
1973 Biol. Control, Fujian Agric. Coll.. Fuzhou,

Fujian, P.R. ).

(3582) GEUSKES, D.C., 1973. Reisverslag van de The chapter contains some general notes on

West Expeditie Suriname 1971. [Report on the Odon, with illustrations ofsome morphological

1971 West Surinam Expedition], Zool.Bijdr. features (figs 300-310), a key to the odon.

15: 1-42, pis 1-8. (Dutch), - (Rijksmus. families known to occur in China, and with a

brief Nat, Hist., Raamsteeg 2, P.O. Box 9517, diagnostic characterisation of the com-

2300 RA Leiden, NL). mon Pantala flavescens (pi. 26, fig. 173) and

observation Crocothemis servilia On pp. 28-29, an on the oviposition (pi. 26. fig. 174). (Author).

behaviour of Macrostigma maculata. made -( Abstracter's Nule: An Engl, translation ol the

towards the the evening of March 26, on book is scheduled for publication in West

Kaboerikreek, West Surinam, is reported. A Germany).

female was ovipositing in the water contained

in a large bark groove ofafelled Aspidosperma (3585) ICH IBA, T„ 1978. [ of Saga

unsuccessful Prefecture. tree. Fringhtened away by at- II.] Sagakimko-Kiyo [= Bull.

it tempts to photograph and catch it, kept Sagakila High Sch.] (4): 21-39. (Jap.). - (6-26

low returning to this oviposition site, in a flight Nagase-cho, Saga. Saga. 840, JA).

With tot over the ground: reference earlier The literature on the odon.fauna of Saga

reports on pseudostigmatids breeding in Prefecture. Japan is reviewed (167 titles), and

that phytotelmata, it is suggested M.maculata an annotated list is given of the prefectural

be might a 'Kleingewasser”species rather than a fauna (82 spp.). Platycnemis foliacea sasakli.

bromelia breeder. Agriocnemis femina ory/ae. Nihonogomphus

viridis, Aeschnophlebia anisoptera. and Libcl-

1973. of lula the (3583) ICHIBA, T„ [Dragonflies Saga angelina are among more interesting

Prefecture], Zoku-Sagano-shizen 1973: 109- taxa. - (For the first report cf. OA No. 3583),

114. (Jap.). - (6-26 Nagase-cho, Saga. Saga,

840, JA). (3586) NAGASU, F., 1978, [ ofSaitama]. In:

An annotated list is of 67 known given spp. at The fauna of Saitama Prefecture, pp. 403-432.

the time from Saga Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan. Saitama Pref. Board of Education, Urawa.

For an updated review of the prefectural (Jap., with Engl, title). - (4-9-27 Naka. Satte.

fauna cf. OA No. 3585. Kitakatsushika-gun. Saitama. 340-01, JA).

A brief introductory note is followed by an

1978 84 known account of spp. to occur in the

Prefecture, Japan. Among these are Anaci-

CHAO. 1978. In: R.J. Chuet (3584) H.-f.. [Odonata], aeschna martini, Macromia daimoji and Sym- af, [Atlas of natural 275- enemies], pp. petrum uniforme. The bibliographic list

279. China Sci. Press. - Peking. (Chin ). (Lab. includes 109 references. 252 Odonatological Abstracts

1979 1980

(3587) FUKUl, M., 1979. [Dragonflies of Shizuoka (3590) AK1YAMA, Y„ 1980. [ fauna of

Prefecture]. In: M. Kamada, [Ed.], Shizuoka- Tottori Prefecture]. Nature and 15(3):

ken no seibutsu, pp. 120-125. Haibara Senior 12. (Jap.). - (c/o Y.Murayama, 135, Kita 6-

High School, Haibara. (Jap,). - (2-1-21, chome, Koyama-cho, Tottori, 680, JA).

Uchinodai, Hamakita City, Shizuoka, 434, A list of 44 spp., with locality and collection

JA). data. - (For a full account ofthe odon. fauna of

86 incl. deserti Prefecture cf. spp. are listed, Enallagma the OA No. 3609).

circulatum, Aeschnophlebia anisoptera and

Aeshna juncea. Anax guttatus, Tholymis tillarga (3591) ASAHINA, S., 1980. [My souvenirs entomo-

and Tramea south- Pt.2. Virginia are considered logiques. Junior highschool and boy-

ern immigrants. hood], Nature and Insects 15(2); 12-18. (Jap.).-

(Takadanobaba 4-4-24, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo,

(3588) HIROSE, M. & T. KOSUGE., 1979. [Ecology 160. JA).

of Mortonagrionhirosei and itsconservation at This is the continuation of the autobiographic

the Hinuma Pond in Ibaraki Prefecture]. Iden series commenced with the paper listed in OA

No. Dr 33(11): 66-74. (Jap.). - (First Author: 3-4-7 3357. Asahina's interest in dragonflies

dates the Daikucho, Mito, Ibaraki, 310, JA; - Second from Second Field Meeting of the

Author: l-9Tanocho, Mito, Ibaraki, 310. JA), Tokyo Ent.Soc.. held at Sekido. June 10, 1929

author's 14th A note on the discovery of this sp, (by the first (the birthday).

author) is followed by the description of the

T„ 1980. Die Libellenfauna des Hinuma Pond, its type locality. The subsequent (3592) BEN KEN,

sections deal with the morphology of the adult Hahlener Moores (Gemeinde Menslage). Inf

2: 163- and larva, with breeding, and with the Natursch. Landschaflspß., Wardenburg

The 179. - 2, D-4573 Löningen, FRG). conservancy of the type locality. importan- (Poststr, of the Hahlener ce of habitat conservation in dragonflies is The odon.fauna (26 spp.)

is Moor nr Osnabrück, Federal of emphasized, and a bibliography on the sp. Republic

- is with reference provided. (For the original taxonomic Germany discussed, special tot

and of various description cf. OA No. 223; for an earlier paper autecology species composition

of habitats. Of interest is the on the same subject cf. OA No. 581). types particular

account of the faunal succession recorded at a

1979. the made artificial (3589) ZHU, Huiqian, [A survey of newly pond.

dragonflies from Shanxi Province]. J. Shanxi

Univ. (Nat. Sei.) 1979 (3/4): 65-66. (Chin.). - (3593) BRELIH. S. & J. GREGORL, 1980. Redke in Ï (Dept. Biol., Univ. Shanxi, Tsiyuan, Shanxi ogrdiene ivalske erste v Sloveniji [Rare and

Prov., P.R. China). threatened species in Slovenia]. Mus.

Nat. - The following spp. are listed; Platycnemis Hist., Ljubljana. 264 pp. (Slovene).

foliacea, Ischnura asiatica, Calopteryx virgo, (Publishers & Authors: Mus. Nat. Hist..

Anax parthenope julius, sieboldii, Pre&mova 20. YU-61000 Ljubljana).

is Crocothemis servilia, Orthetrum albistylum. O. This an exhaustive monograph on the

trianguläre, Pantala flavescens, Sympetrum subject, authored by Museum Curators in the

kunckeli, and S. uniforme. -(Abstracter's Note: Departments of resp. Entomology and Orni-

According to the information received from the thology. The senior author also has an

author, the following 3 above mentioned taxa appreciable research experience in the taxo-

of should be corrected: Ischnura asiatica should nomy and ecology various regional

be replaced by 1. lobata, Calopteryx virgo by vertebrate groups and in the local game

Matrona and The salue the b.basilaris, Anotogaster sieboldii biology. practical of work, as a

handbook the enhanced by A.kuchenbeiseri). national on subject, is

by verbatim citationofall thenationalActs and Odonatological Abstracts 253

other legislative texts in the field ofanimal and ‘Distribution’, ‘Ecology and behaviour’, ‘Books’,

A the game conservation. translation of main and ‘[The Japanese] Society of Odonatology, international conventions and declarations and Societas Internationalis Odonatologica’.

related this subject is the to also provided. A During I970’s I new sp. was described

classified list is given of all and other taxa hirosei while 8 spp. (Mortonagrion Asah.), sspp.

included in the Animal Conservation Act ofthe from Japan were either described as new or

Federal Republic ofSlovenia (Yugoslavia), and redefined, viz. Mnais pruinosa costalis Sei.,

critical comments are presented. Also included M.p.nawai Yamamoto, M.p.pruinosa Sei.,

is an annotated list of legallyprotected biotopes Davidius moiwanus sawanoi Asah. & Inoue,

and - natural reserves. Reference to Odon. is D.m. taruii Asah. & Inoue, Stylogomphus

odon. made in several chapters. No sp. is legally ryukyuanus asaloi Asah., Oligoaeschna kuni-

protected in the territory of Slovenia (p. 15),but gamiensis Ishida, and Macromia amphigena

all of them considered threatened are by water masaco Eda. The following 7 taxa were added

pollution and drainage (p. 47); the decrease of to the national faunal list; Erythromma najas

larval populations is particularly noticeable in baicalensis, Aeshna subarctica, Somatochlora

habitats stagnicolous (p.5l). Although no g.greaseri, Hydrobasileus croceus, Lathrecista

evidence is that would be produced any sp. a. asiatica, Macrodiplax cora, and Sympetrum

endangered by factors other than habitat fonscolombei.

destruction, it is that all odon. argued spp.

should included in be the Conservation Act (p. (3596) EDA, S., 1980. [Review of the Japanese

247), as indeed it was suggested during the odonatologyin 1979], Nature and Insects 15(4):

preliminary discussions in the Diet (cf. OA No. 29-35. (Jap.). - (3-4-25Suwamura, Matsumoto,

906). - (Abstracter's Note: As emphasized by Nagano, 390, JA).

the IUCN Species Survival Commission, at A chronicle of the Japanese odonatological

their 1981 Conference in Chur, a generalised achievements and events in 1979, organized

legislation, preventing collecting of all or most under the headings ‘Classification and morpho-

will odon. spp., rather counteract their logy’, ‘Distribution’, ‘Ecology and behaviour',

Cf. protection. Nolul. odonalol. 1 [1981]: 125- and ‘Books’. The plenary annual meeting ofthe

and comments in 126, OA No. 3112). [Japanese] Society of Odonatology was held

Oct. 13, at Kushu Univ., Fukuoka (23

B. & W. MIRON1UK, (3594) CZECZUGA, 1980. participants, a group photograph and a

Investigations on carotenoids in insects. 2. signature card are provided).

Water insects. Acta hvdrobiol. 22(1): 29-35.

Polish - (With s.). (Zaklad Biologii Ogôlnej, (3597) EDA. S., 1980. [Sympetrum infuscatum

Akademia Medyczna, ul.Kilinskicgo 1, PO-I5- continued tandem flying-oviposition into the

Nature 230 Biafystok). water]. and Insects 15(14): 21. (Jap.). -

The occurrence and the total content of (3-4-25 Sawamura, Matsumoto,Nagano Pref.,

carotenoids were examined by means of 390, JA).

column and in thinlayer chromatography The note refers to an observation at the

representatives of various insect orders, inch 9 Ushidomeike Pond, Nagano, Japan, Aug. 30,

odonate 6 spp. referable to families, 1980.

EDA, (3595) S., 1980. [A review of the Japanese (3598) EDA. S.. 1980. [Tandem ofLeucorrhinia dubia

odonatology during 1970-1979]. Nature and orientalis $ and Sympetrum danae $]. Nature

Insects 15(7): 7-12. (Jap.). - (3-4-25 Sawamura, and Insects 15(14): 21-22. (Jap.). - (3-4-25

Matsumoto, Nagano Pref., 390, JA). Sawamura, Matsumoto, Nagano Pref., 390,

An outline is given of the main achievements JA).

the said It is during period. organized under the The interspecific tandem was noticed at the

following headings; ‘Classification’, ‘Morpho- Ushidomeike Pond, Nagano, Japan,Aug. 13,

and larval The logy, life-history studies stages’. 1980. copulation was not successful. 254 Odonatological Abstracts

(3599) FUJISAWA, S., 1980 [Distribution of the tion by exploiting thermals. (For soaring in

alpine dragonfly, Leucorrhinia dubia orientalis Pantala flavescens cf. OA No. 3529).

in Japan], Nature and Insects 15(9): 31-32.

(Jap). - (liyama, liyama, Nagano Pref, 389- (3602) HIBINO, T., 1980. [Hemicordulia mindana

-22, JA). nipponica taken in December], Nature and

The distribution is mapped (49 localities in 13 Insects 15(14): 28. (Jap.). - (75, Hikiyama,

prefectures of Hokkaido and Honshu, Japan); Inokoishi, Itaka-cho, Meito-ku, Nagoya, 465,

the southernmost known small locality being a JA).

in the 2 I pond Gifu Prefecture. Most of the (J, 2 were taken at Iriomote Island,

habitats characterized the of Okinawa are by presence Prefecture, Japan, Dec. 26, 1979.

late record sphagnum bogs. This is considered a very for this sp.

(3600) FUKUDA, (3603) K„ 1980. [Memorandum on HIBINO, T., 1980. [Oviposition of Gomphus

dragonflies at the Goshikinuma Pond in pryeri]. Nature and Insects 15(14): 28. (Jap.). -

Okunikko]. Insect 31(1): 25-30. (Jap.). - (75, Hikiyama, Inokoishi, Itaka-cho, Meito-

(Seiwaryo, 251 Nakayasuto. Kiyotakicho, -ku, Nagoya, 465T JA).

Nikko, Tochigi. 321-14, JA). Oviposition was observed at Nagakute-cho,

June The Goshikinuma Pond, Japanis situated at an Aichi Pref., Japan, 22, 1980, 10.20 hr. A

female elevation of 2180 m. Due to unknown causes, perched on a grass stalk and produced

dead individuals of an mass in 1-2 min. She flew then and Anisogomphus maacki, egg up

Aeshna juncea, Epitheca bimaculata sibirica, touched the water surface with the tip of the

Somatochlora arctica, S.uchidai, Macromia abdomen intermittently 2-3 times. Then she

a.amphigena, and Pantala flavescens were shifted a short distance and touched again upon

found the water surface. water surface. floating on Opposi- Then she perched on grass,

tion of of S. uchidai, emergence A.juncea and produced a new egg mass, and repeated the

the bathing behaviour of A.maacki were also described process 3 times.


1980. the dorsal in (3604) ISHIDA, M,, [On spin -,

(3601) larvae of Anisogomphus Nature and GIBO, D.L., 1980. Soaring as an energy saving maacki].

of Insects 20-21. - strategy migrating insects. Ahslr. Pap. 2nd 15(14): (Jap.). (5-759, Nishibo-

ini. & evol. Congr. sysl. Biol, Vancouver, p. rimaedori, Niigata, 951, JA).

209. - (Dept. Zool., Erindale Coll., Univ. All exuviae from the Shinano R. in Niigata,

have Toronto, Mississauga, Ont., L5L 1C6, CA). Japan a small dorsal spine on the 9th

abdominal Soaring flight and powered flight in rising air segment.

currents is commonly employed by the

lepidopterans Danaus plexippus and Nympha- (3605) KURATA, M , 1980. [Alpine dragonflies and

lis antiopa, and by Anax Junius, duringtheir their biology]. Nature and Insects 15(9): 12-17.

late - summer migration southward from (Jap ). (1475-2 Daikancho. Matsushiro-cho,

southern Ontario, Canada. The phenomenon Nagano, 381-12, JA).

studied in the 3 1977-1979. defined was spp. during A. ‘Alpine dragonflies’ are as ‘spp.

above Junius flew in thermals under the most inhabiting the aquatic habitats the

weather timber line'. In favourable conditions (i.e. a following Japan, the following taxa

fall within this wind, strong lift, moderate to warm tempera- definition: Enallagma deserti

and Nehalennia Aeshna tures) frequently or continuouslyemployed circulatum, speciosa, juncea,

powered flight. The extensive use of powered A.nigroflava, Cordulia aenea amurensis, Epi-

theca flight by A. Junius, even when flying in bimaculata sibirica, Somatochlora arcti-

thermals, is probably due to its lower effciency ca, S.v.viridiaenea, Leucorrhinia dubia orien-

need talis, and Notes at gliding flight, and its to maintain a high Sympetrum danae. on

life-histories body temperature. All 3 spp. significantly phenology, ecology and are also

reduce their provided. the energy expenditure during migra- The life cycle of 2 Aeshna spp. Odonatological Abstracts 255

lasts 4 in and twice in yrs (hibernations egg (3609) M1SH1MA, S., 1980 [Dragonflies from

larval stages), while the larval development of Tottori Prefecture]. Sukashiba (14): 21-33.

Leucorrhinia 2 is completed in yrs. Due to (Jap., with Engl, title). - (18 Higashi-honcho,

disturbance and/or destruction ofthe habitats Sakaiminato,Tottori, 684, JA).

the number of records has decreased While until 26 signifi- 1979 only spp. were known from

cantly during 1960-1973. The phenomenon this odonatologically little explored prefecture,

be the seems to related to increase of tourism the Japan, 82 spp. are listed in present paper the Statistical data during same period. on the along with collection data and 36 references.

subject are presented. Agriocnemis femina oryzae, Anisogomphus

maacki, Aeschnophlebia anisoptera, Aeshna

LIEN, 1980. Common and (3606) J.C., nigroflava, and Somatochlora clavata are

dragonflies of the Quemoy Islands (Odonata; among the more interesting taxa.

Zygoptera, Anisoptera). Bull. Soc. Em..

Taiwan 15: 115-126. (With Chin.s.). - (Author’s (3610) OHGA1, H„ 1980. [A new record of

address: temporary a/c Programa de Malaria, Sympetrum risi yosico]. Nature and Insects

- C.P. for the - 516, Cochabamba, Bolivia; 15(3): 13. (Jap.). (6-61, Higashihommachi.

address cf. OA No. permanent 3246). Naba Aioi, Hyogo Pref., 678, JA).

An list is 16 annotated given of spp. recorded -A male from Fukagawa, Hokkaido (Aug. 15,

1975-1977 from the Quemoi Islands, Republic 1979) is placed on record.

of China. The male anal appendages or

genitalia of some of A these are presented. (3611) SATO, T„ 1980. [A list of dragonflies of Oita checklist of the odon. fauna of the - (16 spp.) Prefecture], Privately published, 24 pp. (Jap.). Island of is neighbouring Amoy also provided; (Author deceased Oct, 3, 1980).

only 4 ofthese were recorded from the 38 Quemois Only spp. were recorded priortot 1979 from well. as this prefecture, Japan, while 84 are listed in the

of present report, which 62 spp. were collected

1980. In memoriam (3607) MAGO-LECCIA, F., in the period June 1979 - June 1980. -

Janis Racenis Petersen Ada biol. (1915-1980). (Abstracters Note: Cordulia aenea amurensis

venezuei 523-525. - Zool. 10(4): (Span.). (Inst. and Sympetrum risi yosiko are misidentified.

Tropical Fac.Cien., Univ. Central Venezuela, Consequently, the hitherto known odon. fauna

Caracas, Venezuela). of Oita Pref. consists of 82 spp.).

Dr Obituary for J. Râcenis, with a portrait,

without For bibliography. another obituary cf. (3612) SHIMIZU, N„ 1980. [Triple connection of

OA No. for the evaluation of 3520; his Trigomphus melampus]. Nature and Insects

odonatol. work and for his cf. bibliography 15(14): 29. (Jap.). -(2-29 Nijo-cho, Minami-ku,

Odonatologica 9 [1980]: 125-129. Nagoya, 457, JA).

The <3-$±<5 connection (‘type 0’ of Eda),

(3608) MATSU1, I., 1980. and [A new locality a note noticed June 28, 1980, at Omachi, Nagano, the on behaviour of foliacea is record. A Platycnemis Japan, placed on photograph is

sasakii in Aichi Nature and Prefecture]. Insects also provided.

15(14); 5. (Jap.). - (Aza-ichiba 73, Moriyama,

Moriyama-ku, 463, Nagoya, JA). (3613) SHINDAI KONCHU-KENKYU GROUP,

The new locality is at Seto, Japan, and the 1980. A new habitat of the dragonfly, Aeschna

‘cleaning’ behaviour (sensu Moore. was I960) mixta Latreille in Ueda-chiisagata District,

observed there on 1980. The July 28, same Nagano Pref. New Entomologist 29(4): 101

behaviour has been noticed in Lestes temporalis (Jap., with Engl, title). - (c/o Fac. Textile Sei &

at Moriyama-ku, Nagoya, on Oct. 21, 1979. - Technol., Shinshu Univ., 3-15-1 Tokida,

Note: (Abstracter's Misprints: ‘XII'should read Ueda, Nagano Pref,, 386, JA). ‘VU’, and ‘Moove’ stands for ‘Moore’). A. mixta has been thought to be threatened

with extinction in this district, Japan. Unex- 256 Odonatological Abstracts

pectedly, a strong populationwas discovered at (Dept. Zool., Univ. Gorakhpur, Gorakhpur-

Ueda, in early Oct., 1980. 273001, India).

The toxicity of the chlorinated hydrocarbon

SH1NDAI KONCHU-KENKYU (3614) GROUP, insecticides, aldrin, endrin, DDT and BHC,

1980. for in Harmo- Migration overwintering was studied in larvae of Brachythemis

nia Pallas and It axyridis (Coleoptera) Sympec- contaminata. wasrecorded at intervals of 24,

ma paedisca Brauer New Entomo- and 96 hr. The values (Odonata). 48, 72 slope were 1.3959,

logist 29(4): 106. - with - (Jap., Engl, title). (c/o 1.3886, 1.1854 and 1.1611 resp., and they were Fac. Textile Sei. & Techno!., Shinshu Univ., similar regardless the length of the treatment.

3-15-1 Tokida, Ueda, Nagano Pref., 386, JA).

On Nov. the 6, 1980, railway passengers have (3619) SOMEYA, T., 1980. [Mortonagrion hirosei in

noticed a huge migration between the stations Iwanuma, Miyagi Prefecture]. Nature and

of Morimiyanoharaand Echigotazawa, Japan. Insects 15(12); 30-31. (Jap.). - (2-4313-9

is assumed that It the insects were headingfor Ishokawa-cho, Mito, Ibaraki Pref., 310, JA).

the hibernation sites. The habitat is a muddy brackish marsh, with

dense reed vegetation, and the adults occur

SHIRAISH1. (3615) K., 1980. [Records of Cercion during mid June - late July.

sieboldii and Anax parthenope Julius in

Hokkaido], Nature and Insects 15(9); 35. (3620) SOMEYA, T. & M. HIROSE, 1980. [Dragon-

(Jap.). - (1-612 Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, flies of Ibaraki Prefecture], Okera (50); 255-

Tokyo, 170, JA). 280. (Jap.). - (First Author: 2-4313-9 Ishikawa-

C. sieboldii is reported from the Chubetsu R. nr -cho, Mito, Ibaraki. 310, JA; - Second Author:

Asahikawa (July 31, 1979), and A.p. Julius 3-4-7 Daikucho, Mito, Ibaraki, 310, JA).

from the and from the same locality 90 spp. are listed, incl. Davidius m.moiwanus,

Takkobunuma Pond nr Kushiro (Aug. 3, Aeschnophlebia anisoptera, Aeshna mixta,

1979). Anaciaeschna martini, and Sympetrum uni-

forme. - (Abstracter's Note: The type locality

SHIRASAWA, 1980. (3616) R„ [A new locality of of Mortonagrion hirosei Asahina, i.e. Hinuma pryeri in Nagano Oligoaeschna Prefecture], nr Mito, is also situated within this prefecture.

Nature and Insects 15(14): 14. (Jap.). - (6305-3, Cf. OA No. 3588).

Kamisakae-cho, Ohmachi, Nagano Pref., 398,

JA). (3621) SONEHARA, I., 1980. [A male triple

A marsh the known a( Ohmachi is third locality connection in Epitheca bimaculata sibirica].

of this in are sp. Nagano, Japan. The adults on Nature and Insects 15 ( 14):25. (Jap.). - (Tazawa

wing throughoutJune, and on May 25, 1980, 7 5035, Toyoshima-machi, Minamiazumi-gun,

collected. exuviae were Nagano Pref., 399-82, JA).

2 fighting territorial males have fallen into

(3617) SHIRASAWA, R„ 1980. [Aeschnophlebia water, the third territorial male dashed there,

to longistigma new Nagano Prefecture], Nature and a triple connection ensued. Subsequently

and Insects 14. - flew 15(14); (Jap.). (6305-3, they up to 0.6 m above the surface. The

Kamisakae-cho, Ohmachi, Nagano Pref„ 398, specimens were taken for sex identification.


A male taken at Ohmachi, Japan, July 13, (3622) SONEHARA, I.. 1980. [Report on the

is - 1980, placed on record. (For a subsequent prohibition of dragonfly collecting at the Ura-

record cf. OA No, 3640). -oike Pond, Komoro, Nagano Prefecture],

Nature and Insects I5( 10); 27 (Jap.). - (Tazawa

(3618) SHUKLA, G.S. & PK MISHRA, 1980 5035, Toyoshima-machi, Minamiazumi-gun,

of Toxicity organochlorine insecticides to Nagano Pref., 399-82, JA).

of preadull stages Brachythermis [sic!] conta- The pond is situated within the southwestern

minata Fahr, J. environ. Res. 17-22. - 1(2): distribution range [in Japan] ofthe rare Aeshna Odonatological Abstracts 257

mixta. Due to the activities ofcollectors (more primary function of this endocrine system. The

than 80 ofthese visited it 1976 model of duringAug.-Oct. resulting physiological emergence

the of this has determination involves alone!), population sp. major evolutionary

and costs. The significantly decreased, its very existence nature of the environmental

has been threatened by agricultural planning. variability determines the life-history model.

the author’s the Komoro External transformed Upon request, City changes are through

Board of Education has recently undertaken specific physiological mechanisms, into the

the necessary protective measures. particular life-history strategy of the insect.

de 1980. (3623) VERVOORT, W„ 1980. Verslag van (3625) YODOE, K„ [New record of Trigom-

Directeur het 1978. in Shimane over jaar Rijksmuseum van phus melampus Prefecture].

Historie Leiden. Nature and Insects - Natuurlijke te [Annual report 15(14): 9. (Jap.). (1-7

of the Director, 1978. State Museum ofNatural Hitsugaoka 2-chome, Matsue, Shimane Pref.,

History, Leyden]. Ned. Rijksmus. 100:209-274. 690, JA).

(Dutch). - (Rijksmus. Nat. Hist., Raamsteeg 2, It has been taken at Mizuho-cho, Ohchi-gun

P.O. Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, NL). (alt. 380 m), Japan, June 24, 1979.

dealt The Odon. Dept is with on pp. 255-256.

Head of the Dr 1981 Department is P.H. van

Doesburg, assisted by the Senior Assistant C,

Scheffer. The former Curator, Dr D.C, (3626) BLANCK.E, C, H. STÖK.L, K.. LUTZ & M.

the 1981. Geijskes was regularly working in Depart- SCHLORF, Dosenmoor 1981. Nalurk.

ment, and the former Curator, Dr M.A. Beitr. DJN. Hamburg 1981 (8): 25-32. (Germ.)-

Lieftinck, was a regular research guest. Among ( Hildesheimerweg 2 a, D-2000 Hamburg-61,

the the very numerous acquisitions, following FRG).

significant material should be mentioned (inch A list is given of 7 odon.spp. occurring in the

the name of the donator); Asia, various Dosenmoor, Hamburg district.

localities (Dr D.A.L. Davies), Australia (R.A.

Maas, Dr J.A.L. Watson, inch paratype (3627) BOULARD, M., 1981. Les bases morpholo-

Notolibellula de bicolor), Bhutan (Dr W. Witt- giques l’attelage en tandem chez Coenagrion

mer), Ceylon and Salomon Islands (Dr O.S. scitulum R. (Odonata, Zygoptera). Annls Soc.

Gabon J. various ent. Fr. Flint), (Dr Legrand), India, (N.S.) 17(4):429-440. (With Engl. s.). -

localities V.K. M.A.R. Lahiri, F. Naln. (Dr Gupta, (Lab. Em.. Mus. Hist. Nat., 45 rue

Jordan New Smetacek), (H. Elmosa), Guinea Buffon, F- 75005 Paris).

and Papua (P. Blum & H. Lohmann, larvae The morphologyand function of the male and

and I new sp., T.W. Donnelly), etc. female structures involved in the tandem grasp

of C.scitulum are described, figured and

(3624) WONG, J., 1980. Models for the evolution of discussed.

life history in aquatic insects. Ahstr. Pap. 2nd

ini. Congr. syst. & evol. Biol., Vancouver. (3628) CHAO, H.-f., 1981. Odonata. In: S. Chen

- Univ. Toronto, Ont. MSS Insects of p.398. (Dept. Zool., [Ed.], Xizang, Vol.l, pp. 53-55.,

IAl, CA). China Sci. Press, Peking. (Chin., with Engl.s.).

[Verbatim]: The control of moulting and - (Lab. Biol. Control, Fujian Agric. Coll.,

metamorphosis in insects is determined by the Fuzhou, Fujian, P.R. China).

relative titers of ecdysone and juvenile An annotated list is of 20 given spp., collected

hormone. In certain odonates the control of by the ‘ComprehensiveScientific Expedition to

has juvenile hormone evolved a secondary the Quinghai-Xizang Plateau’ ofthe Academia

extend function, which is to the normal Sinica at various localities in Tibet (alt. 800-

suppression of tissue differentiation so that 4280 m).

time emergence may be delayed. Such a

secondary function may be in conflict with the (3629) CS1BY, M., 1981. A Soproni Tomalom 258 Odonatological Abstracts

Odonata launaja. (Die Odonaten-Fauna des (3633) DONATH, H., 1981. Die Auswirkungen des

Mühlenleiches von Sopron). Alpokalja ter- Winters 1978/79 auf die Populationen von

mészeti képe (Oas Nalurhild des Voratpen- Sympecma fusca (Van der Linden) in der

gehietes). Szomhalhely I: 73-74. (Flung., with nordwestlichen Niederlausitz (Odonata, Lesti-

Germ. s.). - (Author deceased). dae). Ent. Ber.. Bert. 1981(2): 49-52. - (Jahnstr,

25 inch DDR-7960 spp. are listed, Coenagrion scitulum 6, Luckau, GDR).

and In the Leucorrhinia - of pectoralis. ( Ahslracler's territory the present German

Nine: This is the abstract of Democratic winter a paper presented Republic the 1978/1979

the Ist ‘Konferenz der Forscher the 8 coldest winters in the 20th at des was among

In the [Ungarischen] Voralpengebietes'; it was pu- century. Niederlausitz (= Lower Lusatia)

blished in it 1982, not in 1981. as erroneously considerably affected the number and the

indicated In of S.fusca Based on the cover. Csiby’s bibliography, strength populations. on

published in Nuiul. odunalul 1(9) [1982]; 155- systematic observations for the period, 1977-

156, this paper is listed under 1982 a; the title as -1980, the effects of the severe winter are

given there is not correct, and the term Az' described,analyzed and discussed.

should be omitted from the journal name).

(3634) EDA, S., 1981. New records of Somatochlora

(3630) DANKS. H.V., 1981. Arctic . A arctica and other Odonata from Norikura,

review of systematics and ecology with Nagano Prefecture. New Entomologist 30(2):

particular reference to the North American 75. - (Jap., with Engl, title). - (3-4-25

fauna. Ent. Soc. Canada. Ottawa, VIII+608 Sawamura, Matsumoto, Nagano, 390, JA).

- Ent. Records of pp. (Biol. Surv. Project, Soc. Can.. 1320 S.arctica, Cordulia aeneaamurensis,

Carling Ave., Ottawa, Ont. KIZ 7K9, CA). and Sympetrum s. speciosum are listed.

In the annotated list ofNorth American Arctic

spp. and their distribution, on p. 416, 6 odon. (3635) EDA, S., 1981. [Photographs of

the spp. are listed. (For a bibliographycf. OA No. superstes in prewar literature], Gekkan

3413), Mushi (126): 6-9. (Jap.). - (3-4-25 Suwamura,

Matsumoto, Nagano, 390, JA).

1981. data (3631) DÉVAI, G„ Üjabb adatok a Barcsi Bibliographic on 9 Japanese papers

borök s/itakdtd (Odonata) faunàjàhoz. (New published in the period 1929-1939, are given

data on the dragonfly fauna (Odonata) of the along with brief comments and reproductions

Juniper Woodland of Bares, Flungary). of photographs of E,superstes included therein

the Dunàniuli Dolg. Term. Tud. Sor. 2: 53-58. -(For the title ofa paper on samesubject, by

same (Hung., with Engl, and Germ. s's). - (Wesz- the author, but without photographs cf,

I prémy u. 4 4. HU-4028 Debrecen). OA No. 2739).

This the of the is third in a series papers on

odon. fauna of the Juniper Woodland ofBares (3636) H1RUKAWA, N„ 1981. New localities of a

Nos in (cf. OA 2447. 2448), reporting on the dragonfly, Nannophya pygmaea Nagano

results ofthe 1978-1980 field work. Among the Prefecture (I). New Entomologist 30(2): 76-77.

32 listed, with - Tamoto, spp. Calopteryx splendens and Anax (Jap., Engl, title). (6161

parthenope are new for the area. Yasuoka-mura, Shimoina-gun, Nagano Pref.,

399-18, JA).

localities stated - Note: In (3632) DÉVAI, G. & J. KÄTAI. 1981. The Odonata 3 are (Ahslracler's

No. the fauna of the Hortobagy National Park. Fauna OA 2464, author’s name is erroneously

Hortobagy Nam. Park I: 43-46. - (Weszprémy given as K. Hirukawa).

4 u. 1/4, HU-4028 Debrecen).

An annotated list is presented of 39 spp. so far (3637) JURZITZA, G., 1981. Erster Entwurf einer

recorded from the Hortobagy National Park, Roten Liste der in Baden-Württemberg

- gefährdeten Libellenarten Hungary. (Ahslracler's Note: Crocothemis s. (Odonata). Veröff.

servilia should read C.erythraea). Naturschutz Landschaftspflege Bad.-Würn. Odonatological Abstracts 259

149-154. - Inst. Univ. with 53/54; (Bot. 1, Karlsruhe, locality, along a number of S.suzukii, on

Kaiserstr. 12, D-7500 Karlsruhe FRG). Aug. 7, 1980.

This is a preliminary draft ofthe odon. Red List

for the State of Federal 1981. Baden-Wurttemberg, (3641) LANDMANN, A., Beitrag zur Odona-

of It classed list Republic Germany. contains a tenfauna Nordtirols (Insecta; Odonata, Libel-

49 of spp., a discussion on possible causes ofa lulidae). Ber. nalurw.-med. Ver.lnnsbruck 68:

on a and annotations number of 107-109. - threat, spp. (With Engl. s.). (Inst. Zool., Univ.

Innsbruck, Universitätsstr. 4, A-6020 Inns-

(3638) [KOYAMA, N„ S. EDA, T. ANDO, S. bruck).

F. the FUJISAWA, 1TO, M. KURATA, D. The literature on odon.fauna of North

KURIBAYASH1, W. MIYATA, 1. SONE- Tyrol, Austria is reviewed, and records of

HARA & T. TAKIZAWA], 1981. (Additions Orthetrum brunneum and Libellula depressa

to the ‘Dragonflies of Nagano Prefecture’ (1)]. (Sept. 4, 1980) are discussed. The latter is of

New Entomologist 30(2); 78. (Jap.). - (First interest in view of the late season.

author: Fac. Textile Sei, & Technol., Shinshu

Univ., 3-15-1 Tokida, Ueda, Nagano Pref., 386, (3642) LUTZ, K. & R. VÖLKER, 1981. Himmelmoor

JA). 1981. Nalurk. Beitr. DJN, Hamburg 1981 (8):

Aeschnophlebia longistigma and Onychogom- 3-7. - (Volksparkstr. 43, D-2000 Hamburg-54,

phus viridicostus should be added to the list of FRG).

taxa appearing in the volume listed in OA No. A list is of 14 odon. the given spp. occurring at

2072. Locality data and bibliographic referen- Himmelmoor nr the city of Hamburg.

ces are provided along with those referring to 5

records of NARAOKA, recent regional Nannophya pygmaea. (3643) H., 1981. Reproductive behavi-

our of a dragonfly, Sympetrum eroticum

(3639) [K.OYAMA, N„ S. EDA, T. ANDO, S. eroticum Selys (, Odonata) (I).

FUJISAWA, F. 1TO, M, KURATA, D. New Entomologist 30(2): 14-21. (Jap., with

KUR1BAYASHI, W. MIYATA, 1. SONE- Engl. s.). - (36-71, Aza Motoizumi, Oaza

T. HARA & TAKIZAWA], 1981. [Additions Fukunoda, Itayanagi-cho, Kita-gun, Aomori

to the ‘Dragonflies of Nagano Prefecture’ (2)]. Pref., 038-36, JA).

New 96. - The Entomologist 30(4); (Jap.). (First reproductive behaviour was studied in de-

author; Fac. small Textile Sei. & Technol., Shinshu tail at a pond in the Aomori City, Japan.

Univ., 3-15-1 Tokida, Ueda, Nagano Pref.,386, The territorial type is ‘perting’, the copulation

JA). is completed after ‘perting’, arrival at the

Supplementary notes on Epiophlebia superstes, oviposition site in copula, the oviposition

Anisogomphus maacki, Davidius fujiama, occurs in tandem. (For the definitions cf. OA

Stylogomphus suzukii and Oligoaeschna pry- No. 892).

eri, to be added to the data appearing in the

volume listed in OA No. 2072. (3644) NENTW1G. W„ 1981. Insekten, Spinnennetze

und Netzspinnen, Inaug.-Diss. Philipps-Univ.

(3640) K.UR1BAYASH1, 1981. D.. Dragonflies of Marburg/Lahn. Marburg, ent. Puhln 1(5):1-

Aeschnophlebia longistigma and - Selys Stylo- 139. (Author's address not stated).

suzukii collected in gomphus Oguma were Using 6 collection techniques, the composition

New 26. - of Nagano city. Entomologist 30(1): a local invertebrate fauna was studied from

with - Junior role (Jap., Engl, title). (Koshoku High the point of view of its potential as spider

Sch., 100 Sakurado, Koshoku, Aeshna Nagano Pref., prey. Coenagrion puella, sp. and

387, JA). Sympetrum danae the odon. are only spp. This is the second record of A.longistigma in mentioned.

Nagano Pref., Japan (Nagano City, July 31,

1980; for the first record cf. OA No. 3617). (3645) PRITYKINA, L.N., 1981. Novye triasovye

Another noticed the specimen was at same strekozy Sredney Azii. [New Triassic dragon- 260 Odonatological Abstracts

flies form Central Asia]. In:V.N. Vishnyakova, Xanthocnemis Tillyard (Odonata: Coena-

G.M. & L.N. Dlusskiy Pritykina, Novye grionidae) from the Chatham Islands. New

territorii SSSR, iskopaemye nasekomye s pp. Zealand. Rec. Auckland Inst. Mus. 18: 205-

- 5-42, 1-10. Moscow. - pis Nauka, (Russian). 209. (Dept. Zool., Univ. Canterbury,

(Inst. Palaeontol., USSR Acad. Sei., Profso- Christchurch-1, NZ).

113, USSR-117321 X.tuanuii yuznaya Moscow). sp.n. is described and illustrated (5 Using the nomenclature and classification as holotype, $ allotype, in copula with holotype:

outlined briefly in the listed in OA No. forest paper stream on S bank ofthe Tuku-a-tamatea

I 3274, new infraorder, 3 superfamilies, 5 R., Chatham; 22-1-1980; deposited in the 14 and families, 29 new are Auckland Inst. & genera spp. Mus.; various paratypes of

described and illustrated from various Triassic The both sexes). most obvious point ofcontrast localitiesof Central Asia,viz.; Meganeuro- with X.zealandica is the shape of the male

morpha: Triadotypidae: Triadotypus sogdia- Also superior appendage. the percentage of

nus sp.n.; - infraor- androchrome females in Triadophlebiomorpha the new sp. is

do n.; Tria- Triadophlebioidea superfam.n.: considerably higher than in X.zealandica.

fam.n.: dophlebiidae Triadophlebia gen.n.:

T.madygenica T. distincta T.mi- sp.n., sp.n., (3648) SARKAR, N.K. & D P. HALDAR, 1981.

nuta T.magna T.honesta sp.n., sp.n., sp.n., Cephaline gregarine Actinocephalus ellipsoi-

T.modica N.ele- sp.n.; Neritophlebia gen.n.: dus, sp.n. parasite of an odonate Ischnura

N.vicina N. gans sp.n., sp.n., longa sp.n.; delicata Hagen from India. Acta protozoal.

C.brevis - Cladophlebia gen.n.: C.parvula sp.n., 20(1): 121-128. (Dept. Zool., Rishi Bankim Paurophlebia sp.n.; gen.n.; P.lepida sp.n., Chandra Coll., Naihati-743165, 24 Parganas, P.angusta sp.n.; Nonymophlebia venosa West Bengal. India).

Mitophlebiidae fam.n.: Mito- gen.n., sp.n.; A.ellipsoidus sp.n. (Protozoa; Sporozoa) is enormis phlebia gen.n., sp.n.; Zygophlebioidea described and illustrated from the midgut of

fam.n.: superfam.n.: Zygophlebiidae Zygo- l.delicata. It is compared with the other 2

phlebia ramosa Zygophlebiella described from gen.n., sp.n.; congeneric spp. the Odon.

mixta curta gen.n., sp.n.; Mixophlebia gen.n.,

sinusa sp.n.; Cryplophlebia gen.n., sp.n.; (3649) SARICAR, N.K. & D.P. HALDAR, 1981.

Xemonophlebioidea Xemono- superfam.n.: Cephaline gregarine (Protozoa; Sporozoa) fam.n.; phlebiidae Xemonophlebia ornata Ramicephalus of olivacus, sp.n. parasite an

- gen.n., sp.n.; Kennedyomorpha: Kennedy- odonate Ceriagrion olivacum Laidlow from

idae: Kennedya carpenteri gen.n., sp.n.; K. India. Aaa protozoal. 20(2): 185-192. -

gracilis sp.n.; Protomyrmeleontidae: Terskeja (Dept. Zool.. Rishi Bankim Chandra Coll.,

T.tenuis gen.n.: T.paula sp.n., T.pumiliosp.n., Naihati-743165, 24 Parganas, West Bengal.

sp.n.; Batkeniidae fam.n.; Batkenia pusilla India).

- R.olivacus is gen.n., sp.n.; Heterophlebiomorpha: described and illustrated from

Triassolestidae; Triassolestodes asiaticus the midgut of Ceriagrion olivacum Laidl.

Triassoneura gen.n., sp.n.; primitiva sp.n. from West Bengal.

REDMOND, B.L. & J. HÖCHBERG, 1981 (3646) (3650) SARKAR. N.K. & DP HALDAR. 1981. The stylostome of Arrenurus spp. (Acari: Cephaline gregarine Tetractinospora victoris.

Parasitengona) studied with the scanning gen.n., sp.n., parasite of an odonate Ceriagrion

electron microscope. J. Parasilol. 67(3): 308- coromandelianum (Fabricius) from India. Acta

313. - Microsc.. (Electron Dept. Biol., St. Univ. protozoal. 20(2): 193-200. - (Dept. Zool.. Rishi

New York. New Paltz, N.Y. 12562. USA). Bankim Chandra Coll., Naihati-743165, 24

The acarine material from Ischnura originates Parganas, West Bengal, India).

verticalis. The and life of the morphology history new sp.

are described and illustrated. Tetractinospora ROWE. (3647) R.J., 1981. A new species of is characterized by globular epimerite with Odonatological Abstracts 261

vertical biconical thermis contaminata several lamellae and spores [sic!] (Fabr.). J.adv. Zool.

with 4 short sharp and stout spines, 2 at each 2(1): 57-60. - (Dept Zool., Univ. Gorakhpur,

pole. A comparative study of the different Gorakhpur-273001, India).

used genera, inch the new one, under the Acantho- Rogor was to assess values to the

sporinae Leger, 1892 emend. Grasse, 1953 is larvae of Brachythemiscontaminata. For 48 hr

the 4 also presented to establish distinctiveness of treatment the LCso value was 0.100 x I0- ppm.

the The safe harmless also new . concentrations were


(3651) SARKAR, N.K. & D P. HALDAR, 1981.

& P.K. Observations on four new species of actinoce- (3655) SHUKLA, G.S. MISHRA, 1981.

phalid gregarines (Protozoa: Sporozoa) under Toxicity ofsix organophosphorousinsecticides

a new genus Odonaticola from odonate insects. on nymphs of dragon fly, Brachythermis [sic!]

J.environm. Arch. Protistenkd. 124(3): 288-302. - (Dept, contaminata (Fahr.). Biol. 2(1):

Zool., Rishi Bankim Chandra Coll., Naihati- 11-19. - (Dept. Zool., Univ. Gorakhpur,

743165, 24 Parganas, W. Bengal, India). Gorakhpur-273001, India).

A The insecticides new genus, Odonaticola, is proposed to Diazinon, Dimecron, Metasys-

include 4new spp. ofcephalinegregarinesfrom tox, Methylparathion, Navan and Parathion

the midgut of various odon.spp. from West were used to assess LC*, values to the larvae of

O.hexacantha For 48 hr Bengal, India, viz. sp.n. (type Brachythemis contaminata. of

treatment these 5 sp.) (from Brachythemis contaminata), O. values were 0.5385xl0- ppm,

2 0.1045xl0- 0.8808xl0- 5 0.82l5x longicollara sp.n. (from Diplacodes trivialis), ppm, ppm,

and I0-5 0.I941X10-3 4 O.orthetri sp.n. (from Orthetrum sabina), ppm, ppm and 0.1524xl0-

Neurothemis respectively. It was seen that Parathion O.rodgii sp.n. (from t.tullia). ppm,

was most toxic and Dimecron was the least

(3652) SARKAR, N.K.. & D P. HALDAR, 1981. toxic. Safe harmless concentrations for these

insecticides also Observations on two new species of cephaline were calculated. (Authors).

gregarine (Protozoa: Sporozoa) of the genus

Ancyrophora Léger, 1892 from odonate insects. (3656) STONE, S.L. & R.L. CHAPPELL, 1981.

- Local circuit of Z. Parasilenkd. 65(2): 217-223. (Dept. Zool., generation OFF responses in

Rishi Bankim Chandra Coll., Naihati-743165, photoreceptors and second order cells. Invest.

24 Parganas, West Bengal, India). Ophth. Fis. Sci. (Suppl.) 1981, 1 p. [reprint]. -

The morphology and life history of A.ischnu- (Dept. Biol. Sei., Hunter Coll., City Univ. New

695 Park Box New N.Y. rae sp.n. and A.ovoides sp.n. are described York, Ave., 210, York,

from the of Ischnura midguts resp. senegalensis 10021, USA).

and I.delicata, from West Bengal, India. A brief [Verbatim]: Previously reported anatomical,

discussion on the diagnostic features of electrophysiological and pharmacological stu-

Ancyrophora Léger, 1892 is also included. dies indicate that the prominentOFFoscillations

recorded intracellularly from photoreceptors

1981. Notes la de and second-order (3653) SAVARD, M., sur présence neurons (L-neurpns) of the

Macromia illinoiensis Odona- (, dragonfly ocellar retina are generated by

ta) au Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean. Fabreries synaptic interactions within its single plexiform

- the 8(1): 1-3. (245, rue Melanpon ouest, Alma, layer. In present note additional evidence

Quebec, G8B 4G2, CA). supporting this hypothesis is presented. - In

of M.illinoiensis the Lac The record on photoreceptors, a transient OFF hyperpolariz-

S6bastien, Chicou- observed when Saint-David-de-Falardeau, ation was recording close to the

timimi Canada is Co,, Quebec, (July 24, 1980) region of the soma and receptor terminal but

discussed. was not seen when recording more distally,

closer to the rhabdomeric end of the cell. The

(3654) SHUKLA, G.S. & P.K. M1SHRA, 1981. receptor OFF response was enhanced by

Roger toxicity to preadult stages of Brachy- increasing the duration oftest flashes and could 262 Odonatological Abstracts

the be induced in dark-adapted preparations in were reported to selectively modify

of the response to antidromic stimulation of the response second-order cell. In addition,a

ocellar This OFF recorded nerve. photoreceptor response to normal-appearing response was

blocked the antidromic stimulation was during intracellularly from dark-adapted photo-

the L-neurons in the ofbrief illumination (when are hyper- receptor response to application

and for 800 pulses the ocellar polarized) up to ms followinglight hyperpolarizing current to

off (when the conductance in the L-neuron is nerve. These results support a model of sign-

increased). Neither the hyperpolarizing OFF -conserving feedback from second-order neu-

terminals and consistent response in the photoreceptor nor the rons onto receptor are

in with the that the transmit- depolarizing OFF response the L-neuron can hypothesis receptor

be attributed to electrical activity originating in ter may be acetylcholine and the feedback

the brain since they were not eliminated when transmitter could be GABA. (Authors).

isolated from the brain by cutting the ocellar

the ocellar TERZANI, F., 1981. Note di odonatofauna nerve. Furthermore, severing nerve (3658)

did not abolish the large conductance increase toscana. Redia 64; 103-115. (With Engl. s.). -

‘La - Zool, Univ. Via associated with the L-neuron OFF response. (Mus. Specola’, Firenze,

Although the antidromic stimulation experi- Romana 17, 1-50125 Firenze).

Annotations ments support the idea of synaptic feedback on morphology, biology and

from L-neuron dendrites termi- distribution are given for 10 These include onto receptor spp. the nals, the prolonged conductance increase at description and figures of terminalia of

‘OFF’ in the L-neuron leads to the suggestion Cordulegaster pictus intermedius from the

and that lateral synaptic interactions between ad- Firenze prov., a comparison of morpho-

metric data of tenellum from jacent L-neuron dendrites may tend to Ceriagrion

depolarize the L-neuron following light off. various Italian populations and from the

surroundings of Dubrovnik, Dalmatia, Yugo-

(3657) STONE, S.L. & R.L. CHAPPELL, 1981. slavia.

Synaptic feedback onto photoreceptors in the

ocellar retina. Brain Res. 221: 374-381.-(Dept. (3659) VHRVOORT, W„ 1981. Verslag van de

het Biol. Sei., Hunter Coll., City Univ. New York, Directeur over jaar 1979. Rijksmuseumvan

695 Park Ave., Box 210, New York, N.Y. Natuurlijke Historie te Leiden [Annual report

of 10021, USA). ofthe Director, 1979. State Museum Natural

Intracellular studies from photoreceptors and History, Leyden]. Ned. Rijksmus. 101: 175-221.

- Nat. second-order neurons in the dragonfly ocellar (Dutch). (Rijksmus. Hist., Raamsteeg2,

retina suggest that the hyperpolarizing OFF P.O. Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, NL).

The Odon. is dealt with 206-207. oscillation in the photoreceptorreflects synap- Dept on pp.

The staff situation remained the same as tic feedback from second-order neurons onto

mentioned in OA No. 3623. In view of the receptor terminals. The recepter OFF response

observed when of the was normally recording more extraordinary importance Department, staff situation is far from being satisfactory. proximally, closer to the nuclear and synaptic the

Various include material region, but it was not seen when recording more acquisitions large

Dr M.A. distally, closer to the rhabdomeric end of the obtained through Lieflinck.

in cell. Both the hyperpolarizingOFF response

1981. van de the receptor and the depolarizing OFF (3660) VERVOORT, W., Verslag

the second-order cell Directeur over het 1980. Rijksmuseum van response in are apparently jaar Historic Leiden. generatedin the ocellar plexiform layer because Natuurlijke te [Annual report ofthe Director, 1980. State Museum ofNatural they were not eliminated when the second-order

Ned. 102: 195-250 processes were isolated from the brain. In both History, Leyden]. Rijksmus.

intact and Nat. Hist., Raamsteeg2, cut nerve preparations, the receptor (Dutch). -(Rijksmus.

blocked and P.O. Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, NL). OFF response was by curare

The Odon. Dept is dealt with on 228-229. enhanced by picrotoxin, the same drugs that pp. Odonatological Abstracts 263

The staff situation remained the same as in OA nymphs of Coenagrionresolutum (Zygoptera).

No. 3623. the various Among significant Oikos 38: 47-51. (With Russ. s.). - (Inst, Anim.

the acquisitions, following should be mention- Resource Ecol., Univ. British Columbia, 2204

ed the of the Australia (incl. name donator): Main Mall, Vancouver, Brit. Columbia, V6T

(J.A.L. Watson), Chile (T. Cekalovic), Fiji 1W5, CA).

(T.W. Donnelly), Madagascar (P. Stelleman), In the laboratory, larvae of C. resolutum fed

The Philippines(R.B. Rodriguez), and etc, large frequent meals grew faster, emerged

earlier and had higher survivorship than those

ZÜHLK.E, D„ 1981. und fed meals. When (3661) [Ed.], Burger small and less frequent given a

Lubbenauer der hei- choice of Spreewald. Ergebnisse feedingareas, larvae tended to remain matkundlichen Bestandsaufnahme in den near areas of food concentration, though this

Gebieten von und Lubbenau. XI1+220 has Burg not always been the case.

Berlin. - pp. Akademie-Verlag, (Editor: Ar-

beitsgr. Heimatsforsch., Inst. Geogr. & Geoë- (3664) BELLE, J., 1982. Odonata collected in the

Akad. kol., Wiss., Augustusstr. 2, DDR-8010 Canary Islands. Em. Ber., Amsl. 42(5): 75-76. -

Dresden, GDR). (Onder de Beumkes 35, 6883 HC Velp, NL).

The Lübbenauer Spreewald is a small area in Material collected Feb. 15-24, 1981 in the Gran

the Niederlausitz (Lower Lusatia), situated Canaria is placed onrecord. Ischnura saharen-

halfway between Dresden and Berlin, German sis is new to the Canary Islands, and Anax

Democratic Republic. The Lower Lusatia is the parthenope and Hemianax ephippiger are home ofthe last remnants (some 200.000 souls) recorded for the first time from Gran Canaria.

of the A autochtonous westernmost Slavic tabular review is given of the 11 spp. known

the Serbians the people, (=Lusatians or Wendish). to occur in archipelago, and the regional

On p. 70 it is stated that 48 odon. spp. are bibliography is supplied.

known the from Spreewald; some ofthese are

listed, and the Serbian dragonfly folk names (3665) CANNINGS, R.A., 1982. Dragonfly days.

viz. are stated, ‘köniky’ (=‘little horses’) and Nature Canada 11(2): 12-17.-(Dept. Ent., Brit.

‘kobolica' (derived from the term ‘kobyla’ i.e. Colombia Prov. Mus., Victoria, B.C., V8V

‘mare’). 1X4, CA).

A well-balanced account on the biology of 1982 dragonflies, directed at the general reader, and

colour illustrated by a number of photographs.

(3662) ASAHINA, S., 1982. Survey of the relict

laidlawi in dragonfly Epiophlebia Tillyard (3666) CHAPMAN, M.A., 1982. The fauna of peaty

Nepal, May 1981. Rep. Odon. Specialist Group lakes in the Waikato Valley. N.Z. Ent. 7(3):

Ini. On. Conserv. Nat., No, 1,10pp„ 1 pi. ind.- 283-286. - (Dept Biol. Sei., Waikato Univ.,

(Takadanobaba 4-4-24, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Private Bag, Hamilton, NZ). 160, JA). There are over 50 lakes in the Waikato Valley

An is ofthe of account given investigation the between Karapiro and Te Kauwhata, New

E.laidlawi habitat in the Siwapuri Hills, Zealand, The history, limnology and biotic

Kathmandu 2300-2732 22- communities of Valley (alt. m), May the peaty lakes studied are

28. This is the habitat of this and list of probably only sp. briefly outlined, a the recorded

in the Kathmandu Valley. The flight season is Odon. (5 spp.) is given.

probably between May and early July, and the

oviposition plant is likely to be Elastostema (3667) CONTACTBLAD NEDERLANDSE Ll-

hookerianum. The conservancy problematics BELLENONDERZOEKERS [Newsletter of

of the area is briefly discussed. the Dutch Dragonfly Workers], No.3 (Apr.,

1982). Issued by the Werkgroep Nederlandse

BAKER, 1982. Effects (3663) R.L., of food abund- Libellenonderzoekers (Association ofthe Dutch

ance on growth, survival use and of space by Dragonfly Workers), Bussum: edited by M. 264 Odonatological Abstracts

Verdenk & J.W. Schoorl. — — (Dutch). occurrence of the m; Coenagrionidae:

for 1982: Hfl. — Subscription 11,-. (c/o M. Metaleptobasis selysi Santos* (n= I4,m),

Floralialaan 1402 NJ Verdonk, 47, Bussum, Leptagrion perlongum Calv.* (n= 14), Isch-

- for order conditions cf. OA No. Sel. NL; 3214). nura fluviatilis (n=!4,m), Enallagma

The ‘Editorial’ and various news items, related cheliferum Santos (n=!4), Acanthagrion mi-

the Netherlands Section of the to European narum Sel. (n=!4), Oxyagrion simile Costa* Invertebrate Survey ( Dragonfly M. Verdonk), (Boraceia and Itatiaia n=!4), O. evanescens

of the Netherlands Youth Study Group Calv.* (n=!4), O. hempeli Calv.* (n=!4,m;

Federations L Beukeboom & H. and to (. Olff), 15,m), Argia croceipennis Sel.* (n=13,m); -

•the Seventh of Dutch Colloquium Dragonfly Lestidae; Lestes paulistus Calv.* (n=!3,m); -

Workers [Leiden, May 8, 1982] (M. Wasscher). Megapodagrionidae;Megapodagrion con-

followed 2 technical viz.: are by papers, tortum Sel. (n=13,m), Heteragrion sp. a

Wasscher. M. Bakkerlaan (I.B. II7-II.3582XP (2n=26, n=!2, 13), Heteragrion sp. b(2n=26,

Utrecht, NL): Nederlandse libellenamen [Dutch n=!3);- Calopterygidae: Hetaerinacamifex

dragonfly - vernacular names] (4-8): Hoger- Sel.* (n=13,m; n=!4), H. brightwelli Sel.*

heijde, H. (Afd. Dialectologie, P.J. Meertens- (n=!3,m); - : Progomphus intri-

Box GW P.O. 1000 - Inst., 19888, Amsterdam, catus (Hag.) (n=!2), Phyllocycla sp. (n=!2);

Insect dialect: de libel NL): en benamingenvoor : Staurophlebia r. reticulata Kir-

in de Nederlandse dialecten and dialect: [Insect by* (2n=27, n=!4,m); - Libellulidae:

the dragonfly terminology in the Dutch Orthemis ferruginea Uhler (Boraceia: n=!2;

dialects] (9-17, map incl.). - The anonymous Flonanopolis: 2n=23, n=!2), Dasythemis

section of ‘Observations' contains list Calv. D. Karsch* (18-19) a venosa (n=l4,m). minki

of records (1979-1981) of 8 locally interesting (n=13,m), Perithemis lais Hag. (n=9), P. (contributed various spp. by collectors), and a mooma Kirby (n=!3,m), Uracis fastigiata of Libellula note on the migration quadrima- Erichson* (2n=25, n=!3,m), Oligoclada laeti-

culata - [Peize, May 21, 1981] (by P. Venema). tia Ris* (n= 11, 12), O. pachystigma Karsch*

The list ofthe addresses ofthe 23 members new (2n=23, n=12, 13), Micrathyria hypodydima

of the concludes the issue. Werkgroep (Calv.)* (2n=23, n=12,m), M. starwiski

Santos* (2n=23), M, artemis Ris (2n=25,

(3668) CORBET, P.S., 1982. Water lizards and aerial n=13z«), M. hesperis Ris (2n=25, n=13,m),

Univ. - dragons. Contact, Dundee 7(3); 47-50. M. catenata Calv.* (2n=25, n=!3,m), M.

(Dept Biol., Univ. Dundee, Dundee, DD14HN, ocellata dentiens Ris (2n=25, n=13), Erythro-

UK). diplax anomala Brauer* (n=!3, m), E.

Identic to that listed in OA No. 3517, but with castanea Ris (Boraceia; n=!3,/n); Cruzeiro do

of a different portrait and without the list slides Sul: n= 12), E. paraguayensis Foerst. (2n=25,

used in the address. n=12, 13), E. media Borror (n=ll,m), E.

famula lativittata Borror* (n=!3,m), E. pallida

(3669) DE SOUZA BUENO, A.M., 1982. Estudos Ris* (n=!3,m), E. connatafusca Brauer, 1868

cromossomicos na orden Odonata. VU-140 pp. (Boraceia and Floriandpolis n=13,m), E,

M.Sc.thesis, Univ. Estad. Paulista, Rio Claro. Juliana Ris* (n=13), Rhodopygia cardinalis

(Port., with Hngl.s.). - (Dep. Biol., Univ. Kirby (2n=25, n=13,m), Brachymesia furcata

Caixa Fed. Santa Catarina, Postal 476, BR- Kirby (Rio Claro and Floriandpolis n=13),

88000 Florianopolis, S.C., Brazil). Pantala flavescens Hag. (2n=25, n=!3,m),

male cell of 50 The germ chromosomes spp. Trapezostigma cophysa Sel. (2n=25, n=!3,m),

from the Brazilian states of Acre, Rio de T. binotata Hag. (Boraceia and Floriandpolis

Sao Paulo and Santa Janeiro, Catarina are 2n=25, n=13,m), T. abdominalis Ramb. (Rio

described and illustrated. Among these, 21 Claro and Boraceia n=!3,m), Dythemis mul-

(asterisked) were not studied earlier. The tipunctata Kirby (2n=25, n=!3,m), Macro-

is the list of incl. the musiva following taxa studied, themis Calv. (2n=26. n= 13,m), M.

chromosome numbers and the statementon the hemichlora Kirby (2n=6, n=3), M. imitans Odonatoiogical Abstracts 265

The Karsch 13 — have their abroad. (2n=25, n= ,m). [Verbatim]; m- ever found way During the

chromosomes are considered as having been World-War-11 Leningrad siege the stock has

derived from a common ancestral form, from been destroyed, hence the booklet is hardly

the which they spread to present populations. available even from the Soviet libraries.

Chromosome rearrangements (numerical and Though the largest, it is the least known

were found at the species, work of The morphological) odonatoiogical Dyakonov. present

and individual levels. The population reasons (photostat) reprint edition is technically very

the for of chromosomal - The appearance poly- nicely produced. booklet is afield guide of

morphism could not be determined but the the odon. fauna of the Leningrad district,

be related brief of phenomenon appears to closely to giving a outline the history and

the nature of the odon. centromere. Chromo- bibliography(1798-1922)of the regional odon.

that somal evidence was found in some spp. faunistics, a general characterisation of the

oflocalized favours the hypothesis centromeres. Order, and identification keys (adults and

electron However, much more work, using larvae) to the regional taxa.

microscopy and banding techniques, should be

done to clarify this point. Five kinds of (3672) GASSNER, D. & H. KOMN1CK, 1982. The

chromosomal complements were identified loop diuretic furosemide as a non-competitive

mechanism of that appeared through the inhibitor ofCl / HCO ,-ATPases ofvertebrate

numerical reduction including: (I) the m- kidneys and insect rectum. Comp. Biochem.

some -bivalents, (2) the m-bivalents ol popu- Physiol. (C)71(l); 43-48. - (Inst. Cytol., Univ.

the X the X and m- lations, (3) univalent, (4) Bonn, Ulrich-Haberland-Str. 61 a, D-5300

-bivalent and (5) other autosomes. The sex Bonn-1, FRG).

of determination in most spp. is the XO (I) The effect of the diuretic drug furosemide

for that showed the (<5) IXX(9) type, save 2 spp. was studied in Retail on ouabain-insensitive,

neo-XY mode. SON and OCN sensitive Cl /HCO ATPase

larval in homogenates from dragonfly rectum

(3670) DOMMANGET, J.-L., 1982. Premières con- (Aeshna cyanea), frog (Rana temporaria) and

sidérations sur la faune des libellules (odonates) mouse (Mus musculus) kidney. —(2)Thein vitro

de la Brenne (Indre). Bull. Soc. versaill.Sci.nat. inhibition the studied the HCO by drug on ,-

1-13. - Lamartine, F-78390 Bois activated (IV) 9(1): (True enzyme is non-competitive with an

d’Arcy). inhibitor constant of K,= 4.3 mM furosemide

of the Brenne the Various aquatic habitats area, in case of insect rectum and K,= 0.9 mM

France described and the the Dép. Indre, are furosemide in case of frog and mouse

odonate fauna is discussed. In all, 52 — regional kidney. (3) Furosemide even at 10 mM

spp. were recorded during 1976-1981. concentration which completely inhibits the

ATPase has anion-dependent only a little

DYAKONOV A M.. 1982 the Na+ + (3671) [DTAKONOV], inhibitory effect on /K -ATPase of

Nashi the 3 tissues. — (reprint). slrekozy. Ekskursionnyy up- (4) The data suggest that

redelileT. A field guide], furosemide affect [Our dragonflies. may an active chloride

biblioteka. Gosud. Izdat.. Ekskursionnaya transport system involving a Cl /HCO

Moscow-Leningrad, 1926. 11+72 pp. - Reprint- ATPase. (Authors).

ed by; De Bosbespers, Oosterbeek & Scientia,

Zutphen. (Russ.). - Price: Hfl. 22.50 net. - (3673) IRSCH, W.. 1982. Kiesgrube: Kleinod oder

from (Available ’Scientia', P.O. Box 137. 7200 Schandfleck? Tier Tierwelt 1982 (3): 23-27. -

AC Zutphen, ML). (Fachber. Biol., Univ. Saarbrücken. D-6600

This slim volume is among the greatest Saarbrücken, FRG).

bibliographic rarities in Russian the odonato- General considerations are given on the fauna

literature. Due to the condi- of logical political the gravel pits in the area between

tions in the USSR the I920's. and the Meuse prevailing during Remersch Wintringenon R„

of the few. if edition - very any copies original Luxembourg, incl. a reference to Odon. (For 266 Odonatological Abstracts

the an account of odon. fauna ofthis localitycf. (address cf, above); Zur Odonaten-fauna des

OA No. for a small on 3119; ‘monograph’ Hinterzartener Moores (21-26); - Gerken, B.

gravel pits as habitat of aquatic organisms, (address cf. above); Der Beitrag der Libellen-

directed at the reader cf. OA No. general 3468). faunistik zur Biotopkartierung in Baden-

-Württemberg; Vorschläge zur Organisation (27- K.OPPELSTÄTTER, (3674) H., 1982. Riickzugs- 28);- Heidemann. H. (Au in den Buchen 66, D-

fläche für seltene Vögel, Schmetterlinge, 7520 Bruchsal-5): Schützenswerte Biotope in

Libellen und Pflanzen. Schutz der Auewälder Nordbaden und Pfalz (29-32); - Schmidt. £

als cf. einzigartige Naturrefugien. Bad. neusle (address above): Änderungsvorschläge zur

Nachr., Karlsruhe 37 1 issue of Feb. (48): p.; Bundesartenschutzverordnung vom 25.8.1980

27. - Publishers: (c/o Badendruck GmbH, Post- aus odonatologischer Sicht (33-36); - Kult, R.

fach 1469, Lammstr. lb-5, D-7500 Karlsruhe, (Gierstenstr. 15, D-7564 Forbach-3): Fragen FRG). zum Rückgang der Blauflügel-Prachtlibelle

Crocothemis erythraea is from the reported unter Berücksichtigung ihrer Ansprüche an

Upper Rhine Rastatt (the area?), Federal den Lebensraum (37-39); - Schmidt, £ (address

Republic of Germany. This is a regional daily’s cf, above): Libellenfotos als Beleg für die

news hence no item, - exact locality is stated, nor Artbestimmung (40-48); Heidemann, H.

is the of information primary source given, but (address cf. above); Geschlechtliche Verirrun-

it is mentioned that 45 odon. are spp. known gen einheimischer Libellen (49-51); - Dirn-

from the Rastatt region. felder, L. (Theresienplatz 27, D-8440 Strau-

bing): Beitrag zur Libellenfauna der nieder-

LIBELLULA. Donauebene (3675) Milleilungsblaii der Arbeils- bayerischen und des angrenzen-

gemeinschaft Deulscher Odonalologen. Vol, I, den Bayerischen Waldes (52-55); - Rohde-

No. 2 (Feb. 5, 1982). Edited by, and available -Arndl, D. (Sarwürcker Str. 6, D-7800

from Dr. R, Rudolph, Biol. Didaktik. Univ. Freiburg/ Br): Libellenseminar veranstaltet

Munster, Fliednerstr. 21, D-4400, FRG. vom Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz

Gerken. B. (Inst. Biol. II Geobotanik, Univ. Deutschland in Radolfzell-M öggingen (56-57).

Freiburg, - Schänzlestr. I, D-7800 Freiburg/Br): The issue also contains a number of

Zweites Treffen deutschsprachiger Libellen- announcements and personal notes.

kundler in 14. Freiburg/ Breisgau am u. 15,

Februar 1981 - (1-5); Allmuller. R. (Nieder- (3676) LOUTON, J.A., 1982. Lolic dragonfly (Anis- sächs. Landesverwaltungsamt Naturschutz, oplera: Odonata) nymphs of the southeastern

Postfach D-3000 Libellen- 107, Hannover-1): United States: identification, distribution and

in für kartierung Niedersachsen,Grundlage das historical biogeography. PhD thesis, Univ. Niedersächsische

Arienschutzprogramm - (5-7); Tennessee, Knoxville. XVI1+357 pp. (Dept.

Buchwald, R. 6, D-7800 (Sickingenstr. Zool., Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. 37916,

Freiburg/ Br): ökologische an - Untersuchungen USA). Microfilm or xerox copy available at

Libellen im westlichen Bodenseeraum - (8-13); University Microfilms International, Disser-

Ä. D-776 Radolfzell- Knebel, (Mühlbachsir. 2, tation Copies, P.O.B. 1764, Ann Arbor,

-Möggingen): Zum Stand der Kenntnis der Mich. 48106, USA.

Libellenfauna im westlichen An Bodenseegebiet [Verbatim]: identification guide to the

(13-15);- Gerken. B. (address cf. above): Neue southeastern United States lotie dragonfly

Funde von Ischnura pumilio Charp. (Insecta. larvae is constructed. Descriptions, figures,

in der Oberrheinaue Odonata) und die derzeit verification tables, and distribution keys, maps bekannte Verbreitung der Art in Baden- are provided to facilitate identification of

- -Württemberg (16-18); Schmidt, £ (Biol. families, genera, and species. Information

Didaktik. Pädagog. Fak., Univ. Bonn, Römer- developed in the study of larvae is utilized to

str. 164. D-5300 Zur Bonn-I): Differenzierung evaluate arrangements of taxa that have been

bei der Bestandsaufnahme der Odonatenfauna traditionally based solely on adult characters.

ausgewählter Biotope (19-20): - Schmidt. £ Traditional arrangements are supportedexcept Odonatological Abstracts 267

of ( 1 ) subgenera the genus Gomphus s. 1. are flight. A possible role of optical signs in the

the highlydistinctive in larval and should an stage choice of appropriate zone on the bank and

be elevated rank and to generic (2) two species, of the territory within it is discussed. It is

and G. the Gomphurus consanguis rogersi are assumed that limits of the territory are

and improperly placed as a group deserve defined by a possible chase distance. The return

genericrank. to the perching site is probably facilitated by

A study of ofN orthAmerican species led orientation. ranges sun-compass (Author).

to ananalysis of the historical biogeography of

of worldwide the genera. An analysis the (3679) NOTULAE ODONATOLOGICAE Semi-

distribution of of the North American genera annual bulletin of the International Odonato-

fauna led to the following conclusions; (1) the logical Society. Published by the Societas

Nearctic fauna is composed of relicts ofa once Intemationalis Odonatologica (S.I.O), Utrecht.

continuous Holarctic Tertiary fauna, a few Vol. 1, No. 9 (June 1, 1982). - Annual

Jurassic minor relicts, and lineages derived subscription Hfl. 25,- net. - (c/o Dept Anim.

from the Neotropical realm, (2) species of the Cytogen. & Cytotaxon., Univ. Utrecht, Padua-

modem fauna are considered to have diffe- laan 8, Utrecht NL).

rentiated late Pleistocene by Tertiary or early Gloyd, 1.K. (Mus. Zoo)., Univ. Mich., Ann

and times (3) certain other nominal species or Arbor, Mich. 48109, USA): Bibliography of

yet unrecognized taxa are considered of Doctor Mike Wright (141-143); - Kiaula, B. &

subspecific rank and of late Pleistocene age, M. Kiauta (Dept Anim. Cytogen. & Cytota-

xon., Univ. Utrecht, Padualaan 8, Utrecht,

(3677) MEYER-ROCHOW, V.B., 1982. Electrophy- NL): The chromosome numbers of sixteen

studies the insect siological on compound eye. dragonfly species from the Arun Valley,

- N.Z. Em. 7(3): 296-304. (Dept Biol. Sei., Univ. eastern Nepal (143-145); - Kumar, A. (North-

Waikato, Private Bag, Hamilton, NZ). ern Reg. Stn, Zool. Surv. India, 13 Subhash

The experimental equipment and techniques Rd, Dehra Dun-248001, India): An annotated

are described, and the basic anatomy of the list of Odonata from the Pithoragarh District,

insect compound eye is outlined. On p.300, a Western Himalaya, Uttar Pradesh, India (145-

reference is made to Uropetala. 147); - Mielewczyk, S. (Dept Agrobiol., Polish

Acad. Sci., Swierczewskiego 19, PO-60-809

1982. Territorial'noe (3678) MOKRUSHOV, P.A., Poznan); Polish translation of the ‘Aka-

povedenie (Li- Tombo’ of Rofu chetyrehpyatnistoy strekozy [‘Red Dragonflies'] song Miki

bellula quadrimaculata) (Odonata, Aniso- (147); - Yazicioglu, T. (Dept. Syst. Zool.,

ptera). (Territorial behaviour of the Four- Aegean Univ., P.K. 74, Izmir, Turkey):

-Spotted Dragonfly, Libellula quadrimaculata Dragonflies from the Ergene River Basin,

(Odonata, Anisoptera)). Vesm. Zoo!., Kiev Trace Turkey (148-150); - Blom, W.L

1982 (2): 58-62. (With Engl.s.). - (Inst. Zool., (deceased): List of Odonata collected during

Sei. Ukrainian Ul.Lenina Acad. SSR, 15, various lepidopterologicaltrips in Iran (1971-

USSR-252000 K.iev-30). 1974) (150-151): - De Abenanle, Y.P. & M.E.

The territory size guarded by the male of Philippi(First author: Depto Artrdpodos, Fac.

the Hum. L.quadrimaculata during reproductive y Cien., Univ. Republica, Tristan

period on rivals’ density depends the at a pool. Narvaja 1674 Montevideo, Uruguay): Lista

The larger the odon. population,the smaller the preliminar de los odonatos del Uruguay (151);-

When the territory. population density exceeds Johmon, J.H. (Nez Perce Fish. Resource

threshold 2 of the value of2-3indiv./m ,2groups Manag., P.O. Box 365, Lapwai, Idaho 83540,

males territorial and non-territorial. Diet appear: USA): composition and prey selection of

Territorial male behaviour at high population Cordulegaster maculata Sel. larvae (Anisop-

density is characterized by short chasingflights tera: Cordulegasteridae) (151-153); - Land-

and low prolonged periods of perching; at mann. A. (Inst, Zool., Univ. Innsbruck,

density they guard the territories in hovering UniversitStsstr. 4, A-6020 Innsbruck): Second 268 OdonatologicalAbstracts

record of Cercion lindenii (Sel.) in Austria (3683) REPORTS OF THE ODONATA SPECIA-

(Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae)(153-154); - Mie- LIST GROUP. SPECIES SURVIVAL lewczyk. S. (address cf. above): Der Zug von COMMISSION. INTERNA TIONAL UNION

Libellula quadrimaculata L. durch Gniezno, OF CONSER VA TION OF NA TURE A ND

Westpolen im Jahr 1975 (154); - Sangal. S.K. & NATURAL RESOURCES (I.U.C.N.). Publi-

B.K. Tyagi (Second author Malaria Res. cation commenced in 1982. Published by the

Centre, I.C.M.R., Ukai-394680, Distr, Surat, International Odonatological Society (S.I.O.),

Gujarat, India): The spermatocyte chromoso- edited by N.W. Moore. - (Standing and issue

Anax orders the mes of immaculifrons Rambur from to Editors of Odonatologica: Dept

India (Anisoptera: Aeshnidae) (154-155); - Anim. Cytogen. & Cytotaxon., Univ. Utrecht,

Tôth, S. (Bakonyi Természet-Tudomânyi Padualaan 8, Utrecht, NL; - Editor: Prof. Dr.

Müz., Postafiôk 36, HU-8420 Zirc): [Obituary] N.W. Moore, The Farm House, Swavesey,

Maria Csiby [German], Cambridge, CB4 5RA, UK).

series The appears at irregular intervals. Each

N.D. & J.R. issue 15 21 contains (3680) PENNY, ARIAS, 1982. Insects of (size: x cm) a single paper

Amazon and has an forest. Columbia Univ. Press, New a separate pagination. For N os 1,2 cf.

York. XX1I+270 - OA Nos. 3682. The of each issue pp. (Authors: c/o Natn. 3662, price

Res. Inst. Amazonia, Brazil). dependson the volume ofthe paper concerned.

The results the ofa systematic study of diversity

and density of all arthropods in a central (3684) RETTIG, K., 1982. Zum Vorkommen einiger

Amazonian forest Insektenarten in Ostfriesland. Teil Jber. over a 13-month period are VII. dt.

The area studied is 90 km Ducke Bund Vogelschutz Emden 1981 55-57. - reported. a sq (2):

Forest Reserve, 26 km NE of the city of (Danziger Str. II, D-2970 Emden, FRG).

Manaus. The Odon. with 46- New distributional records from Eastern are dealt on pp. Frisia,

but 47, no specific names are stated. Federal Republic of Germany are given for 8

odon. spp. - (For other odonatol. notes in this

(3681) PINHEY, E.C.G., 1982. Odonata. In: S B. series cf. OA Nos. 2679, 2731, 3043, 3134,

Parker [Ed.], Synopsis and classification of 3452).

103-106 excl. livingorganisms, pp. 338-348,pis

McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York. - (Author: (3685) RETTIG, K & R. FRANK., 1982. Faunis-

Wye View Villa, Gloucester Rd, Tutshill, tische und floristische Beobachtungen in 1981

Chepstow, Gwent NP6 7DH, UK). im DBV-Schutzgebiet der Gandersumer

Concise characterisations are given ofthe order Bahnkolke. Jber. dl. Bund Vogelschutz

1981 - and the higher taxa, by one of the foremost Emden (2): 34-39. (Danziger Str. 11, D-

specialists. Considering the technical termino- 2970 Emden, FRG).

the review is directed A list is of 9 odon. logy, at a professional given spp (German names

rather entomologist than at a general reader. - only) from the Gandersumer Bahnkolke nr

Emden, Federal Republic of (Abstracter's Note: No reprints were supplied Germany. Of

by the publishers. Xerox copies, without plates, interest are the earliest and the latest 1981

are available from the Editors of Odonatolo- records of Libellnla depressa, viz. May 18 and

gica). Sept. 12, resp.

(3682) PINHEY, E„ 1982. Preliminary list of little (3686) ROBERTSON, H.M., 1982. Mating behav-

known and or vanishing afrotropical Odonata. iour its relationship to territoriality in

Rep. Odon. Specialist Group Ini. Un. Conserv. Platycypha caligata (Selys) (Odonata: Chloro-

Nat., No. 2.4 - View Gloucester Behaviour 79 11-27. pp. (Wye Villa, cyphidae). (1); (With

Rd, Tutshill, Chepstow, Gwent, NP6 7DH, Fr.s.). - (Dept. Zool., Univ. Witwatersrand. I

UK). Jan Smuts Ave., Johannesburg-2001, South

36 taxa of 8 families are briefly discussed. Africa).

P.caligata has males with abdomens coloured Odonatological Abstracts 269

blue dorsally, and laterally expanded tibiae Westfall. M.J. (address above): Sixth Interna- coloured white and The anteriorly posteriorly. tional Symposium of Odonatology (1-3); - females brown coloured. The are cryptically Committees of S.I.O. as established at the males are strongly territorial and centre their Meeting of the Council, August 19, 1981, Chur territories around potential oviposition sites (3-4); - Pritchard, G. (Dept Biol,, Univ.

(driftwood or treeroots in the water). Territo- Calgary, Alberta, T2N 1N4, CA): Seventh rial interactions involve a complex, hierarchical International Symposium of Odonatology. series of flights which include flash displays of Preliminary Announcement (4-5); - Donnelly, T. the white and red surfaces of the tibiae. Most (Dept Geol. Sci., St. Univ, New York, successful interactions followed mating a Binghamton, N.Y. 13901, USA): Informal central sequence: (1) a male intercepts a female northeastern Odonata meeting (5); - (Westfall, passing through his territory, (2) displaying by Fraseria - List M.J.f appears (5); of S.I.O. his blue abdomenbehind him he attracts her to members [updated to Dec. 1981, containing his she lands and makes oviposition side, (3) and some 350 names addresses in 47 countries] probing oviposition movements on it, appa- - (5-19); Davies, D.A. (Crofton Lodge, 8 Drury rently testing its suitability for oviposition Lane, Mortimer. Reading, UK): Rarus, rarior (possibly on the basis of softness), while he rarissimus - (20); Dunkle, S. W. (c/o Editor): courts her by displaying his white tibiae while Dragonfly odor not repulsive to mosquitoes hovering around if she the site her, (4) accepts - (20-21); (Westfall, M.J.)'. George Doerksen

she flies up and slowly, perches, they copulate, - dies (21); Charles Francis Byers dies (21); -

whereafter he returns her in tandem to the site to North American dragonfly manual available oviposit. Females apparently rejecting the site at reduced price (21). decamped rapidly. Sometimes males courting

already ovipositing females weresuccessful. All (3688) THOMS, S„ G. JURZITZA & R.-U. ROES- other interactions, especially those from Okofaunistische away LER, 1982. Untersuchungen sites oviposition were unsuccessful (only 104 of an Libellen (Odonata) in ausgewShlten Bioto- 564 observed interactions led to copulation). des Bienwaldes. pen In: R.-U. Roesler (Ed.), This mating behaviour is compared with that Das Landschaftsschutzgebiet Bienwald in der of other Odonata, and especially Calopteryx 179-202. Siidpfalz, pp. Pollichia, Bad Durk- maculata. It is that the evolution of speculated - heim. (second author: Bot. Inst. 1, Univ. this female choice of oviposition site prior to Karlsruhe, Kaiserstr. 12, D-7500 Karlsruhe-1, mating and the elaborate male courtship FRG). resulted from male territorial defence of the A rounded-off account is given of the only available suitable oviposition sites. The odon.fauna (44 spp.) of the Bienwald, Pfalz, adaptation of Platycypha caligata to oviposi- Federal Republic of Germany. The history of tion on driftwood and treeroots (the discreet, odonatol. research in the region is traced from défendable sites invoked the first scare, as step 1850 onwards, various features of the local in this theory) have been associated with may fauna and the are analysed, conservancy their occupation of mountain streams which aspects are considered in detail. have no emergent vegetation. (Author).

(3689) WINSTANLEY, W.J. 1982. Some insects in the (3687) SELYSIA. A newsletter of Odonalology. Rangitoto Range. New Zealand. N.Z. Em. Compiled by M.J. Westfall & M.S. Westfall, 7(3): 323-324. - (Zool. Dept, Victoria Univ., Dept Zool,. Univ. Florida, Gainesville. Fla. Private Bag, Wellington, NZ).

Vol. 11, No. I (March I, 1982). - Sent free of The odon.fauna (7 spp.) encountered Jan. 9. all members of the International charge to in 1981 the upper catchment of the Waipa Odonatological Society and to anybody else River, is recorded.

expressing to the Editors the desire to receive it.

- (c/o Dr M.J. Westfall. Jr., Zool. Univ. Dept ZIEBELL, S., (3690) 1982. Zum Nachweis von Florida, Gainesville. Fla 32611. USA). Gomphus flavipes (Charpentier, 1825) und 270 Odonatological Abstracts

anderer larval Gomphiden durch Exuvienfunde im Rhine. In the present paper a habitat is

described Departement Cher in Frankreich (Odonata). from the Loire, nr Cosne, D6p.

Arliculata - 1(19): 212-214. (With Eng.s.). Cher, France, and notes are provided on G.

(Habbrügger Weg 21, D-2875 Ganderkesee-1, pulchellus, G. vulgatissimus, Onychogomphus

FRG). forcipatus, O. uncatus and Ophiogomphus

Only few and sporadic records of Gomphus uncatus, occurring in different microhabitats,

within flavipes are known from the territory W of the the same generalarea.