We Need Communist Teachers, TASC Speaker Tells Audience Spartana Rights may Ry PAT ANGLE an effort, by its proponents to val- he-ad high. Our Bill of "If they are academically quali- idate it in teims of American his- , today be honored more in breach fied, yes. As a matter of fact we I torical background. than in the observance. Not so in .41111m- need them." In this way William "Above all else," Mandell stated, ' England. Vol. 50 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1963 No. 128 Mandel, author, broadcaster and "we need them 1,, restore our im- "By having revolutionary Marx- Russian scholar, answered the- age in the world as a citadel ists and Communists in her univer- question of whether or not mem- freeden I." sity facilities - a very few, but Convocation bers of the Communist party INTELLECTIl AL ISOLATION' scene - she is compelled to sharp- ROTC Cadets Showered With Honors should be allowed to teach in Mandel went on to ques t :en en tier wits against them. American universities. whether a country which desires 1 "One very serious consequence To Honor Mandel, who addressed a quiet, peace can exist in intellectual iso- , of this free marketplace of ideas President's Review respectful capacity audience yes- lationism. "Can we make policy is that, by everyone's admission, At terday in T1155, continued: "We Ceremonies M. correctly if do not understand including the Soviet Union's, Army ROTC The annual Presi- of the staff of the Military Science Counterguerrilla Beret for superior don't need them to lead us or guide our protagonist? Is it possible to British policy has proved the most ilent's Review yesterday honored Department. performance in counterinsurgency. 284 Students us, but for other reasons." undeistand what our world protag- flexible and workable of all the For demonstrating to the "We need them to compel us to tos ysear's cadet for their out- high- Capt. Paul E. Lasker, assistant Internationally-known biologist onto thinks solely through inter- countzies of the West." est degree those qualities of co- live up to our professed standauts pretations or selections of quota- asnding leadership in the corps. professor and faculty adviser to Rene Jules Dubos will give the "Another consequence of that operation, patriotism, personality, of civil liberties, to introduce some began with the Asso- the counterguerrilla unit, said, convocation address tomorrow at ' free academic dialogue," Mandel Awards and promptness, Cadet Gabriel real controversy into the sham bat- -This awards ceremony was the the second annual Honors Con- continued, "is that far more Eng- ciation of the United States Army Vega III was awarded the Daugh- tles of our social sciences, and corn- culmination of a semester's hard vocation to be held at 11 a.m. in lish professors have left the Com- to Cadet Michael Maehler, ters of the American Revolution pen creative thinking instead of Medal work in counterguerrilla training." the Men's Gymnasium. ' rrunist party of that country since Medal. the repetition of old formulas. junior, for being in the top 10 He has big plans for the next The convocation will honor 284 1939 than have joined it." The Superior Cadet Ribbon per cent in ROTC grades and the school year and hopes to expand students for their outstanding 'S'OMMILNISTS NE('ESSARS' Awards went to Cadets James 'PEACE NOT ABSTRACTION' cent in his programs greatly. scholastic achievements during the According to Mandel. Commun- tap 25 per general aca- Grassi, Roger Kokores, Louie An- "Peace is not an abstraction. The United States Armor Asso- past two semesters. ists are necessary in our universi- demic grades. derson and John MacDonald, for Mandel concluded. "Peace is peace ciation ROTC Award was given to Twenty-eight students who made ties to enable us to "picture our- Reserve Officers' attaining prominence as outstand- with the Soviet Union, just as war The Associa- Cadet -Major Albert Carlson, who perfect 4.0 grade point averages selves what all agree is the most Medal was awarded ing cadets from each class. This is war with the Soviet Union." tion to Cadet took over Wayne Rush's battalion will be designated as President's dynamic of social movements to- sore Somers for demonstrating award was presented by Emery "Peace with the Soviet Union because he was sick, Scholars and 256 students with day; to picture it not In transla- leadership Cooke, assistant to the president, means that we must know them. outstanding and mili- 3.5 grade point averages will be tions, however accurate, but in attributes in the who took Pres. John T. Wahl- and they us. It means we must un- tary course of honored as Dean's Scholars. American language, phrased in an quist's place at the ceremony. derstand their ideology and they ss participation in the ROTC pm- American pattern of thinking, with gram. Donald MacRae, assistant For accomplishing outstanding Teacher Pre-Reg DR. DUBOS our ideologies. When the effort for prefessor of business, presented the merits in student government, Dr. Dubos, microbiologist who !peace has won -as win it must as ant Cadets William Holley, Bruce Mac- All prespecese student teach- first demonstrated the feasibility /he effort for civil liberties and Foss Chicago Tribune Medals Donald, and Terry Tevis reoesed er. in the Elementary Education of obtaining germ-fighting drugs Quality Seat Belts ,,,,idemie freedom will have won were awarded to Edward Xavier, the Student Government Ribbon. Department fur the fall semes- from microbes, will speak on "Sci- :is well. For each feeds the other." ter should complete a pre-regSs- ence and the Human Adventure." freshman; Ronald Lowe, sopho- CADET SPORTSMEN Sell at Low Cost more: Michael Keogh, junior; and tration blank In Education 305. Dubos, a professor of The Rocke- A Competitive Sports Ribbon WILLIAM MANDEL Prof To Discuss Wayne Rush, senior, for each at- feller Institute, is also a well went to those cadets who are mem- . . . "let Communists teach- taining the highest academic av- known author and lecturer. Hon- Till Friday Deadline bers of the San Jose State varsity orary degrees have been conferred erage in his military science class. This is the last week students tions by persons fundamentally in 'Capitalist' Books teams--Richard Chew, Dennis Peace Corps Test upon him by the Universities of may obtain special priced seat belts disagreement with him?" ZANE MEDAL WINNER Coupe, Theodore Davis, Jay Dore, Rochester, Harvard, Rutgers, Paris, in the SJS safety campaign. Relating some history of the Cadet Buddington Jones was Robert Harkins, Charles John- Dublin, Liege and the New School At Last Book Talk stone, Chester Keeler, Jr., Michael The Spartan Bookstore has the Commun is t movement in the awarded the Zane Medal as the Set for June 8 for Social Research. t.ilk the se- special 100 per cent nylon belts for United States, the speaker told The last hook MSIII student who demonstrated Nordvick, Michael Pasco, Carlos The convocation ceremonies will June 8 is the date for a coming $6.19. They are the very best belts how during the Great Depressionl mester will be held this after- outstanding leadership in the Perez, John Phillips, Laurence begin with the processional "March Peace Corps test to be given in the available and usually sell for from Communists fought hard and well noon at 12:30 by Robert Edmonds, ROT(' program during the year. Snickles, Eugene Senter, Louis from Athena" played by the SJS main branch of the San Jose Post $10 to $12. They are equipped with for unemployment insurance, for Presenting the award was Lt. Tully, and Daniel Washabaugh. Symphony Orchestra. assistant professor of economics. Office at 8:30 a.m. quick release buckles and are en- organization of the workers into Col. Charles E. Lynch (Reg.) rep- For their demonstrated physical Following presentation of the Edmonds will discuss "The Capital- Don Ryan, assistant to the dean dorsed by the California Highway labor unions, for equality for Ne- resenting the Veterans of Foreign proficiency and mastery of coun- honor students by Dr. Gene A. ist Manifesto" and "The New Cap- of students, announced that aill Patrol and the National Safety groes, and for a foreign policy of, Wars Post 344 of San Jose. Lt. terinsurgency subjects, the follow- Waller. professor of psychology students who plan to take the Council. collective security that "might well italists" in moms A and B of the Cot. Lynch is also the father of ing cadets earned the counter- and a commendation to them by test should have submitted ques- In addition to the special price have prevented the Second World cafeteria Sgt. David H. Lynch, a member guerrilla patchLouie Anderson, Pres. John T. Wahlquist, the a tionnaires or should have a com- offered to SJS students, they can War." Rodney Gabrielson, David Lem- cappella choir will present "Sal- The two books, written jointly pleted one with them at the time have the belts installed Thursday Explaining the lack of restric- mon, Ronald Lowe, Donald Merkel, vation Is Created." by Louis 0. Kelso and Mortimer of testing. and Friday from 9 am. to 4 p.m tions on the Party in England. Henry Mora, Gary Sumner, and Dr. Dubos will then give the J. Adler, deal with capitalism. Health Service at the corner of San Carlos and Mandel claimed that "England has Daniel Washabaugh. Also, David Ryan stated that students who Convocation address, to be fol- "The New Capitalists," published in Eighth Streets. Volunteer indus- been the gainer by its policy of un- Reizes, an AFROTC cadet, received are unable to be in San Jose for lowed by a second a cappella se- , 1961, is an elaboration if the first Final Shots Friday trial arts students will do the in- restricted freedom." a patch for counterguerrilla ex- testing should be reminded that lection, "Laudate Dorriinum." The hook, according to Professor Ed- stalling for $1.50 per set. The in- RILL OF RIGHTS The Student Health Service will cellence. there are other testing sites in ce ony concludes with the re- monds. Therefore, he plans to stallation itself only takes approxi- "As far as her internal structure spend be giving the final shots of the BERET WINNERS California. Information about the cessional "March from Tann- most of his discussion on mately 20 minutes. is concerned, she may hold her The Capi, oring semester Friday in the Louie Anderson, Ronald Lowe, Peace Corps testing sites can be homer." Manifesto," pub- and Daniel Washa- obtained in the Dean of Students oies1 in I'''." Health Building between 1 and Henry Mora, CHANCE TO MEET baugh received the Distinguished Office, Adm269. 4 p tn. Following the program there will Immunizations to be offered are be an opportunity for faculty Academic Council Constitution tetanus, diptheria-tetanus, typhoid- members, parents and students to Radio Commentator earatyphoid, influenza and both Last Council Meeting meet in the area between the Silk and types I and II polio Sabin Science Building and the library. Set for Faculty Vote Friday oral vaccine. Later in the afternoon Phi Kappa To Address 'Rifles' Faculty, part-time students and Should the newly-created Aca- Pres. John T. Wahlquist and Chan- Phi, honorary scholastic society, .; in v.eil known employees must pay 50 cents for For Semester Today will hold initiation ceremonies in demic Council include school ad- sellor of the state colleges, Glenn commentator on radio sta- influenza and polio shots payable minstrative officials? S. Dumke, to the faculty Friday Music Hall for 150 prospective , ion h:ABL. will talk on American the Student Affairs Business Chairman Bob Pisano raps the gavel to symbolize the Some faculty members think The faculty must turn in their 1 at Whets members. Iforeign policy with regard to re- Office, Si, Dailey I opening of today's Student Council meeting, he will he doing it not, and regard the proposed con-1 ballots to Alden Smith, associate behind Morris Phi Kappa Phi Scholar of the cent world crises at this evening's Audmtimrfam, time this eemester. to be voted on Friday, as professor of speech and drama. for the last year. philosophy professor Dr. Ed- stitution, , pledge initiation dinner at the Stadents have' group calls a special meeting. today's 3:30 p.ns. unsatisfactory "because it does not David P. Edgell. associate pro- under 21 must Unless the ward H. Madden, will address the Garden City Horbrau, for Pershing signed Student Council meeting of the year. for faculty autonomy." fessor of English, told Spartan parental consent slips, session marks the last organization's banquet that eve- provide I Rifles, Army ROTC honorary fra- asansble he the discussion of a proposed hy- Council Constitu- Daily yesterday. "This is nothing at 1111105, 106 and at Main business item will ning at 6 in the Spartan Cafeteria. The Academic ternity. I5120)1. to set up four class governments to Committee submitted a pro- personal, but we would like an law introduced last week Ile will discuss "A Puzzle of Sci- tion The following pledges will be . replace the organizations that were constitution, approved by au t noomous faculty council." entific Inference." posed , initiated at the dinner: Gary Sum- s abolished in February. The concerned faculty members ner, Tom Keller, Loran Lyall, object to Article II Section I, According to the proposal, the 'Mario Ernani, Henry Flemate Jr., which states "Ths academic troun- put pose of these governments shall Jerry Franks, Art Huckabay, Al- "allow an inlet for interested stu- ce shall be the official representa- Schedule lan Karimoto, William Finals Kay and dents to voice their opinions and World Wire tive body of the faculty. It shall TIME OF David Strickland. The top pledge consist of the president of the col- EXAMINATION CLASSES enable the ASB government to re- RUSSIAN SETTLER VOTED PRESIDENT OF ISRAEL will be given a certificate indi- leges the vice president, the dean ceive more direction from the elec- JERUSALEM, Israel (UPI). Russian-born Zalman Shazar, 73. - eating his stature in the pledge W, I (May 29) 7:30' 9:50 a.m. No finalsfree period ,if the college, the dean of the stu- torate." one of Israel's pioneering settlers, was elected the nation's third class. 10:00 12:20 am. No finalsfree period dents, deans of the divisions of the. The proposal suggests that each president yesterday. Cadet Capt. Gabriel Vega will 1O0- 3:20 p.m. All English A and IA classes of a possible 107 votes on the first ballot in college, the business manager and class president have a seat on Stu- Shazar won 67 out receive the Public Relations Gold 3:30 5:50 p.m. 4:30 Group II classes parliament to win election as successor to the late elected representatives of the lac- dent Council and serve as the the Knesset Achievement Award for his dis- 7:00. 9:20 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Thurs. classes month. Dr. Chaim Zeizmann was tiltss" communicative link between Coun- Izhak Ben-Zvi, who died last tinguished work by Company Com- president. "The inclusion of administrative May 31) 7:30' 9:30 a.m. 8:30 Group II classes cil and the voting members of his Isreal's first mander Robert Egelston fa- personnel as automatic metnhers of am, 8:30 Group I classes Shazar, a noted scholar and writer, had been the odds-on 0:00- 12:20 clam. the council seems to us to defea, 1:00 3:20 p.m. 1:30 Group I classes vorite to win. ASB Treasurer Al Henninger Perez Bernstein, received 33 votes. its purpose," said Edgell. 3:30. 5:50 p.m. 1:30 Group II classes An opposition candidate, will present seven fund allocation ballots were blank. Dr. Bert M. Morris, head of the 7:00. 9:20 p.m. 4:30 Group I classes Seven requests. TURKISH GOVERNMENT CRUSHES SEVEN-HOUR REVOLT Chemistry Department, and ;1 MOn June 3) 7:30. 9:50 a. m. 9:30 Group II classes Recommendations to curb what- ANKARA, Turkey IUPDForces loyal to President Cemal member of the Academic Council CAL a.m. 9:30 Group I classes yesterday crushed a military revolt in Turkey's two main cities Constitutinn Committee, said "the 10:00' 12:20 ever bias may exist in ASH inter- Gursel :00. 3:20 p.m. 12:30 Group II classes which left at least seven dead and 28 wounded. definition of faculty includes dears- because of living group affili- 3:30. 5:50 p.m. 12:30 Group I classes views Gursel told the nation that the seven-hour revolt "by a few ad- and presidents." 7:00- 9:20 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Mon. classes ations will be presented in a spe- venturers" was defeated early yesterday morning, but it was noon "An outline specified by the BOOK cial report from the College Life before government troops rounded tip the last of the rebels, including Board of Trustees of the state co.. Tuet 10:30 Group I classes June 4) 7:30' 9:50 a, m. their leader, former Army Col, Talat Aydemir. leges, says that the Modems offers 10:30 Group II classes Committee. 10:00 12:20 The government later declared martial law in Istanbul. Ankara Council must include the pi esidest, 3:30 Group I classes Past Chief Justice Jeff Davis I :00 - 3:20 and Izmir for a period of one month. of the college and. at least foul Group II classes the Ju- 3:30. 5:50 p.m. 3:30 will present a report on Military cadets who rallied to Aydemir's side sought refuge in deans," he continued. 7:00 p.m. Tues. classes 7:00' 9:20 13-m diciary. buildings after being beaten back. "We have no choice," Morro smoke added. (June 5) 7:30 450 11:30 Group II classes But the government forced them In surrender by dropping "Faculty under the Board's def- 50% 10:00- 12:20 a. m. 11:30 Group I classes bombs in the area. One bomb set fire to a house. Machine guns also Resident Status inition, includes academic and aca- I :00. 3:20 2:30 Group II classes were used in the operation. classes Fighting took place around Ankara's radio station, the Defense demie-administrative, so that is the off 3:30 5:50 p.m. 2:30 Group I Wed. classes Check Possible Ministry, and the Presidential Palace. reason that the administration will 7:00. 9:20 15-m 7:00 p.m. Although there are a number of U.S. military units in Turkey, be a part of the Academic Council." New Students who were classified as Book Price (June 6) 7:30- 9:50 a. m. 7:30 Group I classes there were no reports of incidents involving U.S. servicemen. 10:00. 12:20 7:30 Group 11 classes nonresident or out of state students U.S. TO SEARCH CUBAN AIRLINERS exams Plus 1:00 3:20 p.m. Special & makeup for this semester and who now WASHINGTON (UPI) The Federal Aviation Agency has tooted Lassen Park Trip makeup exams 3:30. 5:50 p.m. Special & believe that they are qualified as land -and -be-searched orders to nonsked Cuban airliners flying over p.m. Special & makeup exams 7:00. 9:20 residents of California may request the United States. Under the FAA regulation, It-stied Monday, Cuban nc,nsked planes Meeting Tonight 10% EXTRA Group I classes meet daily, MWF, MTW, MWTh, MW, MF, reclassification of the status for WF, F. planning to cross U.S. territory en route to another destination must All etietents Memel Into the M, W, in the Admis- the fall semester land and he checked by U.S. officials. student camping group for t he ON USED TEXTS Group II classes meet TTh, T, Th, TWTh MTTh, TThF, MTThF, sions Office at window 4. An FAA spokesman said Idlewild International Airport will he Lassen National Park session of TWThF. Nonresident I uition will be the primary search center. Logan Airfield at Boston and Dulles Field Studies In Natural Itiator,. 530 classes will have their finals at the last regular meeting of charged at the rate of $17 per International Airfield at Chantilly, Va., were designated as alternate sill meet tonight at 7:30 In 5142, Open Saturdays Hie classes. unit, to a maximum of $250 per search points. wording to Dr. Tom Harve, All classes beginning on the hour will be tested with the classes semester, beginning with the fall Cuban nonsked flights previously were required to file a flight field school director. (See Page 5) begonia() the half hour before. An example is an 8 a.m. class tested semester. plan when they entered U.S, airspace, but did not have to land. 41 1)0 a.m. iimiammomma pm'

2RFARTAN DAILY Wednesday, May 22. 19613 A Dangerous Man? Thrust and Parry forms of racial and reli- not even a quince. As in William Mandel is apparently a dangerous man, lie's a man covert many Birns Thinks Staff glousdiscriminationtaking other schools of comparable with ideas. Worse still, his ideas are not the ideas of the greet size. why shouldn't the editor and mass of people in our society. Therefore, he is someone to be Should Be Paid place). th). The newspaper features beau- senior staff be paid for feared. He must be silenced. To allow him to speak would mean Editor: their those who very ty queens and floats but hasn't work rather than having exposing our innocent and gullible college students to lies arid I am one of then Spartan Daily. gotten around to mention talents exploited? Remuneration distortions that they could not distinguish from the truth. much likes our quite great college news a bona fide effort by the will give them the option The -truth" is, howmer, that college students, with several While not a that of approaches "Campus Voice" is being made whether or not to take a years' exposure to ideas arid concepts quite different from those paper, it very often half newspaper. confront the college audience program in order that a we value today, can intelligently separate facts from fiction. The being a good college to really concern by with occasional examples of dis- first-rate newspaper job furor caused by Manders appearance at SJS yesterday, once again Having validated my could a confession of affection, I feel tinguished literature and com- be accomplished. If point credits up the question of who is to be allowed to speak OP college brings are to remain, surely more empowered to note the scent, ob- ment. than campuses. the newspaper three are called for Do ue have so little faith in our own' ideals that we are fear- serve the faint traces of b.o., and And does not why not responsibility to investi- five?). Perhaps points ful of comparing them with ideologies that differ? If this is the suggest how the Lifeboy be ap- have a should be ask certain questions of eliminated; in any event, case, then those ideals are meaningless and not worth defending. plied. gate and the election and that young journalist must Do we have so little trust and confidence in American youth that The Spartan Daily is of vast the recent ASS have as- allocation of stu- surance that faculty we are hesitant about allowing it to hear philosophies that are Importance to the campus; it organization's "judgmen(" in favor is not used as a punitive on other modes of thought and ways of viewing life? If we alone cuts through all schools, dent funds- grotesquely instru. based bands. ment. Responsible then the future of this country is indeed in a precarious position. departments, majors and classes. of athletics and marching journalism Is do. all too precious to our The question, then, of who should be allowed to speak on a It is a unifying agent in a local But more to the pointmnet society to leave it on such a college campus becomes an academic one. A college is. or should world of disruption. Important of the above is traceable to time! capricious basis. a stronghold of ideas. Not just "nice" or "agreeable- ideas. though it is, and indisputably The student staff of Spartan be. Lawrence R. but all ideas that men think. The object of an education is not deserving a larger allocation of Daily brultishly labors at the im- Bins Assistant Prof Poll. the mere memorization of dates and names, but acquisition of the ASS funds though it may be, it mensely difficult task of bring- Sri. that at times the ability to think. must be noted ing out a daily edition that some- (EDITOR'S NOTE: There hos It is the thinking person who has had the impact on history. Spartan clucks rather than sings. times reaches megalithic propor- never been time on Daily when Not only the thinking person. but the person who is not satisfied, %7'l Oftentimes, the editorial policy tions. For an average of 30 hours its advisers have attempted to in- . MAJta3 paper is weak; the fluence the treatment given to the person who sees the need for change about him. Through of the Paper weekly toil they receive 3 units particular story). change we have progress. e'VNAT DO you MEAN s NOT SO FAST'?" seems to shun the really major of credit, the right to fail all W'e wish to stress that we do not necessarily champion Man- issues on the campus-quality their other courses, and the po- ders ideas, but we do feel that it was a valuable experience in of academic instruction, the sin- tential for being penalized at Plaza that it highlighted both the weaknesses and strong points of our cerity of the commitment of the grade-time by faculty "judg- own current values. Silencing such persons as Mandel. however. social organizations to the cen- ment" (e.g., a dllterenoe of atti- Garden accomplishes nothing. and those who would do so show themselves S., Korean Leaders trality of academic learning dur- tude between teacher and staff Shop to be individuals with little grasp of reality and easily frightened ing their college days, the ugli- member on whether l'affaire As- by the bogeyman of originality --B. P. ness of the campus, the listless- semblyman Stanton was front- Flowers You'd Differ Over Aid ness of the administration to page news.) Love to Give academic standards, the near- Our newspaper needs help. It Bobby President? By PHIL NEWSON1 States had withheld an extra $25 scandalous proportions of the is patently absurd for the ASB CY 8-5976 Bakmas London Daily Express columnist UPI Foreign News Analyst million in aid which the Korean "approved housing" situation Information officer to be paid David English gives this report The United States, never fully government said it needed to pay (among many other factors, $75-a-week for six hours per day Flower of a conversation with Mrs. Lo Bue's Plaza enamored of South Korea's mili- for important purchases. of labor while brother Pacini is Eunice Shriver, sister of the Story and White Rd,. Shop tary regime, has for several Although Park reluctantly had doing that much overtime for President: weeks now been evidencing a "As for Bobby, I think it fallen into line, the extra aid Retreat Committee Flowers special displeasure with the gen- still was not forthcoming. and would be wonderful if he went erals in Seoul...... This week the reasons seemed Corsages to the White House . . . as A low in relations came on Chosen for '64; President .. .He's so dedicated. apparent. for all March 16, when the ruling mili- From Seoul, U.S. Ambassador He has no other interest than Occasions tary junta headed by Gen. Park Samuel D. Berger, who has been government. But 1968 is awfully Carmel Is Site CY 2-0462 i 0th & Santa Clara Chung Hee reimposed a ban on in almost daily consultation with (WE BUY premature." The 1964 Greek Retreat Com- sAck political activity and disclosed Park and other members of the mittee was announced yesterday plans to continue military rule junta, will travel to Washington by Dave Proven, Retreat di- for another four years. for "routine" conversations. Under U.S. pressure, this rector. Almost simultaneous with this Eat the Finest BB9 Foods scheme collapsed on April 6 when Members of the committee and news, came a blunt warning to CHICKEN SPARE RIBS STEAK DINNERS Park rescinded the political ban their positions are: Jeanne Koreans from US. aid director and agreed to fall elections for Longinotti, assistant director; Our Deluxe James S. Killen. restoration of a civilian gov- Sherry Saunders, discussion lead- In Seoul, the U.S. director said ernment. er co-ordinator; Barbara Ged- the Koreans were attempting to SPECIAL The agreement eased but did ney, secretary; Avon Amestoy, stir up an artificial economic every Thursday not remove the strain between secretary; Bob Porter, recrea- crisis only to extract more money Broiled steak sandwich on but- 100 the two governments. tion: Tom Morehouse, arrange- from the United States. Jim Niven, publicity. tered french roll Served with SOME AID WITHHELD ments; and french fries & salad. Coffee, "The prospect of additional "Although Greek Retreat As concrete evidence of its dis- Milk or Tea & Ice Cream or American support. .. is not ad- started many years ago, it was Sherbert. 295-9890 pleasure with Park, the United vanced by Unrestrained talk of not until two years ago that the OPEN MON. thru SAT. 11 AM. to 2 A.M. economic crisis which is not sup- retreat took on any real mean- ported by fact," he said. ing," declared Provan. Honorary Society HARSH TALK COMMON The goal of Greek Retreat is PAUL'S BAR-B-Q Taut nerves and harsh talk to gather together representa- (rest to Mcderne Drug) 40 E. SANTA CLARA Initiates 16 Coeds between the United States and tives from each fraternity and Sixteen women were initiated its Korean allies have been sorority and discuss the problems last night into Alpha Lambda fairly commonplace in the near- faced by the Greek System at Delta, honorary society for un- ly 10 years since the end of the San Jose State, the college com- dergraduate women, in a cere- Korean War, munity and the nation. "Greek Retreat can be the mony held in the Home Econ- The U.S. spends about $500 most valuable single activity ours- omics Building. million a year in Korea and ducted by Panhellenic and WC," THE STORE FOR MEN Presentation of certificates without it the Korean govern- AT HIGHEST POSSIBLE PRICES commented Dick Dodson, adviser were also made to four senior ment could not exist. Since the to the committee. women in recognition of their war, U.S. aid amounts to around Complete LEVI Line "This is the one time during outstanding scholarship achieve- $3 billion. Slim Fits Burmudas and Shorts ment-3.5 average over a four the year that the Greeks take SPARTAN BOOKSTORE Regardless of differences, the a real good look at themselves Californians All Colors year period. Delta Zeta sorority U.S. and South Korea are bound and their position," continued received a trophy award as the together. To abandon South Ko- Corduroys Many Other Styles Dodson. "You cannot progress 'Right on Campus' living center having the most rea not only would leave her without this type of evaluation." The Finest Selection in Sport Shirts new members. exposed to a powerful Com- The four honored seniors are munist enemy hut also would Name Brands Gail Granzow, Maydene Jenks, expose the flank of Japan. As Linda Sweaters Nelson and Sharon Rie- for Korean leaders, both military * Pendleton Shirts, Jackets, & mel. * Rough Rider Slax and Sportcoats and political, they know that New members of Alpha Lamb- without the U.S., they also have * JacketsBRAD WHITNEY ORIGINALS da Delta include Linda Baker, no future. Denese Bohemia, Diann Figone, * Suits, Slacks and Sportcoats : Barbara Gedney, Cheryl Huyser, Come in today for all your clothing needs Millie Lambert, Sherrill Lindsay, Perry Makes Merry In Martha Mitchell, Elaine Moulds, 'ANNIVERSARY WALTZ' Cheralyn Olivo, Carol Sawyers, Pappori's Susan Sagle, Sally Vaughn, Car- ON STAGE! IN PERSON! CY 2-4014 oline Williams, Judith Wiseman and Paula Knowlton Spattan

Entered as second claw matter April §e'SNO0 $147.1- 24. 1934, et San 'Jose, California, un- der the sct f March 3, 1879. Mem- ber California Newspapers Publishers Association. Published daily by Asso- TROPICAIRE ciated Students of San Jose Stabs Raffe&i College except Saturday and Sunday, DRIVE-IN TrIa-Vue Drlye-Ie during college year. Subscription ac- ''PARANOIAC" north screen cepted only on remainder-of-semes- This Luxurious Setting Is Typical Of The Three Types "BLOOD VAMPIRE" ter bosis. Full academic year, $9: each "HOMY" -GUNFIGHT rernerter $4.50. Off-campus price per AT O.K. CORRAL" copy, 10 cant CY 4-6414Editorial Of Accommodations Now Offered By "LAST TRAIN TO GUN HILL" Ext. 2313, 23114. 2385, 2386. Adver- tising Ext. 2081, 2082, 2083, 2084. RAYMOND BURR TOW N E Press of Globe Printing Co. Office BP/f KtipPo south screen hours 1:415-410 p.m., Monday through Wendy 1433 The Alameda Glen "TO KILL A MOCKING BIRD" Friday. "DAVID AND LISA" Editor BOB PACINI "40 POUNDS OP TROUBLE" Advertising Manager KENT VLAUTIN itifeks0Atd resident Students $1.00 hall for girls CIst131ed Ad Mgr. MIKE DANIELS 5155111 1150 Pc.,1,11,00, Day Editor KAI SIMMS Dormitory living for students of all classes. 5ARATOGA With meal service. Approved dormitory apartments with private cooking facilities. 14502 Ste Rasta Way Open to students of all classes. "THE TRIAL" 394 Sewn First garify Care Anthr,y Porkins Unapproved apartment; for upper division ,.ludenfs over 21 snd "GUNFIGHT At Low, Low Price.. All accommodations include swimming privileges. "CRY DOUBLE CROSS" AT O.K. CORRAL" 1==MIP work done by qualified REASONABLE RATES -- RESPRVATIONC NOW KING Burl Lancaster All TAKEN attU111111111 Kirk Douglas students under supervision Wriest 400 South First St "LAST TRAIN TO GUN HILL" Itsitter than a panty raid Wendy Anthony Quinn Glen "14FR BIKINI NEVER GOT WIT" SULLIVAN BEAUTY COLLEGE Kirk Douglas 525 So. 9th, San Jose, Calif., qr call and 116 West San Fernando St. CY 5-9516 CY 2-6711 "GIRLS AT MIA" -oinnta-Ar rffrprrtvF Wednestay May 22, 1963 SPARTAN DAILY-3 Experimental Play - 'Cathedral of Wax' Folk Festival

many Scheduled Friday le SUE', Friday at .L:40 in the Studio ind the Monterey Concert Impressions Theater an their experimental produc- their tion will be open to everyone on Saturday night in Monteres es:il like the rural Neel,' group sound was about the ',est ii s. a thing of beauty Tatish campus. was cold, but there was nothing bluss singer that he is. He sang thing all afternoon. He hegan with Jesse F., cold about the sad blues amt happy Francisco Bay Blue. on of The play, "Cathedral of Wax," shindig going on Saturday The Rum It un ners made a San a half out at the Monterey Fairgrounds. night jumps. He even sang "The brief appearance which was en- whieh seems to be a Vi ill only be done in part- "its a really Folk singers were everywhere, Night Time is the Right Time." joyed immensely by the Greeks with everyone. taut step toward my master's thesis could sitting in little groups on the country blues style. and collegiate-types in the crowd. singers seem In do Hi-. perform- credits in drama" explained playwright lawn under the lights. Picking Last came the Weavers. They We felt they were a fair imita- :URI' was made right diets but te than Ronald Magnuson. "It will be banjoes and guitars. Those who were polished and professional. tion of the Kingston Trier he did even better with a nisei - couldn't afford to get inside were hY net produced In its entirety next yet showed immense respect for Barbara Dane, who acted as nail?* story song with banjo suld sitting quietly, listening to the be year." he added. their songs. They topped off the mistress of ceremonies, cis., - which he calls ’Winnie the Pooh it, the very bluegrass). Greenbrier Boys, evening with many of their own played her usual spontaniety. Suite." It was a beautiful presen- is'e as. According to Magnuson "Ca- the very bluesy Mance Lipscomb, hits. including "Rock Is but for our money, she gave us with 4Ment" thedral of Wax" is a "non-real- the very polished WeRVPIN. Line," "Goodnight Irene." and, too much of Bess Hawes. Mrs. tation, and he followed it up istic, highly visual spectacle" Inside the open air arena, the of course, "So Long, It's Been Hawes is a very sweet person, a 12-string guitar rendition of him Know You." mate- is with bizarre costumes and set- only instruments were those of G0011 to They sang with a fine collection of "We Shall Overcome." fl M. to the performers everybody else an up-to-date version of "Birm- rial but for a concert of this helY ting. ricious had to check his at the door. ingham Jail." you can guess the sort she seemed to lack the The second act of the original This was to prevent spontaneous lyrics. drive to put herself over. play will be done on Friday, "Strum Along with the Weavers" This writer can't wait until Following her stint, the con- lel MAKING AN ASTOUNDING "and I'm anxious to get audi- difficulties. next year. ft. T. K. cert seemed In, lose some Of its statement that stuns It hat his comic ence reaction as this is the crit- NO DULL MOMENTS * * * neatness. There was nothing you C when lead is Arthur Conn as Harle- could put ser finger on: it just ical act and has the most effect Ni .r mm 'in' there lull moments Saturday's skies were leaden to r. quin, a disguised valet. Sandra seemed to lose something on the audience. It moves the in the arena. Rob Dylan sang and overcast. the thousands to a Emery Wood, as the disguised but and talked some of the funniest of folk fans who estriserged on VERSATILE NEVI,COMER, handmaid. Lisette, seems to most and contains the frame- songs ever written. Although city the Mon t e re y County Fair- What put it back on its feet take it in her stride as The work of the entire story," stated born. Dylan drawled with fervor, grounds only had eyes 'and eats) was a slim, intense looking young Game of Love and Chance" Magnuson who is also director, in between harmonica and guitar for music, so the crowd's man who we think will go far. starts its second meek tonight the costume and set designer. choruses. collective enthusiasm went large- His name is Mike Cooney, and he at 8:15. Tickets for tonight and Magnuson is working with Dr. Rita Weill sang ly undimmed. has been playing at the Brass Thursday, Friday and Saturday unaecemPanieT Harold C. Crain. head, Speech ballads. Her pure soprano voice Knocker in Los Gatos. As a win- are selling at the college theater Just about everyiss who was and Drama Department, on his contrasted mightily with some of ner in the Friday night hoot, he boo office for 50 cents. anybody was at the concert. The Master's thesis project. the rather bawdy lyrics Most milling of the crowd concealed was asked to do a short set, and were (nen Elizabethan England, most fares, hut we did see quite which goes to show that things a few SJS students, and talked haven't really changed. with Gert Chiarito, hostess on Remember The Ramblers To Give Foothill Concert 1 I Bessie Jones and the Georgia Special" KPFA's "Midnight To Remember a Sea Island Singers sang spirit- news For Elementary School Statue Benefit uals, street songs, work songs. 111.1TfIR,ASS You The tide is in, and the The County Boss, trims: the the and blues. This old time gospel is out.' With the sun and ('olonels, the just arriving, The New host City Ramblers, Tickets ..lable at the group sang in the traditional Kentucky led off .51.4 on season show with a rollicking blue- dur bluegrass folk singers, will be House of It." "ii . rinird and San manner associated with the old $3.75 we're got an array of Have too much giving a concert at Foothill Col- Fernando Streets, for $2, $2.50 south. Their handclapping, shout- grriss set. We were impressed siii ar test swimsuits and lege Theater a week from today. and $3. %kith the facilits. of their dobro- sportsuear hr AILEEN thia, ing spirituals were sung with .Sherl//11)00, .11.1 arkil Cut junk to take The concert, beginning at 8:15 warmth and feeling. play init. spokesman 'though we erre- flattered a figure. Come p.m.. is to aid the Gardner Bunts missed his name) and in sym- uas while ,wierliun in big.eest. The Greenbrier Boys we re It',' springtime. Join in Elementary Schierl of Los Altos pathy with the banjo man "who ht's). there, singing and picking banjo, latAll feeling of freaks's.... riairte.yi home? Let the by Benin- apparently had r.ild hands and in paying for a statue guitar, and mandolin. The sting- of iiiii %IA. fUld NW, corn.' mino !tillers for its inner court- took a little time to get into ing ragtime-bluegrass sound of Iodine hair Ind and set.i Perry J 42trut P1P8B4op the swing of things'. Their nov- Spartan Daily yard. this trio was indeed "folk mu- , N., \ ppiontiorrat needed. Opriii Ramblers. coming directly elty number, in which two nits- The sic with /VerliriV(.... anI ....mid,- fs", NEW ADDRESS. 47 140715 First Striset sieians play on cash other's Classifieds sell from the Monterey Folk Fes- 185 So. lot St.

Enjoy smoking tival f see article top of page Si, III-R.1f, 151.1 I'M banjo neck was a standout. simoN,s Smoke a pipe! are noted for their versions of Mance Lipscomb sat on his though their entire routine was your excess the stage, dressed in excellent. And while you are shopping, try "The Baltimore Fire." "Shady chair on Salon of Beauty 286-4680 one of our select blends of fine (:rove," and "Brown's Ferry bluejeans, looking and sounding imported or domestic tobacco. Just ( 1.11%11 "l 'lilt It %VI() for real money. Blues." St. 295-5391 right for the discriminating pipe it,11-4`114. 11,1, I. traditional 40 A S. 1st Beniamino Bufano, a noted 2 Imes I week, 2 dollars smoker. ,i1v.Tt and iicker from c1.in Francisco sculptor, dill, 1 Kent isS up Leather- ,1 Summer Tryouts - t les for eds. n trie fees- if , c'reek.1" provided an in- tirant, for free meals. it OFFICE JOBS! trs':stitie insight into the teach- for membership priv- Start Tomorrow itnal "clawhammer" banjo style TRAIN IN JUST WEEKS! ileges. His fee for the Bull's r pieking SPECIAL Elementary School was enough cif I i repetitious st.s le. Rapid, modern methods qualify you at she Academy of Bus.nms in less money to pay for the molding which surprisingly loses little Keypunch, PBX Receptionist, For Drama Plays time. Such as: Secretarial. General Office, IBM and casting work not done by freshness in monotony. and other office jobs. Top salaries, too. Your early earnings more than himself. His efforts would he a Preliminary ti7 outs for sum- eil6ett4ttitt Bio - Clear The Dillients seemed to be repay the low fees. gift to the sehool. mer productions of the Speeds saying. "Hess look, we're ethnic and Drama Department will le, rind folky." an outlook that tends held 10MOITOW from 4:30 to 6 ACADEMY OF BUSINESS to pall our appreciation of a Acne Treatment German Comedy p.m. and Satinslay from 10 a.m. Summer (Ind Fall Classes Now Registering group. but there was no arstu- to noon. Any student who will inv with their tairot Their Still at 372 So. 1st (entire 2nd floor) San Jose Presentation be enrolled in the summer WS- Regular -1 '.at StOrL4S is invited to try out. 5 In Studio Theater all your bakery needs The season will open with See es far Tls I arma is come, Ic, ' as- Wedding cakes, party pastries. "Years Ago." a comedy hy Ruth 4 Kramerkorb" The Peddler's birthday cakes ancl pies. Special $295 Gordon. on July 11 followed on Basket, will be presented to- San Jose's finest independent BEE and coed July 18 by Samuel Becketes bakery 4 chop KING morrow evening at 8 in the Stu- "Waiting for Godot." The last dio Theater by the Intermediate Yourselves! production will be the nuisiell See for German class, instructed by Dr. spoof by Rick Besoyan, Joachim Stenzel. Mary Sunshine." opening lids The comedy is written by folgers 25. c 1. Ilans Sachs, master-singer of (Lb. an 59c) 3 an49lb Each prooduction plays for "01-117:1"ACIir COFFEE Nit remberg and 16th century three nights. Scripts are avail- Phillsbury moist writer of German farces. Some able in the Speech and Drama I biocks from c.e.csa SIB So. 10th St. at Williams Phone 2,2-S5O2 all reg. varieties pkg homorous readings in German. a CY 2-1480 CAKE MIX 4 1.00 Office, SD100. solo by Joan Bridges and piano - - a German sing-along will pm- Cheer giant pkg. DETERGENT 594 eerie the performance of the play. MARGARINE cubes 2 lbs. 2.5c Students in the cast are: Roger Harrison as the servant. Kit Chunk Norman Guinasso as the ped- Star No. I/2 can 4 for 1.00 TUNA dler, Donna White as the ped- NOW dler's wife, Neil Serkilitld :IS the a lady TOMATO SAUCE Hun" 14801.cans master. Leslie Pierce as and Joan Bridges as the cook. lean & tender All persons interested in the Rib Steak well trimmed lb. language and stielents of Ger- man may attend. There is no Standing, well trimmed 9c Rib Roast & tender, oven ready lb. lean and utiful Wboneless lb Beef Ste oes for WIENERS Oscar Mayers Skinless lb. pkg. 494 Grape Drink, Flowing Gold FLre7tonpaudnec,h 6 c0L104 9 ROBERTS Pippins APPLES for all purposes 9 .1.00

tionn, rnneltum WV. each 54 BOOK STORES ARTICHOKES Iskvis your sr 7 Day Sale Wednesday thru Tuesday s AAAAA to 11 May 22 May 28 TO 330 So. 10th 81/2 to 12 125 So. 4th Just off $9.9S to $2495 Opposite Libror y SERVE Son Carlos Many More Super Specials In Store charge accounts YOU open .hurt. 1,1 9 Fran 040.24/6.: So. I I th P.S. Both Stores are now buying Quadro's KING_BEE SUPER ; YfflrfA7.;11-40E-s."; back used texts We Give ThrItty Grose Stamps 31 10th 5 Keyes L LAN MOW CMS,* Plenty of Parking lesiwaseste tno Ma r,

sameil rw" 4-48PkRT t`i %Tli A REAL WINNER!! Bob Hall Snaps First Place Criminology Scholarship In KAM Photography Contest Offered by footprint Assn. Bob Hall, photographer for the wing of the library. Finalists in the competition wen. Paul Lee, college publications offlec, made a A crawl:Auto- leholarstop eials- tvgard to raci. i.i .1..51. 11,.., Richard Johnson. Doug CarsGa. sweep of first and third places in li.htst by the International Pilot ever no award vt-sll rantil Kathy earo.11 and Alex 1.Ju. pho- Week Oh ifI the annual Kappa Alpha Mu - peal( Asso.l.il ii of 1.41.1i.it ti a erint.; ',an', p,snnt tography contest, sponsored by the a..aitable apph.-at an 1,s l'istice d lane SJS chapter of the national photo- Capers Feature or P awe .k:th,oriistration Quesliininaire applicatams are journalism society. 'Moonshiners' ,rs. available In the Dean ot Student- Second place Was WWI by Gene A..c.T.litr to the Dealt of Stu- Oftiee, Atim269. Antisdel, KAM member. The folksinging of the dent's Otlice, one $250 scholarship lionorable mentions were award-i shiners." a ctunpus group, will high. will tie tiwarck-Q this year de- ed to Hairy Stevenson, Daily staff light Cafe Capers tomonrow at 2 posited with the registrar at the Graduate Honored photographer. and Dave Bellak,1 p.m. in the cafeteria. beginning of the fall firshmen , ,cmer Daily photograph editor. The duo, composed of Chuck Cate !nester, with the se.sihiliti, itn- .ludges for the event were Net-- and Abe Cordova, won last Munlh's o:wits' in subsequent ,seals lor Barrett, photo columnist for Allen Hall talent contest. Its win- s York 1.de C,, Me :tiatent ;Au.. Insurance the Mercury and News, Ed die fling selections were "Old Dog :it filivwtird. has been natued Lators standards tit :chola! -hi' *Along, official photographer of Blue" and a Tennessee ballad, nielliber of the 1963 Million Doha, and personal conduct. . Santa Clara Count y, and Wes! "Moonshiner." Hound Table of the The awards Will he based Lip. 'Ii National As,,- Hammond, local photographer. , Capers Ls sisonsored every- tv,s, eiation of Life Underwriters. hi-total's:hip, financial need. The winning photos and runners- weeks by the Social Affairs ("mm- :ind leadership potentiai tt To be eligible for membership up will be on exhibit in the central mittee. -- an individual must have sold at Iverial Nudynt Bairn least a million dollars of life in-1 surazice in the preceding year. RITERS \ 1:1t:E Pt.,..c by Ett..o 1, L:112$ .N1.144111\F,S 4:11. Applications Taken A DOUBLE WINNER. This photo of SJS beauty rapher. His photo of the Queen and her court brings you 124 E. Not Fernando 293.5283 For Elaine Halvorsen's reaction when told she was won first place in the annual Kappa Alpha Mu "Highlights of the Grad Awards voted 1962 Homecoming Queen proved a sue- photo-journalism contest conducted by the SJS Series" A' -le students in the humuitties. cess for Bob all, college publicity photog- chapter Monday. 1962 World Women Students rienees, mathematics, art history. ' All day this Thursday, May 23rd Special Low Summer Rates k musical composition and mu.sicol- Use Spartan Daily A Color & Sound Production agy who will he ready to under- lit /0, . take graduate work in the fall tnit Classified Ads FREE COKE sr -s. re-Registration Planned Campus Shop Only 50 So, 4th St. boe eligible for a Woodrow Wits. Shown at the 2; Vii, is, Sr I Fellowship. For Profit \ ) Interested students should Hi I NI) opi,u 111/1 tact their adviser in' Dr. Edgar A For Psychology Majors Hornig, eampus representative t,: Crestwood Manor the Woodrow Wilson National lei Pre-registration for psychology of their personal schedule towship foundation progra rn III Street majors and graduate students will with the person who is pre- 643 South 8th C}{145, Ext. 2070. be held next week in (711158 Mon- registering and keep the other, which will he stamped day through Wednesday from 9 during pre-registration, for a.m. to 12 noon and 1-4:30 p.m. their information and pro- for all fall seniester psychology tection during the tall regis- OPEN corsesu except Psychology 4. 5, tration. STUDENT Monday and 55. 4, After May 29 no changes in eceeiVtleit de Vedt The pre-registration is limited sigutips will be permitted un- distinctive bridal sets from $100 Thursday til the regular registration DISCOUNTS to official psychology majors only. rings may be purchased separately during the fall. Friday steeording to Miss Irma Mireles, TILL 9 Psychology Department secretary. 51 During the fall registration All students registering will be students must initial the class lists they have signed at pre- 91 SOUTH FIRST ST. checked against the psychology ELECTRONIC PARTS & HI Fl EQUIPMENT registration. Class cards will 307 TOWN & COUNTRY card catalog, she said. not be reserved after the first VILLAGE United Radio and T.V. Supply Co. ; On Monday, pre-regmtration wil lecture for signatures which I be held for psychology graduate have not been validated in TERMS TO SUIT YOU this way. VII'lloT.F.SAI,F, DISTRIBUTORS students and seniors who plan to -omplete all degree requimment: CY 8-1212 14.25 W. SAN CARLOS in January- 1964. A I I other psychology seniors and majors who will be seniors in the : fall will register on Tuesday.. Summer Work 51.ty 28. Wednesday is resemed for all , for majors or graduate, Women hot presiously pre-registered. Students may obtain further SMART (Students & Teachers) information from Miss Mire!,-, in If you have had previous office experience you can work the Psychology Office, (711157. on temporary assignments for Manpower Inc. during this coming The following procedure should summer in the offices of our customers on the Peninsula ta lolluVanl: wherever convenient. 1 Students should obtain a Fall No Fees Charged Schedule of Classes from a bookstore and make up a SPARTANS We pay YOU and weekly!! personal fall schedule of i-lasses, in duplicate, on forms liy need competent and experienced typists available in the Psyk,holugy and s, r_ - but we also get calls for many other categories office. of oMce work (Without a car, your opportunities will be more 1:mited then if ycu have transportation.) 2. St udent s must obtain a WILL RECEIVE MORE We suggest that as soon as possible (either now or as soon signet1 card from the in- as school is out) you register with one of the Peninsula offices structor giving permission to listed below. You'll love those weekly paychecks! register in c tsses requiring -Permission is. the Instruc- \lallpo%%er Inc. Students will pre-register by 28E8 Stevens Creek Blvd., San Jose appearing in C11158 on the 800 San Antonio Ave., Palo Alto isirreci (lay and signing ill,- "MONEY" 1815 El Camino Real, Burlingame class sheets for the courses entcred on their schedules. Students will leave one copy Summer Vacations Hawaiian Club Dinner AT The HaWanan Club will meet I,imorrow evening at 7:30 in CH- 1151 to discuss its annual banquet honoring graduating club seniors HAWAII ,11 May 25 at 7:30 p.m. All mem- New Low Price hers svho participated in the Mali SPARTAN BOOKSTORE $19995 per person re encouraged to attend this one week $239.95 per person, two weeks $399.95 per person, six weeks summer school. FOR USED BOOKS PRICE INCLUDES: RENT A 1,p Deluxe DC6 flights to HONOLULU. It. ("reefing. TO BE USED ON THIS CAMPUS I. Transfers Iron Airport to Hotel and return af Waikiki. TYPEWRITER 4. Twin accornmodrions at ft!, -New Sea Shore Motor' S OAHU i m ile tour via air-conditioned Pali C's,.ad .`)111(1Prit Relies 6 fler.reaqs and corec,linsentary hot mulls in flight. K'../.1 deer.* show, including transfers. 8 Air-conditioned rooms and apartments. 3 mos. 18 9. Gala Aloha Get Together Party. !idol 'package S1891 OUR "RENT 50/0 plus 10% BONUS BOOKS OPEN RESERVE NOW 71) oirR PLAN" CY 5-1311 or CY 5-4025 11 Ia I IAN I111 elle;(051 ..uSSSESS WAG...WS AND OFRICE FUOUPAge... r Siee.I ouri Woad if/ravel Third & San Fernando 493 E.Santa Clara St. at 11th DURING FINALS Ir 111. Wednesday May 22 1963 SPARTAN DAILY-6 Alumni Golf men Match - Strong Spartan Varsity One-in-a-Million Casting Five vintage golfers and an old of the varsity fired 71s. All-Amer- baseball slugger had the San Jose ican Lotz, Andrakin and James

State varsity looking up to them were pl a yi n g their final dual Monday, as the SJS alumni held matches for San Jose State, 1963 Sparti.rs to a 1324-135 Gary Plato To the had a 72, Thrill Harry Tay- Modesto Relays tie at San Jose Country Club. lor 73 and Harlan Krantz 78 in By DAVE NEWHOUSE are other top-notch vaultera, , Long's mond mark of 60. III' Dan James of the varsity carded other individual varsity rounds. Saturday's California Relays at who will be tough to beat at hut, hasn't slioan bhy in recent a three-under par 67 for medalist Krantz shot a nine on one ate hole, Modesto is designed to give grand- Modesto. efforts. honors. Close behind with 69s were to explain his high score on an h's children of present day track and The greatest array of discus tal- Dairell Horn leaps against fkm- three alums: Jack Bariteau (1943), otherwise familiar course. field connoisseurs. years and years ent available includes Oerter, Rink ton in the broad jump and Hayes his brother Eli (1950), and Ruskin Including the alumni get-to- Jog full of delightful anecdotes of what Babka, Bob Humphreys, Dave ,Jones and Blaine Lindgren nook shepperd (1950). gether, San Jose's dual match ad, rec- the cinder sport was once. Weill, and Jay Silvester. All five . up in the 120 hurdles. Jones. the Rounding out the alumni ord this year is 14-2-2. Southern The listing of athletic supremacy will be at Modesto. Detroit, Mich. school teacher. fieHrell were Jay Hopkins (1961) California and Stanford defeated , ...ouldn't be enough to fill one America's greatest high jumper, ranks with O'Brien as the "Me- and Harvey Koh% (1960) with at- SJS, with Fresno State book and certainly couldn't be , faces a stiff wind of thusalahs" of track and field men. and Walt AtilUatim, former gaining 73s. thoroughly covered in a brief con- talent, led by Gene Johnson and f The field events open the agenda sjs baseball coach, who shot a and early season tie. The Spartans versation. One could go on dis- at 3 p.m., with the running of the 75. have beaten all three teams in ALL-COLLEGE TRACK CHAMPION Gary Vannatter makes cussing the Modesto meet infin- All members, of the varsity State College Junior College John Lutz and Mike Andrakin tournament play. like a bird and sails over the 51 I" barrier to claim second in itum. and (reran-nail track teams un- the high jump event Saturday. Vannatter, of Lambda Chi Alpha, , Peter Snell and invited to a barbecue SundsiN finished first in both of the hurdles. Murray Halberg top the en- at the home of Dr. Walter trants, with Beatty and Snell, Reynolds, 19740 Farweit Sara- Cope & MePhetres. the Mlle, 830 and 600-meter toga, starting at 2 p.m. world re-cord holder, finally Nev, Zealand track greats SAE, Cal-Hawaiians meeting in the mile. Murray Heiberg, Peter Snell SURF ithe imijITERSI Beatty is the American Citizen's and coach Arthur Lydiard will record owner at 3:56.3, well off be at the barheeue. Interested -...- ...... - -.ma- -am. -.Now- -.1111,-- -M..- -1111.11.-- -,11011- --111110011; Snell's 3:54.4 mark. But, little Jim athletes are asked to sign up at and Vie for the physical education office. Saturday Championship is a tough competitor and can beat Evening, May 25 the best when it counts, as evi- Fraternity champion Sigma Al- Pi was given a forfeit win over denced by his 5.000-meter win over Joe Faust. Otis Burrell and Job', DIVE 8:30 pha Epsilon will meet the inde- Sinfonia. p.m., San Jose Civic Aud. Heiberg at the Coliseum Relays. Rambo conclude the field. pendent champion Cal-Hawalians In slow-pitch action, the Air New York University's Gar- TICKETS: $4.50, $3.50, $2.50 Completing a classy mile field 4 in a double-header tomorrow at Force ROTC nearly upset the Rum are , Cary Weisiger, Bob Gubner will try to break a thre.- 3:45 p.m. to determine the all- ISHOPA complete selec- On Selo At- Runners, falling 5-4 in six innings. Seaman, John Camien and Tom week "slump" in the shot rail' college fast-pitch softball cham- tion of equipment STE. CLAIRE HOTEL Following the Cal-Hawaiians, the Rodda. against three-time Olympic me&I- pion. for your summnr Diamonds and the Slob Sacks in C. K. Yang, first-ever 9.000 point ist Parry O'Brien, Dave Day season CY 5-0888 If a third game is necessary, the the independent league are Army decathlon athlete, discus great Al John McGrath and Dave Steen. I two teams will meet again Friday ROTC, 9.4; Pink Tub Annex, 7-6; Gubner, 270 pounds, has been Oerter, sprint,s..r deluxe Robert **AMERICAS at 3:30 p.m. SAE is the defending BOARDS MOST EXCITING TRIO! Sinfonia, 7-6; SAE No. 2, 7-6; Hayes and jumping-jack Ralph called heir apparent te Dallas champion. Custom Surf Kappa Pi, 5-8; Moulder Hall, 5-8; Boston ale world record setters, boards by Allen The two top teams from each Markham Hall, 4-9; Allen Hall, 4-9 guaranteed to satisfy the track of Long Beach league will meet this evening at and the Individuals, 3-10. tastes of an expected sellout Tiki surf board 6:30 in the semi-finals of the crowd. One Aay cepvice as low as $75 With only fast- and slow-pitch T-ad-;ns wanted all-college slow-pitch champion- softball remaining to be added to The list grows longer and ship. the totals, Alpha Tau Omega leads stronger with pole vaulter The Zoofers have clinched first the all -college point total race with supreme Brian Sternberg (16- WET SUITS place in the B league, but there 1273.5. Delta Upsilon follows with and the man he surpassed Full wet suit $29.95was $45 is a possibility of a three-way tie 1229.5, with Phi Sigma Kappa third John Pennell (16-4). Ron Morris, Surf/ski lecke+ $15 9 5 between SAE No. 2, the Rum Run- with 1223 Fred Hansen and Gerald Pratt ners and Delta Upsilon in the A league. In this case, a flip of a RENTALS coin will determine first place, Full wet suit while the other two teams will $3.50 for weekend Why Glasses Are Obsolete play for the other playoff berth Spartan Athletic Teams Jacket $2.50 this afternoon at 3:30. Fins $.50 Also representing the B league The innovation of contact lens in the field of vision has made Complete or accessories rental will be Pi Kappa Alpha or Theta Sweaters 8, Cashmere Coats of skin diving equipment for glasses a relic. For improved vision and appearance ,come in Xi. If these two teams tie for the Post Winning Percentage Our Specialty 4he weekend. runner-up spot, they will meet for soon and let us fit you in contact lens. the tourney bid this afternoon at A review of the records of the, competition, while the fronh du- Open to 9 3:30. 1962-63 competitive athletic year at pileated that feat and also es- DISCOUNT WITH ASS CARD Thursday & Friday In the semi-finals, the winner of SJS reveals that Spartan teams tablished national freshman the A league will face the second- competed in 301 games, dual records In the two-mile and four- The Contact Lens Center place squad in the B league, and meets, invitational meets and mile relays, Art Cleaners Cope & McPhetres the B league champ will play the matches, winning 185, losing 112 Although not too successful in 2931 El Camino St., San Jose CY 7-5174 A league runnerup. The winners and tying four times for a favor- WCAC play, the varsity cage squad 398 S. Santa 123 South 3rd Clara 293-1030 kl Santa Clara CH 3-2111 will meet in the championship able wiruLng percentage of .611. surprised everyone by capturinc -4,30e#XeCeecaeo---e.S game tomorrow at 6.30 p.m. Atop the list of notable achieve- the West Coast Athletic Confer- - The Cal-Hawaiians finished the ments during the year were t ence Christmas Tournament. season without a loss Monday, national team championships won , Despite the fact that they los, It's Worth A Trip To You Can't Go Home! when the team whipped SAE No. by SJS. Coach Dean Miller's Spar- their first two dual meets in four 2, 11-0. Steve Kirvan threw a tan cross country tram won the years. the SJS swimmers went on , SAN FRANCISCO three-hitter for the winners. The NCAA championship at Michigan to win the California State Col-, Not looking like that, you can't. Cal-Hawaiians are 13-0 for the State in November, capping an I leges championship at Los Angeles year. undefeated dual meet season. State College. I mean you look allright with your torn The Diamonds tied the Slob A second national title was Runner-up laurels were Sacks for second place in the fast - claimed by Vosh Uchida's judo- claimed by an :QS volleyball tennis shoes, bleached levis, and cutoff sweat- pitch softball league, beating the ists, winners of the NW at Cor- aggregation in the Western In- Sacks, 9-4. Bill Albert hit two nell Unhersity for the. second tercollegiate Champlonahips at NODECOIMO shirt -- but your hair? home runs for the winners. Each consecutive year. The five-man Stockton and by Butch Krikori-

team is 11-2 for the year. Kappa Spartan unit won five individual an's tennis team in the WCAC you want to be an all american col- titles and Dave Sawyer addi- HOW THE WEST Don't tionally won the The freshman water polo team Foothill College Aud. overall cham- pionship. won the Northern California B lege man; cherished by dogs, cats, and kids on Los Altos Hills Division title, while Lee Walton's Another high point of the ath- varsity became the first NorCal AS WON your block? You don't? Well then, how about ietie year was the TECTONIC-OLT-Hp. varsity golf college team to beat the San Fran- FOLK t. en's victory at the Western In- cisco Olympic Club. a haircut for mom. tercollegiate Championship, with senior John Lots winning the in- SINGERS dividual crown for the third' straight year. Jerry Vroom's Link-' TWO LOCATIONS "New Lost City Ramblers" 1 men also won the WCAC top spot. HANK'S 476 May 29th, 8:15 p.m. The Spartan baseball season was SCHEDULE Of NIMES S EIFONTELSTICES 318 Barber Shop 11. u riCES rewtoatiews H ruTS £ L.. 52 10 5' .0 aped with an unofficial lea ci On 5.1. 5 00 a. 30 0.1. II Law S2 /1S 11., Tickets on sale at: F.. a JO Or. la, al S Dv 27 00 GREYHOUND -,,,wn in WCAC competition with 5 00 awl 1 10 Orri S2 el 11 1- 17 St. votromuscrs S. 10th St. S. 10th 011.1,11.1171 AGENTS lo-0 slate. Right-hander Jimmy Henry n+nnAbbo Ts.,, 7 a. Si 75 P. 30 0... 1.. 17 40 a. House of Records Visher provided the top individual Owner b. S. , SEARS Corner 3rd & San Fernando SEATS ON ISLE AT Oat MCI All ILL 411111510 STORES accomplishment by tossing a no- 20,..ai Ma... le Far ,./ 00 LEN & AL'S hit, no-run game against Sacra- Specializiag is BR EUNER'S Cost of Tickets depending on seats: mento State. all styles of hair cuts and other Barber Shops $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 The varsity track team went Alma Center 148 Alma St 293 0705 REIM AGENCIES undefeated in offielal dual meet 0113:9!romentro *MT :I IN FINALS START IN 8 DAYS! JUST A REMINDER TO STUDY FIRST, THEN SELL YOUR BOOKS AT THE EXTRA BONUS BOOKSTORE CALIFORNIA BOOK COMPANY 134 E. San Fernando sa oll s Troubled Flight Ends With Hawaiia n Adventure Float Builders - ladik Shai, Co-Rec Finale: Meeting Planned Israeli Consul, Surfing Movie Of Hiking, Camping, Storms, Wild Animals rte...) flumes:0mile'. isolate are clue! . Speaks Sunday Rs WILLIAM Silt:YARD -The reporters who met or. there 55(t'5 St) l ll., t. upon the ground cording to Miss Reithard. "We morrow at -1.30 ii ni. at Ow S: this Most hikers begin at the bottom seemed more concerned than we that they had to be shoveled aside learned that U.S. Forest Rangers . tient Acta ities intim. Ailrn242, at'-' Zadik Shai, consul ot I were," she It, make room for the tents, ac- I are continually decimating the ,ordine, to Bruce Wiseman. re- San Francisco, will spe.it Suit'. I if a hill- but not Eunice Reithard. added. ...1 The plane experience didn't cording to Miss Reithard. I wild goat herds. These are nice ,,ntly appointed Honiecominr: 15th Anna ersary of Is i . San State graduate student ordia. t \I i.i imam Jose dampen their spirits nearly as Included in Miss Reithard's itin- black goats that do considerable Committee parade chairman. bration to be held Sundii:. She prefers taking off from an Univei, ;:trlin.Ts -!! . . re :in much as the rain, according to Miss erary were visits to Kmuka damage to the nearby orchid and A meeting also will be held to- Temple Emanu-El Myrtle Streets at 6:30 p.m. The mos is':h,,wn at airport. ,Reithard. -It rained almost con- Puaulu. a famous bird park; the , sugar cane crops." morrow night at 7 at the Delta The consul will speak - 1- - ' " ^,"- Checking her gear, which con- stantly." she said. many craters and lava tubes and, The plane carrying Miss Reith- Lipsrlon house 155 S 11th St., for

.sted of a knapsack, hiking pants The Sierra Club outing coincided ferns that surround Kiplika Puatr- ard and other Sierra Club members all representatries of organizations Ye'r6 lit Pu-901-ss in I- 'aiiiiiii.in. Mrs. Itunie Cia., -rid shoes, sun hat and her most with one of the rainiest weeks in li]: the Black Sands Beach area: , landed at Oakland Airport on that would like to participate in prisent some folk gongs nerished item a slide camera-- Hawaii's history. On the island of the lush tropical valley of Waipio. Easter morning, the pi:wade tish, Yiddish and liebrca Weide)] a DC-7 airliner. Des- 'Oahu a few days later. tvto Amer- where King Kamehioneha one, , . SAFE RETURN ' Main frltalliesa tlISCUsSesi %VIII ta,r11. ..r...upt,i hays wirtoirmed .,,ri , It illation. the island of Hawaii! soldiers were drowned in a , liedi and to the wet and deeply .. ica.ri tif tttril pan of intorniatoin arid a 12,1- .: ilt rtr: ’.... t, It, IL... IV I The return flight had none iris and. P 1 fig rams ir 1 -. Miss Reithard, 2432 Tarnalpais iaititswollen streinn when their eroded canyon country of the Ko- - - . .. la- . ..., 'dm-. t’iiitiiIi.ii . 1II’ the exciternent of the first. she hat sporisoiliiit Iona set up .itat. She will be isel1/11r:. ii I ""' I``'!'' st., Mountain View. wits among 101 . ic to. band,- t.d s , hale District on the northers.st Jeep capsized ..eatoy commented. '"I`his was due to the ilcae-dov.n frail:tiaras to help ti- . the piano by Mrs. Robe h . . Sierra Club enthusiasts bound for of Hawaiians were left hanieress mast of the island. Soil engines functioning perfectly and IliUttte floats. 'rhe program will , .a spring vacation hike on that by the inundation of their homes.. Miss Reithard was much Mr- to the disheartening fact that we A new float ision floats toile a film, -The Wilderness ,. ih, '''i-' island' Their sPeciallY char- Leaving Lyman Field in 16 rent- 'pressed with the steam baths at leaving the place that had story of the Negev. the Ito: . . ',red plane left Oakland Interne- were thirds the size of the regular float ed autos, the hikers drove to Volcano House, near the rim of hearts beautiful Hawaii!" Israel. The Israeli Student . .iirial Airport at midnight. April won our division was established this year i Kilaueaiki Crater where they set Kilauea Crater. -The steam issuing Miss Reithard. president of The ization of San Jose State , ; and arrived at Hilo, Hawaii 10 to encourage smaller organizations I up their first camp. from the fumerols is actually cap- Rewriters, a peninsula writers' invites all members of thr ,,,irs later. to participate in the parade. "We did not travel in caravans," I tured and piped into the hotel." club, returned with a number of i .),i SJS community to al-, she exclaimed. "I guess you could TROUBLED FLIGHT Miss Reithard explained, so each colorful slides taken in spite of OIO SALE "Actually the flight should only car usually headed off in different call them 'fumerol baths.'" the rain. She hopes to use them in ' ALL NEW 1963 CARS ...uve taken eight hours." Miss directions. I was the driver of our WILD PIGS, GOATS a national magazine article she AT LOWEST PRICES More Ran ''.eithard explained. -but just as While in the Waipio Valley. Miss . is preparing about her Hawaiian Factory Warranty, Dealer', Servieu ,a reached the point of no return Reithard recalled seeing Peace adventure. Aim read car .0 a '511 low discount. :-i inside port engine went wild TRAVEL TO CAMP Corps members. "They had just Call 368-4259 (Redwood City) 1 f ire] had to be feathered." She I The cars were used to travel 'killed a wild pig." -:niled then added, "Of course we frtrn camp to camp. and to the sv,,, in ow / 2 areas, according to Assembly Proposes off req. price ere worried that we might have most distant .) jettison our camping gear, es- Miss Reithard. -The rest of th. Stare -wide Clearance ii-eially should another engine trro,el was by 'shank's mare,'" sr, NEED int But luckily the three remain- said. job To Cut Costs sale of TEO'S clothing Interviews The group camped twice in Ha SUMMER .r.g engines pulled u.s through." Interviews are now being held in wan Volcanoes National Park Bilding X. 303 S. Ninth St., between t ONSTANT RAIN In Jr. Colleges WORK? Vaitql1:1 three days on the white sands id 9)15 mm. and 415 p.m. Appointment Slit- commented that alien they advance. Students Hapima Beach. once on Habilis. lists are put out in Olt COLLEGIATE SHOP usernitarked at General Lyman Beach, and finally headquartered ere requested to sign up early -ED. junior college administrative cost - -aund part time job7 Se!' Field. Hilo the front pages of the merub; I smoking fissures) are In TOMORROW: was reported out of the Ways and Thomas Bros. popular - fib o newspapers already carried abundance. It was Mt. Kilauea Santa Clara Girl Seouts - One Means Committee Monday in Sac- /-laces. Street Guides the story of their crippled plane. that erupted in 1960 and buried water safety instructor 21 or over ramento with a "do pass" recom- .ertizing Street Maps. Pe: . the nearby village of Kapoho. plus one assistant; in addition, two tie"alerirestuleWitaletelelerstuaterieS0005, mendation. eIlable. Marty college r- - At Halape Beach the coconuts men for kitchen and maintenance The bill, authored by Assembly- women are now se Student FOLK on a 9,500-foot slope of Mauna positions plus one nature counselor man Alfred E. Alguist, I D-Sar, -oughout the State of (2, Lott, an extinct volcano. , and three unit leaders. Josei, simplifies the method if _rnia but some c;tIes ore stil Two days were spent hiking Alameda Girl Scouts - Five computing average daily attend- Guitars-Banjos-Music around Kilauea Crater where fu- counselors, IS years and over. ance for state aid purposes la authorizing attendance to be taken -terview, c in be arrao::, Bowling only during the second and next. . o.00l :cur' office. P' ... RENT 5AL5n0thper to-last five-day week of each se- 3 lines $1 -anytime Spartan Daily Classifieds mester or quarter, from which an Mr. E. J. Ostrowski 35c a line after 6 p.m. menage attendance figure would Open 24 Hrs. be compiled. Thomas Bros. Maps BENNER MUSIC 7 Days A Week CY 7-7417 1884 W. Sale Carlos BUY 'EM! Currently, state aid is figured 550 Jackson St. on the basis of specific rather than San Francisco II, Cal, TRY our ANNOUNCEMENTS (1) Auto I ..... nc. for students. Phone 248- average attendance, which requires VU 1-7520 2420 Chet 8alley Ins, 385 So. Monroe attendance to be taken in each acon STEAK $1.35 HORSE RIDING: 25-0 class on every school day. scenic tra.ls - , - Valley. Off Hwy 1 2 mi. south c MEN - Save 20% on auto insurance. Junior college officiaLs say the GlIADUATING NEXT 18h4, Sante Taro, Sables, 350 Bet'. 5 students - clean record. Best new system will result in sub- Use Spartan Daily Rd.. S.J. 22.'? - .. ;, raried students. Call Doug stantial savings in administration DOWNTOWN -:,-.4.7156. State Classified Farm Insurance and classm:om time. ads JANUARY? Han. money - buy - Books tna is! Spartan Boosstore, "Right c - for Convenience and Profit BOWL Get more money for your used boo:, 5 W Santa Clara St CV 4-7800 Campus.- 5- r. on ell boots to be useJ p'ncn ycu should register NOW ; res Spartaguide Nair* driving companions - ' a ' Delaware. Ohio Lea, - . - EMPLOYMENT (10) TODAY: for June 13. Call Don $. - Alpha Plil job interviews in after 6. Men- now interviewing. , . $100 Omega: meets in Col- , Work lege Union. 7 p.m. Oct.- Nov.- Dec. Spartan Bookstore will pay 5.- , f.VT101.1$ Women's Recreation Awl.: Bad- plus 10% bonus for used bc.oi. 1 $60C. I+ . a car minton at 6 p.m.; ()rehears at 7 used tapir+ on this carpus. Mtly s 2...) years of 0 re or Over p.m., Women's Gym, 12. June b545. Social Affairs Committee: meets tiLe ker3ister SJS Placement Office in (11164, 3:30 p.m. Need ride to LA. Jure 6-7. WiII share Male Student wanted to perform house- Adr-n;n. 234 eipt,ses ord driving. Much luggage. buy duties. Lie in plus salary. Call Rally Committee meets in Tti Phone Louise 295.9911, 251.0352. 164, 330 p.m. Four Public Relations ocs lc -s - Society for .1,+1, a nee silent ol l...... in flying? Summer mernbe- Management (SAM!: plena. fin ships now available in Fying 20s, ; - 4, , ng, $390 members and guests: Blackberry I 293.5269 afternoons c- 294.8534 <1;e 0. .,0 -Sp,-,10t.", Farm, 130 p.m. DAILY "r BUY CLASSIFIEDS! for inter- Phraterets: meets in Ed2in. 7 p.m. To buy, rent, or sell a cymbidium, a Didus ineptus, a LOST AND POUND (2) '/2 4 - Perishing Rifles: pledge Initiation frangipanni, or any other sensible thing, just fill out this Glasses lost: brown frame: Mgr. wanted. . preferred. Call in Memorial Chapel, 6 p.m.: pledge handy order fDr 1, clip it, and send it with a check or flecks. Cars, 295 Cr_.' -- - ’’ ai AN 9.5939, dinner John Chapel cash to the Spartan Daily Advertising Office, J207, San of KA/MI HOUSING 1121 radio speaks on Jose State Co lege, San Jose 14, California. Ads must AUTOMOTIVE (4) "American For- I eign ONE WAY TO TRAVEL be in by 2:30 P.M. two days prior to publication. House for serious responsible men. Sum- Policy in Recent World 191411 Corvette, fuel injection, 4 spd. mer $20. Fa.! $37.50, ,0. 400 s. Crisis"; Garden City Hofbrau, positrection, tract!on masters, excellent 13th, CV 5-6619 eyes. p.m. Check a Classification: condition. Rick Strauss, DA 3.8948. Announcemants Business Services -7 Instruction Low Summer Rates. Mod, turn. apts. 1 TOMORROW: Automotive Housing Merchandise '56 Austin Healy 100.4 rdst. R/h. gd bairns. $75 roe. 2 bdrat $95 two. 741 Sc, 6th St. 291 Honors Convocation: awards to FOR 3846. LESS mech. cond. 8695. 251-4997. Print your ad here: outstanding students in Men's New furnished apartments. Summer rates '56 Ford sta Wagon. New '57 7 -Bird Gym. 11 a.m. THAN GREYHOUND er.ci poi-a. 121 North 8th Street, -/h. auto trans, w/w. $450. 294- Sigma Delta Chi: cookout ;it atiPTS FOR SUMMER Open Beautiful Aluin Ritek Park: 5:30 p.m. L,a is for 2 or 3 boys or girls of; 1;estman Club: Feast of the As- 951 Chevy s door sedan. Pin, exc. sil sues Vcileybali basketball. 8 patio. I cension. Newman Hall, 79 S. Fifth -. 'sons, 40,000 mi. 2 tone. See fIhese before you decide. 650 Southl 8'h. St., 11:45 a.m.-4:30 $6'5 Ce B 291.2789. p.m. Hawaiian Club: Vet (EE) wan's mature stu to share 1 meets in C14166. 7:30 p.m. 1959 Yolks, black, r/h. good cond. lodiar sot 1 bik frn sch $40. 297-7886. $1050. 293-3857. Amateur Radio Club: meets in Girl wanted to share summer apt.. pool IA240, 3:30 p.m. cons's. exc. cond. Motor re- Inc,. Good location. 298-1681. '56 Voile HUH: election of new officer, (Count 33 Letters and Spares for Each Line) built & guar. $895. 258.4816. Wanted: 2 male rm. mates to share 2 College Union, 8 p.m Starting Date Run Ad For 2/3/4/5 Days (Circle Ono) bdrm. mod, apt. poo1.294.1398. 'SI Karrnann Ghia. White cone r/h, Student C.T.A.: election of offi- Cc. Make offer. 269-9321. A short walk is good for you. But when you really Enclosed $ Chock No. Shore flat w/mature male. Approx. 835/ cers in Ed235. 11:30 a.m. engine best offer. mo. 24 S. 7th St. Women's want to travel you can't beat Greyhound for going Name 1952 Stud*, good Recreation Asan.: Com - . Gall or CV 3-5933, 415 S. 12th. Pure, house, summer, $100. all, pad peti t ve swimming at 4:50 p.m.. places at lowest cost. In fact Greyhound costs less Address '35 Chevy ca. New brakes, tires, clutch, 99 S. 12th. 295-5996. basketball at 7 p.m.: Women', than trains, planes or driving yourself. For economy, - - Gyin. PI1011111 2nd owner. 8,11 3549786. Spacings, 2 bd.," apt for married st, GO GREYHOUND ... AND LEAVE THE DRIVING TO US. - - newly bu.'t cls,icit'on '62 Macau 250, 25 ho 62 Motob 16 hp dents, and F... SIP 0 welcome. Neer Sears. $105. 444 No other form Cost 81400 se- boa, $750. i958 Ply of public transportation has fares SO IOW. For example NUN CLASSIFIED RATES v.e. tudor 8 stick Al $550. 294-6983 a"er 4 p.n.,. You saw them at the MONTEREY FOLK FESTIVAL tar Francisco Oris Way fl It lloand Trip $2 41 SUMMER STUDENTS, studio apts. 565. Mirir .rn '60 Chow Impala 2 door hardtop white Hoot ins Sane On Way $155 Round Trip $7 33 One time Three times Five 659 So 9 it Mgr. Apt. No, 4. 294- Los Angolan One Way :inns times walls, radio, heater, stick. 297-4661 after WESTPORT SINGERS SI CO Round top 81St? 0382 Saattla On One t 50c a line 25t a line 204 lino 5 p.m. Bob. Thu.sda, . My 23 Way Sit It Round Trip $311.00 Oklahoma City One *ay 542 r/h Women's Co-op .1 taking eopkatons 65 Round Trip $75 $O 58 Rambler 4 dr Supet. 6, od ROLF CAHN Memphis Ono Way 152 75 Scooted Trip $5875 . owner, $495, Ph. EL 4-4840 after i46 295-9783. 2 lines $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 F/Asy hasay 24 ChIcao On Way $54 It Mound Trip ISO 75 MERCHANDISE Arliorrii One Way $73 IS Round Trip $13? 9S - AL YOUNG and Na. $100 or best offe York Ono Way SOO OS Round Tsip $133 TS 3 lines 1.50 2.25 3.00 '51 Chevy 4 door. Vaughn's, 121 S. alth, announces its store PERRY LEDERMAN 297-8563 after 6:00. ASK FOR FREE TICKET DELIVERY Call wide clearance of men's clothing. Sale Saturday May 25 more than 50% off. OUSINISS SEMMES IS/ ’’ en 0.'op.0,d II y0. pee, Send itmdry Or r. 4 lines I 2.00 3.00 4.00 Hootenannies ry Sun. , P.,set. Ewa. TV, good P. /VS thor .n hours Mid Jay W. Long Insurance Counseling. Silvertone cond $25. 295- at 8 P M. trsx 7 ter 500. Skip. 5 lines 2.50 3.75 5.00 N "western Mut. Life rewards plann,n1 Open 8 30 P M to I A M. ? west net costs, guaranteed in Wanted: Used books in euchringe for esp., Add this i, strengils of 106 years real hard cash - Bring them to Spartan amount for .50 .75 1.00 e 293.3700. l-,-knore the offetage GO GligigUND each addfl line Paul Stoic s e 100 wedding invitations, $11.95. One in Folk Music Theater '. 'v F,r6 B. I 'X a goo . te. AL 2.9191 daynita. For display advertising rates, call CY 4-6414, Ext. 2001, 970 S. First St. from 1.20 to 4:20, Monday through Friday. 10 sp Austrian dweller, $50. 297-129 I, ban.
