Aerospace World

By Suzann Chapman, Managing Editor

B-1B Crashes in Indian Ocean An Air Force B-1B bomber crashed into the Indian Ocean at about 11 p.m. local time some 30 miles north of Diego Garcia, Pentagon officials announced Dec. 12. The bomber’s four crew members bailed out and were rescued by a US Navy destroyer. USAF photo by MSgt. Keith Reed US Central Command officials said that a USAF KC-10 refueling aircraft circled the location of the ditched crew until USS Russell picked them up. The tanker spotted a light blink- ing at the crash site and had made voice contact with one of the crew, said CENTCOM. This is the first fixed-wing US war- plane lost since Operation Enduring Freedom began Oct. 7. Two Black Hawk helicopters have crashed, one in with two fatalities and one in . SSgt. Rene Delarosa, a C-17 loadmaster from the 17th Squadron at Charles- Officials indicated bad weather or poor ton AFB, S.C., holds the two millionth Humanitarian Daily Ration to be dropped visibility due to dust may have caused over Afghanistan. By early December, the total was more than 2.3 million. those two crashes.

Rumsfeld Sees Continued and defectors may still hide in some move them from the country,” he said. Danger cities and in the rugged countryside. “This is non-negotiable,” Rumsfeld Defense Secretary Donald Rums- He noted that broadcasts from declared. feld told reporters Nov. 27 the situa- USAF Commando Solo aircraft and As opposition groups have taken tion in Afghanistan is “difficult and leaflets they had dropped offering a over more and more territory, US dangerous” even with more than 75 reward for information on Osama bin troops in Afghanistan have been able percent of the country in the hands of Laden were starting to show results. to search facilities abandoned by re- antiÐTaliban forces. US forces are receiving many tips treating and al Qaeda forces. “The war is not over,” he said. from people interested in the reward. “We’ve acquired a great deal of Rumsfeld and Air Force Gen. Rich- In Franks’s words, the noose is samples,” Franks stated. The samples ard B. Myers, Chairman of the Joint tightening. He added that CENTCOM are being tested in the US. Chiefs of Staff, flew to Tampa, Fla., may establish a forward base for the to receive an update on the situation command in the region. C-17s Drop Two Million HDRs from Army Gen. Tommy R. Franks, The numbers keep mounting in the Commander in Chief of US Cen- Leaving WMD “Non-negotiable” the effort to fight starvation in Af- tral Command, which is headquar- At the Tampa briefing, CENTCOM ghanistan. As of early December, tered at MacDill Air Force Base. chief Franks revealed that US ground Pentagon officials said USAF C-17s Franks is the theater CINC respon- forces have found lab paraphernalia, had air-dropped more than two mil- sible for operations in the Middle East chemical compositions, and materi- lion Humanitarian Daily Rations. and Southwest and Central Asia. This als at about 40 locations around Af- US forces began dropping the includes activity in and around Af- ghanistan. HDRs on Oct. 7, the same day that ghanistan. He confirmed that there is the pos- coalition aircraft began delivering At a press conference in Tampa, sibility the terrorists may have been bombs against al Qaeda and Taliban Rumsfeld and Franks emphasized to making Weapons of Mass Destruc- forces in Afghanistan. C-17 crews reporters that Taliban and al Qaeda tion. have dropped 35,000 or more HDRs forces are going to ground in Af- Defense Secretary Rumsfeld left daily. ghanistan, while others may be at- no doubt as to the dispositon of any According to Joseph J. Collins, tempting to flee. WMD materials. “You can be certain deputy assistant secretary of defense Rumsfeld stressed that it is likely if Weapons of Mass Destruction are for peacekeeping and humanitarian that Taliban and al Qaeda deserters found in Afghanistan, we would re- affairs, Afghanistan was already a

8 AIR FORCE Magazine / January 2002 country in the middle of a full-blown humanitarian crisis, the result of a Wolfowitz: World Will Forget Taliban generation of war, four years of drought, and continued underdevel- As al Qaeda terrorists and Taliban militia in the Afghan cities of Kunduz and opment. Kandahar continued to battle opposition forces, a Taliban spokesman gave a “This has made humanitarian as- press conference Nov. 21 near Kandahar. He proclaimed that Americans should sistance to distressed populations an forget about Sept. 11 and that despite rumors, the Taliban is not crumbling. To that, DOD’s No. 2 civilian responded, “I can assure them we will not forget integral part of the Defense De- about Sept. 11. We are moving on, and I think before long, the world will forget partment’s overall policy,” he told about the Taliban.” reporters in midÐNovember. Although antiÐTaliban forces had gained control of 75 percent of Afghanistan, “In fact, in the first week of Novem- Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz told reporters at a Pentagon press ber, before the apparent collapse of briefing that work in Afghanistan continues. He urged patience. the Taliban, UN World Food Program “There’s still a lot of work to be done in Afghanistan and a lot of work beyond deliveries doubled the pace of their Afghanistan.” October deliveries, and their Octo- He added, “It’s worth emphasizing that this whole operation is clearly one that ber deliveries had been a record for is bringing great relief to the people of Afghanistan … who seem to be everywhere greeting the removal of the Taliban as an act of liberation.” the past few years,” said Collins. Coalition air strikes and ground force support continue, but Wolfowitz pointed “The reality is clear; our military out that the mission is also now moving more toward one of preparing for actions have not slowed humanitar- significant humanitarian aid. Beyond the sustained of food, he said ian assistance, but rather, care in the barges are flowing. And, he noted, “We’ve been joined by advance parties from field and coordination among the vari- France and from Jordan, with the ultimate goal, among other things, of setting up ous agencies involved has made it a field hospital in Mazar [-e Sharif].” possible to both fight successfully When asked about the pursuit of , he said, “This is a man and to accelerate humanitarian as- on the run.” He emphasized, though, “There’s a danger in the fascination with bin sistance at the same time,” he em- Laden. … We might forget that there is a whole network outside of Afghanistan … that we have to get rid of. It’s more than just bin Laden.” phasized. “At the same time that we’re hunting him, we’re hunting down that whole Collins noted that it was the Taliban network and not just in Afghanistan but in the 59 other countries where they’ve that had been the single greatest burrowed in,” stated Wolfowitz. obstacle to providing humanitarian He said that even after completely decapitating al Qaeda in Afghanistan, “we assistance to the Afghan people. As would still be concerned about their networks elsewhere.” the Taliban has been removed, hu- On the other hand, he harbored no such reservations about the Taliban. “I think manitarian efforts have gotten easier. in the case of the Taliban, it’s quite different. I think the more one can make an example of the leaders, the more the followers will desert, and that’s a process Wald: Bombers Carried Initial that seems to be taking place as we speak.” Load As the first month of Operation Enduring Freedom was wrapping up, sile sites, and much of the military ber, but officials initially declined to the air campaign boss said that bomb- infrastructure in the country. The cam- comment on their specific use. ers carried the load for the first part paign then began also to target Tali- Joint STARS aircraft made their of the air war. ban and al Qaeda ground forces, debut in Operation Desert Storm in However, Air Force land-based particularly to aid the Northern Alli- 1991 while still in Research and De- strike aircraft and US Navy aircraft ance rebels fighting in the north and velopment. The Global Hawk Un- flown from aircraft carriers also joined Pashtun rebels in the south. manned Aerial Vehicle is currently in the campaign, particularly against The air campaign helped the op- its R&D phase. smaller moving targets, said Lt. Gen. position forces to take control of 75 “Global Hawk is in the theater; it is Charles F. Wald, who was the joint percent of the country, according to flying,” USMC Gen. Peter Pace, the forces air component commander. He Pentagon officials. US special op- JCS vice chairman, told reporters Nov. is now USAF’s deputy chief of staff erations forces on the ground aided 21. for air and space operations. in identifying targets for the air “It is still very much in the Re- The heavy air assault, conducted strikes. search and Development phase of its largely by B-52, B-1B, and B-2 bomb- “Quite frankly, I don’t think the development,” he said. “But in fact, ers during the first month, achieved Taliban really realize how bad off they this theater now provides us a tre- most of its goals, said Wald, and the have it, so we’ll just continue hitting mendous laboratory in which to use focus of the operation shifted to their army in the field and destroy it, so it is flying, and it will be part of Taliban and al Qaeda forces on the them as we go along,” said Wald. our ability to collect information and ground in Afghanistan. “There’s a lot of hills in Afghani- intelligence.” “At this point we’ve pretty much stan,” he added. “There’s places to The Global Hawk UAV flies higher taken care of the Taliban air force. hide. But we’ll eventually find them. and can dwell longer than the Preda- It’s pretty much gone,” Wald said We’re going to stick with this until tor UAV, which was employed earlier while visiting US forces in Southwest the end.” during Operation Enduring Freedom. Asia. “We’ve taken care of all of their When queried about the possibility aircraft. ... We’ve hit all their airfields. Joint STARS, Global Hawk Fly of Taliban or al Qaeda leaders flee- We’ve taken out all of their surface- Over Afghanistan ing Afghanistan aboard low-flying air- to-air missiles, and now we’re strik- Pentagon officials confirmed in late craft, Pace replied, “As you know, the ing their ground forces in a large November that the high-tech Joint J-STARS aircraft is capable of track- way.” STARS and Global Hawk airborne ing that kind of movement.” During the first month of air at- surveillance systems were in use over Pace said that coalition forces had tacks, bombers and fighter jets struck Afghanistan. destroyed two or three more aircraft strategic targets, including airfields, Both systems had received their in the last couple of weeks. “I do not aircraft, vehicles, anti-aircraft mis- deployment orders in early Novem- know whether or not they were flying

AIR FORCE Magazine / January 2002 9 Aerospace World

USAF reservists with extensive ex- AFRC Volunteers Help Establish Air Bridge perience flying combat missions. Aircrews have returned with full Air refueling aircrews deployed to the Pacific region form an “air bridge” from munitions loads when they haven’t the West Coast to all points in Southwest and and back again that been able to find a target without enables other aircrews in fighter, bomber, and airlift aircraft to reach their risking collateral damage. destinations. “I think the airmen involved ... can Air Force Reserve Command KC-135 Stratotanker crews from McConnell AFB, Kan., and Tinker AFB, Okla., spent more than five weeks in September and be unbelievably proud of themselves,” October supporting that air bridge. Wald said. “It’s just really incredible Within 24 hours after getting that first call for support, the 507th Air Refueling how well we’ve all done in that case.” Wing from Tinker had aircraft and volunteers dispatched to a forward location. The included an AFRC crew from McConnell’s 931st Air Refueling Group. Ammo Airmen Keep ’Em Loaded “Our response was fantastic,” said Col. Tim Wrighton, 507th commander. He As Enduring Freedom entered its added that the quick response was possible because of support from the fifth week, members of the 332nd Air employers of the Reservists. “We received a very short notification, and we were Expeditionary Group Munitions Main- still able to get where we needed to be because of their understanding and tenance Squadron continued to build encouragement.” On one mission the 931st ARG crew transferred about 120,000 pounds of fuel bombs and more bombs. to a C-5 crossing the Pacific. The pace has been fast and the The AFRC tanker pilot, Maj. Matt Archer, said, “It absolutely feels good to be workday long. here in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.” Archer is a 21-year veteran with “The motivation has been big since more than 3,500 flying hours. we engaged in Enduring Freedom,” His copilot, Maj. John Stansfield, said he spent the day after the Sept. 11 said MSgt. John Sedbrook, senior terrorist attacks flying refueling missions over the East Coast. munitions inspector. “People come “It felt really good to be able to be there at a time when everyone was looking in, and they want to start building for ways to help,” the 14-year veteran and former Navy helicopter pilot said. Since bombs.” transferring to the Air Force, Stansfield has logged more than 200 flying hours in KC-135s. The squadron provides an assem- Both pilots are Desert Storm veterans and have supported operations through- bly line for munitions known as “tank out Southwest Asia, but they said Enduring Freedom missions are different. killers,” “ bunker busters,” and “5,000- Because of the terrorist attacks in America, Archer said, “Flying these missions pound penetrators.” Seven sections in support of such an operation is much more rewarding than what I’ve ever done of munitions specialists worked 12- in the past.” hour shifts to feed the bombing needs Less than 30 minutes into the flight, A1C Chris Norris, the 931st crew’s 20- of the air campaign. year-old boom operator, stretched flat on his stomach to get ready for the C-5. Once built the bombs are moved The young boomer, with just a year in the position, guided the boom to its target along the airfield on well-balanced on the first try. The transfer of 120,000 pounds of fuel takes about 30 minutes. trailers. Weapons loaders then put “The job I do—air refueling—is just awesome,” said Norris. “Flying missions in the bombs on the aircraft that will support of Operation Enduring Freedom makes me want to do my job even better strike targets deep in Afghanistan. because it actually counts for something that personally touched every Ameri- Ammo airmen say the most satis- can.” fying feelings come when they see a Wrighton said these crews were not part of the reserve call-up. “We asked for, warplane that departs fully loaded, and got, volunteers so we could support the refueling mission while allowing other then returns with nothing aboard but units the time to activate and assume the vital mission.” a smiling pilot. “It’s nice to see the munitions trailer go out full and come back empty,” at the time they were destroyed,” he on TV, it’s emotionally volatile for the said SrA. Chris Jones. “You know added. Muslim world. We have to be very your job was done.” careful which targets we hit and how Amn. Thomas Adamcik called the Precise Targeting Refutes we hit those targets.” work “a privilege.” And A1C Nick Pip- Taliban “Lies” At the fifth week of strikes on pin said the squadron’s role in the The Air Force has been particu- Taliban and al Qaeda forces, US air- war against is the “experi- larly careful when bombing Taliban crews had dropped more than 1,500 ence of a lifetime.” targets to avoid injuring innocent ci- bombs on targets in Afghanistan, Wald vilians, which the Taliban attempted said. Of those, only two missed their Charleston Reservists Aid HDR to use as a platform to stir unrest targets. Satellite-guided bombs have Campaign against the USÐled operation in Af- hit all targets without a miss. The 315th Operations Group was ghanistan, according to Lt. Gen. Two misses by laser-guided muni- the first group from Air Force Re- Charles Wald, who headed the initial tions did cause some collateral dam- serve Command to participate in de- air campaign for Operation Enduring age, Wald said. However, Taliban livery of Humanitarian Daily Rations Freedom. claims of numerous civilian casual- into Afghanistan when their C-17 air- Taliban claims that the air cam- ties after almost every US mission crews made the 6,500-mile round- paign was causing massive civilian were part of the al Qaeda effort to trip from on Oct. 7, opening casualties in Afghanistan were “lies” convince the Islamic world that the day of Enduring Freedom. designed to inflame Muslims in states has been targeting Mus- The group is part of the 315th Air- supporting the war against terrorism, lims with the air strikes, he added. lift Wing, based at Charleston AFB, said Wald. Much of the credit for the bombing S.C. “I think that the problem will be as accuracy goes to the crews flying the “We fly about 20 percent of the we go down through this path and missions, Wald said. Many of the [Charleston] missions on any given you see the lies that the Taliban put land-based strike aircraft pilots are day,” said Brig. Gen. Jerry Black,

10 AIR FORCE Magazine / January 2002 315th AW commander. “When a time like this comes, they need us more, Public Supports Military Tribunals and we know that.” “We have some of the most expe- Nearly 60 percent of Americans approve of President Bush’s plan to try foreign rienced C-17 pilots in the world,” he terrorists who wage war against the United States in military tribunals. So finds added. “When they see the need, a PostÐABC News Poll, conducted Nov. 27. they step up to the plate.” President Bush issued an order Nov. 13 that gives him the option to try foreign terrorists “for violations of the laws of war and other applicable laws by military Each aircrew had about 10 mem- tribunal.” bers. They performed tactical terrain Civil libertarians as well as some Congressmen in both parties have criticized planning and reviewed the threats in the President’s order. Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy, chairman of the Judiciary a complete team effort—pilots, intel- Committee, for instance, said the order “sends a terrible message to the world ligence, everyone, said Col. James that, when confronted with a serious challenge, we lack confidence in the very B. Roberts Jr., 315th OG commander. institutions we are fighting for.” AFRC aircrews volunteered for the Bush told a conference of US attorneys Nov. 29 that terrorists who plan or missions, said officials. commit mass murder are more than criminal suspects. “We’re an open society, but we’re at war. ... We must not let foreign enemies use the forums of liberty to destroy liberty itself.” Enduring Freedom Air War Has New Commander Do you think nonÐUS citizens who are charged with terrorism After a month’s delay, Lt. Gen. T. should be put on trial in: Michael Moseley has replaced Lt. Gen. Charles Wald as commander of No opinion 4% 9th Air Force and US Central Com- mand Air Forces—thus taking on duties as the joint forces air compo- Special military tribunal? nent commander for Operation En- 59% during Freedom. Moseley, who was director of USAF’s Regular US criminal legislative liaison office, was sched- court system? uled to replace Wald at 9th Air Force, 37% headquartered at Shaw AFB, S.C., in late September, but the move was postponed to prevent any possible confusion as plans for Enduring Free- dom began to take shape, said USAF officials. Wald has now assumed the posi- tion of USAF’s deputy chief of staff cluding the Arabian Peninsula and Each round-trip sortie may involve for air and space operations at the Southwest Asia to Pakistan. extended stays over Afghanistan and Pentagon. can be more than 5,500 miles long. Moseley commands 9th Air Force’s Striking From Diego Garcia A bomber pilot, called “Lucky,” who six wings, with more than 350 aircraft Many USAF bomber crews have flew 12 missions during Operation and 26,000 active duty members. His been flying from 12 to 15 hours on Allied Force, said Afghan air defenses US Central Command duties include sorties from their temporary base at don’t compare to those he faced over responsibility for developing contin- Diego Garcia to strike targets in Af- Kosovo. He added that aircrews re- gency plans and conducting air op- ghanistan and return to the Indian ceive excellent air defense intelli- erations in a 20-plus-nation area, in- Ocean atoll. gence, but they remain vigilant in the air. “You’re definitely looking [for threats] Pentagon Assigns Responsibilities for the whole time you’re there,” he said. Homeland Defense A bomber weapons system officer, called “Bama,” said that on the long Defense Secretary Rumsfeld said that certain US military commanders are flight back to base there is a bit of a being provided additional authorities to defend the United States homeland, its letdown once the bombers are over states, territories, trusts, and commonwealths. the ocean and headed home. Secretary of the Army Thomas E. White, who was named DOD’s executive “You’re more relaxed, in a sense,” agent for Homeland Defense on Oct. 2, will coordinate the department’s efforts she added. “But at the same time, our with the White House’s Office of . feet aren’t on the ground, and we still In addition, the Commander in Chief of US Joint Forces Command in Norfolk, have a lot more flying to do.” Va., was placed in charge of the land and maritime defense of the continental With the hours needed for mission United States, as well as providing military assistance to civil authorities. planning, each sortie lasts about 24 The CINC for North American Aerospace Defense Command, headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colo., was given charge of aerospace defense. At the same hours. As they fly toward their target, time, the NORAD CINC in his other role as CINC of US Space Command was the aircrews go through potential prob- directed to provide support in computer network operations. lems or threats they may encounter. The CINC for US Pacific Command, at Camp H.M. Smith, Hawaii, and the CINC At Diego Garcia, 12-hour shifts are for US Southern Command, Miami, were given responsibility for their respective standard for the support team that geographic areas. keeps the bombers flying. When the A DOD statement said these assignments will allow “additional detailed unit arrived at the atoll from their home planning and training to occur that will increase our military’s ability to respond base at Ellsworth AFB, S.D., troops more effectively and quickly to requests from civil authorities.” worked around the clock for three weeks to beddown their bombers.

AIR FORCE Magazine / January 2002 11 Aerospace World

clearance and then flew a final five Airmen Among Troops on Ground hours to Turkey. “Sure there was some uncertainty Despite daily press briefings at , Defense Secretary Donald when we started, but everyone in the Rumsfeld and other officials have provided only sketchy information about what unit came together quickly,” said Capt. US on the ground in Afghanistan have been doing. Allen King, 106th ARS copilot. “We That has changed somewhat with the near total takeover of Afghanistan by walked in one day and they said be antiÐTaliban forces. ready to deploy early in the morning. Rumsfeld and Air Force Gen. Richard B. Myers, JCS head, told reporters Nov. 13 that Special Forces on the ground deserved much of the credit for recent They activated us for a year, and opposition victories. here we are doing what we do best.” “At present a number of American Special Forces teams are working with the Crews of three in each KC-135 opposition,” Rumsfeld said. “Every day the targeting and effectiveness has circle and wait to off-load thousands improved and that has clearly played a critical role.” of pounds of fuel. Myers added, “We can pass kudos to our Special Forces liaison teams [for “Every time I refuel it’s exciting,” improving targeting].” said MSgt. Caroline Bearden, 106th A day later, more information surfaced in remarks by Deputy Secretary of ARS boom operator. “This is the Su- Defense Paul Wolfowitz at the Fletcher Conference in Washington. per Bowl of air refueling. It’s great “We have seen that in recent weeks that success has come not just in the remarkable ability to fly bombers from a base in Missouri halfway around the doing our part.” world to strike targets with great precision,” said Wolfowitz. “Success also comes from putting some extraordinarily brave men on the ground so they can direct that Ridge Describes Homeland airpower and make it truly effective.” Security Strategy He then read some excerpts from dispatches from one of those men on the The events of Sept. 11 created a ground. One dispatch, dated Nov. 10, described conditions on the way into shared sense of urgency and a com- Mazar-e Sharif: “I have personally witnessed heroism under fire by two US mon sense of purpose, Tom Ridge, noncommissioned officers, one Army, one Air Force, when we came under direct director of the nation’s new Home- artillery fire last night. … When I ordered them to call close air support, they did land Security Office said Nov. 15 in so immediately without even flinching, even though they were under fire. As you know, a US element was nearly overrun four days ago and continued to call close Washington, D.C. air support and ensured the forces did not suffer a defeat. These two “The principal challenge for home- examples are typical of the performance of your soldiers and airmen. Truly land security is, in fact, to focus all of uncommon valor has been a common virtue.” the resources at our disposal,” he said. Ridge explained that he intends “to create a comprehensive national strategy for homeland defense.” He “Otis,” a maintenance operations torized Infantry Division at Kulyab specified national rather than fed- center controller, said that despite and overall has about 20,000 Rus- eral, he said, because the strategy the long hours, the troops did not sian troops in the country. will “tap the creative genius and re- complain. “We’re extremely focused The use of a base in Tajikistan will sources of both the public and pri- on the task at hand,” he said. enable USAF to station fighter or at- vate sector” and “involve all levels of tack aircraft, or possibly both, close government, federal, state, and lo- USAF Has Eye on Tajik Base enough to conduct unlimited tactical cal.” In November a US Central Com- strikes within Afghanistan. “We need to be able to detect and mand assessment team visited Tajik- Most of the tactical missions to date deter terrorist threats before they istan to examine three military instal- have been flown by US Navy fighters happen—and, if America is attacked lations as possible areas to base US from aircraft carriers, while USAF again, to be able to trigger a seam- forces battling terrorism in Afghani- employed long-range bombers. less system of rapid response and stan. recovery,” Ridge said. That visit may have paid off, ac- Alabama ANG Refuel C-17s He said that like the Defense De- cording to a Nov. 10 Washington personnel from partment, Homeland Security would Times report quoting “two military the 106th Air Refueling Squadron in take a “long-range approach to its sources” who said Tajikistan had Birmingham, Ala., deployed to Tur- budget needs.” It will have a multi- agreed to use of an airfield. The num- key to air refuel the multinational air- year budget that cuts across all agen- ber of aircraft may be limited to about craft supporting Enduring Freedom. cies. 50. They refuel two to three airplanes And, as part of the strategy, he The CENTCOM team assessment during a mission, usually the C-17s plans to identify “the gap between followed a visit to Tajikistan by De- bound for Afghanistan, but they also where we are today and where we fense Secretary Rumsfeld, who had provide top-off for other coalition air- seek to be tomorrow.” discussed the possibility of a larger craft. He said cracks in the system will role for the country in the war against The unit deployed two KC-135Rs be repaired and strengths will be terrorism. Tajikistan borders Afghani- and 24 troops to support the demand- enhanced. However, he noted, “when stan. ing mission, including pilots, boom you’re dealing with people as auda- Tajikistan had already approved operators, crew chiefs, administra- cious and as calculating and as de- overflights by coalition aircraft and tion troops, life support personnel, termined and as evil as terrorists, no was providing some intelligence for and intelligence officers. system will ever be 100 percent fail- Enduring Freedom. The 106th was airborne less than safe and perfect.” The CENTCOM team looked at 23 hours after being notified. “We’re going to try to get as close three bases: Kulyab, Khujand, and After a nine-hour flight to RAF to perfect as possible,” he maintained. Turgan-Tiube. Tajikistan already per- Mildenhall, UK, the team waited 16 He added that the strategy would mits Russia to station its 201st Mo- hours on the ground for diplomatic be forward-looking and require “do-

12 AIR FORCE Magazine / January 2002 ing things a little bit differently than we have in the past.” One of the areas he’s looking at is the role DOD

USAF photo has in homeland defense. “At first blush, the most obvious component of the DOD force struc- ture to have a role with domestic security will be the National Guard,” he said. He plans to work with gover- nors and DOD to determine what that role should be. “If it requires changing the con- figuration of some units or redeploy- ing some of the assets in a different way, certainly that’s got to be some- thing we want to consider—and we will consider.”

Reservists Get Help With Health Care Costs DOD officials have enacted health care system changes to aid reserv- ists and their families following the Used in Commando Vault missions in to clear landing areas, the BLU-82 Operations Noble Eagle and Endur- 15,000-pound free-fall bomb, known as the “Daisy Cutter,” has proved effective ing Freedom call-up to active duty. against Taliban and al Qaeda forces. The bomb is so huge, it’s pushed out the The most significant change is a back of special operations C-130s and drops by parachute. It’s being used in national demonstration project that Afghanistan largely for its intimidation effect. As Air Force Gen. Richard Myers, JCS Chairman, told reporters who asked about results: “Dead al Qaeda.” waives all deductibles for care received since Sept. 14 by family members of activated reservists. cials decided it would be unfair to ask Another change is that Tricare will Since many of these families prob- them to pay again just because their pay for up to 115 percent of what is ably paid deductibles for civilian health sponsor was called up toward the usually allowed for care under exist- plans earlier in the year, Tricare offi- end of the year. ing guidelines. Tricare officials said this will help reservists who live far from active military facilities in areas Maintainers Make HDR Drops Possible that don’t have Tricare provider net- works. Without the rule change, fami- USAF C-17s from Charleston AFB, S.C., have been the front line in the lies of reservists could have wound distribution of Humanitarian Daily Rations to Afghanistan, but it’s the mainte- up paying more out of pocket. nance troops that ensure the cargo aircraft can do their job. A third change is a waiver of the Charleston maintainers, who specialize in technical jobs ranging from elec- need for reservist family members to tronics to hydraulics and refrigeration, have been doing their jobs day and night obtain nonavailability statements in all types of weather at their deployment location at Ramstein AB, Germany. before receiving care from a civilian What’s more, they have been doing that job with almost 20 fewer specialists provider. The move will enable re- than an operation like Enduring Freedom should command. serve families to continue seeing a At Ramstein, a team of 30Ðplus people with job skills in maintenance, aircraft generation equipment, and supply typically prepare five C-17 aircraft a day for the civilian provider with whom they have airdrop missions. The maintainers said this type of operation would normally have an established relationship. more than 50 maintenance troops to get that many C-17s ready for the next DOD officials said families of re- mission after they’ve returned from a previous one. servists called up for at least 30 days “We do it all—the maintenance, the scheduling of jets, and the coordination,” are eligible to use Tricare benefits. said MSgt. John Kiegel, production superintendent from Charleston. Families of those activated for at least SSgt. Donald Mykamp, a C-17 crew chief, said their normal turnaround time is 179 days are also eligible to enroll in between four to six hours. “But, when the planes are [late] because of the heavy Tricare Prime, which is an HMOÐ fog here at Ramstein, that gives us maybe two or three hours to get them ready type plan. for the next mission.” “Sometimes, we’re doing the maintenance and the planes are being loaded for Reservists can get more informa- the next mission,” Mykamp added. “It makes it kind of hard. The loadmaster is tion on these new provisions at rushing, and we’re rushing, but somehow we still make it happen.” The maintainers have learned to adapt to long hours and, as the situation default.htm. requires, performing tasks typically not associated with their job specialty back at Charleston. Color To Change, but Maybe Not “Some of us are used to the deployments and long working hours,” Mykamp Blue said. “For others, it’s their first deployment, and it will take time.” Despite news media reports citing “We also have people here who aren’t used to working [outside] of their blue as the new color for Humanitar- [specialties], but they’re jumping in; they’re learning,” he said. “They’re saying, ‘Show me how to do this,’ and it’s working out pretty good.” ian Daily Ration packs being air- SrA. Pedro Vazquez, a communication navigation systems technician, said dropped into Afghanistan, the new that despite the hard work and long hours, he is glad to be supporting the color has not been decided, DOD humanitarian operation. officials said. "I don’t really know if [the Afghans] appreciate what we’re doing,” he said, “but The Pentagon did say the color of I know I’m doing my best to help them.” the packs, currently yellow, would be changed to avoid confusion with

AIR FORCE Magazine / January 2002 13 Aerospace World

They will assist state governors

Burney with chemical, biological, radiologi- Ð cal, or nuclear incidents as part of a state’s emergency response struc- ture. Each team consists of 22 full- time National Guard members who are federally resourced, trained, and exercised. Officials stated that selection cri- teria for the new locations included

USAF photo by SSgt. Elaine Wilson coverage of major metropolitan ar- eas based on population density; minimizing overlap with existing WMDÐCSTs and other DOD response elements; and availability of exist- ing facilities and support capabili- ties. A month earlier, the Pentagon no- tified Congress that it now had 10 teams certified ready to perform the new mission. The 10th team certified was the 4th WMDÐCST, which is sta- Operation Noble Eagle, largely conducted by ANG and AFRC forces, has tioned at Dobbins ARB, Ga. generated more than 7,500 sorties—fighters, early warning aircraft, and This was the last of the 10 teams tankers—since Sept. 11, in addition to providing ground security at airports authorized by the Fiscal 1999 de- and other facilities. Here, SSgt. Leslie Hollan, Texas ANG, checks IDs at fense appropriations act. Another 17 Lackland AFB, Tex. teams were authorized in Fiscal 2000. These latest five bring the total yellow canisters used for cluster 68 degrees east longitude—will also number of National Guard WMDÐ bombs. But no one said the new receive the pay. CSTs to 32. color would be blue, stated Air Force Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Tajik- Maj. Mike Halbig, a Defense Depart- istan were earlier designated immi- Reserve Affairs Offers Tool Kit ment spokesman. nent danger pay areas. Guard and Reserve members make “We’re still evaluating and re- DOD also designated Indonesia, up nearly 50 percent of the total armed searching what the right color should Malaysia, and the as im- forces, according to Craig W. Dueh- be,” he said. “We want to avoid of- minent danger areas for pay purposes. ring, principal deputy assistant sec- fending any cultural or religious sen- The time clock on the new loca- retary of defense for reserve affairs. sibilities.” tions started in October. So far, more than 50,000 Guards- Although DOD has no reports of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Tajik- men and Reservists have been called anyone being hurt by confusing the istan were designated as hardship up to reinforce active duty units par- ration packs with munitions, officials duty locations at the monthly rate of ticipating in Noble Eagle and Endur- believe a color change is needed. $100. The hardship duty pay for ing Freedom. Halbig said there are “very rare Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, as well “We get a lot of questions from occasions” that the bomblets don’t as Jakarta, Surabaya, and East Timor, service members and their families explode on impact, “but because of Indonesia, was lowered from $150 who are going through this very dis- the potential seriousness of the situ- per month to $100 per month. ruptive process,” said Duehring. ation, we don’t want there to be any The reduction was necessary, ex- For the reservists themselves, of- confusion.” plained Pentagon officials, because ficials devised a set of rules and guide- both imminent danger and hardship lines for the mobility process and the DOD Sets Additional Danger/ duty pay have personal security costs time they would spend on active duty. Hardship Locations built in to them, and service mem- That information is available on the DOD announced Nov. 1 an expan- bers cannot be compensated twice reserve affairs Web site at http:// sion of the areas in which service for personal security reasons. members are eligible for imminent For their families, Duehring said, danger pay and hardship duty pay. Pentagon Adds New WMDÐCivil “We’ve created a family tool kit.” It is Imminent danger pay is $150 per Support Teams also available on the reserve affairs month. Service members need only Defense Secretary Donald Rums- Web site. spend one day in an imminent dan- feld announced Nov. 15 the station- Duehring added that these recent ger area during the month to receive ing plan for five additional National call-ups have been an “unsettling this pay. Guard Weapons of Mass Destruc- time” for Guardsmen and Reservists Kyrgyzstan, Oman, United Arab tionÐCivil Support Teams. The new and their employers. He said the Emirates, and Uzbekistan have been teams were authorized in the Na- National Committee for Employer added to the list of imminent danger tional Defense Authorization Act for Support of the Guard and Reserve areas. Also added are the waters of Fiscal 2001. has been busy seven days a week. the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, and The teams, which are scheduled to Service members and employers the Gulf of Oman. Service members be set up by Fiscal 2003, will be seeking information can call 1-800- serving on the Arabian Sea—north of stationed in Alabama, Kansas, Michi- 336-4590 or go to the employer sup- 10 degrees north latitude and west of gan, Tennessee, and West . port Web site at

14 AIR FORCE Magazine / January 2002 Aerospace World

AMC Changes Lead Mobility Wings Relocation of Air Force Memorial Likely announced Nov. 6 that it will reduce the number of The planned Air Force Memorial will most likely relocate to a new site, on a hill its lead mobility wings from five to two. overlooking the Pentagon, with a panoramic view of Washington, D.C., it was The new structure will begin with Aero- disclosed in late November. space Expeditionary Cycle 3 in March. Assuming Congressional approval of language pending in the defense autho- Officials said the change is the rization bill, a parcel of federal land—now occupied by the Navy Annex—would be transferred to Arlington National Cemetery. The Department of Defense would natural evolution of the lead mobility then make four acres of that land available for the Air Force Memorial. wing structure, which was introduced The relocation would end a long-running controversy about the previous site by thenÐAir Force Chief of Staff Gen. for the memorial, some two miles farther up the Potomac River on Arlington Michael E. Ryan in March 1999 as Ridge. Neighborhood groups and Marine Corps veterans took strong objection to part of the Air Force’s new Expedi- that location, wanting nothing else ever to be built on Arlington Ridge, where the tionary Aerospace Force concept. Iwo Jima Memorial now occupies a prominent plot. The two new lead mobility wings Two attempts to block the Air Force Memorial were overturned in federal court, will be the 60th Air Mobility Wing at where the project was found to have carefully followed the complex review and Travis AFB, Calif., and the 305th AMW approval process mandated by Congress and to have met all of the requirements of four different government oversight agencies. at McGuire AFB, N.J. Even so, the repeated challenges and delays had slowed the project down. The original five wings were the Relocation had been discussed on and off for the past year. Last year, several 43rd Airlift Wing, Pope AFB, N.C.; members of Congress moved to make an attractive alternative location available. 60th AMW, Travis; 22nd Air Refuel- This year the legislation was revised and the Air Force Chief of Staff and the ing Wing, McConnell AFB, Kan.; 319th Commandant of the Marine Corps expressed their approval, and the Air Force ARW, Grand Forks AFB, N.D.; and Memorial Foundation said it was open to considering such a move. 92nd ARW, Fairchild AFB, Wash. Retired Maj. Gen. Ed Grillo, president of the foundation, said four consider- Along with the wing’s primary mobil- ations were critical in the legislation. ity mission, a lead mobility wing pro- “First,” he said, “we need to have adequate time to do a proper environmental assessment of the property and ensure that we will not face any stumbling blocks vides mobility leadership for an AEF downstream. Second, we need adequate acreage at the promontory point on the and a 33-member initial response team Navy Annex to construct the memorial. Third, our costs incurred in connection for humanitarian relief operations, di- with the Arlington Ridge site must be absorbed in the new site’s preparation costs. saster response, and contingencies. And, fourth, if any significant problems surface at the Navy Annex site, we need One reason for the selection of Travis to be able to return to Arlington Ridge and continue with the approval process.” and McGuire as the lead mobility wings Ross Perot Jr., the foundation chairman, said a review of the design for the was to link them with existing Air Mo- memorial would also be necessary. Perot also said he was asked by retired Gen. bility Operations Groups—the 615th Michael E. Ryan, the previous Air Force Chief of Staff, and Gen. John P. Jumper, AMOG at Travis and the 621st AMOG the present Chief, to consider the Navy Annex property as an alternate site. “This is a team effort, and we are going to do what it takes to best support at McGuire. The AMOGs provide ex- 134,000 donors, those who have served in the Air Force and its predecessor pertise in mobile command and con- organizations, the active Air Force, and our corporate partners.” trol and airfield operations. Perot went on to add: “This site is not new to us. It was looked at very early in “The realignment gives these two the site review process but discounted because it was not going to be available wings and their collocated AMOGs for a number of years. The site has a great panoramic view of Washington and will the primary mission for short-notice be highly visible when viewed by the public.” humanitarian response and releases the other wings from this additional duty,” said Col. Steve Hellwege, chief of AMC’s operations plans division. “Our former [lead mobility wings] will mand on Nov. 14, becoming ACC’s sions for ACC: development of air- go on with their core mobility mis- sixth commander. men, preparedness to deploy, and sions and will continue to support He came to the job from his post as readiness to fight. other aspects of the AEF.” commander of Air Education and “If there’s a call for boots on the The new structure will bring AMC’s Training Command, but it was old ground, we want to be the force that wings in alignment with Air Combat home week, since he had served as kicks down the door ... so that sol- Command’s two combat-response ACC’s vice commander prior to that. diers and Marines won’t have to wade wings, known as Aerospace Expedi- He replaced Gen. John P. Jumper through their own blood as they win tionary Wings, Hellwege said. “The as ACC commander, but Jumper be- this war or the next one,” he said. AEWs will respond to combat situa- came Air Force Chief of Staff in Sep- tions while we handle mobility opera- tember. In the meantime, ACC’s cur- President Signs Military tions.” rent vice commander, Lt. Gen. Donald Construction Act The choice of Travis and McGuire G. Cook, was acting commander. President Bush signed the $10.5 is a natural also because they are Hornburg directed air operations billion Military Construction Appro- stationed at USAF’s major East and over Bosnia, commanded the Joint priations Act of 2002 into law Nov. 5. West Coast mobility hubs, he said. Warfighting Center, and served on It was more than he asked for, with a “There will be more airlift assets im- the joint staff and as director of op- major exception. mediately available to move our equip- erations at Air Force headquarters. The Administration originally asked ment and people.” Jumper, who attended the cer- for $9.97 billion. Congress added to emony, said, “Serious times call for the amount but also took away $55 Hornburg Takes ACC Lead the best and brightest. Hal Hornburg’s million earmarked for the Ballistic Gen. Hal M.Hornburg officially as- one of those leaders.” Missile Defense Organization. sumed command of Air Combat Com- Hornburg said he has three mis- The act provides $4.1 billion for

16 AIR FORCE Magazine / January 2002 officials sent affected beneficiaries One Sure Thing: Adapting to Surprise Is Key letters explaining the problem and telling them how best to handle it. The problem was to be resolved by The solution to the problem of surprise is not just better intelligence, said Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz. Dec. 1, at which time officials said all In fact, he said the US must learn “not to depend too much on intelligence” and claims would automatically be for- “not to assume that other people operate on assumptions that mirror our own warded to Tricare. Lillie also stressed about what is impossible, what is irrational, or both.” that the issue was “a temporary glitch” There is one sure thing, he said, “adapting to surprise—adapting quickly and and said claims would be paid re- effectively—must be a central element of defense planning.” gardless. Wolfowitz, who was speaking Nov. 14 at the Fletcher Conference in Washing- ton, D.C., admitted that adapting to surprise is hard to do. “We were spoiled by JASSM Flies “Flawlessly” the seeming certainties of the ,” he said. “We knew the threat, we A Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff planned for it, we matched it.” Today is different. The “revolution in threats … calls for a revolution in how we Missile succeeded across all param- think about defense.” eters during a flight test Nov. 20. The He explained that one outcome of the months-long debate surrounding the missile’s next stop is a low rate initial Quadrennial Defense Review was an agreement that to deal with surprise and production decision. uncertainty, “we needed to shift our planning from the ‘threat-based’ model that JASSM is a stealthy cruise missile has guided thinking in the past to a ‘capabilities-based’ model for the future.” with a 1,000-pound-class warhead Capabilities-based planning requires taking account of an adversary’s existing that can tackle soft or deeply buried, and potential capabilities and assessing them against one’s own. That leads to hardened structures. Its range is clas- thinking about “asymmetric threats,” he added. sified, but Air Force officials said it is He said asymmetric threats refer “to the tactics and weapons our adversaries will choose to circumvent our well-known and enormous military strengths and beyond 230 miles. attack us where we are vulnerable.” Among those threats, said Wolfowitz, are In the November test, an F-16 cruis- “forms of warfare that most civilized nations long ago renounced: chemical and ing at 500 miles per hour at 15,000 biological weapons and the intentional killing of civilians through terrorism.” feet launched the missile over the The US must exploit its own asymmetric advantages—capabilities such as White Sands Missile Range in New precision strike, intelligence, and undersea warfare. Mexico. Officials said the JASSM flew It is also clear, he said, in hindsight that the US should have been investing exactly as planned through three way heavily over the past several years in homeland defense, projecting power in anti- points for nine minutes over a dis- access environments, and denying our enemies sanctuary with long-range tance of about 50 miles, then “im- precision strike. However, he said that DOD also cannot neglect cyber-warfare defense, enhanced joint operations, and space capabilities. pacted within a lethal distance of the The first three capabilities, he said, are being applied to the war against relocatable radar target, and the war- terrorism today. The last three must have attention to avoid “creating the head exploded.” conditions for the Pearl Harbor of the next decade.” “All systems, including the engine, The budget DOD submitted last July in no way matches where the military is guidance, and fuze arming, performed today. In fact, Wolfowitz admitted that no one could have predicted DOD “would flawlessly,” stated a USAF news re- soon need billions of dollars to conduct combat operations in Central Asia and lease. moreover do so while a large fraction of our surveillance assets and combat air Both the Air Force and the Navy patrol aircraft were engaged over the United States.” plan to purchase JASSM. Initially the “Sept. 11th ought to give this country a new perspective on the issue of what is affordable,” he added. “The capabilities that look so expensive in peace seem USAF buy was set at 2,400, but that relatively cheap when you’re confronted with the challenges we face today.” number may increase. Edwards Gains New AFRC Unit On Nov. 14, Air Force Reserve Command gained a new squadron— military family housing. Of that, $1.2 Without a name match Medicare the 370th Flight Test Squadron—and billion goes to new family housing claims processors could not allow Air Force Materiel Command gained units and improvements to existing automatic claims processing. some much needed assistance. The units and the rest to operations and Tricare for Life is the new DOD new unit is an associate flight-test maintenance of existing units. It also program for military retirees and their support unit that will work with AFMC’s funds $1.2 billion for barracks, $44 family members who are age 65 or 412th Test Wing at Edwards AFB, million for child development cen- over. It started in October. Calif. ters, $199 million for health care fa- According to Steve Lillie, Tricare’s The Reservists will take over flight- cilities, and $953 million earmarked director of 65-and-over benefits, the test support functions, said Lt. Col. for the reserve components. names of roughly 13 percent of eli- Howard Judd, 370th FLTS com- However, the President said, “I am gible Tricare for Life beneficiaries mander, thus freeing active duty test disappointed that the bill includes a didn’t match with their files in the pilots, engineers, and others to focus 1.127 percent general reduction and a Medicare rolls. He said they were still more on the developmental flight- rescission of $55 million from the Bal- eligible for benefits, but they would test mission at Edwards. listic Missile Defense Organization.” have to take one extra step: They When the Air Force Flight Test would probably need to file Tricare Center at Edwards needs help with Tricare for Life Starts With a Hitch claims themselves if their provider flight-test, airborne research plat- The names of about 195,000 Tri- sent a bill for what remained after forms, and training missions, the care for Life beneficiaries did not Medicare paid its share. members of the 370th will step up. match their files on Medicare rolls, so In general, the bill-paying process The unit can operate C-135 tanker those individuals had to file their should be automatic. and test bed platforms, as well as medical claims themselves, accord- Shortly after they identified the C-12, KC-10, and T-39 aircraft. ing to DOD officials. It was a tempo- problem in midÐOctober during a rou- The 370th will also support the rary problem, they said. tine review of the program, Tricare USAF Test Pilot School with its multi-

AIR FORCE Magazine / January 2002 17 Aerospace World engine curriculum and maintain a de- tachment at Kirtland AFB, N.M. Judd said he expects the unit to go beyond flight-test support. For in- stance, he said many missions re- quire a TPS graduate to pilot a tanker that is providing air refueling certifi- cation for a new aircraft like the Joint Strike Fighter. “We have four TPS graduate test pilots in the squadron USAF photo by A1C Tanaya M. Harms so far.” The 370th FLTS is manned by Ac- tive Guard Reservists, which means they are full-time reservists opera- tionally assigned to an active duty component, and traditional reserv- ists who work part time. “Many of our people came from the Edwards test aircrew force and are already qualified on the types of air- craft used here,” said Judd. “Also, most are qualified to fly more than one type of aircraft.” Air Force Secretary James Roche gets a close look at an F-16 on a visit to “This saves the center money in Incirlik AB, Turkey. With him are Lt. Col. Scott Dennis (left), 14th Expeditionary training costs,” he said. “Since Re- Fighter Squadron, and Amn. Samuel Redden, an F-16CJ crew chief. serve tours can be up to five years or more in one location, as opposed to to help integrate those activities and tions and sacrifices as employers of every two or three years for our ac- link them to both national and depart- National Guard and Reserve mem- tive duty counterparts, we can pro- mental strategy. bers. vide more stability to the flight-test More than 12,000 companies were support functions.” VA Plans National Museum considered for the annual award, the Honoring Veterans highest military honor given to civil- Retired Admiral Heads Force The Department of Veterans Af- ian companies. Transformation fairs announced plans for a National Award recipients this year are Defense Secretary Rumsfeld an- Veterans Museum Nov. 8 to be es- Southwest Airlines; Boeing; Electronic nounced Nov. 26 establishment of tablished in Washington, D.C. Data Systems; BAE Systems; and the Office of Force Transformation, “Our nation’s veterans have made the city of Bedford, Va. with retired Vice Adm. Arthur K. tremendous contributions to our coun- The companies were also honored Cebrowski as director. try and its history,” said Secretary of at a White House ceremony with Presi- Creation of the transformation of- Veterans Affairs Anthony J. Principi. dent Bush, who noted that more than fice was directed by the 2001 Qua- “This new museum will tell that story 50,000 National Guard and Reserve drennial Defense Review. to generations of Americans, both members have been called up to help “Art Cebrowski is the perfect guy born and not yet born.” fight terrorism since Sept. 11. to promote and analyze our transfor- The new museum will be located at He said they’re guarding energy mation efforts,” said Rumsfeld. “I VA headquarters at 810 Vermont Ave. plants, meeting the military’s intelli- chose him for his broad military ex- N.W. gence, medical, and supply needs, perience, his strong credentials in “It will tell a story of homecoming— and helping secure the nation’s air- joint operations and information tech- the universal experience shared by ports. nology, and his grasp of the cultural every soldier returning from every “We’re fighting a war on many and technical issues involved in trans- war, and the challenges they face as fronts,” Bush said. “It’s a diplomatic formation.” they return to family, friends, and war, it’s a financial war. The military Cebrowski, who will report directly community,” read a VA statement. is performing brilliantly in Afghani- to Rumsfeld and the deputy secre- Principi also plans to link the mu- stan. And we could not win the war tary of defense, has been called the seum with the capital’s other veter- without the help of the Guard and the “father of network-centric warfare.” ans memorials, including the Viet- Reservists. He retired from the Navy in Octo- nam Veterans Memorial, the Korean “And they, in turn, could not do ber 2001 after serving as president of War Veterans Memorial, the Women their vital work without the support of the Naval War College. He was a in Military Service to America Memo- their employers.” naval aviator and gained combat ex- rial, and the World War II Memorial DOD established the award in 1996. perience in Vietnam and the . now under construction. Employers are nominated by their state He commanded several ships and No timetable was announced for Employer Support for the Guard and was the director of command, con- construction of the museum. Reserve Committee, based on input trol, and communications on the Joint from Guardsmen and Reservists. Staff. Companies Earn DOD Freedom His job will be to lead the effort to Award Pentagon Creates Vaccine Centers evaluate transformation activities of Five firms received the Secretary The Defense Department’s con- each of the services. He will also of Defense Employer Support Free- cerns about anthrax began much recommend steps that may be needed dom Award Nov. 9 for their contribu- earlier than the postÐSept. 11 an-

18 AIR FORCE Magazine / January 2002 “That’s 20,000 to 40,000 people in a population of two million,” she said. Through the newly established net- work, Engler hopes to gain greater knowledge of rare adverse events and ultimately to improve immuniza- tion health care delivery overall.

USAF photo by SSgt. Mike Buytas Crossroads Offers QOL Poll In December the Air Force launched a new addition to its Crossroads Web site—Quality-of-Life quick polls. The polls are short, consisting of only a few questions. The first poll had only two ques- tions, said Lt. Col. Bruce Lovely, Air Force QOL chief. One pertained to demographics and the other related to a QOL item or issue. All ques- tions will have multiple-choice an- swers. “The poll will be used to develop In honor of an Air Force pararescueman who received the Medal of Honor and target future QOL initiatives,” posthumously for his actions during the , a worker paints “A1C Lovely said. “However, the primary William H. Pitsenbarger” onto the side of a chartered ship operated by the purpose of the quick poll is to in- Navy’s Military Sealift Command. crease the Quality-of-Life awareness level across the Air Force.” thrax attack on the nation that has about possible adverse events with The results will not be scientific focused American attention on bio- smallpox vaccine, said Engler. since they only reflect the opinions of terrorism. “We need to do everything we can the participants, Lovely said. Respon- DOD had been battling a growing to give the right shot to the right dents can instantly view submission anti-anthrax vaccination movement person at the right time in the right results by clicking on the results but- since it first began ordering military way.” ton. members to get immunized in 1998. Service members 20 years ago Some active duty and reserve mem- received “a handful” of vaccines but Cope North Shorter but Still bers were reluctant to get vaccinated now routinely take more than 50 shots Effective because some people had become during their careers. And another 30 It’s almost business as usual for seriously ill. vaccines are in the development USAF forces in some locations de- The problem, according to Penta- stage. They could be introduced into spite the ongoing operations in Af- gon officials, was largely misinfor- the immunization requirements over ghanistan. Usual, of course, includes mation. the next five years. training to do their jobs. To help provide a means to share Engler stressed that adverse reac- In Japan, the annual Cope North information more readily, DOD cre- tions and drug reactions occur in one exercise, a test of USAF, US Marine ated the Vaccine Healthcare Center to two percent of individuals with any Corps, and Japan’s air self-defense Network. The Pentagon announced drug. Even that small percentage, force ability to defend Japan was in November that the first center of she noted, in a large enough popula- scaled back to about one-third its the network had opened at Walter tion can create problems. normal size and cut from two weeks Reed Army Medical Center in Wash- ington, D.C. Several more centers are set to open at regional DOD medical cen- Ramstein Crews Earn Mackay Trophy ters in the United States in 2002, leading up to a total of 15 regional In midÐNovember, the National Aeronautic Association announced award of centers by 2006, said Army Col. the 2000 Mackay Trophy to the 86th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron medical Renata Engler, the medical director crew and the 75th Airlift Squadron flight crew, both from Ramstein AB, Germany. of the network. The two crews evacuated the 28 sailors injured in the terrorist attack on USS “These vaccine health care cen- Cole in October 2000. Award recipients were: Lt. Col. Kirk Nailling; Majs. Lola Casby, Kathryn Drake, ters would work as a network to share and Thomas Jenkins; Capts. Karey Dufour, Donna Fournier, Karin Petersen, and information, not just internally but with Natalie Sykes; and SSgts. Brad Atherton, Anna Duffner, Ed Franceschina, Juan the Food and Drug Administration, Garza, Chad Shusko, Heather Robinson, and Alan Woodridge. Centers for Disease Control, and the At a Pentagon ceremony hosted by Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. John P. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting Jumper, flight nurse Dufour commented, “We were just doing our jobs. This is System, too, as questions arise sur- what we train for and do every day.” rounding a vaccine,” she said. “The true heroes in this scenario were the shipmates of the USS Cole, not us,” Engler’s organization is also work- she added. “The sailors were grateful for the support they got from the people in ing with various agencies to develop , but they wanted to get out of there. It was an absolute honor and a privilege to care for them.” contingency plans in case DOD de- The NAA presents the Mackay Trophy annually to the Air Force person, crew, cides to vaccinate military personnel or organization that made the most meritorious flight of the year. This is the first against smallpox. As with the an- time an aeromedical evacuation crew has received the award. thrax vaccine there are concerns

AIR FORCE Magazine / January 2002 19 Aerospace World

mander or instructor qualification Space Industry Veteran To Be Undersecretary courses, require aircrew personnel to return to the schoolhouse where The Senate confirmed Peter B. Teets as the next undersecretary of the Air they spend the first three to eight Force on Dec. 8. days in academics. Teets retired in 1999 as the president and chief operating officer for Lockheed Through ADL, they could complete Martin. He has an extensive background in defense programs and space sys- a portion of the training program online tems, beginning in 1963 with the Titan III booster. He also served as president of at their home unit, thus reducing the Martin Marietta Space Group prior to its merger with Lockheed in 1995. total number of TDY days, Searcey A space background would definitely provide a solid base since the new said. undersecretary is destined to lead DOD space acquisition efforts as a result of the reorganization recommended by the Space Commission. Where Do Those Test Questions Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who chaired the space commission prior to being nominated for his post as head of DOD, named the Air Force as executive Originate? agent for space in May last year. The origin of promotion test ques- The new Air Force undersecretary would also serve as the director of the tions has puzzled many enlisted mem- National Reconnaissance Office. bers of the Air Force. The answer When asked at his confirmation hearing in November what he considered were basically, according to USAF officials, the most serious problems for the USAF undersecretary, he replied: “[They] is that they come from individuals include developing an integrated vision and plan for national security space, just like themselves. cultural integration of organizational elements, and span of control.” Each year, subject matter experts from throughout the Air Force gather to revise some 320 tests, said Monty to one. Nonetheless, that didn’t nec- “The ability to take effective, interac- Stanley, chief of the Air Force Occu- essarily make it easier to pull off. tive training to the learner, anytime, pational Measurement Squadron test “We tabled the original plan and anywhere, is a powerful means of development flight at Randolph AFB, started from scratch about a month preparing today’s airmen for tomor- Tex. Those tests include the spe- ago,” said planner Maj. Anton Komatz. row’s challenges.” cialty knowledge tests for each Air “We compressed an eight-month proj- ADL is a DODÐsponsored initia- Force career field, the promotion fit- ect into about three weeks. Fifth Air tive to explore and use advanced ness exam, and the supervisory exam. Force and all the units involved dem- technologies and the Internet to en- Last year Noncommissioned Offi- onstrated a great deal of flexibility to hance traditional instruction methods. cers in the supply career field got a get this exercise off the ground.” One big advantage is the potential hands-on look at the promotion ques- At the height of the exercise, more to reduce the length of Temporary tion process. than 24 aircraft battled for air su- Duty stays at in-residence courses, They were TSgt. Adam Billingsley, premacy. Typical scenarios were set even eliminating the need to travel in Scott AFB, Ill., MSgt. Terry Karshis, up to test a fighter pilot’s ability to some cases. Lackland AFB, Tex., TSgt. David defend territory from intrusion. The Currently, technical training crafts- Martin, Dyess AFB, Tex., and MSgt. first day included two-ship flights de- man courses dominate the e-training Carlton Moore, Gunter Annex at Max- fending territory under peacetime rules site, but that is slated to change, said well AFB, Ala. of engagement. As the scenario un- Dave Searcey from the ADL branch. “I’ll never look at a test the same folded, the missions involved more “Prototype ADL lessons for F-15 way again because of the process aircraft, flying under wartime rules. and F-16 aircrew training are being we’ve gone through here,” Martin said. Both American and Japanese fighter developed this year, with other weap- “It was an eye-opening experience.” aircraft acted as either attackers or ons systems under review,” he said. “I thought we would sit down and defenders, rotating the role. The ob- “The potential for the Air Force, not brainstorm a little bit and that would jective was to develop proficiency in just AETC, is huge.” pretty much be it,” Billingsley said. “I the defensive counterair role. Graduate training programs could was surprised by the amount of work The exercise also proved that inter- also benefit from ADL. Many of these that goes into producing a test.” operability works well in Japan. “In programs, such as aircraft com- It is a process that ensures the best some cases, Japanese weapons di- rectors provided advisory control to assist US fighters, and in other cases US weapons directors controlled or advised the Japanese fighters,” said Senior Staff Changes Col. Don Weckhorst, exercise direc- tor. RETIREMENTS: AFRC Maj. Gen. David R. Smith, Brig. Gen. William M. Wilson Jr.

Online Training Gains Momentum CHANGES: Brig. Gen. (sel.) David A. Brubaker, from Cmdr., ANG, AF Reserve Test Air Education and Training Com- Ctr., Tucson, Ariz., to Dep. Dir., ANG, Arlington, Va. ... Maj. Gen. David A. Deptula, from mand officials recently increased the Dir., AF Quadrennial Defense Review, Pentagon, to Dir., P&P, ACC, Langley AFB, Va. number of 7-level craftsman courses ... Brig. Gen. (sel.) Jan D. Eakle, from Cmdr., 377th ABW, AFMC, Kirtland AFB, N.M., on the command’s e-training Web to Vice Cmdr., Ogden ALC, AFMC, Hill AFB, Utah ... Maj. Gen. Thomas J. Fiscus, from site. The site now includes links to Dep. JAG, USAF, Pentagon, to JAG, USAF, Pentagon ... Brig. Gen. (sel.) Stephen M. more than 1,000 courses. Goldfein, from Cmdr., 1st FW, ACC, Langley AFB, Va., to Dep. Dir., Jt. Warfighting “AETC’s Advanced Distributed Capability Assessments, Jt. Staff, Pentagon ... Brig. Gen. Jack L. Rives, from Staff Judge Advocate, ACC, Langley AFB, Va., to Dep. JAG, USAF, Pentagon ... Brig. Gen. Learning program is growing at a George P. Taylor Jr., from Cmd. Surgeon, ACC, Langley AFB, Va., to Asst. Surgeon phenomenal rate,” said MSgt. Brian Gen., Medical Readiness, Science & Tech., Office of the Surgeon Gen., Bolling AFB, Burton of the command’s ADL branch. D.C. ■

20 AIR FORCE Magazine / January 2002 people move through the enlisted ranks in the Air Force, according to Lt. Col. Gene Henry, AFOMS commander. “The system is always fresh, as tests are revised annually,” he said. AFOMS, created in 1970, collects information from the field, based on job surveys and task analysis reports that reflect the work each career field performs. It then solicits the help of Senior Noncommissioned Officers and SNCOÐselects from the field who use the survey information and study references to develop each test. Once the subject matter expert team drafts questions, the team’s test psychologist, a quality control psy- chologist, and a test management psychologist review the new ques- tions, plus any carried over from the previous bank of test questions be- fore the items are accepted. Every- The Galaxy also has the capability Air Force officials have deter- one must agree to give a question the to use next generation weather radar mined that fasteners that came loose green light. information, a benefit in providing real- in the engine of an F-16D led to its The process for the subject matter time adverse weather advisories to crash July 23 about 57 miles south- experts takes 32 days. pilots, Czap said. west of Luke AFB, Ariz. Damage “Having taken the test a few times, caused by two inner air-seal retain- I came away telling myself I had no DOD Launches Teleworking ing fasteners progressed to the drive- idea where ‘they’ came up with this The Department of Defense joined shaft and resulted in a titanium fire, question or that question,” Billingsley much of the private sector last fall at which point, the engine seized. said. “Now, I guess we’ll be looked at when it announced its telework, or The pilot ejected safely. that same way, but I can honestly say telecommuting, policy. It will allow Three USAF Test Pilot School they’re all valid questions.” employees to work from an approved graduates were inducted into the US alternative worksite, which may be a Astronaut Hall of Fame Nov. 10. They Vandenburg First To Get Off-the- home office or telecenter. were retired Navy Capt. Robert L. Shelf Radar Congress passed a law in 2000 Crippen, retired ANG Maj. Gen. Joe The 30th Communications Squad- stipulating that all federal agencies H. Engle, and retired Vice Adm. Rich- ron and 30th Operations Support allow 25 percent of eligible employ- ard H. Truly. A fourth inductee, re- Squadron put the only military-main- ees to telecommute by the end of tired Navy Capt. Frederick H. Hauck, tained off-the-shelf air traffic radar 2001. There’s an additional goal of was a graduate of the US Naval Test system—the Galaxy 2000 Tower Dis- increasing that percentage by 25 Pilot School. play—online at Vandenberg AFB, percent in each of the next three MaryBeth Bash, wife of Col. Calif., last fall. fiscal years. Brooks Bash from Andrews AFB, Md., The two 30th Space Wing units The policy promotes regular tele- was named the National Volunteer expect the new radar to save the work at least one day every two weeks Coach of the Year by the National base more than $300,000 in man- for eligible DOD employees, although Alliance For Youth Sports. She was power and repair costs each year. it also provides for ad hoc telework selected from about 150,000 volun- One big improvement over the old on an occasional basis. Federal guide- teer coaches nationwide. GPN-12 radar system is that main- lines allow for agencies to provide The US Air Force Academy re- tainers can monitor, troubleshoot, and teleworking employees with comput- tained the Commander in Chief Tro- train from a remote site without caus- ers and other equipment to carry out phy by defeating Army 34Ð24 in their ing downtime on the primary Galaxy their required tasks, including tech- Nov. 3 football game. system, said MSgt. Richard ChavezÐ nical support from the agency. Three child-care providers at Hatton, 30th CS NCO in charge of Officials stated that teleworking is USAF facilities were named top pro- ground radar systems. not limited to civilian employees. DOD viders in the nation by the National For operators of the new radar— is working on a directive to provide Association for the Education of air traffic controllers—the new sys- guidance for telework programs for Young Children on Nov. 1. They tem has pluses as well. all DOD personnel—including active were Andrea Crandall, RAF Crough- “We now have a flat-screen color duty and reservists. ton, UK, Jackie Engram, Robins monitor that can receive multiple ra- The current policy and guide are AFB, Ga., and Wanchalee Putnam, dar feeds at one time,” said MSgt. available on the Web through the USAFA, Colo. Richard Czap, 30th OSS chief con- Interagency Telework/Telecommuting USAF selected 635 out of 2,879 troller. The older GPN-12 used one Site at individuals eligible for promotion to radar and one display. chief master sergeant—a selection rate With the new system, operators News Notes of more than 22 percent, which was use multiple feeds to get information Three Texas AETC bases—Lack- an eight point increase from the previ- from separate radar sites along the land, Laughlin, and Randolph—were ous year and the highest rate of chief central coast that enable them to cover placed on the Central Texas Recy- master sergeant selects since 1986. an area up to 920 miles, compared to cling Association’s top 10 list of best Fifteen service members and about 70 miles for the older system. recycling programs for Fiscal 2001. military spouses stationed in the US

AIR FORCE Magazine / January 2002 21 and were named winners of the National Military Family Asso- Academy Honors Risner ciation’s 2001 Very Important Patriot Program, which recognizes excep- On Nov. 16, the US Air Force Academy paid tribute to retired Brig. Gen. tional volunteer service to the mili- Robinson Risner, a man who flew in three wars and managed to survive more than tary and neighboring communities. seven years as a , by placing a permanent statue of him in the Air The three USAF winners with first- Garden. place honors were TSgt. William He is most known as a hero for his leadership and courage over the long years Harrington, Hickam AFB, Hawaii; Kitty as a prisoner during the Vietnam War. Risner was also a jet ace in Korea with eight King, Maxwell AFB, Ala.; and TSgt. confirmed victories. At the ceremony unveiling the nine-foot statue, Risner said, “I’m a bit embar- Brian Williams, Altus AFB, Okla. Other rassed to have been chosen for the statue here that represents all POWs. It still USAF winners were Capt. Orlando J. leaves me in awe.” Dona, Eielson AFB, Alaska; AFRC Maj. George Friedman, Travis AFB, Calif.; Capt. Jason Haynes of RAF Mildenhall, UK; Doris Lankford, Hollo- tem is destined for 20 USAF C-130 lift Group has not had a mishap in its man AFB, N.M.; and SSgt. Brian and C-17 aircraft. 12-year history. Stolpe, Bad Aibling Station, Germany. The 730th Air Mobility Squadron, The Air Force Research Labora- USAF winners of the 2001 Secre- Yokota AB, Japan, reached a fourth tory in Rome, N.Y., awarded a $49 tary of Defense Maintenance Awards, consecutive year without any on- or million contract to Northrop Grumman recognizing annually the most sig- off-duty reportable mishaps. Last year to provide technical support for a mes- nificant weapon system and equip- the unit handled 7,000 aircraft and saging system—Communications Sup- ment maintenance achievements processed more than 37,000 tons of port Processor for the Millennium— within DOD, were the 62nd and 446th cargo and 90,000 passengers. used by the Intelligence Community. Aircraft Generation Squadrons, Mc- The Range Management Office On Nov. 8 the Senate approved Chord AFB, Wash., in the medium at Nellis AFB, Nev., became the 98th Marvin Sambur as assistant secre- category, and 20th Fighter Wing, Range Wing on Nov. 5. The first com- tary of the Air Force for acquisition Shaw AFB, S.C., large category. mander is Col. Wilhelm Percival. The and Mary Walker as Air Force gen- Edwards AFB, Calif., has a new new wing manages the 2.9-million- eral counsel. test capability, the Air Traffic Control acre Nevada Test and Training Range Kaiser Electronics, acquired by Communications Test facility and and the Leach Lake Tactics Range Rockwell Collins last year, delivered Avionics System Test. The system near Barstow, Calif. its first head up display camera for evaluates military aircraft use of Glob- Goodrich announced in Novem- the F-15E to Warner Robins Air Lo- al Air Traffic Management data links. ber that it will supply the landing gear gistics Center in Georgia in early Officials said the system will be fully and lead the landing system integra- November. The company will pro- operational in December 2002, when tion effort for the Joint Strike Fighter duce 163 of the new cameras, which it can be used to send corrupt data in and estimates the value of this effort replace the monochrome camera simulated information warfare attacks at nearly $5 billion. currently used. on the KC-135 avionics suite. USAF awarded a $2.7 billion sys- Two USAF members were se- USAF has hired Chauncey Group tem development and demonstration lected for the US National Skeleton Intl. to evaluate the enlisted testing contract for the Extremely High Fre- Team. Maj. Brady Canfield, Hill AFB, program, used as part of the Weighted quency satellite program to a Lock- Utah, finished third overall and SrA. Airman Promotion System, for qual- heed MartinÐTRW team. The EHF is Trevor Christie, Utah ANG, finished ity and fairness. The completed re- the follow-on to the Milstar communi- sixth. The skeleton, a headfirst ver- view is due in late fall 2002. cations satellite. sion of luge, will be a sport in the Air Force Materiel Command se- Air Mobility Command honored Winter Olympics. lected Northrop Grumman to develop three Andrews AFB, Md., units for The board of supervisors for and produce the laser-based Large flying safety milestones. The 1st Air- Spaceport Florida Authority, located Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures lift Squadron has not had a Class A at Cape Canaveral AFS, Fla., voted system designed to protect large mili- mishap in more than 10 years. The to change the name to Florida Space tary aircraft from sophisticated heat- 99th AS has never had a mishap in its Authority. seeking missiles. The LAIRCM sys- 14-year history. The Presidential Air- The National Aeronautic Asso- ciation awarded the 2000 Collier Trophy to the Global Hawk team— Northrop Grumman, Rolls Royce, Index to Advertisers Raytheon, L-3 Communications, USAF, and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency—for “designing, Air Force Reserve Command ...... Cover III building, testing, and operating Global AT&T ...... 7 Hawk, the first fully autonomous, Boeing ...... 40Ð41, Cover IV operationally demonstrated, and most Lockheed Martin ...... Cover II capable surveillance and reconnais- MartinÐBaker ...... 23 sance Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in Motion Models...... 21 the world.” Pratt &Whitney ...... 15 The first class of student pilots to TEAC ...... 3 train exclusively in the new T-6A USA Network...... 49 Texan II began training at Moody Air Warfare SymposiumÐOrlando ...... 67 AFB, Ga., in midÐNovember. The AFA Membership ...... 55 T-6A replaces USAF’s T-37 and the New at AFA ...... 79 Navy’s T-34C. ■

22 AIR FORCE Magazine / January 2002