From: Social Movement Technologies [email protected] Subject: Daily FB Viral Digest: Women's & Reproductive Rights Date: September 22, 2015 at 10:02 AM To: [email protected]

Daily Digest Overperforming Posts in Multiple Lists/Saved Searches (19)

For Harriet Go To Post 23 hours ago Top Post

Sisterhood is alive and well.

8 Times Black Women Were Each Others Biggest Fans at Last Night's Emmy Awards

21.3x 12,149(+11,548) | 141(+124) | 3,852(+3,681)

Women's Rights News Go To Post 13 hours ago 2nd Best

‘It was a play with just two of us on stage and I was offered less than half of what he was going to be paid,’

Sienna Miller Quits Play After Being Offered Half The Wage Of Her Male Co-Star 'Women have to make a stand' 'Women have to make a stand'

14.5x 2,582(+2,431) | 54(+44) | 218(+200)

Women in the World Go To Post 21 hours ago 3rd Best

VIDEO: We asked women in Donald Trump's hometown to share their thoughts on the residential Republican billionaire.

12.4x 706(+589) | 40(+33) | 592(+558)

UltraViolet Go To Post 16 hours ago 4th Best

#ShoutYourAbortion is taking off for the best reasons.

Women Are Challenging The Stigma With #ShoutYourAbortion The two women behind the are trying to change the way society talks about abortion. 10.3x 2,252(+2,012) | 316(+302) | 609(+548)

Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon Go To Post 18 hours ago 5th Best

Extreme politicians in Congress are trying to attack women’s health by blocking from receiving federal funds — a move that would leave thousands of Oregonians devastated by stripping them of the basic reproductive health care they rely on. #StandWithPP

10.2x 522(+449) | 11(+7) | 149(+140)

Reel Girl Go To Post 18 hours ago 6th Best

This quote from Her Next Chapter: "Thank you to Women You Should Know for bringing attention to this unbelievable situation. Party City deleted this woman's fantastic open letter and actually BANNED her from their page. Let's go to the Party City Facebook letter and actually BANNED her from their page. Let's go to the Party City Facebook page and tell them what we think of that! Sigh, the Halloween Wars, here we go again. Yes it gets tiresome, but I'll stand up for our girls as long as it takes."

The Open Letter That Got This Woman Banned From The Party City Facebook Page Lin Kramer posted an "open letter" to the Party City Facebook page re: "Career Costumes" for girls. They chose to silence her. We chose to amplify her voice

8.2x 217(+156) | 8(+4) | 157(+146)

Jezebel Go To Post 10 hours ago 7th Best

Woman jumps out of moving car after seeing spider, causes crash

Woman Jumps Out of Moving Car After Seeing Spider, Causes Crash An Indiana woman named Angela Kipp was backing out of her driveway when she noticed a spider hanging out on her shoulder. She promptly GTFO. Yes, she jumped out of the vehicle while it was moving, and while her...

7.8x 475(+226) | 375(+345) | 568(+525)

Women's Rights News Go To Post 11 hours ago 8th Best

When I was pregnant, patients often asked me if it was hard/weird to do their abortion.My response was simple, ‘Not at all. It is not the right time for you, but it is for me. Later on, if you decide to become a parent, I will be by your side then too." Pratima Gupta, MD, MPH 6.7x 22,308(+20,188) | 285(+249) | 1,319(+879) Go To Post 21 hours ago 9th Best

"When we think of bullies, we think of mean kids, but as a fat person, the most brutal bullies from my childhood were full grown adults."

I Was Bullied as a Kid for Being Fat, And The Worst Bullies of All Were Full-Grown Adults In elementary school, middle school and high school, the majority of the fat shaming directed at me took place in situations that involved physical education and gym teachers. 6.3x 250(+207) | 22(+15) | 70(+61)

Women's Health Go To Post 21 hours ago 10th Best

VIDEO: Your core will thank you:

6.0x 1,655(+1,403) | 43(+19) | 1,130(+1,042)

Women in the World Go To Post 1 hour ago 11th Best

"If you thought Republicans could find no woman more damaging to the diversity and needs of the female half of this country than Sarah Palin, take a good look at Carly Fiorina and what she stands for," Gloria Steinem wrote.

Gloria Steinem eviscerates Carly Fiorina with scathing post on Facebook The surging candidate's remarks on Planned Parenthood drew Steinem's ire 5.9x 401(+339) | 13(+9) | 75(+62)

Jezebel Go To Post 22 hours ago 12th Best

No matter how hard you try, it's never good enough for the TSA.

If You're From One of These States and Planning to Fly in 2016, LOL Sorry Attention driver’s license holders from the great lands of New York, Louisiana, New Hampshire, Minnesota, and American Samoa: The Department of Homeland Security has no love for you.

5.8x 152(-140) | 47(+6) | 657(+609)

CODEPINK: Women For Peace Go To Post 23 hours ago 13th Best

Happy International Peace Day to everyone in the world but especially those who work for peace :) 5.6x 552(+372) | 8(-2) | 299(+265)

Latinos for Planned Parenthood Go To Post 23 hours ago 14th Best

5.6x 209(+167) | 3(-4) | 75(+65)

Jezebel Go To Post 18 hours ago 15th Best

"The sex was amazing," wrote one of them. "And I helped her through some dark times "The sex was amazing," wrote one of them. "And I helped her through some dark times (perhaps a touch of Save-A-Ho on my part)."

Asheville Coffee Shop Owners Secretly Ran Misogynistic Pickup Artist Podcast, Blog Last week, Jared Rutledge and Jacob Owens were considered upstanding members of the unusually liberal Asheville, North Carolina community. As the owners of Waking Life Espresso, they had made a name for themselves in...

5.3x 456(+173) | 179(+138) | 490(+439)

Women's Rights News Go To Post 11 hours ago 16th Best

"But yesterday it was my daughter in a pineapple-print sundress who looked at me with confusion and asked me one simple question: "Why can't I wear my dress to school?"

Your Slut-Shaming Dress Code Is Distracting My Daughter From Learning Maybe it's not the clothes we wear that define our character, value, or worth. And maybe they don't even create a responsibility for how others view us, or treat...

5.1x 561(+417) | 5(-3) | 130(+114)

NARAL Pro-Choice Texas Go To Post 17 hours ago 17th Best

"When we talk about this issue, we often talk about it in terms of statistics and numbers – but people get numb to numbers. And we forget about the fact that there are very real human beings who are suffering tremendously real consequences."

Wendy Davis on Running for Office Again, Life After Defeat After a disappointing loss in November, Davis is done distancing herself from the issue that made her famous. 5.0x 229(+189) | 4(+0) | 36(+29)

Women AdvaNCe Go To Post 19 hours ago 18th Best

A "teachable moment" for a real conversation about the intersectionality of race and gender.

General Hospital Star Nancy Lee Grahn Apologizes After Hate-Tweeting Viola Davis' Emmys 2015... General Hospital star Nancy Lee Grahn apologized early Monday, Sept. 21, after hate-tweeting Viola Davis' Emmys 2015 acceptance speech -- get the details

4.6x 1(-2) | 1(+0) | 17(+15)

Lady Parts Justice Go To Post 20 hours ago 19th Best

“[The #PlannedParenthood video-makers at #CMP] have been very vocal in the media saying they've nothing to hide, yet in Federal Court they want to plead the Fifth."

CA Judge: Group Behind Planned Parenthood Videos Must Surrender All Evidence Good on this judge. Hopefully CMP is sued out of business, and every penny goes right to Planned Parenthood.

4.6x 242(+206) | 2(-6) | 54(+42)

Women AdvaNCe Women AdvaNCe Go To Post 21 hours ago 20th Best

We are excited to have Melissa Harris-Perry as our morning keynote. Watch this clip for a peek of what you can expect.

Melissa Harris-Perry on MSNBC Get the latest news and video from Melissa Harris-Perry, and join Melissa Harris-Perry's community.

4.5x 9(+5) | 0(-2) | 19(+16)

For Harriet Go To Post 13 hours ago

This is incredible.

Winnie Harlow Surprises Aspiring Model Also Living with Vitiligo on "The Real" This is an amazing moment.

4.4x 3,753(+3,209) | 42(+26) | 403(+253) Go To Post 16 hours ago

We seem to have lost the mail point on the #Abortion issue: ABORTION IS LEGAL! “I don't care if Planned Parenthood provides nothing BUT abortion services. I don't care if it's a million-story abortion superpark with abortion waterslides and an abortion electrical parade. Abortion is legal. ABORTION IS LEGAL. If I read one more "defense" of Planned Parenthood that says "it's not JUST !" or "only 5% of what they do is abortion! And abortions aren't federally funded!" I'm going to... 4.4x 1,369(+1,086) | 55(+45) | 494(+375)

League of Women Voters of the U.S. Go To Post 1 hour ago

Happy National Voter Registration Day! Registering to vote is easy! You can start the process online with or find one of the thousands of events happening in communities across the country today! #celebrateNVRD

National Voter Registration Day Events Find out what events are happening around the country or plan your own National Voter Registration Day event.

4.4x 171(+86) | 1(-2) | 186(+154)

Ms. Magazine Go To Post 13 hours ago Go To Post 13 hours ago

There were some very powerful moments last night!

The Top 5 Most Feminist Moments From the Emmys If you missed the Emmys last night and were wondering if any of the many feminists nominated used their platform to say or do something epic, the answer is a resounding yes. The awards show was a night of many...

3.8x 1,528(+1,250) | 11(+3) | 131(+74)

NARAL Pro-Choice America Go To Post 22 hours ago

“If such a ban had been in place a year ago, I would have been condemned to carry and give birth to a baby who had no chance at life.”

Why I had an abortion after 20 weeks The consequences of a federal ban on late-term procedures would place an unimaginable burden on women.

3.8x 2,659(+1,900) | 97(+40) | 700(+539)

National Women's Law Center Go To Post 22 hours ago

Programs like Social Security are absolutely critical to economic security for women, especially the elderly. You can’t #TalkPoverty without talking about the safety net! 3.8x 351(+58) | 20(+9) | 509(+416)

Third Wave Feminism Go To Post 17 hours ago

President Barack Obama "strongly opposes" and would veto a pair of House bills that would strip federal funds from Planned Parenthood and impose new restrictions on abortion, the White House said in a statement on Thursday.

Obama Threatens To Veto Planned Parenthood Defunding Bill The administration said the bill "would limit access to health care for men, women, and families across the Nation."

3.7x 165(+145) | 3(+0) | 7(+1) Women's Health Go To Post 19 hours ago

Consider the next 24 hours a healthy-eating re-set:

How to Eat Clean to Lose Weight This 24-hour plan leaves no stone unturned.

3.7x 1,310(+947) | 21(-10) | 622(+561)

Pro-Choice Liberals Go To Post 5 hours ago

Nailed it-

'You Americans Have No Idea' - Another Open Letter, This Time From Canada & This One Hurts There is a bright side to Brunt's letter. We, at least, know other countries are paying attention to President Obama's many accomplishments.

3.7x 196(+154) | 4(-1) | 41(+29)

Women's Media Center Go To Post 15 hours ago

Between Jill Soloway's thanks to the goddess and Viola Davis's unforgettable Harriet Tubman–quoting speech, here are some of the best moments that you may have missed. Read more on The Cut.

Women Were the Best Thing About the Women Were the Best Thing About the Emmys A (relatively) great night for female celebrities.

3.6x 195(+161) | 0(-3) | 19(+11)

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