PANCE/PANRE Breakdown NCCPA Blueprint y Neurologic system –6% of exam content y Diseases of Peripheral Nerves The Neurologic System y PANCE y Headaches y 360 questions x 0.06 = 21.6 y Infectious Disorders y PANRE y Movement Disorders Ryan D. White, PA‐C, MPH y 300 questions x 0.06 = 18 y Vascular Disorders UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course y NCCPA Blueprint available at y Other Neurologic Disorders (becoming Rutgers University July 1, 2013) y Content of this presentation follows NCCPA Blueprint

UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) CRPS Diseases of Peripheral Nerves Complex Regional Pain Syndrome y Usually follows trauma to affected limb (may be y Complex Regional Pain Syndrome y Formerly called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy minor) y Peripheral Neuropathies y Autonomic and vasomotor dysfunction in the y Most commonly affects hand and ipsilateral shoulder extremities y Early mobilization can help prevent CRPS y One extremity affected y Vitamin C 500mg/day reduces risk in wrist fractures y Pain, swelling, color/temperature changes y Increased uptake on bone scan y Pain is burning, exacerbated by light touch y In late CRPS, osteopenia seen on x‐ray y Skin and nail dystrophy y Treatment –early intervention is best y Muscle atrophy y NSAID, corticosteroids, PT/OT, pain management y Limited ROM y Antidepressants and anticonvulsants (gabapentin) used y Does not follow one peripheral nerve distribution y Regional nerve block and spinal stimulation y No systemic symptoms UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Peripheral neuropathies –signs and Peripheral Neuropathies symptoms Peripheral neuropathies –exam y y Many possible etiologies May be motor, sensory, autonomic or combination y Atrophy/muscle wasting (hands, feet, anterior tibialis) y y May be primarily sensory… Presentation depends on etiology y Fasciculations y Inflammatory/immune (vasculitis, paraneoplastic) y Acute vs. chronic, symmetric vs. asymmetric y Muscle weakness y Metabolic (diabetes) y Motor (weakness) y Stocking‐glove sensory loss y Infectious (HIV, HSV, leprosy) y In legs – tripping on carpeting, curbs y Cold, erythematous or bluish hands and feet y Toxic (chemotherapy, vitamin B6) y In hands – difficulty with fine movements (buttons, y Deficiency (vitamin B12, vitamin B1, vitamin E) zippers, keys) y May have impairment of vibration sense, position y Alcohol‐related y Sensory loss, loss of proprioception sense, light touch, pain sense, temperature sense, y Primarily motor… y In feet – “walking on pebbles”, “ice cold” heel/toe walk, tandem gait y Inflammatory/immune (Guillian‐Barre) y Dysesthesias – “on fire”, “stuck with pins”, numbness, y Diminished deep tendon reflexes (distal first) y Toxic –lead tingling

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Bacterial Meningitis ‐ diagnosis y Bacterial meningitis is a medical emergency! Bacterial Meningitis –more treatment y Lumbar puncture – opening pressures and CSF y Rapid initiation of IV antibiotics y Re‐examine CSF 24‐48 hours later if poor response rd analysis y Empiric – vancomycin and 3 generation cephalosporin or y Dexamethasone to reduce sequelae ampicillin y Elevated opening pressure y Trimethoprim‐sulfa if PCN‐allergic y No effect on mortality y CSF ‐ elevated protein, decreased glucose, elevated cell y Pneumococcal –PCN and vancomycin or chloramphenicol y Mannitol if elevated intracranial pressure count (PMN cells) rd y 3 generation cephalosporin if resistant y Chemoprophylaxis of close contacts y CSF – gram stain, culture and PCR y Meningococcal – Penicillin G and ampicillin y Blood cultures y 3rd generation cephalosporin if resistant y H. flu –3rd generation cephalosporin or chloramphenicol and y CT/MRI brain and spine ampicillin y X‐ray chest, sinus, mastoid y 3rd generation cephalosporin = ceftriaxone or cefotaxime

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Occluded artery Common symptoms y CT‐brain!!! y Investigate etiology of the stroke Internal carotid artery ipsilateral blindness, other symptoms similar to MCA stroke y CBC Middle cerebral artery contralateral hemiparesis, arm/face > leg sensory loss, expressive aphasia y Polycythemia vera, anemia, thrombocytosis, infection y ESR Anterior cerebral artery contralateral hemiparesis, leg > arm/face sensory loss y Hypercoaguable states Posterior cerebral artery contralateral homonymous hemianopia, memory impairment y Giant cell arteritis contralateral hemiparesis and sensory loss, ipsilateral bulbar or cerebellar y Glucose, electrolytes, LFTs Basilar artery signs y PT/PTT/INR ipsilateral sensory loss in face, ataxia, contralateral hemiparesis and sensory Vertebral artery loss y Cardiac investigation gait ataxia, nausea/dizziness, dysarthria, gaze paresis, contralateral y EKG, cardiac enzymes superior cerebellar artery hemiparesis UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming Rutgers University July 1, 2013) d/1007 Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) CT scan –ischemic stroke CT scan –ischemic stroke Differential Diagnoses y Subdural hematoma/hemorrhagic stroke vs. ischemic stroke y TIA y Seizure y Hyper/hypoglycemia y Bell’s palsy y Tumor y Radiculopathy y Guillain‐Barre UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming Rutgers University July 1, 2013) F10.expansion.html Rutgers University July 1, 2013) cases/cerebral-ischemiastroke-case-4/ Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Bell’s Palsy vs. Stroke Bell’s Palsy vs. Stroke Acute Ischemic Stroke Treatment y Thrombolytic therapy y Tissue plasminogen activator (t‐PA) y Must be given within 3 hours of onset y CT first!!! y Monitor CBC

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UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Post‐concussion syndrome Cerebral Palsy Cerebral Palsy y May last several weeks to > 1 year y Chronic, static impairment of muscle tone, strength, y Spasticity is common (75%) y Headache is primary symptom coordination and/or movement y Variable number of limbs affected y Difficulty concentrating, changes in appetite, sleep y Non‐progressive y Ataxia, chorea/dystonia and hypotonia less common abnormalities, irritability y Likely results from cerebral injury prior to, during or y Associated disorders y Neuropsychology evaluation and treatment soon after birth y Seizures (50%) y NSAIDs or triptans for headache y Genetic etiologies less common y Mental retardation (may be mild or severe) y Greater risk for Alzheimer, Parkinsonism, ALS, CTE y Higher incidence with extreme prematurity and small y Language, speech, vision, hearing, sensation disorders for gestational age y Exam: y Intrauterine hypoxia is frequent cause y Spasticity (hyperreflexia), ataxia, microcephaly y Bleeding, infection, birth hypoxia and many more…

UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Cerebral Palsy y MRI brain, genetic studies may help determine Dementia Dementia etiology y Progressive decline in intellectual/cognitive function y Collateral history necessary y Treatment to maintain maximal physical function that compromises social or occupational function and y y PT/OT, speech therapy Symptoms depend on region(s) of brain affected leads to loss of independence. y Counseling and education for child and parents y Short term memory loss y Not due to delirium or psychiatric illness y Word finding difficulty y Medications for spasticity as needed y Typically >60 years old y Visuospatial dysfunction y Baclofen, botox injections y Risk factors y Executive dysfunction y Prognosis depends on severity of physical/cognitive y Stroke/vascular disease y Apathy/indifference deficits y Family history y Apraxia y Aspiration, pneumonia and other concurrent infections y Impaired language, loss of insight most common causes of death y Diabetes y Head injury y In mild cases motor deficits may resolve by age 7

UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Dementia ‐ treatment Dementia y Aerobic exercise, “mental stimulation” Dementia y Alzheimer Disease y Cholinesterase inhibitors y y Exam to rule out other medical or psychiatric illness y Donepezil (Aricept), rivastigmine (Exelon), galantamine y Cognitive disorder must begin within 3 months of stroke y May identify reversible conditions y Side effects – nausea/vomiting, syncope, dysrhythmia or, y Memantine (Namenda) y B12, folate, free T4, TSH, RPR, CBC, electrolytes, glucose, y Multiple bilateral infarcts in cerebral hemispheres lipids y Mood/behavior: SSRIs (except paroxetine – (lacunar) y Consider cancer screening anticholinergic) y Lewy body Dementia y MRI brain (CT if MRI contraindicated) y : Trazodone (avoid antihistamines and y Parkinsonism, visual hallucinations, fluctuating alertness, y Mini Mental State Exam, Montreal Cognitive benzos) antipsychotic drugs worsen condition Assessment y Agitation: behavioral exercise, address y Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration y Neuropsychology evaluation y Rule out delirium y Disorder of behavior and personal relationships y Last resort –low does quetiapine (atypical antipsychotic) y Rude, irresponsible, sexually explicit, impulsive, poor y Screen for ! y Black box warning judgment, poor hygiene/grooming, binging, loss of empathy UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Delirium Alzheimer Disease Alzheimer Disease y Acute state of confusion y Transient global disorder of attention y Anterograde amnesia first and most intense symptom y Typically sporatic, not genetic y Clouding of consciousness y 60‐80% of dementias y Mild dementia to death: 2‐3 years to >10 years y Usually result of systemic problem with identifiable y Accumulation of β‐amyloid = neuritic plaques and y If rapid onset, fluctuating course or systemic trigger neurofibrillary tangles symptoms consider alternate diagnosis y y Rapid onset, fluctuating course (may improve in AM) Early – difficulty managing finances, independent y Death from infections (pneumonia), nutrition/eating y Sundowning – PM onset of delirium in demented patient travel, meal preparation problems, PE, cardiovascular disease y y Many possible etiologies Late – difficulty with ADLs y At greater risk for delirium y Bathing, dressing, toileting, feeding y Risk factors – dementia, sleep deprivation, y Need assistance, possibly 24/7 care y Typically no motor deficits immobilization, psychiatric meds, impaired y Cease driving vision/hearing, dehydration y Financial planning

UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Delirium ‐ etiologies Delirium Delirium ‐ treatment y Intoxication//long‐term alcohol use y Anterograde AND retrograde amnesia y Identify and treat underlying disorder(s) y Infection y impaired short‐term memory and recall y Comprehensive exam, MRI/CT brain, EEG y Endocrine disorder y Disorientation, altered perception, visual y Electrolytes, glucose, BUN/Cr, LFTs, TFTs, CBC, calcium, y Respiratory disorder hallucinations, insomnia phosphate, magnesium, B12/folate, ABGs, blood cultures, UA y Metabolic disorder/nutritional deficiency y Autonomic changes y CSF analysis y Trauma y Tachycardia, dilated pupils, sweating y Consider d/c anticholinergics, analgesics, steroids, CNS y Cardiovascular disorder y Typically lasts <1 week with full recovery depressants y Neoplasm y DSM‐IV and CAM diagnostic criteria y If alcohol withdrawal –meds only if necessary y Seizures y Benzos, β‐blockers, haloperidol y Medications y PREVENTION!

UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Guillain‐Barre Syndrome Guillain‐Barre Syndrome Multiple Sclerosis y Acute or subacute progressive polyradiculoneuropathy y Treatment y Diagnosis most common in young adults, especially y Follows infection, vaccine, surgery y Plasmapheresis early women y Campylobacter jejuni has been implicated y IVIG 400mg/kg/day x 5days y Western European lineage y Weakness > sensory disturbance y ICU/ventilatory support if necessary y Temperate climate y Typically begins in legs and spreads proximally y Volume replacement and pressors may be required y Likely autoimmune y Autonomic disturbances may be severe y STEROIDS ARE INEFFECTIVE y Focal areas of demyelination y Cardiopulmonary dysfunction y Recovery takes months y Reactive gliosis – scattered white matter changes in y CSF = ↑protein and normal cell count y 20% left with persisting disability central nervous system y Rule out other neuropathies y Periventricular y Spinal cord

UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Multiple Sclerosis ‐ presentation Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis ‐ diagnosis y Symptoms y Relapsing‐remitting (most common) y MRI brain and spinal cord y Weakness, numbness, tingling, spasticity, diplopia, y Period of remission after initial episode y Multi‐focal white matter disease disequilibrium, urinary urgency/hesitancy y Over time periods of remission are shorter and y “Black holes” – areas of axonal damage y Fatigue incomplete y y Symptoms can migrate from limb to limb Lumbar puncture y Progressively deteriorating y May be triggered by stress (i.e. infection) y Oligoclonal bands (IgG) y Secondary progressive y Signs y Myelin basic protein y Nystagmus, optic atrophy, UMN findings (i.e. y Initially relapsing‐remitting, then course changes to a y Mildly elevated protein and lymphocytosis steady deterioration hyperreflexia), sensory and/or cerebellar deficits y Electrodiagnostic studies (EMG + NCV) y y Pregnancy reduces relapses, but they are more likely Primary progressive (least common) y Diagnosis is clinical – criteria always changing 2‐3 months postpartum y Steady deterioration from the onset y Dissemination in time and space is important

UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Multiple Sclerosis ‐ treatment Myasthenia Gravis Myasthenia gravis ‐ presentation y Acute relapse treated with corticosteroids y Fluctuating weakness of voluntary muscles y Methylprednisolone IV 1g/day x 3 days y Symptoms y y Then oral prednisone 60‐80mg/day x 1 week followed by Autoantibodies to acetylcholine receptors y Ptosis, diplopia, difficulty chewing/swallowing, limb taper y Women>men (HLA‐DR3) weakness y Ocular muscles more commonly affected y Steroids improve symptoms but do not prevent y All ages progression y Often associated with thymus dysfunction (thymoma) y Activity increases the weakness and other autoimmune disorders (SLE, rheumatoid y Diagnosis y Progressive disease ‐ indefinite treatment with B‐ arthritis) interferon or glatiramer y Weakness on exam y Insidious onset y Peek sign, tensilon test y Natalizumab – progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy y Exacerbated by illness, pregnancy, menstruation y Repetitive nerve stimulation, single fiber EMG (jitter) y Serum acetylcholine receptor antibodies y Immune modulators y Slow, progressive course y Aspiration pneumonia may prove fatal y CXR or CT to investigate for thymoma y Treat fatigue, depression, spacticity also

UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Myasthenia gravis ‐ Treatment Seizure Disorders Seizure classification ‐ focal y Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors y Epilepsy – recurrent, unprovoked seizures y With (simple partial) or without (complex partial) y Pyridostigmine (Mestinon), neostigmine (Prostigmin) y Transient disturbance of cerebral function due to impaired consciousness y Symptomatic benefits but does not change course of neuronal hyperexcitability y Focal part of one cerebral hemisphere activated disease y Etiology may be: y May evolve to generalized seizure y Avoid aminoglycosides y Genetic y Motor (jerking) or somatosensory (paresthesias) y Thymectomy should be considered if <60 years old y Structural/metabolic symptoms may spread along limb or other parts of y Steroids, IVIG, plasmapheresis also considered y Congenital anomaly, trauma, tumors/lesions, vascular body abnormalities (AVM), degenerative disorders (Alzheimer), y Jacksonian March infectious diseases y Visual, olfactory, auditory and gustatory regions of brain y Unknown may be involved y Autonomic symptoms possible (sweating, flushing)

UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Seizure classification ‐ generalized Seizure classification ‐ generalized Seizures ‐ prodrome y Absence (petit mal) y Tonic‐clonic (grand mal) y Headache, myoclonic jerks, lethargy, mood changes y Brief impairment of consciousness –patient often y Sudden loss of consciousness with rigidity (tonic) may occur hours before attack unaware y Respiratory arrest lasting <1minute y Aura may arise seconds‐minutes before generalized y May include tonic/clonic movements y Jerking, convulsive movements (clonic) seizure y 2‐3 minutes y Atonic component y Most occur unpredictably y y Urinary/fecal incontinence, tongue biting, aspiration Automatisms possible y Triggers may include lack of sleep, stress, missed meals, y Followed by a flaccid coma and possibly a postictal state y Autonomic component possible () menstruation, alcohol (consumption or withdrawal), of confusion y Occurs almost exclusively in childhood flashing lights, music. y Upgoing toes on plantar reflex testing may indicate postictal state

UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Seizures ‐ evaluation Seizures ‐ treatment Seizures ‐ medication y MRI brain (CT if MRI contraindicated) y Medications y Generalized or focal y MRA may be necessary to view vascular anomaly y Alcohol‐withdrawal seizures treated with y Classics y EEG benzodiazepines y Valproic acid, phenytoin, carbamazepine, phenobarbital, topiramate, primidone, lamotrigine y y Avoid triggers Labs y Levetiracetam (Keppra) y y Avoid dangerous situations CBC, glucose, electrolytes, calcium, magnesium, LFTs y Others y Driving, operating machinery, roofing, etc. y Lumbar puncture to r/o infection y Zonisamide, pregabalin, gabapentin y Comply with state laws y Lacosamide y Adjunct therapy for complex partial seizures only y Absence y Ethosuximide, valproic acid, clonazepam

UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Seizure medication considerations Syncope y Pregnancy Status epilepticus y Transient loss of consciousness y Valproic acid is significantly teratogenic y Medical emergency! y Usually leads to fall if patient is standing y Topiramate, phenobarbital, topiramate, carbamazepine y Repeated seizures without recovery between y May be cardiogenic (arrhythmias, aortic stenosis), –cat. D y Fixed epileptic condition lasting >30 minutes orthostatic hypotension, or vasodepressor (common y Dosing frequency y Maintain airway faint) y Side effects/interactions y More likely in elderly y 50% dextrose IV for potential hypoglycemia y Monitoring y Autonomic neuropathy/dysautonomia y Benzodiazepines initially y Serum levels for most drugs y Impaired regulation of BP, HR, etc. in response to stress, y Phenytoin, fosphenytoin for maintenance y Not levetiracetam posture, heat, exercise (carotid mechanoreceptors) y Precipitates in glucose‐containing solutions y CBC (anemia, blood dyscrasia) y May be central or peripheral y Phenobarbital, midazolam may be required y Hepatic function y Diabetes mellitus II is a common cause y Respiratory depression and hypotension possible y Discontinuation –wait at least 2 years seizure‐free y Carotid stenosis y May require intubation

UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Syncope Tourette Syndrome y Motor tics (80%) –face, head, shoulder y Evaluate for head injury from fall y Full name: Gilles de la Tourette syndrome y Sniffing, blinking, frowning, shrugging, head thrusting, etc. y Cardiac workup y Frequent motor and/or phonic tics for at least one y Echopraxia (imitating movement of others) y Carotid imaging year y Phonic tics (20%) y y Symptoms begin before age 21 Treatment y Grunt, bark, hiss, throat‐clearing, cough y Midodrine (vasoconstrictor) y Etiology not completely understood y Coprolalia (obscenities) y Fludrocortisone (volume expander) y Likely chromosomal abnormality y Echolalia (repetition of others) y maintain adequate hydration y Chronic course, but may be relapsing/remitting y Palilalia (repeating words or phrases) y Treat cardiac abnormalities y Often associated with obsessive/compulsive y Tics may be self‐mutilating y Caution with driving behaviors y Ultimately a combination of motor and phonic tics develops

UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) A 45 year old man presents with episodes of left‐sided retro A 45 year old man presents with episodes of left‐sided retro orbital pain, tearing and rhinorrhea nightly x several weeks. orbital pain, tearing and rhinorrhea nightly x several weeks. Tourette Syndrome What is the most appropriate treatment? What is the most appropriate treatment? y Treatment is symptomatic 1. Sumatriptan and 1. Sumatriptan and 89% y Cognitive behavioral therapy y α‐adrenergic agents (clonidine) 100% O2 100% O2 y Typical antipsychotics are the only FDA‐approved meds 2. Ibuprofen and 2. Ibuprofen and y Haloperidol 100%O2 100%O2 y Unfavorable side‐effect profile 3. Amitriptyline 3. Amitriptyline 4. Verapamil 4. Verapamil

11% 0% 0%

UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) 1234 Which is the most appropriate initial Which is the most appropriate initial A woman presents at 24 weeks gestation for medication for migraine prophylaxis? medication for migraine prophylaxis? treatment of recurrent tonic‐clonic seizures. What is the best treatment option? 1. Sumatriptan 1. Sumatriptan 1. Phenobarbital 75% 2. Metoclopramide 2. Metoclopramide 2. Levetiracetam 3. Propranolol 3. Propranolol 3. Valproic acid 4. Butalbital 4. Butalbital 4. Topiramate


4% 0%

UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) 1234 Rutgers University July 1, 2013) A woman presents at 24 weeks gestation for You suspect Alzheimer Disease in an 80 year old You suspect Alzheimer Disease in an 80 year old treatment of recurrent tonic‐clonic seizures. What patient. What is the most appropriate initial patient. What is the most appropriate initial is the best treatment option? medication? medication? 1. Phenobarbital 1. Quetiapine 1. Quetiapine 68% 86% 2. Levetiracetam 2. Paroxetine 2. Paroxetine 3. Valproic acid 3. Donepezil 3. Donepezil 4. Topiramate 4. Alprazolam 4. Alprazolam

19% 13% 10% 5% 0% 0%

UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming Rutgers University July 1, 2013) 1234 Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) 1234 37 year old woman presents with intermittent weakness, A patient with a history of AD presents with A patient with a history of AD presents with paresthesias and fatigue. MRI brain reveals multifocal white disorientation and visual hallucinations x 3 hours. disorientation and visual hallucinations x 3 hours. matter disease. CSF shows oligoclonal bands. What is the What is the most appropriate treatment? What is the most appropriate treatment? diagnosis? 1. Stat alprazolam 1. Stat alprazolam 1. Guillian‐Barre 2. Stat haloperidol 2. Stat haloperidol 61% 2. Myasthenia Gravis 3. Increase dose of 3. Increase dose of 3. Huntington Disease donepezil donepezil 4. Multiple Sclerosis 4. Discontinue 4. Discontinue diphenhydramine diphenhydramine 22% 17%


UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) 1234 Rutgers University July 1, 2013) 37 year old woman presents with intermittent weakness, paresthesias and fatigue. MRI brain reveals multifocal white Patient presents with L‐sided facial droop, Patient presents with L‐sided facial droop, matter disease. CSF shows oligoclonal bands. What is the expressive aphasia and LUE weakness. Where is the expressive aphasia and LUE weakness. Where is the diagnosis? stroke? stroke? 1. Guillian‐Barre 1. Right MCA 1. Right MCA 92% 92% 2. Myasthenia Gravis 2. Basilar artery 2. Basilar artery 3. Huntington Disease 3. Right PCA 3. Right PCA 4. Multiple Sclerosis 4. Left MCA 4. Left MCA

8% 6% 0% 0% 0% 2%

UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming Rutgers University July 1, 2013) 1234 Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) 1234 Patient presents with L‐sided facial droop, Patient presents with L‐sided facial droop, Which of the following is true regarding expressive aphasia and LUE weakness x 2 hours. expressive aphasia and LUE weakness x 2 hours. cerebral aneurysms? After the H&P, what is the best next step? After the H&P, what is the best next step?

1. Administer t‐PA 1. Administer t‐PA 78% 1. Commonly found in posterior Circle of 2. CT scan of head 2. CT scan of head Willis 3. Emergency coiling 3. Emergency coiling 2. Typically present with procedure procedure headaches, blurred 4. Administer ASA, 4. Administer ASA, vision 3. CT is gold standard of Plavix and Plavix and 22% simvastatin simvastatin diagnosis 4. SAH is a major 0% 0% complication UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) 1234 Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Which of the following is true regarding A 60 y/o man complaining of resting tremor of the hand has A 60 y/o man complaining of resting tremor of the hand has cerebral aneurysms? postural instability and cogwheel rigidity on exam. Which is postural instability and cogwheel rigidity on exam. Which is the most appropriate initial medication? the most appropriate initial medication?

1. Commonly found in 60% 1. Tetrabenazine 1. Tetrabenazine 98% posterior Circle of 2. Propranolol 2. Propranolol Willis 2. Typically present with 3. Alprazolam 3. Alprazolam headaches, blurred 32% 4. Carbidopa‐levodopa 4. Carbidopa‐levodopa vision 3. CT is gold standard of diagnosis 4. SAH is a major 6% 2% 2% complication 0% 0% UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming Rutgers University July 1, 2013) 1234 Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) 1234 A 6 year old unvaccinated girl presents with acute A 6 year old unvaccinated girl presents with acute onset high fever, malaise, N/V, confusion and stiff onset high fever, malaise, N/V, confusion and stiff neck. Which is the most appropriate first step? neck. Which is the most appropriate first step?

1. Administer IV 1. Administer IV 88% dexamethasone dexamethasone 2. Lumbar puncture 2. Lumbar puncture 3. CT head 3. CT head Thank you and good luck! 4. X‐ray sinus 4. X‐ray sinus

10% 2% 0%

UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming Rutgers University July 1, 2013) Rutgers University July 1, 2013) 1234 Rutgers University July 1, 2013) References y Bickley, Lynn S., Bates Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 10th Ed., Philadelphia, PA; LWW, 2009 y Goldman, L. Schafer, A., Goldman’s Cecil Medicine, 24th ed. Saunders;Philadelphia:2012. y McPhee, S. Papadakis, M. Rabow, M, Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2013, 52nd Ed., USA; McGraw‐Hill Co., 201

UMDNJ PANCE/PANRE Review Course (becoming Rutgers University July 1, 2013)