Five Young Men To Be Ordained For Archdiocese Five young men will be land F. Freem an, the Rev. ordained by Archbishop Kenneth Leone, the Rev. James V. Casey for service William Uebelher, the Rev. in the Archdiocese of Denver Edward J. Poehlmann, and in ceremonies to be held in the Rev. John F. Wind. the Denver Cathedral on The four Jesuits to be Saturday, May 27, beginning ordained are the Rev. Thom­ at 9:30 a.m. as A. Duggan, the Rev. Mi­ Also to be ordained by chael J. G arland, the Rev. Archbishop Casey will be Robert L. Sullivan, all three four Jesuits, three of them former Denver residents; and former Denver residents, the Rev. James P. Bradley of from St. Mary college, St. Albuquerque, N. Mex. Marys, Kans. The five new archdioce­ (See related stories and pho­ san priests are the Rev. Ro­ tos on Page 2)

Demands of Reds Cause Fear Gallant Leathernecks in Prayer U.S. Marines, members of a unit that suf- Vietnam. A chaplain is shown leading the tired fered heavy casualties, bow their heads in a leathernecks in prayer, For Future of Hong Kong prayer of thanksgiving on Hill 831 in northwest {Register Special) Macao, only 35 miles west Chinese Communist party Hong Kong — An unea­ of here, left little doubt Chairman Mao Tse-tung’s sy quiet, punctuated by whether' the same thing cultural revolution.” It is i ’ verbal attacks from Peking could happen here, but it believed also that ignoring on the British government certainly could be attempt­ the demands will not ease of this precariously located ed. the tension. d cn iaer.. catho lic crown colony, followed a "Many Chin a-watchers week of sporadic rioting M A CA O ’ S government are inclined to discount the here sparked by labor dis­ was forced to capitulate in view that the economic putes at two factories in January to demands that importance of Hong Kong the Kowloon district. left the Portuguese with to China will dissuade only nominal control of the Peking from a thrust A Maryknoll priest colony, subject to the wish­ against the colony. They reported to the "Regis­ es of Red China. contend that Peking needs COLORADO’S LARGEST W EEKLY ter” the Church had not A NC News Service dis­ passionate, nationalistic been affected "in any patch outlined the gravity unifying issues because the T h u rs d a y , M ay 25, 1967 way by the riots” and of the situation created by ’cultural revolution’ is Vol. LXI No. 42 said the recent disturb­ Peking’s demands for apol­ shredding China’s political ances did not appear as ogies to demonstrators ar­ and social fabric. They serious as the more des­ rested during the recent claim Peking regards Hong tructive riots here in Hong Kong riots. Kong as such an issue." April, IfWJT. "If the Britisit leject the An important question From Seminary to Battleground Death Peking demands,” the dis­ appeared to be the actual By Jack Paeon cine, candy, balloons, cloth­ Red China’s pugnacious patch said, "it is believed support Peking could com­ came up to them with an bring him information May until he graduated, (Register Special) ing, and anything else interest in the situation, they will lay Hong Kong mand from Hong Kong’s advertisement for a pair of about it. But he was killed since he was so close.” however, caused grave con­ huge Chinese population. "that would help the child­ tennis shoes and said he before he got back to see open to fresh outbursts of CLIFCORN was sched­ cern. The bitter experience The number of Hong Kong Dallas, Tex. — "I guess ren out.” wanted some like them. the chaplain.” violence from local Chinese uled to receive his bache­ of the Portuguese colony of elements promoting citizens who actually sup­ I reached the missions "Jimmy said fie wound CHfeorn’s commanding sooner than I thought I "HE WAS very sympa­ up outfitting the boy from officer in the 1st Cavalry lor’s degree from the semi­ port Red China was esti­ nary last May, but he took would,” Pfc. James Clifcom thetic to the (Vietnamese) the skin out.” division wrote the family mated to be quite small. leave early in March. once wrote to his family from people and their plight,” Mrs. Ransopher said her to provide some of the de­ Father Eugene A. Thal- "He told me he had man, M.M , told the Regis­ Vietnam. Mrs. Ransopher said. "He brother was killed a short tails of his death. He never had a chance to sent home lots of pictures, time after he had begun talked to the rector and to f ' > ter the steady growth of a teacher who was a close Official become a proper missionary. especially of children — inquiring about possible "Jimmy and five or the Church in the Hong friend, and that he was A sniper’s bullet ended his rolls and rolls of them. adoption of a Vietnamese six others were on a Archdiocese n’urn_to Page 8) coming home. He came life in the An Lo valley April "He became a special child. ’search and destroy* Of Denver friend of a little boy, about "He had talked in terms mission in the An Lo home the next day. 14 — little more than a year "He felt there was a 6 or 7. Jimmy and a cou­ of adopting,” she said. "M y valley,” Mrs. Ransopher M f. O liv e t after he lefttheMaryknoll job that had to be done ple of his friends in the husband and I were inter­ said. "They had been seminary at Glen Ellyn, 111., in Vietnam .” T h a n k Y o u outfit once had a few ested too. Jimmy had there once, then went to join the army. Mrs. Ransopher said her hours off and went into a asked the chaplain about somewhere else, and Dear Family in Christ; A/loss S et brother enlist^ immediate­ But although he wore nearby village. The boy it, and the chaplain was to were sent back. They Our Holy Father, Pope Paul VI, has sent me among ly, and entered basic train­ a camouflaged steel had only been there four you to be the Shepherd of God’s people in northern Col­ ing at Ft. Polk, La., three O n M a y 3 0 helm et instead o f a or five days before orado; and I take this first opportunity to express my weeks later. She added Roman collar, and the Jimmy was killed. The heartfelt gratitude for the warm welcome you have ac­ that he volunteered for r ' Bishop David M. Malo­ tool of his trade was a commanding officer just corded me ns your new Archbishop. ney will be celebrant at Top Press Awards service in the 1st Cavalry, In recent weeks, literally thousands of you, either machinegun instead of a said he was killed by the annual Pontifical Re­ Bible, Jimmy Clifeorn and turned down a chance directly or through your pastors, have sent me messages Two top awards were Archbishop Robert J. sniper fire.” quiem memorial Mass at received by the N ational to attend Officers Candidate of welcome together with your pledge of prayers and was a missionary to the Dwj'er’s "Listening In.” "H e was the only one Mt. Olivet cemetery. Den­ Register, Denver, at the school. support. Last May 17, there was a special concelebrated Vietnamese and their hit,” she added sadly. ver, on Tuesday, May 30, 57th annual Catholic Press The National Register "He told them he didn’t Mass offered in the Immaculate Conception Cathedral children whenever he Mrs. Ransopher, mother of 10 a.m. had the chance. Association convention held front page was judged best plan to make the Army his which marked m3' ofiicial reception into the Archdiocese three, w as v ery close to her career,” she said. Assistant priest will be Mrs. John H. Ransopher last week in Toronto. Ont., in the top (above 45,000 of Denver. But very few of you were able to participate; younger brother. He tele­ Advanced infantry train- the Rt. Rev. Monsignor of Dallas, the 22-year-old Canada. weekly circulation) class and so I send you this little message of appreciation for phoned her here the day be­ (' to Pago 8) Elmer J. Kolka, director of soldier’s sister, said his let­ The Register was cited entries. Frank Morriss is your kindness as I join this family of God. fore he came home from the Catholic Charities. The ters home were punctuated for the best single column news editor of the national Our generation today lives in the shadow of the II seminary to tell her he "had . Rev. Theodore Haas, pastor with his requests for medi­ originating with the paper, edition. Vatican Council and it is our common responsibility to of St. Catherine’s parish, made up his mind.” implement its spirit and provisions in the life of the Denver, will be deacon, "When he was home for Church. One of the basic lessons to come from that his­ and the Rev. Patrick Ken­ Christmas in December, S e w i n a / i q toric gathering is a .clearer, broader vision of the mis­ nedy, pastor of Holy Fami­ 1965, he seemed quite up­ sion which Christ our Lord has given to all His follow­ ly parish, Denver, will be set,” she recalled. "He talked ers. subdeacon. then about taking leave from ^ u k s e The Council taught us that our faith is a coin of two The Denver Cathedral the seminary to join the sides. We are repeatedly reminded that the same Lord The Denver Archdiocesan Choir will sing. Army. He seemed kind of who bids us to love God with all our heart and mind Chancery reports a total of and soul, also tells us to love our neighbor as ourself; torn apart. $25 donated toward seminary "He talked it over with our burses during the past week. and He teaches us that "our neighbor” is any man in Donations for the St. Jude need of our help. The Council has sent usointo the world Official parents. They tried to get him to stay at least until Burse were received from to become deeply involved in all of the complex prob­ Denver, H.B., $.5; Denver, J.B., lems of modem man, but especially of the needy and Schedule $5; Denver, H.D.C., $5. the afflicted. Father Raymond Hamilton A u to burse, Littleton, R.H., $10. But the Council also taught us to maintain a true Archbishop Casey and balanced perspective of our faith. In loving our All offerings toward the various burses are used to neighbor as ourself, in assisting the needy and in res­ Thursday, May 25 — T a b lo id pecting him as a person, we may not forget that man’s educate young men for the Denver, St. Thomas Sem­ The annual spring- priesthood. They may be sent essential dignity rests in his wonderful relationship to inary, 8:30 a.m.. Ordina­ summer automobile sup­ direct to the Archdiocesan the living God as an adopted son. The ultimate goal of tion - Deaconate. plement appears in this Chancery, 1536 Logan street, the Church, which is all of us as God’s people joined to Saturday, May 27 — Den­ issue o f the "Register.” Denver. the Risen Christ as our Head, is eternal life. Eternal ver. Cathedral of the life IS what our faith is all about; and our basic philoso­ Immaculate Conception, IMiiiMiiiiiimiimmitmnmiMiimiiiiitiiMiitiMiii iiimniiitrMiuMiiiitimiiwHMtwtiiiniHHmtimminHiwwiwiMmimMuiiiy phy of life is expressed in the words of Christ: 9:30 a.m., Ordination - "What would it proru a man to pain the whole world, Priesthood. I Official Appointments | and in the end suffer the loss of his soul." ■ Sunday, May 28 — Everg­ reen, Christ the King Many centuries ago, another Bishop, St. Augustine, The Most Reverend David M. Maloney, Pastor. Holy Parish, 4 p.m., Confirma­ Ghost Church, Denver, also to be Vicar General and spoke to his people, saying: "What I am for you, terri­ tion. fies me; but what I am with you, gladdens me.” For confirmed as Ofiicialis of the Tribunal of the Arch­ you, I am a Bishop to shepherd you unto eternal life. Bishop Maloney diocese of Denver. With you, however, I am a member of the family, a The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Gregory Smith, Pastor, St. Francis Tuesday, May 30 — Den­ de Sales Church, Denver, also to be Vicar General of child of God, with a right to divine grace and a vocation ver, Mt. Olivet Ceme­ the Archdiocese of Denver. to eternal glory. ' . . tery, 10 a.m.. Memorial The Rt. Rev. Msgr. George R. Evans to be Chancellor Through the waters of baptism, all of us share in Mass. and Vice-Of.lciaJis of the Tribunal of the Archdiocese varying degrees and ways the priestly character of Tuesday, May 30 — Colo­ Christ, for the material and spiritual welfare of men on rado Springs, St. Mary A Day To Remember of Denver. earth. This is our common vocation. Let us pray for High School, 7:30 p.m.. The Rev. Joh n E. Cotter to be Vice-Chancellor of the each other that we may be worthy of the high vocation Graduation. "To you Archbishop Casey, Ad Multos Annos,” said retiring Archbishop Archdiocese of Denver and also Secretary to the Most to which wo are called. • . ' Wednesday, May 31 — Urban J. Vehr, right, at the banquet held in honor of Archbishop James Reverend Archbishop. The Rev. Ignatius Smith, O.S.B., is appointed to St. Dcvotedl>’ yours in Christ, Colorado Springs, Pen­ V. Cabey, left, following the installation of Denver’s fifth Ordinary in a Therese Church, Frederick, and also to be in charge . - . t JAMES V. CASEY rose Hospital, 4 p.m., beautiful and memorable ceremony in the Denver Cathedral May 17. — ^ Archbishop of Denver Nurses’ Graduation. (Plioto by Joe Motta) . of Guardian Angels Church, Mead. ■ r

Denver Catholic Register Thursday, May 25, 1967

♦ a •* I

Father Sullivan Fathei Bradley Father Duggan Father Garland 4 Jesuits To Be Ordained 4* Denver Dec. 11, 1936, to Four Jesuits from St. school, Tabor, S. Dak., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gar­ Mary’s college, Kansas, was graduated from St. land, was oaptized in St. three of them former resi­ Philomena’s eighth grade Francis de Sales church, dents of the Mile High in 1950. He was graduated Denver. Rev. Roland Freeman Rev. Kenneth Leone Rev. William Uebelher Rev. Edward Poehlmann Rev. John Wind City, will'be ordained by from Regis high school. He Archbishop James V. Cas­ attended St. Louis univer­ He attended St. Vincent ey, of Denver, along with sity, 1956-60, where he de Paul parish school, the ordinandi from St. obtained his A.B. degree, 1942-50, and Regis high Five To Be Ordained For Archdiocese Thomas seminary, in the and also, in 1964, his mas­ school, 1950-54, entering Denver Cathedral on May ter’s in philosophy. He St. Louis university in the Followinjv are brief circulation manager of the muster of ceremonies, Mi­ Rev. Joh n F. W in d of the post office depart­ latter year, where he ob­ chael Hendricks. ment at the seminary for 27. then entered St. Mary’s biographies of the five seminary’s publication, tained his B.A. and Ph.L. men who will be or- The Ambassador; director The Rev. Omer V. Fox- Tho Rov. John F. Wind, four years, and was a They are the Rev. Thom­ college, St. Mary’s, Kansas, degrees. At the University daineii prie.'^ts for the of the orientation program hoven will deliver the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank member of the library as Arthur Duggan, S.J., to begin work toward his Archdiocese of Denver for new students: director sermon. Commentator will J. Wind of Colorado staff. the Rev. Michael J. Gar­ S.T.L. degree. of Notre Dame, he under- on May '27 in the Denver of the Denver Holy Week be Gilbert Linderman; Springs, was born March land, S.J., and the Rev. The ordinand, an look studies for his ma.s-- Cathedral: Choir; he*id sacristan; and prayer leader, Thomas 13, 1941, in Colorado The ordinand served as a Robert L. Sullivan, S.J. all all-state basketballer in ter’s degree in theology; lie during the last year, Welch: thurifer, Charles Springs. One of nine child­ deacon in Divine Redeemer formerly of Denver, and high school, and parochial entered St. Mary’s college, taught freshman religion Lujan; and acolytes, Sean ren, he has four brothers, parish, Colorado Springs, Kansas in 1964. R ev. RoT: nd P. the Rev. James P. Bradley, league record scorer in the »♦ St. Francis do Sales’ Kelly and James Reilly. Thomas, James, Robert, last summer, and taught S.J. of Albuquerque, N. 1953 state tournament, His first Solemn Mass F re e m a n high school, Denver. A reception will be held and Michael Wind; and religion this year at St. Mex. will take his history M.A. will be concelebrated May During recent summers in the Presentation grade four sisters, Mary, Margar­ Francis de Sales high The Rev. Thomas Arthur at the end of summer, and 28, in St. Vincent de Paul Thu Rev. Roland R. Free­ he has '.vorked as a .sales­ school cafeteria. May 28, et, Eileen, and Elaine school, Denver, Duggan, S.J., son of Dr. church, Denver, with fel­ man, son of Dr. and Mrs. Wind. will be assigned to teach man for the Sanborn Sou­ from 5:30 until 8 p.m. and Mrs. Thomas A. Dug­ low ordinand, the Rev. Leonard Freemun of Den­ He attended Manitou at one of the Jesuit high venir company, and has He will offer his First gan, of St. Philomena’s Robert Sullivan. A recep­ ver, was born Jan. :iJ. Rev. Edward J. Springs grade school, St. Solemn Mass at 1 p.m. in schools this fall. also worked with area parish, Denver, will offer tion in the parish hall will 19J9, in Denver. He at­ teenagers and the Domini­ Mary’s grade and high St. Mary’s church, Colora­ Class valedictorian at P o e h lm a n n his first (concelebrated) be held after Mass. 4 - r tended Graland Country can Sisters of the Sick school, and entered St. do Springs, on Sunday, Regis, he taught high Mass there at 5 p.m. Sun­ Day primary school, and Poor. The Rev. Edward J. Thomas’ seminary in 1959. May 28. The Rt. Rev. school at St. Louis as u (Turn to Page' 3> Kast hiKh school, Denver. He will celebrate his Poehlmann, .son of Mr. and He received his B.A. in Monsignor Robert Hoffman day, May 28. Jesuit scholastic, and one A graduate of Crei|;hton First Solemn Mass in St. Mrs. Alfred E. Poehlmann philosophy from St. Thom­ wilt be assistant priest; the The Rt. Rev. Monsignor term at St. Louis universi­ university, Omaha, Neb., Catherin’e church, Denver, of Denver, was born July as’ in 1963, and was Rev. I.,eo Kennedy, deacon; William Higgins, pastor of ty. He has written two folk he received a H.A. deRroe on Sunday, May 28, at 4, 1941, in Omaha, Neb. awarded an M.A. in reli­ the Rev Michael Delaney, St. Philomena’s will give Masses for the guitar, and KITCHEN in theolofiy and p.sycholoKy. 12:30 p.m., with the Rev. One of three children, he gious education from tho subdeacon; and John Klein, the Mass homily. sings with a Jesuit folk KollowinR graduation, he Theodore Haas, deacon; has two sisters, Kathleen seminary this year. master of ceremonies. Tho A reception and buffet trio called "The Runners entered St. Thomas’ .semi­ Michael Mullin, subdeacon; and Eileen Poehlmann. While studying at St. Rev. John Jepson will de­ supper will follow the Up.” nary, Denver, for theologi- and Charles Krall, master He attended Central Thomas’, he was active in liver the sermon. Michael Mass, from 6:30 to 9 p.m. REMODELING cal .studies. of ceremonies. The Rev. Park grade school, Omaha, the Pius XII discussion Welsh will be thurifer; in the school hall, honor­ The ordinand’s twin THE REV. Michael “Free Estiinate!i'’ John Anderson will deliver and Rosedale grade school, club, worked as manager Jerry Knauf, commentator: ing the ordinand, who has brother. Lawrence Free­ John Garland, S.J., born in the sermon. Jay Barnwell Denver, before enrolling at and Robert and Michael a brother also in religious man. is a second theology will serve as commentator; Our Lady of Lourdes grade Wind, acolytes. life, the Rev. Dennis Dug­ DREAM CENTER student at St. Thomas’ David Price, acolyte. school, Denver, in 1950. A GLASS seminary. A cousin, the Triple Subject A reception will be held gan, S.J. now studying at The Ofiertory procession graduate of Mullen high Fusz Memorial, the Jesuit Rev. Frank Freeman, is an in St. Mary’s parish hall, CO. 3m) Low’Kf.r. will include members of school, Denver, in 1959, he Scheduled For philosophate on St. Louis assistant pastor of St. the immediate family, received his B.A. in philo­ Colorado Springs, on Sun­ .lames’ parish, Denver. day, May 28, from 2:30 university campus. Thomas Swanson, Glenn sophy from St. Thomas’ CCD Workshop FOR Another cousin, Sister Ellis, and Bill and John seminary in 1963. He was until 4:30 p.m. MIRRORS Ruth Francis Maroney, is THE REV. Thomas lOT.ONNOR plumbing! Shanley. awarded an M.A. in reli­ Washiji-lon. l) tl. — The a Sister of Loretto sta­ Duggan, baptized March 7, Svv Our licauliful gious education from St. three key concepts of reli­ tioned in Si. Louis. Mo. School Bus Proposal 1937 a* Wagner, S. Dak., Ncic Howe at a030 W. 44th A V E . Thomas’ this year. gious <' I A member of the Am­ and comiminiLy are the Killed in Minnesota attended St. Wenceslaus he participated in the Piu.s U e b e lh e r bassador staff, he directed tri|iie subject for the XII discussion club and the seminary movie unit, St. Paul — A Minnesota was trained in communica­ eiglith immml Confraterni­ The Rev. William Uebcl- and the Holy Childhcjod ty of Clii'istian Doctrine state senate committee has tion with the deaf. He also her, son of Mr. and Mrs. campaign in 1965. A defeated by one vole a bill served in the acting chap­ 'Worsshop set .um* 12-23 Joseph C. Uohelher of member of the seminary at ilu? Catholic Cniversity to provide school bus lain internship of ♦’ho Denver, was born July 19, choir for six y^'ars, he was transportation for private CJinical-Pa.storal-Training of Ainei-ica hen*. Adult 1941, in Milwaukee, Wis. also active in library work. education a.s a .sti‘pping and parochial school stu­ laaOCSQQQQ□oaQi program at the Topeka, One o f four children, he- / The ordinand spent part stone to renewal, as called dents. At the same lime a Kans. Slate Hospital, and. has three sisters, Susan, of the summer of 1966 as House committee pu.s.sed a participated in seminars at Kathryn, and Gerilyn. f- ' Vatican II. will l>e a a deacon in Our Lady of tojuc nt the workshop. a)mpanion bill. \T/ the Menninger foundation He attended Presentation Ivourdes parish, Denver. in Toj>eka. of Our Lady school, Den­ He will offer his First s He will offer his First ver, and was graduated Solemn Mass on May 28 in Personalized Monuments and Markers S n A u / u m o L Solemn Mass Sunday, May from Regis high school, Lourdes church, at 11 a.m. D 28, in St. John the Ev­ Denver, in 1959. He was b, The Rev. Damon Mc- JOHN E. ZOOK EARL G. COLGLAZIER G E R A R D R . angelist church, Denver. graduated from St. Thom­ Caddon will be the assist­ Memorial Co. MJtXJL 1 S 9 7 T qBOCKHORST, CPCU cl The Ut. Uev. Monsignor as’ seminary with a B.A. ant priest: the Rev. Robert Speer Blvd. At 9th M John Moran will be arch­ in philosophy in 1963, and Kekeisen, deacon; the Rev. Erickson 2SS-178S 1130 PUBLIC SERVICE BLDG. Si priest; the Rev. Frank was awarded an M.A, in David P. Croak, subdeacon; Freeman, deacon, Lawrence religious education from and Rodney Pruss, master dc Freeman, subdeacon; and St. Thomas’ this year. of ceremonies. 1£ Robert McNamara, master While studying at St. Father McCaddon will sc of coremoies. The Rev. Thomas’, he was advertis­ deliver the sermon; John ' t stl Daniel Martin, C.M., will ing director for the Am­ Connors, commentator; r ivi give the sermon. bassador magazine: chair­ Richard Denny, thurifer: 1 A reception will he held man of the Pius Xll dis­ and acolytes, Joseph and Sp Al; Sunday, May 28, from 1 to cussion club: and coordina­ John Higgins. 3 p.m., at the home ot tor of the Seminary Infor­ A reception wil- be held aft Mi-s. Frank Freeman, 450 mation programs. iVom 12:30 to 3 p.m. in scl Westwood drive, Denver. During the summer of Our Lady of Lourdes par- Ma 1966. he served as a dea- ish park on May 28. St. Rev. Kenneth Leone con in St. John’s parish, froi Loveland. his The Rev. Kenneth Leone, N O W O PEN ! son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry He will offer his First h Ixione of Denver, was born Solemn Mass in Presenta­ OUR ALL NEW Ma in Denver on Feb. 24 tion ch< rch, Denver, at 4 Cherry Creek Terrace fell 1941. He was educated at p.m., Sunday, May 28. As- Store QUIET DIGNITY... K' * Mic St. Catherine's grade s'stant priest will be the p.m school and was graduated Uev. Matthias Rlenkush; Joe Guiry’s Vin from Regis high school. John Murphy, deacon: the The beauty of a funeral .service, the lasting impres.sion Den Denver, in 1959. before Rev. Edward Borkowski, -PAINT AND ART SUPPLIES- it creates, is a primary responsibility of the funeral director. S.V.D., subdeacon; and sigr entering St. Thomas semi­ Our experienced and highly-trained Catholic will nary. stair is dedicated to the realization of this beauty. During his year.s at St. Thomas, the ordinand was Each member of our Catholic Staff, the largest in the region, is available, at your request, to .scive you at any of our lour neighborhood mortuaries. Forty Hours' Devotions II Sunday After Pentecost May 28, 1967

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i Law Not Liberal Enough T h u r s d a y . M a y 25, 1967 Denver Cathclic Register P a g e 3 Abortion Advocates Wont Changes Colorado’s new abortion interpretation by officials ment, however, there ap­ tion, the only grounds on labor to expel him from law is the most liberal in involved in its first publi­ parently was little difficul­ which a time limit is set. the womb. The process the United States, but cized application, have left ty in securing authoriza­ For that reason, Scott may last from one to four apparently it is not quite the impression an attempt tion for abortion. refused to issue the affi­ days. liberal enough for those may he made to relax its The case was that of a davit of"probable cause” The child in this case who worked hardest for its expansive provisions even pregnant 12-year-oId girl required. was one whose facial fea­ passage. more. whose parents asked that The jurisdictional prob­ tures had taken shape and Advocates of the new In the case which her unborn child be killed lems, how’ever, prompted whose heart had been statute, commenting on its prompted the critical com- in the womb. the Denver Post, a vigo­ beating for 12 weeks. An attempt to authorize rad ley rous advocate of the new Although the 12-year-old abortion on grounds that law, to suggest "the abor­ girl’s case was publicized pregnancy resulted from tion law may need amend­ initially as the first to Colorado Springs Youth statutory rape, as provided, ing . . . so mere technical­ arise since the new law in the new law, failed be- ities do not impede its was signed by Governor ciiusc she had been preg­ humane purpose.” John l.iOve April 25, it was Killed in Vietnam War nant too long. learned abortion had been STA'I’E Representative Colorado Springs — Re­ performed under its provi­ celehrated the Requiem AUTHORIZATION was Richard S. Lamm, the new sions in another rape case. quiem High Mass was Mass, and burial was in granted instead to prevent sung Thur.sday. May 18, at law’s prime sponsor, said it District Attorney Floyd Evergreen cemetery. The possible serious permanent Divine Redeemer church was a mistake to make the Marks of Adams county, Rosary was said at Law impairment of the young requirements for establish­ who testified before House for CpI. Timonthy J. Ives, Mortuary .Mav 17. mother’s mental health, who was killed in Vietnam ing the grounds of statuto­ and Senate committees in another provision of the April 30. ry rape the same as those behalf of the new law. said new htw. The girl was Ives, 20, died in the bat­ for forcible rape. It should he had signed a "probable H e a d S ta rt under treatment in Denver- tle of Hill 881, one of the be adequate in cases of cause” affidavit to permit General hospital this week, bloodiest engagements of statutory rape, he said, mother of three to obtain and officials refused to say the war. He had enlisted Project Plans merely to establish that an abortion in Denver’s whether the approved abor­ in the Marine Corps 18 the mother is younger Presbyterian hospital. tion had been or would be than 16. months earlier. A n n o u n c e d performed. Ives was born in Dixon. State Senator -John MARKS said there was Plans for a summer basic Dissatisfaction with the III., July 11, 1964, and Bermingham. who led the no (juestion that the wom­ )gy; ho education program for par­ law’s interpretation fight for the new law in came to Colorado Springs an had been raped. He wllego, ents of children in the stemmed'f'rom difficulties the Senate, said before the with his parents, Mr. and said his office was contin­ Denver Head Start project encountered by the Denver Mrs. John B. Ives, in 1962. jurisdiction question was uing the investigation in have been disclosed by Dr. and Boulder district attor­ He also is survived by two resolved it would be "a {in attempt to apprehend Joe Dodds, Head Start neys in responding to the brother. Michael and Den­ tragedy” if the district at­ {ind charge the rapist. administrator. initial request for es­ A Pause at Commencement nis, of Colorado Springs, torneys were "too cautious” Marks also said he wiint- Classes will be held in a tablishment of rape as the in interpreting the law. ed it understood clearly his Archbishop Jumcs V. Casey of Denver and Dr. Patricia Plante, left, number of the Head Start grounds for abortion. office would investigate dean of Thomas More collejje, Fordham university, and commencement THE REV. John Molitor . .A joint statementhy recep- centers. It is expected that • The girl told the Denver thoroughly any rape alle­ speaker for Loretto Heifjhts college's 46th annual commencement ceremo­ at least 300 parents will district attorney’s office of l>oth would satisfy the re­ II will 4 gation involved in an abor­ nies, pause a moment with Sister Eileen Marie Heckman, president of the Reno Bishop's be enrolled. A staff of paid an incident that occurred quirements of the law.” he tion request. college, at ceremonies held May 20. Bachelor degrees in arts and sciences instructors will be assisted March 11. Investigators said. were awarded to 128 Loretto seniors. Installation by volunteer teachers re­ determined this incident The law’s requirement of cruited from universities occurred in Boulder county, a "probable cause” affidavit Buffalo Creek To Be May 25 and colleges and other another jurisdiction. from the district attorney Workshop Set on Educating educational institutions. District attorney Rex in cases of rape and incest Moss May 28 Reno, Nev. — The Most Dr. Dodds said classes Scott of Boulder was able was inserted during debate now being held at 10 of to establish within a few on the nmv statute in the Rev. Jo.seph Green will be M j i s s at St. Elizabeth's the 44 Head Start centers days the statutory rape to House. Disodvantoged Children installed as the third Bish­ church, Buffalo Creek, will have demonstrated the which the girl referred did Dr. David L. Cowen, op of Reno, Nev., on be offered by Monsignor A workshop in educating designated as "target tor. Consultiints include need for a more compre­ occur in his jurisdiction on Denver manager of health Thur.sday, May 25, in the Elmer -J. Kolka on Sunday. disadvantaged children will schools.” Sister Francis Eileen, di­ hensive program of this that date. and hospitals, said after Cathedral of St. Thomas. May 28, {it 10 a.m. It will be. conducted at Regis col­ rector of projects. Denver type and have shown that Even before Scott com­ abortion was authorized in The installing prelate will be offered every Sunday lege, Denver, .June 14-.July Miss Veronica Casey, Parochial schools; Lloid many parents are eager to pleted his investigation, the girl’s case that it prob­ bo the Most Rev. Joseph T. ably would be accom­ thereafter at the siime 21 under the direction ol' assistant professor of edu­ .Jones, executive director, participate. however, Denver medical time through September. plished by "aminocontesis, the college and the Denver cation at Regis and work­ elementary edMcation, McGucken. Archbishop of A recent survey at nine authorities discovered the San Francisco, Calif. A Head Start centers dis­ girl had been pregnant with saline injection.” Public sch{>era- shop director, said the Denver Public schools; and [ f o r m u t u a l f u n d s concelebrated Mass will This would involve re­ tion with the ('olorado worK '.hop enrollment has Leonard F. Krim, Denver closed, he said, that of 270 since Feb. 1 at the latest, IPHONE follow. which ruled out rape as placement of part o f the State Department of FMu- already reached a capacity public schools. heads of households, 205 of JOE ALBI them did not have a high grounds for abortion. The amniotic fluid in the uter­ calion. of 62 participants. The tui­ Bishop Green became the Cascade Investment Co. Guest lecturers will new law limits abortion in us with a salt solution, The w’orkshop, funded tion is paid, and the work­ third Bishop of Reno when sch >oI diploma or its equi­ 71817th Street include Dr. Walter Lo- valent. In five of the nine cases of rape and incest to resulting both in death of 825-3852 by a S;i0,000 grant re­ shop carries six semester Archbishop Robert J. ban. University of Cali­ centers, 150 parents whj the first 15 weeks of gesta­ the unborn child and in ■Mutual F u n d S p e c ia lis ts ceived under Title I of hours of credit, for each of Dwyer was named to the fornia; Dr. Alan Breck, See of Portland. Ore. Bish­ took tests are now await­ the Elementary Second­ the teacher-students. Dr. Ruth M. Underhill, op Green was formerly ing the oppjortunity to at­ ary Educational Act, is Jessie W. Maxwell, prin­ University of Denver; the tend basic education class­ for teachers in the 36 cipal of Columbine Ele­ Auxiliary Bishop of Lans­ Rev. Harry E. Howisch- ing, Mich. es during the summer pro­ public and seven paro­ mentary .school, Denver, is er, S.J., and Charles D. gram now being planned. chial schools in Denver associate w'orkshop direc­ Weller of Rejjis college. Dr. Dodds said that these Bailey, Santa Maria centers are located in areas that existing adult Sunday Masses Set education programs do not Jesuit Ordination... reach;______PI Beginning Sunday. May (('ontiniied From Pugt* 2) and the Rev. Michael Gar­ 1952. He joined the Society 28, Mas- v.-r he offered by Catholic-Orthodox land will deliver the homi- of Jesus at Grand Coteau, the Rt. Rev. M onsignor THE REV. Robert Louis ly- La., in 1955; and studied William lonahan, associ­ Ceremony Held Sullivan, S.J., born in A reception will take ate direcLvi of Catholic philosophy and physics in Detroit — When Philip Denver Nov. 1, 1936, was place in the parish school Charities, at Camp Santa Spring Hill college. Mobile, J. Cusiamon, a member of baptized in Annunciation gym after Mass. The ordi- Ala., 1958-61. obtaining Maria and at Bailey. Our Lady of Good Counsel church. He is the son of nand’s sister, Siser Ann Each Sunday thereafter his B.S. degree in physics. Catholic church, married Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Sullivan, a Loretto uun, is He taught at Jesuit high Mass will be offered at Santa Maria camp chapel M aria Caramitros in St. Sullivan. principal and superior of schools in New Orleans, and at 9 a.m. and in Sacred Nicholas’ Greek Orthodox He attended St. Vincent Queen of Peace parish Shreveport, La., before be­ Heart chapel, Bailey, at 10: church, priests of both dc Paul grade school, community in St. Louis, ginning his theological stud­ 15 a.m. Churches participated. 1942-50, and Regis high Mo. ies in St. Mary’s college, St. school, 1950-54. He also He won the Colorado Mary’s, Kansas. studied at St. Louis un­ state caddy golf champion­ iversity, 1954-59, and at ship in 1953, and on fin­ He will concelebrate his CHURCH FURNISHINGS Spring Hill college. Mobile, ishing his degree work, first Solemn Mass o f Thanks­ Ala., 1959-63, and, there­ taught and coached at St. giving Sunday, June 4, at 3 after, St. Louis university Louis university high p.m. in Immaculate Concep­ RELIGIOUS ARTICLES school of divinity, St. school in St. Louis. This tion church, Albuquerque. A Mary’s college, Kans., and summer he is to do pastor­ reception will follow in the St. Louis university. Mo., al work in the Republic of St. Mary high school audito- Complete Line of Rcl*9ioii« Articles for Church ond Homo«* from 1964 to completion of Honduras, Central Ameri- his course, set for 1968. He will offer his first Mint, Capitol Tours A. P. WAGNER a CO. Spring is here. Sum Mt*r is around the around the world. The Holy Father has 300.000 dedicated men and women Mass concelebrated with THE REV. James P. Conducted Tuesdays corner. It is time to kick off shoes, run fellow priest, the Rev. Bradley, S.J., born April CHURCH GOODS barefexjt. But these homeless children working in the Missions to give shelter Michael Garland, S.J., at 5 16, 1934, in Albuquerque, Tours of the U.S. Mint, huddle together for warmth. 100,000 to the homeless in Christ's name. Dear p.m. on May 28, in St. N. Mex., to Mr. and Mrs. and State Capitol are con­ 1433 Tremont Place like them in their city of Calcutta have Monsignor O ’Meara: Here is the price Vincent de Paul church, Albert P. Bradley, attended ducted all year, as well as no shoes —no choice of where to sleep — of one pair of shoes that I can do with­ Denver. The Rt. Rev. Mon­ St. Mary grade and high through the governors T A S-8331 out. Rush it to where it is most needed. signor Eugene O’Sullivan schools there, entering Re­ Mansion. 2-4 p.m., Tues­ no bed other than the street. will serve as archpriest gis college, Denver, in days only. When you finish picking up your shoes n a m e : at night, remember millions like these a d d r e s s :

Shopping . . .

As a result of the many articlc.s appearing in national publications condemning the so-called high cost of dying, many people are compollod to '■'shop** when selecting a mortuary. Although we are appalled at these diatribes, they do present us with the opportunity to prove to fami­ lies that a beautiful service need not bo Expensive. Fur­ ther, we provide a PERSONAL SERVICE at NO EXTRA CHARGE.

THE MISSIONS NEED YOUR HELP! J. EMMETT N O O N AN -D IRECTO R RT. REV. EDW ARD T. O'M EARA. NATIONAL DIRECTOR. THE FOR TH E PROPAGATION O F TH E FAITH. 366 5TH AVE.. N Y.. N Y. 1______2406 FEDERAL BLVD. 433-6575 IN DENVER YOUR DIRECTOR IS RT. REV. GREGORY SMITH. 301 SOUTH SHERMAN P a g e 4 The Denver Catholic Register Thursday/ May 25, 1967 I Viewpoint A Priest Forever By Rev. L. Marvin Read

means detachment derstanding of one's own *'You are a priest for- else’s family life that ends This is a priest, whose calling, obligation and heart is torn hourly be- freeing him from one or a ever. . .” The weight of somewhere between the few in order to be avail- privilege. It is love, these words settles slowly dessert and imparting your tween loyes that could be able for many, this is an Christ s own h'lman and upon a man’s mind, per- blessing on the way out. ever so much more intense aloneness that means divine love, that makes haps more slowly on some December 25 is some- loves — students, pari- community. being alone-,n-c^mmumty than on others. After all, thing strangely different shioners, children, fellow A priest’s aloneness is a joy; it is love that keeps "forever” is a long, long for u priest than for a fam- pHe.sts - that God has such that he can stand for aloneness from turning time. ily rnan; Yuletide is not a seen fit to specially entrust a whole community at an into the hell of loneliness, Late May-early June is matter of thinking only to him. ordination time; it’s the what you’re going to give A priest’s aloneness is altar; it is such that, for time when a few older to someone else, or looking his Christian, COMMUNI- and to the People o f God C ^ ^reC lt seminarians stop being forward to a family gather- TY life - his own, and he can give the living seminarians and become ing, or anticipating the joy Christ’s own. brand of "to- signs of the sacraments: it S a y in g s priests: it’s the time when of children opening their getherness.” It is that kind i.s such that a person can priests inevitably recall presents: rather, Christmas of community existence bare his soul to him in the that manifests itself in a confessional's privacy and The essence of grace is their own ordination, one. means getting a church be understood and accept- God giving Hiniself kindly three, twenty or fifty years decorated, long lines of real, if unusual, way: In gjj to the ungrateful one out bringing people together, before. The thoughts of confessions, a Midnight In all these things, a of sheer tenderness. - each priest — whether he Mass offered with one eye in keeping families togeth­ priest stands alone, unique; Bonaventura Kinaldi. is just ordained or has ©n the clock because er, in teaching, in offering he stands differentiated * * * been ordained for some few there’s a six u.m. Mass to a smile when tears would from the community but hand that rocks the or many years — vary be celebrated later, watch­ otherwise prevail, in offer­ according to the individual. ing families come together ing a heart big enough to very much a part of it — cradle rules the woWd. — Herein is the simple and stifling the thought care about strangers, in alone, but too immersed in j;^pjinish proverb, the People of God to be . . • thought of one priest, not that you miss being part of providing a shoulder ab­ long ordained.— a thought one of those families sorbent enough for many lonely. Without her, Christ be­ that presumes to be valid to cry on, in extending comes merely an idea, a for no more than o:ie The priesthood is v'atch- arms strong enough and TO BE alone is not The historical pic- pr.est. ing after large enough to embrace u always pleasant; it takes ©f Christ fades into a the news or filing Bapti.s- parish. The priest’s alone­ always the supernatural jf jt has not Mary as THFl priest’s life is mal record at one in the ness is that kind of a effort to force oneself back frame. — Bonaventura loner’s life. morning or picking up community existence that into the sacramental un- Hinaldi. For all his activity, for Somerset Maugham or say- all . his involvement with ing a rosary on your way persons, organizations and to sleep or filling the back­ Listening In things, the priest is ground with Tchaikovsky pretty much alone. His as you yawn through ♦1^ Compline. Alone. Strings to the Bow friends may be many or few, depending upon his A priest’s life is a lon­ Danger: Iconoclasts own personality, but fre­ er’s life, but not a lonely quently the friendships, life; a priest is frequently while not quite shallow, out not often lone At Work In Church Time To Cry ‘Stop’ lack the depth and intensi- ^ a mys- ty that "friendship” usually By Archbishop Robert J. Dwyer means. Maybe there’s not WHO IS this man who f enough time in a priest’s walks through life, arms 'T h e school.” read the discreet adver­ olic thing. There are other.s, familiars of i- To Burners of Flag life; one can’t be two or unfilled and unencumbered tisement in the magazine, "the school the household itself, who have accepted three places at once, and by a wife’s embrace? Who that is free from the iconoclasm of the and made their own the secularist aigu- By Frank Morriss ”to be needed” here pre­ is this jierson who, without age.” Now it was not the school we were ment that the Catholic school is an an­ cludes making a friend or deep human entangle- interested in (after all. it was a girl’s achronism in our contemporary culture intensifying a friendship ments. refuses to call him- school and therefore beyond the pale) .so and a standing contradiction to academic The flag-burners are and power to attempt des­ Those who burn this somewhere else. It’s easy self lonely? W'ho is this much as the iconoclasm. For a boy, even freedom. Then there are others who being logical in burning truction of the nation This Iiook are burning the very to spread oneself pretty man. who thinks himself then avid for words, riffling through the would so modify and change her image as the flag. They know, sym­ symbol — this expression chrt)nicle of the bravery thin. truly immersed in all the page.s of his father’s copy of the old Col- to leave her well-nigh unrecognizable, the bol though it is, the flag of will and power -r- can and wisdom that brought The priesthood is watch- world’s cares and yet who umbiad, predecessor of the present-day h'*ad of her revealed knowledge knocked takes the insult and des­ and should be made a this world a political reali­ ing strangers meet, fall in has no one with whom to Knights of Columbus Journal, Columbia, ofT, the scepter of her magisterium hr<»- truction they truly intend crime by the very nation it ty that ha.s served man­ love, marry and raise fami- share cares? this was one more thrilling discovery, ken away with the sculptured hands that for the nation. is aimed against. kind better than any other lies. The priesthood is This is a priest, who "Image breaking,” the dictionary defined once wielded it. The poor truncated relic They are being illogical A book is a symbol. Its such reality in history. I waiting for people t*i enter daily walks the hairline forthwith we set out to boro is not worth much, even as junk, though when they argue that words merely stand for will not give in to the your life, seek your help, border between aloneness household and neighborhood with the it would seem that these iconoclasts, un­ like the Isaurian, would prefer to keep it merely burning a symbol ideas. The mere burning of argument that vandalism receive it and then walk and loneliness. This is a neological find. The school in question, shouldn’t merit outrage or a book does not destroy of such a chronicle cannot • out of your life — happy priest, who must constant- incidentally, was a polite academy con­ around for the time being, principally as punishment. If what they those ideas. If you gather be made a crime, or that ducted by the "Brown County Ursulines,” a job outlet or until some more lucrative maybe, unaffected possibly, ly reassure himself that substitute might be found. have done in the first a pile of books from every to make it a crime is ac­ The priesthood is watching it’s all worth it. that it located, if memory .serves, in the vicinity of Cincinnati, O. If it is yet in operation On the other hand, there are the ex­ place is an effective blow library in the land and tually a limitation of men’s other people’s children was meant frrim all eterni- for their cause, they can­ does it still hold itself free, we wonder, tremists of the anti-iconoclastic iraditibn, burn it, no idea has been legitimate liberty. 1 would pray and play in your ty to be this way. that, not logically demand that fnim the iconoclasm of the age? those who would resist to the death the destroyed whatsoever. But vote against the vandalism school. while he could have been no counterblow be de­ slightest intimation of change in the ac­ that act of burning can be of legitimate literature, The priesthood is a din- happy in another kind of livered. They cannot have Now in spile of tlreamy Oxford and cepted image. They would preserve the contempt for the ideas just as I would vote ner invitation: A brief life, he must exist in THIS their protest and maintain symbolized by the printed against the vandalism of subaqueou.s Cambridge. .schiM'ls have rare medieval statue in its primitive dignity immersion into someone kind of life. ly if ever been free from t he iconoclasm of and beauty, every fold in its place, the that it is not protest what­ words: it can be contempt the flag. And on this latter soever: that for one pur­ for the very intellectuality point I part company with the age. To the contrary they have been, head-size exaggerated for the illu.sion of from time out of mind and likely from distance, eyes fixed irrevocably on anoth- pose the flag is a potent of ideas. It can be man those who pretend to love their v«?ry inception, the very hotbeds of er world, and the scepter grasped so firni- symbol, but for the other reverting to bestiality that liberty, but in truth love it I Comment For Today merely a bit of woven moves from burning books image-breaking and the favorite haunts ly in hand as to serve alternatively as only when it serves their of the image-breakers. Even stately Mag- chastening rod and thunderbolt. These cloth and coldr. It is a to burning buildings and own peculiar ideologies. symbol in both cases: it is then to burning persona dalen and lordly Kings College have their would tend to keep the Catholic school Nations have made ille­ Where Dialogue share of headless and armless statuary free from the iconoclasm of the age by capable of use and abuse, themselves, who are the gal words or actions that of neglect and protection. held over from the riots of the Reforma­ keeping her innocent of thought, hide­ Sf progenitors of ideas. tend to incite hatred, con­ tion. grim witnesses to that perennial bound by tradition, impotent to fend for tempt, or disrespect for ti WE ARE left. then, Begms urge which vi.sits man to break in pieces herself without explicit authoritarian urg­ any race or religion. There ing or license. This is by way of main­ with the single argument IF A LAW were passed whatever it is he cannot bring himself to Fr has been nothing but ap­ By Paul H. Hallett taining the School of the Brown County that flag burning is a le­ against burning books, you assimilate or appreciate. Robert Sor- plause'from the very cir­ Ixinne's school in the heart of Paris wears Ursulines far beyond that day in the ear­ S f gitimate type of expression wouldn’t hear a sound 28 cles that now shout "foul” "In this day of gee and world to Communism. In the scars of many a fray between town ly years of the century when presumably that should be protected by from the intellectual circles at attempts to make it a haw in ecumenism, one order to find peace you 1 that say flag burning and gown, though gaily, with a Gallic its justification ceased and it (iuietlj’ died our concern for free speech. crime to incite contempt of area we can readily agree have to find the answers im shouldn’t be prohibited n<»urish, and the fiercest fighting of the the vine. Either burning a flag is a the nation. on is that of the great to questions that such men Spanish Civil War. and some of the most at })erfcctly proper way of because after all a flag is Christian souls who have as Dr. King never seem to No, somehow the Catholic school mt only a symbol and burning violent in all history, raged around the expressing an opinion, or it THERE are integrity plunged deeply and socrifi- ask. We have to know University of .Madrid. must refurbish its own authentic im­ a it does not actually affect is an abuse that can and and truth to a nation as cially into God IliiTiself.” what peace is. And to find age, as between the hammerings of tioi the nation. Book burning should be prohibited by well as to u race or reli­ that answer you must find Yet these visible wounds, however the iconoclasts and the intransigence zat law’. is a cardinal sin among These are the words of a God. deplorable, arc but the surface indica­ of the mufflings of the pus intellectual circles: hut flag gion. In World War II, A protest and a torch Pope Pius XII said. "Those scholar, formerly active in Confucius, when asked tions, the excrescences, of far fiercer anti-iconoclasts. It is to be neither a and Bag are all symbols of burning is only the .slight­ the Episcopalian ministry, why he did not discourse battles that have been fought, and school aloof from nor indifferent to P est peccadillo. who turn weapons against a sort. The protest is the Rome will be guilty of who has published a fasci­ on the supernatural, is whose fighting still continues with that world in which it is situated, nor mil The flag is the book of symbol of a man’s deep matricide.” In this case he nating study of the life of said to have replied: "We unabated zest, in the realm of the one sold out to the spirit of that Pik. convictions about what is this nation. It tells the St. Teresa, called Satan, know the things we spirit. Discussion and debate are es- w orld as an irrespon sible agent. ficei story of those things that was using the city as the going on. A torch is a symbol of the maternity of God, and Saint Teresa. It see. How then can w sential to the life of the mind, to the answerable to no authority save itself, Blei symbol of many things, of made this nation groat. It Rome — the cultures and is published in the author’s know what we do not see?” health of the intellect. Whether it is recognizing no law higher than its Rev light or delei’inination or pictures in bloody red the That answer was too pat values to which it had home at Evergreen (Rorge inevitable, as on the historical evi- own democracy. For the Catholic chai destruction. And a flag is sacrifice of those who have to be right. It is paradoxi­ dence it would seem to be, that these school by definition is committed to given birth. Press, Box 130), and I ne- tal, the symbol of a nation, its guarded the United States. commend its reading to cal but true; Unless we should erupt from time to time in God, to his existence and his service, delii existence and its authority. It records the concept of The .same is true of the everyone. It may have know something of the quarrels and recrimination, leading and to Jesus Christ as his Son and When |)rotest atid torch state sovereignty modified nation. The nation is the some things in it that you Unseen we cannot judge not only to hurt feelings and bruised supreme revelation. It is committed We are uitiled and applied to a b molhej* of those values may not agree with, but it what is before our faces. reputations, but on occasions to black thus to obedience to the Church in that are Anterican. The eyes, bloody noses, and broken heads, llag it cun be a symbol of by interdejitmdence into a offers many insights into One needs only to try to the essentials of faith and morals. If To only one thing — the will single nation. hand j’aised the how God works in the make sense of this mad is a question we gladly consign to the this be viewed as a curb on liberty flag of that nation commits business that is His sole world without bringing in beha viorists. So the images are and freedom of the spirit it is no mati’icide. It should be marred and battered, ears and orna- more so than the limitation imposed Col concern, making saints. God to understand how Jacqi held back. right that is. ments knocked off. and inscriptions upon any rational man by the recog- THE DENVER CATHOLIC What American citizen defaced. One can only hope, noting nition of his own insufficiency in the ident DR. REDDISH has Unless we know some- Webs of any gumption. j)resent w r i t t e n to me: "In our thing about God and what the tendency and sensing the contem- fuce of nature, "red in tooth and REGISTER when the .Stars and Stripes porary spirit of restiveness, that the claw." and who responds to the clear Kpis< various dialogues today, we ^1® revealed, and are mood and temper of our modern intellectual imperatives of his mind Harrj was dishonored, would not seem to forget to ask: Does willing to learn more, we President ...... Most Rev. James V. Cn.sey. D.D. try to intervene? American iciuioelasts will stop short of major and to the moral imperatives of life lulu, Editor ...... Rev. Daniel J. Flaherty God exist, or doesn’t He? If shall never obtain even a inr the icono­ d iffe down know they are charg­ through participation in seem to think that God, if enemies of the Church and the Faith, T'elephone, 825-1145 P.O. Box 1620 clasts have nothing to put back in the BOh ing into the anger and movements for peace, race I® brought into who have sworn a great oath and have niche. There is only an empty space determination of the de­ by no means repented it, that they will Subscription: $5.00 a year, equality, and the abolition dialogue at all, must come which was once occupied by the image of INSl fenders of Americanism. destroy the Catholic school as an es.sen- Canada, $5.50 a year per subscription. of poverty. But we are last. On the contrary. He fi-il nr<*)imin'»r<.- t/. 1 ^ man. who might even under happier dr- TES Then the penalty will be tidl preliminary to the weakening and cum.stance.s, have been stopped cold when we hear must come first. If we a saint and worn M e n & Foreign countries, including Philippines. $7.00 a their choice. then to the total destruction of the Cath- a halo. year. such a crusader as Martin cannot agree on God we Hll Second Class Postage Paid at Denver. Colorado. Luther King plead for a cannot agree on anything, DISSENT alx>ut |x>licies. "peace” that could be i® men like Dr. Red- of course. But disres|>ect of achieved only by the aban- dish who offer the best Rt. Rev. Matthew J. Smith. Ph D Four.rin-r. u EMPIRE 42 .America, no. donment of the Asian hope for fruitful dialogue. N ew sp a^ r 19"l3 Capitol Lii T h u rs d a y , M ay 25, 1967 Denver Catholic Register P ag e 5 Farmers Will Hear Aide to Freeman Fort Morgan — Farmers building, is the fourth in a for submission to Depart­ "He wants to learn the by unusual publicity in from throughout the high series being held in differ­ ment of agriculture offi­ current thinking of county, Colorado in recent months Read plains area will gather ent locations to assemble cials at the meeting. area and state leaders of — particularly the Denver here Friday, May 26, to grass roots proposals. farm organizations and housewives’ boycott of e’s own present their views of the Edwin Jenke, as.sistant individual farmers,” Isgar chain food stores, which >n and nations lagging agricultur­ to Freeman, will speak at AFTHUU Isgar, chair­ said. developed into a nation­ ' love, al economy to a special the meeting and field ciucrs- man of the Colorado Agri­ wide protest and pointed lan and representative of Sc?cretary tions from the floor. The cultural ?. ibilization and "He has been increasing­ up the spread between re­ makes of Agriculture Orville session is open to all farm­ Conservation committee ly concerned about the tail prices and prices re­ nmunity Freeman. ers, and those who want to (ASCi, said be called the level of farm prices and ceived by farmers, and the it keejjs The meeting, scheduled testify were asked to have meeting at Freeman’s re- the cost-j>rice squeeze on National Farmers organiza­ turning at 10:30 a.m. in the RKA written statements ready (|uest. farmer.H, a squeeze that tion (NFO) milk producers iliness. hiis become progressively strike. more severe in recent Drought also is phiguing months. the high plains again. Col­ Students Warned on "He is determined to do orado’s 1967 winter wheat everything possible to re­ crop is estimated at 30.- lieve this situation and 176.000 bushels. a 29 per Retired Police Officer Honored cent drt)]) from last year race is believes that the wisdom blamed on lack of early kindly At the annual archdiocesan elementary principals’ meeting, held at Our and counsel of state and Inadequacy of Protest spring moisture. ne out Lady of the Rockies Camp, at which 63 principal.s were in attendance, the area farm leaders, gained Rev. Lawrence St. Peter, associate superintendent of archdiocesan schools, in frank and informal per­ St. Louis — (RNS) — in achieving jioals through destroying the foundations F'RIDAY’S meeting in ^ presented recently retired police officer Joseph Hale with a specially de­ sonal discussions,can help Too many students are more democratic and intel­ of something without any Fort Morgan will follow by signed card and spiritual offering from the students and teachers of the the administration make trying to express "a pro­ ligent means. They are fed thought of what is to be one day an informal hear­ Archdiocese of Denver. Two of the principals present are Sister Mary Can- the right decisions during rks the found concern for the by mob ps>chology which put in its place. ing scheduled in Denver on isius of St. Joseph’s school and Sister Mary John of St. Cajetan school, this criticial period.” rid. - rights and welfare of other is more appropriate to fas­ "The individual must County ASC units have wheat acreage allotments a Denver. people” through protests cism than a democracy.” recognize that solid pro­ extended the inivitations to for 1968. The hearing also |» ------and demonstrations, Father Father Reinert said that gress is not achieved over­ farmers in their areas. In was scheduled to provide ist be- Paul C. Reinert, S.J., pre.s- such protests are "neces- night." he said. "Much of at least one ai’ea. Larimer information for Department 'dea, a ident of St. Louis Universi­ .sarily short-lived,” and in what is g(K)d and strong in county, representatives of of Agriculture planning. al pic- Attorney Paul Rodden ty said this week. many cases "the disruption our scxriety has been built different farm organiza­ into a Speaking to the annual far <»ul\veighs the good tions met in advance to W I'.'.IAM BROWN'S (ary a.s through teamwork and a Honors ('onvocation at they may achieve.” respect for authority.” prepare joint recommenda­ r^LOC FLORAL entura Named Post Commander tions for the Friday ses­ which some 290 SLU stu­ Father Reinerl also noted Cull t It l or -Ml sion. l o u r IToiul Seeds Denver Attorney Paul dents were being honored HE ALSO called them that the layman can no RODDEN, an attorney Farmers’ economic prob­ Rodden was recently in­ for academic achievement, "self-defeating, in thiit they longer satisfy his moral 5040 E. Colfax in the law firm of Rodden, lems have been spotlighted 355-3509 stalled a.s commander of Cooper, Woods, and Mitch­ Father Reinert said: "while may give the impression obligation by simply going Leyden-Chiles -Wickersham ell, is a veteran of World I admire their humanistic that the noi they produce to church or synagogue on Post No. 1, American Le­ War II. He saw action as goals, I have grave mis­ and the attention they at­ the jirescribed days and gion. an infantryman in the givings about some of thi tract have solved the prob­ keej>ing out of sin. Rodden has served the European front where he means of achieving them." lems . . . They may also "In the Catholic Church,” Legion twice as a senior was wounded in action. He He said he was disturbed alienate many i>eople who he said, "the statements of vice commander and has is a graduate of the Un­ by what he called ' the c. .iui be of help in reach­ the Second Vatican Council held office on the organiza­ iversity of Denver Law inadequacy of protest.” ing solutions.” . . . and especially Po[)o CHURCH GOODS tion’s board of directors for School and attended St. "Protests such as those Ih; said that too many of Paul's latest encyclical . . several years. For the past Mary’s high .school, Colora­ at Berkeley have yet to the protests are aimed at stress over and over again vyer three years ho has been RELIGIOUS ARTICLES do Springs. prove their cfTectiveness as the fact that man has a ars of chairman of the Legion’s a method worthy of intelli­ annual "Salute to Hodden, his wife Mac, jjrofound personal obliga- :epted gent students,he said. Denver Post Office tit>n to his fellow man — aipn- America” show. and four of their five El Pomar Chaplain children are members of one of love, self-sacrifice n an- FATHER Keinert held To Close May 30 Iture St. Vincent de Paul par­ The Rev. Leonard and understanding." ish, Denver. Their oldest Redelberger, above, was that students with a high The Denver Post Office demic MIIIIHIHBIIF] who son, John, is attending recently appointed chap­ degree of intelligence and will observe Tuesday. May ge as Shimer college, ML Car- lain at El Pomar retreat ability have a corresi^nd- 30, as a national holiday. VOCATIONS •. the roll, 111. house, Colorado Springs, ingly greater social resiwn- Postmaster George A. Lite with a new 1633 Tremont 534-8233 jcked succeeding the Rev. sibility. Cavender announced. All m eaning bro- Cornelius Flynn, who. He told the honor stu­ administrative offices, sta­ Be a missionary. Catholic Postal II is cnaiier»ge. that died recently. Father dents that they were enter­ tions and branches will be lu llfillm e n t in relic Redelberger was former­ ing a highly competitive clo.sed. Post Office lx)x lob­ e n n s t. bies not normally open on W rite to: HOUKS: ough Workers To M eet ly pastor of Guardian society and cautioned them I C U H isK iiiiT Sisttrt Angels’ parish, Denver, a 24-hour basis will re­ Mon. Thru Fri. 9:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. . un- The Catholic Postal against using their talents BM 11 Sat. 9:00 A.M. to 4 i\M. before ill health brought main closed. [ tlBiey. Mfw tsfk lt?>4 ep it Workers’ Guild will meet to "crush” the less skilled or ly as on his resignation. Until those less able to compete. May 28, 7 p.m., in the The self-service postal ative his appointment at El *'I am not ask in g you Cathedral high school caf­ Pomar he w’as residing unit at 2700 S. Colorado to inhibit your intelli­ } ex- eteria. Nominations for of­ at SL Anthony’s hospital, iKjulevard is open 24 hours gence and relax your tibn, ficers will be made. The Denver. a day seven days a week, MAMIE the meeting will feature a dia­ efforts as you enter this including holiday,s. • ac- Paul Rodden logue on religious topics. competitve society,” he HENDERSON the 'Peace' Will Be said. "I am asking only ;nity that, as its emerging the * Service Theme leaders, you recognize a Annual Corpus Christi responsibility, not only LIKES THE n of Pueblo — A civic ecu­ oth- for its economic and • menical memorial service trm- technological progress, DENVER 4 will be held here Tuesday, r as Procession Set May 28 but also for its moral icse May 30, at 9 a.m., in Runyon field. The theme strength.” lool t Colorado Springs — The of ceremonies will be the NURSING will be: "Peace in the Referring again to pro- by annual outdoor Colorado Rev. Walter Jaeger, pastor 4 World.” tesLs and demonstrations. de­ Springs area Corpus Chris­ of Holy Trinity church, Principal speakers at the Father Reinert said they HOME fer ► ti procession will be held Colorado Springs, and the 90-minute observance will are "a reflection of futility irg- on the grounds of Mt. St. Rev. Joseph Leberer, pas­ be Bishop Charles A. Bus- lin- Francis, north of Colorado tor of Holy Father church, well of Pueblo, Rabbi Na­ nty ¥ Springs, on Sunday, May Security, will direct the "Accredited by the National thaniel Pollack of the •ar- 28, at 4 p.m. procession. Council for the Accreditation of United Hebrew center, and SATRIANO blv Interested persons are The Knights of Columbus Nursing Homes.” the Rev. Louis Taylor, t or Fast, Fair ied invited to attend the event of the Colorado Springs president of the Pueblo BROTHERS and at the Franciscan Sisters’ area are assisting in the Council of Churches. * J«NITORIAL SERVICE Friendly Service SOME OF THE FEATURES: mother-house. planning. K)1 Bernard McNo^np^'- ? INC. call • O v e r 30 Y e a r s in B u sin e ss. This Eucharistic celebra­ Knights of Columbus • VERY individual care. ML St. Francis is sitr^- ^ • Rug and Upholstery MARGARET • Large airy outside rooms. o f tion is the annual solemni­ Council 557 is in charge of zation ''f the feast of Cor­ atod a few miles north 4. Shampooing BIALKOWSKI • Reception room with TV on ice arrangements. * • Complete House each floor. pus Christi. of Colorado Springs and AGENT • Outstanding foods. he ^ Cleaning (Member Sf. Francis Parish) three miles west of In­ • Special diets. News Deadline! *■ • Floor Waxing and PA R ISH priests and terstate highway 25 on Polishing FARMERS • Physical therapy. Woodmen Valley Road. The deadline for news INSURANCE • Patient recreation military chaplains of the 4- • Walls and Windows • Medicare facilities. at PikesPeak area will be of­ In the event of » ain, the stories and pictures to ± Washed GROUP (Reservations Only) I t , ficers at Benediction of the procession will be held appear in the "Register” lf» Blessed Sacrament. The in the convent chapel. is Monday at 9 a.m. .0- 'rriuiT r-i', Rev. Edward Madden, J 2834 W. 44th Ave, DENVER NURSING ts 4 chaplain of Penrose hospi­ Sisters Get Permission on Transfer 433-8831 Auta — Life — Fire tal, Colorado Springs, will j Truck — Cammercial ''Home with a Heart" HOME 3566 So. Broadway Ph. 2 5 5 -0 4 6 6 deliver the sermon. Master W ebster Groves, Mo. — no objection from Cardinal : 761-0324 East 14th Ave. at Josephine 388-9383 The Sisters of Loretto have Joseph Ritter of St. Ix)uis. Webster Head received canonical permis­ sion from the Holy See to MILE-HI To Get Degree transfer the ownership of CLEANING SERVICE Webster college to a Rugs and Upholstery Colorado Springs — Miss private corporation, accord­ Expertly Cleaned Jacqueline Greennan, pres­ ing to Miss Jacqueline In Your Home or in Our Plant ident of Webster college, Grennan, college president. a Quality Work at Webster Groves, Mo., and moderate prices. Episcopal Church Bishop The permission, neces­ » Insured Protection Harry S. Kennedy of Hono­ sary whenever a religious with Bigelow's I lulu, will receive honorary Famous Karpet Kare Your Jull servirv community wishes to dis­ doctor of humane letters Method. pose of a large amount of “ You asked me why nvifxhhorhood bauk. degrees at commencement C all — 744-3139 property, was granted with exercises at Colorado col­ 310 W. Iowa Ave. I bank at Colfax National?” lege, here, on May 29. Miss will de­ liver the commencement Morgro Long-Life Fertilizer address. Bishop Kennedy will give the bacralaureate Continuous Fodiding sermon. Morgro Long Life is a complete, spe­ Permanent and cially formulated fertilizer plus iron Temporary Employees sulphate. Featuring slow release nitro­ There IS a gen for long term feeding. It is par­ (B b DIM i s difference! ticularly ideal for light to medium, BONDED soils, 40 pounds will cover up to 4,000 National Bank 5901 East C oifai Avenue INSURED square feet of lawn for only $ 3 .9 8 Denver, Colorado 80220 • 38S-5957 TESTED M e n & W o m en The Rocky Mountain Cverirene is te m et. I HIRE WITH EMPIRE think evervene knows lu st enc visit or phene nrf namt, and ju st th i call takes care el manr tipe kl service t need. errands . - . checkinf, 222-8646 tjvints. sale dcpasit... Seed Company Somebodr. like Charles that mast be »hat the MRS. HERMAN FlA X Well, it’s te c a lf ts (• ( Sitlslrep, the president ads mean b|r •'roll lerv- EMPIRE EMPLOYER'S SERVICE. INC. here, and ne preblem te there, alwars makes you j 1325 15th St. P.O. Box 5204 Phone 623-6223 S03B East 3rd Avenue park . . . (eel welcome. ica " bank- Cepitol Life Center * I6th & O rant DENVER, COLORADO 80217 Page 6 Denver Catholic Register T h u rs d a y , M ay 25, 1967 Calendar of Events Engagement, Weddmg second vice president; Mrs, R e tr e a t Laywomen's Retreat Photos Discontinued Patrick Coursey, recording The Rev. Joseph B, secretary; Mrs. Paul Rum- Murphv, C.SS.P., of the At the legislative council Holy Ghost Fathers will A policy has been announced by the "Register” meeting of the National baugh, treasurer; and Mrs. Joseph Figiiino, historian. concerning wedding and engagement photographs. Laywomen’s Retreat Move­ ,8-28 at El Pomar retreat I'he staff regrets that it will no longer publish pho­ ment, held in San Francis­ house, Colorado Spria;,'s, tographs of weddings and engagements. Because co recently, Mrs. Raymond for members of the sodality this newspaper is a weekly and because space is . Mutz of Au- WICS National rora was of the Denver Cathedral limited this decision has been reached and will be parish. Reservations for elected presi­ Head Installed put into effect soon. the retreat are available The deadline for wedding and engagement photo­ Nazareth Sister dent-elect of jind may be made by con­ the organiza­ Washington, D.C. — graphs was May 17, at 3 p.m. Material received by tacting the retreat house. that time will appear within the next few w'ceks, Completes Degree tion. She will (RNS) - Mrs. Stuart E. ju-cording to the order they were received before be installed Sinclair, president of Paramount Club deadline. Year at Mercy at the NLRM Church Women United, a Members of the Catholic I'hotos and information received after May 17 congress in department of the National Paramount club will attend will not be published according to the new policy. Sister Geraldine Marie, New Orleans having successfully com­ Council o f Churches, was Mass at St. Elizabeili's in October, church, th and Curtis pleted her one year admin­ in.slalled here as president 11 1 968. M r s. streets. Denver, on Sunda., istrative residency at Den- of Women in Community Mulz, active May 28, 11 a.m. Breakfas; C ver’s Mercy hospital, will Service, Inc. iWICS*. iii r e fe a t work for many will follow. The group will return to St. Louis univer­ WICS is a nationwide, Engagements years, is currently serving non-profit, interreligious s]>onsor a card party at ih,. sity for graduation June 3. as vice president of the their daughter, Catherine, and interracial organiza­ Knights of Columbus h a l , Mr. and Mrs. Elmer O’­ A member of the Sisters national movement. On the tion of voluntoer.s from 1555 Grant street, Denvi i, Connell of Denver have an­ to Anthony of Charity of Nazareth, local level, she is chairman L. Snyder, on May 31, 7 p.m. Persons nounced the engagement of Ky., she is a student in St. of the speakers' bureau of. Church Women United, the son o f Mr. interested in joining tin- their daughter, Joyce M., to Louis university’s program the El Pomar Retreat National Council of Catho- and Mrs. group for Catholic single Ronald B. Cur<’s, son of Mrs. of hospital administration. League of El Pomar re­ lie Women, the National / Horace Sny­ or widowed men and wom­ ?'red Day of An integral part of the Council o f Jewish Women der of Lake- treat house, Colorado en over 35 may call Ame­ Fran kton, graduate program is the Springs. and the National Council lia Desmond, 355-5444. F wood. The Summer Retreats Negro Women. Its pri­ Ind., and John bride-elect residency, consisting of one Curtis of St. a graduate of Archrjishop Guild retreat chairman Evie Star- year’s actual experience in mary work is helping Petersburg, buck, center, discusses plans for the scheduled United Fund young women overcome the MEMORIAL DAY co: Aurora Cen­ a hospital setting under Mrs. Raymond Nixon, F la . T h e summer retreats at El Pomar retreat house, Colo­ handicaps of poverty. J u tral highi the guidance of a practic­ president of the Archdioce- rado Springs, with Rosary committee chairmen, SPECIAL of bride-elect is school, atend- ^ ing administrator. san Council of Catholic Cheri Libonati, left, and Jeanne Horvat, right. wi A a graduate of cd Western Sister Mary Kieran, Women, and a member of SAV - U - A\OR The retreats will be hold June 30 — July 2, and COIN-OP DRY CLEANING da 4 West high State college, and is em­ administrator of Mercy, Divine Redeemer parish, CARNATIONS Aug. 2.‘5-27. AND LAUNDRY VILLAGE chi school, Den­ ployed at the Denver U.S. was preceptor to Sister Colorado Springs, will head ver. Her fi­ National Bank. Her fiance Geraldine Marie, one of the Public Service division OPEN 7 DAYS n . 5 0 per doz. ance is a grad­ is n junior at Western two administrative resi­ 1^1 M e Head Start Officials Honor of the Pikes Peak United - ALMOST WRINKLE uate of St. State college. A wedding is dents at the hospital dur­ ( AS// C- CA/l/n r * ' cel Fund for the second .-onse- Also Bouquets and Petersburg high school, Fla., planned June 17. ing the past year. cutive year. Last year, the [ ■ ' j f O D O R F R E E Sister Rosemary Keegan Artificial Wreaths J and is currently stationed More than 18 universi­ division directed by the 237-9804 MEMBER OF TELEFLORA uni with the United States Air (The above engagement Sister Rosemary Keegan ceived an award on behalf ties throughout the country Catholic laywoman led the r v iO R G E lat Force in England. require the residency for way in the $500,000 drive notices w'ere received by was among these honored of some 65 Loretto Heights PROFESSIONAL DRY CLEANING DESIGN FLORAL p re graduation and the confer­ and was the first to exceed the "Register” before May recently at a "Volunteer college students who have 4040 Tennyson 477-9321 wil ring of the master’ s degree its quota. AND LAUNDRY SERVICE 17, the deadline for en­ Appreciation Day” ceremo­ been working as volun­ 6468 W. 20th AVE. Betty Oliveto, owner I ’ a i Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ni­ gagement and wedding ny held by Head Start teers. in hospital administration. chols of Englewood have photographs and notices. program officials in the Sister Geraldine Marie, a SISTER Rosemary is Regis Women announced the engagement Both have been discontin­ Aurora Community Center. native of Louisville, Ky., ARVADA directorof Children’s Edu­ The Regis Women’s club, To o f their daughter, Emma ued as a policy, and the Sister Rosemary received entered the order in 1955. 9535 W. 58TH AVE. 4 >24-7773 cational Fund, which oper­ Friends of *hc Library, Jane, to Errol Lynn Maran- announcements of the an award for work in en­ Upon graduation, she will have elected new officers. ates nine Head Start cen­ WESTMINSTER .. .ville, .son of discontinuance have ap- rolling and assisting volun­ be assigned, in an adminis­ They are Mrs. Mack Switz­ 2195 W. 72NO AVE. • 428-5097 cn, ters, in which 360 disad­ trative capacity, to one of Mr. and Mrs. j)cared in previous is­ teers who participate in er, president; Mrs. Charles / V ' 1 HR. ass sues.) Head Start. She also re­ vantaged preschool child­ her order’s hospitals in the Byrne, first vice president; THORNTON j,,^^'Chester Eli ren from low income fami­ mg southeastern part of the Mrs. A. B. Baumgartner, i DRY CLEANING •ia.f. tSTH AVC. • 3S7-SM6 De: Maranvillo of lies are enrolled. Cent ralia, United States. ^ ^ 1 DAY Hei Dr. Joe Dodds is assist­ WHEATRIDGE ■ Wash. The T Reception May 28 Set ant director of Denver LAUNDRY 7393 W. 44TH AVI. • 4R2-143B bride-elect is EVELYN S DRAPERIES Mrj Opportunity in charge of News Deadline! RADIO PICK-UF'^ DENVER a c< a graduate of ilH y W< the Head Start program; DISPATCH A DELIVERY '929- 15TH ST. • 244-4493 Pul St. Francis de For School Principal Mrs. Kay Melnick is active The deadline for news tcrials Sales high 2915 SPEER BlVD. • 433-6259 spo chairman of the 'Head stories und pictures to 1501 South Pearl St. LEE O'CpNNOR pre ischool, Dcn- By Carol Moran novitiate training at Salem Tel 744 (H39 FORT COLLINS Start volunteer steering iippear in the "Register” Member: Peter & Paul pro, MiNHNichuia ver. Her fi­ Heights, Dayton, O. She is M onday at 9 a.m. Parish 2215 SO. COUEGE • 487-0996 Ten years of teaching in taught at Our Lady of committee, and Mrs. Edith .stat ance is a grad­ Neil volunteer coordinator. one school may seem like Good Hope grade school, uate of George Washington F high school. A September a long time, but to Sister Miamisburg, O., before COLORADO COLLEGE OF principal at was wedding is planned.. Mary Ivo, coming to Denver in 1957, Group W ill Hear Red Cross Head odn- Christ the King school, when she was assigned to WEDDINGSWFnniNRS (renoral James F. C ol­ member of Mile High Medical & Dental Assistants syH Denver, the the teaching staff of Christ Approved by Hhe State of Colorado dep years have lins, president of the United Way. CANDIDS Mr. and Mrs. Sum Navarro the King grade school. She Collins, who has visited WOMEN OF ALL AGES TRAIN IN been reward­ American National Red o f Denver liave announced was named principal of the' Vietnam, will ttdl of the NEWEST ULTRA-MODERN FACILITIES ing, exciting, Cross, will be guest speok- «urrd h«irioorns \ the engagement of their school in 1962, and in ad­ work done by Red Cross Enroll Now For and they cr at the second annual daughter. Marsha Ann, to dition to administrative meeting of the Mile High staff which has increased June 26th Classes have gone by » W rite or Phone lor FR EE Brochure David Arthur Araick, son of duties, continued to teach. Chapter, at a luncheon in from 25 to 300 since the RORK too fast. PHOTOGRAPHERS » Low Tuition Payments Mr. and Mrs. She has taken graduate the Silver Glade Room, summer of 1965. » Nationwide Placement Assistanco At the end , Dick Bctlinqcr R. A. Amickof work in administration Cosmopolitan hotel, June » Day or Evening Classes of the pres­ I0» Si Girlaid Pti ;33 (876 655 BROADWAY-DENVER 80203 PHONE 222-1526 Denver. The procedure and mathemat­ 13, beginning at 11:45 a.m. NORTH DENVER birde-elect is ent school ics, The Mile High Chapter term, Sister a graduate of PA RISH IO N ERS and is composed of the six re­ OPTICAL IC a t h cdral S r. M . „ 1 .0 Mary Ivo will friends of Sister are invit­ gions, Adams, Auror»\, _ high school, be saying ed to attend the reception Arapahoe, Boulder, Denver, Servint North Denver 22 Veers Denver. Her farewell to the school and in her honor next Sunday. and Jefferson, and is a Complete fiance a will leave to take up her Optical Service Tickled Pink Cleaners OPTICIAN graduate new assignment as princi­ HUNT CLEANERS pal of San Luis Rey acade­ FREE PICK UP Lincoln and'OELIVERY D E W A Y N E my, San LuiH A r a p ahoe Christ the King. "The ■ I'onvHli'.grfnt I‘n>codures school office frequently NURSING ■ Physical Therapy .Mi» Olctski high school ■ Barber Shop —Itcauty Salon and now at­ expressed its appreciation SERVICE ■ Iteneral Medical Technique.s. . . tending Arapahoe Junior of her high level of effi­ ■ ATTKNDING CATHOI.IC CHAPLAIN C college. ciency.” CALL OR VISIT WASH UP AND GO SEE THE 4 0 ; A MEMBER of the Sis­ .MAC DALK.X Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. ters of the Precious Blood, I-; (lAllDJiV.S I.XC. LATEST OUTDOOR GAS GRILLS 58i Brown. Aurora, have an­ Sister Mary Ivo is a native 3131 SOUTH FEDERAL BLVD. ENGLEWOOD, COLO, 7 6 1 - 0 2 6 0 141 nounced the engutement of of Minster, O., and took her Your Public Service Company consultant will show you how clean and convenient outdoor cooking can be, He'll explain why your steaks end burgers lose none of that outdoor GRAND OPENING- REFRESHMENTS You flavor on a gas grill (except the taste of to t starting fluid). youi TRACY STUDIO HAS MOVED . . . m ei While you’re at It, see the Icvely outdoor bea gaslights too. Our Open House This Weekend our ussu May 25 - 26 - 27 Isn't it time you clvilii^ your patio? Thursday — Friday — Saturday To Our Beautiful New Studio in The BRENTWOOD SHOPPING CENTER RService w b l i p 2021 So. Federal 936-5711 L. 'Xome and see our new facilities, arranged for your graduation Portraits or family Com pany groups. To introduce you to our expert film developing service, we will develop and c[p • print one roll of black and white film FREE, until June 10th." I Iflvester-ewntd utility T h u rs d a y , M a y 25, 1967 Denver Catholic Register P a g e 7 Canon in Vernacular No Surprise to Liturgy Specialists voting sessions continued (The author of the following be ready the first Sun­ AMONG OTHER pres­ article, the Archbishop o f At­ during the first and second • The celebrant makes In the private recitation ^ d a y o f Advent, criptions and options con­ lanta, IS chairman of the Unit­ sessions, the American a single sign of the of the Breviary, the abso­ , 1967. The other changes tained in the instruction over the unconsecrated ed States Bishops’ Committee sentiment began to con­ (violet vestments for lutions and benedictions on the Liturgyj geal. Two weeks before the are: bread and wine at the preceding the lessons, and X Requiem Masses, no • Instead of the Oratio final dramatic vote on the words "Benedictas haec the .short prayer "Do thou By Archbishop maniple, changes in rub­ Imporata, the Bishop may dona.’’ "Haec munera," liturgy I the first of Vatican rics, etc.) will be effec­ O Lord have mercy on us” Paul J. Hallinan include in the prayers of "Haec sancta sacrificia illi- at their conclusion, are IPs documents) the United tive June 29. the faithful one or two in­ Atlanta, Ga. — The States B ish op s met in bata.” The priest *'lso om­ omitted. The use of the vernacular tentions of local interest. its the sign of the cross s tr o n g sentiments o f a Rome and voted to extend 1 / i " ' has become for the propo­ • The priest genuflects before his own Commun­ majority of American the English in the Mass nents of the liturgy some- WHEN the faithful par­ priests and laymen are the onl.v when arriving at and ion. ticipate in the recitation of "as fur as possible.” hwat of a touchstone. It is leaving the altar, if it has background. In April, 1964, this vote • After the Consecra­ lauds or vespers, several certain that some Catho­ a tabernacle with the tion the celebrant need not Overwhelming votes by was made formal and con­ lic.-*, who haver never read variations are allowed, in­ Blessed Sacrament; after keep thumb and forefinger the American Bishops are i’ i r m e d b y Rome. or received instructions on cluding the introduction of th e instruments which the elevation of the Host joined. Scripture readings and the "Part-English Masses” be­ the meaning of worship, and after the elevation of have bolstered the cause of gan in American churches see the use qf English sim­ The instruction also omission of two of the five the vernacular. the chalice; at the end of makes certain regulations Psalms normally required. Education Guild Officers the first Sunday of Advent, ply as a modernization, or the Canon after the Doxo- And this week the ac­ 1964. hater the three key for the celebration of Muss When the faithful are pres­ an easier way, almost a logy: before saying "Panem tio n o f the Holy See has orations of the Mass (the gimmick. by a priest who is infirpi ent for Compline,'Sunday Amon^ the new officers of the Catholic Educa­ caelestem accipium" at or of failing sight. tion Guild are, left to right, Mrs. Thomas Shields, a n sw ered the hopes o f a Collect, the Prayer over Compline may always be But actually, the verna­ Communion; after return­ The instruction permits used. treasurer; Mrs. Thomas Sheehan, president; and truly revitalized liturgy for the Offerings, and the our American parishes. cular was introduced by ing unconsumed Hosts to those bound to recite the Mrs. Owen Mitchell, outgoing president. The Rev. post-Communion) were in­ T h e surprise announce­ Vatican II as a dynamic the tabernacle. Divine Office to omit the Lawrence St. Peter, associate superintendent of cluded. instrument toward "the m e n t — granting perm is­ • The celebrant kisses .second and third nocturns TRADITIONALLY urchdiocesan schools, is modoratjr. sion fo* the vernacular in full, conscious and active the altar only at the be­ of matins, formerly re­ FRANTIC efforts were participation of the people” THE FINEST IN Lj the Canon of the Mass — ginning of Mass while he quired in first and second PHOTOGRAPHY evident in the preparation (par. 14). says the prayer "Oremus class feasts. The only Annual CDA Mass Set wii.s no surprise to the of suitable texts. In the te a m s o f Bishops, priests, tp domine,” or when he exception is during the interests of haste and ex­ PASTO RS are directed ascends to the altar if the sacred, triduum of Holy DeCRQCE L,- - and lay specialists who perimentation, the 1964 4,SI E. Colf.x For Saturday, May 27 have been working on the in the Constitution on the initial prayers have been Week. liturgy. version was made up of Liturgy, to see that "the omitted; and at the end of existing Missal texts with The annual Mass and urged to attend the Mass. In November, 1966, the faithful take part fin Mass) Mass before giving the corporate Communion for Breakfast will be served in U n ite d States Hierarchy Scriptural readings from knowingly, actively, and blessing and dismissing the the Confraternity transla­ fruitfully” (par. ID. FIRST COMMUNION Junior Catholic Daughters the church hull immediate­ a sk e d for this permission people. tion. There was consider­ The rites must be "with­ of America and Juniorettes ly after the Mass. a lo n g with seven other • At Mass in which the able dissatisfaction, some in the people’s powers of AND will be offered on Satur­ Reservations p o in ts. The others were people participate, even if of which was quite useful, comprehension” (34), and made not later than Thurs­ granted almost immediate­ not concelebrated, the 12386581 day, May 27, in St. Mary’s much of it however was both texts and rites must church, Littleton. day, May 25, with Mrs. ly. B ut the Canon request priest may recite the Can­ linked to that resistance to "express more clearly the on aloud if he thinks it The Rev. Frederick A lice Vitry, Chairman, w as neither approved nor change which is so evident holy things which they opportune. McCallin, chaplain, will be 477-4084. Juniors and Ju- disapproved. among many people. First Communion Correspondence which I signify”(211. • At sung Masses the celebrant. niorette.s will bo guests of Meanwhile one of the During the spirited de­ veils ...... the council. Price for oth­ had with Cardinal Giacomo celebrant can sing those Lercaro of Bologna, head of most far-reaching move­ bate of the first two conci­ parts of the Canon which All are asked to be in ers is $1.25. ments was well under way. liar sessions, the Fathers, uniform, and assemble not Poster and Poetry the Vatican commission to may be sung in the rite of implement Vatican Council Ten English-speaking Hier­ by overwhelming vote, concelebration. First Communion later than 7:30 a.m. for Awards will be announced. went farther. The vernacu­ ll’s Constitution on the archies authorized the — The celebrant remains S e ts ...... S3 2 S presentation of roses. Mass Barbara Ryan, chosen ns long-range preparation of lar approved first for w ill follow at 7:45 a.m. Liturgy, and other Roman erect with outstretched the outstanding junior, will an internation .il English the Scriptural readings, hands when beginning the I’arents are invited and ofilcials, as well as the vis­ be cited. text in 1963. Theologically and then some prayers and "Te igitur" (this means he it of Archbishop John F. chants. I Dearden of Detroit to and scripturally authentic, no longer bows). CONFIRMATION GIFTS R o m e earlier this year, this translation has the Later other parts were «• To Head Visiting Nurse Service additional contributions of permitted in the moth­ NEW MARYKNOLL MISSALS in d ica te d a general step er-tongue, and now the forw ard was being consid­ literary and dramatic styl-' Canon (from the Holy, Mrs. Adelc Nelson, Gold­ ered. It was clearly under­ ists, and musicians. Sam­ NEW ST. JOSEPH MISSALS that worked as a supervi­ Holy, Holy to the Lord’s stood that the initiative of ples have twice been sent en, has been appointed sor for the American Red Prayer), the great action of associate director of Visit­ Cross. the la r g e American H ier­ out to thousands of inter­ ested people, and their the Eucharist, will be ing Nurse Service for the She is a graduate nf ihe archy had spearheaded the vernacular program. comments and criticisms clearly expressed so the Denver Department of Columbia hospital school of carefully considered. text and rites will truly REAL ESTATE Health and Hospitals. nursing in Pittsburgh, Pa., JOHN ERGER ■WITH THE Church Then the Bishops took express "the holy things C a ll P'or the past three years has a B.S. degree in nurs­ home to study this mimeo­ that are signified.” Mrs. Nelson has worked as ing education, and a ma.s- m ovin g so steadily toward LOU T E Z A K CHURCH GOODS the ligurgical renewal, it is graphed text along with a consultant with the U.S. ter’s degree in public three other existing Missal 4436 W . 29th Ave. 477 l^ublic Health Service, re­ health from the University not surprising that the DENVER,COLORADO emphasis of the new in­ versions. There is much sponsible for tuberculosis of Pittsburgh. polishing still to be done ''Never a Parking Problem" prevention and control She is the mother of two struction issued May 4 by the Vatican liturgy com­ on the text before its final programs in 25 of the 50 sons, L t. D a v id Nelson, a approval by the National states. m ission, called the Consi­ gradu ate o f Colorado liu m , is on concerted, au ­ Conference of Catholic School of Mines now in th o rize d actions rather Bishops and the Vatican’s From 1954 to 1964 she V ietn a m w ith the Army Consilium. was public health nursing then individual innova­ Engineers, and Robert Nel­ tions. It is probable that the administrator for the Penn­ son, a student at the Un­ vernacular Canon will sylvania Public Health T h e Dutch Bishops had iversity of Colorado, Boul­ submitted a request with a department, and prior to der. Dutch text, and the Carib­ bean Bishops had acted as the Americans. Although the. French Bishops have been considering the move, it is understood that no a ctio n had been taken to get th e permission. S ince October, 1962, when the Second Vati­ can Council began, the A m e rica n role in liturgy has been dynamic. A m o n g the experts w’ho p r e p a r e d the draft fo r the c o u n cil were Father Frederick McManus of the Catholic University o f A m e r ic a and F ath er G odfrey Diekinann, O.S.B. of St. John’s University in College- ville, Minn. Council Fathers from the U nited States spoke on both sides of the vernacu­ lar question but as the debate and preliminary Challen H. Wells, director of the Boy Scouts First Annual Aid-O-Ree held recently at the Cen­ tennial Turf club, is shown receiving the Marshall MacElveen trophy from Sister Mary Eileen, ad­ SCHEDULE CHANGE JUNE 1 ministrator of St. Anthony’s hospital, Denver. The award, which was presented to the winning Scout troop in the first aid competition, was sponsored on the by the hospital and the women’s auxiliary as a community service. V is t a - D o m ^ WEISS BAKERY OLD-FASHIONED SALT RISING BREAD —EVERY TUESDAY CHECK THESE EARLIER TIMES Three Stores to Serve You 4024 T e n n y s o n ...... 455-1937 Westbound— fo Salt Lake and San Francisco .5850 W . 38th A v e ...... 424-1366 Le a v e Denver 8:20 A.M . 1480 Carr St...... 2.37-1604 (instead of 8:40 A.M.)

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Wedding Photos and Studio Portraits Lainson Studio TK\niri()\.\u,Y - •77.VL ronriiM Ts BROWN PALACE HOTEL 244-4674 t h e ia m r o a d P ag e 8 Denver Catholic Register Thursday, May 25, 1967 Battleground Chaplain Named Orthodox Primate Athens, Greece — Ar­ chaplain to King Constan­ executive body of the fi^ d Demands (Continued From Page 1) ther Edward Clifcorn, Mad­ chimandrite Katsonis, 61, tine I of Greece has been 67-mcmbor Greek Orthodox ing followed basic training, ison. who has been the personal appointed Primate of the A.ssembly of Bishops. (Contimied From Page 1) 15, probably were mistak­ Kong urged Catholics here and Clifcorn was sent over­ Clifcorn was buried at the Greek Orthodox Church. The new Archbishop re­ seminary in Glen Ellyn Kong section where the en for foreign newsmen. to "disassociate” them­ seas last September. He He succeeds 86-year-old presents a complete change April 22, in accordance • riots occurred W’as contin­ selves from any labor dem­ was assigned to combat as Archbishop Chrysotomos of in the Church’s viewpoint with a wish expressed in uing, particularly among THE BRITISH at least onstrations of a "disorderly a machinegunner. Fordham on the ecumenical move­ one of his letters home Athens, who was forced up to May 19 remained and illegal” character, Clifcorn wrote home fre­ ment. A theologian, he ha^ children. from Vietnam. out by an extension of a firm in the face of carefully spelling out, how­ quently, usually long let­ compulsory retirement rule been active in Greek stepped-up pressure from "I was very, very bit­ Will Sponsor **. , .It appears that ever, the Church’s concern ters begun one day and from which he had Church work involving the Peking in support of the ter w’hen we first these children and their with the "true good of the finished over a period of previously been excepted. World Council of Churches demands by Communist learned he was killed,” parents feel secure workers.” time as duty permitted. and has been amenable to elements here. Sir David Mrs. Ransopher siad. Sex Seminars The action was taken by a enough in Hong Kong to "He hated the Army,” closer relations with Ca­ Trench, the Governor, re­ Another prelate, Arch­ Mrs. Ransopher said. "It "But since the funeral, New York — Father Leo new government app>ointed associate themselves tholicism. with a religion that has fused to see Communist bishop Giuseppe Caprio, w’as a terrible adjust­ I’ve come to realize that McLaughlin, S.J., president synod, in its role as the been the object of Com­ delegations and officials Apostolic Internuncio to ment to make, going in that’s not what he’d of Fordham, speaking on munist persecution in the have permitted the presen­ Chinti, said during a so quickly after being in want. We have to go the sex seminars to be past,” he said. "It also tation of petitions and brief stop here en route the seminary. on.” sponsored by Fordham, speaks of their need for demands only by taking to Rome the Church is "But he said he’d said "It would be a mis­ OR AND OPENING religious meaning and them from the hands of "deeply concerned over never be sorry that he take to interpret our ef­ their courage.” demonstrators through the this strictly human as­ had done what he done, Bishop forts as a cold, clinical front gate of Government pect of the disturbances” especially after he saw service to provide birth Father Thalman also house. related to Hong Kong the conditions of the control information.” noted no Church facilities The demands sought not Chinese w’ho arc refu­ people there. Appointed "Fordham,” he continued, in the Kowloon district only apologies, but uncon­ gees from Red China. Clifcorn was a native of "recognized a need to pres­ had been damaged, despite Madison, Wis., and moved ditional release o f all per­ Vatican City — Pope ent a totality of >dewpoint the fact that "during a riot "Humanity demands that to Dallas with his family sons arrested during the Paul has appointed a Ger­ on sex and morality in the it doesn’t take much to we do not wait for eventu­ in time to enroll in Jesuit riots. The apparent inten­ man Bishop to a high post contemporary world,” and have a crowd destroy alities, but start planning high school here as a tion of the government to in the Roman Curia; the he stressed that the series Church property or worse.” now for the future,” he freshman. He returned to ignore them has irritated central administrative of­ "is not to be construed as "Compared to the riots in the Reds. said. Madison however, to the (United) States, our fices of the Church. a-maverick attempt to top­ An anti-British rally wa.<5 The Council of the Hong high school and graduated riot was a tea party,” he The action was inter­ ple the precepts of the held in Peking’s Sports Kong Teachers’ association from Edgewood academy added. preted as another step in Church.” stadium May 19, during and the Hong Kong there in 1962. He entered "There is always a dan­ the Maryknoil seminary at the internationalization of which Public Security Min­ Private Anglo-Chinese ger that mi.ssioners, as any Glen Ellyn the same year. the Curia on the highest ister warned British offi­ Schools association, which foreigner would be, might Other survivors include level. Appointed as secre­ cials here to "come to your includes members of sever­ be the object of some of senses” or face "all the his parents, Mr. and Mr.s. tary of the Congregation of 8«d Cf*dil • No Problem ■ Not a Loan Co. al denominations, also de­ Send your name and address for this agitation. Hut it would grave consequences.” Richard H, Clifcorn of Dal­ Seminaries and Universi­ be because they are foreig­ plored the disturbances FREE application to nearest The rioting began May las; another sister, ties is Bishop Joseph office for faster service. ners. It is most probable if 11, ostensibly in support of and urged students and Michelle, 6; a brother Mi­ Schroeffer of Eichstatt, ATLANTIC ASSOCIATES, Dept. 92 the person is recognized as teachers not to participate. chael, 12; and his grandfa­ Germany. 146 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. demands of workers en­ 3312 N. Central Ave.. Phoenix, Arizona a priest he would not be gaged in a dispute with harmed.” management at an artificial Father Thalman said it flower factory and a ce­ was likely two young ment plant. Rioters and Mormon missioners, who demonstrators carried and were forced to flee from a shouted quotations from stone-throwing mob May little red books of Mao Tse-tung "thoughts.” Archbishop ASSOCIATED with the Denies Link riots here were anti-British demonstrations in Macao With Campaign and Shanghai, both direct­ Atlanta — Calling on ed against British diplo­ Americans to respect "both mats. the honest conscientious Bishop Lawrence Bian- objector and the honest chi, P.I.M.E., of Hong soldier,” Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan of Atlanta said he opposes any campaign of massive refusal to bear arms. The Archbishop also said NEED he had not endorsed "Viet­ nam Summer,” a na­ OFFICE tion-wide anti-war cam­ SUPPLIES . paign even though a leaf­ let soliciting funds and participants in the Atlanta area carried his name, and he did not authorize the use o f his name in an OFFICE anti-war advertisement that appeared in the New FURNITURE . York Times.

Two Texas Priests

Reinstated by Bishop San Antonio, Tex. — SEE The last two of four priests who were recently suspend­ ed by Archbishop Robert E. Lucey of San Antonio COMMERCIAL have been reinstated. Fa­ ther Lawrence Murtagh and Donald Hcffernan PRODUCTS CO were told of their rein­ statement after a commit­ Denver’s Finest Dealer tee of the priests’ senate 1624 - 17th St. met to discuss their case Ph. 534-2.‘143 with the Archbishop. y4 missal is r,^cessary because "The Church earnestly desires that Christ’s faithful, when pres­ ent at this mystery of faith, should not be there as strangers or silent spectators; on the contrar, .hrough a good understanding of the rites and prayers they shou.d t:


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Cal! your bookstore, or order from THE LITURGICAL PRESS, Colfegevilfe, Minne«^ota/ 56221 Diocesan Union of Holy Nome T h u r s d a y , M ay 25, 1967 Denver Catholic Register P age 9 Societies Sets Annual Rally Archbishop Casey Awarded Canon City. — The St. FEATURED speakers do State Penitentiary. penings of the institution. Dismas Holy Name society will be the Honorable Now, 14 years later, the Father Justin has invited Honorary Degree by Regis of the Colorado State peni­ Judge William C. Calvert, society has nearly 200 all Catholics and especially tentiary here will act as Colorado Springs, and members — 75 per cent of all members of the Holy the communities he has become what you know hosts at the sixth annual Martin Murphy Murphy, Archbishop James V. pense of his labors shall be whom are active. Name Societies in Colorado Casey of Denver was one been chosen to guide. rally of the Diocesan Un­ Attorney, Colorado Springs, great for, shepherd in his and believe in and then, in In the years intervening to attend this rally. of two persons receiving the St. Dismas HNS spon­ own fashion, he carries the turn, mirror it forth and* ion of Holy Name Socie­ the society has been re­ honorary doctor of law "Ho has demonstrated by sor. Warden Patterson will law of God in his heart infuse it into those around ties, comprising ‘ the arch­ sponsible for the creation OWNING to the neces­ degrees during Regis col­ his words and actions, you.” diocese of .Denver and the give the welcoming address and his steps do not fal­ and perpetuation of one of sary security measures lege’s 89th annual com­ awareness of the theology A Baccalaureate Mass for diocese of Pueblo on Sun­ and the associate Catholic ter,” the citation read. the finest penal religious that must be taken, Father mencement program Mon­ of renewal, encouraging the graduates was held day, June 11, 1 p.m. chaplain, the Rev. Dennis publications in America, Justin asks that all outside day. initiative of an ecumenical, Father Raynor told the Sunday afternoon in the The annual rally began Langdon. O.S.B.,. will also the Clarion. Not only is this Holy Name Societies wish­ Regis also conferred its liturgical and especially, graduates "now is the time fieldhouse. Father Ryan in 1962 as a means to speak. There will be re­ magazine the voice of the St. ing to attend contact him highest academic award educational sort. you must take the very was the Chief Concelebrant bring into the institution marks by some members of Dismas HolyName society and request the amount of upon Francis J. Reincrt, "Regis college, in joyfully essence of what >U)U have of the Mass, which was members of the Holy the society and rofre.h- but it also provides needed invitations needed. For well known Boulder busi­ adopting His Excellency as learned, your ability to also offered by 15 other Name Societies throughout ments. communication with inter­ relatives and friends of the ness, civic and church an alumnus, wholly com­ think critically and apply priest members of the col­ the State of Colorado and, The highlight of the ral­ ested parties outside the in­ members of the St. Dismas leader. mits herself with alacrity it lor the good of mankind, lege faculty. under the leadership and ly will be the presentation stitution and, in response to Holy Name society, invita­ Participating in the cere­ to communal endeavor it is the lime for you to The Very Rev. Patrick foresight of Warden Wayne of Literary Awards for Warden Patterson’s request, tions will be needed, as will monies were 144 students, with him, which will pros­ pledge yourselves to a cou­ O’Brien, C.M., rector of K. Patterson, families are .superior articles appearing the names of those attend­ candidates for Bachelor’s per our community and rageous involvement in St. Thomas Seminary, now invited as honored in the St. Dismas official it makes the public aware and interested in the hap- ing. ______degrees at Regis. All de­ stand as a sign of com­ re.shaping society, an in­ Denver, delivered the Bac­ guests of the members of publication the Clarion. grees were conferred by munion in God’s grace, in volvement in which vou calaureate sermon. the St. Dismas society. The Rev; Benedict Butler, Volunteer Teachers Needed the Very Rev. Richard F. accord with the full mean­ It is an 'open house’ af­ O.S.B., o f St. Leander’s Ryan, S. J., president of ing of his episcopal pres­ fair with ,the outside Holy perish, Pueblo, and the the college. ence and the mission of Cursillo Members Name Societies’ members members of the St. The Very Rev. John P. the college.” who so desire bringing in Leander’s Holy Name socie­ Teacher volunteers, both enrollment goal of 120 has men and w’omen, are need­ Raynor, S.J., president of To O ffer Special Prayers their families, provided ty acted as judges and will been set. Marquette university, Mil­ REINERT was honored they make arrangements ed for the Adult Tutoi’ial present the awards and the program being conducted The volunteer tutors waukee, Wis., was the by Regis as "an exemplar Members of the Cursillo services this week.” said a with the spiritual director gifts. must be high .school gradu­ commencement speaker. of a just man whose busi­ movement in the Denver Cursillo .spokesman. beforehand. To those who as an anti-poverty i)roject ates or have the equivalen­ ness acumen, leadership archdiocese are asked to Bishop Green was elected are not societv members, THE ST. Dismas Holy at St. Patrick’s school, cy of a high school educa­ In citing Archbishop and regard for community Join fellow cursillistas Episcopal Advisor to the attendance will serve a« a 3401 Pecos street. Denver. Name society was created tion. Casey, Regis noted his needs, service to education, throughout the nation this Cursillo Movement in 1965 means of acquainting them in 1953 with 14 members Cla.sses are conducted Those interested in j)ar- years as a priest and sacrifices for the Church, week in special prayers and since that time has with the works and pur­ under the dir^tion of Rev. twice weekly — Monday ticipating in the program Bishop have been char­ and above all, devotion to and liturgical services for . travelled thousands of poses of a valuable parish Justin McKernan, O.S.B.,. and Wednesday evenings .should phone Sister Anna- acterized by complete family, are manifestations the intentions of Bishop • miles in Cursillo work. He organization dnd of the Catholic chaplain and spir­ Tor two hours — for 84 Robert. 433-2344, or Jo­ dedication and untiring of his just and fulfilling Joseph Green, National was the keynote speaker at Church itself. itual advisor of the Colora­ educationally and economi- ically deprived adults. An seph Libonati, 477-8664. service to God and to life. We pray the recom­ Episcopal advisor to the the National Cursillo Con­ Cursillo Movement. vention in ■-J Bishop Green, Auxiliary last year. . Bishop of the Diocese of Lansing. Mich., for the last five year.s, will be installed Campus share Plan as Bishop of the Diocese of Reno, Nev., on May 25, Proposed by Jesuits the Feast of Corpus Chris- ti. Fairfield, Conn. — Want­ ed: An existent women’s The Rev. Francis Syri- college to share 250-acre aney, Cursillo director of campus with an all-male the archdiocese said that undergraduate college of rrs^ iT B i’s... Bishop Green has been a arts and sciences. tireless worker and trave­ This might well be the ler doing all that one man essence of a possible ad c o M e A -s m iM ’F m w it possibly could to promote run by Fairfield university, lU itb better understanding and a Jesuit institute, in an support for the Cursillo elTort to provide coordinate Movement. education for men and , M i , "We who have benefittod women with each institu­ PICNIC from the Cursillo Move­ tion retaining its own ment feel especially joyful identity and administra­ for Bishop Green on the tion, but sharing the same occasion of his installation faculties and facilities. as Bishop of Reno. We The university has of­ want to express that joy fered to give a women’s PACKIN'TREATS for him by means most college interested in the • meaningful to him and to plan a 30-acre tract of its us — through prayers, li­ campus worth approximate­ turgical and para-Hturgical ly a half-million dollars. PLUS

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a trih m iM m M ______Zip Code— P a g e 10 ______Denver Catholic Register______Thursday, May 25, 1967 Jesuit Educator Looks at y^4owe, 'Ulysses' !i does accomplish, the treat­ comedy, without commen­ (The author of the foUowinf* It is «o in this produc­ they help to form, so and eager concern, wanting in which he lives, more most powerful one. The ment of this chaotic chap­ dation or condemnation of review of the motion picture tion. Little of Joyce’s magnificently seized and to adopt him into his own Circe shifting from reality passionately rebellious ter is effective and fasci­ persons, with honesty and ’^Ulysses" recently returned profound symbolism expressed by Joyce’s orbit, gaining some manly to fantasy, I thought, ■from Ireland where he made a than he appeared to be. directness and beauty, this survives » his religious cosmic imagination, re­ strength and confidence Still, although he seems might have profited from a nating. complete photupraphic record of Wolfgang Suschitzky’s film will be honored. Not view of this modern ceives satisfactory treat­ from the encounter. • too solidly in control of bit moie use of the Fellini James Joyce's Dublin. Father camera work, wandering everyone will like it, some world’s perversion of ment in the film. reality, Roeves does sug­ technique of suggesting Boyle lectures on James Joyce's over the solid beauty of because it cannot achieve god into dog, climaxing But neither does the film BARBARA Jefford less unreality by softer focus or ivorks at Rcpis Cnllepe. Denver, gest the quality of Joyce’s dear dirty Dublin — the sweep and depth of the where he formerly was chair­ in the book in the Black attempt to do the impossi­ obviously fits the role of character in many impor­ altered movement. But the novel, some because it does man of the English depart­ Mass; his opposition ble. It intelligently con­ Molly in physical makeup, director evidently chose to which, I understand, char­ tant ways, especially in his acteristically won’t let the not veil the ugly depths of ment. He is the author of "Me­ betw’een Stephen as tents itself with dealing but she does a powerful job walk on Sandymount try the shock technique of human depravity. "Human, taphor in Hopkins" and nu- priest of art and Buck with the elements it is in expressing the passion­ Strand and in the sugges­ the book in putting the film in — is consistently competent and often rarely kind cannot bear very men>us shorter uorks on litera­ as priest of science; his equipped to handle, and ate depths, the twisted and tive scene with his mother two, reality and fantasy, ture I beautiful. It captures in a much reality,” T. S. Eliot use of Shakespeare’s with suggesting as much pathetic efforts to fulfill in the Circe episode. side by side without truly notes. But for those By Hev. Robert as possible of the elements her drives toward love and change or preparation, and hundred subtle ways touch­ R. Boyle, S.J. work to indicate, among who can take it, this pow­ other things, the triviali­ it cannot directly treat. life, frustrated by the cir­ EPISODES, intelligently this too has its effective­ es of Joyce’s epic humor, Any serious effort to re­ e.g., the cuckold - clock, erful and fascinating film ty of most of our litera­ The director, Joseph cumstances of her life. telescoped, suggest much of ness. will bring valuable re­ flect a great literary mas­ Bloom’s fantasies are Boylan as Greek god, Mol­ terpiece in another artistic ture and criticism, and Strick, knows Joyce’s book Molly’s final soliloquy, the book's epic range in a wards. read with all its music and stressed and Stephen’s ly’s imagined marriage to medium must overcome a the shallowness of our well, and the actors grasp short space, and the em­ minimized, though the Stephen, Bloom’s reaction number of basic difficul­ view of human life and Joyce’s characters with ardor and pathos by the phasis and proportion re­ scene in which Stephen’s to the Gulls, etc. Sacred Heart Program ties. The peculiar power love; his contempt for really- impressive insight. actress while the screen markably follow Joyce’s the abuses of sex in our Milo O’Shea lives the part flashes effective illustrative structure closely. The great mother, risen from the ALL IN ALL, by mature and suggestive possibilities "The Training of Apos­ time, expressed in the of Bloom, the Jew attempt­ scenes of dream fulfill­ Circe scene in the brothel, grave, confronts him is persons who are interested t)f written words, the infor­ tles" will be the subject of book by a comparison of ing to fit into Catholic Ire­ ments, erotic art, and appropriately filled with perhaps most effective of in an artistic presentation mational and emotional an address by the Rev. the unforgivable sin of land with its generous por­ crude realism, over­ animal noises and circus all. The nymph from over of the human spirit in op­ content of poetic rhythms, eration, without fakery, William Faherty, S.J., on the suggestive reaches of Odysseus’s men in kill­ tion of anti-semitism: the whelmed the audience. scenes, is one climax, as in Bloom’s bed is a sad loss, ing the oxen o f the sun vulnerable, lovable man, People rose in silence and the book, and the final so­ as is, most of all, the without superfluous com­ the Sacred Heart program, metaphor and symbol — ment. with illuminating Sunday, May 28, 6:45 a.m., how are all of these to be with modern attitudes psychically wounded by the departed, scarcely speak­ liloquy is the other, the Black Mass. But in what it on KBTV, Channel 9, reprrKluced or approximat­ toward birth control and death of his only son as ing, as from a confronta­ News Deadline! ed in. say, a visual medi­ abortion; and many oth­ Odysseus was gored by the tion with reality too soul - Denver. ers. None of these vitally boar, impotent as a result searching and ooving to be The deadline for news um like the film? Empire Players Set stories and pictures to ap­ Then, specifically in the important elements of of his dealings with his discussed. Joyce’s characters and young and passionate wife, pear in the "Register” is HUMMEL'S case of a complicated and Stephen's role, played by Monday at 9 a.m. profound masterpiece like the complex civilization generous toward others in Maurice Roeves, was, while SIDEWALK CAFE James Joyce’s Ulysses, his moderate fashion, beautifully handled, least ^Gondoliers' Musical NOW O P E N ! haunted by ghosts and m IRISH COFFEE TIME how can we visually ex­ satisfactory to me. Stephen McKee Frazer, Donald Psychological weaknesses and fears; the should perhaps be less The Empire Lyric Play­ Treat yeursell to one ENJOY FINE FOOO press the deep probings of ers, local Gilbert and Sul­ Wright, John J. O’Donnell, the human spirit in opera­ man longing for a son, physically attractive, more IN AN EASY MOOD livan company, will open a and Regis P. Malloy. B d a i l y SPECIALS tion, accomplished in the Meeting Lists seeking out and protecting obviously unable to fit Stephen with an unselfish with or to accept the world three-day run of The The company’s musical 1^ book by means of interior director is Raoul Tayon, ■ DUFFY’S SHAMROCK ^onolog, of suggestive si­ Special Topics Gondoliers on Thursday, Hum m el's June 8, at Bonfils Theater, with stage direction by lences and revulsions, of Dr. Jules Van Pragg, DELICATESSEN & Denver. Other perform­ John Pullano. Tickets will 1S4S Trem o n t P I. SIDEWALK CAFE efforts to cover up the in­ program chairman for the Opera Parade Platirted terior truth with exterior ances will be Friday and be available at the May IN CHERRY CREEK spring meeting of the Colo­ D&F downtown boxoffice pretense? rado Psychological Associa­ Saturday, June 9 and 10. For Central City Gala beginning June 5. J'H K Elizabethans used tion which will be held The production, which the soliloquy as a device June 2 at Writers Manor, Plans for the Central T he M erry Widow marks the 10th by the aimed toward the revela­ Denver, has announced two City Opera parade in the opens the 1967 festival on Denver group, is a light­ tion of the being behind special topics will be treat­ historic mining town have June 24. It will be fol­ hearted spoof set in Ve­ Don’t miss the seeming. Eugene O’­ ed during se.ssions of the nice, Italy, around 1750; been announced by Charles lowed on July 1 by Don V Neill in Strange Inter­ meeting. J. O’Brien, parade chair­ Pasqualc and on July 8 and it contains the wit, V lude tried having the voice, Participants in the morn­ man. by A Masked Ball. The the complicated plot, and speak from within, heard ing session, entitled "New the beautiful music that The "On To Central three opera productions CHUCK by the audience but not by Applications Arising Out of will alternate through July are the very heart of the MERRIE City" parade honoring the the other actors, but he Analytic Treatment of 29. stars of the 1967 Opera Gilbert and Sullivan oper­ achieved at most a partial Children,’’ will bo Dr. Her- ettas. success. In his films, Felli­ schel Berkowitz, Dr. Robert Festival will be held in WACON ni. to express the inner downtown Denver at 7:30 Cooke, and Dr. Richard B T T F F E T i f and outer worlds, uses the p.m. on Thursday, June 8. Lourdes Mass The cast includes Rose­ LYNN Waite, all of the Universi­ mary White and Louis .ading of exterior into ty of Colorado Medical Saluting 36 seasons of the ol DePaemelere as the comic interior reality and back Center. Opera Festival’s history To Be Aired S a t u r d a y ii again. But none of these will be more than 150 per- ^ *t n /• leads; Maureen Rees, Doro­ fi "Thoughtography” is the E v e n i n g 10:35 to Noon efforts expresses the depths subject of the afternoon sons wearing historic cos- i j y K L ^ R o O lO thy Archer, Helen Singer, tumes used in past opera peculiar to the literary session conducted by Dr. productions. 5:00 PM-8:00 PM And again at form. They use other Jule Eisenbud, a psychia­ The Rev. Edward Poehl- mann, who will be or­ t< means and have other trist and psychoanalyst in The parade will move up * 1 . 5 9 advantage|!. But to adapt private practice and associ­ dained May 27, will offer SUMMER 1:15 to 1:30 PM fi liincoln street to 16th his First Solemn Mass at CHILOREN S1.00 literature ' to the film ate clinical professor of street, down 16th street to means t\m’t much of great 11 a.m., May 28, for the MONDAY THRU FRIDAY p.sycbiatry at the Universi­ Curti.s, up Curtis street to value mOsL nece.ssarily dis- broadcast featured each HOURS ty of Colorado Medical Lincoln street for disband­ Center. ing. Sunday on KLZ Radio, Denver. The Mass will be BEGINNING KO 0 The Opera Festival i.s broadcast from Our Lady DENVER Orchestra still accepting participants of Lourdes church, Denver. 5-21-67 0 in the parade. Interested The sermon will be given i R persons should contact the by the Rev. Damen L. SUNDAY On 'Scrapbook of Sound' Central City Opera McCaddon, founder of the D i a l 8 5 0 Association, 636 University parish. Narrator will be 4 P.M. To Tj The music of the late AMONG the vocalists to Building, Denver, 623-0818. John Connors. M Glenn M iller will be fea­ be heard are the Modern- 12 M idnight tured on Scrapbook aires with Paula Kelly, Sound Sunday, May 28, 10 , , p.m., on KFML-FM Radio , Smith Bul- (98.5), Denver. lew, and . • The program, produced JYlamma L e Some recordings will rep­ by Ed Tynan, is directed M resent the early phase of and narrated by Clement ^nile...say ar J. Zecha. M iller’s career (1937 to on 1939), before he acquired Family Theater I^osa s op his distinctive style. These w i are recordings on the Col­ Gigi Perreau will star in P»’ umbia and Decca label, "The Ten O’CIock Scholar" ! i f AN EXCITING NEW IMAGE IN DENVER! CheeeseBtm^er made long before he hit his on Father Patrick Peyton’s P/ij^ e n a an stride as probably Ameri­ Family Theater program Zesiy American and Greek Food to ca’s most celebrated dance on Sunday, May 28, 9 Lunch, Dinner and Dancing from Nine with 9 3 6 -2 3 3 6 orchestra and recorded for p.m., on KOSI Radio, Den­ T H E T R IA D S ^ C A Victor. ver. 4111 E. Virginia off S. Colorado Blvd. • 388-2305 1044 So. Federal

r^'wwwwwww wwwwwwwwww Contemporary RESERVED SEATS NOW ON SALE AT BOXOFFICE OR BY MAIL!)- JULIE AS YOU LOVE HER. ^ singing, dancing, delighting I . Dramas Will i f The Happiest Motion Be on 'Insight' Picture O f The Vfear!

^ UNIVERSAL pfCMnts A series of dramas deal­ ^TAIIAN FOOD AT ITS BEST ^ ing with contemporary JULIE ANDREWS problems, entitled "In­ sight.” is presented each MA»y TyLED MCCDE Sunday on KBTV. Channel CADCL CUANNING 9, Denver, in color, on Sundays at 2 p.m. J A M E S F O X The half-hour shows deal • FOSS HUNTERS with such subjects as disho.- When people want to smile, they order a McDonald’* nesty in marriage, agnosti­ cheeseburger. It's the cheeseburger that kept one of cism. anti-Semitism, for­ BOB'S PIZZERIA the world's largest cheesemakers busy for months, ncHNicoie*. I giveness, dope addiction, ‘'Home (if the l.itlle /tiMiiignnir Siimlieieh" creating the perfect cheese that melts more evenly violence, and racial preju­ In The Sheridan Shopping Center than any other kind, one sharp enough to Jet you dice. 1332 So. Sh e rid a n B lv d . I know its there. We call it McDonald’s Special 'T Blend —for special smiles—the cheese that melts J O H N C AVIM into a mouthwatering blend of juicy, pure-beef BREAKFAST SPECIAL OEATDICE LILLIE.. hamburger and freshly baked bun that can’t be beat. MONDAY thru FRIDAY tUYYOIW PREMIERE BENEhT CtNTIt THUnt • 2U • llOi SL • Dtartr. Cttt. IP202 When you want to smile, stop by McDonald's TICKETS PERFORMANCE TODAY WEDNESDAY. naaMMAdmc— ------tickets f e r _ . _ _ and say cheeseburger. Look foe the Golden 7 to 11 ONLY Vi'jst:: MAY 24. 8:3D P M. Arches at McDonald's-”the closest thing to ' le. SEWALL HOUSE home.” 0«nvtr Soexty For C>i(tpled Childrin "PANCAKE QUICKIE" and AduJts All the butterm ilk pancakes BOXOFFICE 0PCr:S daily 13 NOON to 2nd alt. Elate — 900 FM MATINEES WED SAT. SUN. you can eat and all the coffee you can drink — 45c 2 PM EVERY EVENING B30. lo(e .... EVES iSiin thru Thurs) S2 ?S UOO FISH NIGHT EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT EVES (Fr, Sat Hols) MATS (Sat Sun Hols) 2 2S 2 00 All the FISH, French Fries, Roll, Butter, Coffee or Tea you can eat. $1.00 ! MATS (Weds 200 I ;s RESERVED SEATS ONir Son, Ne Phone Rrservation, t«.«( O-ders bi Meil or at ------STATE - OetHrtr iiH fo i theatres stoup SMS I iHUiM f a n imor Mill Stan«ftf Self addressed enetiode >tth Ymt Check w M cDonald’s INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF PANCAKES P,.-' J ‘ -.iri j;»i. i i i “ ^--e» Order Pi,aM M Centre IrieeUe. Look For The Golden Arches* 216 16TH STREET 2020 So. Federal Blvd. 934-4644 DENVER. COLO. East Colfax at Pennsylvania CENTRE THEATRE PHONE 222-4797 T h u rs d a y , M a y 25, 1967 Denver Catholic Register P a g e 11 ‘ *1 Mature Film Marked • * oM otion 4^ictu/ies CLASSIFICATION BY NATIONAL CATHOLIC By Fine Portrayals N e w Drama Group Makes Debut OFFICE FOR MOTION PICTURES k Too often when a melo­ moves into an English By Tom Officer chopath loose in the En­ THE other standout per­ of her late husband breaks drama is revived 30 years up the affair, the hero glish countryside has a home and charms the mis­ formance was by Betty 1 after its initial the Unusual is the word that races to Paris to see the nice balance of taut sus­ tress into letting him re­ Hornon as Mrs. Terrence, 1 Folluwini; are claHKlficationH of motion picturcH of the National best describes A Man and heroine again — and there dialogue and actions ap­ pense and a special dash of main. Behind his exterior a cook who refuses to be C a th o lic OITIcc o f M otion P ictu res fo r filrntt cu rre n tly p la yin g D en­ pear dated. However, an comical lines by the sup­ mask is a sinister plan to bullied by the mistress of ver firal-run, nciRhhorhood, and drive-in threntera, a« well aa a Woman, the Academy i.s a reunion. And {X'rhaps thoac appearinK on televiaion In the Denver, Colorado Sprinita and Award winning film cur­ hope for u happy marriage excopti

BREWED WITH P U R E R O C K Y MOUNTAIN GOING PLACES Vacation plans arc only complete when every detail is SPRING WATER set. And that includes not only where, when and how but with what—meaning the all-important item of cash. Provide for the necessary vacation funds right now. Arrange for an installment loan at Union National Bank. And keep in mind that any type of loan is less costly and easier to obtain at Union National when they handle all o f your banking transactions. Establish your banking connection at Union National FRI. MAY 26 Bank. Be all ready when vacation time arrives. You can fc- ; ,4 , t 4 I expect more at Union National because they expect more *3.00 per person from themselves. ,______INCLUDES ------1-, Union National Bank — one full block of - - -■ banking between north-bound Lincoln and south­ bound Broadway on First Avenue. Completely * UNLIMITED RIDES convenient. 8 p m, TO MIDNIGHT

★ DANCING IN THE TROCADERO 9 pm TO MIDNIGHT ★ ★ | g | yY ★ ★ AMERICAS-FINE LlGHEBEER GATE ADMISSION AND FREE PARKING U n io n IVationnl J^anli kftiBirR cans eosrtiT «»iiiR.C IIII10O SEE YOUR CYO REPRESfNTATIVI From Broadway to Lincoln on Firs* Avenue . . . Phone T44-322T T h u rs d a y , M a y 25, 1967 P a g e 12 Denver Catholic Register CYO Graduation Party W ill Be Held On May 26 The Fifth Annual Arch- by the Daniels. Tickets are diocesun CYO Graduation availjible through CYO Party will be held Friday members, parochial hijih eveninj?. May 26. from 8 schools. Jind at the until 12 midniKht at Elitch’s Gardens. THE annual party hon­ oring pradutiting seniors is Tickets, at $3 apiece, sponsored by the Arch­ entitle holders to unlimited diocesan CYO and the par­ tree rides and admission to ochial schools. Eighth the CYO dance which will grade graduates who will be held in the Troctidero be eligible for CYO mem­ ballroom. ber ship itre particularly Youth Highlights Music will be provided invited.

Annunciation John Cordes, Northeastern ships. and athletic awards The event, which will be George Weissbeck and .Junior college, Sterling. were presented to students held at Mullen high school, FBI Agent Addresses Ed Housand, seniors at Lo retto at All Saints school, Den­ is open from 6 until 12 Annunciation high school, ver, at a recent PTA meet­ midnight. Admission is will be attending Regis col­ F re sh m e n ing. Among the recipients $1.25 per person or 2 per Leadville CYO Banquet lege on Parent’s Confiden­ High school graduates were Karl Weiserhorn, couple. Information can be from the Denver area who Joan Jindrich, David Mill­ obtained by calling Cathy tial Statement scholar­ Leadville — Today’s garet Schlapp. Incoming ships. They have each re­ will be enrolled in the er, Pat Wolke, Laura Bell, 755-1804. youth in America were freshmen class in Septem­ officers were introduced: ceived $S00 from the Cervanyk, Peter DeNicola, St. Joseph's described as "a fine bunch ber at Loretto Heights col­ and Mark Wolfenbarger, Lillian Montoro. president; W ins Scholarship government and $800 from Ted L. Strickland, fresh­ of youngsters” by Scot Norma Jean Nell.son, vice lege, Denver, include Mar­ scholastic awards: Werner, district director Regis College. ie Borelli, Ramona Bow­ man representative to the president; Kathy Mayerle, Dnn Oicdrich, left, of Mullen hieh school. Den- John Dufficty, Cathy for the Federal Bureau of vcr. is the 1967 scholarship winner of the Denver A $500 grant from the man, Susan Breen. Kath­ Colorado House of Repre­ secretary; and Larry Mon­ Gardelli, Sertoma Citizen­ Investigation. Notre Dame club. Making the presentation is Vincent and Mary Collison leen Carollo, Robyn Du sentatives for District tano. treasurer. ship award; Patty Carter, Werner addressed his James Coughlin, chairman of the club’s scholar­ Scholarship Fund was Puis. Laurinda Gogenola, f’our, Adams county, spoke Leadville Council 681, Stanley Baker, Suzanne remarks at the annual ship committee. Diedrich. an honor student, was given to Fred Apodaca. .Janet Gunzelman, Maret Parro, Renee Williams, and to memljers of the Nation­ Knights of Columbus, pre­ Leadville Catholic Youth co-captain of the Mullen football team last season Vicki Bohte, .senior who Hein, Marilynn .Jones, Vir­ I.uica Rummelhart. citizen­ al Honor society at St. sented checks to four out­ Organization banquet, a that won the Denver Parochial League champion­ reigned as loyalty day ginia Koonce, Mary Jean ship awards; and John Joseph’s high school, Den­ standing members of the queen representing the ver, on May 23. Strickland year-end event honoring CYO. Recipients were Pa­ ship. He is taking advanced English and math, is Leia, Betty MofTett, Denise Dufficty, outstanding ath­ graduates of the I.eadville Veterans of Foreign Wars, O’Meara, Kathryn Passera, lete award. and his wife were guests trick Green. Tim Kehoe, participating in the pilot Rus.sian language p ro­ was awarded u $.25 U.S. at a dinner which followed. unit. Kathy Schlapp, and Ann gram at Mullen, has been cited for creative writ­ Marilyn Pearson. Christine St. Lo u is Werner said he thought Savings Bond. Newly elected student O’Neal. The Rev. Maurice ing and is a member of various school organiza­ Porch, Yvonne Rifiel, San­ the problem of juvenile In a statewide contest dra Ruscio, Coleen Teenagers at St. Louis council officers are Mike Mclnerney is spiritual ad­ tions. A member of St. Mary’s parish, Littleton, he parish, Englewood, are in­ delinquency "was greatly sponsored by the I’oetry Schmitt. Ann Marie Stra- Covillo, president; Susan visor to the group. is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Diedrich. vited to participate in a over-rated” and was criti­ Society of Colorado, Ed chan, and Jeanne Wil­ Krautkramer, vice presi­ "happening” festival on dent; Barbara Bullock, sec­ cal of those who blame Housand was awarded first liams. May 29. A variety of retary; John Mendozza, youth as a whole for the honorable mention while A ll S ain ts amusements and refresh­ treasurer; and Garnett actions of "a small seg­ Pauline Piro received third Honor awards, scholar­ ments will be available. Vigil, parliamentarian. ment that won’t accept 57 Seniors To Graduate honorable mention. their moral responsibility.

Sts. Peter, Paul HE PRAISED the ef­ Students attending Sts. forts of the CYO and other From St. Mory Academy Peter and Paul school, Self-Giving Grad Gets youth organizations in Wheatridge, captured 14 their work for a better Archbishop James V. co; Susan Thelan, Colorado Lisa •Jacobson, Gaylo Johnson, individual awards and a youth. Casey of Denver will con­ college; Becky Young, (Col­ Alice Jones, Sally Jordan, Mary Jo Keller, Marie Konstanzer, Judy group award at the recent "Anyone my age talks to fer diplomas to 51 graduat­ orado State university; Koran, Linda Kukral, Jamie Ludd, oratorical contest held at Top Apostolate Award them, 'they’re preaching,’ ing seniors at St, Mary’s Marion F‘'rey, University of and Nancy Lubchenco; George Washington high but when you talk to academy 92nd commence­ Portland. ment exercises on Friday Kathleen McCauley, Ktithleen school, Denver. Awards Franci Candlin received tion to e.stablishing a lead­ vice president of the Colo­ them, you’re talking facts, Alternate scholarships McDonald, Lynne Martin, Bernic were presented to Peggy the annual John F. Kenne­ ership workshop for young rado Young Republicans. you’re talking on their morning, May 26. have been awarded to Jes­ Morfjan. Margaret Mosier, Nancy Capra and Sharonterese dy Lay Apostolate award people last summer. She was active in the In­ level,” he told the youths^ Judge Sherman J, Finesi- sica Varacalle, Cathy Cul­ Nicholas, Candy Pollock, and M ...- Dowd, poetry; Rhonda of I.,oretto Heights college ternational Relations club, "Our youth organizations Iver, will deliver the com­ len, and Lee Hill. tha Quinlan: THE Denver youth was Patricia Rauenhorst, ('atherino Fick. Gcrianne Bruno, and in commencement week club, campus newspa­ are the greatest thing mencement address. Fol- M em bers o f the cnidualini; clasit activities just coordinator of apostolic ac- are: Riede; Suan Roe, Stephanie Sad- Teresa I’etrone, drama; per, college chorus, student going today, a tremendous owing his address, the Rt. lier, Gwen Sarkosky, Roxanne Patricia Alderson, Kathleen Ber­ Terry Doyle, Mary Anne concluded. tivities durini; her junior Rev. Monsignor William H. Schulze, Kathleen Seep, Patricia recreation as.sociation, and organization belonging to ry, Cathy Bell, Nanc>' ('avanafth, Nelson, Zoe Anno Cope­ The award is Loretto Heights president of her residence youth, Iiaving a tremen­ Jones, superintendent of Carla Cervi, Pat CliHham, Kath­ Stewart, Ann Strachan, Barbara xind /ill extend her xipos- Sullivan, Susan Thclen, Jessica land, and Margy Davis, conferred on hall. dous responsibility.” Archdiocesun schools, will leen Cullen, and Mary Theresa tolic work into Mexico this Varacalle, June Warner, Susan humorous; Patricia Bisant a senior who "Last year, there were introduce the graduates to Dwyer; summer. Laura Elaner, Marion Frey, Yates, and M. Rebecca YounR. and Jim Knue, original has shown Divine Redeemer, two million, seven hundred Archbishop Casey. Miss Candlin was an Dianne Friend, Kathy (larf'an, oratory; and Mary Kay active in­ thousand crimes, one every Ann Struchan, who will Judy (Iriffin, Liaa Hanson, Mary honors-at-entrance fresh­ Schneider, Carol Stewart, volvement in Cure D'Ars Win 12 to 15 seconds. And the receive the Marian award, Ann Harris, Leonard Hill, and and Helmut Soehn, in­ "alleviating man and was named to the crime bill was 28 billion the school’s highest honor, KathlcMtn Hui;hes; terpretive oratory. dean’s list in each of her AUTO social prob­ Grade School M eet dollars. every dollar will receive a scholar­ The play. Submerged, lems through college semesters and was we gave in schooKs, we ship to Ix)retto Heights col­ plected to Who’s Who Divine Redeemer of Col­ LIABILITY which received an excellent MIhn C an d lin personal com­ gave $ 1,11 to criminals, lege. Among Students. rating, was presented by passion and orado Springs won the and for every dollar given Other awards will be MUSIC LESSONS She founded the Loretto ANY CAR Tom Anthony, Stan Karlin, understanding.” eighth grade title and to the church, nine dollars presented to Pat Clisham, On All Instrumcnis Heights college chapter of 10/20/5 Bill Potter, Dave Leppla, Miss Candlin was grad­ Cure D’Ars the seventh was given to the criminals. All-Around Student award, By 21 Professional Campus Young Republi­ Teachers Rick Koller, and Mike uated magna cum laude grade crown in a private Crime is big business,” he and scholarship to New Class 1A,J cans and served as presi­ school grade school track Karuzas. Mrs. Kelly Tipps May 20 and concentrated said. Mexico Highlands universi­ SELMER & BUNDY Married, is the speech teacher. in the field of sociology. dent and later served' as and field meet sponsored ty; Susan Roe. valedicto­ by the Catholic Youth Band Instruments If you qualify. R o g g e n She is credited in the He praised the Colorado rian; Jane Wagner, saluta- Organization of St. Therese Legislature for setting up NO POLICY FEh Graduating seniors of award as being the "chief toriun, Regents’ scholarship MOSRITE & EPIPHONE instrument” in e.sUiblishing Parish in Aurora last a police academy to pro­ to Colorado university, Sacred Heart parish, Rog­ CYO week. gen, include Marvin Erker, "Weekends of Christian vide for this need. Finally scholarships to Colorado A Good Selection of Living” for Ixiretto Heights Divine Redeemer scored he described the FBI’s own State university and the U sed Jack Epple, Rose Ann Activities 67 points to easily win the Klausner, Mike Klausner, college students as well as program, calling it "a good University of San Francis­ Guitars & Amplifiers in Nebraska for both col­ eighth grade crown. Den­ deal, enabling young peo­ John Cordes, Chris Schel- DON Sheet M usic—Books & "You’re SURE with Assurors” lege and high school stu­ Lady of Fatima ver Christian was second ple to acquire a good col­ L. DUNHAM’S S u p p lies lenberg, Peter Joe Buch- with 31 points and Cure A l.OW RATKS holz, and Stanley Sigg. dents. She has been a New officers of the CYO at lege education and at the Our Lady of Fatima parish, D’Ars of Denver was third MAR-LEE FOR TEENAfiEKS Scholarships have been teacher in adult education same time become a part BRENTWOOD at St. Elizabeth’s, Denver; I.akewood, are Bob Zarlengo, with 27 points. Other team of the FBI program,” BARBERS MULLENNIX awarded to Jack Epple, Claudia Julin, Laura Ernest, scores were St. Bernad­ athletic award to Colorado has been a volunteer work­ and Jeff Julin. They will be ■■/■'or Thi- MUSIC INSURANCE AGCY. er and counsellor at Good ette’s 22, Precious Blood RETIRING CYO presi­ Man Who f ’rirc.t” university; Rose Ann installed at the CYO Com­ 20V4, Presentation 15, St. 390 So. Federal Shepherd Home, and munion Breakfast .June 3. dent, Joan Kehoe, present­ Expert Personnel CENTER Klausner, academic, Colo­ Mary’s of Leadville 11, St. Trained in Styling- 934-5789 rado State university; and taught (’CD clas.scs at Vail ed the Leadville group’s 2000 So. Federal ('ommunitv center in addi- St. Patrick’s Mary Magdalene 8V4, St. "Queen of Youth” award, Coloring— 1 Block South of Alameda Members of the CYO of St. Therese 7, Sacred Heart, Hair Straightening — honoring Leadville people ' Razor & Shear Cutting Patrick’s parish, Denver, will Roggen 4, St. Pius X 4, St. for their contributions in hold a picnic on .June 4, 1:30 Flat Tops Scout News Elizabeth 3 - and St. James behalf of youth, to Mrs. Classified Ads until 8:30 p.m. to honor the O. 934-9759 In a recent ceremony at graduating seniors and eighth Rose Green and Mrs. Mar- 427» W. Florida ST. MALO OF INTEREST TO WOMEN graders of the parish. Cure D’Ars piled up 37V4 Camp Tahosu near Ward, points to edge Divine Re­ SIOO.OO w r : I . K ( . Y P o s s ib le S rw in i Colo., Life Scout Gary Ldclnq, Assembling, cur prociuc?s St. R o se deemer of Colorado Springs Suppose We Send VOO FOR BOYS C H o rm crs. W jr s .iw 70. In d ia n .i JdSBO Caldwell, son of Mr. and in the seventh grade Mrs. Larry Caldwell, The St, Rose of Lima 70 Miles From TEACHERS WANTED CYO, Denver, will sponsor competition. Divine Redee­ Denver Near Wheatridge, together with mer had 33 points, St. A Check for a Change? ollege, secondary,y . elementare le i his Scoutmaster, Jack Cas- an evening of entertain­ Estes ParK.. . NATIONAL CATHOLIC ment, "Hazy Summer Therese 31, St. Mary Mag­ P L A C E M E N T S E R V I C E . 33.1 W . sel, received the Order of dalene 24, St. Bernadette Beardsley Avenue. Elkhart. Indiana Nights,” on June 4. Danc­ 4asi4 the Arrow, an award be­ 20'A, Denver Christian 19, • WeMI do it every year of your life if you estab­ stowed on outstanding Boy ing will begin at 7^30 p.m. lish an Extension Annuity. Spirilual guidance under the di- St. Elizabeth 18, Precious rectlon of M sgr. Richard H O M E W O RK Scout campers. Gary is a Coat and tie are required. Blood 9, St. Pius X 3, St. • Sample '■eturns on Extension Annuities: Hiesfer, Camp Director, aided S4S 00 T H O U S A N D . Home A d d ressing ! student at Sts. Peter and Admission is 50 cents. •James 1, Sacred Heart. by experienced counselors, all Longhand. Typewriter. Information, St. Thomas seminarians. send stamped, self-addressed enve­ Ptiul’s .school, Wheatridge. Eighth grade graduates Roggen 2, St. Mary’s of lope. Brewster. Box 1436 TR. Clear from St. Rose will be ad­ water, Fiorida33S1S Ix?adville 0 and Presenta­ Age Men Women mitted free. tion 0. 5 0 4.8'F 4.:r,F Hiking, camping, swim- Q u a d r u p le s 'T'ing, fishing, horse­ MISCELLANEOUS 5.5 5.3'T 4 .8 't Stopping distance quadruples 6 0 6.0'^ 5..TJ back riding, archery, BILL PROBLEMS? Poor credit no when speed is doubled. The 65 7 .0 'f 6 .0 'y riflery, com petitive trouble. Not n loan company. Send lor team sports, handi­ tree application. Nationwide Accept State Patrol reminds you that 7 0 H .3'y l.(V i anec. Dept. TR. 930 F St. N W if your stopping distance is 24 7 5 lO.O'y H.Ty c r a ft s . W ashington. D .C . 70017. A TREAT for YOU feet at 20 miles per hour, it 8 0 1 2 .5 'y 1 0 .0 't Inexpensive—Only U 6 MISCELLANEOUS will l>e 96 feet at 40 miles per hour. per week includes ev­ H ELP orbAfi renewal victim . Holy e ry th in g . Rosary Church needs five million Bet. ly Crocker coupons lor interior paint HOLY CROSS BROTHERS I Designed especially for "Senior Citizens” Ing. Our prayers for your help. COU­ TEACH 111 UAIH TOUHfi MEN ' The ideal way to ensure life income and to help the home A g e s 9 t h r o u g h 16 — PONS. P. O. Box won. Tacoma. missions h«.‘.sides. Stay one or more Washington 9t4ll TEACHING and OTHER PROf'SSIQNS A RETREAT weeks which begin on U ofr HO/.V < Ht)\S HHOini Hs St E<««r4 I U irrttsiti Rna V } Axslii ttu t Sundays — June 25 P h y s ic a l T h e ra p ist, Reg ...... Ir Retreat begins at B:00 P.AA. FRIDAY opening In completely modern Hfljr C itts Ji. CiflttcHMiaV-T N itii D*aii IM through August 19. c o n d ., w e ll eq u ip , dept. A ccre d . 37S H*l|r C riii Hi|k Sck«*l Rmsi V-7 Fl«tki*t N r. bed general hospital. Case load varied Closes at 6:00 P.M. SUNDAY Wholesome m eals, li­ and interesting. In and Out Patient The Catholic Church Extension Society censed by the State, Service. Dir. Phyilafr/st consult., Since 1878 staffed by doctor and ary commensurate with experience. 1307 South Wabash Avc., Chicago, Illinois 60605 Location 35 min. to center. Phila. Ap. registered nurse. p l y : P h y . AAed. O e p f., S acre d H e art SACRED HEART RETREAT HOUSE Dear Fathers: Hospital, Chester, P«. — 190I3 Please send your free booklet on Extension Annui* EMJLYJIESEMMIONS ADVISABLE ties. What return could you offer me on an invest” I W ILL GO ON BEGGING for fhe Sedalia, Colorado—26 M iles South Hwy #85 TO: MSGR. R. C. m en t o f Slouxjndian boys and girls until they LUGGAGE 1501 Pennsylvania Street ! ge* fhe s.tmc decent chance in life $ ? My birth date is sex that other American children get. I Denver. Colorado 80203 { nned your help - of all kinds. Can PHONE 688-4198 I understand that this inquiry is in strictest confidence P a re n ts | celled stamps, trading stamp’', voiun | Address ' I fe»v teachers, grade and high, and ot and will entail no obligation. I I c.vvrse, money, bvery little bit neips | Name .. . educate and feed 500 Swux children I NOW! first grade through high school Fa | Address • Z ip fher Edwards, S.J., Red Cloud Indian City ... School, Pine Ridge, South Dakota. 1544 Broadw ay 266-T456, PlEASE SEND COMPLETE ■ CAMP INFORMATION St. Mary’s Captures 3rd State T h u rs d a y , M ay 25, 1967 Denver Catholic Register P a g e 13 Private School Track Crown COLORADO SPRINGS SHIELDS ALSO RAT- a l;:n .7 to top the old St. Mary’s laid claim to its TLED off a :50.2 in the mark of 1::12.5 .set hy Re­ third straight State J’rivate 440, breaking the old mark gis in 1966. School Track and Field of ;50.5 set last year by St. THE OTHEK MEET championship last week Mary’s Tom Rhue. The RECORD was shared by with a balanced as.sault long-legged Mullen ace St. .Mary’s Phil Aragon which produced 831^ also matched the record for and Muilfh’s Dave Lanoha points. the 100-yard dash with a who ran identical :20.1 Shov.'ing strength in :09.7 sprint, but officials timuH in the preliminaries nearly every event, the Pir­ ruled the run was of the 180-yard *ow hur­ ates managed to outpoint wind-aided and consequent­ dles. They shattered the runner-up Mullen which ly not valid for the record old mark of :20.4 set by unwrapped the meet’s most books. Roy Fontenot of the Feder­ daz/.ling individual package Shields completed his al Correctional Institute in in sprinter l*at Shields. devastating individual 1966. Shields won four evunts spree by winning the broad St. Marys, rapidly deve­ as Mullen .scored 74 points jump with a leap of 21-10. loping into one of the fin­ in u determined hid to .Mullen also claimed two est track schools -in the break St. Mary’s strangle­ other meet records. Steve stale, won seven individual hold on the championship. Nalty huffed to a 4:33.4 events showing balance in Regis, an -time winner 8 clocking in the mile to both the field and running of the event, finished third break the record of 4:35.7 events. .Mullen, with with 47 points with the set by Terry McGee of rest of the field finishing Shields dominating the Pueblo Catholic in 1965. sprints, won six blue rib­ far back of the leaders. And the Mustangs’ 880 - Man of the Hour for Buffs Rain and a chilling wind bons but couldn t match St. Chuck Schutte, who proved to be the clutch performer in Machebeurs yard relay team paced off Mary’s overall depth. slowed competition during drive to its first Parochial League championship, rips a single during the much of the meet. Still, TEAM STANDl.SliS - .St. Mary's In addition to winning Buffs’ title clinching win over St. Francis. Schutte, a ,3-sport star in foot­ five new records were set M.’i',. .M iillrn 74.-Koiiis 47. I)on\«-r three .straight State ball, basketball and baseball, banged out two hits in the game and hurled (Tiristiun B’l. Konculli 7. Mi«-|irl>ruf Private Schcxjl crown.s, St. A ll By His Lonesome with Shields accounting for 7, F o u n tain V iil lr y 7. H o ly F a m ily .'I, a strong 1-hitter as M achebeuf scored a 10-0 triumph. two of them. ('anon City Ahl>4.y I. D rnvrr Country Mary’s has won the Divi­ Day I. Culhptiral I. Colorado Acudr- sion II championship in Pat Shields, Mullen high school’s sophomore m y. .St. F ra n c U . I.n k c M rn ry , fa ilr d to sprint ace, is all by himself as he breaks the tape The lanky Mullen sopho­ the Colorado University more whiz won the 220 l D A S H - l . r a l ShU-lds. Relays two years running. to win the 440-yard dash in the Colorado State 2. with a :22.3 clocking but .Mulh-n. ».7; T > rrv .Jam eso n . K«-|{is. St. Mary’s blue ribbon Private School Track Championships. Shields was Ifl.O; ;i. Dave I.iinoha. M ullen. 10.1; Machebeuf Closes Fast To Win •scampered to a :21.8 in the 4. Kevin lUrnea. .Muchebeur. 10.4; winners included Joe Rein­ clocked in :50.2, breaking the meet record of :50.5 preliminaries to break the 5. I'hil Arueon. Su .Mary’s, 10..*1. ing in the 880 run: Frank MACHEBEUF WRAP- Eric Dudley, the other the attack. Terry McGuire set by St. Mary’s Tom Rhue in 1966. Shields won 2Z0.YARD D,\SH - 1. Dul Shields. T*ED UP its outright record of ;22.0 set by An­ Mullen, 22.:i; 2. Dave I.anoha. Mullen. Rael in the 120-yard high half of Machebeuf.s ixjtent who slammed a 2-run tri­ four individual events as Mullen finished second nunciations Larry Barnes 2.1.1; .1. S tev e M atlhcw H . .Mai-heheuF. hurdles: Phil Aragon in Parochial League cham­ one-two mound punch, also ple in the first game, came to Colorado Springs S t Mary’s in the meeting. 21.2; 4. Fred Spinney. M ullen. 21.S; pionship in any sport last sparkled as he turned back back to rap a clutch double in 1965. .1. Clark Davis. St. .Mary's. 24.0 the 18()-yard low hurdles: ■ Shields ran 2t.fl in preliminaries to Ted Peralta in the shot week when the Buffs St. Francis in the second (Turn to Page 15) break record of ‘22.0 set b> l.arry dosed out the 1967 cam­ game Sunday. Dudley al­ Harnes of Annunciation in IWWSi. pul; Dave Carle in the dis­ 440-YAKD DASH - I. I'at Shields. cus; Gary Dreiling in the paign by winning three lowed only six hits and Six Parochial League Players .Mullen .Vi.2: 2. .Jim lihue. St. .Mary's. clutch games. whacked four hits in four 1966 .12.U; 1. C la rk D a v is . S t. .M ary's. .M .l; triple jump and the mile 4. David Ham. Denver Christian. S3.B; relay team of Jim Rhue. Mt. Carmel momentarily trips to the plate to spark 5. Koh K u ff. K e itis. .%l.3. (Ilre a k s re ­ Reining. Dave Welsh and slowed the Bufi’s’ title surge SCOUT cord of 50.S set hy Tom Ithue of St. when the Eagles managed 4 speed. 4 wheel drive. lock Named For Metro Star Game M a ry 's in 1W>6>. Aragon. "Call the Man HftO YARD RUN - 1. .loe RelnginK, to gain a split in a From Van Schaack’’ out hubs, equipped with de­ SIX PLAYERS FROM S t. .M a ry 's . 1;.‘S9.7; 2 . -loe M e g le n . mid-week twin bill, win­ luxe camper, low miles, Roncalli. 2dX>.l; 3. Tim Cronin. Mul­ the Denver Parochial len. 2:00.1; 4. Dave W elsh, St. .Mary’s, ning the nightcap, 6-1, af­ absolutely like new. League have been selected 2K)1.1: R ic h K le ly . R e t(is. 2:04.0. ter losing the first game, to compete in the annual MILK RUN - I. Steve Nalty. Mub len. 4:13.4; 2. M errill Dobson. St. 3-0. * 2 4 9 5 . Metropolitan All-Star Base­ M ary's, 4:44.B: 3. Lance Itrutschy, Machebeuf then came ball game, .May 30 at F o u n a tin V a lle y . 4:.B1.0; 4. .lo h n Mar- back Sunday to seal the a v illa , R o n c a lli, 4:S2.U: 5. .M ike N a lty . “ RED” WHITE Bears Stadium. Mullen. 4:53.3. (Breaks record of issue when the Buffs List Now! CHEVROLET The six will all be mem­ 4u15.7 se t by T e r r y M cC o c o f P u eb lo whipped St. Francis in Bill Molitor C ath o lic in 1965). 8303 W . C O L F A X bers of the City All-Star 120.YAHD HICH HURDLES - both ends of a doublehead­ Res. 757-3020 Office 297-5448 team which will meet the 1. Frank Kael. St. Mary’s. 15.5: er, 10-0 and ,3-0. 7560 W . C O L F A X Suburban All-Stars. Game 2. Ron Cooper. Kettis. 15.6: 3. Bill Since joining the league Van Schaack & Co. 237-1311 Open Eves. Until 9 Cole. Mullen. L5.7; 4. Boh Porter. St South-East Ofc. time Memorial Day is 5:30 Deidel Schutte McGuire Caruso M ary's, 16.5; S. 'Tony Potts, Reifis, in 1960, Machebeuf has p.m. 17.0. been unable to finish alone Realtor Insurer 180-YARD I.OW HL’RDl.ES - 275 University Blvd. Selected were Pitcher Ken Hughes in piloting 1. Phil AraKon. St. Mary’s. 20.3: atop the standings in any Chuck Schutte of Mache- 2. Dale DenninK. f.lullcn. 20.4: 3. Ron sport although the Buffs Denver, Colo. the Denver All-Stars. Cooper. ReKis. 21.0; 4. Tony Potts, beuf; outfield Terry Pat Pine of Jefferson Regis. 21.3; 6. Dave I-anohn, Mullen, did share the 1964 loop McGuire of Machebeuf; County will serve as head 21.4; (Aragon and Lanoha ran 2(1.1 in baseball crown with Regis. Catcher Jim Dcidel of preliminaries to break record of 20.4 Ace righthander Chuck coach of the Suburban aet by Ron Fontenot of P.C.I. in 1966) BOOTS Mullen; Infielder Dick Schutte proved to bo the J'jr a i » ,h i» s . II.U hz. t irtd All-Stars. He will be as­ * SHOT PUT - 1. Ted Peralta. St. .,.,,1 Ih-fhn^ Phillips of St. Francis; Mary's. 52-'i: 2. Dave Carle. SL Buffs clutch performer in sisted by Terry Schiessler Football, Lacrosse & Outfielder Lee Melaragno M ary's. 49-8: 3. I.ou I.eyba. Regis, the stretch drive of the of Aurora Hinkley’s Cen­ Sodeer Shoes 49-44; 4. Fred Covilto, Regis, 47-l^«; tight pennant race. Schutte of Cathedral and Pitcher tennial League champions 6. Joe Pagnollfl, Roncalli. 4&2H. O fficial Soccer Balls — Infielder John Carusaof and Rich Sachoff of Maple- DISCUS — 1. Dave Carle. St. blanked Mt. Carmel on a Expert Ski & Clim bing Boot Regis. Melaragno Phillips M ary's. 141-5; 2. Ted Peralta. St. nifty 2-hitter, then shutout R e p a ir s ton’s Skyline Loop cham­ M ary's. 140-3H: 3. George Hammer. SKI BOOTS uu to 40% OFF Mick McLaughlin, head pions. under 13 years of age will Regis. 119-0; 4. Larry Rjernbnum. St. Francis on one hit coach of Machebeufs Den­ Mullen. 134-6*,: 5. I»u la^yba, Regis, Sunday. Players from the Paro­ be admitted free. 134-4 S . Colorado Shoe Co. 3103 E . C o lfa x 355-1991 ver Parochial League chial League and Denver The game will be the H lfiil JU.MP - 1. Tie between Ter- SCHUTTE STRUCK Pmrpaaiona] I'uatom FitUnif championship team, will city league will comprise seventh in the series be­ ly- Jameson. Regis, Jeff .Mains. Den­ ver Christian. .Mike Wedman. Mullen. OUT 12 St. Francis bat­ J. Han<) W itim an. Crafu>man to assist Thomas Jefferson’s the City All-Star team. tween the teams. Each (he Trad<* Sincr 1921 5-10: 4. T e d P e ra lta , S t .M ary's. 5-8; ters in the pennant clinch­ The suburban team in­ club has won three games. 5. SUivo Clark, Denver Country Day, 5-6. er and aided his own cause cludes players from the BROAD JUMP - I. Pat Shields. with a pair of hits and two Helps You Overcome Jefferson County, Centen­ Mullen, 21-10: 2. Terry .Jameson. Re­ Grand Junction runs batted in. GOLD CROSS PRODUCTS, INC. nial and Skyline Leagues. gis. 20-9: 3. Fred Spinney. Mullen, FALSETEETH 20-5^: 4. Kevin Barnes, Maeheheuf, "Accredited IHirvovor.s to the Catholic ClerKv” Admission price for the Baseball Tourney 2(l-l'i; 5. Gary Dreiling. St. Mary's, Looseness and W orry 20-h . .JANITOKIAL & SANH ABY .SIM>FUKS game is 50 cent for adults (Irjind -Junction again TRIPLE.JU M P - I.G ary Dreilling. 1421 - I6lh Street - C l! 4-«77.5 o r CH 1-2.1H8 No Iciioicr Im- R iiiuivrd or foci 111-ni- FINAL STANDINGS eaKP bi-cHUM* «>f loosp, wobbly I h N o and students. Children will host the Njitional .Jun­ S t .Mary's. 42-1: 2. Tony Dimiis. Re­ I Did It DKNVEU 2. C O L O K A D O t?eth. FASTEETH . h i i im p r o v e d ior College Athletic A.sso- gis, 4I-I0>«; 3. l.yiin Kasrh. Holy S ch o ol W I . B c l . iilkiiliiio powder hold-, plates firm er Fam ily, 41-3'<; I. Tod Peralta. St. St. Mary’s Joe Reining M N ch rb ru f 14 2 .M 7 -o th e y fet-1 m o re c o m f o r t a b le . A \ o u l ciation Baseball tourna­ Mary's. 40.]0'i; 5. .Mike Wedman. H rK is 12 4 .7.*>0 I'mbarnifasinent raxised by louse faSe .Mullen. 40-34. lunges forward as he M ullen 12 4 .7.50 teeth. IX'niure.s that fit are e^seuttuI Bacon & Schramm ment. May 25-31. fit Lin­ HKO-YARI) RELAY - I. Mullen C ath ed ra l in A .A23 to health See your dentist regularly. Composition Roofing measures the field for coln Park Field. (Tom Scavuzro, Chuck Scavuzzo. l 9 7 ..Miit Clet FA STEKTH at all drtig counters. size to win t’le 880-yard .M C'artiu'l Tile Roofing The tournament is spon­ Fred Spinnev. Dave l.a'.oha). 1:31.7: St. Francia X H .30n . S t 2. Regis. 1:33.9; 3. St. M ary's. I;34.4: ■ Roof Repairing run in the State Private S L •Juseph'ti 5 11 .311 sored by the Grand Junc­ •tOZO Hrighlon Ilivd. 4. Fountain Valley. 1:35.9; H(>ly F a m ily 2 M .12.5 5. C a th e d ra l. 1:16.0 (B re a k s re co rd of School Track Champion­ Annunciation 0 16 .IMNI Newest 2-l4-6.’>6.3 tion Chamber of Com­ merce. 1:32.5 set h v R e g is in 1966). ships. Reining was Kohler Bathroom M Il.E RELAY - 1. St Mary's i.Jim clo ck e d in 1:59.7, easily Rhue. Joe Reining, Dave Welsh. Phil -ilLPINE G % a i Aragon). 3:33.5; 2. .Mullen. 3:3H; outdistancing runnerup Fixtures . . . 4. Regis, 3:40.8; 4. Fountain Valley, Joe Meglin of Pueblo 3:41.7; 5. Canon City Abbey, 3:42.7. ANNUITY Roncalli. St Mary’s also won Us third straight PLAN f tedm championship. Only clean air enters yuur home. Microghisf liners of the keep out du.>«t and dirt. The SOCIETY QF If COM® .ET E CAR SERVICE cooling pad.s arc treated THE TUNE-UP • CARBURETOR with Corohex', which kills DIVINF W O R p^^ AUTO. TRANS. 91)'/r of tlio bHcteria caught Your C. r Problem -Our Speoalty offers the VERY BEST in the pads. 'I'hey remain EXPERT TELEVISION REPAIR terms . ■ income for life permanently free from for remodeling! ONEIDA GARAGE mold, mildew, germs and .. a share in God’s Work B ill K irh 1400 O n od a JSSS odor. for a rgo W ashing­ Sunday University Israel. and, this spring, was elect­ gcr mortuaries. Grant street, 12 years of age, and a ton, 2886 W. Holden place. Re­ morning, She is listed in Who’s ed to the board of directors give the benediction. Among those to be hon­ M r. C r l i a maximum charge of $4 per BRADBURY, Roy J., of Comp­ quiem Muss, St. Rose of Lima May 21, after Who in American Educa­ of the College Theology church, May 19. Interment, Ft. family. ton, Calif., formerly of Denver. a two-week tion, Directory of Ameri­ ored are the veterans of Mr. Carlin, current presi­ Requiem Mass, Sts. Peter and I.ogun. Howard mortuaries. Society of the United illness. can Scholars, Who’s Who States and Canada. the Vietnam war. Sgt. I’uul church, May 22. Interment, First Class Francis C. Bax­ Mt. Olivet. MKSCH, Daniel J., 855 S. A Requiem Mass, of­ in the West, Catholic She leaves no survivors. Vine. Requiem Majs, St. Vin­ ter will place the memorial R R AU CH , Nettie I., ,3767 Zeno- fered by the Rev. James LEGAL NOTICES biu. Requiem Muss, Holy Family cent dc Paul’s church. May 23. wreath for Vietnam veter­ Day-Noonan mortuary. Stakclum, C.M., dean of church. May 23. Interment, MU ans buried at Ft. Logan. IN THE PROBATE COURT Olivet. Boulevard mortuaries. St. Thomas seminary, Colo. Springs Requiem IN THE PROBATE COURT In and lor the Airmen from Lowry air In and lor Ih* Cily MILLER, Isabel. 780 Race Denver, was celebrated C ity anr* County of D enver street. Rei|uiem Mass, St. Fran­ base will furnish military and County of Denver and State of Colorado CHAVEZ, Jesus M.. .3616 W. for the former theology and Stale of Colorado F^xposition. Requiem .Muss, St. cis de Sales church. May 20. No. P 3S83S No. P-4330S honors, band, and buglers. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Anthony of Padua church, May Interment, Mt. Olivet. professor and dean of For Mrs. Lon Healy TN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF THERESA PECORINO, .ilso Estate of CHARLES J- FENDRICK, 24. Interment, Mt. Olivet. the college Tuesday also known as CHARLES J. FAEHN Funeral Services known as TERESA PERINO, TH ERE­ MUNT, Gertrude C.. 4344 Eliz­ morning, May 23, in the Requiem High Mass was been in ill health and was SA PEARONNA, THERESA LOFFRE- DRICH (Ward) CONWAY, Colleen M.. 4815 abeth street, formerly of Forest offered in Corpus Christi confined to bed. For Archbishop DA and THERESA LOFFREDO, De- No. P-4330S , ^ Lowell boulevard. Requiem college chapel. All persons having claims against Park, 111. Requiem Mass, Our the above named estate arc required Muss, (luardian Angels church, church, Colorado Springs, Survivors besides her l.ady of Grace church, May 23. Halifax, N.S. — Funeral to file them for allowance in the Pro May 24. Roulevurd mortuaries. Wednesday, May 24, at 10 daughter, Mrs. Tynan, and NOTICE OF FILING OF Pc.'ITION bate Court of the Cily and County of Interment, Mt. Olivet. Oiinger Kosary services were services were held here a.m., for Mrs. Lon Healy, Sister Marcine, include: FOR DETERMINATION OF Denver, Colorado, on or before the ;0 mortuaries. held Monday evening, May May 3 6 for Archbishop H E IR S H IP d a y of O cto b er, 1967, or said c la im s CONWAY, John M.. 4113 Wolff THE PEOPLE OF THE who died in Denver Mon­ Daughters, Mrs. James shall bo forever barred. atreet. Requiem Muss, Holy 22, in the chapel. Members Joseph (Jerald Berry of STATE OF COLORADO; ANDREW WYSOWATCKY NICODEMUS, Infant son of day, May 22, at 11 a.m., Carnahan, Washington, To all persons interested, Family church, May 24. Inter­ of the faculty were pallbear­ Halifax. The 64 - year - CONSERVATOR ment, Mt. Olivet. Boulevard James I,, and Martha Nicodc- in the Valley High nursing D.C., and Mrs. Richard GREETING; ers and also formed an old prelate had been seri­ TAKE NOTICE fhatihere has been (Published in the mortuaries. mus, 2305 Ames street, F'dgc- home, where she had been Ebel of Denmark; a sister, filed in the above named estatea peti­ Denver Catholic Register) water. Graveside services, Mt. honor guard. Burial was in ously ill for several years tion asking for a judicial ascertain First publication: April 27, 1967 a patient for more than a Mrs. Mary Cummings of L a s t p u b lica tio n : M a y 25, *' '' DAVIS, Oeorge W.. 202 E. Olivet, May 22. Boulevard mor­ and unable to continue his menf and determination of the heirs the Loretto cemetery on of such decedent, and setting forth Ellsworth avenue. Requiem year. Tucson, Ariz.; brothers tuaries. the college campus. duties. Bishop James M. that the names, addresses and rela­ IN THE PROBATE COURT V Mass, St. Francis du Sales James, John, William, and Sister Francis de Sales Hayes was named Apostol­ tionships to decedent of all persons In and for the City and church. May 23. Interment, Mt. NUNES, Ambrose J., 4155 Mrs. Healy was the sis­ Charles of Chicago. ic .\dministrator of the who are or claim to be heirs of said County of Denver and Olivet. Howard mortuaries. taught at the Loretto aca­ decedent, so far as known to the peti- State o< Colorado /enohia street. Requiem Mass, ter of Sister Marcine of Seven grandchildren also archdiocese in January, tionjr, are as follows, to wit: No. P-39916 H o ly F a m ily c h u r c h . M a y 2.3. demy in St. Louis, Mo.; St. Josep h A . LoM reda, P .O . B o x 1954. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEM ENT D iL O R E N Z O . J o s e p h . .3853 St. Dominic’s convent, survive. 1966 ■ * .Grand Junction, Colo., Son; Estate of MARY FRANCES MOHAN Interment, Mt. Olivet. Boulevard Bryant street. Requiem Muss, Mary’s academy, Denver; Denver, and the mother Catherine Ambrosio, 3631 Navajo (D eceased ) St. Catherine’s church. May 22. mortuaries. Sacred Heart school, Pueb­ St., Denver, Colo., Daughter; No. P-39916 of Mrs. Edward T. Ty­ Rose Loffreda. 871 W. 43rd PI., Los Notice Is hereby given that I have Olingcr mortuaries. lo; and Webster college; St. nan of Christ the King Angeles, Calif., Daughter; filed my final report in the Probate NUNEZ, Reyes, 909 W. 13th Requiem Offered for Two ■ C ly d e L o f f r e d a , 13600 Z u n l S t ., Court of the City and County ol Den­ DOWLING, Lucille, 4488 S. avenue. Mass, St. .lotcph’s Louis, where she was dean parish, Denver. Broomfield, Colo., Son; ver, Colorado, and that any person desiring to object to the same shall Acuma. Requiem Mass, All church, May 22. Interment, Mt. for four years. During this Sam Loffreda, 3585 Fairfax St., Denver, Colo., Son; file written objection with the said Souls church. May 10. Inter­ Olivet. time she had several Celebrant of the Requiem Frank Loffreda, Los Angeles, Calif., co u rt on o r before J u n e 30, 1967. ment, Littleton, Colo. Regis Accident Victims Son; ANN M. MOHAN teaching assignments on Mass was the Rev. Jerome Philip G. Loffreda, 1681 Quebec Sf., E x e c u trix PACIIE, Joseph Emil. 1439 RICHARD H. GLASMAN DWYER, Dr. Paul K., 1330 the Loretto Heights faculty Healy, O.S.B., pastor of St. Denver, Colo., Son. Tamarac streeL Requiem Muss, Requiem Masses were Interment of both bodies You are hereby notified to appear Attorney for the estate 632 A m e rica n N ational Lafayette street. Requiem Mass, St. J a m es’ ch u rch . M ay 18. In­ and served as dean of the Michael’s parish, Canon offered last weekend for was at Mt. Olivet ceme­ and answer the petition within twenty St. Philomcna’s church. May 23. days after service of this notice on Bank Building terment, Mt. Olivet. Howard college from 1937 to 1943. City, ; and brother-in- D e n v e r, Colorado — 292 3280 Interment, Mt. Olivet. Oiinger two Regis college freshmen tery. you (if served by publication, within mortuaries. She was last assigned to law of the deceased. Ro­ twenty days after the last publication (Published in the mortuaries. killed in automobile acci­ BESIDES the two of this notice) and in default of an an­ Denver Catholic Register) First Publication: May 35, 1967 sary was recited Tuesday, swer or appearance the Court wilt Loretto Heights in 1957 as dent at Wildhorse, Colo., deaths, the accident caused Last Publication: June IS, 1967 (JRATTON, Arthur J., .MM S. PADILLA. Paul J.. 4345 Osage a professor of theology and May 23, in McConaty’s proceed to receive and here proofs Logan street. Requiem Muss, street. Requiem Muss, ML Car­ on May 16. severe injuries to three concerning the heirs of such decedent Boulevard mortuary, Den­ and enter a decree determining who May 22, Sioux City, Iowa. Inter­ mel church, May 19. Interment, in 1965 was named chair­ A Requiem was offered THE PROBATE COURT ver. Burial was in Everg­ other Regis college stu­ are the heirs of such deceased person. In and for the City ment, Sioux City, Iowa. ML O livcL man of the department. May 19 in St. Mary’s dents. Dated at Denver, Colorado, this 3Slh and County of Denver and reen cemetery, Colorado d ay of A p ril 1967. State of Colorado Sister had travelled church, Littleton, for Frederick Simon, Wichi­ D. M. ROW LEY No. P-41339 HKRNKT, I.ouls B. (Dock), R O M E R O . B c la m in o , 5.305 Springs. abroad extensively. She Clerk of the Probate Court NOTICE TO CREDITORS 3630 W. 30th avenue. Requiem Wadsworth. Requiem 'Muss, James Robert Sauer, Jr., ta, Kans., is in good condi­ By M. J. FINNERTY Estate of JOSEPH L. PITTS, also Mass, Mullen Home, May 23. Shrino of St. Anne's, May 22. spent last summer in Is­ the son of Mr. and Mrs. tion, recovering from a Deputy Clerk known as JOSEPH LE ROY PITTS, Interment, Mi. Olivet. BORN IN Chicago, 111., THOMAS L. FORD (D e ce a sed ) Intcrmcrq ML OliveL rael and the Middle East James Robert Sauer, Sr., of fractured leg. Mike Don- No. P-41239 Dec. 6, 1900, Mrs. Healy A tto rn e y and was to return there 395 W. Peakview avenue. nally was flown uncon­ 1700 E a s t 5lh A ven u e All persons having claim s against thony of Padua church, May 20. ROMERO, Bessie, 4124 Clay. was the daughter of Mr. D e n v e r, C olorado 80218 the above named estate are reuired to Interment, Mt. Olivet. this summer heading a Littleton. Young Sauer scious to u hospital in T e le p h o n e : 355-1635 file them'for allowance In the Probate Requiem Mass, Sacred Heart and Mrs. William Malony. Court of the City and County of Den­ tour group. home town, Kansas City, (Published in the church, May 19. InlcrmenL ML died of a broken neck in Denver Catholic Rcciistcr) ver, Colorado, on'or before the 17 day JIMINEZ, Conrad O., 4876 She married Lon Healy of of July, 1967, or said claims shall be O liveL the accident. Mo. Ted Fonk of Denver F ir s t P u b lic a tio n : M a y 4, 1967 Irving street. Requiem Mass, St. Rensselaer, Ind., in Chica­ L a s t P u b lic a tio n : M a y 35, 1967 forever barred. has been flown to Brooks ANDREW WYSOWATCKY Catherine’s church. May 22. B O R N July 5, 1900, to SAHA, Lsabcl H., 1137 Colora­ go in 1927 and came that ADMINISTRATOR Interment, Ft. Logan. Howard David and Martha Mc­ On May 20, a Requiem Army Hospital, San Anto­ (Published in the do boulevard. Requiem Mass, year to Colorado Springs, mortuaries. Garry, Colorado Springs, was ofiered in St. John the nio, Tex., for medical and Denver Catholic Register) St. Philomcna's church. May 24. where she resided in the IN THE PROBATE COURT F ir s t P u b lic a tio n : M a y 25, 1967 Evangelist church, Denver, technical help. He was list­ In and for the City Olingcr mortuaries. their only child, Sister family home until the time L a s t P u b lic a tio n : Ju n e 22, 1947 ,.M'KR, Clara K.. .Blitz), 6112 for Robert F. Hamblin, son ed in critical condition. and County of Denver S. Sjjotswood avenue, formerly entered the order of Sisters she came to Denver. Her and Stafe of Colorado SABATINE, Cheryl E., 2225 of Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. The accident occurred at No. P-41166 of Bowles avenue, Littleton. of Loretto at Nerinx, Ky., husband, a well-known NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEM ENT Burhtel boulevard. Daughter of night as the youths were Requiem Mass. St. Mary’s Feb. 15, 1920. She received Colorado Springs area Hamblin of 48 S. Jackson Estate of MARY AGNES MADDEN, Brighton I Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Suba- also known as MARY A. MADDEN, church. May 22. Interment, Lit­ street, Denver. Young bound for Wichita and her A. B. degree from Lor­ musician and one-time col­ (D e ce a sed ) tleton. Day-NcHinan mortuary. tinc of Denver. Requiem Mass. Kansas City after finishing St. Vincent ue Paul’s church, etto Heights college in umnist for the Register, Hamblin, who died of a No. P 41166 fractured skull, had-been final examinations. The Notice is hereby given that I have KKTJ.KY, Carolina Odisio, May 24. Boulevard mortuaries. 1928 and her A. M. degree died last year. For the past tiled my final report in the Probate RICE FUNERAL CHAPEL driver, Hamblin, swerved Court of the City and County of Den­ I.'>55 H u d so n s t r e e t . R e q u ie m from the University of 20 years Mrs. Healy had an altar boy at the church. Equipped to Fulfill Your Needs SAI.ANKEY, George, 4470 to miss a deer in the road. ver, Colorado, and that any person Mass, Blessed Sacrament desiring to oblect to the same hli.iil The car went out of con­ 34 Hour Ambulance Service church. May 25. Olingcr mor­ Parfet street, Wheat Ridge. file written objection with the said tuaries. Requiem Mass, St. Anne’s trol, smashed into a court on or before June ISth. 1967. P h o n e 659-2321 church, Arvada, May 19. Inter­ Edward T. Madden bridge, and bounced upside Ex e c u to r Ken Raynie, Jim Arthur KING, Willard W., of Ft. I.iip- ment. ML OliveL Howard mor­ H is dealer down into a dry creek bed. T. Raber Taylor, Esquire BRIGHTON, COLORADO ton. Rcqui<‘ni Mass, St. Wil­ tuaries. Attorney for the estate 635 A m e rica n N ational liam’s church. Ft. Lupton, Colo., provided financing TH E N EW Bank Building May 18. Interment, Ft. Lupton, SANDOVAL, Murcclino, 3347 D e n v e r, C olorado 80202 C o lo . Curtis street. Requiem Mass, JA C Q U ES Telephone 355-2051 Raton. N.M., May 22. IntermenL through The First. (Published in the Raton, N.M. Nickcls-Hill mor- Denver Catholic Register) LINK, Harry L., at Dallas, First Publication: May 4, 1967 tuar>-. Denver’s finest car dealers BROS. Last Publication: May 25, )967 Texas, formerly of Denver. Son "Fo r ThoM; Who C arv” of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Forster, turn to The First, To finance Ph. 659-3113 601 S. 4th A ve. SCHONES, Terri Lynn. Denver. Requiem Mass, Presen­ Denver’s finest cars. BRIGHTON. COLORADO tation of Our laidy church, May Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude P. (Pete) Schones, 6140 22. Interment, Ft. Loguii. Bou­ levard mortuaries. S. Pennsylvania street, Littleton. Mass of the Angels. All Souls LOPEZ. Charlotte (L. 1037 church. May 23. Interment, ML Colorado Springs | T h e you ncTW choose IVIcadc. Requiem Mass, St. An­ OliveL Howard mortuaries. together are the things you thony Padua church, May 20. will always cherish most. (C. Interment, Mt. Olivet. SHELTON. Jacqueline, 909 Pearl street. Requiem Mass, Insured Losses in t MONl’.MKNTS MARTINEZ, Albert. Sr., 2733 Cathedral of the Immaculate » DRIVE IN F ir e —W ind —W ater M Conception, May 20. Distinction It's your right W. 28th avenue. Requiem Muss, ^^.SINCK 1902^^ J s firs h MOTEL to select your VISINTIN, Ida. 317 Garfield contractor. Lat 11930 W. 44th AVE. Slay with “Jay” an : StreeL Requiem Mass, SL John 424-7984 820 N. N evada Collins Const. the F^vangelist church. May 20. O P E N D A I L Y reel JERRY BREEN Boulevard mortuaries. the R W Y SE . W illiam . .3385 N ew lan d. I'lorint PATRONIZE S C C i 1521 Champa Requiem .Mass, Sts. Peter and STILL mai 266-31.31 Paul’s church. May 20, Bou­ REGISTER PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST levard mortuaries. 802 N . W eber GROWING! ADVERTISERS M E. 3-2069 witl Colo. Springs, Colo. NOW n a l St. OVER J. D. CROUCH an« SWIGERT BROS. C. D. O’BRIEN 14-' OPTOMETRISTS LOETSCHER'S gar the Devoted To Your Complete Vision Cote His family provided 8,078 SUPER MARKET R Qo/iurY M k t s im Harry W. Swigert, O.D. OPTICIAKi financing through CtIRS SOLD! Ho Donlad E. Gooldy, O.D. Fred Smaidone SINCE MARCH 1, 1963 t PKODUCC am Quality Apparel Jerry R.Pederson, O.D. The First too. Malionally Advertised C IN COLORADO SPRINGS wit Cheiry Cieek ED TYNAN'S Brands of Groceries 1550 Colifoinia St. This youngster learns about cars S IN C E 1872 gaj 231 Delioit St. 524 W . Colorado A ve . In his new family room. EAST COLFAX Kiowa and Tejon Streets in 5 3 4 -5 8 1 9 35 5-7042 1 With lots of “parking" space. CHRYSLER lug A home Improvement loan PLYMOUTH NOLAN FUNERAL HOME i n from The First INC. las Personal Supervisiem made it a reality. boi NEW THE NOLAN FAMILY Su THE BANK THAT'S 1967 V A L IA N T MEMBERS NATfONAL CATHOLIC FUNERAL DIRECTOES GUILD we 7 ______M E . 2-4742 bp tke Jiow ani am lij ...first of all! ini $1,795 A c DELIVERED DENVER ba Compitt* S«l« A Scrvict REALTY PARK AVENUE MORTUARY ?//e First National Bank of Denver to HOWARD BERKELEY PARK MORTUARY MAY INSURANCE th- CO. pi( HAMPOEN M E M O R f A L EST m TES CEM ETERY ^ 2 2 5 L CoHax 725 NO. TEJON Ja Tel. .199-0630 Phon. 633-7731 Colorado Spring. 6-1 o g ] A fK A LEARN Thursday, May 25, 1967 The Denver Catholic Register Pag e 15 P.O. BOX 1620 DENVER, COLO Loophole? Q. My husband has not been bap­ tized, though we were married before a priest, with dispensation. I have bc*en told that this is an infirm mar­ riage and that 1, the Catholic party, could obtain a divorce and be remar­ ried. Isn’t this inconsistent — or per­ haps a loophole in the Catholic law of marriage?

A. You have been badly misinformed. Your marriage is not a sacramental, but it can no more be dissolved by divorce than any other. The Church teaches that all marriages are indissoluble by any human power. Employees Mutual Benefit Association Since marriages in which one or both Horace Mann Life insurance Company Heritage Life Insurance Company National Home Life Assurance Lincoln Mutual Lite & Casualty of Sainlpaul Slate Life of Illinois 216 E a s t M onroe S treet 906 Union T itia Building Company Insurance Company parties are not baptized have not the 14S7 G ran d A ve. 1201-11 South F lllh Street Springlleld, Illinois Phoenix, Arizona 8S004 S p rin g field , Illin o is 62705 4242 Linden Bo ulevard 711 2nd Avenue North firmness of a sacramental and consum­ S I. P a u l. M innesota 55I0S St. Louis. Missouri 63)0t Fargo, North Dakota mated-marriage, they may sometime.s, for A s s e t s ...... $4,272,778.75 A sse ts ...... S48.148.037.00 A s s e t s ...... 52,343,365.15 A ssets ...... $9,177,947.56 A s s e t s ...... ' . . $9,837,657.37 A sse ts ...... $5,263,504,10 Liabilities ...... 2,353.983.06 L ia b im ie s ...... 42,287.384.00 L i a b il it ie s ...... 1.511,669.71 L ia b il it ie s ...... 8.217,717.85 Liabilities ...... 8,406.582.15 Liabilities ...... 4.392,755.81 very good reasons, be dissolved by the C ap ital ...... 0 C ap ital ...... 1,010,274.00 C ap ital ...... 524.905.00 C ap ital ...... 361,250.00 C ap ital ...... 1.000,000.00 C ap ital ...... 0 Supreme Pontiff by virtue of his Paid In & Contributed Paid in & Contributed Paid In & Contributed P a id In & C ontributed Paid in & Contributed Paid in & Contributed S u rp lu s ...... 0 S u rp lu s ...... 3,983,394.00 S urp lus ...... 15.123.00 S u rp lu s ...... 1,546,242.36 S urp lus ...... 345.500.00 S u rp lu s ...... 0 Ciod-given power to loose from obligations ■ Unassign ed S u rp lu s . . . 1,918,795.69 U nassig n ed S u rp lu s . . . 1,866.965.00 Unassigned surplus ___ 291.668.44 Unas-.‘gned Surplus .. . (847,262.65) Unassigned Surplus . . . 175,570.22 U n asssig n ed S u rp lu s . . 870,748.29 inducted by a human act. (Copy of Certificate of Aulhorltyl (Copy of Certificate ol Authority) (Copy of Certificate of Authority) (Copy of Certificalo of Authority) (Copy ol Cerlilicate of Authority) (Copy of Certificate of Authority) DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE DEPARTMENT OP INSURANCE DEPARTM ENT OF INSURANCE But this jjower, and the Pauline Privi­ Cerlificate of Authority Certificato of Authority Certificaie of Authority Certificaie of Authority Cerlificate ol Authority Cerlilicate ol Authority lege. whicli is I'elated to it. constitute To Whom It May Concern: To Whom It May Concern: To Whom It May Concern; To Whom It May Concern: To Whom It May Concern: To Whom It May Concern; This Is to certify that the Employees This Is to certify that the Horace This is to certify that the Heritage This Is to certify that the State Life This is to certify that the National This is to certify that the Lincoln neither a loophole nor an inconsistency in Mutual Benefit Association of Saint Paul Mann Life Insurance Company organ­ Life Insurance Co. organized under nf Illinois organized under the law:, of Home Life Assurance Company organ- Mutual Life & Casualty Insurance the law of the natural indissolubility of organized under the laws of Minnesota ized under the laws of Illinois pur­ the taws of Arizona pursuant »o its li'mois pursuant to its application there­ Ized under the laws ol Missouri pur­ Company organized under the laws of pursuant to its application therefor suant to Its application therefor and in application therefor and In considera­ fo r and In COO' 'd e ra tio n o f it s c o m p li­ suant to Us application tnerefor and in North Dakota pursuant to its applica­ . marriage. Both the law and its exceptions and in consideration ot its compliance consideration of its compliance with tion of its compliance with the laws of ance with the laws 'f Colorado. Is hereby consideration of its compliance with tion therefor and in consideration of its were God-made. with the laws of Colorado, is hereby the taws of Colorado, Is hereby li­ Colorado, is hereby licensed to trans­ licensed to transact business as a Life the laws of Colorado, is hereby li­ compliance with the laws ot Colorado, licensed to transact business as a Life censed to transact business as a Life act business as a Life Insurance Insurance Company until the last day of censed to transact business as a Life is hereby licensed to transact business insurance Company until the last day Insurance Company until the last day Company until the last day. of Feb­ February next succeeding the date Insurance Company until the last day as a Life Insurance Company until the of February next succeeding the date of February next succeeding the date ruary next succeeding the date here­ hereof unless this license shall be of February next succeeding the dale last day of February next succeeding ■sooner revoked. hereof unless this license shall be hereof unless this license shall be of u n less th is license sh a ll be soor>er hereof unless this license shall be the date hereof unless this license M otive sooner revoked. sooner revoked. revoked . IN WITNESS W HEREOF, I ha-e soorwr revoked. shall be sooner revoked. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have IN WITNESS W HEREOF, t have IN WITNESS WHEREOF, | have hereunto set my hand and caused the IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and caused the hereunto set my hand and caused the hereunto set my hand and caused the oHicial seal of my office to be affixed hereunto set my hand and caused tho hereunto set my hand and caused the Of Incarnation official seat of my office to be affixed, official seal of my office to be affixed official seal of my office to be affixed at the City and County of Denver, this official seal of my office to be affixed ofiicial seat of my office to be allixcd at the City and County of Denver, this* at the City and County of Denver, this at the City and County of Denver, this firs t day of M a rc h , A .O . 1967. al the City ar,d County of Denver, this at the City and County of Denver, this A Catholic columnist rejects the fir s t d ay of M a rch , A .O . 1967. fir s t d ay of M a rc h . A .D . 1967. fir s t d ay of M a rch , A .D . 1967. firs t day ot M a rch , A .D . 1967. firs t d a y of M a rc h . A .O . 1967. (SEA U J. RICHARD BARNES, C.L.U. (SEAL)J. RICHARD BARNES. C.L.U. (SEA U J. RICHARD BARNES. C.L.U. doctrine, as outmoded in modern the­ Commls^ionor of insurance • ______Commissioner of Insurance ology, that the reason the Divine Word became incarnate was to offer Em pire State Investment Trust National Farm ers satisfaction for man’s sin. He says Union Property that if this idea were correct there Mutual Life & A s s u ra n c e would be no need of the Resurrection. and Casualty ■ What is your comment? Insurance Company C o m p a n y C o m p an y A. It is H doctrine .of faith, which no one may deny, that Christ truly and • 315 North Main Street 55 East Thomas Road 580 West 13th South properly redeemed us by His Passion and ■Jamestown expiatory death. God could have freely New York 14701 Phoenix. Arizona 85012 Salt Lake City. Utah Ibrgiven man’s ofTense, but if He demand­ ed adequate satisfaction, as He did, this STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO Insurance Department Insurance Department Insurance Department could be made only by an infinite person, Synopsis of Statement for 1966 as S ynopsis of Statem ent fo r 1966 a s Synopsis of Statement for 1966 as who was the Word Incarnate. rendered to the Commissioner of rendered to the Commissioner of rendered to the Commissioner of* In suran ce In su ran ce In suran ce Far from being superfluous, the Resur­ Em pire State Mutual Lift Insurance Investment Trust & Assurance National Farm ers Union Property and United Bonding Insurance Company Industrial Life Insurance Company C om pany Century Life litsurance Company rection was necessary in order to certify C om pany Casualty Company 3909 N orth M e rid ia n S treet 2808 F a irm o u n i Street Century Life Building 315 N orth M ain Street SS E a s t T h o m as Road 580 W est 13th, Soulti In d ian ap o lis, In d ia n a 46208 Dallas, Texas Fort Worth, Texas (/hrist’s power over death and prepare Jamestown, New York 14701 Phoenix, A.liona 8S9I3 Salt lake City, Utah the way for our own resurrection. Christ A sse ts ...... 517,792,639.06 A sse ts ...... 51,903,306.04 A sse ts ...... $13,747,233.61 A s s e t s ...... : . 52.226,675.78 A s s e t s ...... $5J)68,208.4t A s s e t s ...... $M,405,743.26 L ia b ilitie s ...... 16,534,687.35 L ia b il it ie s ...... 1,446,327.90 Liabilities ...... '9.892.479.61 L ia b il it ie s ...... 1.369.919.25 Liabilities ...... 4,413,584.52 Liabilities ...... 28,267,816.20 rose from the dead because He is the C ap ital ...... 0 C ap ital ...... 300,000.00 C ap ital ...... 1,5(X),0(X>.00 C ap ital ...... 470.000.00 C ap ital ...... 350.000.00 C a p ita l ...... 5006)00.00 head of men. and. the redemption is not Paid in 8. Contributed Paid in & Contributed Paid in A Contribrted Paid in & Contributed Paid in & Contributed Paid in & Contributed S u rp lu s ...... 0 S u rp lu s ...... 250.000.00 S u rp lu s ; ...... 1,544,186.47 S urp lus ...... 643,836.00 S urp lus ...... 500,000.00 S u rp lu s ...... 1,088,704.77 complete except with resurrection. Wheth­ U nassig n ed S u rp lu s . . . t .357.951.81 Unassigned Surplus ... 6.878.14 Unassigned Surplus ... 810,567.73 Unassigned Surplus ... (57,079.47) Unassigned Sur'plus .. . (195,376.11) U n a ssig n ed S u rp lu s . . . 549,222.29 er Clirist would have become incarnate . (Copy of Certificate of Authority) (Copy of Certificate of Authority) (Copy of Cerlificate of Authority) (Copy el Certificate of Authority) (Copy ol Cerlilicate of Authorily) (Copy of Certificate of Authority) DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE DEPARTMENT OP INSURANCE DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE even if man had not sinned is a moot Certificate of Authority Certificate of Authority Cerlilicate of Authority Certificate of Authority Certificate ol Authority Certificate of Authority question. • To Whom It May Concern; To Whom It May Concern: To Whom It May Concern: To Whom It May Concern: To Whom If May Concern: To Whom It May Concern; This is to certify that the Em pire This is tn certify that the Invest­ This is to certify that the National This is to certify that the United This is to certify that the Irxlustr'sl This is to certUy that the Century State Mutual Life Insurance Company ment Trust & Assurance Company Farm ers Union Property ar>d Casualty 'Bonding Insurance Company organ­ Life Insurance Company organized Life Insurance Co. organized under organized under the laws of New York organized under the laws of Arizona Company organized under the laws of ized under the laws of Indiana under the laws of Texas pursuant to the lows of texas p«’-«uant to Its ap- Indulgences State pursuant to Its application there­ pursuant to its application thereof and Utah pursuant to Us application there­ pursuant to Its application there­ its application therefor and in consid- pliaction therefor ano m considcraticn for and in consideration of its compli­ in consideration of its compliance with for and in consideration of Us compli­ for and In consideration of its compli­ eration of its compliance with the of its compliance with the laws of ance with the laws of Colorado, is the taws of Colorado, is hereby li­ ance with the laws of Colorado, is ance with the laws of Colorado, Is ,laws of Colorado, is hereby licensed to Colorado, is hereby licensed to trans­ (^. Do the Stations of the Cross and hereby licensed to transact business censed to transact business as a Life hereby licensed to transact business hereby licensed to transact business transact business as a LUc Insurance act business as a Life Insurance the R osary said b e fo re the Ble.ssed as a Life Insurance Company until the Insurance Company until the last day as a Multiple Line Insurance Compa­ as a Casualty Insurance Company Company until the last day of Feb­ Company until the last day of Feb­ last day of February next succeeding ol February next succeeding the date ny until the last day ot February next until the last of February next ruary next succeeding the date hereof ruary next succeeding the date hero^ Sacrament still have a plenary the date hereof unless this license hereof unless this license shall be succeeding the date hereof unless this succeeding the dale hereof unless this unless this license shall be sooner of unless this license shall bo sooner indulgence attached? shall be sooner revoked. -sooner revoked. license shall be sooner revoked. license shall be sooner revoked. revoked. re vo ked . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have IN WITNESS W HEREOF. I have IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have IN WITNESS W HEREOF, I have IN WITNESS W HEREOF, I have IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have A. The'N ew Constitution on Indul­ hereunto set my hand and caused the hereunto set my hand and caused the hereunto set my hartd and caused the hereunto set my hand and caused the hereunto set my hand and caused the hereunto set my hand and caused the gences, announced Jan. 1, 1967, declares official seal of my office to be affixed official seal of my office to be affixed official seal of my office fo'be affixed olficial seal of my office to be affixed official seal of my office to be affixed official seal of my office to be affixed at the City and County of Denver, this at the City and County of Denver, this at the City and County of Denver, this al the City and County of Denver, this at the City and County of Denver, this at the City and County of Denver, this that the raccolta, ©r ofiicial list of indul­ first day of M arcli, A.O. 1967. fir s t d a y of M a rc h , A .D . 1967. fir s t d a y of M a rc h . A .O . 1967. firs t day of M a rc h , A .D . 1967. fir s t d ay of M a rc h . A .D . 1967. f ir s t d a y o f M a rc h , A .D . 1967. (SEAL)J. RICHARD BARNES, C.L.U. (SEAL) J. RICHARD BARNES, C.L.U. (SEA U J. RICHARD BARNES, C.L.U. (SEAU J. RICHARD BARNES, C.L.U. (SEA U J. RICHARD BARNES. C.L.U. (SEA L)J. RICHARD BARNES, C.L.U. gences, is to be revised, so that only the ______Commissioner of Insurance ____ Commissioner ol Insurance ______C o m m issio ne r of Insur ______Commissioner of Insurance Commissioner of Insurance ______Commissioner of Insurance most important prayers . nd works will be indulgenced. Until this is done, the ple­ Mountain States The Educators Life Assurance nary indulgences announced therein, in­ Mutual Protective American Estate Title Insurance Life Insurance Company for cluding the ones you mentioned, still In su ra n c e Life Insurance Corporation C o m p an y hold. C o m p a n y of Insurance on C o m p an y C o m p a n y of St. Louis A m e r ic a L iv e s and of the West Granting Annuities YWCA 3860 Leavenw'orth Street P. O. Box 30 810 Chestnut Street 2800 Central Avenue. S.E. •170 So. Colorado Blvd. 975 Capitol Life Center (^. Is there anything wrong with a Omaha. Nebraska Phoenix, Arizona 85001 St. Louis. Missouri 63101 Albuquerque, New Mexico Denver, Colorad', 80203 Denver, Colorado 80222 Ciitholic girl’s staying at a YWCA hotel? Is it true that the YMCA and STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO Insurance Department YWCA are Protestant organizations? Insurance DaparlmenI Insurance Department . Insurartce Department Insurance Department Insurance Department Synopsis of Statement for 1966 as Synopsis of Statement for 1966 as Synopsis of Statement for 1966 as Synopsis of Statement for 1966 as Synopsis of Statement (or 1966 as ' Synopsis of Statement for 1966 as rendered to the Commissioner of rendered to the Commissioner of A. Both the Young Men’s Christian rendered to the Commissioner of rendered to the Commissioner of rendered to the Commissioner of rendered lo the Commissioner of In suran ce A ssociation and the Young Women’s In su ran ce In su ran ce In su ran ce In su ran ce The Educators Company for Insurance American Estate Life Insurance Title insurance Corporation of St. Mountain Slates Lite Insurance Insurance on Lives and Granting Life Assurance Company ol the West Mutual Protective Insurance Company A nnuities Christian Association are Protestant C om pany Lo u is C om pany of A m e rica 470 So. Colorado Blvd . 3860 Leaven w o rth Street P. O. Box 30 810 C hestnut Street ■ 2800 C en tral A ven u e, S .E . 975 Capitol L ife C enter organizations. It would not be wrong, Omaha, Nebrafka D en ver, Colorado 80203 Denver, Colorado 80222 Phoenix, Ariit,na 85001 St. Louis, Missouri 63101 Albuquerque, New Mexico A ssets ....: ...... Sl.960,551.73 however, for a Catholic to stay at a hotel A sse ts ...... $4,753,446.71 A s s e t s ...... 512,012,939.00 A s s e t s ...... $542,984.33 A s s e t s ...... $2,269,375.22 A s s e t s ...... S3.3S3,942.37 Liabilities ...... 195,237.81 L ia b ilitie s ...... 3,441,670.50 Liabilities ...... 2,339,044.98 L i a b il it ie s ...... 9,413.548.00 L ia b il it ie s ...... 231,685.94 Liabilities ...... 1,657.036.12 run by them or to avail himself of educa­ C apital ...... 377,379.00 C ap ital ...... 0 C ap ital ...... 956,250.00 C ap ital ...... 150,000.00 C a p ita l ...... 169,561.40 C ap ital ...... 500.000.00 Paid in & Contributed tional or recreational means they furnish. Paid In & Contributed P a id in 8, C ontributed Paid In & Contributed Paid in & Contributed Surplus ...... 2,036.082.99 P a id in 8, C on irib u lcd S u rp lu s ...... 150.000.00 S u rp lu s ...... 519,112.25 S urp lus ...... 1,643,141.00 • Su rp lu s ...... 298,553.00 Unassigned Surplus .. . (648.148.07) S u rp lu s ...... 1,772,122.81 U n assign ed S u rp lu s . . . 1,161,776.21 Unassigned Surplus ... (4,214.86) Unassigned Surplus . . . 0 Unassigned S u rp lu s . . . (137,354.61 (Copy of Certificaie ol Authority) Unassigned Surplus . . . •(1,329,345.11) (Copy ol Certificaie of Authority) (Copy of Certificate of Authority) (Copy ol Certificate of Authority) (Copy of Certificate of Authority) - (Copy ol Certificate ol Authority) DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE DEPARTMEH-r OF INSURANCE DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE Cerlificate of Authority DEPARTM ENT OF INSURANCE Certificate of Authority Certificate ol Authority Certificate of Authority Certificate, of Authority - Certificate of Authority To Whom It May Concern; To Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that the Educators To Whom It May Concern: To Whom It May Concern: To Whom It May Concern; To Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that the Mountain Company for Insurance on Lives and This Is to certify that the Life As­ Machebeuf . . . This is to certify that the Mutual This is to certify that the American This Is to certify that the Title In­ States Life Insurance Company of Granting Annuities organized under surance Company of the West organ Protective Insurance Company organ­ Estate Life insurance Company or­ surance Corporation of St. Louis or­ America organizedunderthe laws of Ized under the laws of Colorado pur­ ganized under the laws of Missouri the laws of The State of Colorado pur­ (Continued From Page 13, from Annunciation Sunday ized under the laws ol Nebraska pur. ganized under the laws of Arizona Colorado pursuant to Its application suant to Us application therefor and in suant to its application therefor and in suant to its application therefor and in pursuant to Its application therefor- pursuant to its application therefor consideration of its compliance with to finish fifth. The Eagles and in consideration of its compliance therefor and in consideration of Its consideration of Us compliance with in the second game. consideration of its compliance with and In consideration of Its compliance compliance with the laws of Colorado, the laws of Colorado, Is hereby II the laws of Colorado, is hereby li­ the laws of Colorado, Is hereby li­ with the laws of Colorado, is hereby won the opener, 6-0, as with the laws of Colorado, Is hereby is hereby licensed to transact business censed lo transact business as a Life censed to transact business as a Life Machebeuf, piloted by censed to transact business as a Cas­ licensed to transact business as a Life licensed to transact business as a Mike Woytek scattered Casualty insurance Company until the as a Life insurance Company until the Insurance Company until the last day Insurance Company until the last day first year coach Mick Mc­ ualty Insurance Company until the Insurance Company until the last day last day of February next succeeding of February next succeeding the date last day of February next succeeding last day of February next succeeding of February next succeeding the dale four Annunciation hits. of February next succeeding the dale the date hereof unless this license hereof unless this license shall be Laughlin, wound up with the date hereof unless this license the date hereof unless this license hereof unless this license shall be hereof unless this license shall be shall be sooner revoked. sooner revoked. The Eagles also won the shall be sooner revoked. sooner revoked. shall be sooner revoked. sooner revoked. an impressive 14-2 season's IN WITNESS W HEREDF, I have IN WITNESS W HEREOF. I have IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the record to finish ahead of nightcap, 13-10, despite a hereunto set my hand and caused the .hereunto set my hand and caused the hereunto set my hand and caused the hereunto set my hand and caused the hereunto set my hand and caused the ofiicial seal ol my office to be affixed official seal of my office to be affixed official seal of my office to be affixed official seal of my office lo be affixed ofiicial seal of my office to be affixed official seal of my office to be affixed the pack. long home run clout by at the City and County of Denver, this at the City and County ol Denver, this at the City and County of Denver, this at the City and County of Denver, this at the City and County of Denver, this at the City and County of Denver, this firs t d a y of M a rch , A .D . 1967. Regis and Mullen shared Annunciation’s Dan Her- fir s t d ay of M a rc h , A .D . 1967. fir s t d ay of M a rc h . A .D . 1967. firs t day of M a rc h . A .D . 1967. firs t d ay of M a rc h , A .D . 1967. firs t day of M a rch . A .O . 1967. mosillo. (SEAL)J. RICHARD BARNES, C.L.U. (SEAUJ..RICHARD BARNES. C.L.U. (SEAL)J. RICHARD BARNES. C.L.U. (SEAU J. RICHARD BARNES, C.L.U. (SEAUJ. RICHARD BARNES. C.L.U. (SEA U J. RICHARD BARNES. C.L.U. second place with 12-4 Commissioner ol Insurance Commissioner of insurance Commissioner ot Insurance Commissioner of Insurance Commissioner of Insurance Commissioner ol Insurance marks. G re a t MULLEN CLOSED out Colorado Educators A m e ric a n Occidental Fire & Metropolitan Swiss National General Fire with three wins in the fi­ Casualty Company In d em n ity Fire Assurance Insurance Company/ and Casualty C e n tra l nal week of play, dumping Assurance Society/ of St. Francis, 16-7 and 2-0, In c. C o m p an y North Carolina C o. U.S.A. C o m p an y Insurance Co. and bumping Mt. Carmel, 150 Southeast 14-7, in a trio of makeup 5200 South Quebec Street 200 Fillmore Street. 100 William St. 175M) Broadway 3625 N. Sheridan Uoad 2115 Winnie Third Avenue games postponed earlier in Suite 300 -Englewood. Colorado Galveston, Texas New York. New York New York. N. Y. 10019 Peoria. Illinois the season. 80110 Denver. Colorado 80206 Miami. Florida 33131 Regis also closed out STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO impressively, blanking Insurance Department Insurance Department Insurance Department Insurance Department Insurance Department Insurance Department • Insurance Department Holy Family twice, 10-0 Synopsis of Statement for 19M as Synopsis of Statement for 1966 as Synopsis of Statement for 1966 as • Syno p sis of S tatem ent fo r 1966 a s S ynopsis of S tatem en t fo r 1966 as Synopsis of Statement for 1966 as S yn o p sis of S tatem ent fo r 1966 a s rendered to the Commissioner of rendered to the Commissioner of rendered to the Commissioner of rendered to the Commissioner of rendered to the Commissioner of rendered to the Commissioner of rendered to the Commissioner of and 2-0. In suran ce In suran ce In su ran ce In suran ce In su ran ce in su ran ce In su ran ce Occidental Fire A Casualty Company Swiss National Insurance Company, Cathedral a’.sb closed Colorado Educators Assurance American Indemnlly Company of North Carolina Metropolitan Fire Assurance Co. General Fire end Casualty Company Great CcnIral Insurance Co. Sociely, Inc. 100 W illia m St. U.S.A. 3115 W innie 200 F illm o re S tre e t. Suite 300 ISO Southeast Third Avenue 1790 B ro ad w a y 3625 N. Sheridan Road with a rush, winning three S200 South QueiMC S treet D e n v er, C 80206 New York, New York Galveston, Texas M ia m i, F lo rid a 33131 New York. N. Y. 10019 Peoria, Illinois ' Englewood, Colorado MHO A sse ts ...... 55.173,821.73 games to finish all alone A s s e t s ...... S9.703.49S.84 A ssets ...... $5,427,269.97 A s s e t s ...... 533,665,114.65 A s s e t s ...... $341,019.89 A sse ts ...... 516,41 >.021.4 Llabilllies ...... 3.165,431.58 A s se ts ...... 518.330,538.00 Liabilities ...... 7,051,299.98 L ia b ilitie s ...... 2.960.575.31 L ia b il it ie s ...... 35.493.156.10 in fourth place. Liabilities ...... 140.546.50 Liabilities ...... 11.666.010.65 C ap ital ...... t.000,000.00 Liabililies ...... 13,540,393.00 C ap ital ...... 640,000.00 C ap ital ...... 1,330,640.00 C ap ital ...... 100,000.00 C ap ital ...... 1,500.000.00 Paid In & Contributed C ap ital ...... 2,500,000.00 The Blue Jays outs- Paid in & Contributed Paid In 8> Contributed C a p ita l ...... 3,000,000.00 Paid in & Contributed Paid in & Contributed S u rp lu s ...... 1,500,000.00 Paid in B Contributed S u rp lu s ...... 2 ,^ ,9 7 0 .5 2 S u rp lu s ...... 1,153.638.62 Paid in & Contributed lugged Annunciation, 8-5, S u rp lu s ...... 130.000.00 S u rp lu s ...... 519.999.98 Unassigned Surplus — (491,609.85) S u rp lu s ...... 875.000.00 Unassigned Surplus ... (331,774.66) Unassigned Surplus ... 83,416.04 S u p lu s ...... 399,700.00 Unassigned Surplus ... (119,536.67) U nassig n ed Su rp lu s . . . 3,794.010.83 (Copy of Cartlllcate of Authority) Unassign ed S u rp lu s . . . 4,796,9.58.55 U n a ssig n ed S u rp lu s . . . 3.390,435.Ou in a makeup game, then (Copy of Certificate of Authority) (Copy of Certificate ot Authority) (Copy ol Cerlilicate of Authority) (Copy of Certificate of Authority) (Copy of Cortificate o( Authority) DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE (Copy of Certificate of Authority) DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE lashed St. Joseph’s, 6-1 in DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE DEPARTMEN1 OF INSURANCE Certificata of Authority DEAPRTMENT o f INSURANCE DEPARTM ENT OF INSURANCE Certificate ol Authority Certificate of Authority Certificate of Authority Ctrtiflcale of Authority To Whom It May Concern: Cerlilicate ol Authority Certificate ol Aulliority both ends of a twin bill To Whom It May Concern: To Whom If May Concern: To Whom It May Concern: To Whom It May Concern: This Is to certify that the Occidental T o Whom It May Concern: To Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that the Metropoli­ Sunday. Norman Rodarte This Is to certify that the Colorado This Is to certify that the American Fire A Casualty Company of North This is lo certify that the Swiss Na­ This Is to certify that the General This is to certify that the Great* went the distance in twirl­ Educators Assurance Society, Inc. Indemnity Company organized under Carolina organized under the laws of tan Fire Assurance Co. organized tional Insurance Co.. U.S.A. organized Fire and Casualty Company organized Central insurance Co. organized under organized under the laws of Colorado the laws of Texas pursuant to Its North Carolina pursuant to Its appH. under the laws of New York pursuant under the laws of Florida pursuant to under the laws of State of'New York the laws of Illinois pursuant fo Ms ing the Blue Jays past pursuant to Its application therefor application therefor and in consid­ cation therefor and In consideration of to its application therefor and In con- Us applies I Ion therefor and in consid­ bursuant to its appUCatlon therefor application therefor and in considera­ Annunciation, then came and In consideration of Its compliance eration of Its compliance with the its complianca with the laws of Colo­ sideration of Us compliance with the eration of its compliance with the and ,n consideralion Of Its compliance tion of Its compliance with the laws of with the laws of Colorado, Is hereby laws ol Colorado, is hereby licensed to rado, is hereby licensed to transact laws of Colorado, is hereby licensed to laws of Colorado, is hereby licensed to with the laws of Colorado, is hereby C olorado. Is hereby licensed fo ba( fC to limit St. Joseph’s licensed to transact business as a transact business as .. Multiple Line business as a Multiple Line Insurance transact business as a Multiple Line transact business as a Multiple Line licensed lo transect business as a act business as a Casualty Insurance Company until the Insu’-anco Company until the last day Company until the last'day of Feb Insurance Company until the last day Insurance Company until the Last day Multiple Line Insurance Company un­ .nc, comp.,., pni" "■• f*/.,. to five hits Sunday. Righ­ last day of February next succeeding of February next succeeding the date ruary next succeeding the date here­ of February next succeeding the dale ol February next succeeding the date til the last day of February next suc­ thander Ed Haborkorn the date hereof unless this license hereof unless this license shall be of unless this license sha'i be sooner hereof unless this license shall be hereof unless this license .shall be ceeding the date hereof unless this li­ shall be sooner revoked. sooner revokeO. revoked . sooner revoked. sooner revoked cense shall be sooner revoked. picked up the other Blue IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have IN WITNESS W HEREDF, -1 have IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the hereunto set my hand and caused the hereunto set my hand and caused the hereunto set my hand and caused the hereunto set my hand and caused the hereunto set my hand and caused the Jay win, hurling a strong official seal ot my office *o be ellixed official seal of my office to be affixed officiel seal of my office to be affixed official seal of my office to be affixed official seal of my office lo be affixed olficial teal of my office lo be affixed at the CIfy and County of Denver, this 6-hitter against the Bulld­ at the City and County of Denver, this at 'he City and County of Denver, this at the City and County of Denver, this at the City and County of Denver, this at the City and County of Denver, this first day of March, A.O. 1967. at the City and County of Denver, this first day ot March. A.D. 1967. firs t d a y of M a rch , A .D . 1967. first day of March. A.D. 1967.' fir s t d a y of M a rch , A .D . 1967. firs t d a y of M a rc h , A .D . 1967. ■ Irs i d ay of M a rc h , A .O . 1967. (SEA U J. RfCHARD BARNES, C.L.U. ogs. (SEAU J. RICHARD BARNES. C.L.U. Commissioner of Insurance (SEAL)J. RICHARD BARNES. C.L.U. , (SEAL)J. RICHARD BARNES, C.L.U. . (SEA U J. RICHARD BARNES. C.L.U. -* (SEA L)J. RICHARD BARNES. C.L.U. (SEAU J. RICHARD BARNES, C.L.U. Commissioner of Insurance ML- Carmel swept a pair Commissioner of insurance ‘ C om m issioner of In su ran ce Commissioner of Insurance Commissioner of insurance Commissioner of Insurance Pag( Denver Catholic Register P ag e 16 T'ur=ci^^'^^^Ausfra//an W o rke rs Policy Announced On School Photos Integration Effort to give consideration to Postal Savings Accounts Numerous photographs promised, will hav’C to To Visit Mile High City these schools and, there­ Of Church Praised of youth activities from be of professional quali­ On Sunday, May 28th, a various archdiocesan ty. Polaroid prints and fore, it will be necessary Dallas — The Catholic Denver. To Be Transferred July 1 E. B. Jones, president of snap shots are not ac­ to omit on occasion Church is moving beyond group of 33 Australians schools are received the Associated Building each week by the "Re­ ceptable and do not professional photographs The provisions of the law only in Washington, D.C. the "token integration will land at Stapleton In­ ternational Airport. Den­ Contractors of Colorado, gister.” In fact, so many merit the high cost of submitted by Denver passed last year by Con­ The new procedure will stage” and taking positive ver, via United Airlines to and Ray Parker, president are received that it is engravings. Regardless area schools. gress discontinuing the necessitate the depositor steps to encourage Negro An attempt is being Postal Savings system pro­ submitting the certificates begin a tour of and to of the Homebuilders Asso­ impossible to get them of print quality, photos membership. Auxiliary study American contract­ ciation of Denver, will all in the space allotted. that are dull or uninter­ made to give various vides unpaid deposits will to the Denver Post Office Bishop Harold R. Perry of schools attention for forwarding to Washing­ ing, building and home greet the group along with A policy, therefore, has esting will not be used. be transferred to the Secre­ New Orleans said here. through a feature - type ton. Payment will be made building methods. The special representatives of had to be established. tary of the Treasury July story that would be of immediately on certificates The Negro Bishop told group, members of the the Governor and the The staff will not accept • Many photos are 1, says Denver Postmaster interest to all readers presented to the Main Post newsmen at Love field that Master Builders Federation Mayor of Denver. photographs that would sent in from the Denver George A. Cavender. rather than the week - Office in Denver before seminaries are welcoming of Australia, will spend have limited interest, area alone. Because by - week regular school Depositors are urged to July 1. Negroes, Catholic schools four days in the Denver D e a d lin e that is, photos that have there are schools in the close their accounts im­ The records of the Den­ are becoming truly inte­ area and will be guests of little appeal to readers archdiocese other than news, which has limited A reminder from the State appeal. mediately as they are ver Post office show there grated, and most parishes the Associated Building Patrol says that vehicle in- and would be of interest in Denver, it is only fair not earning interest and are 1906 accounts with are insisting on an increas­ Contractors of Colorado .spection stickers expire on the only to one particular after the transfer date the deposits of $317,294 as of ing number of integrated and the Homebuilders As­ la st d a y o f -May. D on ’t be school and rightfully certificates will be paid May 19. 1967. activities. sociation of Metropolitan ciiught short on deadline day. belong only in the Supreme Court Nixes school paper. c Such pictures as school proms, group Book Law photos, May crownings, class o ffice rs, etc., w’ill Washington — The U.S. At the same time, it not be published, there­ Supreme Court, taking aim agreed to hear two cases fore, owing to lack of on another facet ol recur­ involving the reguhition of space and also liecause ring debate over obscenity, movies by the city of Dal­ it is unfair to single out has declared unconstitu­ las, Tex. Both cases in­ only a few, rather than tional Oklahoma’s laws volve not the fact that the FAMILY LIVING ON >/> ACRE all o f the schools. regulating the sale ot ob­ state attempts to regulate 4305 E . 14th A ve . • Photos that will be scene books and maga­ obscene material, but the La rg e 2 story M e d ite rra n e an . 3-b considered, but not zines. manner they do it. bedrooms, basement/ family room. All electric kitchen, hot water heat. Carpets and drapes, patio, 2 car garage, fenced yard. 377-2147 O P E N S U N . 2 to 5

Phone 825-1145 Today to Place Your Classified Ad in the Register- LAST CHANCE Ask for the Classified Departmen.' Open SUN. 2 to 5 ()iil> Want A rcffi\ ed l>v plmm* or mail lu-lore ” P.M. iiiesday Rock-Bottom- $15,900 gets 1st. H p a p e r . floor bedroom, family room, I'iin In- plll>li^L4■d in the vu rrent v bath, big kitchen. 2 large bed­ REGISTER ro o m s , I I 2 baths up. Basement APT. FOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT FURN. SITUATIONS playroom. Your redecorating -FURNISHED Large front bedroom. 1st. floor, WANTED FEM ALE will make sturdy older home REALTOR INSUROR BLOOM. Ideal location. 2'2 lots. Furnished Buffet apartment with all home privileges. '2 block to 14 y e a r o ld C a t h o lic J r . H ig h F H A loan assu m ab le . 275 University Blvd. private bath. Downtown Denver. Sixth ave. bus. Shopping. $30.00 School girl wants summer job. 1381 F o re st ~ 355 5052 Denver, (’olo. Walking distance to everything. a m onth. 377-6542 Days only. Available June 1st. 222-7327 C a ll 777-4315 a fte r 5:00 p .m . SEWING MACHINES 7 —Christ the King REAL Furnished kitchenette apart­ The Number by the Parish Heading Over Each ment. Utilities furnished. Up­ 1967 W H IT E Z IG Z A G 1208 E U D O R A s ta ir s . $38.00. L a d y o n ly . 168 So. TEM PORARY & Ad is the Key to Its Location on the Map. Zigzags, buttonholes, all built-in. A neat, clean. White beauty. 3 BUYING - SELLING - TRADING Lin c o ln . C a ll e v e s . 777-5905 Sacrifice for $17.50 cash or PERMANENT HELP bedrooms, plus large family HEAL ESTATE APTS. FOR RENT T e r m s . 825 5080. room. Attached garage. Walk to 18 — O u r Lody of Fatim a 31 — St. Jam es There IS a Difference’ High church-school. Only $18,500. UNFURN. SINGER DIAL A STiTCH S c h o o l 8. C o lle g e G r a d s , 1370 SYRACUSE ZigzagS/ monograms, darns, FOR THE LG. FAM ILY. qualified men and women PARAMOUNT HEIGHTS Beautifully cared for, 2 bdrms. 1261 Penn. One bedroom, new mends, and makes buttonholes, placed in Temp. & Perm, po­ 1135 EUDO RA-DELUX One of the most beautiful areas home. Lge. carpeted livingroom. ESTATE carpets and drapes. Quiet, re­ all without attachments to buy. sitio n s. and sunny din. area, and bright 1191 G RAPE-- Many bedrooms, in Jefferson County. 3 bdrms., spectable tenants. Reasonable. Assume 3 payments of S4.75 or kitchen with sliding glass doors, EMPIRE EMPLOYER'S SERVICE iots of space, full fini ned base­ family rm. and fireplace in big 255 8695 $10.00 c a s h . 244 6450. ment. Garage, fenced, land­ (ivrm . Very tastefully decorated. opening to a well groomed yard. Capitol Life Center, Att. oversized gar., the ceiling AUCTION DEALERS scaped. Quality carpets and drapes. SITUATIONS 16/G ran t 222 8646 38 Skyline Dr. Call JIM URBAN, and walls finished. This home is MOVING? Call: JOE RAY WANTED FEM ALE 297-5426 o r 279-6029 re s . not expensive. Owner leaving FOR PROFESSIONAL HEI.P ROSVALL AUCTION I will be pleased to discuss sell­ and wants a sale. Any Terms. R e s. 744-J1M - O fc. 2f7-5433 1238 48 S . B ro ad w a y 732 4/21 17 y e a r o ld C a th e d r a l H ig h ing your home with you. AL VA & FHA too. 26 years in auction Iteid. School girl desires summer W HITE, your "Christ the King AND r U T O R I N G BROCK REALTY 364-9291 • Court Appraisers employment. Some shorthand a re a M a n " VAN SCHAACK • Liquidators • Estates Teacher, very interested in tu­ 1700 W A D S W O R T H . R E A L T O R Van Schaack &Co. • Bankrupt • Furniti/re and typing. Other jobs consid­ toring during the Summer CROWN REALTOR ered, preferably, Library, or 32 — St. John REALTOR INSUROR • Equipment • Real Estate months. Grades 1 through 3. 1445 So. H o lly 757.7721 Will supply excellent 27.5 University Hlvd. newspaper work. 287-5228 after Contact M rs. Duke at 333-4646. 4 BLOCKS TO ST. JOHN'S ______references.______5:00. 7 —Christ the King 20 — Our Lady of Lourdes Looking for a large home in this Tienver, Col<». highly desirable area? See D A Y C A M P 705 E U D O R A NEW LISTING th e se : CLASSIEIEP To Introduce You to the Register Classified .‘‘ection BY OWNER. Newly decorated-3 1350 S. LINCOLN 770 FILLMORE bedrooms, large living and din­ Lovely older brick home, and 2 2 S to ry B r . —S * j B d rm s . MULLEN DAY CAMP ing rooms. Basement has 4fh FOR $1.50 YOU GET 20 WORDS OR LESS bedrms., basement, large 3400 sq. ft. f.fin. panl. bsmt. TRANSPORTATION bedroom, bath, roc. room. New kit., bkft rm ., in 2572 B E N T O N TO BUY, SELL OR SWAP Mv.-din. rm . and kitchen. 2 - c a r Sprinkling system, slorm win­ Nice, big older home, remodeled PROVIDED gar. Only $90. a month. Ask for big liv. rm , for. din. rm ., beau­ d o w s. 2 car garage with storage. with 3 bedrooms and study. 2 This offer good for Classified Section only. G e n n y , 934 6532. tiful car, efinc, drapes. 333-5087 baths, music room, part base A G E S 6 to 14 JOE TRAINOR & Assoc. 780 FILLMORE Does not apply to Real Estate Display 2 Story Br. —3'2 Bdrms. ment, garage and workshop. A 7 9 8 -7 9 4 4 6759 W . M ississip p i 936-7371 SECTION Advertising 7 Christ the King 2100 sq. ft. Lovely fin. bsmt. quick dash to Mary Magda­ Natural wood trim, beamed ceil­ le n e 's . Christ the King Parish HELP WANTED FILL IN COUPON 1 WORD PER BOX 22 —Sacred Heart ings in liv. rm. & din. rm ., bkff. 4260 O T IS Supplement grocery money. tc ONLY $16,750 rm. Transferred owner needs A FAM ILY HOME Near Sts. Peter & Paul. Spa 4 daily. WE TRAIN. Molhers Sharp 3-bcdrm. English brick, 2-car fa st s a le . cious 3 bedrooms, and rec room. detached garage, full bsmt. with extra You can afford this roomy 3 Rctirees-and Moonlighters, No One level. Breezeway and high bdrm. Near M ayfair shopping also. bedroom brick. Also features, WM. SCHENKEIN CO. obligation. Send for details. double garage. Take sm aller Really nice. FHA or VA terms. liv in g rcK>m, T V o r fa m ily room . 388-3608 REALTOR O. B ox 1032, Little to n . No. 61. Separate diningroom and kitch­ home in trade. CALL BREWSTER REALTY. INC. en. Now undergoing extensive 3 6 —St. Louis t a l l M R . C A L L A H A N , 422-3660. MISC. FOR SALE 974S M ontvlew R E A L T O R 366-3507 redecorating. Make your offer (Englewood) 1770 M O O R E Fabrics, upholstery, drapery now. Near Our Lady ot Fatima. Cus­ close-out.stock, good selection, PAY LIKE RENT $1.00 per yard. 825-9123. - Holy Cross 6R0USSMAN-BRADLEY tom 3 bedrooms and basement, 3 5 5 -3136 Be your own landlord with the double garage. Fireplace, sprink- Complete Electronic Bingo Ma­ same monthly payments, 2 or 3 er. Want smaller home. IN j EFF- NORTHGLENN bedrooms ana attached garage. chine (or sale. $30.00, 2 3 —St. A nne CO. $400 down and only $102 mo. 429-8157 5 bdrms., P i baths, electric C a li B R U C E , e ve s. 421 8724 CLIP $1.50 TO IT AND M AIL TO kitchen, carpet, and drapes Air CUSTOM QUALITY Please call GEORGE BECKER, Classified Advertising, The Register Home: 789 0563 or Office: WHEATRIDGE REALTY ROOMS FOR RENT conditioned, sprinkling system, 2 bedroom ranch, double car Box 1620, Denver 1, Colo., or phone it in to 297-5405. (48 S D E ) . water softener. Rec. room, f.f. garage, full basement, beautiful Member. JeflcoMulliple Listing Service Rooms for girls. $20 and up. 825-1145 bsmt., aft. $17,500 oiectric kitchen, illuminated 661S W . 38lti. R ealtor 424-7774 D o rm . 765 P e n n s y lv a n ia . 825 9597 4 6 6 - 7 5 2 6 ceiling, completely carpeted. VAN SCHAACK $16,975, ELVIN KRONQUIST, 11—Holy Family 424-68S3 2409 W . M A IN MOORE EXT. 222 WARM & COMFORTABLE R e a lto rs 431-5511 3 8 — St. M a ry M ag d ale n e 3977 UTICA 8833 R alsto n R d . Small 2 bedroom cottage. Large HOME WITH INCOME front yard, nicely landscaped. 23 — St. A nne SERVICE DIRECTORY 2618 YA TES, 2 bedrooms up, 2 Close to shop, trans., church and down. Rent downstairs $90 a 825-1145 school. Gl appraised $6,900. (R-2 IDEAL FOR YOUNG COUPLE month. #13 bus at door. Zoning) 2 bedroom brick, carpets, Only $23,500. Call CH ETGRUBIN , E L V IN K R O N O U IS T , 424-6053 drapes, appliances. Large utility 297 5478 o r 233-2392 MOORE room, beautifully landscaped. CARPET SERV. L A U N D R Y & SEW ER CLEANING "Just Move In" S lglK R E A L T O R S 421-5511 DRY CLEANING. 8833 R a lsto n R d . A LL TERM S. 6165 Cody VAN SCHAACK Ray's Carpet Service. Carpets 1700 W ad sw o rth cleaned in your home. Expert Who's Kidding Whom? ACME T1 E L V I N K R O N O U IS T , 424 6853 installation and repair. Furniture 1 3— Holy Trin ity Just Compare . . . c le a n in g . 26 yrs. experience. SANITARY & SEWER SERV. MOORE 41—Sts. Peter and Paul you'll see the i $1 4,4 5 0 Best of references. Ail Work difference! R e a lto rs 421-5511 • Sewers • Septic Tanks 3 bedroom brick, full finished P arish G u a ra n te e d . 424-6244 or 424-6482. Call 6833 R alsto n R d . • Sand Traps t Grease Traps 825-3383 l a u n d r y & basement, includes den, bath CURTAIN LAUNDRIES I Cleaned BY OW 'JER, 2 biks. to Church for FREE pick-up DRV CLEAN IN G and 4th bedroom. 3 minutes to Prancis Lace Curtain Cleaners, Sewer & Water Service 2 6 — St. C a th erin e and School, trans. 3 bdrm. brick, itelivery by 2701 Ljxrence St. Valley Hwy. VA-FHA or As­ 1700 sq. ft. Ig. fam ily rm . with curtains, crocheted lablecloths, 455-2842 781-2473 42»-»748 St. Catherine's the man in BLUE ^0205 su m e 4' 2'"t V A loan. fireplace, oversized single ga­ draperies, blankets, spreads, CHURCHILL CO. $2300 down. Take over $114 rage. 1'/3 baths, carpeted and linens, cleaned bv latest STORM WINDOWS pymts. on this newer 2 -b d rm . methods. Hand pressed only. 7707 R alsto n R d . 42M 417 draped. Fenced yard with well, PAINTING & All makes sforn brick, fireplace. Partly finished 1259 K a la m a th 825 3527. 1 doors, windOY/s, covered patio, no basement. DECORATING screens and f io d o o r s . bsmt., garage and patio. Quick Priced right. 14- Most Precious poss. Electrician *^ervice paired and adjusted. Insurance 424-4762 claims. Reasonable rates. B lo o d CULLEN REALTY Rew ire, Additions, meters 433 6251 44fh a l C L A Y 433 4197 m oved. F re e E s tim a te s . 798 5368 h e n r y S A W IC K I, 429-2906 4 2 — St. Philo m ena 534 0563 DAN CAW THE WINDOW MAN F H A o r G l 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, hot water 238-1044 ELECTRIC WIRING OLD • DRAFTY • BASEMENT L ik e now, .1 bedrooms, 2 baths, 28 —SL Dominic heat. Part basement, new paint 777 9375 WINDOWS REPLACED ' RE­ activity room, fam ily kitchen, inside and out. Estate property 220 Volls. Rcmodclincj. Repair­ 1640 K I N G MOliNTAIN-EMPIRE PAIRED • FREE ESTIMATE ’ Parochial and t^ublic schools, YOUR TERMS! ing. C a li a n y tim e , 366-0t'68. Gl or FHA DECORATORS NO JOB TOO SMALL. shopping. 3760 Nodsen I ane 3 b ed ro o m s, d ining room , w a ll to JIM DWYER ELECTRIC. wall carpet. Dishwasher, garage, BIGELOW C A L L 255-8520 322-0494 R e s : 733-2981 g u t t e r S c o u t s fenced back yard. Nicely land 377-1100 322-1215 Painting and Oecorafing. Spo TRASH HAULING CARPENTER & JONES scaped corner site. cializing in residential work, Trash Hauling, any place in REALTOR D c A N D R E A . 424 4948 45 — St. Therese (Aurora) Gutters, Spouts C A L L A N Y T IM E 255-6635 Metropolitan Denver. Day or LOVELY CAREY AREA 17 —Notre Dome NIXON W f s|)fciali/e in (iuttors n ig h t c a l l s . 322 3558. 2430 H igh R e a lty 1 bik. to school -- 3 bdrm. brick D IC K _ S tre e t. 4 BDRM. BR. TRI-LEVEL charmer with partly finished and Spout T^eplacement bsm t., fireplace, covered patio Gutters Cleaned & ROBERTS TRUCKS l^.^ b a th s , la r g e c o r n e r lo t. 2 8 — St. Dom inic Repaired PAINTING & Fenced yard. Flagstone patio. and carport. ANY TERMS. WE WISH TO E v e s . 364-3605. Thoroughly Experienced DECORATING 1',2 blocks to Notre Dame. New TO SETTLE ESTATE Wall Washing A Specialty carpets, $107 per month to Very nice older 2 story brick WALLY JOHNSON & CO. Dependable, Guaranteed ANNOUNCE home. 3 bedrooms, full base­ 3224 So. W inona Ct. OUR PRESENT STOCK assume present 4V2?F Gl loan. ment, garage, huge rooms, lots 14th at Peoria REALTOR AMERICAN ROUFING 935-0512 of closets. No down Gl, S95 per 364-7221 H o ly N am e $18,500—B y O w ner See mo. or consider offer from in­ SHEET METAL CO. 25 N ew 1967 G M C 2205 So. Y a te s or c a ll 934-0552. vestor. Call MRS. INGLING, H. 4-8488 2 IS t Downing F ro m '/2 to 2 T o n s 798-8182 45 — St. Therese p l u m b i n g A fte r 8 P .M . SU 1-80J5 A lso 35 used c o m m e r c ia ls JOHN E. REED 777-2636 (Auroro) A L A M E D A P l u MB i NG f.o ”. Your Lakpwood GMC Franchised 1 7 — N o tre D a m e Member of All Souls • 805 K IN G S T O N • R e p a ir in g . n e .V D e a le rs 31 — St. Ja m e s P a r i s h a n d s in k 1in e s 4 B E D R O O M S Real dandy. 2 bdrm., with ga w o r k is g u a r i CLEMES MOTOR CO. 2 baths. A short walk to LOAN ASSUMPTION rage. cov. patio, fenced yard. LINEN SERVICE E s tim a te s . Notre Dame. Lovely brick Clean and sharp. Buy on Gl or 5555 West Coltax Ave. FOR SALE-BY OWNER W estern Towel Supply Co. 1720 o-i'' E . A la m e d a f tri-level. Carpeted and FHA or ycur terms. Call now. _ 26 Yeers at the same location. draped. Main floor utility bedrooms, finished basement. So. B ro a d w a y . 733 5551. Fenced yard, double garage. E v e s C a ll 377-8478. ROOFING UPHOLSTERY room . Fenced yard. A smart Near schools and shopping. ------he ne%%spaper conven buy at $18/950. Open Sunday HADDUCK REALTY CO. New Roofs- Repairs. AH work (RO-Zoning). $18,000 Call for ient; it may Ik; consulted at a -guaranteed. Terms, Free Esti­ Re-Upholstory by a reliable 2 to 5 or call 934-6681 for M70 EMPORIA 366-2623 ■firm. 35 years experience. appointment. 2456 So.Zenobia. appointment. lime most convenier.t to every mates. 825-6495. Member of Our 333-2903 REALTOR member of the family. Lady of Grace Parish. TERM S. National Upholstery* 2145 C o u rt P I. 222-1372 .