OFFICER CONTACT : Paul Shaddock 01722 434671 email:



Purpose of Report

1. To:

(i) Consider objections to Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) proposing the introduction of additional waiting restrictions on Odstock Road in Salisbury.

(ii) Recommend the making of the Orders.


2. Odstock Road serves as the main access to Salisbury District Hospital (SDH) as well as one of the main routes to the villages of Hommington, Nunton and Odstock to the south of Salisbury City Centre.

3. There are currently ‘no waiting at any time’ restrictions line present on both sides of Odstock Road from its junction with Green Lane to a point 67 metres south of Entrance B to the hospital.

4. In July 2010 the Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust introduced staff parking charges at SDH. The introduction of staff parking charges has had the effect of displacing some staff parking onto Odstock Road in order to avoid paying for car parking within the hospital site. The parking displaced onto Odstock Road predominantly takes place south of Entrance B where the existing ‘no waiting’ restrictions end. Whilst initially only a handful of cars were parking on Odstock Road, the number of cars now doing so has increased to approximately 30 per day. A photo, showing the extent of parking taking place each day on Odstock Road, is attached as Appendix 1.

5. As the number of vehicles parking on Odstock Road has increased, it has resulted in a number of road safety concerns being raised by motorists using the road. The Council has received a total of 40 complaints from motorists using the road about the parking that is taking place. The complaints raised three specific road safety concerns; these being:

• Parked vehicles are reducing a two lane carriageway to a one lane carriageway.

• Parked vehicles are forcing motorists travelling away from Salisbury City Centre onto the wrong side of the road around a blind corner on a section of carriageway that is subject to the national speed limit of 60 mph and are thereby increasing the likelihood of meeting a vehicle travelling in the opposite direction head on.

CM09332 IMD 1 • With parked vehicles reducing the carriageway to one lane, when vehicles travelling in one direction have met vehicles travelling in the opposite direction it has resulted in one or more vehicles being forced to undertake an awkward reversing manoeuvre back up or down Odstock Road to let vehicles travelling in the opposite direction past.

6. The complaints mentioned above have been made by members of staff from SDH, members of staff from the Douglas Arter Centre, members of staff from the Rockford Business Park, local residents of Odstock, Hommington and Nunton, Odstock Parish Council and Cllr Julian Johnson (the elected member for Downton and Ebble Valley).

7. In view of the number of complaints received about this matter, the problem of the parking taking place on Odstock Road was considered by the Southern Wiltshire Area Boards’ Community Area Transport Group. The Southern Wiltshire Community Area Transport Group (CATG) felt that the road safety concerns that had been raised needed to be addressed through the introduction of additional ‘no waiting’ restrictions on Odstock Road.

8. In June of this year the Chairman of the Southern Wiltshire CATG, Cllr Richard Britton, met with representatives of the Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust who agreed that the road safety concerns caused by the parking on Odstock Road needed to be addressed.

9. In recognition of the parking problems on Odstock Road being caused by the introduction of staff parking charges at the hospital, the Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust agreed to fund 50% of the cost of promoting a TRO to introduce additional ‘no waiting’ restrictions. The remaining cost of the TRO is being met by the Council through match funding from the Southern Wiltshire CATG and Integrated Transport budgets.

Summary of Scheme Proposals

10. Three TROs proposing the introduction of additional ‘no waiting at any time’ restrictions and a two hour time limit (Monday to Saturday 8.00 am to 6.00 pm) on an existing uncontrolled parking lay-by on Odstock Road were formally advertised for comment on 25 August 2011. 's closing date for receipt of objections or other representations to the advertised TROs, together with the grounds on which they were made, was 19 September 2011.

11. A plan outlining the proposals is attached as Appendix 2 .

Summary of Support

12. A total of four items of correspondence supporting the proposals was received. Notably, support for the proposals was received from Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust and the Southern Wiltshire Area Board. A summary of the people who wrote in support of the proposals is attached as Appendix 3 .

13. A copy of the TROs was also supplied to the local Wiltshire Council Members, Mr. B. Dalton and Mr. J. Johnson, who represent the wards affected by the proposals. Both Mr. Dalton and Mr. Johnson support the introduction of the proposals contained within the TROs.

Summary of Objections

14. A total of three items of correspondence objecting to the proposals was received. The objections received have raised the following substantive issues:

CM09332 IMD 2 • Two objectors opposed to the introduction of a time limit on the existing parking lay-by on Odstock Road on the grounds that the lay-by is not currently subject to any parking problems and that the proposed time limit is too restrictive given that the lay-by is currently used by ramblers, dog walkers and people visiting the hospital. • One objector opposed the introduction of additional ‘no waiting’ restrictions south of Entrance B to the hospital on the grounds that the existing parking served to slow traffic using Odstock Road and its removal would lead to an increase in the speed of traffic which would be dangerous to pedestrians and cyclists using the road.

15. A summary of the people who wrote in against the proposals is attached as Appendix 4. A full summary of the comments raised by objectors, together with officer comments, is attached as Appendix 5.

Consideration of Substantive Objections

16. Whilst it is acknowledged that the parking lay-by currently suffers few problems, the proposal to introduce a two hour time limit on the lay-by is to prevent the parking that is currently taking place south of Entrance B being displaced to the lay-by, should additional ‘no waiting’ restrictions be introduced along Odstock Road. By placing a two hour limit on the lay-by it is hoped that it will continue to remain available for use by ramblers, dog walkers and people visiting the hospital.

17. During its hours of operation the proposed two hour limit is considered appropriate for the majority of ramblers and dog walkers who use the lay-by.

18. The proposed two hour limit may also be appropriate for people who wish to use the lay-by and then visit the hospital; although this would clearly be dependant of the reason for visiting the hospital. In addition to the lay-by there is adequate visitor parking provided within the hospital grounds.

19. Whilst the presence of parked vehicles can serve to slow traffic speeds, anecdotal evidence suggests that this is not the case with the parking currently taking place south of Entrance B. Removing the parking currently taking place would not exacerbate any speeding problems that may exist south of Entrance B but would address the road safety concerns raised by the complaints received by the Council as outlined in paragraph 5.

20. Aside from the concerns raised in the complaints that have been received there is also a need to consider the safety of the motorists that are actually parking south of Entrance B. In particular, there is no street lighting or footway provision where the parking takes place meaning that motorists parking at this location are forced to walk in the middle of the road with vehicles travelling at 60 mph on the wrong side of the road. This situation would be addressed through the removal of the parking currently taking place.

Main Considerations for the Council

21. The main consideration for the Council is the need to maintain road safety on its highway network, balanced against the need to provide free parking for staff of SDH.

Environmental Impact of the Proposal

22. There are none with this proposal.

CM09332 IMD 3

Equalities Impact of the Proposal

23. There are none with this proposal.

Risk Assessment

24. There are none with this proposal.

Financial Implications

25. The scheme will be funded in partnership by the Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust, Southern Wiltshire CATG and the existing Integrated Transport budget. Should the scheme not progress, the funding would be returned to their respective budgets and in the case of the Southern Wiltshire CATG and Integrated Transport contributions used on other highway improvements schemes.

Legal Implications

26. There are none with this proposal.

Options Considered

27. The following options have been considered:

(i) Implementation of the proposals as advertised.

(ii) Amend the proposals in light of the comments received.

(iii) Abandon the proposals.

Reason for Proposal

28. The Council is under no obligation to provide parking on the public highway, free or otherwise, for staff of the hospital. However, the Council is obliged to ensure that vehicles using the public highway can do so safely. The proposal would serve to help the Council meet this obligation.

29. The proposal addresses the concerns raised in relation to the parking currently taking place on Odstock Road, south of Entrance B to the hospital.


30. That:

(i) The proposals are implemented as advertised

(ii) Objectors and supporters are informed accordingly.

The following unpublished documents have been relied on in the preparation of this Report:

Complaints received prior to the formal advert stage Letters of support received at the formal advert stage

CM09332 IMD 4 Letters of objection received at the formal advert stage

CM09332 IMD 5