ON THE BRINK OF EVERYTHING February 2021 To Know as We Are Known Sunday, February 28, 2021 10:30 – The Practice of Relatedness (Livestreamed on Facebook, YouTube & Center webpage.) Dr. Andrea Asebedo

NEW MEMBER INFORMATION MEETING Sunday, February 28 @ Noon We will be hosting a zoom information session on becoming a member of the Center Sunday, February 28th, at noon via Zoom. Dr. Andrea will be on hand for a Q & A session. Members are the heart of the Center contributing time, talent and so much more! There is no obligation to join, and the class is a requirement for membership. Hope you can come!! To RSVP for this meeting, please email [email protected] so we may send you pertinent documents.

CREATIVITY AS SPIRITUAL PRACTICE Friday, March 5 @ 6:00 PM VIA ZOOM Come join us to celebrate Creativity as a Spiritual Practice every first Friday of the month at 6:00 on Zoom. Each month we will explore creative processes based in spiritual principles, participate in the discussion on how Spirit can take form through us, and get inspired! You don’t have to consider yourself an creative to attend. Being in touch with our creativity enhances the art of living on every level. Each monthly session has a different emphasis, and a speaker to start us off with an introduction to their work and a sharing of their process -- how it is for them.

In March, Ruth Mueseler will share about connecting with stone, sculpting healing transmitters, and listening to “Flo” (Spirit). Facilitators: Practitioners Heidi Ruth and Deb Dole Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83994971615

INFINITE POSSIBILITIES THE ART OF LIVING YOUR DREAMS Six Week Zoom Course “Infinite Possibilities” is a six-week class based on the book of the same name, authored by Mike Dooley. As Mike says, we are on this planet to THRIVE and this class is about doing just that. We will look at the ingredients of co-creation and learn techniques to use them skillfully. This non-accredited class is taught by Kalish Leviel, RScP, and begins on Saturday, March 6, from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM, and ends on April 10. Cost is $80; $40 for those who have taken class previously. To register, email [email protected]. Pay on website using DONATE button; in comments, indicate: Infinite Possibilities. Purchase of book is not required; materials will be provided. Contact Kalish at [email protected] if you have questions. Please note: It is imperative that students be able to click on a Zoom link to attend (or copy/paste in a browser). Folks who are not able to access instructor's screen share (as possibly on a phone) should not sign up.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR AND PLAN TO COME TO OUR ANNUAL MEETING Sunday, March 28th @ Noon via Zoom Our Annual General Meeting is coming up on Sunday, March 28. We invite you to come hear how the Center has been doing in our year-in-review of 2020 and learn about the plans in 2021 and beyond! Our meeting is the place we also elect new Board members and thank those retiring from the Board. Andrea Asebedo is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: 2021 Annual General Meeting Time: Mar 28, 2021 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86030847781?pwd=L1VmNlNLYmtpUnFoWGZBYm9BeFFOUT09

SUNDAY AFTER-SERVICE DISCUSSION ON ZOOM First Sunday of Each Month @ Noon We are excited to announce a new addition to our Sunday line-up! We will be having a Zoom discussion of Dr. Andrea’s talk on the first Sunday of every month starting at Noon. The discussion will be led by one of our wonderful Practitioners and a Board member, and you are warmly invited to come! Here’s the link: Topic: First Sunday discussion after Services Time: This is a recurring meeting, 12 noon Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89389701097?pwd=aVhiQ2JxZjJKbUNtTHZaMFhjWVI4QT09 Meeting ID: 893 8970 1097 Passcode: 959501

ALL WE CAN SAVE NEW BOOK STUDY ON CLIMATE SOLUTIONS Six Weeks beginning Wednesday, March 31st 6:00 – 7:30 PM Join the CSLB Earth Stewards for a six-week book study exploring the difficulties and opportunities before us as we work to create climate solutions. Earth Steward and facilitator, Diane Sue, and Practitioner, Joanne Allison, will be our guides as we study the book, All We Can Save, a collection of and celebration of visionary women’s voices. From scientists to poets, these women speak truth and inspire the heart to care for that which we love. Both informational and inspiring, All We Can Save summons truth, courage, and solutions to help us face our current climate emergency with life-giving possibility. Register for this book study no later than March 17th by contacting the CSL Bellingham office at [email protected]. More details and zoom link will be provided. Our book is currently on back order with Village Books (if you prefer to support a local merchant). New shipment is expected March 8, and VB has agreed to give a discount. That code will be provided upon registration. All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis Hardcover – Illustrated, September 22, 2020, by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson (Editor), Katharine K. Wilkinson (Editor)

Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson is a marine biologist, policy expert, writer, and native. She is founder of Urban Ocean Lab, a think tank for the future of coastal cities, and founder and CEO of Ocean Collective, a consulting firm for conservation solutions. Elle named her one of "27 women leading the charge to protect our environment." Outside magazine called her "the most influential marine biologist of our time." Her mission is to build community around solutions to our climate crisis.

Dr. Katharine Wilkinson is an author, strategist, and teacher, working to heal the planet we call home. Her writings include The Drawdown Review (2020), bestseller Drawdown (2017), and Between God & Green (2012), In 2019 Time magazine named Dr. Wilkinson one of 15 "women who will save the world." She is happiest on a mountain or a horse.

Wednesday Evening Midweek Meditation @ 7:00 PM The CSL Bellingham Practitioners are offering a Wednesday evening meditation at 7:00 PM. This is open to anyone who would like to have a midweek heart-warming practice. It will be 15-20 minutes in duration. The purpose is to center and enliven our hearts during our dark winter months. All are welcome and invited. Here is the zoom link: Topic: Wednesday Evening Meditation Time: Each Wednesday, 7 PM (same link each time) Join Zoom Meeting https://us05web.zoom.us/j/85137219578?pwd=NFBBbjdhbG4ySEsrYy9DVCtxZEZwUT09 Meeting ID: 851 3721 9578 Passcode: 8XKF1N

Start Your Day with Spiritual Mind Treatment! Monday-Friday at 7 AM, the Practitioners are offering daily affirmative prayers to anyone who would like a spiritual morning lift to their day. Sign on a bit early because the prayers will start right on time and typically only last 5-10 minutes! Topic: Zoom Meeting Morning Prayers Time: This is a recurring meeting (use same link, below, each day), Monday – Friday mornings, 7:00 AM. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83687806255?pwd=OExkUlVqSnFYU3Rwa1FEMHhLbitrZz09

Close your Day with Gratitude Monday-Friday at 8:45 PM, the Practitioners are offering nightly gratitude prayers with anyone who would like a sweet spiritual close to their day. Sign on early to prepare for the 5-10 minutes of prayer! Kat Wingerter is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Evening Gratitude practice Time: 8:45 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Monday - Friday https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84524173154?pwd=Q1oxRExES2J4VE5BdGw5VXFodjlvdz09 Meeting ID: 845 2417 3154 - Passcode: 901516

FEBRUARY PRAYER – TO KNOW AS WE ARE KNOWN There is only One from which all has emerged, been born, and brought forth into existence. This Divine Intelligence knows my inherent perfection and goodness, for It is me and I am It. The Divine's eyes see with only love, gentleness, and compassion, and I am a manifestation of that vision. How sweetly am I known to Spirit! How beautifully am I seen by the Divine! I breathe into this conscious awareness that I am known in this Good Light. I delight in remembering this is the Truth of me, and also the Truth of all beings. As Spirit sees, so may I see. As Spirit knows, so shall be my knowing. How lovingly may I see other beings! How beautifully may I see myself! What joy to see and know as I am seen and known! Grateful for the smile that comes with each remembering, I anchor this Truth in my heart. And so it is. Ronna Biggs, RScP

HOW TO ACCESS THE SUNDAY TALKS AT 10:30 There are three ways to access the livestream broadcast. 1) Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CenterForSpiritualLivingBellingham 2) YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/CSLBellingham 3) Website https://csl-bellingham.org/live-sunday-services/ You can also watch later, on our YouTube channel and on the website. On the home page at the far left is a pinkish/orange button that says, "Livestream Sunday Services." Click that, and you should be able to see the broadcast. We really love seeing so many of our friends tuning in to Dr. Andrea's message. Thank you!

SPIRITUAL PRACTICES (NEW) DEEP PEACE MEDITATION is a simple and timeless technique, that effortlessly guides our mind beyond our busy thoughts, to experience our own place of deep peace within. It's easy, yet powerful; partially guided, partially uses a "centering sound" and originates from Dr. Deepak Chopra. It is a profound technique and is wonderful for beginners and experienced alike; no meditation experience required. It is so powerful to meditate in a group, even at a distance and on Zoom. We invite everyone from the Bellingham CSL congregation to join us; this group meets every Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday mornings at 8:00am. Hosted by Traysiah Spring; Zoom link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5990006333?pwd=OW84azFYOEg4aEVrQjBXczBPajUyQT09

A COURSE OF LOVE study group is now meeting on-line. Our study group meets every Monday from 10:00 to 11:30 via Zoom. For information contact Catharine Vader, 360-920-6196. BUDDHIST MEDITATION ~ This group is meeting virtually. Meditation using sitting, walking and deep looking, to go within. This group meets every Monday from 6:00-7:30 PM. If you would like to be included, please contact Joe Asebedo at [email protected]. You are welcome!