HACQUETIA 12/1 • 2013, 165–171 DOI: 10.2478/HACQ-2013-0006

Gagea bohemica in Slovakia: 1. and Distribution

Jaroslav KOŠŤÁL1, Pavol ELIÁŠ jun.2, Helena VOJTEKOVÁ1 & Daniel Dítě3

Abstract Distribution, morphological types and coenotic affinity of bohemica in Slovakia was studied during 2008–2011. Revision of herbarium material showed presence of three taxa in the flora: 1) subsp. bohemica, 2) subsp. bohemica var. stenochlamydea and 3) subsp. saxatilis. Taxonomic status of var. stenochlamydea is uncertain and requires further research. In total, 42 localities of G. bohemica sensu lato were documented. Nominate subsp. bohemica (including var. stenochlamydea) predominated and it was recently confirmed at 21 localities. These current sites represent about 50% of all known sites, therefore we re-assessed the status of G. bohemica in the Slovak Red List and we proposed the IUCN category EN (endangered) for this taxon. Subsp. saxatilis was found as new to Slovakia. The taxon occurred only at single locality (Vinosady) and it was not confirmed recently. We assessed it as data deficient (DD). Keywords: dry grasslands, IUCN criteria, occurrence, pioneer vegetation, taxa.

Izvleček Proučevali smo razširjenost, morfološke tipe in fitocenološko navezanost vrste na Slovaškem v obdobju 2008–2011. Z revizijo herbarijskega materiala smo dokazali prisotnost treh taksonov: 1) subsp. bohemica, 2) subsp. bohemica var. stenochlamydea in 3) subsp. saxatilis. Taksonomski status var. stenochlamydea je negotov in potrebne so dodatne raziskave. Skupno smo zabeležili 42 lokalitet vrste G. bohemica sensu lato. Podvrsta subsp. bohemica (ki vključuje tudi var. stenochlamydea) prevladuje in je bila potrjena na 21 lokalitetah. Ta rastišča predstavljajo približno polovico vseh znanih, zato smo ponovno ocenili status vrste G. bohemica v Rdečem seznamu Slovaške in za ta takson predlagamo IUCN kategorijo EN (prizadeta vrsta). Pojavljenje podvrste subsp. saxatilis je novo na Slovaškem. Našli smo jo samo na eni lokaliteti (Vinosady) in uspevanje v zadnjem času ni bilo potrejno. Ocenjujemo jo s kategorijo DD (premalo podatkov). Ključne besede: suha travišča, IUCN kategorija, pojavljanje, pionirska vegetacija, taksoni.

1. INTRODUCTION in the Vienna basin and in the north and north- west of the Pannonian basin (Austria, Moravia, Gagea bohemica (Zauschn.) J. A. et J. H. Schult. is Hungary and Slovakia) (Hrouda 1989a, b, Gruna an Eastern-Mediterranean and Euro-continental et al. 1999, Király & Mesterházy 2009, Peterson et taxon with the centre of distribution range in al. 2010). the Mediterranean area to the east to Turkey and The species is a member of the section Didymo­ Israel, with the westernmost localities found in bulbos which includes Gagea species without sub- Wales (Rix & Woods 1981, Slater 1990, Barina et cylindrical and/or without broadly hollow first al. 2010). In Central , it occurs mainly in basal leaf as well as solid first cauline leaf (Rich- Germany (Saxony-Anhalt and Rhineland Palati- ardson 1980, Tison 2009). Infraspecific variabil- nate), in the Bohemian basin (Czech Republic), ity of Gagea bohemica was assessed at three dif -

1 Administration of Ponitrie Protected Landscape Area, Samova 2, SK-949 01 Nitra, Slovakia, [email protected], [email protected] 2 Department of Botany, Slovak University of Agriculture, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, SK-949 76 Nitra, Slovakia, [email protected] 3 Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 23, Bratislava, Slovakia, [email protected]

165 Hacquetia 12/1 • 2013, 165–171 ferent levels: (1) as two separate species Gagea The active floristic survey was carried out to con- bohemica and G. saxatilis (Richardson 1980), (2) firm recent localities of the species. Results of this two subspecies bohemica and saxatilis (Mert. & W. study are presented on the point map. The map D. J. Koch) Asch. & Graebn. (Hrouda 1989, 2010, was designed by program ArcGis, version 9.2. The John et al. 2004, Peterson et al. 2004, Fischer et al. grid on the map follows one that was described by 2008) or (3) as an extremely variable single spe- Niklfeld (1971). Coordinates of historical locali- cies G. bohemica (Slater 1990, Peruzzi & Gargano ties were taken from Google Earth. Coordinates 2005). Recently, Peterson et al. (2010) found that of recent localities were obtained during field re- a differentiation between specific and infraspe- search using GPS equipment Garmin CS 60. The cific taxa is not possible based on the molecular abbreviations of works published before 1956 are and morphological data of 43 populations from cited following Futák & Domin (1960), the no- Western Europe to the Mediterranean area and menclature of flowering follows Marhold eastern Caucasus. Although they recognized two & Hindák (1998) and phytogeographical divi- extreme morphological types (subsp. saxatilis and sions follow Futák (1980). subsp. bohemica) of four morphological key fea- tures (form and length of the perianth segments and the pilosity of the peduncle and pedicels), 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION several G. bohemica individuals were found with intermediate morphological characters and sev- From the taxonomic point of view, three differ- eral populations displayed different morphologi- ent G. bohemica taxa were distinguished in Slova- cal types. The same morphological types were kia: subsp. bohemica, subsp. saxatilis and subsp. found in populations from different regions, e.g. bohemica var. stenochlamydea Borbás (Fig. 1, 2). in Mediterranean and Central European popula- tions. These results indicate that the distribution of morphological types is not connected with geographical distribution (Peruzzi & Tison 2004, Peterson et al. 2010). B Gagea bohemica is rare in many countries of Central Europe and it was also included in some Red Lists. While in Slovakia the species is evaluated as critically endangered (Feráková et al. 2001), it is included in lower categories in other neighbouring countries – in Austria and the Czech Republic it is evaluated as vulnerable (Niklfeld & Schratt-Ehrendorfer 1999; Procház- ka 2001) and it is considered near threatened in Hungary (Király 2009). The aims of this study were (1) to describe in A C detail historical and current distribution of G. bohemica in Slovakia and (2) to assess the occur - rence of different morphological types.


The study was carried out during the period 2008– 2011. The historical data concerning the distribu- Figure 1: Gagea bohemica: A – growth habit of G. bohemica subsp. bohemica, B – detail of of G. bohemica subsp. tion of the species were achieved from herbaria bohemica var. stenochlamydea, C – detail of flower of G. bo­ BP, BRA, BRNU, BRNM, LTM, NI, KO, PMK, hemica subsp. saxatilis (drawn by Renata Grošaftová, 2011). PR, PRC, SAV, SLO and ZV. Specimens collected Slika 1: Gagea bohemica: A – rastne značilnosti G. bohemi­ during this research are stored in herbarium NI. ca subsp. bohemica, B – podroben prikaz cveta G. bohemica Herbarium abbreviations are according to Hol- subsp. bohemica var. stenochlamydea, C – podroben prikaz G. mgren et al. (1990) and Vozárová & Sutorý (2001). bohemica subsp. saxatilis (risba Renata Grošaftová, 2011).

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Occurrence of the nominate subspecies and var. In total, 41 localities of Gagea bohemica sensu stenochlamydea was known relatively long ago lato were found in Slovakia when compiling to- (Hrouda 1998a, b, Gruna et al. 1999), but the oc- gether data from field research, herbarium revi- currence of subsp. saxatilis was not found until sions and excerption of published and unpub- our study. Individuals of G. bohemica subsp. saxa­ lished works (Fig. 2). Our data confirmed earlier tilis have lanceolate perianth segments, 10 to 13.5 knowledge on distribution of the species (Dostál mm in length and are very hairy on the stem and & Červenka 1992, Hrouda 1998b, Gruna et al. the pedicels. On the contrary, G. bohemica subsp. 1999), but the information now is much more bohemica is characteristic by spathulate perianth clear and expanded. The species has occurred segments, 13 to 16.5 mm in length, with sparse pi- in the five, more or less separate, areas at the losity of the stem, rarely there are even individu- edges of Pannonicum and Carpaticum phytogeo- als without hairs (Hrouda 1998a, b, Peterson et al. graphical districts (see Appendix): 1) in a wider 2004). According to Peterson et al. (2010), popu- area of Bratislava, 2) in the Zoborské vrchy Hills lations of subsp. bohemica var. stenochlamydea rep- near Nitra, 3) in the Burda Hills near Štúrovo, resented morphological type different from the 4) around the municipalities of Hronský Beňadik two morphologically extreme forms evaluated and Tlmače, and 5) around the town of Zvolen. as subsp. saxatilis and subsp. bohemica. Hrouda During the study of herbarium material we came (1989b) considers the morphological differences across one doubtful locality – Veľká Stožka Hill so serious, that he evaluated the taxon to the sub- in the Muránska Planina Mts. (Soják 1958 PRC, species level as G. bohemica subsp. stenochlamydea subsp. bohemica). We believe that this represent (Borbás) Hrouda ined. For confirmation of this a confusion of the herbarium material, because assessment the plants from the Tribeč Mts have species occurrence at an altitude of about 1000 m to be analyzed by the molecular methods in the above sea level is highly unlikely. Also, no other future. According to Gruna et al. (1999), we be- data on the incidence of the species in this area lieve that the use of the temporary name subsp. are known (Hrouda 1998a, b, Gruna at al. 1999, bohemica var. stenochlamydea is warranted for now. Kochjarová et al. 2004). 17° 18° 19° 20° 21° 22° 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 49° 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 48° 80 81 82 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 Figure 2: Distribution of Gagea bohemica in Slovakia: ○ – historical occurrence of the species, ● – recent localities of G. bohe­ mica subsp. bohemica, – occurrence of G. bohemica subsp. saxatilis. Slika 2: Razširjenost vrste Gagea bohemica na Slovaškem: ○ – zgodovinski podatki, ● – trenutne lokalitete G. bohemica subsp. bohemica, – pojavljanje G. bohemica subsp. saxatilis.

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Revision of herbarium material revealed that Beňadik (3 localities), at Burda Hills (2 localities) nominate subsp. bohemica predominated in all and at sites around Bratislava – in the Devínska above mentioned areas (13 sites) except at the Kobyla Hills (Feráková et al. 1997), near Záhor- Zoborské vrchy Hills and the area around Zvo- ská Ves (1 locality) and in the Malé Karpaty Mts. len. As mentioned above, the different taxon (6 localities). Finally, recent occurrence of subsp. named subsp. bohemica var. stenochlamydea was bohemica (including var. stenochlamydea) was con- recognized in the Zoborské vrchy Hills (Hrouda firmed at 20 localities; this means that there still 1998b, Gruna et al. 1999, Fig. 3). Only 3–5 lo- exist about 50% of all identified sites of nominate calities of this taxon were published in the past subspecies in Slovakia. The sizes of local popu- (Halada 1991, Svobodová et al. 2007), but at pre- lations were very variable during our surveys sent 15 sites are known (for details see Košťál & (varying from a few individuals to thousands of Rosinová 2010). individuals per single local population), mostly Accurate differentiation of Gagea bohemica depending on weather conditions of the partic- taxa in the Zvolen area (3 sites) was not possi- ular year. As the main threats of the subspecies ble because herbarium vouchers are missing survival we consider changes in habitat quality and there are only literature data. According to – local populations are threatened especially by Hrouda (1998b), we believe that it was the nomi- quarrying and secondary succession (overgrow- nate subs. bohemica there. On the other hand, it is ing of open space by perennial plants and trees). also possible, that the species did never grow in Using all available field data and IUCN criteria this area and published data represent confusion (IUCN 2001), we suggest to move the subspecies with other species of the Gagea. Despite from IUCN category CR (critically endangered, a fairly intensive research (Manica 1975, 1984, Feráková et al. 2001) to category EN B1a(i)c(iv) 2004, Vlčko & Manica 1989, Hrivnák & Letz (endangered). 2010 ined.), the species was not confirmed here Subsp. saxatilis was found only at a single lo- at least for more than 50 years. Similar situation cality near the Vinosady settlement (Fig. 2). The is at some localities on the south-western foothills taxon (as G. bohemica) was mentioned here since of the Štiavnické vrchy Mts. – around Hronský the end of the fifties of the last century (Ptačovský

Figure 3: Gagea bohemica subsp. bohemica var. stenochlamydea in Žibrica Nature Reserve (Tríbeč Mts., photo J. Košťál). Slika 3: Gagea bohemica subsp. bohemica var. stenochlamydea v naravnem rezervatu Žibrica (gorovje Tríbeč, foto J. Košťál).

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1959), but it was reliably documented by her- Feráková, V., Maglocký, Š. & Marhold, K. 2001: barium voucher only in the eighties (Ondrášek Červený zoznam papraďorastov a semenných 1983 BRA). The locality has not been confirmed rastlín Slovenska (december 2001). Ochrana at present. Using IUCN criteria (IUCN 2001), we prírody 20 (Suppl.): 44–77. evaluated the taxon in the category DD (data de- Fischer, M. A., Oswald, K. & Adler, W. 2008: Ex- ficient). The subspecies saxatilis is regarded as a kursionsflora für Österreich, Liechtenstein western-European taxon, and it is reported from und Südtirol. 3rd ed. Biologiezentrum der the Iberian Peninsula, France, Wales, Germany, Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseen, Linz. Czech Republic (Moravia) and the north-western Futák, J. 1943. Kremnické hory: Štúdia geobota- Hungary (Hrouda 2010, Peterson et al. 2010). The nicko-floristická. Matica slovenská, Turčiansky site in Slovakia fill the gap in the distribution of Sv. Martin, 112 pp. the species between the sites in Moravia (Náměšť Futák, J. & Domin, K. 1960: Bibliografia k flóre na Hané, Senička na Hané) and in Hungary (near ČSR. Vyd. SAV, Bratislava, 884 pp. the Tihany). Based on our data we believe, that Futák, J. 1980: Fytogeografické členenie SSR (1 : the eastern limit of the subspecies range passes 1 000 000). In: Mazúr E. (ed.): Atlas Sloven- through the territory of western Slovakia and po- skej socialistickej republiky. Bratislava, p. 81. tentially new localities will be here discovered. Gruna, B. 1995: Rozšíření křivatce českého ­(Gagea bohemica) na Moravě. Přírodovědný Sborník Západomoravského Muzea 20: 23–30. 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Gruna, B., Hrouda, L., Vágenknecht, V. & Čeřov­ ský, J. 1999: Gagea bohemica. In Čeřovský, J., We are indebted to Radoslav Požgaj (Administra- Feráková, V., Maglocký, Š. & Procházka, F. tion of Ponitrie Protected Landscape Area, Nitra) (eds.): Červená kniha ohrozených a vzácnych and Vladimír Pavlovič (Department of Ecology druhov rastlín a živočíchov SR a ČR. Vol. 5. and Environmental Sciences, Constantinus the Vyššie rastliny. Príroda, Bratislava, p.159. Philosopher University, Nitra) for their help with Halada, Ľ. 1991: Príspevok k poznaniu populácií the field research and Mária Hajnalová (Depart- druhu Gagea bohemica v pohorí Tríbeč. Rosalia ment of Archaeology, Constantine the Philoso- 7: 63–72. pher University, Nitra) for English language revi- Holmgren, P. K., Holmgren, N. H. & Barnett, L. sion. We are also thankful to Renata Grošaftová C. (eds.) 1990: Index Herbariorum. Vol. 1: for illustrations. This paper was supported by the The herbaria of the World, Ed. 8. New York, Slovak Grant Agency for Science VEGA (grants 693 pp. No. 1/0814/09 and 1/0308/13) and KEGA (grant Hrouda, L. 1989a: Křivatec český pravý – Gagea No. 3/7356/09). bohemica (Zauschn.) J. A. et J. H. Schult. sub- sp. bohemica. Studie ČSAV, Praha, 1989/10: 125–150. REFERENCES Hrouda, L. 1989b. Taxonómia a rozšírenie Gagea bohemica na Slovensku. Mscr. Barina, Z., Pifkó, D., Pintér, B. & Bräuchler, Ch. Hrouda, L. 2010: Gagea Salisb. – křivatec. In: 2010: News from the early spring flora of Alba- Štepánková, J., Chrtek jun., J. & Kaplan, Z. nia. Acta Botanica Hungarica 52(3): 239–245. (eds.): Květena ČR, Vol. 8, pp. 403–418. Bauer, N., Mészáros, A. & Galambos, I. 2002: A John, H., Peterson, A. & Peterson, J. 2004: Zum Gagea bohemica (Zauschn.) Schult. et Schult. taxonomischen Rang zweier kritischer Sippen élőhelyválasztásának vizsgálata. Kitaibelia 7: der Gattung Gagea in Mitteleuropa. Mitteilun- 215–223. gen zur floristischen Kartierung in Sachsen- Dostál, J. & Červenka, M. 1992: Veľký kľúč na ur- Anhalt (Halle) 9: 15–26. čovanie vyšších vyšších rastlín II. Slovenské pe- Király, G. & Mesterházy, A. 2009: A Gagea bohemi­ dagogické nakladateľstvo, Bratislava, 1561 pp. ca (Zauschn.) Schult. et Schult. f. előfordulása Feráková, V., Kochjarová, J., Králik, E., Schwar- Északnyugat-Magyarországon. Flora Panno- zová, T. & Záborský, J. 1997: Cievnaté rastliny. nica 7: 75–76. In: Feráková, V. & Kocianová, E. (eds.): Flóra, Király, G. (ed.) 2007: Vörös Lista. A magyarorszá- geológia a paleontológia Devínskej Kobyly. gi edényes flóra veszélyeztetett fajai. Saját kia- Vydavateľstvo Litera, Bratislava, pp. 86–158. dás, Sopron, 73 pp.

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170 J. Košťál, P. Eliáš jun., H. Vojteková & D. Dítě: Gagea bohemica in Slovakia: 1. taxonomy and distribution

Appendix Kozárovce, elevation point 236 m a. s. l. (Suza 1945: 5; Futák 1947: 30; Novák 1954; Májovský et List of localities of Gagea bohemica taxa in Slo - Jurko 1958). = Kozárovce, Skala hill (David 1988 vakia [numbers of phytogeographical regions ac- LTM, subsp. bohemica; Košťál et Rosinová 2009, cording to Futák (1980)]. subsp. bohemica). 12. Tríbeč Mts.: Lupka Hill, quarcitic rocks (Košťál et Rosinová 2010, subsp. 1. Burda Hills: Burda Hill (F. A. Novák 1922 bohemica var. stenochlamydea). – Malá Skalka PRC, subsp. bohemica). – Kováčovské kopce Hills Hill (Košťál et Rosinová 2010; Eliáš jun. 2011 (Májovský et Jurko 1958). = Skaly site, rare, 120 m NI, subsp. subsp. bohemica var. stenochlamydea). a. s. l. (F. A. Novák 1922 PRC, subsp. bohemica). – Nitra, grasslands upper the monastery = Nitra, 2. Ipeľsko-rimavská brázda Region: Rybník Zoborská lesostep Nature Preserve (Vlach 1925, – Čajkov – Tekovská Nová Ves (Suza 1945: 5). 1926 PRC, subsp. bohemica var. stenochlamydea; 4. Borská nížina Lowland: Záhorská Ves (Neil- Vlach 1929: 271–273; Košťál et Rosinová 2010, reich 1859: 49, 1870: 254; Knapp 1864b: 305). subsp. bohemica var. stenochlamydea). – small do- 5. Devínska Kobyla Hills: Bratislava [Press- lomite hill west from the Zoborská lesostep Na- burg], Devínska Kobyla (F. A. Novák 1923a: 72; ture Preserve, ca 403 m a. s. l. – elevation point Černý 1934 PRC, subsp. bohemica). – Bratislava, 400 m a. s. l. between Plieška Hill and Meškov Bôrik [Tümlerberg] (Scheffer 1926: 22; Neu- vrch Hill – Plieška Hill – Meškov vrch Hill (all meyer 1929: 400; Schidlay sine data BRA, sub- data Košťál et Rosinová 2010, subsp. bohemica sp. bohemica). 6. Podunajská nížina Lowland: var. stenochlamydea) – Zobor Hill (Knapp 1865: Bratislava, Mudroňova ul. [Pozsony, Császár út 23; Pax 1908: 179; Šourek 1951 PR, subsp. bohem­ mell.] (Mergl 1902 SAV, subsp. bohemica). – Svätý ica var. stenochlamydea; Košťál et Rosinová 2010, Jur, dry grasslands upper the village, 150 m a. s. subsp. bohemica var. stenochlamydea). – Pyramída l. (Weber 1929 BRA, subsp. bohemica; Schidlay Hill, southern and southwestern slopes (Košťál et 1930 BRA, subsp. bohemica; Černý et Weber 1932 Rosinová 2010; Eliáš jun. 2008 NI, subsp. steno­ BRA, subsp. bohemica; Černý 1935 PR, subsp. bo­ chlamydea). – Nitrianske Hrnčiarovce, elevation hemica; Nábělek sine data SAV, subsp. bohemica; point 220 m a. s. l. (Vlach 1929: 271–273). – Dolné Ptačovský 1936 BRA, subsp. bohemica; Schidlay Štitáre, vrch Haranč [Garanč], SW slope near the 1941 BRA, SLO, subsp. bohemica). – Svätý Jur, top (Svobodová 1974 NI, subsp. bohemica var. grasslands upper the chapel (Ptačovský 1924, stenochlamydea; Košťál et Rosinová 2010, subsp. 1931 SAV, subsp. bohemica; Košťál et Rosinová bohemica var. stenochlamydea). – Dolné Štitáre, 2010). – Svätý Jur, railway embankment ­under meadows under the Žibrica Hill (Eliáš jun. 2008 the chapel (Ptačovský 1937 SAV, subsp. bohe­ NI, subsp. bohemica var. stenochlamydea; Košťál mica). – Svätý Jur, edge of Šúr site near chapel et Rosinová 2010, subsp. bohemica var. stenochla­ (Ptačovský 1938 SAV, subsp. bohemica). – Vino- mydea). – Vápeník Hill, southern slopes (Košťál sady, Holubyho lúka site – Vinosady, Brableco- et Rosinová 2010, subsp. bohemica var. stenochla­ va lúka site (both Košťál 2009; Válková 2010 in mydea). 14a. Pohronský Inovec Mts.: Hronský verb., subsp. bohemica). – Vinosady [Malé Tŕnie] [Svatý] Beňadik (Suza 1945: 5). 14c. Kremnické (Michálková 1957 in Ptačovský 1959; Ondrášek vrchy Mts.: Budča, Bučan Hill – Zvolen, Veľká 1983 BRA, subsp. saxatilis). – Nitra, Kalvária Stráž Hill (both data Májovský et Jurko 1958). Hill, near the chapel on the top (Košťál et Ros- 14e. Štiavnické vrchy Mts.: Psiare, Krivín Hill inová 2010; Eliáš jun. 2008 NI, subsp. bohemica (Futák 1943: 25; Májovský et Jurko 1958; Jochi- var. stenochlamydea). – Nitra, Kalvária Hill, near mová 2011 in verb, subsp. bohemica?) – Zvolen, the water tank (Košťál et Rosinová 2010, subsp. Veľký vrch Hill upper the Neresnická dolina bohemica var. stenochlamydea). – Psiare (Suza Valley (Suza 1945: 5; Futák 1943: 28; Dostál & 1945: 5; Novák 1954). – Mochovce (Suza 1945: 5). Červenka 1992) – Kozárovce, Plešovica Hill, SW stony slope, Doubtful locality: 16. Muránska planina 260 m a. s. l. (David 1984 LTM, subsp. bohemi­ Mts.: Veľká Stožka Hill, 1100–1250 m a. s. l. (So- ca; Košťál 2011, subsp. bohemica). – Kozárovce, ják 1958 PRC, subsp. bohemica). Chríb Hill, andesitic hill near the village above General data (not maped): 10. Malé Karpaty train, 210 m a. s. l. (David 1990 LTM, subsp. bo­ Mts. (F. A. Novák 1954). hemica; Eliáš jun. 2011 NI, subsp. bohemica). –