' SUNDAY, JUNE 13, 1915. ' 2 9 THE SUN


3B re? mtt iiiii. uiil hwm nan i PMte S3 ifew i aT-..- 7...... iL....o. ill W 'pKESWfe.III I I VI a, .-a W a. SSUCI, KUWu JMRyhdrTsaMl 7 rr r m I mumWi m m m I aar& nil i 5

. .ii n-- j

EKt or STciNWfty ruwrrci . XO"J hs ISLAND C7TY

OF Mouse. inud'-i- rrpc ETTJ2JM3-- 'E. TO iv i S79GCTSO IK STE J KWAV JTOieWOOD, TUNJrCl. , 13" EAST Aa.u UIM-- I

;, I. !i 11 "Jul . ( ir tr ir ir."r"rr-"- vs. IL IlLLL lit I m) M lid I

GTJSEiG'T APTMCKT i S33C1AV 3tTOei7V' crrb.ys.so-- weights APARTWErrrs, latmm mot couthxtkhi "TO, V. XiO-T- ISLATTD C3TY, 0 0 "0"


r ) V ae. . M,A2J-ETC- TA.3c'C HOUSES TVJ3 EL OJ" STATION" I V V CUT. 6t. jwid AVEwia Fourth Avenue, Brooklyn. Steinway to Subway to Coney Island to Be Put in Operation Ml fP S s S - to Be Running by June 22 After Many End of Month. of utrect. Prospect avenue,. Twenty-fift- h . Flatbueh tivenue to th rtr ri "i Bttf Idleness. Klfty-nlnt- r Years I Thirty-sixt- h street, h llr.o Rt Mnlbone e'reet nes street, Te or. ; on Sea Ileneh line nil expected be completed oM ofTlolal pnrty pons throUKh the street and thn to " or patient, liopfftil waltliiK will tub Hlghtli avenue, Fort Hamilton avenue, year. fiicllltlcs In one hour earlier. They will conduct the - vr ' transit New rtrccht avenue, Eighteenth nve- Contracts for ths cn-- - ei of YUAIIS Partly part of the opening; of the - ' York city in to l" ceremonial nue, Twentieth avenue, Tventy-secon- d original fourth ave- " t per- - In Vork'H railroad - -- neKt week and llrt link New Kreat jaenue, Kings Highway, Avenue 11, tho Iktanhattan t- V iyf following, when two fee-- tem. At 11 o"clock the president, Itr'. haps the week l.ightj-sivi- li street ami n nvrnuo. street were awaroe tJonw of the Rieal dual sulia system otllcers and directors of the Interbor- - The run to Coney Island will bo made vice Commission .n May. l'OS. h opened tratllc. Till" doe not oiikIi, memhers of the Public Service $u$wys (met thirty-tw- o city's wlU he for - comucriM in minutes owing to litigation d' the 1 1160,00",- Commission, the Maor, his cabinet anJ - r mean that the benefits of .SL- Operation will begin with eight car limit were not appro-'e-rt In- the Ho once, for - -. dun nvMipm are to be felt at elective olllclals, members of the Cham- trains mule up of the new nil steel 0f and (lrm it in ' be given over to the i,or ,,f Commerce and local real - nstlmnt the two iaits to cars purchased by the .New orit .Muni- October, r?0J. Con'-nietlo- worn are but small ,.j.tate will asjsemhlo at the -: public within a few days Interests icp-- i lu.av.i) Corporation for dual bcirun November IS. 1'' at th Ur rectluns of the gre.it impiovemcnt and Jnrk'on nvenue Htatlon In Long Island use Thrso cars aro ten feet wide, n can bo will tern tlon of I.latbu"h jvtk n'f'lon existing condition they cm. where they board the first cars used In the ) ev-.i"- t under working n fcot wt ler than tho tfalb avenue The P" operated only on a partial basis. trun other than practice or c. m ng subway. They are 0. feet long, 000.' IP Tuesdiy the to pass through the tubes. On PKTeirRted about 111. One week from next tra'ns I .r l'i fcot lm ger than the existing sun-- 1 The contracors for t" s orV. wf w:ii be opemd for the way to . the various pusht-ngar- 6telnwa tunnel way f.irs. i ney win seal is i pmti. Scott r. W' " ri.fi!' the will be to oper-Grati- d r. Thus, In Hutting b last cars cluls asked take turns at - rii'-- persons nun .orn-- nnd atlng wav without an xtr fare. Thta free ami !'s in the K, I. Smith Contrnc'l'.ir Central station 'n Manhattan the train. the con-tra- hours, ngilnn 4t nnd 46 respec- - Hulh'-- Coro?"-- the Steluway transfer provision is a part of 'rush and the Tidewater the piesent subway with temporary use In the tunnel the the ly In tho present subway cars. The 11 City llrnt step rr mado between the city and tiv. nnd ThnmiiH Hrvson tectum in Long Wand thu intrrlu'rough has purchased twelve new Company, comp-in- si itcs that the rush hour load of th" I giv- - Intcrborough Hapld Transit ' Contracts 'or the extension it v inioleted toward ,Lr..n,i',ii.. tv. mn,nn t,..A Cf!-.!- .in lot.. lltu in con- in the exiting subway Is approximately Fortv-thlr- d j will operate the tunnel from stree to true boroushs of New York the ,, U(ip jn t,1(J ,,re,c;it which l cars, '"-- to all uh M1tm:ly. These existing Z"n passengeia per train of ten were awarded by th' j s. i nection with the sixth street system 01 rapio urn , be passengers 700 etnnd-- dliect wdl divided Into three four car Tunnel wns"'''!'built by the. ur 410 seated and ' lie Sen-le- CoinmlMlon or ' lieen uream 01 euy o...w n. u.lr,,..if new the numirn trains, which will be operated from i ...... Yuri, UoiK Island Hallroad tng An eight car train of tho 1tt, 1912, to the I'etr-.o- n f consolidation tliltllt tltliluf l,lPtt .k.lWnitl BtfuA lilt I I l cars will carry tho same load iir open- - ' n 1 ' UrooklMi Company. cost of Mill will be the n- - Too thu "" .More important f A.lllfftn ,'u.on r"m!'n"'... ' ",m, ,.....-- . - - I.Ut'O passengers, but will nrcommo- ' .... rtl of .1 ...... ut,,t-l..f- " iy i iiipri)ori)UKII ltil' t ...... on a . ... completed and u.ite t'.lit hcite.l passengers nnd 57il r - avfiiue, i.iimf in. ncaawat leri-si- was not Hi.. .. iting in .ian- i.: 83 r New rnethods of treatnn from Mil. pal lim of four or live minutes duttng hour- - , In sped- - 'M.u.lii-- li Is also churned that the - e tf . . the ,;,0n the time ln i1eenr.it Irg the hroiml, the o irth ' V V passengers will tied sa' liatlan. ;" f travel and on longer headway ,c"L,n nchlse, and litigation "tut,. bug In tho new cais - - H an I thu ha, th fr Tourth avenue suhway ' way In jKiklyn - a tlnor space nventtli'g about ilvo ,- -- y at other times The line will be in over the eoni.rua- !hae fllbwny alt st.itln.. are "- " " J p. r pel son, as against nn -n- rnc5msfruc,.!?. TV53IC TZnjZ LT ALOt-t- s,iu..ie leet On Court " . - o! square tile the i ir i.uer.gi ..bout two and a half - , 111 ' i . co'n- "' Mt Oil,' O . mnzs:!... .. suili-- ...... station will have u th wil Klolt'lllK ... i ilie ub! Mibwav earn. 'J1' that i. hi. own, tiling at mxrb - fc n the railroad shops being constructed .emnlnet' with the present the traoks of the i Jo v " that clipped the tunnel as - colors being ued Z vice. Some : New York and Long 1'i'iirt i atenue subway will ente- Man eelel l ton Is Ian. ed a the 'or set time this mi.ri.ln-- the trustees of the The subw it sir 'iir ' L.t ri !''' car- - will be placed In Company During this hattan inn Ihe M.inh.itlan llri.lge, tw.i ' tL.n .. 1 I t Una e l however that 'elve the Island Hallroad to take on increased population, for concrete, at. i e.o h 't i. k ftr ' r!'..d Interhorough company Hacks oinncctl g with the Centre street . sP tStelnw.y tunnel charge of old litigation the j - efe.-- - will .t for .eg la. and builders haKe been making tho claim r- ate tunnel. Tins to sell the tunnel to ne hup nibwa and two dn g litnb -i n.lsrng.i- r II July 1. ',rl"' ""Idoyees of the road, who will twice offered that the are ofleiln-- - mm.- mil bitter etc! ny the election o: " proposal was rejected eatli that subw ly and through Canal w ' wl, iVes ling to take nd- -' H'end a full week running the trains back city. The first in Long Islmd City than ran bo tho nr.l was b" ' Those ' Commission on spice a with the new tracks v -- to Krt everything by the 1'ubllo Service street t" onncetlon of the e new n utes ,ie advised '"fin working - had In Minhailaii for nearly twice, tho tho ventll itlun , vm.i w smoothly. of terms named by the com- Itroadway st.bway In Manhattan, "5 l uhl c Comnussk.., I'rom terminal to terminal account the asked Sen. llon-- Hi'- by oU. im Serv , . proposal was never rental will be over easterly The ..' ...... ii,, trin win lull. .iv iv.. n.mv., The- second - opc iilon the two - ' mill I.v o periling rniniiiiinee frm w t.ni,. i iu. That part of Itrooklyn through which the company and wt lie t on, the reason that in tracks m the Centre loop sul'vav. mili-l- i acted for will stieet i.- ' espeet too or ttie liilinu ivb, the law rourlh nveuu" sul.A.iy I a four tva.l 'yr I l system negotiations the tunnel was iiliiiiPg from Cha.nbeis strei nortli best It will not be u. to the ne steinway tunnel a two track dual pass nnd Its extension to Cincv Island In ncro r for at of ' ac- - line, transferred to the city as n part tin under Ce.itie titre. t to Canal sti et and t - ' t . whlcli New Yorkers ale nich track belter In a separate expected to the ne v road hi opera-t-.i- i. was up w t i Hand irds company's contribution. The companj line through street a- .1 the brl.lgo linked on subway and tunnel for part of the distance we.', but unfi"-eei- d. lny. C.innl fiisti.med Hie nieseiit .... tills to tin two southerly tracks on subway. In t l.her of the present it will be operated between ",a;?llin,K,n ioVioT make the uetiial date of opera t' on ii!lto That the npet-.lp- ' ' ltvatei rinds "l T.' I. '. el. of itrldg.-- . .' I H.itl..-I..t- l .on.-- t ' the lower the Manhattan loads o be op.; Is ' ine lerum.ais state,!, t.u when the dual "P. uni-er- un l..i-- sl reports are ilini uu subw y and lt " ,,f:;.:,r ;,,, was taker. tie-ne- nrress the bridge and lulo the jiieu-- t" nak. full si ivl. e i.i.sslhle. Tim jsiem plans are carried out It mil u, rei-- tsua-wirv- . ollli-la- l train win be sent over ilie tr.uks ":'t in sn ' - l.v tne city u vmuanon subway on n i m- un win over ni NEftie cel- .- the Itrooklyn aide ln l'latbush ' ... Stelnwat imiiiei 'Oin. wi.u teiiiu.iiij iiiiih ijueens sine in tnu $3,000,000, on next Saturda when the local .'Ion the will be an linpo.t.i.it i.eiwei'ii in wueensisiro nrmge nana nnd a con- - over the opening 111 be held. " Kay Itbla--e v Short as this road Is. It In expected brail..., Tin.r'W JVT avenuo suliway trunk line Ivn, liilerbornugh In Manhattan ami with the new lines a effect on the 1' ihsrnuer trains, it Is now said, will he iltnii tir.ites, i opcr-pte- d to have at once decided will tm be to Man- a tour track nndergroiinl rail- i lis exlensluiis in ijueens, will Astoria anil Corona, and on the not only of Long Island Clt operated not hijer than July I, and It builders upbuilding road, imin'ng from the Hrook'.yn side of ' a with short trains on a hattan sale It will be extended west Qut-rn- th.-- on a year pt i " ' for time but of more distant points in iim he pussiblii in start Ilrldge tbrouph th" ln.st f transfer arr.ingein.nl to and from the utiuer -- second street to a con' al soma day next week. the M.mhaitin p. oplo expi'i I. at well. Near the end of the tunnel pin seivli Ah-lam- avenue, .. g I..- avenue extelisinn. Kllltnn street, l ' Jlaiiliatlai. lines The ion wnn me exisi sunway Ml i.eguon Contracting Company j Th. will a Mroi'kl.wi Itapid Transit b'or a year or n" ' . c.--t . 1p. ,. pl'ice, mute, eventually to be n are. w... not oe ...... i II uie.iue and mj folio Island in inn done ( 111 crrt-in- road, tilling. "HI be operated by the. have beiti tl' V I Oireaiiy worn nn inn in uir avt-nii- Sixt-!lft- h track route, will start opeiatlon as nilll a year from now on the fiinsilld-iti-- Com- to about street, on " lour , Uueens largest office, building in tho borough New Yoik ltallrn.nl strnctlou er sta-ilo- n Hiiiok'.vn Here Ihe four dixtile. ii two partly local and partly side, or until the great connecting Surrounding or tun- pany, the i.ulng company of tin-- ti.i ks a half million d., l.- - v the terminal the oi. . Itf-n-- Itall-n.a- d ' Is Coipoi-i-linn- two connecting with the Sea h " exiyejiH jead. at th.i Queensboro llrldg.i Plnza nel Is the great factory section of Long New Yolk Miiulilp.il ltullwa and white pro ' .' . rui'iilng to Coney Island c ' ' ' :t iiT these drawbacks, however, completed, nnd on the Manhattan side Island City with Its thousands of work- i'!?aflriBMBBaLaa1lBW'''Bafl whl. Ii entered into Ihe dinl and two has been going nn '"-- ' stom ! i.i tin g on down fie operating comp.iiiles are ready to for pel haps three years, ur until the men who will use the new line to get hiiii the city. Complete, opera- ti" avenue to lines a consul' t IllEhty-slM- h llamll-to- n guarantee the lies! service possible with diagonal station of the Iexlngton W II but II stnet, near Tort al ng t av.i. to homes in Manhattan, The Bronx and tion not possible al mice, s been th" to carry Tinis'i-'- l.iitii the Ihaht) " the facl.lties they have and mil' subway at Lexington avenue and Urooklyn Almost adjacent to the ter w 11 In loss Mi In oiei-,il- at least two sixth ,i . urn and It' g , "I llin of Hie new l i .. i it-- t street itlon of the subw ty to and from fiassengeis oer roilles street Unlabel. mliial Is the station of tho Long Island ti-- I, ...ii. i 'lumbers hi station lentirin, man 411 r,fl the Hr.t.klNii ' lines in hetter time the sune ins Th.i tunnel Is between ami feet Hallroad, from which point electric Hi. l . "lie lli.'t loop s.lbtt ill tin lt.iii.il Transit sinfaoe I'ourih nteiin- - by any ' l, b.- tii cii can l"i oilier1 ' , cars in nhg to Fort Ilnmlltna will 1 t.awlled below tho Hiirface of Koi street trains leae for nil suburban points on Mui, ml i l. , M.inli Ulan, to Iglit out 1 Llg'i' 111. M'l ,1 lilted. , als .uid communication with tho surface the island. k ill on sh ii. and lliem-- e..t' i, ii it ...... s tl. nfih S'-.- iih nnp.-i- nun nniii mo new i... .,, ,, i In to h -' it oi ...ii .,. ,.K,.,,i.,i, Most Important at thin time in con- bt Hie ii . .'HslMii led S. .1 lire to ii'l'llli'ii the llei. lOnnec- ...P ....iioriii ruailN could be opi ned dining the prrxout t tlon the nvenue subway ,. tlln(f i ,t lomporary station on me nection with the tunnel Is the tluu sys- i 'onet Isla" I'.iuith when .it Atlantic but on.- sort or another Fotly-se.-on- i onnee-tlon- s of f,,utli sido of il street. Tho tem of trolley roads radiating from Tempt" " oi't ralliin will be, m er the itiuipliled win nae tli'eo oiler Hiiitli stieet t' tiuve made this Impossible The Inter U now pro Millilt-lp.i- l llulM-i- g with Coney Island. Two of these gr , eini. mission considering a Jackson avenue, to practically all parts lm al tracks from the cell tneoiis 'iii' Iwrough Itapid Transit Conip-iny- wlilch New- - posal to provide nn underground pus. of the borough. These llnea not only l TlililN-Ml- h stre. t mill l'oui-t- ate the I'trerlit avenue and flinves-o- i stoi es and s m p xvlll operate the steinway sag.-wa- tl il - liniiiel road, leading from the top of tho parallel the subway extensions Into Venue I' i' 't ' mil 1'iit pti'. axenne eleval. rallioads. t.ow un- nhlc'.i aie of n i' now deilnltelv I i oi y e1 w .11 lias announced, however, escalator to tin f!rand Central matlon queens, gn nn charming SIl-llii- h street on the exprt ss ler w' com eel with ,e!v t i; i the nrst but well Into to that p..inger train on tint of the subway If tills connection Is homo communities now rearhed only by TO T3C TJSElO CKT tracks i'r. 'n Sii-ll- f li stieet tin op- lie sibw iy tliioimli Thlrt I u OP CARS , , will TYPB , line leave 1. tituiiun t " '.-.- at .larkson hull! passengers from the tunnel ran the Ixmg Island road, It is to these . eration w !l In ot.-- i Ihe lo, tl m. kn of '" ri ei r e a ''in nnd Van Altl SUBW-- I i . itenueM, AinK Island i.aiisfei lo subway trains without the Hreas that the new road will he great- AVENUE Hie Sea ilea- u t tl tl I' '"it., He Ii ne f " rlty, for the I Hand of it' Central Terminal In utn of transfer tickets; If not such est benefit, for It will not only lennce Starting f'-a- Chambers street. Man- t.'Oi'U it 1' hi Tra s' ststetn. wh, Manhattan promptly Li Ik by 'I at o'clock noon tickets will ho Issued ho that passengers the time of travel between these points tent, provide better transit at lower Ing sections which have been built UP hattan, tho siattoii sl ips will be as fol a made an cv fusion of the g '" K' on Tuesday, June 2 sh- - s from tho tunnel may oontlnua their In Queena and the business sections of rates than nre charged It Is . In anticipation of tin. of lowsi Hold street. Itrnokh n, Io Kalh stibtt from Pulton s'reet r.1r the ite Prior to tho runtilne of this ub- - I pi Ugh SI I'Y i), train an Journey in cither direction In the Manhattan, but It will to a certain ex-- that the many flat and dwell-- atlou of thu Steinway tunnel will bogln avenue, i'acltlo ktruet, Union street, Ninth j a'"! street and Slx'h avetues