Extended Learning Opportunities Zephyr Occupational Therapy Grades 4 & 5 - Week of 5/11/2020 May 11 - National Eat What You Want Day

Hello Everyone,

Here are a few OT things that you can do during the quarantine this week.

Mindfulness Tip #6 (check for a new tip next week)


This activity can be used for calming or a chance to shake your glitter jar to move.

1. Find a sturdy bottle. A water, drink or soda bottle will work. The sturdy bottle should be less than 20 ounces.

2. Fill almost to the top with water.

3. Add food coloring (Start with one drop of food coloring it will help you see the glitter better).

4. Add 1-2 tablespoons of light corn syrup (I had Karo in my cabinet). Use more corn syrup if you want the glitter to drop slower.

5. Add 1-2 tablespoons of glitter to the bottle. Using a funnel may be helpful.

6. I used my trusty glue gun to seal the lid. You can also use fancy duct tape to make sure the lid stays on.

7. Rotate the jar slowly and watch the glitter move. You can also “” to your favorite song.

May 16 - National Do Something Good for your Neighbor Day

Send a note in the mail or tape a note with some positive sayings on it on your neighbor’s mailbox or somewhere it can be easily seen. Bake something and drop some of it off to the neighbor. Let me know how you helped a neighbor during the pandemic.

Going to Move to Typing Tips instead of Writing Tips as most of your work is now on the computer

Outside Activities

May 13 - National Frog Jumping Day - Do frog jumps/hopping https://drive.google.com/open?id=1it9TiJLrfmCEjDsQaeWaHPDw0gCAA26Z

May 15 - National Endangered Species Day - Amur Leopards are extremely athletic. They can run nearly 40 miles per hour. They can ​ ​ ​ ​ jump almost 20 feet horizontally and up to 10 feet vertically. See how far you can ​ jump both horizontally and vertically.

May 17 - National Take your Parents to the Playground Day Outdoor​ play offers the obvious benefit of physical activity helping to build strong muscles and bones. It also works on improving core strength which in turn improves writing. It engages the child’s imagination which contributes to developing creativity as well as self-confidence. The more children play, the healthier, smarter and happier they are.

For additional OT Resources

Contact: Jeanette Binder

[email protected]