilized Life.


The Qur’anic Teaching Methods Criticism: Case Study Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur’an (TPA) Al Adil Jakarta

Tine Kartinawati.. Didin Hafidhuddin and Ulil Amri Syafri. * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

ABSTRACT This study aimed to describe and analyze the criticism of Qur’anic teaching methods in Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur’an (TPA) Al Adil Jakarta. The results are expected as a driving force in improving the quality of teacher in the Qur'an. This study is a qualitative research, with state of the teaching and learning process in the Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur’an Al Adil as a research subject. The data collection is done by giving interviews and documentation. Data analysis was performed with an interpretation of the events experienced in TPA Al Adil then determines the weaknesses and shortcomings, so it can be cultivated improvement efforts. This analysis also led to criticism from both the manager and executor of learning. The results showed: 1) Human resources: the quality of teachers has not mastered in the application of Qur'anic teaching methods, 2) Teaching and learning activities: teachers lacked a sense of discipline and lack of preparation before teaching in class, 3) Evaluation and targets in the implementation of learning: teachers almost never do the routine evaluation of the students.


Relationship Between Lecturer Competence of Islamic Studies and Learned Implementation Against Morals of students in Ibn Khaldun University

Wuri Purwandani, S.E * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

One of the requirements to become a educator is competence. namely a set of knowledge and skills and behaviors that must be owned and controlled by the teacher in performing the task. In general, these competencies are divided into four sections: pedagogical competence, social, professional and spiritual.The fourth of these competencies must-have for pelaksannaan and learning objectives can be achieved. One of the goals of learning that shape the character or the character of the learners from bad into good, from not knowing to knowing. Therefore, it is necessary to have a thorough preparation related to the implementation of learning. Accordingly, the purpose of making this paper is to explain as far as the relationship between komptensi amana Islamic studies lecturer, and the implementation of learning for university students morals ibn Khaldun Bogor, using a direct approach. Where research is done by spreading questionnaires to determine the extent to which the relationship of moral formation of students through the learning competencies of lecturers in Islamic studies . Keywords : Lecturer competence, Learned Implementation, Morals


Use of Facilities-Infrastructure and Motivation for Learning in The Improvement of Islamic Religious Education Student Learning SMA Al Washliyah 1 Univa Medan

Zulfi Mahzar Pohan*, Adian Husaini and Muhyani * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—Penelitian was conducted to determine how the relationship between the use of infrastructure and learning motivation to the learning outcomes of students of Islamic education. This research was conducted in SMA Al Washliyah 1 UNIVA Medan, is quantitative descriptive correlational study with a correlative study patterns by placing the variables into two groups: the independent variables and the dependent variable. While t eknik analysis is correlation and regression. The approach of analysis is quantitative descriptive analysis is describing what it is about a variable through numbers. Results showed that utilization of infrastructure among high school students AW 1 UNIVA Medan generally be above average or excellent category. This is because the score distribution infrastructure utilization indicate that as many as 16 people (21.91%) were below average grade interval and as many as 35 people (47.94%) were at an average grade interval and as many as 22 people (30 , 13%) above the average. also found that high school students' motivation AW 1 UNIVA Medan generally categorized as good as being above average. in addition, it was found that high school students learning outcomes PAI AW 1 UNIVA Medan generally be above average or excellent category. It is based on a calculation of learning outcomes PAI (Y) indicating that as many as 24 people (32.87%) were below average grade, but as many as 30 people (41.09%) are in the class average and as much as 19 people (26.02%) above the average. later discovered also that the use of Infrastructure and significant positive effect on students' learning outcomes PAI Prodi Islamic Education at SMU AW 1 University Al Washiyah (UNIVA) Field of 43.5%, shows the magnitude of the impact that is quite, thus finding this meant that one of the crucial factors determining learning outcomes are determined by their PAI Infrastructure Utilization students. the study also found that the motivation to learn a positive and significant impact on learning outcomes of students in high school PAI AW 1 University Al Washiyah (UNIVA) Terrain 18.1%. This finding suggests that the motivation to learn a pillar determinant for PAI learning outcome of students. And the utilization of infrastructure and motivation to learn together affect positively and significantly to the learning outcomes of students in high school PAI AW 1 University Al Washiyah (UNIVA) Field by 61.4% while the remaining 38.6% came out of this research variables. Keywords—utilization of infrastructure, learning motivation, learning outcomes Islamic Education, SMA AW 1 UNIVA Medan


Relevance Of Education System In Madrasah Al Washliyah 214 Asahan Modern Education System With Islam

Adlan Lubis * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—Islamic education is now faced with the challenges of modern human life. Thus, Islamic education should be directed to the changing needs of modern society. In the face of a new paradigm of design changes are required in the face of demands - the new demands. According to Kuhn, If the challenge - the new challenges faced by using old paradigm, then all efforts undertaken will meet failure. To that end, an Islamic education need to be designed to meet the challenges of the changing times, either on the side of the concept, system, curriculum, quality of humans resources , institutions - institutions and organizations, as well as mengkontruksinya order to be relevant to the community change. Madrasah is patterned Islamic educational institution which is past education with traditional systems, are now beginning to use the modern system of education practice. This position will be located on the side of Islamic culture in which characters can be built in a modern way. Madrasah is also strategic from a political point where its presence can be used as parameters of the power of Islam. Urgency of this in a more macro level can be seen as a representation of the face and the future of Islam in Indonesia. Keywords: Madrasah Education, Islamic Education, Modern System


Motivation And Educational Level In Improving Performance

Akman* and Hendri Tanjung Lecturer at Fakultas Ekonomi (UNIVA) Medan

Abstract—This article describes the theory of motivation in improving the performance of employees that can be used by policy makers in the implementation of operations management within an educational organization. There are many things that can affect a person doing the work, including the work environment, leadership, compensation, etc. The working environment is something that exists around the workers and that affected him in performing the duties imposed. The working environment is very important in improving performance, because the working environment associated with comfort in work. When comfort in the work is not found then it will greatly affect the performance of human resources. Furthermore, the most important thing in discussing about the motivation is leadership. The essence of leadership is the one to mobilize others, to lead, to guide, influence others, to do something to achieve the expected results. Given that what is transferred is the leader did not die but human beings who have feelings and reason, as well as various types and nature of the problem of leadership can not be seen easily. Willingness A leader is a means to an end. This means subordinate to suit their needs depending on the skills and leadership abilities. Then the last is about compensation. We know that a person's work is to earn money to meet needs that are very complex. Therefore, one's motivation will be very good if the remuneration that he gets well too. Keywords: Motivation, Performance


Counseling Communication Strategy of Guardian in Improving the Discipline of Student’s Worship at Pesantren ar – Raudhah al Hasanah Medan

Darvina Lubis * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

This paper discusses the communication strategy of Guardian Counciling Section in improving discipline students worship Pesantren Ar Raudhatul Hasanah Medan. The purpose of this study was to determine communication strategy applied by Guardian Counciling to students of Pesantren Ar Raudhatul Hasanah and communication strategy process undertaken by Guardian Counciling in improving discipline of worship after using discipline of worship communication strategies. This is the kind of qualitative research, in which researchers as a key instrument. The method used is interview method, in which the key informant's been out of five theachers responsibled in Guradian Counciling Pesantren Al-Hasanah competent enough value. From interviews of researchers suggests that the communications strategy undertaken by Guardian Counciling in Pesantren Ar-Raudhatul Hasanah Medan is a technique giving reward and punishment, coercive and persuasive techniques, but in general engineering discipline is the most strategy often used by Guardian Counciling in educating students to be disciplined in performing worship at this boarding school. The strategy is likely to have greater motivation power compared with other strategies, especially in improving the discipline of worship students. The diffialties faced by Guardin Counciling in the implementation of communication strategy, according to the results of the study showed that new students were carried away with their old habits before entering the boarding schools, language diffialties, various culture caused a large number of students and also communication message lost because delegations system which is used to convey the message communication to the students through students organization. This complicates Guardian Counciling Section in conducting communications strategy effective. Judging from the communication strategy Guardian Counciling Section Pesantren Ar-Raudhatul Hasanah, it is mostly used the technique reward. Some indications, such as giving gifts, awards and honors for students who are disciplined (reward) and punishment (punishment) to undisciplined. While the views of the effectiveness of its communications strategy, the interviews show that the strategy is quite effective in improving the discipline of worship students.


The Implementation of Multiple Intelligence Concept based on Islamic Worldview at SMP Al Washliyah 8 Medan

Hairul Arifin*, Adian Husaini and E. Mujahidin *Lecturer at Al Washliyah Medan University, [email protected]

Abstract–The education process is an effort to develop and actualize learners according to their talents and interest. Learning system representative, the input, process, and output-based fulfillment and development potential of each element contained in a human being. Multiple Intelligences explained 9 kinds of human intelligence include intelligence languages, musical, logical-mathematical, visual- spatial, body kinesthetic, intrapersonal, Interpersonal, naturalist and existence. This study applied a qualitative, method. SMP Al Washliyah 8 Medan is the only school built at the University of Al Washliyah that applies the concept of Multiple Intelligences. Application of Multiple Intelligences in SMP Al Washliyah 8 globally covers three important stages, namely input, process and output. Design Concept of Multiple Intelligences in SMP Al Washliyah 8 Medan is the improvement quality input and output. The school change the moral quality of the academic and students. The study of theory used learning process improvement. The formula is the teaching style of the teacher should be the same as the student's learning style, the teacher should know how the student's learning style by making the results of MIR (Multiple Intelligences Research) as a guide for teaching. Keyword: Multiple Intelligence, Islamic Worldview


Madrasah Management Head Of Improving The Quality Of Education In Madrasah

Irwandi Sihombing* and Endin Mujahidin *Lecturer STAI Bahriyatul Ulum KH.Zainul Arifin Pandan Tapteng [email protected]

Abstract Education is a major resource for the advancement of a nation, for that education needs to be built and developed to be capable of producing superior human resources, advanced and competitive. The function of education and strategically most important for a nation, especially the people who carry out development should mmengoptimalkan education system functions to deliver the human resources of high quality as the organizer of development and in order to improve the quality of life of the community, the nation and the state. Functionalization of the national education system must strive to increase the quality of education, including the quality of the performance and management headmaster, deputy heads, teachers and Madrasah committee tasked to provide support to all stakeholders of education in in a systematic, integrated, well-planned and professionally. In order to achieve an effective and efficient organaisasi that, management must be enabled fully to any organization, both organizations, industry, banking, and education. The management functions of planning (planning), organizing (organizing), implementation (actuating), monitoring (controlling), and evaluation (evaluating) Keywords- Management, Education, Quality.


Extracurricular Activities and Effect of High School Achievement in First (SMP) Private Al Washliyah 9 Medan

Leni Asnimar* * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—Education is a maturing business in a person learners with specific process to become and achieve results as expected or predetermined. Implementation of this kind of education is done intentionally by an adult and responsible and from whom should be able to provide the direction and orientation of the end of the study in question. The end of the implementation process of education itself is super smart students as expected, and this is always reflected by the achievements obtained by the students in a particular school. Continuity of education must necessarily be programmed in such a way and have a plan in order to achieve the expected results of the learners themselves. In the process of teaching and learning, in addition to disposition owned subsidiaries or learners from birth, as well as the environment and the chance to provide a very large role. Environmental conditions are also able to promise the education system on a learner. Efforts to develop the form of extracurricular according to the authors observed while many contain positive values, Educational extracurricular mostly done by adding hours of basic subjects besides that more is done by the practice outside the classroom, to see that there are symptoms of great teaching relation to teaching and learning with extracurricular activities that can affect how the high and low achievements of students. Keywords: Extracurricular, Effect Against Learning Achievement


Actualization Value of Discipline Subjects In Religious Education In SMAN 3 Bagan Sinembah

Mora Heriadi* * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—Establishment of discipline and conduct an activity that is carried out continuously in the lives of young people in school everyday, so it is expected to become a good habit. Behavior through habituation include moral education, religion, feelings / emotions, social skills and discipline. In SMAN 3 Bagan Sinembah students in the process learning there is a shortage in daily activities, especially behavioral problems in each discipline students. This research summary how behavior learner discipline as taught in the subject of Islamic education in SMAN 3 Bagan Sinembah Rokan Hilir. While the goal is to describe the formation of behavior in accordance with the discipline of students who are taught in the subject of Islamic education in SMAN 3 Bagan Sinembah Rokan Hilir. The approach used in this study is kualitatif. Metode approach used in this study are as follows: observation, interviews, and documents. Technical analysis is the process of finding and managing data systematically collected data, steps in implementing the qualitative data analysis are as follows: data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions and verification. Some things that affect the behavior of the discipline of students, among them the environment, good family environment, school environment, society and the environment. Experience and integrity of teachers. Exemplary teachers and parents. Lack of supervision and attention from teachers and parents. The impact of television shows that less educated. Lack of communication between the school, parents and school administrators. The method is less varied. Keywords: behavior, discipline.


The Model Implementation Of Moral Education (Islamic Integrated Primary Schools In Medan)

Syamsul Hadi*, Didin Hafidhuddin and Endi Mujahidin * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract--Moral education is a process of educating, nurturing, establishing and providing the training on good manner and intelligence thought. Because of the position of al-Quran and Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad seeks to guide and encourage mankind to have a good manners (akhlakul karimah). Moral education as a process of applying convenience to individual learners to be nature to “syahadah” or “tauhid” to Allah S.W.T, practicing a commendable behaviors and avoiding or leaving all the bad manners and disgraceful. The model of Moral Education in Islamic Integrated Primary Schools Implementation refer to the ten main manners (muwashofat) moral education in the JIST, in the implementation of moral education in schools and outside school. Keyword : The model of education, moral and its implementation, learners


Effectiveness of Education Culture In Improving The Quality Of Education.

Wahyudin* * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia, [email protected]

Absract--This article intends to describes two main strategies that should be taken in improving the quality of education, which is a strategy that focuses on the structural and cultural dimension with an emphasis on real behavior. Implementation of the structural strategy has been widely used in various institutions and levels of education, but the results have not met expectations, the social-education problems such as; the rise of student brawls, free sex, motorcycle gangs, drug abuse, psychotropic substances and others, whereas the effort to reorganize the institution's management has been pursued continuously, in-house training to the elements of leadership, teacher training, reinforcement learning facilities and others, but the results are not much of a difference in the case of students mentioned above. While the cultural dimension has not been empowered optimally, but in the world of Islamic boarding school education, it has been a prior and taken influential in the intellectual attitude of the students boarding.


Leadership Competence of Madrasah and Effect on Teachers Performance and Student Achievement in Madrasah Aliyah al Washliyah District of Deli Serdang

Firdaus*, E. Baharuddin and Hendri Tanjung * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract—The advantages of a nation is no longer characterized by the abundance of natural resources, but on the excellence of their human resources. Quality education is one determinant of the availability of superior human resources. Education quality is achieved when the inputs, processes, outputs, teachers, infrastructure and costs already meet good standards. However, some of these components are more of a role is a professional teacher. Madrasah is not going to form the well by itself without proper management, while a good school management requires leadership competencies that qualified headmaster. Therefore Principals Leadership Competencies as a manager is the key to success madrasah madrassa in improving teacher performance and student achievement in Madrasah Aliyah Al Washliyah Deli Serdang. Keywords—Competence Leadership Principals, Teachers Performance, Student Achievement


Relationship between Self-Concept and Learn Interest to the Islamic Outcomes Learning Islamic Elementary School Nurul Yaqin Bogor

Octa Viko *Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract—This research aims to determine the relationship self-concept with the Islamic outcomes learning and learn interest with the Islamic outcomes learning jointly. This research is carried out in the Islamic elementary school Nurul Yaqin Bogor school year 2016-2017. This research is using quantitative approach with the correlational research methods. Instrument data collection that are used namely three questionnaire for all study variable research. Technique of analysis data by using quantitative technique aided with the Microsoft Office Excel Software and SPSS version 22. Analysis requirement tests with the normality test using the formula One- Sample Kolmogorov Test, and homogeneity test using the formula One Way ANOVA in SPSS Software. Hypothesis test with the simple correlation using the formula product moment with menu Correlate – Bivariate, and partial correlation with the Correlate – Partial Menu. The results of numerical analysis coefficient correlation self-concept with the learning outcomes of Islamic education is 0,957 very significant and in the category of a very high correlation. Correlation of the student self-concept and learning outcomes with the learning outcomes of Islamic education jointly is 0,574 there is a significant correlation and in a strong correlation category.




Civic Education in Hamka’s Thougt

Ahmad Misbahul Anam*

* Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract—The influence of Islam has been rooted in Indonesian’s culture and custom. Pancasila as the nation ideology will grow well and preserved if Moslem comprehensively understand their religion. Moslem uses religion as a wordview of life to nfluence society behavior. This research result shows that HAMKA is an Indonesian Moslem figure who has comperhensive idea and thought related to civic education. The main characteristic of his idea about civic education is that it emphasizes on religious bond, especially Islam, as source of values. Keywords— Islam, Pancasila, Religion, worldview, behavior


Abdullah Al-Haddad Sufism Education and Its Effect on Morals Education in Indonesia

Ali Ridho, M.Si* *Indraprasta University PGRI, Jakarta, Indonesia, [email protected]

Abstract—This study discuss about the Sufism Education of Abdullah Al-Haddad, and its implications on morality education in Indonesia. Educational character and habits of religious activities such as running tradition Wirid, and Ratiban commonly implemented as a form of motivation in the improvement of morality as steeped in religious values. Ratib also means a collection of dhkir, and prayers composed by some prominent scholars such as Ratib al-Haddad, there is also opinion saying that Ratib is a collection of dhkir that is more compact than wird. Dzikiran and Ratiban education become a common habit in some parts of Indonesia where the reading of Ratib al-Haddad can be found on every occasion of religious events. Educational studies and concept of Sufism and its implications for the morals education of the important to be appointed in a study to better determine its basic concepts. Keywords—Sufism, Sufi Order, Ratib al-Haddad and Muslims Jakarta


The Concept of Knowledge Culture by Wan Mohd Nor Wan Daud and its Relevance Towards Education in Indonesia

Amirullah* * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—Large number of population in Indonesia is a competitive advantage in the global environment. However, if it is not supported by good knowledge culture, then this will be a threat. Therefore, we will not be able to compete with other countries and it is certain that we will be hard to be host in our own country. History has proved that a nation that has a great knowledge culture will have big influence over other nations which having much larger number of people [1]. In this paper, the author has tried to examine the concept of knowledge culture as defined by Wan Mohd Nor Wan Daud and its relevance towards education in Indonesia. Based on the the place and type of research, in this paper the author has used library research methode which involves the identification of sources that provide factual information or expert opinion related to the research topic. So it can be shown the ability of knowledge culture concept to be able to explain all sorts of things in relation to the implementation of education in Indonesia. In the end result that the concept of knowledge culture as defined by Wan Mohd Nor Wan Daud still relevance towards education in Indonesia. This research is expected can be utilized for the improvement and development of education today that is not only limited in the concept but also can be seen in the implementation stage, in order to to determine the area of direction and purpose of education, teaching staff, scientific programs, libraries and publishing. Keywords—Knowledge culture; Wan Mohd Nor Wan Daud; Education


Family Education Thaught. Syekh Nawawi Al Bantani’s Prespective

Asep Nuhdi* * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—Family education thaught. Syekh Nawawi Al Bantani’s prespective. The islamic thaught of family education is an essence issue that should be elaborate by the islamic scholars due to it’s importance in making a basic foundation of the strength of the nation and it’s civilization. It is also a part of a lot of issues that islam has ruled comprehensively. Not only the relationship between a servant and his God but also teh relationship between one person to another, to engage a civilize civilization that started by having a good relationship between the member of the family in an islamic frame Keywords—Education, Family, Nawawi


Mahmud Yunus as Modernist (Mujaddid) Islamic Education in Indonesia

Biltiser Bachtiar* * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia, [email protected]

Abstract—Mahmud Yunus a modernist (mujaddid) Islamic education in Indonesia contribute to the renewal of the education system radically with the needs and demands of society, without destroying the existing order in advance. Thus offer the modernization of education Mahmud Yunus, in application implementation do not get opposition from anyone, either internal or external. While his contribution to the birth of modern educational institutions in Indonesia; First, modernization in the institutional field, Mahmud Yunus among those who spearheaded the need to change the educational system of the character of the individual as applied in Islamic schools using methods sorogan or weton. Secondly, modernization in the areas of the curriculum where Mahmud Yunus is the person who first pioneered the curriculum that is integrated, ie curriculum that combines religious studies and general science in Islamic education institutions, particularly in developing teaching Arabic. Third, modernization in the areas of learning, Mahmud Yunus is recognized by education experts as hackers a new path for new methods of Islamic education in Indonesia and he got a new teaching method which he introduced with the name al-thariqah al- mubasyarah (direct method) who teach various components Arabic science.


The Correlation between Students’ Perception and Lecturers’ Role on the Islamization of Science with the Islamic Application at Ibnu Khaldun University

Dicky Salman*, Muhyani, Ahmad Alim * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract—This research is aimed to discover the correlation between students’ perception and lecturers’ role about Issue for The Islamization Of Science with the application of Islamic value, and to know the correlation between the students’ and lecturers’ perception about issue for the Islamization of science with the application of Islamic value alltogether. The research is conducted at the the Faculty of Health Science and that of Technique. It used quantitative approach with correlational research method. The data retrieval instrument used was three quotionnaires for all research variables. The data analysis technique used was quantitative technique supported by software Microsoft Excel and folow up test was performed using SPSS 22. The requirement analysis test with that of normality used One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnove Test formula, and the homogeneity test used One Way ANOVA in SPSS Software. The hypothesis test with simple correlation used product moment using correlate-Bivariate menu, and the partial correlation using Correlate- Partial menu. Students’ perception on Science Islamization is related to moderate or adequate Islamic application. This is proven by the correlationnal coefficient number 0,624 which is positive and significant. The lecturers’ role in science islamization is highly related to the students’ islamic application. This is proven by the correlationnal coefficient number 0,710 which is positive abn significant. Students’ perception is also related to the lecturers’ role in Science Islamization with moderate or adequate Islamic application. This is proven by the correlationnal coefficient number 0,624 which is positive and significant. Keywords—Students’ Perception, Lecturers’ Role, Science Islamization, Islamic application.


Sheikh H. M. Arsyad Thalib Lubis: Dai' Missionary from North Sumatera

Endi Marsal Dalimunthe*,Adian Husaini and E. Mujahidin Lecturer at the Institute of Health Helvetia [email protected]

Abstract—One of those instrumental in spreading the message of Islam in the Land of Batak, especially Tao Toba and Karo, North Sumatera Province Indonesia is Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Thalib Lubis (1908-1972 M). He was among the first in the Islamic organization al-Jam'iyatul Washliyah persistent preaching to spread Islam in North Sumatera, Aceh and Indonesia in general. He has written various Islamic religious studies, including the study of comparative religion praises in his essay book "Comparison of Christianity and Islam", as well as his essay entitled "Secrets Bible", which connect the hook with comparative religion “Muqaranatul Adyan” Science. The works of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Thalib Lubis and his services in spreading Islam to this day is still remembered in the community, especially North Sumatera Batak tribe, which Sheikh Arsyad succeeding attracted more than 2000 people to embrace Islam. This became his services because the spread of Islam among ethnic Batak Majority of the population are Christian. Keywords—Sheikh H.M. Arsyad Thalib Lubis, Dai' Missionary, Al-Jam’iyatul Washliyah, Qualitative analysis


The Failure of The Anti Islamic State Arguments In Indonesia

Hasbi Aswar* *Department of International Relations, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Member of Indonesian Islamic Studies and International Relations Associations (Insiera) Jogjakarta, Indonesia, [email protected]

Abstract—The issue of Islamic state and Khilafah has become very popular in global political discourse thanks to the Islamic movements, jihadist or political movements. In the western world, the Islamic state issue is always pictured as an authoritarian state which is anti-humanity and freedom. In Indonesia, many responses from various actors on this issue. Many support and also many other reject and condemn the group that struggle for establishing Islamic state. Unfortunately, those who reject Islamic state concept based their arguments on using secularization perspective. The secular perspective has its basic doctrine that democracy, separation of state and religion and nationalism should be the only system to manage one state. This kind of argument is always used by many people, even scholars, in Indonesia to reject the concept of Islamic state. There are two impacts of using this secular argument; first, from Islamic perspective, the argument will not be meaningful in Islam because it is not derived from Islamic methodology. Second, in political perspective, it will perpetuate the hegemony of western ideology in Muslim states. This article aims to elaborate the arguments of the anti Islamic state discourse and show it failures. Keywords—Discourse, Islamic State, Secularization Theory, Indonesia


Concept of Woman Education According to 9 Hadiths Analitic Study

Ilham Firdaus Alviansyah Rinjani * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—Islam has other concepts in regard to women. Characteristics of women are basically the same as men with some specificity in some areas. Muslim women in the time of the Prophet SAW has understand the characteristics outlined by Allah in His Book and described by the Prophet Muhammad through his word. "Actually, she was the sibling of men." (HR. Abu Dawud). To understand the characteristics of women could well by educational process. General education or education to women in particular. Education in general that one of them by digging the concept of tauhid. There, there is equality between men and women. Equality between men and women in the eyes of the Lord, that by running rules that have been set by him. After all, the solutions offered to uplift women in the eyes of the world if it is not based on tauhid, will only change the extreme to the other extreme. They want the same as men are legally allowed to wear pants without having to wear clothes. Is this what they want from gender equality? That is if looked at freedom and justice are not based on the concept of revelation (Islam).


Moral Educations According to Hasan Al Banna (Study of Majmu’atu Rasail books)

Mufidah, Didin Hafidhuddin, Ahmad Alim * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—The world of education has experienced a serious problem, which is moral crisis, such as sexual promiscuity, HIV, AIDS, abortion, pornography and pornographic acts, obscenities, defamatory, superstitions, the practices of shamanism, shirk, fraud, bribery, corruption, human trafficking and other immoral attitudes. These require a complete solution to the root of the problem, which is the moral education itself. One of the educational concepts that can be an answer to the degradation of moral are found in the moral education concept in the book of Majmu'atu Rasa'il from the work of Hasan Al Banna. He is a key person in modern Islamic education reformer. The concept of moral education that is contained in the book Majmu'atu Rasa'il from the work of Hasan Al Banna, will be described by the authors through the use of library research which is categorized as qualitative research, also using descriptive-analytic method to the book. Meanwhile data analysis will be performed using document content analysis. Through this book, Hasan Al Banna has given a concept; educating noble human must start from perfecting their submission that is maintaining their obedience to Allah The Exalted and Majestic, which is described in the treatise of ta’lim, and make the Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him as Qudwah hasanah (the best example) in restoration (reconciliation) upon them self, family, community and country. Thus, the purpose of moral education is to make the human faithful and religiosity to Allah The Exalted and Majestic, also capable to apply themselves as caliphs of the world based on the Qur'an and Sunnah, will be easily realized. Keywords—Educations, Morals, Hasan Al Banna


The Concept of Adâb by Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas and Its Relevance to Education in Indonesia

Muhammad Ardiansyah* * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—During the first World Conference on Muslim Education in 1977 in Mecca, Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas presented a highly important theory to the Muslim community. According to Al-Attas, the most fundamental problem being confronted by the ummah today is the loss of adāb. Al-Attas then offered a resolution in the form of adāb-based education (ta'dīb). In this article, the writer has tried to examine the concept of adāb as defined by Al-Attas and its relevance towards education in Indonesia. The writer has used a qualitative method in the form of content analysis towards the works of Al-Attas. Moreover, the writer has also conducted interviews to complement the required data. The results show that the concept of adāb as outlined by Al-Attas more than 30 years ago still holds a high relevance towards education in Islam. Adāb not only presents itself as a theoretical concept, but also practical and applicable; encompassing aim of education, curriculum, teacher qualification, learning methods, evaluation methods and including also the means and infrastructure for learning. The concept of adāb by Al-Attas, if comprehended correctly, could be a solution to the crisis in the world of education today.


Defining Education: al-Farabi and Ibn Sina Terminologies

Muhammad Imdad*, Didin Hafidhuddin, Syamsuddin Arif * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract—Contemporary debate on proper term of Islamic education has been long disputed. This disagreement is reflective of more profound and substantial problems besetting Muslims view, especially their leader, on what Islamic education is and its concomitants. One way to solve the problem, or at least to provide solid basis to analyze and then to answer the question, is to read our Islamic heritage on this theme. Unfortunately, as far as my limited knowledge goes, there is no one single unified discipline in Islamic tradition called education, understood in modern sense, although hints and sometime even extended discussion of some of its aspects can easily be found. Our task, therefore, is to reconstruct what we read and put it into today’s educational context of ours. This paper is meant to be small contribution along this line. It focuses on two prominent thinkers, representative of philosophical strand in Islamic tradition, al-Farabi and Ibn Sina. Justification of choosing them, other than the obvious influence of their ideas on later development of Islamic thought including education, is that their elaboration is marked by meticulousness, a quality often associated with philosophy. The approach adopted in this paper is to identify terms used by al-Farabi and Ibn Sina, which can be construed as education, and then to analyze them and put them within general context of modern education. The expected result is to recognize terms used in classical Islamic era to signify education and to ascertain which term is more proper. Keywords— terms; Islamic education; al-Farabi; Ibn Sina.


The Concept of Child Education In a Harmonious Family According To Wahbah Zuhayli and Abdullah Nashih Ulwan

Sri Agustini*, Didin Hafiduddin, Ulil Amri Syafri * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstrac - This paper aims to explore the concept of child education in a harmonious family according to Wahbah Zuhayli and Abdullah Nashih Ulwan and analyze the concept of child education in a harmonious family according to the Islamic perspective. Wahbah Zuhayli emphasized on the fact that in families there are children whose education needs to be noted. Educational materials to teach to children are about faith (aqidah), physical education, religious practices, linguistics, character, spiritual education, social skills, hard skills, emotional skills, intellectual skills, health, aesthetics and sexual education. Abdullah Nashih Ulwan emphasized on child education about faith, moral (character), physical education, rational thinking (reason), psychology, social skills, and sexual education. The application used the are through providing examples, customs, advice, attention/supervision and punishment. Islamic Perspective is a complex and thorough education. Education lasts from birth until death, making education something very important, especially from parent to child, and the child unto himself or herself. Everything that is taught should be in accordance with the Quraan and hadith and must not violate the laws and the knowledge itself must not be deviant. The application must be as in ways or methods exemplified by the Qur'an and the Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

Key Word: Education Concept, Harmonis Family, Wahbah Zuhayli, Abdullah Nashih Ulwan


Ma’had Aly and Its Role in The Era of Asean Economic Community (AEC)

Tri Nirmalawati*, Abas Mansur Tamam and Ibdalsyah * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract— Ma'had Aly is a high-level of Muslim scholars’ educational institution as a continuation of education and teaching from diniyah Aliyah level or its equivalent school. Ma'had Aly basically designed and managed by the community because this institution is one form of business schools institutionalization of academic tradition. The bases of Ma'had Aly are some boarding schools scattered throughout the region in Indonesia. Forerunners of institutionalization are takhassus study programs that have been developed for decades in boarding schools. Its background of formation is the need to improve the quality of education schools to produce the good Muslim scholars in this era. Facing the rapid development of the era, especially in the advancement of science and technology like free market competition (AEC) in which the current wave of trade between Asian countries cannot be avoided, Ma'had Aly expected to prepare for and take the role. The ability of the students (mahasantri) and graduates should be enhanced and developed, in the field of foreign language skills, speech, leading, independent attitude, mental readiness, a good personality and tolerant attitudes that remain in the corridor of Islamic values. The ability or the skills to meet the needs of a free market MEA is no barrier whatsoever, so that anyone, anywhere and anytime can perform the competition. In this era of competition, Ma'had Aly expected to accommodate the development of the existing potentials, at the regional, national or international. Keywords— Ma’had Aly, pesantren, role of Ma’had Aly, facing AEC


Bediuzzaman Said Nursi Efforts To Educate People Preventing Secularization In Turkey

Ujang Habibi* * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract—The papers is about Education Movement of Badiuzzaman Said Nursi as response to secularization in Turkey. It applies qualitative method and has three points. First, describing secularization in Turkey. Second, Nursi’s view on secularism. Third, his effort to develop education to muslim people by educating and guiding them against secularism. This research is a history of Islamic intellectual and biography study about his thought and movement. It applies library research by using historical, sociological, and philosophical approach. Historical approach explains all data containing history and biography of Said Badiuzzaman Nursi such as: birth, live education, thoughts, and his struggle to bring education to Muslim people. Sociological approach discusses about his progress in education movement to guide Muslim people against secularism. Philosophical approach discusses his view and thoughts about secularism which is wrong to Islamic values. This research – The Education Movement of Badiuzzaman Said Nursi – has got some analysis. First, Nursi’s ideas and thought was in his life attributed to Islamic source; al-Qur’an and Hadits. He kept struggling for Islamic life and value; Syariah as understood by the Prophet Muhammad SAW, his companions, and next followers. Therefore, it shows that Nursi has contrary thoughts to secularism. Second, he also has some characteristic as an educator who is consent to journalism by writing his advice and opinion in a letter to common people and to authority. In his life, he created his greatest writing, Risalah en Nor, and it is still studied and discussed until now. In his writings, his education teachings based on that teaches the Oneness of Allah SWT. It is impossible for Nursi to cooperate with secularism. Third, besides as educator who spoke and taught people in forums, Nursi was also a great person to his follower in war. He directly gave courage to them and even joined as a leader in war. Key Word: Said Nursi, Risalah Nur, Education, Sekularization, People


Muhammad Quthb’s Thoughts About Examplary Values In Islamic Education

Wahyu Gumilang* * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract - This research is focused on the ideas of Muhammad Quthb of exemplary values in Islamic education. This research uses qualitative descriptive analytical approach that emphasizes the analysis on the process of deductive and inductive inference as well as the analysis of the dynamics of the relationship between the observed phenomena, using scientific logic. Muhammad Quthb said that the purpose of education in Islam is to form human beings tobe righteous or good that is beingshuman comprehensively. To realize these goals will require a method of educating that one of them is to educate by example. Muhammad Quthb thought that the example is one of the techniques that effective and successful to be used. These Theories of education contained in the book is still not sufficiently effective when these theories can not be translated (implemented) in real life in the form of behavior, gestures, expressions of taste and though. Therefore planting exemplary values in the educational process becomes very important to establish a righteous man. The exemplary values to be instilled in the educational process are the values of piety, khusyu’, shy, gentle and compassion to fellow Muslims and hard against the bad deeds and perpetrators of evil, tawadhu ', patience, brotherhood in Islam, love, purity and beauty, honesty and trustworthy. Keywords- values, ideals, and Muhammad Quthb


Mapping of Sunnis Aqeedah Among Salafi and Asha'ira

Yadi Fahmi Arifudin* and Abbas Mansur Tamam * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract—This study sought to examine the two schools Ahlu Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah, Asha'ira, and Salafiyya that have different characteristics. The research method used is library research method. The researchers found that a School Asha’irah faith is rooted in school imam Shafi'i and Imam Malik, while the Salafi rooted in the school of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal and Imam Abu Hanifa School. Researchers concluded that the schools of Aqeedah Asha'ira and Salafi although often have conflicting opinions but both are rooted in the opinion of four schools of fiqh Imam of Ahlu Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah. Keywords—Mapping, Sunni, Aqeedah, Salafi, and Asha’ira


Sufistic Islamic Education As A Solution On Moral Behaviour

Awaluddin* and Endin Mujahidin * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract: Education oriented on intellectual result on decreasing, heart and intelligence education consequently dissapearing. Education should be placed and managed as a development package soul or personality and skills as well as providing facilities for every human being to be able to experience as much as possible and resolve the problem. Thus, education is a reconstruction of the historical experiences cumulatively, so that people can learn from past history. Because of that intelligence should be oriented not only as an achievement of the brain, but also as a spiritual quality and religiosity, trying to train yourself to do deeds that derives as moral force. Concepts educational background by sufistic offered delivery methods Islamic religious education during these tend to be cognitively -doctrinal, more as a solution that Islamic education should pay more attention to the affective side that focuses on awareness berketuhanan learners. This concept is not entirely new in Islamic religious education, and it becomes imperative that education includes the cognitive, affective, and psichomotorik. become a habit even be a pleasant one. at - least three things must exist in Islamic religious education, especially education. The first dimension of knowledge or science, the second sense of consciousness, the third behavior . Key words: education , sufistic , moral


Leader Regeneration Concept

Chairuddin Siregar*, Endin Mujahidin and E.Bahruddin * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract-The issue of leadership is the case today, has generated a lot of unrest among the people especially the weak, the leader of which is expected to be a helper, but that happens on the contrary, many leaders were asked on serve. ipelogi Leadership widely known today, among others: Democratic Dictator, Ambitious, and Absolut everything tends materialist, promoting personal and group interests. Islam teaches leadership cadre is based on the Qur'an and the Hadith the Prophet Muhammad, so that cadres were born truly leaders capable of serving in Al quran called leader Nur / Haq. Leaders are born not based on the Qur'an and Hadith are likely to be born as a leader who Zholim. Regeneration of leadership in Islam is scored cadre khairu ummah with the stage, a. God makes the point of surrender, 2. Making Prophet Muhammad became Uswatun Hasanah / peer 3. Development of the ummah as a beramar right and forbidding the evil. Keywords- Leader, Regeneration, Concept.


Intellectual History Of Secularism In Islamic Education Perspective

Hasbullah Hadi*, Adian Husaini and Endin Mujahidin *Lecturer at Medan University Al Washliyah (UNIVA) Medan Indonesia, [email protected]

Abstract-The problem in this research is about the history of secularism. At first, secularism is only talking about the relationship between christian religion and state. But then developed penetrated to all aspects of human earthly life, and also entered into a number of thoughts on the failosof and intellectuals at the time. Furthermore, the idea of secularism is also included thoughts spread to the Islamic world, along with the setback suffered by the Muslims as a result because they become more distant from their guidelines based on the Qur'an and Sunnah. The purpose of this study was to determine how the history of the birth of the ideology of secularism in influencing the thinking of Muslims, which are analyzed based on the views of Islamic education. The method used in this research is study of literature (library research), sources of data were taken from books and other written documents. After analysis results can be known that away Muslims from the Quran and Sunnah, causing them to lose the endurance of faith and the strength of his ideas, so prone to ideologies from outside Islam, including understanding and ideology of secularism, the rationale, trying to rid religion in relation to human life world. Religion as a faith let it be a private matter and should not affect or interfere in public affairs of human life. The rationale for this secularism against Islam, which teaches that the earthly life with the hereafter is a concept of life are interconnected and inseparable. Key word : Secularism, Islamic Education, History and Rationale


The Analysis of Planology Management At LabuhanBatu Regency In the Year Of 2008

Irwansyah Ritonga*, Didin Saifuddin and Hasbi Indra *Lecturer at Al Washliyah University, LabuhanBatu, North Sumatera Indonesia, [email protected]

Abstract— This article has aim such as : 1) Knowing the planology management of Labuhanbatu has according or no by UU No. 26 year 2007 about the planotology management, 2) Knowing the act of the society to development environmental for the planology management in Regency of Labuhanbatu, 3) Knowing the constraints faced in conducted the planology management in labuhanbatu. Keywords—planology management; regency; analysis.


H.O.S. Tjokroaminoto Thought on Nationality Education

Johari Rugani*, Didin Hafidhuddin and Adian Husaini

* lecturer at Fakultas Agama Islam, Universitas Cokroaminoto Makassar

Abstract—The goal of nationality education is to create noble generation for the sake of better nation in the world who prioritize the nation’s needs than individual or group’s interest. In achieving this goal, Cokroaminoto University implements the value of nationality to its entire students along with the nation’s characters, in addition, morality and nasionalism values are anchored. Currently, the education of nationality value is weak in education both in formal and non-formal such in family due to globalization that cause less of nationalism. On contrary, Cokroaminoto University is standing out to maintain the transformation of nationality value in education entirely of civitas academic. This research is focused on H.O.S Cokroaminoto’s frame work toward nationality education in Islam education. This research is library research involved descriptive qualitative method. This research s is started by collecting documents such as books, journal, blig, and research review. Data is analyzed through content analysis then interpreted to produce theoretical frame work. Through functional theory, it is found that H.O.S Cokroaminoto’s frame can rid the hesitant, create socialism spirit, strengthen nationalism, and build up leadership and entrepreneurship character as well. The point is, Cokroaminoto University encourage nationality education based on Islamic socialism side Key words: Education, Natioanality and Islamism


Early Childhood’s Education Under Abdullah Nasih Ulwan’s Perspective

Ninuk Kristiani* And Erma Pawitasari * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Education is an issue that is always talked about, because it is a very interesting theme and continues to grow along with the advancement of age. Similarly, in the Islamic education, many people discuss about education, what the best concepts to educate people, especially for early childhood. Problems occurred in education, for example student fight, drug abuse, immorality, deviant behavior such as the presence of legalized LGBT groups, and many more, started from inaccurate treatment from early childhood. Islamic early childhood education is expected to answer those needs and offer a solution that is right and fundamental. Abdullah Nasih Ulwan, an observer and expert on education of children from Syria, offers a solution to address the issues of educating children, through his phenomenal book: Tarbiyatul Awlat (The Islamic Education for Children). This study focuses on issues related to children's education and the extent to which Abdullah Nasih Ulwan’s thinking can be applied in early childhood education, especially in Indonesia and could be a solution to the problems that exist today. This research uses literature study (library research), which takes data from several books or journals or magazines that support research. It also uses the literature approach, by taking the sources of literature relevant to this study. The main sources are the works of Abdullah Nasih Ulwan and thoughts. Secondary sources are books or research relating to the case studied. The results of this study obtained a conclusion that the ideas and systems of education offered Abdullah Nasih Ulwan is still relevant to be used to answer the problem of education today. Ulwan’s theory of education provides an excellent program for early childhood education and can be implemented with an integrated concept that involved the cooperation between parents as the main educators, children and the community environment. Abdullah Nasih Ulwan offers an educational concept based on the Qur'an and hadith that a thorough education concept include: the concept of faith, moral, physical, sense, psychological and social aspects. The goal is to give a strong, well-rounded basic of education, in order to prepare young people healthy, firm, strong, independent and noble in accordance with Islamic worlview. Key words : Early Childhood’s Education, Abdullah Nasih Ulwan


The Islamization Method of Physics Wido Supraha Universitas Ibn Khaldun - UIKA Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract— Physical science is different concern to life science, it is a branch of natural science which studies non-living systems. Physics is part of physical science that involves the study of matter and its motion and behavior through space and time. As part of natural science, physics is part of the easiest science to introduce God to the student’s belief and to create a comprehensive of knowledge as the aim of National Education. Islamic Worldview is an end-to-end platform in creating a good teaching materials to support the aim Indonesia Government. Islamization or islamisation is the process in delivering value of Islam into Physics Science after isolating the root problems. The new physics will be free of any magical, myth, and error data of history, and bring the new teaching materials that in step with the main goal. In this paper, the author has tried to deliver a method to do the islamization of physics and providing a foundation for any physics teacher to create a more detail teaching materials by refer to this methodology. Based on the type of research, in this paper the author has used library research method which involves the identification of sources that provide factual information or expert opinion related to the research topic. So it can be shown the comprehensiveness of the methodology. In the end result that the method could be used as a main reference to do the islamization of physics especially. This research is expected can be utilized for the improvement and development of education today that is not only limited in the concept but also can be seen in the implementation stage, in order to determine the area of direction and purpose of national education in Indonesia. Keywords—physics; science; islamization.


Implication of Al-Attas’s Islamic Philosophy of Science on Science Education

Irfan Habibie Martanegara* *Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia, [email protected]

Abstract—Science education is often suspected as a cause, not only student become far from God, furthermore make students have secular thinking. Therefore, this paper aims to reconstruct the concept of science education based on the ideas of Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas on the Islamic philosophy of science. With the Islamic concept of science education, students are expected to increase piety to God. This paper discusses the thought of Al-Attas on the Islamic philosophy of science in his works such as “Islam and the Philosophy of Science”, “The Positive Aspects of Tasawwuf: Preliminary Thoughts on an Islamic Philosophy of Science”, and “The Concept of Education in Islam”. After that, this paper attempts to extract the Islamic philosophy of science, especially ontology and epistemology, into science education concept. This paper concludes that there are several implications of the Islamic philosophy of science in science education. First, the purpose of Islamic Science education is to understand science as God’s way of governing the universe. Second, science education should integrate the revelation with reason and the senses as a source of scientific knowledge. Third, science education should also teach students environmental awareness. Fourth, science education should pay attention to the language in the teaching of science. And lastly, science education should taught a prayer and worship perfection as one way to gain scientific knowledge. Keywords—science education; ayat; integration; environmental awareness; language; prayer


Hamka’s Thought about Women Education Based on Women’s Ayat in Tafsir Al Azhar

Agastya Harjunadhi* *Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia, [email protected]

Abstrak—Buya Hamka was one of an innovator in Islamic way in Minangkabau. When his age relatively young, about 18th years old, he already involved in many islamic movements, specify on journalism, literature, humanities, philosophy and education. His phenomenal creation in education and transformation to ummah by created Tafsir Al Azhar. Hamka had special attention in woman. He created a book called “The Position of Women in Islam”. The purpose of this book was in order to restore and redefine the women status and dignity. Combined with Tafsir Al Azhar, Hamka had an original thought in Islamic education especially for women. His concept has adjusted to the original status of women, their need and necessity. Hamka strengthened the construction of his thought on women's education that women also have a same opportunity to get and reach till highest level education. Based on women’s surah Tafsir Al Azhar, women should get a good religious education, knowing well about their true dignity position. They also should get formal or informal education, productive skill training, good understanding in culture tradition, explicitly and implicitly. So they could be a good madrasah for their family specifically. In the future, based on Hamka’s thought, women could contribute also outside of her house in many good things, give a big impact also on community, even political part. Keywords— Hamka; Women Education; Tafsir Al Azhar;


Women in Education Abbasid Period

Evi Muthi’atul Marjua*

*Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Islam is a religion that gives grace to the whole community. Islam guarantees women's rights and care as well as an honor to women that this was never done by religion or law previously. In dynasty Abbasiyaah will discuss the role of women are great at the time of the Abbasid dynasty, especially in education issues. This is now happening in the Islamic community treatment unnatural practices against women. Then this is caused by Islam, but because of the teachings and guidance of Islam is not implemented in a practical level, and also due to the traditions or customs that developed in the community is very far from the spirit of Islam. Abbasid dynasty (132/750 H) is the period after the Prophet died. In this era of Islamic revival began to emerge from the downturn in the days preceding the time of the Umayyads. At this time came the priests, namely the Sunni Maliki, Hanafi, Shafi'i and Hanbali. During the Abbasid especially this first period many women who get an education as the field of transmission of hadith, the social field, the field of music and singing, politics, medicine, the field of tasawwuf. The spirit of the woman in the Abbasid period, finally able to create female characters who also have influence and be able to play a role in their respective fields. In terms of the expected sample women during the Abbasid be an example for the education of women today. Because education is vital in shaping a person, if a woman can get a good education, then they will also be a good woman anyway. Especially in educating children and families be a good generation.


Muslimah Fashion Models in Indonesia (1990-2015)

Indriya R.Dani*

*Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world. Lately, there is an interesting phenomenon emerging among Muslim women is the phenomenon of Islamic dress style Islamic dress female community. The 2010-2011 formed the Muslim community hooded want to get out of the view that it could not perform hooded fashionable, hooded antiquated and could not fashionable, they are members of a community that is Hijabers Mom Community. Muslim fashion style development in Indonesia (1990-2015), influenced by the education community. Developments from period to period are heavily influenced by fashion designer Islami, Indonesian Fashion Designers Association (APPMI), and also the development of many forms of Islamic dress that followed and used by the public due to the development undertaken by the producers and businessmen Islamic dress. The approach used in this study is a qualitative study in the form of literature study (library research). The method used in this thesis is descriptive method.. 2000 years of the rise of Islamic dress designer finally, the shape of Islamic dress that she wore much imitated Islamic dress she wore much imitated by society. In 2006 a new trend in the use of Islamic dress Nusantara Indonesia batik cloth and weaving. The 2010-2011 birth Hijabers Community and Hijabers Mom Community that many a great influence on society that Islamic dress. Public Education Through Dress Style Muslim Providing significant influence Muslim Indonesia where increasingly intelligent, religious and dynamic. Muslim dress is a reflection of a Muslim obedience to Allah SWT and His Messenger. How to dress for a Muslim is to educate yourself. For that is the style of dress we wear is closer to God? Because that's Designer Clothing Muslimah should be designed by a Muslim designer who understands the rules of Muslim dress, which corresponds to the Qur'an and Sunnah that carries through his propaganda value.




Marketing Strategy of Islamic Educational Institutions (Analysis Study Admission SMP Muhammadiyah Bogor)

Hairun Nawawi*, Ibdalsyah and Hasbi Indra * Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract—The existence of Islamic education institutions thrive, whether consciously or not, the ability of management is still weak, so the need for institutions identify environmental conditions such as the strengths and weaknesses internal and external environment in the form of opportunities and threats to be packed into a marketing strategy. This study aims to determine (a) the marketing strategy of education, (b) the implementation of the marketing strategy of education, (c) factors strengths and weaknesses of the implementation of the marketing strategy services in the institutions of Islamic education. This study used a qualitative approach with a snowball sampling technique and purposive sampling. The result: First: The marketing strategy of educational services in the new admissions consist of two, namely: (a) direct marketing, (b) Marketing does not directly build upon the great days of national and religious, social servitude, word-of-mouth, counseling , Second: implementations (a) segmentation, that parent's income is low, (b) Positioning as a school under organizations Muhammadiyah, positioning itself as a school based on Islam, (c) Marketing Tactics their Kemuhammadiyahan, the implementation of the Arab, Islamic and English , Reading and writing the Qur'an. Third, Strengths and Weaknesses, (a) strength: institutional Muhammadiyah, Accredited "A", National Standard Schools, Teachers and Education Personnel experienced; (b) weaknesses: Lack of facilities and infrastructure owned by the school, the geographic location of the school in the population density, still the public perception of the organization Muhammadiyah is religion Keywords—strategy, marketing, education.


Best Practice Islamization of Science On Gestalt-Profetik (G-Pro) Guidance and Counseling Model

Imas Kania Rahman* & Rusdi Kasman* *Lecturer at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—Gestalt Prophetic Guidance and counselling (BK G-Pro) is a reconstruction model toward the concept and therapy concept of Gestalt Fredrick S. Perls. It is aimed as a concept of awareness, concept and support which covers many internal dialogue games like empty chair and doing the rounds. BK-G PRO is distinctively known as full awareness, full contact and full support that lead every individual being aware of his existence as Abdullah and Khalifatullah on the earth. The best practice of this model applies group guidance and individual counselling strategy. Group guidance strategy conducted in the form of small group in giving a basic therapy and guidance to all the counselee through The SDBHSM card game. This game is an interactive game between counsellor and counselee and it is aimed to support the counselee to change his condition from being weak awareness to be a full awareness. SDBHSM is stands for S: Siapakah anda (who are you?), D: Darimana anda berasal (where are you from). H: Hendak Ke mana tujuan anda (what is your life aim) S: Sedang apa anda saat ini (what are you doing?). M: manfaat apa yang anda peroleh? (What is the benefit you get?). After group guidance strategy done, the internal dialogue game as individual strategy is implemented. There are 7 advantages of implementing BK G pro model for the counselee. The first, it can develop the self awareness admitting his existence as the creature of Allah the almighty. The second, this model gradually leads the counselee to be grateful, patient and wise in taking life lesson from the experience he has. the third, it can independently develop counselee’s life skill to fulfil his life needs without breaking Islamic law and human rights. The fourth, this model much more focuses on maintaining the heart with its willingness and feeling. The fifth, this model teaches the counselee to be responsible of what he has committed and also willing to accept any consequences of his choice and action. The sixth, the counselee can move from being dependent supported by others to be independent supported by himself and Allah. The seventh, the counselee will consider that he needs others and be able to help other for the sake of Allah.. Keywords—Gestalt-Profetik (G-Pro); Gestalt Frederik S. Perls Therapy; SDBHSM Card Game.


Surau As Education Institutions of Muslim in Minangkabau (Study the Role Sheikh Burhanuddin Ulakan In Building Education System of Surau in Minangkabau 1100-1111 AH)

Jemmy Harto* *Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract—Surau is one of the classical Islamic educational institutions present a kind of pesantren in the history of Islamic education in Indonesia. Surau Education different with pesantren in Java. Sheikh Burhanuddin Ulakan is the founder of surau as educational institutions in Minangkabau. Surau education system has unique characteristics compared to other classical Islamic education in Indonesia. This study aims to explore the role of Sheikh Burhanuddin Ulakan in building the education system of surau, analyze the educational system, the objectives, programs, educational process and evaluation of education. As well as trying to analyze the influence of Sheikh Burhanuddin Ulakan education in Indonesia. The method used the qualitative research approach to field research and library research . The result of research obtained is the concept of education surau more emphasis on the authority of a tuanku / sheikh. Surau using a curriculum of book, a fakih (students) cannot ride without first mastering the kitab’s that have been determined. There is no time limit for study at the surau. The ability of students in mastering the kitab’s into the requirement of passing of the surau. Inculcation of adab within a fakih to be the key in the learning process. Surau is Islamic educational institutions in Minangkabau who gave birth to scholars title tuanku. Surau become pioneer founding pesantren Modern in Minangkabau. Sheikh Burhanuddin Ulakan intellectual heritage still exist and survive until today. Keywords—Syeikh Burhanuddin, Surau, Education, Tuanku.


Critical Study of Products Mortgage Islamic Bank in Accordance with Sharia Akad Murabahah Based on Regulation of Bank Indonesia

Moh. Erfan Maulana* *Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract—Murabaha is a contract of sale of goods by informing the cost price and the agreed mark-up sellers and buyers. That's because the promised benefits So that all or nearly all Islamic financial institutions make it a financing product in the development of their capital. Legal origin murabaha selling is allowed in Islam. Reality happens on the field does not correspond to that described in the murabaha Islamic Jurisprudence. Practice murabaha made by the bank or credit institution on behalf of the people away from proper Shari'ah. Empirical facts in the field, the Sharia Bank does not apply murabaha sharia, until murabaha turned into a finance-based mark-up that has the characteristics provide a definite advantage and stipulated in advance, which of course is very similar to the advantages that applied in the system of interest, the system from the beginning precisely intend disallowed by sharia economics. Moreover, the regulation of the mortgage Sharia in Indonesia Murabahah Murabahah limit the application of the system in accordance with the Shari'a. Keywords—Murabaha, Islamic mortgages, Islamic Banking, Mark-Up.

The Prayer Education Model for Construction Workers

Sri Hardjanto* *Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract, Prayer in Islam has been regulated in detail. And prayer is the primary obligation in worship. Even if the prayer is said good then good deeds anyway. God has strictly ordered his word in the Quran to pray according to surah adz-Dzaariyaat (51)-56: “Wa maa kholaqtul Jinni wal insa illaa liya’buduuni” But what often happens in the habit of prayer, especially construction workers in the field, they always postpone the time of prayer. This possibility because there are jobs that cannot be postponed, before the works is completely finishes. For example concreting work, because by delaying time, the work will affect the quality and strengthen of concrete. We have been aware of the drought in the regulation of prayer, such as the way permitted ‘Jamak and Qashar’ and also permissibility not to pray in the mosque due to heavy rain or hot sun. But the guidelines to delay prayer for construction workers in particular have not been regulated in the rules of prayer. For that one of the goals of this research is to get the education model prayer for construction workers in the field. ‘What about the condition of the difficulties faced by workers and thus obtain


remission in the prayer without having to leave the job. That is due to the works that really matters and cannot be left. Although the work is mundane affair, but it can cause harm if it is left. Could this be the reason to not perform prayer in congregation and to perform prayer in the end of its time. Keywords— rukhshah, shalat model, workers, character.


Content Analysis Of Friday Khutbah In Islamic Education Perspective

Abdul Rosyid Teguhdin* *Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract—This paper presents the results of research about the content of friday khutbah in the perspective of Islamic education, which focused on the content of Khutba for one year on the Istiqlal Mosque, Masjid Attin and the Al-Azhar Mosque in Jakarta. By emphasizing case studies, the writer found that in the content of Khutba delivered to the congregation, there is a relation of politics, economy, culture, dissent, social and educational. In this study, materials (content / text) of friday khutbah are diverse, there are preachers who deliver the khutba gently and some harsh, then the question arise in how the responses of the congregation in hearing and practicing the contents of Khutba. So we tried to connect it all in view (perspective) of Islamic education and trying to find new content that matches the condition of the congregations so that the curriculum of Friday Khutba content can be adjusted to gain the increasing of congregation’s insight. Keywords: Friday Khutbah, Content, Islamic Education


Islamic Higher Education And Resilience Of Nation

Hasbi Indra *Lecturer at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract: This paper, based on a qualitative research, has a descriptive-analysis in according to the views of experts through some books and the reaserch the fenomenon that happens in the words this era, who want to discover how the educational role of Islam shapes the resilience of nations in this globalization era. Various phenomena in many conflicted countries that occurred in this era has triggered the civil wars among their societies which is underlined by the variety of reasons, such as for the sake of an ideology, like what happens to ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) in the Middle East today. May be the effects the uncertainty life in community, about democracys, about prosperity in the variaties of believe in society and so on. That fenomenans happens in this nations. Meanwhile, those Islamic Educational System fail to deliver to the societies the meaning of the peaceful life is. Indonesia for instance, as a nation which was colonized for 3 centuries, was freed through droplets of blood and sacrificed many lives. Every country after independence has an aim to prosper their societies. However many countries fail to achieve these goals, because the government of the country only focuses on their own interests which lead to the dissatisfaction of many parties in the nation. Usually they are not satisfied to seek the ideological foundation of religious values in the government system. In order to gain what they stood for, they establish the rebellion groups to face against the regime which cause to the endless conflict in the country. In this regards, Islamic Education through its educational system should lead to the integrity of nations and to be ready to face any challenges that exist in this globalization era. Keywords: Islamic higher education, challenges, quality, social welfare, Pancasila


اللغة العربية


طريقة التربية األخالقية وتقييمها في الحديث النبوي )دراسة تحليلية عن األحاديث التربوية في كتاب بلوغ المرام(

علي مولدا*، إبدال شاه، أمحد عليم

* املاجستري يف علوم الرتبية اإلسالمية، كليات الدراسات العليا، جامعة ابن خلدون بوقورالربيد اإللكرتوين:[email protected]

امللخص. إن الشريعة اإلسالمية قد أرشدت ووجهت بانتظام كل جانب من جوانب حياة اإلنسان. كل من هذه التعاليم تكون واضحة من خالل قراءهتا ومطالعتها واختاذها قاعدة للحياة، سواء ذلك يف آيات القرآن الكرمي أو األحاديث النبوية .مضمون القيم بوية الرتمثل طريقة الرتبية األخالقية الواردة يف األحاديث النبوية مثايل جدا. ومن بني هذه الطريقة من الرتبية األخالقية: طريقة الرتبية بالقدوة وطريقة التوجيه واملوعظة وطريقة احلوار واملناقشة وطريقة الرتبية باألحداث وطريقة الرتبية بإحياء الضمري وطريقة الرتبية بالرتغيب والرتهيب. لقد جنحت الرتبية األخالقية يف األحاديث النبوية يف حتقيق األهداف من الرتبية األخالقية يف كل القيم الواردة يف املناهج الدراسية، داخليا وخارجيا. داخليا، أنشأت تطبيق مفهوم الرتبية األخالقية بنجاح جيد يف تكوين الشخصية القوية ال سيما يف جانب الروحية. وخارجيا، جنحت الرتبية األخالقية وشكلت بنجاح يف تكوين الشخصية اجلالبة للخري للبشر خاصة وجلميع الكائنات بشكل عام . الكلمة: الرتبية األخالقية، الطريقة، التقييم، احلديث النبوي


التنسيق بين الوحي و العقل في المنهج الدراسي في معهد المحسن اإلسالمي بميترو المبونج

آل مرتضى*

*الجامعة ابن خلدون بوغور، الجوا الغريي، إندونيسيا،[email protected]

ملخص البحث—آل مرتضى. التنسيق بني الوحي و العقل يف املنهج الدراسي يف معهد احملسن اإلسالمي مبيرتو المبونج. حتت اإلشراف احلاج نريوان شفرين، م.أ.، فه .د. و د. احلاج. إ. حبال الدين، م.أغ. رأس املسألة يف هذا البحث يعين ما هي العلوم الوحية و العلوم العقلية يف معهد احملسن اإلسالمي و كيف تنسيق بينهما يف املنهج ال دراسي عند مستوى املبواسطة و الثناوية عند املعهد. يقصد باملنهج الدراسي هنا إما مبفهوم حمددة كما مشتملة واسعة. هذا ال فاصل العلم بني الوحي و العقل هنا. الطريقة اليت سلكها الباحث يف هذا البحث هي التحليلي القيمي يعين يتصور و يبني الكون اإلجتماعي املوجودة، العلمية كانت أم املصنوعة عند الناس كما هؤالء املشرتكون رأوا. مصادير األخبار هلذا البحث هي: رجال اإلدار هلذا املعهد احملسن، الراسائل الرمسية له، و أيضا األدوات و املستخدمات يف إقامة الدراسة عند مستوى املتوسطة و الثناوية. دلت نتيجة البحث بأن معهد احملسن اإلسالمي يقيم الرتبية على أساس الوحي و العقل معا. املنهج الدراسي الوحي الذي تطوره املعهد هو العلوم املصدرة مما الذي يوحى يعين الكتاب و السنة، كما أن املنهج الدراسي العقلي هو العلوم املصدرة من التجارب الفكري و العملي و النظاري. تطبيق التنسيق و التكامل بينهما برتبط عناصر الوحي و العقل يف كل خطة املواد الدراسية: الطاقة األساسية، الطاقة الباسطة لدي الطالب و هدف الدراسي. رأس العملي يف استدالل اآليات و األحاديث النقلية للمواد الواقعية الكونية مصداقا إىل العلم. تطور املنهج الدراسي يشمل على تكوين املنهج، و تشكيله، و إداراته، و أداء التعليم، و قيمه. وصى الباحث لتمكني و تطييب املنهج الدراسي مبعهد احملسن. على الباحث املستقبل أن توسع ر دواملعهد حنو مركز لبناء األمة الصاحلة. و على احلكومة أن تقوم هلا دورا كبريا يف تطور املنهج الدراسي املثايل. الكلمة الرئيسية: تنسيق – العلم الوحيي – العلم العقلي – املنهج الدراسي


تحليل إعداد المواد التعليمية والكفاءة االتصالية في كتاب اللغة العربية عند رشدي أحمد طعيمة دراسة حالة لكتاب اللغة العربية بالمدخل العلمي تحت المنهج 4072 للفصل العاشر من المدرسة الثانوية اإلسالمية في تخصص الدراسات الدينية

عارف فورتوناتيلي* و أنونج احلماة

*طالب الدراسات العليا جبامعة ابن خلدون بوجور، عنوان املراسلة، [email protected]

امللخص: جودة الكتاب املدرسي من أهم العوامل يف جناح تعليم اللغة العربية. فإعداد املواد التعليمية والكفاءة االتصالية يف كتاب تعليم اللغة العربية ليسا بأمور سهلة ألهنما عملية علمية تربوية تتطلب عددا من املعايري والقواعد والشروط واملواصفات. تبحث هذه اسةالدر عن نوعية إعداد املواد التعليمية والكفاءة االتصالية من كتاب اللغة العربية باملدخل العلمي حتت املنهج 3102 للفصل العاشر من املدرسة الثانوية اإلسالمية يف ختصص الدراسات الدينية مستندا إىل املبادئ التوجيهية لتحليل حمتوى الكتب العربية لغري الناطقني هبا عند رشدي أمحد طعيمة. فإن هذا البحث حبث نوعي يستخدم أسلوب البحوث املكتبية. وتقنيات مجع البيانات املستخدمة يف هذه الدراسة هي تقنية الوثائق. بعد مجعها، مت حتليل البيانات عن طريق حتليل احملتوى .وجدت هذه الدراسة أن بعض اجلوانب من كتاب اللغة العربية الذي هي موضع الدراسة، مثل إخراج الكتاب، وطبيعة املقرر، ولغة الكتاب، وطريقة التدريس، واملهارات اللغوية، وتدريس النحو، واملفردات، والتدريبات اللغوية، واالختبارات والتقومي، ودليل املعلم، كل هذه تعترب عموما موافقة ألفكار رشدي أمحد طعيمة، يف حني أن اجلوانب مثل أساسيات إعداد الكتاب املدرسي اليت تشمل الدراسات األساسية، واختيار قوائم املفردات، واملراجع لنصوص التعلم واختبار الكتاب املدرسي، واحملتوى الثقايف وال سيما فيما يتعلق بقلة استخدام األمساء العربية واملناطق العربية واملواقع الثقافية واخلرائط العربية، والعمالت العربية واألرقام العربية فال تتفق مع أفكار طعيمة. الكلمات املفتاحية: جودة الكتاب املدرسي، وتعليم اللغة العربية، رشدي أمحد طعيمة، والكفاءة االتصالية


نماذج تربية االنضباط لدى المتربين في القرآن الكريم )دراسة تحليلية في قصة موسى والخضر (

Syirojul huda*

* Student at Postgraduate School, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia [email protected]

ملخص البحث—االنضباط كلمة سهل نطقها وقليل من يعمل هبا، لو اطلعنا على واقعنا اليوم لنجد نسبة قليلة من ينضبط يف حياته كلها، نضرب لكم مثاليف جمتمع إندونيسيا عامة واملسلمني خاصة هل ينضبطون ويلتزمون بأوامر اهلل من الفرائض والنوافل؟ وهل ينضبطون يف أعماهلم كما نظمها االسالم؟ وهل ينضبط الطالب يف طلب العلم؟ وهل ينضبط ويلتزم الطالب باألخالق النبيلة أمام مربيهم؟ نظرا إىل هذه املالحظات يرغب الباحث يف هذه الرسالة املتواضعة عرضمناذج تربية االنضباط لدى املرتبني يف القرآن الكرمي، واختار قصة موسى واخلضر عليها السالم ألهنا مشهورة يف آذان املرتبني ومجيع مراحل اجملتمع. وأول منوذج تربية االنضباط يف هذه القصة هو االنضباط يف طلب العلم، جيب على مجيع املرتبني االنضباط يف طلب العلم ألن العلم ال يتعرف بالزمان واملكان، من الصغار حىت الكبار، من الرجال والنساء، من الفقراء حىت األغنياء كلهم البد أن يلتزموا وينضبطوا يف طلب العلم. والنموذج الثاين تربية االنضباط يف أخذ األسباب، فيجب على مجيع املرتبني أخذ أسباب النجاح يف حياة الدراين، ألن اهلل تعاىل قد قال : فََمن ي َْعَم ْل ِ ٍ ِ ٍ مثْ َقاَل ذََّرة َخْرياً ي ََرهُ}7{ َوَمن ي َْعَم ْل مثْ َقاَل ذََّرة َشّراً ي ََرهُ}3{. الزلزلة:7-3. فاملؤمن يلزم العمل وكسب العيش للنفقة وكذلك لطالب العلم عليه املذاكرة واملدارسة حلصول على العلوم النافعة. والنموذج الثالث هو تربية االنضباط يف أداب طلب العلم، فاملرتبون عليهم االلتزام واالنضباط يف آداب طلب العلم من الصرب واملالطفة، والتواضع وغريها من اآلداب جيب التحلي هبا طلبة العلم. والنموذج الرابع هو تربية االنضباط يف وفاء الوعد، يف قصة نيب اهلل اخلضر وموسى عليهما ِ ِ ِ ِ السالم اتضح انضباط اخلضر يف وفاء وعده بعد مرور املراحل واملواقف. وكذلك قال تعاىل : }َوأَْوفُواْ بَعْهد اللّه إذَا ِ ِ ِ ِ َعاَهدمْمت َوالَ تَنُق ُضواْ األَْميَا َن ب َْعَد تَ ْوكيدَها َوقَْد َجعَْلتُ ُم اللّهَ عَلَْي ُك ْم َكفيالً إ َّن اللّهَ ي َْعل َ ُم َما تَ ْفَعلُوَن {النحل .10 يف هذه األية داللة على األمر بوفاء العهد والنهي عن نقص األميان. مفتاح الكلمة : االنضباط، تربية أخالقية، قصة موسى واخلضر.


أهمية علم المواريث

إغداد الطالب: هيندرا هودايا

ملخص البحث—إن موضع علم املواريث من أهم املواضيع اليت جيب على الطالب أن يكون على علم به, لتعلقه حبياة اإلنسان املادية. فعلم املواريث علم جليل هامّ, حيتاج من يتكلم فيه إىل أن يكون ملّما بأحكامه الشرعية من الكتاب والسنة واجتهادات الصحابة واألئمة. وكذالك أن يكون على مهارة بعلم احلساب واملصطلحات الفقهية لفهم ما يذكره العلماء يف حل املسائل. كتبت هذا البحث مشتمالً على فصلني, حتدثت ىف الفصل األول عن أمهية علم املواريث وحبثت فيه عن موقف اإلنسان يف استخدام األموالز و حتدثت ىف الفصل الثاين عن ثالث النقاط املهمة يف علم املواريث وهي: النقطة األوىل, الرجوع إىل تطبيق الشريعة األسالمية. واملقطة الثانية, املبادرة يف قسمة املرياث. والنقطة الثالثة, الوضوح يف تعيني من يرث ومن ال يرث.


منهج التربية الخلقية وتطبيقاتها في تقوبة علم التربية اإلسالمية )دراسة فكرة الخطيب البغدادي في كتابيه " الجامع ألخالق الراوي و آداب السامع ، والفقيه والمتفقه" (

حممد عبيد اهلل الغفاري سالمة* عباس منصور متام

*كلية دكتوراه الرتبية اإلسالمية جامعة ابن خلدون بوغوربوغور، إندونيسية[email protected]

حملة البحث - تركيز املشكلة يف هذا البحث منهج الرتبية اخللقية عند اخلطيب البغدادي. فنوع البحث الذي استخدم فيه هو البحوث املكتبية. تكشف نتائج هذا البحث تتكون من أساس الرتبية اخللقية،وأهدافها، و موادها، وأساليبها وتقاوميها. وآراء منهج الرتبية اخللقية اخلطيب البغدادي شاملة للغاية، وفعالة، وقابلة للتطبيق. وكذلك أن أفكاره عن منهجه يف حاجة ماسة إىل الدراسة ميكن تطبيقها يف تقوبة علم الرتبية اإلسالمي واستخدامها كأحد املراجع يف التعليم. الكلمات الرئيسية : املنهج، الرتبية، األخالق، واإلسالم


مادة التربية األخالقية من خالل الدراسة الموضوعية آليات الصدق في القرآن الكريم

شفرالدين* ديدين سيف الدين خباري أوىل األمر شف ري *طالب قسم الدكتوراه جبامعة ابن خلدون بوغور ومدرس جبامعة العقيدة اهلامشية اإلسالمية جاكرتا

ملخص البحث--تأيت هذه الدراسة ردا على حدوث أنواع خمتلفة من األخالق الرديئة الناجتة عن اإلمهال واألخطاء يف تعليم األخالق بسبب هيمنة احلضارة الغربية اليت يقودها ر تطوالعلوم والتكنولوجيا البحتة واملبالغة يف االعتماد على جمردالعقلمث اإلفراط يف االهتمام مبجرد احتياجات اجلسد واملتزايد باحتياجات الروح إىل كرمي األخالق، مما يؤدي إىل تعزيز النظام املادي والعقالين يف أنظمة احلياة كلها مبا فيها نظاما لتعليم. على الرغم من املفروض أن نظامنا للتعليم ينبغي أن تقوم على أسس تعليم األخالق أو الشخصية املثلى بأن الواقع الفشل يف جانب واحد هو الفشل يف تعليم طابع الصدق. والقرآن الكرمي بفضائله قد قرر أن الصدق من صفات املؤمنني املتقني وأن املستقيم على هذا اخللق يف مجيع أحواله فإنه ينال جة درعالية عند اهلل، فتحديد هذا البحث هو مادة الرتبية األخالقية آليات الصدق يف القرآن الكرمي. وطريقة هذا البحث يف مجع املعلومات هي الدراسة املكتبية بالرجوع إىل املراجع األم واملراجع الثانوية ومن مث دراستها بطريقة حتليلية وهي املعروفة بالوصفية. وتشري النتائج منهذا البحث إىل بعض اجلوانب يف مادة الرتبية األخالقية من آيات الصدق يف القرآن الكرمي، من أمهها املواد الدراسية على الصفات النبيلة من إميان وتوحيد وتقوى، وصرب وتضحية يف ابتغاء مرضاة اهلل، وصدق، ومثابرة يف العبادة والدعاء، ووفاء بالوعد والتزام باألحكام الشرعية، كما حتتوي املواد على بعض الصفات الرذيلة من اهتام الرسول باإلتيان بالقرآن من عند نفسه وكذب ونفاق وشك وشرك وعدم التزام باألحكام الشرعية وكفر. الكلمات املفتاحية :الرتبية، األخالقية، الصدق، القرآن


إصالح التعليم الجامعي اإلسالمي وتوجيهه لتنمية الموارد البشرية القيادية فى إندونيسيا

الباحث: د. خريان حممد عارف

)دكتوراه وماجستري ىف أصول الرتبية اإلسالمية من معهد البحوث والدراسة العربية، جامعة الدول العربية بالقاهرة، مدرس مساعد باجلامعة اإلسالمية احلكومية بإندونيسيا، ورئيس قسم تكنولوجيا التعليم برنامج دراسات العليا باجلامعة اإلسالمية الشافعية بإندونيسيا األسبق. ورئيس مركز دراسات اإلسالمية والعربية جامعة اإلسالمية الشافعية(

خالصة—تعترب الدراسة للتعليم العايل واجلامعي من الدراسات املهمة للغاية، ذلك أن التعليم العايل أو التعليم اجلامعي يقوم مبجموعة من األدوار املهمة منها تكوين املوارد البشرية القيادية ىف اجملتمع .ومن مث يهدف هذا البحث ، عرض النشأة وتطور التعليم العايل واجلامعي والتعرف على واقع وقضايا ومشكالت اجلامعة اإلسالمية ىف العامل اإلسالمي وىف إندونيسيا على وجه اخلصوص، مث عرض االقرتاحات واحلل التعليمي ىف ضوء إسرتاتيجية مقرتحة ملواجهة حتديات ضعف املوارد البشرية القيادية .تستخدم هذا البحث املنهج الوصفي التحليلي، وذلك عند التعرض لتطور واقع اجلامعات اإلسالمية من ناحية النوعية والكمية .نتيجة هذا البحث هي معرفة قضايا ومشكالت التعليم العايل واجلامعي اإلسالمي وتقدمي احللول واإلقرتاحات حنو إصالحه وحتسينه. الكلمات الرئيسية—التعليم العايل، التحديات، املوارد البشرية القيادية واإلقرتاخات


تربية النساء من سورة النساء )21-22(

عثمان باتشو ساو*، أمحد عامل، إبدال شاه

*طالب قسم اجملستري جبامعة ابن خلدون بوغور

ملخص البحث إن للنساء منزلة عالية يف اإلسالم ال يشكها أحد ألن النساء عندهن أعظم وأهم وليفة أال وهي القيام على إعداد األجيال اإلسالمي ليكونوا محلة هلذا الدين احلنيف. فمن هذا رأى اإلسالم وعلماء الرتبية أن من واجب الرجال تربية نسائهم. فلهذا بذلت جهدي يف كتابة هذا البحث والطريقة اليت سلكتها يف مجع املعلومات هي الدراسة املكتبية بالرجوع إىل املراجع األم واملراجع الثانوية ومن مث دراستها بطريقة حتليلية وهي املعروفة بالوصفية. فهذا البحث مشتمالً على فصلني, حتدثت ىف الفصل األول عن أمهية الرتبية للنساء. أما ىف الفصل الثاين حبثت عن النقاط املهمة منها بيان عن أسباب النزول من سورة النساء. أما يليها بيان عن أنواع الرتبية للنساء من سورة النساء : 24-27, منها : األوىل. تربية األخالق والسلوك يف تكوين النفس الصاحلة، القانتة، احلافظة للغيب. والثانية. تربية العقيدة بتوحيد اهلل جل جالله، أما الثالثة. الرتبية االجتماعية. برب الوالدين وإحسان ذى القرىب واليتامى واملساكني واجلار ذى القرىب واجلار اجلنب والصاحب باجلنب وابن السبيل واألميان، وعدم البخل والكتمان. الكلمات المفتاحية : تربية ، النساء


مفهوم التربية الروحية من خالل سورة المعارج اآلية -72 23

حممد رشدي

طالب قسم املاجستري جبامعة ابن خلدون بوغور

ملخص البحث—إن تقدم الزمن وتطوره تعطي أثرا كبريا يف اجملتمع، وتقدم معظم حياة اإلنسان بكل سهولة ويسر خاصة يف العلوم الطبيعية والعلوم التقنية أو التكنولوجيا، ولكن هبذا التقدم أيضا تعطي أثرا خميفا حنو اجملتمع يعين محل الناسإىل االهتمام باألمور التكنولوجيا وإبعادهم عن أداء واجباهتم حنو رهبم. وهي اخلشوع والتذلل هلل عز وجل يف العبادة. ويسبب إىل موت قلب املؤمن أو روحه. من الكفر بأنعم اهلل اال يستخدم اإلنسان طاقته الروحية يف التعرف على اهلل، واالتصال به، واالستمداد من قوته ، واالهتداء هبديه والعمل مبقتضى ذلك كله على ترقية احلياة النفسية وتنميتها. وطريقة هذا البحث يف مجع املعلومات هي الدراسة املكتبية بالرجوع إىل املراجع واملصادر مث دراستها بطريقة حتليلية وهي املعروفة بالوصفية وتثري النتائج من هذا البحث إىل أن يتلخص أن الرتبية الروحية هي عملية تثقيف وتوثيق الروحي اإلنساين، وغرس اإلميان إلشباع حاجاهتم الدينية، والتحلي باألخالق الفاضلة، وتنمية ميوهلم ورغباهتم، وقيادهتمإىل القيم الروحي واملبادئ والقدوة، الناتج من اإلميان الصحيح باهلل عز وجل وإمياهنم مبالئكة اهلل وكتبه ورسله واليوم اآلخر واإلميان بالقدر خريه وشره. وهلا ارتباط قوي، وأهنا ال تنفصل عن الرتبية اجلسدية، والوليفة الكربى للروح هي االتصال باهلل عز وجل

الكلمات املفتاحية : الرتبية ، الروحية، القرآن