LATIN AMERICA Peruvian Presidency in Flux OE Watch Commentary: On 9 November, the Peruvian congress voted 105-19 to remove President Martín Vizcarra, effective immediately. The two accompanying references, on which this comment relies entirely, are from well-established news outlets with strong investigative capacities. does not have a vice president, so as head of congress, ascended to the presidency in accordance with the constitution. Pro Vizcarra riots broke out and on Saturday (14 November) became violent. For a variety of reasons, President Merino did not consider his position tenable and resigned the following Monday, having served less than a week. The next regular elections are scheduled for 11 April 2021, with the term to begin on 28 July. So, whomever is chosen by the congress as an interim will also likely serve for only a short time. End OE Watch Commentary (Demarest)

“…Martín Vizcarra was removed by 105 votes in favor, 19 against and 4 abstentions…”

Source: “Martín Vizcarra: Así votaron los congresistas la moción de vacancia presidencial ( Martín Vizcarra: How congressmen voted on the motion to vacate the presidency),” El Comercio, 16 November 2020. congresistas-la-mocion-de-vacancia-presidencial-noticia/?ref=nota&ft=autoload

“…Martín Vizcarra was removed by 105 votes in favor, 19 against and 4 abstentions…Two persons died this Saturday during the protests against the removal of Martín Vizcarra Cornejo in a course of events in which the national police repressed the demonstrators. Politicians, pre-candidates and various authorities asked for the immediate renunciation of Manuel Merino, including the acting president of the Congress, Luis Valdéz…The petition for removal came out after testimonies of several financial collaborators became known, according to which the political leader had received bribes in return for favoring bids from construction companies when he was governor of the region…Four benches [of legislators by party] voted as blocks…

“…The interim executive stepped down after huge protests left two deaths and more than 100 wounded…”

Source: “Renunció el presidente de Perú Manuel Merino: “Convoco a la unidad y a la paz” ( Manuel Merino resigns),” Infobae, 15 November 2020. convoco-a-la-unidad-y-a-la-paz/

The interim executive stepped down after huge protests left two deaths and more than 100 wounded. The Congress must now designate a new president who will pacify the country…Whom they elect will be the third executive in less than a week, in a nation hit by the coronavirus pandemic and economic recession, that added to the political crisis when popular ruler Martín Vizcarra was removed in a lightning judgement Monday…Before his [Manuel Merino’s] action [resignation], the president of the Congress, Luis Valdez, had given an ultimatum to Merino that he abandon the position during the day on Sunday under the threat of the approval of another censure motion…

OE Watch | December 2020 60