Immediate Release UMD News Service 724-8801, Ext. 210 May 8, 1968

Duluth-- The Hawaiian theme, "Aloha Nui Loa", featuring South Seas Island

decorations has been chosen for the UMD Prom to be held at 9 p.m. on May 18 in

Kirby Student Center.

An extra attraction this year, according to Prom Committee Chairman Lin

Griffin, Duluth, will be orchid leis, made up in Ha.waii and flown in especially for

the Prom.

Miss Griffin said students can choose from two ticket prices: $5 per couple will include an orchid lei, or $3.50 per couple without the lei. The l eis must be ordered by May 9, she added.

Several UMD fraternities and sororities are helping with decorations

for the ballroom and lounge in Kirby Student Center, Miss Griffin said.

The Ballroom will be decorated with real flowers, waterfalls, fountains and water pools. Music will be furnished by Alpha Sinfonia, music frater- nity. Decorations are being done by Phi Beta Chi, men's social fraternity.

Beta Phi Kappa~ sJcial fraternity and Gamma Omi cron Beta, social sorority, will decorate the lounge, where music will be furnished by the "Great Danes" a band from Tulsa, Oklahoma. Decorations in the lounge will follow a "Community Hut" theme.

Th e Bull Pub will have quiet music for listening, palm tree decorations · and a punch fountain.

Delta , social sorority and Arnold Air Society are planning hall- way decorations. , social fraternity, will sell tickets and Sigma

Phi Kappa, social sorority, is in charge of publicity.

Other Prom Cammi ttee members are Dr ·ew Ilenda, Duluth , Treasurer; Jane

Zimmerman, Edina, Secretary; Les Nelsen, Dulm:h, Entertainment; and Jody Dickman,

Colorado Springs, Colorado, Bull Pub activities.

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