Habemus Papam

“We have a !”

Pope Francis I

Interesting Facts

 FIRST Francis  FIRST American [In fact the FIRST American from North or South]  FIRST Jesuit Pope  FIRST non-European in over 1000 years!

At 7.05pm on Wednesday 13th March 2013, the white smoke came out of the chimney on the Sistine Chapel and the bells of St Peters began to ring, "Habemus Papam"

So what is a Jesuit?

 A member of the Society of Jesus  Jesuits are known for their work in education, academic research and for their missionary efforts.

Why Francis?

- St Francis of Assisi – Care for the Poor

This may show us three things:

 his desire to be a force of unity in a divided Church (Franciscans were seen as ‘rivals to Jesuits)  his heart for the poor  his intent to "repair God's house, which has fallen into ruin"... that is, to rebuild the church.

Background of 1

Name Date of Birth Place of Birth Family


Religious Life

When was he ordained a Priest?______

When was he ordained a Bishop? ______

When was he made Arch Bishop? ______

When was he made Cardinal? ______

During his life as Cardinal, Pope Francis was known for his humble lifestyle.

 Lived in a simple apartment rather than the archbishop's palace.  He gave up his chauffeured limousine in favour of taking the bus to work.  He cooked his own meals.  He flies economy class to Rome.  He's known locally simply as "Fr Jorge.“  He told Argentineans not to travel to Rome to celebrate if he was appointed but to give their money to the poor

Explain what this tells us about him as a person


Name the languages which Pope Francis is fluent in


He is now successor to Saint Peter, the first Pope. How many have there been since Peter?


O God, look with favour, we pray, on Francis. our Pope

Grant that he, whom you have made Peter’s successor,

may be for your people a visible source and foundation

of unity in faith and of communion.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,


Your Prayer for the New Holy Father: ______