an> Title: Regarding flood situation in Orissa. SHRI (): Madam, seven districts of are reeling under severe flood situation. Lakhs of people have been marooned. The State Government within its ability and within its limitation has been doing extremely good work. Some of our hon. MPs here have had their constituencies in Odisha affected by flood and incessant rain. Sadly enough, the Government of has, as yet, not reacted in any way towards the flood situation in Northern and Coastal Odisha. I would like to draw the attention of the Government, through you, that all the districts like Balasore, Bhadrak, Mayurbhanj, Dhenkanal, , Puri, Keonjhar, Khurda, Jajpur and Jagatsinghpur have been severely affected by flood. ...(Interruptions)

12.21 hrs At this stage, Shri A.P. Jithender Reddy and some other hon. Members went back to their seats. SHRI TATHAGATA SATPATHY : Therefore, while the House is disturbed, I would like to draw the attention, through you, of the Government that the Government should move with alacrity and rush help to Odisha. Of course, the people there are being taken care of by the State Government. But that is not enough. The Central Government is sleeping and is not able to do anything for the people of Odisha. A Committee should be sent immediately to study the damages that have taken place. Normally, we have seen that the Committees go one or two months later when people have come to their normal life style, the waters have receded and no particular damage can be seen. So, I would request that while the Government is troubled with the proceedings in the House and while we admire your perseverance and your patience in dealing with the situation which has troubled the whole country, we would request that...(Interruptions) ... So, no Government business should take place without the presence of the Opposition...(Interruptions) HON. SPEAKER: Shri Tathagata ji, please do not do. That issue will not go on record. ...(Interruptions)… * 12.22 hrs SUBMISSIONS BY MEMBERS ..... Contd