Day 1 – Thursday, 2 September

Registration 10:00 Welcome speech 14:45 Presentation 1 15:00 Prof. Pierangelo Sequeri, Italy: Eucharist as Source of Christian Life Break 16:00 S.E.R. Joseph Marie Ndi-Okalla, Cameroun: Celebration of the Eucharist Presentation 2 16:30 in Africa Break 17:30 Holy Mass 18:00 Dinner 19:30

Day 2 – Friday, 3 September

Breakfast 7:30 Liturgy Hours – 9:00 Lauds Opening words, 9:45 agenda Prof. Antonio Luiz Catelan Ferreira, Brazil: Eucharist as Source of Mission Presentation 3 10:00 and Brotherly Service Coffee break 10:40 Prof. Károly Hafenscher, : The standpoint of the member Presentation 4 11:10 churches of the Ecumenical Council of Hungarian Churches about the Communion Prof. Marianne Schlosser, Austria: Mystic Presence. Theology of the Presentation 5 11:50 Adoration Lunch 12:30 S.E.R. Manuel Nin Güell OSB (Greek Catholic , Greece): The Divine Liturgy in the Byzantine tradition – an example of liturgical theology in the celebration of the Holy Mysteries Workshops 14:00 Prof. Marianne Schlosser, Austria: Importance of the Eucharist in the Life of Christian Mystics

Prof. Krzysztof Gózdz, Poland: Eucharist in the Theology of Joseph Ratzinger

Prof. Imre Kocsis, Hungary: Eucharist and Church in the Letters of St. Paul

Prof. Pierangelo Sequeri, Italy: Celebration of the Eucharist and Church Music Holy Mass 16:00 Dinner with Wine 18:30 tasting

Day 3 – Saturday, 4 September

Breakfast 7:00 Holy Mass 8:30 Opening words, 9:45 agenda Prof. Helmut Hoping, Germany: The Sacred, the Eucharist and the Presentation 6 10:00 Sacramentality of the Church Coffee break 11:00 Presentation 7 11:30 S.E.R. Ivan Šaško, Croatia: Eucharist as Sacrament of Reconciliation Lunch 12:30 Prof. Lajos Dolhai, Hungary: The „Spring” as Thought in the Prayers of the Roman Missal

P. Gerard Francisco Timoner, Magister Generalis OP, Italy: Eucharist and Workshops 14:00 Synodality in the Church

S.E.R. Paolo Martinelli OFM, Italy: Eucharist as Source of Holiness of Life

Prof. Antonio Luiz Catelan Ferreira, Brazil: Eucharistic Ecclesiology and the Lack of Priests in Brazil


5 September, Sunday OPENING CEREMONY AND HOLY MASS WITH FIRST COMMUNION (Heroes' square) Main Celebrant: Papal Legate

Check in 12:30

Introductory program 13:30

Opening ceremony 15:00

Holy Mass 16:00

6 September, Monday


Arriving at Hungexpo 7:00 Morning prayer Main Celebrant: Card. Josip Bozanic 8:45 (Lauds) Catechesis 9:30 Card. Joao Tempesta Testimony 10:30 Fr. Konstantin Szabó Break 11:00 Holy Mass 11:30 Main Celebrant: Archbishop Piero Marini Lunch break 12:30 Csaba Böjte: Hope: Christ's faith - our faith; a presentation of pastoral work among children 14:30 – Workshops J.-M. Ndi-Okalla: Eucharist: the source of goodness 15:30 Mary Healy: Love says - go: Eucharist and Christian Life Damian Stayne: Intimacy with God through the Holy Eucharist

6 September, Saint Stephen's Basilica, 17:00 – Mission in Africa Conversation with Réka Fodor, András Csókay and Archbishop Valerian Okeke.


Concert 19:00 Pesti Vigadó


Concert 19:30 Erkel Theatre

7 September, Tuesday


Arriving at Hungexpo 7:00 Morning prayer Main Celebrant: Archbishop Csaba Ternyák 8:45 (Lauds) Catechesis 9:30 Card. Gérald Lacroix Testimony 10:30 Patriarch Louis Raphael Sako Break 11:00 Holy Mass 11:30 Main Celebrant: Archbishop Jose S. Palma Lunch break 12:30 Jean-Luc Moens: Eucharist and Holy Spirit Barbara Heil: How to win a Catholic? How a Protestant preacher and missionary came into the Church 14:30 – Workshops Kálmán Dabóczi: Together. For you. - Network of Hungarian Catholic 15:30 Movements in the Service of Families Johannes Hartl: Fascination of Beauty. The discovery of God’s beauty in prayer and adoration

8 September, Wednesday


Arriving at Hungexpo 7:00 Morning prayer Main Celebrant: Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki 8:45 (Lauds) Catechesis 9:30 Card. Testimony 10:30 Moyses Azevedo Break 11:00 János Székely: One Earth, one Bread - the world of Laudato si' P. Justo Lofeudo: Renewal of parishes and dioceses through Perpetual Workshops 11:30 Eucharistic Adoration Michael White: Rebuilt movement David Maria Jaeger: The Holy Land, land of the Eucharist Lunch 12:30

BYZANTINE DIVINE LITURGY (Saint Stephen's Basilica)

Main Celebrant: His beatitude Youssef Absi Melkite Greek Catholic Liturgy 16:00 Patriarch (Syria)


Masses 17:00 Churches Main Celebrant: Card. Church: Városmajori Jézus Szíve-templom; Language: Italian

Main Celebrant: Archbishop Jérôme Beau Church: Árpád-házi Szent Erzsébet-templom; Language: French

Main Celebrant: Bishop idus sifkovics Church: Szent Imre-templom; Language: German

Main Celebrant: under organisation Church: Zuglói Páduai Szent Antal-templom; Language: Polish

Main Celebrant: under organisation Church: Szent Angyalok-templom; Language: Spanish

Main Celebrant: Archbishop Bernard Bober Church: Szent József-templom; Language: Slovak

Main Celebrant: Archbishop Charles G. Palmer-Buckle Church: Magyar Szentek Temploma; Language: English

Main Celebrant: Archbishop Aurel Percă Church: Szent Anna-templom; Language: Romanian

Main Celebrant: Card. Michael Fitzgerald Church: Belvárosi Nagyboldogasszony Főplébánia-templom; Language: English

Main Celebrant: under organisation Church: Assisi Szent Ferenc-templom; Language: Portuguese

Main Celebrant: Archbishop Balázs Bábel Church: Mátyás-templom; Language: Hungarian


Concert 20:00 Erkel Theatre

9 September, Thursday


Arriving at Hungexpo 7:00 Morning prayer Main Celebrant: Archbishop Stanislav volenský 8:45 (Lauds) Catechesis 9:30 Card. Testimony 10:30 Mary Healy Break 11:00 Holy Mass 11:30 Main Celebrant: Archbishop Alfredo José Espinoza Mateus Lunch break 12:30 Massimo Camisasca: The martyrdom of Italian priests after World War II János Székely, Comission of Caritas in Veritate and the Blessed Ceferino Istitute: We are one bread, one body; Living the Eucharist in Gypsy 14:30 – pastoral care, among the poorest Workshops 15:30 Joseph Pamplany: Syro-Malabar in the light of the Eucharist Jean-Claude Hollerich and : Eucharist, evangelisation and social commitment in Europe

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION OF THE COMMUNITIES (Saint Stephen's Basilica) Spiritual preparation 18:30 Adoration and confession 19:00-21:00

PATRIARCHAL CHOIR OF MOSCOW (Liszt Academy) Concert 19:30

10 September, Friday


Arriving at Hungexpo 7:00 Morning prayer 8:45 Main Celebrant: András Veres (Lauds) Catechesis 9:30 Card. Testimony 10:30 János Áder, President of the Republic of Hungary Break 11:00 Holy Mass 11:30 Main Celebrant: Card. Jean-Claude Hollerich Lunch break 12:30 Etienne Vetö: The Eucharist, the Jewish liturgy and the mystery of Israel Baltazar Porras: Saints in the people of God and in the World, Laypeople vocation to sanctity 14:30 – Workshops Yeom Soo-jung: The situation of the Christians in Korea 15:30 P. Andrea Dellatore, Georg Schwarz and the Community Cenacolo: From darkness to light- Eucharist: the remedy for freedom. Concrete testimony of the boys who met the Eucharist.

YOUTH EVENING (Sportaréna László Papp) Check in 17:30 Program starts 19:00 Program ends 22:30

Program:  Concert  Worship  Testimonies  Adoration

11 September, Saturday FESTIVAL OF FAMILIES () Festival os families 9:00-15:00

HOLY MASS and EUCHARISTIC CANDLELIGHT PROCESSION () Check in 14:00 Introductory program 15:00 Holy Mass, eucharistic candlelight procession 17:00 Main Celebrant: Card. Péter Erdő Final blessing on Heroes’ square 21:00

12 September, Sunday STATIO ORBIS CLOSING MASS WITH (Heroes' square)

Check in 8:00

Introductory program 9:00

Holy Mass 11:30