ARTE Subasta 2018.indd 1 6/25/18 11:43 AM ARTE Subasta 2018.indd 2 6/25/18 11:43 AM Lugar Anfi trión Administración Carretera #14 Km. 27.6 Danny Maldonado Eduardo Maldonado Barrio Los Llanos, Coamo, PR Dennis Ramírez 00769 Subastador Sonia Meléndez Norman H. Dávila Estadísticas Dirección Postal Ing. Arturo Bird P.O. Box 1914 Coamo, PR Maestro De Ceremonia 00769 / Comentarista Consignatarios Joe Bruno Potrero Los Llanos, Inc. Fecha Miércoles 8 de agosto de 2018 Dedicatoria Teléfonos Sr. Arturo Umpierre Norat 787-825-0326 Ofi c. Hora 787-825-6767 Fax 12:00 M en adelante Información y Datos [email protected] Inspección de Potros The Jockey Club Information 10:30 am en adelante Systems

En portada / Console En contraportada / Recria en Potrero Los Llanos

ARTE Subasta 2018.indd 3 6/25/18 11:43 AM ARTURO “TURÍN” UMPIERRE UN HíPICO DE CORAZóN






























ARTE Subasta 2018.indd 5 6/25/18 11:43 AM ARTE Subasta 2018.indd 6 6/25/18 11:43 AM FACILIDADES DE FINANCIAMIENTO PLANES DE PAGO ACEPTAMOS

PLAN A Pago Total en Efec tivo (Antes del 31 de agosto de 2018) 5% de descuento

PLAN B Una Tercera Parte (1/3) de Pronto Pago

Alternativa 1 Restantes dos terceras partes en tres (3) plazos (noviembre 30, enero 31 y marzo 1ro) * a esta alternativa le aplican cargos por intereses al 10% Alternativa 2 Restantes dos terceras partes en seis (6) plazos (octubre 31, septiembre 30, noviembre 30, diciembre 31, enero 31 y febrero 28) * a esta alternativa le aplican cargos por intereses al 10%


La(s) compra(s) se haran bajo el nombre de

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Núm. de Cuenta

Oficial a ser contactado

Al firmar esta forma el solicitante autoriza a el Potrero Los Llanos y a cualquiera de sus consignatarios a realizar una investigación de crédito y si el solicitante no es un Individuo, el firmante acuerda hacerse personalmente responsable con el Potrero Los Llanos y cualquiera de sus consignatarios por el pago de la deuda adquirida y en acuerdo con las condiciones de venta.

Firma del solicitante



A: Potrero Los Llanos y cualquiera de los consignatarios he asignado a:

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Teléfono Fax


Para actuar como mi agente autorizado para todos los asuntos relacionados a la compra de caballos en la subasta 2018 del Potrero Los Llanos, Inc.

La persona aqui designada tendrá todos los poderes necesarios para llevar a cabo la compra de cualquer ejemplar presentado en esta subasta, incluyendo pero sin limitarse a la otorgación de documentos de compraventa, de garantias, pagos de dinero y cualquier otra gestion relacionada con la compra de un ejemplar.

Este poder podrá ser revocado unicamente por escrito a la dirección del Potrero Los Llanos.

Este poder será utilizable solamente en la subasta a celebrarse el 8 de agosto de 2018 en las facilidades del Potrero Los Llanos.



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Jurado y Suscrito ante mi por mayor de edad,

y vecino de , Puerto Rico, a quien doy fe conocer

personalmente en , Puerto Rico, hoy de de 2018.

ARTE Subasta 2018.indd 9 6/25/18 11:43 AM CONDICIONES DE VENTA

PRIMERA: Todos los ejemplares en este catálogo serán ofrecidos en subasta y otorgados al mejor postor, de conformidad con las disposiciones del Código Civil de Puerto Rico, la Ley Hípica y el Reglamento Hípico. SEGUNDA: Todos los ejemplares ofrecidos en la presente subasta aparecen debidamente inscritos en los registros del Jockey Club y la Administración de la Industria y el Deporte Hípico. TERCERA: La compañía, entiéndase Potrero Los Llanos, Inc., se reserva el derecho de retirar de la subasta a cualquier ejemplar por considerar que la oferta es insuficiente. De así ocurrir, el ejemplar regresará a su jaula y se considerará no vendido. De la misma manera se reserva el derecho de vender cualquier ejemplar en esta subasta a un comprador que no esté debidamente aprobado por el Potrero Los Llanos, Inc. De esto ocurrir, se anulara la venta de dicho ejemplar y el mismo retornara al “ring” de ventas tan pronto como sea posible para ser vendido nuevamente. CUARTA: El subastador será el juez final en cualquier disputa que pueda surgir entre dos o más licitadores. QUINTA: Todo comprador podrá examinar personalmente o mediante perito a los ejemplares ofrecidos en esta subasta. La compañía sugiere que se realicen dichos exámenes para mayor protección y seguridad del comprador. SEXTA: El título de propiedad de todo ejemplar subastado pasará al comprador desde el momento en que dicho ejemplar le sea adjudicado por el subastador. Desde ese momento el comprador asume toda la responsabilidad y riesgo, y libera a la compañía, al consignatario, a su criador y a su antiguo dueño, según sea el caso, de cualquier reclamación por daño, lesión, enfermedad o muerte relacionada con el ejemplar adquirido. El Certificado Original del Jockey Club no será entregado al comprador hasta que se complete el saldo total de la(s) compra(s). SEPTIMA: Al momento de la adjudicación del ejemplar subastado, el comprador deberá realizar la totalidad del pago correspondiente. El comprador deberá suscribir un Pagaré y un Reconocimiento de Compra a favor de Potrero Los Llanos, Inc., del cual podrá obtener una copia y examinar mediante solicitud a la Corporación o a cualquiera de sus oficiales en o antes del día de la subasta. El comprador se compromete a efectuar el pago del compromiso contraído dentro de los términos establecidos por Potrero Los Llanos, Inc., en este mismo catálogo. Se le advierte y apercibe a los compradores de caballos que las condiciones de financiamiento de Potrero Los Llanos, Inc., ha expuesto en este catálogo se incorporan por referencia y se hacen formar parte de estas Condiciones de Venta tal cual si las mismas estuvieran aquí literalmente transcritas. En consecuencia de ello, todo comprador deberá darle estricto cumplimiento a estas. OCTAVA: El comprador que actúe como agente o apoderado de otro asumirá personal y solidariamente las obligaciones y responsabilidades del comprador hasta que éste haya cumplido con el pago total de la compra. Esta condición incluye a corporaciones y/o sociedades. NOVENA: El comprador deberá remover del lugar de la subasta a los ejemplares por él adquiridos en un período de 72 horas a partir del momento de la adjudicación del ejemplar. El comprador asumirá toda la responsabilidad y costo por la transportación del ejemplar adquirido. Si el comprador no cumple con lo anterior, la compañía transportará al ejemplar adquirido por el comprador a una finca o establo que le sea conveniente a la compañía. El comprador asumirá toda la responsabilidad por cualquier daño que sufra el ejemplar durante este periodo, y se compensará a la compañía por los costos de transportación más veinticinco ($25) por día, por concepto del cuido del ejemplar.

ARTE Subasta 2018.indd 10 6/25/18 11:43 AM DECIMA: No hay garantía implícita de la compañía, ni del consignatario, criador y/o antiguo dueño por la salud, uso o destino para cualquier propósito de los ejemplares vendidos mediante subasta e incluidos en este catálogo. La compañía si tendrá la obligación de anunciar cualquier lesión en los ojos, de cualquier ejemplar subastado, que impida su visión normal. También tendrá la obligación de anunciar cualquier ejemplar que sea “Cribber”, o sea, que trague aire. En adición, es obligación de la compañía, anunciar cualquier ejemplar que sea criptorquido o monorquido. El comprador o nuevo dueño tendrá un término improrrogable de 72 horas a partir de la fecha de la compra para hacer su reclamo por escrito a la compañía acompañado del informe de su veterinario, por vicio oculto relacionado con el ejemplar adquirido y, a tales efectos, renuncia a los derechos que le concede el Artículo 1388 del Código Civil de Puerto Rico. UNDECIMA: La preparación y redacción de este catálogo y la información que contiene concuerda con los usos y costumbres de la Industria Hípica de Puerto Rico, y puede adolecer de errores u omisiones. DUODECIMA: Cualquier exposición o declaración verbal o escrita de la compañía y/o del consignatario y/o del criador y/o del antiguo dueño, NO ES PARTE DEL CONTRATO DE VENTA. DECIMOTERCERA: Derecho a Devolución. Todo ejemplar que luego de un examen endoscópico practicado por un veterinario, demuestre epiglotis entrampada o parálisis de la laringe será devuelto al consignatario de acuerdo a la decimocuarta cláusula (#14), más adelante inserta. Todo ejemplar con fractura o fragmentación ósea que afecte su habilidad para correr podrá ser devuelto al consignatario sujeto al cumplimiento de la decimocuarta cláusula (#14), más adelante inserta. El consignatario no será responsable ni aceptara devolución por ninguna condición que haya sido anunciada durante la subasta inmediatamente previo a la venta de cada ejemplar. DECIMOCUARTA: El comprador tendrá un término improrrogable de 72 horas, luego de haberle sido adjudicado un ejemplar, para radiografiar y endoscopiar al ejemplar adquirido y darle estricto cumplimiento a esta cláusula y a la décima (#10) y decimotercera (#13) cláusulas de estas Condiciones de Venta. No se aceptara devolución de clase alguna por condiciones que hayan sido debidamente anunciadas. Inmediatamente después de conocer alguna condición que, alegadamente le de derecho al comprador a la devolución del ejemplar adquirido, el comprador deberá notificar directamente a Potrero Los Llanos, Inc., y, dentro de dicho termino, presentar la reclamación por escrito acompañada por el certificado de su veterinario y entregarla personalmente a la oficina de Potrero Los Llanos, Inc. Nuestra oficina está ubicada en el Barrio Los Llanos, Car. 14 Km. 27.6 en Coamo, PR 00769. DECIMOQUINTA: La compañía, a requerimiento de una devolución según provisto en las cláusulas #13 y #14, tendrá disponible un veterinario de vasta experiencia quien evaluará la reclamación y emitirá su opinión profesional a la compañía. En caso de surgir un conflicto de opiniones veterinarias, la compañía nombrará a un tercer veterinario aceptable tanto para la compañía como para el comprador, cuya opinión será aceptada como final por ambas partes. Todos los gastos veterinarios originados por esta controversia serán pagados por la parte a quien le corresponda finalmente el ejemplar. El derecho a la devolución de acuerdo a lo previsto anteriormente será el único recurso del comprador y ninguna de las partes será responsable por ningún otro daño, sino, solamente por aquellos señalados aquí. DECIMOSEXTA: Con excepción de lo expresado en las cláusulas decimotercera y decimocuarta (#13 y #14) de las Condiciones de Venta, no se admitirá devolución por ningún otro motivo luego de haberse adjudicado un ejemplar. DECIMOSEPTIMA: EN CUANTO A LOS INCENTIVOS POR COMPRA OTORGADOS A LOS DUEÑOS DE CABALLOS POR LA HONORABLE JUNTA HIPICA PARA ESTE AÑO, SE ADVIERTE QUE SERA RESPONSABILIDAD DE CADA DUEÑO Y NO DEL CRIADOR, SOLICITAR LA CANTIDAD ASIGNADA A TRAVES DE LA ADMINISTRACION DE LA INDUSTRIA Y EL DEPORTE HIPICO.

ARTE Subasta 2018.indd 11 6/25/18 11:43 AM Presenta Sementales 2018

ARTE Subasta 2018.indd 12 6/25/18 11:43 AM CONSOLE Dark Bay or Brown Horse; foaled 2009 Danzig ...... Pas de Nom War Front ...... Rubiano Starry Dreamer...... Lara's Star CONSOLE A.P. Indy Pulpit ...... Preach Bema ...... (1999) Icecapade Dhaka...... Cloudy Day Sunny By WAR FRONT (2002). Stakes winner of $424,205, Alfred G. Vanderbilt Breeders' Cup H.-G2, etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 9 crops of rac- ing age, 652 foals, 454 starters, 69 stakes winners, 327 winners of 906 races and earning $49,717,466, 3 champions, including Lines of Battle (4 wins, $1,286,753, Standard Chartered Champions & Chater Cup-G1, etc.), and of Air Force Blue (hwt., $844,919, Dubai Dewhurst S.-G1, etc.), Declaration of War (hwt., $1,847,489, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc.). 1st dam BEMA, by Pulpit. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $146,612, Busher S.-L, 3rd Tropical Park Oaks-L. Half-sister to DEODAR, Morada Key. Dam of 7 other foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, including-- DUE DILIGENCE (c. by War Front). Winner in 2 starts at 2, $58,000, in N.A./ U.S.; 2 wins in 4 starts at 3, €59,600, in Ireland, hwt. at 3 on Irish Hand., 5 - 7 fur., Lacken S., 3rd Patton S.; placed at 3, £120,568, in England, 2nd Diamond Jubilee S.-G1. (Total: $343,241). Ocasta (c. by Cherokee Run). 3 wins at 2 and 4, $84,969, 3rd Bourbon S.-G3. Bemata (g. by Horse Greeley). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $286,359, 2nd Stud Muffin S. Cort (g. by Horse Greeley). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $123,707. Bema's Gold (f. by Out of Place). Unraced. Dam of 3 winners, including-- Bobby On Fleek (c. by Frost Giant). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $152,960, 2nd Funny Cide S.-R. 2nd dam DHAKA, by Icecapade. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $186,866, Very Subtle Breeders' Cup H., Regret S., 2nd Wilma C. Kennedy S., 3rd My Juliet H., Lieutenant Governor S. Half-sister to SIEBE, PUZAR, B. Z. Jones. Dam of-- DEODAR (c. by Woodman). 6 wins, $162,200, Your Host S., etc. Sire. BEMA (f. by Pulpit). Stakes winner, above. Morada Key (g. by Carson City). 2 wins at 3, $139,466, in N.A./U.S., 2nd Han- shin Cup H.-G3, etc.; winner at 4, $49,832, in Canada. (Total: $180,462). In Love Again. 3 wins at 3, $89,701. Dam of LITTLE WIDOW MAKER (f. by Orientate, Total: $95,854, Winnipeg Futurity, Debutante S., Osiris S., etc.). Upcoming. 3 wins, $80,160. Dam of Surprise Squall (f. by Stephen Got Even, 3 wins, $138,473, dam of Cajun Creed, g. by Jimmy Creed, $118,200), etc. Carib Gal. Unraced. Dam of Gold for Cash (c. by Eurosilver, $351,205). Mayan Milagra. Unplaced. Dam of DANCINGINHERDREAMS (f. by Tapit, 4 wins, $328,516, Pocahontas S.-G2, etc.), DOUBLED (f. by Exchange Rate, $159,455, Sorority S.-L, etc.), Good Pick Nick (r. by Tapit, $82,300). RACE RECORD: In N.A./U.S. At 2, unraced; at 3, two wins in 3 starts; at 4, one win; at 5, one win, twice 2nd, twice 3rd. Totals: 4 wins, twice 2nd, twice 3rd. Earned $182,010. In Canada. At 4, unplaced in 1 start. Earned $1,000. (Total: $182,970). DON PACO Chestnut Horse; foaled 2008 Seattle Slew A.P. Indy ...... Weekend Surprise Casanova Star ...... The Minstrel ...... Flight Dancer DON PACO Nijinsky II Seattle Dancer ...... My Charmer Miss Frisky Dancer ...... (1992) Marsayas Miss Frisky Lady ...... Frisky Flyer By CASANOVA STAR (1996). Winner of $117,970. Sire of 14 crops of racing age, 117 foals, 74 starters, 7 stakes winners, 62 winners of 245 races and earning $2,799,169, including champions Criador ($297,253, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Don Paco (21 wins, $464,344, Puertorriqueno Derby-G1, etc.), Yosolita ($166,232, Criadores de Puerto Rico-G1, etc.), and of Kris- tian Quiles (9 wins, $206,849, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, etc.), Satinada ($146,746, Clasico Dia de las Madres-G1, etc.), Kween C ($107,395). 1st dam MISS FRISKY DANCER, by Seattle Dancer. 5 wins, 4 to 6, $112,782, Clasico Wiso G., 2nd Clasico Prensa Hipica, 3rd Clasico Prensa Hipica-G1. Dam of 6 foals, all winners, including-- DON PACO (c. by Casanova Star). Champion, below. Estopilla (f. by Greedy). 7 wins at 3 and 4, $58,971. Bailarin (c. by Sunshine Jimmy). 5 wins, 3 to 5, $44,909. Gabardina (f. by Casanova Star). Winner at 2, $35,969. Rosaura V. (f. by Sunshine Jimmy). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $31,333. 2nd dam MISS FRISKY LADY, by Marsayas. 2 wins at 2, $12,658. Sister to MISTER FRISKY, half-sister to CROSS CURRENT. Dam of 4 winners, including-- MISS FRISKY DANCER (f. by Seattle Dancer). Stakes winner, above. 3rd dam FRISKY FLYER, by Highest Tide. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $18,955. Dam of-- MISTER FRISKY. 16 wins in 20 starts at 2 and 3, $689,393, horse of the year, champion imported 2-year-old colt in Puerto Rico, Santa Anita Derby-G1, San Rafael S.-G2, Clasico Juan Orlando Herrero-G2, etc. Sire. CROSS CURRENT. 16 wins, 3 to 6, $127,759, Clasico Roberto Clemente. Dam of SATINADA ($146,746, Clasico Dia de las Madres-G1, etc.). Eager Flyer. Unraced. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 6 winners, including-- UNWRITTEN. 13 wins, 2 to 7, $493,239, John J. Reilly H.-LR, etc. Miss Frisky. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals, 5 to race, 3 winners, including-- FRISKY'S TURN. 21 wins, $347,623, Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos, 2nd Clasico Luis Munoz Marin-G1, Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos-G1, etc. RACE RECORD: In N.A./U.S. At 2, three wins (Copa Navidad), twice 3rd (Puerto Rico Futurity) in 5 starts; at 3, eleven wins (Puertorriqueno Derby-G1, Copa Gobernador-G1, Clasico Antonio Fernandez Castrillon-G2, Clasico Antonio Mongil, Jr.-G2, Copa San Juan) in 11 starts; at 4, champion older horse in Puerto Rico, 5 wins (Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo S.-G2, Clasico Luis Munoz Marin S.-G3) in 6 starts; at 5, one win, once 2nd, once 3rd; at 6, one win, 3 times 2nd, twice 3rd (Clasico Antonio Fernandez Castrillon-G2). Totals: 21 wins, 4 times 2nd, 5 times 3rd in 37 starts. Earned $464,344. In Panama. At 3, unplaced. Earned 11,600 dollars. (Total: $618,181). HOCKENHEIM Chestnut Horse; foaled 2003 Bold Reasoning Seattle Slew ...... My Charmer A.P. Indy ...... Secretariat Weekend Surprise ...... Lassie Dear HOCKENHEIM Mr. Prospector Seeking the Gold ...... Con Game Lady Bonanza...... (1995) Tentam Born a Lady ...... By A.P. INDY (1989). Horse of the year, classic winner of $2,979,815, Belmont S.-G1, etc. Leading sire twice, sire of 18 crops of racing age, 1224 foals, 947 starters, 164 stakes winners, 693 winners of 2337 races and earning $136,389,447, 12 champions, including Mineshaft (10 wins, $2,283,402, Jockey Club Gold Cup-G1, etc.), Rags to Riches ($1,342,528, Belmont S.-G1, etc.), Bernardini (6 wins, $3,060,480, Preakness S.-G1, etc.), Honor Code (6 wins, $2,518,260, Whitney S.-G1, etc.), Tempera ($770,240). 1st dam Lady Bonanza, by Seeking the Gold. 4 wins at 2 and 3, ¥108,365,000, in Japan, 2nd Flower Cup-G3. (Total: $892,052). Half-sister to ARROW- TOWN. Dam of 6 other foals, 2 to race-- August Gale (c. by ). Placed at 3, £4,021, in England. (Total: $7,943). Hot Hippie (f. by Medaglia d'Oro). Placed at 3, 2018. 2nd dam BORN A LADY, by Tentam. 4 wins at 3, $57,544, Pearl Necklace S.-R, 2nd Drop Me A Note S.-R. Half-sister to NORTHERN DANCER ($580,647, horse of the year in Canada, leading sire), NATIVE VICTOR, REGAL DANCER, Nostrum (sire), Northern Native (sire), Tai (sire), Arctic Dancer. Dam of-- ARROWTOWN (c. by Mr. Prospector). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $330,765, Skip Trial S., Richard Stockton S., 2nd True North H.-G2 twice, El Conejo H.-L, etc. Lady Bonanza (f. by Seeking the Gold). Stakes-placed winner, above. Lambada Lady. Winner at 2, $14,280. Producer. Granddam of TAGANO AZAGHAL (c. by Bago (FR), Total: $563,205), Taisei Chevalier (c. by Kurofune, Total: $1,103,695, 2nd Hyogo Championship, etc.), Little Red Rocket (c. by Explosive Red, $246,460, 2nd Anderson Fowler S., etc.). Deviltante. Winner at 3, $3,900. Producer. Granddam of RIGHT TO DREAM (g. by Oasis Dream (GB), Total: $37,057), SIX HITTER (g. by Boundary, Total: $151,477), Binthebest (g. by Binalong, 5 wins, $350,545), Tinker (c. by Binalong, $109,290, 3rd Spectacular Bid S.-L). Great-granddam of ASUKANO ROMAN (c. by Agnes Digital, 7 wins, Total: $2,414,773). Little Arrow. Unraced. Sent to Japan. Dam of 2 winners, including-- ANTONIO BAROWS (c. by Manhattan Cafe). Winner at 2 and 3, ¥99,- 521,000, in Japan, Nikkan Sports Sho Shinzan Kinen-G3, 2nd Princi- pal S., 3rd Tokyo Yushun-Japanese Derby. (Total: $1,065,916). Timber Nymph. Unraced. Producer. Granddam of BLACKTYPE (FR) (g. by Dunkerque, Total: $754,085). Great-granddam of TOUR TO PARIS (c. by Fuisse, champion 2-year-old colt in Hungary, Szent Laszlo Dij-G2). Natalma's Dream. Unraced. Producer. Great-granddam of AMANPOUR (f. by Northern Meteor, Total: $712,866), TURF EXPRESS (g. by Danehill Dancer, Total: $353,203), SPORTS EDITION (c. by Northern Meteor, Total: $77,684). RACE RECORD: Unraced. ISTAN Bay Horse; foaled 2002 Raise a Native Mr. Prospector...... Gold Digger Gone West ...... Secretariat Secrettame ...... Tamerett ISTAN Bluebird ...... Ivory Dawn Ronda (GB) ...... (1996) Java Gold Memory's Gold ...... Memory Lane By GONE WEST (1984). Stakes winner of $682,251, Dwyer S.-G1, etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 22 crops of racing age, 1281 foals, 1034 starters, 101 stakes winners, 706 winners of 2142 races and earning $86,953,821, including champions Zafonic ($669,681, Two Thousand Guineas-G1, etc.), Speightstown (10 wins, $1,258,256, Breeders' Cup Sprint-G1, etc.), Gone Prospecting (CLICO Stewards Cup-G1, etc.), and of Came Home (9 wins, $1,835,940, Pacific Classic S.-G1, etc.), Marsh Side ($2,360,853). 1st dam RONDA (GB), by Bluebird. 3 wins at 2 and 3, €94,824, in France, Prix de San- dringham-G3, Prix La Fleche, 2nd Prix La Camargo, Prix Imprudence, 3rd Prix du Bois-G3; winner in 1 start at 3, £34,300, in England, Greene King Falmouth S.-G2; placed in 1 start at 3, €24,542, in Germany, 2nd Henkel-Rennen-79 German One Thousand Guineas-G2; placed at 3 and 4, $46,115, in N.A./U.S., 2nd Just a Game Breeders' Cup H.-G3, 3rd Gar- den City Breeders' Cup H.-G1, Jenny Wiley S.-G3. (Total: $227,410). Half- sister to SILVER GILT, Mill Guineas. Dam of 9 foals, all winners, incl.-- ISTAN (c. by Gone West). Stakes winner, below. Gibralfaro (IRE) (g. by ). 4 wins at 3, €55,450, in France; 2 wins, £27,- 454, in England; winner at 6, 2018, $21,000, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $121,598). Priego (c. by Elusive Quality). Winner at 3 and 6, €79,920, in France; 3 wins at 6 in Belgium. (Total: $107,215). Alhaurin (c. by Gone West). 3 wins at 3, €46,950, in France. (Total: $67,441). Torremolinos (g. by Street Cry (IRE)). 2 wins at 3, €19,100, in France. (Total: $24,434). Casares (c. by Rahy). Winner at 3, €20,050, in France. (Total: $24,239). 2nd dam MEMORY'S GOLD, by Java Gold. Winner at 3, £4,381, in England. (Total: $6,722). Half-sister to FIELDS OF SPRING. Dam of 5 foals, 3 winners, including-- RONDA (GB) (f. by Bluebird). Stakes winner, above. SILVER GILT (g. by Silver Hawk). Winner at 2 and 4, £24,235, in England, Addleshaw Goddard S.; 6 wins, 5 to 11, €148,760, in France, 2nd Prix de Conde-G3. (Total: $235,834). Mill Guineas (f. by Salse). Placed at 3 and 4, €29,111, in France, 3rd Prix d'Automne-Casino Barriere de Biarritz. (Total: $27,861). Dam of MILL MARIN (f. by Pivotal), Olvia (f. by Giant’s Causeway, Total: $57,349). RACE RECORD: In France. At 2, one win in 2 starts; at 3, two wins, once 3rd (Prix de Pontarme). Totals: 3 wins, once 3rd. Earned €44,050. In N.A./U.S. At 3, unplaced in 1 start; at 4, one win in 2 starts; at 5, five wins (Ack Ack H.-G3, Turfway Park Fall Championship S.-G3, Artax H.-L, Budweiser Challenger S., Governor's H.), once 2nd. Totals: 6 wins, once 2nd. Earned $406,792. (Total: $461,455). MYFAVORITE PLACE Bay Horse; foaled 1995 (FR) ...... Runaway Bride (GB) Runaway Groom ...... Call the Witness Yonnie Girl...... Po'chile MYFAVORITE PLACE Minnesota Mac Great Above ...... Ta Wee Myfavorite Charity ...... (1985) Tri Jet Jettapart ...... Annulment By RUNAWAY GROOM (1979). Champion 3-year-old in Canada, stakes win- ner of $347,537, Travers S.-G1, etc. Sire of 23 crops of racing age, 1153 foals, 975 starters, 75 stakes winners, 761 winners of 3188 races and earn- ing $62,611,899, including champions Alex the Groom (9 wins, $188,058, Clasico Prensa Hipica-G1, etc.), Dr. Fox (Clasico de Los Sprinters-G1, etc.), Cherokee Run ($1,531,818, Breeders' Cup Sprint-G1, etc.), March Groom ($245,510, Kincsem Dij-G1, etc.), Collect the Groom ($166,434). 1st dam Myfavorite Charity, by Great Above. 9 wins, 3 to 6, $124,067, 2nd Azalea H.- L, 3rd Blue Sparkler S., Inaugural S. Half-sister to DASH OF SALT, Jacquelyn's Groom. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, all winners, including-- MYFAVORITE PLACE (c. by Runaway Groom). Stakes winner, below. STARLET IN MOTION (f. by Fappiano's Star). 17 wins, 3 to 6, $287,579, Clasico Dia de las Madres-G1, 2nd Clasico Dia de Reyes-G1, Clasico Confedera- cion Hipica de Puerto Rico-G1, Clasico Dia del Veterano-G2, Clasico Miss Bell-G3, 3rd Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, Clasico Constitucion-G1 twice. MY FAVORITE DREAM (c. by Runaway Groom). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $119,627, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, Clasico Battle Morn-G3. Sire. Myfavorite Star (g. by Fappiano's Star). 7 wins at 3 and 5, $108,730. Myfavoritepassion (f. by Wekiva Springs). 2 wins at 3, $75,802. Trial Seperation (f. by Runaway Groom). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $47,465. Before the Thunder (f. by Wekiva Springs). Unraced. Dam of-- MY FAVORITE SPIRIT (c. by American Spirit). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $83,- 246, champion imported 3-year-old colt in Puerto Rico, Clasico George Washington-G3, Clasico Jose de Diego. 2nd dam JETTAPART, by Tri Jet. Winner at 3, $11,495. Half-sister to Great Ending. Dam of-- DASH OF SALT (f. by Salt Lake). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $206,261, Marigold S.-L, etc. Jacquelyn's Groom (c. by Runaway Groom). 7 wins, 2 to 7, $164,808, 2nd Roman Brother S.-LR, Marigold S., 3rd Hurricanes H.-L, etc. Sire. Myfavorite Charity (f. by Great Above). Stakes-placed winner, above. Spring Vacation. 2 wins at 3, $41,960. Dam of OBEY (f. by Desert Code, 4 wins, $150,132), Comical Vacation (f. by Comic Strip, $48,240). Miss E. 5 wins at 3, $37,508. Dam of I’m Majestic (g. by Idabel, $202,895), Charity Charity (f. by Country Store, $60,524, dam of LEGAL MOVE, c. by Bold Executive, Total: $883,124; ITS LAUNCH TIME, g. by Trajectory). RACE RECORD: At 2, one win, twice 3rd; at 3, one win, twice 2nd; at 4, seven wins, twice 2nd (Clasico Dia del Veterano-G3), once 3rd in 11 starts; at 5, seven wins (Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1), once 3rd (Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos-G1) in 8 starts; at 6, one win in 2 starts. Totals: 17 wins, 4 times 2nd, 4 times 3rd in 29 starts. Earned $306,852. PALACE Bay Horse; foaled 2009 Mr. Prospector Carson City ...... Blushing Promise City Zip...... Relaunch Baby Zip...... Thirty Zip PALACE Forty Niner End Sweep ...... Broom Dance Receivership...... (2000) Darn That Alarm Alarming Prospect...... Hasty Prospect By CITY ZIP (1998). Stakes winner of $818,225, Hopeful S.-G1, etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 14 crops of racing age, 1209 foals, 952 starters, 79 stakes winners, 745 winners of 2638 races and earning $86,543,574, 6 champions, including Dayatthespa (11 wins, $2,288,892, Breeders' Cup Filly and Mare Turf-G1, etc.), Dana My Love ($217,562, Clasico Accion de Gracias-G1, etc.), Catch a Glimpse ($1,853,615, Belmont Oaks Invitational S.-G1, etc.), Work All Week (13 wins, $1,511,071), Finest City ($1,266,394). 1st dam RECEIVERSHIP, by End Sweep. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $198,300. Half-sister to FRENCH PARK. Dam of 10 foals, 7 to race, 4 winners-- PALACE (c. by City Zip). Stakes winner, below. Retriever (g. by Golden Missile). 8 wins, 3 to 6, $157,958, 3rd Monarch's Maze S. Wincoma (c. by Badge of Silver). Winner at 2 and 3, $77,242. Lady J T (f. by Montbrook). Winner at 3, $26,401. 2nd dam Alarming Prospect, by Darn That Alarm. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $102,895, 2nd Honey Bee Breeders' Cup H.-G3, Salem County S., 3rd Reeve Schley, Jr. S.-G2. Sister to Hasty Alarm ($47,370, 2nd Shrewsbury S.), half-sister to Sunny Go North (11 wins, $87,487). Dam of 4 winners, including-- FRENCH PARK (f. by Ecton Park). 3 wins in 5 starts at 2, $297,601, Golden Rod S.-G2, Pocahontas S.-G3, 2nd Silverbulletday S.-G3. Dam of-- GENRE (f. by Bernardini). 5 wins at 2 and 4, $457,700, Molly Pitcher S.- G3, Lady Jacqueline S., 2nd Hurricane Bertie S.-G3, Heavenly Prize Invitational S.-L, Lady's Secret S.-L, Obeah H.-L, 3rd Juddmonte Spin- ster S.-G1, Rampart S.-G3. PARC MONCEAU (f. by Giant's Causeway). 5 wins, 3 to 5, $247,980, El Dorado S.-R, 2nd Gold Coast S.-LR, 3rd Tiffany Lass S. St. Jean. 5 wins at 3, $78,685. Producer. Perfect Pleasure. Unraced. Dam of 3 winners, including-- Noyer (c. by Horse Greeley). 2 wins at 2 in Panama, 2nd Clasico Ernesto Navarro Diaz, Ernesto y Ramon Navarro Diez-G2, 3rd Clasico General Jose Antonio Remon Cantera-G3. RACE RECORD: At 2, unraced; at 3, four wins, twice 3rd in 7 starts; at 4, four wins (Fall Highweight H.-G3, Hudson H.-R, Chowder's First S.-R), 3 times 2nd (Gravesend H.) in 8 starts; at 5, three wins (Forego S.-G1, Alfred G. Vanderbilt H.-G1, True North S.-G2), twice 2nd (Belmont Sprint Champi- onship S.-G3, Gold and Roses S.-R), once 3rd (Vosburgh S.-G1); at 6, one win (Hudson H.-R), twice 2nd (Fall Highweight H.-G3, Gravesend S.), twice 3rd (Frank J. De Francis Memorial Dash S.-L, John Morrissey S.-R). Totals: 12 wins, 7 times 2nd, 5 times 3rd. Earned $1,586,550. PERFECT BULLET Bay Horse; foaled 2004 Northern Dancer Sadler's Wells ...... Fairy Bridge El Prado (IRE)...... Lady Capulet ...... Cap and Bells PERFECT BULLET Roberto Red Ransom...... Arabia Perfect Sting...... (1996) Valid Appeal Valid Victress...... Grecian Victory By EL PRADO (IRE) (1989). Champion 2-year-old in Ireland, stakes winner of $236,987, National S.-G1, etc. Leading sire, sire of 17 crops of racing age, 1027 foals, 817 starters, 89 stakes winners, 609 winners of 2361 races and earning $84,577,784, including champions Mi Pradera ($664,452, Clasico Antonio R. Matos-G1, etc.), Kitten's Joy ($2,075,791, Joe Hirsch Turf Classic Invitational S.-G1, etc.), Ruten ($23,031, Nagroda KMET Cup Classic-G1, etc.), and of Medaglia d'Oro ($5,754,720, Travers S.-G1, etc.). 1st dam PERFECT STING, by Red Ransom. 14 wins in 21 starts, 2 to 5, $2,202,042, champion grass mare, Breeders' Cup Filly & Mare Turf-G1-ecr, 1 3/8 mi. in 2:13, Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S.-G1, Garden City Breeders' Cup H.-G1, Diana H.-G2, New York H.-G2, Black Helen H.-G2, Just a Game Breeders' Cup H.-G3, Beaugay H.-G3, Sands Point S.-G3, Green River S.-L, Captive Miss S.-L, 2nd WinStar Galaxy S.-G3, Lake George H.-G3, Appalachian S.-L. Dam of 11 foals, 7 to race, all winners-- SMART STING (f. by Smart Strike). 3 wins in 6 starts, 2 to 4, $329,053, in Canada, Selene S.-G3, Maple Leaf S.-L, 2nd Ontario Colleen S.-G3; win- ner at 3, $87,915, in N.A./U.S., 3rd Edgewood S.-L. (Total: $413,156). QUICK KID (c. by Ghostzapper). 4 wins at 4 and 5, $53,226, in Canada, Andy Passero Memorial Cup S.; placed in 2 starts at 4, $4,092, in N.A./ U.S. (Total: $56,920). Sire. Perfect Bullet (c. by El Prado (IRE)). Stakes-placed winner, below. Sweet Sting (f. by Awesome Again). Winner at 3, 2018, $38,550, 3rd Mem- ories Of Silver S.-L. Supreme Commander (g. by Street Cry (IRE)). Placed 6 to 8, 2018, $26,148, in N.A./U.S.; 4 wins at 6 and 7, $155,868, in Canada. (Total: $148,610). Purple Trillium (f. by Seeking the Gold). Winner in 2 starts at 5, $25,598, in N.A./U.S.; placed at 5, $23,440, in Canada. (Total: $49,553). Producer. Flying Bullet (c. by Smart Strike). Winner at 3, €9,610, in Ireland; placed at 4, $34,500, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $45,412). 2nd dam VALID VICTRESS, by Valid Appeal. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $95,482, Dramatic Joy S., 3rd Moraga S.-L, Blazing Skies H. Half-sister to THE COUNT. Dam of-- PERFECT STING (f. by Red Ransom). Champion, above. Reggae Queen. Winner at 3, $32,880. Dam of CELTIC NEW YEAR (g. by (IRE), 5 wins, $294,422, Del Mar H.-G2, etc.). RACE RECORD: In N.A./U.S. At 2, unraced; at 3, once 2nd, twice 3rd; at 4, unplaced; at 5, unplaced in 1 start; at 6, unraced; at 7, unplaced in 2 starts. Earned $23,397. In Canada. At 4, two wins in 2 starts; at 5, one win in 2 starts; at 6, once 3rd (Autumn S.-G2); at 7, one win. Totals: 4 wins, once 3rd. Earned $179,152. (Total: $198,200). RACE DAY Gray or Roan Horse; foaled 2011 A.P. Indy Pulpit ...... Preach Tapit ...... Unbridled Tap Your Heels...... Ruby Slippers RACE DAY Southern More Than Ready...... Woodman's Girl Rebalite...... (2004) In Reality Printing Press ...... Wealth of Nations By TAPIT (2001). Stakes winner of $557,300, Wood Memorial S.-G1, etc. Lead- ing sire 3 times, sire of 11 crops of racing age, 1260 foals, 957 starters, 110 stakes winners, 722 winners of 2117 races and earning $125,850,972, 7 champions, including Untapable ($3,926,625, Longines Breeders' Cup Distaff-G1, etc.), Stardom Bound ($1,861,610, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fil- lies-G1, etc.), Hansen ($1,810,805, Breeders' Cup Juvenile-G1, etc.), Unique Bella ($852,400, La Brea S.-G1, etc.), and of Tonalist ($3,647,000). 1st dam REBALITE, by More Than Ready. Winner at 2 and 3, $46,197. Half-sister to LITE LIGHT, Gold Press. Dam of 4 foals, 3 winners-- RACE DAY (c. by Tapit). Stakes winner, below. Banded (f. by Bandini). 4 wins, 2 to 4, $153,721, 2nd Northbound Pride Oaks-L, Panthers S. Wage Acceleration (c. by Quality Road). Winner at 4 and 5, 2018, $68,950, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $69,573). 2nd dam PRINTING PRESS, by In Reality. Placed at 3. Half-sister to Ready Cash. Dam of-- LITE LIGHT (f. by Majestic Light). 8 wins, $1,231,596, Coaching Club American Oaks-G1, Kentucky Oaks-G1, etc. Dam of SADDAD (c. by Gone West, sire), GAILY EGRET (f. by Storm Cat, Total: $1,785,348, dam of Ride n' Reel, c. by Candy Ride (ARG)), NITE LIGHT (c. by Thunder Gulch, $546,960, sire). Gold Press (c. by Seeking the Gold). 3 wins at 3 and 5, $88,708, 3rd Sam Houston Sprint H.-L. Sire. Redeemer. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $55,067. Dam of 7 winners, including-- AMERICAN BOSS (c. by Kingmambo). 8 wins, 2 to 6, ¥430,285,000, in Japan, Nakayama Kinen-G2, etc. (Total: $3,660,979). Sire. Mississippi Lights. Placed at 3 and 4, $13,917. Dam of PRIVATE CHEF (g. by Partner's Hero, 2 wins, $125,413, Will Rogers S.-G3). Fully Forgiven. Placed, $7,750. Dam of AMPERE (f. by Wild Rush). Glowing Honour. Unraced. Dam of Expected Pleasures (f. by Allen's Prospect, dam of EXPECTED RULER, g. by Leroidesanimaux (BRZ), Total: $147,933). Granddam of Jamaican Don (g. by Freedom Child). Delivery Day. Placed at 4, $7,935. Dam of Don't Ruffle Me (f. by Pine Bluff, $118,847). Granddam of HELEN BELEN (f. by Five Star Day, $182,193, Valdale S., etc.), Broken Express (g. by Broken Vow, 13 wins, $151,705). Music Row. Unplaced. Dam of REINA MUSICAL (f. by King Cugat, $150,543). Granddam of Toomanytomatoes (f. by Downtown Seattle, $297,814). RACE RECORD: At 2, unraced; at 3, three wins, once 2nd, once 3rd in 5 starts; at 4, three wins (Oaklawn H.-G2, Hagyard Fayette S.-G2-ntr, 1 1/8 mi. in 1:47 4/5, Razorback H.-G3), once 3rd (Fred W. Hooper S.-G3). Totals: 6 wins, once 2nd, twice 3rd in 12 starts. Earned $748,000. SIDE ROAD Chestnut Horse; foaled 2009 Mr. Prospector ...... Coup de Folie Street Cry (IRE) ...... Troy Helen Street (GB)...... Waterway SIDE ROAD A.P. Indy Pulpit ...... Preach Calla Lily ...... (2003) Housebuster Lillybuster ...... Gilded Lilly By STREET CRY (IRE) (1998). Horse of the year in U.A.E., stakes winner of $5,150,837, Stephen Foster H.-G1, etc. Leading sire in Australia, sire of 12 crops of racing age, 1970 foals, 1487 starters, 125 stakes winners, 1038 winners of 3235 races and earning $134,409,038, 7 champions, in- cluding Winx (29 wins, $14,416,118, Longines Queen Elizabeth S.-G1 twice, etc.), Zenyatta ($7,304,580, Breeders' Cup Classic-G1, etc.), Street Sense ($4,383,200, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc.), Shocking ($4,561,399). 1st dam Calla Lily, by Pulpit. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $174,119, 2nd Chelsey Flower S.-LR, 3rd Pebbles S.-L, Marshua's River S.-L, Foresta S.-LR. Half-sister to HARDEST CORE. Dam of 4 foals, 2 to race, both winners-- CRITTENDEN (g. by Distorted Humor). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $188,902, P D J F S., Let It Ride S.-R, 2nd American Derby-G3, Oak Tree H. Side Road (c. by Street Cry (IRE)). Stakes-placed winner, below. 2nd dam LILLYBUSTER, by Housebuster. Winner at 2 and 4, $53,290. Half-sister to GILDED TIME, Valid Advantage. Dam of 6 winners, including-- HARDEST CORE (g. by Hard Spun). 6 wins at 3 and 4, $851,290, in N.A./ U.S., Arlington Million S.-G1, Cape Henlopen S., 2nd Stroll S.; placed in 2 starts at 6, $30,400, in Canada, 2nd Singspiel S.-G3. (Total: $874,846). Calla Lily (f. by Pulpit). Stakes-placed winner, above. 3rd dam GILDED LILLY, by What a Pleasure. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $50,235. Half-sister to HIGH ECHELON ($383,895, sire), Avodire (sire), Epic Journey (sire). Dam of-- GILDED TIME. 4 wins in 6 starts at 2, $975,980, champion 2-year-old colt, Breeders' Cup Juvenile-G1, Arlington-Washington Futurity-G2, Sapling S.-G2-ntr, 6 fur. in 1:07 4/5, 3rd Breeders' Cup Sprint-G1. Sire. Valid Advantage. 5 wins, 2 to 10, $64,950, 3rd Rebel S.-G3. Lill's Cutlass. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $54,110. Dam of 8 winners, including-- DAVEY'S CUTLASS. 13 wins, 2 to 9, $410,291, White Oak H.-LR, etc. MILE. 9 wins, 4 to 7, $262,859, Leader of the Band S. Gilded Moment. 2 wins at 4, $21,725. Dam of VALID WARNING ($131,369, Scarlet Carnation H., Birmingham H., etc., dam of ELUSIVE WARNING, Total: $487,332, Muhtathir Burj Nahaar-G3, Vincent A. Moscarelli Memorial S.-L, etc., sire; Electric Gold, $98,620), GILDED DIABLO (2 wins, $97,- 659, Fashion S.-L, 3rd Astoria S.-L, etc., dam of Ten Devils, $94,050). Littelfuse. Winner at 3, $42,790. Dam of Tiz to Dream (4 wins, $168,381). Silver Lilly. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of Social Request (2 wins, $61,083). RACE RECORD: At 2, once 3rd; at 3, one win in 2 starts; at 4, one win, 3 times 2nd (Elkhorn S.-G2, John's Call S.-R); at 5, unplaced in 1 start. Totals: 2 wins, 3 times 2nd, once 3rd. Earned $150,074. TAPITURE Chestnut Horse; foaled 2011 A.P. Indy Pulpit ...... Preach Tapit ...... Unbridled Tap Your Heels...... Ruby Slippers TAPITURE Naskra Olympio ...... Carols Christmas Free Spin ...... (1998) Private Account Spin n Win...... Debs Angel By TAPIT (2001). Stakes winner of $557,300, Wood Memorial S.-G1, etc. Lead- ing sire 3 times, sire of 11 crops of racing age, 1260 foals, 957 starters, 110 stakes winners, 722 winners of 2117 races and earning $125,850,972, 7 champions, including Untapable ($3,926,625, Longines Breeders' Cup Distaff-G1, etc.), Stardom Bound ($1,861,610, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fil- lies-G1, etc.), Hansen ($1,810,805, Breeders' Cup Juvenile-G1, etc.), Unique Bella ($852,400, La Brea S.-G1, etc.), and of Tonalist ($3,647,000). 1st dam FREE SPIN, by Olympio. 3 wins in 6 starts at 3 and 4, $91,440. Half-sister to Germs. Dam of 10 foals, 7 to race, 4 winners-- TAPITURE (c. by Tapit). Stakes winner, below. REMIT (f. by Tapit). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $257,556, Panthers S., Wild Rose S., 2nd Treasure Chest S.-L, Red Bud S.-L, 3rd Harry Henson H.-L, Wishing Well S.-LR, Clocker's Corner H. Dam of 3 foals, 2 winners, incl.-- RERIDE (c. by Candy Ride (ARG)). 4 wins in 5 starts at 2 and 3, 2018, $166,220, in N.A./U.S., Mine That Bird Derby, Big Drama S.; placed in 1 start at 3, 2018, 734,484 dirhams, in U.A.E., 3rd Saeed & Mo- hammed Al Naboodah Group UAE Derby-G2. (Total: $366,220). RETAP (c. by Tapit). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $221,716, in N.A./U.S., Riley Allison Futurity-L, 2nd Kentucky Cup Juvenile S.-G3, Mountaineer Juvenile S.- L, Ruidoso Derby, Prairie Gold Juvenile S.; placed at 4 and 5 in Canada, 3rd R. J. Speers S., Wheat City S. (Total: $230,152). Mr. Right (c. by Tapit). 3 wins, 4 to 7, $141,587. 2nd dam SPIN N WIN, by Private Account. 2 wins at 3, $39,530. Half-sister to Charade. Dam of 9 other foals, 6 to race, all winners, including-- Germs (f. by Sunday Break (JPN)). 4 wins, 3 to 5, $48,474, 2nd Sickle's Image S.-R. 3rd dam DEBS ANGEL, by Raise a Cup. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $233,734, Orinda H.-L, Half Moon S., 2nd Breeders' Cup Weekend Delight S., Trevose S., 3rd Miss Woodford Breeders' Cup H. Half-sister to GOOD BID, Good and Cold. Dam of-- Charade. 2 wins at 2, 3rd Furl Sail S. Granddam of DREAMLINER (Cash Pot Trophy), INSANE BOLT (The 7th Running Of The CTL Juvenile Sprint, etc.), Stormin Away (3rd Cash Pot "Only One For Me" Trophy). RACE RECORD: At 2, one win (Kentucky Jockey Club S.-G2), once 2nd, twice 3rd (Iroquois S.-G3); at 3, three wins (West Virginia Derby-G2, Southwest S.-G3, Matt Winn S.-G3), 3 times 2nd (Breeders' Cup Dirt Mile-G1, Penn- sylvania Derby-G2, Rebel S.-G2); at 4, one win (Ack Ack H.-G3), twice 3rd (Oaklawn H.-G2, Lone Star Park H.-G3). Totals: 5 wins, 4 times 2nd, 4 times 3rd. Earned $1,536,820. INDEX TO CONSIGNORS Hip Color Year No. Name Sex Foaled Sire Dam

PEDRO AGUSTIN 12 ...... b. c...... 2017 Console...... Champagne Coolie 17 ...... ch. f...... 2017 Hockenheim...... My Sister Milagros 21 ...... ch. f...... 2017 Hockenheim...... Bella Ragazzo 32 ...... ch. f...... 2017 Side Road ...... Estais Encrespada 38 ...... b. c...... 2017 Hockenheim...... Successful Talent 43 ...... b. c...... 2017 Hockenheim...... Okairy M.

JOSE CORTES 16 ...... b. c...... 2017 Myfavorite Place ...... Greatly Blessed

ALBERTO COUVERTIE 25 ...... ch. c...... 2017 Istan...... Amen Joy

MANUEL HERNANDEZ 20 ...... b. f...... 2017 Console...... Chica de Humo

EDUARDO MALDONADO 13 ...... b. c...... 2017 Console...... Political Gold 19 ...... b. f...... 2017 Console...... Tipsy Tonya 46 ...... gr/ro. f...... 2017 Race Day ...... Tizette

POTRERO LOS LLANOS 1 ...... ch. f...... 2017 Myfavorite Place ...... My Glitter Girl 2 ...... b. f...... 2017 Console...... Sra Barbara 3 ...... ch. f...... 2017 Hockenheim...... Soft Cheek 4 ...... ch. c...... 2017 Console...... Madreperla 5 ...... b. f...... 2017 Console...... Fighting Lady 6 ...... b. f...... 2017 Myfavorite Place ...... Deb's Trip 7 ...... ch. c...... 2017 Side Road ...... Flying Fuhr 8 ...... b. c...... 2017 Myfavorite Place ...... Seattle Win 9 ...... b. f...... 2017 Side Road ...... Chavelisa 10 ...... ch. f...... 2017 Perfect Bullet...... Princesa de Roble 11 ...... b. c...... 2017 Myfavorite Place ...... Love My Katy 14 ...... b. f...... 2017 Hockenheim...... Estrella Dorada 15 ...... ch. f...... 2017 Myfavorite Place ...... Classique Colony 18 ...... b. c...... 2017 Console...... Puerta Del Sol 22 ...... b. f...... 2017 Console...... Guasima 23 ...... b. f...... 2017 Myfavorite Place ...... Piel Canela 24 ...... ch. f...... 2017 Myfavorite Place ...... Silver Vow 26 ...... b. f...... 2017 Console...... Andiroba Royal 27 ...... b. f...... 2017 Side Road ...... Action Delight 28 ...... ch. f...... 2017 Myfavorite Place ...... Amanda Sofia 29 ...... b. c...... 2017 Console...... Lanenadepiero 30 ...... b. c...... 2017 Side Road ...... Bella Alexandra 31 ...... ch. c...... 2017 Myfavorite Place ...... Merry Miner 33 ...... ch. f...... 2017 Myfavorite Place ...... Islera INDEX TO CONSIGNORS Hip Color Year No. Name Sex Foaled Sire Dam

POTRERO LOS LLANOS - Continued 34 ...... b. c...... 2017 Hockenheim...... Line Brunette 35 ...... b. c...... 2017 Myfavorite Place ...... B. J. Miracle 36 ...... b. f...... 2017 Hockenheim...... Cachetito Suave 37 ...... ch. f...... 2017 Myfavorite Place ...... Lorena U. 39 ...... b. f...... 2017 Console...... Felicidad 40 ...... ch. f...... 2017 Hockenheim...... Sra. Esperanza 41 ...... b. f...... 2017 Console...... Integrista 42 ...... b. c...... 2017 Console...... Mayra Virginia 44 ...... ch. f...... 2017 Hockenheim...... Transformadora 45 ...... b. f...... 2017 Palace ...... Renewable Energy 47 ...... ch. f...... 2017 Hockenheim...... Taurina 48 ...... ch. c...... 2017 Hockenheim...... Colonial P R 49 ...... b. f...... 2017 Tapiture...... New 50 ...... b. c...... 2017 Console...... Miss Talent 51 ...... b. f...... 2017 Perfect Bullet...... What a Slam 52 ...... b. c...... 2017 Console...... Metro Gal 53 ...... b. c...... 2017 Console...... Gold Dance INDEX TO SIRES

Console...... 2, 4, 5, 12, 13, 18, Palace ...... 45 19, 20, 22, 26, 29, 39, 41, Perfect Bullet ...... 10, 51 2 4, 50, 52, 53 Race Day...... 46 Hockenheim...... 3, 14, 17, 21, 34, 36, 38, 40, 43, 44, 47, 48 Side Road ...... 7, 9, 27, 30, 32

Istan...... 25 Tapiture ...... 49

Myfavorite Place...... 1, 6, 8, 11, 15, 16, 23, 24, 28, 31, 33, 5 ,3 37 INDEX TO DAMS

Action Delight ...... 27 Love My Katy...... 11 Amanda Sofia...... 28 Amen Joy...... 25 Madreperla ...... 4 Andiroba Royal...... 26 Mayra Virginia...... 42 Merry Miner...... 31 Bella Alexandra ...... 30 Metro Gal ...... 52 Bella Ragazzo ...... 21 Miss Talent ...... 50 B. J. Miracle...... 35 My Glitter Girl...... 1 My Sister Milagros...... 17 Cachetito Suave...... 36 Champagne Coolie...... 12 New Attraction...... 49 Chavelisa ...... 9 Chica de Humo ...... 20 Okairy M...... 43 Classique Colony ...... 15 Colonial P R ...... 48 Piel Canela...... 23 Political Gold...... 13 Deb's Trip...... 6 Princesa de Roble...... 10 Puerta Del Sol...... 18 Estais Encrespada ...... 32 Estrella Dorada...... 14 Renewable Energy...... 45

Felicidad ...... 39 Seattle Win...... 8 Fighting Lady...... 5 Silver Vow...... 24 Flying Fuhr ...... 7 Soft Cheek ...... 3 Sra Barbara ...... 2 Gold Dance ...... 53 Sra. Esperanza...... 40 Greatly Blessed...... 16 Successful Talent...... 38 Guasima ...... 22 Taurina...... 47 Integrista ...... 41 Tipsy Tonya...... 19 Islera...... 33 Tizette...... 46 Transformadora ...... 44 Lanenadepiero ...... 29 Line Brunette ...... 34 What a Slam...... 51 Lorena U...... 37 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. CHESTNUT FILLY 1 Foaled February 18, 2017 1 Blushing Groom (FR) Runaway Groom ...... Yonnie Girl Myfavorite Place ...... Great Above Myfavorite Charity ...... Jettapart CHESTNUT FILLY Broad Brush Include ...... Illeria My Glitter Girl ...... (2008) Glitterman My Wanita ...... Miss Livi By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 237 foals, 166 starters, 10 stakes winners, 131 winners of 729 races and earning $8,579,729, in- cluding champions Defensora (29 wins, $970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia de Nieve (14 wins, $397,206, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Graciani ($253,560, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Traque- teo ($314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Fracturadora ($139,025). 1st dam MY GLITTER GIRL, by Include. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $42,279. Dam of 1 other foal, which has not raced. 2nd dam MY WANITA, by Glitterman. Unraced. Sister to BALTO STAR. Dam of-- My Winchester Lady. Winner at 4, $26,700. Watertonian. Winner in 2 starts at 3, 2018, $20,400. 3rd dam MISS LIVI, by Devil's Bag. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners-- BALTO STAR. 12 wins, 3 to 6, $2,363,780, United Nations H.-G1-ncr, 1 3/8 mi. in 2:12 3/5, Turfway Spiral S.-G2, Arkansas Derby-G2, Meadowlands Breeders' Cup S.-G2, W. L. McKnight H.-G2, Red Smith H.-G2, Whirl- away H.-G3, 2nd Man o' War S.-G1, Gulfstream Park Breeders' Cup H.- G1, Kentucky Cup Classic H.-G2, Excelsior Breeders' Cup H.-G3, Queens County H.-G3, Oceanport H.-G3, Black Tie Affair H.-L, 3rd Turf Classic Invitational S.-G1, Sword Dancer Invitational S.-G1. Che La Luna. 3 wins at 2 and 4, $73,070. Duke of de Buqe. 2 wins at 3, $69,229. Senorita Anita. 2 wins at 3, $56,400. Sky Reach. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals, 4 to race, 2 winners-- PUP. 3 wins, 3 to 5, $43,185, in N.A./U.S.; 4 wins at 5 and 6 in Canada, Ever- green Park / ACTRA / Troyer Town Marathon Series. (Total: $56,926). Derwin’s Shamrock. Winner at 3, $24,544. Quiet Miss. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals, all winners, including-- Next May. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $144,535. Gerivello. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $104,043. Unconditional Resq. 4 wins, 4 to 7, $91,205. 4th dam CANTICLE, by Stage Door Johnny. Placed at 3, £1,992, in England. (Total: $3,384). Half-sister to Pitchpipe ($172,310). Dam of 2 winners-- Strodes Lane. 4 wins, 2 to 5, $153,848. Producer. Northern Johnny. Winner at 3 and 7, $25,785.

JCC 1702810 - Microchip 981020021446738 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 2 Foaled April 15, 2017 2 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka BAY FILLY Mr. Prospector Aldebaran...... Chimes of Freedom Sra Barbara ...... (2005) Lure Cuddley ...... So Endearing By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of 4 races, $182,970. Brother to stakes winner Due Diligence. His first foals are yearlings of 2018. Son of stakes winner War Front, among the leading sires, sire of 69 stakes winners, 3 champi- ons, including Lines of Battle (4 wins, $1,286,753, Standard Chartered Champions & Chater Cup-G1, etc.), and of Air Force Blue (hwt., 4 wins, $844,919, Dubai Dewhurst S.-G1, etc.), Declaration of War (hwt., $1,847,- 489, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc.), U S Navy Flag ($642,893). 1st dam SRA BARBARA, by Aldebaran. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $34,094. Dam of 5 other foals, 3 to race, all winners, including-- Puruquina (f. by Myfavorite Place). 12 wins, 2 to 5, $113,650, 2nd Clasico Camarero S.-G1. Mami Sinda (f. by Myfavorite Place). 4 wins at 2, $43,465, 2nd Camarero S.-G1. Unnamed (c. by Perfect Bullet). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam CUDDLEY, by Lure. Placed at 3, $7,090. Half-sister to QUALIFY. Dam of-- My Enticement. Winner at 3, $47,104, in Canada; 4 wins at 3 and 4, $81,459, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $126,520). 3rd dam SO ENDEARING, by Raise a Native. Winner at 3, $11,820. Sister to DESIREE, half-sister to REMINISCING, BELONGING. Dam of 4 winners, including-- QUALIFY. 2 wins at 2, $440,053, Del Mar Futurity-G1, etc. Endearing Quality. Unraced. Dam of 10 foals, 8 winners, including-- JOLIE'S SHINJU. 9 wins at 3 and 4 in Singapore, hwt. older mare at 4 on Singaporean Hand., 5 - 7 and 7 - 9 1/2 fur., hwt. older mare at 5 on Singaporean Hand., 9 1/2 - 11 fur., Emirates Singapore Derby-G1, Pa- trons’ Bowl-G1, etc.; placed at 4, $48,600, in Australia, 3rd Dato Tan Chin Nam John F. Feehan S.-G2. (Total: $42,128). Dam of FORMAL- ITY (Total: $687,078, 2GB Silver Shadow S.-G2, Furious S.-G2, etc.). Endearingly. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals, 5 to race, 3 winners, including-- NOTORIETY. 12 wins, 3 to 7, $423,910, Jaipur H.-G3, etc. Reminiscently. Placed at 3, $10,787. Dam of PISA NO KUKAI (Total: $630,268). Granddam of WHEELS OF FIRE (10 wins, $43,410). Darlin. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners, including-- DUBAI DISTINCTION. 16 wins, 3 to 9, $203,212, Eillo S., 3rd Parlay Me S. Our Honoree. Unplaced. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 5 winners, including-- MY NEW LADY. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $185,378, Ma Kettle S.-L. Social Call. Unplaced in 2 starts. Granddam of Miss Aristocrat ($113,309).

JCC 1709963 - Microchip 981020021434686 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. CHESTNUT FILLY 3 Foaled March 31, 2017 3 Seattle Slew A.P. Indy ...... Weekend Surprise Hockenheim...... Seeking the Gold Lady Bonanza...... Born a Lady CHESTNUT FILLY Notebook Delaware Township ...... Sunny Mimosa Soft Cheek ...... (2003) Afleet Afleet Closer...... Journey By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 103 foals, 65 starters, 7 stakes winners, 43 winners of 155 races and earning $2,- 861,041, including champions Arquitecto (28 wins, $796,088, Copa Con- fraternidad S.-G1, etc.), Esplendorosa ($363,941, Camarero S.-G1, etc.), Syriana Mia ($113,853, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, etc.), and of Raf- aelillo ($174,650, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Mudkenheim (9 wins, $202,334, Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr S.-G2, etc.), Regalada ($157,309). 1st dam SOFT CHEEK, by Delaware Township. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $37,186. Half-sister to DRIVEN BY SUCCESS, DIABLO'S CLOSER, Fleeting Diablo. Dam of 7 other foals, 3 to race, all winners, including-- Cristine Arianne (f. by Portentoso). 10 wins, 2 to 5, $69,950. Mr. Tilin (c. by Triano). 4 wins at 3, $26,535. Pura Noblesa (f. by Side Road). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam AFLEET CLOSER, by Afleet. Winner at 4, $5,245. Half-sister to LOFT, What a Journey. Dam of 12 other foals, 11 winners, including-- DRIVEN BY SUCCESS (g. by Precise End). 9 wins, 3 to 6, $607,099, Hudson S.-LR, Easy N Dirty S.-LR, New York Stallion Thunder Rumble S.-R, Vic Ziegel Memorial S.-R, 2nd Gravesend S., John Morrissey S.-R twice, 3rd Shadwell Metropolitan H.-G1, Carter H.-G1, Tom Fool H.-G2, Toboggan S.-G3. DIABLO'S CLOSER (f. by Diablo). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $91,238, Star Shoot S.-L. Dam of 4 winners, including-- ABLO (g. by Lite the Fuse). 4 wins, 2 to 6, $209,798, in N.A./U.S., Coro- nation Futurity-LR; winner at 3 and 5, $429,894, in Canada, Prince of Wales S.-R, 2nd Victoria Park S.-L, 3rd Elgin S.-LR. (Total: $565,823). Fleeting Diablo (f. by Diablo). 12 wins, 2 to 5, $96,174, 3rd Clasico Jinetes. 3rd dam JOURNEY, by What a Pleasure. Unraced. Dam of 9 winners, including-- LOFT. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $103,274, La Puente S.-LR, 2nd Spotlight H.-L, Montclair S., 3rd Saranac S.-G2. Sire. What a Journey. 13 wins, 2 to 7, $107,879, 2nd Ponce de Leon S. Sabonis. Winner at 2, £2,966, in England. (Total: $5,101). Dam of Stregone (IRE) (Total: $72,525, 2nd Vodafone Woodcote S., Rose Bowl S., etc.). Pleasant Journey. Placed at 3. Dam of Fritz Barthold (11 wins, $179,975). Journey North. Unplaced. Dam of FAPPITASS (6 wins, $344,149; grand- dam of Bingosablumin, $67,876), Sara Six Pack ($62,215, dam of Six Pack Sammy, Total: $230,103; Six Pack Sally, $58,234). Granddam of Gone Prospecting ($183,667), Remarkable Weekend (Total: $42,169).

JCC 1709623 - Microchip 981020021436120 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. CHESTNUT COLT 4 Foaled March 25, 2017 4 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka CHESTNUT COLT Royal Merlot Indio Caribe ...... Caribbean Goddess Madreperla...... (2009) Tactical Cat Li Dolce Mio ...... Miss Speed By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of 4 races, $182,970. Brother to stakes winner Due Diligence. His first foals are yearlings of 2018. Son of stakes winner War Front, among the leading sires, sire of 69 stakes winners, 3 champi- ons, including Lines of Battle (4 wins, $1,286,753, Standard Chartered Champions & Chater Cup-G1, etc.), and of Air Force Blue (hwt., 4 wins, $844,919, Dubai Dewhurst S.-G1, etc.), Declaration of War (hwt., $1,847,- 489, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc.), U S Navy Flag ($642,893). 1st dam MADREPERLA, by Indio Caribe. 4 wins at 2 and 4, $103,380, Clasico Confed- eracion Hipica-G1, 2nd Criadores de Puerto Rico-G3, 3rd Clasico Dia de las Madres S.-G2. This is her second foal. Dam of-- Unnamed (f. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam LI DOLCE MIO, by Tactical Cat. Placed at 3. Half-sister to AMAZING SPEED, WILD SPEED. Dam of 6 foals, 5 to race, all winners, including-- MADREPERLA (f. by Indio Caribe). Stakes winner, above. 3rd dam MISS SPEED, by Forty Niner. Unraced. Half-sister to SQUIRE JONES. Dam of-- AMAZING SPEED. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $271,634, Shocker T. H.-L, Cinnamon Girl S., Sonic Gray S., Regal Gal S., Sweettrickydancer S., 2nd Stage Door Betty H.-G3, Central Iowa S., Harmony Lodge S., Runaway Marcie S., Stormy Frolic S., Connie Ann S. Producer. WILD SPEED. 6 wins in 11 starts, 2 to 4, $138,550, U Can Do It H.-L, Sandpiper S., Ema Bovary S., Little Sister S., 2nd Gasparilla S., 3rd Ms Brookski S. 4th dam SOCIAL BUSINESS, by Private Account. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $128,850, Queen's H.-G3, 2nd Coral Gables S., 3rd Louisiana Downs Oaks-L. Half-sister to WARD MCALLISTER ($62,094), BANNER GALA ($161,159), HASTY REPLY, SNOBISHNESS, Benefit Performer, Queen's Gambit. Dam of-- SQUIRE JONES. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $200,926, British Columbia Derby-L, 2nd Northburn Printers Inlet S. Sire. Madam Hertfield. 2 wins, $70,030. Producer. Granddam of Nite Goggles. Social Woman. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals, 5 winners, including-- SOCIAL KING. 6 wins at 3 and 5, $174,040, Donnie Wilhite Memorial H., 2nd Bossier City H., 3rd Mardi Gras H. YIELD A WINNER. 6 wins, 5 to 9, $49,954, Governor's Claiming S.-tr. Charlie's the Man. Winner at 3 and 4, $184,163, in Canada, 2nd Coro- nation Futurity-LR. (Total: $187,091). Namirah. 4 wins at 2 and 4, $32,432, 2nd Amblin/Opp H.

JCC 1709118 - Microchip 981020021475402 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 5 Foaled February 5, 2017 5 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka BAY FILLY A.P. Indy Majestic Warrior ...... Dream Supreme Fighting Lady...... (2010) Mr. Prospector Golden Honor ...... Glowing Honor By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of 4 races, $182,970. Brother to stakes winner Due Diligence. His first foals are yearlings of 2018. Son of stakes winner War Front, among the leading sires, sire of 69 stakes winners, 3 champi- ons, including Lines of Battle (4 wins, $1,286,753, Standard Chartered Champions & Chater Cup-G1, etc.), and of Air Force Blue (hwt., 4 wins, $844,919, Dubai Dewhurst S.-G1, etc.), Declaration of War (hwt., $1,847,- 489, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc.), U S Navy Flag ($642,893). 1st dam FIGHTING LADY, by Majestic Warrior. Winner at 3, $7,200. Dam of 2 other foals-- Mangiarela (f. by Myfavorite Place). Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2018, $19,526. Unnamed (c. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam GOLDEN HONOR, by Mr. Prospector. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of-- Global Gold. 2 wins at 3, $26,700. Dam of 6 foals, 5 winners, including-- IL CAMPIONE (CHI) (c. by Scat Daddy). 8 wins in 10 starts at 2 and 3, 210,500,000 pesos, in Chile, horse of the year, champion 2- and 3-year- old colt, El Ensayo MEGA Chilean Derby-G1, El Derby-G1, Nacional Ricardo Lyon-G1, Polla de Potrillos-Chilean Two Thousand Guineas- G1, Copa Juan S. Jackson-G2, Criadores Machos-G2, etc.; placed in 1 start at 4, $30,000, in N.A./U.S., 3rd Poker S.-G3. (Total: $384,594). Gaelico (c. by War Front). Winner at 2, 4,856,250 pesos, in Chile; 8 wins, 3 to 6, $170,850, in N.A./U.S., 2nd Edward J. Debartolo Memorial H.- L. Set ncr at Lone Star Park, 7 1/2 fur. in 1:27 3/5. Set ncr at Sam Hous- ton Race Park, 1 1/16 mi. in 1:42. (Total: $181,231). 3rd dam GLOWING HONOR, by Seattle Slew. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $296,450, Diana H.- G2 twice, Leixable S.-G3, 3rd Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup-G2. Sis- ter to SEATTLE GLOW, half-sister to SEA HERO, HERO'S HONOR, WILD APPLAUSE, CORONATION CUP, MACKIE. Dam of-- Playing for Ashes. 9 wins, 5 to 7, $73,987. 4th dam GLOWING TRIBUTE, by Graustark. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $230,819, Sheepshead Bay H.-G2 twice, Diana H.-G2. Half-sister to James Boswell ($131,220), Senator Brady ($252,445). Broodmare of the year in 1993. Dam of-- SEA HERO. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $2,929,869, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc. Sire. HERO'S HONOR. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $499,025, Bowling Green H.-G1, etc. GLOWING HONOR. Stakes winner, above. Other stakes winners: WILD APPLAUSE (5 wins, $240,136), CORONATION CUP ($172,181), MACKIE ($164,579), SEATTLE GLOW ($69,023).

JCC 1702421 - Microchip 981020021541156 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 6 Foaled February 25, 2017 6 Blushing Groom (FR) Runaway Groom ...... Yonnie Girl Myfavorite Place ...... Great Above Myfavorite Charity ...... Jettapart BAY FILLY End Sweep Trippi ...... Jealous Appeal Deb's Trip...... (2009) Notebook Queen Debby ...... Mountain Madam By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 237 foals, 166 starters, 10 stakes winners, 131 winners of 729 races and earning $8,579,729, in- cluding champions Defensora (29 wins, $970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia de Nieve (14 wins, $397,206, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Graciani ($253,560, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Traque- teo ($314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Fracturadora ($139,025). 1st dam DEB'S TRIP, by Trippi. 5 wins, 4 to 6, $120,505. Half-sister to Royal Pioneer. This is her first foal. 2nd dam QUEEN DEBBY, by Notebook. Unraced. Sent to Jamaica. Complete produce and race records not available. Dam of 3 other known foals, all winners-- Royal Pioneer (g. by Nasheet). Winner at 2 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Republic Online St. James S.-G2. Sammy's Trip. Winner at 3 and 6, $55,021. Debby's Poppi. Winner at 3, $26,400. 3rd dam MOUNTAIN MADAM, by Mountain Cat. Winner at 4, $11,671. Half-sister to Satin Devil. Dam of 3 foals to race, 2 winners-- Sunset Skier. 3 wins at 2, $24,362. Dance Madam. Winner at 3, $3,564. 4th dam Madame Called, by Arts and Letters. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $101,329, 2nd Next Move H.-G3. Sister to CAMARADO ($202,371, Little Silver H.-G3, Mon- rovia H., Shrewsbury H., Mary Todd Lincoln H., Lily Langtry H., 2nd Nettie S.-G3, Post-Deb S.-G3, 3rd Gamely H.-G2, Wilshire H.-G3, Queen Char- lotte H.). Dam of 9 foals, 6 to race, all winners, including-- Satin Devil. 7 wins, 2 to 7, $84,505, 3rd Woodlands Juvenile S. Osato. Placed at 2 and 3, £4,123, in England; 6 wins, 4 to 8, 244,250 dirhams, in U.A.E. (Total: $72,771). Famous Call. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $67,600. Signe. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $39,365. Dam of 5 foals, 4 to race, 2 winners-- Wire Transfer. Winner at 3, $37,310. No Hunting. Winner at 3, $6,786. Zuhair. Winner at 3, $22,739. Arressveepee. Unraced. Dam of 2 foals, both winners-- Doug's Tradition. 6 wins, 2 to 5, $40,425. Northern Celebrity. Winner at 4, $29,992.

JCC 1703638 - Microchip 981020021468250 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. CHESTNUT COLT 7 Foaled April 15, 2017 7 Machiavellian Street Cry (IRE) ...... Helen Street (GB) Side Road...... Pulpit Calla Lily ...... Lillybuster CHESTNUT COLT Danzig Langfuhr...... Sweet Briar Too Flying Fuhr...... (2002) Quest for Fame (GB) Went to the Chapel ...... Lovely Lei By SIDE ROAD (2009). Stakes-placed winner of $150,074, 2nd Elkhorn S.- G2, John's Call S.-R. Half-brother to stakes winner Crittenden. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2018. Son of horse of the year in U.A.E. Street Cry (IRE), leading sire in Australia, sire of 125 stakes winners, 7 champi- ons, including Winx ($14,416,118, Longines Queen Elizabeth S.-G1 twice, etc.), Zenyatta ($7,304,580, Breeders' Cup Classic-G1, etc.), Street Sense (6 wins, $4,383,200, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc.), Shocking ($4,561,399). 1st dam FLYING FUHR, by Langfuhr. 10 wins, 3 to 5, $116,020. Dam of 3 foals, incl.-- Soy de La Vega (c. by Perfect Bullet). Placed at 2 and 3, 2018, $26,921. Srta. Canela (f. by Side Road). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam WENT TO THE CHAPEL, by Quest for Fame (GB). 7 wins at 4 and 5, $49,809. Half-sister to Hurricane Disaster, Blue Iris. Dam of-- I Forever Do. 2 wins at 3, $20,137. 3rd dam LOVELY LEI, by Our Native. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $114,468, Pageant S., 2nd Gal- lorette H.-G3, Rumson H., Poquessing H., Gala Lil H., 3rd Parlo H. Half- sister to Expletive Deleted. Dam of 13 other winners, including-- Hurricane Disaster. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $162,562, 2nd Hollie Hughes H.-LR. Blue Iris. 3 wins at 4 and 5, $121,737, 3rd Mount Vernon H.-LR. Dam of-- Chantilly Lady. 4 wins, 2 to 5, $157,603, 2nd Virginia H. Tarra Illinois Owners S.-LR, 3rd Hatoof S. Dam of CLAIRVOYANT LADY (5 wins, $211,640, White Clay Creek S., 2nd Karakorum Elektra S.). Clearly Sunny. 3 wins, 3 to 5, $103,075. 4th dam EASY CONQUEST, by *Royal Charger. Unplaced in 2 starts. Half-sister to Traders Time ($33,814, 2nd Caliente Derby H., etc.), *Gay Landing ($15,900, 3rd California Derby, sire). Dam of 8 winners, including-- LOVELY LEI. Stakes winner, above. Expletive Deleted. 3 wins, 2 to 4, $66,831, 2nd Bold Ruler H., 3rd Nashua S., Hibiscus S. Sea and Wind. Unplaced. Dam of 2 winners, including-- Sea Arco. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $27,437, 2nd Piedmont S., Solano County Juvenile Filly S. Dam of IWILLGETUINTHEEND (17 wins, $89,026, Juvenile Mile S., Spokane Futurity, Kindergarten H., Spokane Derby Prep S., Turbulator H., Stepping Stone S., Evergreen Breeders' Cup H., 2nd Yakima Fall Fu- turity, 3rd Speed H.). Granddam of MANTIS ($45,677, Children of the Sun H., 2nd Spokane Derby, Valentine H., 3rd Inaugural H., Dobi Pay H.).

JCC 1709284 - Microchip 981020021466327 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 8 Foaled March 24, 2017 8 Blushing Groom (FR) Runaway Groom ...... Yonnie Girl Myfavorite Place ...... Great Above Myfavorite Charity ...... Jettapart BAY COLT Dixieland Brass Don Guido ...... Christine Crane Seattle Win...... (2006) Fappiano's Star Estrella Dorada...... Guakia By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 237 foals, 166 starters, 10 stakes winners, 131 winners of 729 races and earning $8,579,729, in- cluding champions Defensora (29 wins, $970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia de Nieve (14 wins, $397,206, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Graciani ($253,560, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Traque- teo ($314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Fracturadora ($139,025). 1st dam SEATTLE WIN, by Don Guido. 12 wins in 17 starts, 2 to 4, $315,520, champion 2- and 3-year-old filly in Puerto Rico, Copa Gobernador-G1, Clasico Violeta Ruiz S.-G1, Puerto Rico Futurity-G1, Copa Camarero-G1, 2nd Copa San Juan, 3rd Clasico Antonio Mongil, Jr. Dam of 3 other foals, 2 to race, incl.-- Caratula (f. by Triano). Winner at 3, $12,612. Bronce (c. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam ESTRELLA DORADA, by Fappiano's Star. 7 wins at 2 and 4, $205,814, cham- pion 2-year-old filly in Puerto Rico, Clasico Criadores de Puerto Rico, Copa Camarero, 2nd Clasico Campeon Nativo, 3rd Clasico Dia de Reyes-G1. Dam of 10 foals, 9 to race, all winners-- SEATTLE WIN (f. by Don Guido). Champion, above. Creador. 8 wins, 2 to 5, 2018, $59,085. Lito Magnate. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $42,200. Estrella Divina. Winner at 3 and 4, $21,388. Mi Sueno Dorado. Winner at 2, $22,022. Seattle Sixteen. 2 wins in 2 starts at 2, $18,574. El Favorito. Winner at 2 and 3, $8,549. Papacun. Winner at 4, $7,619. El Boricuazo. Winner at 3, $7,177. 3rd dam GUAKIA, by Ribots Verset. 9 wins, 3 to 6, $133,392. Dam of 2 winners-- ESTRELLA DORADA. Champion, above. Miss Tropical. Winner at 3, $10,436. Dam of 4 foals, 2 winners, including-- Misstropicalspring. 2 wins at 2, $18,286. 4th dam VIRGINIA P. R., by Catullus. 10 wins at 5, $61,776. Dam of 5 winners, including-- Speedy Jet. 3 wins at 2, $23,231. Pidlin. Winner at 2 and 3, $15,182. Guarionex. Winner at 3, $8,887. Linda Sarah. Winner at 3, $8,050.

JCC 1709502 - Microchip 981020021438026 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 9 Foaled February 20, 2017 9 Machiavellian Street Cry (IRE) ...... Helen Street (GB) Side Road...... Pulpit Calla Lily ...... Lillybuster BAY FILLY Holy Bull Macho Uno ...... Primal Force Chavelisa ...... (2007) Afleet Jackie Ramos...... Silver Clover By SIDE ROAD (2009). Stakes-placed winner of $150,074, 2nd Elkhorn S.- G2, John's Call S.-R. Half-brother to stakes winner Crittenden. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2018. Son of horse of the year in U.A.E. Street Cry (IRE), leading sire in Australia, sire of 125 stakes winners, 7 champi- ons, including Winx ($14,416,118, Longines Queen Elizabeth S.-G1 twice, etc.), Zenyatta ($7,304,580, Breeders' Cup Classic-G1, etc.), Street Sense (6 wins, $4,383,200, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc.), Shocking ($4,561,399). 1st dam CHAVELISA, by Macho Uno. 15 wins, 2 to 6, $103,430. Dam of 2 other foals, including a 3-year-old of 2018-- 2nd dam JACKIE RAMOS, by Afleet. Winner at 3, $42,748. Half-sister to LOVE OF SIL- VER, CLOVER HUNTER. Dam of 5 other winners, including-- Tomorrows Wildcat. 12 wins, 3 to 7, $118,239. 3rd dam SILVER CLOVER, by Secretariat. 3 wins at 4, $26,620. Half-sister to CRICKET CLUB ($21,460, Pinafore S.). Dam of 11 foals, 10 to race, 7 winners, incl.-- LOVE OF SILVER. 2 wins at 2, £16,761, in England, Butlins Southcoast World Prestige S.-G3; placed at 2, €24,392, in France, 3rd Prix Marcel Boussac Criterium des Pouliches-G1. (Total: $65,464). Dam of-- Silver Bracelet. Winner at 3, £12,300, in England, 3rd Betabet Bet What- ever, Whenever, Wherever Masaka S. (Total: $17,616). Producer. Duquesa. Winner at 2 and 3, £8,093, in England. (Total: $12,822). Dam of Born To Be (Total: $22,222, 2nd Blenheim S.). Silver Queen. Placed at 3 in England. Dam of KUAICOSS (5 wins, Total: $195,779, hwt. older mare at 4 on Italian Hand., 5 - 7 fur., Premio Tu- dini-G3, 2nd Premio Omenoni-G3, Premio Ubaldo Pandolfi, Premio Cancelli, 3rd Gran Premio Citta di Napoli-G3). Ocelot. Placed at 3 in New Zealand. Dam of Ganghae (2nd Seoul Owners' Association Chairman's Cup-G3, Segye Ilbo Cup, 3rd Minister's Cup-G2). Silver Satire. Unraced. Dam of Escala (2nd Threptin Fillies & Mares S.-G3). CLOVER HUNTER. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $288,239, Golden Gate Derby-L, 3rd El Camino Real Derby-G3, Viking Spirit H.-LR. Silverlado. Unplaced. Dam of 3 foals, all winners, including-- AIKENITE. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $875,385, Churchill Downs S.-G2, Common- wealth S.-G2, 2nd Dixiana Breeders' Futurity-G1, The Cliff's Edge Derby Trial S.-G3, Stoll Keenon Ogden Phoenix S.-G3, 3rd Three Chimneys Hopeful S.-G1, Forego S.-G1, Fasig-Tipton Fountain of Youth S.-G2. Sire. Special Action. 9 wins, 4 to 6, $164,460, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $166,182)

JCC 1702498 - Microchip 981020021530134 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. CHESTNUT FILLY 10 Foaled January 22, 2017 10 Sadler's Wells El Prado (IRE)...... Lady Capulet Perfect Bullet ...... Red Ransom Perfect Sting...... Valid Victress CHESTNUT FILLY Gulch Tamhid ...... Futuh Princesa de Roble ...... (2004) Noblesse Oil Princesa de Oro ...... Calleja By PERFECT BULLET (2004). Stakes-placed winner of $198,200, 3rd Au- tumn S.-G2. Half-brother to stakes winners Smart Sting, Quick Kid. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2018. Sire of 22 foals, 6 starters, 4 winners of 7 races and earning $88,979, Gilded Bullet ($36,302, 2nd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1), Mi Socio Salvo (4 wins, $55,574), Mi Orgullo ($16,- 243), Aeronautico (at 3, 2018, $9,537). Son of champion 2-year-old in Ire- land El Prado (IRE), leading sire, sire of 89 stakes winners, 3 champions. 1st dam PRINCESA DE ROBLE, by Tamhid. Unraced. Half-sister to KRISTIAN QUILES, RICKY SLIM. Dam of 8 other foals, 7 to race, 5 winners, including-- Juanita Q (f. by Myfavorite Place). 8 wins, 3 to 6, $59,280. Trampero (g. by Kylemore Abbey). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $40,140. Capoeira Kid (g. by Myfavorite Place). 4 wins in 7 starts at 2 and 3, 2018, $42,000. Oro Pulido (c. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam PRINCESA DE ORO, by Noblesse Oil. 14 wins, 2 to 5, $694,132, champion 2- year-old filly, champion older mare in Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico Futurity-G1, Clasico Constitucion-G1, Clasico Rafael Martinez Nadal-G1, Clasico Dia de las Madres-G1 twice, Clasico Eduardo Cautino Insua-G3, 2nd Clasico Navidad-G1, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, Clasico Constitucion-G1, Clasico Dia de Reyes, Copa Rafael Martinez Nadal, 3rd Clasico Roberto Clemente-G1, Clasico Wiso G.-G1, Clasico Camarero-G2, Clasico Cri- adores de Puerto Rico-G3, etc. Half-sister to NOBLE SPEED. Dam of-- KRISTIAN QUILES (c. by Casanova Star). 9 wins, 2 to 5, $242,605, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, Clasico Juan Alves Rueda-G3, 2nd Puerto Rico Fu- turity-G1, Copa Navidad-G1, 3rd Clasico Antonio Mongil S.-G1. RICKY SLIM (g. by Stoneyer). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $111,260, Copa San Juan S.-G1, 2nd Clasico Antonio Mongil Jr S.-G2, 3rd Copa Gobernador-G1, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1. 3rd dam CALLEJA, by Natidan. Unraced. Half-sister to SAMBA DANCER. Dam of-- PRINCESA DE ORO. Champion, above. NOBLE SPEED. 13 wins, 2 to 6, $144,355, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, 2nd Puerto Rico Futurity-G1. Sire. 4th dam LINDA OTRA VEZ, by *Oceanic II. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $16,615. Dam of-- SAMBA DANCER. 5 wins, $105,431, Clasico Antonio R. Matos-G2, etc. Pro- ducer. Granddam of South Bound n Down ($38,494), Fabulous Fever.

JCC 1702743 - Microchip 981020021464747 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 11 Foaled February 14, 2017 11 Blushing Groom (FR) Runaway Groom ...... Yonnie Girl Myfavorite Place ...... Great Above Myfavorite Charity ...... Jettapart BAY COLT Thunder Gulch Circular Quay...... Circle of Life Love My Katy...... (2012) Langfuhr Lydia's Love...... Cherry Laurel By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 237 foals, 166 starters, 10 stakes winners, 131 winners of 729 races and earning $8,579,729, in- cluding champions Defensora (29 wins, $970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia de Nieve (14 wins, $397,206, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Graciani ($253,560, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Traque- teo ($314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Fracturadora ($139,025). 1st dam LOVE MY KATY, by Circular Quay. 2 wins at 2, $39,670, Clasico Eduardo Cautino Insua S.-G3. This is her first foal. 2nd dam LYDIA'S LOVE, by Langfuhr. 8 wins, 4 to 7, $144,129. Half-sister to INPUR- SUITOFHONOR. Dam of 2 foals, 1 to race-- LOVE MY KATY (f. by Circular Quay). Stakes winner, above. 3rd dam CHERRY LAUREL, by Vanlandingham. Winner in 2 starts at 3, $11,400. Half- sister to DREAM TEAM, Glienicke. Dam of 5 other winners, including-- INPURSUITOFHONOR. 2 wins at 4, Les Mademoiselle S. Producer. Golden Laurel. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $74,408. Sent to Venezuela. Dam of-- Ice Forest. 5 wins at 3 and 5, $135,779, 3rd Zydeco S. Producer. French Truffle. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 5 foals, all winners, including-- French Politics. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $161,388, 3rd Lindsay Frolic S. 4th dam LIKELY DOUBLE, by Nodouble. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $74,504, Little Silver H.-G3, 3rd Miss Tropical H. Half-sister to Noble Appeal ($51,710). Dam of-- DREAM TEAM. 3 wins in 6 starts at 2, $317,410, Oak Leaf S.-G1, Anoakia S.-G3, 3rd Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies S.-G1. Dam of-- ORIENTATE. 10 wins in 19 starts at 3 and 4, $1,716,950, champion sprinter, Breeders' Cup Sprint-G1, Forego H.-G1, Commonwealth Breeders' Cup S.-G2, A. G. Vanderbilt H.-G2, Aristides H.-G3, Smile Sprint H.-L, Indiana Derby-L, Sir Beaufort S.-L, 2nd San Fernando Breeders' Cup S.-G2. Sire. STALWARTLY. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $101,340, Nevill/Kyocera S.-R. Sire. Olympic Cat. 4 wins in 7 starts at 4, $110,105, 2nd Sport Page H.-G3. Saratoga Shadows. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $75,395. Dam of Cheers Hikari (5 wins, Total: $554,872, 3rd Hokuriku S.). Glienicke. Winner at 2 and 3 in France, 2nd Prix Matchem, etc. Best Decision. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $81,698. Producer. Granddam of Allosaki (in India, 3rd Usha Stud Calcutta Oaks-G3, etc.), Tap Show (Total: $325,- 949), En El Aire. Great-granddam of Money Takes Off, Money Good Time.

JCC 1702544 - Microchip 981020021447427 Property of Pedro Agustin Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 12 Foaled April 7, 2017 12 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka BAY COLT Phone Trick Zavata...... Pert Lady Champagne Coolie ...... (2005) Mining Love Tunnel ...... Leveraged Buyout By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of 4 races, $182,970. Brother to stakes winner Due Diligence. His first foals are yearlings of 2018. Son of stakes winner War Front, among the leading sires, sire of 69 stakes winners, 3 champi- ons, including Lines of Battle (4 wins, $1,286,753, Standard Chartered Champions & Chater Cup-G1, etc.), and of Air Force Blue (hwt., 4 wins, $844,919, Dubai Dewhurst S.-G1, etc.), Declaration of War (hwt., $1,847,- 489, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc.), U S Navy Flag ($642,893). 1st dam CHAMPAGNE COOLIE, by Zavata. 16 wins, 2 to 6, $145,180. Half-sister to Fearless Vision, Divine Angel. Dam of 3 other foals, 2 to race, including a 3-year-old of 2018-- Rafaeljavier (g. by Hockenheim). Placed at 2 and 3, $9,332. 2nd dam LOVE TUNNEL, by Mining. Winner at 2 and 3, $59,580. Half-sister to ROSA ETERNA, MEGAN'S MAN. Dam of 6 other winners, including-- Fearless Vision (c. by Vision and Verse). 5 wins at 3 and 4, $248,090, 2nd Challenger S., 3rd Peter Pan S.-G2. Sire. Divine Angel (f. by Matty G). Winner at 2, $49,650, 3rd Sorority S.-G3. Sealed Sweet. Placed in 2 starts at 2, $3,030. Sent to Chile. Producer. Grand- dam of Tiz O K (c. by Tiznow, in Mexico, 2nd Clasico Anahuac-G1). Academie d'Amour. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals, 3 winners, including-- COWBOY COOL (g. by Divine Park). 5 wins, 2 to 5, 2018, $161,184, In- augural S., 2nd Mine That Bird Overnight S., Duke City Sprint S.-R, 3rd Governor's Cup S. 3rd dam LEVERAGED BUYOUT, by Spectacular Bid. Unraced. Half-sister to SERIOUS SPENDER ($220,222), ALL GONE ($247,716), RUSSIAN ROUBLES, (Houghton S., etc., sire), Lost Opportunity ($145,910). Dam of-- ROSA ETERNA. 7 wins at 3 and 4 in Peru, Premio Hipodromo de Santa Beat- riz-G3, Premio Propina, etc. Producer. Great-granddam of BROTHER Z (2 wins, $52,131, Michigan Sire S.-R, 3rd Michigan Sire S.-R). MEGAN'S MAN. 7 wins at 4 and 5, $64,268, Con Jackson Claiming H. Certain Look. Winner at 3, $20,835. Dam of 3 winners, including-- PLAIN OLE JOHN. 8 wins, 3 to 7, $44,628, Baxter S. Key Buy. Placed at 3. Dam of 2 winners, including-- VAL'S PRINCE. 12 wins, 2 to 7, $1,595,045, in N.A./U.S., Turf Classic In- vitational S.-G1 twice, Man o' War S.-G1, 2nd Man o' War S.-G1, Sword Dancer Invitational H.-G1 twice, Belmont Breeders' Cup H.-G2, etc.; winner in 2 starts at 5 in Hong Kong, Hong Kong International Cup-G2.

JCC 1709969 - Microchip 981020021450912 Property of Eduardo Maldonado Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 13 Foaled March 19, 2017 13 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka BAY COLT Unbridled's Song Political Force ...... Glitter Woman Political Gold ...... (2009) Holy Bull Holy Heifer...... Scorched By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of 4 races, $182,970. Brother to stakes winner Due Diligence. His first foals are yearlings of 2018. Son of stakes winner War Front, among the leading sires, sire of 69 stakes winners, 3 champi- ons, including Lines of Battle (4 wins, $1,286,753, Standard Chartered Champions & Chater Cup-G1, etc.), and of Air Force Blue (hwt., 4 wins, $844,919, Dubai Dewhurst S.-G1, etc.), Declaration of War (hwt., $1,847,- 489, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc.), U S Navy Flag ($642,893). 1st dam POLITICAL GOLD, by Political Force. Winner at 2, $6,606. Dam of 4 other foals, including-- Impresionante (c. by Hockenheim). 2 wins at 2, placed at 3, 2018, $35,198. Robert Mamba (c. by Hockenheim). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam HOLY HEIFER, by Holy Bull. Unraced. Half-sister to Complicity. Dam of-- Holy Cookie. Winner at 2 and 3, $38,611. 3rd dam Scorched, by Dixieland Band. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $67,445, 2nd Thomas P. Scott H.-L, 3rd Edgewood S.-L. Half-sister to MAJESTIC KAHALA ($124,037), Foolish Passion ($38,880). Dam of 5 winners, including-- Complicity. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $129,781, 2nd Kentucky Cup Juvenile Fillies S.- L, 3rd JPMorgan Chase Jessamine S.-L, etc. Dam of-- Caramboleado. Winner at 2, 20,750,000 pesos, in Chile, 2nd Polla de Potril- los-G1, Alberto Vial Infante-G1, Cotejo de Potrillos-G3. (Total: $31,557). Muy Cumplido. 5 wins at 2 and 3, 40,125,000 pesos, in Chile, 2nd Victor Matetic Fernandez-G3. (Total: $60,600). Heart Warmer. Winner at 3, $39,192. Dam of 6 winners, including-- A to the Croft. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $295,683, 2nd Darley Alcibiades S.- G1, Spinaway S.-G1, Adirondack S.-G2, 3rd Bourbonette Oaks-G3. Prairie Music. Placed at 2, $3,600. Dam of 4 winners, including-- FOOTPRINT. 10 wins, 2 to 7, $582,371, in Canada, Canadian Derby-G3, Count Lathum S.-L, Ky Alta H.-L, Spangled Jimmy H., Teeworth Plate H.- ntr, mi. in 1:35, Westerner H., 2nd Alberta Derby-L, Canadian Juvenile S.- L, Don Fleming H. 3 times, Harvest Gold Plate H., etc. (Total: $560,810). Anna Bird Rulez. 2 wins at 3, $28,030. Dam of SUZETTE (3 wins in 5 starts, Total: $61,255, Freedom of the City S., Bird of Pay S.-R). Pyramid Scheme. Placed at 3, $6,185. Dam of 2 winners, including-- EXCLUSIVE SCHEME. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $315,680, John Hettinger S.- LR, William B. Fasig S.-R, 2nd Irish Linnet S.-R, 3rd Ticonderoga S.- LR, Peerless Springs S.-R. Producer.

JCC 1706519 - Microchip 981020021435942 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 14 Foaled May 20, 2017 14 Seattle Slew A.P. Indy ...... Weekend Surprise Hockenheim...... Seeking the Gold Lady Bonanza...... Born a Lady BAY FILLY Fappiano Fappiano's Star ...... Star Hawaii Estrella Dorada...... (1998) Ribots Verset Guakia ...... Virginia P. R. By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 103 foals, 65 starters, 7 stakes winners, 43 winners of 155 races and earning $2,- 861,041, including champions Arquitecto (28 wins, $796,088, Copa Con- fraternidad S.-G1, etc.), Esplendorosa ($363,941, Camarero S.-G1, etc.), Syriana Mia ($113,853, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, etc.), and of Raf- aelillo ($174,650, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Mudkenheim (9 wins, $202,334, Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr S.-G2, etc.), Regalada ($157,309). 1st dam ESTRELLA DORADA, by Fappiano's Star. 7 wins at 2 and 4, $205,814, cham- pion 2-year-old filly in Puerto Rico, Clasico Criadores de Puerto Rico, Copa Camarero, 2nd Clasico Campeon Nativo, 3rd Clasico Dia de Reyes-G1. Dam of 11 foals, 9 to race, all winners, including-- SEATTLE WIN (f. by Don Guido). 12 wins in 17 starts, 2 to 4, $315,520, champion 2- and 3-year-old filly in Puerto Rico, Copa Gobernador-G1, Clasico Violeta Ruiz S.-G1, Puerto Rico Futurity-G1, Copa Camarero-G1, 2nd Copa San Juan, 3rd Clasico Antonio Mongil, Jr. Producer. Creador (g. by Hockenheim). 8 wins, 2 to 5, 2018, $59,085. Lito Magnate (g. by Myfavorite Place). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $42,200. Estrella Divina (f. by Myfavorite Place). Winner at 3 and 4, $21,388. Mi Sueno Dorado (g. by Sejm). Winner at 2, $22,802. Seattle Sixteen (c. by Hockenheim). 2 wins in 2 starts at 2, $18,574. Musicologo (c. by Hockenheim). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam GUAKIA, by Ribots Verset. 9 wins, 3 to 6, $133,893. Dam of 2 winners-- ESTRELLA DORADA (f. by Fappiano's Star). Champion, above. 3rd dam VIRGINIA P. R., by Catullus. 10 wins at 5, $61,776. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-- Speedy Jet. 3 wins at 2, $23,231. Pidlin. Winner at 2 and 3, $15,182. 4th dam HELIOJEWEL, by Helioscope. Unplaced. Half-sister to High Nail ($59,700, 2nd Memorial Day Sprint S.), Federal Chief ($18,879, 2nd Southern Ohio H., etc., sire), Pickabob (3rd Hawkeye H.). Dam of 3 winners, incl.-- Ansonia. 2 wins at 2, $4,684. Dam of 5 winners, including-- MARATON SAN BLAS. 15 wins, 2 to 5, $129,520, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera Memorial-G1, 2nd Copa Gobernador-G1. KARATECA. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $92,715, Clasico Camarero-G2. El Comerciante. 3 wins at 3, $24,480. El Ital Iano Telua. Winner at 3, $14,909

JCC 1718198 - Microchip 981020021452529 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. CHESTNUT FILLY 15 Foaled March 22, 2017 15 Blushing Groom (FR) Runaway Groom ...... Yonnie Girl Myfavorite Place ...... Great Above Myfavorite Charity ...... Jettapart CHESTNUT FILLY Broad Brush Include ...... Illeria Classique Colony ...... (2009) Pleasant Colony Classique...... Dry North By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 237 foals, 166 starters, 10 stakes winners, 131 winners of 729 races and earning $8,579,729, in- cluding champions Defensora (29 wins, $970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia de Nieve (14 wins, $397,206, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Graciani ($253,560, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Traque- teo ($314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Fracturadora ($139,025). 1st dam CLASSIQUE COLONY, by Include. Winner at 2 and 3, $15,180. Dam of 2 other foals, 1 to race-- Rafita (c. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam CLASSIQUE, by Pleasant Colony. Unplaced in 1 start. Sister to FLY NORTH. Dam of 4 other foals to race, 2 winners, including-- Colonial Silver. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $206,849. 3rd dam DRY NORTH, by Temperence Hill. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $66,053. Half-sister to ST. JOVITE, LAC OUIMET, SALEM DRIVE, L'CARRIERE, Norberto, Laurentide, Sun Princessa. Dam of 1 other foal to race-- FLY NORTH. 3 wins, $114,027, Ontario Debutante S.-LR, etc. Dam of-- FARDA AMIGA. 4 wins in 8 starts at 2 and 3, $1,282,302, champion 3-year- old filly, Alabama S.-G1, Kentucky Oaks-G1, 2nd Breeders' Cup Distaff- G1. Dam of Un Grand Ami (Total: $15,757, 3rd Dezesseis de Julho-G2). Wingover. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $77,545, 3rd Julie Snellings S. Dam of Poco Man ($135,646, in N.A./U.S., 2nd Clasico Dia de San Valentin-G3, etc.). Treimhse Tirim. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals, 4 to race, 3 winners, including-- Zucchero. 2 wins in India, 2nd J W Golf Club Mysore Two Thousand Guin- eas-G3, 3rd Mysore Derby-G1, Bangalore Two Thousand Guineas-G2. Spinning. Unraced. Dam of Taufik (Total: $22,592, 2nd Clasico Arrabal). 4th dam NORTHERN SUNSET (IRE), by Northfields. 2 wins at 3 in Ireland. Half-sister to Embarr, Gleaming Silver. Broodmare of the year in 1995. Dam of-- ST. JOVITE. 5 wins, €561,439, in Ireland, horse of the year in Europe, cham- pion 2-year-old in Ireland, hwt. at 3 on European Hand., 11 - 13 1/2 fur., hwt. at 3 on Irish Hand., 11 - 14 fur., Budweiser Irish Derby-G1, etc.; in France, hwt. at 3 on French Hand., 11 - 14 fur.; winner, £394,216, in England, King George VI & Queen Elizabeth Diamond S.-G1, etc. (Total: $1,604,439). Other stakes winners: LAC OUIMET ($817,863, Excelsior H.-G2 twice, etc. sire), SALEM DRIVE ($903,586, sire), L'CARRIERE (Total: $1,726,175).

JCC 1709300 - Microchip 981020021458349 Property of Jose Cortes Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 16 Foaled March 22, 2017 16 Blushing Groom (FR) Runaway Groom ...... Yonnie Girl Myfavorite Place ...... Great Above Myfavorite Charity ...... Jettapart BAY COLT A.P. Indy Olmodavor ...... Corrazona Greatly Blessed ...... (2009) Touch Gold Holy Rose...... Holy Blitz By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 237 foals, 166 starters, 10 stakes winners, 131 winners of 729 races and earning $8,579,729, in- cluding champions Defensora (29 wins, $970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia de Nieve (14 wins, $397,206, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Graciani ($253,560, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Traque- teo ($314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Fracturadora ($139,025). 1st dam GREATLY BLESSED, by Olmodavor. Placed in 1 start at 3 in Canada. Dam of 3 other foals-- Sanjuanera (f. by Tiago). 6 wins in 12 starts at 2 and 3, $91,975, 2nd Cla- sico Constitucion S.-G1, Clasico Ramon Llobet Jr S.-G2. El Apocalipsis (c. by Myfavorite Place). Placed at 3, 2018, $9,940. Unnamed (f. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam HOLY ROSE, by Touch Gold. Winner at 4, $24,970, in Canada. (Total: $22,910). Half-sister to JUDY THE BEAUTY. Dam of 2 winners, including-- Touch of Danzig. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $20,308. 3rd dam HOLY BLITZ, by Holy Bull. 3 wins to 4, $97,080, Wishing Well S.-L. Dam of-- JUDY THE BEAUTY. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $1,696,425, in N.A./U.S., champion female sprinter, Breeders' Cup Filly and Mare Sprint-G1, Madison S.-G1, Thorough- bred Club of America S.-G2, Rancho Bernardo H.-G3, Las Flores S.-G3, 2nd Breeders' Cup Filly and Mare Sprint-G1, Princess Rooney H.-G1, Pri- oress S.-G1, Humana Distaff S.-G1, Spinaway S.-G1, Gallant Bloom H.-G2, Honorable Miss H.-G2, Winning Colors S.-G3, 3rd Presque Isle Downs Mas- ters S.-G2, Thoroughbred Club of America S.-G3; winner in 1 start at 2, $90,- 000, in Canada, Shady Well S.-LR; winner in 1 start at 2, €17,000, in France. (Total: $1,815,922). 4th dam PAGOFIRE, by Island Whirl. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $95,190, Old Hat S.-L, OBS Sprint S.-LR-ntr, Bug Eyed Betty S. Sister to FAN THE FLAME ($388,- 623), half-sister to INCINERATE ($553,556). Dam of 2 winners, incl.-- HOLY BLITZ. Stakes winner, above. Red Valentine. Unraced. Dam of 9 foals to race, 7 winners, including-- GLIB. 5 wins, $193,160, Maryland Million Nursery S.-LR, Maryland Juve- nile Championship S.-LR, 2nd Dave's Friend S., 3rd Lord Henribee S. SPOTTED HEART. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $167,692, Maryland Juvenile Filly Championship S.-R.

JCC 1709458 - Microchip 981020021448103 Property of Pedro Agustin Hip No. Hip No. CHESTNUT FILLY 17 Foaled April 5, 2017 17 Seattle Slew A.P. Indy ...... Weekend Surprise Hockenheim...... Seeking the Gold Lady Bonanza...... Born a Lady CHESTNUT FILLY Pleasant Colony Pleasantly Perfect...... Regal State My Sister Milagros ...... (2012) Seeking the Gold Seeking Adel ...... Adel By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 103 foals, 65 starters, 7 stakes winners, 43 winners of 155 races and earning $2,- 861,041, including champions Arquitecto (28 wins, $796,088, Copa Con- fraternidad S.-G1, etc.), Esplendorosa ($363,941, Camarero S.-G1, etc.), Syriana Mia ($113,853, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, etc.), and of Raf- aelillo ($174,650, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Mudkenheim (9 wins, $202,334, Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr S.-G2, etc.), Regalada ($157,309). 1st dam MY SISTER MILAGROS, by Pleasantly Perfect. Placed at 3, $7,167. Half-sister to SEEKING THE SHERIF. This is her first foal. 2nd dam SEEKING ADEL, by Seeking the Gold. Unraced. Half-sister to INTERPOL, FORESTRY TYPE. Dam of 5 other foals, 3 to race, 2 winners, including-- SEEKING THE SHERIF (g. by Officer). 11 wins, 4 to 7, $397,904, Katella S.-ntr, 6 fur. in 1:08 2/5, Oak Tree Sprint S., 2nd Joe Hernandez S., 3rd Bing Crosby S.-G1, Pirate's Bounty S.-R. 3rd dam ADEL, by Strawberry Road (AUS). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $204,336, Edgewood S.-L, 2nd Del Mar Oaks-G1, Regret S.-L, Appalachian S.-L. Half-sister to DEL MAR SHOW, Striesen. Dam of 6 foals, to race, 5 winners, incl.-- INTERPOL. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $572,274, in Canada, champion grass horse, Northern Dancer Turf S.-G1, Sky Classic S.-G2, 2nd Breeders' S.-R; win- ner at 4, $35,246, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $496,998). FORESTRY TYPE. 10 wins, 3 to 7, $187,492, Prairie Mile S. Set ntr at Bel- terra Park, 6 1/2 fur. in 1:16 4/5. Poco Mas. Placed at 3, $10,093. Sent to Argentina. Dam of 4 winners, incl.-- CARINOSA. 7 wins at 3 and 4, 972,300 pesos, in Argentina, Marcos Le- valle-G2, 2nd Criadores-G1. (Total: $113,318). 4th dam PRANKSTRESS, by Foolish Pleasure. 5 wins in 9 starts at 2 and 3, $194,070, Bassinet S.-L, Lady Sponsors' S.-L, Freshman S., etc. Dam of-- DEL MAR SHOW. 13 wins, 2 to 9, $1,032,400, Hialeah Turf Cup H.-G2, etc. ADEL. Stakes winner, above. Striesen. Winner at 3, €6,927, in Ireland; 5 wins at 4 and 5, $225,631, in N.A./U.S., 2nd Providian Mile S.-G3, etc. (Total: $234,381). Producer. Nabla. 5 wins in 8 starts at 4 and 5, $106,169. Dam of WALKSLIKEADUCK (4 wins, $418,354, Del Mar Derby-G2-ecr, 1 1/8 mi. in 1:46 3/5, etc., sire), Katara ($98,630), Super Natascha ($101,349, dam of GONE AS WIND, $40,710, in N.A./U.S.). Granddam of DARK EYES (8 wins, Total: $358,286).

JCC 1709889 - Microchip 981020021447781 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 18 Foaled March 31, 2017 18 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka BAY COLT Mr. Prospector Dance Brightly ...... Dance Smartly Puerta Del Sol ...... (2002) Sky Classic Classic Be ...... Leave It Be By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of 4 races, $182,970. Brother to stakes winner Due Diligence. His first foals are yearlings of 2018. Son of stakes winner War Front, among the leading sires, sire of 69 stakes winners, 3 champi- ons, including Lines of Battle (4 wins, $1,286,753, Standard Chartered Champions & Chater Cup-G1, etc.), and of Air Force Blue (hwt., 4 wins, $844,919, Dubai Dewhurst S.-G1, etc.), Declaration of War (hwt., $1,847,- 489, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc.), U S Navy Flag ($642,893). 1st dam PUERTA DEL SOL, by Dance Brightly. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $98,282. Dam of 7 other foals, 4 to race, all winners, including-- Perfeccionada (f. by Myfavorite Place). 5 wins at 2 and 4, $48,493, 3rd Cla- sico Ramon Llobet Jr. S.-G2, Criadores de Puerto Rico-G3. Diva Del Sol (f. by Myfavorite Place). 12 wins, 2 to 5, placed at 7, 2018, $75,285. Historiadora (f. by Myfavorite Place). 9 wins, 3 to 6, $65,795. Unnamed (f. by Perfect Bullet). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam CLASSIC BE, by Sky Classic. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $85,850. Dam of-- Classic Trouble. 11 wins, $162,554. Set ncr at Turf Paradise, mi. in 1:34 2/5. Canalejas. Unplaced. Dam of 9 foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, including-- Faviola M (f. by Sudden Thunder). Winner at 2 and 3, $36,727, 2nd Classico Ramon Llobet Jr. S.-G2, 3rd Clasico Criadores de Puerto Rico S.-G3. 3rd dam LEAVE IT BE, by Lawmaker. 24 wins, $788,630, Sixty Sails H.-G3, Gold Beauty H.-L, Pembroke Lakes H.-L, Vizcaya H.-L, Lady Hallie H.-L, etc. Sister to Lady Linstar, half-sister to STAR VALENTINE, Star Prospector. Dam of-- Beafleet. Winner at 3, $5,904. Dam of 10 foals, 9 winners, including-- GABBYWITHA G. 18 wins, 3 to 5, $122,433, champion imported older mare in Puerto Rico, Clasico Prensa Hipica-G2, Clasico Prensa Hipica. Bea D J. 4 wins at 2 and 4, $68,213, 3rd Gasparilla S., Sandpiper S. Dam of Superstar Bea (at 4, 2018, $89,909, 2nd Rainbow Miss S.-R). Be Silver. Placed at 2 and 3, $32,060, 3rd Florida Stallion Desert Vixen S.-LR. Dam of HEIR KITTY (4 wins, $421,272, La Brea S.-G1, etc.). Starfleet. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals, all winners, including-- ESTRELLERO. 28 wins in 47 starts, 2 to 6, $691,417, horse of the year, champion 2- and 3-year-old colt, champion older horse in Puerto Rico, Puerto Rican Triple Crown, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, etc. Sire. MONOESTRELLADO. 12 wins, 2 to 5, $414,711, Copa Gobernador-G1, Puerto Rico Futurity-G1, Clasico Luis Munoz Marin-G1, etc. MILLONARIO. 13 wins, $188,459, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera, etc. Sire.

JCC 1709935 - Microchip 981020021461511 Property of Eduardo Maldonado Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 19 Foaled January 19, 2017 19 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka BAY FILLY Mr. Prospector Our Emblem...... Personal Ensign Tipsy Tonya ...... (2005) Kris S. Issima...... Lake Beauty By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of 4 races, $182,970. Brother to stakes winner Due Diligence. His first foals are yearlings of 2018. Son of stakes winner War Front, among the leading sires, sire of 69 stakes winners, 3 champi- ons, including Lines of Battle (4 wins, $1,286,753, Standard Chartered Champions & Chater Cup-G1, etc.), and of Air Force Blue (hwt., 4 wins, $844,919, Dubai Dewhurst S.-G1, etc.), Declaration of War (hwt., $1,847,- 489, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc.), U S Navy Flag ($642,893). 1st dam TIPSY TONYA, by Our Emblem. 16 wins, 2 to 6, $199,560. Dam of 2 other foals, including a 3-year-old of 2018-- Don Yeyo (g. by Myfavorite Place). Winner at 3, $10,704. 2nd dam ISSIMA, by Kris S. 3 wins at 3 and 5, $75,425. Half-sister to Madrina. Dam of-- Divine Master. 12 wins, 2 to 5, $323,280. 3rd dam LAKE BEAUTY, by Sovereign Dancer. Winner in 2 starts at 3, $9,000. Sister to LEO CASTELLI, half-sister to MEADOWLAKE, West Coast Native, Sham- rock McGroder. Dam of 5 other foals, 3 to race, 2 winners, including-- Madrina. 3 wins, 2 to 4 in Brazil, 3rd Grande Premio Onze de Julho-Taca Hipodromo Brasileiro-G2. Dam of 8 foals, 6 winners, including-- Spade. Winner at 2 in Brazil, 3rd Emerald Hill. Dam of DA-LHE SEN- ADORA (3 wins in 4 starts, Total: $38,316, Emerald Hill-G3, etc.). Tarimbada. Winner at 3 and 4, 24,735 reals, in Brazil. (Total: $14,015). Dam of EXPLICACION (Total: $21,813, Clasico America, etc.). 4th dam SUSPICIOUS NATIVE, by Raise a Native. Unraced. Half-sister to SECRET SCHEME, HALF AN HOUR, Blue Coast. Dam of 9 winners, including-- MEADOWLAKE. 3 wins in 3 starts at 2 and 3, $308,580, Arlington-Wash- ington Futurity-G1. Sire. LEO CASTELLI. 3 wins at 3, $274,497, Peter Pan S.-G2, etc. Sire. West Coast Native. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $78,860, 2nd Swaps S.-G1. Sire. Shamrock McGroder. 12 wins, 2 to 7, $123,204, 2nd Ak-Sar-Ben Board of Governor's H.-G3, Blue Skies S. Suspicions. Unraced. Dam of HAPPY TIME, VAN GOGH, Fortunata, Lovely Ivette. Granddam of Golden Girl Glory ($25,596), Patroclo, etc. Suspicious Toosome. Unraced. Dam of Done Well (Total: $34,824). Grand- dam of YUGOSLAVA, Propper Fun (Total: $106,264), Proverbio (Total: $48,244). Great-granddam of SOUL CITY SLEW (9 wins, $450,002). Holdyoursuspicions. Unplaced. Dam of Instant Panic (15 wins, $149,400).

JCC 1706519 - Microchip 981020021448169 Property of Manuel Hernandez Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 20 Foaled February 14, 2017 20 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka BAY FILLY Northern Afleet Afleet Alex ...... Maggy Hawk Chica de Humo ...... (2010) Madame Sunshine...... Nakterjal (GB) By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of 4 races, $182,970. Brother to stakes winner Due Diligence. His first foals are yearlings of 2018. Son of stakes winner War Front, among the leading sires, sire of 69 stakes winners, 3 champi- ons, including Lines of Battle (4 wins, $1,286,753, Standard Chartered Champions & Chater Cup-G1, etc.), and of Air Force Blue (hwt., 4 wins, $844,919, Dubai Dewhurst S.-G1, etc.), Declaration of War (hwt., $1,847,- 489, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc.), U S Navy Flag ($642,893). 1st dam CHICA DE HUMO, by Afleet Alex. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $47,950. This is her first foal. 2nd dam MADAME SUNSHINE, by Nureyev. Unraced. Half-sister to BIENAMADO, Anti Parasite. Dam of 7 other foals, 5 to race, all winners, including-- Neeshanha. Winner at 3, $36,060. Producer. Granddam of SMOKEY IMAGE (c. by Southern Image, 6 wins, $534,601, Everett Nevin S., etc.), CHEECH (g. by Popular, 2 wins at 4, 2018, Rillito Hopeful S.), Northern Smoke (g. by Salt Lake, $54,130, 3rd Bert W. Martin Foundation S.). 3rd dam NAKTERJAL (GB), by Vitiges. Unplaced in England. Half-sister to KILINISKI (IRE), Le Patineur. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners, including-- BIENAMADO. Winner at 2, €82,323, in France, Prix de Conde-G3, etc.; winner at 2, £26,784, in England, 2nd Stakis Casinos Great Voltigeur S.- G2; 6 wins in 10 starts at 4 and 5, $1,123,870, in N.A./U.S., Hollywood Turf Cup S.-G1, etc. Set ncr at Santa Anita Park. (Total: $1,261,089). Sire. Anti Parasite. 9 wins, 3 to 8, €108,109, in France, 3rd Prix de Guiche-G3. (Total: $132,774). Minimal Surface. Unraced. Dam of 2 foals, 1 to race-- EXPEDICIONARIA (VEN). 9 wins in 18 starts at 3 and 4 in Venezuela, Pre- mio Simon Rodriguez, etc. Dam of TONY GOT EVEN (in Venezuela, Clasico Hypocrite-G2, etc.), JOE GOT EVEN ($167,589, WEBN S., etc.), TOP BOOT (Total: $72,382, Gerry Howard Inaugural H., etc.). 4th dam KILAVEA, by *Hawaii. Winner in 1 start at 2 in England. Half-sister to NUREYEV (champion miler in France), NUMBER ($301,793), BOUND. Dam of-- KILINISKI (IRE). Winner at 3 in England, Marley Roof Tile Oaks Trial S.-G3, 2nd Yorkshire Oaks-G1. Dam of KISWAHILI (GB) (Total: $76,791). Le Patineur. 6 wins, 3 to 7, €104,026, in France, 3rd Prix France Info Prix Predicateur Hurdle. (Total: $129,040). Puget Sound (GB). 2 wins at 3 in England. Dam of NINOTCHKA (Total: $54,585, Premio Giovanni Falck, etc.), Exhilaration (2 wins, $77,850).

JCC 1702416 - Microchip 981020021495116 Property of Pedro Agustin Hip No. Hip No. CHESTNUT FILLY 21 Foaled March 8, 2017 21 Seattle Slew A.P. Indy ...... Weekend Surprise Hockenheim...... Seeking the Gold Lady Bonanza...... Born a Lady CHESTNUT FILLY Concerto Bellamy Road...... Hurry Home Hillary Bella Ragazzo...... (2010) Prospect Bay Jorja's Prospect...... Forza By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 103 foals, 65 starters, 7 stakes winners, 43 winners of 155 races and earning $2,- 861,041, including champions Arquitecto (28 wins, $796,088, Copa Con- fraternidad S.-G1, etc.), Esplendorosa ($363,941, Camarero S.-G1, etc.), Syriana Mia ($113,853, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, etc.), and of Raf- aelillo ($174,650, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Mudkenheim (9 wins, $202,334, Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr S.-G2, etc.), Regalada ($157,309). 1st dam Bella Ragazzo, by Bellamy Road. Winner at 3, $42,097, 2nd Clasico Roberto Clemente-G2. This is her second foal. Dam of-- Unnamed (f. by Voice of Destiny). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam JORJA'S PROSPECT, by Prospect Bay. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $55,001. Dam of-- Bella Ragazzo (f. by Bellamy Road). Stakes-placed winner, above. Bellaridge. 12 wins, 2 to 7, $285,744. Stormin' Jorja. 3 wins at 4 and 5, $70,142. Pronto Caballo. 5 wins, 4 to 6, $43,289. 3rd dam Forza, by Forever Sparkle. 16 wins, 2 to 8, $134,912, 3rd John Peri S. Half- sister to CARTERISTA, Sajon, Scarbelly Red. Dam of-- Whats Up Pussycat. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $90,163. Producer. 4th dam BOSUN'S BRIDE, by Nashua. Unraced. Dam of 12 winners, including-- CARTERISTA. 27 wins, 3 to 10, $753,599, Miami Budweiser Breeders' Cup H.- G3, Tropical Turf H.-G3, Christmas Day H.-G3, Bougainvillea H.-L, Lago Mar H.-L-ncr, 7 fur. in 1:22 1/5, Melreese H.-L-ncr, 7 1/2 fur. in 1:29, Noble Dancer H.-L, Flying Pidgeon H., 2nd Pembroke Pines Breeders' Cup H.-L, Manala- pan H.-L, Methuselah H.-LR, P. R. Smith S., 3rd Canadian Turf H.-G2, Miami Budweiser Breeders' Cup H.-L, Hialeah Turf Cup H.-L, Bob Harding S. Forza. Stakes-placed winner, above. Sajon. 5 wins at 4 and 5, $95,062, 3rd Foundation Plan H. Scarbelly Red. 4 wins at 3 and 4, 2nd Adios Amigos Claiming H. Lucky Boss. 6 wins, 5 to 8, $129,194. Moneyinthewallet. 9 wins, 3 to 7, $66,365. Sabogal. 4 wins, 3 to 6, $54,115. Ligera. Placed at 4 and 5, $9,701. Dam of-- Sipho. 5 wins, 3 to 7, $79,202. Stack Bride. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 5 foals, 3 winners, including-- Scorper. 4 wins at 4 and 5, $108,368.

JCC 1706433 - Microchip 981020021461414 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 22 Foaled March 12, 2017 22 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka BAY FILLY Forty Niner Royal Merlot...... Gana Facil Guasima...... (2004) Crafty Prospector Slate Six...... Silver Sashay By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of 4 races, $182,970. Brother to stakes winner Due Diligence. His first foals are yearlings of 2018. Son of stakes winner War Front, among the leading sires, sire of 69 stakes winners, 3 champi- ons, including Lines of Battle (4 wins, $1,286,753, Standard Chartered Champions & Chater Cup-G1, etc.), and of Air Force Blue (hwt., 4 wins, $844,919, Dubai Dewhurst S.-G1, etc.), Declaration of War (hwt., $1,847,- 489, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc.), U S Navy Flag ($642,893). 1st dam Guasima, by Royal Merlot. Winner at 2, $30,511, 3rd Clasico Vuelve Candy B.-G1. Half-sister to LA MISTICA, ABUELA YIYA. Dam of 5 other foals, 4 to race, all winners, including-- Carpoforo (c. by Myfavorite Place). 2 wins in 2 starts at 3, 2018, $22,678. Unnamed (c. by Perfect Bullet). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam SLATE SIX, by Crafty Prospector. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $70,160. Dam of-- LA MISTICA (f. by Explosive Red). 32 wins in 49 starts, 2 to 5, $527,962, champion 2-year-old filly, champion older mare in Puerto Rico, Clasico Criadores de Puerto Rico-G1, Clasico Dia de las Madres-G1, Clasico Rafael Martinez Nadal-G1, 2nd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, Clasico Camarero-G1, Clasico Rafael Martinez Nadal-G1, Clasico Campeon Na- tivo, Clasico Constitucion. ABUELA YIYA (f. by Eqtesaad). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $102,836, Clasico Eu- genio Maria de Hostos-G1, Clasico Mediavilla R-G3. Guasima (f. by Royal Merlot). Stakes-placed winner, above. Seven On Dice. 4 wins at 3, $55,828. 3rd dam SILVER SASHAY, by Silver Buck. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $40,160. Half-sister to ONE DOUBLE. Dam of 3 other foals, 1 to race-- Don Teclo. 2 wins at 3, $17,742. 4th dam BONNIE'S DANCER, by Marshua's Dancer. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $31,572. Dam of-- ONE DOUBLE. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $90,318, Pageant S. Dam of-- GREINTON'S DANCER. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $113,878, OBS Champi- onship S.-LR, 2nd Lecomte H. Sunshine's Word. Placed at 3 and 4, $3,360. Dam of Marco's Word (14 wins, $346,035, 3rd Carterista H.-L, Lord Juban S.). One Dancer. Placed at 3 and 4, $23,688. Dam of I'll Deliver (11 wins, $103,044, 3rd Helen Anthony Memorial S.), Iam the Ice Boy (4 wins, $22,832, 3rd Boise River Festival Derby).

JCC 1706557 - Microchip 981020021452108 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 23 Foaled January 14, 2017 23 Blushing Groom (FR) Runaway Groom ...... Yonnie Girl Myfavorite Place ...... Great Above Myfavorite Charity ...... Jettapart BAY FILLY A.P. Indy Casanova Star ...... Minstrella Piel Canela...... (2009) Noblesse Oil Princesa de Oro ...... Calleja By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 237 foals, 166 starters, 10 stakes winners, 131 winners of 729 races and earning $8,579,729, in- cluding champions Defensora (29 wins, $970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia de Nieve (14 wins, $397,206, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Graciani ($253,560, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Traque- teo ($314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Fracturadora ($139,025). 1st dam PIEL CANELA, by Casanova Star. Unraced. Sister to KRISTIAN QUILES, half- sister to RICKY SLIM. This is her second foal. Dam of-- Lo Que Fue (f. by Mi Preferido). 2 wins at 3, $22,770. 2nd dam PRINCESA DE ORO, by Noblesse Oil. 14 wins, 2 to 5, $694,132, champion 2-year-old filly, champion older mare in Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico Futu- rity-G1, Clasico Constitucion-G1, Clasico Rafael Martinez Nadal-G1, Cla- sico Dia de las Madres-G1 twice, Clasico Eduardo Cautino Insua-G3, 2nd Clasico Navidad-G1, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, Clasico Con- stitucion-G1, Clasico Dia de Reyes, Copa Rafael Martinez Nadal, 3rd Clasico Roberto Clemente-G1, Clasico Wiso G.-G1, Clasico Camarero- G2, Clasico Criadores de Puerto Rico-G3, Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr., Clasico Antonio R. Matos. Half-sister to NOBLE SPEED. Dam of-- KRISTIAN QUILES (c. by Casanova Star). 9 wins, 2 to 5, $242,605, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, Clasico Juan Alves Rueda-G3, 2nd Puerto Rico Fu- turity-G1, Copa Navidad-G1, 3rd Clasico Antonio Mongil S.-G1. RICKY SLIM (g. by Stoneyer). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $111,260, Copa San Juan S.-G1, 2nd Clasico Antonio Mongil Jr S.-G2, 3rd Copa Gobernador-G1, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1. 3rd dam CALLEJA, by Natidan. Unraced. Half-sister to SAMBA DANCER. Dam of-- PRINCESA DE ORO. Champion, above. NOBLE SPEED. 13 wins, 2 to 6, $144,355, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, 2nd Puerto Rico Futurity-G1. Sire. 4th dam LINDA OTRA VEZ, by *Oceanic II. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $16,615. Dam of-- SAMBA DANCER. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $105,431, Clasico Antonio R. Matos- G2, Clasico Criadores de Puerto Rico-G3. Producer. Granddam of South Bound n Down (10 wins, $38,494, 2nd Go for the Gold Futurity, Idaho Cup Claiming S.-R, 3rd Idaho Cup Sprint S.-R, Idaho Cup Sprint Cham- pionship S.-R), Fabulous Fever (2 wins, 3rd Idaho Cup Distaff Derby-R).

JCC 1702718 - Microchip 981020021487979 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. CHESTNUT FILLY 24 Foaled January 31, 2017 24 Blushing Groom (FR) Runaway Groom ...... Yonnie Girl Myfavorite Place ...... Great Above Myfavorite Charity ...... Jettapart CHESTNUT FILLY Unbridled Broken Vow ...... Wedding Vow Silver Vow ...... (2004) Silver Deputy Silver N Satin...... Candid Moments By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 237 foals, 166 starters, 10 stakes winners, 131 winners of 729 races and earning $8,579,729, in- cluding champions Defensora (29 wins, $970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia de Nieve (14 wins, $397,206, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Graciani ($253,560, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Traque- teo ($314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Fracturadora ($139,025). 1st dam SILVER VOW, by Broken Vow. 9 wins, 3 to 8, $92,667. Sister to STERLING VOW, half-sister to IRISH EXCHANGE. Dam of 2 other foals, 2 to race, both winners, including-- Platino (g. by Musketier (GER)). 7 wins, 2 to 4, 2018, $68,614. 2nd dam SILVER N SATIN, by Silver Deputy. Winner at 3, $5,812. Half-sister to CANDID GLEN. Dam of 7 other foals, all winners, including-- IRISH EXCHANGE (f. by Exchange Rate). 5 wins at 3 and 4, $211,965, Langhorne S.-L, 2nd Primonetta S. STERLING VOW (f. by Broken Vow). 5 wins, 2 to 6, $157,128, Squan Song S.-R. Dam of 3 foals, 2 to race, both winners, including-- Blue Shine. 3 wins at 2 and 3, placed at 4, 2018, $77,700. Silver Legend. 7 wins at 4 and 5, $156,822. Silver Borrego. Winner at 2 and 3, $40,457, in Canada. (Total: $41,785). 3rd dam Candid Moments, by Pirate's Bounty. Winner at 2, $39,761, 2nd Barretts Debutante S.-LR. Sister to PIRATE AT FORTY. Dam of-- CANDID GLEN. 12 wins, 3 to 10, $1,285,075, Explosive Bid H.-G2, John B. Connally Breeders' Cup Turf H.-L 3 times, Fair Grounds Breeders' Cup H.- L, 2nd Edward J. Debartolo Sr. Memorial Breeders' Cup H.-L, Independence Breeders' Cup H.-L twice, Colonel E. R. Bradley H.-L, Spur S., Alliance H., 3rd Dallas Turf Cup H.-L, Fair Grounds Breeders' Cup H.-L, Bossier City H. Apple Sauce. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 4 winners, including-- Dothraki Warrior. Winner at 5 and 6, $55,360. 4th dam CLAUDE FRANCE, by Raja Baba. Winner at 2, $25,780. Dam of 4 winners-- PIRATE AT FORTY. 3 wins at 2 and 4, $73,088, Ladbroke Futurity-L. Candid Moments. Stakes-placed winner, above. Silk Moire. Winner at 3, $4,925. Producer. Granddam of KIMUA BABY (5 wins, $122,535, Gardenia S.-R). Fashion Control. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $72,650. Producer.

JCC 1702383 - Microchip 981020023479871 Property of Alberto Couvertie Hip No. Hip No. CHESTNUT COLT 25 Foaled April 3, 2017 25 Mr. Prospector Gone West ...... Secrettame Istan ...... Bluebird Ronda (GB) ...... Memory's Gold CHESTNUT COLT El Prado (IRE) Kitten's Joy...... Kitten's First Amen Joy...... (2012) Golden Missile Heavenly Oil...... Going Ashore By ISTAN (2002). Stakes winner of $461,455, Ack Ack H.-G3, etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 176 foals, 97 starters, 8 stakes winners, 69 winners of 225 races and earning $5,998,051, including Istanford ($415,227, San Clemente H.-G2, etc.), Albano ($756,927, Pegasus S.-G3, etc.), Mr. Bowl- ing ($421,113, LeComte S.-G3, etc.), Turkish ($307,762, Valedictory S.- G3), Keep Crossing ($213,920, West Virginia Secretary of State S.-L, etc.), Path of David ($187,463, Eddie Logan S.-L, etc.), Chief Istan ($172,350). 1st dam AMEN JOY, by Kitten's Joy. Placed at 3, $14,145. This is her first foal. 2nd dam HEAVENLY OIL, by Golden Missile. 2 wins at 2, $33,290. Dam of-- Let Th Kitten Purr. 3 wins at 4 and 5, $33,476, in N.A./U.S.; 3 wins at 3 and 4, $74,241, in Canada. (Total: $106,889). 3rd dam GOING ASHORE, by Polish Navy. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $76,284. Half-sister to DANCING SPREE, FURLOUGH, FANTASTIC FIND, DANCING ALL NIGHT. Dam of 4 other foals to race, 3 winners, including-- Seaside Princess. Winner at 3, $14,700. No Stopping. Unplaced. Dam of 9 foals, 6 winners, including-- Bergeron Rodeo. 5 wins at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Republic Bank Gold Cup-G1, Chief Secretary Gold Cup-G1, President's Cup-G2. Cool C Note. 9 wins, 2 to 7, $230,321, 3rd Illinois Owners S.-R. 4th dam BLITEY, by Riva Ridge. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $297,746, Maskette S.-G2, Test S.- G2, Twilight Tear S., etc. Half-sister to THE LIBERAL MEMBER. Dam of-- DANCING SPREE. 10 wins, 3 to 5, $1,470,484, Breeders' Cup Sprint-G1, etc. FURLOUGH. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $671,844, Ballerina H.-G1, etc. Dam of HAPPY HUNTING ($281,917, Aqueduct H.-G3, etc., sire), PARDON ($108,908). FANTASTIC FIND. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $335,410, Hempstead H.-G1, Finely S., 2nd Test S.-G1, etc. Dam of TAX RULING ($469,315), FINDER'S FEE ($708,128), Treasure Island ($96,020, sire), New Way ($120,350, sire). DANCING ALL NIGHT. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $185,420, Long Island H.-G2. Home Leave. 5 wins at 4 and 5, $105,092. Dam of EXTEND (7 wins, $436,856, Ontario Matron H.-L, etc.). Granddam of WE CAN SEEK (CHI) (6 wins, Total: $266,380, champion 3-year-old colt in Chile, sire), WEEK- END TRIP (Total: $66,630, champion 3-year-old filly in Chile), etc. Oh What a Dance. Unraced. Dam of HEAVENLY PRIZE ($1,825,940, champion 3-year-old filly), OH WHAT A WINDFALL ($363,623, Matron S.-G1, etc.), Dancinginmydreams ($64,600), Hunting Hard ($103,140).

JCC 1709456 - Microchip 981020021447821 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 26 Foaled April 21, 2017 26 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka BAY FILLY Forty Niner Royal Merlot...... Gana Facil Andiroba Royal ...... (2001) *Cougar II Cat Hunt...... Hunting Pink By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of 4 races, $182,970. Brother to stakes winner Due Diligence. His first foals are yearlings of 2018. Son of stakes winner War Front, among the leading sires, sire of 69 stakes winners, 3 champi- ons, including Lines of Battle (4 wins, $1,286,753, Standard Chartered Champions & Chater Cup-G1, etc.), and of Air Force Blue (hwt., 4 wins, $844,919, Dubai Dewhurst S.-G1, etc.), Declaration of War (hwt., $1,847,- 489, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc.), U S Navy Flag ($642,893). 1st dam Andiroba Royal, by Royal Merlot. 10 wins, 2 to 6, $340,579, 2nd Clasico Agapito Rivera Monge-G3, 3rd Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos-G1, Clasico Dama del Caribe-G1, Clasico Agapito Rivera Monge-G3, Cla- sico Imbuia Pajoqui-G3. Half-sister to SR. SERENO, Julina. Dam of 5 other foals, 4 to race, 3 winners-- La Poderosa (f. by Myfavorite Place). 9 wins, 2 to 4, $59,072. La Suegrita (f. by Myfavorite Place). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $34,742. Charlie Oyola (c. by Myfavorite Place). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $30,271. Markus Aurelius (c. by Perfect Bullet). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam CAT HUNT, by *Cougar II. Unplaced. Half-sister to LE BAG LADY. Dam of-- SR. SERENO (c. by Lodz). 6 wins in 12 starts, 2 to 4, $84,847, Clasico Luiz Munoz Rivera. Andiroba Royal (f. by Royal Merlot). Stakes-placed winner, above. Julina (f. by Lord Cardinal). 5 wins, $74,026, 3rd Clasico Campeon Nativo. 3rd dam HUNTING PINK, by Jacinto. Unraced. Half-sister to BOLD EXPERIENCE, VIRGINIA DELEGATE, COPPER CANYON, Ross Sea. Dam of-- LE BAG LADY. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $103,913, Miss Collinsville S., etc. Pink Screen. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $39,165. Sent to Venezuela. Broodmare of the year in 1992 in Venezuela. Dam of 7 known foals, 6 winners, incl.-- CATIRE BELLO (VEN). 13 wins in 15 starts, 2 to 4 in Venezuela, horse of the year, champion 2- and 3-year-old colt, Venezuelan Triple Crown, Premio Republica de Venezuela-Venezuelan Derby-G1, etc.; placed at 3, $65,324, in N.A./U.S., 2nd Clasico Internacional del Caribe-G1. Sire. Geranio. Placed at 3 and 4 in Venezuela, 2nd Premio Dia de la Armada- G3, etc. Dam of MAXIMA (Clasico Peggy Azqueta, etc.). Baby Goofus. 5 wins. Dam of NICKEL LOU ($56,692), BABY GO BABY ($37,562), BABY GOOFHAUF ($26,816, dam of OCEAN ROLL). Hunt in Silence. Unraced. Producer. Granddam of CATIRA FABI (Clasico Lanzarina-G3, etc.), MILAGRITOS (Copa Dia del Veterinario, etc.).

JCC 1710993 - Microchip 981020021452887 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 27 Foaled January 10, 2017 27 Machiavellian Street Cry (IRE) ...... Helen Street (GB) Side Road...... Pulpit Calla Lily ...... Lillybuster BAY FILLY Storm Cat Three Wonders...... Wood of Binn Action Delight ...... (2006) Mighty Adversary Mighty Action ...... Barbs Action By SIDE ROAD (2009). Stakes-placed winner of $150,074, 2nd Elkhorn S.- G2, John's Call S.-R. Half-brother to stakes winner Crittenden. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2018. Son of horse of the year in U.A.E. Street Cry (IRE), leading sire in Australia, sire of 125 stakes winners, 7 champi- ons, including Winx ($14,416,118, Longines Queen Elizabeth S.-G1 twice, etc.), Zenyatta ($7,304,580, Breeders' Cup Classic-G1, etc.), Street Sense (6 wins, $4,383,200, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc.), Shocking ($4,561,399). 1st dam ACTION DELIGHT, by Three Wonders. Winner at 2, $12,040. Half-sister to APIECEOFTHEACTION, YOU'VE GOT ACTION, Knight in Flight, Classic Action. Dam of 5 other foals, 2 to race, including-- Velon Cibucano (c. by Triano). Placed at 3, $6,607. Miss Cattleya (f. by Hockenheim). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam Mighty Action, by Mighty Adversary. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $39,460, 2nd Cin- derella S., Surrey S., Lassie S. Half-sister to COUNT ACTION. Dam of-- APIECEOFTHEACTION (g. by Wander Kind). 13 wins, 2 to 8, $435,031, Lieu- tenant Governors' Breeders' Cup S.-L, British Columbia Cup Redekop Clas- sic S.-LR, Sir Winston Churchill H., Jack Diamond Futurity-R, British Columbia Nursery S.-R, Hastings S.-R, Inaugural S.-R, 2nd Lieutenant Governor's Breeders' Cup S.-L, S. W. Randall Plate H.-L, British Columbia Classic H.- LR, John Longden 6000 H., Burnaby S., Richmond S., George Royal S.-R. YOU'VE GOT ACTION (c. by Son of Briartic). 9 wins, 2 to 5, $303,970, Eagle Hardware and Garden Derby-L-ntr, 1 1/8 mi. in 1:48 3/5, Rainier Breeders' Cup H.-L, Inlet S., Klondike H., Fox Sports Northwest H.-etr, 6 1/2 fur. in 1:14 3/5, Ascot Sophomore S.-R, 2nd British Columbia Derby-L, British Columbia Cup Redekop Classic H.-LR, City of Vancouver S., George Royal S.-R, In- augural S.-R, 3rd Budweiser Emerald H.-L Fox Sports Network H. Sire. Knight in Flight (g. by Family Calling). 7 wins, 3 to 6, $148,030, 2nd The Vid S. Set ncr at Philadelpha Park, about 7 1/2 fur. in 1:31 4/5. Classic Action (f. by Meadowlake). Winner at 2 and 3, $58,350, 2nd Son- oma H.-L, Supernaturel H., 3rd Nanaimo H. Producer. Regal Action. 2 wins in 4 starts at 3, $20,880. Dam of 4 winners, including-- WIND STORM (f. by He's Tops). 12 wins, 3 to 6, $287,084, in Canada, Sen- ate Appointee S., British Columbia Cup Distaff H.-R, etc. (Total: $269,448). No Lost Action. Unplaced. Dam of 7 foals, 6 winners, including-- MISS CURRENT SEA (f. by Petersburg). Winner in 1 start at 2 in N.A./ U.S., Lassie S.; winner at 2, $7,800, in Canada. Producer. Free Action (g. by Free At Last). 4 wins, $59,532, 2nd Golden Bear S.-L.

JCC 1702018 - Microchip 981020021463692 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. CHESTNUT FILLY 28 Foaled April 7, 2017 28 Blushing Groom (FR) Runaway Groom ...... Yonnie Girl Myfavorite Place ...... Great Above Myfavorite Charity ...... Jettapart CHESTNUT FILLY Mr. Prospector Goldwater...... Fargaze Amanda Sofia...... (2004) Sunny's Halo Akita Sunrise ...... Key to Akita By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 237 foals, 166 starters, 10 stakes winners, 131 winners of 729 races and earning $8,579,729, in- cluding champions Defensora (29 wins, $970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia de Nieve (14 wins, $397,206, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Graciani ($253,560, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Traque- teo ($314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Fracturadora ($139,025). 1st dam Amanda Sofia, by Goldwater. Winner at 2, $22,160, 3rd Clasico Camarero- G1. Dam of 7 other foals, 5 to race, all winners, including-- Tren Urbano (c. by Myfavorite Place). 10 wins, 2 to 5, 2018, $90,350, 3rd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera Memorial S.-G1. Guagua Escolar (f. by Roman Scout). 21 wins, 3 to 8, $143,325. Guaguita Pisicorre (f. by Roman Scout). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $49,290. Amor Desolado (f. by Kylemore Abbey). 5 wins, 3 to 5, $42,890. Unnamed (c. by Myfavoriteplace). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam AKITA SUNRISE, by Sunny's Halo. Winner at 2, $25,792. Half-sister to KEY PRO, Mi Cookie. Dam of 5 winners, including-- Amanda Sofia (f. by Goldwater). Stakes-placed winner, above. 3rd dam KEY TO AKITA, by Key to the Mint. Unplaced. Sister to Lost Cause (2nd Pre- mio Regina Elena-Italian One Thousand Guineas-G1), half-sister to IN- SURRECTION ($90,170, sire). Dam of 5 foals, all winners, including-- KEY PRO. 4 wins at 2 and 4, $134,074, New York Breeders' Futurity-LR, Aspirant S.-LR. Mi Cookie. 2 wins at 3, $29,480, 2nd Canterbury Oaks. Dam of-- Robs Hero. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $91,020, 2nd Oregon H.B.P.A. Au Revoir H. Hitchismyname. 3 wins, 2 to 4, $57,806, 2nd Kudzu Juvenile S. Passing Glamour. Unraced. Dam of Bobby R (2nd Clasico Sprinters), Diamond (2nd Clasico Consolacin), Yola (3rd Clasico Sprinters). Miss Coppertone. 2 wins at 3, $26,660. Dam of 4 winners, including-- MOE B DICK. 31 wins, 3 to 12, $436,593, Forego H., 2nd Pete Condel- lone H.-R twice, Seattle Slew H. Cove Hill Miss. 3 wins at 3, $48,455. Dam of 7 winners, including-- END OF THE HILL. 13 wins, 3 to 6, $309,121, Proud Puppy H., Arctic Queen H.-R, Alyssa H.-R, 3rd Proud Puppy H., Lady Finger S.-R, Niagara S.-R. MOM'S LITTLE GUY. 14 wins, 2 to 9, $223,216, Frattare S.-R, Ontario County S.-R, 2nd Frattare S.-R, 3rd Wine Country H.-R. Sire.

JCC 1709355 - Microchip 981020021456271 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 29 Foaled May 13, 2017 29 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka BAY COLT Pioneering Triano ...... So Re So Lanenadepiero ...... (2011) Sejm Lisanix ...... Bionette By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of 4 races, $182,970. Brother to stakes winner Due Diligence. His first foals are yearlings of 2018. Son of stakes winner War Front, among the leading sires, sire of 69 stakes winners, 3 champi- ons, including Lines of Battle (4 wins, $1,286,753, Standard Chartered Champions & Chater Cup-G1, etc.), and of Air Force Blue (hwt., 4 wins, $844,919, Dubai Dewhurst S.-G1, etc.), Declaration of War (hwt., $1,847,- 489, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc.), U S Navy Flag ($642,893). 1st dam LANENADEPIERO, by Triano. Unraced. Half-sister to KRISTIAN DETENIDO. This is her first foal. 2nd dam LISANIX, by Sejm. Unraced. Half-sister to ALANITA. Dam of-- KRISTIAN DETENIDO (g. by Don Guido). 2 wins at 2, $69,536, Copa Navi- dad-G1. 3rd dam BIONETTE, by Ribots Verset. Winner at 3, $19,113. Sister to Comendador, half- sister to Mabel T. Dam of 5 other foals, 4 to race, all winners, including-- ALANITA. 10 wins, 3 to 6, $190,704, Clasico Dama del Caribe-G1, 2nd Clasico Criadores Hembras-G1. Producer. Radiologa. 13 wins, 2 to 4, $80,346. 4th dam DOROTHY'S LOVE, by Levee Dancer. Unraced. Half-sister to YERBA MORA (26 wins, $299,121, Clasico Constitucion del Estado Libre Asociacion de Puerto Rico, etc.), Tipico ($101,590). Dam of 12 winners, including-- Comendador. 22 wins, 2 to 7, $420,975, 2nd Puerto Rico Futurity-G1, Cla- sico Navidad-G3, 3rd Copa Gobernador-G1, Clasico Dia del Veterano- G1, Clasico Rafael Martinez Nadal-G3. Mabel T. 8 wins at 2 and 3, $74,207, 2nd Clasico Criadores de Puerto Rico-G3. Rum Lady. Winner at 3, $3,384. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 5 winners, incl.-- Flor de La Canela. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $132,955, 3rd Copa Criadores-G1, Clasico Entrenadores-G3. Dam of MEDIAVILLA R. ($629,148, Puerto Rican Triple Crown, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, Copa Gobernador-G1, Copa San Juan-G1, Clasico Antonio Fernandez Castrillon-G1, Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr.-G1, Campeon Nativo Princesa de Oro-G1, Copa Camarero-G1, Clasico Dia de Reyes-G1, 2nd Clasico Antonio R. Matos-G1). Granddam of JALEEMAR ($154,765, Clasico Camarero- G1, Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos-G3, 3rd Clasico Ramon Llobet). Love Story P. R. 12 wins, 2 to 4, $66,225. Dam of 7 foals, all winners, incl.-- Al Son Del Amor. 22 wins, 2 to 8, $195,390. Producer.

JCC 1718660 - Microchip 981020021455980 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 30 Foaled January 31, 2017 30 Machiavellian Street Cry (IRE) ...... Helen Street (GB) Side Road...... Pulpit Calla Lily ...... Lillybuster BAY COLT Private Terms Afternoon Deelites ...... Intimate Girl Bella Alexandra ...... (2005) Hunting Horn Take Me Hunting ...... Floor Me By SIDE ROAD (2009). Stakes-placed winner of $150,074, 2nd Elkhorn S.- G2, John's Call S.-R. Half-brother to stakes winner Crittenden. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2018. Son of horse of the year in U.A.E. Street Cry (IRE), leading sire in Australia, sire of 125 stakes winners, 7 champi- ons, including Winx ($14,416,118, Longines Queen Elizabeth S.-G1 twice, etc.), Zenyatta ($7,304,580, Breeders' Cup Classic-G1, etc.), Street Sense (6 wins, $4,383,200, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc.), Shocking ($4,561,399). 1st dam BELLA ALEXANDRA, by Afternoon Deelites. 11 wins, 2 to 7, $74,818. Half-sis- ter to Huntingthetruth, McCrocklin. Dam of 2 other foals-- Magic Trialex (g. by Triano). Winner at 2, $9,306. Side Bella (f. by Side Road). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam TAKE ME HUNTING, by Hunting Horn. Unraced. Half-sister to PANIMETRO. Dam of 10 other foals, 9 to race, 7 winners, including-- Huntingthetruth (f. by Is It True). 8 wins, 2 to 4, $252,583, in N.A./U.S., 3rd New Year's Eve S.-L; placed at 5, $75,470, in Canada. (Total: $314,617). McCrocklin (g. by Even the Score). 2 wins, $56,456, 2nd Rainbow S.-R. 3rd dam FLOOR ME, by Take the Floor. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $82,642, Evangeline Oaks, Barqu's Big Tyme S., etc. Half-sister to TAXPAYER'S FOLLY. Dam of-- PANIMETRO. 14 wins, 2 to 6, $338,492, Copa 4 de Julio-G1, Clasico Dia de los Padres-G1, Clasico Campeon Importado-G1, 2nd Clasico Jose de Diego-G1, Clasico Jose Celso Barbosa-G1, 3rd Clasico Jose de Diego- G1, Clasico Jose Celso Barbosa-G1, Clasico Juan Ponce de Leon-G1, etc. 4th dam PARTY'S ON ME, by Stevedore. Unplaced. Dam of 7 winners, including-- TAXPAYER'S FOLLY. 6 wins at 2 and 5, $178,862, Louisiana Downs Futu- rity-LR, Delta Miss S., Laurel Lane S.-R. Dam of 5 winners, including-- Tax Haven. 4 wins at 2 and 5, ¥54,659,000, in Japan, 3rd Daily Hai Queen Cup-G3. (Total: $508,197). Dam of HISHI ATLAS (Total: $3,837,138), LUMINOUS HARBOR (Total: $829,756, dam of At the Seaside), Across the Heaven (Total: $608,680), Grenadines (Total: $996,139). Granddam of Arabatax (Total: $1,365,034), Heavenly Cruise (Total: $584,964). FLOOR ME. Stakes winner, above. Partyship. Unplaced. Dam of BARRIER REEF ($250,189, Whirlaway S.-L, etc.), Artic Party ($323,397, 3rd John A. D'Amico S.-LR), Kissin Party ($87,212, dam of Blessed One, Total: $129,006). Granddam of JUDGE CARR (to 8, 2018, $358,773), DAUGHTER’S PRIDE (Total: $61,544).

JCC 1702553 - Microchip 981020021540884 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. CHESTNUT COLT 31 Foaled February 1, 2017 31 Blushing Groom (FR) Runaway Groom ...... Yonnie Girl Myfavorite Place ...... Great Above Myfavorite Charity ...... Jettapart CHESTNUT COLT A.P. Indy Mineshaft...... Prospectors Delite Merry Miner...... (2007) Spin Room...... La Paz By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 237 foals, 166 starters, 10 stakes winners, 131 winners of 729 races and earning $8,579,729, in- cluding champions Defensora (29 wins, $970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia de Nieve (14 wins, $397,206, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Graciani ($253,560, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Traque- teo ($314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Fracturadora ($139,025). 1st dam MERRY MINER, by Mineshaft. Winner at 4, $32,850. Dam of 2 other foals-- Gustosa (f. by Courageous Cat). 4 wins at 2, placed at 4, 2018, $27,088. Unnamed (c. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam SPIN ROOM, by Spinning World. Unraced. Half-sister to MISSION IMPAZI- BLE, FOREST CAMP, SPANISH EMPIRE, KIDDARI. Dam of-- Room for Aptitude. 13 wins, 3 to 7, 2018, $115,766. Loud Pipes. Winner at 4, $76,433. Lady Pewitt. Unplaced in 1 start in Canada. Dam of 3 winners, including-- DANZATRICE (f. by Dunkirk). 7 wins, 2 to 5, $312,145, Iowa Distaff S.-L, Parx Oaks, Tiffany Lass S., 3rd Groupie Doll S.-G3, Treasure Chest S.-L. 3rd dam LA PAZ, by Hold Your Peace. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $175,431, Brown Bess Breeders' Cup H., Candle in the Wind H., Arizona Breeders' Futurity-R, 2nd Turf Par- adise Futurity, Cecilia de Mille Harper Invitational H.-R, Willow Brae Farm H.-R, 3rd Sun Seeker Farm H. Half-sister to CLASSY SHEIKH ($226,692), MY TREAT, TRAIL CLASS, Alluwish, Classy Import. Dam of-- MISSION IMPAZIBLE. 3 wins, 2 to 4, $1,284,949, Louisiana Derby-G2, New Orleans H.-G2, 2nd Stephen Foster H.-G1, Clark H.-G1, Donn H.-G1, New Orleans H.-G2, Mineshaft H.-G3, 3rd Southwest S.-G3, Kentucky Juvenile S.-G3. Sire. FOREST CAMP. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $339,984, Del Mar Futurity-G2, Pirate's Bounty H.-LR, 2nd Norfolk S.-G2, San Miguel S.-G3. Sire. SPANISH EMPIRE. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $276,714, Fifth Season S.-G3, Louisiana H., 2nd Whirlaway H.-G3, Tenacious H., 3rd Lone Star Park H.-G3. KIDDARI. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $181,992, Roxelana S., 3rd Prairie Rose S. Adalene. Winner at 3 and 4, $49,140. Dam of 8 winners, including-- A. P. FLATTER. 5 wins at 3 and 5, $93,234, Fern Sawyer H., Chamisa H., 2nd First Lady H., 3rd Aspen Cup H. Classical Charm. 2 wins at 3, $90,840. Granddam of Wild Honey (in Venezuela, 2nd Clasico Hylander-G3, 3rd Copa Gaceta Hipica).

JCC 1702022 - Microchip 981020023494292 Property of Pedro Agustin Hip No. Hip No. CHESTNUT FILLY 32 Foaled April 12, 2017 32 Machiavellian Street Cry (IRE) ...... Helen Street (GB) Side Road...... Pulpit Calla Lily ...... Lillybuster CHESTNUT FILLY A.P. Indy Hockenheim...... Lady Bonanza Estais Encrespada ...... (2010) Devil His Due Animadora ...... Alytude By SIDE ROAD (2009). Stakes-placed winner of $150,074, 2nd Elkhorn S.- G2, John's Call S.-R. Half-brother to stakes winner Crittenden. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2018. Son of horse of the year in U.A.E. Street Cry (IRE), leading sire in Australia, sire of 125 stakes winners, 7 champi- ons, including Winx ($14,416,118, Longines Queen Elizabeth S.-G1 twice, etc.), Zenyatta ($7,304,580, Breeders' Cup Classic-G1, etc.), Street Sense (6 wins, $4,383,200, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc.), Shocking ($4,561,399). 1st dam ESTAIS ENCRESPADA, by Hockenheim. Winner at 3, $9,250. Sister to Hock- enheim Who. Dam of 2 other foals-- AMIGOJULIOFORTI (c. by Voice of Destiny). 5 wins in 9 starts at 2 and 3, 2018, $98,693, Copa Gobernador-G1, 2nd Clasico Derby Puertorriqueno-G1. Unnamed (c. by Voice of Destiny). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam ANIMADORA, by Devil His Due. 5 wins at 3, $44,720. Dam of-- Hockenheim Who (g. by Hockenheim). 2 wins at 3, $28,385, 3rd Derby Puertorriqueno-G1. 3rd dam ALYTUDE, by Alysheba. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $83,846. Half-sister to BULLET BLADE, Fifteen Gold Stars, Roses N Raindrops. Dam of-- Principe de Marfin. 10 wins, 2 to 6, $100,670. 4th dam BONNIE BLADE, by Blade. Winner at 2, $7,810. Half-sister to SINGH TU ($203,- 524), GRAU MADCHEN ($237,000), R. B. McCurry ($97,551). Dam of-- BULLET BLADE. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $332,316, New York Stallion S.-LR, New York Stallion S Males-LR, Damon Runyon S.-LR, 2nd Montauk S.-LR, etc. Fifteen Gold Stars. 2 wins at 2, $182,568, 2nd New York Stallion S.-LR twice, Bertram F. Bongard S.-LR, Damon Runyon S.-LR, Empire S.-LR. Roses N Raindrops. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $56,540, 2nd Liberada S. Dam of-- Rousing. 7 wins, 3 to 6, 394,890 pesos, in Argentina, 2nd Onesto Puente. (Total: $73,948). Wild Princess. Winner in 2 starts at 2, £2,987, in England. Broodmare of the year in 2003 in Chile. (Total: $5,424). Dam of 5 winners, including-- WILD SPIRIT (CHI). 6 wins to 3 in Chile, horse of the year, champion 3-year- old filly, Gran Criterium-G1, Mil Guineas-G1, etc.; 3 wins at 4, $880,000, in N.A./U.S., Ruffian H.-G1, etc. Dam of DIVA SPIRIT (3 wins, $90,565). Zimbawi. 2 wins at 2 in Chile. Dam of REY DE LA PALMA (Total: $114,- 972, Carlos Bello Silva, 2nd Fernando Moller Bordeu-G2, etc.). Ghost Princess. Unraced. Dam of FONDA ALEGRE (Total: $50,058).

JCC 1709220 - Microchip 981020021450513 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. CHESTNUT FILLY 33 Foaled March 8, 2017 33 Blushing Groom (FR) Runaway Groom ...... Yonnie Girl Myfavorite Place ...... Great Above Myfavorite Charity ...... Jettapart CHESTNUT FILLY Cozzene Running Stag...... Fruhlingstag (FR) Islera...... (2005) Pleasant Tap La Esplendida ...... Unbridled Night By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 237 foals, 166 starters, 10 stakes winners, 131 winners of 729 races and earning $8,579,729, in- cluding champions Defensora (29 wins, $970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia de Nieve (14 wins, $397,206, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Graciani ($253,560, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Traque- teo ($314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Fracturadora ($139,025). 1st dam ISLERA, by Running Stag. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $94,511. Half-sister to ZALAMERA, GARBOSA, THUNDER AL. Dam of 4 other foals-- EL SALSERO (c. by Two Step Salsa). 7 wins in 11 starts at 2 and 3, 2018, $167,596, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, 2nd Copa Gobernador-G1, 3rd Clasico Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1. Operastico (g. by Concerto). 10 wins, 2 to 6, 2018, $169,790, 2nd Copa Gobernador-G1, Clasico Antonio Fernandez Castrillon S.-G2, Copa San Juan S., 3rd Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1. Soberana (f. by Adios Charlie). 3 wins at 3, $58,475, 2nd Clasico Criadores S.-G3. Fusaichi Islero (c. by Fusaichi Pegasus). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam LA ESPLENDIDA, by Pleasant Tap. Winner at 3, $8,860. Half-sister to Chica Rican. Dam of 3 other foals, all winners-- ZALAMERA (f. by Billions). 23 wins, 2 to 6, $410,010, champion older mare 3 times in Puerto Rico, Clasico Constitucion-G1, Clasico Dia de las Mad- res S.-G2 twice, 2nd Clasico Camarero-G1, Clasico Constitucion S.-G1 twice, Clasico Dia de Las Madres S.-G2, Luis Munoz Marin S.-G3, Dia De Reyes S.-G3. GARBOSA (f. by Fusaichi Ruler). 35 wins in 65 starts, 3 to 8, $462,797, Clasico Dia de las Madres S.-G2, Clasico Dia de Reyes S.-G3, Dia de Reyes S.-G3, 2nd Clasico Constitucion S.-G1, Dia de Reyes S.-G3, Cla- sico Dia de Reyes-G3. THUNDER AL (g. by Lightning Al). 7 wins, 2 to 5, $203,580, Clasico Antonio Fernandez Castrillon, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo, 2nd Clasico Navidad- G1, Puerto Rico Futurity-G3, 3rd Clasico Antonio Mongil, Jr.-G1. 3rd dam UNBRIDLED NIGHT, by Unbridled. Placed at 2, $11,280. Dam of-- Chica Rican. 7 wins, $43,507, 2nd Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos S.-G3. Motivadora. 2 wins at 3, $9,093. Dam of EL MOTIVADOR ($145,398, Copa Gobernador-G1, 2nd Copa San Juan S.-G1, etc.), Antipatico ($43,175).

JCC 1706769 - Microchip 981020021454934 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 34 Foaled May 24, 2017 34 Seattle Slew A.P. Indy ...... Weekend Surprise Hockenheim...... Seeking the Gold Lady Bonanza...... Born a Lady BAY COLT Mr. Prospector Line in the Sand...... Really Lucky Line Brunette ...... (1995) Valid Appeal Appealing Brunette ...... Dear Brunette By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 103 foals, 65 starters, 7 stakes winners, 43 winners of 155 races and earning $2,- 861,041, including champions Arquitecto (28 wins, $796,088, Copa Con- fraternidad S.-G1, etc.), Esplendorosa ($363,941, Camarero S.-G1, etc.), Syriana Mia ($113,853, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, etc.), and of Raf- aelillo ($174,650, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Mudkenheim (9 wins, $202,334, Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr S.-G2, etc.), Regalada ($157,309). 1st dam LINE BRUNETTE, by Line in the Sand. Unplaced. Half-sister to DEVILISH BRUNETTE, Brunette Crusader. Dam of 13 other foals, 12 to race, all winners, including-- SYRIANA MIA (f. by Hockenheim). 7 wins in 11 starts at 2 and 3, $123,337, champion 3-year-old filly in Puerto Rico, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, Eugenio Maria de Hostos S.-G3, 3rd Clasico Camarero S.-G1. Literatura (f. by Myfavorite Place). 25 wins, 2 to 9, 2018, $233,051, 3rd Cla- sico Dia de Reyes-G3. Another Patricia (f. by Sejm). 9 wins, 2 to 5, $117,845. Cazador (g. by Myfavorite Place). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $25,496. Cumbanchero (g. by Fappiano's Star). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $29,947. Carlos Guillermo (c. by Myfavorite Place). Winner at 3, 2018, $15,745. 2nd dam APPEALING BRUNETTE, by Valid Appeal. Unraced. Half-sister to RAISIN SLEW ($43,949). Dam of 12 foals, 11 to race, 9 winners, including-- DEVILISH BRUNETTE (f. by Diablo). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $143,868, Florida Stal- lion Desert Vixen S.-LR, Bluff's Dividend H. Dam of 11 winners, incl.-- DEVILISH LADY (f. by Sweetsouthernsaint). 8 wins at 2 and 3, $400,318, Azalea S.-G3, Joe O'Farrell Juvenile Fillies S.-LR, Gasparilla S., Sand- piper S., Cherokee Frolic Starter S.-R, 2nd Stonehedge Farm South Sophomore Fillies S.-LR, Suncoast S., 3rd Cassidy S. Producer. Captain Lindsay (c. by Mecke). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $137,573, 2nd Pasco S., 3rd Sam F. Davis S.-L, Unbridled S.-L, Inaugural S. Brunette Crusader (g. by Crusader Sword). 8 wins, 2 to 6, $164,612, 2nd Inaugural S., 3rd Friar Rock S.-L. Terry M. 4 wins, 4 to 6, $123,820. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners, incl.-- Capitan Heroe (c. by Pure Prize). 13 wins, 2 to 5 in Panama, 2nd Clasico German Ruiz-G2, etc.; placed at 3 and 4 in Venezuela, 2nd Clasico de Los Sprinters-G1, 3rd Clasico de los Sprinters-G1. Island Frolic (f. by Concorde's Tune). 3 wins at 2 and 4, $39,485, 3rd Juan Gonzalez Memorial S.

JCC 17018612 - Microchip 981020021464081 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 35 Foaled February 13, 2017 35 Blushing Groom (FR) Runaway Groom ...... Yonnie Girl Myfavorite Place ...... Great Above Myfavorite Charity ...... Jettapart BAY COLT A.P. Indy Anasheed ...... Flagbird B. J. Miracle...... (2006) Pentelicus B. J. Telicus ...... Boots 'n Jackie By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 237 foals, 166 starters, 10 stakes winners, 131 winners of 729 races and earning $8,579,729, in- cluding champions Defensora (29 wins, $970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia de Nieve (14 wins, $397,206, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Graciani ($253,560, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Traque- teo ($314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Fracturadora ($139,025). 1st dam B. J. MIRACLE, by Anasheed. 10 wins, 3 to 5, $76,404. Half-sister to MECKE DAUGTHER. Dam of 2 other foals, 2 to race, including-- Abuela Regina T (f. by Roman Scout). Winner in 1 start at 3, 2018, $13,010. 2nd dam B. J. TELICUS, by Pentelicus. Placed at 2. Half-sister to SUPAH BLITZ, Major Mecke. Dam of 12 other foals, all winners, including-- MECKE DAUGTHER (f. by Mecke). 9 wins, 2 to 5, $350,010, champion im- ported 3-year-old filly in Puerto Rico, Clasico Dia de la Mujer-G1, Clasico Jinetes-G1, Clasico Angel T. Cordero, Jr.-G1, 2nd Clasico D' Wildcat Speed-G3, 3rd Clasico Ano Nuevo-G1, Clasico Wiso G.-G1, Clasico Roberto Clemente. 3rd dam BOOTS 'N JACKIE, by Major Moran. 4 wins at 2, $647,580, Golden Rod S.- G3, Florida Stallion My Dear Girl S.-LR, Florida Stallion Susan's Girl S.- LR, 2nd Forward Gal Breeders' Cup S.-G2, Davona Dale S.-G3, National Jockey Club Oaks-L, etc. Sister to BOOTS 'N BUCK. Dam of-- SUPAH BLITZ. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $1,324,330, Del Mar Breeders' Cup H.-G2, Lone Star Park H.-G3, Tokyo City H.-G3, Carl G. Rose Classic H.-LR, Jack Price Juvenile S.-LR, Roman Brother S., 2nd Fountain of Youth S.-G1, Texas Mile S.-G3 twice, Skip Away H.-G3, NTRA Great State Challenge Juvenile Invitational S.-L, Aventura S.-L, Criterium S.-L, Florida Stallion Affirmed S.- LR, Valid Appeal S.-LR, 3rd Goodwood Breeders' Cup H.-G2, etc. Sire. Major Mecke. 8 wins, 2 to 8, $289,622, 3rd Gate Dancer S. 4th dam CHEROKEE ACE, by Cherokee Fellow. 3 wins, 2 to 4, $24,243. Dam of-- BOOTS 'N JACKIE. Stakes winner, above. BOOTS 'N BUCK. 9 wins, 2 to 7, $320,417, Memorial Day H.-L, Fast Hilar- ious H.-LR, 2nd Seminole H.-L, 3rd Sheridan S.-G3, Widener H.-L, Coral Springs H.-L, Olympic H.-L. Kobella Bean. Placed at 2, $8,100. Dam of 4 foals, 3 winners, including-- Pound Foolish. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $294,464, 2nd American Dreamer S.

JCC 1702040 - Microchip 981020021461692 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 36 Foaled March 22, 2017 36 Seattle Slew A.P. Indy ...... Weekend Surprise Hockenheim...... Seeking the Gold Lady Bonanza...... Born a Lady BAY FILLY Fappiano Cryptoclearance...... Naval Orange Cachetito Suave...... (2003) Langfuhr Windmill Lady ...... Wooden Pudden By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 103 foals, 65 starters, 7 stakes winners, 43 winners of 155 races and earning $2,- 861,041, including champions Arquitecto (28 wins, $796,088, Copa Con- fraternidad S.-G1, etc.), Esplendorosa ($363,941, Camarero S.-G1, etc.), Syriana Mia ($113,853, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, etc.), and of Raf- aelillo ($174,650, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Mudkenheim (9 wins, $202,334, Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr S.-G2, etc.), Regalada ($157,309). 1st dam Cachetito Suave, by Cryptoclearance. 17 wins, 2 to 5, $240,500, 2nd Clasico Confederacion Hipica-G1, Criadores de Puerto Rico-G1, 3rd Clasico Dia de las Madres-G1, Clasico Constitucion-G1. Dam of 6 other foals, 4 to race, 3 winners, including-- Cachetito Rojo (g. by Kylemore Abbey). 14 wins, 3 to 6, 2018, $104,408. Unnamed (f. by Hockenheim). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam WINDMILL LADY, by Langfuhr. Unraced. Half-sister to Omni Cosmo Touch. Dam of 11 foals, 9 to race, 8 winners, including-- Cachetito Suave (f. by Cryptoclearance). Stakes-placed winner, above. 3rd dam WOODEN PUDDEN, by Top Ville. Unraced. Half-sister to BINT LARIAAF. Dam of 2 winners, including-- Omni Cosmo Touch. Winner at 3, €6,874, in Ireland; 9 wins, 4 to 10, £85,- 739, in England, 2nd Britannia Building Society English Summer Na- tional. (Total: $159,853). 4th dam ETOILE D'AMORE, by The Minstrel. Winner in 2 starts at 3 in England. Half- sister to ELNAWAAGI, Ambuscade. Dam of 7 winners, including-- BINT LARIAAF. 3 wins at 2 and 3, €60,522, in France, Prix Petite Etoile, Prix de la Calonne, 2nd Prix de Liancourt. (Total: $74,433). Dam of-- Sopran Bilama. 4 wins, 2 to 5, €47,837, in Italy. (Total: $63,471). Forgotten Times. 12 wins, 3 to 7, £60,108, in England. (Total: $93,510). Etoile West. 6 wins, 3 to 6, $107,225, in Australia. (Total: $76,287). Moonlight Saunter. Winner, £7,952, in England. (Total: $12,671). Dam of-- Moon Catcher. Winner at 3, €16,350, in France; 5 wins at 3 and 5, £29,264, in England. (Total: $73,878). Producer. River Divine. Unplaced in 1 start in England. Dam of 7 winners, including-- VALDIVIA. 4 wins at 2 and 4, R347,980, in South Africa, Strelitzia S.-G3, 3rd Allan Robertson Championship-G1, Diana S.-G3, Laisserfaire S. (Total: $40,870).

JCC 1706392 - Microchip 981020021451180 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. CHESTNUT FILLY 37 Foaled January 21, 2017 37 Blushing Groom (FR) Runaway Groom ...... Yonnie Girl Myfavorite Place ...... Great Above Myfavorite Charity ...... Jettapart CHESTNUT FILLY Crafty Prospector Sneaky Solicitor...... Narrow Escape Lorena U...... (1997) Ribots Verset Maria Konchita...... Coamo Lady By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 237 foals, 166 starters, 10 stakes winners, 131 winners of 729 races and earning $8,579,729, in- cluding champions Defensora (29 wins, $970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia de Nieve (14 wins, $397,206, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Graciani ($253,560, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Traque- teo ($314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Fracturadora ($139,025). 1st dam LORENA U., by Sneaky Solicitor. 12 wins, 2 to 4, $115,097. Dam of 10 other foals, 7 to race, 5 winners-- TRAQUETEO (c. by Myfavorite Place). 21 wins, 3 to 7, $314,000, champion 3-year-old colt in Puerto Rico, Copa Gobernador-G1, 2nd Copa San Juan-G1, Clasico Antonio Mongil S.-G1, Clasico Juan Alves Rueda-G3, 3rd Clasico Antonio Fernandez Castrillon-G1. Blonda (f. by Myfavorite Place). 5 wins, 2 to 5, placed at 6, 2018, $45,185. Embriagadora (f. by Myfavorite Place). 5 wins, 3 to 5, 2018, $45,170. Karencita (f. by Don Guido). 3 wins at 2, $25,416. Abuela Patricia R (f. by Myfavorite Place). Winner at 3, 2018, $10,395. Patriarca (g. by Myfavorite Place). Placed at 3 and 4, 2018, $10,215. 2nd dam MARIA KONCHITA, by Ribots Verset. 7 wins at 2 and 3, $40,804. Dam of-- Don Esqui. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $20,098. Nino de Miercoles. Winner at 2, $13,468. Alitosis. Winner at 3, $10,075. 3rd dam COAMO LADY, by Rich Strike. 7 wins at 2 and 3. Dam of 3 other winners-- La Poncena. 11 wins, 2 to 4, $31,091. Dam of 12 foals, 10 winners, including-- EL GRAN NANO. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $223,490, Clasico Internacional del Caribe-G1. Alex Manuel. 9 wins, 2 to 6, $105,664. Canaveral P. R. Winner at 2 and 4, $10,316. Sully D. Winner at 2, $4,726. 4th dam ROUGH CULEEN, by Rough'n Tumble. Unplaced. Dam of 5 other winners, incl.-- El Yito. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $16,164. Pertiguista. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $13,952. Producer. Pinturera P. R. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $12,907. Rich Speed. 2 wins at 3, $4,900. En Mi Opinion. Winner at 3, $3,488.

JCC 1702911 - Microchip 981020023506321 Property of Pedro Agustin Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 38 Foaled March 5, 2017 38 Seattle Slew A.P. Indy ...... Weekend Surprise Hockenheim...... Seeking the Gold Lady Bonanza...... Born a Lady BAY COLT Dixieland Band Dixie Union ...... She's Tops Successful Talent...... (2009) Successful Appeal Ensign Appeal ...... Honorable Ensign By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 103 foals, 65 starters, 7 stakes winners, 43 winners of 155 races and earning $2,- 861,041, including champions Arquitecto (28 wins, $796,088, Copa Con- fraternidad S.-G1, etc.), Esplendorosa ($363,941, Camarero S.-G1, etc.), Syriana Mia ($113,853, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, etc.), and of Raf- aelillo ($174,650, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Mudkenheim (9 wins, $202,334, Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr S.-G2, etc.), Regalada ($157,309). 1st dam SUCCESSFUL TALENT, by Dixie Union. Winner at 2 and 3, $79,150, Clasico Eduardo Cautino Insua-G3. Dam of 3 other foals, 1 to race-- El Gran Nolo (g. by Hockenheim). Winner at 2, placed at 4, 2018, $13,130. Unnamed (f. by Side Road). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam Ensign Appeal, by Successful Appeal. Winner at 2 and 3, $56,300, 3rd Lind- say Frolic S., Lulu's Ransom S. Dam of 3 winners, including-- SUCCESSFUL TALENT (f. by Dixie Union). Stakes winner, above. 3rd dam HONORABLE ENSIGN, by Blue Ensign. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $61,562. Half-sister to THUNDERELLO, MS. DEEP POCKETS, SQUARE UP THE BET. Dam of-- Ensign Appeal. Stakes-placed winner, above. 4th dam ON THE SQUARE, by In Reality. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of-- THUNDERELLO. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $388,400, Gallant Bob H.-L, etc. Sire. MS. DEEP POCKETS. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $225,477, OBS Championship S.- LR, 2nd Springtime H.-R. Dam of 6 winners, including-- POCKETFUL OF MONEY. 9 wins, 2 to 5 in Republic of Korea, KRA Cup Classic-G3, 2nd Se-Gey Ilbo, etc. Dam of MENI MONEY (champion 3-year-old filly in Republic of Korea, Sports Seoul Cup, 2nd Korean Oaks-G2, NACF Chairman’s Cup, 3rd Governor’s Cup-G3). Sligovitz. Placed 2 to 6, $63,201, in N.A./U.S., 3rd Kentucky Cup Classic S.-G2, Pan American S.-G3; 4 wins at 3, $397,683, in Canada, 2nd Breed- ers' S.-R-, 3rd Ontario Derby-L, Chief Bearhart S.-L, etc. (Total: $436,864). Witch Woman. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $149,540, 3rd Without Feathers S. SQUARE UP THE BET. 4 wins, $60,480, Notches Trace S. Dam of-- BEAUTIFUL EAST. 4 wins at 3 and 5, $195,405, Queen Lib H.-R, 2nd Goldfinch H.-R, etc. Dam of NUFFSAID NUFFSAID ($417,415). BET A BUCK. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $93,695, Danzig S.-R. Zoey Power. 3 wins at 3, $82,122. Dam of LUNAR SURGE ($287,500). Bet the Card. 5 wins at 3, $82,708. Dam of Kandy Kard (4 wins, $81,102).

JCC 1703146 - Microchip 981020021442135 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 39 Foaled January 9, 2017 39 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka BAY FILLY A.P. Indy Munasaaq ...... Nasaayem Felicidad...... (2008) Crown Ambassador Diplomatic Lady...... Nasty Temptation By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of 4 races, $182,970. Brother to stakes winner Due Diligence. His first foals are yearlings of 2018. Son of stakes winner War Front, among the leading sires, sire of 69 stakes winners, 3 champi- ons, including Lines of Battle (4 wins, $1,286,753, Standard Chartered Champions & Chater Cup-G1, etc.), and of Air Force Blue (hwt., 4 wins, $844,919, Dubai Dewhurst S.-G1, etc.), Declaration of War (hwt., $1,847,- 489, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc.), U S Navy Flag ($642,893). 1st dam Felicidad, by Munasaaq. 17 wins, 2 to 5, $143,630, 3rd Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr.-G1, Clasico Dia de Reyes-G3. This is her second foal. Her first foal is a 2-year-old of 2018. Sueno de Amor (f. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam Diplomatic Lady, by Crown Ambassador. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $58,722, 2nd Evansville S.-R, 3rd Indiana Stallion S.-R, Richmond S.-R. Half-sister to An Ounce of Nasty. Dam of 6 foals, all winners, including-- Felicidad (f. by Munasaaq). Stakes-placed winner, above. Representado. 19 wins, 2 to 8, $140,187. La Diplomatica. 13 wins, 2 to 7, 2018, $102,243. Diplomatic Case. 8 wins, 2 to 7, 2018, $56,235. Api Diplomatic. 7 wins, 2 to 5, 2018, $46,787. 3rd dam Nasty Temptation, by Nasty and Bold. 10 wins, 2 to 6, $173,835, 2nd Corte Madera S.-L, Ms. St. Louis Breeders' Cup H., 3rd Camellia S.-R. Dam of-- An Ounce of Nasty. 6 wins, 2 to 6, $84,887, 3rd City of Anderson S.-R. Diplomatic Lady. Stakes-placed winner, above. Alice Newton. Placed at 2. Dam of 11 foals, 10 to race, 8 winners, including-- Lucky Newton. Winner at 2 and 3, $91,299, 2nd Crown Ambassador S.-R, Sagamore Sired S.-R. Mor Newtons Please. Winner at 3, $75,181, 3rd Indiana Stallion S.-LR. Dixie Dell. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $67,355, 2nd Merrillville S.-R, 3rd City of Anderson S.-R, Miss Indiana S.-R. Dam of Easter Dell (3 wins, $100,557, 2nd Ellen's Lucky Star S.-LR). Party Miss. Winner at 2 and 4, $43,166. Dam of Miss Chatty Cat (10 wins, $161,856, 2nd Indiana Stallion S.-LR, 3rd Richmond S.-R). 4th dam Apple Haven, by Johnny Appleseed. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $51,865, 2nd Pene- lope S. Half-sister to Tell a Secret ($288,368). Dam of 6 winners, incl.-- Nasty Temptation. Stakes-placed winner, above.

JCC 1702091 - Microchip 981020021446912 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. CHESTNUT FILLY 40 Foaled January 23, 2017 40 Seattle Slew A.P. Indy ...... Weekend Surprise Hockenheim...... Seeking the Gold Lady Bonanza...... Born a Lady CHESTNUT FILLY Gulch Tamhid ...... Futuh Sra. Esperanza ...... (2008) Sejm Mediavilla R...... Flor de La Canela By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 103 foals, 65 starters, 7 stakes winners, 43 winners of 155 races and earning $2,- 861,041, including champions Arquitecto (28 wins, $796,088, Copa Con- fraternidad S.-G1, etc.), Esplendorosa ($363,941, Camarero S.-G1, etc.), Syriana Mia ($113,853, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, etc.), and of Raf- aelillo ($174,650, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Mudkenheim (9 wins, $202,334, Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr S.-G2, etc.), Regalada ($157,309). 1st dam SRA. ESPERANZA, by Tamhid. Winner at 3, $10,047. Dam of 3 other foals, 2 to race-- Cantautora (f. by Hockenheim). Placed at 2 and 3, 2018, $39,507, 2nd Cla- sico Ramon Llobet, Jr S.-G2. Kalua (f. by Bugatti Reef (IRE)). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $64,881. 2nd dam MEDIAVILLA R., by Sejm. 19 wins in 23 starts at 2 and 3, $629,148, Puerto Rican Triple Crown, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, Copa Gobernador-G1, Copa San Juan-G1, Clasico Antonio Fernandez Castrillon-G1, Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr.-G1, Campeon Nativo Princesa de Oro-G1, Copa Camarero-G1, Clasico Dia de Reyes-G1, 2nd Clasico Antonio R. Matos-G1. Dam of-- Miss Leiram. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $34,362. Princesita R. 2 wins at 3, $16,720. Milaville. 2 wins at 3, $10,301. La Copla. Winner at 2, $9,179. Genesis R. Winner at 3, $8,570. 3rd dam Flor de La Canela, by Ribots Verset. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $132,935, 3rd Copa Criadores-G1, Clasico Entrenadores-G3. Dam of 4 foals, 3 winners-- MEDIAVILLA R. Stakes winner, above. La Replica. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $34,766. Dam of 4 winners, including-- JALEEMAR. 14 wins, 2 to 6, $154,765, Clasico Camarero-G1, Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos-G3, 3rd Clasico Ramon Llobet. Cucubano. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $28,623. 4th dam RUM LADY, by Caminero. Winner at 3, $10,382. Half-sister to Comendador ($256,972), Mabel T. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 5 winners, including-- Flor de La Canela. Stakes-placed winner, above. Papin A. 20 wins, 2 to 7, $102,885. Cancionero. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $57,619. Don Danny. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $24,713.

JCC 1702336 - Microchip 981020021474743 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 41 Foaled April 1, 2017 41 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka BAY FILLY Storm Cat Sudden Thunder ...... Terre Haute Integrista...... (2009) Easy Mary Anne...... Star Account By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of 4 races, $182,970. Brother to stakes winner Due Diligence. His first foals are yearlings of 2018. Son of stakes winner War Front, among the leading sires, sire of 69 stakes winners, 3 champi- ons, including Lines of Battle (4 wins, $1,286,753, Standard Chartered Champions & Chater Cup-G1, etc.), and of Air Force Blue (hwt., 4 wins, $844,919, Dubai Dewhurst S.-G1, etc.), Declaration of War (hwt., $1,847,- 489, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc.), U S Navy Flag ($642,893). 1st dam INTEGRISTA, by Sudden Thunder. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $194,985, Dia De Reyes S.- G3, Clasico Ramon Llobet, 2nd Clasico Camarero-G1, 3rd Clasico Consti- tucion S.-G1, Clasico Dia de las Madres-G2, Clasico Antonio R. Matos-G2, Criadores de Puerto Rico-G3. This is her second foal. Dam of-- Unnamed (c. by Hockenheim). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam EASY MARY ANNE, by Summer Squall. Unraced. Half-sister to STAR BY DE- SIGN. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, including-- INTEGRISTA (f. by Sudden Thunder). Stakes winner, above. 3rd dam STAR ACCOUNT, by Private Account. Winner at 3, $23,373. Half-sister to Rip- ley, Bougrine. Dam of 12 other foals, 11 to race, 9 winners, including-- STAR BY DESIGN. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $199,510, Rustic Ruler S., 2nd Hula Chief S., Better Bee S., 3rd Prairie Meadows Derby-L. Equideed. 6 wins, 3 to 7, $192,397. Dam of 8 foals, 7 winners, including-- Executive Deed. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $199,740, in Canada, 2nd Passing Mood S.-LR. (Total: $181,769). Producer. Paying Guest. Winner at 3 and 4, $23,567. Dam of 6 winners, including-- Colour Me Blue. Winner at 3, 2nd El Paso Times H., 3rd La Fiesta H. Oregon Girl. 6 wins, 3 to 6, ¥114,583,000, in Japan. (Total: $973,347). Dam of A SHIN MOREOVER (Total: $4,359,907, Nagoya Grand Prix twice, Hakusan Daishoten twice, Marine S. twice, 2nd Elm S.-G3, etc.). 4th dam EQUINOCE, by *Herbager. 2 wins at 3, $30,000. Half-sister to DUEL, MONI- TOR, SCYTHE, ELAINE, LOOP, Satin. Dam of 5 winners, including-- Ripley. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $139,587, 2nd Honorable Miss S.-L. Producer. Bougrine. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $79,593, 2nd Etobicoke H.-L. Dam of BRIGHT COLOURS, ABBESS (dam of EVATINA; granddam of ARGIANO), Baf- fin Bay. Granddam of GOLDEN BOUNTY (horse of the year in India). Counting Moonbeams. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of BLACK GLAD (10 wins, Premio Mariano Ignacio Prado Ugarteche-G2, etc.).

JCC 1709203 - Microchip 981020021482448 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 42 Foaled February 2, 2017 42 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka BAY COLT Storm Cat Van Nistelrooy ...... Halory Mayra Virginia ...... (2009) Rahy Race With Grace ...... Thwack By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of 4 races, $182,970. Brother to stakes winner Due Diligence. His first foals are yearlings of 2018. Son of stakes winner War Front, among the leading sires, sire of 69 stakes winners, 3 champi- ons, including Lines of Battle (4 wins, $1,286,753, Standard Chartered Champions & Chater Cup-G1, etc.), and of Air Force Blue (hwt., 4 wins, $844,919, Dubai Dewhurst S.-G1, etc.), Declaration of War (hwt., $1,847,- 489, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc.), U S Navy Flag ($642,893). 1st dam MAYRA VIRGINIA, by Van Nistelrooy. Unraced. This is her second foal. Dam of-- Don Francisco (c. by Don Paco). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam RACE WITH GRACE, by Rahy. Winner at 3, $21,160. Half-sister to J J'S- DREAM. Dam of 5 other foals, all winners, including-- Cooking Up a Storm. 17 wins, 4 to 8, 2018, $298,327. 3rd dam THWACK, by Fight Over. Winner at 3, $18,295. Half-sister to ON TO ROYALTY ($318,539), MERITOCRAT, SILK STOCKS Regal Ties. Dam of-- J J'SDREAM. 13 wins, 2 to 5, $1,022,217, Barbara Fritchie H.-G2, Genuine Risk H.-G2, Chicago Breeders' Cup H.-G3, Azalea Breeders' Cup S.-G3, Safely Kept S.-G3, Cicada S.-G3, Pan Zareta S.-L, Meritus S.-L, Old Hat S.-L, Wild Flower S.-L-ntr, 6 fur. in 1:08 4/5, 2nd Churchill Downs Distaff H.- G2, Comely S.-G3, Thoroughbred Club of America S.-G3, Ellis Park Breed- ers' Cup H.-L, Straight Deal Breeders' Cup H.-L, Gallant Bloom H.-L, Weekend Delight S.-L, etc. Producer. Granddam of Maria's Kitty ($86,257, 2nd OBS Championship S.-LR, 3rd Florida Oaks-L, dam of MR. L. S. SHOE, 4 wins, $206,205, Louisiana Bred Premier Night Prince S.-R, Louis- iana Champions Day Juvenile S.-R, Louisiana Stallion S.-R; Youve Got a Friend, 5 wins, $172,466, 2nd Louisiana Stallion S.-R, Gentilly S.-R). Ice Cream Dream. Winner at 2, $22,918. Dam of 4 foals, 3 winners, including-- Single Scoop. 6 wins, $254,190, 2nd Mrs. Penny S.-LR, 3rd Lyphard S.-LR. Piano. Unraced. Dam of 11 foals, 8 to race, 6 winners, including-- AWESOME GEM. 11 wins, 3 to 9, $2,881,370, Hollywood Gold Cup H.-G1, Hawthorne Gold Cup H.-G2, San Fernando Breeders' Cup S.-G2, Lone Star Park H.-G3, Longacres Mile H.-G3, Berkeley H.-G3, 2nd Pacific Classic S.-G1, Goodwood S.-G1 twice, Eddie Read S.-G1, San Diego H.-G2, Longacres Mile H.-G3, Prairie Meadows Cornhusker H.-G3, Lone Star Park H.-G3, All American S.-G3, Sir Beaufort S.-G3, Charlestown Classic S.-L, Wickerr H.-LR, 3rd Breeders’ Cup Classic-G1, etc. T. Swift. Unraced. Dam of My T Swift ($143,161, 3rd Small Wonder S.-LR).

JCC 1702999 - Microchip 981020021518725 Property of Pedro Agustin Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 43 Foaled March 13, 2017 43 Seattle Slew A.P. Indy ...... Weekend Surprise Hockenheim...... Seeking the Gold Lady Bonanza...... Born a Lady BAY COLT Deputy Minister Billions...... Silver Valley Okairy M...... (2008) Fit to Fight Wellford ...... Gottagetitdone By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 103 foals, 65 starters, 7 stakes winners, 43 winners of 155 races and earning $2,- 861,041, including champions Arquitecto (28 wins, $796,088, Copa Con- fraternidad S.-G1, etc.), Esplendorosa ($363,941, Camarero S.-G1, etc.), Syriana Mia ($113,853, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, etc.), and of Raf- aelillo ($174,650, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Mudkenheim (9 wins, $202,334, Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr S.-G2, etc.), Regalada ($157,309). 1st dam OKAIRY M., by Billions. 20 wins, 2 to 7, $368,580, champion 2-year-old filly in Puerto Rico, Clasico Camarero-G1, Clasico Criadores-G3, Clasico Dia de Reyes-G3, Clasico Entrenador, 2nd Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos. Half- sister to Boricua Bomber, Wellofaprize. This is her second foal. Dam of-- Unnamed (f. by Hockenheim). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam WELLFORD, by Fit to Fight. Winner, 3 to 5, $31,578. Dam of-- OKAIRY M. (f. by Billions). Champion, above. Boricua Bomber (g. by Tumblebrutus). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $54,670, 3rd Cla- sico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1. Wellofaprize (f. by Pure Prize). 6 wins, 2 to 6, $223,816, 2nd Likely Ex- change S. Single Factor. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $56,858. Dam of 4 winners, including-- TEQUILA FACTOR (g. by Pure Prize). 6 wins, 2 to 7, placed at 9, 2018, $216,295, El Joven S.-L, Sunny's Halo S., Tempe H., 2nd Billy Powell H. 3rd dam Gottagetitdone, by Kohoutek. 9 wins, 3 to 7, $402,593, 3rd Vagrancy H.-G3, Chain Bracelet S.-LR. Sister to D. WHITE, half-sister to YOU SNAPPED. Dam of-- I Do. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $82,495. Dam of 11 foals, 9 winners, including-- La Condesa. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Mexico, 3rd Clasico Aguila de Arazi. Miss Nancy. 5 wins at 2 and 3 in Mexico, 2nd Clasico Asociacion Para El Desarrollo y Fomento de la Hipica Mexicanca A. C. Ojo Bonito. 7 wins, 2 to 5 in Mexico, 3rd I Clasico Nueva Sangre. 4th dam BOMBILONGA, by Best Joy. 8 wins, 2 to 6, $35,795. Dam of-- D. WHITE. 18 wins, 2 to 9, $370,610, Hallandale S., Sam F. Davis S., 2nd Woodlawn S.-G3, Memorial Day H.-L, Federico Tesio S.-LR, etc. YOU SNAPPED. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $114,600, Grassland H.-L, etc. Dam of RICHMOND RUNNER ($528,857), MIKE’SGOODANDTOUGH ($139,490). Gottagetitdone. Stakes-placed winner, above. Broom Boss. 3 wins at 3 and 5, $31,375. Dam of BROOMESSE ($396,434).

JCC 1706761 - Microchip 981020021509564 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. CHESTNUT FILLY 44 Foaled April 7, 2017 44 Seattle Slew A.P. Indy ...... Weekend Surprise Hockenheim...... Seeking the Gold Lady Bonanza...... Born a Lady CHESTNUT FILLY Storm Cat Van Nistelrooy ...... Halory Transformadora ...... (2006) Peaks and Valleys Meetmeatthegate ...... At the Gate By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 103 foals, 65 starters, 7 stakes winners, 43 winners of 155 races and earning $2,- 861,041, including champions Arquitecto (28 wins, $796,088, Copa Con- fraternidad S.-G1, etc.), Esplendorosa ($363,941, Camarero S.-G1, etc.), Syriana Mia ($113,853, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, etc.), and of Raf- aelillo ($174,650, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Mudkenheim (9 wins, $202,334, Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr S.-G2, etc.), Regalada ($157,309). 1st dam TRANSFORMADORA, by Van Nistelrooy. 11 wins, 3 to 6, $249,800, Clasico Constitucion-G1, Clasico Dia de las Madres, Clasico Dama del Caribe, 2nd Clasico Dia de las Madres-G2, 3rd Clasico Constitucion-G1. Dam of 3 other foals, 2 to race-- REGALADA (f. by Hockenheim). 4 wins in 5 starts at 3, 2018, $157,309, Clasico Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, Antonio R. Matos-G2 Transformada (f. by Myfavorite Place). 3 wins at 2 and 4, 2018, $40,885. Estamento (c. by Don Paco). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam MEETMEATTHEGATE, by Peaks and Valleys. Winner at 4, $21,743. Half-sister to LAUNCH SEQUENCE, GHOSTLY GATE. Dam of 5 winners, including-- TRANSFORMADORA (f. by Van Nistelrooy). Stakes winner, above. 3rd dam AT THE GATE, by Hero's Honor. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $64,686. Half-sister to JUST A GAME (IRE), COURT PLAY, Accipiter. Dam of 4 winners, incl.-- LAUNCH SEQUENCE. 12 wins in 18 starts, 2 to 4, $283,795, champion im- ported 2- and 3-year-old filly in Puerto Rico, Clasico Eduardo Cautino Insua-G1, Clasico Wiso G.-G1, Clasico Jinetes-G1, Clasico Dia de la Raza- G1, Clasico Prensa Hipica-G1, 2nd Clasico Prensa Hipica-G1, etc. GHOSTLY GATE. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $252,095, Merry Colleen S., Winnipeg Fu- turity, Minnesota HBPA Mile S., Northbound Pride S., 2nd Lady Canter- bury Breeders' Cup S.-L, Reluctant Guest S., Minnesota HBPA Mile S., 3rd Sixty Sails H.-G3, Canterbury Park Lassie S. Producer. 4th dam Hobby (IRE), by Falcon. 4 wins to 3 in Ireland, 2nd Irish Chorus S., etc. Dam of-- JUST A GAME (IRE). 4 wins at 2 in Ireland, 2nd hwt. filly at 3 on Irish Hand., Beresford S.-G2, 2nd Park S.-G3, etc.; 10 wins in 15 starts, 4 to 6, $391,380, in N.A./U.S., champion grass mare, Flower Bowl H.-G2, Diana H.-G2, etc. COURT PLAY. 12 wins, 4 to 7 in Ireland, Downshire Hurdle H., etc. Accipiter. 5 wins at 4 in Ireland, 3rd Guinness Hurdle H. Toque Rouge (IRE). Unraced. Dam of ON THE TREE TOP ($262,234).

JCC 1709450 - Microchip 981020021454562 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 45 Foaled February 10, 2017 45 Carson City City Zip...... Baby Zip Palace...... End Sweep Receivership...... Alarming Prospect BAY FILLY Tiznow Colonel John ...... Sweet Damsel Renewable Energy ...... (2013) Belong to Me Estrella de Oro (GB)...... Chelsey Dancer By PALACE (2009). Stakes winner of 12 races, 3 to 6, $1,586,550, Forego S.- G1, Alfred G. Vanderbilt H.-G1, True North S.-G2, Fall Highweight H.-G3, Hudson H.-R twice, Chowder's First S.-R, 2nd Belmont Sprint Champi- onship S.-G3, Fall Highweight H.-G3, Gravesend H., Gravesend S., Gold and Roses S.-R, 3rd Vosburgh S.-G1, Frank J. De Francis Memorial Dash S.-L, John Morrissey S.-R. His first foals are yearlings of 2018. Son of stakes winner City Zip, among the leading sires, sire of 79 stakes winners. 1st dam RENEWABLE ENERGY, by Colonel John. Unraced. Half-sister to Lemon de Oro. This is her first foal. 2nd dam ESTRELLA DE ORO (GB), by Belong to Me. Placed at 3 and 5, $36,190. Half- sister to CHELSEY FLOWER, KEY GUY. Dam of 4 winners, including-- Lemon de Oro (f. by Lemon Drop Kid). Winner at 2, $95,690, 3rd Moccasin S.-L. 3rd dam CHELSEY DANCER, by Affirmed. Unplaced in 2 starts. Half-sister to LADY TAP, Gorky, Golden Spirit. Dam of 10 foals to race, 7 winners, including-- CHELSEY FLOWER. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $568,305, Flower Bowl Invitational H.-G1, Sheepshead Bay H.-G2, Miss Grillo S.-G3, 3rd Black Helen H.-G2, New York H.-G2, Sheepshead Bay H.-G2, The Very One H.-G3. Dam of KENTUCKY DYNAMITE (Total: $243,796, Prix Paul de Moussac-G3, etc.), Wow ($81,- 855). Granddam of TAPIT GIRL (champion 2-year-old filly in Turkey, SIAY ve S. DER-G2, etc.), Gravitational (Total: $191,377, 3rd Chairmans S.-G3). Great-granddam of DOUGS BUDDY (Total: $213,959, Edmonton Juvenile S., etc), FLORAL SKY (4 wins, Total: $206,732), Heavenhasmynikki (to 3, 2018, $82,600, 3rd Davona Dale S.-G2), Fireupthejet (to 4, 2018, $125,663). KEY GUY. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $160,828, Rushaway S.-L. Sire. Celestina Agostino. Winner at 3, €8,200, in France. (Total: $10,602). Dam of Toruk (4 wins, Total: $63,142, 3rd Grand Prix Maisons-Laffitte Eugene Adam-G2), Vainakh (in Czech Republic, 3rd Charvat Ceske Derby-G3), Calvin (4 wins, Total: $75,256, 2nd Gran Premio Claudio Carudel). Crystal Power. Winner at 3, $9,600. Dam of Misdaqeya (Total: $32,983, 2nd Sweet Solera S.-G3, dam of Qawaasem, Total: $34,001). Castellina. Winner at 3, $6,082. Dam of Blaise Castle (Total: $47,394, 2nd Prix Isola Bella, dam of Blaise Chorus, Total: $20,408). Lucky Chelsey. Unraced. Dam of CHELSEY'S IMAGE (Total: $136,973). Chelsea Ballad. Unplaced in 1 start in England. Dam of Strong Barows (4 wins to 5, 2018, Total: $753,599, 2nd Unicorn S.-G3, Hyacinth S.).

JCC 1702290 - Microchip 981020021456251 Property of Eduardo Maldonado Hip No. Hip No. GRAY OR ROAN FILLY 46 Foaled February 18, 2017 46 Pulpit Tapit ...... Tap Your Heels Race Day ...... More Than Ready Rebalite...... Printing Press GRAY OR Cee's Tizzy ROAN FILLY Tiznow ...... Cee's Song Tizette ...... (2012) High Yield Barbette ...... Barbara Sue By RACE DAY (2011). Stakes winner of 6 races at 3 and 4, $748,000, Oaklawn H.-G2, Hagyard Fayette S.-G2-ntr, Razorback H.-G3, 3rd Fred W. Hooper S.-G3. His first foals are yearlings of 2018. Son of stakes winner Tapit, leading sire 3 times, sire of 110 stakes winners, 7 champions, including Untapable (9 wins, $3,926,625, Longines Breeders' Cup Distaff-G1, etc.), Stardom Bound (5 wins, $1,861,610, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Hansen (5 wins, $1,810,805, Breeders' Cup Juvenile-G1, etc.). 1st dam TIZETTE, by Tiznow. Unplaced. This is her first foal. 2nd dam BARBETTE, by High Yield. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $197,866, Possibly Perfect S., Jersey Lilly S., 2nd Indian Maid H.-L, HBPA H., Space City S., 3rd Blushing K. D. H. Half-sister to DIAMOND ON THE RUN, TROPICAL BLOSSOM. Dam of-- Ciceron. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Russia. 3rd dam BARBARA SUE, by Big Spruce. 12 wins, 3 to 8, $257,721, Chaparral Breeders' Cup H., Carris Memorial H., Furl Sail H., Cornucopia H., etc. Set ntr at Rem- ington Park. Half-sister to SUPER MAY, IDE, Highland Tide. Dam of-- DIAMOND ON THE RUN. Winner at 2 and 3, $237,400, Davona Dale S.- G2, 2nd Frizette S.-G1, Matron S.-G1, Forward Gal S.-G3, etc. Granddam of PAPAW BODIE ($442,826), Tiger Day (GB) (Total: $61,333, 2nd Pre- mio Primi Passi-G3), Nayefday (Total: $127,517), Pee H Dee ($101,293). TROPICAL BLOSSOM. 3 wins at 5, $221,096, Star Ball H., etc. Dam of-- PIILANI HIGHWAY. 8 wins, 3 to 7, ¥224,456,000, in Japan, Urawa Kinen, Saga Kinen, 2nd Diolite Kinen. (Total: $2,612,923). BARBETTE. Stakes winner, above. Hello Barbara Sue. Placed at 3, $14,640. Dam of 7 winners, including-- BUDDY'S HUMOR. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $387,078, Pan American S.-G3-ntr, 1 1/4 mi. in 2:02 3/5, Jersey Derby-L, Elkwood S., Four Bases S., etc. Appreciating. Winner at 2, $67,290, in Canada, 3rd Natalma S.-G2; win- ner in 2 starts at 3, $41,000, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $105,093). Mona Mia. Winner at 3, $40,630. Dam of CELESTINE ($1,148,055, Longines Just a Game S.-G1, etc.), HAUNTED HEROINE ($267,150, River Cities S.-L, etc.), SILENT STING (to 3, 2018, Total: $165,496). Yes It's Barbara. Winner at 3, $43,007. Dam of Nabucodonosor (2 wins, $21,938, 2nd Clasico Angel T. Cordero Jr. S.-G2). Dixie Sue. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, incl.-- Down With Dixie. 2 wins at 3, $115,972, in N.A./U.S., 3rd Super Derby Prelude S.-L; 4 wins at 4 and 5, $48,190, in Canada. (Total: $164,659).

JCC 1702159 - Microchip 981020021438411 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. CHESTNUT FILLY 47 Foaled February 5, 2017 47 Seattle Slew A.P. Indy ...... Weekend Surprise Hockenheim...... Seeking the Gold Lady Bonanza...... Born a Lady CHESTNUT FILLY Storm Cat Sudden Thunder ...... Terre Haute Taurina ...... (2009) Rubiano Diamond Ruby...... Indy Flash By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 103 foals, 65 starters, 7 stakes winners, 43 winners of 155 races and earning $2,- 861,041, including champions Arquitecto (28 wins, $796,088, Copa Con- fraternidad S.-G1, etc.), Esplendorosa ($363,941, Camarero S.-G1, etc.), Syriana Mia ($113,853, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, etc.), and of Raf- aelillo ($174,650, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Mudkenheim (9 wins, $202,334, Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr S.-G2, etc.), Regalada ($157,309). 1st dam TAURINA, by Sudden Thunder. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $138,574, Clasico Antonio R. Matos-G2, 2nd Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos-G3, 3rd Dia De Reyes S.-G3, Clasico Constitucion S. This is her second foal. Dam of-- Unnamed (c. by Hockenheim). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam DIAMOND RUBY, by Rubiano. Unplaced. Half-sister to GALLOPING GAL, Khalila. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, all winners, including-- TAURINA (f. by Sudden Thunder). Stakes winner, above. El Mirador. 12 wins, 3 to 5, $79,242. 3rd dam INDY FLASH, by A.P. Indy. Unraced. Half-sister to BRIGHT AGAIN ($252,339), BRIGHT ASSET ($193,725), B. W. Baba. Dam of 7 winners, including-- GALLOPING GAL. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $348,269, Edgewood S.-L, Jessamine County S.-L, 2nd Darley Alcibiades S.-G2, Virginia Oaks-L. Dam of-- LIAISON. 5 wins at 2 and 4, $767,288, CashCall Futurity-G1, Mervyn LeRoy H.-G2, Real Quiet S.-L, Santana Mile S., 2nd Californian S.-G2, Affirmed H.-G3, 3rd Jim Dandy S.-G2, Swaps S.-G2, Harry F. Brubaker S. Sire. Khalila. 3 wins at 3, $137,139, 2nd Capote Belle S.-R, My Flag S.-R, 3rd Victory Ride S.-G3, Queen of Song S. Sent to India. Dam of-- Asiya. 2 wins, $136,200, 2nd Busanda S., 3rd Dream Rush S.-R. Hard Drive. 7 wins, 3 to 7, $140,030. Indy Punch. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals, 3 to race, all winners-- HARLAN PUNCH. 7 wins, 2 to 5, 2018, $593,993, Stymie S., 2nd Jean Lafitte S.-L, 3rd Delta Downs Jackpot S.-G3, Excelsior S.-G3. TENSAS PUNCH. 3 wins at 2, $251,200, Louisiana Jewel S.-LR, 2nd Premier Night Starlet S.-LR, Sarah Lane's Oates S.-R, 3rd Louisiana Champions Day Lassie S.-LR, Crescent City Oaks-LR. Dam of Nawl- ins Kitty ($55,581, 3rd George Rosenberger Memorial S.-LR), Dhar- master ($44,760, 3rd Private Terms S.). Royal Navy Ship. Winner at 2, €34,685, in Ireland, 2nd Killavullan S.- G3. (Total: $55,325).

JCC 1709654 - Microchip 981020023477675 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. CHESTNUT COLT 48 Foaled April 13, 2017 48 Seattle Slew A.P. Indy ...... Weekend Surprise Hockenheim...... Seeking the Gold Lady Bonanza...... Born a Lady CHESTNUT COLT Storm Cat Sudden Thunder ...... Terre Haute Colonial P R...... (2006) Royal Merlot Beatriz Regis ...... Notorious Colony By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 103 foals, 65 starters, 7 stakes winners, 43 winners of 155 races and earning $2,- 861,041, including champions Arquitecto (28 wins, $796,088, Copa Con- fraternidad S.-G1, etc.), Esplendorosa ($363,941, Camarero S.-G1, etc.), Syriana Mia ($113,853, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, etc.), and of Raf- aelillo ($174,650, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Mudkenheim (9 wins, $202,334, Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr S.-G2, etc.), Regalada ($157,309). 1st dam COLONIAL P R, by Sudden Thunder. Winner at 3, $7,445. Dam of 5 other foals, 4 to race, all winners-- ESPLENDOROSA (f. by Hockenheim). 17 wins in 25 starts, 2 to 4, 2018, $357,- 336, champion 2-year-old filly in Puerto Rico, Camarero S.-G1, Clasico Con- stitucion S.-G1, Clasico Verset’s Dancer S.-G2, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos S.-G3, Clasico Dia de Reyes S.-G3. LA IRUNESA (f. by United States). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $144,215, champion 2-year- old filly in Puerto Rico, Criadores de Puerto Rico-G3, 2nd Clasico Dama del Caribe S.-G1, Clasico Camarero S.-G1, Clasico Ramon Llobet Jr. S.-G2. Colonizador (g. by United States). Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2018, $41,017, 3rd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1. Valentino P R (g. by Hockenheim). 5 wins, 2 to 5, placed at 6, 2018, $86,- 603, 2nd Clasico Antonio Mongil Jr. S.-G2, 3rd Clasico Antonio Fernan- dez Castrillon S.-G2, Copa San Juan S. 2nd dam BEATRIZ REGIS, by Royal Merlot. Unraced. Half-sister to Willy G. Dam of-- 3rd dam NOTORIOUS COLONY, by Pleasant Colony. Unplaced. Half-sister to Native Son. Dam of 8 other foals, 6 to race, all winners, including-- Willy G. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $84,075, 3rd Copa Gobernador S.-G1, Copa San Juan S.-G1, Clasico Luis Munoz Marin S.-G3. Volcanica. 11 wins, 2 to 6, $102,700. 4th dam PRIVATE FAME, by Private Account. Winner at 3, $15,969. Half-sister to Famous Colony ($52,383), Famous Speech, Cherokee Partner. Dam of-- Native Son. 10 wins, 3 to 6, $139,863, 3rd St. Patrick's Day S., Jefferson County S.-R. Madame Rouge. Winner at 4, $9,835. Dam of 2 winners, including-- Mayville. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $140,619. O So Radiant. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam 2 foals to race, both winners, incl.-- Ryno’s Homerun. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $123,574.

JCC 1709449 - Microchip 981020021446221 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 49 Foaled January 15, 2017 49 Pulpit Tapit ...... Tap Your Heels Tapiture...... Olympio Free Spin ...... Spin n Win BAY FILLY Relaunch Honour and Glory ...... Fair to All New Attraction ...... (2004) Bold Ruckus Celmis ...... Ada Prospect By TAPITURE (2011). Stakes winner of 5 races to 4, $1,536,820, West Virginia Derby-G2, Kentucky Jockey Club S.-G2, Southwest S.-G3, Ack Ack H.- G3, Matt Winn S.-G3, 2nd Breeders' Cup Dirt Mile-G1, Pennsylvania Der- by-G2, Rebel S.-G2, 3rd Oaklawn H.-G2, Lone Star Park H.-G3, Iroquois S.-G3. Brother to stakes winners Remit, Retap. His first foals are year- lings of 2018. Son of stakes winner Tapit, leading sire 3 times, sire of 110 stakes winners, 7 champions, including Untapable (9 wins, $3,926,625). 1st dam NEW ATTRACTION, by Honour and Glory. Unplaced in Canada. Half-sister to BUFFALO JUMP, GUMBOOTS. Dam of 6 other foals, 4 to race, incl.-- True Attraction (f. by Yes It's True). 3 wins, 4 to 7, $84,606, in Canada. (Total: $73,938). New Road (g. by Bellamy Road). Placed at 2 and 4, 2018, $19,300. 2nd dam CELMIS, by Bold Ruckus. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $194,254, My Dear S.-L, Nandi S.-LR, 2nd Star Shoot S.-L, Shady Well S.-LR. Half-sister to TETHRA. Dam of-- BUFFALO JUMP (f. by Benny the Dip). 2 wins at 2, $278,073, Glorious Song S.-L, 2nd Ontario Debutante S.-L, Fanfreluche S.-LR, Thelma S., 3rd Star Shoot S.-L, Fury S.-LR. GUMBOOTS (f. by Storm Boot). 4 wins in 5 starts at 2 and 3, $294,456, in Canada, Fanfreluche S.-LR, Fury S.-LR, etc. (Total: $255,197). Dam of-- Pass Partout (f. by Tiznow). Placed at 2, $30,580, in Canada, 3rd Shady Well S.-LR. (Total: $29,456). Lalka. Placed at 2 and 3, $13,688. Dam of 5 winners, including-- LAWN RANGER (g. by U S Ranger). 2 wins at 2, $213,714, Dixiana Bourbon S.-G3. GEORGIE'S ANGEL (f. by Bellamy Road). 2 wins at 2, $129,564, Schuylerville S.-G3, 3rd Tempted S.-G3. 3rd dam ADA PROSPECT, by New Prospect. 5 wins in 5 starts at 2 and 3, $124,710, champion 2-year-old filly in Canada, My Dear S.-L, Star Shoot S.-L, Fan- freluche S.-LR. Half-sister to SGT. HUNT, ADA LADY. Dam of-- TETHRA. 5 wins in 8 starts to 3, $261,305, Marine S.-L, Woodstock S.-L, etc. CELMIS. Stakes winner, above. Ada Ruckus. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $38,579. Dam of EXCAPER (5 wins, Total: $775,360, Connaught Cup S.-G2, etc.), QUITE A RUCKUS (Total: $219,- 650, My Dear S.-L, etc.). Granddam of Roos On the Loose ($32,776). Ada's Trump. Placed at 2, $4,955. Producer. Granddam of Tequila. Ada Dancer. Unraced. Dam of SANS SOUSI (4 wins, Total: $467,145).

JCC 1702828 - Microchip 981020021438683 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 50 Foaled March 15, 2017 50 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka BAY COLT Giant's Causeway Aragorn (IRE) ...... Onaga Miss Talent...... (2011) Unbridled Princess Omi ...... Omi By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of 4 races, $182,970. Brother to stakes winner Due Diligence. His first foals are yearlings of 2018. Son of stakes winner War Front, among the leading sires, sire of 69 stakes winners, 3 champi- ons, including Lines of Battle (4 wins, $1,286,753, Standard Chartered Champions & Chater Cup-G1, etc.), and of Air Force Blue (hwt., 4 wins, $844,919, Dubai Dewhurst S.-G1, etc.), Declaration of War (hwt., $1,847,- 489, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc.), U S Navy Flag ($642,893). 1st dam Miss Talent, by Aragorn (IRE). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $32,604, 2nd Clasico Dia de la Mujer S.-G2. This is her first foal. 2nd dam PRINCESS OMI, by Unbridled. Unraced. Half-sister to BRUSHED BAYOU, ABUELA. Dam of 4 foals, all winners, including-- Miss Talent (f. by Aragorn (IRE)). Stakes-placed winner, above. 3rd dam OMI, by Wild Again. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $319,718, Arlington Matron H.-G3, Relaxing H.-LR, Bayakoa S., 2nd Falls City H.-G3, Long Look Breeders' Cup H.-G3, Charon H.-LR. Half-sister to POMPEII, GROUND STORM, Flying Lauren, Palaestra. Dam of 8 other foals, 7 to race, 6 winners, including-- BRUSHED BAYOU. 4 wins at 2 and 4, $189,457, Caress S., 3rd Evil Bear S. ABUELA. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $176,789, Ellis Park Turf S. Ten Carat Lady. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, including-- J S BACH. 6 wins, 3 to 6, 2018, $244,962, Stud Muffin S., etc. Omi Diamond. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 2 winners, including-- DYSPROSIUM. 3 wins at 3 and 5, $97,868, Needles S. 4th dam FLYING HEAT, by Private Account. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $372,842, Rumson H., St. Patricks Day H., 2nd Gardenia S.-G2, Sixty Sails H.-G3, etc. Dam of-- POMPEII. 9 wins, $717,288, Personal Ensign H.-G1, Rare Treat H.-G3, etc. GROUND STORM. 11 wins, 3 to 8, $628,600, Stymie H.-G3 twice, etc. Sire. OMI. Stakes winner, above. Flying Lauren. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $171,567, 3rd La Troienne S.-L, etc. Palaestra. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $127,965, 2nd Lighthouse S., Charon S. Dam of NACHO BUSINESS (3 wins, $113,590, Sam's Town S.-R). Lil Merry Sunshine. 2 wins at 3, $62,826. Dam of TAKE THE CAKE ($256,333, dam of FREE AS A BIRD, $606,436; LET ME ENTERTAIN U, $129,463). Heir D' Mint. Winner, $34,000. Dam of CHASSERESSE ($153,391, dam of FOREST HUNTRESS, Total: $128,490), Heir D’ Twine ($190,545), Twirl. Granddam of PASHITO THE CHE (8 wins, $568,170), Bling (Total: $97,917).

JCC 1706495 - Microchip 981020021515821 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 51 Foaled January 25, 2017 51 Sadler's Wells El Prado (IRE)...... Lady Capulet Perfect Bullet ...... Red Ransom Perfect Sting...... Valid Victress BAY FILLY Gone West Grand Slam ...... Bright Candles What a Slam...... (2004) L'Enjoleur La Cajoleuse ...... Sweet Woodruff By PERFECT BULLET (2004). Stakes-placed winner of $198,200, 3rd Au- tumn S.-G2. Half-brother to stakes winners Smart Sting, Quick Kid. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2018. Sire of 22 foals, 6 starters, 4 winners of 7 races and earning $88,979, Gilded Bullet ($36,302, 2nd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1), Mi Socio Salvo (4 wins, $55,574), Mi Orgullo ($16,- 243), Aeronautico (at 3, 2018, $9,537). Son of champion 2-year-old in Ire- land El Prado (IRE), leading sire, sire of 89 stakes winners, 3 champions. 1st dam WHAT A SLAM, by Grand Slam. Placed at 3. Half-sister to CAJOLEUSE'S SPEED, GENE PROPP'S DREAM. Dam of 5 other foals, 2 winners-- El Productor (c. by Myfavorite Place). 4 wins at 3 and 4, 2018, $27,950. My Favorite Slam (g. by Myfavorite Place). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $21,556. 2nd dam LA CAJOLEUSE, by L'Enjoleur. Unraced. Dam of 12 winners, including-- CAJOLEUSE'S SPEED (f. by Golden Derby). 19 wins, 3 to 7, $378,346, champion imported older mare in Puerto Rico, Clasico Wiso G.-G1, 3rd Clasico Roberto Clemente-G1 twice, Clasico Jose de Diego-G1. Producer. GENE PROPP'S DREAM (f. by Golden Derby). 12 wins, 2 to 5, $211,117, Hydrangea S., Miami Beach S., 2nd Virginia H.-G3, Broward County Safely Kept S.-L. Producer. Double Entendre. 2 wins at 3, $102,960. Dam of 3 winners, including-- Double Understand (f. by Bernstein). Winner at 2, $30,270, 2nd Clasico Dia de la Raza-G1. 3rd dam SWEET WOODRUFF, by Restless Native. 10 wins, 2 to 4, $239,560, Kingston S.-R, Mount Vernon S.-R, New York Breeders Fillies S.-R, 3rd Hempstead H.-G2, Bouwerie S.-R. Half-sister to Balm. Dam of 2 other foals, which have not raced. 4th dam FENNEL, by Revoked. 4 wins at 2 and 4, $45,395. Dam of 6 winners, including-- SWEET WOODRUFF. Stakes winner, above. Balm. 4 wins, $35,004, 3rd Miss America S. Granddam of True Sweet Lady ($23,560, 2nd Delta Miss S.). Great-granddam of Yonaguska Boy (4 wins, $158,957, 2nd Clem McSpadden Memorial Route 66 S., etc.). Chervil. 2 wins at 3, $41,764. Producer. Granddam of TOP NOTCH TONTO (6 wins, Total: $749,649, Superior Mile-G3, Totescoop6 E. B. F. Guisborough S., Ian & Kate Hall MacMillan Ganton S., etc.). Tussy Mussy. Unraced. Dam of Was He Fuzzy ($174,702, 3rd Paul Revere S.). Granddam of CRAIG'S ROLL ($23,044, Mountaineer Mile H.).

JCC 1702087 - Microchip 981020021470900 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 52 Foaled February 1, 2017 52 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka BAY COLT Northern Afleet Afleet Alex ...... Maggy Hawk Metro Gal...... (2010) Unbridled's Song Song...... Script By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of 4 races, $182,970. Brother to stakes winner Due Diligence. His first foals are yearlings of 2018. Son of stakes winner War Front, among the leading sires, sire of 69 stakes winners, 3 champi- ons, including Lines of Battle (4 wins, $1,286,753, Standard Chartered Champions & Chater Cup-G1, etc.), and of Air Force Blue (hwt., 4 wins, $844,919, Dubai Dewhurst S.-G1, etc.), Declaration of War (hwt., $1,847,- 489, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc.), U S Navy Flag ($642,893). 1st dam METRO GAL, by Afleet Alex. 10 wins, 2 to 4, $46,760. Half-sister to Jazz. This is her second foal. Dam of-- Perfect Gal (f. by Perfect Bullet). Placed in 1 start at 2, 2018. 2nd dam SONG, by Unbridled's Song. Unraced. Dam of 3 other winners, including-- Jazz (f. by More Than Ready). 3 wins at 2 and 4, $110,340, 2nd Judy's Red Shoes S., 3rd Crystal Rail S. 3rd dam SCRIPT, by Storm Cat. Winner at 3, $41,685. Half-sister to ACADEMY AWARD, STATUETTE, GOOD MOOD. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners, incl.-- A Shin Heat. 6 wins, 2 to 5, 2018, ¥33,020,000, in Japan. (Total: $310,470). Celestial Empire. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals, 3 to race, 2 winners, including-- Star Empire (GB). 2 wins at 2, $162,799, 2nd Futurity S.-G3, WEBN S., 3rd Arlington-Washington Futurity-G3, John Battaglia Memorial S.-L. 4th dam MINE ONLY, by Mr. Prospector. Winner at 3, $11,200. Sister to RARE PER- FORMER (sire). half-sister to A SURE HIT, CHANNING ROAD. Dam of-- ACADEMY AWARD. 5 wins, $226,943, Early Times Manhattan H.-G2. Sire. STATUETTE. 6 wins, $341,664, Nijana S.-G3, etc. Dam of TOMAHAWK (Total: $245,963, hwt. colt at 2 on Irish Hand., sire). Granddam of MAGICALMEIS- TER (to 3, 2018, $63,350), Eagle Hall (Total: $320,554), Jasmine Gardens. GOOD MOOD. 2 wins, $95,760, Miss Grillo S.-G3. Dam of GRAND ROYALE ($62,784), Dubai World. Granddam of GOLDEN TICKET (6 wins, $1,362,- 924, Travers S.-G1, etc), MAGICAL FEELING, STERLING OUTLOOK. My Way. Winner at 3, $36,804. Dam of SINATRA (11 wins, $338,357, Little S.-R), J SERINO (4 wins, $204,291, Veterans S., set ntr). Chosen Lady. Placed at 3, $11,400. Dam of WELL CHOSEN ($501,330, Ashland S.-G1, etc., dam of TELLING, $848,409), IN CONTENTION (8 wins, $340,824, Cherry Hill Mile S.-G3, etc.), Oude (Total: $52,288), Fine and Dandy ($89,430). Granddam of MULTIPLE CHOICE ($692,450). Solo. Placed at 3, $3,403. Producer. Granndam of DONTMESSWITHKITTEN.

JCC 1702932 - Microchip 981020021434283 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 53 Foaled February 5, 2017 53 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka BAY COLT Smart Strike English Channel ...... Belva Gold Dance ...... (2011) Mr. Prospector Rhineland...... Versailles Treaty By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of 4 races, $182,970. Brother to stakes winner Due Diligence. His first foals are yearlings of 2018. Son of stakes winner War Front, among the leading sires, sire of 69 stakes winners, 3 champi- ons, including Lines of Battle (4 wins, $1,286,753, Standard Chartered Champions & Chater Cup-G1, etc.), and of Air Force Blue (hwt., 4 wins, $844,919, Dubai Dewhurst S.-G1, etc.), Declaration of War (hwt., $1,847,- 489, Juddmonte International S.-G1, etc.), U S Navy Flag ($642,893). 1st dam GOLD DANCE, by English Channel. 4 wins at 3, $17,876. Half-sister to Cologne, St. Hildegard. This is her second foal. Her first foal is a 2-year-old of 2018. Comprensiva (f. by Perfect Bullet). Two-year-old of 2018. 2nd dam RHINELAND, by Mr. Prospector. Unraced. Half-sister to GEORGE VANCOUVER, SAARLAND. Dam of 13 other foals, 11 to race, 8 winners, including-- Cologne (f. by Horse Chestnut (SAF)). Winner at 3 and 4, $121,305, 2nd North Broadway S. Dam of 6 foals, 5 to race, 3 winners, including-- DRAGON BAY (g. by Parading). 4 wins, 2 to 4, $380,300, in Canada, Eclipse S.-G2, Nijinsky S.-G2, 2nd Ontario Derby-G3, Wando S., 3rd Victoria S.- L; winner at 3, $78,686, in N.A./U.S., English Channel S. (Total: $372,784). St. Hildegard (f. by Arch). 2 wins at 4, $103,941, 2nd Pleasant Temper S. 3rd dam VERSAILLES TREATY, by Danzig. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $1,271,154, Alabama S.-G1, Ruffian H.-G1, Gazelle H.-G1, Test S.-G1, Molly Pitcher H.-G2, 2nd Acorn S.-G1, Breeders' Cup Distaff-G1 twice, Beldame S.-G1 twice, John A. Mor- ris H.-G1, Beaumont S.-G3, Life's Magic S.-L, 3rd Hempstead H.-G1, Shu- vee H.-G1. Half-sister to FOR KICKS ($121,940), ON RETAINER ($205,- 729), Arabian Dancer ($51,377), Wikki Up ($94,069). Dam of-- GEORGE VANCOUVER. Winner in 1 start at 2, $540,000, in N.A./U.S., Breeders' Cup Juvenile Turf-G1; winner at 2, €7,905, in Ireland; placed in 1 start at 2, €80,010, in France, 2nd Darley Prix Morny-G1; placed at 2, £32,280, in England, 3rd Dubai Dewhurst S.-G1. (Total: $700,282). SAARLAND. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $595,250, Remsen S.-G2, 2nd Metropolitan H.- G1, Gotham S.-G3, Westchester H.-G3 twice, 3rd Brooklyn H.-G2. Sire. Siren Serenade. Placed at 3, $49,217. Dam of 3 winners, including-- Luminance. 3 wins, 2 to 4, $218,858, 2nd Santa Anita Oaks-G1. Set ntr. Palais Versailles. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, including-- You Know Too. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $128,800, 2nd White Clay Creek S. Canticle. 4 wins at 3, $126,255, 2nd Panthers S., 3rd Truth Or Conse- quences Overnight S.

JCC 1702710 - Microchip 981020021463698 Notice: © 2018 The Jockey Club Information Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Data provided or compiled by The Jockey Club Information Systems, Inc., The Jockey Club, The Daily Racing Form, Inc. and Equibase Company LLC generally are accurate, but occasionally errors and omissions occur as a result of incorrect data received by others, mistakes in processing and other causes. The Jockey Club Information Systems, Inc. disclaims responsibility for the consequences, if any, of such errors, but would appreciate their being called to their atten- tion.

Information pertaining to pedigrees and production records of North American horses was obtained from The Jockey Club and is used only with the per- mission of the copyright holder, The Jockey Club, who reserves all rights to such data.

Information pertaining to North American races run prior to January 1, 1991 was obtained from The Daily Racing Form, Inc. and is used only with the permission of the copyright holder, The Daily Racing Form, Inc. who reserves all rights to such data.

Information pertaining to North American races run after December 31, 1990 was obtained from Equi- base Company LLC and is used only with the per- mission of the copyright holder, Equibase Company LLC, who reserves all rights to such data.

Pedigrees compiled by: The Jockey Club Information Systems, Inc. 821 Corporate Drive Lexington, Kentucky 40503 NOTAS

ARTE Subasta 2018.indd 13 6/25/18 11:43 AM ARTE Subasta 2018.indd 14 6/25/18 11:43 AM Felicitamos a la familia y empleados del Potrero Los Llanos en la “Cuadragésima Seeptima Edición de su Gran Subasta Anual de Potros”. En Agro Servicios estamos comprometidos con la industria de caballos nativa ofreciendo productos de calidad para todas las necesidades de sus ejemplares”.

ARTE Subasta 2018.indd 15 6/25/18 11:43 AM ARTE Subasta 2018.indd 16 6/25/18 11:43 AM