Banki Girauli White Clay Mine (12.840 ha.) Exe. Summary

Executive Summary

1.0 Introduction The State Govt. has given consent for sectioning of White Clay Mine located in Village Banki Girauli, Tehsil Bilawar, District Chhtarpur (M.P.) The project proponent is Shri Bhupatlal Kuderia Residents of Chhtarpur. The proposed capacity of the mining is 2000 MTPA for minerals like White Clay on the sectioned lease area of 12.840 Ha.

1.1 Location of the Project

The objective of the study is to conduct Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment Study for the 12.840 ha of mining lease area with production of 2000 Tones per year of White Clay mine at village Banki Girauli, Tahsil Bijawar, District (M. P.). 12.840 ha mining lease area is being operated by the lessee Shri Bhupatlal Kuderiya, having office at P.O. Kupi, Chhatarpur (MP) and lessee is private individual. This lease was earlier sanction Shri Bhupat Lal Kuderiya for 20 years from 1994 to 2014. Land use of lease area is Govt. waste revenue land. District/ State Tahsil Village Khasara No Area

Chhatarpur Bijawar Banki Gairauli 234/1 12.840 (M.P.)

The proposed project of White clay mine is located village Banki Girauli, Tehsil Bijawar, District Chhatarpur (M.P.) Applied area is located at a distance of 80 km from Dist. Chhatarpur. Chhatarpur to Bijawar distance is 37 km due south. Bijawar to Kishangarh road distance is 38km. west of Jaura Imlee chok. After 3.5km on Jaura Imlee chok. School facility facilities are available in village Girauli. Toposheet No. : 54 P/11 Latitude : 24 037 26” N Longitude : 79030’ 56 “ E

Table No. 1.1 Details of Project Settings S.No. Particulars Details 1 Nearest City Chhatarpur 80 km from mine.

1 Banki Girauli White Clay Mine (12.840 ha.) Exe. Summary

2. Nearest Railway Station Khajuraho at 108 km. from site 3 Nearest Airport Khajuraho at 108 km. from site 4 Nearest Highway NH-86 is 44 km. 5 Nearest Village Girauli 1.6 km away from site 6 Hills / Valley Hilly 7 Nearest Forest Saipura Reserve Forest – 3.4 km Kishangarh Reserve Forest – 4.7 km 8 Nearest River/Nallah Barana River is 3.6 km at mine site. 9 Inter State Border More then 100 kms.

2.0 Land Use Pattern Sl No. Particulars Details 1. Type of mine Open cast 2. Mining Lease Area 12.840 Hec. 4. Reclaimed & rehabilitated Nil 5. Infrastructural facilities 0.025 6. Proposed Plantation in area 4.23 Hec. 7. Method of mining Manual 8. Ultimate depth of mining 8-10 m 9. Ultimate pit slope 60 0 10. Proposed capacity of mines 2000 tons per annum

2.1 Geology and Reserve

White Clay, which is nothing but fire clay, falls under kaolinite group and has a composition similar to that of china clay. The deposit found in this area is residual in nature and result of the alteration of fieldsars. The alteration takes place by hypothermal action of aqueous solutions. The feldspathic sandstone is the mother rock of lameta series and degree of hydrothermal action under varying temperature and pressure associated with other relevant factors gives rise to varying combination of qualities of china clay vis- à-vis fire clay in this area. In technical parlance, a group or refactory clay with can withstand high temperature are called fire clay. On analysis the fire clay usually found to contain 24-32 percentage Al 2O3, 50-62 percentage SiO 2 and loss of ignitions 12 percent. Impurities like oxides of calcium, Iron, Titanium, Magnesium and Alkaliners are invariably Nox present making it white, Grey and black in colour.

2.2 Chemical constituents

The ore body of the lease area has following chemical constituents. 2 Banki Girauli White Clay Mine (12.840 ha.) Exe. Summary

Sillica : 63% Alumina : 23% Iron Oxide : 2-3% Titanium Oxide: 1.6% No toxic element of any nature is present in the lease area.

2.3 Reserves and Grade

The average thickness of the ore body was previously taken as only 1.5 m which has increased upto 7.5 towards south in pit while upto 3m in other pits. The bulk density was considered on lower side. Total Geological reserve = 7,59,936 tonnes Year wise production – 2000 MTPA

Grade Clay is of moderate grade. Clay will be basically used for while washing purpose white clay will find use after being as filler in tyre industry. It is also suitable for ceramic industries.

2.4 Hydrological study The ground water table in the lease area varies from 362m RL to 365m RL. Mining will be done 10m above ground water table. Hence ground water table will not be affected. The water seeps into the ground through different water channels. The behavior of ground water table has been noticed to be uniform.

2.5 Mining Method

Opencast manual method of miming has been adopted in the lease area using tools like crowbars, sledge hammers, chisels & spades. Loading of O.B. and ore into the tipper from stacking site in quarry bottom will be done manually. Haul road has been extended to the floor of the benches. No blasting has been done nor is required. Working has been done in two to seven benches in the pit. The O.B. and the mineral being soft has been excavated manually with hand tools like sledge, hammers, and chisels, spades and crowbars. The haul road has been extends upto the bottom of the quarries. Loading and unloading is done manually.

3 Banki Girauli White Clay Mine (12.840 ha.) Exe. Summary

2.5.1 Blasting Since no blasting has been proposed nor has been done.

2.6 Disposal of Mine Waste

The mine waste is in the form of soil and mine waste. The soil will be in loose form mixed with grit and sandstone. This will be in form of lumps and small pieces. The waste will be in the form of latertic soil and mixed with sandstone. Year wise proposed management of waste dumps are given in the table no 1.1

Table 1.2 Year Wise Disposal of Mine Waste Year Soil O.B./Waste (m 3) (m 3) First 1040 2925 Second 990 3526 Third 980 3900 Fourth 980 3900 Fifth 980 3900 No external dumping will be done. Simultaneous backfilling and reclamation will be done in the excavated area.

2.7 Use of Mineral

Describe briefly the end-use of the mineral sale to intermediately partied, captive consumption, export industrial one. All transport from mines head to be destination will be done by trucks. Trucks will be hired by the consumer from local transporters of Chhtarpur.

No changes are anticipated in specification and new industries and new industries using minerals. The leasee is producing limited amount of minerals and selling to ceramic and insulator industries, clay will be basically used for white washing purpose.

2.8 Resource Requirement

The present proposal is of proposed mining activity at mining lease area of 12.840 ha at village Banki Girauli, Tehsil Bijawar & Dist Chhtarpur (M. P.). For efficient operation of the mines all necessary utilities will be made available, a brief description of the same is given below.

4 Banki Girauli White Clay Mine (12.840 ha.) Exe. Summary

a) Storage Facility It is proposed to provide adequate storage facilities for the excavated mineral, and waste, which is generated/ used during mining process. Proposed excavated minerals will be kept in the existing mining lease area and the waste will be utilized for reclamation purpose as mentioned above. b) Water Supply The total fresh water need is about 8.0 KL per day for domestic and mining purpose. This quantity of water will be taken from the ground water. The details of water balance of existing / proposed mining project are given on table no. 1.2 below:

Table 1.3 Water Balance of Mining Project Process Total a) Mine site Dust Suppression 5.0.0Kl Green Belt 1.5 KL b) Domestic Drinking & Washing 1.5 KL Total (A+B) 8.0 KL c) Transport The mode of transport of minerals to the dispatch point will be trucks. The number will depend on the quantity to be dispatched.

d) Employment Potential

The mining establishment presents opportunities of employment to various posts under various cedars viz. management, supervisory, skilled workmen, semi skilled workmen and unskilled workmen beside casual workmen.

1. Permit Manager 1 2. Part time Mining Engineer 1

5 Banki Girauli White Clay Mine (12.840 ha.) Exe. Summary

3. Supervisor 2 4. Skilled Labour 10 5. Semi Skilled 20 6. Unskilled Labour 5

3.0 Reason for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) The impact of mine on the environment depends to a large extent on its location with respect to Human settlements, meteorological conditions, ambient air quality, water bodies, agricultural and forest land etc. Most of the adverse impacts of mines are amenable to technological control by providing necessary preventive and control measures and finally through effective environmental management of the operating mines. Keeping in view the likely impacts of mines on environment, this Rapid Environment Impact Assessment Report has been prepared for submission to State Pollution Control Board and Ministry for Environment and Forests (MoEF) for clearance of the mining area in operation.

6 Banki Girauli White Clay Mine (12.840 ha.) Exe. Summary

Table-1.4 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations

S.No. Name of village Direction from Distance Area (km.)

1. Girauli Village SW 1.6 2. Banki Village NE 1.8 3. Pathoriya Village SE 3.2 4. Chandankheda SW 7.8 Village 5. Dev Pur Village NW 2.8

4.0 Environment Management Plan The mining development in the study area needs to be intertwined with judicious utilization of non renewable resource of the study area and within the limit of permissible assimilative capacity. The assimilative capacity of the study area is the maximum amount of pollution load that can be discharge into the environment without affecting the designated use and governed by dilution dispersion and removal due to the physio - chemical and biological process. The EMP list out all these measures for the mining activities. Many of the areas in environmental Management planning are of multidisciplinary dimension. Therefore the measures envisaged in the report are to be regarded as a guide and depending upon the continuing advice from various experts of relevant fields like forestry, soil chemistry, hydrology etc. The suggested scheme is to be detailed, if necessary modified. The EMP is prepared keeping in view all possible strategies oriented towards impact minimization. • Solid Waste Disposal • Air Pollution Control • Land Use Plan pattern after mining activity • Forestation and Land Use planning • Water Pollution Control • Noise Control • Occupational Safety And Health • Socio Economic Measures

4.1 Noise Environment

7 Banki Girauli White Clay Mine (12.840 ha.) Exe. Summary

In the open cast manual mining, there will no mechanical source of noise as its seen in the mining area, the ambient noise level are well within the standards of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Central Pollution Control Board. Mining equipment will also generate significant noise, however, noise levels will be less than 90 dBA and exposure to the workers for 8 hrs will also be les than stipulated standard of 90 dBA. The major source of noise will be the vehicular movement, and it’s a short time activity.

4.2 Water Environment

There are ground water bodies available in the lease area .there is no potential of acid mine drainage. Course exists in the area therefore there will be no effect of mining on the water regime. Water available in open well and bore-well in village Girauli near the area is potable and it is pure and clean. The question of treatment and disposal of water from mine does not arise as there are no chemical beneficiation processes involved.

4.3 Health and Safety

The Health and Safety of the employees shall be given first priority during the mining operation.

• Provision of rest shelters for mine workers with amenities like drinking water, fans etc. • First aid facility shall be provided at mine site. • Training programme organize for First aid. • Periodical medical check up camps shall be organized for worker and staff.

5.0 Implementation of EMP and Monitoring

A large part of the sampling and measurement activities will be concerned with long term monitoring aimed at providing an early warning of any undesirable changes or trends in the natural environment that could be associated with mining and associated activities. This is essential to determine whether the changes are a response to a cycle of climatic conditions or are due to the mining and associated activities. To meet the above objective an Environment Management Cell shall be formed under supervision of consultant and involve Pollution Control Board for their valuable suggestion and guidance. The following items will be considered under the monitoring schedule: 8 Banki Girauli White Clay Mine (12.840 ha.) Exe. Summary

 Green Belt development  Drainage  Air Quality Monitoring  Water Quality Monitoring  Occupational Health  Socio-Economic Development

6.0 Conclusion

The Mining project of White Clay Mine at village Banki Girauli, Tehsil Bijawar District Chhtarpur (M. P.) will be environmental compatible to the surrounding due to the high standards of pollution control measures to be adopted during the operation activity. Considering the size and operating method of mining, it can be safely stated that the mining activity will not have any adverse effect on the surroundings, if the proper environmental management plan is adopted.