
BICKERSTAFFE PARISH COUNCIL Monday, October 14th, 2019, 7.00 p.m., Four Lane Ends Mission ORDINARY MEETING MINUTES

Number Item

139/19 APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Shufflebotham.

140/19 MINUTES of the LAST MEETING i) The Minutes of the last meeting held on September 8th, were approved as a true and accurate record. ii) The Chairman signed these Minutes.

141/19 DECLARATIONS of INTEREST i) There were no changes to the current Register of Interests. ii) A Declaration of Personal Interest was received from Councillor Draper for item 149/19 on this agenda.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION i) The meeting was adjourned for a period of public participation. Two members of the public who are tenants on the Knowsley Estate were present and aired their concerns over the Knowsley Estate Woodland Management Plan proposals. Their comments and questions were noted and referenced in Item 145/19. Mr Andrews firstly passed on a query as to why the junior swings hadn’t been repaired yet - BPC was awaiting the contractor to start work; and secondly reported that the incidence of dog fouling on the field had increased. More signs will be put up at the field, and the anti-dog-fouling campaign will continue. ii) The meeting was reconvened.

143/19 PLANNING MATTERS There was no responses/comments on the following Planning Applications: i)Ward: Bickerstaffe, Parish: Application No: 2019/0892/FUL Date Valid: 11 September 2019 Proposal: Development of B2 & B8 uses including trailer park. Site Location: Land to the South of Stopgate Lane, Simonswood. Decision Level: Planning Committee Response Deadline: (for Ward Councillors & Parishes) 18 October 2019 ii)Ward: Bickerstaffe Parish: Bickerstaffe Application No: 2019/0922/FUL Date Valid: 18 September 2019 Proposal: Installation of a biomass boiler fitted in existing building (retrospective). Site Location: Brookfield House Farm, Liverpool Road Decision Level: Delegated to the Director of Development and Regeneration for determination unless Member request consideration by Planning Committee Response Deadline: (for Ward Councillors & Parishes) : 18 October 2019


iii)Ward: Bickerstaffe Parish: Bickerstaffe Application No: 2019/0950/FUL Date Valid: 23 Sep 2019 Proposal: Proposed flat roof granny flat to rear garden Site Location: 26 Moss Lane, Bickerstaffe, , ,L39 0EX. Decision Level: Delegated to the Director of Development and Regeneration for determination unless Member request consideration by Planning Committee Response Deadline: (for Ward Councillors & Parishes) 25 October 2019

144/19 FINANCES i) The results of the Annual External Audit stating that BPC has followed Proper Practices and is compliant with legislation were noted and the Chairman thanked the Clerk.

ii)The following payments were authorised: To: For: Amount: PKF Littlejohn External Audit £200 BAFC Electricity for CCTV £155.52 BAFC Contribution to Vert-draining Field £250 SLCC Annual Membership £122 LALC New Councillor Training x 2 £126 ICO Licence £40 Glass Notice-board glass repair £110

145/19 KNOWSLEY ESTATE – WOODLAND MANAGEMENT PLAN This draft woodland management plan, sent from Savills on behalf of the Knowsley Estate, was discussed.Woodland Management in itself is seen to be positive, but tree-felling of any kind causes concern. Responses and/or further actions were determined, concerning conservation, impact on the visual amenity of the landscape; protection of wild-life; effect of loss of trees on reducing CO2 emissions; effect on game and relevance for game-keepers; Queries would be sent in also, about what percentage of woodland is proposed for felling, and over what time period; what proposals are being made for maintenance of water-courses within the estate; why tenants haven’t been informed; is re-planting planned; and would tenants be informed about access on their land. If this plan is approved, a Forestry Commission Felling Licence would be granted.

146/19 PARISH CAPITAL FUNDING Ideas for applications for a capital funding grant were discussed but no resolutions were forthcoming.

147/19 BICKERSTAFFE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING SIGN The idea of having a vinyl sign made to advertise PC meetings was agreed, and a budget of £50 was set for this. It was not determined who will put the signs out before meetings.

148/19 WLBC STANDARDS COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE Councillor Webster agreed to be the BPC nominee for this committee.


149/19 DYNES LETTER re: R.DRAPERS LTD The correspondence from Dynes Solicitors was noted, which informed the PC that a complaint made to LCC about R.Drapers Ltd was in fact bogus. 150/19 OVERGROWN HEDGES and UNDERGROWTH on BICKERSTAFFE ROADS/PAVEMENTS It was noted that it is a landowner’s responsibility to cut back hedges and overgrowth from their land which encroaches over pavements. LCC leaflets about this are available. LCC can enforce vegetation cutting if, by not cutting it, people are put in danger e.g. by having to walk in the road. Information about landowners’ responsibilities will be put in the next newsletter.

151/19 BOUNDARY SIGNS PROJECT The costings for this project were approved: £900 from BPC’s contingency fund was approved; the rest being provided by grants. 152/19 NEWSLETTER and DISTRIBUTION Arrangements were made so that every home in the parish should receive a Bickerstaffe Bulletin newsletter. 153/19 TREE CHARTER Bickerstaffe Parish Council resolved to sign up for the Tree Charter. 154/19 HEDGEHOG FRIENDLY SCHEME Information was explained about this scheme and what it entails to become a hedgehog friendly parish. It was resolved to buy 10 hedgehog houses for siting in the parish as a trial scheme.

155/19 MATTERS FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION from COUNCILLORS  Litter is an ongoing issue in the parish, and a resident stated it’s prevalent in the fields around that area.  Hedges need cutting in various locations.  The Remembrance Day Service is on Sunday, November 10th - meet on the Parish Field car park at 10.30 a.m.

156/19 NEXT MEETING DATE The next Parish Council Meeting is on Monday, November 11th at 7.00 p.m. at Four Lane Ends Mission.
