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Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics EJAIB Vol. 28 (2) March 2018 ISSN 1173-2571 (Print) ISSN 2350-3106 (Online) Official Journal of the Asian Bioethics Association (ABA) Copyright ©2018 Eubios Ethics Institute (All rights reserved, for commercial reproductions). Contents page Editorial: Ethics, knowledge and Editorial: Ethics, knowledge and body function 37 body functions - Darryl Macer This is the issue of EJAIB is extended to 44 pages The ethical impacts of routine use of digital eyeglasses on the doctor-patient interaction 38 to include several lengthy papers that present - Sody A Naimer aspects of biomedical ethics in areas which are not Palatal rugae pattern identification to determine family often, if ever, explored. We can asK Questions about lineage in Minangkabau, West Sumatera, Indonesia 42 the application of the Knowledge of our body, and - Nila Kasuma, M.Biomed, Dewi Elianora, Aida Fitriana, how this may be and should or should not be M.Biomed, Fildzah Nurul Fajrin, Haria Fitri explored in new ways. Female genital cutting: a philosophical exposition 45 The ethical impacts of routine use of digital - Joseph Nkang Ogar, Bassey Samuel Akpan eyeglasses on the doctor-patient interaction are Bases of Early Marriage & Consequences on the Well- explored by Sody Naimer. As our lifes are driven to being of Mother and Child in Jhirubas, Palpa, Nepal 51 render most of us some form of cyborg (even by - Bikash Thapa & Darryl Macer Prevalence of Oral and Dental Diseases and Oral Hygiene wearing basic sight or hearing aids), we are Practices among Illicit Drug Abusers 65 presented with technology that can provide us new - Md. Anower Hussain Mian, Kazi Md. Sakib Hossain, information about our daily interactions. The data Nasrin Akhter & Darryl Macer could be gathered to better monitor what we do – ABA Renewal and EJAIB Subscription 81 but do we all consent to such data gathering? This comes at a time when there is concern over the data Editorial address, and all correspondence to: collection of social media platforms. Prof. Darryl Macer, Ph.D., Hon.D. Two papers explore dentistry. Kasuma et al. President, show how palatal rugae pattern identification has American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN) been used determine family lineage in Email: [email protected] Minangkabau, West Sumatera, Indonesia. This also raises questions of privacy versus familial solidarity. EJAIB adopts and complies with the Committee on Despite legal bans, the practice of female genital Publication Ethics (COPE) Publication ethics and cutting continues, and some of the reasons for this malpractice policy. All potential authors should continued abuse of often young women and girls have read these guidelines and by submission of an are explored by Joseph Nkang Ogar and Bassey article for publication you acknowledge that you Samuel Akpan. Sexuality and culture are themes in have complied with this policy. Violations will be common with the analysis of interviews described handled in proportion to the intention and by Bikash Thapa in his Masters ‘s thesis research on seriousness of the violation. the bases of Early Marriage and Consequences on the Well-being of Mother and Child in Jhirubas, Registered address of EJAIB: P.O. Box 16 329, Palpa, Nepal Despite the many health problems, Hornby, Christchurch 8441, New Zealand early marriage is still common in many countries. Md. Anower Hussain Mian et al. conducted a dental and oral hygiene survey among Illicit Drug Abusers in Dhaka, and we can see that this is a neglected group who are also neglecting their teeth. - Darryl Macer 38 Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 28 (March 2018) The ethical impacts of routine use However, we often pay a high price for the advantages of implementation of a further of digital eyeglasses on the computerized environment. Electronic medical doctor-patient interaction record documentation is an example where many aspects of patient care have been sacrificed in order - Sody A Naimer, M.D. to propagate better storage and more convenient Department of Family Medicine, Siaal Research Center access to the medical database (1-3). We cope with for Family Medicine and Primary Care, Division of the conseQuences that our digitalized society has on Community Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben- us. This transition bears considerable impact on the Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel Email: [email protected] doctor-patient dynamic. It seems the end of this journey is yet to be determined. Abstract The revolutionary hand-held cellular telephone In parallel to society at large, the past three decades has evolved into a smartphone that is a multi- have seen a dramatic rise in adoption of computer function multimedia appliance with all the technology in the medical field. As rival commercial capabilities of recording and documenting audio enterprises compete in developing the most ideal and visual stills or motion pictures in perfect colour "digital eyeglass", the time is ripe to prepare an for reproducibility in various forms. ethical approach to this phenomenon and its impact Computerization has become ubiquitous and on the doctor-patient consultation. Wearing a encompasses almost all branches of clinical multimedia system will carry with it both medicine. From ordering tests, to sifting through advantages and inherent disadvantages. research results, memory storage, data comparison, Particularly worrisome issues lie within the domain records of previous consultations, diagnostic of autonomy, confidentiality, and spontaneity. In modalities, cautionary signs of hypersensitivities, this paper, the ethical Questions raised by the use of and information mining all the way to digital eyeglasses in the course of the medical office transcontinental robotic surgical procedures. In visit are addressed. The choice of use by the this paper we would like to delve into a single physician and the patient are discussed separately. aspect of this development, namely the inseparable There is a need for guidelines of an appropriate conformation of the gadgetry into part of the approach by medical staff and their patients in individual self. We may now cope with the new preparation for this novel phenomenon. phenomenon of DEG, or "augmented reality", of which the most advanced device is Google Glass Introduction (Google Inc., Mountain View, CA). "Digital eyeglasses" (DEG) are already here, and now is the turning point for preparation before its What is Google Glass? technological finesse becomes a social phenomenon Google Glass is a wearable android-powered creeping under the door into the doctor's office. computer coupled with an optical head-mounted What patients seeK is personal attention, display (OHMD). Information is displayed in a compassion, understanding, and care until the smartphone-liKe hands-free format onto a prism- presenting problem is resolved. The care provider's liKe rectangle at a corner of one’s field of vision prime concern is to provide the patient with utilizing innovative liquid crystal on a silicon field- undivided attention, recognise the essence of the sequential colour system. The technology enables problem, employ the necessary resources to deliver still or video photography with a camera built into the most favourable resolution, and feel satisfied spectacle frames. Communication is possible with that the individual received correct care. However, the Internet via voice commands, head tilts, and a the environment in which this interaction is touchpad on the side. It can run special applications, conducted has changed. maKe video calls, and facilitate hands-free web With growing restraints of time and the searching. It is planned to open endless options of escalating burden of tasKs, the physician must design to wirelessly accommodate personal become more concise and problem oriented. A medical documents that have been archived or data balance is needed to minimize the discrepancy of from transmitted monitors such as blood glucose catering to the patient's needs and feelings, measurements (4), from the patient's perspective conferring an immense influence on patient's and face recognition, to hazard warnings of drug health behaviours, and limited resources to fulfil interactions from the perspective of the physician. these goals. Adoption of any one of a number of Google started selling a prototype of Google Glass solutions is welcome to bridge these gaps. We have to Qualified "Glass Explorers" in the US on April 15, recently resorted to incorporating advanced 2013, for a limited period for $1,500. Currently off technology into primary care on a national level. the marKet, the company continues its efforts to perfect the device into a more feasible appliance Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 28 (March 2018) 39 that corrects technical problems that arose such as regarding both the professional aspiring to provide short battery life and inconsistent functioning. The the most updated care as QuicKly as possible, and to assumption is that just as it has evolved from a the patient expecting to receive the highest Quality 3,600 g prototype in mid-2011 to the 2013 model of treatment (9). Along with the staging of this that is lighter than the average pair of sunglasses, device, safety issues such as driving while donning soon it may turn into a custom artefact as popular such a device raise many concerns (10). A large as the smartphone. If so, it should be in order to professional team invited by the Office of the delve into morally setting rules and limitations Privacy Commissioner of Canada met to judge the before becoming overwhelmed by a new implications of such an item on privacy issues and phenomenon reaching our doorstep before immediately demanded resolution by the executive adeQuate preparation. In this work we concentrate director of the marketers. on the impact it may have on primary care consultations. Issues to be addressed Transformation into a world where any movement or voice can be recorded for personal or other use raises indeterminable social issues as it challenges human behavioural ethics in general.
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