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Title 38: WATERS and NAVIGATION Chapter 3: PROTECTION and IMPROVEMENT of WATERS Title 38: WATERS AND NAVIGATION Chapter 3: PROTECTION AND IMPROVEMENT OF WATERS Table of Contents Subchapter 1. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BOARD................................................. 13 Article 1. ORGANIZATION AND GENERAL PROVISIONS................................................. 13 Section 361. ORGANIZATION; COMPENSATION; MEETINGS; DUTIES (REPEALED)........................................................................................................................... 13 Section 361-A. DEFINITIONS............................................................................................... 13 Section 361-B. PROCESSING APPLICATIONS (REPEALED)........................................... 17 Section 361-C. PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION (REPEALED)............................... 17 Section 361-D. RADIOACTIVE WASTE FACILITIES (REPEALED)................................ 17 Section 362. AUTHORITY TO ACCEPT FEDERAL FUNDS............................................. 17 Section 362-A. EXPERIMENTS AND SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE FIELD OF POLLUTION AND POLLUTION CONTROL...................................................................... 17 Section 363. STANDARDS OF CLASSIFICATION OF FRESH WATERS (REPEALED)........................................................................................................................... 18 Section 363-A. STANDARDS OF CLASSIFICATION OF GREAT PONDS (REPEALED)........................................................................................................................... 18 Section 363-B. STANDARDS OF CLASSIFICATION OF GROUND WATER (REPEALED)........................................................................................................................... 18 Section 363-C. CLASSIFICATION FOR CERTAIN HYDROELECTRIC IMPOUNDMENTS (REPEALED)......................................................................................... 18 Section 363-D. WAIVER OR MODIFICATION OF PROTECTION AND IMPROVEMENT LAWS...................................................................................................................................... 18 Section 364. TIDAL OR MARINE WATERS (REPEALED)............................................... 19 Section 365. CLASSIFICATION PROCEDURE (REPEALED)........................................... 19 Section 366. COOPERATION WITH OTHER DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES (REPEALED)........................................................................................................................... 19 Section 367. CLASSIFICATION OF SURFACE WATERS (REPEALED).......................... 19 Section 368. -- INLAND WATERS (REPEALED)................................................................ 19 Section 369. -- COASTAL STREAMS (REPEALED)........................................................... 20 Section 370. -- TIDAL WATERS (REPEALED)................................................................... 20 Section 371. -- GREAT PONDS (REPEALED)..................................................................... 20 Section 371-A. CLASSIFICATION OF GREAT PONDS (REPEALED)............................. 20 Section 371-B. CLASSIFICATION OF GROUND WATER (REPEALED)......................... 20 Section 372. EXCEPTIONS.................................................................................................... 20 Article 1-A. GREAT PONDS PROGRAM ............................................................................... 21 Section 380. FINDINGS; PURPOSE (REPEALED).............................................................. 21 Section 381. GREAT POND DEFINED (REPEALED)......................................................... 21 Section 382. POWERS AND DUTIES (REPEALED)........................................................... 21 Section 383. DATA BANK (REPEALED)............................................................................. 21 Section 384. RESEARCH (REPEALED)............................................................................... 21 Section 385. FUNDS (REPEALED)....................................................................................... 21 Section 386. FINDINGS; PURPOSE (REPEALED).............................................................. 21 | i MRS Title 38, Chapter 3: PROTECTION AND IMPROVEMENT OF WATERS Text current through November 1, 2018, see disclaimer at end of document. Section 387. POWERS AND DUTIES (REPEALED)........................................................... 21 Section 388. DATA BANK (REPEALED)............................................................................. 22 Section 389. RESEARCH (REPEALED)............................................................................... 22 Section 390. FUNDS (REPEALED)....................................................................................... 22 Section 390-A. LAKE RESTORATION AND PROTECTION FINANCIAL AID PROGRAM (REPEALED)........................................................................................................................... 22 Section 391. PROHIBITIONS (REPEALED)......................................................................... 22 Section 391-A. PROHIBITIONS (REPEALED).................................................................... 22 Section 392. DEFINITIONS (REPEALED)........................................................................... 22 Section 393. PERMIT; STANDARDS (REPEALED)............................................................ 22 Section 394. EXEMPTIONS (REPEALED)........................................................................... 23 Section 395. VIOLATIONS (REPEALED)............................................................................ 23 Section 396. ENFORCEMENT (REPEALED)....................................................................... 23 Section 397. INJUNCTION; RESTORATION (REPEALED)............................................... 23 Article 1-B. GROUND WATER PROTECTION PROGRAM.................................................. 23 Section 401. FINDINGS; PURPOSE...................................................................................... 23 Section 402. RESEARCH........................................................................................................ 24 Section 403. GROUND WATER QUALITY......................................................................... 24 Section 404. GROUND WATER RIGHTS............................................................................ 25 Article 1-C. FRESHWATER WETLANDS .............................................................................. 26 Section 405. STATEMENT OF FINDINGS AND PURPOSE (REPEALED)....................... 26 Section 406. DEFINITIONS (REPEALED)........................................................................... 26 Section 407. IDENTIFICATION OF FRESHWATER WETLANDS (REPEALED)............ 26 Section 407-A. IDENTIFICATION OF FRESHWATER WETLANDS (REPEALED)........ 26 Section 408. PROHIBITIONS (REPEALED)......................................................................... 26 Section 409. STANDARDS (REPEALED)............................................................................ 26 Section 410. DELEGATION OF PERMIT GRANTING AUTHORITY TO MUNICIPALITY (REPEALED)........................................................................................................................... 27 Section 410-A. PERMITS; GRANTS; DENIALS; SUSPENSIONS (REPEALED).............. 27 Section 410-B. VIOLATIONS (REPEALED)........................................................................ 27 Section 410-C. ENFORCEMENT (REPEALED)................................................................... 27 Section 410-D. EXEMPTIONS (REPEALED)....................................................................... 27 Section 410-E. FEES (REPEALED)....................................................................................... 27 Article 1-E. MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM .............................. 27 Section 410-F. MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM...................... 27 Section 410-G. REPORT REQUIRED.................................................................................... 28 Article 1-F. NONPOINT SOURCE POLLUTION PROGRAM ............................................... 28 Section 410-H. DEFINITIONS............................................................................................... 28 Section 410-I. COOPERATION WITH AGENCIES............................................................. 29 Section 410-J. PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION................................................................. 30 Section 410-K. PROGRAM REVIEW.................................................................................... 30 Article 1-G. LAKES ASSESSMENT AND PROTECTION PROGRAM ................................ 31 Section 410-L. LAKES ASSESSMENT AND PROTECTION PROGRAM ESTABLISHED....................................................................................................................... 31 Section 410-M. LAKES ASSESSMENT AND PROTECTION............................................. 31 Section 410-N. AQUATIC NUISANCE SPECIES CONTROL............................................. 31 ii | MRS Title 38, Chapter 3: PROTECTION AND IMPROVEMENT OF WATERS Text current through November 1, 2018, see disclaimer at end of document. Article 2. POLLUTION CONTROL........................................................................................... 33 Section 411. STATE CONTRIBUTION TO POLLUTION ABATEMENT.......................... 33 Section 411-A. STATE CONTRIBUTION TO RESIDENTIAL OVERBOARD
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