ISSUE DATE: EXPIRATION DATE: DOCKET #: COFA 04/21/17 3/21/2023 LPC-19-10143 COFA-19-10143

ADDRESS: BOROUGH: BLOCK/LOT: 601 1308 / 7501 Citicorp Center (now 601 Lexington Avenue) including St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Individual Landmark

Display This Permit While Work Is In Progress


Richard Monopoli Boston Properties 599 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10022

Pursuant to Section 25-307 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York, the Landmarks Preservation Commission, at the Public Meeting of March 21, 2017, following the Public Hearing of March 14, 2017, voted to grant a Certificate of Appropriateness for the approved work at the subject premises, as put forward in your application completed on February 16, 2017, and as you were notified in Status Update Letter 19-06068 (LPC-19-6068), issued on March 23, 2017. The approval will expire on March 21, 2023.

The proposal, as approved, consists of modifying the base and entrances at the market building, including, at the East façade, removing an awning, signage, and entrance infill at the westernmost storefront, and installing new granite bulkheads, glass curtain wall infill, glass and metal door and sidelight, and metal canopy; removing the easternmost recessed entrance and installing new glass curtain wall infill coplanar with the existing façade; and removing a section of glass curtain wall facade at the base of the building, and installing a new recessed entrance featuring exposed structural columns with metal panel cladding, glazed returns and transom, and three entrance bays with revolving glass and metal doors flanked by single and paired glass and metal swing doors. The proposal was shown on presentation slides labeled 1 through 11, consisting of existing condition photographs, and existing and proposed elevations, plans, sections, and details, dated March 7, 2017, prepared by Gensler, and presented at the Public Hearing and Public Meeting.

In reviewing this proposal, the Commission noted that the Citicorp Center (now 601 Lexington Avenue) including Saint Peter's Church Individual Landmark designation report describes 601 Lexington Avenue as a late 20th century modern style mixed use complex designed by Hugh A. Stubbins and built in 1973-78. The Commission further noted that the public spaces at 601 Lexington Avenue, and later alterations to them, were designed with the approval of the City Planning Commission as a condition to zoning floor area bonuses; that the City Planning Commission has approved the current proposal for modifications to the market building; and that Department of Buildings permits for alterations to the façade at the market building, excluding portions of the ground floor, were issued prior to designation.

With regard to this proposal, the Commission found that the innovative use of zoning incentives that provided floor area bonuses is an integral part of the history of the complex, and that the proposed modifications are consistent with this history; that the current proposal has undergone a process at City Planning to ensure that the goals of their regulatory mandate have been met; that the proposed work, in conjunction with the previous approvals, will occur at a complimentary building in the overall complex, and will not diminish the architectural character of the tower and super columns which dominate the site; that the work will maintain textural qualities and patterns in the curtain wall, consistent with the intent of the original design; that the proposed curtain wall infill at the east end of the façade will reference the presence of the original double-height entrance, and utilize materials consistent with the original design and forthcoming alterations; that the new street-level void identifying the entrance to the market building, although at a different location and a different configuration, will be consistent with the historic use of recesses and exposed columns at points of entry to the public spaces; that the modifications to the existing storefront at the west end of the façade will maintain the plane of the curtain wall, and that the placement and scale of the canopy will not call undue attention to itself nor detract from any significant architectural features of the building; and that the work will not diminish the special architectural and historic character of this Individual Landmark.

However, in voting to grant this approval, the Commission required that the applicant explore incorporating an angled feature at the new entrance recess that recalls the original entrance recess, in consultation with staff; and that two final signed and sealed Department of Buildings filing drawings for the approved work be submitted to the Landmarks Preservation Commission for review and approval.

Subsequently, on March 29, 2017, the Landmarks Preservation Commission received two sets of the required final filing drawings, labeled A-001.00 through A-004.00, A-020.00, A-030.00, A-040.00, A- 045.00, A-050.00, A-051.00, A-060.00 through A-063.00, A-081.00 through A-084.00, A-090.00, Z-100, Z- 105.00 through A-107.00, EN-050.00 through EN-054.00, EN-100.00, EN-101.00, EN-110.00, EN-111.00, EN-120.00, EN-121.00, DM-300.00, DM-302.00 through DM-312.00, DM-314.00, DM-315.00, DM-317.00, DM-318.00, DM-320.00, DM-321.00, DM-323.00, DM-324.00, DM-326.00, DM-327.00, DM-329.00, DM- 330.00, DM-332.00, DM-335.00, DM-336.00, A-100.00, A-103.00, A-106.00, A-109.00, A-112.00, A- 115.00, A-118.00, A-121.00, A-124.00, A-127.00, A-130.00, A-200.00, A-202.00 through A-218.00, A- 220.00, A-221.00, A-223.00, A-224.00, A-226.00, A-227.00, A-229.00, A-230.00, A-232.00, A-307.00, A- 308.00, A-310.00, A-311.00, A-407.00, A-408.00, A-410.00, A-411.00, A-413.00, A-414.00, A-416.00, A- 420.00, A-423.00, A-426.00, A-507.00, A-508.00, A-510.00, A-511.00, A-607.00, A-803.00, A-805.00 through A-807.00, A-823.00 through A-825.00, A-827.00, A-840.00, A-841.00, A-847.00, A-850.00, A- 851.00 through A-853.00, A-855.00, A-860.00, A-870.00 through 873.00, A-890.00 through A-896.00, A- 906.00, A-915.00, A-916.00, A-921.00, A-924.00, A-925.00, A-928.00, A-930.00, A-943.00, A-944.00, A- 945.00, A-946.00, A-955.00, A-956.00, A-957.00, A-960.00, A-961.00, A-964.00, A-968.00, A-980.00, A- 981.00, A-988.00, A-989.00, and A-991.00 through A-997.00, all dated (revised) March 15, 2017, prepared by Giuseppe Lauro, R.A.; drawings labeled S-000.00 through S-002.00, S-090.00 S-091.00, S-100.00, S- 102.00 through S-112.00, S-114.00 through S-119.00, S-200.00, S-500.00 through S-511.00, S-513.00 through S-515.00, S-518.00, and S-520.00 through S-523.00, all dated (revised) March 15, 2017, prepared by Eli B. Gottlieb, P.E.; drawings labeled M-101.00, M-201.00 through M-203.00, DM-300.00 through DM- Page 2 Issued: 04/21/17 DOCKET #: LPC-19-10143 305.00, M-300.00 through M-309.00, M-401.00 through M-403.00, M-501.00, M-601.00, E-101.00, E- 102.00, E-201.00, E-202.00, DME-301.00 through DME-306.00, E-301.00 through E-316.00, E-401.00, E- 501.00 through E-507.00, E-601.00, E-602.00, FA-101.00, FA-301.00 through FA-308.00, FA-501.00, P- 101.00, P201.00, P-301.00 through P-311.00, P-401.00, SP-101.00, SP-201.00, SP-301.00 through SP- 309.00, and SP-501.00 all dated (revised) March 15, 2017, prepared by Christopher T. Jones, P.E.. Accordingly, the staff of the Commission reviewed the submitted materials and found that the proposal approved by the Commission had been maintained; that the drawings show additional exterior work at the market building, including, at the East facade, removing and replacing one (1) glass and metal revolving door and two (2) glass and metal paired doors at the northeast entrance in kind; removing and replacing glass spandrel panels within the recessed entrance in kind; and installing metal cladding at an existing exposed structural column; removing and replacing two (2) glass and metal revolving doors and one (1) glass and metal paired door at the East 54th Street and corner entrance in kind; removing and replacing glass spandrel panels within the recessed entrance in kind; and installing metal cladding at an existing exposed corner structural column; exterior work at the Level 2 and 3 west setback terraces, including installing decking, planting areas, and railings; constructing a mechanical enclosure and stair bulkhead at the upper roof (Level 8); installing various mechanical equipment at the upper and main roofs; and interior alterations at the sub-cellar through Level 8, including the demolition and construction of nonbearing partitions and finishes, as well as mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and HVAC work; and that the drawings additionally show exterior and interior alterations approved and permitted by the Department of Buildings prior to designation.

With regard to the additional scope of work, the Commission finds, in accordance with the provisions set forth in Title 63 of the Rules of the City of New York, Section 2-17(c)(1), that the restoration will not cause the removal of significant historic fabric that may have been added over time, which is evidence of the history and development of a building, structure, or site; and that the authenticity of the restoration is documented by photographic evidence; and in accordance with Section 2-19(c)(2), that the installations will consist solely of mechanical equipment; that the installations will not result in damage to, or demolition of, a significant architectural feature of the roof; and that the installations will be only minimally visible from a public thoroughfare. The Commission further finds that the proposed entrance doors and glass spandrels will substantially match the existing doors and spandrels in terms of operation, configuration, materials, details, and finish. Based on these and the above findings, the drawings have been marked approved with a perforated seal, and Certificate of Appropriateness 19-10143 (LPC-19-10143) is being issued.

PLEASE NOTE: The Commission notes that the applicant is working with the Department of City Planning to explore incorporating the change to the entrance recess as requested by the Landmarks Preservation Commission. This permit is being issued contingent upon the Landmark Preservation Commission's review and approval of final revised filing drawings showing the proposed change, should it be approved, or notification in writing with supporting documentation, should it not be approved. Please submit drawings to Edith Bellinghausen for review.

This permit is issued on the basis of the building and site conditions described in the application and disclosed during the review process. By accepting this permit, the applicant agrees to notify the Commission if the actual building or site conditions vary or if original or historic building fabric is discovered. The Commission reserves the right to amend or revoke this permit, upon written notice to the applicant, in the event that the actual building or site conditions are materially different from those described in the application or disclosed during the review process.

All approved drawings are marked approved by the Commission with a perforated seal indicating the date of the approval. The work is limited to what is contained in the perforated document. Other work or amendments to this filing must be reviewed and approved separately. The applicant is hereby put on notice Page 3 Issued: 04/21/17 DOCKET #: LPC-19-10143 that performing or maintaining any work not explicitly authorized by this permit may make the applicant liable for criminal and/or civil penalties, including imprisonment and fine. This letter constitutes the permit; a copy must be prominently displayed at the site while work is in progress. Please direct inquiries to Edith Bellinghausen.

Meenakshi Srinivasan Chair

PLEASE NOTE: PERFORATED DRAWINGS AND A COPY OF THIS PERMIT HAVE BEEN SENT TO: Claudia Piedrahita, Milrose Consultants, Inc. cc: Cory Herrala, Director of Technical Affairs, Sustainability, and Resiliency; Claudia Piedrahita, Milrose Consultants, Inc.

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