BedsBuzz Congratulations WINTER 2010 We ’ve done it! As can been seen in this bumper edition of Bedsbuzz we have well and truly CELEBRATED our Centenary. Take your time to look at what everyone's been up to, take a breath and then lets start planning some more fun and adventure for next year. Thank you all for your fantastic support throughout the Centenary Debbie Docherty Bedfordshire County Commissioner

Wendy Rider Treasurer & Rachel Hayler Finance Adviser

Wendy Rider & Rachel Hayler have undertaken the challenge of the County’s finances. Wendy’s main role as the County Treasurer includes the day to day book-keeping processes such as paying county expenses and keeping the County Executive Committee up to date with the current financial position. Rachel’s main role as the County Finance Advisor includes assisting units, districts and divisions with accounting issues and preparing the County’s year end accounts, as well as dealing with the Charity Commission. So if you need help completing your unit’s year end accounts please contact Rachel, who will be happy to assist you. ([email protected]) Bedfordshire OurVision! Bedfordshire’s Blooming! SHEFFORD Across the county, our flowers are a special tribute to 100 years of Girlguiding


2nd Shefford Brownies and 1st Chicksands plant flower containers for Shefford Methodist Hall as part of Shefford District's Centenary planting.


The embankment at Bedford makes a wonderful setting for this colourful raised flowerbed. Guides and Brownies show their approval!


St Andrew’s Church, Biggleswade is the choice of Biggleswade Trefoil Guild for a celebratory garden. Flowers in white, pink, blue and yellow were kindly sponsored by Waresley Park Garden Centre. Guild members also purchased a Guiding Centenary Rose and commemorative plaque to complete the display. Guides and Rainbows admire Dunstable’s floral display on a bright sunny day in the Priory Park. LUTON HENLOW

1st Henlow Station Guides, Brownies and Rainbows planted 100 bulbs into a trefoil-shaped flower bed for a wonderful Over 100 members of Luton North and Luton South Division springtime display. Guides gathered at Wardown Park to see the wonderful Centenary Flowerbed provided by The Luton Parks Department. 1910 and then WOW! Guides put on a spectacular performance to celebrate Centenary

Over 200 talented Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Senior Section members from all over Bedfordshire took part in Girlguiding Bedfordshire's County Centenary Show at the Grove Theatre Dunstable, performing a variety of acts representing each decade during the last hundred years of Guiding. Girls helped devise the sensational 'Swinging Sixties' act, including choreographing the dances and designing the colourful flower power costumes and props. Months of rehearsals paid off when the cast were rewarded by an audience who literally danced in their seats.

It was a thrill to perform in a real theatre, with excellent lighting , sound, special effects and proper 'star's' dressing rooms. One excited Brownie who had just performed said "I wish I could do it all again".

For the finale the whole cast joined in to sing a Centenary song specially written by the show's co-ordinator, Chris Daniels, a Commissioner from Leighton Buzzard and the cast and crew were surprised and delighted to receive a fantastic standing ovation from the near capacity audience.

"Totally professional and an exceptional example of what great Guiding is all about!" was one of the many comments received from members of the audience who were nearly as excited as the performers after the show!

It would not have been possible to stage the show without the dedication of Guiding's volunteer leaders and many supportive parents, friends and families. Thank you to everyone who helped, including the Grove Theatre staff. The show will certainly be one of the highlights of the Girlguiding Centenary for everyone involved. Arlesey Brownies KNIT IT! As part of their Centenary Challenge, Arlesey Brownies have completed a number of 100’s - swimming 100 2nd Shefford PERFORM IT! lengths, planting 100 bulbs, singing 100 songs, walking 100 miles, making 100 cups of tea etc. They surpassed 2nd Shefford Brownies performing plays for clause 9. themselves when given the challenge to knit 100 In the spotlight, the 'What a performance' part of squares for a blanket. Five blankets were made in total Challenge 100 with sock puppets they made. and these were presented to the elderly residents of Chase House. The Brownies also planted a "Guiding Spirit" rose alongside the "Brownie" rose in the gardens in memory of Mrs Mae Woods ("Woodie Owl") who reopened the pack in Arlesey after WWII.

1st Elstow CLIMB IT!

At 1st Elstow Brownies we looked up high for our adventure 100 challenge and climbed our local church's bell tower. We had such a lovely evening - the tower certainly was a challenge, but the girls thoroughly enjoyed it. This is us all to say we completed it!

2nd Shefford HOP IT! 2nd Shefford Brownies dressed themselves up as Easter Bunnies to complete 100 Hops for clause 6.Target 100, the Wacky 100 part of Challenge 100. They are shown here having a well deserved rest after completing their challenge.

ure 100 Advent OUR CABANA by Katie Robertson Last November, with just two weeks notice, I travelled to Cuernavaca, Mexico to take up a six-month Event Administrator position at Our Cabaña. With limited preparation time I arrived without learning any Spanish so my first challenge was navigating my way on public transport from Mexico City airport to Our Cabaña. Our Cabaña’s primary function is running international friendship events for members of WAGGGS from all over the world. Half my time was spent handling bookings for over fifty events during the Centenary, and the other half with the programme team planning and running activities and trips during events. There are several key components to each event. First, the international festival where you learn about the other participants, sharing games, songs, food and activities from their countries. Next, trips to local towns and archaeological sites including the Aztec pyramids. There is a service project with children, teenagers or senior citizens from the local community. Then, learning about Mexican traditions and WAGGGS initiatives as well as relaxation by the pool and exploring the local area to fill in the gaps. Finally, the all-important Mexican fiesta on the last night! Each event has its own flavour, and is shaped by both participants and staff. Our Cabaña has a rolling programme for volunteers so there are always new and fresh ideas, cultures, songs and activities to share. During my stay, I worked with colleagues from Argentina, Canada, Finland, Germany, Mexico, Sweden, UK, USA and Uruguay and met participants from all over the world. I have many happy memories and highlights from my time at Our Cabaña. I learnt Spanish and I was able to learn about Mexican culture, as well as explore various parts of the country in my free time. I worked with the Guías de México during their weekly meetings in the Cabaña’s gardens, met the Mexican President’s wife Margarita Zavala, a great supporter of the Mexican Guides, and was invited by her to welcome Michelle Obama on her official visit to Mexico. I was lucky enough to visit the site of the monarch butterfly migration three times, to see the amazing sight of millions of butterflies clinging to the trees in the Sierra Madre mountains. Through the Yolos, Our Cabaña’s scholarship scheme, two participants from Jordan were able to attend the Butterfly and Thinking Day event. This was very special for them, the staff and for all the other participants, as these ladies would not have been able to attend without kind donations from “yolos”, which means friend in Nahuatl the local native language in Morelos, the state where Our Cabaña is situated. My proudest moments include being involved in the Central American Gathering, a meeting of over 100 delegates from all over Central America, which was conducted entirely in Spanish – a definite challenge for me. Celebrating Thinking Day at a World Centre will also be a special experience, but this year I was asked to organise a full day of Thinking Day activities for two hundred and Girl Scouts. I planned activities with the theme “Together we can end extreme poverty and hunger” for members aged between five and eighty five, in English and Spanish. One of the activities was packing care packages of basic food and household items for senior citizens in the local community.

I cannot recommend a visit to Our Cabaña enough. Whether you visit for an event, as an independent group (the programme team will plan a programme just for you), or apply to be a volunteer, I am sure you would not regret it. I hope to return to Our Cabaña someday, and to visit other parts of Mexico I did not get to on this trip. In the meantime, I am continuing to support the Yolo scheme by creating a fundraising activity pack. If you would like more information on this pack or to be added to the email list to receive it when it is completed, please contact me on [email protected] SUPER SAFARI 100!

You came - You saw - You picnicked - You partied! Safari 100 You came - You saw - You picnicked - You partied! Safari 100 SANDY DISTRICT CENTENARY SLEEPOVER

“The sleepover was funny, we went on a midnight walk.” Said Georgia of 1st Sandy Guides.

One hundred and forty Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Young Leaders started the summer with a bang following a sleepover of fun and adventure at Ripton Lodge and Campsite at Abbots Ripton during the weekend of 3rd & 4th July 2010. This is the only district in Girlguiding Bedfordshire where all the units have been together for a residential event. The girls from Sandy, Potton, Blunham, Great Barford and Willington joined thousands of Girlguiding UK members from right across the country who this summer will have enjoyed a whole host of thrilling adventures from belly dancing with lions to water skiing the Atlantic. On Saturday morning the Guides arrived first and started pitching their tents, they were followed by the Brownies who were also camping. After lunch the Rainbows arrived and then everyone joined in the opening ceremony. The theme for the sleepover was the first experimental camp run by Robert Baden-Powell on Brownsea Island in 1907. So the girls were divided into six groups named Ravens, Curlews, Bulls, Wolves (after the patrols on the first camp), Baden-Powell and Brownsea Island. The girls participated in six different activities during Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. These were Archery, making a bivouac and using a trangia stove to make hot chocolate, some experimental camp activities, sports, music and making a photo frame for their souvenir photo of their tent group. Tea on Saturday was a barbecue, followed by a campfire. After the campfire the Rainbows went to bed and the Brownies and Guides participated in an evening hike as the light was fading. This proved to be one of the most popular activities. On Sunday after enjoying the days activities, everyone came together for the closing ceremony to shout about what had been best and thank the main organisers. The Rainbows went home with their lunch and souvenir badge in a goody bag. After lunch of pasta with various toppings, it was time to take down all the tents. The Brownies took down their tents and moved their bags to the front of the Lodge to be picked up by their parents and the Guides helped with the central clearing up by taking down the toilet tents, before taking down their own tents. Everyone worked well together and were ready to be picked up on time! Ann Crome, Co–organiser of the event said: “A huge part of being involved in guiding is the chance for members to have a go at something exciting alongside a group of friends. “Our own District Sleepover adventure was fantastic fun and sums up what Girlguiding UK’s Centenary celebrations have been all about – a huge adventure for us all and one which we will never forget.” A Rainbow was heard to say she was having so much fun she wanted to stay for a month! Over 150 Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and LUTon norTh & SoUTh aT Senior Section and Trefoil Guild members from Luton North and Luton South Divisions STockwood diScovery cenTre entertained the public with a "living history display" to celebrate 100 years of Girl Guiding at Stockwood Discovery centre over the weekend of 3rd and 4th July 2010. Both Girlguiding members and members of the public took part in activities, reminiscing over the archives, learning about how camping has evolved and seeing how our members still enjoy an organisation which is as relevant to today's girl as it was to the very first girls 100 years ago.

The public were invited to join our members in campfire songs, making masks, semaphore, cleaning brass, playing parachute games, watching a slide show of the many exciting activities that our members have had the opportunity to take part in during our centenary year and lots more. The archives proved popular with members of the public who were able to reminisce over the uniform that they once wore. One member of the public who is no longer involved even recited the Promise they had made as a Brownie.

Nellie King1910-2010 On Sunday October Sadly Nellie King passed away on 3rd, hoards of 4th November. It was a great Rainbows, Brownies, achievement for her to reach her Guides, Rangers and 100th birthday a few weeks ago, adult leaders headed during Centenary year. She had down to the been unwell for sime time but Embankment in had been feeling quite well since Bedford for the her birthday so her death came annual Bridge Walk. as a surprise. She has been a member of Guiding in Luton since Despite very heavy June 1921 when she was enrolled rain being forecast, as a Guide in 14th Luton Guide and several con - company. cerned phone calls, we geared up for whatever would be thrown at us. A pleasant surprise then to be bathed in sunshine - well for short spells anyway - the rain keeping away as requested! BEDFORD BRIDGE WALK Thanks to the Rangers for providing us with bridge 13 - a pom-pom bridge this year. The badge for those participating featured last year's Rangers bridge 2nd Shefford Brownies visit Shefford - a delightful Library as part of their Booklover badge centenary arch. Centenary Camp - a special moment in the celebrations

S omeone ate t oo many Marsh mallows! FUSION - FANTASTIC! join uides G cout orld S W in Moot Kenya r mme is su e th e UK plac f th ing art o two tak d p for was rme nya 26. mp rs fo n Ke ver y Ca mbe ot i se o enar me t Mo tho ent g UK Scou p of . he C idin rld be de u ities ilst t irlgu Wo t to ma ctiv Wh f G 13th ry”. ven of eam ut a up o the ove th e ary ce t ed o gro t at Disc you nten ervi arri a gen ate cout e ce e to he s nd c ntin ltim ld S o th ileg th t d, a Co f “U Wor als priv , wi oke ks o irst 10 is lute t. o 25 , co wee he f t 20 bso ven 18 t ped his t , bu an a ng e ed cam as t rica as eaki e ag we ly w n Af it w dbr ts ar hom on re i r me roun pan h w Not whe . Fo d g rtici wit obi, any nya l an pa s”, Nair eld n Ke ecia the Crew of ion h ng i a sp here al “ kirts edit outi uch p w tion outs exp Sc of s cam erna the hree part onal f int on of t be nati its o site one nter Un amp at an i into an c lace tion t is sed wall ok p pedi Moo gani t Ro to r ex A e or as a gram bu. r ou our wer se w pro d Em f fo ded o We ba ne’s , an t of loa ing t ain eryo aba e se eady try ur m f ev Kaiy n w alr ple n a O rt o os, alla had peo as o t pa chak Row We 500 ite w by bu : Ma y at kos. gine mps ted tres mon cha Ima s ca ree e n cen cere t Ma ing. ako re g as w ldre ing ean orn ach we ong chi to pen e m at m he M d we or l the tted he o or m s th . T rive it f ! ght cha er t ch f uck 7am t ar mire ark , tau and Aft whi to tr k at firs ad ot d ees ns, res, s on truc we e to it g g d tr dow ent bag o 1 hen paus fore ncin ante reak c and ont s; w uld s be l da e pl us b nts kit view e co tent iona ane s. W d b ing te heir ing t w our adit arc ool rvive amp all t eep tha tch f tr , sug sch , su . al c get h sw Not d pi ys o rms and ters iding tion e, wit set. s an ispla al fa ons, shel Gu erna hang ope sun bag to d loc tati bus and l int exc d sl ous our ted into plan uilt ting sua ral , an orge ind trea med s, b cou he u ultu usic a g to f ere elco me ut S all t e, c , m had e w d w ga abo yed illag fires hich still re w s; an ople njo nt V amp s, w the hike pe we e pme x, c oon e it time on lan velo rela bab cur our ken wal l De to and ’t se ing g; ta t Ro loba time eys idn t at Dur min ck a s: G s, onk we d dep rum Ba nce seum to m d if ite a ral nd d erie mu me foo qu seve a exp s to is ho for were nto rsion lan sites lar ke i xcu wal our ticu bro itely e s. Ro aid par ous, efin rtie ily r ys in curi as d pa app nke ing It w ld h mo , be ge. wou The and ma rly! oors rum e rope nt d ve a mad p g te o ha e! we g enin ts t enc isits bein op ten iffer m v get st ple’s a d s fro for d ju peo with ies i on’t I ha ing mor . I w oto amp me kos e ph c rite acha n th avou d M ildre my f roun e ch of ols a d th ng One cho owe orki cal s I sh es w to lo hen Guid ns, ed w nd enya obb em! uts a th K m f th Sco , wi en o all oups ns, tak were d gr rito and we ixe ns, B ting that in m adia pera ink, act ther Can co-o I th he f oge is, all and T ing t istan c(!) ith ct. liv Pak s, et e w refle and ans, lian t tim to egi stra spen ause Norw , Au we e p dans ren nyon t wan child ke a abou R the ma ite on ould y wr sion it w ssibl 13, pres ine po n 20 im imag I can da i ies! a big d. I an ana mor eft ere e th in C me ps, l ount ienc t is own dshi enc xper Moo our rien we y e orld ke y ing f ople to m xt W d ma taff orm e pe ore ne f an ags f f th ch m t the rsel re W ot o mu , bu you Klai a l s so ere o go e wa h s Ther Rainbows go wild at Whipsnade

very- e!! Loved e experienc e a brilliant bugs in th “It was from the t it apart en on!” thing abou asnt so ke - that, I w porta loos a Field ig in ved it! G - we lo

“The hyd rophe was ring an a a mazin ctivit g y - so hilar ious!”

“I liked the activities and the disco in the barn - only wish that the event was longer!” and Finale! Vision - The Gr Memories Marshmallow Magnificent Fireworks Lanterns Light Lots of Cake Promises Planting Projects & Processions

Your Bedfordshire Celebrations were Brilliant! Leighton Buzzard Trefoil Toasting Outstanding Services to Guiding Guild visit Deborah Bachini, Marshmallows Luton South Division Commissioner, and until recently County Guide Adviser, has received an Anglia Region Award, The Anglia Brooch. It was p resented at the Haverings 40th Anniversary Celebration . The Award was for her Rainbows Promising Bears Outstanding Services to Guiding especially in 1st Heath & Reach Rainbows with their Centenary Bedfordshire and Anglia. Bears. They all had uniforms made for them and took their Rainbow Promise during our evening. Oxfam Trailwalker Mission A HUGE thank you to Bedfordshire Girlguiding for your support for our Oxfam Trailwalker Mission.

We crossed the finish line at approximately 9.40 Sunday morning (we were all too tired to remember to stop our watches!), having started walking at

. 7.10am on Saturday. That's 26.5 hours. We are esti - . mating the 100km took us 20 hours 15 mins to walk, . with the support crew stops making up the remain - der - the smell of the bacon cooking at checkpoint 9

d around 6.30am after 20km non-stop through the Lauren ’s Cardboard Oven! night was heaven.

n Thanks to you, we are 15th in the fundraising league Picture of Lauren at her patrol camp permit. The team table with the total currently showing as £2,845, we made this cardboard oven and cooked chocolate know there's another £500 to come in so with Gift Aid

u muffins for their pudding! They felt a massive sense that's an amazing £4,000 for Oxfam and The Gurkha of achievement! Welfare Trust against our original target of £2,000 which is fantastic. Thank you all.

o Julia Hanna







z STOP PRESS! Thanks from Hitchin Hobblers After 25 years fundraising, Barton A big thank you to all those who bought a square on

u the Oxfam Treasure Map at Windy Sayles during the Scout & Guide H.Q. will be ready Centenary Walk. We raised a huge £200 in total. The for use in the new year, thanks to winning square was B16 which was chosen by Delwar a £55,736 Lottery grant! B of Luton who kindly donated his £50 winnings back to the charity. Beds Buzz - Editor Diane Butler email: [email protected] website email: [email protected]

Copy deadline for spring edition - 1st February 2011