The address for Achiltibuie Garden's growing house is:

Croft 103 Achiltibuie by Ullapool IV26 2YG

Directions from : Head north-west on the A835 to Ullapool. Continue on the A835 through Ullapool and out towards the north. After about 12 miles you'll see the signpost for Achiltibuie and the . Turn left at this junction and stay on this single track road for about 12 miles: you'll see spectacular scenery as the road winds through lochs and hills, including the iconic Stac Pollaidh. Driving on a single track road can take a bit of getting used to: if you haven't driven on one before, you can find information on how drive single track roads safely by clicking here . After about 12 miles, the road winds down the hill to a T-junction with a lovely sandy bay on the right. At this junction, turn left and continue on with the loch on your right until you come within view of the sea and the Summer Isles. Follow the road along, passing the recycling point and public toilets, until you reach the township of Achiltibuie. Once in Achiltibuie, drive on past the Post Office and round a double bend when you'll see our growing house down on the right hand side (if you pass the Summer Isles Hotel, you've gone too far). Don't worry if the gate is shut, at the moment it's the only way we have to keep out the sheep! You can leave your car at the entrance and enter via the larger gate.

Directions from the North: If you are driving from the north via Ledmore junction, follow the A835 down through Elphin and past Knockan Crag. Shortly after this you'll see the signpost for Achiltibuie and the Summer Isles. Turn right here and stay on this single track road for 12 miles: you'll see spectacular scenery as the road winds through lochs and hills, including the iconic Stac Pollaidh. Driving on a single track road can take a bit of getting used to: if you haven't driven on one before, you can find information on how drive single track roads safely by clicking here . After about 12 miles, the road winds down the hill to a T-junction with a lovely sandy bay on the right. At this junction, turn left and continue on with the loch on your right until you come within view of the sea and the Summer Isles. Follow the road along, passing the recycling point and public toilets, until you reach the township of Achiltibuie. Once in Achiltibuie, drive on past the Post Office and round a double bend when you'll see our growing house down on the right hand side (if you pass the Summer Isles Hotel, you've gone too far). Don't worry if the gate is shut, at the moment it's the only way we have to keep out the sheep! You can leave your car at the entrance and enter via the larger gate.

Achiltibuie Ullapool IV26 2YG t. 01854 622202 e. [email protected] w. The Achiltibuie Garden Ltd. Registered on No.339195 Registered office: 103 Achiltibuie, Ullapool IV26 2YG VAT number: 937 6904 82