22. PEP S U

Ofjice 0/ the Registrar General, India MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS GOVERNLY1ENT OF INDIA 1954


1951 Est P CONTENTS • PAGES I. INTRODl1CI'ION • • • • .. .. '" • • • I 2. Table I.-Population of Sche.duled. Castes • ,. .. .. • , 3· Table H.-Population of Other Castes • .. (i) HindUs • .. } .. • 5-I 5 (ii) Muslims J I ~T T ROD TJ C T IOn

In pursuance 0 f Government policy there 'was limit8d enumeration cmd -;-,pbula-cion of c8stes in 1951

r.I • I h ., Census,. ~Ven In t 8 case 01 80:', .:c;0uled C :--t.-::;:, S::heou1ed

Tr ibe send jJ c\vJc;rd Clas S8 s, t.'r}e figures of ec~ch c a ete were not s'3parately extracted; only the group to tal? ',!C::'G a:;]certainGd. The Backward Classes

Commj_~!:don rOCuir(3 thn figures o:t populat:Lon 0 f each

" indiviClu81 ce,"to. In orcler to a::'si~t them an esti- mate of popuIf'tio11 0f cDch ca:otG :.T..r! 1951 has been madE on the bas:L::~ 0:: tile figure,' of the previous census. '

The.r,~ &.re no Scheduled Tribes in t118 state

T':I P Ci TT o f P • .,!,. ., u.o The hc've bG en prs f:ented in t'Vl() tables - (1) Scheduled C8stes - Hindus only, (ii)

I T1"U O th'':;J.''''' C""':c,~, ~·'G"" v s, -Find..,~ u ~ "-~~ncl . .'.'__.::'1 ~l"n-lJ. ... .l \..S ~op::\"Y'_ ...... _ ..... -- a 'r,::-;lv."-'_" J 4. Ho castewiS6 figures are available for 1941

Censu~~. The t.?blr:3S of 1941 cen~us give figures fol' only a fml'! selr:ctec! castr3s ano these also for a few selactad dig~icts' -2..


~~l-J-; fj_"UrC;i c;iv:~n in tl-!is t[1ble rcla·:.~o to Stat(3S the tcrr j_tol"Y 0 f Pa tioli] 2;ld =:2 ~J t pu~j GliUni.o n a ~i ill


The pOpu12tion of ':ach c[1ste :;ivcn in t:~i~ 'Cr1ble ref:rs only '\1) thr,,; 'Jopulation of ~~jndus.

\ Column 5 0 l'

',(.l .... J c(~.l.l~·~···pt ll.. I'..... l. • TABLE I; Populatio~~ o:~ Scbec1ulec C;; sts s (lTD tifiJcl UD(l er president1p Order 1950) in the Censuses of 1911-31 and estima 'i~Gd po~:ulation in 1"31. PEPSU

------~t------.....-.... -.-~-- ""!I~~&,",4L-I:ttJ~I,"'lt~s""'cl,..--- ...- ...... ~ l! of Caste I. POP.vJ...'i:ltJ.Q1L:t~ ---:...... :., IpOPulation IRei1arks --"i"9'll f 1921 1931 in 1951

I~ q ...... _.. --...... 1 • ._ ..-.... v- _...... , ..._ ...... 2.'.. _-- . 3 ...... 5______6 ,...",_

• • • 4 •• ••• ···'Of 2. Baneali '215 159 ••• 207 3. Bar8!, 641 532 .',' 3 ,., ••• 4 '.1:,542 3,83G 1,845 2,228 3,456 ••• 4,-506 11l,484 69,866 ·84,352 • • • 227 ••• 296 9. Ci:amar 128,015 1<11,433 t'70 ,757 10. C:1anal 2,8B9 3 ,195 . .,. 4,165

F 9,362 12,171 12. Dhanak 19,818 ••• 29,570 954 609 735 I " ~2 . ~.~.. '.' . 1~3

13. Kabirpanth1 ••• • ••i • •• , .. .,-, J , Xhatilt 1,50'7 755 , /2,288 Kori or K011 677 7Il5 .. ':, 932 1 v/"" '.' .. •• I ••• .. , :~azLa bi l~. 89 116 ?1' . -.. 1 1 1

l\~ G, t 22. 304 188 I.' • 245

Od ,159 5 6 21... Pnsi ••• 142 ••• 7 -- ••• • •• .. ., ••• ••• 317 -4-


2B. Sanhai • • • • •• • •• , ... G • Sanhal • • • • •• • •• •••

{"'I • ~ C. u8nSl ~ ,20~j 2,013 2,579 3,114 31. Sapela 33 , . • • 44

1".0 .,..., • Sr.lrera u'- S~ 0 11 33. Slhkligar .17 20 ·' .. 26 34. Sirkiband L~Q ~09 • •• 272



Figures are not availab1o~

The total estim:qtod population of SchGdulod CAstos in 1951 according to the above table came to 317,833 while the enumerpted population of SCheduled Cnstos in 1951 is? 676,aO~ On account of wide varintlon in tho two totals no 8ttornpt has br3en mrlde to ndjust the ostirn~ted figures.

-----~------_ --_---

L~S. (lOO-C opies1 24.9.195'-1. -5-


Ths t2 bl:3 pr,~ sen ts fi[,ure 8 0 f 2:::"~~ )!2 ste s.

ThG list; has been prepal'tGd ,-d th ref'orencc to the . . C20 t eQ &;1.ven l11 eliminatinG the castes C'ivep in T'" 1 I. Qt.'!: of these 20~ casten 114: are inclu03d under IL_:-:dus Dnd,

.,"" :,. Tt- stimates of 1051 J)opulution in this

T~'" to ttl

< total of othcT' ca8to8~ Or' 8Ccount 0:' ':.'iri: variation

...._, .... '1 LJ.l,-, c ;.;t;jr.atec'1 fi.._:ure s • -6..

TABLE II: Population of o~heJ~ castes Hindus in the Censuses of 1911-31 and astir (;! tt.:;O DODulation in 1951.


-_--- --~- r Popula"l;lon - in'- 39 tim2 i~Gd 1 l"amo o·r> CCJ te ~v'Of'; 1. lC21 1931 population R~mark: in 1951 1 f 2 I, 3 '1: 5 6

, , ,'> 8'"' L1 (\1:;("\ C' . , • ..I ..... Aheri r:erl ) 3,'(:01 D, \):.t ••• ~ tjt.) 2. i.~ari (A8i r ) 24 ••• • •• 32

_,.,) r") c""'-"''''_' '77 r:::'J ~) . Ahir { t..:;"1 _;_'"W~:J i. , 85,308 103,357 .(. 1~:11u walia ••• 1 ,O~J7 • •• 1,43() 5, :~rain 803 853 712 861

'1 <")t::l 6~ Lro:'a (:qo ra.) .c.t, ,-,0 11,792 ~3, f)97 4,826

n , ~ ~., ~T .... j ( . •. Ii 0. ••• 522 • •• 6§J._: 8. E nhrupia ~~ 10 • •• J~: s. Bahti 58 .'.. • •• 78 10. Bflir<.10 i 8,381 9,590 ••• 12_ ,'oJ c33

11. Bani:'e, ( [~,"1oarna1) 1C3,22) 102 , 3avC;r- 116,332 1.'l:c() ,459

12. Bawaria 8ilma 2,239 4,111 5,~90 6,398 13. Blli'1 j a:r a 105 460 ••• 600

14. BazjJ21~ ( ) 1~970 2,010 2,661 ( including Barwala) ••• 15~ Bh6.bra 182 2J1 ••• 275 leSe Bhal1d 22 +e ••• '$3' -, 1'7 _L I • Ph!:lrr'i(Bh'_:_ G. C era_~, i'-, 6 8· • •• 10' E~. 'Bha""b'~1 ,', ~ L .L ul"'J a 397 443 .". .581 1 a " ..l..v, Ehat 1,24:3 986 ••• 19 235 20. Bhatia 21 18 ... , 23 21. :2hat:r8 72 128 ••• 167 ;~ 2. Rbil 26 •• • ••• 35 !"),,:,". !:.,:,r; '-'t...I_ Bis~"l~oi _.J.n <./v ••• '77 -7-

1 2 3 4 5 G

'''),r} L..J _:. Bhojki 55 ••• ••• 73 \ 25. Ebhra se 95 ..c 124 26u Brabman* 145,639 145,::tl6 152,073 183,598

27. Chan r~ 275 228 • •• 297

t"'"Ir; C~: ~,~: ~~~2:'" -.. - - 2 ;:)1:' • {,"o 3'

29. C:bl1imbe ),098 8,747 5,852 7,0)5 20. Chir:imar 1 •• • ••• I 3J. D'1011 (Daola) .;.; 135 ' .... ••• 53 32 .. Churirar 4 .. ~ c ... 5

,..", .,)0. 269 564 1,125 1,358 34. Do gar 10 ••• ••• 13 1"_1t::::'uv. Dhirsar 145 19 ••• 25 36. Dobhi 1,265 1',351 1,2)4 1,454 (37. Do sali 9 ••• • •• 12 38. 7,407 5,592 5,777 6,975 39. Gac13ria 2,330 2,798 • •• 3,Fi48 40. Gaddi 9 .'1) ••• 12 41. Garr ~~ ••• 21 ••• 27 92 ••• 123 4§: &~~~r , , ••• .. , C • $ '- of·. 44. Ghd 82 36 ••• 47 45. G80dhlla 267 •• 0 • •• 357 46. Ghiratb 532 550 361 436 4'1. Gosain 2,:54 3,119 ••• 4,066 48. Guj j8r 2S ,627 2(J ,543 33,329 40 ,239 49. Gurkha Unspecified 9 43 ••• 56 50. Eari .... ••• • •• • •• 51. JD.iswara 333 41 • •• "'3 .. ' 52. Ja t 178,432 199,776 184,075 222,240 .

~f: .. 53~ ,Jhiwa.:r' 28,182 31,652 25,068 3J ,265

•• ,ij ~541. J,.) ~;:J. ** 5,807 6 i 268 ••• 8.172

I:wIL~d8.s Dhiman Brahman c** In cl1}de s Jo{"i Rawal also ~ -8-

1 2 3 41 5 (:3 _,._------

--t:: 0 0.). Kahar • ••• 2,768 3,342 56. Kachhi "26. 225 ••• 293 57. Xahut 8 ••• ••• 11 ()8. Kalal (Kalwa!' ) 1,878 415 .. - 5-11. Ei9. 71 .. , , .. 95 30. Kamboh .3,OZ7 3,588 4,076 4,921

0"1 .•.• Kanchan 2 1 • •• 1 G2 • Ka~! jar, 174 ••• ••• 233 621~ Kapri 1 S 58 ••• 76 64. Kasmniri 1 ••• ••• 1 6,5. Ke.yarth 1,524 1,298 ••• 1,692 GG. Rho I! Sikhs (Dagi) 1,667 1,055 , .. 1,375

67. Khalsa ••• 2 t •• 3 68~ K:t}arrel 35 2 ••• 3 69, K.""Jatri :':4,991 28,809 31,157 37~617 70. Rumhar 19_L' 35'-'G 21,811 21,757 26,268 71, !:u!'!:,i: ·150 68 ••• 89 72. Lilart (lJ1J.:;I1'i 7 uira.ll) 1 1 ••• 1

73. Lau B.:gi ..... a ... ' .. .. ", 74, Lodha 64 10 ••• 13 75. Luhana 715 671 ••• 875

76, Lohar 10,236 11,S2;3 3,867 1J ~705

'-J'7 ; I • ]ff.ahajan 14 • •• • •• 19

':70 " U. ~Hlir G., ~S2 ••• :?{l2 .:.. -t· 79. I.- ahtan 4 ••• • •• 5 SO. Mali 14,.874 16,183 15,396 8,588 ':n. Mallah 34 29 ••• 38 'c 0') '.. ,)W. Faniar 599 492 ••• 641

,") '-,) .. ),-;. ~fleo 7 2 • •• 3 S~l. ;dna 3?? 6S4 ••• 905 -9-

~.::.2 ____:...... ~ __ 4~ ____ 5_ :::]

85. f~lr8Lj.. 82 137 36 43

36. Yocr,i ~212 3:('<-1.: 608 734

87. IT 8 j_'~: 370 G61 ..t 3C2

Qr. gag SS. ~: 2. i 0:' Edj.jarn 1'4C' 110.9.4 2) ,857 19,795 w~, ~.

89, l~ icl!'ia . . 1 1 t •• 1 90. f"n:· gar .... .4,570 ' 610 ·,. . 79.:5 91. Fa 1.;\.78. 21 25 , • J3 92. Penja . . 60 2 • •• 3 98. PGrn8 , . ·5 t., , ., ·7

9~. Pv.rbia 1,40 8 960 .., 1:,253

A •• \3 95. Pu.j 8}':' . tt. • •• 4

gC: e Rahbar:L 1,113 4hh .,. .606 97. Rn-i ear U=in(lus. '& c' i"khs) •• e ••• • • II • •• 93. 112 217 ••• 283 99, R2 J1)'C. t 53,183 57,605 60,141 72,608

100. Ram Garhia (Rar;l Dasia) ,., 383 317 383- 101Ror 1,3)5 1,276 • •• 1,664 102. 82 ::';..1'1i 7,99S3 9,242 7,606 9,183 103. Sarlsi (Sikhs). 204 55 7 8 lOf!" • Phor2g~J 286 85 ••• 110 105. SUd 2,868 2,973 • •• 3,928

105. fU:i.1ar 11,745 1~S30 12,965 J.S'-, 6C"<;)VV

~.,. ;;: 107. 'I'cu-:1.bo1 i 50 13 .... 1'7 JOB • T[n~: • •• 150 282 340

109, '1nrkh811 22,435 33,35G 31,974 38,603

110,Teli 36 14 ••• 18

lll~ Tha '::11 iar 39} 283 .,. 368

4 LL,1') 112. T:1O-ri 3,871 3,408 ·.. , _'Tot.)

P ..:r .0 • -10- --_.------_____1 ____.~ ___2_. __.•.. 3 __ ... _ ....4 _____ § __6 __ ,_

••]1 :::;...., • 1:r·,10 ' .• """'rs(V .;. c- Julah2) 2,552 1,959 921 1,112 89 2,059 8 10



above t:,ble:' cam:: YD 1,.972t.602J whil(; the cl!.umerated

~OpulfltiolJ of other cDstes 11>. 1S51 is 2,817,383. On


LNS( 100-C op1e31 24.9.1954. -11-


ITamG of Caste J Population in 3stir,;.a.ted ~ 1911 " ~S21 19-31- pepul~l·t-ion li6r~. P}:l J :1 111 1951 -- 1 2 3 4 [5 G •. .~----'-

1. .Jl.heri 1,818 1,989 . • •• 2,593 ,., '7 8 G. Ah1r 7 • ••

OJ' 0, Aralr! 94,033 104 ,695 118 t 823 143,455 4. Lrora 5 • • • , .. -7

r:;:' 814 0, 535 940 674 6. Badun (Badu) 310 ~2 • •• 394 7, Bagr:t , .. 4)- ,., 52

Q , 52 ~. Baniya 1 40 ..

C: 237 v' • B8nj ara 12r: 1ft ••• 10, Barar ••• 2) .. , 26 11. ,Bar"i'ola 571 596 e.e 777 :;a.3.7 171 2:23 l~. So zi.Q e'XI ..'" 13, Bhabra 69 ••• • •• 97 4 14. :Bha~'d 3 • •• • •• 15. Bharai (Bharain) 11,255 11,934 • •• 15-- ,558

~_3. 291 281 • •• 366

17" Rhat r .. 24 0 •• 31 628 18. Bhati2I'a 362 482 • • co

12, • Bhoj j};:i 7 5 ••• V

. nr- 2 7):(0 G0. Bile en 1,981 2,363 2,3Y, , -""

21. Toena 7~ lID • •• 156

C"J0 92 85 t-J':-J • BI'Elhman 65 ·, . ., '-'0' ~!'-"', 1 320 _L , (,_..l .~L.' • Cll ')~'Gor 1,192 9 ·o. '7 ()93 24" ChhilJ1b8 4,957 5,664 6,Ot1:1 i ,6 -12-

1 2 3 5 6

25. Chir im8.r 72 61 ••• 80 26. Churig8r 8 12 • •• 16 , (,'"" b ''0 ", ' ,:., (. a gar 49 6 .,'. 8 23. iD2,r agar 14 .,. • •• a> 29. !D[tr zi 697 914 716 %4 " ~:iJ • J)2udpo tra 1 ••• • •• I 31. Dbobi 4,216 4,649 5,064 6,114

32. Dhund 5 , .. • •• 7

'-) ~. 00. Do ear 14,676 16,105 , .. 20 ,996 34. Fa (I :i_r 27,084 ' 29 ,854 3°c..., 9():-:_. , 38,882 35, Gadarla 12 5 ••• 7 0r c.JO. Gakkhar 38 , .. • •• 53 3? Gno ~i 21~ 186 ••• 242 38. GIro.l at", (Go la) ••• 75 ••• iJ8 39. Guj j aX' 34,546 36,2"12' 40,095 48,,407 40. Harni 62 . .. 166 373 4EO tn. Hijra 14 13 • •• 17 , .. c,,2. Jc:iswara 1 ••• • •• 1 ':::0.!I" Jat . 32,003 36,336 4D ,358 48,724 fiLl : ..,:. Jhabel(Cha'bel) 427 ...... 600 .. ' /1 r; ".:ct,"; • Jhinwar ( Jhiwar) IS,OBJ [9,477 1:4...; ] ...... t:9B :7,624 , . , .. 16. Jhoja 93 7))' ••• 102

~'7 .1 • Jogi 3,194 ') ,803 -<:>0 3,654 ,d.Kachhi 31 '" • •• 44 19. K.-h81: '" • •• 398 481 30 " Kaltkezai 26 ••• • •• 37 51. Kalal (l~ &1 'War) 3~OO9 461 • •• SOl 52. Kav!anGar 63 87 • •• :n3 -" -'0. K2T,lboh ~,935 24,576 23,588 31,514: - , y.:.:.. ~&:.\ Ch~::1 772 64:2 • •• 837

- ~ \._j' K[l~1j ar 126 • ••• 7 -13-

1 2 3 S: 5 '6 -----..::;.,_-._.------~ ------~------~----

;')'0.-c' Ka srJ!!J.i:c 1. 1,704 1,558 1,899 2,29~ 57. 1\.ay:.:';;;th 31 18 •• 2~

~Q ()o. 64 S~ Kel1al • •• • •••

~("\ ~).;;; . ICh8~1zada 21 ~. • •• a:

ell:.~J 6Q. Kha'ra.~iia Sal 8) "" 12~ 61. Kha!'!'a1 8B ~ .. • •• ~ 6~?'. K~ otri 6 t •.• • ••

f 63. Khattac: 2 ••• ••• •

(.:Lt 2,.(±6~ .. .) ...... 1,582 1,892 ••• . J 65. IChali ( Dagi) 4 ~...... •

66. Khokhar ,..89 9 • ••• "1J 67. Khumra 147 1 •••

58. Khush2bi -99 84 . .•.•. 11( 69. Kumhar 22,03} 24,576 26,112 31,52( ?'J. lCunj r a 600, 872 ••• 1,13' 71. Lubana 170 3 •••

~2~ L ilari (Nilari- Nlrall 3,488 3,652 ••• 4,76 73. Lcdha ..-. 3 , .. 74. I·oha.r 16,075 18,316 m,373 24,.59-

~ ~). i,1"8 chh~i_ 8,115 '5,684 7,031 8,'18 76. Yahtam 205 196 .,. 25 I? ,C] 77. rTair ••• • •• ., '

'?3. 1~a1i 454 257 33 ~

""'e' I) •• (~) . ],TGliar 2 • •• 2 0r 80 .. n:?lliJh 1,523 1,704 ••• ,we:.

81. 1.'I:a::~i2r 726 942 • •• 1,22

0') 977 .J(....J • J\~oo '1,018 973 1,19

(")1"'_1 40 .:_)::..). KLn3 285 ••• • ••

c' II 10 y~0 2"W, /10-:.- ...... _:,'_:: . I"'i118S~ . .~, u"-' 13,065 18,535 ... 14-

1 - 2 3 ~...... , ...... 456 ,_ _ _------...,.....~

85. r';o chi 13,614 li~~562 15,900 19 ~ 196

/I 5')'" 86.1·0 gh21 -", ,-,.:;) 4,614 .. , 6,Cn5 87. Mujawir' ••• 18 .., 23 '38, EUS~1811i (Kutana) 13 227 ••• 2SG 89. Lai or Haj jam 8,982 9,587 10,129 12,229 80. Eairia 56 aa ••• 29 91~ Kungar 6 • • • " . 8 92. Pachahda t1 • • t 5,9 ,2 • •• 7,747

...,,., (""I '_'" 93. padha ( I -'v Cj '.' • •• 338 ,. t •. 911, pakhiwara (PakbirJ28) 339 309 3<:':9 121 95. Paracha ·278 ·281 . . • •• 366 ·96. Pathan 14·,·!771 14,935 15,8()1 19 1077 patna 97. 6 18 • •• 23 98. penja 4~115 4,953 ••• 6,470 go..... Q8.l;:)~-\ (' J r 153 80 • •• 104 100. Qa~eab ~sa1) '8,363 3,742 3,635 4,389 101. QC1zil be sh *- ~ 'lO: 2 .. , ,., 3 102 R::babi 153 91 ••• 119 103. Roj 1,187 1,5211 , .. 1,987 lr')/' ~ ..... v 0 ?atmt 97,850 100,906 11Q,181 13:1,022 105. saini 12 ••• ••• 17 e ...,-' 105. v- . -- • •• 1 '" 1 107 satti 12 .. , ~ ... 17 108. sayad 13,203 13,753 11,341 17,676 109. Sheikh 28,6~7 28,112 37,799 45,635 110. Sunar 967 1,023 ~, 11278 1,543 Ill. Tagah • •• 17 , .. 22 fiI'"3 L ._ 112~ Tamboli .~ -" ••• • •• 3 ~>:: ' 113 ~ark.hcm 5,515 6,225 7,135 8,674 11

1 2 3 4 5 . "------

115~ Tha t 1:1iel'"' 62 8'1 ••• 6b 116. rl'~o:ri 4 1 • •• 1 117. To"2B 88 ••• • •• 124 118. Ul Cllla [;1 S ••• 10 119. Wes..."r! ' SS,4S1 se.&4WS aa.DS!L t"J'illo\ 1 0.,.:1':' 120. Oth::;rs 22 1,400 ••• , '~ .,;:""~


••• Figures are not available.

Please see note at page No. 10.