theless personally supervised the consolidation Lt. Herbert Greene, M.C., 154th Siege By., before handing over his command. He then R.G.A. reported clearly on his position to his com- For cool courage and devotion to duty. manding officer before reporting to the At Bergwick, on 5th November, 1918.' he medical officer. was in charge of a column of the battery gun* (M.C. gazetted 10th January, 1917.) being drawn by caterpillars. The enemy put down a burst of shell fire, getting & direct hit on one of the caterpillars, setting T./Lt. (A./> Ivan Cecil Abbott Glan- it alight. He got the remaining caterpillars ville, M:C., 8th Bn., Tank Corps. out of danger, helped to uncouple the gun During the operations at and from the burning caterpillars and, assisted , on 29th September, 1918, he dis- by a Serjeant and the drivers, he got them played marked gallantry and devotion to clear. His coolness and energy saved a duty. He was in charge of four Tanks dangerous situation. The enemy continued attached to the brigade, and on pushing shelling throughout the proceedings. through Bellicourt came under direct heavy (M.C. gazetted 24th September, 1918.) shell and machine-giun fire, from which three of the Tanks received direct hits and were put out of action. He' then organised a T./Ltt. Edward Stanley Greenhill, M.C., party from the survivors of the crews, and M.M.G. Corps. (EGYPT) pushed on the remaining Tank, and, although For gallantry and skilful manoeuvring of wounded, carried on until ihe advance was his armoured car during the attack on the complete and the Tank no longer required. Hedjaz railway, south of .Deraa, on the 16th (M.C. gazetted 18th February, 1918.) September, 1918. Throughout the opera- tions he displayed consistent courage and ability in the handling of his car in action. L,t. (A./Capt.) Francis Thomas Goble, (M.C. gazetted 1st January, 1919.) M.C., 4th Bn., Sco. Eif., attd. 1st Bn. ThrougEout the operations' on Vendegies Wood and Poix du , on 23rd/26th T./Gapt. (now T./Maj.) Leonard Mon- October, 1918, he displayed marked gal- tague Greenwood, M.C., 13th Bn., Dur. L.I. lantry and fortitude in the handling of his He displayed great gallantry and devotion company. He repeatedly led them forward to duty during the operations 7th to llth in the face of heavy hostile fire. On one October, 1918. His commanding officer occasion, when no troops were on his flanks, having been wounded on 5th October, he he led his company forward and succeeded assumed command of the battalion. Before in capturing his objective, and by his initia- Le Cateau, on 9th/10th October, when his tive and able direction kept down hostile fire. battalion had suffered very heavy casualties, This enabled the "troops on the flank® to he continually walked round the line under come forward and make good the line which very heavy machine-gun and artillery fire he haxl established. Though wounded he encouraging his men and reorganising. In remained at duty until the battalion was the attack on St. Benin, on 10th October, relieved. he personally led his battalion, capturing (M.C. gazetted 18th June,- 1917.) all objectives. (M.C. gazetted 4th June. 1917.)

IA (T./CJapt.) Edwin Alfred Godson, M.C., 3rd Bn., E. Irish. Fue. (attd. 9th Bn.). Lt. (A./Capt.) John Malcolm Lawrence For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to Grover, M.C., IstBn., Fhrops. L.I. duty from 9th to 23rd October, 1918, whilst In the attack south'.of , on acting as brigade major, 107th Infantry 8th October, 1918, he displayed great deter- Brigade. On the 19th October, in the mination and skill, as well as personal dis- neighbourhood of Oyghem, and on the 22nd regard of danger, in leading his company October, in the neighbourhood of the Klitz- against and capturing his objective. When berg, he made two most valuable front line the troops on his right were held up he reconnaissances, bringing back important in- disposed his men so that a defensive flank formation. He set a fine example to all was formed whilst his objective was reached, ranks. His work during the whole period at the same time his fire enabled the unit on of active operations was excellent. his right to get forward. Throughout the (M.C. gazetted 26th September, 1916.) operations of the two days his conduct was an inspiring example to all. (M.C. gazetted in this Gazette.) T./Capt. Allan Boy Stewart Grant, M.C., 7th Bn., Sea. Highrs. On 20th October, 1918, he led his com- T./Capt. Charles Donald Gullick, M.C., pany with marked skill and gallantry, and E. Kent R., attd. 6th Bn. when held up by very heavy machine-gun During the attack on Vendhuile on the fire near Deerlyck organised a successful 29tJi September, 1918, when his company attack on the flank of the enemy position, was held up by an enemy machine-gun and then continued the advance to the fimil nest, he worked his way round, finally rush- objective, which was captured early in the ing the nest and personally killing the crew, day. Throughout the operations (14th /24th thus enabling liis1 company to reach its final October) he set a very fine example of objectives with very feiw casualties. He leadership and disregard of danger. showed splendid courage and initiative. (M.C. gazetted 26th July, 1917.) (M.C. gazetted 20th October, 1916.)