Traces of planes Geological Mapping Symbols Do not use a ruler. For inferred lines, degree of uncertainty can be shown by spacing of dashes. Topographic Features Practical Considerations Boundaries Faults Solid geological boundary, position Use a different colour, normally red, and a thicker line for Usually in a different colour. constrained at scale of mapping. faults. If unclear mark lines with an F. Line combinations Solid geological boundary, marking a Break of slope below steep slope. Dashed lines specific part in a gradational change. mark break. V’s on steep side. To prevent problems of superposing lines, the portions of which are F indistinguishable at the scale of mapping, line types can be combined. Inferred, solid geological boundary, Fault, position constrained at scale of Break of slope above steep slope. Dashed lines mapping. Examples of combinations of break of slope are shown below. Similar position not constrained to the scale of mark break. ticks on steep side. combinations can be made with gully symbols and crestlines. mapping. Valley axis. Fewer "x"s to indicate Bedding form lines. Use a different F rounded sides, more ticks to indicate colour if possible. Fault, position not constrained at scale sharp sides. Solid boundary + break of slope of mapping. Gully/ Ridge. Use the v shapes as if Drift boundary. they were contours to show the topography. If contours Drift boundary + break of slope F? Probable fault, position constrained at lacking solid arrow head shows downhill direction scale of mapping. axial traces Crestline. Fewer ticks to indicate Solid + drift rounded sides, more ticks to indicate boundary Trace of antiform. F? Probable fault, position not sharp sides. Inferred boundary + break of constrained at scale of mapping. Cliff-blocks on vertical face slope Trace of synform. 5 Inferred boundary + drift + break of slope Trace of recumbent fold. Planar slope. Slope angle in degrees is shown. Trace of inferred antiform. Structural Measurements Concave Lithological Symbols slope. Trace of inferred synform. The degree of constraint can be shown by marking Geological where is exposed. This technique needs to Convex slope. Trace of inferred recumbent fold. Linear measurements be used sensibly. Measurements imply exposure. constraints: Single or double digits should be used to indicate Mark the plunge in degrees and where space permits the azimuth (3 where rock is observed, eg. figs). Mark both as close to the arrowhead as possible. Draw approx. length x exposure of rock observed Planar measurements in the precise azimuth direction measured. The tip of the arrow Flat ground, surrounding line usually should be positioned on the measurement point. a break of slope symbol X exposure of rock observed from a distance Mark the dip in degrees as near to dip tick as possible. Where space permits mark the strike in degrees (3 figs) at the correct end of the strike line. Draw strike line at the precise orientation measured. The Plunge and azimuth of antiformal fold axis. Mound, spot marks summit This list is not exhaustive. Adapt the symbols intersection of the dip tick and strike line should be positioned on Drift: shown if drift lithologies can be defined more measurement point. explicitly.

Depression Head, solifluction H deposits of bedding Plunge and azimuth of synformal fold axis. C Scree Strike and dip of undifferentiated foliations Depression, water filled. C Plunge and azimuth of S fold axis. Blown Sand S Strike and dip of penetrative Alluvium Strike and dip of spaced foliation Plunge and azimuth of Z fold axis. Z Æ Alluvial Fan Deposits Strike and dip of foliation C Plunge and azimuth of M fold axis. Multiple measurements and structural Peat Fold data can be augmented by letters to show Strike and dip of anastamosing foliation M association: chronology Present Beach P=fold with penetrative foliation axial planar Where a sequence of structures is identified at a locality, the S = spaced, C = crenulation, A = anastamosing Undifferentiated fold axial surface relative chronology of these is marked with Roman numerals. 2 An example is shown here. Raised Beach. Number used to indicate beach level in raised Undifferentiated 48 beach sequence Fold axial surface with axial planar penetrative foliation I 082 Intersection lineation: Undifferentiated Till B/C S 19/104 017 Fold axial surface with axial planar spaced foliation Letters indicate which planar features B/C intersect 67 II B = Bedding B/A 82 Boulder Clay Fold axial surface with axial planar crenulation foliation F = undifferentiated foliation 032 P = penetrative S = spaced

S C = crenulation For multiple measurements, locate the earliest structure Moraine Fold axial surface with axial planar anastamosing A = anastamosing (normally bedding) and position on the measurement point. foliation Mark equivalent fold asymmetry (S,Z or M) Other measurements should be clustered closely enough that they where possible are clearly from the same locality. Pervasive lineation such as or Strike and dip of Joints shape Made ground, natural features obscured by reworking by man. Surface lineation such as slickenline Notebook Cross-Reference Strike and dip of faults dart and arrows indicate 24 Locality number. dip and strike separation directions respectively Other symbols Glacial movement indicators Younging direction. Tail of Y points towards youngest 24 View sketch with notebook reference. Strike and dip of igneous contact or sheet strata. Mark azimuth of flow at arrow head. Younging symbols should only be used in conjunction G with a bedding reading. Letter indicates type of evidence: Glacial striae G = graded bedding; X = cross stratification; S = sole markings; R = ripples; M = mud cracks; E = erosive base.