Te Aute College is fortunate to be able to offer a wide range of scholarships that are designed to remove any barrier that may prevent a student reaching his potential. While each scholarship may have specific criteria, the following conditions apply to each scholarship.

Students must sit an examination.

 A 100% attendance record is required with the exception of illness or tangi.  A good level of study application is required.  All fee payments must be up to date.  Serious misconduct is grounds for withdrawal of a scholarship.  Scholarships are available for both boarding and day students.

The following summary of scholarships provides an insight into the assistance offered.

PUĀWAITANGA SCHOLARSHIP In 2014 the Ministry of Education offered a new Puāwaitanga Scholarships for Māori to attend Māori boarding schools. The scholarship covers 100% of all boarding fees. Once a student is awarded a Puāwaitanga Scholarship they retain it for the rest of their time at Te Aute, provided they maintain the high standard which won them their scholarship. These are designed to ensure outstanding, young Māori men help shape an environment which will foster and enrich their culture, their academic pursuits, their spirituality and their sporting prowess. It is designed to produce the next generation of Māori leaders. In line with other Māori boarding schools, the scholarship is available to Y10 – Y13 students who have shown outstanding qualities at Te Aute College.

Application form: www.teaute.maori.nz or email [email protected] Applications close: 31 October


Papawai & Kaikokirikiri Trusts Papawai & Kaikokirikiri Trusts offer grants to candidates attending secondary school and who are sitting NCEA papers. Must be of ki Wairarapa or Rangitane o Wairarapa descent.

Application: [email protected] / [email protected] 0800 662 624 / 06 370 2608

TK Brightwell Estate Year 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Academic Scholarships These are available at the discretion of the Principal.

St John's Scholarships These are awarded from monies provided by the Te Aute Trust Board and are only paid out for term 4 Fees.

Application: Forms are available from the College Eligibility: Of Anglican religion Tenure: For duration of time at the College but the value is reviewed each year Value: At the discretion of the Te Aute Trust Board


Māori Education Trust, P O Box 11255, Wellington

Ti Maru Trust & Māori Education Trust Overseas Scholarship This Scholarship is to assist Māori students at fifth (Year 11), sixth (Year 12) or seventh form (Year 13) level, with travel expenses for full-year programmes such as AFS or Rotary Exchange.

Closing Date: 27 February/20 October Value: Up to $1,500.00 Number: 20 Application: http://maorieducation.org.nz/index.php/scholarships [email protected] 04 586 7971

V M & L M Rosier Scholarship This Scholarship is available for Seventh Form (Year 13) Māori students with academic merit, studying Mathematics and two Science subjects.

Closing Date: 27 February Value: $500.00 Number: 6 Application: http://maorieducation.org.nz/index.php/scholarships [email protected] 04 586 7971

Rose Hellaby Scholarships This Scholarship is to assist third form (Year 9) Māori students with the purchase of school uniform or textbooks. It is available to students who have demonstrated financial need, academic ability and aptitude.

Closing Date: 27 January Value: $500.00 Number: 100 Application: http://maorieducation.org.nz/index.php/scholarships [email protected] 04 586 7971

Ti Maru Trust Secondary Boarding Scholarship This Scholarship is available to third form (Year 9) Māori students with demonstrated financial need, academic ability and aptitude, who wish to attend a secondary boarding school.

Closing Date: 27 January. Value: Up to $1,000.00 Number: 20 Application: http://maorieducation.org.nz/index.php/scholarships [email protected] 04 586 7971

Sister Annie Henry Secondary Scholarship This Scholarship is available firstly to direct descendants of the Reverend John Laughton's family, then to those students of Tuhoe descent, then to other Māori.

Closing Date: 27 January Value: $700.00 Number: 1 Application: http://maorieducation.org.nz/index.php/scholarships [email protected] 04 586 7971

R J Graham Scholarship This Scholarship is available for Sixth (Year 12) or Seventh (Year13) Form Māori students with academic ability, who are studying Te Reo Māori and one of the following: Mathematics, Information Technology or one of the Sciences.

Closing Date: 31 March Value: $500.00 Number: 40 Application: http://maorieducation.org.nz/index.php/scholarships [email protected] 04 586 7971


Te Whaiti Scholarships These scholarships are available to young people who have no ready access to secondary education.

Eligibility: Tuhoe preference (but others considered) Closing date: 31 August Apply to: C/- Carlile Dowling, Private Bag 6021, Napier 06 8353179 Tenure: 1 year (apply for renewal). Value: $3000.00

Student Allowance Scheme For students who are aged 18, before January 1st in the year they return to School, financial assistance is available to attend Te Aute College.

Apply to: www.studylink.govt.nz Closing date: 31 March Eligibility: 18 years old Tenure: 1 year Value: Approx $121.65 per week or $5,352 per annum

Government Boarding Allowances Available to students who, because of their relative isolation, have to live away from home in order to attend a secondary school.

Apply to: Download online from Ministry of Education Eligibility: To both Māori and Pākehā students. Tenure: For a three year approved secondary school course

Government Special Needs Boarding Bursary – Category D Available to students who are seriously at risk in their educational, social or emotional development because of continuing unsatisfactory features in their home and/or social environment. These students must board away from home in order to establish and maintain a healthy and stable lifestyle.

Apply to: Download online from www.education.govt.nz Closing date: Anytime Eligibility: Any student Tenure: For a three year approved secondary school course Value: $1,990.00


The following Trust Boards provide limited financial assistance based on tribal qualifications. Please contact these bodies directly for application forms and eligibility.

 Manaorewa Kahoara Te Taumata Trust Education Grant, NZ Guardian Trust Co, P O Box 1040, Rotorua Ph: 07 349 4530 (descendants of owners of the Trust). www.mangorewa-kaharoa.org.nz

 Maniapoto Māori Trust Board, P O Box 36, Te Kūiti, 3941 Ph: 0800 668 285/07 878 6234 (, Maniapoto) www.maniapoto..nz

 Mangatu Blocks, The Proprietors, P O Box 420, Gisborne Ph: 06 869 0952 (descendants of owners). www.mangatu.co.nz

 Ōtaki & Porirua Trust Board, P O Box 63, Ōtaki (Ngāti Raukawa, Te Ati Awa ki Whakarongotai and Ngāti Toarangatira). www.optb.org.nz

 Papawai and Kaikokirikiri, Trusts Board, P O Box 78, Greytown (Ngāti Kahungunu living in Wairarapa). www.pktrusts.nz

 Parininihi ki Waitotara, The PKW Trust, P O Box 241, New Plymouth, 4340, Ph: 0800 759462/06 769 9373 www.pkw.co.nz

 Raukawa Charitable Trust, Private Bag 8, Tokoroa, 3444 (Raukawa) Ph: 07 885 0260 www.raukawa.org.nz

 Tai Tokerau Māori Trust Board Scholarship, P O Box 716, Whangarei Ph: 09 438 1466. www.taitokerautrust.org.nz

 Tauranga Moana Māori Trust Board, P O Box 98, Tauranga (descendants of owners) Ph: 07 571 8686 www.tgamoana.co.nz

 Te Māori Trust Board, P O Box 128, Rotorua (). www.tearawa.iwi.nz

 Te Runanga ā Iwi o Ngāpuhi, P O Box 263, Kaikohe, 0440 (Ngāpuhi) Ph: 09 401 5530/0800 642 784 www.ngapuhi.iwi.nz

 Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, P O Box 13046, Christchurch (Ngāi Tahu). www.ngaitahu.iwi.nz

 Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa Scholarship, P O Box 76, Whakatane Ph: 07 307 0760 (Ngāti Awa). www.ngatiawa.iwi.nz

 Te Whānau o Waipereira Trust Scholarships, P O Box 21 081, Henderson, Auckland (Whānau living in West Auckland district). www.waipareira.co.nz

 Tuhoe-Waikaremoana Māori Trust Board, P O Box 1842, Rotorua Ph: 07 348 6911 (Tuhoe). www.ngaituhoe.iwi.nz

 Tuwharetoa Māori Trust Board Scholarship, Private Bag, Turangi Ph: 07 386 8832 www.tuwharetoa.co.nz

 Wairoa Waikaremoana Māori Trust Board Scholarship, P O Box 162, Wairoa (descendants of owners)

 Whakatohea Māori Trust Board Scholarship, P O Box 207, Opotiki Ph: 07 315 6150 (Whakatohea) www.whakatohea.co.nz

 Whanganui Trust, P O Box 4035, Whanganui (descendants of owners - 7th form only). www.morikau.com