r •' Inr « I" *** ^ • ».«l if*i • I HIM. '♦ ■BiJ 3h!



on the wh- but announced thai the BPIBIT 8EIZUBE8. 8PAKBUIB8, wife*ii control; that the day on which her I Men, anil crush James Wcidey surprised, prosecu- lion would rest the cm*. h Be- JOURNAL. was on an iles* Ktniul. And 1 wove meshes for frr Ik* BsaSao is 1)like drunkard's life? THE UNION IND tba trunk was searched she sent er- iny ft»p«rte4 Ciclnlnlf Why prvttiMtttiiBc was that the Wes- J. M. BUTLER, Editor, U f«rthal«*«t fWisrellanwus. an (lie victim until the 0«MM*rcl«l Ralldla. cause it ends bad. •"'I U'« m«>atat rand to the minister a; was aliout morning sunrays Everybody surprised 'i ; gone _____ rai raiatr wuin »t L!?r^. "*• w*,"r «i pw«|ilrtlt<>n were not and were all n knmm U * was ta- streamed windows. r Icjra called, my plana I.? *»ftan«and add*dali«a«y lothatkln dallght- lionr and a half, and on her return through my imu riru iu m im| In what does £ rsaeabk NapnJeoo IntMHailoi, Mrs. (no <* OO. nl MilUM; tlltjri hfcltcS* and JUDGE REMSEN'S FIRST CUEHT. wm 1 divined at once that jr. S. BUTLER rm>a,iu nee tw- The court opened, the Impan- disarranged. in exile,- la n In lha airk ken up stairs to her trunk Jtry In ttries *•4 MttMtrr awtepoalon It opened course to shield being flOO If |«M vtthia tiM yaa# m4 lha toltot >ln bo*- she ofT her Imnoet and eleil, the called, Wesley auggested W» «il mm* » »»n mm pw *a at «m dollar par fom hail taken firm of the |I.W ft* «« ■ ulii mm bo ob>alaa»l ararywharo of wan fond huslmnd from cnws-exainina- cient State A persuasion superintend- a— nlmftamrt Old Judgo llcmwn, Cowan, in the box, anil the dis- herself and Constable have been II a. then she was sure Mr*. hail placed priaoner'a reported over all our coDonu ••rfMartMiiriMrflii n ■ ,u by all I>rojjl»Ui shawl; Wesley ence of Providence tn aitrama. Whw* WN *ntUwl ur« nIiI In T**r •UrtHnx Tbay considerable Mr. knew about it she to look innocent than ever, stntingthat exposing ,ll« *ls fcat hl;U tr»a lb* Park to hut whether Wesley Uj Uw *wairaka'» manafe'lor) oould not say, she rather thought juatico MMhM t« l»rt« *• of Naw York. It to anM that Omka wan to though to enable Th* ifMft .tlluu.— A young pirl, Helen Montrn—or, if resources could compass such a re- hlnst the character of my client, hibit the rigor and impartiality with which tempera. •Pt ta Wp» vim m » Mint*l all Ute raaba l» lha Knalarn HUtaa with r he because he looked when his my "•T'*"1. JT\T!!1 a «eticd the Uim a»o- lirenst vnlne«l at four dollars, and of hia ia then tain which would fill communi- carried out. in ita centre we are not far from its edge; A^trlnc tba tow oT n«Urn.- wb'cb Rl»w pin the to cheer 1 went honor and dignity position—it plana, PRINTINO. Wa do Ml know bow tbto I*, but « do em- Telling poor girl up, was JOB noiMily iv dollars in from the trunk of Iter he also fuels his with horror. I saw everybody pre- The leading iron storea have been order- and aa we advance toward* its bound* know Um PUntellon Bitten aau. na •• otharar- gold to the sherifTa room, where 1 found that rea|>onsihility. ty daily of lha sitting llala avar did. Tbay aw naad hy nil clnaaaa James a mwhant in the witness was Charlotte to believe almost and dc- ed to on account of the let ua the uanaitioorlhat awaits ployer, Wesley, Mrs. Mare. I at onee informed her The first lloycc. pared everything, close, complaint arira, keep community, and ar« dealb on n. that, Tlie theft, which to waste no time in words. 80 I all ban that are ac us our an Inventing wban laigwi town of Bedford. was a She had been called her mistress to mined that keep readily before eyea. Tbay »«rjr waaj in my opinion, Miss Montresscr perse- by go they constantly occasioned be sworn detected five weeka before, and ac« Ilclcn'a trunk searched; and requested that Mr. James Wesley cessihle to never to when sur- ffAfa»ttS5,WAT««U.M bT *n l*»«Uto cuted girl, and hoped ahe would trytocheer up purchaser*. Has It occurred us, a talk at the time, as the girl was she went and aaw the nnd and desired ihe Judge to lieve Eunice Wcs- The stocks of the opticians be THE LOW PRICE quite her bo thqf she coukl enter the conrt up breast-pin principle rounded by sorrows, thst tbey may up, huslmnd was A beautiftd and Wesley and hit wife l£uniee found in it—tucked in one removed while her being have been confiscated, as it is that aa we SYSTEM room with a heart on the morrow; money away ley proved sent to us only for our instruction, good was "In tha kattla from lha Bra I tenldad my. were IniI besiilea being gen« examined. She taken out the Sher- are in llio habit of their to liftln* anything thnl, woman to comer. my cross-examination 1 elicit- by people getting darken the cages of birda when we wish — l to a thistho kind hearted do, By aalr »ary #a*anly ono hau nlinod erWp promised James l3orfoct Success! • Tb« M»«»rnn deteste«l. said Helen had had come home and I turned to Wes- there. A old man, who Tha toftora ww unbonrnbla. endly People hastened to office. brain wns ed the fact that Helen just iff*, qurstion glasses poor got teach them to T nlm.wl and I my My sing kluaunc Llntinont raltoaad lb* pnln treated her mistress, one at one of theso rf Tnif «IB tan wImc* Ikt luijno-lllUa been by from an which she had lieen ley. glnss places, pre- TVt nimt II haalad rapidly, and toft »«ry shnmefully in a whirl, Gregory—grand pa—the packet errand, (oil only "He never had an enemy"—is often ssid dlataiyr was hinted ••James said I, Mhow KNT8 ,0*,■ who WMk of her; and it aent more than an hour when her trunk Wesley," sternly, sented n >ad s|»ectacle. that OHKATKST IN DUCKM fa**. Fotna, m Bnted St, rbllad** jealous which wns to make Iter a rich young lidy ) of one dead, aa the highest eulogy came that scar on your forehead ?" was a lot just ■ Tbn to nteraly a aampla of whallbaMwaknaf that there had been foul in the prose- was ocarched, and had on her bonnet and A seizure ordered of of liquor' ari orriuun> of play —its Was old rsn lm on his memory. And yet Liataiaul will do. II to Intnlnnbtolu allanaaa mysterious disappearance! As the villain turned stag- |«ssed braUaa. cution for theft. ahawl that she looked innocent and un* ghastly pale, ice owned Mr. Todd, but failed of be- wound*. (walllnga, apraliw. ante, •poflnA, Mr. her Was ; by CnaiST had a very great many enemies. man of boaat. Gregory really grandfather? and clutrhcd at the tho of LEICHTON iTcOODWIN ali .allhar apon The trial or a pang or coun- the were and gered, railing as none of the otfieers wish- at aoanurhiu M«m to C*«>aa an- aul»enii Biuu A Co-, Naw attention, that the caae of Helen (lie witness I at my The different trance mediums will be Uw praali auap public Mrs. On dismissing gnzed Eunice Ncasmitb.now Wesley, stolen came A in a late number of Punch It. and no one teem- "Answer me» Boh Harmon, liow as rail for picture •ARATMUSPRJNtt WATKllaoldbyall I>r*rr'»t» Montreasor waa forgotten, the hut sal with Mem faces, as shut up, it is proved they spirits, it from the child as she that the jury, they a fashionable the was slept, might that scar on forehead ?'* st represents young couple, Dress Goods, Shawls, | ed to care (or her fate. But when she resolved that nothing could moke your and always have them present their cir- clutch the property hy virtue of a former though husband in his wai*- in tho box, her I called Miss At the mention of the name "Hob Har- cles. searching vigorously placed primmer'# beauty hecn forced from the old thriu clear tliu culprit. Boyce "Have CLOAKS, All who ralaa n k«««lllkl band of hair, nnd Ita will, which had coat The wife inquire*, ami when the aak- a mon," the wretrh fell Itack upon the acat, of pockets. IVwte Dnuura haidnaaa nn-i turning riveted every eye, judge that 1 had very Several purchasers Cmaby Opera rLAM*HA, BLABKKTS, AC-, AC., mawwUte man. Mllo and said he had let Eu- buck, uying neglcctcd lost love ?" and he BALMORAL*, lo a«a oalahrated Kn cried, "O don't—don't that as you your watch, replies, | rray, will not toll Ly»o»' ed her wlio waa her counsel, and she mod- This some atten and groaned, bring up House tickets have l>een seized, they hair rich aoft nnd excited «MA a Ml rtoak W tnalron. It makaa lha glaaay, nice havo her own too much." Her ini|Kirtaut |ioint. 'twas a new bonnet I had for lognhri lo and no way me !" '•No, dear, amliettea dandrwft nnd annaaa tba hnlr fcruw estly replied that ahe bad none, tion, ami when 1 asked her if Mrs. Wesley agin were found in low spirits. with laiarlanl hannty. It to auld avarywbora. own way almut what? 1 felt certain that 1 aomewhere. a there was not a "I shall thai and mora too, un- wax arretted who you K. TIIOMAH I.YON. Cfco.ald, N. Y. money to pay lawyer was in the habit of ill-treating the prisoner, bring up A small I toy complain- all had got on thn track of great and the weather Woolen Goods! SARATOUASriUNli WATKR-iuld by Drnggtota the liar who would not have villainy, it*** answer me almut this pre- tho stomach-ache—as it Punch ia witty aprn|>oe member of up their cars. The yuu truly ed yesterday of I could understand the reason for evcryliody pricked girl were la Ua (tax of aB fUiin. caw. thought "The very trying undertaken her The judge, and said tended theft. Now, tell mo—did Eunice was to hare been than alippery pavementa willingly hatred of and Iter hesitated and stammered finally proved pain. IV B O r XI Eunice Wesley's Helen, to all claascs. Acrobats tumbled fur noth- 17" ALSO, A ri/LL LI round a moment, fixed his those in Alius Montras- men who showed iho to bar after looking she was. "And do think so 7" I ask- Gregory put tilings Several right spirit Witt Din 1t»—A yoanc ladv.nturalag drains to blast the poor girl's character. why tankers lost their balance; n of a tow monthi In on and ".Mr. Remaen will sor's trunk ?" are ing ; fa/jiiers country homa nftar at^'urn eyea me, raid, ed. "Ilecause Mra. Wesley beat her once hare I wen arrested, and parties quite *B irts, Naw Yark, waa hardly r*o»«alard hy harfrtonda. Afler half «n hour in soldiers embraced the Hoop act na this coun- spending arranging "O. Go