By Fr. Bob Farrell, The first Christmas was messy … “The stable stinks like all stables with crowded inns, traveling families You are invited to prepare for the do. The ground is hard, the hay and barnyard animals sniffing at baby Celebration of the Birth of the scarce, mice and other small critters . Messy with questions: How did Lord through the Sacrament of scurry across the dirt floor. A more Mary become pregnant? What is Reconciliation. lowly place of birth could not exist. Joseph supposed to tell his friends? The night watch of the shepherds Why is Herod bent on killing a small Parish Reconciliation Service will be held: had been interrupted by an baby? explosion of light from heaven and Contrary to the manger scenes in Monday, December 14th a symphony of . God goes to our homes, on our front yards, in at 7:00 PM in Church those who have time to hear Him – our Church, the first Christmas was so on this night God went to chaotic. The first Christmas was Opportunities to attend at other simple shepherds. Wide awake is messy. But then, maybe every churches in the area include: Mary. My how young she looks! Christmas is messy … maybe every Saturday, December 5 - 10:00 AM She looks into the face of the baby. Advent, this time of preparation, is at St. Maximilian Kolbe Her son. Her Lord. Somehow Mary chaotic. Too many things to get done. Tuesday, December 15 - 7:00 PM knows she is holding God. He Too many relatives and friends at St. Maximilian Kolbe looks like anything but a king. visiting. Perhaps it is the first Tuesday, December 15 - 7:00 PM Majesty in the midst of the Christmas since your divorce or the at Good Shepherd mundane. Holiness in the filth of death of your loved one. The Good Tuesday, December 15 - 7:00 PM News … just as with Bethlehem, sheep. Divinity entering the world at St. Francis de Sales, Lebanon on the floor of a stable, through the good can come out of the mess. th womb of a teenager and in the Although the present the Thursday, December 17 - 7:00 PM presence of a carpenter.” life of Jesus in the form of a narrative, at St, John, West Chester - from God Came Near that narrative is more a testimony of by Max Lucado faith rather than a biography of Jesus. Their concern is more religious than a biography of Jesus. They are witnesses to the faith of the early

Christians. They are interested in the fulfillment in history of God’s plan.

(continued on the following page) That plan of salvation continues to God never forgets or abandons us, that - celebrate as a family, bring a be played out in our homes, in our God is powerful enough to show His neighbor who hasn’t been to school pageants, in our office parties, infinite compassion in the daily hurts of church for awhile, to one of our in our work places, in our nursing ordinary lives. Jesus wanted everyone to Christmas Masses described on homes and hospitals … anywhere recognize God’s love and to praise following page where we are gathered … where God. He did not seem to be interested - while the weather is still nice, walk despair gives way to hope, where in Himself but rather in God’s loving and pray in the new Labyrinth darkness and depression gives way to and saving deeds in history. Jesus did behind the Church. This prayer light and joy, where sadness gives way not preach a message of fear but one of labyrinth, designed and built by to rejoicing. God is love and His love joy. Joseph Paul Dugger is an ancient continues to flow through us to those way for Christians to focus and This Advent and Christmas Season … around us. center their lives on the Lord. How are you going to live? During his lifetime, Jesus was In this easy to follow, meandering How are you going to bring Jesus unknown outside of the little country circular path leading to and from to life? where He was born. His teaching was the Cross, we open our lives to How are you going to abandon very simple. He referred to God as the Lord as we walk to the center, your fears and live with joy and hope? His father and trusted that God was bringing our hopes, dreams and You could ... utterly good and would always provide challenges and as we walk back - help with the Giving Tree program for Him. He invited His followers to out to the world, open our hearts - as a family visit a nursing home and have that same love for and trust in to the Holy Spirit and be filled sing Christmas carols God which He had and to love their with God’s grace and love. As you - adopt a family in need neighbors as themselves. walk the Labyrinth, you can pray - grow in your own faith by attending The people of His own time the Rosary, reflect on different the Study on the of experienced Jesus as a wandering passages of Scripture or some Luke, beginning November 30th … preacher who gave them hope. He other spiritual book. spoke in ordinary language and gave morning and evening sessions are them a sense of God’s loving presence available God is near … God is here … Let us by His own loving human presence. - attend our parish reconciliation in this holy season bring Jesus to life nd He helped an oppressed and a services, December 2 and by the way we live and love and share. th discouraged people to discover that December 14 , 7:00 PM in church Fr. Bob St. Susanna Parish welcomes all to the liturgies of the Christmas Season. Come join in the celebration of the Birth of the Savior. The following schedule includes the Masses for the feast days:

Feast of the Immaculate Conception: Tuesday, December 8th at 6:30 AM, 8:15 AM and 7:00 PM in the Church

There will be no 6:00 PM Mass on Wednesday, December 23rd.

Christmas Liturgies: Thursday, December 24th at 3:00 PM in the Church with the Children’s Choir at 3:00 PM in the Meyer Center and at 5:30 PM & 11:00 PM in the Church

Music will begin one half hour before 3:00 PM and 11:00 PM Masses.

There will be no 8:15 AM Mass on December 24th.

Friday, December 25th at 9:00 AM & 11:15 AM in Church

There will be no 8:15 AM Mass on Saturday, December 26th.

Feast of the : Saturday, December 26th at 5:00 PM Sunday, December 27th at 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:15 AM & 6:00 PM

Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God Friday, January 1st at 10:00 AM

Feast of the Epiphany: Saturday, January 2nd at 5:00 PM Sunday, January 3rd at 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:15 AM & 6:00 PM By Susan Hack, of asking forgiveness. Let us then December 8th, The Solemnity of the henceforth entrust this Year to the Immaculate Conception, begins a year Mother of Mercy, that she turn her of Extraordinary Jubliee! In March, gaze upon us and watch over our Pope Francis made the following journey: our penitential journey, our announcement: year-long journey with an open heart, to receive the indulgence of God, to “I have often thought of how the receive the mercy of God.” Church may render more clear her mission to be a witness to mercy; This is a very special Jubilee year in and we have to make this journey. that it breaks with the every 25 year It is a journey which begins with Jubilee pattern, of which the last was in spiritual conversion. Therefore, I the year 2000. Also, for the first time in have decided to announce an the history of the Jubilee tradition, there Extraordinary Jubilee which has at its will be an opportunity for individual center the mercy of God. It will be dioceses to Open a Holy Door – the Door of a Holy Year of Mercy. We want to Mercy. In our Archdiocese, the “holy live in the light of the word of the door of mercy” at St. Peter in Chains Lord: Be merciful, even as your Father will open on December 13th at the is merciful. (cf. Lk 6:36) … So much 11:00 AM Mass. Also, this Jubilee has a mercy! theme. This theme will build upon the This Holy Year will commence central content of the faith and intends on the next Solemnity of the to call the Church once again to its Immaculate Conception and will missionary priority of being a sign and conclude on Sunday, November 20, witness in every aspect of its pastoral Shown above is the official 2016, the Solemnity of Our Lord life. A special hymn is even being logo for the Year of Mercy. Jesus , King of the Universe prepared for this most Holy Year. On the facing page is the and living face of the Father’s You can follow events using official prayer. mercy. I entrust the organization this web site from the Vatican: of this Jubilee to the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization, in order that it may come to life as a new step on the Church’s journey in her mission to bring the Gospel of mercy to each person. I am confident that the whole Church, which is in such need of mercy for we are sinners, will be able to find in this Jubilee the joy of rediscovering and rendering fruitful God’s mercy, with which we are all called to give comfort to every man and every woman of our time. Do not forget that God forgives all, and God forgives always. Let us never tire Some of the dates to be highlighted in the Church at large are:

April 3, 2016 Jubilee for those who are devoted to the spirituality of Divine Mercy. April 24, 2016 Jubilee for Young Boys and Girls (ages 13 – 16) To profess the faith and construct a culture of mercy. Jubilee sign of the Holy Father: Witness of the Works of Mercy. June 12, 2016 Jubilee for Those Who are Ill and for Persons with Disabilities; Jubilee sign of the Holy Father: Witness of the Works of Mercy. Lord Jesus Christ, July 26 to July 31, 2016 Jubilee for Young People; World Youth Day You have taught us to be merciful like the heavenly Father, and have told in Krakow, Poland. us that whoever sees you sees Him. September 4, 2016 Jubilee for Show us your face and we will be saved. Workers and Volunteers of Mercy Your loving gaze freed and Matthew from being enslaved by September 25, 2016 XXVI Jubilee money; the adulteress and Magdalene from seeking happiness only in for Catechists created things; made Peter weep after his betrayal, and assured Paradise to October 8/9, 2016 Rosary Marian the repentant thief.

Jubilee Let us hear, as if addressed to each one of us, the words that you spoke to November 6, 2016 Jubilee for the Samaritan woman: “If you knew the gift of God!” Prisoners You are the visible face of the invisible Father, of the God who manifests

his power above all by forgiveness and mercy: let the Church be your The parish will be celebrating with visible face in the world, its Lord risen and glorified. different classes and prayer You willed that your ministers would also be clothed in weakness in order opportunities throughout the entire that they may feel compassion for those in ignorance and error: year that allow us to learn and reflect let everyone who approaches them feel sought after, loved, and forgiven on mercy in our own lives and families by God. while evangelizing Christ though His mercy in the world. Please visit the Send your Spirit and consecrate every one of us with its anointing, parish web site, bulletins, the gathering so that the Jubilee of Mercy may be a year of grace from the Lord, space and weekly e-mails for the and your Church, with renewed enthusiasm, may bring good news to the monthly updates that will begin soon. poor, proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed, and restore sight to the blind. And mark your calendars for March 5th-9th when there will be a special We ask this of you, Lord Jesus, through the intercession of Mary, Mother Year of Mercy Parish Retreat given by of Mercy; you who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit for Fr. Tom Allender. ever and ever. Please plan to spend your Year of Amen. Mercy with your St. Susanna Family! We look forward to seeing you! By Rita Chebowski, I know many in our parish feel the Someone asked me last month same pull. “Home” may be here, where “home” was for me. Maybe but children and grandchildren live in they could hear my accent, or my different directions and in different predilection for saying “you guys” states. Some have a few friends here, instead of “you all”, “y’all”, or simply but no family, or vice versa. Some are “you.” My accent might be away at college, or have children who that are the reason I feel a sigh of relief Midwestern, with a little bit of New are. Some are new to the area; some are when I travel to the state where I grew Jersey, or perhaps Minnesota. I use the about to move away. There are military up. Love is the reason my Mom and term “soda” instead of “pop.” They families who find themselves moving Dad’s retirement town feels like home aren’t really sure. It’s subtle, but my whenever orders come to do so. during the holidays. Love is the reason unfamiliarity with Skyline Chili makes Others are simply living in temporary I feel at home in places where I’ve it evident that I am not from circumstances until the opportunity never lived, but where there are Cincinnati. comes to settle elsewhere. For some, incredible memories of moments It’s a simple question, really. Mason does feel like “home;” others together. “Where is (your) home?” For some, feel out of place, isolated, or alone. home is where you spent most of your At one of the Date Nights for growing up years, or where you raise couples that our parish did last year, your own family. It might be where someone asked the group how many the majority of your family lives, or people had no family in the area. The where you spend most of your overwhelming majority of people raised Surely, it is amazing how God gives holidays. I once had a refrigerator their hands. I remember looking at the us people and moments like these that magnet that simply said “Home is large number of people surrounding me continually point us to Him. It makes where the mortgage is.” with hands raised, wondering whether me think of my eternal home with they felt like Mason was home, despite God, because by faith, I recognize that their lack of family support in the area. I am still journeying through this world For the last month, I’ve thought to my final home, where love will be in about “home” and wondered why I abundance beyond my imagination. should feel torn about such a benign Let’s let that image sink in for a question. bit. All the loving “homes” we’ve had The best answer I can give is that here on earth, whether few or plentiful; “home” isn’t so much a place, as it is a all the moments filled with affection, collection of moments filled with acceptance, forgiveness, mercy, Personally, after several moves, it’s mutual love. A place feels like home laughter, joy, cooperation, and not an easy question for me to when we know we are truly loved and kindness; all are just an anticipation of answer. I almost feel torn every time accepted, no matter our flaws, and something even greater … what the someone asks and expects an answer where we are free to love in return. Father wishes to lavish upon all of other than my current address. Where Location is not the defining factor; love us. In our heavenly home, we will be I grew up is not where my immediate is. immersed in the perfect love of God family currently lives, and neither is I only feel torn with the question and stand face-to-face with God and all where I’ve spent many memorable because I’ve been fortunate enough to the saints at the heavenly banquet. It years of my adult life. Relatives and experience the love of family and will be greater than we could have ever good friends who might as well be friends who have become like family in imagined. family are scattered throughout the so many different places over the country, and in a few instances, the years. It’s all those love-filled memories (continued on the following page) world. I’d like to rest with that thought for is, in itself and as such, an encounter a while, because for those of us who with our brothers and sisters, an act feel out of place or alone, not really at of convocation, of unification, of “home” in Mason, we can find responsibility towards the other and comfort both in the hope of our towards others.” He describes parishes eternal home and in the earthly home as “the living cells of the Church”, and Christ has placed in our midst, the says “they are called to be homes and Just like our own homes and Church. Christ doesn’t just promise us schools of communion.” families, the Church and every parish communion with Him at the end of So, our parish is our home. It’s not are made up of imperfect people, who our earthly life. He promises that just where we learn about our faith, disappoint and sometimes fail to love. He is with us always (Matthew 28:20), and it’s where we practice living it. One But when we look deeper, we still see He does so right now through His obvious way we live it is through Christ. Church. reception of the sacraments, but we This holiday season and throughout Our faith in God gives us a family, also live it in our interactions with this Year of Mercy, I challenge each the universal family of God in the others at the Festival, at the many of us to think about how we are both Catholic Church, and that also gives sporting events, through our service receiving and giving love in our parish us a home. Pope Benedict XVI wrote, and outreach, in the pews before and and to those in our communities. “Faith releases us from the isolation after Mass, and in the numerous groups How are we helping others feel at of the I, because it leads us to and classes. home, to feel the love, acceptance, communion: the encounter with God mercy, and kindness that our Father extends to us?

Many good people serve the Church and follow in the footsteps of the Lord. Some of those stand out in a special way for dedicating themselves over a span of many, many years to God’s work. Among those are Deacon Dan and Mary Rader, who have served the St. Susanna Community, the Church, and God’s people throughout the Cincinnati area and beyond for decades. Their health now keeps them from active service, yet they continue to hold in prayer all those whose lives they have touched. As is their nature, they were insistent there be no gatherings filled with praise for them. They believe that they did nothing more than what the Lord expects of them. Still, the parish needed to show them its gratitude and held a celebration of thankfulness to express its appreciation for their service. A prayer service and reception were held in their honor. Cards were signed by many, many parishioners after Masses on a designated weekend and many were in attendance at the reception to let these two people know how special they are. Thank you, Dan and Mary! By Tom Asbury, and discussion about Pope Francis’ The Vincentians were able to help Have you ever wondered about preferential option for the poor. He is them with a one-time check or how we can serve our brothers and telling us that we must be out in the voucher. Vincentians not only try to sisters who are less fortunate than we world serving our brothers and sisters - help with the physical needs of their are? On October 17th, nineteen those that are marginalized, the poor, clients, but also with their spiritual St. Susanna parishioners attended a the sick, the unemployed. needs. While in their homes we were day long retreat at the Ozanam Center In the morning, attendees had the ministering to them, but we felt they in of St. Vincent de Paul in the West End opportunity to accompany a Vincentian turn ministered to us. Many retreatants of Cincinnati. There they spent the from the Bank Street Conference or also had the opportunity to help day reflecting on the theme of, “Who the Bellarmine Conference (Xavier individuals shop the aisles of the food is my Neighbor?” The aim of the University) to visit the home of one of pantry, where they were able to choose retreat was to foster spiritual growth, their clients. The persons we visited had items based on the size and needs of forge new friendships, and deepen previously made contact with the their families. understanding of poverty and social St. Vincent de Paul offices on Bank The afternoon activities included a justice issues in our area. Street to request assistance with a poverty simulation with each of us The day started with a welcoming specific need such as furniture, money assuming the identity of a real client of from Nick Hosmer, Program Manager for utilities, or rent. The clients that we St. Vincent de Paul. The role playing at the Ozanam Center, outlining an visited in their home included a woman showed us the frustration, sadness, and active day structured around specific who had her water shut off and couldn’t sometimes panic experienced by the service experiences and educational live in her house. Another was a man poor in their daily lives in order to find activities which focused on the life and who had been sleeping on his floor and and keep a job, pay the rent, deal with needs of the poor. To set the tone for requested a couch for sleeping the day we began with prayer, song, purposes. (continued on the following page)

Each year, the faculty of Saint Susanna School chooses from among their midst, the colleague most deserving of the title Teacher of the Year. This year, Mrs. Barb Beitman was announced as the 2015 Teacher of the Year. She now qualifies for the Sister Mariam Joseph Distinguished Teacher of the Year Award that is presented by the National Catholic Education Association Department of Education at the National Convention in San Diego, California during the month of April. Twelve elementary school teachers from across the nation will be chosen later this year as recipients of 2015 Teacher of the Year Barb Beitman shown with Principal Kevan Hartman to her right and (continued on the following page) Fr. Bob Farrell, Pastor, and Assistant Principal Mary Langenbrunner to her left. government bureaucracy, find medical The following are some of the care, pay for utilities, and many other comments made by the retreatants: needs most of us take for granted. “God has a way to help us It could have been a young mother understand the plight of the less trying to find child care for her fortunate and reminds us what we children so she can work just to pay should be doing with sharing our for the rent and put food on the table; treasures.” or an elderly woman trying to get “A truly insightful look and medical care, pay the rent, and get a experience into the Vincentian way of food voucher, not having enough helping. I recommend the same needs of the poor, as Pope Francis money at the end of the month. After experience to others at St. Susanna.” has asked us. It is as easy as tapping this exercise we reflected on the “What an amazing experience” into the already existing enterprises of experience, knowing these are real-life “As someone in the RCIA process, it the Saint Vincent de Paul Society, or situations for people living right in our was an eye-opening experience.” many other organizations here in neighborhoods. “I have so many blessings that I take Mason and Warren County, or in After all of the day’s activities the for granted.” Cincinnati.” retreatants realized that “the poor” we “The Vincentians encouraged us to If you are interested in learning encountered that day were more like see the face of Christ in all we meet.” more about the retreat, us than different from us. They One retreatant summarized the contact Tom Asbury, needed so much, but asked so little. experience this way, “The poor were [email protected]. They thanked God for all their real people and their needs were real For more information about the blessings. They loved their families. and imminent. And we can help. If we parish St. Vincent de Paul They had struggles in life but still will make a decision to act, the path is Conference, contact John Bennett, greeted us with smiles. clear. Each of us can respond to the [email protected].

the award. Qualifying criteria at this education centers upon an environment Principal Kevan Hartman states: level include possessing a clear, where she believes all students can “Barb is an exemplary role model, integrated philosophy of education, learn. She also believes in creating an not only to her students, but also to being held in high regard by teachers, environment of collaboration where her her peers in education. In the parents, and students alike, holding team achieves a common goal—to academic setting, in school life, in her membership in the National Catholic improve student learning. professional involvement with fellow Educator’s Association, and a Mrs. Beitman makes extensive use of staff members, and in her personal minimum of 10 years of experience in literature to motivate her students. life, Barb portrays herself as a Catholic schools. Parents have shared positive comments Christian woman. She has touched Barb Beitman, a Catholic school regarding their feelings about her. Barb the lives of many students at Saint educator for 38 years, is a graduate of understands and appreciates the minds Susanna School and is exactly the Xavier University. She is known for and imaginations of the fifth grade kind of person this award program her kind nature and her sincere students. She developed into an recognizes.” dedication to the fifth grade students outstanding teacher because she is she has enthusiastically taught over organized, efficient and it is evident that the years. Her philosophy of she cares about her students. By Lydia Hernandez, The movie provides the The Health and Wellness Ministry introduction for discussion in conjunction with the Youth which will immediately follow Ministry Team invite you to an the movie’s conclusion. Filmed in evening of discovery and the chance neighboring Kentucky, Hope Bridge stars to connect with family members about well-known actors Kevin Sorbo and suicide awareness. As recently as last Booboo Stewart. It brings to life the month, local headlines read, “Reading struggles of a teen facing the aftermath High School student’s suicide prompts of his father’s suicide which leads him parents to talk about growing to question his own path. problem.” Teens are among the most Christi and David Eaton will be vulnerable, with one of every five present at the event to answer questions teens considering suicide annually. or just talk. Hope Bridge, a movie released in May The cost for participation is free. The of this year, deals with a family’s loss return on the investment of your time due to suicide. The movie was written could be priceless. by a local couple, Christi and David The event is open to all. Eaton. The Eatons have turned their Please save the date and own personal experience with the loss plan to attend on of three family members due to Friday, January 22nd suicide into their ministry. Their beginning at 6:30 PM. faith-filled response is to reach out to Hope Bridge will be shown as others to promote discussion, family Further details will be published on the a part of a special event on connection, identification of risk and, parish web site, in the bulletin, in weekly January 22nd! ultimately, prevention of suicide. e-mails and posted in the gathering space.

Shown above are members of the parish Faith Alive program for youth in Grades 6, 7 and 8. This scene shows the Prayer Circle which was a part of their Fall retreat. Our youth are a precious gift. Healthy relationships with family and friends help them to feel secure and to grow in faith. The teenage years place a great deal of stress on our youth. Suicide awareness helps parents and all those connected to teenagers to have one more tool in their toolbox for guiding youth to adulthood. Please consider attending the event described above for all those at risk! By Vicky Gunn, thinking about college admissions and There is no denying that we are job applications, but it is not too early living in an age of technology and to start self-monitoring their posts. A instant communication; kids as young good rule of thumb that Mr. Smith gave as 1st grade can be seen with smart was ... “If you wouldn’t want your phones. I even saw a baby stroller grandmother reading or seeing it, then with a tablet device mounted on it don’t post it!” recently! Another aspect of the presentation While having information at our focused on how powerful our words to fingertips and apps to make our lives others can be. It is impossible to know easier is generally positive, there are the mental state or life situation of negatives to be aware of as well. everyone that we encounter. Statistics Stephen Smith from Cincinnati Bell show that suicide is one of the three presented a program called A Virtual leading causes of death in teenagers, Dilemma: Living in a 7 x 24 World to the and often hurtful comments and 7th and 8th grade students of Saint pictures posted online can be a last Susanna School. The 60-minute straw for a student already suffering presentation focused on helping from depression. Mr. Smith reinforced students understand that the decisions the Catholic teachings of kindness and they make online and through mobile respect as they apply to students’ virtual Steven Smith, center, had interactions. The 7th and 8th graders got a timely message about technology can positively or negatively th th impact their lives forever. much food for thought from the technology for 7 and 8 grade Mr. Smith gave many examples of presentation and hopefully they will students. He is shown above situations in which a bad choice, be it stop and think before they hit the with Vicky Gunn, school an inappropriate picture or comment, “SEND” button in the future! Mr. psychologist, (left) and later caused unforeseen consequences Smith’s “message” is one to be posted Principal Kevan Hartman (right). when it fell into unintended hands. At far and wide as a reminder to everyone! His message is one that all age 12 and 13, students are not yet should take to heart.

One of the learning experiences for Saint Susanna School students is the opportunity to serve on Student Council. The Council has leadership positions that are filled through an election process that includes the student body. Students from grades 7 and 8 make the choice to run for an office, mount a campaign and are elected on their merits. They are inducted and receive a blessing at a Mass with the school community in attendance. This year’s officers are shown at right. (Front row from left) Vice-President Darcy McAneny, President Izzy Baker, Recording Secretary Megan Grill, and Corresponding Secretary Emily Raiff. (Back row from left) Treasurer Will Richards and Sergeant-at-Arms Jack Metzger. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID MASON, OHIO PERMIT NO.18

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‘Tis the Season for Beginnings Blessed Advent! May it be a time of peace and joy with Merry Christmas! all your loved ones gathered together. May you feel the love of Christ in your midst. Happy New Year! As you ring in another year, may you be We have reached that time of year for aware of the blessings of 2015 and filled starting again. On Thanksgiving Weekend, with gratitude. May you be aware of the November 28th/29th, we began a new challenges of this past year, trusting that Liturgical Year with the First Sunday of the Lord was with you through it all. Advent. May your heart be turned toward As you begin anew in 2016, consider the preparations for Christmas that this resolution for the new year … a will make a lasting difference to your resolution to cherish all that the year relationship with Jesus. brings … the people with you now and As you celebrate Christmas with your not yet met, the events both joyful and family and friends, may you be filled with sorrowful, the challenges, the failures, the the awesome wonder of the Son of God successes, the work, the recreation, the come down to earth that all might be prayers in worship and in silence … every saved. moment. May you feel the presence of God through it all this coming year!