The Pathfoot Building, University of 22nd February 2014 10.30am

Scottish Swimming AGM 2014

The Lecture Theatre, Pathfoot Building, University of Stirling Saturday 22nd February 2014

List of Acronyms used in this Report

ASA Amateur Swimming Association BS British Swimming CEO Chief Executive Officer CPD Continuing Professional Development CPO Child Protection Officer FINA Federation Internationale de Natation LEN Ligue Europeenne de Natation STO Swimming Technical Officials

Scottish Swimming AGM The Pathfoot Building, University of Stirling Saturday 22nd February 2014 – 10.30am


1. President’s Address

2. Minutes of the Meeting of 23rd February 2013

3. Business from Minutes

4. Correspondence

5. Address 5.1 Address by Company Chair 5.2 Company’s Annual Report, which will include reports from National Committees

6. Attendance & Apologies for Absence

7. Financial Report 2012/13, Budget for 2013/14 & Membership Fees for 2014/15

8. Company Fees and Fines for 2014/15

9. Alterations to the Governance Documentation 9.1 SASA Constitution 9.2 SASA Articles 9.3 Company Rules

10. Matters the SASA needs to consider as sole member of the Company

11. Notices of Motion

12. Appointment of Members of SASA Council

13. Endorsement of Members of National Committees

14. Confirmation of Appointments

15. Installation of President

16. Presentation of SASA Life Membership:  Gina Logan  Margaret Riach

Item 1 PRESIDENT’S REPORT If you ever feel that life is passing you by, and you have time to spare – think about becoming President of Scottish Amateur Swimming Association. This will be without doubt the quickest year of your life.

My term as President has passed so quickly, in that I wanted to do so much more, but just did not have the time; a one year term of office does not lend itself to making significant changes, but then that is maybe why it should only be one year. Added to this as someone who is still working, it is at times a juggling act to find time for family, work and swimming. I mention family first, because it is their fault I am in this position today, as swimming was never my sport, however without their support I could not have achieved what I have in the swimming world.

My aim at the start of my term of office was to champion the cause of the volunteers, who are the workforce behind all the success of SASA. The volunteers, who week after week, support their Clubs, Committees, Districts, Regions, and unselfishly give hours and hours to support all our Disciplines. I have been fortunate in being able to attend events involving all the Disciplines and it never ceases to amaze me at the number of personnel around an event, who do it all for no monetary reward, quite an unusual phenomena in today’s society. I do not want to single any one out by naming them, but you will know if you are one of them; to you all I say thank you most sincerely and this include parents who are often the forgotten volunteers.

In saying this I do not detract from the work of the professional staff, with whom I have kept “sweet”, where possible with occasional presents of home baking. In particular I would like to thank Elaine Mackenzie, who after 20 years with SASA is as enthusiastic as ever, or I hope she is? When we were without a CEO, Elaine along with the rest of the Management team kept the ship afloat for 3 months. Thanks to the team and to all professional staff.

Our new CEO, Forbes Dunlop was no stranger to swimming and as such he has made a seamless transition from sportscotland to our sport, as has Sharon MacDonald, our new Director of Development. Forbes is already looking beyond 2014, and reviewing many aspects of our sport with identified Focus groups. I do not want to go into great detail of the business side in my address as this is well documented elsewhere.

Similarly, reports will be given of the success of our swimmers, divers, water-polo players, open water swimmers and masters swimmers – Congratulations to them all, be it at World level or in their own Club championships- the dedication you give your sport is outstanding.

There is great excitement looking forward to Glasgow 2014, and I would like to congratulate the swimmers and officials already selected and also to the large number of volunteers who will be working in the familiar surroundings of Tollcross. It is good to know that the “weel kent” face and voice of Margaret Riach and Duncan McKinnell will be playing a major role in the swimming event.

In my travels throughout the country I have visited Clubs and indirectly seen the great work being done by our RSDM’s; this along with the new Club Development initiative can only make Clubs stronger and the sport better at all levels.

In conclusion I would like to thank the members of Scottish Swimming for giving me the honour of being their President, and to thank my fellow Council members and in particular my Vice Presidents David Downie and Eddie Wilmott. Working as a team we have managed to cover most meetings we have been invited to attend. I have enjoyed playing my role as a member of the Board of Scottish Swimming and thank my fellow Board members for all they do in ensuring that Scottish Swimming continues to be the Top sport recognised by sportscotland.

Gina Logan, President

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Item 2 Minutes of the Scottish Swimming Annual General Meeting Saturday 23rd February 2013 Pathfoot Lecture Theatre, Pathfoot Building, University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA

1. President’s Address: John Deans extended a warm welcome to the 114th AGM and to the Past Presidents, Life Members, Delegates and Board Members. He gave thanks to Scottish Swimming staff for arranging the AGM and thanked the University of Stirling for the excellent facilities. The President expressed his deepest regret at the passing of former SASA members and asked delegates to stand and observe a minutes silence in the memory of:

 David Balbirnie Menziehill & Whitehall Swimming & WPC & WP Committee Member  Gavin Fulton Inverleith ASC, Treasurer  Nancy McGillivray Past President, Donald McGillivray’s wife  Donald McGillivray SASA Life Member  Bernard Pirie Glenrothes ASC  Barbara Robertson Dunfermline ASC & STO  Peter Wilson Forres Bluefins and formerly Elgin ASC

The President advised that the Attendance and Apologies for Absence had been moved to Item 6 of the Agenda to ensure accuracy of numbers prior to voting. Finally the President introduced his colleagues at the top table – Deborah McGinniss (Finance Manager), Elaine Mackenzie (Director of Services), Maureen Campbell (Chair) and Gina Logan (Vice President); followed by Council Members and Board Directors.

2. Minutes of the Meeting of 25th February 2012: The Minutes were agreed as a true and accurate record of proceedings. Proposed by Blair Prentice, Life Member and seconded by Doris Mair, Life Member.

3. Business from Minutes: None.

4. Correspondence: Correspondence as noted below and listed in the Annual Business Document.  Walton Kilgour accepting appointment as the Company’s Independent Accountants  Elspeth Black accepting appointment as the Company’s Honorary Legal Advisor  Dr Kate Jordan accepting appointment as the Company’s Honorary Medical Advisor

5. Address: 5.1 Address by Company Chairperson; Maureen Campbell thanked everyone for attending and extended her thanks to Peter Bilsborough and the University of Stirling for providing the venue. She spoke of her delight to be here and share with you the successes of 2012 including a look back at the Olympics and Paralympics. She advised that the focus of the presentations would be on partnerships and how we build and work with our partners throughout .

Maureen gave thanks to the volunteers and emphasised how it was important to encourage the future generation of our sport and increase enthusiasm as we look towards the Commonwealth Games, Glasgow in 2014.

Maureen spoke briefly on the recent external audit by KPMG which had demonstrated good governance and highlighted our areas of good practice.

Before welcoming Forbes Dunlop (CEO) and Sharon MacDonald (Director of Development) Maureen gave thanks to Ashley Howard, Richard Gordon and Doug Campbell who have all recently left the company. She extended her thanks to the staff and to the Board who continue to work hard and make a valuable contribution as we look towards Glasgow 2014.

Following each presentation the delegates had the opportunity to ask the presenters questions surrounding their presentations. Elaine Mackenzie (Director of Services) advised that membership numbers remained healthy and 2014 Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document Page 2 had shown a steady increase with Scottish Swimming breaking the 20,000 barrier this year, our RSDMs would continue to work with swim schools and clubs to ensure a pathway into membership. She went on to speak about the 61,000 swimmers in Learn to Swim programmes in Scotland and stressed the need to work with this fantastic opportunity to grow our membership. Elaine updated the meeting on the move to a new phase of membership processing for 2013, she advised that Scottish Swimming would look to move the membership to a web based on-line membership system which is the next step up from CMS that clubs currently administer, this will bring us into line with both the ASA and Swim Wales and she highlighted the benefits and detailed the timeline assuring the meeting that the roll-out of the system would be fully supported.

Before concluding Elaine presented on an audit that Scottish Swimming had recently gone through at the start of February. The audit was carried out by KPMG a group of external auditors appointed on behalf of sportscotland. The audit was detailed and looked at 7 key areas including governance, finance and operational effectiveness. Elaine was delighted to report that Scottish Swimming had received the highest award and benchmarked us against other sports Governing Bodies.

In concluding Elaine spoke about the excitement building around Glasgow 2014, the aspiration to make our members proud to be part of Scottish Swimming and the need to work in partnership with clubs and members to benefit our sport.

Tom Hartnell (Livingston and Dolphins Swim School) questioned the clarification on the move to online membership and if there will be an opportunity for clubs to be a pilot club. Elaine confirmed that the roll out of online membership will take place during 2013 and a number of clubs will be asked to be a pilot club.

Deborah McGinniss (Finance Manager) reported that Scottish Swimming was in a good financial position highlighting significant growth during 2011/12 which saw our Turnover now exceeding £3 million. The key messages from today’s presentation highlighted that we had achieved 4 out of 5 of our financial targets with Membership continuing to show growth in revenue and membership numbers now back at the 20,000 range. Deborah summarised the key investments made during 2012 were to support Athletes and Coaches up to and during the Olympic and . She also provided an update on the areas of investment to clubs and programmes during 2012 and the investment to support the high performance plans for the next two years leading up to Glasgow 2014. Following on from the success we had at the Olympics and Paralympics Deborah was pleased to announce that Scottish Swimming was awarded the highest amount of funding for a Governing Body from sportscotland. She also confirmed that sportscotland had agreed to support our long term planning by committing to an in-principle funding for the next two years with a view to moving this to a four year period which would be aligned to our next strategic plan. Deborah concluded her presentation by thanking our members and partners for their continued support over the years.

Amanda Rigby-Greenhaugh (Education Manager) spoke on the close partnerships formed following the implementation of the UKCC courses in 2007. Approximately 1,000 candidates per year have gone through the UKCC education system and in 2011/12 the income we achieved through this was substantial. Amanda briefly concluded with the new products and opportunities which exist to develop the education team including the openings for UKCC investment.

Markus Stitz (Marketing and Development Manager) spoke about the partnerships developed throughout 2012, especially in the areas of social media and with our sponsors. Social media has helped to form great partnerships online with members and the public, which has resulted in an additional £10k funding by sportscotland to develop the social media channels further. Markus also talked about the benefits of social media and provided four specific examples to illustrate these. In the second part of his presentation Markus talked about the improved partnership with Scottish Gas. In 2012 Scottish Swimming and Scottish Gas have worked hard on jointly developing event branding for national events, which resulted in great feedback from Scottish Gas and British Gas. He also explained the on-going engagement of Scottish Gas on a local level with sponsoring the annual awards event, as well as the benefits from national initiatives like the Heroes Tour, which helped to generate media coverage for Scottish Swimming. Helen Murray Life Member asked if the marketing team would be delivering a social media 2014 Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document Page 3

workshop to support clubs and volunteers develop their social media skills. Markus confirmed that a workshop would be possible and the marketing team are currently developing social media guidelines.

Ally Whike (Director of Performance) gave a review of the successes achieved at London 2012 giving thanks to the many volunteers who all contributed in providing a great and memorable experience of the Games. He continued with an analysis of the Team’s achievements including medals for Michael Jamieson and James Clegg. Ally stated that following London 2012 British Swimming had gone through a review process and have since implemented a new performance team and structure.

Also mentioned within Ally’s report were the other Swimming achievements during 2012 and the retirement of Jim “The Swim” Anderson.

Finally Ally concluded his report mentioning the great partnerships we have across the Country in particular Leisure and the Institute of Sport who have contributed greatly with coach and swimmer support for our athletes.

5.2 Company’s Annual Report (including reports from National Committees); The President advised the delegates that the National Committee Reports were as read in the Annual Business Document with an Addendum covering the modifications. He asked if any Committee Chair wished the opportunity to update their reports.

Russell MacAloney (Water Polo Domestic Co-ordinator) stood in for Ken Fussell (Water Polo National Chair) to give a brief review of the Water Polo achievements advising that they now have over 550 water polo members across Scotland and Portobello WP Team winning the 2012 British Championships

Jane Ogden (Diving National Chair) updated the meeting on Grace Reid winning 3m Springboard competition at the British Gas Diving Championships. Preparations for the FINA/Midea World Diving Series in Edinburgh continue to go well. The recent “Splash” television programme starring Tom Daley had had a positive effect on diving participation.

6. Attendance and Apologies for Absence: Attendance;  Club Delegates: 76 – East (25), Midland (13), North (12), West (26).  Clubs Represented: 46 – East (16), Midland (7), North (9), West (14)  Life Members: 14  Swim Schools: 2  Council & Board of Directors: 5  Total Voting Delegates: 97

Also in attendance were: Staff - 20 Guest - 3 Apologies; Life Members – Ed Adam, George Battison, Nan Battison, Elizabeth Bowman, Stewart Davidson, Win Ferguson, Sir Peter Heatly, Ian Martin, George Philip, Mike Sheppard, Leslie Turberville, Roy Wilson. Board Members – None. Council Members – David Downie, Vice President 1; Lynn Alderton, North District; Committees – Ken Fussell, Water Polo Chair; Alistair Shields, East District STO Convener; Clubs – East; Dunfermline ASC, Dunfermline WPC, Inverleith ASC, Midland; Menzieshill & Whitehall ASC North; Dyce (Aberdeen) ASC, Skye Dolphins ASC, West; Hamilton WPC, North Ayrshire

7. Financial Report 2011/12 & Budget 2012/13 & Membership Fees for 2013/14 The President confirmed the finance report was as detailed in the Annual Business Document before welcoming any questions from the floor.

Margaret Somerville, Livingston & District Dolphins questioned the absence of Swim West Lothian in the finance report. Ally Whike confirmed that the Swim West Lothian project was now self-sustainable and therefore that’s why it had not been included in the report. 2014 Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document Page 4

Tom Hartnell (Livingston and Dolphins Swim School) had a query on the Comic Relief funding we receive and the ring fencing of money towards supporting online membership. Deborah McGinniss clarified where this funding had been allocated to in the report.

Following the agreement in 2010/11 to set a 4 year sustained membership fee the delegates agreed and approved keeping the membership fees the same for the 2013/14 period. Finally the finance report was accepted and proposed by John Mason, Board Director and seconded by Allan Fletcher, Life Member.

8. Company Fees & Fines for 2013/14 The Company Fees and Fines for 2013/14 as detailed in the Annual Business Document were agreed and accepted by the meeting. Proposed by Margaret Somerville, Livingston & District Dolphins and seconded by Allan Fletcher, Life Member.

9. Alterations to the Governance Documentation 9.1 SASA Constitution Before debating the proposals the President confirmed the voting rule; At least a two thirds majority of those present and voting must be secured before an alteration can be adopted.

The President then went through each proposal asking if further clarification was needed or if there were any objections from the floor.

Proposal PC1: Carried Proposal PC2: Duncan McKinnell (Life Member) asked for clarification on Swim Schools having the correct controls in place to deal with complaints since they were not covered under SASA. Tom Hartnell (Livingston and Dolphins Swim School) questioned if there was an opportunity for swim schools to be governed by the current procedures? The President confirmed that under the current set up it doesn’t allow this to happen. Blair Prentice confirmed that this rule change was simply outlining this clearly to Swim Schools in order for them to make sure they have their own complaints procedure in place. The Proposal was Carried. Proposal PC3: Carried Proposal PC4: Carried Proposal PC5: Carried Proposal PC6: Carried Proposal PC7: Carried

9.2 SASA Articles Before debating the proposals the President confirmed the voting rule;

Proposal RA1: Carried

9.3 Company Rules Before debating the proposals the President confirmed the voting rule; A simple majority of those present and voting must be secured before an alteration can be adopted.

The President then went through each proposal asking if further clarification was needed or if there were any objections from the floor. Proposal PR1: Carried Proposal PR2: Carried Proposal PR3: Carried

10. Matters the SASA needs to consider as sole member of the Company: None

11. Notices of Motion: None 12. Appointment of Members of SASA Council: The President advised that the appointment of members of SASA Council were as listed within the Annual Business Document. There were no objections to these Appointments with the AGM approving these Appointments for the coming year.

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13. Endorsement of Members of National Committees: The President confirmed the following changes and vacancies to the National Committees: Open Water Committee – Brian Bain is to replace Lynn Deans as Events Co-ordinator with Lynn Deans representing the West District and a vacancy exists for a Team Manager. Masters Committee – Hilary Stewart will be the North District Committee member. Synchronised Swimming Committee – Julie McDonald represents Grangemouth ASC as opposed to Grangemouth SSC as previously advised. The nominations for the National Committees were approved with the endorsement taking place with immediate effect

14. Confirmation of Appointments: The following company appointments were approved: Independent Examiners – Walton Kilgour Honorary Legal Advisor – Elspeth Black Honorary Medical Advisor – Dr Kate Jordan

15. Installation of President: The President’s final duty was to present the chain of office to Gina Logan. The President gave a short introduction to Gina noting her swimming experience and the number of roles she has had within swimming at a Local, National and International level.

Gina spoke briefly to advise it was an honour to stand before the delegates as President and she looks forward to a working with you all over the coming year.

Gina confirmed it was her duty as President to welcome David Downie, Vice President 1 to the Board of Scottish Swimming and to introduce Eddie Wilmott to the role as Vice President 2.

16. Presentation of SASA Life Membership: Gina spoke of her pleasure in presenting John Deans, Past President with a Life Member award presenting him with a small gift from Council of appreciation for his hard work over the past year.

Gina reminded all delegates that the next Awards Dinner Evening will take place on Friday 13th September 2013 and the AGM 2014 will take place on Saturday 22nd Feb. Finally Gina thanked everyone for attending the AGM.

The AGM meeting concluded at 11:40am.


1. Email from Mrs Elspeth Black accepting nomination as the Company’s Honorary Legal Advisor 2. Letter from Dr Kate Jordan accepting nomination as the Company’s Honorary Medical Advisor 3. Email from Allan Morgan of Walton Kilgour accepting nomination as the Company’s Independent Accountant

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Item 5.1 CHAIR/CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S REPORT 2013 has been a time to make final changes and refinements to our plans as we prepare for the and the final year of our six year Corporate Plan. Scottish Swimming remains on track for a strong finish to what has been a very successful period for the sport.

We always consider the success for our sport in the context of our members and partners who continue to show great commitment to and support of aquatics. Our membership continues to grow with our network of clubs, run by a very committed and skilled group of volunteers, providing a fantastic opportunity in local communities across Scotland. Club swimming is both supported and complemented by the Local Authorities, Leisure Trusts and other local partners who provide and manage the majority of the pools in Scotland. During 2013 we have continued to work with these local partners on areas such as learn to swim, adult swimming initiatives, performance partnerships, events, access agreements. These partnerships remain critical to the growth, development and ultimate success of aquatics in Scotland.

During 2013 Scottish Swimming had an external Audit carried out by KPMG; the audit considered our policies and procedures and reviewed how as a company we operate. We were delighted with the report from KPMG which praised Scottish Swimming and identified good practice in many areas. In October 2013 sportscotland showed its commitment and confidence in Scottish Swimming by confirming investment to Scottish Swimming until March 2015. We would like to thank sportscotland for both the financial support but also the significant staffing support provided, including through the sportscotland Institute of sport.

There have been a number of staffing changes during 2013, we would like to thank those staff who have left Scottish Swimming for the contribution they have made and welcome the new staff who have joined the organisation. Scottish Swimming continues to pride itself on the quality of the staff and the commitment they show to the organisation and the sport.

While we enter the final months leading into Glasgow we have also started the discussions on our next Corporate Plan. We want to find out what our members, partners and supporters believe Scottish Swimming should focus on and aim to achieve during our next Corporate Plan.

Finally with the 2013 / 2014 season well underway and swimmers and divers across the country preparing to qualify and then compete at the 2014 Commonwealth Games, we wish everyone success.

Maureen Campbell , Chair – Board of Directors Forbes Dunlop, Chief Executive


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SWIMMING REPORT Championships 2012/13 saw a number of enhancements to our National Championships. At National Age Groups we did a one day pilot of live streaming. This was a considerable success, both technically and in terms of impact and numbers of watchers, resulting in a roll-out at the June 2013 National Championships. We are very grateful to the Scottish Swimming Marketing team for managing this initiative which, finances permitting, will become a regular fixture. We also introduced the opportunity for swimmers over the age of 18 to swim at National Age Groups. A good number took up this opportunity which enhanced the standard of competition at the top end of the age bands.

For the National Championships, we returned to Tollcross following its major rebuild. Bringing a major Championships to the venue so soon after it had reopened created some challenges, but the facilities that are now available will serve as a fantastic resource for swimming in Scotland.

2013/14 will be even more exciting, with the build up to the Commonwealth Games and the opening of the Aberdeen Sports Village facility, which will be the venue for National Age Groups in June 2014. The National Championships will be held in April 2014 and will have a high profile as the first opportunity to achieve Commonwealth Games selection times. April also sees two major British events coming to Glasgow, the British Championships followed by the British International Disability Championships. This will be a major challenge for our events team but I am sure that they will rise to the challenge.

Grand Prix In 2012/13 we extended the Grand Prix series to three events, Inverness in November, East Kilbride in January and Edinburgh in June. We added a Friday evening session and enhanced the prize money available. All three events were successful, with the Edinburgh event attracting a strong English entry.

Congratulations to our overall winners, Stephen Milne (Perth City) and Rebecca Murray (Falkirk Otter).

The 2013/14 programme takes place in Inverness, Edinburgh and Aberdeen, with the Aberdeen event being the last chance to obtain a qualifying time for Glasgow 2014.

Elite Performances The headline events of the year were the World Championships in and the IPC World Championships in Montreal.

Six Scots took part in the World Championships:  Michael Jamieson (Bath ITC / Edinburgh University)  Craig McNally (Warrender)  Hannah Miley (Garioch)  Ross Murdoch (University of Stirling / West Dunbartonshire)  Robbie Renwick (City of Glasgow)  ( / Warrender)

Performances were consistently strong with five of the team making finals. Craig McNally and Dan Wallace were particularly impressive, achieving Scottish Records in 200 Backstroke and 400 Individual Medley respectively.

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Three Scots were on the British team at Montreal:

 James Clegg (East Lothian / Tranent) – 3rd, 400m Freestyle; 6th 100m Butterfly  Andrew Mullen (Ren 96) – 2nd, 200m Individual Medley; 2nd, 50m Backstroke; 3rd, 50m Butterfly, 4th 100m Freestyle; 5th, 50m Freestyle  Scott Quin (Warrender) – 5th, 100m Breaststroke

All three swimmers performed with distinction, particularly Andrew Mullen who demonstrated very strong progression compared with his Paralympic Games performances.

Youth Elite Performances Four Scots were on the British team for the European Junior Championships in Poland:

 Megan Briggs (Warrender)  Kathleen Dawson (Warrington)  Lucy Hope (Borders Elite Swim Team / Kelso)  Mark Szaranek (Carnegie)

Kathleen took two Silver medals in 50 and 200 Backstroke while Mark achieved Bronze in 200 Individual Medley and Silver in the Mixed 4 * 100 Free Relay. Lucy was part of the Bronze medal winning Girls 4 * 100 Free Relay while Megan just missed the medals with 4th place in 200 Backstroke.

Records At the time of writing, 133 National Senior, Junior and Age Group Records have been broken so far in 2013, across all categories – Senior, Junior, Club and Age Group, and both Long and Short Course. This is similar to last year and continues to demonstrate the strength of performance swimming at all levels. Full details are available on the website.

Calendar Review The Committee have now completed their review of calendar planning. This has resulted in a number of changes in Swimming Regulations which came into effect in November 2013. The main changes are in the area of calendar planning and forward planning, and it is hoped that these changes will make forward planning easier for clubs and enhance the range and quality of meets held across the country.

Committee Two members of the Swimming Committee stood down this year, Phil Potter (BSCA Representative) and Ian Wright (Co-opted member). Phil served on the committee for a number of years and provided valuable coaching insight to our deliberations. He has recently stood down from his BSCA responsibilities, with Andy Figgins taking over. Ian Wright has moved on to pastures new in Hatfield, having also provided very valuable support, particularly in the planning of our Championships. I am grateful to both of them, and all the committee members, for their contributions during the year.

Duncan McKinnell, Swimming Chair ______

WATER POLO REPORT I am pleased to report that Scottish Water Polo continues to develop and the number of players and teams within the sport are growing. The Water Polo Development Officer continues to be highly effective achieving the development targets and assisting the development of new and existing clubs and we are thrilled that he is now full time.

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British Events Scottish teams have had great success in British competitions in the last year with both Caledonia Women and Caledonia Men gaining promotion to 1st division of the British Water Polo League. Portobello have also retained their position in 1st division.

The 2013 British Water Polo Championships saw the two Scottish teams being drawn to play against each other with Caledonia victorious over Portobello showing how well they have developed over the last few years.

Our junior teams are active in the ASA Inter Regions competitions. Some of our junior players are participating in the GB Development programme. As well as players, Ian MacCallum has taken over the Head coach position of the GB under 17 women’s team. Ian and Alan Anderson are also on the management groups for the GB Women and GB Men respectively.

Facility Access Access to regular deep water pool time is still being actively pursued with agreement being reached with Tollcross from January 2014 to facilitate both the Academy games and club training. Club training time has also been secured at the new pool in Dundee with negotiations underway with Aberdeen Sports Village to secure regular pool time to enable the Academy to be established as well as club training.

Competition Calendar Our Scottish competition calendar continues to develop making used of the deep water pool time ensuring player performance development.

Commonwealth Water Polo Championships planning is progressing very well with the Aberdeen Sports Village hosting the event from 5th April to 12th April 2014. I would like to thank Forbes Dunlop for his full support of the Championships and the work he has done to make it happen.

The 2013 Tri Nations Water Polo Tournament was a great success with teams from Scotland, Ireland and Wales competing in 4 competitions, Men, Women, Junior Men and Junior Women. The GB U17 Women’s team stepped in for Ireland. As of next year this will be extended to 4 nations and called the North Sea Cup with Denmark being invited. Three of our Scotland teams have also been invited to further international tournaments.

Results Overall Men Women Jnr Men Jnr Women 1 Wales Wales GB U17 Ireland Wales 2 Ireland Scotland Scotland Wales Ireland 3 Scotland Ireland Wales Scotland Scotland

I would like to thank everyone involved in Water Polo and look forward to their continued support and that of Scottish Swimming in the coming year.

Ken Fussell, Water Polo Chair ______

SYNCHRONISED SWIMMING REPORT We are delighted to welcome a new Synchronised Swimming club this year from Aberdeen and links are being made for clubs to start up in both the Aberdeen and Dundee areas in the near future. The FINA Congress this year brought changes to our synchro rules including changes to our figure groups. This will prove challenging for our athletes in the year to come.

Congratulations go to Edinburgh and Fife Synchronised Swimming Clubs in gaining Synchro Mark.

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We had our highest entry at our Scottish Gas Nationals and Age Group Championships in Glasgow this year with most Scottish clubs being represented and it is very encouraging to see so many teams from all over the UK travel to our Nationals. This was the first opportunity since the FINA Congress for athletes to perform the new figures. Our National 12 year & under Scottish winner for a second year was Anna Whiteford from Clydebank ASC who won both figure and solo events. Chloe Hunter from Nairn SSC won the 13, 14, 15yr figures finishing a very creditable 14th out of 43 competitors. Chloe also won the solo in the National Section in this age group and was presented with the Dawn Zodiac Trophy. Edie Turner formerly of Edinburgh SSC now swimming for Bristol Central SSC took the National Junior figure and Solo event competing in the junior age group category, considering that Edie swam up an age group this was a tremendous achievement.

The Inter District Championships was won by the East District who won the Skill1/2 category while West District retained the 3/4/5 Skill category. The Mary Black Trophy was awarded at our Club Championships won by Clydebank ASC.

Edinburgh SSC and Clydebank ASC competed at the ASA Age Groups in Gloucester, Edie Turner from Edinburgh finished 24th in the figure event with the Clydebank team finishing a very creditable 9th in the Combination Team Event. Scotland had 5 Technical Official’s officiating at this Championship.

We now have one UKCC Level 2 coach in Scotland with a second coach having completed the synchro specific part. We are also hopefully on our way to having a tutor in Scotland in the next year. We also had 7 UKCC Level 1 candidates pass their Coaching Synchronised Swimming in April/May this year. With 5 Judges retraining and up-dating to take account of the FINA changes this year.

Finally, I would like to thank our volunteers that assist with our various events; we hope that you will continue to support us. Also my thanks to the National Committee and the staff at Scottish Swimming, for their continued assistance throughout the year.

Phyllis McLean, Synchronised Swimming Chair ______

OPEN WATER SWIMMING REPORT The Scottish Championships again took place at scenic Loch Venacher. The three main men’s events were dominated by Scott Deans. In the women’s events, these three distances were won by different swimmers, Rebecca Smith, Camilla Hattersley and Alyshia McCracken.

Our June Team event took four swimmers to the International German Championships. In an outstanding performance, Mark Deans won the 25k Championship outright. Rebecca Smith and Alyshia McCracken were 3rd and 4th in the 2.5k Championship. In the subsequent 10k, all our swimmers also gave very creditable performances.

Our Development Squad event took a squad of 11 to two rounds of the French Cup, where the swimmers competed on behalf of their Districts. The team won numerous medals. Almost all the swimmers gained at least one podium finish. The highlights included the 15k race, where Mark Deans and Scott Deans took first and second respectively, the 5k which Mark won, the 2k which Scott won, the 5k and 2k won by Rebecca Smith and the 15k, won by Alyshia McCracken.

The East District Open Water Championships were accredited as a qualifier for two age groups at the ASA Open Water Championships, allowing Scottish swimmers to qualify by a route other than by pool times for the first time. Scottish swimmers; Mark Deans, Camilla Hattersley, Scott

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Deans and Rebecca Smith won four of the ASA Age Group events and the 3k Masters event was won by Helen McRoberts.

A number of Scottish swimmers were invited to take part in the elite event at the Great Scottish Swim. All gave excellent performances against stiff international invited competition. However, the result of the elite women’s race was particularly outstanding, won by Kerri-Anne Payne, with Rebecca Smith and Camilla Hattersley second and third, respectively.

Mark Deans was selected to represent Scotland in the Faros Marathon in Croatia. He was placed seventh, in the fastest time ever by a Briton in the event.

Our October Team event was at the Cyprus International Swimming Marathon, an extremely high-standard event against international competition. Camilla Hattersley was second in the 10k event. Mark Deans was fifth in the 5k and fourth in the 10k despite being only 10 seconds and 3 seconds, respectively, behind the winners. There were outstanding swims from Rebecca Smith, Alyshia McCracken and Scott Deans.

A recruitment campaign for Open Water STOs within Midland District proved very successful and we hope to recruit from other Districts next year.

I would like to thank all volunteers involved with our discipline and my thanks to the Open Water Committee for their contribution throughout the year.

Les Rodger, Open Water Chair ______

MASTERS REPORT A Good Year We have had a good season with successful National Championships and an increase in provision of Club meets albeit with some of the latter showing some fragility in support. Our Nationals will be going to Aberdeen to sample the new facility and to recognise the success of the outstanding Club Champions, Silver City Blues.

The Silver City Meet in February is very well subscribed almost to the point where it challenges the facility, while Inverclyde Masters continue to show the way in catering for the younger age groups with a busy Meet in September. Brave and committed organisers have also added opportunity to race with the Midlands Masters held at Montrose, East District Masters at Prestonpans, and Lomond Masters at Vale of Leven.

The LEN European Masters were held in the impressive Pieter Van den Hoogenband Pool in Eindhoven in September 2013 with 27 Scottish Masters swimmers competing with another 4,600 competitors over six days of competition. Next year our main event will be the World Masters being held in Montreal Canada.

Developing our Discipline Staffing changes within Scottish Swimming has meant progress on the development of Masters swimming has been limited. However a new Participation Officer has now been recruited and this role will focus on the development of Masters swimming and adult aquatic activities. With the ASA embarking on a review of Masters within the sport, this emphasises a growing awareness of the role and value that should be placed in keeping adult members in active participation. While all this may appear obvious there has not necessarily been the appetite in all quarters to cater for the older members.

Consider the following paragraph:-

‘Masters- set to become an integrated part of swimming’ Masters Swimming has an important part to play in the Amateur Swimming Association’s (ASA) ‘cradle to grave’ policy which

2014 Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document Page 12 encourages people of all ages to take part in swimming in all its forms. This Strategy has a further role in helping to shape the future of swimming in its aim of creating lifetime customers’.

The only disappointing aspect of that paragraph is that it came from the Juba Report written in 2007 for the ASA. Encouraging however is the fact that Kelvin Juba has recently participated in a review of this report with the ASA Masters Committee and an early conclusion has highlighted the need to recruit a Development Officer.

Scottish swimming show the way yet again!

Scottish Masters will liaise with our counterparts as we look to write our new Development Plan.

Serving our Members It is estimated that little over 50% of registered Masters Swimmers actually compete. Our Committee has traditionally worked to deliver a service to competitors but is now aware that we need to:-

1 Establish easy and value for money routes for adults to get involved in structured swimming. 2 Create better pathways for recreational swimmers to step up and try competition should they be tempted. 3 Create pathways for younger swimmers to transition to Masters ensuring they stay in the sport for life.

With the support of the Participation Development Officer coupled with administrative support from Scottish swimming we can look forward to more “Good Years”.

Eddie Riach, Masters Chair ______

SWIMMING TECHNICAL OFFICIALS’ REPORT The following Scottish Swimming Technical Officials have been approved by FINA and endorsed by the Commonwealth Games Federation to officiate at the Games in Glasgow in July 2014.

Name Job Role Tom Mills Referee Kevin Paterson Starter David Downie Deck Official John Anderson Deck Official Bill Brash Deck Official Jim Buchan Deck Official Susan Coe Deck Official Sean Dawson Deck Official Eleanore Ferguson Deck Official Stewart Finlayson Deck Official Alison Finlayson Deck Official James Scott Deck Official Robert Jessiman Deck Official James Laird Deck Official Jenny Young Deck Official Doris Mair Deck Official Andrew McRoberts Deck Official Barbara Murdoch Deck Official

2014 Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document Page 13

Janice Morgan Deck Official Brian Hendry Deck Official Ralph Payne Deck Official Elizabeth Stewart Deck Official Neil Valentine Deck Official Duncan McKinnell Announcer Paul Noble Commentator Joanne Maguire Deck Official (RESERVE) Karen Gray Deck Official (RESERVE) Elaina Leach Deck Official (RESERVE)

Appointments for the Scottish FINA officials during 2013 Barbara Murdoch 2013 LEN European Masters – Eindhoven, Netherlands Tom Mills 2013 LEN European SC Championships – Herning, Denmark David Downie 2013 LEN European SC Championships – Herning, Denmark

The STO Committee continue to work hard during the year to train, examine, advise and assist officials throughout Scotland and I thank them all for their efforts.

Following the membership renewal this year we currently have 831 registered officials on the database – very similar to the same time last year. However the number of Licensed officials has fallen to 320 – almost 100 not renewing their Licence for the next 4 years – most of these are parents of children no longer swimming.

Registered Officials (* as at 09/12/13) Certificates Awarded 2011 2012 2013* 2011 2012 2013* East 135 158 166 Judge 1 86 124 91 Midland 71 70 72 Judge 2 45 36 31 North 380 375 372 Judge 2S 20 17 14 West 231 227 221 Referee 5 4 6 Total 817 830 831 Recorder 8 10 5 AOE 4 1 3 Timekeeper Assessments (~ as at 09/12/13) 2011 2012 2013~ Brian Hendry, STO Chair East 172 162 207 Midland 73 101 65 North 311 344 281 West 204 218 227 Total 760 825 780

Judges Assessments 2011 2012 2013~ Judge 1 219 177 206 Judge 2 57 45 84 Judge 2S 26 19 19 Total 302 221 309 Licensed Officials 2011 2012 2013* East 71 90 76 Midland 34 34 27 North 177 174 138 West 112 112 79 Total 394 410 320 2014 Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document Page 14

DIVING REPORT 2013 was an exciting year for diving in Scotland. A year on from the re-opening of the has seen a surge in the numbers of divers in Edinburgh. A comprehensive diving programme, including talent ID, was set up by Edinburgh Leisure, which acts as a great feed for diving talent into the club.

Congratulations must go to Grace Reid who won 2 medals at the British Championships in February. After finishing first in the Preliminary event, Grace won bronze in the 1m Final. Thrillingly, and after a nail-biting battle, she won gold in the 3m Final!

The highlight of the year must be hosting the prestigious FINA Diving World Series in Edinburgh. A hugely successful event, which show-cased the best of diving to packed audiences. Much was done to create a lasting legacy from this event with great opportunities for the volunteer work force both front and back of house, a recorder course being run in advance, a FINA Judges’ School which shadowed the event, Legacy DWS Invitational incentives and many more activities. As the first international event in the newly refurbished facility there were many valuable learning points to stand us in good stead for Glasgow 2014.

In the Midlands, diving goes from strength to strength with Dundee City Aquatics now benefitting from some additional water time in the new pool in Dundee. Ayr continues to face challenges having only a single 1m board with which to run classes. The local council has been considering how best to address the problems so that the full diving facility can be made available in 2014.

The second Celtic Cup was held in Ireland with Scotland returning home bearing over 40 medals plus retaining the Celtic Cup title. A very creditable performance from our young novices indeed.

The final events of the year are the Scottish Open & National Championships and the Scottish Open & National Novices (Thistle Trophy). Following the successful re-launch and “re-“opening” of these events in 2012 there was a record entry in 2013. With nearly 200 entries in the Junior/Senior event and the same again in the Novice event, it was a tall order to get through all the dives in 3 days. It is a credit to all the volunteers who organized and helped during the event that it all went smoothly with many compliments from those participating. Divers were sent from 15 clubs across the UK and, despite large teams from some key clubs, it was great to see Edinburgh lift the Thistle Trophy at the end of the day

Jane Ogden, Diving Chair ______

Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2014 Page 15 Item 7 FINANCE REPORT The enclosed financial statements are extracts taken from the certified accounts of Scottish Amateur Swimming Association Limited (SASA Ltd). A copy of the statutory accounts can be obtained from the Finance Manager at the National Swimming Academy should any member or partner of the Association wish to review them.

To summarise the key highlights I am delighted to report an annual turnover totalling £2.9M with a year- end surplus totalling £46,624. There were a number of key financial achievements this year together with robust budgetary control processes contributed significantly to our surplus. The surplus reported at the end of the financial year included the release of £20k from other reserves to support planned expenditure. In addition to this we also achieved a number of our key income targets at the end of October 2013. The financial statements presented to our members are in the same format as the last year with comprehensive notes to the accounts to assist with comparison of this year’s figures to the previous year. The notes to the accounts are as follows:-

1. The sportscotland grants shown in the accounts are greater this year (£1,386,907) than in the last financial year (£1,285,292) due to additional funding to support Participation initiatives and Top up. 2. Our target for membership income (£525k) has been exceeded with an additional £28k received during this year (£548k) compared to last year (c£520k). Based on membership data we can see significant growth in membership numbers. It is anticipated that this area will continue to grow with additional income being reflected in our 2013-14 projections. 3. There remains a separate reserve pot totalling £30k which will continue to be ring-fenced to support the move to online membership system (OMS) with investment being committed at the start of the new financial year. 4. Our objective for the four year period was to secure £250k to support our high performance plan. The surplus reported at the end of this financial year (£46k) brings our High Performance Reserves total to £202k. To date we have invested the sum of £100k to support London 2012 thus leaving a balance totalling £102k which will be re-invested into supporting Glasgow 2014. 5. Under Services, the income target set for recovering VAT (£20k) under partial exemption method was achieved. This figure is significantly less than the previous year (£82k) however it should be noted that last year included VAT recovered over a four year period. 6. Under Services, Marketing & Communications costs are higher this year (£71k) compared to last year (£34k) due to the costs associated with the planned costs of redeveloping our website and live streaming our national events. 7. Under Performance, there was significant investment towards our Athletes attending performance camps and competitions as part of our pre Commonwealth Games preparation. 8. Under Performance, cessation of funding from British Swimming to support the Stirling Integrated programme, consequently the contract for the programme was not re-newed. Scottish Swimming continues to support its Para Swimmers through integration with mainstream clubs and the National Programme. 9. Under Development, the grants received from sportscotland are less this year due to the reduction in the number of bursary grants paid to candidates however this is a timing issue with bursary payments being made after the completion of UKCC courses. Bursary grants not fully utilised during the year are deferred to later accounting periods. 10. Under Development, the income generated though UKCC candidates fees continues to grow with £249k income generated this year compared to £219k in 2011-12. Data analysis indicates that this is an area that will continue to grow with more members undertaking UKCC courses. 11. Under Performance, there was significant investment towards our Athletes attending performance camps and competitions as part of our pre Commonwealth Games preparation. 12. The balance sheet continues to show our strong cash flow position with a healthy bank balance however it should be noted that this includes deferred grants totalling £836k. Even after allowing for this the company still has reserves of c£490k.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Board, Council, committees, budget holders, commercial partners and all our supporters for their cooperation and support during 2013.

I wish clubs, members and all connected with Scottish Swimming a very successful 2014.

Deborah McGinniss, Finance Manager

Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2014 Page 16

Scottish Amateur Swimming Association Limited

Income & Expenditure Statement for year ending 31/10/13 2012-13 2011-12 *Area of Investment (Summary) Income Expenditure Income Expenditure Services £ 923,976 £ 679,595 £ 940,807 £ 674,763 Performance £ 940,730 £ 1,204,673 £ 1,023,616 £ 1,275,929 Development £ 1,059,847 £ 1,013,661 £ 1,020,564 £ 986,473 Release of Reserves £ 20,000 £ 17,200 Total Income/Expenditure £ 2,944,553 £ 2,897,929 £ 3,002,186 £ 2,937,165 Excess to High Performance Reserves £ 46,624 £ 15,021 Release Website Reserve -£ 20,000 Website Reserve/CMS Reserve £ 50,000 Release Olympic Ticket Reserve -£ 17,200

*Total grants received from sportscotland £ 1,386,907 £ 1,285,292

Corporate Headings Analysis for Period to 31/10/13

2012-13 2011-12 Services Income Expenditure Income Expenditure Membership £ 548,732 £ 519,938 Grants & External Funding - sportscotland £ 203,243 £ 185,000 Sponsorship £ 116,149 £ 83,587 Merchandise / Commercial Development £ 4,306 £ 18,092 £ 15,182 £ 24,713 Fundraising/Bank Interest £ 13,917 £ 1,828 £ 37,254 £ 2,159 VAT - Partial Exemption £ 20,036 £ 82,318 £ 14,274 Staffing £ 377,606 £ 2,552 £ 376,457 Office & Other Overheads £ 6,309 £ 149,116 £ 7,105 £ 147,818 Committee Expenses £ 30,864 £ 36,183 Marketing & Communications £ 11,284 £ 71,169 £ 7,870 £ 34,811 General Overheads £ 30,919 £ 38,349 Services Income & Expenditure £ 923,976 £ 679,595 £ 940,807 £ 674,763 Release Reserves £ 20,000 £ 8,135 Surplus/Deficit £ 264,381 £ 274,179

2012-13 2011-12 Performance Income Expenditure Income Expenditure Grants & External Funding - sportscotland £ 672,697 £ 662,839 - British Swimming & British Disability £ 48,756 £ 83,767 £ 50,756 £ 82,415 - Stirling Integrated Programme £ 15,400 £ 62,199 Staffing/Coaches £ 8,167 £ 304,545 £ 24,770 £ 325,450 Athlete Training & Competition Costs £ 188,100 £ 445,046 £ 152,292 £ 404,070 World Class Competitions £ 25,674 £ 83,259 Performance Coaching & Development £ 2,331 £ 133,874 £ 10,556 £ 113,376 Performance Programmes £ 5,279 £ 235,659 £ 34,530 £ 265,093 Committee Expenses £ 1,781 £ 2,266 Perf Income & Expenditure £ 940,730 £ 1,204,673 £ 1,023,616 £ 1,275,929 Release Reserves £ 8,425 Surplus/Deficit -£ 263,943 -£ 243,888

Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2014 Page 17

2012-13 2011-12 Development Income Expenditure Income Expenditure Grants & External Funding - sportscotland £ 378,967 £ 422,453 - Participation £ 167,493 £ 129,173 £ 120,207 £ 59,272 - Kelloggs £ 45,159 £ 46,838 Swimming Awards & Products £ 125,103 £ 62,715 £ 138,167 £ 49,731 Education (UKCC & CPD) £ 264,162 £ 252,442 £ 219,334 £ 253,421 Staffing £ 417,326 £ 6,983 £ 483,360 Club Development £ 4,908 £ 23,580 £ 5,755 £ 12,493 Discipline Support £ 74,057 £ 126,316 £ 60,827 £ 123,975 National Committees/Swimmer Pathway £ 2,109 £ 4,221 Total Development Income &Expenditure £ 1,059,847 £ 1,013,661 £ 1,020,564 £ 986,473 Release Reserves £ 640 Surplus/Deficit £ 46,186 £ 34,731

Total Income £ 2,944,553 Total Income £ 3,002,186 Total Expenditure £ 2,897,929 Total Expenditure £ 2,937,165 Website & CMS/Integra redevelopment £ 50,000 Total Surplus to High Perf Reserves £ 46,624 Surplus to High Perf Reserves £ 15,021 Release of Reserves -£ 20,000 Release of Reserves -£ 17,200

Financial Statement for Year Ending 31 October 2013 2012-13 2011-12

Fixed Assets £ 13,541 £ 25,250

Current Assets Stock £ 41,425 £ 46,189 Debtors £ 120,096 £ 123,162 Prepayment £ 111,887 £ 23,859 Bank & Float £ 1,403,322 £ 1,141,964 £ 1,676,730 £ 1,335,173

Current Liabilities Creditors & Accruals £ 363,270 £ 329,761 Grants c/f & Other Deferred Income £ 836,401 £ 566,685 £ 1,199,671 £ 896,446

Current Assets Less Current Liabilities £ 477,059 £ 438,727

Total Assets less Current Liabilities £ 490,600 £ 463,975 Represented by:- Retained Reserves £ 358,507 £ 358,507 Retained High Perf Reserves to support 2014 £ 102,092 £ 55,468 Surplus to Reserves Website & CMS/Integra £ 30,000 £ 50,000 £ 490,600 £ 463,975

Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2014 Page 18

Notes to Accounts for the year ended 31 October 2013

1. Government grants were received during the year from sportscotland, Scottish Government, Comic Relief and Big Lottery. This amounted to £1,483,940 and included grants not fully utilised during the year which are deferred to later accounting periods in accordance with the terms of the offer documents. 2. The surplus for the year amounted to £46,624 which included the release of £20,000 from other reserves to cover planned expenditure this year. 3. These accounts are prepared under the historical cost convention. 4. Fixed assets are depreciated over three years. The charge for the year amounted to £13,831 compared to £14,411 during 2013. 5. Stocks are valued at cost. 6. At 31 October 2013 the Company had a financial commitment of £11,550 p.a. plus VAT for a period of thirteen years for the rental of premises at Stirling. 7. Reserves include Bell Legacy totalling £176 and a JY Coutts Fund totalling £308.

Report of the Accountants to the members of Scottish Amateur Swimming Association Limited

We have examined the financial statements for the year end 31st October 2013 and are satisfied to the best of our knowledge and belief, that in accordance with the information and explanations supplied to us, the financial statements have been properly prepared from the accounting records of the company.

The procedures undertaken do not provide all of the evidence that would be required in an audit, and consequently we do not express an audit opinion on the view given by the accounts.

Walton Kilgour Chartered Accountants 2 Marshall Place Perth PH2 8AH

Item 8 COMPANY FEES FOR 2013/2014

Fees 2014 Protests £25 Complaints £50 Appeals £100 Special Meeting of Council £250 Special District Meeting £100 Composite Team £150 Meet Licence Applications £10 Temporary Membership Fee £10

Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2014 Page 19 Item 9

Proposed Alterations to Scottish Swimming Governance Documentation

Introduction This year there are 13 proposals and resolutions to amend Scottish Swimming Governance Documentation. The proposals can be broken up into 6 areas.  3 proposals are to amend “action by” dates to fit in with the pre AGM timetable or for consistency. PC1, RA1 & PR1  5 proposals are to make changes to current governance documentation and or dissolution clauses. PC2, PC3, RA5, RA6 & PR4  3 proposals are about National Committee membership. RA2, RA3 & RA4  2 proposals are to clarify or to document current practice. PR2 & PR3

The Proposals are categorised depending on the Governance Document being changed. 1. Proposals to change the Constitution - prefixed by “PC”. 2. Resolutions to change the Company Articles - prefixed by “RA”. 3. Proposals to change the Company Rules - prefixed by “PR”.

Each proposal/resolution contains 3 elements 1. The proposal identity, proposer and seconder 2. A briefing note to explain the context of the proposal including the relationship, if any, to other proposals or resolutions 3. The proposal itself

The voting rules for each set of proposals are 1. Amendments to the SASA Constitution (“PC”s) At least a two thirds majority of those present and voting must be secured before an alteration can be adopted. 2. Amendments to the Company Articles (“RA”s). At least a two thirds majority of those present and voting must be secured before an alteration can be adopted. 3. Amendments to the Company Rules (“PR”s). A simple majority of those present and voting must be secured before an alteration can be adopted.

Please note that any alteration to the Governance Documents shall take immediate effect unless otherwise decided by a simple majority.

Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2014 Page 20 Proposed Alterations to the SASA Constitution

Proposal PC1 Proposed by Elizabeth Stewart, Renfrew Baths Seconded by David Downie, Dyce (Aberdeen) ASC

Briefing Note. To amend the required by dates from 15 November to 1 November for AGM actions in order that they can be finalised and circulated in time for the November Board and Council pre AGM meeting. To amend other actions with due date of 15 November to be 1 November, for consistency. To also amend the only 31 October action (A3. to be 1 November, for consistency. This proposal does not alter any of the actions or required information – just the deadline dates. Note Resolution RA1 and proposal PR1 are linked to this proposal.

“Amend paragraphs as detailed” C5.0 SCOTTISH SWIMMING ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) C5.7 Clubs and Swim Schools must have affiliated to SASA, by not later than 1 November, failing which they cannot take part. C5.15 a) Proposed alterations to Governance Documentation and notices of motion must be received by the Company not later than 1 November prior to the AGM.

C11.2 SASA Life Membership C11.2.4 Nominations must be made to the Company by 1 November for submission to the SASA Council.

Proposal PC2 Proposed by David Downie, Dyce (Aberdeen) ASC Seconded by Eddie Wilmott, St Thomas ASC

Briefing Note. Following the four yearly review of the Scottish Hall of Fame criteria the following changes are recommended. - to amend the length of time period for retiral from International Competition from four to two years so that athletes who retired after the preceding Olympic games can be nominated. - to include paralympic swimmers. - to also clarify the wording regarding “Masters Events”.

“Amend paragraphs as detailed” C11.6 Scottish Swimming Hall of Fame C11.6.2 Nominations for induction to the Hall of Fame must be made to the Company, by 31 July, or a more suitable date determined and advised by the Board, for submission to the SASA Council. C11.6.4 Nominees should satisfy the following criteria b) Have retired from International Competition for at least two years in the Discipline for which they are being nominated, excluding participation in Masters Events. C11.6.5 Nominees should have achieved one of the following standards. However, achievement of one of the following standards is not a guarantee of an automatic nomination or of a nomination being accepted. a) An Olympic or Paralympic Games Medallist

Proposal PC3 Proposed by John Mason, Stirling Swimming (Director, Company Board) Seconded by David Downie, Dyce (Aberdeen) ASC

Briefing Note. To amend the dissolution clause for the Company (SASA Ltd) so that the assets are returned

Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2014 Page 21 to the sole member (in this case SASA) in order for the Company to qualify for Mutual Status for tax purposes. To add a dissolution clause to the SASA constitution so that if SASA ceases the funds go to the Objectives of SASA and not the membership. Note Resolution RA5 is linked to this proposal.

“Add paragraph as detailed” C12.0 FINANCES C12.3 In the event of the dissolution of The SASA, any funds, property and other assets shall not be distributed amongst the members in any way whatsoever, but shall be applied towards the objectives of The SASA as per Section C2.

Proposed Alterations to the Company Articles Resolution RA1 Proposed by Elizabeth Stewart, Renfrew Baths Seconded by David Downie, Dyce (Aberdeen) ASC

Briefing Note. Refer to proposal PC1 Note Proposal PC1 and Proposal PR1 are linked to this proposal.

“Amend paragraphs as detailed.” A3.1.3 Committees A3.1.3.2 Meetings A3. Each Committee shall provide a list of meeting dates for the following calendar year to the Company by 1 November each year. A3.1.3.6 Responsibilities A3. National Discipline / Technical Committees shall have the following responsibilities in addition to those detailed in their Regulations: a) Review annually and bring forward for the approval of Company Board amendments to the regulations, for which they have responsibility, or confirm no change is required by 1 November each year, before promulgation of the regulations to the membership. b) Submit an Annual Report to the Company by 1 November each year. c) Submit their nomination for Chair for the following year, to the Company, by 1 November each year.

Resolution RA2 Proposed by Ian Fleming, East Kilbride ASC Seconded by Cath Fleming, Portobello ASC

Briefing Note. This proposal has 2 purposes. 1. To ensure that all members of National Committees are affiliated members of SASA unless an exception is specifically stated in the Company Articles or agreed by the Board in the case of co- opted members. 2. To amend the voting rights for National Committee members to be restricted to those members who are members of SASA in a similar fashion to the restriction to Company Board Members and Chairs of National Committees being entitled to vote at a Scottish Swimming AGM (SASA Constitution C5.8). Please note that if passed this proposal will take effect after the February 2014 AGM. Resolution RA4 is being proposed as a result of this resolution.

“Amend paragraphs as detailed.” A3.1.3.2 Meetings A3. All members, including co-opted members, shall be entitled to vote if they are members of SASA.

Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2014 Page 22 A3.1.3.4 Appointments A3. The appointment process for members of National Discipline/Technical Committees shall be as follows: e) All members of National Committees shall be members of SASA unless specifically stated otherwise (e.g. Scottish Swimming Staff) in the Committee structures in sections A3.1.3.7 and A3.1.3.8. f) Co-opted members must be members of SASA except with the agreement of the Company Board.

Resolution RA3 Proposed by Ken Fussell, Western Baths WPC (Chair, Water Polo Committee) Seconded by Robert Tate, Edinburgh University

Briefing Note. This resolution has been raised by the Water Polo committee after reviewing their committee structure as a result of resolution RA2. It has 2 purposes. 1. To add an extra committee member to the Water Polo Committee to be responsible for the committee’s finances, in particular to:-  Deal efficiently and effectively with all income and expenditure approval against the agreed budget  Keep up to date records of all financial transactions  Ensure that funds are spent properly  Reconcile the end of year accounts to present to Scottish Swimming  Plan the annual budget in agreement with the committee plan  Monitor the budget throughout the year At the moment this post is carried out by a co-opted member.

2. To bring the role titles on the committee into line with the Diving and Synchronised Swimming committees, neither of which are affected by this resolution.

“Amend paragraphs as detailed.” A3.1.3.7 National Discipline Committees A3. Diving, Synchronised Swimming and Water Polo Committees c) Event Co-ordinator responsible for  Competition programme  Calendar Planning  Health and Safety relating to events. d) Technical Officials Co-ordinator responsible for  Technical officials training  Technical officials deployment f) Finance Co-ordinator (Water Polo Committee only) responsible for  Controlling income and expenditure  Budget preparation, monitoring and reconciliation  Preparation of annual accounts

Resolution RA4 Proposed by Ian Fleming, East Kilbride ASC Seconded by Cath Fleming, Portobello ASC

Briefing Note. This resolution is linked to resolution RA2. The resolution is to allow the Chair of the Coaches Technical Panel, for the sake of independence, to be appointed from outwith the membership of Scottish Swimming. The current chair is from the Scottish Institute of Sport.

“Amend paragraph as detailed.” A3.1.3.8 National Technical Committees A3. Coaches Technical Panel Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2014 Page 23 a) Chair, who need not necessarily be a member of Scottish Swimming.

Resolution RA5 Proposed by John Mason, Stirling Swimming (Director, Company Board) Seconded by David Downie, Dyce (Aberdeen) ASC

Briefing Note. As per proposal PC3 Note This resolution is linked to Proposal PC3 and will be withdrawn if proposal PC3 is not adopted.

“Add paragraphs as detailed.” PART 5 ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS A5.7 Liability of Members. A5.7.1 The Member of the Company undertakes to contribute to the assets of the Company in the event of the same being wound up while a Member, or within one year after ceasing to be a Member, for payment of the debts and liabilities of the Company contracted before ceasing to be a Member and of the costs, charges, and expenses of winding up, and for the adjustment of the rights of the contributors among themselves, such amount as may be required not exceeding £1. A5.8 Dissolution of Company A5.8.1 If upon the winding up or dissolution of the Company there remains after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property whatsoever the same shall be paid to or distributed to the sole Member of the Company, which is The SASA.

“Amend paragraphs in the Appendix as detailed.” Appendix. CLAUSE 6 6 Not used. CLAUSE 7 7 Not used.

Please note this will require Part 5 to be amended in the Company Articles Index. Please note this will require Clauses 6 and 7 to be amended in the Company Articles Appendix Index. Please note that numbering of paragraphs A5.7 & A5.8 will be amended if resolution RA6 is adopted.

Resolution RA6 Proposed by Blair Prentice, Life Member (Editorial Board) Seconded by John Mason, Stirling Swimming (Director, Company Board)

Briefing Note. This resolution is a result of the discussions with the Company Lawyer regarding the changes to the dissolution clauses to allow the Company to attain Mutual status. The discussions centred on the late change to the revised articles introduced following the Scottish Swimming review and the changes for The Companies Act 2006. At that time the advice was that parts of the previous Company Articles should be retained for historical purposes and added as an appendix to the revised Company Articles. Thus Clauses 2, 3, 4, 6 & 7 were retained as part of the Appendix resulting in Clauses 6 & 7 being removed from the revised Articles. The updated advice is that the Appendices are not required to be retained any longer and the relevant parts which should be retained moved to the main parts of the Company Articles. The parts being retained are Clause 2, the preamble to Clause 3, Clause 4, Clause 6 and Clause 7.

Notes This resolution is a stand alone resolution and is not linked to Proposal PC3 nor

Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2014 Page 24 Resolution RA5. The final wording for this proposal is dependent on the outcome of Resolution RA5 as the same clauses are affected.

“Amend paragraph as detailed.” A1.2.1 The principal object for which the Company is established is to deal with the day to day management of the affairs of The Scottish Amateur Swimming Association (the "SASA") as such right is delegated to and vested in the Company in terms of the SASA Constitution.

“Add paragraphs as detailed.” A1.3 Registered Office A1.3.1 The Company's Registered Office is to be situated in Scotland.

PART 5 ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS A5.7 Company Income, Property and Payment A5.7.1 The income and property of the Company whensoever derived shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Company as set forth in the Company Articles and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, gift, bonus or otherwise howsoever by way of profit to the Members, officers or servants of the Company. PROVIDED that nothing herein shall prevent a) The payment in good faith of reasonable and proper remuneration to any Member, officer, or servant of the Company in return for any services actually rendered to the Company, or outlays properly incurred on its behalf. b) The payment in good faith to any Member, officer, or servant of the Company including members of its Board of Directors of out of pocket expenses incurred by him in or about the performance of his duties. c) A reasonable and proper rent for premises let by any Member of the Company or its Board of Directors.

“Delete paragraph as detailed.” PART 6 APPENDIX A6.1 The appendix annexed as relative hereto is hereby included in these Articles of Association.

Appendix. Delete the entire Appendix to the Company Articles from the Index right through to Clause 7. Please note this will require Part 5 to be amended in the Company Articles Index. Please note that if resolution RA5 is not adopted this resolution will be extended to include the transfer of Clauses 6 & 7 from the Appendix to A5.8 and A5.9 in the Company Articles.

Proposed Alterations to the Company Rules

Proposal PR1 Proposed by Elizabeth Stewart, Renfrew Baths Seconded by David Downie, Dyce (Aberdeen) ASC

Briefing Note. Refer to proposal PC1

Note Proposal PC1 and Resolution RA1 are linked to this proposal.

“Amend paragraph as detailed” R1.3 Appointments/Nominations. R1.3.2.1 National Enquiry Panel (NEP) Appointments Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2014 Page 25 R1. Nominations for membership of the National Panels Member list may be made by SASA Districts. Each District may, each year, nominate not more than six persons (who shall be Members of SASA). Nominations are to be sent to the Company by 1 November for submission to the Company Board. Members of the SASA Council and the Company Board shall not be eligible for Nomination.

Proposal PR2 Proposed by Danny McGowan, Life Member (Director, Company Board) Seconded by Alan Thomson, Forres Bluefins ASC

Briefing Note. To clarify that members can not represent their 1st and 2nd Claim Clubs in the same competition. Company rule R5.4.4 clarifies this for Composite Teams and registered Clubs this is for multiple clubs – this change is a clarification for individuals who are members of more than one club.

“Add paragraph as detailed” R5.1.4 In Swimming, Masters Swimming, Synchronised Swimming, Diving or Open Water Swimming the following shall apply: d) Competitors cannot represent their first and second claim clubs in the same competition.

Proposal PR3 Proposed by Les Rodger, Aquanauts Livingston ASC Seconded by Blair Prentice, Life Member

Briefing Note. There has been a procedure adopted by the Chief Executive and the Open Water Committee Chair to allow for the streamlining of the process for approving “one-off” Open Water events which SASA Members can take part in as per rule R5.1.6(b). This only applies to Open Water events where this is a very limited number of events organised by Scottish Swimming or affiliated Clubs. This rule change is to document the process to provide clarity and ensure openness.

“Add a section as detailed” R5.1.7 The following additional exception to those in R5.1.6 shall apply to Open Water Swimming. a) On a yearly basis the Company and the Open Water Committee Chair shall agree which events or meets organised by bodies not affiliated to FINA the Company will approve for SASA members to participate in. The Open Water Committee Chair will be responsible for communicating this list to SASA members.

Proposal PR4 Proposed by Duncan McKinnell, Life Member Seconded by Margaret Riach, Milngavie & Bearsden

Briefing Note. To introduce a default period for appeals against fines imposed by the Company, National Committees, etc. where no specific time for appeals is intimated.

“Add a new paragraph R13.6.3 as detailed” “Renumber paragraph R13.6.3 to R13.6.4” R13.6 Fines R13.6.3 Any appeal against a fine must be made in writing to the body imposing the fine within the stipulated appeals timescale for the fine, or 28 days if no timescale is stipulated, of written notification of the fine. The appeal will be considered by two Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2014 Page 26 members of the relevant body who were not involved with the initial imposition of the fine. Their decision will be final. R13.6.4 When a fee or fine (not subject to appeal) due to the Company has not been paid the Company can after due warning suspend the Individual or Club until payment is made.

Item 10




Council President David Downie All Districts Vice President Eddie Wilmott All Districts Vice President Elizabeth Stewart All Districts District Reps Cath Fleming East District Ronnie Anderson East District Moraig Macdonald Midland District Pamela Thomson Midland District Alan Thomson North District Lynn Alderton North District Ian Fleming West District Stewart Finlayson West District Board Reps Maureen Campbell Chair Danny McGowan Director


All National Chairs and Staff Nominees are listed for information only.

Swimming Committee Chair Duncan McKinnell Committee Elizabeth Stewart West Helen Smith North Helen Murray East David Haig Midland National Championships/ Meet Convenor Margaret Riach Technical Officials Rep Brian Hendry BSCA Rep Andy Figgins Staff Nominee Ally Whike

Open Water Committee Chair Les Rodger Committee Lynne Deans West Jennifer Ewen North Andrea Gellan East Sandra Westgate Midland Squad/Team Manager Mhairi Connor

Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2014 Page 27 Events Co-ordinator Kirsty Ewen Technical Officials Co-ordinator Ralph Payne Health & Safety Co-ordinator Jim Gallacher Staff Nominee Ewan Stirling

Masters Swimming Committee Chair Eddie Riach Committee Mac Fleetwood West Vacancy North Darren Marr East Alastair Caird Midland Events Co-ordinator Margaret Riach Technical Officials Co-ordinator Stewart Finlayson Staff Nominee Jayne Smith

Synchronised Swimming Committee Chair Phyllis McLean Committee Dorka Meiszterics Aberdeen University Synchro SC Emma Miller Clydebank ASC Margo Wimberley Edinburgh SSC Irene Glen Fife SSC Julie McDonald Simpson Grangemouth ASC Tracey Shand Nairn SSC Events/Domestic Co-ordinator Phyllis McLean/Elizabeth Bowman Director of Technical Officials Elizabeth Bowman/Margo Wimberley Staff Nominee Sarah Pryde-Smith

Diving Committee Chair Jane Ogden Committee Peter Smith Ayr Diving Club Kay Neale Dundee City Aquatics Vicki Tomlinson Edinburgh Diving Club Events Co-ordinator No Nominee Director of Technical Officials No Nominee Staff Nominee Sharon MacDonald

Water Polo Committee Chair Ken Fussell Committee Neil Kennedy Aberdeen ASC Richie Metcalfe Dunfermline WPC David Thomson East Dunbartonshire Chris Henning Edinburgh University Paula Dunbar Hamilton WPC Murray McLeod Menzieshill Whitehall Neilson Rutherford Portobello No Nominee St Andrews University WPC David Dalziel Stirling Swimming No Nominee Warrender Baths Club John Jeffers Western Baths WPC Domestic Co-ordinator Russell MacAloney Director of Technical Officials David Armstrong Staff Nominee Neal Rayner

STO Committee Chair Brian Hendry Committee Stewart Finlayson West Kevin Paterson North Alistair Shields East Neil Valentine Midland Elected Member Joanna Maguire Elected Member Elizabeth Stewart Staff Nominee Sean Dawson Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2014 Page 28 Coaches Technical Panel sportscotland Rep (Chair) Phil Reid sportscotland Partnership Manager Ewen Cameron Coach Laurel Bailey Coach Andy Figgins Coach Gordon Glasgow Coach John Szaranek Coach Steven Tigg Coach Graham Wardell Performance Director Ally Whike Staff Nominee Shona McCallum


Appointments at AGM Independent Examiners Walton Kilgour Honorary Legal Adviser Elspeth Black Honorary Medical Adviser Dr Kate Jordan

BRITISH SWIMMING JUDICIAL PANEL MEMBERS Judicial Panel:- Tom Tracey Margaret Somerville John Anderson Appeal Panel:- Doris Mair



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