RACLE March 2013 MSPC Newsletter

The Cruciform Life: A Message (and a Memoir) from Pastor Rachel Srubas

Mountain Shadows Community of Faith, I hope this newsletter finds you experiencing a meaningful . I hope you are practicing the prayerfulness, the acts of fasting, service and generosity, the deepened Scriptural study, and the personal changes you may have chosen for Lent. Christians observe Lent as a period of spiritual preparation for and . We "walk this lonesome valley" in order to enter into the meanings of ' sacrifice, suffering, death, and ultimate resurrection for the salvation of the world.

Please mark your calendar and plan to worship our crucified and risen Lord:  , March 24: with Palm and Worship 10:00 a.m.  , March 28: Soup Supper, 6:00; Worship with Communion, 7:00 p.m.  Easter Sunday, March 31: "Sunrise" worship 8:00 a.m.; Worship with Choir and Brass: 10:00 a.m.

I believe it is important to practice the meanings of Lent, and to participate in Holy Week worship as well as Easter Sunday worship, because Christians are a cruciform people. Cruciform means cross-shaped. The cross connotes both the struggle and the joy of being human, the death as well as the new life made known to us in Christ.

I am a pastor because, from a former life that was spiritually deadening, Jesus Christ redeemed me and called me to follow him and serve his people. I am a writer because writing, for me, is like breathing; it's life-giving prayer, and it's a way I can serve members of the faith community who like to read spiritual books. Liturgical Press has just published my spiritual memoir, and I invite you to join me in celebrating its publication. An announcement follows.

Yours in the Cruciform Life, Pastor Rachel BOOK RELEASE CELEBRATION Friday, March 8, 7:00 p.m.

Join friends at Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church to celebrate the release of Pastor Rachel Srubas’s new book: The Girl Got Up: A Cruciform Memoir, published by Liturgical Press. For a donation of $20, a couple or individual will receive one copy of the book plus dessert refreshments and festive beverages. Additional books will be available for sale. Rachel will present a reading and will sign books. Proceeds from the event will support the Christian Community Building Ministry Team of Mountain Shadows, whose mission is to provide opportunities for people to gather in a spirit of faith and friendship.

Notes from the Director of Music What do Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, Ode to Joy, Alleluia Christ is Risen have to do with Easter at MSPC? To begin, it means the fourth movement of the 9th Symphony, a poet & friend, a hymn of joy and a joyful choir! Beethoven spent 4 years writing the first 3 movements of the 9th Symphony. He was “stuck” trying to finish the 4th movement. He loved the poetry of his friend Friedrich Schiller, and particularly his poem “Ode to Joy.” Beethoven considered many times to weave this poem into a work. After many struggles, he decided to end the 9th Symphony with a choral piece. Now he could use Schiller’s hymn of joy. It took another year to incorporate the choral movement with the first three movements. A joyful choir – the Mountain Shadows Choir will sing this Easter affirmation. The “Ode to Joy” melody is re-metered to create a lilting dance-like effect and is topped with a bright trumpet descant. Does it sound like I’m describing a new delicious dish? Well sometimes music is similar to a delicious dish. Sweet delightful sounds for our ears! Join us Easter Sunday, March 31, praising God in song. It promises to be spirit filled and surprising! Choir Rehearsals are 3:45pm to 5:15pm every Thursday in the church. Charmaine Piane Dame

DEACONS: Which Came First? Easter or the Egg? Easter eggs are specially decorated eggs given out to celebrate the Easter holiday or springtime. It is the influence of the traditional spring rites that made Easter so egg-special. And myths coming down to us from an incredibly distant past have shown humankind’s relationship with the egg to be very deep seated one. This is caught in old Latin proverb: “omne vivum exovo.” This means “all life comes from an egg.” From ancient India to Polynesia, from Iran, Greece, and Phoenicia to Latvia, Estonia, and Finland, from Central America to the west coast of South America, there are reports of myths of the whole universe created out of an egg. Thus, it is not unusual that in almost all ancient cultures eggs had been held as an emblem of life. The concept of all living beings born from an egg is also a foundational concept of modern biology. But how did eggs come to be associated with Easter? Despite claims being made that Easter Eggs were originally pagan symbols, there is no solid evidence for this. It was not until the 18th Century that Jakob Grimm theorized a putative pagan connection to Easter Eggs with a goddess of his own whom he named Ostara, a suggested German version of Eostre. At the Passover Seder, a hard-boiled egg dipped in salt water symbolizes both new life and the Passover sacrifice offered at the Temple in Jerusalem. The ancient Persians painted eggs for Nowrooz, their New Year celebration falling on the Spring Equinox. This tradition has continued every year on Nowrooz since ancient times. In Christian times, the egg was a symbol of new life just as a chick might hatch from the egg. The tradition may have celebrated the end of the privations of Lent. In the Medieval Europe, eggs were forbidden during Lent as well as other traditional fast days. During the strict Lenten fast of forty days no eggs were eaten. It was traditional to use up all of the household’s eggs before Lent began, which established the tradition of Pancake Day on Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras. Eggs were viewed as symbols of new life and fertility through the ages. It is believed that for this reason many ancient cultures, including the Ancient Egyptians, Persians, and Romans, used eggs during their spring festivals. In Eastern , both meat and dairy are still prohibited during the fast, and eggs are seen as “dairy” (a foodstuff that could be taken from an animal without shedding its blood). That is the reason why eggs laid during that time were often boiled or otherwise preserved. (continued on next page)

Visit our website at www.mountainshadowschurch.org Page 2 The Easter Egg, continued… It was during Easter that the consumption of eggs resumed after the strict Lenten fast. Eggs were thus a mainstay of Easter meals, and a prized Easter gift for children and servants. And this is probably the reason why eggs came to be associated with Easter.

Many traditions and practices have formed around Easter eggs. In Europe an egg was hung on New Year trees, on Maypoles, and on St. John’s trees in midsummer. Indeed, all were of one accord in using the egg as a symbol of the regenerative forces of nature. Later during the Christian period, it was believed that eggs laid on , if kept for a hundred years, would have their yolks turn to diamond. If Good Friday eggs were cooked on Easter they would promote the fertility of the trees and crops and protect against sudden deaths. And, if you would find two yolks in an Easter egg, be sure, you’re going to be rich soon. That’s what they believed! An Orthodox tradition related with Easter celebrations is the presenting of red colored eggs to friends, while giving Easter greetings. According to a History channel documentary about Mary Magdalene and her role in Christianity, the custom derives from a biblical event. After the Ascension of Christ, Mary supposedly went to the Emperor of Rome and greeted him with “Christ is risen,” whereupon he stated, “Christ has not risen no more than that egg is red” (pointing to an egg on his table). After making this statement it is said the egg immediately turned blood red. She then began preaching Christianity to him. The egg is symbolic of the grave and life renewed by breaking out of it. The red symbolizes the blood of Christ redeeming the world, represented by the egg, and our regeneration through the bloodshed for us by Christ. The egg itself is a symbol of the Resurrection while being dormant it contains a new life sealed within it. There are many other decorating techniques and numerous traditions of giving them as a token of friendship, love or good wishes. A tradition exists in some parts of the United Kingdom (such as Scotland and North East England) of rolling painted eggs down steep hills on Easter Sunday. In the U.S., such an Easter egg roll (unrelated to an eggroll) is often done on flat ground, pushed along with a spoon; the Easter Egg Roll has become a much-loved annual event on the White House lawn. An Easter is a common festive activity, where eggs are hidden outdoors (or indoors if in bad weather) for children to run around and find. This may also be a contest to see who can collect the most eggs. However you choose to enjoy Easter eggs this year, may you rejoice in the good news that Christ is risen! Kathy Soerens

ADULT FAITH FORMATION: Feasting on the Word Adult Bible Study Continues! Feasting on the Word is a weekly Sunday morning adult Bible study based on lectionary texts (scriptures read in many churches during Sunday worship).

 Drop-ins welcome! Regular attendance encouraged!  Pick up a packet of Feasting on the Word resource sheets at the church sign-up table under the ramada and plan to attend.  Guest teachers for March 2013: Karen Koopmans and Irene Camp  NO Feasting on Easter Sunday, March 31st


What: Hats On! Women’s Luncheon When: Saturday, March 16th at 11:00 p.m. Where: Olive Garden, in the Oro Valley Marketplace Cost: $16.00 We have FANTASTIC items to bid on during our Silent Auction. Proceeds will go to the CCS ESL Program that meets at our church. There will be GLORIOUS prizes awarded for the most stunning, funny, delightful and special hats. OUTRAGEOUS (but perfectly “fitting”) ticket prizes will be given and everyone will go home with a special table favor! Ticket sales will take place on Sundays, Feb. 24 and March 3 & 10 after church. Cost is $16.00 per lady which includes unlimited soup, salad, breadsticks, and beverage as well as the tip. Please remember to bring your ticket with you to the luncheon. Shawne Cryderman Visit our website at www.mountainshadowschurch.org Page 3

CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY BUILDING: Simple Soup Supper OR “Crock Pot for Hire” The Christian Community Building Ministry Team (CCBMT) will be sponsoring a Maundy Thursday Simple Soup Supper on March 28th before worship. Congregants and guests are invited to join their brothers and sisters in Christ while partaking of a simple meal of soup, Rosemary herb bread, grapes, water and ice tea. This Simple Soup Supper will take place in rooms 2, 3, and 4 beginning at 6:00 pm. The choir will be served at 5:30. Various selections of soups will be served, with a vegetarian soup available. If you would like to participate in “Crock Pot for Hire” and make a soup to share, please sign up under the ramada. Everyone planning to attend this event must RSVP so we know how much soup to provide. Please sign-up under the ramada. Shawne Cryderman

CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY BUILDING: SaddleBrooke’s Primetime Players Present... The 39 STEPS A unique theatrical experience that garnered lots of awards on Broadway and is still a rollicking hit in London. A zany and clever comedy about a man on the run from the police, the characters he meets, the women he loves and a mystery he must solve. Our small troupe of actors plays dozens of roles as the classic Alfred Hitchcock film comes to life on stage. Shawne Cryderman plays 6 different roles and Susan Sterling is the “Action Coach” for the entire production. Mountain Shadows’ congregants and guests are invited to the dress rehearsal on Sunday, April 14th at 3:00 pm in the Mountain View Country Club Ballroom in SaddleBrooke. Cost is $15.00 per person, payable to MSPC treasurer, David Raffety. The money will help reduce our church’s debt (for more on debt reduction, see page 5). After the dress rehearsal, a reception will be held at Mike and Sally Penner’s home in SaddleBrooke. Attendees will see a fabulous theatre production and enjoy excellent hospitality and refreshments. For more information, please see David Raffety, Susan Sterling or Shawne Cryderman.

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: Sunday School News Happy Spring! (or am I just being a bit optimistic?) We received a lot of shoe boxes from many of you along with essential items to include in these boxes for the homeless. Thank you so very much. These boxes will be delivered in late February/early March to a park on 22nd Street. For those of you who wonder what else we might use in our Sunday School room for our Sunday mornings let me give you a few ideas. We can always use some grocery store gift cards so that we can provide fresh fruit, milk, and snack crackers. We open our class with prayer and snacks. We then progress to sharing how our week went and then we are prepared for our craft and Sunday School lesson. Learning is so much easier when no one is hungry! In January we learned about Jesus and his visit to the Temple. We also studied John the Baptist and what baptism means to us. We will be preparing some songs to share with all of you as well as some Bible verses we are committing to memory. I am so very grateful for a congregation that really supports our very small group of children. They are an essential part of the future of a growing church. Thank you and BLESSINGS! Linda Lazzeroni Visit our website at www.mountainshadowschurch.org Page 4

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: Vacation Bible School (VBS) 2013 Be sure to sign up to help in VBS this summer! We need supplies donated, adults to be safety trained to work with the children, people to work “behind the scenes” with snacks and other helpful jobs, and we need children! Tell everyone to get ready: July 22nd through the 26th will be here before you know it! Talk to Cassi today!!

EVANGELISM & COMMUNICATIONS: Curtailing Crime in Catalina

Oro Valley Police Chief, Daniel Sharp, will be the speaker at Santa Catalina Catholic Church Social Awareness Ministry Meeting on Thursday, March 7, 2013. The meeting will be held in the Parish Hall beginning at 1:30 p.m. Chief Sharp will be sharing community crime issues and rates with a focus on domestic violence, bullying, gangs, drugs, and other issues of concern. A time will be allotted for audience questions and feedback. Because of its importance, we are making the program available to the community and extending a special invitation to the members of your church or organization. As members of the Christian community, we are all called to address these issues in a meaningful and positive way.

FACILITES: Memorial Garden and Columbarium: Becoming a Reality If you have been present at Mountain Shadows Church recently, you have observed very substantial progress in the construction of our Memorial Garden. Ground has been cleared. The memorial wall and columbarium (where cremains of the faithful departed will be inurned) have been constructed. In early March, Eagle Scout candidate and MSPC member, Keenan Odenkirk, with adult oversight, will supervise Scouts in establishing walkways. The good Lord willing and weather permitting, our 8:00 a.m. Easter “sunrise” worship service will take place in the Memorial Garden on Sunday, March 31 (stand by for announcements). During March, those with questions concerning the Memorial Garden may contact Gay Russell at [email protected] or 825-5763. Facilities elder Dave Smith thanks all Memorial Garden and Facilities helpers: Dan Linegar, Gay Russell, The Odenkirks, David Raffety, Ken McAllister, Helen Wiens, Karl Kuehlwein, Keith Verbeck, Dick Lozier and Stacy Rogers. Apologies if we overlooked anyone!

FINANCE: Church Loan and Debt Reduction Update—Progress, Progress, Progress In December, 2012 we made a payment on our land loan of $10,000 from our accumulated Debt Reduction Offerings. In January we made a payment of $9,500. And in February, we made another payment of $4,000. These payments, along with our regular monthly mortgage payments, have reduced the balance on our land loan down to $13,125!!! Our land loan is melting away! Our Debt Reduction Campaign continues through December 2013. With the remaining pledges, we can be confident in the Lord that we will not only pay off the land loan by the end of 2013 but we also will be able to make a significant payment to reduce the building loan. God has blessed us richly! David Raffety

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FINANCE: Monthly Financial Report Below is a financial summary of the Operating Budget showing the most recent month, year-to-date results, the year-to-date budget, and the prior year year-to-date results.

Monthly Financial Report - Operating Budget

January ------2013 ------2012 2013 January Year-to-Date Year-to-Date Year-to-Date Actual Actual Budget Actual

Regular Offerings $ 17,878 $ 17,878 $ 24,154 $ 17,033 Other Income 791 791 3,254 1,418 Total Income $ 18,668 $ 18,668 $ 27,408 $ 18,452

Total Expense $ 20,845 $ 20,845 $ 26,040 $ 19,882

Income less Expense $ (2,177) $ (2,177) $ 1,368 $ (1,430) If you have questions about the Church’s finances, please contact David Raffety, Church Treasurer at 544-7397.

MEMBERSHIP: Inquirers’ Lunch! Join Us! Those who become members of this congregation commit themselves to belonging to, and being loved by, Mountain Shadows Presbyterians. Is God nudging you to commit to this family of faith as a member? May we commit ourselves to you? Membership Inquirers’ Lunch on Sunday, March 10th at 11:30 a.m. Sign up today under the ramada OR contact Freja Cranston at 638-8980.

MISSION & OUTREACH: Smell “Just Coffee” Roasting on Friday, March 15th Many of you have remarked about the wonderful aroma coming from your bags of Just Coffee that you purchase on a Sunday morning. The reason for that wonderful coffee aroma is the freshness of the roast. Now YOU have an opportunity to see the roasting process in person. On Friday, March 15th, there will be a one day trip to Aqua Prieta to see the new roasting facilities, and to have all your coffee questions answered including how Just Coffee began, the labor intensive process that produces this delicious organic grown coffee, and the benefits to the growers in Chiapas, Mexico. You will also hear about the new goals Cafe Justo has set for 2013, and how Mountain Shadows can be a part of that dream. In addition to meeting the Just Coffee staff in Agua Prieta and learning about their work, we will also visit DouglaPrieta Trabjan, a cross border project which is a part of the Border Ministry Frontera de Cristo. An exciting part of this ministry is the community gardens and family gardens that successfully produce a food supply in the desert for those living in poverty. (In fact, we might learn a thing or two about growing food on our own lots!) We will have carpools, and no one will need to drive into Mexico as we will be met by staff of Frontera de Cristo just over the border. Lunch will be furnished. Time of departure will be 7:00 a.m., and we will return by 7:00 p.m. There will be a small charge for the trip that will be determined when the number of participants is known. Sign up under the Ramada. Questions: Irene Camp 818-0504. Irene Camp

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MISSION & OUTREACH: One Great Hour of Sharing


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MISSION & OUTREACH: One Great Hour of Sharing - Financial Summary

MISSION & OUTREACH: Health Happenings

Our local hospitals provide many FREE health education programs on a variety of topics! Here’s one coming up that may interest you: What: Moving Patients Forward - Joint Seminar When: Thursday, March 14th, 3:30-4:30p.m. Where: Northwest Medical Center Event Center 6060 N. Fountain Plaza Dr., Suite 130 Cost: FREE—but registration is required, 1-866-694-9355 Do you suffer from hip or knee pain? Do you want to gain a better understanding of how surgery can relieve this pain? This seminar will discuss joint replacement surgery and how it can help you return to an active lifestyle. Your questions on joint disease will also be answered by Dr. John Malty, M.D. For more information and programs, check out the Community Relations listings at: www.northwestmedicalcenter.com OR www.orovallyhosptial.com

Visit our website at www.mountainshadowschurch.org Page 8

WORSHIP & MUSIC: Message from Rev. Roger Pierce, Host of Taizé Prayer at MSPC

It is with mixed feelings that I inform you that the Taizé gathering at Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church will meet for the final time in April. For more than a decade, Susan, Kimberly, Priscilla, and I have been involved in the leadership of the meditative service and gatherings that have touched many lives. We hope that you have benefited from this special experience and will continue the quiet, meditative approach to faith that has been the hallmark of Taizé. A similar form of Taizé has recently started at Casas Adobes Congregational United Church of Christ on Oracle Road near Ina Road. We encourage you to consider it as a further step in your spiritual journey. We are deeply grateful to Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church for genuine hospitality and loving support during our time here. The Pastor and staff have been generous beyond measure and have given a great gift to Northwest Tucson by providing the location and facilities. Roger Pierce

Congregational Care Partners Continuing Education A 2-Part Class on Healthy Boundaries: Thursdays, April 11 & 18, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Healthy boundaries are an essential part of caring Christian relationships. What are boundaries? Why and how do we establish and maintain them? What makes boundaries healthy? Boundaries serve several purposes. They help us take care of ourselves while caring for others. Boundaries protect us from inappropriate over-involvement in others’ lives. Boundaries prevent violations of privacy, confidentiality, emotional and physical safety. Boundaries help us say “yes” to compassion and say “no” to pity, exhaustion, and guilt. Instructor Pastor Rachel welcomes anyone wishing to learn about healthy boundaries and Christian care: Thursdays, April 11 and 18, 9:30-11:30.

USHERS NEEDED! IT’S EASY! As summertime approaches and many of our loyal congregants relocate north for their annual visit to family, friends, their hometown, a cabin by the lake, or for whatever reason, our ranks of potential usher volunteers thins out quite a bit. If you've never done it before, now's your chance! It's not a long-term commitment and only requires a few Sundays of service to your church. So if you plan to be available and are willing to help during the summertime, the opportunity is here. Contact Head Usher Dave Donovan either by phone (818-2322) or e-mail ([email protected]) and let him know that you'd like to serve Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church as an usher. Contact Dave now -- you'll be glad that you did it, and it'll make you feel good all over!

We are looking for some volunteers to help in the church office during times that Stacy will be on vacation. If you are available for an hour or two during morning office hours and can assist on an as needed basis, please contact Stacy at the church office at 825-7858 or sign-up under the ramada. THANKS!!

Visit our website at www.mountainshadowschurch.org Page 9

Women’s Bible Study Women’s Bible Study will continue on Thursdays March 7 & 14 at 2:30p.m. in room 4. The lesson will be #6, The Elders. The scripture to study is 1 Peter 5:1-11; 2 John. The key idea of this lesson, according to the author is: “those of elder status (by position and/or age and experience) are charged to demonstrate selfless love and a nurturing spirit to those under their care, and to equip sisters and brothers in Christ that they might embody the same qualities. To Practice loving-kindness is to bear witness to Christ, even and especially, in the face of suffering.” Please join us for this study. For more information, contact Judy Hans at 818-3285 or email [email protected].

Market on the Move - Saturday, March 23, 8- LIVING WELL SUPPORT GROUP: 11 at Santa Catalina Parish, 14380 N. Oracle Rd. Facing Serious Health Challenges Together Market on the Move is an organization of like- minded volunteers who bond together to rescue This discussion group welcomes anyone fresh fruits and vegetables and distribute to whose life is impacted by a chronic illness everyone especially to the needy and hungry or health challenge, whether "patient" or families. All are welcome! Market on the Move caregiver. February’s schedule is as will be held on the 4th Saturday of each follows: month though May at Santa Catalina Catholic Church. Up to 60 pounds of March 4: 2:30-4:00 p.m., church library fresh produce for just a $10 donation. March 11: 2:30-4:00 p.m., church library For more information, please contact March 18: 2:30-4:00 p.m., church library Pierce or Wilene Cornelius at 219-7193. March 25: 2:30-4:00 p.m., church library "We need to be angels for each other, to give each other strength and consolation. Because only when we fully @pril N_wsl_tt_r @rti]l_s realize that the cup of life is not only a cup of sorrow but also a cup of JOY will be able to drink it." -- Henri [r_ ^u_ Nouwen. M[r]h 15, 2012 Come "drink" and experience the JOY of living well, even while confronting sorrow and anxiety.

OFFICE HOURS Join us Monday—Friday Sunday, April 28th @ 6:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m.—Noon at the Gaslight Theatre

Tickets are $20 and Taizé Worship Schedule go on sale Sun. March 10, 5 pm Sunday, March 3rd!

Sponsored by Final Taize Service: Presbyterian Sun. April 14, 5 pm Campus Ministry

Visit our website at www.mountainshadowschurch.org Page 10

March 2013

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


12:30PM 8:30AM 3 Membership 4 5 6 7 8 9 Adult Bible 2:30PM Study 9:00AM 2:30PM Christian ESL Women’s Bible 10:00AM Community Study Building 7:00PM Worship 2:30PM 3:45PM BOOK 11:00AM Living Well Choir RELEASE Hospitality 5:00PM CELEBRATION Embracing Emergence Christianity 8:30AM Adult Bible10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Study

10:00AM 2:30PM 9:00AM Worship 2:30PM Women’s Bible 11:00AM Living Well ESL Study 7:00AM 11:30AM Support Hats On! Group 3:45PM Just Coffee Women’s Inquirer’s Choir Mission Trip to Luncheon @ Class/Lunch 5:00PM Agua Prieta The Olive Embracing Garden 5:00PM Emergence Taizé Christianity

8:30AM Adult Bible17 10:00AM 18 19 20 21 22 23 Study Deacons 9:00AM 10:00AM 2:30PM ESL Worship Living Well 3:00PM 11:00AM Support Group Session 3:45PM Hospitality 5:00PM Choir Embracing Emergence Christianity

8:30AM Adult Bible24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Study 2:30PM 3:45PM 10:00AM Living Well 9:00AM Choir Support ESL OFFICE Worship Group 5:00PM CLOSED 5:00PM 11:00AM Maundy Embracing Thursday Hospitality Emergence Supper Christianity 11:30AM 7:00PM Health Ministry Worship

8:00AM Holy Week and Easter Worship Schedule: Worship 31 10:00AM Palm Sunday Procession & Worship: March 24, 10:00 a.m. Worship Maundy Thursday Supper & Worship: March 28, 6 & 7 p.m. 11:00AM Good Friday, March 29 Church Closed Hospitality Easter Sunday, March 31 “Sunrise” Worship, 8:00 a.m.; Worship with Brass & Choir, 10:00 a.m.

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