Ford Escapes

At Assassination; 98th Year • No. 292 •

Today—Rain, high near 70, low in

upper 50s. Chance of rain is 80 per

Temp. range: 7261. Details on C4. cent today, 60 per cent tonight.

Yesterday-3 p.m. Air Index: 19;

Wednesday—Rain, high near 70.

The Weather

C 1915.



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c c group her& called the United Prisoners Union, a prisoners rights organization. Moore said is the Barb interview that The Suspect: she became a member of this group. According to the story in the Barb, she then was approached by the FBI and asked to become an informer in Convert to connection with the Hearst case. She agreed to spy on an unnamed man who was a member of a revolution- ary group, the Barb said—but soon thereafter, in the summer of 1974, be- `Revolution' came converted to .what the Barb story described as "revolutionary politics" By Leroy F. Aarons and backed out of her informer role. W1.113132E:on Post Stall writer The Barb story was published in the SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 22 - wake of Jackson's death this past spring. Sara Jane Moore, 46, seized to- Jackson, 45, and a 28-year-old teacher, night by police for allegedly firing Sally Voye, were shot to death at 3 p.m. last June 9 while sitting in the front a shot at President Ford, is a self- seat of his parked car here. No one has described former upper-middle- been arrested in the case. class suburbanite who became active in the civil rights and anti- war movements and was skbsequ- ently converted to revoltItionary politics. At one point before her conversion she served as an informer for the FBI. She was stopped outside her Mission 'District apartment by two police in- spectors Sunday and a handgun found in her possession was confiscated, ac- cording to Lt. Frank Jordan, spokes- man for the San Francisco police. Jordan also said here 'tonight that she was questioned yesterday by the Secret Service as a -possible prob- lem." The Berkeley Barb, an underground newspaper here, published an inter- view with Sara Moore last June. According to the Barb story, as an extension of her work in the civil rights movement, in March, 1974, she volunteered and went to work as a bookkeeper for People in Need, the program set up here by San Fran- cisco Examiner editor Randolph A. Hearst that spring to distribute food to the needy. The kidnapers of Hearst's daughter, Patricia, had insisted on the creation of such a program as the price for her freedom. ' While working for People in Need, according to the story in the Barb, she met a black ex-convict named "Pop- eye" Jackson, who was assassinated last spring. The story says she became infatuated with Jackson,. whom she described as "politically and personal. ly impressive." Jackson was on probation from state prison, and had been arrested on what he claimed was- a trumped-up drug charge. According to the Barb story, Jackson was seeking Randolph Hearst's help to have the drug charge dropped. Moore described herself, in the Barb story, as being the intermediary be- tween Hearst and Jackson. Jackson was founder and head of a - United Pren International Secret Service agents grab President Ford after shot was fired outside San as Secret Service agents shove Mr. Ford to the ground. Mr. Ford was not Francisco hotel. At bottom, police start to run toward direction of the shot injured, but a bystander was struck by a ricocheting bullet. off." The woman was later identified as Sara Jane Moore, 46, a member of the United Prisoners' Union, which was described as a prisoners' rights group in the San Francisco area. Bystander Police said she formerly was book- keeper for the People In Need pro- grarn set up to handle food distribu- tion when publisher Randolph A. Reportedly Hearst gave $2 million to feed the poor on demand of the Symbinese Liberation Army In connection with the kidnaping of his daughter Patricia, headed for Washington after the sec- 11/2 years ago. ond apparent attempt on his life in in less than three weeks. Wounded The officer who deflected the gun, causing the bullet to be fired into the En route to the airport in the press By David S. Broder pavement, was identified by a fellow- pool ear, Nessen pounded on the seat 1Vsataanon Poo/ULU Writer policeman as Officer Joe Curry of the and said: "I'm mourning the trip to SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 22 - San Francisco Pollee Department. California." President Ford escaped injury in a Eyewitnesses to the shooting attempt The FBI immediately assumed jurisdiction in this second apparent second apparent assassination at- See FORD, A6, Col. 1 presidential assassination attempt on tempt today when a woman in • Mr. Ford, as it did in the first. Moore • ';r 4. ; VT. • a crowd outside the St. Francis •"4,4 was at first held in custody in the St. Francis Hotel. Hotel fired a .38-caliber hjndgun P fi FORD, From AI Lt. Frank Jordan of the San Fran- at him but missed. age4tqlhat the assailant was standing cisco police told United Press Inter- A San Francisco policeman spied cif the .4rnwd pf spectators across Post national that Moore "produced a .38- the gun, deflected it and the shot ttaett'abottt- 35 or 41) feet from the caliber revolver and fired one shot in went into the pavement, as the Presi- the direction of the President, for- eXilelvir. Ford used when leaving the dent crouched at the side of the • • ■ • tunately striking no one." Inter. presidential limousine on orders from 4 Am He said police and Secret Service a Secret Service agent. : :'40111qs Taylor, 28, of Berkeley, who agents were combing the area within John W. Hushen, deputy White .as seated atop a phone booth directly eight or ten blocks and she was being House press secretary, quoted Ken -across from the Pfesident, said the interrogated "as to whether anyone lacavoni, special agent in charge of else, accomplices. are involved." loman was about 10 feet to his left the San Francisco office of the Secret Moore was brought into San Fran- Service, as saying the bullet rico- ,on the far side of a small ornamental ghee. Re was standing three or four cisco police headquarters at 5:20 p.m. cheted and struck a bystander some local time through a basement en- distance from the President. sows back in the crowd, Taylor said. He said when the gun went off, "I trance by federal agents. She was in The bystander, John M. Ludwig, 46, tears and hid her face from reporters a San Francisco cab driver, was :thought it was a firecracker," but and photographers. Gray-haired, of treated for a groin injury, and re- immediately saw "15 or 20 cops" jump medium height and with a chubby leased, Hushen said. ,en hei.. "She didn't .get a chance to figure, she was dressed in a blue Just as they had done 17 days Ore again." sweater and gray checked slacks. earlier after an attempt on his life in Mike ,Driscoll. 22. of San Francisco, San Francisco police reported that Sacramento, agents immediately hud- said that the woman was seized by on Monday Moore had been stopped dled around the President to protect :several " policemen, dragged through by two police inspectors in the Mis- the tree branches and carried across him. Mr. Ford climbed into the limou- her sion district of the city and cited for _sine and was swiftly driven away. the post Street into the hotel, with possession of a handgun. She was incident occurred at 3:30 p.m. Pacific g;eet above,her head in the air. questioned and released. police said. .Daylight Time (6.30 p.m. EDT). Driscoll and several other eyewit- The United Prisoners' Union, police - seised the woman. in the- "Aesses first identified the assailant as said, was formerly headed by a close crowd across the street and quickly 4.070iit'apparently because she was associate of Moore's, named Wilbur dragged her into the hotel. Mr. Ford nark% tan slack and—so Driscoll (Popeyc) Jackson. Jackson was shot was taken immediately to San Fran- fixejk-7.-What looked like a tie around to death in San Francisco last June. cisco International Airport, where he t. A young woman sitting in a car with met his wife, Betty. They boarded Air .vitillIta.7:Ford, after spending the day at him also was killed. No one has been Force One and departed at once for 11.47peevey, Calif., met her husband at apprehended in the case, police said. Washington. f.Alelitqee One, not knowing what had Also, Capt. William Conroy of the The President had just come out of diaitridnO. The President stopped be- San Francisco police told the Associ- the downtown hotel after making a ,/bbardingctI and shook hands with ated Press the Secret Service had speech and was standing on the street 4b601--2b police officers who had es- checked out Moore Sunday night be- outside the Post Street lobby, talking .46rted his motorcade, thanking them. cause her name- was on a list of in- with the crowd, and shaking hands, :`Iff'be weather is nice," he was quoted when the shot was fired. sayirig at the airport, where secur- A Secret Service agent, speaking in ;My was very heavy. a normal voice, told the President to "He seemed to be very calm and get down. Mr. Ford crouched at once, eo, appreciative," Officer Michael. other agents moving in against and 'Toole- of the San Francisco petite, around him- geltnieft said the President said Both- "The President seemed stunned," ff g."alibut the shooting incident. said Richard Krohn, a San Francisco White House press secretary Ron business consultant standing in the Nessen told reporters later that the crowd. "The President got into the "PfeEidttnt's mood aboard Air Force car, crouching down, and the car took One was "In a word, relaxed" as they President Ford is surrounded by Secret Service and FBI agents as he heads Amoskited Pram up the ramp of his plane at San Francisco International Airport after assassination try. dividuals who might pose a threat to not go off, but four cartridges were the President. found in its clip and the government "The. Secret Service examined her charged that "she did knowingly and and toliiitied her," Conroy said. willfully attempt to kill the President On Se .LS, Secret Service agent of the United States of America"— Larry M. Buendorf seized a .45-caliber the same charge this latest suspect Army Colt handgun from Lynette seems -certain to face. Alice Fromme, 27, as President Ford Fromme, later identified as a mem- walked by her on the grounds of the ber of the Charles Manson mass- California State capitol. The gun did murder ''family" and a continuing cor- respondent with Manson, jailed in San Quentin for murder, was known by Sacramento police to be in the area r but was not on the list of suspicious persons collected by the Secret Serv- ice. It was not known whether the Presi- dent was wearing a protective vest of the sort that reporters were certain they saw him wearing in New Hamp- shire 11 days ago in his first public outing after the Sacramento incident. If so, the vest was not visible to re- porters around the President, and a presidential spokesman declined to comment. Ironically, Mr. Ford had been talking about gun control in a television inter. view just before this latest shooting attempt. He was asked if the assassination try In Sacramento 17 days ago had "changed your view on gun control." Mr. Ford said that the crime legislation he had sent to Congress earlier this year contained proposals that would "make it much more difficult for individuals to get Saturday night specials," the small, cheap handguns he said are in- volved in most shootings. He also said that legislation would provide' "much more severe penalties for a person using a gun in the com- mission of another crime." "I think that approach is far better than the approach some people recom- mend—that guns be registered," Mr. Ford said. Washington Post staff writers Leroy Aprons and Jules Witcover also contrib- uted to this article. Clu•ouology of Attempts

Four U.S. presidents hazes 1933, as President-elect he was been assassinated—all in shoot- shot at in Miami by Guisseppe ings. Three of President Ford's 'Zangara. Zangara missed Roose- predecessors escaped injury in velt but fatally wounded Chicago assassination attempts. Follow. Mayor Anton Cermak, who died Ing is „a history of assassination March 6. He had no ill will to- attemet and their outcome. ward Roosevelt personally, just toward a capitalist head of state. Andrew Jackson—Jan. 30, 1835, Zangara was electrocuted March in Capitol rotunda, Richard Law- 20, 1933. rence tried to shoot him twice but Harry S. Truman—Nov. 1, 1951) misfired both times. Lawrence, while he was napping at Blair who thought Jackson was in House, two Puerto Rican nation- league with steamship companies alists, Oscar Collazo and Grise- to get his money, was found not lio Torresola, stormed the build- guilty by reason of insanity. ing in an attempt to reach Tru- Abraham Lincoln — April 14, man. During the melee Torresola 1865, he was fatally shot in Fords and White House policeman Les- Theater in Washington by actor lie Coffelt were slain and Collazo . The President and two other policemen were died the next day. Booth was shot injured. Collazo was sentenced to and killed April 26, 1865, when death but Truman later com- trapped in a barn in Bowling muted it to life imprisonment. Green, Va., by Union troops. John F. Kennedy—Nov. 22 Booth was a Southern sympathi- 1963, Kennedy was fatally shut zer. in a motorcade in Dallas. The ac- James A. Garfield—July 2, 1881, cused assassin, Lee Harvey Os- he was shot in the back in a wald, was shot and killed by Jack Washington train station by Ruby while awaiting trial. No Charles J. Gulleau, who was re- motive was firmly established. fused an ambassadorial position Gerald R. Ford—Sept. 5, 1975, by Garfield. Garfield died Sept. in Sacramento, Lynette Alice 19, 1881. Guiteau was hanged the Fromme allegedly attempted to following year. shoot the President while he was William McKinley — Sept. 6, walking near the state capitol. She was grabbed by a Secret Service 1901, he was shot by Leon Czoi- I gosz, while attempting to shake agent before a shot was fired. a Fromme has been charged with a his hand at the Pan-American Ex- attempting to murder President' position in Buffalo. Czoigosz, a Ford. If convicted, she could re• self-professed anarchist, was elec- ceive life imprisonment. of trocuted. McKinley died Sept. 14, so 190L Staff Researcher Sunday Orme Franklin D. Roosevelt—Feb. 15, prepared this article. e A 4 rueanx, &lg. 5'. MS THE WASHINGTON POST Frorrime Absent From 47,000- By Stephen Isaacs Alice Fromme was nowhere among the never threatened the President to the W.Annzl.on 5w Safi' WrItse 47,000 the Secret Service considers 'as FBI's knowledge, Young said, so "we Prodded by the investigation into potential threats. had no investigative interest in the assassination of President Ken- "How this one slipped I don't know," [Ft-0=e] whasoever." nedy, the Secret Service in the inter- says Dwayne Keyes, the U.S. attorney Referring to local newspapers, he vening dozen years has incorporated in California who is handling the case said, "We saw the two feature articles many changes into its system of pro- against Fromme. "It's difficult to com- in the Bee and the Union, one in Feb- tecting presidents. prehend now The (Manson) group is ruary and one in July, with pictures of Yet—despite galloping growth since frightening." the defendant. They were living like 1063 (its 450 agents then are now 1,830, Not that law enforcement agencies nuns, peace-loving, that sort of ate:ff." its' annual $5.8 million budget then in Sacramento, where the incident 'oc- Neither Duncan nor Young saw, be- now exceeds $85 million); despite mil- curred, were unaware of the presence fore Friday's attempted assassination, lions spent on new technology, includ- of Fromme and other members of the an article the Associated Press trans- ing a computer that maintains namesof cult organized by Charles Manson, mitter from Los Angeles on July 8 lug a computer that maintains names of who is serving a life term in San Quen- which quoted Fromme as saying: of a President; despite stronger liaison tin prison for the mass murder of ac- "If Nixon's reality wearing a new with local law enforcement agencies tress Sharon Tate and six others in Ford face continues to run the country and with the FBI on potential trouble- 1969. against the law, our homes will be makers — all of this could not prevent "You can't hardly live in Sacramento bloodier than the Tate-LaBianca a potential assassin, gun in hand, from and not knew the Manson girls live in houses and Mylai put together." approaching to within two feet of a the area," said Douglas Y. Duncan, the Nor did the Secret Service and FBI President last Friday. Secert Service's Sacramento station agents witness the unused television In addition, the accused potential as- chief. film in which Fromme expounded on sassin, Lynette Alice Fromme, has a But we had no information that they violence. history of violence, belongs to the posed any threat to the Persident," The Secret Service headquarters in Charles Manson cult, indirectly threat- Duncan said. Washington was noncommunicative on ened the life of the President in a The FBI knew about them, too. It why it did no see the AP story. newspaper interview, and has twice had not investigated them, station Spokesman John W. Warner Jr., would been accused of murder. chief Paul Young said yesterday, he- only repeat, under questioning, that, Despite all this the name of Lynette cause it bad no reason to. They had "This person was not on record as a Name Secret Service List A condensed form of guideline was whose names are on file are in the con- threat. We had no information con- stant surveillance category. cerning her as a threat." sent to resident Secret Service agents "A judgment is made on every tip." From her published statement, across the country to transmit to local Macdonald said, 'as to who is serious Fromme would qualify as such under police authorities, asking for any infor- enough to check into." mation "of a threat to physically harm In the visit to Sacramento. Duncan guidelines the Secret Service drew up arranged—as the Warren Commission with the help of Warren Commission the President or others. . .or to cause him or them any embarrassment, recommended—for the Secret Service staff members who investigated the or a advance detail to go over all potential Kennedy assassination. whether it is by an individual ponce. group or organization. trouble with the local FBI and Those guidelines were circulated to Fromme's name did not come up in the FBI and other law enforcement The Secret Service, Warner said, an- nually conducts between 15,000 and 16,- any of those discussions, officials said, and investigative agencies to try to since they were unaware of any solve the problem of some agencies' 000 investigations into suspected po- tential . threats about the President. knowing about dangerous people and But several FBI and Secret Service not informing the Secret Service about Most of those are reports of tele- phone calls, letters sent to government sources, who asked not to be named, them. Insisted that so many thousands of The Secret Service, in the guide- officials or others who pass them on. "Those threats are assessed," said Americans show irrational behavior or lines, asked among other things for in- are possilbe threats to the President formation about "persons who insist David R. Macdonald, assistant secre- tary of the treasury whose staff over- that checking out any but those who upon personally contacting high gov- directly threaten the President is all ernment officials for the purpose of re- sees the Secret Service's operations, "and, most times, the person is inter- but impossible. dress of imaginary grievances, etc." Said one FBI agent, "Any person (which Fromme had done repeatedly viewed. Sometimes, the name gets in the computer list. Sometimes, the with any kind of history of psychiatric over the imprisonment of Manson, care, or any record of violence or whom she reportedly regards as her threat is so serious that we put the person under surveillance, meaning threats could, remotely, be a threat to god), "any person who makes oral or a check on where they the President. Then there are those written statements about high govern- that we keep are. And then sometimes, if it's that se- who specifically make their intentions ment officials in the following known. Then you act. How can you categories: (1) threatening statements, rious, we try to get a person commit- ted." possibly know which one might make (2) irrational statements, and (3) abu- the crucial step?" sive statements." Three hundred of the 47,000 persons