Guide to the Papers of Bishop Gilbert Haven 1731-2013

General Commission on Archives and History of the United Methodist Church P.O. Box 127, Madison, NJ 07940 2015-09-21

Guide to the Papers of Bishop Gilbert Haven

Papers of Bishop Gilbert Haven 1731-2013 8.5 cubic feet The purpose of this finding aid is to help you understand the nature of this collection and to assist you in the retrieval of material from this collection. The following pages contain a brief biographical history of the person, or persons, who created or collected these papers; followed by a general description of the collection in the scope and content note. If more detailed information is warranted then series descriptions also appear. The container listing appears last and is the listing of material in each box, or container, of this collection. To request material you need to turn to the container listing section. It is essentially a listing of file folders, or artifact items, in the collection. Each folder, or item, has a call number associated with it. Each folder also lists the inclusive dates of the material in the folder. On the material request form list both the call number and the folder, or item, title. Use a different line for each folder, or item, requested. When your request sheet is complete, or full, bring it to the archivist and the material will be retrieved. Biographical Note Gilbert Haven, (1821-1880), a minister, an educator and later Bishop in the Methodist Episcopal Church and was an active abolitionist and radical throughout the Civil War and Reconstruction Eras. The issues of temperance and women’s rights in the church were of interest as well. Haven was born and raised in Malden, , who was descended on both sides of his parent’s family from the New England Puritans. He was the son of Gilbert Haven Sr. and Hannah Burrill Haven. Prior to his birth, Haven's parents still belonged to the Congregationalist Church until joining the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1821. Haven stated he embraced a more evangelical faith in 1839 while attending the coeducational Wesleyan Academy in Wilbraham, Massachusetts. By the fall of 1842, Haven headed to Middletown, , to enroll in Wesleyan University which was one of the premier Methodist Episcopal Church colleges at that time. As a Wesleyan student he attended services and worked at "the African Church" which served Middletown’s free black population. In 1846, Haven began teaching ancient languages at Amenia Seminary in Dutchess County, and remained there four years, eventually becoming its principal. Haven obtained a local preacher's license in 1847 which officially began his long ministerial career in the Methodist Episcopal Church. During his tenure at Amenia, Haven declared his intent to join the New England Annual Conference in 1850. At this same time he became a dedicated and active abolitionist following the Compromise of 1850 and the passage of the stricter Federal Fugitive Slave Law that was part of the Compromise. That same year Haven preached his first abolitionist sermon appealing to the "Higher Law" and encouraging a noncompliance with the Fugitive Slave Law. The New England Annual Conference appointed Haven to serve in the following churches: Northampton (1851-1852), Wilbraham (1853-1854), Westfield (1855-1856), Roxbury (1857-1858), and Cambridge (1859-1860). Haven ministered to the free black communities near his church appointments which provided a chance to treat blacks as full social equals. This action caused some friction with his parishioners. The annual conference granted Haven supernumerary status in 1861 so he could travel abroad and serve as a Civil War chaplain. Within the New England Annual Conference, Haven served on the general committee on education and examination board, co-founded the Church Extension Aid Society, supported the Irish Mission, and worked on the Preacher's Aid, and Temperance committees. In the late 1850s, Haven was active in attempts to add anti-slavery planks and prohibitions to New England Conference rules and platforms for its members and denominational standings. By October 1861, Haven took the position as temporary minister to the Clinton Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church in Newark, New Jersey, while at the same time working as the Boston correspondent General Commisson on Archives and History Page 1 Madison, New Jersey Guide to the Papers of Bishop Gilbert Haven for the Christian Advocate and the unnamed New York contributor for Zion's Herald. Haven journeyed to Europe in 1862 for rest and recuperation, returning in 1863 when he was appointed the pastor of North Russell St. Church (later First Methodist Church) of Boston. In 1867 Haven was elected the editor of Zion's Herald.

The 1872 General Conference elected Haven a bishop and assigned to Atlanta, Georgia, during the latter period of Reconstruction in the American South. Haven's views on anti-slavery translated into strident opinions on political and social equality among the races, and he heavily involved himself in efforts to expand educational opportunities for freedmen. However his status as a pro-Unionist New Englander and his vocal opinions on race made him decidedly unpopular among the white population in former Confederate territory.

In the mid 1870s, following his 1873 trip to Mexico with William Butler to attempt to spread the Methodist Episcopal Church into Mexico with a 1876 trip to Liberia, while in coastal West Africa he contracted a fever (apparently malaria) from which his health never fully recovered. Active as a Bishop in the M. E Church throughout the late 1870s, Haven remained a vocal and uncompromising proponent of Reconstruction and advocated for stronger civil rights laws even after the political climate of the 1870s shifted away from Reconstruction. This resulted in his marginalization in political circles and put him in conflict with much of the Methodist Church hierarchy. After his return from Liberia, his health problems and political ostracism resulted in his status as a Bishop without an appointment. Haven was plagued by increasing health difficulties and recurring problems from the tropical fever. He died on January 3, 1880 in Malden, Massachusetts at the Haven family home. Over his career, in addition to writing for the "Christian Advocate" and writing for/editing Zion's Herald, Haven also wrote The Pilgrim's Wallet (1866), National Sermons (1869), Father Taylor, The Sailor Preacher (with Thomas Russell, 1872), Our Next Door Neighbor: A Winter in Mexico (1875), and the posthumous Christus Consulator (1893). While in Europe, Mexico, and Africa, Haven also produced accounts and opinions on his experiences-- which were published in newspapers

While at Wesleyan University, Haven adopted anti-slavery views in response to reading abolitionist tracts and the poetry of John Greenleaf Whittier. He appears to have absorbed the reform zeal that was active throughout New England during the 1840s and 1850s. Haven supported the single-issue anti-slavery Liberty Party as early as 1844. In a contemporary letter to his mother, Haven states he was viewed by his peers, many of whom were opposed to his views, as a ranting, fanatical abolitionist. Haven responded to the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854) with a sermon titled, The Death of Freedom, following the caning of on the floor of the . Haven declared the senator a "martyr for truth in history" (1856). He was active in the interdenominational Church Anti-Slavery Society from 1859 until the Civil War.

Haven often criticized other abolitionists, particularly and his followers (Garrisonians) for directing their anti-slavery radicalism toward other causes without reference to religious viewpoints, or room for difference on non-slavery issues. He strongly felt this led to an alienating effect on other abolitionists or non-radicals who were otherwise sympathetic to the anti-slavery movement, but not in favor of radically remaking the American social order on a number of other issues. Haven believed that the unorthodox religious views of Garrison and many of his followers undercut support among Evangelicals for abolitionist aims - particularly the views of such figures as Theodore Parker, on whose death Haven referred to as, "the first great American infidel."

In 1859, Haven met John Brown who made a lasting impression on him. He referred to John Brown's Raid in an essay called The Beginning of the End of American Slavery (1859). Haven was prevented from giving a further endorsement in a sermon to Brown's insurrection on the day of Brown's execution.

During the late 1850s, Haven supported the , and later, the Republican Party despite its anti-slavery focus being too moderate for his preference. He hailed 's election to General Commisson on Archives and History Page 2 Madison, New Jersey Guide to the Papers of Bishop Gilbert Haven the presidency in a sermon that later appeared as a pamphlet titled, The Cause and Consequence of the Election of Abraham Lincoln. (1860). Haven was a believer in the Slave Power thesis in regards to sectional tensions. Personally, Haven advocated openly that he was in favor of social, business, and political equality and was in favor of the removal of all laws against interracial marriage, any law promoting segregation, and laws denying black voting. He disapproved of colonization schemes for freed blacks.

At the outbreak of the Civil War, Haven enlisted in the ninety-day regiment, the 8th Massachusetts Volunteers as its Chaplain, and was commissioned by the Governor of Massachusetts, , on April 18, 1861. The 8th Massachusetts shipped down to Washington, D.C. in the aftermath of the Firing on Fort Sumter and eventually spent its short existence garrisoning areas around Baltimore while the organized. During his time in Washington and the Potomac regions of Maryland and , Haven recorded conversations with freed slaves and other free blacks and reported his findings back to Zions Herald, New England Methodism’s weekly newspaper. These same findings appeared in the Christian Advocate which was the denominational newspaper. Haven's three- month enlistment ended in the summer of 1861 and he returned to civilian life.

Gilbert Haven married Mary Ingraham of Amenia, New York, in 1851. She bore him four children, of whom two survived to adulthood: Mary Michelle "Mamie" and William Ingraham Haven. Mary Ingraham Haven died due to complications from childbirth on April 3, 1860. William Ingraham Haven ( c.1856-1928) became a Methodist minister in his own right in the New England Annual Conference. Gilbert Haven is the cousin of Bishop Erasmus Otis Haven (1820-1881). The two cousins often corresponded. After Mary Ingraham Haven's death in 1860, Gilbert Haven maintained regular correspondence and a close relationship with Mary's sisters, brothers, and in-laws throughout the rest of his life. Bishop Haven died on January 3, 1880, at the home of his mother. Haven is buried in the Salem Street Cemetery, Malden, Massachusetts. Scope Note The Bishop Gilbert Haven papers currently consist of correspondence, various writings in the genres of addresses, essays, notes, poems, sermons, speeches along with printed matter and ephemera. There are approximately one thousand and five hundred plus letters between colleagues, friends, abolitionists, ministers, bishops, editors, business persons, strangers, etc. Haven's elevated status in the Methodist Episcopal Church and in New England abolitionist circles is evident from the considerable number of letters from major figures in both the denomination, American politics and intellectual movements during the mid-19th century. The correspondence includes letters from philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson, abolitionist and editor William Lloyd Garrison, suffragists and abolitionists’ Lucy Stone and Frances Willard and , Bishop Matthew Simpson, Bishop Edward Raymond Ames, Bishop Willard Francis Mallalieu, Massachusetts Senator Charles Sumner, New York Senator Roscoe Conkling, Massachusetts governors’ John Albion Andrew and , Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Vice President Schuyler Colfax, and Civil War general and President of the United States Ulysses Simpson Grant to name a few. Topics include slavery and the abolitionist movement, denominational issues regarding church polity, viewpoints on race, mission work, the church’s role during reconstruction in the southern states and the treatment of free and ex-slaves as equals in post Civil War America.

There are a few persons or topics Haven collected in correspondence form which needs to be highlighted. The Reverend John N. Mars was a freed slave who worked with a couple of protestant denominations who eventually became a clergy member of the New England Annual Conference. His letters reflect not only the state of race and the need for status change during the Civil War but also his subsequent work as a missionary to the fledgling African American Washington Annual Conference. John Brown General Commisson on Archives and History Page 3 Madison, New Jersey Guide to the Papers of Bishop Gilbert Haven makes a short appearance in the correspondence though he personally is not writing Haven but there is one glowing letter Haven wrote Brown just before his execution. There is another letter to a former follower of Brown. Correspondence with national figures such as Grant, Colfax and Emerson are few in number with the originals closed to the public. Letters to and from former classmates of Wilbraham Academy and Wesleyan University are not only worth noting because of their intellectual content of that period which, in turn, produced many abolitionists. Yet the correspondence also illustrates how the two schools produced many leaders in both the Methodist Episcopal Church and influential figures in the New England area and later beyond as these men spread across the United States.

Haven’s family correspondence is insightful for a number of reasons. One of the first observations the researcher will find is the close relationship Haven had with family members both biologically and by marriage, especially the women. He maintains a robust correspondence with his cousin, Bishop Erastus Haven. Mary Ingraham Haven’s correspondence is primarily incoming correspondence from family that Haven maintained close contact with after her premature death. The letters to William Ingraham, his son, one of two children that survived childbirth, reveals a doting father whose pathos and love are apparent in good times and bad. These same letters speak to Haven’s compassionate character which defined his ministry and political views. All the letters to his mother and sisters reveal a “journal” of his career as well as giving support and advice which became bilateral in direction.

The Writing series is composed of different genres that include a variety of mediums by which one can discover the orthodox Protestant viewpoint the Haven maintained despite his liberalism in the areas of racial equality and . The largest genre would be the sermons but there are exceptions to this specific genre such as his student commencement speech at Wesleyan. It is often difficult to distinguish between sermons, speeches and addresses by length or Scriptural notation in the titles. The topics are diverse as witnessed in the container list. The documents illustrate a snapshot of higher education’s intellectual training and praxis in the mid-nineteenth century. Haven had a gift for writing poetry, especially the few examples which resonate the sadness over Mary’s death. The essays and musings are a light-hearted romp into Haven’s soul.

The Printed Matter contains published articles related to Haven’s 1862-1863 trip overseas and Mexico in the early 1870s when Haven helped William Butler establish mission work for Northern Methodism. There are also articles on pertinent topics related to the church such as camp meetings, discord over the hymnal, race and Methodist Itinerancy. Almost all of these clippings were published in the denominational newspaper, the Christian Advocate.

The Ephemera series contains photocopied documents with a few exceptions dealing with the history of Haven family’s finances, church activity, truncated genealogy, etc. These primarily deal with the Haven’s life in the Malden area starting in the late eighteenth century. The originals were donated to the Malden Historical Society.

Finally the Diaries series contains six folders ranging in date from 1841 to 1879. These items are not comprised of daily entries. One diary has copies of letter Haven wrote to various individuals. The 1861 diary records Haven's ninety day enlistment in the Union Army as chaplain to the 8th Massachusetts Militia Volunteers.

The researcher will notice photocopies of original documents in folders except the Ephemera series for the reason stated above. The originals either are too large to fit in the standard folder or closed to the public because of security issues. The oversize documents can be viewed by requesting permission from the attending archivist. General Commisson on Archives and History Page 4 Madison, New Jersey Guide to the Papers of Bishop Gilbert Haven

Arrangement Material has been arranged in the following manner. Correspondence General. Family. Writings: Sermons, Addresses, Speeches, Articles, Essays and Poems. Printed Matter. Ephemera. Diaries. Related Material Gilbert Haven papers, 1873-1875. Emory University Special Collections. Microfilm.

Bishop Charles Fowler Collection, Drew University Methodist Collection, Madison, New Jersey 07940.

Malden Historical Society, Malden, Massachusetts. Access Restrictions No restrictions. Restrictions on Use Detailed use restrictions relating to our collections can be requested from the office of the archivist at the General Commission on Archives and History. Photocopying is handled by the staff and may be limited in certain instances. Before using any material for publication from this collection a formal request for permission to publish is expected and required. Preferred Citation When citing material from this collection please use the following format: Direct reference to the item or its file folder, Papers of Bishop Gilbert Haven, United Methodist Church Archives - GCAH, Madison, New Jersey. Do not make use of the items call number as that is not a stable descriptor. Index Terms Subject Terms Clergy Education Episcopacy Methodism History 19th century Politics Racism Slavery Temperance United States-History-Civil War, 1861-1865 Universities and colleges Women's rights and spiritualism General Commisson on Archives and History Page 5 Madison, New Jersey Guide to the Papers of Bishop Gilbert Haven

Geographic Terms Egypt France Georgia Greece Israel Liberia Massachusetts Mississippi New Hampshire New York (N.Y.) New York (State) Tennessee Texas Washington (D.C.) Genre Terms Clippings Correspondence Diaries Ephemera Essays Lectures Newspapers Poetry Speeches Occupation Terms Abolitionist Bishop Editor Minister Added Names - Persons Ames, Edward Raymond Baker, Osmond Cleander Butler, William Claflin, William Colfax, Schuyler Cox, Sarah O. Haven Curry, Daniel Douglass, Frederick Durbin, John Price Emerson, Ralph Waldo Fisk, Clinton B. Fitzpatrick, John Bernard Foss, Cyrus David Fowler, Charles Henry Garrison, William Lloyd Grant, Ulysses Simpson Hamilton, John William General Commisson on Archives and History Page 6 Madison, New Jersey Guide to the Papers of Bishop Gilbert Haven

Hartzell, Joseph Crane Haven, Anna Storrer Haven, Elizabeth Coolidge Haven, Erastus, Otis Haven, Gilbert Sr. Haven, Hannah Burrill Haven, Mary Ingraham Haven, Wilbur Fiske Haven, William Ingraham Ingraham, George Ingraham, Henry C. Murphy Ingraham, Jane Ingraham, Richard Ingraham, Sally Ingraham, Samuel Ingraham, T. M. Ingraham, William Ingraham, Winifred Inskip, John S. Janes, Edmond Storer Lowell, James Russell Mallilieu, Willard Francis Mars, John N. McClintock, John McPherson, Edward Prentice, George Rust, Richard Sutton Scott, Levi Simpson, Matthew Steele, Daniel Steele, George McKendree Stevens, Abel Stone, Lucy Sumner, Charles Upham, Samuel Foster Warren, William Fairfield Willard, Frances

Table of Contents Correspondence...... 8 General...... 8 Family...... 17 Writings: Sermons, Addresses, Speeches, Articles, Essays and Poems...... 18 Printed Matter...... 23 Ephemera...... 24 Diaries...... 24

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Container List Correspondence General Call Number Folder Title Date(s) 1617-1-1:1 A., John C. - Boston 1869 1617-1-1:2 Adams, N. - Boston, Massachusetts 1867-1872 1617-1-1:3 Abbott, Thomas J. - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, New England 1877 Conference 1617-1-1:4 Aelceun, C. 1864 1617-1-1:5 Agnew, Samuel - Presbyterian Historical Society Librarian, Philadelphia, 1866 1617-1-1:6 Alger, William Russell - Unitarian Minister, Boston, Massachusetts 1869 1617-1-1:7 Allen, Stephen - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Brooklyn, New York 1872 1617-1-1:8 Allison, Joseph - Juliustown, New Jersey 1850-1851 1617-1-1:9 Alston, Robert A. - Atlanta Daily and Weekly Herald President, Atlanta, 1875 Georgia 1617-1-1:10 Ames, Edward Raymond - Methodist Episcopal Church Bishop 1864-1874 1617-1-1:11 Ames, Mary C. - Author, Washington D.C. 1869 1617-1-1:12 Andrew, John Albion - Massachusetts Governor 1864-1866 1617-1-1:13 Appeal of Eminent Bostonians Asking Haven to Return the Episcopal Residence 1872 to Boston 1617-1-1:14 Armstrong, Joseph - Kerwood, Ontario 1879 1617-1-1:15 Armstrong, W. P. - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Dallas, Texas 1878 1617-1-1:16 Babbidge, Charles - Sixth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers Chaplain 1861 1617-1-1:17 Baker, Osmon Cleander - Methodist Episcopal Church Bishop 1866 1617-1-1:18 Banks, James - Northampton, Massachusetts 1859 1617-1-1:19 Barbour, John N. - Cambridgeport, Massachusetts 1859 1617-1-1:20 Barnes, D. F. - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Michigan 1876 1617-1-1:21 Barnes, George S. - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Michigan 1872 1617-1-1:22 Barnes, Henry Burr - International Review Editor 1875 1617-1-1:23 Barnes, John William Fletcher - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister and 1872 Chaplain 1617-1-1:24 Bartol, Cyrus Augustus - Unitarian Minister 1871 1617-1-1:25 Baylies, Henry - Attorney 1872 1617-1-1:26 Beach, John Wesley - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister 1852-1874 1617-1-1:27 Beach, S. Ferguson - Virginia Attorney 1858-1877 1617-1-1:28 Bell, John 1866 1617-1-1:29 Bell, "Mother" - Cambridgeport, Massachusetts Undated 1617-1-1:30 Benson, Michael - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Barrowell, Canada 1872 1617-1-1:31 Best, E. Stuart- Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Chicopee, Massachusetts 1878 1617-1-1:32 Bingham, Issac S. - Northern Christian Advocate Editor, Auburn, New York 1861 1617-1-1:33 Bidwell, John - Prohibition Presidential Candidate 1872 1617-1-1:34 Blair, Franklin Otis - McKendree College Professor 1868 1617-1-1:35 Bond, Hugh Lennox - US Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge 1867 1617-1-1:36 Banner, Joseph 1874-1877 1617-1-1:37 Boston, Massachusetts, Hate Mail 1874 1617-1-1:38 Bourne, Theodore - African Civilization Society Foreign Secretary 1860 1617-1-1:39 Bowen, Henry Chandler - Abolitionist and Editor, New York City 1868-1879 1617-1-1:40 Bowman, Thomas - Methodist Episcopal Church Bishop 1868 1617-1-1:41 Bowers, George E. Letter to Thomas Russell - Boston, Massachusetts 1872 1617-1-1:42 Boyd, A. W. H. 1862 1617-1-1:43 Braden, John - Central Tennessee College Professor, Nashville, Tennessee 1874-1878 1617-1-1:44 Bradford, William B. - Boston, Massachusetts 1864 1617-1-1:45 Brigham, Charles A. G. - Congregational Minister 1841-1855 General Commisson on Archives and History Page 8 Madison, New Jersey Guide to the Papers of Bishop Gilbert Haven

Call Number Folder Title Date(s) 1617-1-1:46 Brigham, Dora Taylor - Abolitionist and Editor 1872 1617-1-1:47 Brigham, George D. - Justice of the Peace 1872 1617-1-1:48 Brooks, Joseph - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Politician, and 1874 Abolitionist, Arkansas 1617-1-1:49 Brown, F. H. Undated 1617-1-1:50 Brown, George Loring - Artist 1867-1872 1617-1-1:51 Brown, Samuel C. - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Warren, Rhode 1869-1876 Island 1617-1-1:52 Brown, S. J. - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Detroit Conference 1879 1617-1-1:53 Browning, Robert - Poet 1863 1617-1-1:54 Bryant, J. E. - Boston, Massachusetts 1875-1878 1617-1-1:55 Brynton, Lucy - Letter of Reference for Reverend Thomas Jones 1867 1617-1-1:56 Buck, Lizzie - Northampton, Massachusetts 1877 1617-1-1:57 Buford, Napoleon Bonaparte - US Civil War Army Brigadier General and 1877 Railroad Commissioner 1617-1-1:58 Burns, A. J. - Colored Methodist Episcopal Church Minister Undated 1617-1-1:59 Burt, E. A. L. 1877 1617-1-1:60 Butler, Benjamin - Governor and US Civil War Army General 1871 1617-1-1:61 Butler, John W. - Methodist Episcopal Church Missionary to Mexico 1875 1617-1-1:62 Butler, L. D. Undated 1617-1-1:63 Butler, William - Methodist Episcopal Church Missionary to Mexico 1873-1878 1617-1-1:64 Calder, James - First Free Baptist Church Minister, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 1866-1868 1617-1-1:65 Carman, Albert - Methodist Episcopal Church of Canada Bishop 1878 1617-1-1:66 Carroll, Henry King - The Independent Editor, New York City 1870-1878 1617-1-1:67 Cary, Phoebe - Poet and Suffragette 1869 1617-1-1:68 Ceccaini, S. - Friends of Italy Invitation 1871 1617-1-1:69 Chadwick, Joseph H. - Chadwick Lead Works Owner, Boston, Massachusetts 1875 1617-1-1:70 Chamberlin, M. H. - State of Illinois Railroad and Warehouse Commission 1879 Secretary 1617-1-1:71 Chandler, Charles A. - Hate Mail, New York City 1876 1617-1-1:72 Chapman 1861 1617-1-1:73 Chisbert, I. M. 1855 1617-1-1:74 Chisholm, Emily S. M. - Judge William W. Chisholm Widow 1878-1879 1617-1-1:75 Christen, George P. 1858 1617-1-1:76 Church, Hiram Merrick - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister 1876 1617-1-1:77 Claflin, William - Massachusetts Governor 1861-1875 1617-1-1:78 Clark, Alexander 1873 1617-1-1:79 Clark, Davis Wasgatt - Methodist Episcopal Church Bishop 1864 1617-1-1:80 Clark, Mary F. - Cincinnati, 1871 1617-1-1:81 Clarke, James F. - Letter to Thomas M. Eddy Undated 1617-1-2:1 Clarke, W. T. - The Golden Age 1871 1617-1-2:2 Clinton Street, Methodist Episcopal Church, Newark, New Jersey, 1862 Congregational Letter 1617-1-2:3 Cocker, B. J. - University of Michigan 1870 1617-1-2:4 Colfax, Schuyler - US Vice President and Speaker of the House of 1868-1877 Representatives 1617-1-2:5 Coe, John T. - Washington, D. C. 1861 1617-1-2:6 Collyer, Robert - Boston Lyceum Bureau, Boston, Massachusetts Undated 1617-1-2:8 Conkling, Roscoe - US New York Senator 1873 1617-1-2:9 Connor, Rowland - Newspaper Editor and Minister, Boston and New York City 1870-1879 1617-1-2:10 "Conundrum" - Unidentified Letter from Bridgeville, Delaware 1872 1617-1-2:7 Colored Elder of the Methodist Church Threat Letter from Regulator patrol Undated 1617-1-2:12 Cooke, Edward - Claflin University President, 1877-1878

General Commisson on Archives and History Page 9 Madison, New Jersey Guide to the Papers of Bishop Gilbert Haven

Call Number Folder Title Date(s) 1617-1-2:11 Cook, Isaac P. - Letter About Bishop Ames, Editor of The Sunday School 1878 Friend 1617-1-2:12 Cooper, V. A. - Lyman, Massachusetts 1872-1877 1617-1-2:13 Coors, H. - Critical of Review, Elizaville, New York 1873 1617-1-2:14 Cowen, W. D. - Newark, New Jersey 1861-1880 1617-1-2:15 Creamer, David - Baltimore, Maryland 1861-1872 1617-1-2:16 Cromack, J. C. - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister 1861 1617-1-2:17 Crooks, George R.- Drew Theological School Professor, Madison, New Jersey 1873 1617-1-2:18 Cummings, Charles - Methodist Episcopal Church Seminary 1877 1617-1-2:19 Cummings, Joseph - President of Genesee College, Northwestern and Wesleyan 1857-1874 Universities 1617-1-2:20 Curry, Daniel - Christian Advocate Editor and DePauw University President 1864-1874 1617-1-2:21 Cushine, L. H. 1859 1617-1-2:22 Cushman, Lewis P. - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Houston, Texas 1879 1617-1-2:23 Cuyler, Theodore L. - Brooklyn, New York 1867-1872 1617-1-2:24 Dean, Sidney - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Editor, Connecticut 1872 Congressman 1617-1-2:25 Deering, William - Manufacturer and Co-Founder of International Harvester 1876 1617-1-2:26 Donkersley, R. - Portland, Connecticut 1865 1617-1-2:27 Douglass, Frederick - Abolitionist and Editor 1866-1873 1617-1-2:28 DuBois, H. M. - Fishkill, New York 1863 1617-1-2:29 Durbin, John Price - Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church 1869 Corresponding Secretary 1617-1-2:30 Durflinger, S. W. - Attorney, London, Ontario, Canada 1879 1617-1-2:31 Dusinbend, George B. - Emporia, Kansas 1877-1878 1617-1-2:32 Eddy, Thomas M. - Northwestern Christian Advocate Editor 1867-1872 1617-1-2:33 Effinger, John R. - Baltimore, Maryland 1863 1617-1-2:34 Eck, J. - Temperance 1850 1617-1-2:35 Ela, David Hough - Providence Conference Seminary Principal 1872-1879 1617-1-2:36 Eldridge, A. - Paris, France 1867 1617-1-2:37 Emerson, Ralph Waldo - American Philosopher 1863-1871 1617-1-2:38 Envelopes 1856-1879 1617-1-2:39 Evans, F. S. - Massachusetts State Legislative Board 1861 1617-1-2:40 Fall, Charles G. - Attorney and Poet 1866 1617-1-2:41 Farwell, Joseph R. - Boston, Massachusetts 1861 1617-1-2:42 Fisher, H. D. - Topeka, Kansas 1864 1617-1-2:43 Fisk, Clinton B. - Abolitionist and US Brigadier General, Saint Louis, Missouri 1872 1617-1-2:44 Fitzpatrick, John Bernard - Diocese of Boston Roman Catholic Bishop 1862 1617-1-2:45 Flood, Theodore, L. - Chautauqua Assembly Herald Editor 1872-1876 1617-1-2:46 Forney, John W. - Editor and Politician, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Undated 1617-1-2:47 Foss, Cyrus David - Methodist Episcopal Church Bishop 1877 1617-1-2:48 Foster, A. 1870 1617-1-2:49 Foster, George M. 1873 1617-1-2:50 Fowler, Charles Henry - Methodist Episcopal Church Bishop 1873-1876 1617-1-2:51 Fox, Henry J. - University of South Carolina Professor 1861-1877 1617-1-2:52 Fragments 1848-1869 1617-1-2:53 Frank - Boston, Massachusetts 1861 1617-1-2:54 French, Mansfield - Freedman's Bureau 1865-1866 1617-1-2:55 "Friend" - Baltimore, Maryland 1861 1617-1-2:56 Fulton, Justin D. - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Brooklyn, New York 1874 1617-1-2:57 Gage-s, D. 1856 1617-1-2:58 Gardner, Harmony C. - East Weymouth, Massachusetts 1871-1873 1617-1-2:60 Garrison, William Lloyd - Abolitionist and Liberator Editor 1855-1872 1617-1-2:59 Garrettson, Francis T. - Attorney and Freeborn Garretson Grandson 1868-1877 General Commisson on Archives and History Page 10 Madison, New Jersey Guide to the Papers of Bishop Gilbert Haven

Call Number Folder Title Date(s) 1617-1-2:61 Gerry, A. W. - Alderman, Boston, Massachusetts 1846-1849 1617-1-2:62 Gillett, E. H. - Book Review Complaint, New York 1865 1617-1-2:63 Godman, William David and A. H. Dexter - President of New Orleans 1876 University 1617-1-2:64 Gould, J. B. - US Consul, Birmingham,England 1875-1877 1617-1-2:65 Gracey, J. G. - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, New York City 1878-1879 1617-1-2:66 Gracey, Samuel Levis - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, US Consul to 1872 China and US Civil War Chaplain 1617-1-2:67 Grady, Henry Woodfin - Atlanta Constitution Managing Editor, Atlanta, 1878 Georgia 1617-1-2:68 Grant, Ulysses S. - US President 1872-1876 1617-1-2:69 Graves, W. C. - Asheville, North Carolina 1878 1617-1-3:1 H., I. P. - Boston, Massachusetts Undated 1617-1-3:2 Hale, - Unitarian Minister, Boston, Massachusetts 1870-1871 1617-1-3:3 Hamilton, J. Benson - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Manchester, New 1876-1878 Hampshire 1617-1-3:4 Hamilton, John William - Methodist Episcopal Church Bishop, Undated Undated Correspondence 1617-1-3:5 Hamilton, John William - Methodist Episcopal Church Bishop, Fragments Undated 1617-1-3:6 Hamilton, John William - Methodist Episcopal Church Bishop 1871-1874 1617-1-3:7 Hamilton, John William - Methodist Episcopal Church Bishop 1875-1876 1617-1-3:8 Hamilton, John William - Methodist Episcopal Church Bishop 1876-1879 1617-1-3:9 Hanford, Benjamin 1872 1617-1-3:10 Harden, William - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Emory Station, 1872 Baltimore, Maryland 1617-1-3:11 Harmon, Charles - Liberia Vice President 1877-1878 1617-1-3:12 Harper and Brothers Publishers - New York City 1873 1617-1-3:13 Harper, John Wesley - Founder of Harper's Publishing House, New York City 1875-1876 1617-1-3:14 Harriman, D. E. 1867 1617-1-3:15 Harris, A. I. 1850 1617-1-3:16 Harris, J. C. - Constitution Publishing Company, Atlanta, Georgia 1878 1617-1-3:17 Harris, Sivinia E. - Methodist Episcopal Church Laywoman 1877-1878 1617-1-3:18 Harris, W. L. - From Bishop Ames' Office, Baltimore, Maryland 1872 1617-1-3:19 Hartzell, Joseph Crane - Southwestern Christian Advocate Editor, New Orleans, 1874-1877 Louisiana 1617-1-3:20 Hatfield, Robert Miller - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Chicago, Illinois 1864-1868 1617-1-3:21 Havens, J. G. - Chicopee, Massachusetts 1866 1617-1-3:22 Hawkins, L. - Memphis, Tennessee 1865 1617-1-3:23 Hayfield, M. 1872 1617-1-3:24 Hayne, Samuel - Monrovia, Liberia 1877 1617-1-3:25 Helmershauser, Edwin Ames 1872-1874 1617-1-3:26 Higginson, Thomas Wentworth - Abolitionist and Soldier, Newport, Rhode 1873 Island 1617-1-3:27 High, William C. - Lowell, Massachusetts 1868 1617-1-3:28 Hillard, G. S. - Christian Register Editor and US Attorney for Massachusetts 1871 1617-1-3:29 Hitchcock, Roswell D. - Union Theological Seminary Professor, New York City 1878 1617-1-3:30 Hoffman, H. O. - Washington, D. C. 1872 1617-1-3:31 Howard, James - Malden, Massachusetts 1861 1617-1-3:32 Howe, Julia Ward - Civil Rights Activist and Battle Hymn of the Republic Undated Composer 1617-1-3:33 Howe, Oliver S. - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister 1856 1617-1-3:34 Howe, Samuel E. - Western Massachusetts Insurance Company, Pittsfield, 1861 Massachusetts 1617-1-3:35 Howells, William Dean - Novelist and Atlantic Monthly Editor 1871 General Commisson on Archives and History Page 11 Madison, New Jersey Guide to the Papers of Bishop Gilbert Haven

Call Number Folder Title Date(s) 1617-1-3:36 Hoyt, Mark - Drew Theological Seminary Trustee and Attorney 1864 1617-1-3:37 Hoyt, Oliver - Drew Theological Seminary Contributor 1864-1878 1617-1-3:38 Hoyt, T. S. - Cincinnati, Ohio 1875 1617-1-3:39 Hudson, J. W. - Monroe, Louisiana, Reconstruction Violence 1878 1617-1-3:40 Hulbard, Merritt - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Lowell, Massachusetts 1878 1617-1-3:41 Hunt, Andrew - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Rhinebeck, New York 1847-1868 1617-1-4:1 Huntington, F. D. - Boston Massachusetts 1865-1867 1617-1-4:2 Hurst, S. - Buffalo, New York 1878 1617-1-4:3 Hyde, Ammi - Allegheny College and Denver University Professor 1846-1878 1617-1-4:4 Inskip, John S. - Christian Standard and Home Journal Editor 1861 1617-1-4:5 Jackson, John W. - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister 1872 1617-1-4:6 James, I. A. - Letter to Mrs. Butler 1849 1617-1-4:7 Janes, Edmund Storer - Methodist Episcopal Church Bishop 1870-1876 1617-1-4:8 Jewett, Milo P. - Vassar College President 1863 1617-1-4:9 Jocelyn, George Bemis - Albion College President 1872 1617-1-4:10 Johnson, A. A. - New Orleans University Professor 1879 1617-1-4:11 Jones, George G. - Amenia Seminary Professor 1851-1854 1617-1-4:12 Jones, Lewis F. - County Judge, Mariposa, California 1847-1877 1617-1-4:13 Jones, Sylvester Frazier - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister 1872 1617-1-4:14 Joselyn, M. E. 1878 1617-1-4:15 Justice Slander Charge - Newark, New Jersey 1866 1617-1-4:16 Kasil, John - Westfield,Massachusetts, Vicksburg Episcopal Appointment 1865 1617-1-4:17 Kellogg, Royal Jaspar - Monrovia Seminary Principal, Liberia 1878-1879 1617-1-4:18 Kendrick, John - Providence, Rhode Island 1872 1617-1-4:19 Kidder, Daniel P. - Garrett Biblical Institute Professor 1864 1617-1-4:20 King, L. H. - Poughkeepsie, New York 1861 1617-1-4:21 King, Joseph Elijah - Fort Edward Collegiate Institute President 1872 1617-1-4:22 King, S. Y. 1879 1617-1-4:23 Knapes, Isaac Undated 1617-1-4:24 Knapp, Joseph F. - Insurance Executive, Brooklyn, New York 1872 1617-1-4:25 Knowles, James Otis - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister 1871-1879 1617-1-4:26 Kynett, Alpha Jefferson - Church Extension Society Corresponding Secretary 1879 1617-1-4:27 Lanahan, John - Christian Advocate Book Agent 1861-1864 1617-1-4:28 Landon, George - Bradford County, Pennsylvania 1842-1867 1617-1-4:29 Lansing, Isaac J. - Clark University President 1867-1879 1617-1-4:30 Laufman, P. H. - Apollo Iron Works Chairman 1878 1617-1-4:31 Le Barnes, J. W. - Abolitionist and John Brown Associate, Boston, 1866 Massachusetts 1617-1-4:32 Leavitt, Joshua - Abolitionist and The Emancipator Editor 1864 1617-1-4:33 Lenevatia Undated 1617-1-4:34 Lewis, T. William - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister 1867 1617-1-4:35 Liles, Elizabeth - Buchanan, Liberia 1877 1617-1-4:36 Linskill, Charles D. - Editor and Journalist, Plymouth, Pennsylvania 1878 1617-1-4:37 Litchfield, Isabelle Wood 1873 1617-1-4:38 Little, Joseph - Wadsworth, Ohio 1863 1617-1-4:39 Livermore, U. A. - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 1875 1617-1-4:40 Long, John Dixon - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister and Abolitionist 1859-1866 1617-1-4:41 Loomis, Jane M. - Westfield, Massachusetts 1863-1868 1617-1-4:42 Loomis, LaFayette C. - College President and Author 1861-1877 1617-1-4:43 Loomis, Reuben H. - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister 1855-1856 1617-1-4:44 Long, C. S. - Chandler College President 1878-1879 1617-1-4:45 Lord, J. - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister Undated 1617-1-4:46 Louis, P. C. - Huntsville, Alabama 1879 1617-1-4:47 Lowe, Charles - American Unitarian Association, Boston, Massachusetts 1871 General Commisson on Archives and History Page 12 Madison, New Jersey Guide to the Papers of Bishop Gilbert Haven

Call Number Folder Title Date(s) 1617-1-4:48 Lowell, James Russell - Poet, Diplomat, Editor 1865-1871 1617-1-4:49 Lyman, Laura E. - Easthampton, Massachusetts 1864 1617-1-4:50 Lynch, James - Christian Recorder Editor 1869 1617-1-5:1 McCarthy, Justin - Office of The Independent, New York City 1869 1617-1-5:2 McCarty, J. H. - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Ames Methodist 1878 Church, New Orleans, Louisiana 1617-1-5:3 McCaw, L. D. - Delaware, Ohio 1878 1617-1-5:4 McClintock, John - Drew Theological Seminary President 1846-1866 1617-1-5:5 McClure, Alexander W. - Dutch Reformed Minister 1848 1617-1-5:6 McFerrin, John B. - Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Mission Rooms 1877 Secretary 1617-1-5:7 McGill, Francis M. - Grand Basso, Liberia 1877 1617-1-5:8 McKeown, A. - Aburndale, New York 1877 1617-1-5:9 McKown, J. LeGrange - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Rockford, 1872 Illinois 1617-1-5:10 McMahon, C. W. - Haven Normal School Principle 1878 1617-1-5:11 McPherson, Edward - Congressman, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania 1865 1617-1-5:12 Mallalieu, Willard Francis - Methodist Episcopal Church Bishop 1872-1877 1617-1-5:13 Mallalieu, Willard Francis - Methodist Episcopal Church Bishop 1878-1879 1617-1-5:14 Maltby, George W. - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, New Castle, 1872 Pennsylvania 1617-1-5:15 Mannix, Edwin Undated 1617-1-5:16 Mara, Oliver 1867 1617-1-5:17 Marcy, Dr. - Malden and Roxbury, Massachusetts 1864-1868 1617-1-5:18 Mars, John N. - Prominent Methodist Episcopal Church African American 1863-1873 Minister 1617-1-5:19 Marsh, James E. - Amenia Seminary Teacher 1847-1857 1617-1-5:20 Marshall, J. W. - First Assistant Postmaster General 1872 1617-1-5:21 Martin, Joel - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Amenia, New York 1866 1617-1-5:22 Martindale, Daniel - Centenary College Professor, Shreveport, Louisiana 1847-1849 1617-1-5:23 Meredith, Lewis - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Adams, New York 1868 1617-1-5:24 Middleton, Abram - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Beaufort, South 1879 Carolina 1617-1-5:25 Middleton, Joseph B. - Methodist Episcopal Church African American Minister, 1877 Beaufort, South Carolina 1617-1-5:26 Miles, C. E. 1872 1617-1-5:27 Miller, A. A. - Boston, Massachusetts 1869 1617-1-5:28 Miller, B. R. - Reading, Pennsylvania 1875 1617-1-5:29 Miller, George L. - Omaha Herald Editor and Founder 1875 1617-1-5:30 Minus, Daniel M. - Methodist Episcopal Church African American Minister, 1877 Allendale, South Carolina 1617-1-5:31 Mitchell, Archelaus H. - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Alabama, Anti- 1850 Slavery Letter 1617-1-5:32 Mitchell, John S.- Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Roxbury, 1856 Massachusetts 1617-1-5:33 Morgan, Henry - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister and Author, Boston, Undated Massachusetts 1617-1-5:34 Morris, F. G. - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Boston, Massachusetts 1872 1617-1-5:35 Morrow, James - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Philadelphia, 1875-1879 Pennsylvania 1617-1-5:36 Morse, Silas - North Littleton, Massachusetts 1870 1617-1-5:37 Mott, Lucretia - Abolitionist and Women's Rights Activist, , Undated Massachusetts 1617-1-5:38 Mowry, M. T. - Greenville, Rhode Island 1871 General Commisson on Archives and History Page 13 Madison, New Jersey Guide to the Papers of Bishop Gilbert Haven

Call Number Folder Title Date(s) 1617-1-5:39 Mulliby, W. - Boston Evening Transcript Newspaper Undated 1617-1-5:40 Myers, Thomas - Church Dedication, Baltimore, Maryland 1872 1617-1-5:41 Nawhall C. S. - Southbridge, Massachusetts 1876 1617-1-5:42 Nelles, Samuel Sobleski - Victoria University President, Cobourg, Canada 1877-1879 1617-1-5:43 Newhall, Fales Henry - Ohio Wesleyan University President Undated 1617-1-5:44 Newhall, Fales Henry - Ohio Wesleyan University President 1844-1879 1617-1-6:1 Newman, J. R. - Washington, D.C. 1876 1617-1-6:2 Nichols, Henry M. - Presbyterian Minister, Stillwater, Minnesota 1864 1617-1-6:3 North, Charles Carter 1864 1617-1-6:4 Official Board, Church Street Methodist Episcopal Church - Boston, 1872 Massachusetts 1617-1-6:5 Olin, Stephen - Wesleyan University President 1846 1617-1-6:6 Otheman, Edward B. - University of South Carolina Professor Undated 1617-1-6:7 Owens, Joseph Henry - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, La Grange, 1878 Massachusetts 1617-1-6:8 Palmer, Roy - American Congregational Union 1868 1617-1-6:9 Park, Edward - Publisher, Andover, Massachusetts 1861 1617-1-6:10 Patterson, S. G. - Fulton, Kentucky 1879 1617-1-6:11 Payne, James Spring - Liberia President 1876-1878 1617-1-6:12 Peabody, A. P. - Cambridge, Massachusetts 1867-1878 1617-1-6:13 Peach, Benjamin F. - Eighth Massachusetts Regiment Association Adjutant 1868 1617-1-6:14 Pelton, Fred R. - Mount Kisco, New York 1848 1617-1-6:15 Perry, Caroline S. - Suffragette, Boston, Massachusetts 1871 1617-1-6:16 Phillips, E. W. Undated 1617-1-6:17 Phillips, John Milton - Methodist Book Concern Agent 1879 1617-1-6:18 Phillips, Wendell - Philosopher, Boston, Massachusetts 1866-1874 1617-1-6:19 Phillips, William H. - Wesleyan Academy Professor 1873-1875 1617-1-6:20 Pinckey, Edward Mishaw - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Sunny Side, 1879 Georgia 1617-1-6:21 Piner, F. D. - Attorney and Land Agent, Bonham, Texas 1874 1617-1-6:22 Pitman, C. A. - Liberia Missionary 1877 1617-1-6:23 Pitman, R. C. - Boston and New Bedford, Massachusetts 1867-1877 1617-1-6:24 Pomeroy, Samuel - US Kansas Senator 1871 1617-1-6:25 Porter, James - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Brooklyn, New York 1876 1617-1-6:26 Potter, R. K. - Boston, Massachusetts 1866 1617-1-6:27 Powers, Charles C. 1847-1857 1617-1-6:28 Powers, Horatio Nelson - Christ Church Minister and Poet, Davenport, Iowa 1842-1876 1617-1-6:29 Prentice, George - Wesleyan University President and Author 1843-1879 1617-1-6:30 Prettyman, Wesley A. - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister and Western 1875-1877 Book Concern Employee, Atlanta, Georgia 1617-1-6:31 Price, Richard Nye - Holston Methodist Editor, Morristown, Tennessee 1873-1874 1617-1-6:32 Punshon, William Morley - Toronto, Canada 1868-1872 1617-1-6:33 Rand, Franklin - Zion's Herald Agent, Boston, Massachusetts 1857-1861 1617-1-6:34 Raymond, Miner - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Roxbury, Undated Massachusetts 1617-1-6:35 Redpath, James - Abolitionist, Editor and John Brown Supporter 1860 1617-1-6:36 Revels, H. R. - Southwestern Christian Advocate Editor 1876 1617-1-6:37 Reynard, Henry J. - Hyde Park, Massachusetts 1872-1879 1617-1-6:38 Rice, William - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Springfield, 1864-1879 Massachusetts 1617-1-6:39 Rich, Shobach - Merchant, Boston, Massachusetts 1872 1617-1-6:40 Riley, Henry Chauncey - Mexico Missionary 1873-1874 1617-1-6:41 Ritten, W. L. - Mail Agent 1861

General Commisson on Archives and History Page 14 Madison, New Jersey Guide to the Papers of Bishop Gilbert Haven

Call Number Folder Title Date(s) 1617-1-6:42 Roberts, Benjamin L. - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Camden, South 1877 Carolina 1617-1-6:43 Roberts, Oran Milo - Texas Governor 1879 1617-1-6:44 Robeson, George Maxwell - US Secretary of the Navy 1876 1617-1-6:45 Robinson, H. H. - Malden, Massachusetts 1877 1617-1-6:46 Robinson, William Stevens - Warrington Editor, Malden, Massachusetts 1871-1878 1617-1-6:47 Rouse, Thomas 1873 1617-1-6:48 Rudsill, Lewis A. - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister 1878 1617-1-6:49 Rusana 1854 1617-1-6:50 Russell, Thomas - Letter to Collins, Office of the Collector, Boston Custom 1867-1868 House, Boston, Massachusetts 1617-1-6:51 Rust, Richard Sutton - Freedmen's Aid Society Corresponding Secretary 1876-1879 1617-1-6:52 Sanders, Miss Undated 1617-1-6:53 Sargent, Bhases 1850 1617-1-6:54 Sascour, Lucy 1857 1617-1-6:55 Schaff, Philip - American Evangelical Alliance 1871-1872 1617-1-6:56 Scott, Charles - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1878-1879 1617-1-6:57 Scott, Joseph - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister 1873-1879 1617-1-7:1 Scott, Levi - Methodist Episcopal Church Bishop 1864-1870 1617-1-7:2 Secchi di Casal, G. F. - L' Eco d' Italia Newspaper Founder, New York City 1871 1617-1-7:3 Semey, George S. - New York City 1864 1617-1-7:4 Sharp, Mary A.- Liberia Missionary, Monrovia 1878-1879 1617-1-7:5 Shaw, William A. and Louis Blaylock - Texas Christian Advocate Publishers, 1879 Galveston, Texas 1617-1-7:6 Shay, David - Muhlenberg Mission 1877-1878 1617-1-7:7 Sherman, David - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Malden, Massachusetts 1875-1879 1617-1-7:8 Sherman, Josiah - Atlanta, Georgia 1877-1878 1617-1-7:9 Sherman, Mrs. L. A. - Brookfield, Massachusetts Undated 1617-1-7:10 Shurtleff, Nathaniel Bradstreet - Boston Mayor, Massachusetts 1871 1617-1-7:11 Simpson, Matthew - Methodist Episcopal Church Bishop 1868-1876 1617-1-7:12 Skilton, Julius A. - US Counsul General, Mexico City, Mexico 1873-1875 1617-1-7:13 Slack, Charles W. - Commonwealth Editor, Boston, Massachusetts 1870 1617-1-7:14 Sleeper, J. - Boston, Massachusetts 1861 1617-1-7:15 Smith, George W. - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Columbus, Texas 1879 1617-1-7:16 Smith, John C. - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Boston, Massachusetts 1872 1617-1-7:17 Smith, William A. - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Geneva, Illinois 1857 1617-1-7:18 Spaulding, Volney - Alabama and Chattanooga Railroad General Southeastern Undated Agent, Atlanta, Georgia 1617-1-7:20 Spilman, J. - Marietta, Georgia 1872 1617-1-7:21 Sprague, Levi L. - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Norwich, Connecticut 1878 1617-1-7:19 Spence, John Fletcher, East Tennessee Wesleyan University President 1878 1617-1-7:22 Starthweather, H. K. - Northampton, Massachusetts 1865 1617-1-7:23 Starthweather, Lizzie - Northampton, Massachusetts 1855 1617-1-7:24 Stearns, William Augustus - Amherst College President, Amherst, 1871 Massachusetts 1617-1-7:25 Steele, Daniel - Syracuse University Chancellor, Syracuse, New York 1861-1875 1617-1-7:26 Steele, George McKendree - Lawrence University President, Appleton, 1855-1857 Wisconsin 1617-1-7:27 Steele, George McKendree - Lawrence University President, Appleton, 1860-1869 Wisconsin 1617-1-7:28 Steele, George McKendree - Lawrence University President, Appleton, 1870-1879 Wisconsin 1617-1-7:29 Steele, Harriet Binney - Wife of Daniel Steele, Lima, New York 1868

General Commisson on Archives and History Page 15 Madison, New Jersey Guide to the Papers of Bishop Gilbert Haven

Call Number Folder Title Date(s) 1617-1-7:30 Steele, Susan - Educator and Wife of George McKendree Steele, 1869 Appleton, Wisconsin 1617-1-7:31 Stevens, Abel - Christian Advocate Editor 1867-1870 1617-1-7:32 Stewart, I. H. - Malaria Advice, Lansingburgh, New York 1878 1617-1-7:33 Stone, Lucy - Suffragette and Women's Journal Editor 1867-1879 1617-1-7:34 Stratton, Charles Carroll - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Middleport, 1872 New York 1617-1-7:35 Stubbs, R. S. - City Missionary, St. Louis, Missouri 1875 1617-1-7:36 Sumner, Charles - US Massachusetts Senator 1866-1878 1617-1-7:37 Terry, David - New York City Commissioner of Deeds 1872 1617-1-7:38 Thomson, Edward - Methodist Episcopal Church Bishop 1861 1617-1-7:39 Tilton, Theodore - Abolitionist 1865-1868 1617-1-7:40 Titus, John Wesley - Methodist Sunday School Secretary, Boston, 1872 Massachusetts 1617-1-7:41 Torsey, Henry P. - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister 1872 1617-1-7:42 Trafton, Mark - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister 1872 1617-1-7:43 Tremont Street Methodist Episcopal Church, Boston, Massachusetts 1872 1617-1-8:1 Underwood, Thomas P. - Mobile, Alabama 1851 1617-1-8:2 Unknown Recipients 1849-1877 1617-1-8:3 Upham, Samuel Foster - Drew Theological Seminary Professor 1874-1878 1617-1-8:4 Vail, Miss E. A. Undated 1617-1-8:5 Van Cott, Maggie Newton - First Woman Licensed to Preach in the Methodist 1872 Episcopal Church 1617-1-8:6 Von Schluembach, F. - National Bund GYMCA General Secretary 1879 1617-1-8:7 Ware, D. - Liberia Missionary 1846-1878 1617-1-8:8 Warren, Henry White - Methodist Episcopal Church Bishop Undated 1617-1-8:9 Warren, William Fairfield - Boston University President 1870-1878 1617-1-8:10 Wasson, Samuel Undated 1617-1-8:11 Webster, A. Undated 1617-1-8:12 Weed, Alonzo - Zion's Herald Publisher, Boston, Massachusetts 1872 1617-1-8:13 Wellman, Charles Phelps - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Griffin, 1878 Georgia 1617-1-8:14 Whedon, Daniel Denison - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, New York 1856-1861 City 1617-1-8:15 Wickes, Mr. 1849 1617-1-8:16 Willard, Frances E. - Suffragette and Temperance Advocate 1869 1617-1-8:17 Williams, J. M. - Italy Unification Commemoration 1871 1617-1-8:18 Williams, W. C. - Rendition of Escaped Slaves, Factoryville (Waverly), Tioga 1860 County, New York 1617-1-8:19 Winchell, Alexander - Geologist 1846-1853 1617-1-8:20 Winslow, E. J. - Tremont Market, Boston, Massachusetts 1872 1617-1-8:21 Wood, Pliney - Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, Old Cambridge, 1872 Massachusetts 1617-1-8:22 Wright, Robert W. and Mrs. - Wilbraham, Massachusetts 1855-1857 1618-2-3:1 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Allison, Joseph 1850 1618-2-3:2 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Brigham, Charles A. G. 1842-1847 1618-2-3:3 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Brown, John 1859 1618-2-3:4 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Browning, Robert 1863 1618-2-3:5 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Colfax, Schuyler 1868-1877 1618-2-3:6 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Douglass, Frederick 1866-1873 1618-2-3:7 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Eck, J. 1850 1618-2-3:8 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Emerson, Ralph Waldo 1863-1871 1618-2-3:9 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Finch, James 1843-1844 1618-2-3:10 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Garrison, William Lloyd 1855-1872 General Commisson on Archives and History Page 16 Madison, New Jersey Guide to the Papers of Bishop Gilbert Haven

Call Number Folder Title Date(s) 1618-2-3:11 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Grant, Ulysses S. 1872-1876 1618-2-3:12 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Harris, Sivinia E. 1877-1878 1618-2-3:13 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Hate Mail, Boston, Massachusetts 1874 1618-2-3:15 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Landon, George Bradford 1842-1843 1618-2-3:16 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Lansing, Isaac J. 1876-1877 1618-2-3:17 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Linskill, Charles D. 1878 1618-2-3:18 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Long, John Dixon 1859 1618-2-3:19 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Marsh, James E. 1847 1618-2-3:20 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Payne, James 1876-1878 1618-2-3:21 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Phillips, Wendell 1866-1874 1618-2-3:22 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Powers, Horatio Nelson 1849 1618-2-3:23 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Robeson, George Maxwell 1876 1618-2-3:24 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Skilton, Julius A. 1873-1875 1618-2-3:25 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Sumner, Charles 1866-1878 1618-2-3:26 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Unknown Recipients 1876 1618-2-3:14 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Howe, Julia Ward Undated 1618-2-3:27 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Ware, Daniel 1878 1618-2-3:28 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Whittier, John Greenleaf 1844 1618-2-3:29 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Winchell, Alexander 1846 1617-1-5:20a Mathis, Louis - President, Lafayette Fire Insurance Company 1878 1617-1-1:82 Brown, John 1859

Family Call Number Folder Title Date(s) 1617-2-1:1 Blanche/Grace - Aunt? 1847-1850 1617-2-1:2 Cox, Sarah O. Haven - Sister 1839-1873 1617-2-1:3 Dorothy - Unknown 1849-1851 1617-2-1:4 Fred - Nephew 1875 1617-2-1:5 Haven, Anna Storrer - Sister 1844-1858 1617-2-1:6 Haven, Elizabeth Coolidge - Sister 1837-1869 1617-2-1:7 Haven, Erastus Otis - Cousin 1843-1857 1617-2-1:8 Haven, Erastus Otis - Cousin 1861-1869 1617-2-1:9 Haven, Erastus Otis - Cousin 1870-1879 1617-2-1:10 Haven Family 1845-1879 1617-2-1:11 Haven, Gilbert, Sr. - Father 1839-1862 1617-2-2:1 Haven, Hannah Burrill - Mother 1840-1882 1617-2-2:2 Haven, Hannah Burrill - Sister 1838-1844 1617-2-2:3 Haven, Hannah Burrill - Sister 1844-1879 1617-2-2:4 Haven, Mary Ingraham - Wife 1830-1849 1617-2-2:5 Haven, Mary Ingraham - Wife 1850-1853 1617-2-2:6 Haven, Mary Ingraham - Wife 1854-1859 1617-2-2:7 Haven, William Ingraham - Son 1849-1873 1617-2-3:1 Haven, William Ingraham - Son, January-June 1874 1617-2-3:2 Haven, William Ingraham - Son, July-December 1874 1617-2-3:3 Haven, William Ingraham - Son, January-June 1875 1617-2-3:4 Haven, William Ingraham - Son, September-December 1875 1617-2-3:5 Haven, William Ingraham - Son 1877-1882 1617-2-3:6 Haven, Wilbur Fiske - Brother 1844-1873 1617-2-3:7 Ingraham, George - Nephew 1874 1617-2-3:8 Ingraham, Henry C. Murphy - Brother-in-Law 1850-1878 1617-2-3:9 Ingraham, Jane - Sister-in-Law 1852-1879 1617-2-4:1 Ingraham, Richard - Brother-in-Law 1854-1875 1617-2-4:2 Ingraham, Sally - Sister-in-Law 1852-1875 General Commisson on Archives and History Page 17 Madison, New Jersey Guide to the Papers of Bishop Gilbert Haven

Call Number Folder Title Date(s) 1617-2-4:3 Ingraham, Samuel - Brother-in-Law 1867 1617-2-4:4 Ingraham, T. M. 1859-1866 1617-2-4:5 Ingraham, William - Brother-in-Law 1846-1872 1617-2-4:6 Ingraham, Winifred - Sister-in-Law 1875 1618-2-2:1 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Blanche 1847-1849 1618-2-2:2 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Haven, Anna Storrer - Sister 1844-1847 1618-2-2:3 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Haven, Elizabeth - Sister 1839-1847 1618-2-2:4 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Haven, Erastus Otis - Cousin 1843-1854 1618-2-2:5 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Haven Family 1847-1854 1618-2-2:6 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Haven, Hannah Burrill - Mother 1844-1853 1618-2-2:7 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Haven, Hannah Burrill - Sister 1839-1861 1618-2-2:8 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Haven, Gilbert, Sr. - Father 1839-1846 1618-2-2:9 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Haven, Mary Ingraham - Wife 1849-1854 1618-2-2:10 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Haven, William Ingraham - Son 1875 1618-2-2:11 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Haven, Wilbur Fiske - Brother 1844-1846 1618-2-2:12 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Ingraham, Henry C. Murphy - Brother-in- 1860 Law 1618-2-2:13 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Ingraham, Jane - Sister-in-Law 1854 1618-2-2:14 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Ingraham, Sally - Sister-in-Law 1852-1853 1618-2-2:15 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Ingraham, William - Brother-in-Law 1847

Writings: Sermons, Addresses, Speeches, Articles, Essays and Poems Call Number Folder Title Date(s) 1617-2-5:1 Acts 8:30 Undated 1617-2-5:2 Acts 19:2-6 1856 1617-2-5:3 Adaptation of Grecian Genius to Universitae 1845 1617-2-5:4 Age, The Undated 1617-2-5:5 American Epic, The Undated 1617-2-5:6 American Poets and Poetry 1845 1617-2-5:7 Amos 9:13 1860-1879 1617-2-5:8 Analogy, An 1842 1617-2-5:9 Anti-Nationalism of the Gospel, The Undated 1617-2-5:10 Assassination of President Lincoln 1865 1617-2-5:11 Be Sure Your Sin Shall Find You Out Undated 1617-2-5:12 Blasdell, Y. M. - Memorial 1868 1617-2-5:13 Brewer, Charles - Memorial 1853 1617-2-5:14 Character of Jo Smith Undated 1617-2-5:15 Charles Dickens 1845 1617-2-5:16 Christ's Ascension 1869 1617-2-5:17 Christ the Power in God 1869 1617-2-5:18 Christian City, The 1870 1617-2-5:19 Christian Miracles Proof Through Deductive Reasoning Undated 1617-2-5:20 Colossians 2:3 1857-1879 1617-2-5:21 Conditions and Results With Christian Friends 1879 1617-2-5:22 Conversion - What Is It? 1858 1617-2-5:23 Despotism in Liberty 1845 1617-2-5:24 Deuteronomy 32:29 1851 1617-2-5:25 Devotees of Fashion Undated 1617-2-5:26 Do This in Remembrance of Me 1859-1863 1617-2-5:27 Doing Wonders 1878 1617-2-5:28 Duty of Prayer Undated 1617-2-5:29 Early Deed, The Undated 1617-2-5:30 Elegy for E. Allerton 1846 General Commisson on Archives and History Page 18 Madison, New Jersey Guide to the Papers of Bishop Gilbert Haven

Call Number Folder Title Date(s) 1617-2-5:31 Elegy on the Death of Robert Jones, Esquire Undated 1617-2-5:32 Emigravit ad Dominum Undated 1617-2-5:33 Ephesians 2:1 1846-1855 1617-2-5:34 Ephesians 2:10 1856-1863 1617-2-5:35 Ephesians 5:26-27 1852 1617-2-5:36 Essays and Musings with no Title 1844 1617-2-5:37 Everyman in His Own Order Undated 1617-2-5:38 Exodus 13:3,12-14 1849 1617-2-5:39 Exodus 20:7 1847-1859 1617-2-5:40 Exodus 32:29 1852 1617-2-5:41 Extract From a Review of Griswold's Poets and Poetry of America 1844 1617-2-5:42 Ezekiel 47:9 1872 1617-2-5:43 Faith, Hope and Love: The United Essence of Christian Life 1859 1617-2-5:44 First Corinthians 4:10 Undated 1617-2-5:45 First Corinthians 5:19 1864 1617-2-5:46 First Corinthians 13:13 1865 1617-2-5:47 First Corinthians 15:24-25 1865-1866 1617-2-5:48 First Corinthians 23:24 1847-1860 1617-2-5:49 First Gift of Christ After His Ascension, The 1854 1617-2-5:50 First John 3:1 1865 1617-2-5:51 First Samuel 4:13 1856 1617-2-5:52 First Thessalonians 2:4 Undated 1617-2-5:53 For Fruitless is the Attempt Undated 1617-2-5:54 For Godly Sorrow 1862 1617-2-5:55 For the Gleaner Undated 1617-2-5:56 Fourth of July 1852 1617-2-5:57 Fragments 1846-1865 1617-2-5:58 Galatians 4:4 Undated 1617-2-5:59 Galatians 5:1 1851 1617-2-5:60 Genesis 1:12 Undated 1617-2-5:61 Genesis 2:8 1856-1861 1617-2-5:62 Give Attendance to Reading 1857 1617-2-5:63 Glorious Gospel of the Blessed God, The 1865 1617-2-5:64 Glory to God in the Highest Undated 1617-2-5:65 Grace Church 1868 1617-2-5:66 Greatness 1845 1617-2-6:1 Habakkuk 3:2 1851 1617-2-6:2 Having Your Conversation in Heaven 1865 1617-2-6:3 He is God Doing Wonders 1876 1617-2-6:4 Hebrews 1:10 1857 1617-2-6:5 Hebrews 3:12 1856-1863 1617-2-6:6 Hebrews 4:2 1851 1617-2-6:7 Hebrews 4:6 1856 1617-2-6:8 Hebrews 4:15 1857 1617-2-6:9 Hebrews 6:1-2 Undated 1617-2-6:10 Hebrews 10:28 Undated 1617-2-6:11 Hence a Need of an End 1850 1617-2-6:12 Her Ways Are Made of Pleasantness 1863 1617-2-6:13 Here is Wisdom 1864 1617-2-6:15 Hosea 7:2 Undated 1617-2-6:16 Hosea 13:9 1859 1617-2-6:17 Humbug at Colloquy 1845 1617-2-6:18 I Know Thee Not, Nor Ever Saw Till Now 1848-1859 1617-2-6:19 In My Father's House 1851-1864 General Commisson on Archives and History Page 19 Madison, New Jersey Guide to the Papers of Bishop Gilbert Haven

Call Number Folder Title Date(s) 1617-2-6:20 In the Day of Adversity Consider 1861 1617-2-6:21 In the Vestry 1865 1617-2-6:22 Incarnation Undated 1617-2-6:23 Infant Baptism 1858 1617-2-6:24 Isaiah 1:3 1852 1617-2-6:25 Isaiah 1:18 1856 1617-2-6:26 Isaiah 5:20 1861 1617-2-6:27 Isaiah 41:10 Undated 1617-2-6:28 Isaiah 53:4 1857 1617-2-6:29 Isaiah 61:11 1857 1617-2-6:30 It is Finished 1849 1617-2-6:31 Jacet Extra Sidera Tellus Axem Humero Torquet Stells Ardentibus Aptum Undated 1617-2-6:32 James 1:2 1863 1617-2-6:33 James 1:5 1850 1617-2-6:34 James 4:1 Undated 1617-2-6:35 James 4:6 1850-1869 1617-2-6:36 James 6:19-20 1853 1617-2-6:37 Jeremiah 2:12-13 1864 1617-2-6:38 Jeremiah 3:23 1863 1617-2-6:39 Jeremiah 9:1 1852 1617-2-6:40 Jeremiah 23:23 Undated 1617-2-6:41 Jeremiah 23:28-29 Undated 1617-2-6:42 Jeremiah 28:16 1851 1617-2-6:43 Jeremiah 31:29 1853 1617-2-6:44 Job 9:2 1858 1617-2-6:45 Joel 3:14 1868-1870 1617-2-6:46 John 3:5 Undated 1617-2-6:47 John 3:16 1852 1617-2-6:48 John 4:35 1851 1617-2-6:49 John 5:40 1849 1617-2-6:50 John 6:66-68 Undated 1617-2-6:51 John 7:11-17 1852-1854 1617-2-6:52 John 12:26 1851 1617-2-6:53 John 13:1-7 1863 1617-2-6:54 John 14:6 1862 1617-2-6:55 John 14:27 1861 1617-2-6:56 John 15:22-24 1856 1617-2-6:57 John 17:15 1853 1617-2-6:58 John 20:17 1865 1617-2-6:59 John 21:15 Undated 1617-2-6:60 John Parker Undated 1617-2-6:61 Know Ye Not That Ye Are The Temple Of God 1861-1865 1617-2-6:62 Law of God Concerning the Child Undated 1617-2-6:63 Life of Edward Everett 1865 1617-2-6:64 Little Child Shall Lead Them, A 1873 1617-2-6:65 Looking Unto Jesus 1864 1617-2-6:66 Loss of the Austria, The 1858 1617-2-6:67 Love is the Fulfilling of the Law 1851 1617-2-6:68 Love Story, A Undated 1617-2-6:69 Lovest Thou Me 1849 1617-2-6:70 Luke 2:53 1858 1617-2-6:71 Luke 7:14 1854 1617-2-6:72 Luke 13:8-9 1864 1617-2-6:73 Luke 13:23-24 1850 General Commisson on Archives and History Page 20 Madison, New Jersey Guide to the Papers of Bishop Gilbert Haven

Call Number Folder Title Date(s) 1617-2-6:74 Luke 15:10 1850 1617-2-6:75 Luke 16:25 1858 1617-2-6:76 Luke 19:14 Undated 1617-2-6:77 Malden Murder, The - First Known Fatal US Bank Robbery 1863 1617-2-6:78 Mark 8:37 1864 1617-2-6:79 Mark 9:2 1867-1868 1617-2-6:80 Mark 16:16 1858 1617-2-6:81 Mathematics 1845 1617-2-6:82 Matthew 5:4 Undated 1617-2-6:83 Matthew 5:8 1848-1868 1617-2-6:84 Matthew 5:34-37 1865 1617-2-6:85 Matthew 6:33 1850 1617-2-6:14 Holy Men Of Old Spake As They Do 1854 1617-2-7:1 Matthew 9:29 Undated 1617-2-7:2 Matthew 10:30 1853 1617-2-7:3 Matthew 11:7 1859 1617-2-7:4 Matthew 11:11 1853 1617-2-7:5 Matthew 11:29 1857 1617-2-7:6 Matthew 14:1 1865 1617-2-7:7 Matthew 17:21 1858 1617-2-7:8 Matthew 19:8 Undated 1617-2-7:9 Matthew 22:42 1851 1617-2-7:10 Matthew 22:54 1865-1869 1617-2-7:11 Matthew 25:13 1851 1617-2-7:12 Matthew 26:21-22 1864 1617-2-7:13 Matthew 26:30 1853 1617-2-7:14 Mind in Eternity, The 1844 1617-2-7:15 Moonlight Meditations 1843 1617-2-7:16 Muccis Said in These Days of Human Rights 1858 1617-2-7:17 Nature of God 1857 1617-2-7:18 Nehemiah 3:22 1852 1617-2-7:19 On Abraham 1856 1617-2-7:20 On Freedom 1857 1617-2-7:21 On Hypocrisy 1857 1617-2-7:22 On Salvation 1858 1617-2-7:23 On the Laying of the Transatlantic Cable 1858 1617-2-7:24 On the Progress and Education of the Freedmen Undated 1617-2-7:25 On the Slave Power 1856 1617-2-7:26 Parody Undated 1617-2-7:27 Perils of Great Cities 1863 1617-2-7:28 Philippians 4:6 1847 1617-2-7:29 Philippians 4:8 Undated 1617-2-7:30 Poems 1860-1878 1617-2-7:31 Poor Have the Gospel Preached, The 1860 1617-2-7:32 Possibility, Duty and Blessings of Early Piety, The 1862 1617-2-7:33 Prayer 1857 1617-2-7:34 Prime Element of Religion 1854 1617-2-7:35 Progress of Literature 1844 1617-2-7:36 Proverbs 1:10 1850 1617-2-7:37 Proverbs 1:31 Undated 1617-2-7:39 Proverbs 14:2 1848 1617-2-7:40 Proverbs 21:21 Undated 1617-2-7:38 Proverbs 4:23 Undated 1617-2-7:41 Psalms 1:3 1855 General Commisson on Archives and History Page 21 Madison, New Jersey Guide to the Papers of Bishop Gilbert Haven

Call Number Folder Title Date(s) 1617-2-7:42 Psalms 8:3-4 1849 1617-2-7:43 Psalms 14:2-3 Undated 1617-2-7:44 Psalms 25:14 1873 1617-2-7:45 Psalms 73:7 1869 1617-2-7:46 Psalms 77:14 1878 1617-2-7:47 Psalms 95:6 1857 1617-2-7:48 Psalms 97:11 1847 1617-2-7:49 Psalms 116:15 1857 1617-2-7:50 Psalms 119:9 1861 1617-2-7:51 Psalms 132:6 1857 1617-2-7:52 Psalms 133:1 1857 1617-2-7:53 Psalms 139:22-24 1851 1617-2-7:54 Public Opinion 1846 1617-2-7:55 Redemption 1853 1617-2-7:56 Reflections Undated 1617-2-7:57 Relation of Earth to Church 1879 1617-2-7:58 Relation of Nature to the Reign of Christ, The 1872 1617-2-7:59 Remember the Sabbath Day and Keep it Holy 1856 1617-2-7:60 Request for Establishing a Public Park Undated 1617-2-7:61 Results of Refusing to do the Will 1852 1617-2-7:62 Revelation 12:11 1861 1617-2-7:63 Revelation 20:12-13 Undated 1617-2-7:64 Romans 1:1 1870 1617-2-8:1 Romans 5:20 1852 1617-2-8:2 Romans 8:16 Undated 1617-2-8:3 Romans 14:7 1859 1617-2-8:4 Second Corinthians 3:9 1849 1617-2-8:5 Second Corinthians 3:18 1857 1617-2-8:6 Second Corinthians 5:20 1863 1617-2-8:7 Second Corinthians 6:17-18 1855 1617-2-8:8 Second Corinthians 12:14-13:1 Undated 1617-2-8:9 Second Corinthians 13:5 1852 1617-2-8:10 Second Corinthians 13:8 1852 1617-2-8:11 Second Chronicles 15:8 1864 1617-2-8:12 Second Peter 3:18 Undated 1617-2-8:13 Second Timothy 2:1 Undated 1617-2-8:14 Second Timothy 2:4 1861 1617-2-8:15 Sepulcher of Nature Undated 1617-2-8:16 Sinner Against His Conscience and the Spirit of God 1861 1617-2-8:17 Some Plain and Pleasant Words on a Great Matter Undated 1617-2-8:18 Speaking the Truth in Love 1874 1617-2-8:19 Statesman, The 1845 1617-2-8:20 Take Heed What Ye Hear Undated 1617-2-8:21 Temperance Undated 1617-2-8:22 Texts Preached at Westfield Methodist Episcopal Church and Elsewhere 1854-1861 1617-2-8:23 Thanksgiving Day 1852 1617-2-8:24 Then and Now Undated 1617-2-8:25 Then Ranics and Authors 1842 1617-2-8:26 They Shall Be Gazing Up Into Heaven 1863 1617-2-8:27 Transfiguration, The 1864 1617-2-8:28 Translation of the First Book of Homer 1864 1617-2-8:29 Trip to Hartford, A 1845 1617-2-8:30 Two Books on the Life Beyond 1875 1617-2-8:31 Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Puritan Landing 1851 General Commisson on Archives and History Page 22 Madison, New Jersey Guide to the Papers of Bishop Gilbert Haven

Call Number Folder Title Date(s) 1617-2-8:32 Understandeth Thou What Thou Readest Undated 1617-2-8:33 Washington Allston 1844 1617-2-8:34 We All do Fade as a Leaf Undated 1617-2-8:35 Wesleyan University Student Commencement Speech 1846 1617-2-8:36 What Error of Man 1850 1617-2-8:37 When I was a Child 1851 1617-2-8:38 When I Went Into the Sanctuary of the Lord 1861 1617-2-8:39 Where the Spirit of the Lord is There is Liberty Undated 1617-2-8:40 Without God in the World 1848 1617-2-8:41 Zechariah 4:6 1865 1618-2-4:1 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Age, The Undated 1618-2-4:2 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Character of Jo Smith Undated 1618-2-4:3 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Essays and Musings Undated 1618-2-4:4 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - First Thessalonians 2:4 Undated 1618-2-4:5 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Fourth of July 1852 1618-2-4:6 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Galatians 5:1 1857 1618-2-4:7 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Habakkuk 3:2 1851 1618-2-4:8 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Hebrews 4:2 1851 1618-2-4:9 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Hence a Need for an End 1850 1618-2-4:10 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Isaiah 5:20 1861 1618-2-4:11 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Jeremiah 23:23 Undated 1618-2-4:12 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Jeremiah 28:16 1851 1618-2-4:13 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Jeremiah 31:29 1853 1618-2-4:14 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - John 3:16 1852 1618-2-4:15 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - John 12:26 1851 1618-2-4:16 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Love Story, A Undated 1618-2-4:17 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Luke 15:10 1850 1618-2-4:18 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Matthew 10:30 1853 1618-2-4:19 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Matthew 11:11 1853 1618-2-4:20 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Progress of Literature 1844 1618-2-4:21 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Proverbs 1:31 Undated 1618-2-4:22 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Psalms 122:6 1851 1618-2-4:23 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Romans 8:16 Undated 1618-2-4:24 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - Understandeth Thou What Thou Readest Undated 1618-2-4:25 RESTRICTED Oversize Documents - We All do Fade as a Leaf Undated

Printed Matter Call Number Folder Title Date(s) 1617-2-8:42 Bishop Haven at Hempstead - June 3 Undated 1617-2-8:43 Chattanooga Daily Rebel - June 28 1863 1617-2-8:44 Christ Washing the Disciples' Feet Undated 1617-2-8:45 Discord on the Hymnal 1875 1617-2-8:46 Election to the Episcopacy 1872 1617-2-8:47 Evening and Morning of the Temperance Reform, The Undated 1617-2-8:48 Five Hundred Mile Ride with a Maniac - John Hughes has an Adventure, Undated Reverend E. C. Chilsom 1617-2-8:49 General Conference and Women Delegates Undated 1617-2-8:50 God's Ideas for America 1875 1617-2-8:51 1875 1617-2-8:52 In the Closet 1864 1617-2-8:53 Is Our Nation Christian? Undated 1617-2-8:54 Letter from a Barn Undated 1617-2-8:55 Letter from a Camp Meeting Undated General Commisson on Archives and History Page 23 Madison, New Jersey Guide to the Papers of Bishop Gilbert Haven

Call Number Folder Title Date(s) 1617-2-8:56 Letter from Bishop Haven 1875 1617-2-8:57 Liberator, The - December 29 1865 1617-2-8:58 Methodist Itinerancy, The 1879 1617-2-8:59 Miscellaneous 1872 1617-2-8:60 New Methodist Books Undated 1617-2-8:61 Race 1872 1617-2-8:62 Revolution in Greece, The 1862 1618-2-1:1 Sacrament of Feet Washing, The 1876 1618-2-1:2 Sunday School Union 1872 1618-2-1:3 Travels in Egypt 1862-1863 1618-2-1:4 Travels in Italy 1862 1618-2-1:5 Travels in Jerusalem and Surrounding Area Undated 1618-2-1:6 Travels in Mexico 1872-1873 1618-2-1:7 Travels in Switzerland, Austria and France Undated 1618-2-1:8 Twelve Years in Atlanta 1879 1618-2-1:9 Union of Methodists, Episcopalians and Protestant Episcopalians Undated 1618-2-1:10 Warrington 1876 1618-2-1:11 Year's Life, A Undated

Ephemera Call Number Folder Title Date(s) 1618-2-1:12 Centre Methodist Episcopal Church Pew Fees Receipt 1864 1618-2-1:13 Haven Genealogy 2013 1618-2-1:14 Legal and Financial Documents 1731-1836 1618-2-1:15 Scanned Letters 2011 1618-2-1:16 Marriage Contract 1713 1618-2-1:17 Metropolitan Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church Building Fund Receipt for 1867 Charles Carter North 1618-2-1:18 Miscellaneous 1844-1879 1618-2-1:19 Revolutionary War Clipping 1776 1618-2-1:20 Zion's Herald Clipping - August 22 1866

Diaries Call Number Folder Title Date(s) 1618-2-5:2 Diary: September 1841-March 1843 1841-1843 1618-2-5:4 Diary: September 1847-January 1872 1847-1872 1618-2-5:6 Diary: February-September 1879 1879 1618-2-5:1 Diary: January-September 1841 1841 1618-2-5:3 Diary: May 1845-September 1846 1845-1846 1618-2-5:5 Diary and Transcript: May-July 1861 1861

General Commisson on Archives and History Page 24 Madison, New Jersey