APRIL 14TH, 2019 OF THE LORD’S PASSION STT.DAMIANAMIAN S .D Blessed is He who PPARISHARISH comes in the name of the Lord, the King of Israel, Hosanna in the highest! Parish Offices: 5250 W. 155th St. Oak Forest, Illinois 60452 Phone: (708) 687-1370 Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM Closed 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM Closed Sunday www.stdamianchurch.org Email: [email protected] Religious Education (708) 687-7778 School Office (708) 687-4230 Bulletin Email: [email protected] Pastoral Staff: Pastor Fr. Joe Noonan Associate Pastor Fr. Michael Olson Resident Fr. Jerry Scanlan Deacons Bill Stearns Tom Hipelius Tom Ruzevich Richard Korepanow Director of Ministry Frieda Bertello 342-8529 Principal Dr. Marian Stockhausen 687-4230 Religious Education Director MaryJo Landuyt 687-7778 High School Ministry/Bulletin Connie Swidergal 342-8513 Music Ministry Tony Berardi 687-9532 Mass Schedule: Office Manager/Parish Secretary Christine Yaeger 687-1370 Daily Director of Maintenance 7:00 AM: Tuesday, Thursday Joe Beemsterboer 710-1510 9:00 AM: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday Director of Finance Donna Kay 687-1370 Weekend Administrative Assistant Sat: 5:00 PM | Sun: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM, 5:00 PM Pat Garrity 342-8526 Holy Days Seminarian Intern: Vigil: 7:00 PM | Day: Follows regular weekday schedule, and 7:00 PM Martin Marulanda 2 St. Damian Parish Pastor’s Corner by Fr. Joe Noonan On Palm Sunday we celebrate ’ triumphant entry into the Holy City of Jerusalem where he would celebrate his last Passover meal, be arrested, tried and crucified. At first, Jesus was greeted like a king with crowds praising him and laying palm branches and coats on the ground before him. Many of the crowd knew Jesus while others simply joined in the celebratory atmosphere. His closest disciples and apostles must have been ecstatic as they witnessed the marvelous welcome given to Jesus.

Then in a few short days everything changed. The bottom dropped out of the popular movement when Jesus was arrested. The first people to flip from praising to mocking Jesus may not have known him or were recent disciples more susceptible to the Jewish officials’ denouncement of Jesus. After the scandal of Jesus’ sham trial, passion and death, many disciples left Jerusalem with feelings of disappointment and loss. With the departure of Judas Iscariot, the remaining apostles and a few disciples remained locked and hidden away until after the Resurrection and gift of the Holy Spirit at .

Those left were deeply shaken, afraid and confused. However, Jesus had a plan and work for them to do. After his Resurrection, Jesus kept his promise and sent the Holy Spirit upon the early Church inspiring them to preach and teach. The Spirit guided them to receive the greatest gifts ever given to man, God’s own presence in the sacraments, especially Baptism and the Eucharist. The early Church courageously faced their fears and doubts. As a result, many came to believe through them and were baptized. They celebrated Mass, healed the sick and forgave sins as Jesus had empowered them to do.

Since those first days, the Catholic Church has been the plan of God to carry on the saving work of Christ across time and generations. You are a beloved member of the body of Christ, the Catholic Church. You are part of the most direct pathway to Jesus that exists. He created his Church to share his divine life with us in order to prepare us to share in his Resurrection. Faith is an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ for our salvation. Everything in the Catholic Church exists to increase our faith.

If you have been scandalized by some of the horrible acts of evil perpetrated by a small amount of Judas priests, then I encourage you - like the early Church - to hold strong to your faith and pursuit of Jesus within the Catholic Church. The earliest days were very hard for those believers. Peter had denied Jesus three times. Judas Iscariot, an apostle had betrayed him. Many disciples fled, never to return. The Catholic Church started as a group who needed to trust in God and to believe the plan Jesus had would come to fruition. They gave their lives for that purpose.

Throughout time, every institution and every leader has had some flaws. Yet no institution has ever been given the Holy Spirit as the Catholic Church has. And you are the Catholic Church, the mystical body of Christ. You have been empowered by the same Holy Spirit. Jesus has a plan and work for us to do here at St. Damian and in our homes, workplaces and neighborhoods. Be courageous in your following of Christ. Stay loyal to Christ in the Church that he founded as the vehicle for our salvation. Worship him and receive him in the Eucharist when we welcome him every Sunday into our hearts as the early Church did.

If you are NEW to St. Damian then WELCOME! Please stop by and introduce yourself. I would like to meet you. May your palm branches, placed in a visible spot in your home, remind you to welcome Jesus every day into your life and every Sunday at Mass. 3

Holy Thursday, April 18 9:00 am Morning Prayer Baptisms 7:30 pm The Mass of the Lord’s Supper April 7, 2019 , April 19 Natalie Anne Bross 9:00 am Morning Prayer Child of 3:00 pm Passion Play ‐ Performed by Nicholas & Catherine the children of St. Damian parish in the Church. Ava Rose Kociolek 7:30 pm The Celebration of the Child of Lord’s Passion Matthew & Elyse

Holy Saturday, April 20 Guinevere Rose Lindsey 9:00 am Morning Prayer Child of 1:00 pm Basket Blessing in the Church Daniel & Bonnie 7:30 pm Vigil Mass Lily Ellen McGinnis Child of Lenten Reconciliation Services in Ryan & Nicole Pastoral Center Hours the Area Tara Mae Nagle • Monday, April 15 @ 7:00 PM Holy Thursday Child of Our Lady of the Woods, Orland Park Good Friday Michael & Kelly • Monday, April 15 @ 7:30 PM 9:00 am - Noon St. Francis Assisi, Orland Park Closed In Loving Memory There will be no Sacrament of Sunday Reconciliation on Holy Saturday. Maria J. Hertrich Pray for the Sick

Fr. Tom Grace Rita Doweiko Barbara Jean Sfondilias Walter T. Kapusciarz Sarah Panozzo Nicholas D’Angelo Frieda Bertello Katelyn Krafcisin Carlos Diaz Deborah Fogarty Don Pence Patricia Daley Jim LaMantia Allyson Fila Jill O’Donnell Brian Wheeler Linda Carey Darnell Miller Deborah Davis-Carroll Mary Anne LaHayne Terry Leonard Sue Bond Parish Support Linda Ruisz Larry Brunke George Ruglio Pablo Flores Duc Ho Frank Hochman Jr. March 24, 2019 Baby Wyatt Yager Marie Prutsman Pat Kauffman Dan Joyce Marianne Powell Bernadette Klein Collected $16,590 Ronald McKay Barb Montet Richard Klein, Jr. Budgeted $18,000 Jeanne Ostrowski Steve Danihel Joe Flores Leah DeLaCruz Lory Murtaugh Joseph Pilch Difference ($1,410) Eileen O’Malley Coit Jim Murtaugh Sgt. Alexander Curlee Louis Coppens, Jr. Phyllis Gianquinta Kenneth Judd Year-to-Date Collected $673,901 Henry Glob Barbara Scialabba Matt Zubek Year-to-Date Budgeted $702,000 Patricia Glob Dr. M. Durkin Isabel Montes Diane Cronin Vivien Hipelius Thomas Darcy Year-to-Date Difference ($28,099) Nick Fosco Karen W. Andy Devine Michael Morgan Tony Mazurowski Maureen Kosman Flowers $6 Earl Morgan Henry Pociask Judy Morgan Ash Weds $37 Avery Hollaway Lorraine Slotarski Lisa Forst Geraghty Dan Orseske Diane C. Kathy Varanowski Sharing Parish $71 Gene Korzenko Bryan Shilander John Szeszycki Holy Land/Good Friday $25 Bob Sutter Roger Alaniz Laura Korepanow Bob O’Malley Linda Lisikiewicz Allen Guger Thank you for your generosity! Celine Lisikiewicz Jeffrey Germany Tom Helmuth Cindy Perez Irene Gale Jeanne Kelly Delores Bergen Anna Mroz 4 St. Damian Parish

St. Damian Prayer Group Eucharistic Adoration Women’s Club April 2019 St. Damian Women’s Club Eucharistic Adoration Tuesday, April 16 Wednesday April 16 - No Meeting - We would like to invite all women 9:30 AM - 7:00 PM April 23 - Mass, Fr. Michael Olson 18 years and older to attend our next April 30 - Come, Creator Spirit meeting on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 at 7:00 PM in Shaw Hall.

All are welcome to join us on Our presenter for the evening is Tuesday evenings at 7:30 PM in the Maureen Granada. She represents Sr. Clarice Aula, Building door "F" Paparazzi Jewelry. at the east end of the school. “Could you not watch As always, refreshments will be For further information call Cielo served. New members are always at 254-3772. one hour with Me?” welcome. Come and see what the Mt 26:40 Women’s Club is all about!


The Annual Baby Shower is coming!! The Baby Bottle Project enables the whole family to participate in helping The Women's Centers of Greater Chicagoland's pro-life mission. Empty baby bottles will be given out April 27/28 to fill with spare change that will be used to help women and children in need. At the same time, participants pray for women and children who are vulnerable to abortion. Start shopping now for great Easter gifts. This project is a wonderful way for the community to So many cards to choose from show its support for life and for children to learn the in stock and hundreds more that can beauty of giving to help others. be ordered! Shop for our Baby Shower and bring the items to the Stop by the SHOP Table today! narthex Mother’s Day weekend May 11/12. Items needed are 0-6 month new infant sleepers and onesies, outfits and socks, receiving blankets, bottles, and small Gift cards from SHOP are available in the Narthex toys. Please do not wrap the items. before and after all weekend Thank you in advance for helping Moms and babies in Masses, MWF, 8-10 AM and crisis; most of all for supporting Moms who choose life! MW 6-8 PM in the school.

This year, we are adding a new twist to our Baby Shower - an Amazon Gift Registry!

Follow the link on our church website or Facebook page to find The Women’s Center Evergreen Park baby registry. The Center has chosen the items they need most. Choose a gift, and ship it to the Center.

It’s so easy and so appreciated! 5

Grieving the Loss of a Loved One

Difficulty in making decisions, being confused, experiencing sleepless nights, uncontrollable crying and even contemplating death could all be symptoms of grief.

However, in place of suffering alone, you can join with others who understand what you are experiencing and can offer you alternatives.

Embracing Memories is a seven week program with an introduction to be held on Monday, April 29th at 7:00 PM in the lower level of the St. Damian Pastoral Center, 5250 155th Street, Oak Forest, Il.

Knowing there are others who care about you and understand what you are experiencing can aid in the healing process.

Please call Deacon Stearns at 687-1312 to register.

Faith Sharing Groups for Spring

We have small sharing groups available for you to deepen your knowledge and spirituality at St. Damian Parish. These groups meet at various times and discuss a variety of topics. The groups are held for six weeks and your facilitator will provide you with the dates. Please view our Spring offerings. Sign up on the website or email [email protected] to participate.

If a book is used at session it will be provided for a nominal fee.

Look forward to sharing with you!

WOMEN OF THE OLD TESTAMENT - Their Lives, Our Hope by Pia Septien Wednesday, 7:00 – 8:00 PM beginning 4/10 Faith Formation Room Friday, 6:30 – 7:30 AM beginning 4/5 Pastoral Center

WOMEN OF THE NEW TESTAMENT – Their Lives, Our Hope by Pia Septien Monday, 6:50 – 8:00 PM beginning 4/8 Faith Formation Room Thursday, 4:00 – 5:00 PM beginning 4/11 Pastoral Center

Easter Witness Crosses

Spread the Good News of Jesus Christ with these weatherproof yard signs. They are only $5 each and will be available for purchase this weekend, April 13/14, in the narthex.

Signs will be sold at the Pastoral Center after the weekend. Buy for yourself and as gifts - bless a friend! 6 St. Damian Parish

Crafts with a Message It’s Palm Sunday, and your kids and grandkids are looking to you asking to make something COOL out of their palms! What are you going to do? Turn to the internet of course!

Catholic Icing - The Icing on your Catholic Cake (www.catholicicing.com) was founded by Lacy, a Catholic mother of four, author and crafter. She has great how - to’s for everything from the basic palm cross to roses and braided hearts. Her Holy Week in Handprints is a creative and fun way to teach your children the significance of each day from Palm Sunday to Easter in handprint art.

Youtube is full of great how-to’s from simple crosses to complex crowns of thorns and Holy Spirit doves to challenge yourself and your older children. Hold a family palm crafting session - turn it into a friendly competition!

Create a work of art that can enhance your spirituality this Holy Week and just may become a family treasure. Give them out to extended family members at Easter as gifts. Bunnies are cute, but Jesus is Lord! Share the Good News!

April 14, 2019 Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion

Jesus warns us in the Gospel of Matthew, "If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me." It is an invitation to a way of life, and a plan that leads to holiness. But make no mistake, it is a warning as well. The cross is a sign of victory, but only in light of the Resurrection. Alone, it is a symbol of ultimate sacrifice: the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for a fallen world, and the sacrifice we are called to make to truly follow him.

The power of this symbol has been diminished in popular culture. It is often used in fashion and simple wall art and on bumper stickers and T-shirts, sometimes with Christian clichés and sometimes not. But the cross is something so much more. It is a reminder of the pain, suffering, and death of one who loved us so much that he would give his very life for us. It is our God on that cross. It is God who cries out in despair, feeling the ultimate depth of human emotion. And there lies the key for us in trying to live this life of carrying our crosses.

For those who suffer the death of a loved one, the Father lost his Son. For those who suffer the ravages of disease, his body was broken, beaten, and pierced. For those who feel they have no way out - whether due to prisons that are physical or prisons that are of the mind - he hung on a cross and cried out, "Why?" For those who feel alone and abandoned, he hung on a tree where no one could comfort him, not even his own mother. He has walked in all our shoes, and now we are called to walk in his. In the cross, we find solidarity with the human condition. In an empty tomb, we find our hope.

-Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS 7

Holy Thursday celebrates the institution of the Eucharist as the true body and blood of Jesus Christ and the institution of the sacrament of the priesthood. During the , Jesus offers himself as the Passover sacrifice, the sacrificial lamb, and teaches that every ordained priest is to follow the same sacrifice in the exact same way. The Holy Thursday Liturgy marks the end of and the beginning of the sacred "Triduum,” or three, of Holy Week. These days are the three holiest days in the Catholic Church. This Mass stresses the importance Jesus puts on the humility of service, and the need for cleansing with water, a symbol of baptism. Also emphasized are the critical importance of the Eucharist and the sacrifice of Christ’s Body, which we now find present in the consecrated Host. At the conclusion of the Mass, the faithful are invited to continue Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament throughout the night, just as the disciples were invited to stay up with the Lord during His agony in the garden before His betrayal by Judas. After Holy Thursday, no Mass will be celebrated again in the Church until the celebrates and proclaims the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. St. Damian celebrates the Mass of the Last Supper at 7:30 pm

From the earliest days of , no Mass has been celebrated on Good Friday, since the Mass is a celebration both of the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross and of His Resurrection. Instead, the Church celebrates a special liturgy in which the account of the Passion according to the Gospel of John is read, a series of intercessory prayers (prayers for special intentions) are offered, and the faithful venerate the Cross by coming forward and kissing it. The Good Friday liturgy concludes with the distribution of Holy Communion. Since there was no Mass, consecrated Hosts that were reserved from the Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday are distributed instead. Good Friday is a day of strict fasting and abstinence. Catholics over the age of 18 and under the age of 60 are required to fast, which means that they can eat only one complete meal and two smaller ones during the day, with no food in between. Catholics who are over the age of 14 are required to refrain from eating any meat, or any food made with meat.

The Children of St. Damian will re-create the in the Passion Play at 3:00 PM in the Church. All are welcome to the performance.

The Liturgical Celebration of the Lord’s Passion takes place in the Church at 7:30 PM.

The blessing of the Easter Basket has been a cherished Catholic ritual for centuries among families of Eastern European origin and adopted by people of all ethnic backgrounds who enjoy this richly symbolic custom. The Christian significance of Easter is symbolized in the foods used for the Holiday feast. Baskets containing a sampling of Easter foods are brought to church to be blessed on Holy Saturday. After the Resurrection Mass, the family would share this Blessed food and exchange good wishes.

Our Basket Blessing will be Saturday, April 20 at 1:00 PM in the Church.

The Easter Vigil liturgy marks the beginning of Easter. Easter Mass Schedule The vigil is divided into four parts: 1. Service of Light - In the church the holy water fonts are drained, all Holy Saturday Easter Vigil 7:30 PM the lights are out, the tabernacle is empty. The service begins outside the church where a new fire is lit and blessed. A new is prepared. Everyone lights their candle from the Easter candle until Easter Sunday the whole church is alight. 2. Liturgy of the Word - These readings help us meditate on the 7:30 AM Church wonderful works of God for his people since the beginning of time. 9:30 AM Church 3. Liturgy of Baptism - The Easter water is blessed, new members are 9:40 AM Shaw/O’Day Hall brought into the Church through baptism. 11:30 AM Church 4. Liturgy of the Eucharist -- The whole church is called to join at the 11:40 AM Shaw/O’Day Hall sacrificial table that Christ prepared for us through his death and resurrection. No 5:00 PM mass Saturday or Sunday Our Easter Vigil will begin at 7:30 PM Saturday, April 20. 8 St. Damian Parish

Divine Mercy Sunday and Holy Family Chapel 25th Anniversary Celebration St. George Church, 6707 W. 175th St., Tinley Park, IL Sunday April 28th & Devotions 12:45pm Reception 2:00pm

You are invited to a procession and devotions in church after 11:30am Mass observing , followed by a reception in the Cahill Parish Life Center to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration taking place in Holy Family Chapel.

Divine Mercy Sunday devotions will include a procession with Our Lord, burning the prayer petitions that were placed in Holy Family Chapel over the last year, praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Benediction, and veneration of the Divine Mercy image.

After completion of these devotions, a reception will follow in the Cahill Parish Life Center. You are invited to join us in celebrating the spiritual fruits and blessings received over these 25 years and recognizing the efforts of many parishioners from St. George and from nearby parishes who have helped make these 219,000 hours of prayer possible. Make a commitment to help us continue Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration.

Questions? Call St. George Rectory at 708‐532‐2243.

Totus Tuus returns to St. Damian...

The program is exactly the same but the registration is very different! • There are no paper registrations. • All registrations must be made online directly to the Archdiocese.

• Be prepared - take a look at the website early.

Questions? Call the RE Office at 687-7778. 9

Readings for the Week of April 14, 2019 Parish Registration We welcome new parishioners! For your convenience, Sunday: Lk 19:28-40 (37)/Is 50:4-7/Ps 22:8-9, 17-18, a registration card is available at the Information & 19-20, 23-24 [2a]/Phil 2:6-11/Lk 22:14--23:56 or 23:1-49 Resource table after every Mass, or you may register in Monday: Is 42:1-7/Ps 27:1, 2, 3, 13-14 [1a]/Jn 12:1-11 person at the Pastoral Center. Tuesday: Is 49:1-6/Ps 71:1-2, 3-4a, 5ab-6ab, 15 and 17 Religious Instruction for Children and Adults [cf. 15ab]/Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Call MaryJo Landuyt at 708.687.7778 for information Wednesday: Is 50:4-9a/Ps 69:8-10, 21-22, 31 and 33-34 about becoming Catholic or continuing education. [14c]/Mt 26:14-25 Thursday: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14/Ps 116:12-13, 15-16bc, 17-18 Hospital Visits [cf. 1 Cor 10:16]/1 Cor 11:23-26/Jn 13:1-15 Due to government regulations, a hospital can notify us Friday: Is 52:13--53:12/Ps 31:2, 6, 12-13, 15-16, 17, 25 only if you specifically request this at the time of [Lk 23:46]/Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9/Jn 18:1--19:42 admission. Visits can be made once you have given your approval, and the parish has been notified. Next Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 Ministers of Care [24]/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8/Jn 20:1-9 or Lk 24:1-12 or Ministers of Care visit the sick and homebound, Lk 24:13-35 bringing them the Eucharist. Please call 708.687.1370 to request a visit from a minister. ©Liturgical Publications Inc

Devotions Sacraments

Eucharistic Adoration Anointing of the Sick Wednesdays from 9:45 AM to 7:00 PM in the chapel. Please call the Pastoral Center 708.687.1370 to request a priest to anoint persons who are ill. Healing Prayer Service First Wednesday of every month from Reconciliation 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM in the church. Includes Saturday: 3:30-4:30 PM in the Sacred Heart room Exposition, Benediction and optional individual prayer. located on the west side of the Narthex, or call for an appointment 708.687.1370. Rosary Mon.,Weds., Fri. and Sat. at 8:30 AM before Mass; Baptism Tues. and Thurs. at 7:45 AM after Mass; in the chapel Celebrated each Sunday at 12:45 PM. Call the Pastoral weekdays every half hour from 10 AM until 2:30 PM. Center to arrange participation in the Baptismal Sunday at 7:00 AM. Preparation Program. Arrangements should be made three months prior to the birth of your child. Divine Mercy Chaplet Fridays at 9:30 AM after Mass in the chapel. Weddings Arrangements must be made at least six months Sacred Heart of Jesus ~ Holy Hour of Reparation prior to the date of the wedding. Contact one of the Thursday from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM in the chapel. priests prior to setting a date at 708.687.1370.

Mass Intentions Monday, April 15 Saturday, April 20 9:00 Roberta Johnston, Marie L. Senk 9:00 Morning Prayer - No Intentions Tuesday, April 16 Vigil Mass 7:00 Intentions of the Celebrant 7:30 Easter Vigil - No Intentions Wednesday, April 17 Sunday, April 21 9:00 Mariela Gonzales, John Tancos, Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord William & Kate Weitz - Living 7:30 Intentions of the Celebrant Thursday, April 18 9:30 Intentions of the Celebrant 9:00 Morning Prayer - No Intentions 9:40 Intentions of the Celebrant 7:30 Mass of the Lord’s Supper - No Intentions 11:30 Intentions of the Celebrant Friday, April 19 11:40 Intentions of the Celebrant 9:00 Morning Prayer - No Intentions 7:30 Celebration of the Lord’s Passion - No Intentions 10 St. Damian Parish Liturgical Roles April 21, 2019 Mass Time Lector Cantor Eucharistic Ministers Altar Servers

7:30 PM Dianne Lipinski Music Ministry Ronald Wegrzyn, Please Volunteer Cielo Medina Mary Jean Fahey, Please Volunteer (3) Please Volunteer (3)

7:30 AM Al Belluomini Tony Berardi Rita Belluomini, Polly Pe, Jeff Pe, Maria Izquierdo-Godoy Larry Ormond Loretta Wojtowicz, Carol Seiner, Felicity O' Neal Janet Siuda, Bob Moran, Kathy Swiatkowski

9:30 AM Veronica Beltran Andrea Sagel Diana Dilger, Deb Hartigan, Charles Marianne Lake Cathy Rankovich Voices of Prayer Hamernick, Cathleen De Young, Declan McMahon Maria Rosales, Robert De Young, Sheila Perich, Lee McCormick

9:40 AM Marybeth Hennessy Larry Lefaiver Veronica Brushaber, Cielo Medina, Ian Evans (sub requested) SHAW/ Paul Selman Mary Norkus, Roger Norkus, Sue Mackenzie Evans (sub O’DAY Kelley (sub requested) requested) Parker Zasada

11:30 AM Anne Streer JoAnn Kelly Colleen Cardinal, Pat Tirio, Joan Dominic Cardinal Christina Zambrano Celebration Singers Romaniak, Clara Goldstein, Robert Anthony Nemchausky Sharon, Josefa Licardo, Thereseann (sub requested) Starr, Gene Starr 11:40 AM Angeles Montefolka Judy Dizon Steve Arce, Laura Morales, Sara Christian Degroot SHAW/ Domingo Montefolka Estrada, Domingo Montefolka, Angeles Jack Specht O’DAY Montefolka


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