Los Angeles Event Center
OV,\l'l.\l&Hf YI' t ITV ,iAN'YINot: C ITY OF LOS ANGELES ~1, .. '-• ...~ '-~~•111... u, ' "'""'" • 1: ) .w..111 :A,:tM:l<:t.c:A 11'1.1~ CAu-'<>MMA :O •Jto\"' .....:a n • '-l4JV•" "'Mli",O\ ... JJ> t••~••'~'' ,V,.. ►flt..AC• """"\M~,'- ' ,.,, Cff\l!'l'OUC:"~ t c;r;y " ,.. ..... N( ,"!0... Wli~ 1J•f.Jltt, : ,, Wl,,l~Yi(,11t!lt,V_. ... 1,t.... M \\I r :/11 11,-'( ,' __ I-':"... ~ 1«Jl't,. "'- l lltt• 111(..,_,.,,. vo1, , .......... IVN ;; ,, ,.. t ... n.~ v.. ~t"r. 01.:::oc,icao ):f-hL~ 1,1UC J 1ifN,,r.J.,MH u,,;.,.-..•~!J '., \(N ~~ ,:.......~hi ... ·~, 1fl,,\f\- 1.#ttl!H~ WJ~lltl l,Wtl .,.,. ::•"'"'"'"' 1.-.i... _ .-j,ui._ , -.....,. ~., ...,, ........,~ .. f\,11:t:,.•~ oJ • )it:11,.1.)« H~ Antooo R Volara,g0$,i! Mayor Ci1y ot l.os ~oles City Han, Room 300 Los Angele~. CA 90012 Attcnti<>n: Ms. Gaye Willams c.. ar M;rJ<)( Vllar'"9Q'x!' MAYOR'S EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE NO. 22 DOWNTOWN EVENT carre:R PLANNING Th-e Executive Oirective V'3S issued dJe :O 3le- ~ifalnce of tt.~ Cofl\-ention and Event Center Project Jo, Los An9e.'es. The goal ls to n-.a,omiza the con,.-t>Jtion ol lh9 Fannor's F,eld pn,j~ lo U-.e economic ~rowth. CMC ife and tvabiliy ol Downtown Los Angel9s- The Execurvo Dtrw.-ve ~ up the coordrnle<I actions ol Uie Depar.menl$ of City f'lanning, Tr~ooo. f'\Jbic Works, Conventior. Cen,e, arid CulllJ'at Affo>h. The Cty Oepar.me.'l1S -ed together 10 M!Ue that thoughtful design, axh~eclure, :iro ptaruw,g aro efll)loyed in Ole review ol tile project.
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