The Aicardi Syndrome: Report of 4 Cases and Review of the Lterature

John M. Bertoni, MD, Siegrun von Loh, MD, and Richard J. Allen, MD

~~ The findings in 4 cases of Aicardi syndrome (female infants with mental retardation, , characteristic eye lesions, agenesis of the , vertebral anomalies. and abnormal but nondiagnostic electroencephalo- graphic patterns) are compared to 39 previously reported cases. Available information suggests that the syndrome results from an unknown intrauterine insult occurring no later than the first trimester. No familial cases have been reported, and the cause remains unknown. Bertoni JM, von Loh S, Allen RJ: The Aicardi syndrome: report of 4 cases and review of the literature. Ann Neurol 5:475-482, 1979

In 1965 Aicardi et a1 [3] described a syndrome con- At the age of 29 months, a follow-up examination revealed sisting of “spasms in flexion,” agenesis of the corpus an unresponsive child in decerebrate posture with torticol- callosum, and multiple ocular anomalies occurring in lis and poor handling of oral secretions. There was gener- retarded female infants. Other associated findings in alized chorioretinitis on the left. The electroencephalo- subsequent patients have included porencephalia, gram was profoundly abnormal, with a burst-suppression cortical heterotopias, facial asymmetry, rib and ver- pattern. tebral dysplasias, and scoliosis. In addition to Patient 2 [ Aicardi’s cases 1-31 there have been several other An infant girl was the product of a term pregnancy marked clinical reports [8-13, 19, 22, 24, 26, 30, 31, 33, 35, by “stomach cramps,” headaches, and vaginal discharge. 391; nearly all have been in the non-English litera- Labor was induced 48 hours after rupture of the mem- ture, and only Fariello et a1 [ l l j have reported more branes. At 10 weeks, the patient began to have head- than 3 such patients (although agenesis of the corpus bobbing spells up to 100 times per day, with tonic-clonic callosum was well documented and complete in only movements and eye deviation to the left. Right mi- 3 of their 6 patients). The present series thus repre- crophthalmia and extensive bilateral chorioretinitis f Fig l I sents the largest collection of the complete syndrome were seen. Roentgenograms showed brachycephaly and reported since Aicardi’s original description. variations in size of the lumbar vertebrae. A pneumoen- cephalogram revealed agenesis of the corpus callosum and heterotopias adjacent to dilated lateral ventricles. The EEG Case Reports was markedly and diffusely abnormal, with frequent Patierit 1 spike-wave and polyspike-wave bursts consistent with hyp- An infant girl was the product of an unremarkable gestation sarrhythmia and a burst-suppression pattern. The seizures (except for transient skin rash and albuminuria) and deliv- persisted despite a regimen of phenobarbital, 30 mg daily, ery. At birth, severe right microphthalmia and dysplasia of phenytoin, 15 mg daily, and prednisone, 15 mg daily. the left retina were noted. At 2 weeks of age the baby de- veloped spells of eye rolling, eyelid twitching, extension of Putierit 3 the extremities. and mild cyanosis. Roentgenograms dem- A term female infant required forceps delivery after 32 onstrated normal skull and forearms but multiple thoracic hours of labor. At 11 weeks she developed daily convul- vertebral anomalies. The head progressively enlarged, and sions consisting of cyclic flexion of the extremities for sev- a ventriculogram showed agenesis of the corpus callosum eral seconds; these convulsions were not controlled with and multiple cortical heterotopias. An electroencephalo- phenobarbital, 40 mg per day. At 14 weeks, examination gram was moderately abnormal with a paroxysmal epilepto- revealed normocephaly, bilateral chorioretinitis. right genic focus in the left hemisphere. At 3 months of age a ven- exorropia, and . Roentgenograms showed a nor- triculoatrial shunt was inserted due to increasing head size. mal skull but multiple thoracic spinal anomalies. A

From the Section of Pediatric Neurology, Department of Pediat- Address reprint requests to Dr Berroni, Department of Neurol- rics, and the Department of Neurology, University of Michigan ogy, University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor, MI Medical Center, Ann Arbor, MI. 48 109. Accepted for publication Sept 11. 1978.

0364-5134/79/050475-08$01.25 9 1978 by John M. Bertoni 475 Fig I. Leji ortilurfindm of- Patient 2. Mitlfipfe"pzrncbed- wit" patche.r. sotne a.i large a.i one-half disc diameter, of geo- graphic- atrophy of thr retinul pigment epitbeliiini and choroid are sruttered arorind the disc. Mild dyspiasiu of the optic neri'e head and anonulnm brunching of central retinal i.e.r.reLi are also seen.

Fig 3. Frontal i,ieic, roentgemngruni of thorac.ic spine of Putient 4.Note the mininiul rotosroliosi.i and .spinu biJid~orciilta of thu posterior neriral urcheJ at mii ftiple IeijeLr,

and elbows and extension of the lower extremities, with eye deviation to the right. Despite therapy with phenytoin, 100 mg daily, and primidone. 240 mg daily, up to 50 such spells occurred per day. At 4 months, examination showed normocephaly, generalized hypotonia, and multiple sharply

~ 1 . -/--Q>, /.* -.~ 'r j,,, RAT-M -b..2\,?,,2q ~~'.~-x - demarcated areas of retinal pigmentary degeneration bilat- Fig 2. Electvoertreph~logrr~mof Patient 3. age 3 months. The erally. Skull roentgenograms were normal, but multiple tracinx shoiijs a biir.rt-.riippressioti pattern. e.ipecially on the left anomalies (e.g., unfused neural arches, scoliosis) were side. High-i,oltugr .rim cot,rponrnts with shi'fthg shurp di.i- noted on thoracic spine films (Fig 3). The EEG was pro- chur,se.i ccun he seen on the right jide. (Bundpa.r.r. 1 to 30 Hz.1 foundly and diffusely abnormal, with high-amplitude (over 1. = frft: R = right: E = frontul: C = central: P = parietai: 500 pv) spike-wave bursts consistent with hypsarrhythmia 0 = or-cipttdl: AT = anterior temporal: PT = posterior tent- with a burst-suppression pattern. Seizures were reduced to three per day with prednisone, 30 mg per day, phenytoin, Po rai. ) 25 mg per day, primiJone. 50 mg per day. and acetazolamide, 250 mg per day. At 12 months the head circumference was smaller than 3 standard deviations pneumoencephalogram revealed total agenesis of the cor- below the mean, and a pneumoencephalogram showed pus callosum. complete agenesis of the corpus callosum with nodular in- The EEG (Fig 2) demonstrated hypsarrhythmia and a dentation of the lateral ventricles (Fig 4). At 2 years the burst-suppression pattern. Seizures were not controlled by patient was able to stand with support; at 4!,>years she still 10 mg of phenytoin daily, 40 mg of phenobarbital daily, could not stand alone and had only babbling speech. She and 375 mg of acetazolamide daily. At 12 months the head had been -free for over a year. At age 5 years 10 circumference was smaller than 3 standard deviations months. a CT scan (Fig 5) revealed multiple anomalies, under the mean, and the infant was unable to roll over and including apparent absence the corpus callosum and a had no speech. The EEG showed marked abnormalities, of bizarrely shaped ventricular system. with numerous spike-wave bursts and delta waves up to 200 pv in amplitude, and marked hemisphere bisynchrony. Discussion Putieizt 4 Table 1 summarizes the cardinal features of the A baby girl was the term product of a pregnancy compli- Aicardi syndrome in previously reported cases plus cated by hrst-trimester edema of the hands and feet. At 4 our 4 patients. The complete syndrome includes fe- weeks of age the baby developed spells of heavy hreathing male sex, mental retardation, seizures, eye lesions, and repetitive 2- to )-second episodes of flexion of the neck agenesis of the corpus callosum, costovertebral

476 Annals of Neurology Vol 5 No 5 May 1979 anomalies, and abnormal but nondiagnostic EEG findings with otherwise unremarkahle laboratory tests and family history. Analysis of these individual clinical features suggests certain etiological pos- sibili ties.

Sex of Patielits All patients with the Aicardi syndrome arc at least phenotypically female. Although this may have pathogenetic significance, its meaning remains un- clear. Karyograms have been done in 11 patients, and all were normal.

Meut~~lRetarihtioN All patients thus far reported with the Aicardi syn- drome have had severe mental retardation with de- layed psychornotor milestones. Few reports provide follow-up studies of psychornotor development. Two 4-year-old girls were reported as being unable to walk [ 11, 301 and a 6-year-old girl was described as being severely retarded and without reaction to her surroundings [ 391. Only 1 of our patients (No.4) was able to stand with support at the age of 2 years. There was a notable relationship between the severity of muscular hypotonia and the degree of mental retar- dation. which may indicate that in these patients the pathological changes of muscle tone are secnndary to the cerebral dysfunction. Mental retardation and sei- zures (unspecified) have also been reported in simple apenesis of the corpus callosum 15, 361, but more often there are no clinically detected abnormalities.

Collec-rivc Review: Rcrtoni et al. Airardi SynJrorne 477 Table 1. Clinicul Data frotti Reported Cases of Atcard Syridrottie

Eye Lesions PEG Findings

~ CR ACC Spine Lrsions EEG Findings

Authors and Year N F MR Seiz Bil Uni Col MIC Tot Par Her Hemi Other Hyps B-S

~ Aicardi er al [l-31. 1965. IS I5 15 I5 I4 1 7 4 13 2 15 I 9 10 4 1968, 1969 Gman er a1 1191, 1968 111 1 I 1 Saraux et al 1351. 1969 111 1 1 1 I 1 Rousselie and Fonraine [331, 111 1 1 1 1 !I 1 197 I Rolland er a1 1311. 1971 111 1 1 1 1 I Dennis and Bowrr (91. 1972 Ill 1 1 I !I 11 1 1 1 Harnmami et al [131, 1972 111 1 1 I 1 I 1 Renier er al [3Ol. 1973 222 2 2 1 2 1 1 Gerhard ct al 1121. 1973 111 1 1 1 I Massun er a1 I2rl. 1973 I11 1 1 1 1 I 1 I Michalowicz and Wiszczor- 333 3 12 2 I 2 !I I 2 Adamczyk L261. 1973 Deodar1 ct al 1101. 1974 222 22 1 2 2 1 1 Tillrnan and von Bernuth 222 2 2 1 1 I !I I 2 1391. 1975 Drjong ct a1 181. 1976 Ill 1 1 I I !I Fariello et al [ll]. 1977 666 6 6 7 5 3 ’3 1 3 !I 6 Brrtoni et al (this report) ‘I 4 4 4 31 2 4 32 2 Z 4 Total 43 43 4Z 43 31 6 15 19 31 10 22 9 10 2’ 15

N = number of ~asc‘s; I! = female; MR = rnrnral retardation; Seiz = seizures: CR = chorii)rctiniris, Bil - bilateral; Uni 7 unilateral; Col - coloboma, MIC = microphrhalmia; ACC = agrncsis of rhe corpus; Tot = total; Par = partial; Her = hrrcrotopias. Hrmi = hemiverrrbrac; Hyps = hypsarrhythmia. B-S = burst-suppression: i = prohablr or questionable; PEG = pncumoencephalograin.

These findings contrast with the description of men- found to involve only the choroid layer according to tal retardation and seizures present in all reported fluoroscopic angiographic studies in 1 of Aicardi’s cases of Aicardi syndrome. original patients, with the retina itself being spared [13]. DeJong et a1 181 found peripapillary annular Seizri res depigmentation in the pigment epithelium associated All patients have had generalized seizures of both the with a defect in the sclera and a coloboma of the optic myoclonic and tonic-clonic type (sometimes com- nerve. These lesions occur as multiple yellowish, bined). The term sparnu in $exion was used by central, round defects, up to six disc diameters Aicardi and by 10 other authors. The early onset of across, and show less pigmentation than is usually seizures (12 hours to 10 weeks of age in our patients, observed in inflammatory chorioretinal changes; from birth to 31.2 months in all other reports) is strik- some have no pigmentation. The lesions are mostly ing. Although the term spa.inzs in j?e.r;ion implies a bilateral (in 37 of 43 patients) and are frequently specific seizure type, there has not been a diagnostic associated with microphthalmia ( 19 patients) or col- seizure pattern. obomas of the papilla or iris (15 patients). Other eye The seizures in the Aicardi syndrome are report- lesions are less common. edly difficult to control, regardless of therapy. The use of prednisone or adrenocorticotropic hormone PrieunioencephuloRrapbic FindzngJ was mentioned in 13 reported cases; in 4 of these Total agenesis of the corpus callosum has been found patients there was a decrease in seizure frequency, in 27 of 39 previously reported patients, and 10 improvement of the EEG, or both. One of our pa- partial or questionable examples were also seen. tients (No. 4) was treated with prednisone (30 mg Although all of Aicardi’s patients had cortical per day) with marked reduction in seizure frequency, heterotopias, this finding has been mentioned by and complete seizure control for more than a year only five other authors [9, 24, 26, 30, 311. Total was eventually attained with the use of standard an- agenesis was diagnosed in all 4 of our patients, and 3 ticonvulsants. had recognizable heterotopias. Cortical heterotopias are demonstrable by pneumoencephalography if they Eye Lesions are in a subependymal location, but if scattered sub- The specific eye lesion described by Aicardi is a cortically, they may only be detected by autopsy [4J chorioretinal lacuna, a punched-out lesion that was (this may explain why heterotopias are reported less

478 Annals of Neurology Vol 5 No 5 May 1979 frequently in nonautopsied cases of the Aicardi syn- chrony of the EEG patterns in the two hemispheres is drome). The use of cerebral angiography has been normal in the first months of life; absolute asyn- reported only once and is not a useful diagnostic pro- chrony was not seen in any of the EEGs in our series. cedure in this condition [ 131. Burst-suppression patterns occur in the Lennox- Computed tomography has come to be recognized Gastaut syndrome as well as in metabolic disorders as a safe, precise, and noninvasive method to vi- such as maple syrup urine disease or anoxia [17]. sualize agenesis of the corpus callosum [32]. How- Asymmetry and asynchrony of EEG patterns have ever, most of the patients with Aicardi syndrome had been found frequently in agenesis of the corpus already been described before this technique was in- callosum (mostly associated with background slowing troduced. The CT scan of Patient 4 (see Fig 4) did and multifocal paroxysmal activity), but such patterns confirm the findings of the pneumoencephalogram, are not diagnostic [5]. It has been mentioned in one and thus CT scanning may be the preferred diagnos- report [ 111 that sleep spindles are absent in the EEGs tic technique in patients with suspected agenesis of of Aicardi patients. However, we have identified the corpus callosum. No incracranial calcification was sleep spindles whenever sleep recordings were ob- noted, either in the 39 patients previously reported tained (10 of 12 EEGs) in our patients. Although the or in this series. sleep spindles were usually poorly formed, in a few instances they were physiologically well formed, Vertebral Anottiafies were located centrally, and had an average frequency Hemivertebrae were found in 7 previously reported of 14 Hz. patients, and other costovertebral anomalies were described in 16, often associated with rib anomalies Other Clinical Findings such as costal aplasias and dysplasias. All of our pa- Variations in skull size and shape and in muscle tone tients had vertebral anomalies, including hemiverte- are frequent in patients with the Aicardi syndrome. brae, fused vertebrae, spina bifida occulta, or varia- Sixteen of 39 previously reported patients and 2 of tions in vertebral body size. None had rib anomalies. ours were microcephalic. Abnormal muscle tone was mentioned in 13 of the 39 prior patients and all 4 of E fert roeu rep halog rap h ir Findings ours. Among the EEG features described in the Aicardi syndrome are: ( 1) hypsarrhythmia; (2) burst-sup- pression pattern, with varying degrees of asym- Fanlily History metry; (3) diffuse lateralized or bilateral shifting Family histories in all present and reported cases are paroxysmal discharges (e.g., spike waves); and (4) negative with respect to a complete Aicardi syn- diffuse or lateralized slowing of intrinsic activity. drome. A family history of seizures was mentioned Some of these features were seen in all of the 12 for 3 of Aicardi’s patients and in 1 other report [301. EEGs performed in our 4 patients (Table 2). All Three examples of unspecified seizures, 1 of “mus- these findings are nonspecific and are not patho- cular dystrophy,” and 1 of requiring gnomonic for the Aicardi syndrome. Asymmetry is a replacement of the Holter valve were found in our nonspecific finding in cases of brain damage. Asyn- family histories.

Degree of Burst- Sleep Patient Age Abnormality Focal1ty Hypsarrhythmia Suppression Sleep Spindles 1 3 wk Moderate L>R - - + + 2 yr, 3 mo Marked R>L - + + + 2 yr, 4 mo Marked R>L - + + + 2 3 12 rno Marked L>R + + + + 3 3 mo Marked L>R + + + + 12 mo Marked L>R - - + + 4 4 mo Marked R>L + + + + 8 mo Marked R>L - - + + 10 11 mo Mild L>R - - - - 2 yr, 10 mo Marked L>R + - + + 4 yr, 9 mo Marked L=R + - - - 5 yr, 10 mo Marked L>R + - + +

Collecrive Review: Bertoni et al: Aicardi Syndrome 479 Lahorutory Studies spinal fluid protein and glucose results were normal The multiple negative studies for infectious agents in 3 of our patients and were unavailable in the performed in patients with the Aicardi syndrome are fourth. summarized in Table 3, which includes data from our 4 patients. Cerebrospinal fluid was reported to be Timing of Intrauterine Insult normal in 20 patients in the literature. Renier, how- In 11 of 39 previously reported cases that included ever, reported a pleocytosis (42 white cells/mm3), histories, various disturbances of pregnancy were with a protein concentration of 80 mg per deciliter noted. Aicardi mentioned 3 “abnormal” pregnancies and an abnormal colloidal gold reaction [30]. The among his patients. Eight women were reported by

Tahle 3. Lahoratocy Data from Reported Cusec of Airurdi Syndrome

Authors and Year N Toxo“ CIDa Herp” Rub“ Syph“ Karya Other“ Aicardi et al 11 -31, I5 0115 016 017 014 0/9 014 Urine AA chromatography 019 1965, 1968, 1969 Leman et al [19], 1 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1968 Saraux et al L351, 1 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1969 Rousselie and Fon- 1 01 1 ND ND ND ND 0/ 1 ND taitie [33],1071 Rolland et al [311, I ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1971 Dennis and Bower 1 Oil” 011r ND ND ND 01 1 Negative viral cultures (urine, L91. 1972 throat, stool, CSF) Hammami et al1131, 1 01 1 011“ ND ND 011 ND 1972 Renicr et a1 [3OJ, 2 012 01 1 ND 011 012 01 1 TB stain test 011, brucellosis 011, 1973 listeriosis 0/ 1 Gerhard et a1 [12], 1 01 1 ND ND ND ND 01 1 1973 Masson et a1 1241, 1 Oil<’ 0/1 01 1 011 ND 01 1 Urine AA chromatography 011 1973 Michalowicz and 3 ND ND ND ND ND ND Wiszczor- Adamczyk 1261, 1973 Dcodati et al [ 101, 2 012 012 ND 0/2 ND ND Urine AA chromatography 112, 1074 blood AA chromatography 012 Tillman and von 2 012 ND ND ND 011 ND Bernuth [391, 1075 DeJong et a1 181, 1 01 1 01 1 ND ND ND ND 1976 Fariello et al [ 111, 6 01 1 01 1 01 1 011 ND Oi 1 Normal dermatoglyphics 1977 Bertoni er a1 (this 4 0/4 014 013 013 014 01 1 Viral culrures: blood 0/1, urine 011, report) stool 011, throat 011, aqueous humor 011, urine AA chromatog- raphy \/5 Total 41 0132 0llX 0112 0112 0117 Oil 1

“Number of abnormalities found versus number of patients tested. ”Positive at 1 : 4. lPosirive at 1:20. “Transiently positive at 1 :20; mother positive at 1 : 120. “Test done using aqueous humor.

N = number of cases; Toxo = toxoplasmosis; CID = cytomegalic Inclusion disease; Herp = herpes; Rub = rubella; Syph = syphilis; Kary = karyotype; CSF = cerebrospinal fluid; AA = amino acids; ND = not done.

480 Annals of Neurology Vol 5 No 5 May 1979 others to have various nonspecific symptoms during chromosomal translocation [23]. A gene defect that is pregnancy, including fever, abdominal pain, myalgia, lethal to males has been proposed to explain female vaginal bleeding, “grippe,” diarrhea, and vomiting. In preponderance in the Goltz syndrome [38] and in- 3 of our patients, pregnancy complications included continentia pigmenti [2 I], which have features in some of the following: hypertension, skin rash, ab- common with the Aicardi syndrome. The normal dominal pain, vaginal discharge, and mild peripheral karyograms cannot exclude the possibility that ab- edema. normal cells were once present in a mosaic pattern The time of developmental arrest resulting in the but subsequently died [28]. It is also possible that an features of the Aicardi syndrome appears to be no environmental insult could be lethal in males only. later than between the fourth and twelfth weeks of Although infections can induce symmetrical non- gestation. The corpus callosum forms roughly from inflammatory defects that appear as primary insults the third week to the end of the fifth month [20], in neuroembryogenesis [ 151 and agents such as tox- beginning as a thickening in the lamina terminalis oplasmosis may often strike during the first trimes- near the anterior commissure. A sufficient insult as ter [29], no infectious agent can be implicated in the late as the eighth week results in total agenesis, but Aicardi syndrome. The false-negative rates are now milder and later perturbations produce various de- sufficiently low (e.g., 10 to ISc; for agents such as grees of partial agenesis. Arrest of migrating neurons toxoplasmosis [27]) that coincidental test failure in all and glial cells moving from the periventricular zone cases is unlikely. Sabin and Feldman [34]had origi- results in heterotopias. Since these cellular mi- nally classified a group of chorioretinitis patients with grations occur over a long period, heterotopias are negative dye tests as having “pseudotoxoplasmosis” not unique to any particular week of gestation. but later found most of them to be cytomegalovirus- In the fourth week of gestation, sclerotomes in the positive (Feldman HA: personal communication, thoracic region divide transversely, and each result- 1973). ing half joins half of the adjacent sclerotome to form Recent work by Hempel et a1 [I41 demonstrated the primitive vertebral body. Other sclerotomic cells that intracutaneous injection of autologous retina migrate ventrolaterally and establish primordia of the with adjuvant was followed by chorioretinitis with ribs during the fifth week, but segmentation of the massive infiltration of the choroidal tissue and his- vertebral bodies is not completed until the period of tological destruction of the photoreceptor layer in cartilage formation, roughly from the seventh to the rabbits. The finding suggests that maternal antibodies ninth week, after which time ossification centers ap- may selectively affect the developing eye and raises pear [ 181. However, it is uncertain whether anoma- the possibility of immune mechanisms operating to lies such as hemivertebrae as seen roentgenographi- produce the Aicardi syndrome. Maternal hypoxia, cally can be specifically timed to a particular period of induced by only four to five hours of lowered atmo- development. spheric pressure during specific periods of early Of the series of events that take place in eye de- pregnancy, has been associated with hemivertebrae velopment, the closure of the choroid fissure can be and other vertebral fusion anomalies as well as rib fairly precisely timed in the seventh week. Failure of anomalies in the fetal rabbit [7] and mouse [27]. closure is termed rolobonia and may involve not only the iris but the ciliary body, retina, choroid, and optic Supported in part by funds provided by a Michigan Departmenr ot nerve [6]. It does not appear that anomalies such as Public Health grant to the Section of Pediatric Neurology. Uni- microphthalmia or chorioretinal lesions can be safely versity of Michigan Medical Center. attributed to any one time in development. The authors are grateful to K. A. Kooi. MD. R. P. Tucker, hlD. A. G. Clague, MD, and T. 0. Gabriclsen, MD. for their helpful Etiology advice. Catherine Mazzolini assisted in preparation ot the manti- script. The cause of the Aicardi syndrome remains un- known. No teratogenic drug or other toxin has yet been associated with this syndrome. The finding of References generalized aminoaciduria in 2 of 20 patients is 1. Aicardi J, Chevrie JJ: Le syndrome agtnisie calleuse. spasmes en flexion, lacunes chorio-ri.rinicnnes. Arch Fr Pcdiarr nonspecific, although elevated spinal fluid amino 26:809-810, 1909 acids have been reported in a child with hereditary 2. Aicardi J. Chevrie JJ, Rousselic F: Le syndrome spasrncs en agenesis of the corpus callosum [25].Only 7 patients flexion, agentsie calleuse, anomalies chorio-rthnicnnes. Arch with hereditary agenesis of the corpus callosum had Fr Pediatr 26:1103-1120. 1969 been reported by 1773 [37].The condition is trans- 3. 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482 Annals of Neurology Vol 5 No 5 Map 1979