August 2017

Wake-up Call Break the Silence; Resist Lynching

ynching of human beings by shaks are goons financed by tax Lcommunally frenzied mobs New forms of lawlessness money and they often rob poor in the name of protecting cow cattle traders while ignoring big marks yet another phase of com- And while witnessing the Hindu beef exporters. On 28 Sep- munal fascism in our democratic past three years of under tember 2015 Muhammed Akhlaq India. The bloody tradition of RSS controlled BJP government was lynched at Dadri in UP alleg- Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh with Narendra Modi as prime ing that he had stored beef in his (RSS) which is the fountainhead minister, mob lynching of Mus- house. On 11 July 2016 a group of internal terrorism in the coun- lims and Dalits has become the of Dalit youth were stripped off try has its beginning in the attacks new dimension of lawlessness, and tortured for removing the unleashed on helpless Muslims of that too with covert or overt state skin of a dead cow at Una in Nagpur immediately after its for- support. The way how the 16 Gujarat. On 1 April 2017 Pehlu mation in 1925, led by the found- year old Hafiz Junaid was brutal- Khan was killed by the gorak- er K B Hedgawar. Later countless ly stabbed and thrown out from a shak crowd at Alvar in . clashes, riots and killings targeting running train, while hundreds of Muslims and Dalits, whom they fellow citizens remaining mute Not love for the cows treat as ‘the other’, as foreign- spectators, on 22 June 2017 is not ers or outcastes were engineered an isolated case. As per the data by RSS as steps in its plan for collected and published by In- Thus it becomes evident expansion, growth and influence. diaSpend, 28 people were killed that the reason is not love for On many occasions rioters en- so far in the name gorakhsha, out cows, and the crime is not trad- joyed police support even under of which 23 are Muslims. 97% of ing cattle and eating beef, but it governments of secular parties, a the beef related violent incidents is the faith or the caste. It is the fact testified by various enquiry took place after Modi government state of being a Muslim or a Dalit commissions. But the 2002 Gu- come to power at the Centre. And that makes them deserve lynch- jarat ethnic killings of Muslims 32 out of the 63 lynchings hap- ing. There are reasons to believe when Narendra Modi was the pened in BJP ruled states. In re- that each such incident, instead of chief minister, marked a change cent months there is a horrendous deterring the fanatically molded of strategy in the sense that there rise of cow terrorism, with 20 re- mobs from crimes, acts as an in- the state itself was the promot- ported attacks in the first half of spiration and motivation for oth- er and perpetuator of violence. 2017 alone. The so called gorak- ers to repeat the crime elsewhere. When people are being commu- The fact that hundreds of and communities. If we allow nalized and criminalized in large people join the lynching mob and these fanatics to push people to scale by the misuse of Hindu sen- nobody attempts to save the inno- edge and leave them unprotected timents, we don’t find many re- cents is indicative of the gravity in the face of these onslaughts, it ligious or caste groups or leaders of venom the fascist propaganda might lead to an all-out civil war, belong to majority community machines have injected into so- undermining the idea of India. stand up and make a call to stop cial psyche. However the expres- these hoodlums. Yes, the issue is sions of solidarity coming from This is a wake-up call not merely communalization and different groups against such hor- criminalization of politics; it is the rors are indeed hopeful. Thou- Freedom, justice and se- more serious communalization sands of people who chose take curity are the constitutional guar- and criminalization of religion to the streets at various parts of antees to each and every citizen and society. The prevailing situ- the country and even outside the and class in India. Right to life ation is that any average Muslim country against lynching recently and living is the fundamental hu- can any time be lynched to death is a warning to the agents of hate man right, above all other rights. in North India over a simple ac- and death. However the failure of The fact is that any sort of growth cusation, right or wrong, connect- secular parties in defending the and development is possible only ing with beef or otherwise and Muslims and Dalits who live in when one’s physical existence nobody could stop it. It is the fear of their lives is also a mat- is secure. That is why self -de- result of nearly a century long di- ter of serious concern. Even those fence on the face of offence is visive and poisonous propaganda token protests of the masses that not treated as a crime under the of RSS and its umpteen shadow the country has witnessed after law. In a democracy, the victims armies. the Hafiz Junaid incident were not need not wait in vain for saviours initiated or promoted by Congress and they have the right to stand or the left parties. And the ques- up on their feet and defend their Better quote Godse, Modiji tions remains to be answered, it lives using all available legal at all they come forward, are they means. At the same time peo- Prime Minister, who is committed and capable to prevent ple should be cautious about the always very keen in timely con- mob lynching by getting organised RSS strategy to provoke the poor demning the terrorist attacks in on the spot in time, than arrang- and the marginalized into violent far off lands, broke his silence ing post-lynch campaigns? While reactions and reap the political by mere words, and not by any the Hindutva ideology of hate rewards through polarization. deeds, after the Hafiz Junaid in- has gained grass root network- Building strong bonds and broad cident and the ‘Not in My Name’ ing, the presence of secular or left alliances within and among Mus- campaign that followed. He parties are very limited and they lims, Dalits and Backward Castes simply uttered some evasive have mostly proved as more op- is the urgent need of the time. words such as killing people in portunist than secular. Ironically, the name of Cow bhakti is not they also carry the misconception (Pamphlet distributed by Popular acceptable and Mahatma Gan- and wrong policy that the victims Front among public in different dhi never liked it as if he were a should not get organised to defend states in English, Hindi, Urdu and strong follower of the apostle of their rights because it will further other regional languages as part non-violence. But immediately strengthen the Hindutva forces! of its national campaign against came the reply from cow bhakts The growing atmosphere lynching. Tens of thousands of who adore the ideology of Godse of Hindutva violence targeting copies of the pamphlet were dis- and not Gandhi, on 28 June 2017 Muslims and Dalits who consti- tributed at twons, villages and by the act of lynching a cattle tute a major segment of the popu- streets across the coutnry. House farm owner Alimudeen Ansari in lation would make India an inse- campaign was aslo held in many Ramgarh district of Jharkhand. cure country for all groups, castes places.)

Forefront news & views I August 2017 2 National leaders visit families of lynch victims

team of national leaders led Ranchi, attended only A by E Abubacker, chairman of by his daughter-in- Popular Front of India has under- law. She recounted the taken an intense tour to reach out horror of being wit- to the families in remote villages ness to her father-in- of Jharkhand, Haryana and Ut- law being dragged out tar Pradesh who have succumbed and almost set on fire to or critically injured in attacks in a well planned out by frenzied mobs in the garb of pyre by a mob of cow cow vigilantism. The delega- vigilantes. Everything tion included Abdul Wahid Sait, they owned has been Secretary Popular Front of India burnt and destroyed in The sons and brother of Pehlu Khan who was lynched in Alwar Rajasthan was visited by E Abubacker at their and Elyas Mohammed Thumbe, the village, so he won- village Nuh in Haryana on 18-Jul-2017 General Secretary of SDPI. The ders where he should zonal and local leaders of the or- go to after he recovers 70 kms from Ranchi to meet Al- ganisation accompanied the del- from his trauma. The Chairman eemuddin who was lynched to egation at various places. death, accused of transporting On 17 July, the team reached cattle the next day after Ramzan out to the family of Sheikh Hal- During these visits to the Eid. His eldest daughter sounded eem of Haldipukaar village near places where the lynchings of Muslims and Dalits happened, reassuring in her fight for justice, Jamshedpur who was lynched to Popular Front supported by the Panchayat Pres- death by a mob of more than 5000 chairman exhorted the ident and all her neighbours who people along with three other ac- survivors and local neibhouring stood by the family ever since. complices alleging that they were people to fight for Inasaf On 19 July, the delegation child lifters. There the delegation (justice) and not to get contented with perks in the moved to and travelled to met the lone crusader for Justice form of Imdad (compensation). Haryana to meet with the fam- Sheikh Salim, the elder brother of ily of Pehlu Khan in Nuh village Haleem and his distraught father. about 70 kms from . Sheik Haleem also accompanied promised all possible supports in His two sons Irshad and Arif re- the delegation to meet the other rehabilitation for his family. On counted that in their presence the victim Sajjad in a nearby village. the same evening the delegation paperwork endorsing the cow And they also met the main eye- went to Ramgadh district about purchased issued by the village witness from whose house those market were destroyed and their four persons were dragged out father brutally injured in Alwar and lynched on the fateful night district in Rajathan. Two days lat- in May 2017. After hearing their er he succumbed to his injuries. horrifying narrations, Popular Now they have procured dupli- Front chairman reinforced all of cate copies of the purchase docu- them to stand strong and con- ments and set on a long drawn tinue their demand for justice. legal battle in Rajasthan to ensure On 18 July, the delega- that the guilty are punished. The tion travelled to Ranchi to meet The father, friends and well wishers of Late Hafiz Junaid listen to E Abubacker while delegation on the way back to Usman Ansari who lies in an iso- he speaks at their home in Balabgarh in Delhi also stopped at Hafiz Jun- lation ward in RIMS Hospital, Haryana on 19-Jul-2017 aid’s house and met his surviv-

Forefront news & views I August 2017 3 ing brothers and father who are still trying to recon- cile with the evening on which Hafiz Junaid went to Delhi by train to purchase clothes for Eid and never Protest against mob lynching returned to celebrate it with them. He was stopped in Popular Front activists Arrested in Jharkhand his tracks by a frenzied mob drunk on fake national- ism to hurt anybody who looked like a Muslim. His body bore over 30 stab injuries and was thrown out of he mob lynching and brutal attack on the train. The incident occurred two days before Eid. TMuslims in Jharkhand by gau rakshak On 20 July, the delegation headed to Shabbir- has been increasing for the past two years. pur village near to meet with Popular Front intervened in few issues to get the aggrieved Dalits who are victims of atrocities by justice to the victims. The organisation filed public Thakkurs (upper caste) of the village when they tried interest litigation before the high court in the to install a statue of Baba Saheb Ambedkar in their case of the lynching of two Muslim oxen traders. local village. The response by the upper caste was Alimuddin was lynched in Ramgarh, to let loose sword bearing youth from amongst them (Jharkhand) and Usman was brutally beaten and on a helpless and unprepared village injuring many his house was set on fire in Giriti (Jharkhand) and causing damage to property. The village Pradhan by gau rakshaks. In Saraikela district, 45 km and his younger brother belonging to the Dalit com- away from Jamshedpur, four Muslim cow traders munity are still behind bars for the last two months. were beaten to death on false charges by the gau In all the places Popular Front Chairman and rakshaks ten days before the starting of Ramzan. In his team tried to make people aware of the new face this incident, Popular Front Pakur district secretary of Hindutva terror which is trying to wipe out the Abdul Hannan participated in the joint fact finding minorities and weaker sections from their own lands. team of NCHRO and Bandhi Mukhthi Committee. The team told them not to lose hope and promised According to the reports collected by that Popular Front will provide the required legal the fact finding team, Hisabi Roy, a local BJP support in their fight for justice. leader in Pakur circulated a provocative whatsapp message against Muslims. Popular Front Pakur district president Abdul Hannan filed a criminal complaint in Pakur town police station and the police was compelled to lodge FIR against Hisabi Roy, but neither arrested nor interrogated him. Popular Front Pakur district commit- tee conducted a protest march on 5th July from Gandhi chowk to town police station, in which more than 300 people participated. Police resorted to Usman Ansari narrates his horror at an isolation ward lathi charge and arrested 65 people including state in RIMS Hospital, Ranchi on 18-Jul-2017. vice-president Moulana Hanjela Shaikh, state gen- eral secretary Abdul Wadud and few state commit- tee members. After 30 hours of illegal custody and harassment, 43 members and leaders were remanded. Popular Front national delegation headed by National Executive member Adv. A. Mohamed Yusuff visited the houses of the jailed members. Also the lawyers’ team of the organisation went to Pakur district jail and met the leaders and members. All accused were granted bail after 19 The Dalit village Pradhan speaks to E Abubacker as the vil- days by Pakur District and Sessions Court. lagers look on at Shabbirpur village in UP on 20-Ju l—2017

Forefront news & views I August 2017 4 School Chalo Popular Front Scholarship Campaign Distribution (January - June 2017) (2016 - 17) School Chalo campaign is a unique 2289 students, boys and girls, across the country received annual event spearheaded by educational aid through the national level scholarship programme Popular Front in educationally of Popular Front of India in the year 2016-17. The scholarship pro- backward regions of India. The pro- gramme aims to support under-privileged students belonging to back- grammes undertaken during this ward sections to pursue their higher education. Thousands of students campaign include arranging aware- every year benefit from the programme. Scholorship distribution pro- ness and motivational classes for grammes were held at 96 places in 15 states during recent months. pupils and their parents, identifying Rs.1.44 crore was spent in the current academic year. and helping in school admissions, and distributing school kits to poor students.




Forefront news & views I August 2017 5 Iftar Kit and Ramzan kit distribution Come out against Israeli arrogance in Al-Aqsa During the month of Ramadan Popular Front Units in different states distributed food kits to poor families opular Front of India Chair- Pman E. Abubacker has strong- ly condemned the unprecedented extreme restrictions put by Israeli authorities at al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem and torture of Palestinians coming to the holy Masjid. E Abubacker called upon the Muslims all over the world to break silence and come out against the arrogance of the Jewish state against the rights of believers in Masjid Al-Aqsa. Popular Front chairman urged the international community to hold Israel account- able for its violations of interna- tional law and human rights against Palestinian people. (20-07-17)

Welcomes Supreme Court stay on cattle trade ban

opular Front of India Central Popular Fornt General Secretary Mohamed Ali Jinnah Inaugurates PSecretariat meeting has wel- Hyrathunnisha Women Arabic college at Shencottah in Tamilnadu comed the SC order which stayed the new restrictions on cattle trade imposed by the central govern- ment and the decision to apply na- tionwide, the Madras High Court’s recent stay on the cattle sale ban. The order definitely comes as a relief to millions of poor people whose livelihood depends on cat- tle and beef trade. (13-07-17)

Condemns attack on Amarnath pilgrims

he Central Secretariat meet- Ting of Popular Front of India strongly condemned the brutal

Forefront news & views I August 2017 6 attack on the pilgrims returning victims to stand up on their feet resentment on government’s neg- from Amarnath. There is no jus- and defend themselves using all ligence of the plight of farmers. tification for any group or force available legal means. (02-07-17) (12-06-17) under any circumstances to lay hands on innocents. At the same Welcomes evolving unity among Attack on Yechuri a wake-up call time, authorities must not allow opposition parties camps with divisive interests us- n a statement Popular Front of ing the incident as an excuse for opular Front of India chairman IIndia Chairman E. Abubacker their hate mongering and vilifica- PE Abubacker in a statement has strongly condemned the at- tion of Kashmiri people. The truth has welcomed the unanimous de- tack on Communist Party of India behind some versions appearing cision of oppositional parties to (Marxist) General Secretary Si- in the media such as the attack field Meira Kumar as their presi- taram Yechuri. E Abubacker has was not directed at the Amarnath dential candidate against BJP can- said that the attack should serve yatris but the bus was caught in didate Ram Nath Kovind. He said as a wake-up call to all political a cross fire between militants and that it is a forward step towards parties in the opposition to pon- the security forces also have to unity against fascism. der more effective steps to coun- be brought to light. The meeting E Abubacker condemned the de- ter the fascist menace plaguing while conveying condolence to the cision of Bihar Chief Minister the nation. (08-06-17) families demanded an impartial and JD(U) leader Nitish Kumar to and thorough investigation going support BJP candidate. (24-06-17) Condemns killing of farmers in deep into all aspects. (13-07-17) Madhya Pradesh Demonetization a hoax with no Calls upon people to resist benefits opular Front of India Chair- Hindutva attempts to push the Pman E Abubacker in a state- country to civil war he National Secretariat meet- ment has strongly condemned the Ting of Popular Front of India killing of six farmers who pro- he Central Secretariat meet- in a statement termed demoneti- tested demanding debt relief in Ting of Popular Front of In- zation a proved hoax with disas- Mandausar in Madhya Pradesh. dia, in a statement, warned the trous impacts on the economy. He has said that the way people’s people at large about the divisive Seven months after the decision democratic protest was dealt with campaign of the Sangh Parivar there is no proof as to whether is inhuman and a shame on a dem- under the influence of its anti- government has achieved any of ocratic society. By this brutal kill- Muslim, anti-Dalit philosophy. the claimed objectives. A recent ing, the BJP government is setting Though RSS and BJP may need release of the Central Statistical new precedent to quell people’s such a situation to achieve their Organisation (CSO) showed that agitations and dissent using ex- ultimate political goals, the grow- the GDP, a measuring scale of a treme force and terror. (07-06-17) ing atmosphere of Hindutva vio- country’s economic growth, grew lence targeting Muslims and Dal- at 6.1 per cent in the fourth and Withdraw cattle trade restric- its would make India an insecure last quarter of the 2016-17 finan- tions country for all groups, castes cial year, down from 7.1 per cent and communities. The secretar- in the third quarter. Also, India’s statement issued by the Na- iat meeting hailed the gestures GDP during current financial year A tional Secretariat meeting of solidarity coming from dif- is lower than the 8 per cent rate of Popular Front of India has de- ferent groups against such hor- of the preceding year (2015-16). manded complete and immediate rors. The meeting reminded the The meeting also expressed deep withdrawal of the restrictions on

Forefront news & views I August 2017 7 cattle trade imposed by the cen- he Chairman of Popular the new moves by Uttar Pradesh tral government. It is an outright TFront of India, E Abubacker and Gujarat state governments anti-people and anti-democratic has called upon the Honorable against majority of the people step which will unilaterally de- President of India, Shri Pranab who consume and trade beef. The stroy the livelihood of millions Mukherjee to intervene in the meeting reminded that it is the of poor people but also further ugly tussle going on between the primary duty of the governments stunt national economy which Justice C S Karnan and the Judi- to allow people to eat what they is already affected by disastrous ciary. The developments in the like and give protection to those demonetization. The meeting case has turned to be unfortunate who are working at cattle related also held responsible the BJP and will only hamper the image jobs. (06-04-17) and its government in UP for of the Indian Judiciary. The cur- the attacks on Dalits by Takur rent orders by the Supreme Court Support farmers’ demand to community members in Saha- bench for conducting mental test write of loans ranpur. The meeting strongly of a High Court judge has worsen condemned the lynching of four the situation and only lowered the n a resolution, the Central innocent Muslims by violent mob standards of the Judiciary. (03- ISecretariat meeting of Popu- in Jharkhand accusing them as 05-17) lar Front expressed its support child kidnappers while the po- to the demand being raised by lice stood watching. (05-06-17) Welcomes SC ruling in Babri the farmers hit by severe draught Masjid case; calls it delayed across the country to write off Bilkis Bano case warrants more justice loans. The stands of successive stringent punishment governments have been that of opular Front of India Chair- sheer negligence on the plight he statement issued by Popu- Pman E. Abubacker in a state- of the farmers. The government Tlar Front of India Headquar- ment welcomed the Supreme is doing nothing to address the ters after the meeting of its Na- Court ruling that allowed the trial sinister phenomenon of farmers’ tional Executive Council (NEC) of senior BJP leaders like LK Ad- suicide while the number remains welcomed the verdict of the vani, Murali Manohar Joshi and alarmingly high. (06-04-17) Bombay High Court upholding Uma Bharti for the criminal con- life imprisonment of eleven per- spiracy in Babri Masjid case. At the EVM fraud complaints serious sons convicted for gang-raping of same time, he termed the ruling a pregnant Bilkis Bano and massa- delayed justice. Though delayed, n a resolution, the Central Sec- cring her 14 family members in the ruling brings hope that we are Iretariat of Popular Front ob- the 2002 Gujarat Genocide. It at least a step closer to justice. It served that the complaints raised is further positive that the High will indeed help restore people’s against Electronic Voting Ma- Court has convicted the police faith in judiciary. (21-04-17) chine were serious and Election officers whom the trial court had Commission should take urgent acquitted. The meeting observed Stop harassment in the name of measures to clear the suspicion that the gravity of the incident cow protection from the minds of people. Popu- warranted more stringent punish- lar Front has repeated its request ment to all those involved in the resolution passed by the to the Election Commission to heinous crime. (11-05-17) A meeting of National Secre- re-establish the transparency of tariat of Popular Front of India has election process by replacing the President’s intervention needed condemned the increasing atroci- Electronic Voting machines with in the Justice Karnan vs Judi- ties in the name of cow protec- the old system of ballot papers. ciary tussle tion and called for withdrawal of (06-04-17)

Forefront news & views I August 2017 8 Popular Lecture Series

Build alliances to save constitutional values Prof Shamsul

n the context of emerging political scenario, all citi- “Izens should come forward to preserve and promote the constitutional values of democracy and secularism’’ said Prof Shamsul Islam, a renowned scholar, accademic, writer and theatre activist. He was giving a lecture on the subject ‘Emerging trends of Hindutva politics’ at Popular Front of India headquarters at New Delhi. He further said that it is the responsibility of the Indian Muslim community to play a lead role in building alliances with others for saving In- dia from the clutches of communalism and fascism. The lecture by Prof Shamsul Islam, held on 1st April 2017, was the first programme in the monthly Popular Lecture series planned by the Delhi State Committee of Popular Front. Prof Shamsul Islam who has authored more than 15 books and a lot of articles on Hindutva ideology and move- ment, enlightened the audience about the historical roots of RSS politics. He stressed that the difference between Hindu Dharma which has diverse and inclusive manifestations and the aggressive and narrow approaches of Hidutva politics must be clearly understood. It was not Muslims and other religious minorities alone, but the Dal- its and Shudras who were primary targets of Brahminical assaults in the past. But now they are being brainwashed and misused as weapons against minorities and progressive sections of the society. At the end of the interactive session Prof Shamsul Islam asserted that while hate politics is capturing all centres of power, the survival of the nation can be realised only through democratic struggles. Media under control of commercial interests Anil Chamadia

ince the major media houses in India are under control “Sof commercial interests, we cannot expect them playing a positive role in current political situation.” This view was elaborated by Mr. Anil Chamadia who is a renowned columnist and media activist. He was delivering the Popular Lecture of the month of May, held at Popular Front of India headquarters. Moreover, many of them are serving the interests of Sangh Pari- var which controls the government in the centre and many states. He opined that people who share the concerns of constitutional values such as justice, liberty and fraternity should come for- ward to initiate new media ventures for addressing the situation. The lecture by Mr. Anil Chamadia was the second program in the monthly Popular Lecture series being organised by the Delhi State Committee of Popular Front.

Forefront news & views I August 2017 9 Popular Front Leaders Meet Calls for people’s resistance and broad alliance building against ‘lynch politics’

he National Leaders Meet of communal fascism in demo- a Muslim or a Dalit that makes Tconvened by Popular Front cratic India. While witnessing the them deserve lynching. It is the of India today at Malabar House, past three years of India under result of nearly a century long di- Malappuram in Kerala called RSS controlled BJP government visive and poisonous propaganda upon the people to resist growing with Narendra Modi as prime of RSS and its open and shadow incidents of mob lynching and minister, mob lynching of Mus- armies. E Abubacker criticized other atrocities against weaker lims and Dalits has become the the central and state governments sections by making best use of new dimension of lawlessness. under BJP for leading India to a all democratic and legal means. The way how the 16 year old Hafiz civil war and cautioned the prime The Meet reminded Muslims Junaid was brutally killed and minister that his constitutional re- and Dalits who are the prime vic- thrown out from a running train, sponsibility is not over, by simply tims of communal and casteist while hundreds of fellow citizens uttering some evasive words such onslaughts and the secular civil remaining mute spectators, was as killing people in the name of society at large that building not an isolated happening. As per Cow bhakti is not acceptable and broad alliances at different levels the data collected and published cowardly mentioning the names of by burying all petty prejudices recently, 28 people were killed in Mahatma Gandhi and Baba Saheb among them is the timely re- the name gorakhsha, out of which Ambedkar occasionally. “Modi ji, sponsibility bestowed upon them 23 are Muslims. 32 out of the 63 please leave Gandhi and Ambed- The Chairman E Abuback- lynching incidents happened in kar, till you are not ready to leave er who presided over the Leaders BJP ruled states. He added that the legacy of Savarkar, Godse, Meet stated that lynching of hu- the real cause is not love for cows, Golwarkar and the like”, he told. man beings by communally fren- and the crime is not trading cattle The Meet which was at- zied mobs in the name of protect- and eating beef, but it is the faith tended by national, zonal and ing cow, marks yet another phase or the caste. It is the state of being state functionaries and council

Forefront news & views I August 2017 10 members of the organisation reviewed the activi- ties during the past six months after the election of new leadership. The General Secretary Mo- Jamia Nagar residents share hamed Ali Jinnah presented an analysis of the Eid Feast at Popular Front headquarters achievements during the period followed by inputs from state leaders. He noted that what we have achieved during this period as expansion, growth and interventions have exceeded the targets. He mentioned the sacrifices of countless cadres and he safety of Muslims and Dalits who are remembered the martyrs who are our real lead- “Tprone to mob lynching anywhere at any time ers and role models. While concluding the dis- is on your hands, each and every member of the com- cussion Mohamed Ali Jinnah urged the delegates munity.” This call was given by E. Abubacker, the to stand steadfast amidst all odds around and be chairman of Popular front of India while addressing in forefront of the masses, and we can feel their Eid Feast function held at Popular Front of India faith and hope in our movement across the country. headquarters in New Delhi. Muslims are lynched In a resolution adopted in the Leaders because of their faith, not due to love of cow. He Meet, Popular Front expressed apprehensions over further opined that all sections are facing the same the reports about the ongoing preparatory work of enemy, but in the fight against fascism we get divided. Ram Mandir and asked the centre and U.P. state M. Mohammed Ali Jinnah, the General government to stop moves against the status quo secretary of Popular Front of India gave ordained by the apex court. The Meet sought ur- introductory remarks.Asim Khan, MLA (Delhi) and gent intervention of Hon’ble Supreme Court and Dr.ThasleemRahmani felicitated in theprogramme. ensuring that the court directions are not violated A Sayeed, President, SDPI also addressed the in the Masjid site. This juncture of the 25th an- gathering. Zonal secretary Anis Ansari welcomed niversary of the martyrdom of Babri Masjid re- the gathering and Delhi state president Parwez minds us the national responsibility of facilitating Ahmad gave vote of thanks. The programme was the rebuilding of the demolished Masjid. Popu- concluded with Eid dinner. About 200 invitees lar Front expressed its concern over the turn of including women in an around Jamia Nagar the situation that, now it has made an issue of the participated. deprived Muslim community only. The secular parties have found it convenient to side line the Masjid rebuilding issue, which is a question mark on their very commitment to the secular values. In another resolution, the Meet expressed the view that the recent visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Israel has ended up in serious- ly deviating from the traditional Indian stand of supporting the cause of Palestine. The visit also indicates that the sovereignty of India is on the path of complete surrender to the unholy and he- gemonic designs of US-Israel vicious combine. A panel consisting of national functionaries, vice chairman O.M.A. Salam, secretaries Abdul Wahid Sait and Anis Ahamed, treasurer Moham- med Shahabudin and central secretariat members K.M. Shareef and E.M. Abdul Rahiman moderated the discussions.

Forefront news & views I August 2017 11 Popular Front denounces suppression of new Dalit movements

opular Front of India chairman E Abubacker in Pa statement has denounced the government at- tempts to suppress new Dalit social movements like Bhim Army by demonizing and arresting their lead- ers on false charges. E Abubacker expressed his sup- port to all struggles of Dalit movements and activists Popular Front of India who are striving against casteist atrocities and for fun- damental right of a secure and dignified human life announces scholarship that has been systemically denied to them for centuries. program 2017 Since last few years there has been an unprecedent- ed surge in violence against Dalits. Not just from the upper- caste fanatics and cow-protections gangs on the streets, opular Front Scholarship Scheme is but even at reputed institutions of higher education, Dalits Pintented support poor and meritorious are facing extreme oppression, discrimination and alien- students who wish to pursue higher stud- ation as we witnessed in the institutional murder of Dalit ies after completing Higher Secondary research Scholar Rohit Vemula at HCU. The traditional (12th). Applications are invited from stu- Dalit leaders, their organizations and political parties have dents who are pursuing their course in the failed in addressing these grave concerns and have long academic year 2017-18. It’s the 7th con- abandoned struggle for social justice. Some of them have secutive year that Popular Front is imple- betrayed Dalit masses and became stooges of the ruling menting this national scholarship scheme class for petty personal gains. It is under these circum- for higher education. stances, new Dalit resistance movements are emerging in Students pursuing Post Gradu- states like Gujarat, U P and M P. A new generation of Dalit ate, Under Graduate and Diploma or leaders like Jignesh Mevani in Gujarath and Chandrashek- other higher studies whose course dura- har Azad in U P are being received by Dalit masses as rays tion is not less than a year are eligible. of hope in this casteist quagmire. Not only the BJP, but even Priority will be given to the students secular parties that are under the influence of Brahminical of Journalism, Law and Social Work. authoritarianism have always tried to vilify Dalit identities Application can be submitted till the and socio-political initiatives. Popular Front chairman closing date, which can only be done through stressed the need of broad alliance building among dalit, our wesite minorities and civil rights groups to defeat the evil designs The last date for the receipt of appli of reactionary forces and ruling classes. cation is 31st Aug 2017. The recent arrest of Chandrashekhar Azad, the Popular Front scholarship scheme leader of Bhim Army in U P and its members is part of the distribution started in the academic year ongoing dirty political vendetta of casteist and chauvinist 2011-12 at national level. So far Rs 5.2 forces. E Abubacker demanded his immediate release and crore distributed among 6482 (3890 boys dropping of all baseless charges against him. He assured and 2592 girls) students in 13 states. We that Popular Front of India, as it has always been, would expect students to pay back to the society continue to extend its unconditional support for Dalit once they are employed as responsible brothers and sisters in their struggles for equality, dignity citizens. and justice. (17-06-17)

Printed and published by Mohammed Ali Jinnah, General Secretary, Popular Front of India No.G 78, 2nd Floor Kalindi Kunj, Noida Road, New Delhi-110025,Tel/Fax: 01129949902 Email: [email protected], Web:, Facebook: popularfrontindiaofficial Support Team: Editing - Riyas Tanur l Layout Design - Shafeek Edakkara

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